Scottish kitten nutrition chart. Food for Scottish cats and kittens

The Scottish Fold is a breed widespread throughout the world. Cats have an unusual appearance - the tips of their ears are lowered forward and downward, which was caused by a gene mutation. If you choose this breed, then it is important to know how and what to feed your Scottish Fold kitten. Proper nutrition– the basis for good health of an adult animal.

The Scottish Fold, or Scottish Fold, is a naturally occurring breed. A cat with curled ears was born in Scotland and gave similar offspring. Then breeders began breeding the breed. Now folds can be found everywhere.

Adult Scottish Folds are medium sized, strong built, with thick, soft fur. It can be of different colors: plain, with a pattern or white splashes.

Scottish Folds are friendly, unpretentious in feeding and care, and very attractive in appearance. These qualities allowed the Scots to fall in love and spread along with British cats.

Features of the breed that determine the principles of feeding:

  • Fold-eared Scots appeared naturally, in natural conditions. This influenced the preservation of predatory instincts among modern Scots. Therefore, the basis of the diet should be meat products.
  • Formation of the jaw and replacement of teeth. This process occurs during the first 6 months of life. Hygiene comes to the fore oral cavity. During this period, food should be soft so that the kitten can chew it comfortably. If feeding occurs incorrectly, it will be detected following symptoms: salivation, bad smell, yellowing of enamel, formation of tartar, swelling of the gums.
  • Tendency to. Scottish Folds can quickly gain weight if they are overfed. Therefore, it is important to follow the feeding regime and not exceed the daily calorie intake. IN early age this is not a threat, since kittens are very active and playful, so calories will be spent on replenishing energy, growth and development.
  • Susceptibility to diseases: , stones in bladder, cardiac pathologies. This leads to the fact that the diet must be balanced in nutrients and nutrients. It is important to pay attention to prohibited products.
  • Late development. The Scots, unlike wild breeds, develop more slowly, which affects the first feeding. The optimal period for introducing solid food is 1 month.
  • The importance of diet choices. Depends on the first feeding psychological characteristics, health appearance adult animal. Thus, with the introduction of meat products, kittens will learn hunting skills earlier and develop dexterity.

Nutrition is an important condition for the normal growth and development of Scottish Fold kittens. It must be balanced, designed for the needs of a growing organism. When feeding, it is important to take into account breed characteristics in order to avoid health problems for your pet.

Choosing a place and dishes

Before purchasing a kitten, the owner needs to arrange a place where the pet will feed. Although the Scots are unpretentious, this is worth paying attention to. Therefore, the choice of place and dishes is no less important event than feeding itself.

Containers for water and food must be stable and spacious. The minimum number of bowls is two pieces. However, with mixed feeding, you will need to purchase one container for each type of food and water.

Common bowl materials:

  • Ceramics and faience. This option is considered optimal for Scottish kittens. The dishes are heavy, so they will not slide on the floor. Other advantages include: the ability to wash well and the lack of tendency to retain odors that can affect water and feed.
  • Metal. Bowls made of this material are usually made on a stand or with an elastic band along the bottom rim, which prevents movement and sliding on the floor.
  • Plastic. Main advantages: lightness of the dishes, stability, variety of shapes and sizes. However, there are also significant disadvantages - food residues getting into the cracks and retaining odors. Because of this, it is recommended to change plastic bowls frequently.
    External characteristics for suitable dishes are a wide diameter, low sides so that the bowl is not very deep. A container with a volume of up to 0.5 liters is suitable for food; you can take more for water.

The arrangement of the place is carried out taking into account behavioral characteristics.

Primary requirements:

  • placing bowls next to each other;
  • a permanent place for feeding, which will help the pet get used to it faster;
  • placing a rug or tray under the dishes so that the bowls slip less and the floor does not get dirty.

The optimal place is a separate corner in the kitchen, away from noisy furnishings and bright light. The dishes must be washed at least once every 2 days, preferably without the use of detergents.

What to feed a Scottish Fold kitten

Scottish Folds, when bred by amateurs, are often prone to food allergies, therefore nutrition plays a leading role in proper development pets Before purchasing a representative of this breed, it is recommended to study what to feed a Scottish Fold kitten.

