Heel homeopathy. Heel (homeopathy): drugs. Homeopathic medicines from the German Heel campaign

  • drops
  • pills
  • candles
  • ampoules
  • ointment
  • gel
  • spray
  1. Angin-hel , pills. Throat diseases
  2. Berberis-gomakko rd , drops 30ml. Antispastic, analgesic. Urolithiasis, cholelithiasis.
  3. Bronchalis-Hel, pills. Respiratory diseases.
  4. Valerianahel , drops 30ml. Increased nervous excitability. Neurasthenia.
  5. Vertigohel , drops 30 ml, tab No. 50. Dizziness of various natures. Meniere's syndrome. Cerebral sclerosis. Brain concussion.
  6. Viburkol , candles No. 12. Fever syndrome. Children's colds. Sedative effect (during teething).
  7. Galium-Hel , drops 30ml. Chronic sluggish diseases of internal organs.
    Activation of nonspecific immunity and detoxification function.
  8. Gastrikumel , tab No. 50. Gastritis with normal and low acidity. Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Hepar compositum , amp No. 5. Functional liver disorders. Hepatitis. Cirrhosis of the liver. Acute and chronic diseases of the liver, biliary tract,
  10. Gynekohel , drops 30ml. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages.
  11. Gormel SN , drops 30ml. Endocrinopathies. General regulation of endocrine functions.
  12. Girel , pills. Flu, acute respiratory infections, colds
  13. Discus compositum , amp No. 5. Inflammatory degenerative diseases of the spine: osteochondrosis, gout, vertebrogenic neuralgia. Arthrosis. Arthritis.
  14. Duodenohel b, table. The drug is used in complex therapy peptic ulcer duodenum, gastroduodenitis, gastritis with high acidity.
  15. Kalkohel , pills. Diseases of the spine and joints.
  16. Klimakt-Hel , tab No. 50. Neurohumoral disorders and autonomic disorders in the menopause.
  17. Coenzyme compositum , amp No. 5. Regulation of tissue metabolism in disorders of redox processes. Hypovitaminosis. Asthenic conditions.
  18. Kralonin , drops 30 ml. Metabolic disorders in the myocardium. Functional disorders of the heart. Ischemic disease hearts.
  19. Lymphomyosot , drops 30 ml, amp No. 5. Lymphostasis. Edema syndrome. Nonspecific lymphadenitis. Chronic inflammatory and hypertrophic processes in
    body. Lymphatic drainage action.
  20. Leptandra compositum , drops. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder, Gastrointestinal tract.
  21. Luffel , spray. Allergy.
  22. Momordica compositum , ampoules. Gastrointestinal tract.
  23. Mucosa compositum , ampoules. Eye diseases, Respiratory diseases, Spinal and joint diseases, Gynecological diseases, Gastrointestinal tract.
  24. Nervochel , tab No. 50. Psychomatic disorders, sleep disorders. Post-stress conditions.
    Neurotic conditions.
  25. Nux vomica-gummacord , drops. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder, Hemorrhoids, Gastrointestinal tract.
  26. Ovarium compositum , amp No. 5. Hormonal dysfunctions in women. Ovulation disorders.
  27. Placenta compositum , amp No. 5. Disorders of central and peripheral circulation.
    Atherosclerosis. Cardiac ischemia. Brain disorders
    blood circulation
  28. Populus compositum , drops. Prostatitis.
  29. Pulsatilla compositum , ampoules. Mastopathy.
  30. Renel , tab No. 50. Renal colic. BPH. Inflammatory kidney diseases.
    Urinary incontinence.
  31. Solidago compositum C, ampoules. Gynecological diseases. Prostatitis. Urology. kidney diseases.
  32. Spascuprel , tab No. 50. Spasms of smooth and transversely striated muscles.
  33. Spigelon , tab No. 50. Headache of various origins. Migraine.
  34. Strumel T , tab No. 50. Hypothyroidism. Lack of iodine in the body.
  35. Tartefedrel N , drops. Respiratory diseases.
  36. Testis compositum , ampoules. Problems with potency.
  37. Tonsilla compositum , amp No. 5. Chronic tonsillitis. Detoxifying, desensitizing, lymphatic drainage effect.
  38. Traumeel S , amp No. 5, drops 50 ml, ointment 50 g, tablet No. 50. Inflammatory processes in various organs and tissues. Postoperative and post-traumatic conditions.
    Injuries in the acute period.
  39. Ubiquinone compositum , amp No. 5. Stimulator of metabolic and enzymatic processes in case of impaired cellular respiration. Hypoxic conditions. Syndrome
    chronic fatigue.
  40. Chelidonium-gomak cord N , drops. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
  41. Hepel , tab No. 50. Diseases of the hepato-biliary system. Intestinal dysbiosis. Hepatoprotective, antispasmodic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory.
  42. Goal T , amp No. 5, tab No. 50, ointment 50g. Degenerative diseases of the joints and spine: osteochondrosis, lumbago. Humeroscapular periarthritis. Arthrosis.
  43. Cerebrum compositum N , amp No. 5. Dysfunction of the brain of a functional and organic nature: encephalopathy, cerebral atherosclerosis.
  44. Schwef-Hell , drops. Dermatitis, Immunity disorders, Acne.
  45. Engystol , tab No. 50. Viral diseases. Herpetic infection. Asthma. Its immunomodulatory effect. (Activates nonspecific defense mechanisms.)
  46. Aesculus compositum , drops 30ml. Peripheral circulation disorders. Phlebeurysm. Endarteritis. Haemorrhoids.
  47. Euphorbium compositum Nazentropfen S , spray 20ml. Rhinitis of various etiologies. Sinusitis. Adenoid vegetations. Anti-inflammatory, reparative, anti-
    allergic effect.
  48. Echinacea compositum CH , amp No. 5. Infectious diseases. Transient immunodeficiencies. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antihemorrhagic, immunostimulating and detoxifying effects.

Today, there are a number of companies producing homeopathic remedies, the effectiveness of which has been studied along with traditional medicines and is recognized by the scientific medical community. A prominent representative of one of these is the German company Hell.


Hel was founded by Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg in 1936. Berlin became her first home, where for 19 years they produced original homeopathic medicines with proven effectiveness.

Since 1955, the Hel company moved to Baden-Baden, where it developed its full-scale activities, and also continues to operate to this day.

