Quick treatment for colds on the lips. How to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip: a review of the most effective remedies

The appearance of the sore spots is quite unattractive, the skin area burns, blisters and red spots appear, the blisters burst, and pus comes out. You cannot pick the sore and squeeze out the pus yourself, this can cause blood poisoning. There are many ointments based on colds to treat colds, but the ointment is quite unaesthetic, so people susceptible to viral herpes can try it at home in simple ways.

Often these products are much more effective than the most expensive ointments. For example, ordinary earwax from the ear canal, hygienic lipstick, and a cotton swab with alcohol applied to the source of a cold for 15 minutes are very helpful. When you begin to treat just emerging herpes, you can quickly eliminate the burning sensation by using toothpaste that contains enzymes that help inhibit the growth of bacteria. Similar action It also has a regular deodorant - antiperspirant.

It helps with pronounced, painful pain table salt, it is applied to the source of infection several times a day, sprinkled on a clean scarf or bandage. Elderly people recommend this for the course of herpes: effective way, like gum resin, which is easy to prepare at home. Plain paper is folded into the shape of a cone, lowered into a bath, and burned, resulting in a red-golden balm. It is enough to apply it a couple of times to the area affected by the cold.

Good help pine resin, pulp from a raspberry branch, aloe juice, an onion cut into 2 halves, applied to a painful area every 15 minutes, a decoction of white wormwood and a host of other easy methods.

Ointments and mixtures from natural products

A very good and sweet medicine would be a mixture made from minced walnuts and honey. They are mixed and placed in a dark place for a month. The mixture is consumed before meals, at least 3 times a day, as prophylactic to prevent the appearance of the herpes virus.

An equally tasty and effective mixture against colds is an ointment made from yogurt and coffee. Pour half a cup of any yogurt, stir in 1 teaspoon of instant coffee, 2-3 cloves of garlic cut into small pieces and a tablespoon of honey and flour. Grind everything to a homogeneous mass without lumps, and apply to the sore several times a day as the mixture dries and falls off.

Many people have probably suffered from such an unpleasant phenomenon as the appearance of herpes on the lips at least once in their lives. So-called pimples or pimples, after a certain amount of time, can become crusty; they irritably itch and hurt. This disease in medicine is usually called lip fever, or herpes. IN everyday life, sometimes this disease is called a cold. The disease is caused by the elementary herpes virus of the first category. How to quickly get rid of a cold on your lip? This is a fairly common question.

Description of the disease

Almost all people on our planet are direct carriers of this harmful source. Throughout the life of our body, the virus remains in the human body. In more than eighty percent of people, herpes may have absolutely no symptoms. But in about twenty percent of cases, patients suffer from various relapses of this disease when a rash appears on the lips, as well as on the mucous membrane. Once in the blood and lymphatic area, this virus spreads extremely quickly to everything. internal organs. For this reason it is always topical issue about how to effectively deal with this problem. In fact, there are quite a few such methods. Let's figure out how to quickly treat herpes at home.

Causes of colds on the lips

The cold herpes virus can most easily be transmitted through contact with damaged tissue through biological fluid sick person. In addition, it is transmitted in the background asymptomatic carriage virus. Due to the presence of specific receptors in the pathogen, the infection can spread even through intact skin. Since herpes already lives in many human organisms, most often the following factors can easily activate it:

  • stressful situations and problems;
  • too much great use alcoholic drinks;
  • hypothermia along with lack of sleep;
  • excessive sunbathing;
  • severe exhaustion of the body due to strict diets;
  • all kinds of colds and other infections;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • skin injuries.

Many people are interested in how to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip.

Types of herpes

On at the moment known to science various types lesions of the herpes virus. But often because of it, as a rule, the lips suffer, as well as the mucous membrane around the nose. For the vast majority of patients, this virus is a minor cosmetic problem. Absolutely normal for healthy person It is considered to be ill with this disease no more than once or twice a year. However, people who suffer reduced immunity, infection herpes simplex can do quite a lot of damage. For example, against the background of oncology, HIV infection, and, in addition, in patients who have undergone organ transplantation, this disease can provoke dangerous defeat internal systems and organs. Mostly, herpes occurs on the lips over a short period of time. It appears most often on upper lip. Or in the corners of the mouth. You can get rid of a cold on your lips in two days. What should I do for this?

