What drug for insomnia to choose? Overview. Fast-acting sleeping pills What drugs for sleep

Insomnia pills are drugs for the treatment of sleep disorders. Many people complain about partial and complete absence rest at night. This may be due to various reasons. Most often, this condition does not last long, but some suffer from insomnia for years. In this case, they resort to the help of doctors and medicines. Medicines should be prescribed only by a doctor, as some contribute to the development of physical and mental dependence, have many contraindications and, if used improperly, cause severe adverse reactions.

Insomnia is a disorder in which a night's rest is of insufficient duration and quality. At the same time, how many hours a person sleeps does not matter, since for each this period is individual. This disorder is often treated with medication. The doctor will select the most safe drug and calculate the dosage. Also, the patient is recommended to make changes in lifestyle, nutrition.

A drug to eliminate insomnia can be prescribed for sleep problems of any form and origin. As a result of insufficient sleep, a person becomes weak, gets tired quickly, suffers from depression and depression. To improve the condition, they can pick up a sedative, that is, a sedative drug, herbal collection. A faster result is given by antipsychotics, tranquilizers, antipsychotropic drugs that help suppress anxiety of the central nervous system.

Most often to similar treatment resort to:

  • sleep disorders;
  • autonomic dysfunction;
  • emotional lability;
  • neurotic and psychopathic conditions;
  • increased anxiety, tension, irritability.

Thanks to such drugs, sleep is improved, but it is important to use them with extreme caution, as dependence on them quickly develops. Therefore, before prescribing a drug, the patient is examined to identify the underlying cause of the deviation.

Often, plant-based medicines help normalize sleep. A few days of drinking decoctions allow you to fully restore health. But with regular violations, you will have to resort to heavy drugs.

The mechanism of action of drugs

These medications can work in different ways.

Improving night's rest is usually tried with the help of:

The last two types are prescribed for serious sleep disorders, as these are potent drugs.

Features of pharmacokinetics

Each drug is absorbed, distributed and excreted from the body at its own rate. This is called pharmacokinetic properties.

Pills to improve sleep behave in the body as follows:

Only the attending physician can tell which option is the most suitable based on diagnostic studies.

Not everyone can take drugs to treat sleep problems.

Each group of drugs has its own contraindications:

These points must be taken into account, since the use of drugs for such health problems can cause a deterioration in well-being.

Most often Negative influence the organs and systems are affected by an excess of the dosage and duration of the course of treatment.

Even an herbal preparation is not harmless if consumed in large doses:

Sleep pills can be serious danger for human health in case of misuse.

A doctor can choose a good and effective medication. dear or cheap drug to buy, the patient himself decides based on his financial capabilities. Exists big list remedies for insomnia. All of them are constantly being improved, new options appear that eliminate problems with falling asleep and have fewer side effects.

An adult, turning to a doctor, counts on the appointment of a truly effective drug.

Most often resort to appointment:

  1. barbiturates. This medicine treats and prevents sleep disorders. It has anticonvulsant and relaxing properties.
  2. Benzodiazepines. They affect the nervous system, contributing to the development of drowsiness. But they should not be called the most effective, since benzodiazepines reduce the ability to concentrate and lead to the development of emotional lability.
  3. Bromised. It has a moderate hypnotic effect, due to the inhibition of the nervous system. You can not use it for a long time, as you quickly get used to it.
  4. Gemineurina. With its help, a person can sleep peacefully, get rid of sleep disorders, epileptic seizures, and excessive excitability. You can not take longer than a week.
  5. Piclodorma. The tablet will help you get rid of problems with falling asleep and provide a peaceful rest. The patient during treatment will not feel sleepy and overwhelmed.
  6. Zolpidem. This name has a drug that belongs to group Z. Such tools are the most advanced. They are used to treat insomnia.
  7. Phenobarbital. It is an anticonvulsant drug with a hypnotic effect. It has side effects in the form of drowsiness, depression of the nervous system.

A prescription from a doctor is required to purchase strong sleeping pills.

What pills are prescribed for pregnant women

During pregnancy, it is quite difficult to pick up suitable medicines, since many of them can negatively affect the condition of the child and the expectant mother:

It is better for women who are expecting a child to resort to other methods of solving the problem. In the evening, it is important to calm down, drink tea with chamomile, watch some pleasant movie, and not overeat at night. This will help you fall asleep quickly and ensure a sound and deep sleep.

Medicines for the elderly

Sleep disorders often occur in old age. It's related to stress chronic diseases, age-related changes in the body and other factors. At the same time, it is difficult for the patient to fall asleep, there is a violation of the phases of sleep.

