The norm is hell in children of 13 years old. The consequences of frequent changes in blood pressure in a child. What causes the increase

Deviations in blood pressure (BP) parameters today are found not only in adults. Such problems are typical for adolescents and even children. Therefore, many parents are interested in what is the normal blood pressure in a teenager at the age of 14 (15, 16). This allows you to detect all deviations in time and choose an adequate therapy.

Blood pressure indicators affect the performance of the circulatory system. The proportion of the strength of muscle contraction and the resistance of the vascular walls depends on them. This indicator is estimated in millimeters of mercury. The parameter is calculated according to two criteria - contraction of the heart muscle and relaxation.

The BP index affects the blood flow rate. It is he who provides oxygen to the organs and tissues. The value of blood pressure is influenced by a number of parameters:

  1. Age category. Throughout life, this indicator gradually increases. V adolescence abrupt pressure drops are often observed. This is due to hormonal changes in the body.
  2. Gender. For boys aged 14-17, this indicator is lower than for girls.
  3. The weight. If a teenager is overweight, hypertension cannot be avoided. An increase in the parameter in obese patients indicates the development of dangerous diseases.
  4. The presence of bad habits.
  5. Sports activities. Athletes are often diagnosed with lower blood pressure readings.

Normal blood pressure in adolescents aged 14-17

In children, the pressure parameters are lower than in adults. This is due to the fact that the walls of the vessels are highly elastic. Due to this, free blood flow is observed. After some time, smooth muscles become stronger, their tone increases. The first pressure rise occurs within 24 months

The next time the figure rises markedly in 10 years. During this period, the body is preparing for new stage- puberty. Insofar as hormonal background unstable, the norm of pressure in adolescents 14 years old is 112 / 58-146 / 79 mm Hg. Art.

Please note: In adults, systolic blood pressure values ​​should not exceed 140 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic - less than 60 mm Hg. Art. In women and girls, after the onset of menstruation, the indicator is lower than in boys by 5-15 mm Hg. Art.

The normal pulse pressure in a 13 (14) -year-old teenager is considered to be 30-40 mm Hg. Art. This is exactly the difference between the parameters of diastolic (lower) and systolic (upper) pressure. The maximum indicator is 50 mm Hg. Art. In children 10-12 years old, the pulse should not exceed 70-130 beats. By the age of 17, this figure drops to 60-110 strokes.

The peculiarities of the formation of the reproductive system differ in boys and girls. Age-related transformations are observed during the period of active growth. In boys, blood pressure increases after the age of 14. In girls, changes can occur at 11-15 years old. At this stage, the indicators are higher than those of peers of the opposite sex.

The pressure rate at 14 years old is determined in accordance with certain formulas. To estimate the normal indicator of systolic pressure, you need to take age, multiply it by 1.7, then add 83. For the diastolic indicator, use a coefficient of 1.6 and add 42.

Normal blood pressure in a 15-year-old adolescent according to medical standards is at the level of 108-109 / 66 mm Hg. Art. But the results determined by the formula are different from the weight-for-height tables.

Causes of pressure deviations from the norm

According to statistics, about 75% of adolescent schoolchildren complain of increased fatigue and workload. This negatively affects blood pressure indicators. Also, the reasons may be:

  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • stressful situations;
  • complexes;
  • diet;
  • lack of movement;
  • computer fatigue.

In most cases, it is possible to cope with the causes of high blood pressure without any significant health consequences. However, sometimes this condition indicates dangerous pathologies. Deviation of indicators from the standard may be the result of such violations:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • defeat endocrine system;
  • disturbances in the work of the nervous system - in particular, VSD;
  • kidney pathology;
  • liver disease.

Important: These pathologies can cause an increase in pressure and the development of arterial hypertension. If you do not take action in time, this condition is fraught with dangerous complications.


Pressure problems in adolescents are most often diagnosed by chance. Various violations well-being is often mistaken for the stage of growing up, and therefore rarely see a doctor.

To identify the problem, the specialist must measure the indicators several times. To start further research, it is worth recording the increase in the parameter at least 3 times.

In addition, it is important to make sure that the deviation is not associated with objective factors - stress or another problem. If the presence of a violation is not in doubt, the doctor should collect information regarding the symptoms and individual characteristics of the body. This will help you find effective methods of therapy.

In addition, doctors often prescribe laboratory and instrumental studies:

  • electrocardiogram;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • urine and blood tests.

The listed procedures allow you to identify a provoking factor that leads to an increase in pressure in adolescence.

Treatment methods

If the cause of the fluctuations is established, it will not be difficult to normalize this indicator. If a slight increase in pressure is due to fatigue, the following remedies will help to improve your well-being:

  • tea based on rosehip, barberry or calendula;
  • lingonberry, beet or carrot juice;
  • tincture of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort.

It is useful to make compresses from apple cider vinegar or mustard plasters. They are applied to the chest, neck, back of the lower leg. The menu should include seafood, citrus fruits, nuts.

If the pressure reaches high parameters, drugs cannot be dispensed with. The following categories of medications are usually prescribed for adolescents:

  • tablets for lowering pressure - these include Reserpine, Raunatin;
  • diuretics - Hypothiazide, Veroshpiron;
  • sedatives - Elenium, Seduxen;
  • adrenergic blockers - Obzidan, Inderal;
  • ganglion blocking drugs - Pentamin.

The specific substance is prescribed by the doctor. If the wrong medication is used or the dosage is violated, there is a risk of aggravation clinical picture pathology.

If a teenager has hypotension, you can take the following remedies:

In some cases, it is enough to eat a dish with a lot of salt. From pharmacy products the following medications can be prescribed:

  • psychostimulants - Fetanol or Caffeine;
  • drugs to improve cerebral circulation - Cinnarizin, Pantogam.

Exercise is very helpful to cope with primary hypotension. Massage of the collar area and a contrast shower are also highly effective.


If a teenager has a tendency to unstable pressure, it is worthwhile to prevent fluctuations in this indicator. This requires:

  • establish food;
  • monitor weight;
  • have a good rest;
  • balance intellectual loads;
  • to walk alot;
  • be examined regularly by a doctor.

Pressure fluctuations are common during adolescence. To establish the causes of this condition, it is worth conducting a thorough diagnosis. If anomalies are detected, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist will select the best medicines and give recommendations on how to correct your lifestyle.

The state of the heart and blood vessels, evidence of their performance, as well as the speed of blood flow. On the one hand, blood pressure is influenced by the force with which the heart muscle contracts, on the other, by the resistance of the vascular walls. For a long and healthy life it is necessary to keep these indicators normal. At the same time, when in adulthood people are faced with pathology in this area, few people realize that all their problems very often originate from childhood. What was the blood pressure of a 12-year-old child? The norm for an adult is sometimes determined by the processes experienced in

Age factor and blood pressure

Blood pressure is a very unstable and highly dependent indicator, including on age. So, for example, after 50 years you can feel quite healthy, having a pressure of 150/90. This increase is considered physiological, it reflects the loss of elasticity of large vessels.

Conversely, a 12-year-old child may be demoted. This is the norm, and it is due to:

  • great elasticity of blood vessels;
  • their excellent cross-country ability;
  • widely branched capillary network.

However, after a very short period of time, the so-called "adolescent hypertension" can be observed, which is also a physiological norm and is explained by the increased work of the heart.

All these changes occur completely asymptomatic and are usually noticed by chance during routine medical examinations. With the gradual maturation of the child, the pressure normalizes without special treatment... This happens by the age of twenty.

Thus, the pressure in a 12-year-old child (his norm) is unstable. Sometimes adolescent abnormalities in blood pressure are a harbinger of future vascular problems in their adult life. That is why the variable pressure in adolescents should be monitored until a certain age, when the diagnosis can be either withdrawn or confirmed as a pathology.

Lowering blood pressure at puberty

Often adolescents complain of fatigue, sweating in the armpits and palms, throbbing headache, for example, when getting out of bed in the morning, dizziness. At the same time, the pressure is sometimes 90/50 and even lower, These signs can be a signal serious illness but may be common age-related manifestations.

Should blood pressure drop in a 12-year-old child? There is no norm for this phenomenon, but it happens quite often.

It is dangerous to use "invigorating" caffeine for children, it is better to get a good night's sleep, although it is optimal not to self-medicate, but to visit a doctor's office.

In order to establish trouble in time, it is good to have a tonometer in the house and learn how to measure pressure correctly. Better not to use for this electrical appliance- it does not always give correct results.

Adolescent hypertension

This is not always associated with disease. At this age, the body prepares for hormonal changes, and therefore increases its sensitivity to everything: to the weather, physical overload (even climbing stairs), emotional factors and other irritants.

Usually, in such cases, the upper rises, and it quickly returns to normal after the abolition of the provoking cause. In such cases, it is enough to rest, lie down, calm down.

If the pressure in a 12-year-old teenager is often violated, moreover, this phenomenon is accompanied by headache, weakness, tinnitus, then urgent consultation with a narrow specialist is needed. In some cases, even at the age of 12, a diagnosis of hypertension can be made.

Such a child is instructed to observe the regimen, eliminate stress, exercise, move a lot, especially in the fresh air, be sure to remove excess weight, and completely eliminate salt for a while.

How to determine the normal blood pressure of a 12-year-old child

The correct answer would be 120/70. Sometimes the lower number is 80, which is also considered the norm. For boys, the average is always lower than for girls, but as they get older, this difference disappears.

May indicate a weakening of the body, fatigue, lack of sleep. Sometimes it is accompanied by dizziness.

What pressure is considered to be high at 12 years old? Most often it is expressed in numbers 130/80. The reason may be stress, physical inactivity, excess body weight, abuse of salty foods. Sometimes blood pressure rises during puberty due to hormonal imbalance.