Bubbles and pimples containing liquid burst over time, after which wounds appear in their place and become covered with a crust. Problems with healing occur due to the fact that during a conversation or when eating food, the crust suddenly bursts, and after that the wound begins to bleed painfully. Due to the fact that this virus is introduced into nerve cells The body, having suffered from the virus just once, will simply be impossible to get rid of it in the future. In a word, it’s not very pleasant.

So, how to quickly get rid of a cold on your lip?

Treatment of herpes on the lips

So, more details. At the moment, the main drug that would make it possible to quickly cure and permanently get rid of colds on the lips simply does not exist. Special medications developed for this can only reduce the reproduction of the herpes virus, and do not completely remove fragments of its viral deoxyribonucleic acid. It is for this reason that frequent cases of relapse occur, especially among patients with immunodeficiencies.

Thus, if the simple herpes virus bothers a person more than twice a year, he must consult a doctor. The doctor will help determine the reason why colds on the lips occur so often, and will probably prescribe an additional examination to see the picture of the state of the immune system. How to quickly treat a cold on the lips (herpes)? On average it takes 2 days for this.


Thanks to the antiviral functions of a number of medications it becomes possible to relieve symptoms, accelerate treatment and heal viral wounds during relapses. The main ointments for the treatment of herpes on the lips are drugs such as:

  • "Valacyclovir."
  • "Penciclovir."
  • "Gerpferon".
  • "Acyclovir".
  • "Dokosanol".
  • "Zovirax".

It is important to know how to treat colds on the lips quickly and effectively.

The affected area should be lubricated several times a day, preferably four or five times, and sometimes more frequent use is recommended. Antiviral drugs can be used without consultation or prescription from doctors. All these ointments quite effectively relieve unpleasant itching and other irritating sensations, and also stimulate a person’s speedy recovery.

In order for the treatment of herpes on the lips to proceed quickly, you should not touch the wound in order to avoid its damage, and, therefore, the possibility of additional infection. You can use ointments constantly, but it is important to use only your own hygiene products. In some situations, against the background of significant damage to the skin and mucous membranes, the doctor may also prescribe oral tablets. Now let's talk about how to quickly cure a cold on the lip at home.

In addition to antiviral drugs, you can also use drugs such as:

  • Echinacea preparations, and, in addition, other immunomodulatory agents that are aimed at increasing human immunity.
  • Lysine is an extremely important amino acid that helps tissues regenerate quickly.
  • The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and drying effect is characteristic of zinc-based ointments.
  • Aloe vera and propolis extract are considered natural anti-inflammatory agents.

Here's how to quickly cure a cold on your lip with medications. Nothing complicated. If the symptoms of a cold on the lips do not go away for a long time, mandatory You should contact a specialist who will give the necessary recommendations on how to effectively and quickly cure this disease.

Additional pharmaceutical products

Among others, Vivorax is an additional pharmaceutical remedy for herpes. Against the background of long-term and recurrent herpes, doctors strongly recommend next pills for internal use: Famvir and Valtrex. Sometimes it is common to use this combination remedy as “Isoprinosine”, which has an extremely strong immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect on the treatment process.

In addition, as an assistant for herpes on the lips, mummy or a regular paracetamol tablet along with aspirin are used, which need to be soaked and applied to the area affected by the virus. All kinds of vitamins strengthen the immune system well, for example, rose hips, tincture of ginseng or lemon. How to get rid of a cold on your lip using traditional medicine? More on this later.

Treatment of herpes virus with folk remedies

In the field of traditional medicine, there are a great variety of tools that help quickly treat herpes on the lips. This therapy can be carried out at home. Thus, it is common to use one or more of the following methods:

How to quickly get rid of a cold under the lip alternative methods? More on this below.

How to quickly treat herpes at home? Alternative Methods

So. In addition to the methods listed, we should talk about several more that are successfully used to eliminate colds on the lips. One of them is a method of treating herpes with earwax. This substance contains silicon. Thanks to its presence, this method helps to have a positive effect on skin tissue, as well as mucous areas. It should be noted that this microelement is necessarily included in various medications in order to reduce the degree of edema and inflammatory reactions. For this reason, earwax, which promotes epithelialization, is excellent in getting rid of herpes rashes on the lips. True, treatment with this remedy must be started at the first manifestations of the disease. With advanced herpes, it may be ineffective.

