Prednisolone for obstruction. Obstructive bronchitis in adults: treatment with traditional and folk remedies. Chronic obstructive bronchitis - treatment with non-drug methods

Nowadays, people are exposed to a large number of adverse health factors. This is a bad environment, polluted air, smoking, viral infections. All these phenomena can become the culprits of such an extremely unpleasant disease as obstructive bronchitis in adults. Treatment of pathology must begin as early as possible. Otherwise, quite serious complications may develop.

Characteristics of the disease

Initially, you should understand what obstructive bronchitis is in adults. What it is? We are talking about a fairly serious pathology. It is characterized by progressive narrowing of the airways. This condition, unfortunately, is practically irreversible. The disease is associated with various diseases, occurring in the small airways. In addition, it is characterized by emphysema, a process that destroys the parenchyma of the lungs.

Such phenomena provoke harmful substances, smoke that the patient encounters daily. As a result, a person begins to develop an inflammatory reaction to such influences.

Sometimes the disease occurs in chronic form(COPD). This is extremely serious and serious condition. After all, COPD is incurable. Taking medications, using folk recipes They only help to slow down the development of pathology and significantly improve the patient’s condition.

However, witch doctors' recipes should not be underestimated. Traditional medicine plays a very important role in the treatment of this disease. There are cases when patients recovered using herbs, infusions and decoctions as medicines.

Causes of the disease

What leads to the development of such a disease as obstructive bronchitis in adults? Symptoms and treatment, as well as factors that provoke pathology, of course, deserve special attention, but we should not forget about the causes of the development of the disease, because, as we know, it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it.

The pathology is characterized by narrowing of the airways. As a result, the phlegm has no way out. This condition often leads to the development of an inflammatory process in the lungs.

The culprits of the disease are:

  1. Frequent colds.
  2. Chronic forms of nasopharyngeal diseases.
  3. Bad ecology.
  4. Smoking.
  5. Harmful conditions in the workplace. A person with air inhales particles of substances that contribute to the development of the disease.
  6. Heredity. If someone in the family suffers from obstructive bronchitis, then the pathology may develop in relatives. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Characteristic symptoms

Doctors say that there is still initial stage obstructive bronchitis in adults can be suspected. It is best to discuss the symptoms and treatment of the pathology with your doctor. After all, making a diagnosis on your own, let alone selecting therapy, can be very dangerous.

The manifestation of signs of the disease depends on the cause of the disease.

If you develop as a result of a viral infection acute form disease, the patient most often experiences the following clinical picture:

  1. Cough. Dry at first, sputum begins to be produced over time. In acute bronchitis, the cough lasts from one to two weeks. If it doesn't disappear for a long time, then, most likely, bronchitis has become chronic.
  2. Very high temperature (reaches 39 degrees).

When acute bronchitis arises as a result bacterial infection, it can be mistaken for a common cold. After all, the symptoms are very reminiscent of such ailments: low fever, wet cough, general state of weakness.

Acute obstructive bronchitis can be cured within a week. Of course, if it is diagnosed in time and the correct therapy is carried out.

If chronic obstructive bronchitis is observed in adults, the symptoms of the pathology are as follows:

  • constant cough, worse in the morning;
  • body temperature is mostly normal;
  • developing shortness of breath, which can only be treated at an early stage.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is very important to promptly detect bronchitis (obstructive) in adults. Treatment and diagnosis are carried out by a pulmonologist.

To accurately determine pathology, the following studies are used:

  • immunological tests;
  • general urine and blood tests;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • listening to the lungs with a phonendoscope;
  • and respiratory tract washouts;
  • tomography of the lungs;
  • X-ray.

What to do if bronchitis is confirmed in adults? How to treat the pathology?

The patient needs to protect himself as much as possible from negative impact environment and other circumstances that could worsen his health.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Take medications and traditional medicine on a regular basis.
  2. Quit smoking, including passive smoking.
  3. Try not to be in places with gassed or polluted air.
  4. Apply preventive actions to protect against infections. Try to avoid crowded places, take medications to strengthen the immune system.
  5. Ventilate the premises more often and take walks.
  6. Do breathing exercises.
  7. Stick to the right diet. Eat foods rich in protein, potassium, vitamin C, and calcium. Please note: dairy products that contribute to the formation of sputum are contraindicated.
  8. Drink plenty of fluids (non-carbonated).
  9. Try not to salt your food.

Drug therapy

If obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed in adults, treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor (as in any other case and with any other disease). And only after a comprehensive examination of the patient has been carried out.

The following medications are usually prescribed:

  1. To liquefy sputum and expand the alveoli, the drugs Terbutaline and Salbutamol are used.
  2. For better sputum separation and cough relief, the medications Ambroxol, ACC, and Bromhexine are recommended.
  3. Antibiotics (tablets or injections): Erythromycin, Amoxicillin, Azithromycin.
  4. Hormonal drugs are rarely prescribed. They are recommended only if other medications do not help. The most commonly prescribed drug is Prednisolone.

Treatment with gymnastics, massage and inhalations

These methods are very effective for such a disease as obstructive bronchitis. In adults, treatment (and in children, in principle, too) includes massage, inhalations, breathing exercises, which helps to restore the body faster.

  1. Do steam inhalations. They are made with soda-alkaline and folk remedies.
  2. Method breathing exercises recommended after an exacerbation of the disease.
  3. Another event provides excellent results. This is sound gymnastics. It works as follows. When pronouncing various sounds, vibration of the ligaments begins. She goes into Airways. As a result, the bronchi relax. The rules for conducting sound gymnastics are prescribed by the doctor for each patient individually.
  4. Chest massage - promotes contraction of the bronchial muscles. This stimulates mucus production and makes breathing easier.

Traditional medicine recipes

Quite often, witchcraft recipes are included in therapy. They are quite effective in combating diseases such as obstructive bronchitis in adults. Symptoms and treatment with folk remedies must be discussed with a doctor. There are many recipes to alleviate the condition of a patient with obstructive bronchitis.

Here are some of them:

  1. A special collection of oregano (200 g), coltsfoot leaves (200 g) and linden color(150 g). Pour 3 tbsp into a thermos. l. herbal mixture, add 1 liter of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, strain the infusion and drink in small portions throughout the day.
  2. All patients with obstructive bronchitis experience difficulty breathing and to improve the patient's condition ethnoscience offers this infusion. Pour 100 g flaxseeds half a liter of vegetable oil. Place in a dark and warm place. After two weeks, the infusion is ready, you need to strain it and take a tablespoon 4 times a day, washed down with egg yolk.
  3. Oil infusion bay leaf helps ease breathing. In addition, it improves blood supply to the bronchi. Cut in small pieces fresh leaves laurel (100 g) and pour vegetable oil(preferably olive) in an amount of 50 g. Leave for 10 days, then strain. Rub the prepared infusion into the chest area overnight.

Patients' opinions

So, now you know what treatment should be for such a pathology as obstructive bronchitis in adults. Patient reviews indicate that medications, selected by a doctor, bring significant relief.

Folk remedies are also quite popular. Many patients do inhalations. Improvement after such procedures, according to patients, occurs quite quickly.

Bronchial asthma has a tendency to periods of exacerbation, which significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life. A person begins to be bothered by attacks of suffocation, coughing and severe shortness of breath, and such symptoms do not disappear after taking bronchodilators and are dangerous for the development of status asthmaticus. This is what prompts an asthma patient to seek help. medical care to a specialist. Appointing specialized treatment In such conditions, the doctor must prescribe hormonal medications. Let's consider the role of Prednisolone in the treatment of bronchial asthma.

Prednisolone is a glucocorticoid drug similar in action to hydrocortisone. Available in the form of tablets, solution in ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous injections, eye drops And external ointment. In severe asthma attacks and status asthmaticus, after eliminating the life-threatening condition, they often switch to taking the tablet form of the drug.