There are 3 types of diet to choose from:

  • natural feeding – a diet of regular foods approved for cats. It is considered a classic, has its pros and cons. The main advantage is diversity;
  • ready-made feed – a diet based on industrial nutrition, including dry granules, wet and semi wet food. When choosing, you should pay attention to the class - Premium and Super-premium are acceptable for the Scots;
  • mixed diet– a combination of natural products with prepared feeds.

Veterinarians do not advise choosing the third type of diet, since eating different foods together will lead to digestive problems, decreased absorption of vitamins, minerals, nutrients.

Natural diet

A natural diet is a classic type of food for cats. The introduction of solid foods begins gradually, after reaching one or two months.

List of products for kittens:

  • Meat – lean beef or veal, chicken, rabbit, turkey. It is given boiled, but sometimes it can be raw, but only frozen.
  • Offal – necks, hearts, navels. Allowed for 4–6 months. Liver is given rarely, no more than once a week, and only boiled.
  • Sea fish fatty varieties– pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, trout. It is full of useful fatty acids. It is allowed to give no more than once a week, after light boiling. It is better to take boneless fillet.
  • Dairy products – whole milk (only boiled for up to 3 months), fermented milk products. Kefir, fermented baked milk, and cottage cheese enriched with calcium are suitable for kittens. Dairy products should not be given frequently as excess calcium will cause the ears to straighten.
  • Eggs – chicken, quail. The optimal portion is 1 yolk per day, if quail eggs, then 2-3 yolks. Can be given as an omelet with a little milk and no butter.
  • – buckwheat, rice, millet. Served in the form of porridges mixed with meat, minced meat or fish. Cereals are a supplement, so they cannot be given on a regular basis.
  • Vegetables, herbs, fruits - zucchini, cauliflower, green beans, apples, pears, grass. It is recommended to give grated, crushed or pureed.
  • Vegetable oils – olive, flaxseed, sunflower. The daily portion is half a teaspoon in porridge or vegetables.

A natural diet has a number of features for Scottish Folds that need to be taken into account, for example, controlling the amount of calcium. Otherwise, feeding does not differ from that of other breeds.


  • a variety of products whose price is lower than high-quality industrial feed;
  • confidence in freshness and quality;
  • development of predator instincts;
  • the ability to monitor reactions to foods, which helps identify food allergies.


  • the need for constant cooking;
  • short shelf life;
  • lack of confidence in the balance of the diet in terms of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Feeding natural products is chosen by the majority of newly-made owners. If you don’t have time to constantly prepare food, then this diet is not suitable. The main feature is the addition of vitamin and mineral complexes to food.

Ready-made feed

Prepared feeds are industrial products. Manufacturers produce them, adjusting them to the needs of animals. The “kitten” line is suitable for small animals. Sometimes it is divided by age.

An important selection criterion is the feed class:

  • Economy class feed made from low quality ingredients, with minimal content of complete animal proteins. The basis - herbal products. Economy feed is not suitable for purebred cats.
  • Feed Premium. The composition includes more meat products, but plant ingredients predominate. The products are saturated with useful substances. Premium food is suitable only in case of normal tolerance. If there are health problems, then a higher class is necessary.
  • Super premium feed. The main part of the ingredients are meat products with a complete protein composition. Plant components are represented by vegetables and cereals. The feed is enriched with taurine, vitamins and minerals. Super premium – best food For Scottish cats.

Industrial cat foods are divided into wet, dry and semi-moist. Dry granules are introduced into the diet when kittens are almost adult. and semi-moist foods are necessary during the transition period between mother's milk and solid food.


  • ease of use;
  • balance in all components;
  • wide range to suit your pet's needs;
  • storage duration.


  • high price;
  • the likelihood of buying a fake;
  • information falsification - a discrepancy between the actual composition and what is on the packaging.

Ready-made feed – the best option for purebred cats. They are more susceptible to various diseases, and the line of industrial products provides a choice for specific situation. For example, hypoallergenic foods are common.

Mixed diet

A mixed diet is a common type of feeding. However, according to veterinarians and breeders, it is not suitable for purebred cats, including Scots.

Main problems:

  • Difficulty controlling calories and nutritional intake, which can lead to weight loss or obesity;
  • the likelihood of developing digestive disorders;
  • the need for periodic intake of vitamins and feed additives.