The question of how to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip on your own is very relevant today. Of course, for some, the use of earwax in medicinal purposes may seem unaesthetic, but this substance will always come to the rescue when you don’t have any at hand medications. It is enough to simply apply a certain amount of sulfur to the herpes and do not wash it off for half an hour. This method has no contraindications. Everyone will agree that using earwax is much safer, and, most importantly, more beneficial than all kinds of chemicals. It can also be combined with other treatment methods. After all, herpes is viral infection, which, of course, requires a deep and complex impact.

Lemon in the fight against herpes

Lemon is another indispensable helper. Being one of the most acidic citrus fruits, it serves as a source of vitamins, useful acids and phytoncides. Therefore, it is not surprising that the juice of this sunny fruit is widely used to treat all kinds of viral ailments, as well as dropsy and tuberculosis. In the spring, doctors recommend consuming lemons in order to support the immune system weakened due to vitamin deficiency. In addition, this serves as an excellent opportunity to fill the gap essential vitamins and microelements in the human body. It's no secret that tea in combination with lemon and honey is a traditionally effective remedy for colds and flu.

The beneficial substances contained in lemons are found not only in its juice, but also in the pulp, as well as in the rind of the fruit. Inner side This shell should be applied to the manifested herpes on the lips. Fresh lemon pulp can also have a beneficial effect. Thus, doctors recommend wiping with a slice of lemon sore spot several times a day. You should also lubricate the affected lips with its juice. If the resulting swelling is barely noticeable, then herpes is just beginning to form. In this situation, you need to immediately start wiping your sore lips with a slice of lemon.

In conclusion, it should be said that you should try folk remedies can be taken at any time and without medical advice, since they are absolutely natural, and, therefore, will be relevant for any signs of this unpleasant cold. The first stage of the disease is considered to be the period during which the skin on the lips begins to tingle, itch, and tingle noticeably. It is at this moment that you should begin to take measures to treat herpes as quickly as possible.

So. We looked in detail at how to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

According to various statistics, from 80 to 95 percent of people around the world are carriers of the herpes virus, which may never manifest itself in a person’s entire life. If herpes appears on the lips, many associate it with stress, hypothermia, or a cold.

Very often, herpes on the lips appears after sunbathing or when a person spends a long time in an air-conditioned room. Yes, this provokes the appearance of herpes, which is always in the body and “waiting” for its time.

“Colds on the lips” always appear suddenly and at the wrong time, causing aesthetic, psychological and physical discomfort, especially for the fairer sex. A dormant, insidious virus awakens when immunity decreases.

If the manifestations of herpes are episodic and mild, then there are many ways to quickly cure herpes on the lips. These are symptomatic drugs with a drying, disinfecting, epithelializing effect.

But in 15% of the population, relapses of herpes are so frequent, sometimes every six months or even monthly, that this requires serious long-term complex therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

Except antiviral drugs. prescribed by the doctor according to the regimen, the use of immunomodulators is necessary. Until now, medicine does not know how to rid the body of viruses forever. Therefore, a person can only fight its manifestations for now.

Pharmacy medicine for herpes on the lips

When herpes appears, its symptoms are so obvious that the appearance of a small tubercle immediately makes itself felt: pain, burning, itching, redness. A woman wants to immediately run to the pharmacy to quickly remove herpes on her lip and become beautiful and smile broadly again. The pharmaceutical industry offers many different remedies against herpes, including:

How to quickly cure herpes

There is probably no person in the world who has not at least once encountered the problem of a cold on the lips, which is better known as herpes. Not only do you experience slight pain and discomfort with herpes, but in addition, as luck would have it, it appears at the most inopportune moment.

Statistics say that 96% of the world's population has this virus. And every year this number is growing steadily. Environmental pollution, weakening immune system, decreased standard of living, lack of personal hygiene.

All these negative factors can lead to herpes on the lips. How to quickly get rid of herpes? You can rest assured that today we will resolve this issue. Stay tuned!

special drugs; vitamins; toothpaste; laundry soap; tea;


Like a virus, herpes has been around for a very long time, and it can strike you at almost any time. Scientists believe that the main reasons for the appearance of herpes are:

  • hypothermia;
  • overheat;
  • stress;
  • deterioration of immunity;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • pregnancy and so on;
  • high temperature.