To eliminate this problem, they also resort to drugs for insomnia. But it is important to choose such a tool so that it does not disrupt the work of other organs and systems.

In old age, you can refer to:

  • drugs based on medicinal plants. They help to calm the nervous system, improve the quality of rest at night. The application is indicated in the evening, shortly before going to bed. Improvement in well-being does not happen instantly, but after a while. An important advantage is the lack of the ability to cause dependence. Usually practice the use of Motherwort Forte, Persen, Valerian;
  • prescription hypnotic drugs in the form of benzodiazepine barbiturates.

Good results can be achieved with complex therapy. This includes the use of drugs, bad habits, normalization of nutrition, sufficient level physical activity, methods of strengthening the nervous system.

You should not rely only on medicines, as under the influence of some of them, even more serious violations.

How to treat insomnia in a child

A separate topic is the presence of insomnia in children. bad dream the baby is a reason to see a doctor. After all, if a baby has increased excitability, in the evening he cannot be put to sleep, and at night he often wakes up, this may indicate that some kind of disease is developing. If the child is a year or less, then it is better not to resort to medicines.

To make the child sleep soundly, they can prescribe safe means like:

  • Valerian officinalis. It is allowed even for babies. The price of the drug is quite low;
  • Persena. It is prescribed for kids from the age of three;
  • Dormiplant, which is recommended from the age of six;
  • Novo-passita, but you can give no earlier than 12 years.

With the help of this drug, you can get rid of various sleep disorders.

Tablets for good night allow you to overcome lack of sleep, prevent a nervous breakdown and other negative phenomena constant fatigue.

There are drugs that help to fall asleep well and have positive reviews.

The drug belongs to ethanolamines with M-anticholinergic effect. The main active ingredient is doxylamine succinate. This component provides a sedative and hypnotic effect of the drug. The rating of this medication is very high, as it provides restful sleep, its quality and duration.

The pharmacy offers the medicine in tablet form. Absorption occurs rapidly after ingestion. active components, penetration into the brain is also observed, as the drug overcomes the blood-brain barrier.

In what quantities and for how long to take, the doctor decides. Usually prescribed for a whole or half a tablet 10 minutes before bedtime. First you need to dissolve the tablet in water. You can take it for five days, after which the method of treatment is changed, since this is the strongest drug and long-term use will lead to serious consequences.

The drug is an analogue of melatonin. The drug is suitable if the age of the patient is above average. The remedy fights primary insomnia, helps to facilitate falling asleep. Under his influence old man will sleep longer and wake up less in the middle of the night. There will be no weakness in the morning and headache.

The dosage is calculated separately for each case. Use the medicine a few hours before going to bed, after eating. The duration of the course of treatment is about three weeks.

Most patients tolerate the drug well, adverse reactions occur in rare cases. The patient may have manifestations of allergies, migraines, memory impairment.

An overdose does not require specific treatment, since the drug will completely leave the body within twelve hours.


This inexpensive option treatment of sleep disorders. This plant helps to cope with headaches, tremors of the limbs, tachycardia. They can use valerian roots, from which capsules, tablets, teas are prepared. Such funds are safe for the body, but their use is carried out only according to indications.

The drug has a moderate sedative effect. This is due to the fact that the roots contain boron ethyl ether and isovaleric acid. It can improve sleep, but you should not expect a quick effect. Also in the composition of valerian are components that have antispasmodic and choleretic action.


  • the lumen expands coronary vessels;
  • there is an increase in the secretory activity of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

To come persistent therapeutic effect, you need to use valerian for a long time.

Many want to treat the disease quickly and most effective means. But most heavy drugs cannot be purchased without a doctor's prescription.

This applies to:

Group Z drugs are considered the safest option. They do not contribute to the destruction of sleep architecture, addiction, and have little effect on a person’s breathing during sleep.

Therefore, they can even be used to treat people with obstructive sleep apnea. A few hours after taking the medicine, you can drive a car or engage in other activities, since the drug does not affect concentration. They cannot be purchased without a prescription due to the high probability of overdose and the presence of contraindications.

Sold without a prescription

Many over-the-counter medications can help with insomnia.

Most often, without harm and danger to the body, sleep pathologies can be treated with:

  1. Valerian in tablet form or as a tincture.
  2. Motherwort also in the form of tinctures.
  3. Dormiplant.
  4. Novo-passita, which is based on medicinal plants.

Melaxen is widely used. It is presented as a synthesized analogue of the sleep hormone. During use, there is no likelihood of developing psychological and physiological dependence, there is no deterioration in memory and attention. The tool does not have a large list of contraindications, does not contribute to the deterioration of the condition with obstructive sleep apnea.