Sample menu by age

Kittens grow, get stronger, and along with this their diet and feeding schedules change. To get out of the situation, it is important for the owner to know sample menu by age. For ready-made feed Serving sizes and number of servings are indicated on the packaging. With a natural diet it is more difficult.

Up to a month

They feed on mother's milk. If the babies are left without a mother, then the owner feeds them using industrial cat milk substitutes, baby formula, or self-prepared formula.

Important! If the kittens are left without maternal feeding, then it is better to find a nurse cat for them. If this is not possible, then you will have to make every effort to fatten with substitutes.

1 month

Scottish Folds begin to introduce their first complementary foods. Here you can go in two ways: start with raw scraped meat (chicken, beef) or low-fat fermented milk products (ryazhenka, cottage cheese, yogurt).

Feeding with mother's milk or substitute continues. Total food per day is 110–130 grams, meals – 7–8, can be changed depending on the needs of small pets.

2 months

A transition period begins - the kittens are gradually weaned from their mother or the amount of substitute consumed is reduced. Solid foods become more varied. Grated vegetables and bran are added to meat and dairy products.

After two months, the amount of food per day reaches 170–190 grams, 6–7 meals.

3 months

They start handing out kittens to... This is a difficult period for pets, so you should approach feeding responsibly. New foods are added to the diet.

The basis of nutrition is not scraped, but finely chopped meat. Are introduced more actively dairy products, vegetables, fruits in small quantities. At 3 months old, Scots can be introduced to cereals.

Amount of food – 230–250 grams per day, meals – 4–5.

4–6 months

– fish is gradually introduced into the diet – no more than 2 times a week. The meat is given in larger pieces. Greens are added to vegetables and fruits, preferably special grass, which can be purchased at a pet store.

The daily food intake depends on the size of the kitten. If it is large, then they give 310–330 grams, with medium sizes – 280–300 grams.

The number of techniques is reduced to three.

From 6 months to 1 year

The period from 6 months to 1 year is considered the completion of the development of a kitten into an adult animal.

The diet is as varied as possible, all permitted products are added.

The number of receptions is reduced to two, daily norm also decreases and amounts to 5% of the animal’s weight.

Vitamins and supplements

Common supplements for Scottish Folds:

  • Gelabon Glucosamine from Polydex. Prescribed during intensive growth to prevent diseases of cartilage, joints, musculoskeletal system. The drug is recommended for kittens from one month to six months.
  • Beafar Kitty's Junior. Vitamins are aimed at nourishing the coat and skin, which improves their appearance. The drug is given to kittens from 1.5 months.
  • Beafar Sweethearts. Complex drug, including vitamins and minerals. It ensures the full development of kittens.
  • Canina Cat-Mineral Tabs. The complex contains full list useful substances, phosphorus and calcium are especially important. The drug is recommended for kittens older than 1 month.

Vitamin and mineral complexes will help Scottish kitten fully grow and develop. Most of them good taste and smell, so there will be no problems with acceptance.


It is extremely important for cats, as it is involved in all body processes. Scottish Folds are susceptible, so a lack of fluid can trigger its development.

The drinking bowl should be filled with clean, preferably filtered, water. It needs to be changed once a day, thoroughly washing the bowl. When feeding dry kibble, the water requirement is higher. Therefore, the volume of the drinking bowl should be at least 500 ml.

What not to feed a Scottish Fold kitten

List of what you should not feed your Scottish Fold kitten:

  • products from the human table;
  • legumes, some vegetables and fruits (avocado, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, citrus fruits, dried fruits, grapes);
  • whole milk, especially cow's milk;
  • salted, smoked, fried, fatty, with many spices dishes;
  • stimulants (chocolate, coffee, tea);
  • sweets, confectionery, bakery products.

Feeding is an important part of the health, normal growth and development of Scottish Fold kittens. Breed characteristics change the general nutritional pattern for cats, which must be taken into account before purchasing a pet.

Be sure to look at the label: there should not be generalizations like “meat” or “cereals”, but insteadspecific products, their quantities and energy value. Be sure to pay attention to what percentage of a particular product is contained in the food. The basis should be meat. Manufacturers often try to confuse consumers by not indicating the percentage. This bad sign: It is better to refuse such food in favor of the one where everything is indicated. And ideally, there should be not just an indication of meat with percentages, but also a specific type (beef, turkey, etc.) and specific parts of the carcass where this meat was taken from (there is a difference - horns and hooves or thigh meat, right? ).

If the label says that this food is specifically for Scottish cats, but there is no specification on age and characteristics, then it is suitable for this breed of all ages and lifestyle.

But there are special foods for kittens, for fat cats, for aging cats, etc. If in your case food for an adult healthy animal is not entirely suitable, look for a specialized product in the manufacturer’s line.

The best dry food for Scottish cats

If the cat is on a ready-made diet or even on natural food, there is a moment when the use of dry food is recommended more than any other. This is the case when you go on a trip with your pet. Then it will be difficult to feed him canned food, and especially natural food. And here is a pillow that you can throw in the cat’s carrier. Very convenient and hygienic!

Another benefit of dry food is brushing your teeth. With the help of dry food, cats clean plaque on their teeth and massage their gums.

It is also convenient to use dry food as a reward treat during training.

But remember that when using dry food as a complete diet, you need to drink a lot of water, because... otherwise, digestive problems will begin. Therefore, do not forget to constantly change the water to fresh water. Running tap water cannot be used.

Dry pads are not suitable as complementary food for small kittens: they need to be soaked.

Food for neutered cats and females

Sterilized animals for the most part become more passive, like active games less, and they are also deprived of the main instinct - the instinct of reproduction. Therefore, food becomes almost the only entertainment and main aspiration for them, while, in fact, the need for calories decreases. As a result, many Scottish and British cats (breeds that are already prone to obesity) become overweight.

To avoid this problem, manufacturers have come up with food for sterilized animals. Although there are no fundamental differences in the composition of these feeds, they are simply less caloric. You can buy food for your neuter as for an ordinary cat, but be more careful to ensure that he does not overeat. If you see that he is not eating the usual portion, you will have to switch to food for sterilized cats: it contains more fiber, which fills the stomach and creates a feeling of fullness.

In no case should you reduce the number of meals: castrati and sterilized cats, like any other, should have 2-3 meals a day.

Also make sure that the animal moves more. Try to devote time to active games with your pet every day. And buy him some interesting toys and a playground so that the cat can run around in your absence. Without regular physical activity against excess weight No diet will help - your pet needs activity!

How to feed a Scottish cat with ready-made food?

In the diet of a Scottish cat, the amount of protein in relation to fats and carbohydrates should be 2:1. If you use complete feed, then these numbers have already been calculated.

The daily energy requirement of an adult cat is approximately 300-330 kilocalories. To satisfy this need, a cat should receive 30-50 grams per 1 kg of body weight per day, but this is only if she is not overweight. If you need to lose weight, then the amount of food will have to be reduced in order to create a calorie deficit during the diet, as a result of which excess fat will be burned.

When transferring an animal to factory food, you need to do this gradually, over a week or two, introducing a new product little by little. At this time, monitor for any negative reaction to the new food: diarrhea, vomiting, allergies. This is very important, since even premium food can cause allergies or food intolerances.

After a week or two, you can completely cancel the old food and feed only the new product. Mix factory feed and natural nutrition prohibited: the digestive system must adjust to one type of nutrition.

Wet cat food

Ready-made food from different manufacturers should also not be mixed. You can and even need to mix dry and wet food from the same manufacturer. Do this not at one feeding, but at different ones, replacing part of the main diet in the form of wet food with a small amount of dry food. If you feed only wet food, the animal will not develop its jaw muscles and remove plaque from its teeth. On the other hand, if you feed only dry food, this risks dehydration for those pets who do not really like to drink water. Therefore, water should always be in sight, clean, not from the tap. To encourage light-drinking cats to consume more liquid, you can buy a special fountain: cats love running water.

What is better - ready-made food or natural food?

Breeders, veterinarians and felinologists who are adherents of one particular food system constantly argue about what is better, and everyone defends their point of view. In fact, there is no universal answer. To each his own. But we will give readers food for thought in the form of information from the head of the department of KubSU Viktor Khablyuk, associate professor, candidate biological sciences. The opinion was published in the Facebook group " Natural feeding for cats ":

In any foreign food it is not prohibited not to indicate the percentage of individual components, but the components must be arranged in descending order. Dry premium food for older cats (I will not indicate the manufacturer). The composition begins with the word "chicken - 21%". This is a marketing ploy, since the calculation is based on raw chicken, and it is added in the form of dry flour. It may seem that chicken is the main ingredient. Rice and corn gluten follow, with no percentages listed because they are not ingredients worth bragging about. But it is easy to calculate that their content will be 20% and 19%, that is, the main components of this food are not chicken, but rice + corn gluten, which together are 6.5 times more than chicken. Raw chicken contains only 25% dry matter. Therefore, the true chicken content in the feed is about 6%, not 21%. But there is nothing to reproach the company with, since everything is written honestly, although it is marketing cunning. How, with such a downward balance in the direction of rice, does the owner leave the BZHU inside the declared one? The protein content of corn gluten is 79%, in wheat gluten- 83%: with their help you can dial high level squirrel. Fat is gained from fats and oils. Carbohydrates account for the rest. But are plant and animal protein equivalent? No. However, the composition indicates the total protein without decoding, and marketers push chicken (lamb, salmon), which, in fact, is zilch in the food, in first place.

This opinion is given to show that without special knowledge it is difficult to assess the quality of food. And this is used, among other things, by high-end feed manufacturers. That is, you cannot be 100% sure of the quality of the product: everything has to be learned only through experience, and even better through laboratory analysis.

If you do not take into account less convenience for the owner, then proper natural feeding is always better. It allows the cat to realize its predator instinct.

If we talk about the quality of food, then a balanced natural diet made from more or less environmentally friendly products is always better than any expensive food. But the owners do not always have the time and opportunity to prepare food. You don't always have the knowledge to choose the right products. Conditions for natural feeding do not always exist. Then factory food comes to the rescue.

This article was checked and approved by expert felinologist, owner of the Scottish cattery Kristal Rose*RU Elena Shabaeva. The nursery is registered with WCF. To ask a question to an expert or get acquainted with additional information about him, go to his personal page on the Scottish and british cats"Murcats." ⇒

With the arrival of a kitten in the house Scottish breed, a person appears a large number of new worries. It is necessary to provide the baby with the most comfortable conditions for staying in the house, and one of the important points is a properly formulated diet. Either a veterinarian or the breeder from whom the kitten was purchased will tell you what to feed your Scottish Fold kitten. Like all other kittens, a Scottish baby needs a proper and balanced diet. This can be natural food prepared by the owner himself or special dry food.

Pedigree kittens begin complementary feeding at the age of 1 month, while they continue to feed on mother's milk. At the age of 8 weeks, babies begin to be given a larger variety of foods or food, but the basis of the kittens’ diet is still mother’s milk. Upon reaching the age of 3 months, Scottish Fold kittens begin to be weaned from their mother and prepared to move to other homes with new owners. If the new owner decides to give pelleted food, then it is necessary to feed it with food for Scottish Fold kittens, specially designed for this breed.

The basic rules that must be followed when preparing a diet for a fold-eared kitten are the following points:

  • The kitten's diet should consist of 5-6 meals (serving from 100 to 120 g);
  • three-thirds rule (dry food, wet food and natural food should be divided into equal parts);
  • quality of food - super-premium class or holistic;
  • constant availability of fresh drinking water at the pet's.

Note! Veterinary experts emphasize that water should be served to the kitten in glass, porcelain or enamel bowls. The use of plastic, even high quality, can have a negative impact on the health of kittens. Plastic can release toxic substances into water, slowly poisoning the body.

This is not a mandatory rule, but the amount of food at one time also matters. Due to individual characteristics, the portion is for a fold-eared kitten of different ages undergoes changes. But if the kitten does not eat the portion in the bowl, next time you need to give less, so that the food does not remain until next appointment food.

Read also: How to stop a cat from yelling - simple and useful tips

Dry and wet food for Scottish kittens

When choosing ready-made food, owners may be faced with the problem of choice, because the range of granular mixtures is large.

There are several main classifications of dry and wet food:

  • Economy class;
  • premium class;
  • super premium;
  • holistic.

Economy class food is prohibited for pets, as they cause the development of dangerous disorders in the functioning of the animal’s body. Particularly striking digestive tract and the urinary system. Often, when feeding cheap dry food, animals are diagnosed with dysfunction of the liver structures and gall bladder.

