Nystatin tablet instructions for use. Instructions for use and dosage regimen. Contraindications and special instructions for use


Characteristics of the drug

Release form: Tablets, suppositories, ointments

Indications for use:Damage to the skin and nails by fungi of the genus Candida

Side effects: Nausea and vomiting

Contraindications:Hypersensitivity to nystatin and auxiliary components, stomach ulcers, impaired or weakened liver function

Price: 152 rubles

Nystatin - antifungal agent, developed to combat Aspergillus and Candida fungi. Available for sale in several dosage forms: tablets, rectal and vaginal suppositories, ointments and granules for diluting a suspension for a child.

Composition, principle of action and indications for use

The main active ingredient of the drug is nystatin. The auxiliary components are: lactose, calcium stearate, potato starch, petroleum jelly. The substances include vanillin, which is why the tablets have a slight vanilla aroma.

Nystatin tablets are taken orally. Once in the body, they reach the lesion and disrupt the integrity pathogenic microorganisms. As a result of the attack, the latter stop growing and reproducing and subsequently die. When the drug copes with all microbes, the person recovers.

Nystatin has the following indications for use:

  1. damage to the skin and nails by fungi of the genus Candida;
  2. infection of the mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract;
  3. candidiasis of the genital organs (thrush), we wrote more about this disease.

The drug can be used for prophylaxis in long-term therapy antibiotics, after surgery, or before surgical intervention in the treatment of intestines.

Contraindications for use

The medicine has the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to nystatin and auxiliary components;
  • inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis);
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum;
  • impairment or weakening of liver function.

Side effects

Nystatin is not considered a toxic drug. Side effects may only occur in isolated cases. Most often this occurs when the drug is taken orally. Possible consequences of long-term therapy include:

  1. diarrhea and severe pain in the stomach;
  2. nausea and vomiting;
  3. decreased appetite, bitter taste in the mouth;
  4. vaginal irritation (if you are taking nystatin suppositories);
  5. increased body temperature;
  6. skin irritation, rashes and redness.

With long-term use of the product, the resistance of some mushrooms to the main active ingredient, nystatin, may increase. In this case, the therapy no longer gives the desired result, so the product needs to be replaced.

Tablets: features and interactions with other drugs

One of the most effective forms release of the drug - tablets, each containing 250 or 500 tons of nystatin units. Packages of 10 or 20 tablets are available for sale. Penetrating into the body, the main active substance passes through various organs before entering the lesion. Nystatin often interacts with various medications:

  • At simultaneous administration Nystatin and Tetracycline there is a successful interaction between the two drugs. The antimicrobial and antimycotic effect of both drugs becomes more pronounced.
  • Reduces the effectiveness of estrogen-based contraceptives. Increases the risk of bleeding between periods.
  • When treated together with the drug, the activity of the latter becomes lower.
  • Combination with Polymyxin, Nifuratel and Chymotrypsin enhances the effect of Nystatin on the body.
  • It is not advisable to take tablets together with antacids containing aluminum, calcium, magnesium, since healing effect decreases. Antacids include drugs such as: Maalox, Almagel.
  • The effect of drugs that affect blood clotting (indirect anticoagulants) becomes weaker when taken simultaneously with Nystatin.
  • The drug negatively affects the effect of bactericidal antibiotics, weakening it.
  • Pay attention to drug interactions. If among them there are drugs whose activity decreases, consult your doctor about the dosage or temporary discontinuation of the drug.

The price of Nystatin tablets is from 152 rubles per pack.

Nystatin: instructions for use and permissible doses

The treatment regimen depends on age and disease:

  1. For fungal infections internal organs tablets are taken 1 pc. (for production of 500 tons of units) 4 times a day. If the drug is produced in 250 thousand units, you need to drink tablets up to 8 times a day. This can be done during, during or after a meal; the absorption of the medicine does not change. Take the tablet without chewing. Duration of treatment is 10-14 days.
  2. Generalized mycoses are treated with several therapeutic courses. The break between taking tablets is 14-21 days. The maximum dosage is 6 million units per day (12 tablets).
  3. If the Candida fungus has settled, the drug is placed behind the cheek and kept there until it is completely absorbed. The permissible dose is 500 thousand units (depending on the release, this is 1 or 2 tablets). Repeat up to 5 times a day after meals and hygiene procedures.
  4. The recommended dose of medication for treating the esophagus, intestines or stomach is up to 2 tablets 4 times a day. The minimum course of treatment is 2 weeks.