Pronounced effect can be achieved for short term, while there is no deterioration in the condition of the body, due to which the drug is considered approved for over-the-counter use.

Any sleep disorders - from short-term disturbances to chronic insomnia, have the most negative impact on well-being and significantly reduce the quality of life. Insomnia pills will help to cope with the problem, which the doctor will prescribe, taking into account the reasons that cause the night cycle to fail. Most potent drugs with a hypnotic effect are available only by prescription, because they have a lot of contraindications and, in addition to unpleasant side effects, are addictive.

At the same time, on the shelves of pharmacies there is an extensive group of over-the-counter products that provide a mild sedative and hypnotic effect without harm to health. These are drugs for plant-based, which are good for simple sleep disorders that are not associated with concomitant diseases. Let's find out which pills for insomnia help best, what they consist of and how long should they be taken?

When insomnia pills help

Everyone knows that chronic "lack of sleep" provokes a breakdown, decreased performance, increased irritability, and depression. But the main danger of insomnia, pursuing a person for long months that it increases the risk of cardiovascular vascular diseases, disorders of the brain, nervous and endocrine system. And this is already fraught with serious health problems. Therefore, it is imperative to deal with sleep disorders, and for this it will not hurt to go through medical examination and get advice from your doctor on the use of medicines. Such medications should have a sedative (sedative) effect, eliminate anxiety at the level of the central nervous system and restore healthy night sleep. Indications for the use of sleeping pills are:

  • sleep disturbances that occur regularly and persist for more than 4 weeks;
  • sleep problems caused autonomic dysfunctions and emotional lability;
  • insomnia that has developed as a result of psychopathic or neurotic disorders;
  • elevated nervous tension, anxiety, irritability.

Drugs with hypnotic action will help restore sound sleep, but they should be taken carefully, for a short time, so as not to provoke addiction, the development of physical and psychological dependence.

The main groups of sleeping pills

All medications used to eliminate sleep disorders can be divided into several large groups:

  1. herbal medicines;
  2. preparations of synthetic origin;
  3. combined products (containing vegetable raw materials and chemical components);
  4. homeopathic preparations.

Plant-based preparations (combined and mono-drugs) are considered the most harmless, they exhibit a mild sedative effect and are good for mild sleep disorders. This group of medicines includes:

  • Persen;
  • Neurostabil, etc.

All of the above medicines are over-the-counter, since their use is quite safe and. These are non-habituation pills for insomnia, they help relieve tension, relax, make it easier to fall asleep and improve the quality of sleep.

Chemical preparations have the most effective action, but are prescribed exclusively by a doctor and are omitted in a pharmacy by prescription, as they can provoke serious side effects. Representatives synthetic means- drugs from the category of barbiturates and benzodiazepines. This group also includes tranquilizers, which have a psychotropic effect and are prescribed to reduce anxiety and restore the functions of the central nervous system. Barbiturates (for example, Phenobarbital) are now rarely prescribed, since the drugs in this group are outdated and have lost their relevance. They were replaced by more modern medicines:

  • Rozerem;
  • Lunesta;
  • Zaleplon.

The drugs are distinguished by good efficiency, prolonged action and help even with prolonged insomnia, while causing less adverse reactions and do not cause addiction. From the group of tranquilizers for the treatment of insomnia, Phenazepam, Lorazepam are more often prescribed, these medicines are dispensed exclusively by prescription.

In addition, in the pharmacy you can buy completely harmless over-the-counter drugs. sleeping pills Donormil, Melaksen, Sonmil, Dormiplant, Ortho-Taurine, Balansin. However, their use is not recommended prior consultation with a specialist.

Homeopathic sleeping pills are practically devoid of contraindications, they make it easier to fall asleep naturally, normalize the cycle of sleep and wakefulness and do not cause daytime sleepiness. Bright representatives of this group are Hypnosed, Calm, Passidorm.

Insomnia pills without prescription

Let's get to know the most popular representatives sleeping pills OTC:

  • Melaxen. A hypnotic drug, the active substance of which is an analogue of the "sleep hormone" - melatonin. Melaxen facilitates falling asleep, does not disturb the natural phases of sleep, does not provoke physical and mental dependence, increases resistance to stress and provides good health in the morning. When used correctly, the tool has a minimum of contraindications. Among the advantages of the drug is the absence of the risk of the symptom of apnea (stopping breathing during sleep), memory disorders and concentration in daytime. This best pills from insomnia for the elderly, as they effectively eliminate sleep disorders caused by age-related deficiency of the hormone melatonin. In some cases, when the dosage was exceeded, side effects were noted: facial flushing, increased irritability, excitability, headaches. With extreme caution, the drug should be prescribed with a tendency to allergic reactions, in the presence of hormonal disorders and pathologies of the kidneys. The price of Melaxen is from 500 rubles.