The best dry food for Scottish kittens is super-premium and holistic. But, nevertheless, when choosing the main food for your pet, it is important to carefully study not only the packaging and production date, but also the composition of the main ingredients. This is due to the fact that even expensive and seemingly high-quality wet or dry food may contain large quantities of by-products and various cereals.

Note! In a good quality food, meat or fish should always come first, in a percentage of at least 30%. This is especially important for small kittens, whose bodies are rapidly developing and require large amounts of protein.

An important aspect in the composition of kitten food is the presence of vitamin and mineral supplements. If your pet has disturbances in the functioning of the body, it is necessary to select the food that contains increased content necessary certain supplements, minerals and vitamins (for example, chondoroitin, for joint diseases).

High quality complementary foods for Scottish kittens include:

  • Purina Pro Plan (Switzerland);
  • Brit Keir Kitten (Czech Republic);
  • Royal Canin Kitten (France).

Read also: What to feed your cat so as not to harm its health?

Ready-made granulated feeds are produced in the form of:

  • canned food;
  • spiders;
  • dry granules.

As part of each type of ready-made cat food contains approximately the same amount of useful and nutrients (from the same manufacturer). Wet food is considered more expensive in one line of food, as it contains more moisture necessary for the pet’s body.

There is also a division of feed into complete and auxiliary (additional). Accordingly, complete food does not require any additional additives to the diet, and additional ones are more often used as an additive in natural nutrition.

Brief characteristics of economy, premium and super-premium food

Food comes in economy, premium and super-premium classes. There is also a separate class of dry granulated food - holistic (dietary food for diseases internal organs). First of all, it is worth noting the economy class food. They are the most accessible to humans and are designed to satisfy the hunger of an animal. This class of feed does not contain any nutrients, much less meat ingredients. When choosing to feed an animal dry food, it is highly undesirable to choose economy class. This is especially true for purebred cats and kittens.

Premium food is a higher class; unlike commercial food, it is more balanced and contains meat. This type dry food is also more affordable, able to satisfy the animal’s body’s nutritional requirements and is not as dangerous as the economy class.

Super-premium food is intended for feeding those animals whose owners are concerned about the health of their pet. The composition of such feeds is the most balanced, compared to the previous ones, containing many necessary vitamin complexes and minerals. Super-premium dry food does not contain harmful additives or dyes.

Foods belonging to the holistic class are most preferable for feeding pets. Benefit from of this class feed is equivalent to proper balanced natural nutrition.

A significant disadvantage for the animal is complete absence flavorings and additives that are not attractive to the animal. Cats often refuse to eat these types of food, especially if they have previously tried others rich in flavors and dyes. The food is holistic, has no contraindications and is hypoallergenic.

Kittens are such funny creatures! You want to constantly play with them and caress them. When they appear in our home, they bring a lot of joy, happiness and love. But the kitten must be fed properly. Otherwise, he may get sick and even die. Remember, his life is in your hands. So what to feed the little fold-eared Scotsman?

First, you should know that there are three types of food for kittens. This is natural nutrition - that is, feeding with natural products, feeding with prepared food and mixed type nutrition, which combines the two previous types. Once you have decided on the type of nutrition, you need to find out more about each of them.

What to feed a Scottish Fold kitten on a natural diet?

  • It should be remembered that not all products that we use are suitable for cats, and especially kittens. The best way to feed a Scottish Fold kitten boiled breast, and be sure to chop it before serving.
  • The kitten will not refuse raw frozen beef. But don't get too carried away with this product. It will be enough to give your baby 30-40 grams of the product every other day.
  • Boiled liver is a product rich in vitamins and microelements. But you need to give it to your kitten no more than once a week.
  • Twice a week you need to mix boiled chicken yolk into your Scottish Fold kitten's porridge. If the kitten likes this product, it is quite possible to give it in its pure form.
  • You can give it to your kitten two to three times a week. skim cheese. This will saturate the growing body with the necessary calcium.
  • It’s not bad if the lop-eared Scotsman does not refuse other dairy products, such as low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk and sour cream.
  • Be sure to give the kitten cream, under no circumstances milk. However, do not forget that cream is not a drink - it is food. Cream cannot be substituted for pure water.
  • Boil cereals such as rice, oatmeal and buckwheat for your kitten. To attract your kitten to this food, mix it with meat several times a week.
  • In addition to cereals, you can mix meat with boiled vegetables - cauliflower, carrots and green beans.
  • Scottish Fold kittens eat well and turkey meat, and boiled stomachs.
  • The fact that cats, and especially kittens, need to be given fish is a myth. In fact, fish is an extremely unhealthy product for the cat’s body. Therefore, it should be given only when as a last resort, no more than once a month.
  • Suitable as a treat for a kitten low-fat varieties cheese.
  • Do not forget that the kitten’s body does not always absorb everything. useful material from products. Therefore, for its full growth and development, you should definitely give your Scottish Fold kitten vitamin and mineral supplements.