This particular area is known for its natural healing springs of mineral and thermal waters, bischofite. Climate conditions and favorable environmental conditions allow local suppliers to grow the highest quality raw materials. In addition, purchased raw materials from reliable suppliers, both local and from around the world, are subjected to numerical studies, both from the manufacturer and from the scientific laboratory of the Hel company.

It was here that more than 1.5 thousand copyrights were developed homeopathic medicines in the form of a variety of release forms (tablets, drops, suppositories, injections, ointments, sprays, pastes, which made it possible to use drugs with maximum bioavailability for the patient’s body.

The founder (G.-G. Rekeweg) took the name “Heel” from a catchphrase Latin expression, which translated into Russian sounds like “The plant draws vitality from the light.” Very symbolic, given the quality and quantitative characteristics drugs produced by the company. The first 26 drugs that went into mass production were in the form of drops, among them Gripp-Hel, Angin-Hel, Klimakt-Hel, Traumeel, known to the general public, as well as the tablet form of Engystol. Over the next 15 years, mass production and a scientific base for the study and invention of new homeopathic medicines were established according to the doctrine of homotoxins.

What are homotoxins

Homotoxins are foreign agents that, when ingested or exposed to the body, can cause an immunological reaction in the body. Rekeweg divided homotoxins into internal (own metabolites, decay products of own tissues) and external (bacterial, viral, fungal toxins, harmful substances, poisons, some medications, etc.), and also attributed harmful factors to them environment(radiation, vibration, noise, dust) and some features (smoking, overeating, alcohol) of lifestyle that can provoke the development of diseases.

The effect of homeopathic medicines Heel is due to the effect on the body of minimal doses of the appropriate medicine According to the basic principles of homeopathy, the combination of different components helps to potentiate their action. Source: flickr (Gorenje Home appliances).

Production of Hel products

The Heel company is one of the leaders in the production of pharmaceutical products in Germany, and globally covers almost a third of the market in sales homeopathic remedies.

The popularity of Hel preparations is due to worldwide recognition. Active educational activities and publications scientific works has attracted and continues to attract many specialists and consumers.

All production is carried out in accordance with international GMP standards.

Interesting! In 1994, the International Society of Homotoxicology founded the award named after. G.-G. Rekeweg for research in the field of homotoxicology and antihomotoxic therapy, the budget of which is 15,000 euros.

Range of homeopathic remedies Hel

A wide variety of homeopathic remedies from the company are represented by special, composite preparations, homocords, injectables broad action, which makes them popular in general medical practice.

Hel products are safe to use for patients, including children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as the elderly and patients with severe chronic diseases.

When used independently, it is possible to achieve an effect without fear of the possibility of adverse reactions.

As part of complex therapy, the likelihood of unwanted drug interactions with allopathic drugs is practically excluded. And its obvious effectiveness makes it highly popular among patients.

Hel preparations contain natural plant, mineral and animal components, as well as vitamins, catalytic substances, synthetic analogues of human hormones, toxins pathogenic microorganisms, poisons that, in minimal quantities and optimal ratios, trigger complex protective and regenerative mechanisms in the human body. As a result, the activity of all organs and systems is regulated at the cellular, tissue, organ levels, carrying out a comprehensive healing effect.

The Heel company, along with the production of drugs for humans, is engaged in the manufacture of homeopathic veterinary products, which are successfully used both independently and in combination with traditional veterinary medications. Source: flickr (Army Medicine).

Heel's products are successfully used in Europe, Asia, America, Australia, and Africa. About 60 drugs are officially registered in our country and a number more are in the process of registration.

Top 20 most popular Heel drugs

The composition of most of these drugs is universal - the components have the most targeted effect on all mechanisms pathological process, which are similar in essence. The localization of the process differs, which requires a more careful selection and combination of means.


This is a complex homeopathic medicine with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Effective for tonsillitis, as well as for eliminating the consequences of tonsil intoxication and complications.


Complex homeopathic remedy with sedative and mild hypnotic properties. Indicated for neuroses, depression, sleep disorders, as well as in complex therapy for convulsive conditions.


It has expectorant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Also used to relieve and eliminate indomitable coughs, allergic phenomena of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Effective in the complex treatment of pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis, and oncopathology.


In the form of suppositories with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, detoxification and sedative properties. It is used for nervous overexcitation, as well as for inflammatory processes of different localization to eliminate or alleviate symptoms, incl. in infants during teething and during intestinal colic.

Ovarium compositum

To regulate the activity of female sex hormones and correct conditions associated with disorders hormonal regulation both primary and secondary origin (hypopituitarism, ovarian insufficiency). Used to normalize the menstrual cycle, treat dyshormonal uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, etc. During menopause and menopause, it helps to normalize the general condition and eliminate metabolic disorders associated with a lack of female sex hormones.


Which is used for the prevention and treatment of influenza, parainfluenza, acute respiratory viral infections, as well as associated intoxications. It has anti-inflammatory, detoxification and immunomodulatory properties.


With sedative and mild antispasmodic properties. Helps normalize the general condition of neuroses, anxiety states, excessive nervous excitability. Effective for insomnia, as well as as part of complex therapy in the treatment of various diseases of the nervous system.


With hormone-regulating, sedative, analgesic and antispasmodic properties. Used to eliminate and alleviate the symptoms of “hot flashes” during menopause.


With anti-exudative, anti-inflammatory and immunocorrective properties. Effectively improves lymphatic outflow and drainage, accelerating the elimination of edema and the reduction of reactively enlarged lymph nodes during inflammatory processes.

Echinacea compositum

Which is used for the prevention and treatment of catarrhal and purulent inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes, skin and subcutaneous tissue, as well as internal organs.


Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the kidneys, as well as in the complex therapy of urolithiasis. It has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, improves kidney function.


It is used as a homeopathic remedy with anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, analgesic properties for arthritis of various origins. Improves metabolism in case of disorders purine metabolism, which prevents salt formation and scaling.

Thyroidea compositum

Complex homeopathic remedy for normalizing activity thyroid gland. Anti-inflammatory, lymphatic drainage and immunostimulating and detoxifying properties effectively fight diseases connective tissue, benign neoplasms, precancerous conditions. It is also used in the treatment of muscular dystrophy, obesity, bronchial asthma, and adhesive disease.


With anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-exudative and analgesic effect allows you to effectively treat traumatic and non-traumatic inflammatory processes in muscles, tendons, and soft tissues. Improves lymphatic drainage and reduces venous outflow, eliminating edema syndrome in injuries and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


It is used as a hepatoprotector and mild choleretic agent for the prevention of diseases of the liver and biliary tract, as well as as part of complex therapy for disorders of the biliary tract, infectious and non-infectious. infectious diseases liver.

Euphorbium compositum

Used for treatment different types rhinitis and sinusitis as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and immunocorrective agent, as well as as part of complex therapy for ozena, the so-called fetid runny nose.

Cerebrum compositum

Composite homeopathic remedy for the treatment of various diseases of the nervous system in children and adults. Effective for neuroses, depression, psychosis, alcohol withdrawal, mental retardation and physical development and cerebral palsy in children. As part of complex therapy, it is used to treat Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and other disorders.


A drug for improving local and systemic immunological response for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza.

Goal T

Complex homeopathic preparation reduces the inflammatory process and pain in arthritis, arthrosis of different origins, incl. rheumatic. Effective for osteochondrosis, tendovaginitis of different localizations.


Complex homeopathic remedy for the treatment of inflammatory, allergic and degenerative skin diseases ( atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis), liver (hepatosis, cirrhosis), kidney (nephrosis and nephritis).

about the author

Almost from the very beginning of her medical career, Oksana has been using alternative treatment methods. In her practice, Oksana follows the fundamental laws set forth in the works of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

Discus compositum is a homeopathic remedy produced by the German company Heel. The effectiveness of this product is based on strengthening the immune system and regulating functional changes through the influence of plant, animal and mineral components.
This remedy affects the speed of metabolic processes, accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues, relieves pain, spasms, inflammation, soothes, cleanses tissues of poisons.

The drug Discus compositum from Heel includes more than thirty active substances in microdoses, including:
Extract from intervertebral discs pigs used for osteochondrosis, rheumatism, neuralgia.
Extract from the umbilical cord of a pig embryo used for violation of the integrity of connective fibers, osteochondrosis, coxarthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, collagenosis, osteomalacia.
Pig cartilage extract used for arthrosis deformans, tendovaginitis, coxitis, periarthritis, and cartilage diseases.
Pig bone marrow extract used for deforming arthrosis, osteomyelitis, osteomalacia, exostoses.
Porcine fetal extract used to activate reduction reactions in the body, improving blood flow, with atherosclerosis.
Pig adrenal gland extract used for dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, vagotonia, adynamia, exhaustion, polyarthritis.
Ascorbic acid is an activator of reduction-oxidation reactions.
Vitamin B1 participates in oxidative decarboxylation.
Vitamin B2 participates in the processes of oxidation, reduction and is necessary for the metabolism of flavoproteins.
Vitamin B6 necessary for the production of a number of essential enzymes.
Nicotinamide– necessary for the production of dehydratase ( enzyme).
Alpha lipoic acid is a coenzyme that is necessary for the processing of pyruvic acid.
Oxaloacetic acid participates in the metabolism of tricarboxylic acids. Necessary for severe and painful gouty and rheumatic pain.
Nadidum is an activator of metabolic processes in joints.
Sulfur– used for lethargy, rheumatism, neuroses, depression.
Metallic silver- used for pain in the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the nervous system.
Zinc metal– necessary for convulsions, neuralgic diseases, insomnia, lethargy and exhaustion.
Copper– necessary for convulsive contractions of the muscles of the lower extremities.
Ammonium chlorate– used for sciatica, neuralgia.
Calcium hydrogen phosphate- prescribed to children with rickets, slowly developing. Improves the growth of bones and skeleton, accelerates the healing of fractures.
Calcium carbonate– prescribed for lethargy, osteoporosis.
Red mercuric oxide– used for bone fistulas, pain in the musculoskeletal system at night.
Meadow lumbago– used for cephalgia, rheumatism, insomnia, mental disorders.
Voronets racemosus– relieves heart pain, myalgia, and is also used for depression and various manias.
Marsh rosemary– used for gout, rheumatism.
Dry grass– indicated for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia.
Bitter gourd– prescribed for neuralgia and neuritis, sciatica, joint pain.
Uterine horns– indicated for convulsive muscle contractions, paresis, impaired patency of blood vessels, paresthesia.
horse chestnut– helps with poor circulation of the veins and pain in the sacrum.
Buttercup– prescribed for pain in the upper part of the spinal column, neuralgia.
Cinchona– prescribed for exhaustion, osteochondrosis.
Common barberry– prescribed for diseases of the gallbladder, liver, rheumatism.

When is Discus compositum from Hel prescribed?
This remedy is used in the treatment of various syndromes with osteochondrosis, as well as with intervertebral hernias. The drug affects the condition of the tissues of the damaged disc, promotes the accumulation of fluid in it, helping swelling to resolve. Also prescribed for the treatment of joints and ligaments of the spine, osteomalacia, gout, exostosis, myalgia.

How and in what quantities should I take the drug?
For patients over six years of age and adults, one ampoule of the drug is prescribed as an injection. The injection is given paravertebrally, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, segmentally or in biologically active places of the body. The frequency of procedures is from one to three times a week. If the disease is acute, procedures are prescribed once every two days.
Children under two years of age are prescribed from 1 to 1 ampoule volume, children from two to six years old from 1 to half an ampoule. Children can be given the drug orally, diluted with five milliliters of water ( tea spoon). It is advisable to hold it in the mouth for a while before swallowing.
The standard duration of therapy is from a month to one and a half.

Are there any possible side effects?
For some people this drug provokes increased production of saliva. Such patients should consult a physician or discontinue the drug.
You should not use this remedy on your own without a doctor’s prescription during pregnancy.
The drug can be combined with any other medications. It can be stored at room temperature and used for five years from the date of manufacture.

The difference between the homeopathic remedy Zeel T is that there are no special painkillers among the components of this remedy. The reduction in pain occurs due to the effect of the drug on the condition of the tissue of the affected joint.
Suis-organic substances are one of the main active components of the drug Zeel T from Hel. These substances prevent further destruction of the joint and cartilage, improve recovery, and increase blood flow.
Sulfur is a well-known substance used for rheumatic conditions in the joints. Recent experiments with this substance have proven that when sulfur enters the body, it is converted into chondroitin sulfate, which is the basis of cartilage.
Herbal components have an analgesic effect, relieve inflammation, and accelerate the recovery processes of both bone and soft tissues.
Biocatalysts accelerate the metabolism of substances in the affected joint.