  • Donormil (similar to Sonmil). Sleeping pills from the group of antihistamine blockers, exhibits a powerful sedative effect, accelerates falling asleep, improves the duration and quality of sleep. Available in regular and effervescent tablets which must be dissolved in water before use. The advantage of antihistamines used as sleeping pills is that they are not addictive, but on the other hand they have quite a few side effects, including dry mouth, daytime sleepiness, decreased concentration. Therefore, such tools are not suitable for a certain category of people whose profession requires special care and quick reactions. Won't fit similar drug patients with diseased liver, kidneys, angle-closure glaucoma, sleep apnea or the elderly. Donormil should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation, with a tendency to allergic reactions. The cost of the drug - from 270 rubles.

  • Valerian. Plant-based tablets have a calming (sedative) effect and are recommended for problems with falling asleep and sleep disturbance caused by stress factors. The drug has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure, relieves anxiety, reduces the excitability of the nervous system and helps restore healthy sleep. Maximum effect achieved with long-term and regular intake. The medication is quite safe and has practically no contraindications (except for individual intolerance). The price of tablets is from 25 to 50 rubles.
  • Persen (analogous to Dormiplant). A herbal preparation with a sedative and muscle relaxant (relaxing) effect. Considered one of the safest sleeping pills addictive. Allows you to normalize sleep and relieve psycho-emotional stress. It is based on a complex of plant extracts from valerian, lemon balm and mint. The drug is recommended for chronic insomnia, increased nervous excitability and irritability. Reception sleeping pills does not affect daily activity, does not cause a decrease in efficiency, drowsiness, changes in the rate of reactions. The use of the drug is contraindicated in liver diseases and individual sensitivity. In all other cases, Persen can be taken without fear, it does not cause addiction and adverse reactions. The cost of the drug - from 250 rubles.

  • Novo-Passit. Combined herbal remedy with sedative, hypnotic and anti-anxiety effect. It is recommended for mild sleep disorders, increased irritability and excitability. The basis of the drug is extracts of valerian, hops, St. John's wort, oregano, lemon balm, elderberry, passion flower. Novo - Passit is fast sedative effect, facilitates falling asleep, eliminates nervousness, relieves daytime tension and fatigue. At the same time, it is not recommended to use it long time otherwise, daytime sleepiness and a feeling of depression may occur. The average price of tablets is from 600 rubles.

  • Ortho-taurine. It is a sleeping pill with adaptogenic properties that relieves mental and physical fatigue, speeds up the process of falling asleep and prevents night awakenings, making sleep deep and healthy. Taking the drug does not affect daily work capacity, but it helps to maintain Have a good mood and increases resilience to stress. The composition of the drug includes components such as magnesium, taurine, rose hips, amber and folic acid, vitamins E and group B (B1, B6, B12). To eliminate insomnia, it is enough to take 1 capsule at bedtime for a month. This remedy has practically no contraindications and does not cause adverse reactions. The cost of the drug - from 450 rubles.

In addition, on the shelves of pharmacies you can find a number of herbal remedies and dietary supplements with a sedative and hypnotic effect, which are sold without a prescription. Among them are such medicines as Neurostabil, Sedistress, Palora, Sedonic.

Strong pills for insomnia

In addition, there is a wide range of prescription sleeping pills based on barbiturates, benzodiazepine and non-benzodiazepine drugs, among which the latter are considered the safest, as they have far fewer side effects. These are drugs Rozerem, Zopiclone, Anbiem, Andante. Remember that strong sleeping pills are not intended for long-term use, during treatment you should not exceed the indicated dosages and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations in order to prevent unwanted complications.

homeopathic remedies

Some of the best known homeopathic sleeping pills include:

  • Hypnosed. It is recommended to drink with sleep disorders caused by increased nervousness, irritability, migraine. The drug is well tolerated and has no contraindications for use.
  • Calm down. It is advised for sleep disorders associated with long falling asleep and nocturnal awakenings. The drug exhibits a rapid sedative effect, relieves nervous excitement well.

Stress level in modern world is constantly growing. This is due to the unstable economic situation in most countries in the CIS, the ever-growing demands of employers, the inability to get along with others and a few other reasons, thinking about which does not allow a fifth of the adult population to sleep peacefully at night.

It's sad that insomnia is getting younger. 20 years ago the absence good sleep was mainly a problem for people of retirement age. But now those who are 30-40 years old suffer from this disease, which immediately affects their productivity and family relationships. Trouble arising from chronic lack of sleep cause more stress, and vicious circle closes. A lot of people try to break it with insomnia pills.