12 years? Its rate is determined by a special formula. To get the top figure, you need to add the child's age multiplied by two to 80 (90). The lower digit is 2/3 of the upper value. In our version: 80 (90) + 24 = 104 (114) is the upper number, and 104 (114): 3 = 70 (75) is the lower one.

Non-physiological causes of deviation from the norm

Not always adolescent deviations in blood pressure figures are physiologically explainable. Sometimes this is a sign of a serious illness. Studies of doctors, conducted throughout the day, recorded that the pressure in adolescents jumped by at least in 30% of all surveyed. This figure almost corresponds to the standard among adults. It is recommended from time to time for one to two weeks to take regular measurements of the child's pressure, so as not to miss the onset of the disease. Finding a persistent increase in blood pressure of more than 135 units is a reason for contacting a pediatrician. 12 years of age may indicate kidney disease (eg, narrowing of the renal artery), heart disease, or endocrine disorders. Even primary hypertension should be corrected by a doctor - it does not always “grow out of itself”, it can turn into a chronic disease.

First of all, you need:

  • adjust the child's daily routine, especially the alternation of loads;
  • establish normal sleep (from eight to nine hours);
  • set aside time for daily walks for two to three hours;
  • ensure regular physical activity without much stress;
  • limit sweet, starchy and fatty foods;
  • minimize salt intake.

Instead of this:

  • consume lean protein daily;
  • berries;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • a variety of cereals;
  • foods rich in potassium and magnesium (beans, cucumbers, currants, apricots, zucchini);
  • very healthy rosehip tea.

Blood pressure(BP) is an important indicator of health. It is not the same all the time and can fluctuate throughout the day for various reasons:

  • from stress;
  • from physical activity;
  • from weather changes (the effect of atmospheric pressure on blood pressure can be found in this article).

A slight deviation is considered normal if it happens sporadically and blood pressure returns to normal on its own.

What is "blood pressure"

Heart pressure, as it is mistakenly called in everyday life, blood pressure, is the pressure of blood on the vascular walls. It is especially high in the arteries. Its level depends on the strength of heart contractions, their number per unit of time (the rate of this indicator is described here), blood viscosity (you can read in detail about thick blood in this article) and its total volume, elasticity of blood vessels. When the muscle of the heart contracts, blood is released, and the walls of the vessels resist it. The heart works without interruption, the pressure in it rises when the blood is pumped. When it is released, the heart muscle relaxes and the pressure drops.

Indicators such as systolic pressure (upper) and diastolic (lower) are measured. The first result is obtained at the time of systole (heart contraction), the second - during diastole (relaxation). You can learn about the method of measuring blood pressure in this article.

The value of blood pressure is expressed as a double value in the form of a fraction: the systolic is written at the top, and the diastolic is at the bottom. The unit of measurement is mm Hg.

The difference between the upper and lower is called the pulse pressure.

You can read about the reasons for the increase in lower pressure here.

Norms by age

It used to be thought that normal blood pressure can increase with age. If for young people it should be 120/80, then for a person from 60 years old, a value of 150/90 was allowed. Today, doctors say that there are no age-specific norms for pressure for adults. Normal blood pressure is the same for everyone, with the exception of children.

What blood pressure is considered normal

A pressure of 120/80 mm Hg is considered ideal for an adult. The table below reflects the official guidelines that medical professionals adhere to.

If low blood pressure does not pose a particular danger, then high blood pressure causes great concern among doctors, since its consequences are much more severe. According to many doctors, with increased normal blood pressure, the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular diseases increases, so the range from 130/85 to 139/89 is called prehypertension. With an increase in blood pressure from 120/80 to 140/90, the likelihood of stroke increases 2 times, over 140/90 - 4 times. And this is especially true for men. They have a higher tendency to cardiovascular diseases, and they begin to get sick earlier than women (men from 35, women from 50).

Thus, we can conclude that if earlier the pressure of 139/89 was considered normal, then today it is extremes.

The increase in pressure with age is considered natural, since age-related changes occur in the vessels, which become denser and less elastic. Nevertheless, doctors still recommend lowering blood pressure to normal values.

The norm in pregnant women

Up to 6 months, the pressure should be normal, that is, be the same as in non-pregnant women.

In the future, due to hormonal changes, it can increase, but by no more than 10 units. Pressure surges are usually observed with gestosis. With a persistent increase in blood pressure during gestation, treatment is required.

You can read about low blood pressure in pregnant women here.

The norm in children and adolescents

In childhood, the level of blood pressure depends on age: the older the child, the higher it is. In addition, it can be influenced by existing malformations, the state of the nervous system, vascular tone and other factors. For children under 10 years old inclusive, the following standards apply:

  • in a newborn (up to two weeks) - from 60/40 to 96/50;
  • at 4 weeks - from 80/40 to 112/74;
  • from two months to a year - from 90/50 to 112/74;
  • from two to three years - from 100/60 to 112/74;
  • from three to five - from 100/60 to 116/76;
  • from six to ten - from 100/60 to 122/78.

After 10 years, hormonal changes begin in the body, fast growth bones and all organs, increases muscle mass... With the entry into adolescence (11-12 years old), such indicators as upper and lower pressure change in children. The limits at this age are 110 / 70-126 / 82. At the age of 13-15, blood pressure in adolescents becomes the same as in an adult, that is, it can reach 135/85.

How to measure

To receive accurate results the pressure must be measured correctly (you can learn about the methods for measuring blood pressure in this article). Its value depends on many factors, namely on physical and emotional stress. Therefore, ideally, you need to measure it in the morning without getting out of bed. In other cases, you need to rest for about 10 minutes before the procedure. The tonometer should be at the level of the heart, put your hand in the cuff horizontally at the same level. To obtain a more reliable result, you need to measure blood pressure 2-3 times with a short interval and calculate the average value. Together in blood pressure, the pulse is measured.

A tonometer is used to measure blood pressure. There are mechanical (mercury and aneroid) and electronic (semi-automatic and automatic) devices. In mechanical dial models, air is pumped into the cuff manually, the tones are heard using a phonendoscope, the result can be seen on the dial.

The oldest are mercury blood pressure monitors, which are practically not used today. They are bulky, require skill in use and careful handling, as there is a possibility of damage to the bulb. Modern mechanical blood pressure monitors are compact and more convenient to use. In general, mechanical instruments are considered to be durable, reliable, and accurate. A big plus is that their work and the result are not affected in any way by interference, such as conversation, hand movement, and others.

Electronic devices are very easy to use and do not require skills. The air is pumped by the device for automatic and manually for semiautomatic devices. The results (upper blood pressure, lower blood pressure and pulse) are shown on the display. Rather, they are intended to measure blood pressure at home. In medical institutions, as a rule, they are not used.


Pressure must be monitored throughout life, since there are a lot of people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies, and high level Blood pressure is directly related to the development of dangerous complications. The main thing for a person is a way of life. In most cases, only weight loss and salt restriction lead to a noticeable drop in blood pressure.

All articles about blood pressure

Heart rate in women

Lower and upper blood pressure

  • Joint treatment
  • Slimming
  • Varicose veins
  • Nail fungus
  • Fight wrinkles
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)

Blood pressure norms in children

Age, gender and type of nervous system have a significant impact on blood pressure, which varies depending on the time of the day and physical activity. Average values ​​are 120/80 mm Hg. Art. refer exclusively to adults with a formed body. A baby, a schoolboy and a teenager are different categories patients who need a special approach. Knowing how the circulatory system works at a certain age can avoid many serious pathologies... If the child complains of weakness, headache, rapid fatigue and absent-mindedness, the first step to treatment will be to measure blood pressure.

What is blood pressure

Blood in the body moves every second through a system of tubes of various diameters, providing each organ with useful substances and the amount of oxygen it needs. The driving mechanism is the heart, which plays the role of a living pump. Due to the contraction of the muscle fibers of the myocardium, blood is released into the arteries. The pressure level in them is called arterial.

With the classical measurement of blood pressure, two types of it are obtained:

  • systolic (upper) - develops during the period of maximum contraction of the heart muscle;
  • diastolic (lower) - characterizes the passive movement of blood through the vessels during diastole.

After an intense contraction of the heart (systole), the period of diastole begins, when the myocardium completely relaxes. Knowing the lower and upper blood pressure, you can set the pulse pressure. This is the difference between the two, which is normally 40-60 mm Hg. Art. An equally important indicator in the diagnosis of heart disease is the pulse rate, which should not exceed 70–80 beats / min.

How to correctly measure blood pressure in a child

Tonometers are mechanical, semi-automatic and automatic. To get the most accurate readings, it is better to use a classic blood pressure monitor, which consists of a shoulder cuff, a blower, a simple phonendoscope, and a pressure gauge. The first such measurement is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a physician, as there is a risk of developing the wrong technique. The pediatrician will quickly set the level of air injection and, based on years of experience, will be able to answer your questions.

  • bare the shoulder, tighten the cuff 2 cm above the elbow, bend slightly elbow joint so that the middle of the shoulder is at the level of the heart;
  • place the phonendoscope membrane in the cubital fossa, wait for the onset of pronounced pulsation;
  • by active squeezing of the pear, inject the cuff with air to the mark on the pressure gauge of 60 mm Hg. Art. and so on, until the ripple stops;
  • stop pumping, open the valve on the pear and gently release the air from the cuff;
  • the appearance of pulse tones indicates the upper level of blood pressure, and the time of disappearance of the last tone is an indicator of the lower limit;
  • complete the procedure by releasing air from the cuff, which is then removed and wait 5-10 minutes for re-measurement.

Such a procedure is done in the first half of the day, not less than an hour after eating and active exercise, during the procedure, the patient should be in a calm state. It is necessary to purchase a device with a cuff of the appropriate size in advance, attempts to tighten the cuff that are too large may lead to incorrect results. Babies are very restless, it is easier for them to measure blood pressure using an electronic tonometer.