  • When the kitten reaches its second month, you can safely start feeding it baby cottage cheese. Kittens eat children's curd "Agusha" very well.
  • The foods you are going to give to your kitten, regardless of whether they are raw or cooked, should be at room temperature.
  • Don't forget to check for fresh water in your pet's bowl. The water must be boiled or filtered. It needs to be changed twice a day.

How to feed a Scottish Fold kitten with ready-made food?

The most best choice premium ready-made food for your Scottish Fold kitten. For example, such as RoyalCanin. Only premium food can supply a growing body with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. If you value your pet's health, do not skimp on its nutrition.

When your Scottish Fold kitten is very young, turn your attention to canned kitten mousse. Thanks to its delicate consistency, it is very convenient for the kitten to eat it.

When the kitten gets a little older, start mixing it into canned food and dry food.

When your Scottish Fold kitten is 5-6 months old, you can start buying Royal Canin's Delicious Kibble in Gravy and dry food suitable for this age.

What to feed a Scottish Fold kitten with a mixed diet?

If you have chosen a mixed type of food for your kitten, remember that the basis of your pet’s nutrition should be dry ready-made food. But, in addition to dry food, you need to give natural products once or twice a day.

Scottish Fold kitten nutrition rules

  • No food for a kitten should ever be salted, cut into large pieces or given with bones.
  • Meat for a kitten should always be frozen and then cooked. The kitten should not be given lamb and pork.
  • Table food is strictly prohibited! You can't give it to a kitten the foods you eat. This is detrimental to his body.
  • When a kitten is between three months and six months old, it needs to be fed up to three times a day. After six months, switch to 2 feedings a day.
  • Food and water should always be fresh. Nothing should float in the water, food should not be washed away.
  • Do not give to a Scottish Fold kitten sweet fruits and vegetables, milk, sausage, butter, all sour, fried, spicy, salty, sweet and baked foods. Do not feed raw chicken, turkey, fish or eggs.
  • At night, be sure to remove all food bowls from the floor. Only a bowl of water should remain overnight.

By following the recommendations given here, what to feed a Scottish fold kitten, you will grow up healthy, strong cat who won't hurt various diseases. You will provide your pet with a long and happy life, and for myself - many pleasant and joyful moments in his company. You can read about keeping cats of other breeds in the house in the article Cat in the house: care and maintenance.

Be happy!

Especially forLucky-Girl. ru— Vitalina

What to feed your Scottish cat fold cat(Scottish fold)? Unfortunately, not all owners of these cats think about this, believing that such an unpretentious animal can be fed whatever is necessary. And such confidence ends sadly - with health problems and visits to the veterinarian.

Scottish folds are famous good health, but to maintain it you need proper, balanced and selected nutrition specifically for this breed.

How should you feed your Scottish Fold cat?

There are three main feeding methods:

  1. Natural food.
  2. Natural raw food. They consist of pieces of natural raw meat, as well as vegetables, offal, egg yolks, omega-3, taurine and vitamins and are useful food for an active and long life of cats. These feeds are not heat-treated and are stored and supplied frozen. On Russian market This type of feed is presented by the company.
  3. Dry or canned food.

You should not mix natural food and ready-made food: the stomach of these cats has difficulty adapting to permanent shift food. Choose one option and stick to it, changing your diet or manufacturer as little as possible.

Feeding is enough unpretentious breed, it does not require pickles.