What is the danger

Alas, most sleeping pills, especially when used unreasonably or incorrectly, do more harm than good. But who will think about it when the only desire is to switch off and sleep peacefully all night?! People go to the pharmacy and buy those sleep pills that you can get without a prescription, often without even bothering to read the instructions.

Sometimes the dosage recommended by the manufacturer does not help. This is often the case with too much overwork, or if the remedy does not eliminate the real cause of insomnia, which the person may not be aware of. Then, without thinking about the consequences, he increases the dose and finally passes out in a heavy oblivion, similar to drug intoxication.

Negative reactions of the body appear in the morning, when, contrary to their expectations, a person wakes up as tired and broken as he was yesterday. And all because an overdose of sleeping pills disrupts the normal alternation of sleep phases, and the nervous system is not unloaded.

Under the influence of drugs, a strong relaxation of all muscle groups occurs, and often a person begins to snore. These are palatine tissues that have lost their tone partially or completely overlap Free access air and cause a lack of oxygen. From here dark circles under the eyes and pale color skin in the morning.

But the worst thing is that most potent sleeping pills are quickly addictive. Term them safe use- up to 10-14 days.

They should be used as an ambulance, not a cure for insomnia. And during this time it is necessary to establish the reasons for its appearance and accept all possible measures to normalize sleep in a natural way.

Effective pills

We repeat - the pills for insomnia should be prescribed by a doctor! Only he knows all the features of active active substances and will be able to choose the drug taking into account age, general condition and even the lifestyle of the patient. Listed below are the most effective pills which, when used correctly, can provide deep, restful sleep. The list is for reference only!

In uncomplicated cases (in the absence of mental disorders and serious problems with health) these tablets give a positive effect after the first application. But to achieve a long-term effect, a course of treatment is required, which averages 10-14 days. Moreover, it is necessary to take sleeping pills correctly.

Most tablets are not compatible with alcohol, so all types of alcoholic beverages will have to be abandoned for the period of treatment. Under no circumstances should the recommended dosages be exceeded.

If you are constantly taking other medications- be sure to tell your doctor about it. Tablets must be taken enough water to dissolve faster. And be sure to pay attention to contraindications.

natural preparations

Safer, but often just as effective, are natural sedatives, created on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants or essential oils. They do not depress the central nervous system, are not addictive, help normalize sleep, have a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

There are products that can be used not only for adults, but even for children (with appropriate dosage adjustments!). by the most effective pills to improve sleep are considered:

But if you suffer from insomnia, pills are not the only way to solve the problem. Some drugs are produced in the form of syrups (for example, Novo-Passit) or drops - Sonilyuks. They act faster, since the tablet needs time to dissolve in the stomach, and almost all of them are covered with a hard shell. In liquid form, the drug is absorbed in a few minutes and enters the bloodstream.

"Sonilyuks" compares favorably with other similar products with a perfectly balanced formula, which includes 32 plant extracts, castoreum, extracts from the lofant and gaba alishan.

The tool is not addictive, eliminates nervousness and is excellent for insomnia caused by stress and overwork. It can be applied up to several weeks, but positive dynamics is noticeable after 5-7 days.

Prevention of insomnia

Whatever pills you choose for insomnia, remember that this is only a temporary solution or an aid to solve the problem.

All the reasons why sleep disorders occur can be divided into physiological and psychological. They must be identified and tried to eliminate as much as possible.

With physiology it is easier, these causes are quite easy to detect and remove with simple preventive measures:

The psychological problems of insomnia are also usually understood, but not everyone and not always manages to cope with them on their own. Usually, understanding what the main problem is is important element healing.

But if insomnia is caused by serious psychological trauma, depression or mental disorder- without the help of a doctor is no longer possible. And the sooner you apply for it, the faster your sleep will return to normal.

Prolonged lack of sleep becomes a source of serious problems that affect the appearance - such people quickly age and look exhausted. They lead to the development of a number of psychosomatic diseases. They also interfere professional activity and even everyday communication, as a person becomes distracted, irritable, often aggressive.

Sleep is important, and if for some reason you have lost it, you need to do everything possible to return the body to a full night's rest.

Pills for insomnia are very diverse. Medicines are presented in the pharmacy network in a wide range. These are “light” drugs that are not addictive, contain natural ingredients and are available without a doctor's prescription. Sleeping pills, which have a more pronounced hypnotic effect, but are also sold without a doctor's prescription.