Transformation of Prednisolone occurs in the liver, and to a lesser extent in the kidneys, due to the interaction of glucuronic and sulfuric acids. As a result of this fusion, an inactive metabolite is formed, which is excreted from the body through the biliary tract, as well as in the urine.

The drug is easily absorbed into gastrointestinal tract and after 1.5 hours its maximum accumulation in the blood is observed.

Properties and benefits of the drug

The drug's activity is many times greater than that of other hormones - Cortisone and Hydrocortisone.

Prednisolone is often prescribed for asthma because it has the following necessary effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory. The drug suppresses the release of inflammatory mediators that produce mast cells and eosinophils; reduces capillary permeability; enhances the resistance of the cell membrane to damaging factors. In general, all stages of inflammation are affected.
  • Immunosuppressive. Associated with a decrease in the activity of both the lymphocytes themselves and the inhibition of the release of their inflammatory mediators (interleukins, interferon gamma).
  • Antiallergic. This is one of the most important actions of the drug, since it is aimed directly at suppressing reactions caused by the allergen, reducing swelling of the mucous membrane and the content of eosinophils in the bronchial epithelium.

The drug also affects beta-adrenergic receptors of the bronchial system, resulting in a decrease in sputum production and its viscosity. In addition to the above properties, Prednisolone has an effect on metabolic processes in the body. On the part of protein metabolism, there is an increase in the formation of albumin and a decrease in globulin. When affecting lipid metabolism, there is an increase in triglycerides and fatty acids, on carbohydrate - an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood, resulting in the development of hyperglycemia. The drug also affects water and electrolyte balances by retaining sodium and water in the body, as well as increasing the excretion of potassium.

Compared to Cortisone and Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone does not lead to strong changes in the concentration of water and electrolytes in the body.

All of the indicated properties of the drug justify its use in severe course asthma and even other severe forms respiratory diseases, in particular, with obstructive bronchitis.

Prednisolone for status asthmaticus

If a patient experiences a life-threatening attack of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to immediately begin intravenous jet administration of Prednisolone while simultaneously monitoring blood pressure levels. Afterwards, the drug is started to be injected into a vein.

If intravenous infusion is not possible, it is initially possible to administer Prednisolone intramuscularly, maintaining the same dosage. Only after the patient’s life-threatening condition has been eliminated can treatment with the tablet form of Prednisolone be started.

Tablet form

Prednisolone tablets are usually prescribed by your doctor if inhaled prednisolone is not effective. Initially, a high dosage of the drug is used, followed by its reduction to the minimum allowable. Taking Prednisolone tablets during the first course of treatment is not recommended for longer than 16 days. Usually all daily dose The drug is prescribed to a patient with asthma for use at a time. If the dosage is too high, the dose can be divided into 2-4 times per day.

Prednisolone can also be taken in a double dose every other day, and clinical trial data indicate the greater effectiveness of this method of therapy.

For children, the required amount of the drug is calculated taking into account body weight. Hormonal medications should always be taken in the morning - from six to eight o'clock in the morning, after or during meals.

It is important that the dose of Prednisolone is selected according to the severity of the patient’s condition!

A temporary increase in the amount of the drug is possible if there is a risk of exacerbation, for example, in the presence of a stress factor. The drug should be discontinued only gradually, and the longer the Prednisolone therapy lasted, the slower the dose should be reduced.

Side effects

Prednisolone taken for asthma can contribute to a number of side effects from many organs and systems. As a rule, this is due to prolonged use of the drug or an incorrectly selected dosage:

  • On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspeptic symptoms (hiccups, vomiting, nausea), loss of appetite, bloating, ulceration of the gastric or intestinal mucosa (duodenum), which increase the risk of bleeding, may be disturbing.
  • On the part of the heart, disturbances in heart rhythm and a decrease in the frequency of its contractions and an increase in blood pressure may be observed.
  • From the outside nervous system- headaches accompanied by dizziness, sleep disturbances, convulsions. Very rarely, hallucinatory and manic-depressive syndromes and disorientation in place and time can be observed.
  • Metabolic disorders - an increase in blood glucose levels leads to the development diabetes mellitus, and impaired adrenal function leads to the formation of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome in humans. Weight may increase and appear increased sweating and peripheral edema, as a result of excess fluid and sodium accumulation.
  • Allergic manifestations - the appearance of rashes on skin accompanied by itching. Low probability of occurrence anaphylactic shock against the background of drug administration.

To reduce the risk of adverse reactions, the attending physician often recommends that the patient consume foods rich in proteins and vitamins, as well as potassium supplements and antacids, simultaneously with Prednisolone.

In case of overdose of Prednisolone, carry out symptomatic therapy. If you abruptly stop taking the drug or reduce its dosage incorrectly, a withdrawal syndrome occurs, which is characterized by a worsening of the symptoms of bronchial asthma. Only strict adherence to the instructions of the attending physician can protect against the development of the above symptoms.

Self-administration of the drug and adjustment of its dosage are strictly prohibited!

When should you not take Prednisolone?

Absolute restriction on use this drug, even in the presence of vital indications, is the presence of a person intolerance to Prednisolone. Since the composition medicine contains lactose, it is not prescribed to people suffering from intolerance to this substance.

Particular attention should be paid to prescribing the drug in the presence of the following: concomitant diseases:

  • For organ pathology digestive system (ulcerative lesion stomach, gastritis and ulcerative colitis).
  • Cardiovascular diseases (new myocardial infarction, severe heart failure, high blood pressure).
  • If a person has diabetes, Itsenko-Cushing's disease and dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • During or during a recent infectious disease. In case of severe infectious process Prednisolone is prescribed only simultaneously with specific therapy.
  • Eight weeks before and two weeks after vaccination.
  • For severe changes functional ability liver and kidneys.
  • For osteoporosis and glaucoma.

Prednisolone for asthma in pregnant women is used only if there are vital indications, when the benefits outweigh the risks of its use. It is not recommended to use the drug during lactation.

Possible interactions and monitoring of treatment

Simultaneous use of Prednisolone for asthma with a number of others medicines may cause deviations such as laboratory indicators, and worsen the patient’s well-being. The most common possible interactions to avoid are:

  • Diuretics, as well as Amphotericin B, in combination with Prednisolone increase potassium excretion. Amphotericin B also increases the risk of osteoporosis and heart failure.
  • Prescribing Prednisolone with drugs that contain sodium increases the likelihood of developing edema and an increase in blood pressure.
  • Concomitant use with cardiac glycosides aggravates hypokalemia and provokes the occurrence of ventricular extrasystoles.
  • Taking with anticoagulants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increases the likelihood of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Combined use with paracetamol or cyclosporine increases toxic liver damage.
  • Simultaneous use with m-anticholinergics provokes an increase in intraocular pressure.
  • Prescribing Prednisolone with immunosuppressants can provoke the development infectious diseases or lymphoma.

At hormone therapy it is important to monitor changes in laboratory test parameters: electrolyte levels, blood sugar.

Compliance with all the rules for taking Prednisolone for bronchial asthma can guarantee the effectiveness of treatment and the elimination of symptoms that cause the severity of the patient’s condition.

Drug therapy for bronchial asthma is one of the key aspects of maintaining the body. Since it cannot be completely cured, it is necessary to take medications that allow the body to more easily cope with the disease. Dexamethasone is most often prescribed for asthma to relieve attacks, but other drugs can also be used.