And even though world medicine is growing and developing every day, it is simply impossible to get rid of and cure herpes forever.


First, study your lifestyle. If you have a lot of bad habits, try to get rid of them as soon as possible: quit smoking (if in the first stages you cannot completely say goodbye to this habit, replace them electronic cigarettes), get rid of alcohol addiction. It is also not advisable to constantly recycle. Herpes is also affected by the weather, or rather hypothermia in cold weather and overheating in warm seasons. If you have cold feet, immediately adopt ways to warm your feet no matter where you are.

Strengthen your immune system with vitamins A, C, E, PP, zinc and other elements. Eat red meat, fish and seafood. You will not be able to completely get rid of this disease, but it is quite possible to put it to sleep temporarily.

How to get rid of herpes

Herpes is contracted once and for all. Its rashes will appear for many years, you can only prevent its appearance and treat it with all accessible ways, as soon as the telltale itching on the lip begins. How to get rid of herpes in 1 day at home. Medications and folk remedies for getting rid of herpes will help us with this.

If you turn to doctors for help, most likely, they will prescribe tablets at the time of relapse of the disease and ointments with acyclovir, pharmacy balms containing an antiviral substance, and may prescribe a series of injections to relieve the inflammatory process.

Also, experienced doctors can advise using other an excellent remedy against herpes rashes, especially on the genitals. But on the lips you should also wipe the sore spots or area with this product. possible rashes for itching. This is a solution of myromistin or chlorhexidine.

Previously, a good remedy, but undeservedly forgotten today, against herpes was oxolinic ointment. It was used to lubricate the nasal passages if a burning sensation was felt on the lip.

Lubricating rashes or itchy places on the face. in particular on the lips it prevents the appearance of sores. But you need to lubricate it as often as possible during the day, as soon as you suspect something is wrong in the lip area. This remedy just answers the question of how to quickly get rid of herpes on the lips, literally within a day.

Traditional medicine against herpes

There is something very interesting symptomatic remedy from herpes, which grandmothers pass on to their granddaughters from generation to generation. It may seem strange to some, but it really works. So it can truly be considered miraculous.

It is necessary to consecrate a piece of lard in the church on Easter along with Easter cakes and Easter cakes. Then at home, lubricate your lips with this lard. This should be done every year for prevention. But they say that the remedy gets rid of herpes once and for all.

Appearance blistering rashes no one is happy with the appearance on their face, so everyone wants to get rid of the painful and itchy wound as quickly as possible. Traditional medicine will help with this. Try to remove cold on lips using the "grandmother's" method. Take a sheet of white paper, just not coated, roll it into a cone and place it on a saucer with the base facing up. Place the saucer with paper in the sink. Light the top of the cone with a match or lighter. When the cone is halfway burned, tip it into the sink. Golden resin will remain in the saucer. Quickly lubricate it with " cold» on lips. If you do this before the rash appears, when itching is only felt, herpes may not appear.

Another old way to fight herpes is earwax. Lubricate the affected areas three times lips wax taken from the ear can get rid of this trouble.

cure cold on lips You can also use raspberries. This plant helps get rid of colds, but it turns out that it also helps cure herpes on lips. Fresh raspberry branches need to be washed and crushed to a mushy state. Lubricate the areas of skin affected by herpes with this mass, leaving it for half an hour, after which you can remove the paste from the lips. You need to repeat the treatment 2-3 more times a day.

Medicinal chamomile also successfully helps remove cold on lips. Chamomile infusion should be taken orally (1 tablespoon three times a day) and this infusion should be used as a lotion on lips affected by herpes. To prepare the infusion, 1 table. pour a spoonful of chamomile flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave under the lid for half an hour. Then filter and add 10% alcohol infusion propolis - 1 table. spoon.

Natural essential oils help effectively fight herpes. If the rash has not yet appeared, but itching is already felt, lubricate the area essential oil lemon balm. It will help with already manifested herpes fir oil, which needs to be applied to the rash every two hours. It will be a little hot, but there will be no cold lips it will pass quickly.

