Treatment and treatment of facial abrasions. How to treat fresh abrasions on a child How to treat wounds and abrasions on a child

The danger of injury awaits a child from everywhere - on the street, at home, in kindergarten, transport, etc. Therefore, in first aid, every parent should have means for treating wounds, as well as basic knowledge of how and with what to properly treat a child’s wound.

Treatment of wounds in children

You should definitely consult a doctor for wound treatment in the following cases:

  • if the edges of the wound diverge by more than 7 cm, and its length exceeds 2 cm;
  • if the wound is located on the face, hand, wrist or foot;
  • if the wound is bitten, punctured or contains foreign body;
  • if the bleeding does not stop within half an hour;
  • if severe swelling, redness, and loss of sensitivity appear around the injury;
  • if the wound is heavily contaminated.

If the wound is small and located in a non-dangerous place, no heavy bleeding, then treatment can be carried out at home. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First of all, the bleeding should be stopped. To do this, press a cloth tightly to the damaged area and, pressing with your hand, hold it for several minutes. If an arm or leg is injured, the limb can be elevated.
  2. After stopping the bleeding, rinse the wound under running water for a couple of minutes (from a tap, bottle, bag). If possible, you can also wash the wound with a soap and water solution followed by rinsing clean water. After this, blot the wound with a clean, dry cloth.
  3. Next, it is necessary to disinfect the wound with antiseptics to prevent purulent processes and speed up healing.
  • solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide (only for initial treatment of shallow wounds);
  • chlorhexidine digluconate solution;
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • furatsilin solution;
  • miramistin solution;
  • povidone-iodine solution;
  • alcohol solution of iodine (for treating wound edges).

After this, if the wound is minor, it does not need to be covered; more serious ones require the application of a sterile bandage (you can use an adhesive plaster). The surface of slightly damaged skin can be lubricated.

Weeping wound in a child

At improper treatment the wound may become weeping - characterized by the release of exudate. In this case, during treatment it is necessary to regularly make dressings and treat with disinfectants. It is best to use water-soluble ointments such as Levomekol and Levosin for this. In the regeneration phase, it is appropriate to use sea buckthorn or rosehip oil for speedy recovery fabrics.

Treatment of purulent wounds in children

In case of suppuration of the wound, it is necessary to clean its surface from pus and necrotic tissue before applying a new dressing (at least once a day). For this purpose at home it is used hypertonic solution sodium chloride, hydrogen peroxide. After cleansing and drying the wound, a gauze bandage soaked in Vishnevsky ointment is applied.

Children are actively exploring the world, and parents cannot always foresee everything and “lay out straws”, which is why children receive injuries, from minor and quickly healing to fatal ones. Among all types of injuries special place occupy wounds - open damage tissue, often accompanied by bleeding varying degrees gravity. How to help a child with different types of wounds, which of them are dangerous, what should parents do?

Wounds in children: painful and scary

Wounds are understood as a consequence of injury in which the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes is disrupted. Often, with wounds, underlying tissues can be damaged, including organs, body cavities, and the bone skeleton. The wounds have different kinds classifications, which allows parents and doctors to navigate the severity of injuries and the amount of assistance that needs to be provided to the child.

Depending on the amount of damage, wounds are:

  • Single
  • Multiple.

Usually, parents and doctors in trauma centers are faced with small wounds that children receive when they hit hard objects or the edges of furniture, due to stones or hard surfaces. There may be wounds as a result of playing with sharp objects or breaking glass. Injuries from firecrackers, firecrackers and other pyrotechnics are possible. There are many ways children can get injured, often very unique ones.


Due to the fact that children's skin is hydrophilic and elastic, the subcutaneous fat layer is well developed, the edges of the wound are rarely crushed or torn, even if it is blunt trauma. Typically the wounds are small, with smooth edges and little bleeding.

Classification and characteristics of childhood wounds

Injuries can vary depending on the conditions under which they were received, the degree of tissue damage and the danger to life. Based on which traumatic agent acted, we can distinguish:

Based on the edges of the wound defect, the following are distinguished:

  • Linear wounds, tissue damage follows a straight line, incision
  • patchwork, part of the fabric is separated
  • scalp wounds, when the superficial tissues are removed, cut away
  • torn, if the edges are uneven, deformed.

Based on the degree of tissue involvement, we can distinguish:

  • Superficial wounds within the skin to the subcutaneous tissue
  • Deep wounds, with damage to the underlying layers, right down to the internal organs.
  • Penetrating, with communication inside any cavity (chest, abdomen, joints).

Clinical manifestations of injuries in children

Immediately after receiving a wound, a gaping of its edges is externally revealed (tissues diverge, the underlying layers under the epidermis are visible), as well as bleeding of varying degrees of severity. Injury due to damage to nerve endings, nerve trunks and tissue causes pain. Its severity depends on the depth and width of the defect, the location of the injury and the involvement of tissues, muscles, bones, etc. If the injury leads to damage to any organs, a violation of their functioning is detected. Naturally, the symptoms different types wounds differ in many ways.

At superficial wounds , which most children receive, the pain is not severe and goes away quickly. Bleeding is also not very pronounced, especially if only the superficial layers of tissue are damaged.

Dangerous cut wounds , they can damage large vessels - arteries and veins, which leads to quite severe bleeding.

If the wound is not treated properly, it is contaminated with soil, not covered with a bandage, and it may become secondary infected with suppuration after a few days. Fever, increased redness and pain in the wound area, and greenish-yellow discharge are typical.

When is it necessary to go to the emergency room?

When providing assistance, it is important to find out the causes and special circumstances of the injury, especially if it did not occur in front of the parents. This is important for further treatment and first aid. So, particles of glass, nails, and wood chips may remain in the wound. Externally, the wound may be small, but the nature of the object that caused the injury will say a lot about its real size. It depends on this whether it is possible to provide first aid at home or whether you need to go to the hospital immediately, whether this will be conservative treatment or surgery.

After the initial washing of the wound, treatment with an antiseptic is necessary. Usually this is an antiseptic solution (70% alcohol), a solution of brilliant green (2% alcohol), fucorcin, as well as solutions of chlorophyllipt or calendula (alcohol).


It is impossible to fill wounds with these solutions or iodine or brilliant green, they can lead to tissue necrosis and an increase in the volume of damage. Also, before 2 years of age, you should not treat the skin with iodine, it strongly burns.

Preparations such as Baneocin (powder) may be suitable for treating small wounds, they are sprinkled on the damaged area, as well as Miramistin, which is used to treat the wound.

You can put a bottle of peroxide, a special lekker (a compact pencil with iodine or brilliant green), and an individually packaged bactericidal patch in your bag for first aid for minor wounds while walking.

How to stop bleeding

Usually, with small wounds, bleeding stops on its own after 3-5 minutes. If this is capillary bleeding on the surface of the skin, you can use a tight pressure bandage after washing and treating the wound. This is usually enough to stop the bleeding. But if the bleeding does not stop for 15 minutes or more, you need to see a doctor at the nearest emergency room.

What to do if a child has a deep wound?

Sometimes the damage can be quite significant, leading to the formation of a large and deep wound. The skin and underlying tissue may be damaged, and first aid for such wounds varies. It is important to properly treat wounds to avoid further infection and suppuration, dangerous complications.

It is important to inspect the wound for various damages And foreign objects, which can aggravate the severity.

Many people advise removing foreign objects, glass, iron, etc. from the wound. But doing this is strictly prohibited; you can inadvertently damage blood vessels and nerves, which will lead to dangerous consequences.

Wounds more than 1-2 cm deep should not be filled with peroxide, potassium permanganate or furatsilin solutions. It is important to treat the edges of the wound, stop the bleeding, apply a dry sterile bandage if there are foreign objects in the wound, fix it to the splint so as not to move them, and immediately take the child to the nearest hospital to a surgeon.

It is important not to give the child food or drink a lot during this period; if surgery is needed, this will be very helpful.

Treatment of a wound on the head or face

For wounds in the head or face area, it is especially difficult to provide assistance; these are painful areas and scars may remain from improperly provided care. However, it is in this area that wounds heal fastest due to the rich blood flow. If the hair on the head is short, the wound is treated as usual, but if these are long strands, it is recommended to cut off those around the wound so that they do not become a source of infection. The dissection area is washed with hydrogen peroxide and treated antiseptic solutions, a bandage is applied. Then you need to go to the emergency room. This is necessary because the depth of the wound is difficult to determine, subcutaneous hematomas and infection are possible, and sometimes suturing is required.

If you are not sure that the parents themselves can provide assistance correctly, it is better to call ambulance or go to the nearest emergency room.

Further wound management at home

In general, wounds usually heal quickly and without any complications. Sometimes blood or blood may appear on the surface. purulent discharge. This significantly impairs scar-free healing. It is important to consult a doctor so that he can conduct a primary surgical treatment wounds and told the rules for caring for weeping wounds in the future . Can be used for processing infected wounds Levomekol ointment or Levosin, Baneocin powder.

The dressing is changed as it gets wet or at least twice a day. After removing the bandages, the wounds are washed with a solution of furatsilin or weak solution potassium permanganate. If there is a temperature, discharge from the wound may require

Children's bruises, cuts, and abrasions are inevitable. When a child injures his knee or arm, he inevitably introduces an infection into the blood. The child's immune system easily copes with a small amount pathogenic bacteria. If the volume of infection exceeds capacity immune system, a weeping wound appears that does not heal for a long time. Parents often do not know what to do if the wound does not heal for a long time. How should such damage be treated?

How to treat a child’s abrasion after a fall?

Traumatologists consider abrasions and scratches to be skin injuries in which only the upper layer epithelium, little bleeding, the fat layer and muscle tissue are not affected. An abrasion or scratch, no matter how minor, is open path for infection to enter. Timely and thorough treatment is the key to ensuring that the damage does not have serious consequences.

Basic rules for treating a child’s wound:

What to do if the skin is torn off?

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Skinned knees and elbows are common occurrences for any little fidget. Falls on asphalt are especially unpleasant. Sometimes there are injuries when skinned hairy part heads. In the latter case, after providing first aid and disinfection, the baby should be immediately taken to the emergency room. Such damage cannot be avoided without the help of a specialist.

If the skin is torn off over a large area, then the danger of such damage is that it becomes covered with crusts over time. The keratinized crusts crack and ooze blood or ichor. Pyogenic microorganisms penetrate through the cracks. Suppuration occurs and healing is delayed.

In order to avoid unpleasant complications, you should adhere to the following rules:

Rules for the treatment of weeping wounds in children

If a child does not seek help in time and a significant infection occurs, as well as in cases of improper treatment of the wound or the child’s weakened immunity, a weeping wound occurs. This is a non-healing injury that produces liquid exudate (ichor, pus). The wound requires examination by a specialist and special treatment.

Mandatory consultation with a doctor

The presence of a weeping abrasion or cut (for example, after a child fell off a bicycle) means infection has entered the wound. Consultation with a surgeon in this case is mandatory, since only a doctor can assess the extent of the lesion and, if necessary, prescribe medications with antibiotics or surgery to clean the affected area from pathogenic microorganisms.

Drying with powder

Treatment of any wounds involves disinfectant rinsing, drying and applying healing medications. Drying can be done using iodine grid, but it is risky and painful, especially with open wounds. For drying, there is a special Zhitnyuk powder, which is available in any pharmacy.

It includes:

  • antibiotics - streptocide or tetracycline;
  • antimicrobial drug – sulfanilamide;
  • astringent and drying component – ​​xeroform;
  • painkiller - anesthesin (we recommend reading:);
  • auxiliary ingredients - boric acid, sucrose.

Sprinkle the wound surface after washing and cover with a napkin soaked in medicine, ointment or saline solution. In addition to the traditional Zhitnyuk powder, pharmacies offer a number of more modern dry powders for these purposes: Baneocin, Xeroform (does not contain antibiotics and can be used in newborns).

Bandages with ointments

When treating weeping wounds, it is important, in addition to disinfection and relief of inflammation, to ensure a reduction in swelling and tissue regeneration. Levomekol ointment copes well with this task. The ointment contains an antibiotic that destroys pyogenic bacteria and methyluracil, which accelerates healing. The drug is applied to a washed and dried wound and covered with a sterile napkin. The procedure is carried out at least 1 time per day. Analogues of the drug are Streptonitol, Lingesin, Levosin, Vishnevsky ointment and others.

Folk remedies

When treating wounds, including weeping ones, they come to the rescue folk recipes. The following plants are effective:

  • Potato. The juice of raw potatoes draws out the liquid exudate. Grated raw potatoes are applied to the wound for 5 hours and bandaged.
  • Onion. Relieves swelling and disinfects. Onion pulp, wrapped in gauze, is applied to the wound. There may be a burning sensation.
  • St. John's wort. Popular wound healing agent. Dry grass is infused in olive oil and is used as a compress.
  • Aloe. Freshly squeezed juice draws out pus well. They moisten a napkin for dressings.

Features of the treatment of weeping wounds on the face, head, legs

If the head is wounded, the hair in the area of ​​the wound must be cut off, and then the wound must be treated and the head bandaged. Wounds on the face should be washed with hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate or furatsilin. To avoid unsightly scars on your face, you should consult a doctor. This is especially important for children. Sores on the lips and mouth should be treated with dental products such as lidocaine ointment, sage, and chamomile. If a child has injured his leg, it should be treated using the methods described above. In case of suppuration, consultation with a doctor is required! Self-treatment purulent wounds on your feet is fraught with consequences.

A wound is a violation of the integrity of the skin, internal tissues and even organs, caused by some external mechanical influence. Characterized by symptoms such as pain and bleeding.

Children of any age are very active and curious, so it is impossible to protect them from various injuries and scratches. It’s good if the damage is shallow, but there are also cases where without medical care not enough. In any case, parents are required to know how to treat a child’s wound before visiting a doctor, no matter what it is - superficial or penetrating. The method of treatment will depend on the size, depth, location of the injury, and the severity of bleeding.

Small wound

Even a small scratch or cut can become a gateway for infection to enter the body, which will lead to the formation inflammatory process. To prevent this from happening, parents must know how and with what to treat a child’s wound, even of a small depth.

  1. Wash the injury with hydrogen peroxide, which has not expired. If the skin around the injury is dirty, carefully clean the area with boiled water. warm water using foam from laundry soap (do not touch the wound). Water for washing children's wounds is excluded.
  2. Treat with any antiseptic from home first aid kit: alcohol, brilliant green, fucorcin, solutions of calendula or chlorophyllipt. The preparations “Eplan” and “Rescuer”, diluted in boiled water, are also suitable. essential oil tea tree, solutions of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine. Iodine can damage tissue (burn it), so it is not ideal for treatment.
  3. It is recommended to apply a sterile bandage over the wound (a bandage or bactericidal adhesive plaster will do). If the damage is small, there is no bleeding, the bandage is canceled: the scratch will heal faster in the air.

Even if small wound If you cannot stop the bleeding on your own, it is strongly recommended to immediately call a doctor or take the child to the emergency room.

Big wound

Sometimes quite deep and extensive damage to the skin and nearby tissues occurs. Accordingly, first aid to the baby will be of a different nature. Not many people know what is the best way to treat open wound to avoid subsequent purulent-inflammatory process and complications.

  1. First, the wound must be carefully examined. If there are foreign objects in it, they must be removed immediately (if they are not eyes).
  2. Extensive wounds are washed with hydrogen peroxide, solutions of furatsilin or potassium permanganate.
  3. Apply a bandage: cover with a sterile napkin, bandage.
  4. Such injuries are almost always accompanied heavy bleeding which must be stopped. To do this, the bandage is made tight enough, but not so tight that it cuts off blood circulation. If blood seeps through the bandage, there is no need to remove or tighten it any further: another bandage is applied on top of it.

In such cases, the child should be taken to the emergency room or hospital as quickly as possible. At the same time, the victim is not recommended to drink or eat: if there is an operation under anesthesia, this will be inappropriate.

On the face and on the head

If a child has a wound on his face or head, the situation is quite serious. Not only is it very painful, but in the future any facial injury can disfigure the baby’s appearance with scars. On the other hand, it is the skin of the face that recovers the fastest, as it is well supplied with blood.

  1. The most difficult thing will be the head: if the hair is short, it will be easy to treat the wound. Long strands around the injury will have to be cut.
  2. Rinse with peroxide.
  3. Treat with an antiseptic.
  4. Apply a sterile bandage.
  5. Go to the emergency room. If the depth of a wound on the face can be determined independently and, given its small area, one can limit oneself to home remedies, then the degree of damage to the skin on the head is very difficult to determine independently. In this case, it is recommended to show the baby to the doctor.

If you are not sure that you can provide first aid to a child yourself, immediately call a doctor or take him to the hospital yourself.

Weeping wound

Sometimes a constant separation of fluid - ichor, pus, blood - forms on the surface of the injury, which complicates and slows down the healing process. A doctor should tell you how to properly treat a weeping wound, since with such a complication you must definitely seek qualified medical help.

  1. Use water-soluble ointments to treat the wound (Levosin and Levomikol are the safest for children).
  2. Change dressings as needed as soon as they become wet, but at least twice a day.
  3. Wash wet wounds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Maintain maximum sterility.
  5. When the wound begins to dry out, its healing can be accelerated with the help of Kalanchoe juice, rosehip oil or sea buckthorn oil.

If you are not sure that you can change your child’s bandages on a weeping wound yourself, it is better to take him to the nearest hospital every day, where the damage will be treated sterilely and efficiently.

In order for any wound received by a child to heal, a certain period is necessary. Occasionally, re-dressing and debridement may be required in the emergency room or surgeon's office. If the injury is infected, antibiotics may be prescribed. Treatment of any type of wound should be carried out under the constant supervision of an experienced surgeon and in strict accordance with his instructions and recommendations.

Every mother knows that the child does not sit still, he constantly runs, jumps, without controlling his actions. The worst thing is that children have not fully developed the instinct of self-preservation; they don’t even think about the consequences. It all ends with abrasions, bruises, scratches and other unpleasant injuries. How to properly treat a child’s abrasions to avoid infection?

Washing children's abrasions and scratches

The child has broken knees, scratched his palms, elbows, take the following measures:

  • When the wound is not deep, you can wash it with boiled water.
  • Take a gauze pad and gently wash the abrasions with soap.
  • Is the abrasion very dirty? Gently rinse it with 3% hydrogen peroxide. In this situation, there is no need to use napkins or bandages; you just need to fill the wound from a bottle. Due to atomic oxygen, all microbes will be destroyed.
  • No hydrogen peroxide? Wash the abrasion with 1% potassium permanganate.
  • Do not pour hydrogen peroxide into deep wounds under any circumstances; this could result in an embolism.
  • Dry the wound using a dry, sterile gauze pad.
  • If the abrasion is light, carefully bring its edges together, apply a dry, sterile bandage, or you can buy a bactericidal patch.
  • When the abrasion is in a place that will constantly get wet (for example, near the mouth), in in this case you will have to discard the patch, let the scratch “breathe”. Wet dressing leads to infection.

How to stop bleeding from a deep scratch?

Almost always abrasions and wounds bleed heavily for several minutes. Urgent measures taken for severe, continuous bleeding. Be sure to follow these steps:

  • Raise your wounded hand up, this will stop the bleeding faster. The child should be placed on his back, and a pillow should be placed under the affected limb.
  • The wound is washed.
  • Be sure to clean the entire wound area. Use hydrogen peroxide and soapy water.
  • Squares of gauze are applied to the wound, and they are secured on top with a plaster or bandage.

What to do if there is heavy bleeding?

  • It is necessary to elevate the wounded limb.
  • Make a thick bandage from clean gauze and apply to the wound.
  • Take a bandage and bandage the wound tightly.
  • The bandage is thoroughly wet, do not change it, put another one on top of the wet one.
  • Be sure to record everything.
  • Apply pressure to the wound with your hand and wait for the ambulance to arrive.
  • If you know how to use a tourniquet, don’t give it up. If you don’t know how to use it, you shouldn’t experiment in this situation.

How to treat a child's wounds?

To avoid infection, abrasions and scratches heal faster, use brilliant green and iodine. Don't get carried away with solutions ethyl alcohol, otherwise everything will end in necrosis. Alcohol can be used to treat the surface of the skin around abrasions and wounds. It is forbidden to cover wounds with powders, otherwise you will further injure the wound.

No hydrogen peroxide? Buy potassium permanganate, iodine (only around the wound, not inside), then apply a bandage. Don't forget, open scratches and abrasions heal quickly. When you walk, cover them with a bandage; at home it is recommended to remove it. At deep wounds The bandage must be worn at all times.

When should you see a doctor?

The most dangerous injuries are considered to be street injuries. These are contaminated abrasions in which earth has entered or cuts damaged by dirty glass or a rusty object. A bite from a dog or another animal is no less dangerous. What if the animal suffers from rabies?

In these cases, do not hesitate; consult a doctor immediately. You also need to go to the hospital if:

  • The child was not given DPT.
  • The bleeding is too strong to stop.
  • Bleeding is bright red.
  • Cut on hand, wrist. In this situation, there is a risk of damage to the nerve and tendon.
  • Around the wound for a long time the redness does not go away.
  • The wound became noticeably swollen and the child developed a fever.
  • The wound is festering.
  • The abrasion is too deep; in this situation, stitches are necessary.
  • The tetanus shot was too long ago.
  • The child was injured by a sharp dirty object, a rusty nail.
  • Bitten by an animal.
  • There is a foreign body in the wound - a pebble, a splinter, metal or wood shavings. In this situation, a photo may be ordered.
  • Affected area long time does not heal, pus has started to come out.
  • The child began to feel sick and began to vomit severely.
  • The edges of the wound diverge noticeably.
  • An abrasion deep in the mouth, on the lip.

Attention! It’s better to play it safe and show your child to the doctor in a timely manner than to treat the infection later. The main thing is to stay calm! Remember, in a critical situation you should not be nervous, the child becomes scared, he begins to get nervous, and his bleeding increases.

Treatment of bruises

After an impact, blue spots usually begin to appear on the skin. They indicate that the vascular walls could not stand it and burst. However, the blood remained under the skin.

To alleviate the child’s condition, you need to apply something cold to the affected area of ​​the skin. It could be copper work, wet towel. The main thing is to do it quickly! If the pain does not go away for a long time, wait a little, then apply the compress again. You can apply anesthetic gel or ointment to the injury site. Fastum gel will do. Only these ointments are forbidden to lubricate open wounds.

It does not hurt anymore? You need to draw an iodine mesh on the bruise, so it it will pass faster. For children who are already 3 years old, it is recommended to use this method: combine Troxevasin + Hirudoid. Also use an ointment that contains arnica.

Does your baby have problems with blood clotting? Apply a warm compress to the bruise. This can be a filled bladder with water (necessarily warm, not hot). You can warm the area with a red light lamp.

So, it is easier to prevent various troubles than to get rid of their consequences. Keep a close eye on your children!

Summer holidays are a “hot” time not only for children’s joys and mischief, but also, as a result, for all kinds of abrasions, scratches and cuts. How to properly treat minor wounds in children at home? And in what situations is a pediatrician's eye on minor skin lesions vital?

What abrasions and wounds need to be shown to a doctor?

Before treating a scratch, bite, abrasion, or minor cut, crying baby, it is necessary to evaluate whether it is worth bothering the doctor with such a “minor” problem, or whether it is quite possible to handle it yourself.
Indeed, there is a small list of minor childhood injuries (we are talking specifically about skin injuries), which are not enough to treat and treat on your own, but you need to seek the help of doctors. Such injuries include:

Lacerations and abrasions;
-scratches, abrasions and wounds on the face;
- a wound (or wounds), the edges of which lag behind each other by more than 7 mm;
- a wound (or wounds) whose length exceeds 2 cm (in this case, as in the previous one, you will most likely have to put stitches on the wound, and this should be done by a physician);
- a wound that bleeds for more than half an hour and cannot be stopped;
- a wound or abrasion that shows signs of suppuration;
- the wound, the area around which became very red, became hot and swollen;
-damage to the skin that causes the child severe pain(this may also be because pieces of glass, stones, etc. got into the wound);
- scratches, wounds and bites received by a child from animals (especially wild and stray ones).

Abrasions and wounds of “animal origin” are especially dangerous for children. Bites and scratches from animals (especially wild and stray animals) threaten children's health not only because through them rabies can be transmitted to the baby - one of the most terrible and dangerous infectious diseases.

There are a lot of other misfortunes. For example, cat scratches, even the tiniest and insignificant ones, often cause a disease in children called felinosis (in the medical lexicon it is often called “disease cat scratches"). This is an extremely unpleasant bacterial “sore”, which then has to be treated long and tediously with antibiotics. And all thanks to the fact that specific microbes “live” on the claws of even the cutest, fluffiest and most harmless kittens...

So, make it a rule: if the baby received his “injuries” (even the most minor ones) during a “fight” with an animal, it is better to play it safe and show the child to the doctor.

But if the damage to the baby’s skin does not fit into the specified list, you can safely treat the wounds yourself and let the “tomboy” run, jump and gallop “free” again.

How to properly treat minor injuries on a child's skin

Skinned elbows, broken knees, as well as other small abrasions and wounds on a child’s skin - if they do not require special examination (see the list above) - are “expected” from adults to standard (essentially simple!) sanitization, the most important and very first stage of which is washing.

How to properly wash abrasions and other minor skin injuries in a child

Ideally, any scratch (even one that you are later “lucky” to show to the doctor because, for example, it is too large, or it is on a child’s face, or it appeared as a result of the bite of a neighbor’s Mukhtar) must be washed with a soapy solution under running water. Moreover, it should be washed long enough and thoroughly - no matter how the baby protests! Necessary:
place the damaged area of ​​skin under the stream slightly warm water;
then soap it properly (it’s better to use liquid soap - less pain);
Thoroughly rinse off the soap suds.

As you can see, there is little wisdom! But, as you know, we are not always surrounded by ideal conditions - we may not have soap or running water from the tap at hand.
So, if you have neither one nor the other, just take a clean handkerchief or a clean napkin (preferably a damp one, or even better, a special antiseptic/antibacterial one) and cover the abrasion or wound with it. And do not remove it from the damaged area until you finally get to a washbasin with running water and soap.

In pharmacies you can often find special sprays (outwardly they look like cans of thermal water) for disinfecting and washing minor abrasions and wounds - so they can easily replace the soap and water that are not available nearby. Such sprays are simply irreplaceable on the road. Another Alternative option for emergency washing of wounds - you can take a small bottle of liquid soap with you on the road. Just add a few drops of regular liquid soap to a bottle of any sparkling water, shake lightly, and within 1 minute you will have in your hands the ideal solution for washing any abrasions and wounds.

After you have washed the wound or abrasion, the area needs to be dried - just blot it with a clean handkerchief, napkin, towel or any cloth.
In principle, if the wound is not large at all, does not bleed and does not cause discomfort or pain to the baby, you don’t have to bother it anymore. But if your parental conscience will not be calmed by such little care as a banal rinse, you can treat the damaged skin with a disinfectant.
How to choose the right disinfectant for damaged skin

Ideal disinfectants exist and there are quite a few of them. And to purchase one at a pharmacy, you need to know three main criteria:

1. The product should not burn the skin and cause additional pain to the baby.

Archaic brilliant green and iodine for treating children's wounds and abrasions are suitable only if in this way you want to punish the child for mischief and sluggishness - well, they say, you got hurt, so now sit, cry and endure while I “injure” you. I will cauterize it properly with iodine or brilliant green. But if you don’t want to add pain to your baby, forget about the brilliant green and iodine in your arsenal modern pharmaceuticals There are many effective and painless disinfectant analogues.

2. The product must be in such a form and packaging that would allow it to be applied without touching the wound (ideally, these are sprays and aerosols);
3. The disinfectant must be suitable both for treating the wound itself and for disinfecting its edges, as well as for wiping the hands of the person treating the wound.

As disinfectant It is useful for parents to have one of the following in their home and travel first aid kits: the following drugs: Miramistin, Unisept, Chlorhexidine, Octenisept, Baktosin, Gorosten and the like.

Should wounds, abrasions and scratches on a child's skin be covered?

Some parents believe that it is better to cover any damage to the child’s skin, even the most minor, with a bandage or, at worst, a bandage after treatment. So that they don’t get into the wound there harmful microbes. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that it is in the open air that all wounds, abrasions and scratches heal as quickly as possible. By and large, both are right.

How to treat a child's abrasions?

Reminder when treating minor skin injuries in a child

We will repeat the algorithm of your actions in case of minor damage to the child’s skin (be it abrasions, scratches, small wounds and punctures, bites, etc.). So:

1. Place the damaged area of ​​the body under running (lukewarm) water, lather thoroughly, rinse with soap, and then thoroughly rinse off the soap. If you don't have a water tap at hand, add liquid soap to one of two bottles of sparkling water: first wash the wound from the soap bottle, then rinse off the soapy solution from the second (clean) bottle. If you have neither water nor soap at hand, cover the wound with a clean cloth or napkin and go to a place where both soap and water are available.
2. If the damage is very minor and there is no bleeding, you can get away with just washing with soap. But if there is a need to stop the bleeding, use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, which should be moistened with a clean napkin, a piece of bandage or a handkerchief and pressed against the wound. Press and hold for at least 5 minutes! (without looking under the napkin every 10 seconds to check whether the bleeding has stopped or not).
3. After washing (and, if necessary, after stopping the bleeding), spray the abrasion (scratch, wound, etc.) with a disinfectant spray.
4. If desired, at the end of the treatment, you can seal the wound with a bactericidal plaster or apply a dry gauze bandage.

That, in fact, is all science! And remember: none of the children can avoid these small “side effects” of partying fresh air or mischief in the house - abrasions, scratches, small cuts and other minor damage. As a rule, in the vast majority of cases, all these “wounds” need only be thoroughly washed with soap and sprayed with a disinfectant spray. But in rare situations, even a tiny scratch can cause major problems for a child’s health - therefore, it is highly advisable to show it to a doctor without wasting time. Now you know these situations!

Children of any age often suffer cuts, abrasions or wounds, damaging the integrity skin . Healthy body the child quickly copes with this problem.

But with reduced immunity or metabolic disorders, wounds heal very slowly, starting to get wet. In this case, it is very important to carry out the processing correctly and further treatment for successful skin regeneration.

General concept

A weeping wound forms after damage to the skin.

At the same time, it does not dry out, but begins ooze yellowish liquid.

Sometimes such wounds become covered with a crust, under which lymph accumulates. If the crust is not softened, then suppuration may appear underneath it.

Should distinguish a weeping wound from an ulcer. The wound is formed as a result of external mechanical damage, and the ulcer occurs under the influence of internal factors.

Causes and stages of occurrence

The main reason for the development of a weeping wound is low immunity, as a result of which the lymphocytes of a weakened body do not have time to cope with healing and regeneration.

During this process, more lymph is released, but the wound still does not heal, forming a constantly wet surface.

Provoke education The following reasons can cause a weeping wound in children:

The formation of a weeping wound occurs in several stages:

  • the integrity of the skin is compromised;
  • inflammation begins, in which lymphocytes are activated;
  • Instead of drying out, the wound begins to ooze exudate, growing in breadth.

At the stage of formation of a wet surface, it is very important to start correct treatment for quick drying and healing.

Where do they go most often?

At risk are parts of the body that are more likely to are subject to injury or scratching. These include:

  • feet (tight shoes);
  • knees and elbows (abrasions from falls, dermatitis);
  • scalp (insect bites, dermatitis);
  • face (abrasions, scratching after bites,);
  • and in the groin (diaper rash).

U newborns sometimes it begins to release exudate during healing.


On the background low immunity and metabolic disorders, the formation of a weeping wound can be complicated by bacterial and fungal infections.

In this case, pus appears in the wound with unpleasant smell or white coating.

Such complications especially dangerous when located near lymph nodes.

How to treat at different stages?

Traditional treatment can be successfully combined with folk remedies:

  1. On mild stage You can apply a compress of crushed leaves to a weeping wound. aloe or plantain, changing it every three hours until drying begins.
  2. At medium degree gravity, it is recommended to apply grated raw potatoes, as well as compresses made from calendula, birch buds, chamomile or string.

    It is still better to leave a bandage of the drug with silver ions on the wound at night.

  3. Severe forms are treated with antibiotics, but sea ​​buckthorn oil, Kalanchoe juice and rosehip oil can significantly speed up the process of tissue regeneration and healing.

What can you use to dry it?

Ideal for drying Zhitnyuk's powder, which includes:

Also good for drying the wound surface clean xeroform, which can be purchased in the production department of the pharmacy.

At the first, easiest stage, you cannot dry the wound with powders. For this purpose, it must be washed with peroxide or water and soap.

Do I need to bandage?

If the wound gets very wet, then gauze bandage is necessary. It needs to be changed when it gets wet, but at least once every five hours.

With moderate exudate, it is better to leave the wound open.

But it will have to be hidden under a bandage or plaster when going out. public places to avoid infection, and also so that the child does not feel inconvenienced when strangers look at him.

Processing Features

When treating weeping wounds, their location should be taken into account. They are easiest to treat on your hands and knees. Wounds in other places are treated taking into account their characteristics.

On the face

In this area, the wet wound is treated in the standard way.

For aesthetic reasons, it is advisable to outline its edges iodine, which evaporates quickly, and not brilliant green.

Small wounds should be closed when going outside. bactericidal patch, and large ones - with a gauze bandage, attaching it to the outside with a plaster.

On the head

Hair in the affected area will have to delete for ease of processing and treatment, which is carried out according to the standard scheme.

On the foot

Children suffer especially from weeping wounds on their feet and toes. They hurt when moving, leading the child into a state of irritation and constant neurosis.

In this case, parents will have to take care of choosing comfortable shoes (flip-flops, slippers, etc.), and also consult a doctor about methods of wound pain relief.

Behind the ear

Wet wounds in this area are dried with pure xeroform. For speedy healing, you can use a balm Reskinol. But it is advisable to show the child to a dermatologist at the first stage of development.

Complications in this case are fraught with inflammation of the lymph nodes. This can cause the baby a lot of suffering and inconvenience.

In what cases is medical assistance necessary?

Professional help is needed at:

  • location of weeping wounds near lymph nodes;
  • fever and chills;
  • copious discharge of exudate;
  • swelling with growth of the wound surface;
  • the appearance of pus with an unpleasant odor;
  • the appearance of black spots at the site of the lesion.

In all of the above cases, you must contact a surgeon or dermatologist to obtain qualified treatment.

What should not be used?

At any stage of development, a weeping wound cannot be processed:

  • iodine;
  • brilliant green;
  • concentrated alcohol solutions.

These drugs can only be used to outline the wound along the contour of healthy skin.

At the first stage it is forbidden treat the wound with antibiotics and smear with oils, and on the second and third - treat with water-soluble ointments.

A weeping wound in a child must be treated as soon as possible to avoid complications and the development of disgust for his body.

Therefore, if you find a wet area of ​​skin, you need to process immediately it according to the diagram given in the article.

Then contact a specialist to receive qualified assistance.

How to properly treat a child's wound? Find out about it in the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!