Therapy products

Drugs that are prescribed to support the body for bronchial asthma:

  1. Glucocorticoids - their action is aimed at reducing the secretory activity of the bronchi and improving coughing up mucus. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. They are used in the form of inhalations. The main drugs: aldecine, beclocort, becotide - the active ingredient is beclamethasone dipropionate; pulmicort – active substance budesonide; Ingacort is the active substance flunisolide. Prescribed for use twice a day.
  2. Beta antagonists - aimed at relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchi and removing asthmatic attack. Short- and long-acting drugs are used. Short-acting drugs - terbutaline, fenoterol, salbutamol - are prescribed from two to four doses per day. Long-term antagonists provide muscle relaxation for 9-12 hours and are prescribed twice a day. The main drugs are formoterol and salmeterol. They must be consumed exactly as prescribed by your doctor, since an increased dosage can lead to side effects: headache, tremor, tachycardia.
  3. Methylxanthines are xanthine derivatives that reduce the contractile activity of smooth muscles and have a bronchodilator effect (dilate the bronchi). The most commonly used drugs are theophylline and aminophylline. In some cases, combined agents are used.
  4. Anticholinergic drugs - atropine or metacin - are used to relieve spasms during attacks. The dose of use is determined by the doctor.
  5. Antihistamines are drugs aimed at reducing the effect of an allergen on the body. The most commonly used are claritin, loratadine, and ketotifen.
  6. Mucus thinners are aimed at improving coughing and reducing swelling of the bronchi. For this purpose, decoctions of medicinal herbs and inhalations are often used. Tablets for patients with bronchial asthma are contraindicated as they can cause bronchospasm.
  7. Sedatives - in some cases, attacks may occur more often due to the fact that the patient is afraid of their occurrence. That's why sedatives must be used to make the patient more calm

In addition, an analogue of hydrocortisone is often used to treat asthma.


Treatment of bronchial asthma with prednisolone is used in cases where other therapy does not give the desired result (for example, in severe chronic asthma).

  • For quick help during an attack, prednisolone is administered intravenously. The decision on how many cubes to inject is made by the doctor in the hospital.
  • For therapy, a large dosage of prednisolone tablets is first prescribed (up to 60 mg per day), gradually reducing it. After reaching the minimum dose, the drug can be taken every other day to minimize possible side effects from taking hormonal drugs.
  • During a severe attack, prednisolone should be taken immediately as it reduces the risk of developing bronchial edema and the likelihood of relapse.
  • If intravenous administration of the drug is not possible, it must be used in tablet form.

According to the instructions for use, prednisolone is prescribed for 10 days simultaneously with inhaled drugs. In this case, the dose of the drug taken is gradually reduced. After 10 days it can be cancelled.

List of drugs

In addition to prednisolone, for stopping attacks and as a basic therapy For the treatment of bronchial asthma, drugs with different spectrums of action are used.

  1. Berodual - eliminates suffocation by expanding the lumen of the bronchi, providing access to oxygen. A combined drug with two active ingredients that complement the action. It is used in the form of an aerosol with a certain number of doses and in inhalation solutions. Improvement after injection of the medicine occurs within 10-15 minutes.
  2. Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid that has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. Reduces bronchial swelling and thins mucus. Available in tablet form. With its use, the risk of side effects is less than with other corticoids.
  3. Eufillin – fast-acting drug aimed at relieving bronchospasm. During severe exacerbations, it is used in the form of injections; tablets or powder are prescribed as therapy.
  4. Salbutamol is a selective beta-agonist that is used to quickly relieve attacks. Available in inhalers with a certain number of doses. The effect occurs 5 minutes after application. This drug is also used for therapy in the form of syrup and tablets. In the last 10 years, the product has been produced in long-acting tablets (up to 12 hours).

These are the most effective drugs that are used to quickly stop attacks and maintain the patient’s body.

Medicinal herbs can also be used to treat asthma. They have a bronchodilator effect, relieve spasms, thin mucus and relieve swelling. It is advisable to use the following herbs: linden, coltsfoot, sage. Reviews from patients confirm their mild effect. But, before using decoctions, you should consult your doctor so as not to harm the body.

Seizure prevention

A patient with bronchial asthma knows how debilitating attacks can be. Therefore, it is important for him to follow certain steps and take glucocorticoids correctly to reduce the frequency and intensity of choking.

  • Ventilate the room more often.
  • Walk more - even minimal physical activity has a healing effect on the bronchi. Walks through coniferous forests will be especially useful.
  • Get rid of things in the house that trigger attacks. It is advisable to leave as little soft furniture as possible that collects dust in the room where the patient sleeps.
  • If possible, get rid of pets, since their fur is quite allergenic (especially cats).
  • Eliminate from the diet foods that can provoke increased bronchial reactivity (their list is determined during allergy tests).
  • Try not to smoke and minimize alcohol consumption.
  • Do breathing exercises.
  • Try to avoid stress and increased physical activity.
  • Drink herbal decoctions that increase immunity.
  • Do not self-medicate, do not exceed or reduce the dose of glucocorticoids prescribed by the doctor.

A patient with asthma may also keep an attack diary in which he records all the information about the attacks. It is important to write down what exactly caused the suffocation, what was used to relieve it, and after what time the attack ended. This will help you figure out what else you can do to reduce the frequency of attacks.

It is especially important to keep a diary if prednisolone or other drugs are used to help a child with choking.

With such a serious illness as bronchial asthma, it is necessary to avoid situations that cause an attack and receive proper treatment. It is important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and take the medications he prescribed.

The patient cannot prescribe prednisolone to relieve attacks of bronchial asthma on their own, since improper use of this drug can cause an allergic reaction and swelling of the bronchi.

Maxim Leonidovich, 45 years old

As the doctor told me, asthma therapy should not last more than 16 days. The prescription regimen for prednisolone was as follows from the beginning of treatment: 5-6 mg during the day, when my condition improved, I switched to 3 mg per day. I used prednisolone 2 tablets every other day. According to the doctor, it is this “intermittent scheme” of treatment that is more effective.

How to treat obstructive bronchitis

The number of patients suffering from this severe respiratory disease is rapidly increasing. As WHO predicts, obstructive bronchitis will soon become the second cause of death in the world, ahead of cancer, heart attacks and strokes.

Drug treatment of obstructive bronchitis

What is obstructive bronchitis and how to treat it? There are many reasons why the lower respiratory tract becomes irritated and inflamed: harmful chemical compounds in the air, dust, plant secretions, bacterial, viral infection. The lumens of the bronchi and their small branches of the bronchioles swell and narrow. The accumulating phlegm, unable to find a way out, stagnates. As a result, a person has difficulty breathing and is overcome by attacks of suffocation.

However, this is not so bad. Obstruction ( muscle spasms) triggers a dangerous degradation mechanism bronchial tree. Gradually pathological process becomes almost irreversible. Obstructive bronchitis is a disease typical of adults. For children, it is typical to have a long acute inflammation lower respiratory tract, especially if the child has weak immunity.

Often the disease occurs against the background of rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis. Treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis in adults requires not relieving symptoms, not episodic therapy, but patient comprehensive sanitation of the entire respiratory system, which can take more than one month. Only under this condition serious disease stops progressing.

Treatment is distinguished by a variety of schemes, which take into account the stages of the disease and the degree of destruction of the respiratory organs. No medicine will bring the desired effect if a person continues to smoke. As soon as the patient gives up nicotine, the condition of his bronchi improves significantly, even in heavy smokers with neglected forms illness.


These are bronchodilators, bronchodilators, as pharmacists and doctors call such medications. Medicines with different mechanisms of action are combined into a single group, since their general purpose is to eliminate spasms of diseased bronchi. To cure a patient diagnosed with obstructive bronchitis, such a basic drug is urgently needed. Spasms quickly pass as soon as the bronchi expand.


Basic medications for relieving bronchospasm attacks:

  • Atrovent (ipratropium bromide) is an aerosol and solution for inhalation, acting quickly, after 10-15 minutes, but not for long, about 5 hours;
  • Berodual (ipratropium bromide plus Fenoterol) – also short acting;
  • Spiriva (tiotropium bromide) is a long-acting inhalation powder.


The effect of short-acting medications occurs in a matter of minutes and lasts about 5 hours. They can treat obstructive bronchitis with acute bronchospasm attacks. The most famous:

  • Salbutamol – aerosol for inhalation with a dispenser (injection solution and tablets are less in demand), ambulance for asthmatic attacks;
  • Fenoterol tablets are more effective than Salbutamol;
  • Ipradol (Hexoprenaline) – dosed aerosol.

The effect of long-acting medications occurs in about 15 minutes, but lasts twice as long, about 10-12 hours:

  • Clenbuterol is a syrup that can be used for treatment after the first trimester of pregnancy, with breastfeeding, infancy of children;
  • Salmeterol – for inhalation, preferable for heart pathologies;
  • Foradil (Formoterol) - both tablets and powder for inhalation.

Xanthine derivatives

These drugs are used to relieve spastic attacks caused by obstructive form diseases, are produced both in the form of tablets, capsules, and injection solutions. Popular methylxanthines are:

  • Theophylline;
  • Aminophylline;
  • Theobromine;
  • Eufillin;
  • extended-release tablets: Theotard, Teopek, Retafil.

How to take Prednisolone for bronchial asthma?

Bronchial asthma has a tendency to periods of exacerbation, which significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life. A person begins to be bothered by attacks of suffocation, coughing and severe shortness of breath, and such symptoms do not disappear after taking bronchodilators and are dangerous for the development of status asthmaticus. This is what prompts an asthma patient to seek medical help from a specialist. When prescribing specialized treatment for such conditions, the doctor must prescribe hormonal medications. Let's consider the role of Prednisolone in the treatment of bronchial asthma.

Briefly about the drug

Prednisolone is a glucocorticoid drug similar in action to hydrocortisone. Available in the form of tablets, solution in ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous injections, eye drops and external ointment. In severe asthma attacks and status asthmaticus, after eliminating the life-threatening condition, they often switch to taking the tablet form of the drug.

Transformation of Prednisolone occurs in the liver, and to a lesser extent in the kidneys, due to the interaction of glucuronic and sulfuric acids. As a result of this fusion, an inactive metabolite is formed, which is excreted from the body through the biliary tract, as well as in the urine.

The drug is easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and after 1.5 hours its maximum accumulation in the blood is observed.

Properties and benefits of the drug

The drug's activity is many times greater than that of other hormones - Cortisone and Hydrocortisone.

Prednisolone is often prescribed for asthma because it has the following necessary effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory. The drug suppresses the release of inflammatory mediators produced by mast cells and eosinophils; reduces capillary permeability; enhances the resistance of the cell membrane to damaging factors. In general, all stages of inflammation are affected.
  • Immunosuppressive. Associated with a decrease in the activity of both the lymphocytes themselves and the inhibition of the release of their inflammatory mediators (interleukins, interferon gamma).
  • Antiallergic. This is one of the most important actions of the drug, since it is aimed directly at suppressing reactions caused by the allergen, reducing swelling of the mucous membrane and the content of eosinophils in the bronchial epithelium.

The drug also affects beta-adrenergic receptors of the bronchial system, resulting in a decrease in sputum production and its viscosity. In addition to the above properties, Prednisolone has an effect on metabolic processes in the body. On the part of protein metabolism, there is an increase in the formation of albumin and a decrease in globulin. When affecting lipid metabolism, there is an increase in triglycerides and fatty acids, and when affecting carbohydrate metabolism, there is an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood, resulting in the development of hyperglycemia. The drug also affects water and electrolyte balances by retaining sodium and water in the body, as well as increasing the excretion of potassium.

Compared to Cortisone and Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone does not lead to strong changes in the concentration of water and electrolytes in the body.

All of these properties of the drug justify its use in severe asthma and even in other severe forms of respiratory diseases, in particular, obstructive bronchitis.

Prednisolone for status asthmaticus

If a patient experiences a life-threatening attack of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to immediately begin intravenous jet administration of Prednisolone while simultaneously monitoring blood pressure levels. Afterwards, the drug is started to be injected into a vein.

If intravenous infusion is not possible, it is initially possible to administer Prednisolone intramuscularly, maintaining the same dosage. Only after the patient’s life-threatening condition has been eliminated can treatment with the tablet form of Prednisolone be started.

Tablet form

Prednisolone tablets are usually prescribed by your doctor if inhaled prednisolone is not effective. Initially, a high dosage of the drug is used, followed by its reduction to the minimum allowable. Taking Prednisolone tablets during the first course of treatment is not recommended for longer than 16 days. Typically, the entire daily dose of the drug is prescribed to a patient with asthma for use at one time. If the dosage is too high, the dose can be divided into 2-4 times per day.

Prednisolone can also be taken in a double dose every other day, and clinical trial data indicate the greater effectiveness of this method of therapy.

For children, the required amount of the drug is calculated taking into account body weight. Hormonal medications should always be taken in the morning - from six to eight o'clock in the morning, after or during meals.

It is important that the dose of Prednisolone is selected according to the severity of the patient’s condition!

A temporary increase in the amount of the drug is possible if there is a risk of exacerbation, for example, in the presence of a stress factor. The drug should be discontinued only gradually, and the longer the Prednisolone therapy lasted, the slower the dose should be reduced.

Side effects

Prednisolone taken for asthma can contribute to a number of side effects from many organs and systems. As a rule, this is due to prolonged use of the drug or an incorrectly selected dosage:

  • On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspeptic symptoms (hiccups, vomiting, nausea), loss of appetite, bloating, ulceration of the gastric or intestinal mucosa (duodenum), which increase the risk of bleeding, may be disturbing.
  • On the part of the heart, disturbances in heart rhythm and a decrease in the frequency of its contractions and an increase in blood pressure may be observed.
  • From the nervous system - headaches accompanied by dizziness, sleep disturbances, convulsions. Very rarely, hallucinatory and manic-depressive syndromes and disorientation in place and time can be observed.
  • Metabolic disorders - an increase in blood glucose levels leads to the development of diabetes mellitus, and impaired adrenal function leads to the formation of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome in a person. Weight gain, increased sweating, and peripheral edema may occur as a result of excess fluid and sodium accumulation.
  • Allergic manifestations - the appearance of rashes on the skin, accompanied by itching. The likelihood of anaphylactic shock during administration of the drug is low.

To reduce the risk of adverse reactions, the attending physician often recommends that the patient consume foods rich in proteins and vitamins, as well as potassium supplements and antacids, simultaneously with Prednisolone.

In case of an overdose of Prednisolone, symptomatic therapy is carried out. If you abruptly stop taking the drug or reduce its dosage incorrectly, a withdrawal syndrome occurs, which is characterized by a worsening of the symptoms of bronchial asthma. Only strict adherence to the instructions of the attending physician can protect against the development of the above symptoms.

Self-administration of the drug and adjustment of its dosage are strictly prohibited!

When should you not take Prednisolone?

The absolute limitation to prescribing this drug, even in the presence of vital indications, is the presence of Prednisolone intolerance in a person. Since the drug contains lactose, it is not prescribed to people who are intolerant to this substance.

Particular attention should be paid to prescribing the drug in the presence of the following concomitant diseases:

  • For pathologies of the digestive system (gastric ulcers, gastritis and ulcerative colitis).
  • Cardiovascular diseases (new myocardial infarction, severe heart failure, high blood pressure).
  • If a person has diabetes, Itsenko-Cushing's disease and dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • During or during a recent infectious disease. In the event of the development of a severe infectious process, Prednisolone is prescribed only simultaneously with specific therapy.
  • Eight weeks before and two weeks after vaccination.
  • With severe changes in the functional capacity of the liver and kidneys.
  • For osteoporosis and glaucoma.

Prednisolone for asthma in pregnant women is used only if there are vital indications, when the benefits outweigh the risks of its use. It is not recommended to use the drug during lactation.

Possible interactions and monitoring of treatment

The simultaneous use of Prednisolone for asthma with a number of other medications can provoke deviations in both laboratory parameters and worsen the patient’s well-being. The most common possible interactions to avoid are:

  • Diuretics, as well as Amphotericin B, in combination with Prednisolone increase potassium excretion. Amphotericin B also increases the risk of osteoporosis and heart failure.
  • Prescribing Prednisolone with drugs that contain sodium increases the likelihood of developing edema and an increase in blood pressure.
  • Concomitant use with cardiac glycosides aggravates hypokalemia and provokes the occurrence of ventricular extrasystoles.
  • Taking with anticoagulants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increases the likelihood of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Combined use with paracetamol or cyclosporine increases toxic liver damage.
  • Simultaneous use with m-anticholinergics provokes an increase in intraocular pressure.
  • Prescribing Prednisolone with immunosuppressants can provoke the development of infectious diseases or lymphoma.

During hormonal therapy, it is important to monitor changes in laboratory tests: electrolyte levels, blood sugar.

Compliance with all the rules for taking Prednisolone for bronchial asthma can guarantee the effectiveness of treatment and the elimination of symptoms that cause the severity of the patient’s condition.

Prednisolone for asthma and bronchitis

Prednisolone is a drug from the group of glucocorticoids and is an analogue of hydrocortisone. Has an impact at the system level. Prescribed for bronchial asthma and other diseases that require a rapid increase in the level of adrenal hormones in the blood.

Effect of the drug on allergies and inflammation

It has an effect in the following ways:

  1. Prevents the destruction of lysosome membranes and the release of proteolytic enzymes. Thus, when tissue is damaged, pro-inflammatory proteolytic enzymes remain in lysosomes.
  2. Reduces vascular permeability, prevents the outflow of blood plasma into tissues. The drug prevents the development of edema.
  3. Inhibits the migration of leukocytes to the site of inflammation and phagocytosis of damaged cells.
  4. It has an immunosuppressive effect, reducing the formation of lymphocytes and eosinophils. Large doses cause involution of lymphoid tissue.
  5. Reduces fever by suppressing the release of interleukin-1 from leukocytes, which activates the hypothalamic thermoregulation center.
  6. Suppresses the formation of antibodies.
  7. Inhibits the reaction of interaction of foreign proteins with antibodies.
  8. Inhibits the release of allergy mediators from basophils and mastocytes.
  9. Reduces tissue sensitivity to histamine and other biologically active substances that have a pro-inflammatory effect.
  10. Suppresses the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor.
  11. Reduces the viscosity of mucus in the bronchi.
  12. Increases the affinity of beta-adrenergic receptors of the bronchial tree for catecholamines, as a result of which it increases arterial pressure.

Prednisolone suppresses allergic reactions and inflammation.

Under its influence, scarring of connective tissue slows down. Glucocorticoids stimulate the formation of red blood cells in the red bone marrow. Their long-term use may cause polycythemia.

Effect on metabolism

At the systemic level, the drug affects the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. In liver cells, the number of enzymes necessary for the formation of glucose from amino acids and other substances increases. Due to the stimulation of gluconeogenesis, a glycogen reserve is formed in the liver. The level of glucose in the blood increases, while the consumption of carbohydrates by cells decreases. An increase in blood sugar levels triggers the synthesis of insulin by pancreatic cells. Tissue sensitivity to insulin decreases under the influence of glucocorticoids.

Hormones of the adrenal cortex reduce the concentration of amino acids in all cells of the body except hepatocytes. At the same time, the level of globulin proteins and amino acids in the blood plasma increases, the level of albumin decreases. Intense breakdown of proteins occurs in tissues. The released amino acids enter the liver, where they are used for the synthesis of glucose.

Prednisolone stimulates lipid catabolism. The concentration of free fatty acids in the blood plasma increases, they are used as a source of energy. The drug reduces the excretion of water and sodium from the body, increases the excretion of potassium. Reduces calcium absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and bone mineralization.

Long-term use of Prednisolone reduces the synthesis of corticotropin by the adenohypophysis, as a result of which the formation of endogenous glucocorticoids by the adrenal cortex decreases.

Forms of release of the drug

Produced in the form:

  • tablets of 1 and 5 mg,
  • solution for injection containing active substance 15 and 3 mg,
  • ointments for external use,
  • eye drops.

The drug has a systemic effect only when administered by injection or orally. Injections can be either intravenous or intramuscular.

Prednisolone for bronchial asthma

When choosing a basic therapy drug, the doctor must take into account the severity of asthma and the presence of complications. The age and body weight of the patient also matters. Prednisolone is prescribed for severe forms diseases when inhaled corticosteroids do not have a therapeutic effect.

In the first days of treatment, it is recommended to take up to 60 mg of the drug per day, gradually reducing the dose of the drug
. The duration of the course varies from 3 to 16 days. Cancel systemic glucocorticoids should be gradual to avoid the development of hypofunction of the adrenal cortex.

The optimal time of admission is the morning hours, which is associated with the natural rhythms of functioning endocrine system. The tablets should be taken once a day, but when very large doses are prescribed, split doses are possible. Some doctors believe that the maximum effect of Prednisolone is achieved when the drug is administered in the middle of the day. A maintenance dose of medication can be taken every other day.

Prednisolone for asthma is combined with long-acting β 2 -adrenergic agonists, bronchodilators, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. To mitigate side effects, it is recommended to increase potassium intake with food or medications while taking Prednisolone.

For other diseases of the respiratory system

Prednisolone is used not only to treat bronchial asthma, but also for the following diseases of the respiratory system:

  • acute alveolitis,
  • sarcoidosis,
  • tuberculosis,
  • aspiration pneumonia,
  • lung cancer,
  • purulent sore throat,
  • allergic bronchitis.

For cancer, Prednisolone supplements surgical removal tumors, taking cytostatics and radiation. To treat tuberculosis, glucocorticoids are prescribed in conjunction with chemotherapy. For angina, the use of Prednisolone and others hormonal drugs shown only in combination with antibiotics. Glucocorticoids reduce inflammation and reduce fever, but do not suppress the activity of pathogenic microflora.

Prednisolone for bronchitis is used if the disease has allergic etiology and complicated by obstruction.


An absolute contraindication for taking the drug is individual intolerance to the active substance or auxiliary components. The medicine is used with caution when:

Taking corticosteroids by a pregnant woman can cause adrenal hypofunction and growth impairment in the fetus. It is undesirable to use Prednisolone before and after vaccination, since the drug suppresses the immune response.

Side effects

The most common side effects during treatment:

  • obesity with the deposition of excess fat on the face and in the cervical-collar area,
  • increased blood glucose levels,
  • arterial hypertension,
  • arrhythmias,
  • bradycardia,
  • thrombosis,
  • disorders of the digestive system,
  • neuroses,
  • psychical deviations,
  • swelling,
  • delayed scar formation,
  • manifestations of allergies,
  • exacerbation of chronic infectious diseases.

Compared to other systemic hormonal drugs, Prednisolone has a weak mineralocorticoid effect and a mild effect on skeletal muscles.

What drugs can be replaced

For bronchial asthma, the following systemic glucocorticoids can be used:

  • methylprednisolone,
  • dexamethasone,
  • betamethasone,
  • triamcinolone.

Despite the similarity of effects on the body listed drugs cannot be considered complete analogues. They differ in metabolic rate, severity therapeutic effect and side effects.

Methylprednisolone and Prednisolone differ from other drugs in their faster elimination from the body. Methylprednisolone has a slight effect on appetite and psyche, and therefore is more often prescribed to patients with excess weight and mental disorders.

Triamcinolone is a drug with an intermediate duration of action. Causes side effects on the skin and muscles, and therefore its long-term use is undesirable.

Dexamethasone and betamethasone are long-acting drugs. Dexamethasone for asthma is prescribed if the patient suffers from a severe form of the disease, turning into status asthmaticus. The drug has more pronounced glucocorticoid activity than Prednisolone, but does not affect water-electrolyte metabolism.

Prednisolone for bronchial asthma

Modern medical recommendations By preventive treatment bronchial asthma are reduced to the use inhaled glucocorticoids. The only exception is a mild/intermittent form of the disease. The first drug of this group of medications, beclomethasone dipropionate, was introduced into clinical practice back in 1972 and is still relevant today due to its cheapness, availability and safety.

Mechanism of action of glucocorticoids

Taking glucocorticoids has a strong effect on almost everything physiological processes body. Glucocorticoids take part in the metabolism of not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also electrolytes.

The mechanism of their influence is as follows:

  1. Suppression of the asthmatic response due to nonspecific anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Inhibition of antibody production and leukocyte metabolism.
  3. Stabilization of the lysosomal membrane.
  4. Reducing the production of free histamine by inhibiting its release from mast cells.
  5. Increased sensitivity and volume of beta 2-adrenergic receptors.
  6. They have a direct relaxing effect on the bronchi.

IMPORTANT! The impact of various glucocorticoids on the metabolic functions of the body as a whole goes beyond allergic manifestations and diseases of the respiratory organs/tract. Therefore, treatment with this group of drugs can cause various adverse reactions.

The essence of the treatment of bronchial asthma with Prednisolone

Currently, 1/5 of patients with bronchial asthma receive glucocorticoid medications as basic treatment. These drugs are used as mandatory recommendations for status asthmaticus, as well as for exacerbation of the disease. One of the most popular short-acting drugs that reduces the likelihood side effects and complications during treatment with glucocorticoids is Prednisolone.

This synthetic drug prescribed by doctors in situations where the patient has an urgent need for a short-acting glucocorticoid beta 2 agonist once a day or 3 times a week. Prednisolone is available in the form of 5 mg tablets for oral administration or in ampoules of 30 mg for intravenous and intramuscular use.

The treatment process begins with high doses of the drug and ends with low ones (the “step down” principle). The initial high dosage is prescribed with the goal of bringing the disease under control as quickly as possible, namely:

  • minimize attacks;
  • reduce the severity of the disease;
  • bring lung function indicators closer to more normal;
  • minimize side effects from taking medications.

It has been clinically proven that the sooner treatment with a glucocorticoid drug begins, the faster the results of therapy will be visible. Early use of Prednisolone blocks the development of the inflammatory process, as well as structural changes respiratory tract. The use of Prednisolone is especially effective when treating children: the symptoms of bronchial asthma are sharply reduced, and peak flow measurements are improved.

The maintenance therapeutic dose of injectable Prednisolone is 5-10 mg. With prolonged treatment with the drug in a dosage of more than 10 mg, the manifestation of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome is possible.

IMPORTANT! In the treatment of severe bronchial asthma Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to selecting an adequate dose of the drug.

Illiterate use of the medicine can lead to extremely dangerous consequences up to and including death. Therefore, the use of this pharmaceutical product must be carried out under strict supervision medical personnel in a hospital or by a doctor at home. Only an experienced specialist can say exactly which medical supplies it can be combined.

Prednisolone tablets for bronchial asthma

The pharmaceutical product in the form of tablets has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. In addition, the drug has an immunosuppressive effect and increases the sensitivity of beta 2-adrenergic receptors.

It is worth noting the interaction of the drug “Prednisolone” with specific receptors in the cytoplasm, as a result of which a complex is formed that helps trigger the process of protein formation. If we talk about protein metabolism, then this drug reduces the number of globulins in the blood, increases the synthesis of albumins, and also increases the energy metabolism of protein in muscle tissue.

Prednisolone has an antiallergic effect primarily due to a decrease in the synthesis and release of allergy mediators from cells. The drug also inhibits the release of histamine and other biologically active compounds, reduces the number of circulating basophils, B-/T-lymphocytes, and reduces sensitivity immune cells, which destroy antibodies to allergy mediators (by inhibiting antibody formation and changing the body's response to the allergen).

In obstructive diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as in bronchial asthma, the effect of Prednisolone is mainly due to the relief of inflammatory processes. The secondary action is:

  1. Elimination or significant reduction of the edematous state of the mucous membranes.
  2. Accumulation of circulating immunocomplexes in the bronchial mucosa.
  3. Inhibition of erosion and desquamation of the mucous membrane.
  4. Reduces the possibility of scar tissue formation.
  5. Limits connective tissue reactions.

No less important are such impact factors as increasing the sensitivity of beta 2-adrenergic receptors of small/medium-sized bronchi to internal catecholamines and external sympathomimetics, reducing mucus viscosity and suppressing the synthesis and release of adrenocorticotropic hormone.

How to take Prednisolone for bronchial asthma

The first course of therapy should not exceed 16 days. Experts prescribe starting treatment with 5-6 mg per day, and when the condition stabilizes, use up to 3 mg. The daily maintenance dosage of the tablet form of the drug (1.5-2.5 tablets) is recommended to be taken once or you can resort to taking it twice daily dosage(a slight upward deviation is allowed) every other day - it all depends on the patient’s individual indicators and the severity of the disease. Moreover, as it shows clinical practice, the second intermittent regimen is more effective.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the dosage as prescribed by the doctor can be increased to 1400 mg for the entire course. At the same time, as the course of the disease improves and its symptoms decrease, the dosage must be immediately reduced step by step.

Prednisolone dosage regimen: doses

A particularly important role in treatment with Prednisolone is played by strict adherence to doses and the number of tablets per day. Doses are determined purely individually based on the weight and age of the patient, as well as the course of the disease and general health. Based on the fact that the release of glucocorticosteroid substances occurs cyclically, Prednisolone is recommended to be taken during the period of active wakefulness - from 6 am to 8 pm.

Prednisolone for exacerbation of bronchial asthma can be taken in a dose of up to 6 tablets per day. However, this dose of medication should not be taken for too long ( maximum term admission – 10 days). It is necessary to gradually reduce the dose to 2 tablets per day. At the same time, American medical experts believe that greater results from the use of Prednisolone will be obtained if taken in the middle of the day (13:00 - 15:00), when bronchopulmonary lavage fluid is more effectively suppressed.

IMPORTANT! If bronchial asthma is accompanied by diseases associated with poor patency of the renal canals or inflammatory processes in the joints, then the dose of Prednisolone should be increased at the discretion of the attending physician.

Upon completion of the course of therapy, which can last from several weeks to several years, the dose should be reduced as much as possible. However, it is worth remembering that abrupt cessation Taking pills is fraught with exacerbation of bronchial asthma, as well as failure of the adrenal glands.

Treatment of bronchial asthma with this drug should be carried out under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. It is also necessary to constantly monitor blood pressure, the level of electrolytes in the blood and water in the body. Periodically it is necessary to take a sugar test. After all, Prednisolone tablets are not recommended for diabetics, and if they are used, then only under the supervision of a specialist.

To reduce side effects from admission, doctors introduce medications that contain male hormones into the course of treatment. To avoid problems with the heart, taking the medication is often combined with taking pharmaceutical potassium and food that contains this trace element. It is worth noting that its use in conjunction with anticoagulants activates the effect of the latter on the body.

It is very important for a particular patient to adhere to the data given to him by the doctor special instructions on the intake, process, dosage and completion of the course of treatment. Without this drug, treatment of bronchial asthma may not be as successful, but you should not resort to independent use. Even after a medical prescription, you must carefully study the instructions for use so as not to cause further harm. own health.

Obstructive bronchitis is called inflammation of the bronchi with a sharp narrowing of the lumen, difficulty breathing, and respiratory failure. The disease is more common in children, is severe, and treatment takes longer than in adults.

With bronchitis, the irritating effect of viruses, bacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasmas causes a cough, leads to increased secretion of mucous secretions, the appearance, and disruption of the functions of the respiratory system.

In children under 3 years of age, acute obstructive bronchitis is caused predominantly by respiratory syncytial (RS) viruses; the incidence of diseases among children is 45:1000.

The disease is characterized by narrowing of the bronchi, which impedes the movement of air.

Narrowing of the bronchi (obstruction) is caused by:

  • swelling of the respiratory tract mucosa;
  • spasm of bronchial smooth muscles.

In both adults and children, both mechanisms are involved in the development of bronchial obstruction, but they are expressed to varying degrees.

Edema causes the disease mainly in childhood, especially in children under 2 years of age. The diameter of the bronchi in children corresponds to age, and how younger child, the narrower the airway lumen.

Even minor swelling of the mucous membrane causes problems in children respiratory function. Bronchial obstruction, which prevents free exhalation, serves hallmark obstructive bronchitis.

The cause of swelling may not only be an infection. An increased susceptibility to allergies can cause swelling of the bronchi.

In adults and adolescents, obstructive bronchitis is caused by bronchospasm, in which the lumen of the bronchi narrows so much that it significantly complicates exhalation and causes respiratory failure.

Risk factors

  • Ambient air pollution – exhaust gases, tobacco smoke, coal, flour dust, toxic chemical vapors;
  • viral diseases respiratory system;
  • hereditary factors.

Predisposing factors for the occurrence of bronchial obstruction are anatomical and hereditary features.

Children at risk include:

  • with insufficient birth weight;
  • those suffering from enlargement thymus gland, rickets;
  • those who have had viral diseases for up to 1 year;
  • who were bottle-fed after birth;
  • with a predisposition to allergies.


The main symptoms of obstructive bronchitis are difficulty in exhaling, shortness of breath, and paroxysmal painful cough. The disease initially occurs in an acute form, acute obstructive bronchitis lasts from 1 week to 3 weeks.

If the acute form recurs more than 3 times during the year, the disease is diagnosed as recurrent bronchitis. If the recurrent form lasts more than 2 years, it is diagnosed.

Expressed clinical symptoms diseases may appear 3-5 days after the onset of inflammation. When signs of the disease appear, the child’s condition deteriorates sharply.

The breathing rate with difficult wheezing exhalation increases and can reach up to 50 breaths per minute. The temperature usually does not rise above 37.5 0 C.

Dry, clearly visible wheezing when exhaling is characteristic feature obstructive bronchitis.

To take a breath, you have to reflexively increase the activity of the auxiliary respiratory muscles. It is clearly noticeable how the wings of the baby’s nose swell and the muscles are drawn into the intercostal spaces.

Severe course of the disease leads to respiratory failure, oxygen starvation fabrics. Symptoms manifest as a bluish discoloration of the skin of the fingertips and nasolabial triangle.

With obstructive bronchitis, shortness of breath appears in morning time, is of a non-permanent nature. After coughing up sputum, shortness of breath decreases during daytime activities. Paroxysmal.


The main task in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults is to eliminate the bronchospasm that caused respiratory failure.

Treatment of children

Treatment of obstructive bronchial disease in children is aimed primarily at eliminating bronchial edema and bronchospasm.

The choice of medications depends on the severity of these processes.

Already at moderate severity As the disease progresses, children under one year of age must be hospitalized. It is very important to prevent progression of the disease in infants and children under 2 years of age. With obstructive bronchitis, it is dangerous to self-medicate.

Important! Antitussives are not prescribed for obstructive bronchitis; they can increase bronchospasm.

Medicines for children

All appointments can be made only by a pulmonologist based on X-rays of the lungs and blood tests.

In the treatment of obstructive bronchitis the following is used:

  • – agents that relax the smooth muscles of the bronchial walls;
  • mucolytics that help thin sputum;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs of hormonal and non-hormonal nature.

Prescribing antibiotics

Antibiotics for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis are prescribed to children when there is a threat of pneumonia or a bacterial infection.

The drugs of choice are macrolides, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, tetracyclines.

Indications for prescribing antibiotics in infants are:

  • a significant increase in temperature lasting more than 3 days;
  • severe phenomena of bronchial obstruction that cannot be treated with other means;
  • changes in the lungs indicating a risk of developing pneumonia.

The causative agents of infection in the first year of life are much more often than previously thought, chlamydial and mycoplasma infections (up to 20-40% of the number of children under one year old with bronchitis and pneumonia).

In addition, another common causative agent of bronchitis in children, the MS virus, causes changes in the bronchi, which weaken their own immunity and provoke the growth of their own microflora.

Thick mucus accumulated in the bronchi serves as an excellent breeding ground for colonies of various microorganisms - from bacteria to fungi.

For children of the first year of life, with an immature immune system, such a test can end tragically. Up to 1% of children under one year of age suffering from obstructive bronchitis and also die annually.

The drug of choice for the typical course of the disease with elevated temperature is amoxicillin + clavulanate.

If it is ineffective, an antibiotic from the macrolide group, cephalosporins, is prescribed.

Drugs that improve the condition of the bronchi

Drugs that relieve bronchospasm within 10 minutes are Salbutamol, Terbutaline, Fenoterol.

The spasm is not eliminated so quickly, but Clenbuterol, Atorvent, Traventol act for a longer period of time, combination drug.

These medications are taken by inhalation through a spacer - a mask that is placed on the face. In such a mask, the child can inhale the medicine without difficulty.

Inhalation treatment methods are widely used in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis. Usage aerosol inhalers, allows you to quickly improve the patient's condition.

Among the mucolytics, Bromhexine, ACC, Ambroxol are prescribed. Helps thin sputum and cleanse the bronchi by inhalation with Fluimucil.

For this disease, treatment with oxygen inhalations and the use of medicinal plants are indicated.

The combination of thyme and plantain, the main components of Eucabal cough syrup, has a good effect on the condition of the bronchi.

For severe bronchial obstruction that is difficult to treat, it is prescribed intravenous administration hormonal drugs - Prednisolone, Dexamethasone.

Adults and children are prescribed Eufillin; in case of complicated disease, glucocorticoids (), anti-inflammatory drugs ().

If you have an allergic predisposition, you may need antihistamines. Children up to one year old are prescribed Zyrtec, Parlazin, after 2 years they are treated with Claritin, Erius.

Saline solution in combination with postural drainage - a technique that improves the discharge of sputum from the bronchi - has a positive effect on the health of children.

How is postural drainage performed?

The procedure is carried out after inhalation. Postural drainage lasts 15 minutes and consists of placing the patient in bed so that his legs lie slightly above his head. You can place a pillow under your feet or raise the edge of the bed.

During this procedure, the child must periodically change position, turn on his back, on his side, coughing up mucus. Drainage can be repeated after 3 hours. To obtain results, drainage must be carried out regularly.

If your child has a runny nose

With obstructive bronchitis in children, chronic symptoms are often observed.

The flow of mucus, sputum with pus into the lower respiratory tract can cause a persistent cough.

The child must be shown and the condition of the baby’s nose must be carefully monitored. You can independently rinse your child’s nose with Dolphin and Aquamaris. Children over 5 years old are given soft instillations, for example, Otrivin.


Acute obstructive bronchitis can cause:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumonia.

Impaired respiratory function leads to oxygen deficiency in tissues and negatively affects the vital functions of absolutely all organs. Children especially suffer from lack of oxygen early age developing brain.


Acute obstructive bronchitis has a favorable prognosis if treated promptly.

The prognosis is more complex if the patient has an allergic predisposition and the disease becomes chronic.


For frequent colds, you need to purchase an inhaler, and if symptoms of bronchial obstruction appear, inhalation with a pharmaceutical saline solution.

The peak incidence of bronchitis occurs in spring and autumn. At this time, you need to be especially careful about the child’s health, avoid hypothermia, and reduce the number of contacts with older children.

Patients with obstructive bronchitis should try to avoid places where smoking is allowed. It is necessary to observe a sleep schedule, do all possible physical exercise, spend more time in the fresh air.

Take a test to control your asthma -

Prednisolone for bronchial asthma

Modern medical recommendations for the preventive treatment of bronchial asthma come down to the use of inhaled glucocorticoids. The only exception is. The first drug of this group of medications, beclomethasone dipropionate, was introduced into clinical practice back in 1972 and is still relevant today due to its cheapness, availability and safety.

Taking glucocorticoids has a strong effect on almost all physiological processes of the body. Glucocorticoids take part in the metabolism of not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also electrolytes.

The mechanism of their influence is as follows:

  1. Suppression of the asthmatic response due to nonspecific anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Inhibition of antibody production and leukocyte metabolism.
  3. Stabilization of the lysosomal membrane.
  4. Reducing the production of free histamine by inhibiting its release from.
  5. Increased sensitivity and volume of beta 2-adrenergic receptors.
  6. They have a direct relaxing effect on the bronchi.

IMPORTANT! The impact of various glucocorticoids on the metabolic functions of the body as a whole goes beyond allergic manifestations and diseases of the respiratory organs/tract. Therefore, treatment with this group of drugs can cause various adverse reactions.

The essence of the treatment of bronchial asthma with Prednisolone

Currently, 1/5 of patients receive glucocorticoid medications as basic treatment. These drugs are used as mandatory recommendations for status asthmaticus, as well as for exacerbation of the disease. One of the most popular short-acting drugs that reduces the likelihood of side effects and complications during treatment with glucocorticoids is Prednisolone.

This synthetic drug is prescribed by doctors in situations where the patient has an urgent need for a short-acting glucocorticoid beta 2 agonist once a day or 3 times a week. Prednisolone is available in the form of 5 mg tablets for oral use or 30 mg ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular use.

The treatment process begins with high doses of the drug and ends with low ones (the “step down” principle). The initial high dosage is prescribed with the goal of bringing the disease under control as quickly as possible, namely:

  • minimize attacks;
  • reduce the severity of the disease;
  • bring lung function indicators closer to more normal;
  • minimize side effects from taking medications.

It has been clinically proven that the sooner treatment with a glucocorticoid drug begins, the faster the results of therapy will be visible. Early use of Prednisolone blocks the development of the inflammatory process, as well as structural changes in the respiratory tract. The use of Prednisolone is especially effective when: the symptoms of bronchial asthma are sharply reduced, peak flow meter readings are improved.

The maintenance therapeutic dose of injectable Prednisolone is 5-10 mg. With prolonged treatment with the drug in a dosage of more than 10 mg, the manifestation of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome is possible.

IMPORTANT! When treating severe bronchial asthma, special attention must be paid to selecting an adequate dose of the drug.

Illiterate use of the medicine can lead to extremely dangerous consequences, including death. Therefore, the use of this pharmaceutical product should be carried out under the strict supervision of medical personnel in a hospital or a doctor at home. Only an experienced specialist can say for sure what medications it can be combined with.

Prednisolone tablets for bronchial asthma

The pharmaceutical product in the form of tablets has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. In addition, the drug has an immunosuppressive effect and increases the sensitivity of beta 2-adrenergic receptors.

It is worth noting the interaction of the drug “Prednisolone” with specific receptors in the cytoplasm, as a result of which a complex is formed that helps trigger the process of protein formation. If we talk about protein metabolism, then this drug reduces the number of globulins in the blood, increases the synthesis of albumins, and also increases the energy metabolism of protein in muscle tissue.

Prednisolone has an antiallergic effect primarily due to a decrease in the synthesis and release of allergy mediators from cells. The drug also inhibits the release of histamine and other biologically active compounds, reduces the number of circulating basophils, B-/T-lymphocytes, reduces the sensitivity of immune cells that destroy antibodies to allergy mediators (by inhibiting antibody formation and changing the body’s response to the allergen).

In obstructive diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as in bronchial asthma, the effect of Prednisolone is mainly due to the relief of inflammatory processes. The secondary action is:

  1. Elimination or significant reduction of the edematous state of the mucous membranes.
  2. Accumulation of circulating immunocomplexes in the bronchial mucosa.
  3. Inhibition of erosion and desquamation of the mucous membrane.
  4. Reduces the possibility of scar tissue formation.
  5. Limits connective tissue reactions.

No less important are influence factors such as an increase in the sensitivity of beta 2-adrenergic receptors to internal catecholamines and external sympathomimetics, a decrease in mucus viscosity and suppression of the synthesis and release of adrenocorticotropic hormone.

How to take Prednisolone for bronchial asthma

The first course of therapy should not exceed 16 days. Experts prescribe starting treatment with 5-6 mg per day, and when the condition stabilizes, use up to 3 mg. The daily maintenance dosage of the tablet form of the medication (1.5-2.5 tablets) is recommended to be taken once, or you can resort to taking a double daily dosage (a slight upward deviation is allowed) every other day - it all depends on the patient’s individual parameters and the severity of the course. Moreover, as clinical practice shows, the second intermittent dosage regimen is more effective.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the dosage as prescribed by the doctor can be increased to 1400 mg for the entire course. At the same time, as the course of the disease improves and its symptoms decrease, the dosage must be immediately reduced step by step.

Prednisolone dosage regimen: doses

A particularly important role in treatment with Prednisolone is played by strict adherence to doses and the number of tablets per day. Doses are determined purely individually based on the weight and age of the patient, as well as the course of the disease and general health. Based on the fact that the release of glucocorticosteroid substances occurs cyclically, Prednisolone is recommended to be taken during the period of active wakefulness - from 6 am to 8 pm.

Prednisolone for exacerbation of bronchial asthma can be taken in a dose of up to 6 tablets per day. However, this dose of medication should not be taken for too long (the maximum period of administration is 10 days). It is necessary to gradually reduce the dose to 2 tablets per day. At the same time, American medical experts believe that greater results from the use of Prednisolone will be obtained if taken in the middle of the day (13:00 - 15:00), when bronchopulmonary lavage fluid is more effectively suppressed.

IMPORTANT! If bronchial asthma is accompanied by diseases associated with poor patency of the renal canals or inflammatory processes in the joints, then the dose of Prednisolone should be increased at the discretion of the attending physician.

Upon completion of the course of therapy, which can last from several weeks to several years, the dose should be reduced as much as possible. However, it is worth remembering that abruptly stopping taking the pills is fraught with exacerbation of bronchial asthma, as well as failure of the adrenal glands.

Treatment of bronchial asthma with this drug should be carried out under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. It is also necessary to constantly monitor blood pressure, the level of electrolytes in the blood and water in the body. Periodically it is necessary to take a sugar test. After all, Prednisolone tablets are not recommended for diabetics, and if they are used, then only under the supervision of a specialist.

To reduce side effects from taking it, doctors introduce medications that contain male hormones into the course of treatment. To avoid the occurrence, taking the medication is often combined with taking pharmaceutical potassium and food that contains this trace element. It is worth noting that its use in conjunction with anticoagulants activates the effect of the latter on the body.

It is very important for a particular patient to adhere to the special instructions given to him by the doctor regarding the intake, process, dosages and completion of the course of treatment. Without this drug, treatment of bronchial asthma may not be as successful, but you should not resort to independent use. Even after a medical prescription, you must carefully study the instructions for use so as not to further harm your own health.