If the drug does not give the expected results, consult your doctor to clarify the result.

Taking the drug in children

For children, Nystatin should be given at reduced dosage. Used for oral candidiasis special composition. It's easy to make. It is enough to grind 250 tons of the drug into powder and mix with 1 ml. vitamin B. The resulting mixture is carefully treated with the affected areas in the child’s throat.

The permissible dose for a child depends on age:

  • for infants - up to 125 t. units 4 rubles;
  • 1-3 years - 250 t. units 4/s;
  • 3-13 years - 400 t. units 4/c;
  • from 13 years and over - 500 units 4/c.

Be careful and do not exceed the permissible dose when treating a child. Otherwise, the drug may cause serious side effects and will only harm children.

Vaginal suppositories

Nystatin suppositories are used for treatment of genital candidiasis (thrush) in women. The package contains 10 suppositories for topical use. When used locally, it is almost not absorbed into the body through the mucous membranes. Contains nystatin, antioxidant, ionol, citric acid and other auxiliary components. Nystatin for thrush is used as follows:

  1. Before using candles, you need to carry out basic hygiene procedures. It is not recommended to use soap when cleansing the genitals.
  2. Lie on your back and gently insert the suppository deep into the vagina.
  3. Repeat the procedure at morning time and before bed.
  4. The course of treatment is up to 14 days. Possible side effects: vaginal irritation, mild burning sensation and nausea. It is not recommended to use it together with Clotrimazole due to the decreased activity of the latter.

The cost of candles is 94 rubles per pack of 10 pieces. Store in a dry and cool place.

Rectal suppositories

Composition and principle of action of candles rectal similar to suppositories for vaginal use. The drug is equally suitable for treating women and men. The only difference is in the method of application. The product is carefully inserted through the anus deep into the rectum. The procedure is recommended to be performed before bedtime, as well as in the morning. The course of treatment is up to 14 days.

Store at a temperature no higher than 20 degrees. The optimal solution is to place the suppositories in the refrigerator.

Price rectal suppositories- 48 rubles.


Available in 30 gram tubes. It is a polyene antibiotic. Nystatin ointment is used for nail fungus and skin candidiasis. It is highly active: penetrating into all layers of the skin, it destroys fungal spores. The ointment contains nystatin, anhydrous lanolin and medical petroleum jelly.

The drug is applied topically. A small amount of cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a day at any time convenient for you. The course of treatment is up to 10 days. If necessary, therapy is extended.

The average cost of the drug is 82 rubles.

Nystatin: analogues and prices

If Nystatin does not suit you or often gives side effects, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of its analogues:

  • mycoseptin - 480 rub.;
  • spiramycin - 268 rubles;
  • fungicidin - 520 rubles;
  • monural - 365 rub.

Before purchasing and using the listed products, carefully read the instructions, list of active ingredients and contraindications.

Pharmacological group of the substance Nystatin

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Characteristics of the substance Nystatin

Polyene antibiotic produced by actinomycete Streptomyces noursei.

Light yellow powder with a specific odor. Bitter taste. Practically insoluble in water, very little in alcohol. Hygroscopic. Decomposes when exposed to light high temperature, air oxygen. Easily destroyed in acidic and alkaline environments and under the influence of oxidizing agents. Molecular mass 926,13.

Activity is expressed in action units (AU).


pharmachologic effect- antifungal, fungistatic.

It has a large number of double bonds in its structure, which determines the high tropism of the antibiotic for the sterols of the cell membrane of fungi. As a result, the molecule is embedded in the cell membrane with the formation of many channels that facilitate the uncontrolled transport of water, electrolytes and non-electrolytes. The cell loses its resistance to external osmotic forces, which leads to lysis.

Renders in vitro fungistatic and fungicidal effect against yeast and yeast-like fungi, especially Candida spp. ( incl. Candida albicans), and Aspergillus spp. At local application acts mainly on Candida spp. Inactive against bacteria, protozoa, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis and viruses. Tolerance to nystatin in sensitive fungi develops very slowly.