And strong drugs that are used in severe cases insomnia, when lighter remedies fail to cope with the patient's sleep disturbance. Such funds are prescribed only by a doctor and are purchased at a pharmacy with a prescription. The dose and course of treatment for insomnia is determined by the doctor, who observes the patient and, if necessary, changes medications.

Tablets for insomnia and hypnotics available in the pharmacy network are conventionally divided into drugs containing certain components in their composition:

The group is presented separately medications that have a mild hypnotic effect:

The mechanism of action of sleeping pills

Actions of sleeping pills medicinal substances, conditionally divided into periods:

  1. Short - in this case drugs act depressingly on excitation, that is, they lower the threshold for excitation of the nervous system. Medicines with such a period of action are suitable for patients who have trouble falling asleep.
  2. Medium - drugs of this period of action simultaneously affect the processes of both excitation and inhibition. This type sleeping pill is suitable for patients with intrasomnia when the depth of sleep suffers.
  3. Long-term action - drugs of this group have a more pronounced effect on the processes in the central nervous system. In this case, drugs of this period of action are suitable for patients with post-somnia, when there is a sleep disturbance in the form of early awakening.

It can be short-term, after stress or overwork. As a rule, to a greater extent, sleep problems stop on their own. To do this, it is enough to adjust your daily routine and limit your viewing of TV and games on your computer. But, if the sleep disturbance lasts for more than four weeks, then, in this case, there is insomnia.

Pathological disorders of insomnia

In the structure of insomnia, the following disorders are distinguished:

With such a pathology of sleep, there is a need for treatment with special drugs in order to normalize the patient's nightly rest. Any sleeping pills, acting on the central nervous system, contribute to the activation of the processes of inhibition and inhibition of excitation. Some drugs affect, to a greater extent, more active inhibition, while in others, the predominant effect is the phenomenon of inhibition of excitation.

Indications for the use of sleeping pills

Sleep disturbance is always a big problem for a person, as not only somatic health suffers, but also psychological background. Determines the need for the use of sleeping pills, only a doctor. Depending on the objective data, he determines a specific sleeping pill and course of treatment, with a mandatory follow-up consultation after the end of treatment.

The main indications for prescribing drugs that restore disturbed night sleep are:

As a rule, the treatment of night sleep disorders begins with light drugs that act positively on the nervous system and restore the disturbed sleep phase. Sleeping pills are prescribed, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills

Over-the-counter insomnia pills are mild but stronger and, compared to herbal remedies, healing effect which are more pronounced and, at the same time, are not addictive. The most popular are the following drugs:

  1. Melaxen

Sleeping drug of synthetic origin, which is an analogue of natural melatonin, which is responsible in the body for the change of sleep and wakefulness. promotes a rapid transition to sleep and does not disturb the sleep phase. After using the drug, sleep becomes full and high quality. The drug does not accumulate in the body, due to its rapid excretion.

It is not addictive and does not give side effects. But with caution, the use of the remedy is shown to persons prone to allergic reactions. This drug indicated for the elderly, as a means of replenishing the lack of natural melatonin, due to age-related changes in the central nervous system responsible for regulating sleep phases. Successfully eliminates sleep disorders.

Reception of tablets is carried out, according to the instructions, no more than three weeks.

The analogue is the drug, and operating principle- doxylamine. This drug has been previously used antihistamine blocking the manifestation of allergy symptoms. But, having the properties of a powerful sedative effect, it promotes rapid falling asleep and good quality sleep.

Not addictive, but side effects. When using the drug, there is daytime sleepiness, decreased concentration, dryness of the oral mucosa.

The use is contraindicated in patients whose profession is related to the concentration of attention, patients suffering from chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, patients with glaucoma and the elderly. Pregnancy is also a contraindication for taking donormil.

  1. Atarax

It has not only a hypnotic effect, but also contains ingredients that have a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. This combined effect of the drug allows it to be used for patients with accompanying illnesses accompanied by spasm of smooth muscles (radiculitis, gastritis).

herbal remedies

These are the lungs medical preparations, which have in their composition environmentally friendly herbs that give a positive effect when mild degree disruption of night sleep, without causing a negative reaction from the internal organs.

  1. Valerian tablets

The drug, which is based on natural raw materials and has a slight sedative and hypnotic effect. It is indicated for sleep disorders in patients in whom the mechanism of falling asleep due to stressful conditions suffers. A positive effect is a drug on the work of the heart muscle. Does not cause side effects and does not develop addiction. Well restores night sleep, but the use of the drug is indicated for a long time.

Produced in the form alcohol tincture, filter - bags for the preparation of infusion. In addition to ingestion, the tincture can be used in the form of aromatherapy, inhaling its vapors before going to bed. The combined use of valerian tablets inside and inhalation of its aroma, gives good effect in the treatment of insomnia.