Urgently! How to quickly remove herpes on the lip?

Herpes on the lip. I came out at night, I didn’t feel it, it was a series of three blisters. There is a corporate party on Saturday, you need to be in shape. What to do. Don’t offer pills, please, I’m abroad, pills are only by prescription, it takes time, but there isn’t any. I have Acyclovir ointment and Gerpevir ointment. There are no more antiviral drugs. Please give me proven recipes. Thanks in advance to everyone who responded.
Oh, I also forgot: how to cover up your lips on Saturday if the herpes still doesn’t go away? Of course, there will be no contacts, kisses or anything else. I'm really looking forward to it. Thank you!

Smear with Corvalol. Or rather, not smear, but cauterize.
If you do this at the initial stage, then it goes away on the same day.

I don’t know if we have Corvalol in our pharmacies. and will it be given without a prescription? I’m not in Russia, here everything is by prescription, except for the most basic things like aspirin, cough syrup, plasters, vitamins and so on. But everyone is more or less serious prescription medications. Thank you!

V Soviet times smeared with toothpaste. Either it helped or it went away on its own, but they applied it for sure
burned with Nadezhda perfume

I have medical alcohol, I can cauterize it. I can only have pasta at night. Thank you! Yes, I think that both the alcohol - in the perfume or something else - and the paste are dried, and this is exactly what is needed. Thank you!

Don't be foolish, apply acyclovir. Don't shower, don't get too cold, it's windy in Toronto today.

The topic is ancient, but I was just about to give advice

Herpes, otherwise known as colds, can occur in both children and adults.

Moreover, the herpes virus lives in absolutely every person if he has had chickenpox.

As long as your immunity is normal, the virus will not manifest itself in any way, but as soon as you catch a little cold and worry, severe itching and burning immediately arises, and bubbles form near the lips or eyes.

Absolutely everyone wants to get rid of colds on their lips as quickly as possible.

Naturally, an instant cure cannot be achieved, but many modern means allow you to cope with colds at home in short time.

Colds on the lips: symptoms and causes

Colds on the lips are classified as infectious diseases. Main reason its origin is the herpes virus type 1, the virus is located in human DNA. Almost always the disease begins with severe itching and burning sensation in the lips. Sometimes just a few hours are enough for red spots to begin to appear on the irritated area. After some time, they turn into bubbles, which are filled with a transparent liquid. After the bubbles burst, the liquid comes out, and small ulcers form in their place. They are not deep enough, but they cause a lot of discomfort, they hurt and itch constantly. After some time, the ulcers will begin to crust over, although you will want to tear it off, but under no circumstances should you do this. This way you will only aggravate the course of the disease and prolong it for at least a couple more days.

If no measures are taken for treatment, the duration of the disease can be two weeks. But it is worth remembering that even after completing the course of treatment, you will not be able to completely get rid of the virus.

First manifestation

The first infection with the virus occurs in childhood. It is transmitted to a child from parents or other adults. The first manifestation is usually imperceptible, but the cells continue to remain in the structure of the nervous system and are always waiting for favorable conditions in order to appear.

Even if you did not get infected as a child, you still need to be careful, as you can get it unpleasant disease You can, as an adult. To do this, one contact with the patient’s skin is enough.

You can also get an infection from touching a sick person with your finger in an infected area and then touching yourself with the same hands.

What factors can activate the virus?

First of all, the possibility of developing a cold depends on how protected your body is. IN in this case We are talking about the immune system.

Stress also takes its toll. The last factor that provokes the disease applies only to women. The thing is that during pregnancy or menstruation, the body is subjected to strong hormonal changes, which will ultimately lead to the appearance of a cold on the lips.

It is impossible not to note the abuse bad habits, especially smoking.

Colds on the lips - how to cure at home: medications

Colds on the lips - many people probably know how to cure this disease at home, especially those who are often bothered by this disease. It is imperative to treat the herpes virus, otherwise it will begin to spread throughout your body, thereby causing other infectious diseases. But the main thing is to apply treatment methods correctly. If, for example, the rashes are more episodic in nature, then you can easily get rid of this problem with the help of drying and disinfecting preparations. However, practice shows that almost everyone experiences relapses of the disease, and the whole point is a weakened immune system. That is why treatment should be comprehensive, aimed at strengthening the body's defenses.