The debate about what food is best to feed a Scottish fold cat has been going on for decades, but veterinarians have not been able to come to a consensus. Many experts advise choosing exclusively ready-made food for purebred cats, since they include all the substances necessary for the animal. And a balanced branded food, of course, will contain much more needed by the cat substances than scraps from the owners' table. Indeed, there are many arguments in favor of bagged food:

  • Their use does not require additional feeding with vitamins.
  • A jar of canned food or a bag of food can reduce the time it takes to prepare food for your pet several times.
  • Reduces to zero the risk that the animal, due to the inattention or negligence of the owner, will receive something tasty, but harmful.

You can buy ready-made food for your cat at the best price at following internet stores:

Despite all the advantages of ready-made food, natural products effectively supply the cat with the necessary microelements and vitamins. After all, genetically any cat is a predator, and its digestive system is ideally suited for processing natural food - primarily meat.

You should not feed your Scottish Fold cat human food (prepared for people). Some of the foods that are perfectly digestible by us can be harmful to the health of the animal. And, more importantly, for animals healthy life you need a completely different combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates than people do.

If you decide to feed your pet natural products, then make sure that the diet is composed taking into account the physiology of the animal, and is not formed from food that is left after your hearty lunch or dinner.

Feeding with natural food

It is better to consult an experienced veterinarian about how to properly feed your Scottish Fold cat. The health of animals largely depends on the amount of nutrients they receive through food.

  1. At least half of all food should be meat.
  2. Vegetables are a must - an average of 20 - 25%.
  3. And a third of the entire diet should be filled with cereals.

For full life A Scottish fold cat should receive per 1 kg of weight per day:

  • 4 grams of protein.
  • 2 grams of fat.
  • 12 – 15 grams of carbohydrates.

It is also better to calculate the volume of a single serving depending on the weight of the animal. This breed is prone to obesity, so owners will have to ensure that their pet does not overeat. That is, a cat weighing 5 kg should eat about 100 grams of food in one sitting, no more. And the daily portion for him will be about 200 - 250 grams.

What foods can be given to Scots?

The food you can feed your Scottish Fold cat should not contain added salt or any spices. Any seasonings are contraindicated for cats.

  • One of the most important components diet - meat. The main requirement for it: not too high fat content. Ideal for this breed are chicken, turkey, beef and veal. But under no circumstances should you give pork and lamb.
  • Twice a month you can pamper your pet with boiled (but not raw or fried) fish. More often it is not worth it: this product creates excessive stress on the cat’s liver. Please note that only sea ​​fish, and exclusively low-fat varieties.

Important! Before feeding your Scottish Fold fish, make sure that there are no bones, even small ones, in its flesh: otherwise the cat may choke or scratch the delicate tissues of the mouth with the sharp end.

  • Porridge is vital for cats: rice, buckwheat or barley grits. It is best to mix cereals with meat and vegetables: add 1 share of other products to 2 shares of porridge.
  • These cats digest oatmeal quite poorly, and it is better to give it only during stomach upsets: at these moments it really brings benefits and helps speed up recovery. Please also note that rice in large quantities can cause constipation.
  • Under no circumstances should you give cereals high content proteins: peas, beans, lentils. Many cats love these foods, but the consequences are bloating and painful colic.
  • All cats love dairy products. But Scottish Folds are contraindicated from pure cow's milk, as well as fermented milk products with high fat content (for example, cream). It is best to give kefir, fermented baked milk and low-fat sour cream.
  • But you can give any vegetables, except tomatoes, eggplants, garlic and onions.
  • Add a little boiled, finely chopped egg to your pet's food (no more than 1 piece per day). Quail is best, as it helps maintain immunity, but in a pinch, chicken can also be given.

Scottish Folds should not be fed cold or too hot food. All food should be slightly warmer than room temperature.

Food for pregnant and lactating cats

But what to feed a nursing Scottish Fold cat? In general, the diet for newly born lop-eared beauties does not change much. However, you should add a spoonful to a single serving. bone meal, and once a week water food with a few drops fish oil. Don’t forget about vitamins: animals need additional support with microelements during this period.

It is imperative to increase the share of dairy products. And, of course, the volume: for a mother cat it grows 3 or even 4 times, because she has to feed not only herself, but also her kittens. To avoid mistakes, give your pet food on demand.

However, there is an easier way to provide for a Scottish Fold good nutrition: temporarily switch the cat to high-quality ready-made food for pregnant and lactating cats.