Animal studies to assess the potential carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of nystatin and the effect on fertility have not been conducted.

When taken orally, it is practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Almost completely excreted unchanged in feces. Does not accumulate.

Use of the substance Nystatin

Prevention of the development of candidiasis in long-term treatment antibacterial drugs, especially in depleted and weakened patients; candidiasis of the mucous membranes (including the vagina, rectum and lower intestines) and skin.


Hypersensitivity, liver dysfunction, pancreatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pregnancy.

Side effects of the substance Nystatin

Allergic reactions (incl. itchy skin and rashes, fever, chills); when taken orally - bitter taste in the mouth, dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain); with intravaginal use - vaginal irritation that was not noted before treatment; when used externally - skin irritation that was not noted before treatment. The emergence of resistant forms of fungi is possible (requires discontinuation of the drug).


With simultaneous use of nystatin with clotrimazole, the activity of the latter decreases.

Routes of administration

Inside, locally (rectally or intravaginally), externally.

Precautions for the substance Nystatin

Interactions with other active ingredients

Trade names

Name The value of the Vyshkowski Index ®

Pathogenic and opportunistic fungi cause diseases that are widespread today. To treat such diseases (mycoses), various antifungal drugs are produced, which are used in accordance with the sensitivity of certain pathogens of fungal infections to them.

How do nystatin tablets work?

Nystatin tablets, when taken orally, act mainly locally, on the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract, then most of nystatin is excreted in feces. A small part of nystatin taken orally is absorbed into the blood, therefore, to treat fungal infections of other internal organs, such as the respiratory system, it must be taken in very large doses. Today this is considered inappropriate, since there are other, more effective antifungal drugs.

Nystatin acts mainly against fungi of the genus Candida, so it is used to treat candidiasis (candidomycosis) - fungal infections caused by this type of fungus. Nystatin has an affinity for certain substances that are part of the cytoplasmic membranes of cells of fungi of the genus Candida; it enters the membranes and disrupts their permeability, which contributes to the suspension of vital activity and destruction of fungi. Sometimes, during the treatment of candidiasis, resistance (immunity) of the pathogens of this fungal infection to nystatin develops, this dangerous complication, since fungi that are insensitive to the drug begin to quickly multiply and spread throughout the body. In this case, immediate replacement of nystatitis with another antifungal agent is required.

How does candidiasis of the digestive organs manifest?

Candidiasis can develop in any part of the gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth and pharynx to the rectum. The entire gastrointestinal tract is often affected.

Candidiasis of the oral mucosa (thrush or candidal stomatitisStomatitis - to keep your breath fresh oral cavity) is manifested by redness and swelling of the mucous membranes, on which white cheesy deposits appear. The same plaques can occur on the tongue (candidal glossitis), as well as on the walls of the pharynx (candidal pharyngitis) and on palatine tonsils. When the pharynx is affected, it becomes difficult for the patient to swallow. Most often, candidal stomatitis occurs in infants and elderly people who have decreased immunity.

With candidiasis of the esophagus and stomach, heartburn, nausea, and loss of appetite appear. Vomiting often develops, and white crumbs or even films can be seen in the vomit, depending on the degree of damage to the mucous membranes by the fungus.

Intestinal candidiasis is manifested by flatulence - bloating of the intestines due to increased gas formation. This happens because, if present in the intestines large quantity fungi disrupt the process of food digestion. Debilitating, long-term diarrhea also occurs, as a result of which the patient is deprived of part of the substances necessary for metabolism. Metabolism: the basis of the life activity of all living things. food ingredients. The stool usually contains mucus, and there may also be streaks of blood.

Nystatin tablets in the treatment of candidiasis of the digestive system

Since nystatinNystatin will help with candidiasis It acts mainly locally, on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract; it is often used for candidiasis of the digestive organs. If there is a suspicion of bronchopulmonary candidiasis or urinary systems, then other antifungal drugs are used.

For candidal stomatitis, glossitis and pharyngitis, nystatitin tablets can be sucked - this will be more effective than simply swallowing. You can dissolve a tablet (500,000 units) in this way six to eight times a day. For young children, the tablets are ground and powdered on the mucous membranes several times a day, using one to one and a half tablets of 250,000 units per day.

For candidiasis of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, nystatin is prescribed orally to adults, one or two tablets (500,000 units per tablet) four times a day for at least two weeks. Children are prescribed a lower dose depending on age.

Side effects

Nystatin tablets, when taken orally, can have a negative effect on the liver, so they should not be used for liver diseases that impair its function. Nystatin should not be used for inflammatory processes in the pancreasDiabetes and the pancreas - things you need to know (pancreatitis), as well as with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. And, of course, nystatin tablets are not prescribed if you are hypersensitive to this drug.

Nystatin is non-toxic and well tolerated when taken orally. Sometimes when taking it, phenomena such as decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may occur. Allergic reactions are also possible.

Nystatitin tablets are still used today to treat candidiasis.

Galina Romanenko

Damage to the mucous membrane in the mouth, which leads to the formation of ulcers and blisters, indicates the presence of a disease such as stomatitis. Reason for inflammatory process can become fungi, viruses and bacteria that have penetrated both from inside the body and from outside.

Nystatin - medicinal product, which is prescribed exclusively by a qualified specialist for the treatment of fungal stomatitis. The causative agent in this case is fungi belonging to the genus Candida.

Nystatin is available in the form of tablets, ointments or drops; there are also suspensions on sale that are intended for rinsing. Tablets, as a rule, are packaged in packs of ten or twenty pieces, ointment from fifteen to twenty grams in a tube, drops of five milliliters, suspension is dosed in two hundred thousand units.

About the medication in the context of stomatitis treatment

Fungal stomatitis (candidiasis or thrush) is observed in both adults and children, as well as in newborns. Even small doses of Nystatin can slow down further development thrush, and systematic therapy should completely destroy the fungus.

To treat stomatitis, nystatin ointment is actively used, which destroys the permeability of fungal cells, so the main bacterial components are destroyed.

Due to the fact that Nystatin neutralizes fungal infections, it is recommended only for candidal stomatitis of the oral cavity.

The molecule of the active component of the drug consists of double bonds, which causes the penetration of the active element into the cells of the fungus. Then the electrolytic process intensifies, causing the fungal cell to be destroyed. There is virtually no resistance or resistance.

In addition to the fact that the medication is used in the treatment of candidal stomatitis, it is also effective as a preventive measure for this disease.

IN for preventive purposes Nystatin is effective in preventing the development


in cases where fairly long-term treatment with drugs such as Penicillin, tetracycline antibiotics, Neomycin, Levomycetin and others is expected.

Instructions for use - doses and intended course of treatment

When treating candidal stomatitis in adults, Nystatin tablets are used, which need to be dissolved; ointment is used less often. It is recommended to take the tablets after meals, maximum four times a day.

The ointment is applied to the damaged area twice a day, the course of treatment lasts until the pathological plaque in the oral cavity completely disappears.

Often, treatment of stomatitis involves taking other medications. When taking Nystatin and Tetracycline simultaneously, it is achieved antimicrobial effect. When the drug is combined with bactericidal antibiotics, the effect of the latter has been proven to decrease.

Nystatin also reduces the effect of indirect anticoagulants, Clotrimazole and oral contraceptives.

Therapy for young patients

The most convenient solution for children is an aqueous solution, for which you need to dissolve a Nystatin tablet (two hundred and fifty thousand units) in a glass of water.

Older children can be offered tablets for oral administration. In this case, only a doctor can calculate the exact dosage based on how the body reacts to the drug in question.

The full dose, taken after meals and washed down with plenty of water, is divided into several doses. Treatment of stomatitis in children takes a maximum of two weeks. In addition to the pills, children are also prescribed a five percent ointment, which is applied three times throughout the day using cotton swabs.

Until the age of fourteen, a child can be given tablets to dissolve. At orally Nystatin must be taken into account the frequency, duration of the course, dosage and characteristics of the child’s body.

Local treatment is also possible with the help of an ointment, which should cover all foci of infection. Penetrating into the gastrointestinal tract, the ointment is not absorbed; accordingly, it is excreted in its original state.

Treatment of infants

Stomatitis in infancy is treated with ready-made aqueous solutions of Nystatin, drops, or mixed with vitamin B12 if local treatment is necessary. In this option, one tablet is ground into powder and combined with vitamin B12.

After this, the finger is moistened with the prepared homogeneous mixture, which must first be wrapped in a sterile bandage. The plaque area in the mouth is then treated.

The procedure for treating the baby’s oral cavity should be carried out four to five times a day after meals. Upon completion, you must wait thirty minutes without drinking or water.

Contraindications and special instructions for use

Immediately before using the drug, it is strongly recommended that you read the attached instructions, paying attention to Special attention for the indicated contraindications. These include the following:

presence of pregnancy; diagnosing gastric ulcers; available allergic reaction on the components of the drug; manifestation of sensitivity to the drug; pancreatitis; impaired activity of the kidneys and liver; lactation.

There is a possibility of developing such side effects like nausea painful sensations, itching, changes in stool, vomiting, and swelling in the oral cavity may also occur. The manifestation of one or more of these symptoms is a compelling reason to visit a qualified specialist.

Proper storage of the medication is also important, which must be kept in a dry and dark place where the temperature is at least six degrees.

Experienced word

The use of Nystatin for the treatment of candidal stomatitis is quite popular, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews, available online.

Nystatin ointment is always at hand, since I have two children. It is quite easy to apply, especially since very little is required. The main thing is to avoid overdose and follow the instructions.

Natalya, 30 years old

The medication is well tolerated and costs a penny, especially since it really helps with stomatitis, tested from my own experience.

Svetlana, 39 years old

For as long as I can remember, stomatitis has always bothered me. I tried the most advertised and expensive medications, but later I learned about Nystatin and was simply amazed at the speed of its action and, importantly, its low cost.

Egor, 34 years old

Summing up

The main benefits of Nystatin are:

low cost; it is possible to treat wounds even in newborns; ease of use; exclusion of cases of absorption into the systemic circulation.

But it should be remembered that in case of an overdose of the drug, the body reacts with burning and itching, and severe swelling can also be observed.

Thus, treatment of stomatitis with Nystatin actually stops the development of the disease, and active ingredients medications destroy pathogenic fungi in the oral cavity.

Question:“By all indications, there is a fungal infection of the upper respiratory tract after using antibiotics for bronchitis (I had my sputum tested). The instructions for use of nystatin indicate only oral administration without chewing. Although several years ago the doctor recommended that I dissolve them. Question - this is acceptable (although very disgusting :-))) and more effective for the bronchi than just swallowing. Sincerely"

Good afternoon.


has low absorption in the intestines and is used as a means of local action. If the candidiasis lesion is localized in the oral cavity, the tablets must be resorbed. If necessary, influence digestive tract The tablets are swallowed whole, do not chew. The effectiveness of the drug for fungal infections of the upper respiratory tract is questionable due to the local effect of nystatin. Otherwise it must be a nystatin aerosol or, most likely, another antifungal drug. Surely the instructions for the drug do not indicate the use of nystatin for respiratory candidiasis. Don't study


And consult a doctor. It is possible that you have residual effects from bronchitis.

Not everyone knows what Nystatin tablets should be taken for. Instructions for antibiotics usually state that to prevent the development of fungal diseases, after a course of treatment you need to take agents that have a fungistatic effect. But the effect of the drug is limited - its effect extends only to a small number of types of fungi. Therefore, those who, out of ignorance, hope to get rid of, for example, ureaplasmosis with the help of Nystatin, are only wasting their time. Causing quite serious harm to your body - not so much by taking unnecessary medicine, but by the lack of necessary treatment.

What does nystatin help with?

This drug has a fungistatic (gradually slows down the growth of fungi), and sometimes even fungicidal (destroys fungi) effect - if used in large doses. Effective only against fungi of the genus Candida and Aspergillus. It is prescribed for fungal infections not only skin, but also mucous membranes:

  • oral cavity;
  • pharynx;
  • vagina (in this case, the partner must also undergo treatment);
  • internal organs (lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract).

It is also used to prevent fungal complications that are possible after antimicrobial therapy (treatment with penicillin or other antibiotics).