Treatment with medications

Pharmacies have a fairly large selection of medications that can quickly get rid of a cold. But even despite such effectiveness of drugs, not a single remedy can completely get rid of the virus, which is why people just eliminate periodically appearing cold symptoms. Pharmaceutical companies offer people the following drugs:

1. Viru-Merz Serol- this is the most popular and widespread medicine to date. Manufacturer: German company. It is produced in the form of a gel, which must be used to treat the affected areas. In just 3-5 days you will be able to get rid of the main symptoms of herpes. After some time, recovery will come.

2. Acyclovir- this medicine is used quite often for colds on the lips, the main thing is active substance- acyclovir. The drug Zovirax has exactly the same effect, although unlike Acyclovir, it costs much more. Experts do not recommend taking pills for rashes on the lips. They believe that the tablets will be effective only if the virus has already affected a large area on the lips and around them.

3. Panthenol spray- that's just aid, since it only has a healing effect.

4. Doctor Mom. The product does not have an antiviral effect, but still helps fight the virus in early stage diseases. But it should be applied immediately after slight redness appears.

Experts also prescribe various ointments, for example, Gervirax, Valacyclovir.

Colds on the lips - how to cure them at home: folk remedies

Colds on the lips occur very often - how to cure them at home? The question is common, and there are actually many ways to treat it. Besides traditional methods, patients actively use traditional medicine. If you take all measures in time, you will be able to avoid the appearance of bubbles. Below are the most effective recipes.

Earwax .

This method came to us from our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, which means it has been tested for centuries. Take cotton swab and clean her ear, after that, anoint the itchy place with everything that you managed to extract from there, namely sulfur.


Meet people who use this method maybe not often, but really in vain. After all, urine can cure many diseases, including colds on the lips. After going to the toilet, collect your urine in a container, then immediately dip a cotton swab into it and cauterize the affected area. But for this to be truly effective, you need to repeat the procedure several times a day.

It is believed that urine is best used infant, firstly, it does not cause such disgust, and secondly, it is considered the most “clean”.

An interesting fact is that in terms of its effectiveness, honey is slightly inferior to the first two methods. But, nevertheless, it's still worth a try. Thanks to natural product you can get rid of annoying blisters on your lips in just a few days.

Take one tablespoon apple cider vinegar and honey. Rub thoroughly and apply to the affected area.


If you are not planning to go on a romantic date or another party in the coming days, then garlic can be a good weapon against a cold. Take a few cloves of garlic and grind through a special crush. Learn a kind of gruel that needs to be applied to the bubbles.

Side effect is probably obvious to many - the smell of garlic will be so strong that you won’t be able to get rid of it quickly. But after a couple of days not a trace of herpes will remain.


The juice from this plant is the most mild remedy to treat colds. It will be more effective if you pick a new branch each time and lubricate the sore spot with juice. You can also squeeze it out, and then simply wet the tampon and apply it to your lips. As a rule, the virus subsides after a couple of days, especially if at the same time you take medications to strengthen your immunity.


This decision may seem unexpected to many - to treat the rash with Valocordin. But according to practice, this particular medicine helps get rid of the herpes virus in one or two days.

Birch ash.

You need to take a birch branch and burn it to the ground. Then take the ash and mix it with honey and medical alcohol in equal proportions. The result is a thick mixture; it must be used to treat ulcers that appear after the blisters burst.

You need to know that the symptoms of the disease always develop gradually. The first thing you will feel is a burning sensation and itching, after which the sore spot begins to turn red, and small bubbles with liquid form in this area. Be sure to remember that under no circumstances should you squeeze, scratch or rub them. This will cause the infection to spread throughout the face, affecting new areas of skin.

Once the first symptoms appear, the disease cannot be stopped. But, nevertheless, you can make this process less painful, and also prevent further spread. It is best, of course, to start treatment with medications.

Any specialist will undoubtedly tell you that you should definitely visit medical institution. After all, it is the doctor who can determine accurate diagnosis, and this is the main thing in treatment. It is possible that you will have to undergo some tests.

If you are treating colds on the lips at home, be sure to use only proven methods. Medicines Use only after you have carefully read the instructions.