  1. Motherwort

Herbal remedy, used in the form of an alcohol tincture or decoction of dry raw materials. It has the property of inhibiting the processes of excitation of the central nervous system, exerting a sedative effect on it. In addition, it helps to reduce blood pressure, therefore, is a drug that is indicated for hypertensive patients, especially the elderly.

  1. Dormiplant

Herbal preparation , which contains valerian root and lemon balm leaf extract. The combination of these two components gives a pronounced sedative effect. Helps to fall asleep quickly and normalizes sleep. Does not affect concentration and does not cause daytime drowsiness.

  1. Persen

It is an analogue of Dormiplant, but in its composition it contains, in addition to valerian root and lemon balm, peppermint leaves. Is soft sedative, which has not only a hypnotic effect, but also has an antispasmodic effect.

This drug is biologically active additives. This remedy for insomnia, which includes natural ingredients such as valerian, passionflower. The tool has a mild effect, relieves tension, irritability. Morning awakening is light, cheerful. Patient reviews are only positive. Well restores night sleep.

In addition to over-the-counter light sleeping pills, there are drugs in the pharmacy network that can also be purchased without a prescription, but the composition of these medications has more strong action to the central nervous system.

All of these insomnia pills are available without a prescription. But, in any case, it is obligatory to consult a doctor, on the recommendation of which a certain drug is taken. Self-treatment, in this case, is unacceptable.

Sleeping pills by prescription

In some cases, when it is not possible to cope with insomnia with the help of mild means that give a sedative and hypnotic effect, they resort to more strong drugs, which are prescribed by a doctor and are purchased only with a prescription. The peculiarity of these drugs is that with prolonged or uncontrolled use, dependence on these drugs develops.

Currently, there are three generations of drugs that have a strong calming effect and eliminate insomnia:

  • barbiturates containing barbituric acid, chloral hydrate and antihistamines giving a pronounced sedative effect;
  • hypnotics of the benzodiazepine series;
  • non-benzodiazepine hypnotics - zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon.

These potent medicines, are able to quickly restore the disruption of night sleep. But, due to the occurrence of a number of side effects, addiction and the development of a withdrawal syndrome, with the irrational intake of these dream books, the appointment and the necessary course of treatment are carried out only by a doctor.

  1. Barbiturates

The drug of this group - phenobarbital, acting at the cellular level on the central nervous system, suppresses the processes of excitation in the brain. The hypnotic effect of this remedy is very pronounced, and by its action causes a dream similar to a narcotic state.

It has side effects when used, such as headache, dizziness, lowering blood pressure, slowing heart rate, a reaction from the gastrointestinal tract in the form of nausea, vomiting, and intestinal dysfunction. An overdose of the drug is an emergency condition of the patient, when immediate help is required.

  1. Benzodiazepines

This group of drugs - nitrazepam, midazolam, act, like the barbiturate group, on the nervous system, but more gently. The effect of the treatment of insomnia depends on the dose of the drug. In small quantities, the tablets have a sedative effect, relieve anxiety. To normalize sleep, the dose of the drug must be increased. It has a number of side effects and contraindications for the appointment.

  1. Nonbenzodiazepines

These drugs - zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon, are modern hypnotic drugs that are highly effective in achieving a hypnotic effect and a small list of contraindications. Due to the rapid excretion from the body, the data medical preparations most effective for sleep disturbances.

After using the tablets, there are no side effects during the daytime, and the patient feels normal. These are the main pills for insomnia.

The course of treatment for all sleeping pills is no more than three weeks. Last group strong sleeping pills is currently the most effective and safest. But, the presence of various side effects and addiction, make these medicines available only on prescription and are used to treat chronic insomnia.

Surely everyone at least once in their life faced with such a phenomenon as insomnia. The state when you really want to fall asleep, but it doesn’t work out, is dangerous. With prolonged violation, the likelihood of psycho-emotional disorders increases. What to do if you need to get up early in the morning, but something does not allow you to fall asleep?

Medications used for sleep disorders

Each person has their own cure for insomnia. Someone is engaged in meditation, someone drinks soothing tea at night and takes hot bath. But if the problem is characterized by a long course, then conventional methods does not help, you need to seek help ad hoc group drugs.

In addition, this phenomenon requires a visit to a doctor, since it does not occur as an independent violation, but as a secondary one. The specialist must find out and, if possible, eliminate the cause. Otherwise, additional health problems cannot be avoided. In addition, therapy is prescribed to improve the quality of night rest.