Indications for use Zeel T
1. degenerative processes of cartilage and ligaments ( gonarthrosis, deforming osteoarthritis, polyarthrosis, osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, chondropathy, tendinopathy, glenohumeral periarthritis),
2. cervical migraine, lumbosacral disorders and other syndromes of the cervical and lumbar spine,
3. rheumatic processes of the organs of movement,
4. recovery from fractures, injuries,
5. heel spur, metabolic osteopathies.

Contraindications for use of Zeel T from Hel
The ointment should not be used by people with individual intolerance to mountain arnica and other plant components.
Tablets and liquid for injections are not prescribed to people with individual intolerance to Asteraceae.

Side effects Zeel T
A number of patients experience increased pain in the first days of therapy. In isolated cases, allergic phenomena have been recorded when using the ointment.

In what quantities and how to use Zeel T?
Liquid for injections
The standard dosage for mature patients, as well as children from six years of age, is one ampoule of the drug. It should be administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intradermally, intraarticularly or intraosseously. The frequency of procedures is once or twice a week. In acute cases of the disease, one to two ampoules per day.

The standard dosage for mature patients and children from six years of age is one tablet three times a day. The tablet should be dissolved under the tongue. At severe pain You should take one tablet every quarter of an hour, no longer than two hours in a row. Then continue with the standard dosage.

Use gentle movements to treat the affected area two to five times a day. In addition, it can be used during a massage, with a compress, or during phonophoresis.
These drugs can be combined with any other medications.
The combination of Zeel T with injection liquid is especially effective Traumeel S.

additional information
At the Ukrainian Republican Rheumatology Center, studies were carried out on the effectiveness of the drug Zeel T. During the study, it was found that the drug had no effect at all. toxic effect on the body, while it actively affects the condition of damaged cartilage. Therefore, it can be used as basic therapy for chronic joint damage. The patients' pain went away after three to five injections.
According to studies by foreign scientists, this drug simultaneously stops the destructuring of cartilage and participates in the partial restoration of tissue.

It's no secret that most enzymes "work" using sulfide groups ( cytochrome, coenzyme A). At the same time, most antimicrobial drugs and antibiotics block sulfide groups, causing disturbances in the functioning of enzyme systems and many side effects. Sulfur, specially potentiated using a special technology, allows you to normalize lost functions.

So, the drug Engystol allows you to heal the body from the side effects of drug treatment and reduce the harmful effects of allopathic drugs for viral diseases. It must be remembered that the product does not directly destroy the virus and does not poison internal organs.

The drug has a very positive effect on the movement of fluid in certain layers of connective tissue, as well as in the lymph nodes.
Among all the variety of Hel products, Engystol is the first choice drug for strengthening the immune system against viruses. In addition, this drug has a beneficial effect on all parts of the immune system.

Indications for use Engystol
1. hepatitis of viral origin in chronic and acute form,
2. cytomegalovirus, herpes, sexually transmitted infections,
3. acute respiratory viral diseases(ARI), influenza,
4. inflammatory diseases respiratory organs,
5. bronchial asthma ,
6. heart and vascular diseases caused by infection ( pericarditis, endocarditis),
7. dermatological diseases (urticaria, furunculosis, eczema),
8. allergic reactions, hay fever,
9. neuralgia, migraine, causalgia.

Contraindications to the use of Engystol (Engystol)
This drug has no contraindications; it can be used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the treatment of young children and the elderly.
No side effects were observed.

In what quantities should Engystol be taken?

  • Adult patients and children over three years of age can take one tablet of the drug at a time.
  • For children under three years of age, the dosage is half a tablet. The tablets should be kept under the tongue until completely dissolved three times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals or an hour after.
At acute onset disease, it is recommended to take a single dose every quarter of an hour for the first two hours. After which you should move to the standard dosage.

Liquid for injection
The drug is sold in ampoules of 1.1 milliliters.

  • Adult patients and children over the age of six should use the whole ampoule at a time.
  • Babies under one year of age are prescribed 1 ampoule.
  • Children from one to three years old: 1 ampoule.
  • For young patients from three to six years old, 1 ampoule.
The drug is infused intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intradermally, intravenously one to three times a week. If the disease is acute, then it is allowed once a day.
In cases where it is difficult to give injections, it is allowed to take the drug orally.
This medicine can be combined with any medications.

This combination of carefully combined components allows the drug to have the following effects:

  • Normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland
  • Accelerate the recovery of the thyroid gland
  • Relieve inflammation
  • Improve lymph movement
  • Normalize the functioning of the body's defense systems
  • Improve trophism
  • Bind free radicals
  • Remove excess urine from the body
  • Prevent sensitization
  • Calm down

Due to the fact that the homeopathic medicine Thyreoidea compositum has many various functions, covering almost all body systems, it is used as one of the components of treatment for a large number of degenerative, chronic diseases, malignant processes, as well as to normalize the cleansing function.

Indications for use
1. dysfunction of the thyroid gland, subclinical hypothyroidism, decreased function,
2. thyroiditis of autoimmune origin,
3. to enhance immune function, as well as the work of matrix connective fibers during oncological diseases, as well as in diseases preceding them, in obesity, muscle dystrophy, arthrosis, bronchial asthma, osteochondrosis, nevi, scleroderma.

Contraindications for use
Patients suffering from thyrotoxicosis and hyperthyroidism should keep in mind that the preparation of the pig thyroid gland included in Thyreoidea compositum activates the activity of the thyroid gland. In this regard, you should first visit an endocrinologist.
It is prohibited to use this drug during pregnancy.

Side effects
This remedy activates the activity of the thyroid gland. With intravenous use of Thyreoidea compositum, in some cases a decrease in blood pressure is observed, as well as a hypersensitivity reaction. The presence of mistletoe can provoke bronchospasm, swelling of the larynx, and rashes on the body.

  • Adult patients are advised to use one ampoule at a time.
  • For children up to two years of age, take 1 to 1 ampoule.
  • Children from two to six years old receive from 1 to 1 ampoule, and over six years old, a whole ampoule.
The medicine is infused intramuscularly, intradermally, subcutaneously, segmentally, and in some cases intravenously. The frequency of the procedure is from one to three times a week.
If it is difficult to give injections, the drug can be taken orally.
This drug can be combined with any other medications.

This drug strengthens local immunity mucous membranes, accelerates healing, relieves inflammation, spasms, and has a beneficial effect on mucus production.

When should I take it?
This drug is prescribed to activate the immune system for diseases of the mucous membranes, catarrh of any location, ulcers of the stomach and intestines, urinary organs, visual organs, and respiratory organs.
The drug is also indicated for vaginosis of bacterial origin, dysbiosis, to prepare the body for surgical interventions, as well as to facilitate the recovery of the body after surgery. This drug has no contraindications.

In what quantities should I take?
A single dose for an adult patient and children from the age of six is ​​one ampoule.
Children from two to six years old are prescribed from a quarter to half an ampoule, and children up to two years old from one sixth to one fourth ampoule.
The drug should be infused intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intradermally, segmentally from one to three times a week. For severe flows, you can do it every day.
If it is difficult to give injections, you can take the drug orally.
The drug may cause rashes on the body. If this occurs, further treatment with this drug should be discontinued.
The combination of this drug with any other medications is allowed.

This drug is also prescribed for vegetative disorders ( migraines, nymphomania, depression, during menopause).
As an auxiliary component in inflammatory processes of the ovaries and tissues of the reproductive organs in women, vaginal discharge, kraurose.

Hormeel SN is prescribed as part of complex therapy for inflammatory processes of the bladder, dermatological ailments, ailments of the mucous membranes, ENT organs, aversion to food in children, hyperthyroidism, parenchymal goiter.

In what quantities is Hormeel SN from Hel prescribed?
Liquid for injections
One injection each ( one ampoule) per day in the first days of the disease, then switch to one to three injections per week. Injections are performed subcutaneously, intradermally, intramuscularly, intravenously.

The standard dosage for adult patients is ten drops three times a day.

Treatment with this drug may cause increased menstrual bleeding.

In what quantities should I take?
For an adult patient, the dosage of the drug is one tablet twice or three times a day.
Children under the age of one year are prescribed a quarter of a tablet, children aged 1 to 3 years, half a tablet, from three to six years, three quarters of a tablet twice or thrice a day. Patients from the age of six are prescribed adult dosage. The tablet should be dissolved under the tongue. If the disease occurs in an acute form, a single dosage is prescribed once every quarter of an hour for two hours, after which the drug is used two or three times a day.

Bronchalis Hel contains the following components:
Belladonna– prescribed at the very beginning of inflammatory processes respiratory system. Good relief for dry cough and sore throat.
Lobaria pulmonary– often used in homeopathy to treat acute inflammatory processes accompanied by a debilitating cough.
Ipecac effective in cases of retention of large volumes of bronchial mucus, the possibility of suffocation, unproductive severe cough, vomiting, shortness of breath. Helps evacuate bronchial mucus, reduces shortness of breath, relieves chest heaviness and pain.
Creosote– used for sore throat and acute pain in the throat in patients with tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis.
Lobelia inflated– relieves dizziness, hiccups, bronchospasm, increased salivation, and other autonomic disorders.
Henbane black– prescribed for inflammation of the bronchi, accompanied by a sore throat, lethargy, night cough, and suffocation.
White step– indicated for acute nonproductive cough that causes headache and chest pain.

This combination of specially prepared herbal and other substances allows the drug Bronchalis Hel to relieve inflammation, spasms, cough, and helps remove phlegm.

For inflammation of the bronchi, in people who neglect a healthy lifestyle caused by nicotine smoking, treatment with only one drug, Bronchalis, is quite effective. If the disease is caused by the presence pathogenic microbes, the drug should be combined with other homeopathic or allopathic remedies. For chronic respiratory diseases, this medicine facilitates the evacuation of mucus from the bronchi. As an auxiliary component, it can be used to alleviate the condition of patients with malignant neoplasms of the respiratory system.

The drug has no contraindications and does not cause side effects.

In what quantities should I use Testis compositum from Hel?
The drug is prescribed to adult patients in a single dose - one ampoule. The drug is infused intradermally, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, segmentally, if there is a doctor’s indication, then it can be carried out intravenous infusion. The procedure is carried out one to three times a week.

If it is not possible to give injections, you can take the product orally. In addition, the drug is used according to the method of phase autohemotherapy.
Testis compositum can be combined with any other medications.

Exists clinical experience combined use of this homeopathic remedy with such drugs as Traumeel, Galium-Hel, Cerebrum compositum.
During therapy male infertility You should be prepared for long-term treatment, since the sperm maturation cycle lasts from two and a half to three months. Infusions should be administered intramuscularly twice a week.

It is advisable to visit an andrologist before starting treatment and check for the presence of inflammatory processes. If any exist, the inflammation must be treated before treatment with Testis compositum.
The use of this drug for a long time not only eliminates the problem of infertility, but also long time maintain the effect of treatment.
This homeopathic medicine activates the self-healing capabilities existing in the human body itself.

The drug is allowed to be taken by all women who do not suffer from individual intolerance to the components, who are not pregnant and who are not breastfeeding. Only after consulting a hepatologist can you use this remedy for severe violations liver function.
This remedy can be combined with any other medications.

This homeopathic remedy actively suppresses anxiety, affecting both the somatic and mental components. The drug initially affects such disorders in the body that develop in a state of anxiety, such as indigestion, spasms of internal organs. In addition, under the influence of the drug, emotional imbalance and the tendency to cry for no reason, characteristic of menopause and depression in older people, are eliminated. It should also be noted positive influence drug for symptoms such as aphonia, lump in the throat, paresthesia. Due to the fact that the drug has the ability to relieve spasms caused by disruption of the nervous system, it is also used as one of the components in the treatment of emphysema and bronchial asthma.
In some treatment regimens, this drug can be used instead of benzadiazepines.

How and who can take this remedy from Hel?
This homeopathic remedy has no contraindications. Its use does not cause side effects.
The drug is taken orally or sublingually three times a day, half an hour before meals or an hour later. Before use, this product should be diluted with a teaspoon of water.
A single dose of the drug is for adult patients and children over six years old - ten drops, for children under two years of age three drops, for children from two to six years old five drops per dose.

For cupping seizures should be taken in a single dose once every quarter of an hour until the condition is relieved, no longer than two hours in a row. Then switch to the usual dosage.
This medicine can be combined with any other drugs.

In many countries, therapy with homeopathic remedies is widely used against the most various pathologies. Heel is rightfully considered the largest manufacturer of this group of products. this manufacturer is quite popular) does not cause harm to the body, like many medications, but its benefits are also questionable. Let's try to understand the advisability of using natural medicines.

What is the essence of homeopathy?

Recently, an increasing number of people are turning to alternative methods of treatment for help, having become completely disillusioned with traditional medicine. One of the popular methods is homeopathy, the principle of action of which was determined by Hippocrates - like is treated with like. Naturally, this has nothing in common with classical medical treatment.

The founder of modern homeopathy is considered to be the German scientist-doctor Samuel Hahnemann, who in the 18th century determined the main principles of a special method of healing patients. Despite the fact that many components of homeopathic medicines have vegetable origin, the method has nothing in common with herbal medicine.

To prepare a homeopathic medicine, a small dose of the active substance is taken. In the concept of a homeopath, there is little - not just a little, but an insignificant amount, which is repeatedly diluted in water. It is important to constantly shake the container with the future medicine during the preparation process. Thus, the water is “charged” with the beneficial properties of this substance.

Homeopathy "Heel": discussion

Currently, on pharmacy shelves you can find homeopathic preparations not only foreign, but also domestically produced. The difference between them lies in the production technology. European manufacturers pay special attention to the shaking and dilution process. The most popular natural remedies for treatment are those from the German company Heel (homeopathy), whose drugs have been successfully used in various fields of medicine for more than half a century and have managed to win the trust of many consumers.

Adherents of alternative treatment methods claim that homeopathic medicines from this company have a positive effect on the body’s condition and really help get rid of many ailments. Right choice A homeopathic doctor will help you make a drug to eliminate the disease, who assesses not only the severity of the pathology, but also the patient’s physical characteristics and psycho-emotional background. Homeopathy does not treat the disease itself, but the entire body as a whole. Therefore, the approach to therapy should be individual, depending on the symptoms of the disease and the characteristics of the body.

When should you use homeopathy?

The use of complex homeopathic medicines from Heel is possible for the following ailments:

  • Organ pathologies gastrointestinal tract(dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis).
  • Gynecological diseases that do not require surgical intervention(premenstrual syndrome, mastopathy, endometriosis, adnexitis, menopause).
  • Seasonal diseases of the upper respiratory tract (acute respiratory infections, influenza, rhinitis, tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis).
  • Diseases of the spine and joints (osteochondrosis, arthritis).
  • Skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis).
  • Neurological disorders (neuroses, depression, dizziness).

Experienced homeopathic doctors know that in some cases, only natural medicines will not succeed, and it is recommended to take medications at the same time.

Heel (homeopathy): drugs and their composition

Homeopathic remedies are made from components of plant and animal origin, as well as minerals. Some preparations combine snake or bee venom, organ particles, and plant extracts. These ingredients do not pose a danger to the human body, because they are selected and diluted by specialists.

In Germany, homeopathy is used on an equal basis with traditional medicine, and that is why special attention is paid to the safety and effectiveness of such medicines. Homeopathic medicines from the Heel company are produced in various forms: drops, suppositories, ointments, tablets and solutions for injections. Today, the German company produces about 1,500 types of medicines that have passed the necessary research tests.

Homeopathy "Hel" for the treatment of respiratory organs

Heel preparations have positively proven themselves in the treatment of the upper respiratory tract with pathologies such as laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and pleurisy. One of the most famous homeopathic remedies is Bronchalis-Hel, which a German company has been producing for more than half a century. Lozenges contain components that alleviate the patient’s condition at the very beginning inflammatory process: belladonna, lobaria pneumonia, creosote, black henbane, emetic root. Properly selected components can relieve bronchial spasm, remove phlegm and smooth out severe coughing attacks.

Quite often, homeopaths recommend taking Bronchalis-Hel to eliminate cough associated with prolonged nicotine addiction. If necessary, the drug can be combined with antibacterial therapy. For the treatment of chronic bronchitis, Tartafedrel H (drops) and Traumeel C (tablets) are prescribed.

Preparations "Hel" in gynecology

Homeopathic remedies are increasingly being used to treat many gynecological problems. The advantage of this therapy is its absolute safety for the body and the possibility of long-term use. Complex homeopathic preparations from Hel are prescribed for fibroids, adnexitis, thrush, mastopathy, and infectious diseases (toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasma).

Many patients were satisfied with the positive results of therapy with natural drugs.

Homeopathy from Hel can also be used to treat infertility. It should be borne in mind that in some situations it is impossible to eliminate the cause of the pathological condition without traditional methods. Therefore, before using homeopathic medicines, it is better to undergo examinations and consult a specialist. The most famous products of the Hel company used in gynecology include:

  • "Klimakt-Hel" normalizes hormonal background during menopause. Helps fight depression, mood swings, migraines.
  • "Gynekohel" is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs, menstrual irregularities, and infertility.
  • "Ovarium Compositum" will help with ovarian pathologies, failures in menstrual cycle, menopause.
  • "Mulimen" has a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Prescribed for painful menstruation, cycle disorders, mastopathy, premenopausal syndrome.

Homeopathy "Hel" for neuroses and sleep disorders

Many patients have proven that natural drugs help effectively combat nervous system disorders. The main signs of violations are sharp decline work ability, sleep problems, constant feeling fatigue. In such cases, experts recommend taking Heel products. Homeopathy - the drugs this company specializes in - copes with the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, including neurological ones. Medicines such as “Valerianahel”, “Nervohel”, “Ignacia Homaccord” will help restore normal sleep and eliminate signs of depression.

Can homeopathy be used to treat children?

To treat small patients, you can use homeopathic medicines from the German Heel campaign. Such remedies as “Angin-Hel” and “Grip-Hel” have gained particular popularity among doctors and parents. They help cope with the symptoms of ARVI, colds, flu, sore throat and promote stimulation protective functions body.

It is not recommended to prescribe medications on your own without prior consultation with a homeopath, as natural medicine cannot fight some diseases.

Disadvantages of homeopathy

It should be understood that it is not always possible to get rid of a disease by taking medications. natural origin. If exists real threat for the life of the patient, homeopathic medicines should not be used. Prices for medicines range from 350 to 1300 rubles. depending on the purpose and form of release.

The drugs indicated in the therapeutic index have been tested in practice by numerous doctors (therapists, dentists, etc.) who have been using homeopathic antihomotoxic therapy methods for many years. Also, when compiling the index, the results of recent scientific research were taken into account.

Most of the Heel drugs used to treat the corresponding diseases are used in the form of two methods:

1. a method of short-term therapy used to treat acute, sudden illnesses;
2. a method of long-term therapy for the treatment of chronic diseases.

With the short-term therapy method, frequent doses of appropriate medications are indicated: as a rule, 1 tablet or 10 drops every 15 minutes (for 2 hours, the so-called initiating therapy).

At the onset of the disease, injection solutions are used daily (in particularly severe forms of the disease - even up to three times a day). The general rule is to use the indicated drugs more often than stronger disease. Once the patient's condition improves, the number of medications taken can be gradually reduced.

For long-term treatment of chronic diseases, the dosage of medications is:

For oral therapy drugs - 3 times a day, 1 tablet or 10 drops (put the tablet under the tongue and let it dissolve);

For solutions - injections 1-2 times a week.

The same dosage can be used for therapy after acute illnesses.

It should be noted that dosage instructions for individual drugs are a good help for doctors who do not have sufficient experience in homeopathic and antihomotoxic therapy. Having gained sufficient experience, most doctors move on to an individual dosage for each patient, which takes into account the severity of the disease, the patient's condition and the body's response to the drugs.

Dosage for infants and children

As a rule, the dosage of homeopathic medicines when treating children and infants (as in adults) is carried out individually. It is not always recommended to follow strict treatment regimens that do not take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and his reaction to the drug.

a single dose of the drug in drops for infants and children under 2 years old is 3 drops, from 2 to 6 years old - 5 drops, over 6 years old - 10 drops 3 times a day, and when acute diseases- every 15 minutes for 2 hours (as initial therapy).


during Lymphomyosot therapy, the average dose for infants is 5 drops, children from 2 to 6 years old - 8 drops, over 6 years old - 15-20 drops.

For drugs in tablets, a single dose for children under 3 years old is 1/2 tablet, over 3 years old - 1 tablet 3 times a day, and for acute diseases - every 15 minutes for no more than 2 hours.

For drugs in ampoules of 1.1 ml, a single dose for children under 2 years old is 1/3 ampoule, from 2 to 6 years old - 1/2 ampoule, over 6 years old - 1 ampoule.

For drugs in ampoules of 2.2 ml, the dose for children under 2 years of age is from 1/6 to 1/3 of an ampoule; from 2 to 6 years - from 1/4 to 1/2 ampoule.

There are also special instructions on the dosage of nosode drugs.

For preparations in the form of suppositories, the dosage is:

for Viburcol Suppositorien, infants up to 6 months receive 2 suppositories per day, over 6 months - 3 suppositories per day.

For Vomitusheel S, children under 6 months receive 2 suppositories per day.

For Spascupreel S Suppositorien, the dose for children under 6 months is 1/2 suppository 2-3 times a day, for children over 6 months - 1 suppository 2-3 times a day.

Atropinum compositum S Suppositorien, as a rule, is prescribed to children from the age of three months, the dose for children under 3 years old is 1 suppository no more than 2 times a day, from 3 to 6 years old - no more than 3 suppositories, and over 6 years old - no more than 5 candles per day.

Choice of drugs

When choosing drugs, you must be guided by the following rules

If, according to the therapeutic and pharmacological index, the drug corresponds to the patient’s existing disease (according to the symptoms), then it should be used first.

In the case of various manifestations of the disease or when it is difficult to find a suitable drug, it is necessary to focus on the symptoms of the disease, i.e. look for drugs indicated for symptoms, for example, drugs for headaches, heart pain, joint pain, etc.

If several drugs are prescribed at the same time, they can be used one after another (at intervals of 1-2 hours), or all together. There are no known side effects when taking multiple drugs at the same time.

If drugs are available in different forms (for example, drops and tablets), then their therapeutic effect should be considered equivalent. Since the drops (according to the rules for their manufacture, HAB) are prepared on the basis of an alcohol-water mixture, it is advisable not to use the drops in patients in whom even a small amount of alcohol can cause serious problems, for example, patients with liver disease, alcoholics.

On the other hand, it is not recommended to use tablets in patients with increased sensitivity to lactose. Diabetes is not a contraindication for taking pills. In severe forms of this disease, when a strict diet with a balanced amount of carbohydrates is indicated, each tablet (about 300 mg) should be considered as 0.025 bread units (BE).

Application of ampoule forms

Of the currently available drugs in ampoules, two groups can be distinguished:

1. complex preparations(compositum, Homaccord, etc.);
2. individual preparations in the forms Injeel and Injeel forte, as well as in the forms of single potencies.

Group 1 drugs are used in the same way as drugs in drops or tablets. Most of these drugs are available for oral therapy (for example, more than 30 Homaccord drugs are in the form of drops). It is impossible to give a definite answer which of these forms is best for use. Only an assessment of the results of therapy based on long-term observations allows us to draw conclusions regarding some complex drugs. Observational results indicate that, as a rule, a better effect is observed with injection of drugs than with oral therapy. But these conclusions are not final, and they are not recommended to be applied to all complex drugs (at least due to the circumstances accompanying the disease).

In principle, it may be recommended to use oral therapy first for milder manifestations of the disease. Injections are used when acute forms of diseases are observed or when oral therapy for chronic diseases has not given the desired effect. It is also recommended to continue treatment after completing the series of injections. past illness through oral therapy.

Application of single products in lnjeel form

Preparations of the 2nd group (in ampoules) differ from the drugs of the first group in that they are prepared from only one substance. The active substance in these preparations is in potentized form, and the injection solution may contain both high and low potencies of the original substance, which makes it possible to expand, enhance and maintain the therapeutic effect. With the help of high potencies, the first possible deterioration of the patient’s condition is suppressed.

Single products in the forms Injeel and Injeel forte, containing classical homeopathic remedies as active substances, are widely used in the treatment of diseases. Best effect observed when the symptoms of the disease exactly correspond to the picture of the disease for which this drug is used. As practice shows, the more chemical synthetic drugs used in treatment, the more difficult it is to distinguish the classic symptoms of diseases. It is recommended to include a homeopathic remedy in the treatment plan, even if the patient has only one typical symptom. It is also recommended to use a mixture of drugs if each of them individually corresponds to a specific symptom of the disease.

Use of homeopathic allopathic remedies, catalysts, nosodes and suis-organic drugs

For patients whose diseases were treated with chemical drugs, as well as for those whose diseases could be caused by such chemotherapy, it is recommended to include in the treatment plan, in addition to other indicated drugs, also homeopathic allopathic drugs. These drugs, available in the forms Injeel and Injeel forte, contain a number of chemical drugs in homeopathic potentized form and are used, like other homeopathic medicines, in accordance with the principle of similarity.

Homeopathic allopathic drugs are used based on the opinion that doses of chemicals used to treat diseases remaining in the body can cause certain undesirable consequences for the body. In this case, it is not at all necessary to use the same chemicals in the homeopathic solution that caused the disease; Another substance with similar effects may also be used.

Catalysts, produced in the forms Injeel and Injeel forte, contain homeopathic potencies of a number of substances that play an important role in metabolism in cells or in the entire human body. The use of these substances activates metabolic processes and blocked functions of cells and enzymes. The use of catalysts is most significant in chronic and degenerative diseases.

Nosodes- these are preparations prepared using homeopathic technology from pathologically altered organs (or parts of organs) of humans or animals, from killed cultures of microorganisms and from decay products of animal organs; nosodes contain the causative agents of the disease or the products of this disease. Nosodes are available in the forms Injeel and Injeel forte, as well as in the form of single potencies. In fact, they are a means of treating certain areas of the body. They do not have a direct effect on pathogens, but increase the body's immunity. As a rule, nosodes are used for therapy after acute stage infectious diseases, which corresponds to the use according to the rules of anamnestic and etiological similarity. Also, nosodes can be used according to the rules of symptomatic similarity or in cases where the patient’s disease is similar in its symptoms to a certain disease.

Suis organs the preparations are also available in the forms Injeel and Injeel forte and in the form of single potencies. Suis-organ preparations are used for stimulating therapy of individual organs. They are especially effective for degenerative diseases and functional disorders organs. As a rule, therapy with suis-organic drugs is carried out in combination with other homeopathic remedies, after preliminary treatment with complex drugs. When using suis-organic preparations together with other homeopathic remedies, the effect of homeopathic substances on individual organs is more targeted, which determines the greater effectiveness of treatment.

Features of the use of high (lnjeel-forms) and low potencies (Injeel forte forms)

Single homeopathic medicines(in the form of injection solutions), including allopathic drugs, catalysts, nosodes and suis-organic drugs, are available in the forms Injeel And Injeel forte, as well as in the form of single (high or low) potencies.

If the patient's individual reaction to the drug used is not yet known, it is recommended to use the lnjeel form, which causes milder irritation and, accordingly, a less severe reaction. For chronic diseases, it is recommended to start with high potencies, and in case of excessive reactions, switch to low ones (Injeel forte form or single potencies). In patients with hypersensitivity, the usual lnjeel form may cause slight aggravation. To determine the patient's individual response, single high potencies of the drug can be used. For acute diseases, you can use low potencies of the drug (Injeel forte form), and if the condition gradually improves, switch to the lnjeel form.

Features of injection of drugs in the forms Injeel and Injeel forte

Drugs in these forms are injected intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intradermally.

Intravenous injections must be carried out with extreme caution, continuously monitoring the patient. This applies to cases when a homeopathic remedy is injected for the first time and allergic reactions to it cannot be ruled out. Intravenous injections of the drug may be indicated in acute forms of the disease, since the effect of the drug is very rapid. Observations of the use of complex drugs show that intravenous injections give the maximum effect: they have a stronger effect on the patient than intramuscular, subcutaneous and intradermal injections.

Impact intramuscular injections manifests itself more slowly than intravenous, but it is more stable.

Impact subcutaneous injections, injected into a diseased area of ​​the body or into acupuncture points, manifests itself very quickly; in other respects it is similar to the effects of intramuscular injections.

Injections into the skin are indicated for painful conditions when it is necessary to achieve a certain nervous effect. Injections are performed segmentally, neurally, in the area of ​​pain or at the exit points of the intercostal nerves to the right or left of the spine. All indicated for therapy of this disease drugs can be mixed in one syringe and injected at several points along the entire spine.

You can prescribe ampoule forms of drugs from Heel for oral therapy. The patient dilutes the contents of the ampoule in a glass of water and then drinks it. Because of this, many doctors often use the term “drinking ampoules,” despite the fact that ampoule forms are not produced specifically for these purposes.

Therapy of special forms of diseases

The use of homeopathic remedies at first may cause a slight deterioration in the patient's condition, his excessive reaction (just like a course of balneology). As a rule, such a reaction in itself is not dangerous and passes quickly.

Also, the use of homeopathic medicines can cause a change in the symptoms of the disease, which, in turn, requires the prescription of new medicines. Sometimes in such cases it is possible to detect the development of symptoms characteristic of a particular drug; in this case, it is necessary to use complex preparations containing this substance, or an appropriate homeopathic remedy.

Often during homeopathic therapy there is an increased intensity of the body’s excretory functions, expressed, for example, in increased secretion, increased urine output, etc. Such phenomena should be considered as positive, since this removes harmful substances and homotoxins from the body. Even an increase in pathological discharge from the body (Fluor albus, etc.) can be considered as activation immune system body and the release of toxins that cause the disease. Such phenomena are a “function of biological ventilation of the body.” It is always necessary to consider whether it is worth influencing these processes with the help of special therapy or not. The same applies to febrile reactions that sometimes occur during homeopathic therapy.

The patient's health can be fully restored, unless the disease has caused irreparable damage to the patient's organs. From the patient's reactions to the indicated drugs, one can understand how successful the patient's recovery is. Clear firsts reactions to the use of the drug show that there is a long, intensive treatment; During the healing process, the body's reaction to drugs (suis-organ, nosodes, etc.) gradually disappears.

In case of irreversible degenerative changes or the occurrence of neoplasms in organs and tissues, one should not expect a complete cure from homeopathic stimulating therapy. However, it is recommended to use the drugs according to the symptoms, as this will activate the detoxification process of the body. The removal of homotoxins from the body increases when excretory functions are activated. Along with this, there is an improvement in the patient’s general condition, which can be regarded as positive reaction for the drug. Drugs that have the greatest effect are recommended for long-term use. Even if the disease cannot be cured in this way, it is possible to remove additional toxins that aggravate the body and slow down the progression of the disease.

Sustainability and storage of Heel products

If all rules are followed, Heel products are stored for 5 years. After the expiration date, the drug should not be used.

Drop solutions must be shaken vigorously several times before use after long-term storage. All forms of drug release must be protected from excessive heat and direct sunlight. Drugs in tablets also need to be protected from moisture.

Preparations in the form of suppositories should in no case be heated above +30° C, as they can soften and melt.