Norms for a baby up to 1 year old

Children's arteries are more elastic, due to which the vascular tone in the baby is somewhat lower. Rapid growth leads to a constant increase in blood pressure throughout the first year of life. Vascular tone increases, the walls of arteries and veins become stronger.

Normal rates vary throughout the year:

  • for a newborn 60–96 / 40–50 mm Hg. Art .;
  • at the end of the first month of life 80–112 / 40–74 mm Hg. Art .;
  • in children 2–12 months, according to the generally accepted table, indicators can fluctuate within 90–112 / 50–74 mm Hg. Art.

Could have one month old baby pressure like his one-year-old neighbor? It is not surprising that blood pressure rates in one month and in one year practically coincide. Each baby develops in its own way. Some children can be distinguished by a gradual increase in blood pressure, while others have a rapid development of cardiovascular vascular system.

What should be the pressure in a child at 2-3 years old

An increased interest in the world around us requires noticeable efforts from the child's body. The crumb is constantly moving, spending a large amount of energy. In 2-3 years, indicators range from 100/60 mm Hg. Art. up to 112/74 mm Hg. Art. The heart muscle contracts with renewed vigor, due to which the blood moves faster, providing organs and tissues with new beneficial substances. BP depends on heredity, physical activity and the state of the circulatory system at the moment.

Pressure norms in children aged 4-5 years

The body is still forming, and therefore, fluctuations in indicators within the range of 100-110 / 65-75 mm Hg are possible. Art. At this age, most preschoolers begin to attend Kindergarten... In winter, many preschoolers are prone to infectious diseases, which has a significant effect on vascular tone. Moving away from home and meeting with caregivers is a serious stress, leading to vasospasm.

Blood pressure indicators in children aged 6–12 years

Younger and middle school age is always associated with serious psychological stress. Training program requires considerable effort from the student. In addition to good grades, most children do their best to please teachers and classmates.

The pressure in the child should be compared with the norms for age:

  • at 6-9 years old 105 / 120-70 / 80 mm Hg. Art., the indicators are more or less stable and depend little on gender;
  • at 10–12 years old 110/120–75/80 mm Hg. Art., due to more early start puberty in girls, rates may be slightly higher.

11–12 years are the borderline between childhood and adolescence. Due to the acceleration, some children begin to grow vigorously. The increase in bones in length with the slow development of internal organs creates an additional load on the vessels. Moderate exercise will help strengthen the heart muscle and stabilize the nervous system.

Pressure norms in adolescents aged 13-16

An easy and cloudless adolescence is more of a happy exception to the rule than the norm. Due to intensive growth and active puberty, the circulatory system is forced to work in an enhanced mode. Teenagers are by nature very suspicious. High or low blood pressure in them most often has a neurogenic nature and is easily normalized with the help of sedative infusions.

The norms of blood pressure in adolescents are:

  • at 13-15 years old varies in the range of 110-120 / 75-80 mm Hg. Art .;
  • at 15-16 years old, the indicators correspond to the norms for adults 115-120 / 70-80 mm Hg. Art.

In men after 16 years of age, the indicators are slightly higher than in women. People who systematically go in for sports have stronger hearts and blood vessels that are resistant to adverse factors external environment... Thin adolescents are more likely to be hypotonic, and overweight adolescents are prone to atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Causes and symptoms of high blood pressure

Before suspecting the hypertension of your child, it is worth remembering the hemodynamic parameters that are normal for him. If a child felt great all his life, having 105/70 mm Hg. Art., then even indicators of 115/80 can cause symptoms of hypertension in him. One cup of coffee that is safe for an adult can lead to an increase in blood pressure in a baby, like a scratched knee or a broken toy.

The symptoms of hypertension are reflected in the baby's behavior:

  • he becomes irritable;
  • does not want to communicate with anyone;
  • says "I have a headache and a heartache";
  • complains of feeling unwell;
  • refuses toys.

To normalize vascular tone enough rest and good sleep. During an exacerbation, it is better to abstain from school for a day or two. If the symptoms of hypertension appear only during training and disappear on weekends, this is a reason to think. It can be difficult for a student to study, and he needs additional classes... Less commonly, hypertension occurs against the background of endocrine pathologies, heart or kidney damage.

What plants have hypotensive properties?

Stuffing your child with potent pills is completely unsafe. In the case of a pronounced increase in blood pressure, one should go to the hospital, where appropriate treatment will be selected for him. A calm environment is needed to improve the effectiveness of therapy. Constant quarrels between parents, poor living conditions and conflicts in school or kindergarten can lead to hypertension.

To cope with the first symptoms of the disease, it is worth resorting to medicinal plants, the most popular of them are:

  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • viburnum;
  • cowberry;
  • cranberry;
  • mint.

Herbal remedies work well for high blood pressure caused by severe stress. Hypertensive crisis able to impress even small children, which should be remembered by caring parents. In this case, for first aid, you need to use half a tablet of "Andipal" or "Nifedipine" based on weight. Proper nutrition, physical activity and walks in the fresh air contribute to a quick recovery from illness.

Causes and symptoms of low blood pressure

Signs of hypertension are common among children and adolescents. For most of them, the work of the circulatory system is normalized by the onset of maturity. Due to the uneven load during the day (in the morning cartoons, and in the evening an essay), there is a rapid depletion of the body's resources. If the son or daughter does not have good academic performance, it is impractical to send the child to a specialized school, since increased requirements lead to severe stress... Sometimes hypotension can occur on its own against the background increased growth in adolescence.

Symptoms for hypotension:

  • cerebrovascular accident - oppressive pain in the temples, dizziness, a feeling of heaviness;
  • increased susceptibility to weather changes, magnetic storms;
  • decreased cognitive functions (memory impairment, decreased concentration, lack of motivation);
  • fatigue, weakness, drowsiness during the day;
  • pressing pain in the region of the heart, palpitations, feeling short of breath, yawning;
  • always cold extremities, tingling in the legs.

Due to the constant employment, not every parent is able to notice the first signs of hypotension. If their child looks sickly, complains about increased fatigue, pale and apathetic is a wake-up call. It is worth measuring his pulse and body temperature, as well as passing a general blood and urine test.

How to increase blood pressure naturally?

Hypotensive adults are practically inseparable from coffee. You should not give a strong drink to a teenager, and even more so to a preschooler. Coffee has only a short-term effect, after an hour or two all symptoms return. Drinks containing caffeine have a detrimental effect on the heart and blood vessels in the unformed child's body... It is better to give the child a weak tea or give a slice of dark chocolate.

Among the plants that increase blood pressure, there are:

  • eleutherococcus;
  • ginseng;
  • lemongrass.

Their tinctures are sold in every pharmacy. To increase blood circulation in the brain, you should move as much as possible, get more rest and be less nervous. It is useful to attend dance, athletics section or rhythmic gymnastics classes. Asthenic children with poor academic performance are often prescribed nootropic drugs, among them: "Piracetam", "Cinnarizin", "Phenibut" and others.

Low blood pressure is considered to be below 100/60 mm Hg. Art.

The main symptoms of low blood pressure are drowsiness, weakness, and dizziness. To increase it, you can drink a cup of strong tea or coffee. If the described complaints persist for several days against a background of low pressure, that is, excluding others possible reasons the appearance of the above symptoms, such as, for example, a change in the weather, a cold, overwork - it is necessary to consider the issue of correcting therapy.

It should be understood that the same symptoms can develop in patients who have normalized blood pressure, for example, up to 120/80 mm Hg. after the long-existing figures of 170-180 mm Hg. In this case, you must understand that this condition is temporary and it takes some time for the cardiovascular system to adapt to new conditions. Unfortunately, many patients are afraid of such symptoms and believe that this pressure is low for them, as a result, they stop taking medications, thereby dooming themselves to the development of complications of hypertension.

Systolic ("upper") pressure below 60 mm Hg is considered dangerous. With this pressure, urine filtration in the kidneys stops and renal failure may develop, not to mention a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the brain and heart, in such cases an ambulance must be called.

In conclusion, it must be said that especially for young women who do not have sufficient physical activity, low blood pressure is very characteristic. And in such cases, playing sports has a very beneficial effect on this situation. In addition, you can use preparations containing Ginseng, they tone up and can somewhat normalize blood pressure.

Your baby began to often complain of headaches, weakness, general malaise - study the pressure rate in children . In the table you will understand what the child's blood pressure should be.

The rate of child pressure is quite different for children of different ages. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rate of blood pressure in children, the reason for its change and how to deal with it.

What is blood pressure?

The human circulatory system, like children, consists of the heart and blood vessels. Blood, moving through the vessels, transfers to tissues nutrients and oxygen. The heart promotes the movement of blood through circulatory system as it contracts, it pumps blood into the arteries. Therefore, the pressure is called arterial pressure.

And as you already understood, blood pressure (BP) is the force of the effect of blood on the vessels.

What are the ways to control blood pressure?

There are two types of blood pressure measurement:

  • Invasive- it is used when a probe or sensor is inserted into an artery.
  • Non-invasive- an indirect type of pressure measurement.

Indirect pressure control methods include:

  1. Palpation measurement- is used with special skills. The doctor presses the artery and finds the point of maximum pulse and minimum pulse.
  2. Auscultatory measurement Is the most common way. Instruments are used for measurement: tonometer, manometer, stethoscope.
  3. Oscillometric measurement- measurement of blood pressure using an automatic tonometer.
  4. Doppler measurement- measurement of systolic pressure using ultrasound.

Auscultatory blood pressure measurement by the Korotkov method

Which is the best technique? Perhaps the use of blood pressure monitors and manometers. They made it possible to find out the blood pressure of their child right at home, without medical assistance. How much does such a device cost? You can ask at any pharmacy. But you still need to remember about the rules for measuring blood pressure in childhood.