Medications (hypnotics) are divided into 4 groups:

  • Alpha series "Chloral hydrate", "Bromizoval");
  • Antihistamines ("Diphenhydramine", "Suprastin");
  • Barbiturates ("Phenobarbital", "Etaminal");
  • Derivatives of benzodiazepine ("Diazepam").

All funds listed are general principle actions - relax the activity of the brain, muscles of the body, slowing down brain waves, relieve tension and anxiety. They differ in the time of assimilation and excretion from the human body. For example, when you need sleeping pills fast action, then you need to consider that the effect comes quickly, but also soon passes. All drugs of these groups greatly lengthen the phases REM sleep and at the same time shorten the stages of deep.

According to the degree of impact, they are divided into light, medium and strong. The strong include Metaqualone, Chloral Hydrate, the medium ones are Phenazepam, Flurazepam, and the light ones are Bromural.

Barbiturates act on the body for 7-8 hours. They have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, but have several unpleasant side effects - they are addictive and disrupt the structure of sleep. A person falls asleep well, but the body does not rest, so in the morning there is weakness, lethargy and poor health.

Derivatives of benzodiazepams act no less effectively, significantly reducing the period of falling asleep, contribute to the onset sound sleep have a calming effect on the central nervous system. Night rest after taking these is very similar to natural. A significant advantage of this group is the absence of the addiction effect.

All of the above medicines must be dispensed with a doctor's prescription. It is almost impossible to buy them in a pharmacy for its own purpose.

Over-the-counter sleep medication for adults

There are several fairly well-known products that are produced in drops and sold without a prescription. They have a beneficial effect on the quality of night rest. For example, "Corvalol", "Barboval" are just that. Do not discount the well-known tinctures of motherwort, valerian roots and hawthorn.

All of these medicines in drops can help fight the problem. In this case, you can do without the help of a doctor. These drugs have a sedative effect (calming), eliminate anxiety, reduce stress. You can use them for several months. If there are very strong disorders, then the number of drops can be increased, then it should not exceed 30 at a time.

In addition, these drugs can be combined. For instance, good medicine to calm and improve sleep, they are prepared from 10 drops of valerian tincture and the same amount of Barboval. After mixing them, add a little water and consume. You can not drink the drug.

Like any other medication, these drugs can provoke a negative reaction. Very often, with an increase in dosage at bedtime or prolonged use, there is allergic reaction. So, despite the safety of these funds, it is necessary to be more attentive to your body during the course of admission. This also applies to any herbal remedies.

As for drugs produced in the form of tablets, we can note Sonmil and Donormil. If a person has not used sleeping pills before, then half a pill is enough for him to fall asleep quickly and soundly. Donormil is available in different packages and dosages.

The remedy is very effective and after taking it, an 8-hour sleep is guaranteed. Its essential advantage is the lack of influence on sleep phases. The course of taking the medicine should not exceed 2 weeks. After a month, the treatment can be repeated.

"Sonmil" has a hypnotic, sedative and antihistamine effect. It is stronger than the previous one, so the effect of taking it lasts longer. However, taking this drug causes one side effect - severe drowsiness in the morning. When the latter appears, it is necessary to reduce the dose or completely cancel the intake.

Sleep formula for insomnia

This tool is a phytocomplex. It contains relaxing, calming and sleep-promoting herbs, as well as magnesium and vitamin B6, which also affect the quality of a night's rest.

Magnesium has a positive effect on the nervous system, reducing its excitability, vitamin B6 has a positive effect on emotional state. It is worth noting that with a lack of magnesium in the body, the effect of any sleeping pills will be minimal, so it is necessary to replenish its reserves.

"Sleep formula" is a herbal complex with a cumulative effect, that is, the quality of night rest is restored gradually. Regular use eliminate any problems associated with sleep. Phytocomplex relieves emotional tension, facilitates falling asleep, improves the duration and quality of rest at night.

Biologically active substances composed of:

  • Hop. It is used to improve sleep, it is especially useful for excessive nervous excitability;
  • Motherwort is a source of iridoids. Works soothingly;
  • Eschscholzia has a mild hypnotic and sedative effect;
  • Magnesium is involved in the processes of nervous and muscle excitability. It is needed by the body to transmit nerve impulses. This element activates a number of enzymatic reactions, including B vitamins;
  • Vitamins B1, B6, B12. They take part in the regulation of the activity of both nervous systems, form shells nerve cells along with other substances, they are necessary, like magnesium, for the transmission of nerve impulses. It is more effective to take a group of B vitamins than each of them separately. Their balanced ratio has an anti-stress effect on the body.

Drink the drug half an hour before going to bed for at least 20 days. If sleep disturbances occur regularly. Treatment can be carried out up to 4 times a year.