Use of Nystatin

The drug is available in the form of tablets, suppositories, vaginal suppositories or ointments. Choice dosage form depends on what the medicine Nystatin is to be used for.

The doctor determines the dose depending on age. Adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets (depending on the dosage active substance) up to 4 times a day; children over 3 years old - 1 tablet up to 3 times a day. The duration of treatment in most cases does not exceed two weeks. A repeated course of treatment is carried out only after 2-3 weeks.


This remedy should not be used by those who suffer from:

  • liver failure;
  • inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis);
  • ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance - nystatin.

There is no data on whether the product penetrates into breast milk and whether it can be used during lactation. Therefore, doctors are mostly inclined to believe that breastfeeding should be suspended during treatment with Nystatin. Pregnant women are prescribed the drug only if possible benefit For expectant mother much more significant potential risk for the baby.

Side effects and overdose

Nystatin is considered a low-toxic drug and side effects not usually does not provide. But some patients still experience symptoms caused by taking the drug, such as:

  • nausea or vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • allergic reactions of various kinds.

Also, when used externally, the patient may experience local irritation. In this case, use of the drug should be discontinued. Discontinuation of the drug is also required when certain resistant forms of fungi spread.

Symptoms of an overdose of Nystatin coincide with the side effects, but are more pronounced.

Compatibility with other drugs

Nystatin can reduce the effectiveness of certain drugs when used simultaneously (clotrimazole, for example). However, with most medicines he does not interact.

Now we hope you know what nystatin helps with. Before using this drug, it is recommended to consult your doctor about the dosage, otherwise you may harm your health.

Thrush is a disease familiar to many. It affects the mucous membranes of the mouth, vagina, and intestines. But what to do if this disease affects a child? After all, not all drugs can be used for therapy. Is Nystatin allowed to be used to treat this disease? How to use it and in what dosages?

This drug is an antibiotic with an antifungal effect. It is active against candida, but is completely powerless in the fight against bacteria. Its high fungistatic effect is noted. The fungus practically does not develop addiction and resistance to this remedy or develops very slowly. The medicine causes lysis of the fungal cell.

After taking the drug, it is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Excreted through the intestines. The drug in the form of ointments and suppositories is not absorbed by the mucous membranes and does not pass through skin barriers.

When is it prescribed?

The use of Nystatin for children is advisable in the following cases:

  1. Tablets are given if necessary preventive measures from fungal infection after surgery;
    1. for stomatitis in children caused by candida;
    2. at long-term use antibiotics.
  2. Nystatin is prescribed to children in the form of an ointment for candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes. Nystatin ointment is not prescribed to infants under 1 year of age.

Usage vaginal suppositories Children under 18 years old are not allowed. Rectal suppositories can be prescribed to older children to restore intestinal microflora in case of rectal candidiasis.

Candida fungus is also present in the intestines. Therefore, when treating of this disease It is advisable to prescribe rectal suppositories. This helps restore intestinal flora and also fight fungus in a comprehensive manner.

When not to use

The drug is contraindicated:

  • with impaired liver function;
  • if the child is diagnosed with pancreatitis;
  • for gastric ulcers;
  • in the presence of an ulcer in the intestines, namely in the duodenum;
  • in the presence of intolerance to the components of the drug.

According to the instructions for use, the medicine is not prescribed to children under one year of age. However, doctors use this remedy for the treatment of severe mycoses in infants. The use of this medicine for a newborn should be strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Undesirable effects

Side effects may include:

  • nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • pain and discomfort in the abdominal cavity;
  • allergy. It is not recommended to give the drug;
  • hives.

Medicine dosage

Nystatin international generic name medical product. It is produced various enterprises: JSC "BIOCHIMIC", JSC "BIOSINTEZ", RUE "BELMEDPREPARATY", JSC "AVEXIMA" and others. In addition to the manufacturer, the instructions for use also differ. RUE "BELMEDPREPRATY" does not allow the use of tablets for children under 13 years of age.

The choice of drug and its dosage should be determined only by your attending physician. Take care of your baby!

The dosage of the product should not exceed the permissible limits.

Stomatitis and candidiasis

Nystatin for stomatitis in a child is prescribed only by a doctor if there are appropriate indications. These include the appearance of characteristic white spots, which are very painful. In this case, newborns experience loss of appetite, tearfulness, nervousness during feeding, and sleep disturbances. Nystatin for stomatitis in children is applied only to areas of the mucous membrane affected by the fungus. Treatment of the oral cavity for stomatitis is carried out no more than twice a day. With more frequent use the drug can cause discomfort in the mouth, swelling, allergic reactions.

Nystatin for oral thrush in infants is used in the form aqueous solution. To make it, take 1 tablet and grind it thoroughly in a mortar. Then they get divorced oil solution vitamin B 12 and mix thoroughly. The drug diluted in this way is used to treat the child’s mouth. If you don’t have a vitamin on hand, then this drug are being bred warm water. If necessary, you can let the mixture sit for a couple of minutes, then move it again and use it for its intended purpose. This replacement will not reduce the effect of the resulting suspension.

Nystatin for thrush for infants can also be prescribed in tablet form. Before taking Nystatin in this form for the treatment of thrush in infants, you need to crush one tablet and take a quarter. Or simply divide into four parts and give a quarter of the tablet. After taking the medicine, the baby is not fed for 30 minutes. It is forbidden to give even water during this period of time, so it is best to carry out treatment not before breastfeeding, and after it.

Using drops to treat thrush in the mouth involves treating the mucous membranes with a bandage or gauze moistened with a few drops of the medicine. The course of therapy should not exceed 1.5 weeks.

For older children, this medicine is prescribed in tablet form. Only the pediatrician calculates the dosage. The drug is absorbed behind the cheek and thus the active substances with saliva are evenly distributed throughout the oral mucosa. This creates a protective film. Therefore, it is necessary not to eat or drink for at least half an hour after dissolving the tablet. Is it possible to use ointment? It is indicated for older children. It is used to treat affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes. The medicine can quickly remove everything clinical manifestations disease and destroy the disease.


For sore throat this remedy prescribed in tablet form. The child should not only chew the drug, but also try to keep it in the mouth for at least a couple of minutes. Sore throat caused by candidiasis responds well to treatment with a suspension. She gets caressed oral cavity and throat. To prepare this suspension, either baby Nystatin powder is enough, or one tablet, which is crushed, is enough.

Treatment of fungal sore throat with medicine should be carried out only locally. Taking the product orally (by swallowing) will not have any effect. Since the medication has a strong local action. Moreover, the effectiveness of treating tonsillitis in this way is noted only when using a special powder.


There are several analogues of this drug. However, they can only be prescribed by a specialist. None of the medications are suitable for self-treatment.

  • Mycostatin. The drug is an antibiotic and its action does not differ from Nystatin. Active against Candida fungi. Can only be prescribed by a doctor. The dosage of the drug is the same as Nystatin.
  • Stamycin.
  • Fungicidin.

All medications are antibiotics, and therefore when taking or replacing them, dosages and timing must be observed. At abrupt cessation Antibiotic therapy can result in relapses of candidiasis, as well as the emergence of fungal resistance to the active substances of the drugs.

Both drugs are identical to Nystatin.

  • Moronal. Antibiotic wide range actions. Suitable for intravenous administration. Only a doctor prescribes. When using this strong remedy body weight and unwanted effects are monitored. Suitable for advanced disease, when other medications have not given the desired effect. At intravenous administration the greatest effect of the active substance is achieved. The drug reaches the affected organs faster and has an effect directly in the areas of candida proliferation.
  • Anticandin. It is also an antibiotic with an antifungal effect.
  • Levorin. Quickly treats symptoms of thrush and stomatitis in children. Allowed for children over two years of age. Prescribed in the form of ointments, tablets or suppositories.
  • Amphoglucamine. Active against mycoses, candidiasis. Has an antifungal effect. Prescribed in the form of tablets or suppositories.
  • Amphotericin. It is considered a “gentle” antibiotic. It is prescribed only if other methods of therapy have failed.

Nystatin is a fairly strong antibiotic that can cope with the pathological proliferation of candida fungus. It is used for both children and adults. Before using it, you must consult your doctor and strictly follow all instructions and prescriptions. Otherwise, the disease will progress, and the multiplying fungus can cause harm children's body, causing a lot of problems and troubles.