How to correctly measure blood pressure in children?

Rules for measuring pressure in children and features

When you start measuring, keep an eye on the following factors:

  • For a toddler aged two years and under, measurements are taken lying down, older child (for example, at the age of 4) maybe sit.
  • When measuring, hands should lie on the table, but not in any way hang.
  • The angle from shoulder to hand should be ninety degrees.
  • The cuff should be no more than ¾ from the elbow to the armpit.
  • There should be a gap between the cuff and the arm. adult finger.
  • The phonendoscope (she is a listener) must be placed on the inner side of the bend of the elbow - watch the beginning and end of the ripple- these will be the indicators of the baby's pressure.

There is a formula for calculating the norm: the age of the baby, multiplied by two + 80 - get the upper norm, the lower one will be about half or two thirds.

Useful video:

The rate of pressure in children and factors of its change

Out of normal pressure can be caused by the following factors:

  • Body type.
  • Activity.
  • Mood.
  • Weather.
  • Salt in food.
  • Child's height.
  • Birth (on time or later).

We propose to consider the generally accepted rate of blood pressure by age in the form of a table.

Hell by age
Age categoryUpperLower
Minimum allowableMaximum allowableMinimum allowableMaximum allowable
Up to 2 weeks60 96 40 50
2 to 4 weeks80 112 40 74
2 to 12 months90 112 50 74
2 to 3 years old100 112 60 74
3-5 years old100 116 60 76
6-9 years old100 122 60 78
12 to 10 years old110 126 70 82
13 to 15 years old110 140 70 86

Let us consider separately the blood pressure rate for each age category.

BP is normal in infants and up to 1 year

The baby's vessels are much more elastic, therefore, the pressure indicators in newborns are much lower than in adults.

At birth, the baby's blood pressure will be about 60-40, but by one year it will rise to 80-45.

BP increases as the vascular tone of the baby increases.

There is also a special formula for calculating the upper norm in an infant: the number of weeks lived must be multiplied by two + 76.

When measuring with an infant, do not forget about the following rules.:

  • Be sure to use baby cuff- its width can vary from 3 to 5 cm.
  • Take measurements three times in a row with intervals of 3-5 minutes... The smallest numbers will be the most reliable.
  • It is necessary to measure when the baby lies.

Do not worry if the indicators are not normal, you may have taken the wrong measurements for the baby.

Normal blood pressure in children at 2-3 years old

In the first year of life, the child's pressure is actively growing, however, starting from the second year, the increase in pressure decreases markedly. The normal upper pressure for babies aged 2 to 3 years is 100-112, and the diastolic pressure is from 60 to 74, respectively.

Calculation formula for two or three year old child next: 90 + age (in years) multiplied by two, lower blood pressure: 60 + age of the baby.

Increased blood pressure is considered, which keeps more than normal for a couple of weeks.

Blood pressure rate - from 3 to 5 years

The dynamics of blood pressure is practically absent. Here, for a baby, the norm is blood pressure in the range of 100 to 60. When measuring blood pressure, please note that it will reach its maximum value during the day and night part of the day... From morning to evening pressure will decrease.

The formula for measuring pressure is the same as above.

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Normal blood pressure in a child 6-9 years old

If you look at the table above, you will see that the upper blood pressure in children of 6, 7, 8, and 9 years old practically does not change, the indicators of lower pressure increase slightly. Normal blood pressure for a seven-year-old child would be 110/70.

If the deviations from the norm are insignificant, do not panic, this is due to changes in the child's life: studying at school, emotional stress.

BP is normal in a child 10-12 years old

Normal blood pressure in a 10-year-old child depends on his gender. At this age, children begin to mature. This is more true for girls, since the development of the girl begins earlier than that of the boy. For a 10 year old girl, slightly increased numbers will be considered normal.

Doctors allow an increase in blood pressure indicators at this age up to 120. If such indicators are observed in a child for more than three weeks, contact a therapist for help.

Normal blood pressure in girls and boys from 13 to 15 years

What should be the BP in a teenager at the age of 13? Blood pressure is most unstable in children at this particular age. An increase in school workload, stress, and frequent spending time at the computer can cause both increased and decreased blood pressure. Art is the norm. pressure within 136-86 mm r. Art.

In adolescents at the age of 14, their pulse often quickens, they lose consciousness, feel dizziness and frequent headaches.

Heart rate rate in children depending on age

These symptoms do not always go away by the age of 16 and older, therefore it is recommended to visit a doctor.

Why does blood pressure rise in children?

Increased blood pressure - natural physiological process, which can be caused by natural factors:

  • Stressful situation.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Injury.

Also, an increase in pressure can be caused by pathologies or serious diseases. If the doctor sees a deviation from the pressure norm during the examination, you will be prescribed additional examinations.

The most common diseases, which provoke an increase in pressure, are discussed in the table below.

Main reasons
Disease of the kidney tissue, which is caused by:Glomerulonephritis - the glomeruli of the kidneys become inflamed, changes in the glomeruli of the kidneys.
Hydronephrosis - enlargement of the pelvis in the kidneys.
Disease of the vascular system, which is caused by:Violation of the development of the aorta.
Vasculitis is an inflammation of the vessel lining.
Reduction of arterioles in the kidneys.
Disease of the endocrine system, which is caused by:Hyperthyroidism.
Disease of the nervous system, which is caused by:The development of tumors.
Infectious and inflammatory diseases.
Violations caused by taking the following drugs:Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.
Pills to reduce hunger.
Other factors:Tobacco smoking.
Drinking alcoholic beverages.
Lead or mercury poisoning.

Why does the child's blood pressure go down?

Low blood pressure is normal for a child if he is not uncomfortable. The reason for this phenomenon is considered a feature of the nervous system.

There are also pathological cases of pressure changes, they are shown in the table below.

Main reasonsDiseases that caused an increase in blood pressure
Pathology of the course of pregnancyMother, while carrying a child, suffered somatic diseases.
Infection in the mother's body during pregnancy.
External factorsPhysical activity - passing the standards at school.
Socio-economic living conditions.
Bad daytime.
Child developmentImbalance to hormones between the ages of 11 and 14.
Personality characteristics - the child is emotionally unstable, hysterical.

These factors are externally manifested as follows.:

  • The child is weak.
  • Activity drops.
  • Appetite disappears.
  • Fainting and frequent dizziness.

In case of deviation from the norm of blood pressure, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Ways to normalize blood pressure in children

The normalization of the child's pressure depends on whether the blood pressure is increased or decreased. If you do not know how to bring the child's pressure back to normal, see the table below.

Bringing the pressure back to normal
Primary hypertension (caused by overload)Normalization of the daily routine.
Reducing psychological stress.
Decreased physical activity.
Refraining from staying at the computer for a long time.
Taking sedatives (as prescribed by the doctor).
Secondary (pathological) hypertensionTreatment of the cardiovascular system.
Control over the endocrine system - taking medications and foods rich in iron.
Physiological hypotensionIncrease in outdoor activities.
Normalization of physical activity.
Pathological hypotensionTaking medications.
Classes with a psychologist.
Control of fluid consumed per day.
Drinking tea and coffee.

Consequences of frequent changes in blood pressure in a child

Frequent drops are very harmful to babies.

Symptoms of hypertension in children

The following organs are primarily affected:

  • Heart- you can get it ischemic disease, heart attack.
  • Violations brain activity.
  • Deterioration vision, blindness is possible.
  • Disease kidney.

Preventing these problems in a child is much more difficult than in an adult. The kid rarely complains, and parents do not pay attention in time to individual manifestations of arterial hypertension.


It is important to monitor the child's blood pressure even before complaints are received. It is recommended to take blood pressure measurements on a monthly basis and compare them with the table norm. By seeing a deviation from the norm, you can prevent the development of terrible chronic diseases at your child.

How to measure pressure correctly for a child.

Blood pressure is an indicator that depends on a person's age. The smallest values ​​are recorded in newborns (in the first 4 weeks), when blood pressure is in the range of 60–80 to 40–50 mm Hg. Art.

As the work of blood vessels and the heart changes, associated with the transition to pulmonary breathing, blood pressure also increases - during the first year it can reach a value of 90 to 70 mm Hg. Art., but more often lies in the lower limits.

Normal child pressure from 1-2 to 8-9 years is about 100 to 70 mm Hg. Art. Then it gradually grows and by the age of 15 it enters the "adult" boundaries.

Children are also characterized by rather large fluctuations in pressure, often they are up to 20-25 mm Hg. Art., which is associated with increased activity of the child.

Neonatologists, district pediatricians and pediatric cardiologists deal with problems with blood pressure under the age of 18.

Normal blood pressure in children

Immediately after childbirth, the child is recorded the most low level Blood pressure, which grows as quickly as possible (on average, up to 2 units per day) during the first weeks. In the future, the growth rate slows down.

In pediatric practice, in contrast to the adult population, there is no single normal level of pressure - indicators that are registered in 90–94% of children are taken abroad.

Table by child's age, including physiological fluctuations:

Also, normal blood pressure in children of different ages can be obtained using formulas for calculating:

Physiological boundaries of fluctuations with the formula calculation system - up to 30 units in the direction of increase.

Speaking about the norm, it should be noted that it is always individual, especially in relation to childhood... Many factors will affect the child's pressure level:

  1. Place of residence (in a mountainous or tropical climate, a natural decrease in blood pressure is observed).
  2. The amount of salt in food (for children during the period breastfeeding- saline preferences of the mother).
  3. Time of birth (in children born before the term, blood pressure is lower).
  4. Activity (the more active the child is, the higher his pressure is in the younger period, and with regular sports loads in older children, a physiological decrease in blood pressure develops).
  5. Compliance with the measurement technique.
  6. Height (the taller the child, the higher the pressure).

In order to facilitate the use of tables with age and sex standards, there is a rule in pediatrics:

  • consider admissible blood pressure for the first 10 years, figures up to 110 by 70 mm Hg. Art .;
  • after 10 years - up to 120 to 80 mm Hg. Art.

When this rate of blood pressure in children is violated, this is a reason to use formulas and tables to make sure that there is no pathology.

Sex differences

Not always present, but it must be borne in mind that, depending on the sex of the child, there may be differences in blood pressure:

  • from birth to the end of the first year, the level of pressure in girls and boys is the same;
  • then, in girls, it gradually increases, reaching a maximum difference by 3-4 years;
  • at the age of five, the indicators are compared;
  • from five to ten years, the level of pressure of girls is again higher than that of boys;
  • after the age of 10, boys are in the lead, this primacy persists until the age of 17.

Why does blood pressure decrease in children?

Low blood pressure can be a physiological norm. This is due to the peculiarities of the function of the nervous system, when its parasympathetic part is more active. In this variant, against the background of a decrease in blood pressure, there are no disturbances in the general well-being of the child.

Pathological decrease in blood pressure has its negative manifestations:

  1. Weakness.
  2. Decreased activity.
  3. Appetite problems.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Various intensity of pain in the head.
  6. Tendency to collapse and fainting.
  7. Vegetative disorders.

The reason for this condition is a violation of the pressure regulation system, which increases under the influence of external factors:

  • pathology of the course of pregnancy (somatic diseases in the mother, infections, the action of harmful agents, etc.);
  • premature birth;
  • increased level of intracranial cerebrospinal fluid pressure;
  • chronic infectious and inflammatory foci;
  • personal characteristics ( emotional instability, hysteria);
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • unfavorable socio-economic conditions;
  • insufficient level of physical activity;
  • violation of the regime of activity and rest;
  • a period of high instability of hormone levels (11-14 years).

Why does blood pressure rise?

Under certain conditions, an increase in pressure is a physiological norm. This is how it happens:

  • in any stressful situation when the emotional background is increased;
  • during and immediately after intense physical activity;
  • in cases of injury.

A feature of this state is the temporary nature of the pressure change.

In the case of pathological primary arterial hypertension in children, a moderate level of pressure increase ("mild hypertension") is noted. High blood pressure figures indicate a secondary genesis of pathology.

There are often no symptoms of pressure changes. This is an accidental finding during a routine examination.

If high blood pressure is detected, it is necessary to assign the child an additional examination to clarify the reason:

Glomerulosclerosis - transformation of kidney tissue into connective tissue

Nephropathy of any genesis

Hydronephrosis - an increase in the renal calyx-pelvis system with compression of the glomeruli and a gradual "shutdown" of the organ

Underdevelopment of kidney tissue (hypoplasia)

Good and malignant neoplasms

Alport syndrome - combined pathology of the kidneys, hearing and vision

Developmental disorders of the aorta (coarctation, stenosis or underdevelopment of the abdominal part, open duct between the aorta and the pulmonary trunk)

Vasculitis - inflammatory process in the vascular wall of an autoimmune nature

Narrowing of the renal arteries

Takayasu's disease - vasculitis involving the aorta and large arteries

Increased adrenal cortex function (hyperaldosteronism)

Day-Riley disease - pathology of the nervous system with vegetative manifestations

Synthetic hormones of the adrenal cortex

Drugs to reduce appetite

Lead or mercury poisoning (heavy metals)

Features of the measurement technique

The measurement of pressure in children has its own characteristics, if they are violated, there is a high risk of misinterpretation of the result.

  1. The cuff width of the tonometer is at least 40% of the arm circumference.
  2. The cuff should cover the arm 80-100%.
  3. Measure on both hands.
  4. Multiplicity - at least two times.
  5. Control of blood pressure, if it changes, should be carried out at home in the morning and in the evening for one week.
  6. Do not measure immediately after feeding, active play or crying of the baby.
  7. The study should be done only in a lying or sitting position, after 20-30 minutes of rest.

Indications for daily measurement

In children, due to their increased activity and excitability, often to establish a diagnosis of pathological changes in blood pressure, measurements are taken during the day in order to avoid mistakes in diagnosis.

Indications for monitoring blood pressure at home for 24 hours:

Type 1 diabetes

Any kidney disease

After organ transplant (heart, kidney, or liver)

Assessment of the effect of treatment if there are pathological changes in other organs (kidneys, brain, heart)

Signs of symptomatic pressure reduction

Pressure in children

Healthy children are every parent's dream. But does every parent know about the characteristics of the body of his baby? What is normal for a newborn baby and what is normal for a teenager?

A child's body is different from an adult. Therefore, pediatricians have developed age norms for all vital signs of children: respiration, blood pressure, pulse, blood and urine tests. In this article, we will take a closer look at the normal blood pressure indicators in children of different ages.

1 Features of blood pressure in children

The pressure in children is lower than that of an adult. The "gold standard" for an adult is 120/80 mm Hg. completely unacceptable, for example, for a six-month-old crumbs. The pressure in children is lower, because in the child's body the capillary network is more developed, the vascular lumen is wider, the vascular tone regulation system is imperfect, and the vascular walls are more pliable, elastic.

Pressure in children

In the child's body, the autonomic nervous system is not fully formed, which has a direct effect on the regulation of blood pressure. As in an adult, systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) pressure is determined in children. Indicators are written through a fraction. Systolic characterizes how the blood presses on the vessels during the contraction of the heart, i.e. in systole. Diastolic determines how the blood presses on the vessels at the moment of relaxation of the heart, i.e. in diastole.

Its value depends on the tone, elasticity, peripheral vascular resistance, as well as the normal functioning of the kidneys, since the kidneys have a special mechanism that regulates blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is also called "heart", and diastolic - "renal". The pressure in a child largely depends on body weight, height, heredity. Obviously, a plump, strong man will have higher numbers than an asthenic child of his own age. Nutrition and lifestyle play an important role.

It should be understood that blood pressure is a labile, changing indicator, even over the course of a day, or even several hours. There are no rigid ones, but there are conditional norms. Deviations from these norms by 5-7 mm Hg. are not pathology.

Let us consider in more detail the norms of blood pressure in children by age.

2 Norms in newborns and children under one year old

Measurement of blood pressure in a newborn

In a newborn baby, blood pressure is calculated using the following formula: 76 / 0.5 from SBP. Approximately such figures, with deviations of 5-10 mm Hg. both up and down, can be determined by healthy child... As the newborn grows, all organs and systems develop, it will slightly increase, and by the end of the first month of life, the following figures will become the norm: systolic ADmm.Hg, diastolic blood pressure.

The neonatal period lasts 28 days. After this period, the pressure in a child under 1 year of age can be calculated using the following formula: 76 + 2m / 0.5 from SBP. SBP = 76 + 2m, where m is the number of months, DBP = 0.5 from SBP. By the year, the average indicators are as follows: / 50-60 mm Hg. It should be noted that blood pressure can fluctuate due to an increase in body temperature, room temperature, and changes in weather conditions.

It will increase in a child after feeding, active sucking, crying, gymnastics, laughter, physical exertion, and also decrease after sleep. All these factors must be taken into account when measuring.

3 Norms in children after a year

Measurement of blood pressure in children

For children after a year, the formula for calculating blood pressure is also derived: 90 + 2l / 60 + l. SBP = 90 + 2l, where l is the number of years, DBP = 60 + l. If in the first year of life, blood pressure increases very quickly, then after a year, by 2-3 years, its growth also occurs, but more smoothly, slowly. Conditional rates of systolic blood pressure for 2 years, diastolic blood pressure.

It should also be remembered when measuring that during the day and in the evening the numbers are usually higher than in the morning or at night. The lowest numbers are recorded at night and in the early morning.

In addition to formulas, which can be guided in calculations, there are special centile tables by age. They also take into account gender, height, weight and measured blood pressure level. If, according to the data in the table, taking into account the measurements of pressure, growth and other required values, the blood pressure indicators are within the range from the 10th to the 90th centile, this means that the blood pressure is within normal limits.

If the indicators are within the centiles - such values ​​are regarded as borderline hypertension, if above 95 centiles - arterial hypertension... Accordingly, if according to tabular norms, the pressure within the 5th to 10th centile is borderline hypotension (low pressure), if below 5 centiles, it is arterial hypotension.

An interesting fact is that up to 5 years of age blood pressure in boys and girls is approximately the same, upon reaching the age of 5 years and up to 9-10 years, blood pressure in boys is slightly higher. Blood pressure in healthy five-year-old children is approximately within the following boundaries (fluctuations of 5-10 mm Hg are permissible): boys / 65-70 mm Hg, girls / 60-68 mm Hg.

4 Norms in adolescence

Pressure norm in children 13 years old

Gathering (according to some sources from 11-17) a new stage begins in the life of children. This is the period of hormonal changes, puberty. It's called adolescent or transitional. This is an important, difficult stage in the life of a teenager. Most often, at this age, there are jumps above or below normal values. This is due to the following factors:

  • increased hormonal levels;
  • unstable psycho-emotional mood, stress;
  • imbalance of the autonomic nervous system. It is this imbalance that can cause the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia in the hypertensive or hypotonic type. The diagnosis of VSD is very common among adolescents.

Normal numbers of blood pressure in adolescents are considered to be / 70-85 mm Hg. To systematize the data obtained, a table of normal blood pressure numbers is given, taking into account the age of the child.

Blood pressure in children: normal indicators, reasons for increase and decrease

Blood pressure is different in different vessels. Arterial (pressure in the arteries) is higher than venous (pressure in the veins). The unit of measurement for blood pressure is millimeter mercury.

Blood pressure (BP) is divided into:

  • systolic, or diabetes mellitus (sometimes called by the people "upper") - blood pressure in arterial vessels during the period of contraction of the heart muscle;
  • diastolic, or DD ("lower") - blood pressure during relaxation of the heart muscle.

Blood pressure depends on the type (size or caliber) of the vessel: the larger the vessel, the higher the pressure. It is generally accepted to consider the pressure in the brachial artery as normal; it is in this artery that it is measured using a tonometer. Many literate patients know how to measure blood pressure and observe its changes, but not everyone knows what the normal pressure should be in children. Let's talk about this in this article, and also tell you about the causes and symptoms of an increase or decrease in blood pressure in babies.

Blood pressure also depends on age: what younger child, the lower the pressure. This is due to the fact that in small children, the walls of the vessels are more elastic, and the lumen of the vessels is wider, and the capillary network is more developed. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure increase with age.

Until about 5 years old, the pressure does not differ in children of different sexes, and from 5 years old - in girls it is slightly lower (up to about 9 years old). With age, the pressure reaches the level of 110/60 - 120/70, and then these indicators are kept for a long time.

Normal blood pressure in different ages the child can be calculated using special formulas. So, for infants, the calculation of diabetes is carried out according to the formula 76 + 2m (m is the child's age in months). After a year, normal diabetes is equal to 90 + 2 liters (l is the number of years of the child). The upper limit of the norm of diabetes is 105 + 2 liters, and the lower limit of the norm of diabetes is 75 + 2 liters.

Normally, DD in children of the first year of life is equal to from 2/3 to 1/2 of the systolic pressure, and after a year it is calculated according to the formula 60 + l (l - how old is the child). The upper limit of the DD norm is 75 + l, and the lower limit is 45+ l.

In children, both an increase in blood pressure (hypertension) and a decrease in blood pressure (hypotension) are quite often noted. This is especially true for puberty (puberty).

Causes of arterial hypertension in children

An increase in blood pressure occurs in 5-10% of children, more often in adolescence. Distinguish between primary and secondary (associated with any disease) arterial hypertension.

An example is the identification of high blood pressure in adolescents in the absence of another disease, a symptom of which could be hypertension. Such drops in blood pressure are noted in girls in flight, in boys at 14-15. In this case, an increase in blood pressure is associated with hormonal changes in the body in puberty, mainly with increased levels of aldosterone and adrenaline.

The vascular system as a result of exposure to hormones narrows, which leads to an increase in pressure. Most often, pressure in adolescence rises sporadically, but it can also be noted daily. At school age, high blood pressure is most often detected by chance.

The reason for the increase in pressure may be a violation of the daily regimen, insufficient sleep duration, increased physical (for example, sports) loads, excessively long time spent at the computer, psycho-emotional trauma and stressful situations. If you streamline the child's intellectual and physical activity and rest, then the pressure can return to normal.

If the maximum values ​​exceed 135 mm Hg, a detailed examination of the child is necessary to establish the cause of hypertension, since it may be one of the symptoms of a disease, other manifestations of which have not yet been identified. This can be caused by diseases of the endocrine system, kidneys, heart.

Secondary hypertension can be caused by:

  • violation of vascular tone due to the influence of the autonomic nervous system;
  • renal pathology (in 70% of cases);
  • endocrine pathology;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • brain damage;
  • poisoning.

Let us dwell on some of them in more detail.

Renal secondary hypertension

There are many reasons for the development of renal hypertension:

  • narrowing of the renal artery;
  • compression of the renal artery by a tumor or inflammatory tissue;
  • anomaly of kidney development;
  • inflammation of the kidney tissue (glomerulonephritis);
  • pyelonephritis (chronic or acute);
  • diabetic kidney damage and other causes.

Endocrine secondary hypertension

Endocrine pathology can also cause arterial hypertension:

  • hyperaldosteronism (primary or secondary) - increased production of the hormone aldosterone by the adrenal glands due to a tumor or benign growth of the adrenal cortex; secondary hyperaldosteronism also develops with a narrowing of the renal artery;
  • hypercortisolism or Itsenko-Cushing's disease (syndrome) - an increase in the function of the adrenal cortex, which develops with tumors of the pituitary gland or the adrenal cortex itself, with prolonged treatment with hormonal drugs (glucocorticoids);
  • adrenal tumor (pheochromocytoma), which secretes biologically active substances adrenaline and norepinephrine;
  • Graves' disease, or diffuse toxic goiter, is an autoimmune disease characterized by increased synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Cardiovascular secondary hypertension

Cardiovascular disease can also cause an increase in blood pressure:

  • narrowing of the isthmus of the aorta;
  • congenital heart disease - non-closure of the botallov's duct: blood pressure rises due to an increase in the minute blood volume.

Brain lesions

Damage to the brain during a tumor process, with trauma or as a result of inflammation of the brain substance (encephalitis) can also cause an increase in blood pressure, among other symptoms.


Poisoning with poisonous substances (arsenic, mercury, etc.) can cause an increase in blood pressure along with other symptoms.

Symptoms of arterial hypertension in children

Vegetovascular dystonia often occurs at school age. Such children are emotionally labile, irritable, often complain of headache, pain in the region of the heart, increased fatigue. On examination, in addition to an increase in pressure, an increase in heart rate is noted, and heart murmurs can be heard.

At an earlier age, hypertension is usually asymptomatic. In rare cases, it leads to a delay in the physical development of the baby, the appearance of signs of heart failure, shortness of breath, increased excitability and even seizures.

Kidney disorders

Renal hypertension is characterized by its stability, the predominance of an increase in diastolic pressure, resistance to drug treatment and manifestations of the underlying disease of the child's excretory system.

Symptoms of endocrine arterial hypertension

  • Hyperaldosteronism, in addition to high blood pressure, leads to a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood; children complain of headache and dizziness, vision is impaired, an increase in the daily amount of urine appears, a predominant excretion of urine at night, severe thirst, diarrhea, the child's growth slows down;
  • hypercortisolism or Itsenko-Cushing's disease (syndrome) manifests itself, in addition to increasing blood pressure, slowing growth, obesity, an increase in the number of all shaped elements blood, density rarefaction bone tissue(osteoporosis), acne, increased hair growth;
  • a tumor of the adrenal gland (pheochromocytoma) is manifested by attacks of increased blood pressure, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, pallor of the child. Thirst, an increase in the daily amount of urine may also be noted;
  • a child with Graves' disease will have bad dream, rapid fatigability, unstable mood, sweating, slight fever, trembling of fingers, tongue, eyelids. The pulse is speeded up even during sleep, the systolic pressure rises, and the diastolic pressure is lowered. The appetite is increased, and the child is losing weight.

"Cardiological" hypertension

This hypertension also has some differences.

With a narrowing of the aortic isthmus, an increase in blood pressure has its own characteristics: on the upper limbs there is an increased blood pressure, and on the lower ones it is reduced, the pulsation on the legs is not palpable.

At congenital defects of the heart, symptoms of circulatory disorders and signs of a specific type of defect come to the fore, hypertension is noted among other symptoms.

Brain damage

Disorders in the work of the brain during a tumor process, with trauma or as a result of inflammation of the brain substance (encephalitis) are manifested by symptoms of each specific disease, hypertension is one of the manifestations of the disease.

Causes of arterial hypotension in children

Blood pressure can also decrease for a short time in healthy children at different times of the day (in the early morning hours), with a change in body position. This decrease in blood pressure is called physiological. It can be noted after eating, when in a stuffy room, in a state of mental or physical fatigue, and under other circumstances.

In addition, a physiological decrease in blood pressure without disturbing the child's well-being and performance can occur:

  • in children-athletes (outside of training);
  • in children living in areas with low atmospheric pressure;
  • during the period of adaptation to a hot tropical or alpine climate;
  • due to constitutional (hereditary) characteristics of the organism.

A pathological decrease in blood pressure has from 4 to 10% of children. Such hypotension can be reversible or persistent. Distinguish between primary and secondary arterial hypotension.

The emergence arterial many factors can contribute: hereditary predisposition, internal and external influences. These factors include:

  • perinatal pathology: birth injury, increase intracranial pressure and etc.;
  • frequent respiratory infections in a child;
  • sedentary lifestyle of the child;
  • the presence of chronic foci of infection;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • mental, psychological overload and stress;
  • excessive physical activity.

The clinical manifestations of arterial hypotension in children are diverse. The manifestations of low blood pressure in a child can be:

  • emotional instability, frequent mood swings;
  • tearfulness, increased sensitivity;
  • general weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • aching, oppressive headache;
  • dizziness (more often after sleep, during a long break between meals);
  • short stabbing or aching pain in the heart after exercise, in a state of fatigue.

When examining a child, you can find severe sweating, acne, wet and cold palms to the touch. Such children easily blush and turn pale.

One of the options for primary hypotension is (and often manifests itself in children) orthostatic syndrome: a decrease in blood pressure when moving to an upright position of the body or when standing for a long time. Such a decrease in blood pressure may be associated with redistribution of blood, damage to the autonomic nervous system, pathology in the posterior cranial fossa, adrenal insufficiency.

Symptoms of orthostatic hypotension are dizziness, weakness, nausea, tinnitus, followed by darkening before the eyes and fainting. When these symptoms appear - harbingers of fainting - the child should go out into the fresh air (or into the shade) and sit with his head down. These manifestations are associated with oxygen starvation brain due to insufficient blood supply.

Fainting occurs more often in situations such as:

  • prolonged standing (especially in the sun or in a stuffy room), for example, in overloaded public transport in the summer, on the line at school;
  • with deep breathing (for example, during a medical examination);
  • with a sharp rise from bed after sleep;
  • with excitement (for example, when taking blood for analysis or having a vaccination).

As a rule, when low blood pressure is detected, children and adolescents are diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia according to the hypotonic type. The main factors contributing to its occurrence are overload (physical and mental), stress. Hypotension leads to a decrease in performance, so the child needs the advice of a pediatrician, neuropsychiatric specialist and the appointment of a correction.

Secondary arterial hypotension develops in any disease and is one of its manifestations. The reasons for it are most often:

1. Diseases of the endocrine system:

  • hypothyroidism (lack of synthesis of thyroid hormones);
  • insufficient production of pituitary hormones;
  • diabetes.

2. Infectious diseases and intoxication.

4. Diseases of the heart (heart defects, myocarditis, heart failure).

5. Traumatic brain injury.

6. Blood loss (including due to heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding).

9. Hypotrophy (underweight).

10. Side effect of drug treatment.

Somatic diseases also contribute to lowering blood pressure: bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, chronic tonsillitis.

Diagnosis of deviations in blood pressure in children

To identify an increase or decrease in blood pressure compared with age norm the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • interrogation of the child and mother, during which the presence and nature of complaints, the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the presence of high or low blood pressure in family members, diseases suffered by the child, etc., are ascertained;
  • measurement of blood pressure in both hands; in the next 2 weeks, regular blood pressure measurements are carried out 3 times a day at home in order to clarify the daily fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • examination of the child;
  • examination: examination of the fundus, ECG, examination of cerebral vessels (rheoencephalography), general blood and urine analysis, biochemical blood test (renal complex) - according to indications, blood test for hormones (if necessary), etc.;
  • consultation of a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist and other specialists (according to indications).

Treatment of arterial hypertension and hypotension in children

Treatment of deviations from the normal age level of blood pressure is divided into non-drug and drug therapy.

Non-drug treatment

Non-drug treatment is practically the same with high and low blood pressure:

  • normalization of the psychological situation at school, creating a calm atmosphere of comfort at home;
  • compliance with the age-appropriate daily regimen (including weekends); limiting movie views and computer games(especially in the evening before bedtime);
  • elimination of physical and mental overload, alternation of work and rest; need to revise teaching loads(it is possible to refuse classes with a tutor, from parallel studies at a music school, etc.);
  • the physical activity of children in uncomplicated cases is not limited, regular physical education is recommended; shows swimming, horse riding, daily stay in the fresh air for at least 2 hours and walking for 30 minutes;
  • a healthy lifestyle, non-admission of adolescents from smoking and the use of alcohol, drugs;
  • good balanced nutrition, 4-5 meals a day during the day, daily consumption of at least 300 g of fruits and vegetables; with low blood pressure, it is recommended to consume sweet, strongly brewed tea with lemon several times a day;
  • restriction in hypertension of the use of table salt, seasonings and spices, smoked products, carbonated drinks, chocolate, etc.; with hypotension, calcium-containing products are recommended (milk, cottage cheese, sauerkraut and etc.).
  • with low blood pressure, it is recommended to teach the child to contrasting soul, it has a tonic effect (you should start with an alternation of warm and cool water, gradually lowering and increasing the temperature of the water, bring it to an alternation of hot and cold water in 2-3 weeks);
  • massage of the collar area has a good effect.

Drug therapy

The first priority is to treat the underlying disease. Only a doctor should decide on the need for drug treatment to correct blood pressure, select drugs both to lower and to increase blood pressure.

Resume for parents

Parents should not be misconceived that upward or downward deviations in blood pressure readings can only occur in adults.

You should not ignore the child's complaints of headache, fatigue and weakness, or try to relieve the headache with drugs familiar to adults. The same "harmless" Citramon, which contains Aspirin, as well as Aspirin itself, can lead to irreversible fatty degeneration of the liver.

If the child has the complaints listed in the article, or behavioral changes are noted, and even more so when an increase or decrease in blood pressure is detected, you should consult a doctor and find out the cause of these deviations. On the recommendation of the doctor, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the pathology detected in the child.

Which doctor to contact

In case of changes in blood pressure in children, you can first consult a pediatrician and take measures to normalize the child's lifestyle. If this does not bring an effect, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist. If a secondary nature of pressure changes is detected, the child is sent for a consultation with an endocrinologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, nephrologist, cardiac surgeon, depending on the identified disease.

Pressure norm in children 13 years old

The blood pressure level is a very important indicator. And what should a teenager look like at 13 years old? See this article for details.

Normal blood pressure in a teenager

So, what should normally be the pressure in children of 13 years old? Systolic (so-called upper) pressure should be within mmHg. And the diastolic (lower) pressure should be equal to mmHg. These rates are normal.

High blood pressure in a teenager

It often happens that a teenager complains of a headache, his cheeks turn red. This suggests that the pressure has jumped sharply. But such a phenomenon at the age of 13 is considered normal, as hormonal surges occur, which cause an increase in adrenaline levels. And the normal pressure of adolescents ceases to be such and increases.

Stress and overexertion can aggravate the situation, so it is important at this age to provide the child with the most calm and comfortable conditions. But sometimes an increase in pressure indicates diseases of the cardiovascular or endocrine system.

Low blood pressure in adolescents

And such a phenomenon as a decrease in the level of pressure also takes place, and, moreover, quite often. But such a condition is no less dangerous than high blood pressure in adolescents. With what it can be connected? First, with diets and underweight. Anemia can also be the cause.

In addition, often heavy periods or other blood loss can also cause a drop in blood pressure. Also, the causes may be infections, allergies, head injuries, vascular disease, heart disease, or endocrine system problems.

It is worth noting that it is important for parents to closely monitor such indicators as the pressure of a teenager in order to ensure his health in the future.

Blood pressure in children is normal, high and low. What blood pressure in children should be normal at different ages from birth to 16 years - table.

What is blood pressure

Blood passing through numerous blood vessels puts significant pressure on their elastic walls. The strength of its effect depends on the size of the vessel - the larger it is, the more pressure is created inside it. Normal blood pressure indicators are considered to be the pressure in the brachial artery, in the area of ​​which it is measured. For these purposes, there is a modern analogue of a well-known device called a sphygmomanometer, which was proposed for use in 1905 by the Russian surgeon Korotkov. The unit of measurement is the pressure of one millimeter of mercury column, which is equal to 0.00133 bar.

Blood pressure is not the same throughout the day and depends on many factors - the elasticity of the vessel walls, the intensity of heart contractions and the active resistance that the vessels exert to the blood flow. The pressure values ​​are also influenced by the amount of blood contained in the body and its viscosity. The pressure serves for the successful movement of blood through the capillaries and ensuring the normal course of metabolic processes. Blood pressure is divided into systolic and diastolic.

What is systolic pressure

Systole is the status of the heart muscle at the moment when it contracts, diastole - during the relaxation period. When the ventricle contracts, a significant amount of blood enters the aorta, which stretches its walls. At the same time, the walls resist, the blood pressure increases and reaches its maximum value. It is this indicator that is called systolic.

What is diastolic pressure

After a period of contraction of the heart muscle, the aortic valve closes securely, and its walls begin to gradually displace the resulting volume of blood. It slowly spreads through the capillaries, while losing pressure. By the end of this stage, diastole, its indicator decreases to the minimum figures, which are considered to be diastolic pressure... There is another interesting indicator that sometimes helps doctors determine the cause of the ailment - the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. It is the usual MHg and is called pulse pressure.

How to correctly measure the child's pressure

Sometimes the doctor prescribes control over the baby's blood pressure in case of violations in the activity of the body, and sometimes this is done for the purpose of prevention. There are reliable and convenient electronic blood pressure monitors on sale, which are not difficult to cope with. It is important to use only age-appropriate baby cuffs. For children under one year old, the width of the inner chamber is from 3 to 5 centimeters.

It is best to carry out the procedure in the morning, after the baby has woken up. The baby should lie, the hand, palm up, is thrown to the side and is at the level of the heart. The cuff of the device is applied two to three centimeters above the elbow, between it and the baby's handle the mother's finger should pass freely. The phonendoscope should be applied to the ulnar fossa, where the pulse is clearly felt. Having closed the valve, you need to pump air until the pulse disappears. After that, slightly open the valve so that the air comes out gradually, and observe the scale. The first beep heard will determine the systolic pressure, the last - the diastolic. Mom should carefully write down the readings so that the doctor can determine the slightest deviations from the norm.

What pressure should be normal in children under 1 year old

The elasticity of blood vessels and a developed network of capillaries are the main reasons that blood pressure in babies is much lower than that of dads and mothers. How less age child, the lower the tonometer readings. In a newborn baby, they are 60-96 / 40-50 mm Hg, but already at the end of the first month of life they reach / 40-74 millimeters of mercury. Throughout the first year after birth, blood pressure gradually increases, and by the age of twelve months, its average value, depending on the fatness and growth of the baby, ranges from 80/40 to 112/74 mm Hg. This rapid growth is associated with an increase in vascular tone.

Mom can easily determine on her own whether the blood pressure of her child meets the established norms. For this, a simple formula is used - (76 + 2 n), where n denotes the number of months the baby has lived. But it is much more convenient to use the table below, where the permissible indicators are indicated according to the age of the child.

Do not be upset if, after the first measurement, a discrepancy with the average age indicators was found. Indeed, many factors affect the blood pressure numbers - the weather, atmospheric pressure, sleep, pain, crying. In a dream, for example, the pressure decreases, during crying and gymnastics it rises, etc. In addition, to obtain a reliable result, it is important to carry out the procedure correctly:

1. A baby cuff is used to measure blood pressure in babies. The width of its inner chamber for newborns should be three centimeters, for older babies - five.

2. Research is best done three times, with an interval of 3-4 minutes between them. The minimum numbers will be considered the most correct.

3. In babies up to one year old, the pressure is measured exclusively in the supine position. In very small crumbs, in the absence of pronounced symptoms of disruption of the cardiovascular system, only systolic pressure is usually set, determined by feeling.

What pressure should be normal in children at 2-3 years old

The fastest increase in the child's blood pressure in the first year of life, then its growth becomes unhurried and smooth. At the age of 2-3 years averaged age indicators systolic pressure is mm Hg, and diastolic - from 60 to 74 mm Hg. It is generally accepted that the pressure is increased if mommy not only found an increase in the numbers for a given age group using the table, but this increase persists for three weeks. There is no need to be upset if the excess was one-time. Normal indicators can be calculated using the formula. For children older than a year, the systolic pressure is (90 + 2n), and the distal pressure (60 + n), in both formulas n is the number of years of the baby.

What pressure should be normal in children at 3-5 years old

If you pay attention to the table, it can be noted that at the age of three to five years, the dynamics of the increase in blood pressure slows down. Systolic pressure in this age period is mm Hg. Art, and diastolic indicators range from 60 to 76 mm Hg. It should be borne in mind that during the day the tonometer readings can be different - during the day and in the evening, the pressure reaches maximum performance, then gradually decreases at night, from 1 to 5 hours, it is minimal.

What pressure should be normal in children aged 6-9 years

As can be clearly seen from the table, the minimum values ​​of normal diastolic and systolic pressure remain at the same level, only their maximum values ​​slightly expand. The norm for blood pressure for children from 6 to 9 years old is / 60-78 mm Hg. At this age, deviations from the average are quite possible due to admission to school, a decrease in physical activity, and an increase in emotional stress. If a child complains of frequent headaches, comes home from school broken and tired - this is an occasion to observe how his blood pressure behaves.

Age-related physiological features, the onset of puberty can lead to changes in blood pressure at this age. This is especially true for girls who mature a little earlier than their male counterparts. Although according to the table, the average indicators of normal blood pressure range from 110/70 to 126/82 mm Hg, doctors consider it permissible to increase the upper indicators to 120. The type of addition of children can affect the readings of the tonometer. For example, tall and thin girls with an asthenic body type almost always have slightly low blood pressure.

What pressure should be normal for children in flight

The tumultuous teenage years are full of surprises. Stressful situations, prolonged stay behind a computer monitor, significantly increased loads in educational institution- against the background of hormonal changes and their attendant functional disorders these factors can cause both an increase ( juvenile hypertension) and lowering blood pressure. Normally, these indicators are / mm Hg, with pressure surges, heart palpitations, fainting, increased or decreased heart rate, severe headache, and dizziness are possible. With age, the troubles, most likely, will pass, but it is better not to ignore the doctor's consultations in order to thoroughly find out their cause and avoid problems in the future.

If the child's blood pressure is lowered - causes and treatment

A drop in blood pressure is called hypotension. Physiological decrease observed at different times of the day can also occur in perfectly healthy children after eating or exercising, being in stuffiness, due to a hereditary predisposition. It does not affect well-being, and children do not complain. However, about 10% of our children have pathological hypotension, which can be caused by the following factors:

Frequent colds and infections

Lack of physical activity;

Mental overload and stress;

Excessive physical activity.

Symptoms vary depending on the cause of the abnormal condition. The most common are the following:

Pressing headache;

Aching sensations in the heart after physical exertion;

Tearfulness, resentment, frequent mood swings;

Sweating, wet palms.

A child with such manifestations must be shown to the doctor, since the cause of such a condition may be some ailments - various heart diseases, diabetes mellitus, anemia and lack of vitamins, craniocerebral trauma and reactions to certain medications. Only after examination, consultation with a neurologist and establishing the cause of hypotension, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. Detection of the underlying disease will allow, first of all, to carry out its drug treatment. You can follow the advice of traditional medicine only with the consent of the doctor, but mom can help her child. To do this, you must unconditionally follow the following recommendations:

Peace of mind at home;

Restriction of sitting at the computer and at the TV, especially before going to bed;

Physical overload is not permissible, but activity is encouraged - swimming, horse riding, leisurely walks are very useful;

Complete nutrition with increased consumption of vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Strong sweet tea with lemon is useful;

Contrast shower that has an excellent tonic effect. If desired, it is quite possible to gradually accustom the child to it.

If the child's blood pressure is increased - causes and treatment

No less often than a decrease in blood pressure, arterial hypertension occurs in children, especially in adolescence. The reasons may be hormonal changes in the body, insufficient sleep, stress, physical and psychological stress. However, sometimes they are not so harmless - secondary hypertension may accompany renal or endocrine pathology, brain damage, poisoning, vascular tone disorders. Only a doctor can identify the reasons, and mom is required to follow the above recommendations. They are not aimed at increasing or lowering blood pressure, but at its reliable stabilization.

© 2012-2018 "Women's Opinion". When copying materials - a link to the source is required!

Portal editor-in-chief: Ekaterina Danilova


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Blood pressure norms in children in the table

The concept of blood pressure

The blood passing through the vessels presses on their elastic walls. The wider the blood vessel, the higher the pressure. As you know, in the human body there are arteries and veins, and in the arteries the rate is higher. The indicator depends on the caliber and size of the vessel, therefore it is believed that it is necessary to measure blood pressure in the brachial artery. Measure it in millimeters of mercury.

Doctors divide blood pressure (in short - BP) into upper and lower (systolic and diastolic). Systolic occurs during contraction of the heart muscle, and diastolic occurs during relaxation. There is also the concept of pulse pressure in medicine - that is, the difference between the upper and lower values. Typically, it ranges from 40 to 60 mm Hg.

At different ages, the indicators of blood pressure and pulse are different. In young children, the elasticity of blood vessels is higher, therefore, the pressure is low. Over the years, the vascular tone increases, therefore, the indicators increase, especially when it begins puberty(at 11, 14 years old).

Measurement methods

Blood pressure, like pulse, should be measured in a calm state of children. It is best to do this in the morning, or let it rest for 10 minutes. The child should not be nervous, excited. One hour before the measurement, one should refrain from products containing caffeine. Immediately after eating, the procedure should also not be done.

Today, both electronic blood pressure monitors and conventional phonendoscopes are on sale. It is important for children to purchase special cuffs, since when used by adults, the results can be significantly distorted. For newborn babies, the cuff width is recommended at 3 cm, for one-year-old children - 5 cm, preschoolers - 8 cm, adolescents rally - 10 or 11 cm. The lower edge of the child's cuff should be no higher than 3 cm from the cubital fossa.

For children under 2 years of age, it is advisable to carry out measurements in a supine state, for the rest it is possible to sit. It is advised to take measurements several times, for a minute (and not 10 seconds with subsequent multiplication), and several days in a row. The most correct indicator is the smallest. It is important to explain to a young child that measuring blood pressure in children (under 14 years of age) or heart rate is a normal procedure and does not apply to treatment. Then the baby will not be scared and the results will not increase.

During the procedure, a cuff is placed on the shoulder of the child's left hand so that a finger fits freely between the skin and it. The brachial artery should be found at the elbow and a phonendoscope should be attached to it. The air is pumped in slowly, recording the time when the sounds of the pulse will stop. After that, the pressure is gradually reduced by opening the valve. At upper pressure characteristic short and loud noises can be heard. The subsequent decrease in pressure, the pulse murmurs diminish. Lower pressure is recognized by the disappearance of pulse tones. The upper blood pressure is calculated by multiplying the child's age in years with the addition of 80. The bottom figure is usually half or one third of the top.

Video "Blood pressure in a child"

Norms of blood pressure in children

In the first year of life in children, blood pressure rises rapidly. Up to five years of age for girls and boys, it is approximately the same, then up to 10 (sometimes 11) years, the indicators of boys are higher. To compare your child's performance with normal for his age, here's a table showing what the normal upper and lower pressure should be.

  • in newborns: from 40 to 50;
  • from 2 to 12 months: from 50 to 74;
  • 2-3 years old: from 60 to 76;
  • 3-5 years old: from 60 to 78;
  • from 6 to 10 years old: from 70 to 82;
  • at 11, 12, 13, 14 years old: from 70 to 86.

Physiological features during puberty can lead to pressure drops in girls from 10 to 12 years old, in boys from 11 to 13 years old. It is believed that at this age, an increase in top results up to 120. Also, the indicators are influenced by the physique of the child - in thin and high blood pressure is slightly reduced.

At 12, 13 years of age, adolescents increase the amount of stress, the load at school, and hormonal changes occur. During this period, both low and high blood pressure are possible. With age, these deviations from the norm usually go away on their own, but it is better to find out the reason from the doctors.

Causes of high blood pressure

In girls from 10 to 12 years old, in boys from 11 to 13 years old, hypertension is quite common, that is, too high blood pressure. This may be due to:

  • lack of sleep and rest;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • excessive physical activity.

From dangerous reasons allocate: brain damage, endocrine or renal pathologies, vascular tone disorders, poisoning. A visit to the doctor is necessary to identify the exact causes and, if necessary, begin treatment.

Causes of low blood pressure

Low blood pressure (hypotension) can also occur in healthy children. The reason may be training, stuffiness in the room, a hearty lunch, or heredity. Usually, this does not affect the state of health, but one in ten children has pathological hypotension due to such factors:

  • mental strain and stress;
  • childbirth trauma;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • regular colds and infectious diseases;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • hormonal changes at 11, 12 years old.

Typical symptoms of hypotension in children include:

  1. pressing pain in the head, dizziness;
  2. fatigue and drowsiness;
  3. sweating;
  4. aching pain in the heart after exercise;
  5. resentment, tearfulness, sudden mood swings.

With such signs, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor, since complications in the form of anemia, vitamin deficiency, diabetes mellitus, head trauma are possible. The neurologist will determine the causes and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Video "How to keep a blood pressure self-control diary"

From the video you will learn how to measure blood pressure in children.

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