Sometimes sores similar to ulcers appear on the face, especially in cold weather. Most often they appear in the corners of the mouth or on the lips - it's herpes.

Many people believe that the disease is not so terrible and let things take their course, however, this is a mistake.

The disease can be transmitted to other people and cause complications, so it is necessary cure as soon as possible.

You can learn how to treat jams in the corners of your mouth from ours.

Reasons for appearance

According to statistics, about 90% of all people on the planet are infected with the herpes virus - this most common infection.

It is usually infected in childhood, when the body is most vulnerable, and is activated under conditions favorable to the virus.

Let's highlight main points influencing the appearance herpes:

  • hypothermia;
  • monthly cycle in women;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee, which cause dehydration and dry lips;
  • emotional stress;
  • pregnancy period;
  • colds that weaken the body;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • damage and injury to the lips;
  • smoking.

Simply put, colds on the lips appear in a weakened body for one reason or another.

Do I need to visit a doctor?

In the first stages, the disease does not particularly bother or cause any inconvenience, so a visit to the doctor is not necessary - the disease can be cured on your own at home.

However, if the cold spreads into the nose or oral cavity where large ulcers or blisters occur that cause painful sensations and redness of the affected areas, then it is better to go to the doctor.

For proper treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination to find out the nature of the disease. Only a doctor can do this, since the development of the disease indicates serious problems in the body.

Perhaps herpes is just a manifestation of another, more serious disease.

Important tip from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention It’s worth paying attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this crap gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Methods of disposal

How to treat a cold on the lips? For more effective disposal from illness, must be carried out complex treatment , that is, use external and internal means simultaneously. Modern features Medicines can successfully suppress the virus, although it is impossible to completely destroy it.

During treatment, creams and ointments are used along with tablets that contain antiviral components and means to strengthen the immune system.

The main active antiviral substance is acyclovir Therefore, when choosing a drug, you should pay attention to the composition.


All drugs are similar in their action, differing only in additives. They are taken daily 3-5 times a day, both before and after meals.

Course of treatment lasts up to 2 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease. You must drink during treatment large number liquids and completely avoid soda and alcohol.

Ointments and creams:

  • Penciclovir;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Katsogel;
  • Triiodoresorcinol;
  • Famciclovir.

Treatment with ointments is carried out to eliminate external manifestations diseases in parallel with tablets.

If you treat only with them, the disease will be constantly disturbing - only the symptoms will be eliminated, but not the virus itself.

They are applied every 2 hours to the affected areas throughout the day throughout the entire course of treatment with medications.

If your immune system is seriously weakened, your doctor may prescribe immunotherapy through vaccination drugs such as:

  • Interferon;
  • Lycopid;
  • Cycloferon.

This will help strengthen the body, which will begin to fight infections on its own.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of a cold on the lip at home? To combat colds on the lips, you can try using traditional medicine, which can give the desired effect at a minimum cost. Let's look at the most popular recipes:

What can't you do?

If you have a cold on your lips, you cannot do the following:

Important to remember that if treatment at home does not help, then it is better to consult a doctor. Herpes is activated if the body is weakened by another disease, so it needs to be found and also cured.

You can find specialists in the treatment of chapped lips on our website.


To avoid the appearance and recurrence of colds on the lips, you should follow a number of simple but useful recommendations:

  1. Use only your own personal hygiene products ( toothbrush, towel, soap, lipstick, etc.).
  2. In cold weather, use protective lipstick.
  3. Avoid stress and overwork.
  4. Eat right.
  5. So that the products consumed contain sufficient quantity vitamins and minerals, especially during the cold season.

  6. Lead an active lifestyle and play sports, which will help strengthen the body as a whole and resist any disease.
  7. Be outdoors more often.
  8. Ventilate the room regularly if several people work in it.
  9. Pass preventive examinations see a doctor and promptly treat any infectious diseases.

Colds on the lips are a common occurrence, but they spoil appearance and can harm your personal life.

It is better to start treatment at the first symptoms.

Moreover, it is necessary to treat not only external signs, but also take pills to defeat the disease from the inside.

In addition, you need monitor your immune system, and this means eating foods rich in vitamins (vegetables, fruits and herbs). In healthy strong body no infection will appear.

You can learn how to prevent and treat colds on the lips from the video:
