What wet food is good for cats? What food is best to feed a cat: advice from veterinarians

Most owners of domestic cats do not have the opportunity to prepare their pet a balanced, complete breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.
According to veterinarians, the most ideal food for cats is small pieces of meat or fish. But in addition to such a diet, the mustachioed pet should receive necessary for the body minerals and vitamins. Therefore, it is much more convenient for owners and healthier for cats to purchase ready-made cat food, but which ones are better than others? What to choose?

Choosing cat food

IN wildlife the cat family are carnivores that obtain all their valuable nutrients from raw meat and the stomach contents of its prey. A domestic cat should also receive a certain amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which any living organism needs to comfortable life. For caring owner It is very important to choose the right type of food for your mustachioed pet.

Types of cat food

There are three main types of food for domestic cats. They differ in the method of preparation, serving, shelf life and other properties.


Some owners still do not trust their pet’s food to be fed from bags and prefer to prepare cat food themselves. The menu is selected individually: for fluffy and smooth-haired cats, for young and adult cats, for thin and well-fed cats.

It is important to remember that food from the human table is absolutely contraindicated for pets. Delicious sausages, scrambled eggs and fried potatoes will not bring any benefit to the cat.

Advantages of natural food:

  • Accurate knowledge of product composition;
  • No dangerous chemical substances and harmful additives;
  • Nutrition is closer to natural conditions.

Disadvantages of natural food:

  • The need to frequently prepare new dishes to prevent food from spoiling;
  • It takes a lot of time to prepare;
  • It is advisable to have certain skills and knowledge in the field of pet nutrition.


Many owners are confident that dry food is the most versatile and balanced diet For domestic cat.

Pros of dry food:

  • Saving money compared to natural food;
  • Time saving;
  • Does not spoil for a long time both in the package and in the cat’s plate;
  • A good dry food is properly balanced.

Cons of dry food:

  • The lack of water in dry food can lead to kidney and bladder problems in a cat if used incorrectly;
  • Dry food does not put enough stress on your pet’s teeth;
  • Cheap dry food is likely to contain a lot of carbohydrates. Its use may cause diabetes in cats;
  • Some foods contain special additives, addictive.

Wet food (liquid food)

Wet food for cats can be used as an alternative to dry food when you want to properly care for your pet, but there is no time to prepare it separately. It is often fed with “liquid” cat food.

  • Time saving;
  • Saving money compared to natural nutrition;
  • Quite a long shelf life in the package;
  • Composition, properties and taste close to natural.

Cons of wet food:

  • IN bad food Add ingredients that are addictive to animals;
  • Wet food does not retain vitamins well in its composition compared to dry food;
  • A large amount of liquid in low-quality food leads to poor saturation of the animal;
  • If you leave wet food out in the air, it will quickly dry out and lose its nutritional value.

Cat food classes

Cat food is divided not only by type, but also by other parameters. Feed classes are a rating system that categorizes feed based on composition, benefit and price category.

Economy class food

The class of food that can most often be seen in advertising on TV. This food is suitable solely for suppressing the animal’s hunger. There's nothing in it that's healthy for cats, and it certainly doesn't contain meat. Solid soybeans, by-products, preservatives, cellulose, flavor enhancers and nutritional supplements– this is not at all what mustachioed pets need.

The only plus is the cheap price. Veterinarians do not recommend using economy class food as the main menu for domestic cats.

Watch the following video, do not pay attention to the quality of the picture, the main thing is information!

There are also feeds of the so-called “commercial” class. Their composition is no different from economy, and the cost increases due to the promoted brand. Good owners should not rely on advice from commercials, because behind them there is only a successful marketing ploy.

Manufacturers: Darling, Meow, Whiskas, Doctor Zoo, Kitekat, Frieskies, Felix, etc.

Medium class food

Medium class feeds have a correspondingly average product quality.

Compared to economy food, this food contains less soy, grains and flavoring additives, and there are no chemicals. The composition no longer contains a large number of meat and a balanced vitamin and mineral complex. Also, medium class food is already divided into categories: for sterilized cats, for kittens, furry animals, for adults, etc.

Manufacturers: Bozita, Happy Cat, Perfect fit, Belcando, Eukanuba, Iams, Brit, PRO PAK, Karma Organic, Natural Choice, etc.

Premium food

You won't see premium food in TV commercials. They contain an almost perfect balance of micro and macroelements needed by the animal. Almost absent vegetable protein. The price is noticeably different from food of a lower class, but you can trust everything that is written on the packaging about the ingredients included. After all, each food of this class has its own quality certificate. Can be purchased at special stores for animals or in veterinary clinics.

Manufacturers: ProNature Holistic, Royal Canin, 1stChoice, Bosch SANABELLE, Pro Plan, Hills, Nutra Gold, Leonardo, Cimiao, etc.

Holistic food

Holistic food is the ideal professional food for a mustachioed pet. But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a line of these foods. They can only be ordered directly from manufacturers in online stores. This best food is used mainly for exhibition and breeding animals in special nurseries. All animal and plant components of holistic food are grown on special farms without the addition of pesticides and hormones. Only natural ingredients are also used as preservatives.

Manufacturers: Orijen, Acana, Wellness, Innova, Natural&Delicious, Evo, Felidae, Almo Nature, Golden Eagle, Earthborn Holistic, etc.

Liquid cat food

High-quality wet (liquid) cat food can be compared to real meat or fish. The only difference is that the food contains additional food components necessary for a properly balanced pet diet.

You shouldn’t skimp on your pet’s health and buy food below the medium class - here are veterinarians’ recommendations regarding dry food. If finances allow, then it is better to purchase healthy premium dry food, it contains more meat and an excellent set of microelements necessary for old and young cats to fully develop. That is, the food rating is not as important as its class. Well, then it all depends on the cat’s individual perception of a particular dry food.

Which food is better, dry or wet?

There are still discussions among both veterinarians and caring cat owners about which food is better for cats, dry or wet. Research by scientists has shown that these types of feed have their pros and cons, but, in general, do not differ from each other in nutritional value and composition. Some veterinarians advise balancing your cat's diet by including dry food as the main component and wet food as an additional component. On the contrary, many do not recommend mixing different types feed, as this can have a bad effect on the cat’s stomach. Therefore, it is up to the owner to choose the optimal nutritional diet for his pet and depends on his desires and capabilities.

Every cat is unique. When choosing its diet, it is necessary to take into account the animal’s age, weight, health, gender and other individual characteristics.

Which cat food contains more meat?

The largest amount of natural meat is, of course, contained in holistic foods. Most foods in this class contain about 70 percent meat or fish. There are some manufacturers whose products contain up to 95% meat. Thanks to special processing, these foods retain all the beneficial substances necessary for the cat’s body.

High percentage of meat in premium food. This is enough for optimal nutrition, excellent health and good activity of domestic cats.

Popular medium-class foods must contain at least 20 percent meat in their composition.

It’s not worth even talking about the economy class - you won’t find meat or fish in these foods.

As soon as a loving owner gets a kitten, he tries to provide him with maximum comfort and care. Regarding food for your domestic cat, it would be a good idea to consult with veterinarians, as well as look at reviews of various foods on the Internet.

Veterinarians advise first of all to provide the cat with constant access to fresh water, especially when feeding dry food. We must not forget about the daily allowance of cat food, which is written on each package; it is not advisable to exceed it. A mustachioed pet should be fed twice a day. This is enough for the full development of the animal’s body.

You should also not save on your pet, because they are cheap ready-made feed Not only do they not benefit the animal, but they can also cause harm.

You can’t change food often either, because it’s not easy for a cat’s stomach to adjust from one food to another. If you still need to do this, then you need to gradually add new food to the old one, increasing the portions over a period of at least ten days.

You can chat on forums asking: “advise good food for a cat." But no one knows his pet better than his owner. In order to properly organize your pet’s diet, you need not only to listen to the advice of breeders and veterinarians, but also to take into account the level of activity, health status and other individual characteristics of your cat.

Is your cat's diet correct? Most owners will not answer this question. Few people think about counting the proteins, vitamins and micronutrients that enter the pet’s body with food. But this is not necessary, because cat food manufacturers have already calculated everything for you. We talked to three veterinary nutritionists about how to feed your cat and how to choose good food for it in the store.

Nigova Ekaterina

Veterinarian-nutritionist at Zoostatus clinics

Proper diet more important for your pet than it might seem. If a cat consistently does not receive enough protein, vitamins, and microelements that are important for it, then its body is forced to constantly turn on internal regulators in order to maintain itself in a normal state. Imbalance useful substances for a long time will not manifest itself in any way - the cat will be active and healthy. But as soon as some kind of illness or injury occurs, then, combined with a consistently poor diet, the body will immediately fail.

Dry food

It may seem “frivolous” to most; it is often used as a complement to other, “main” food. However, for a complete diet, dry food and water are enough for the animal. If the cat eats this food throughout the day, it will replenish all daily norm beneficial substances for health and wellness. True, we are talking about complete food, experts clarify.

There are a number of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, essential fatty acids, the supply of which the cat must replenish daily. There are daily standards, but it is worth considering that the lower and upper levels are usually indicated. As for the bottom, it was derived from laboratory tests, when the animals were fed different amounts of food and any deviations from good health, if any, were recorded. Based on such observations, the upper and lower levels were established.

It is important that the dry food states that it is complete, balanced or suitable for daily use: only under this condition can it be assumed that the pet will not be left without substances important to it.

– Dry food also acts as a preventative against tartar. The norm is usually indicated on the packaging, it is important not to go beyond it, notes veterinarian-therapist at the Gemini clinic Darina Berezina.

Don't forget to drink. Your cat should always have clean water.

– Cats are animals that came from the subtropics, and, like all inhabitants of semi-deserts, their body is designed in such a way that they have a reduced sense of thirst. It’s one thing when a cat eats a mouse—the rodent has enough moisture and doesn’t need to drink. This is a different case. Therefore, if your cat drinks little, then perhaps he needs to soak the food or replace it with wet food, sums up Ekaterina Nigova.

Roskoshestvo examined samples of cat food from 39 brands. Three of them are of high quality.

Wet food

Wet food (meat pieces in jelly - in bags, jars, etc.) is used more as a treat. Usually it does not contain the daily dose of all useful elements,” says Darina Berezina. – On the packaging of such food you should look for a mention that the food is balanced and suitable for the daily diet.

The doctor also thinks good sign, when the same manufacturer produces both dry and wet food. Often these are the brands that offer complete products.

Ideally, the bag or canned food should include all the necessary components. This is meat (or its processed products), amino acids, plant products (this can be potatoes, corn, etc., but most often such details are not specified in the composition), vitamins K, A, D, E, taurine, iron , copper, manganese, zinc, omega-3 and omega-6 acids.

Galina Chernova

Veterinarian-nutritionist at VetCat clinics

Looking at the composition, pay attention to the ingredient that goes first, since the order of composition is determined by the percentage of components in the product. So, in our case, meat should come first. Our cats are carnivores that feed on mammals whose meat contains taurine. Unfortunately, cats' bodies cannot store this element, so they must consume it regularly. It is necessary for vision, cardiac function and other physiological processes, says veterinarian nutritionist at VetCat clinics Galina Chernova.

Food for sterilized cats, active or lazy couch potatoes

Some may suspect that this is ordinary food, but with different labels on the packaging. In fact, we are talking about truly special foods intended for the mentioned types, and such foods differ in composition. For example, food for active cats is higher in calories, since active animals spend a lot of energy, and for lazy couch potatoes it is lighter.

– You need to look at the bag of food for castrated or sterilized animals to see if, for example, it contains L-carnitine. This is a fat burner, which is important for somewhat passive cats prone to weight gain, explains Galina Chernova.

Expensive vs. cheap

– There are several classes of feed. “Superpremium”, “premium”, “economy”, as well as “holistic” (Human Grade) - the quality is as if the product was made for people. In the production of such feeds, technologies are used that make it possible to preserve all the benefits of the ingredients, their digestibility is at least 80%, no by-products, only clean meat. For the rest, the degree of availability and digestibility depends on the class useful components, says Galina Chernova.

And Darina Berezina recommends not to get carried away with cheap food and draws an analogy between them and soups instant cooking like "Doshirak". If you eat exactly this all the time, then gastritis will not keep you waiting. Whatever one may say, in the end the cat chooses the food itself. All you have to do is first give her a choice, and then regularly fulfill her preferences.

“If a cat likes the food, she feels good after it, she has no problems with digestion or urination, she is active and has good hair, then it suits her,” says Ekaterina Nigova. – Perhaps some cat will like food that is more expensive, and some will choose cheaper food, there is nothing wrong with that.

The doctor also explains that the classification of feed is rather arbitrary. Of course, the manufacturer understands approximately what quality customers expect from food of a certain class, and tries to meet the declared level, but in fact there are no prescribed parameters that classify food into one group or another. In Europe and America (where feed most often comes from on the Russian market), there are still organizations that certify feed and are responsible for its safety. However, even if you have “holistic” food in front of you, you cannot say for sure that it is made from the best and freshest meat, and not yesterday’s meat. Regarding controversial additives, we note that regulations determining which additives are safe and allowed for use and which are not still exist and the manufacturer is obliged to follow them.

Is it possible to feed cats food from the table?

Many owners habitually reason that if the food they eat is good for them, then it will be good for their pets, and they believe that the main rule in the diet is variety. Nutritionists do not agree with this position and explain that if you additionally give animals some other food, then the cats will not eat their own, which is why they will not receive the daily requirement of the necessary elements. Of course, if you feed your cat from the table infrequently and a little, then nothing bad will happen to it. 5–10 grams of meat (preferably cooked) or other food is most likely not dangerous for a healthy cat.

Is fish harmful?

– There is a theory that it is not physiological for a cat to eat fish, since in the wild it usually does not eat such meat. But in the same way, in nature, cats do not eat rabbits and do not hunt cows, but food from these animals is actively sold, and there is nothing wrong with that, since the food is designed for normal absorption, explains Darina Berezina. – For example, salmon and trout can be classified as high-quality fish, but cheaper fish (capelin, herring, blue whiting) are rather undesirable.

This fish may contain too much iodine and other minerals that cannot be absorbed in such quantities, causing stones to form. genitourinary system, adds Galina Chernova.

“As for ordinary raw fish, it is not suitable for everyone, there is a lot of phosphorus, little calcium,” says Ekaterina Nigova. – If you are a compassionate citizen and consistently feed street cats, then dry food is perfect for them. It is also advisable to bring water to the animals, although even here they will most likely get out on their own, because in the summer you can drink from a puddle, and in the winter they can eat snow


Most cat owners are careful when choosing food for them. Pet stores offer a variety of foods. But how do you choose the one that's right for your cat?

The most correct answer to this question will be given by qualified veterinarians.

Important! If you like to cook, and it does not take much time, then it is better to feed your pet freshly prepared food. We must not forget about balanced food for your pet.

Be sure to supplement your cat's diet with important vitamin complexes, which include minerals and trace elements. More than half of veterinarians share this opinion.

Ingredients included in balanced feed:

  • Poultry (chicken, turkey);
  • Lean beef;
  • Sea fish;
  • Vitamins, amino acids and minerals,
  • Amino acid - taurine.

Rating of the best food: dry and wet

The second half of veterinarians believe that the best food is ready-made.

It is already balanced and does not require additional ingredients. What food is best for cats? The food rating based on reviews from veterinarians will help us answer this question.

Don't forget to pour clean water in a bowl if you feed your pet dry food. This food is important for teeth and digestive tract. By chewing it, the pet cleanses plaque from the teeth.

The food is quite coarse, it cleans well gastric tract from slags. It must be stored in closed plastic containers without access to air.

Breeders and veterinarians believe that a pet’s daily diet should include not only dry food, but also soft food in the form of canned food.

Canned cat food

Canned food is a favorite treat for cats. They taste good and are liquid because they contain water. This is useful if the cat drinks little water.

One jar of canned food is enough for one feeding. It's comfortable. If your cat doesn't eat the portion, put the leftover food in the refrigerator. It will be possible to offer them at the next feeding.

Wet canned food is good for feeding older cats. It is difficult for an older cat to chew dry food. She will swallow soft ones without difficulty.

The most the best canned food, according to veterinarians, are:

  • Almo Nature
  • Applaws
  • Animonda
  • Hill's
  • Organix
  • All cats
  • Barking Heads
  • Schesir.

Types of feed

An important problem that cat owners need to understand is the classes of food:

Economy class. It contains only protein substitutes, it does not contain natural ingredients.

If you picked up a cat on the street or adopted it from a shelter, then calmly feed it with food of this class. These are Kitikat, Whiskas and Friskies. But it is highly not recommended to feed purebred domestic cats with such food.

Premium and super premium class. This class of food is made from the highest quality ingredients. Does not contain soy protein. There are also no unnatural dyes or preservatives. They contain vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the required quantities.

Among premium and super premium foods, veterinarians recommend: Golden Eagle, Acana, Royal Canin, Arden Grange.

Manufacturers also took care of animals who are allergic to certain products. A special hypoallergenic food has been created for them. A good and inexpensive food for allergy sufferers is the Hill’s Prescription Diet line.

Manufacturers paid special attention to creating a diet for castrated and sterilized cats. It is lower in calories and contains less protein. What brand of food is popular for sterilized cats? Veterinarians consider Royal Canin Sterilized.

Holistic class food. This class consists of the best cat foods. Their composition is closest to the natural diet.

Breeders and veterinarians agree that holistic breeders are ideal nutrition for pets. It perfectly combines the highest quality ingredients.

Holistic products from different manufacturers differ in composition. Some use only meat, others combine meat and vegetables. Third manufacturers produce grain-free food.

The cat owner must understand that whatever holistic product he chooses, it will be the best quality food.

Veterinarians consider the best holistic foods to be:

  • Innova Evo;
  • Felidae;
  • Nature Holistic;
  • Orijen;

Read the labels

Discussion: 5 comments

    Are these foods suitable for all cats and kittens? For example, my cat had urolithiasis disease and they advised for him certain types. And as a result, he didn’t eat half of it because he didn’t like it. My friends' cats generally only eat homemade food. How harmful or beneficial is it?


    It is best to feed your cat natural products. So at least you know exactly the composition of the food. My cat started to feel much better after giving up food!


    After consulting a veterinarian, we switched to dry food for my cat. Before that, I ate exclusively homemade food, and did not experience any health problems. While my cat happily eats dry food, I buy expensive food.


The health of cats, like people, directly depends on what they eat. However, this does not mean that cats should be fed scraps from the human table. On the contrary, this can cause irreparable harm to their health, because the composition of the necessary nutrients for their life is different. Therefore, food for them should be separate, balanced for their body.

Which food is best for cats according to the rating - this question will no longer be difficult for you if you read this material.

About types of food

The ideal option is for you to prepare food for your pet yourself, calculating calories and the composition of nutrients according to his age and state of health.

However, there is not always enough time to do this even for your own menu, let alone animals.

Did you know? The life expectancy of people who have cats at home is increasing.

Therefore, we turn to the store for ready-made goods, the variety of which makes choosing good cat food problematic.

Let's start with the fact that all products in this direction are divided into types and classes.

Dry, wet, canned

First of all, finished products are divided into:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • canned.
Dry food is meat, vegetables, cereals and other products dried in a special way. Today it is this species that accounts for most of sales on the market.
Its advantage for cats is that by eating the granules the animal’s teeth clean themselves; dry food for owners the better, which may not deteriorate for a long time.

Important! When feeding a dry product, it is necessary to provide the cat with constant access to clean and fresh water, otherwise the animal’s body will become dehydrated.

You may come across the opinion that dry food can cause kidney stones or bladder, but the makers of today's best products claim to have eliminated this threat. Wet food is food for animals in the form of pieces of meat or fish (sometimes with vegetables) with gravy in foil bags. There is more moisture here than in a dry product, but less than in a canned product. The advantage is its portion size (1 sachet = 1 serving), but the disadvantage is the loss of nutrients if the cat does not finish the entire sachet, and the very limited shelf life of an open sachet.
Cats love canned food the most. They are meat in the form of pates or pieces with gravy with high content humidity, rolled into tin cans.

Animals consuming this type of product require less water. The disadvantage of this food is the short shelf life of an open can.


Depending on the quality of feed, they can be divided into:

  • Economy class;
  • premium class;
  • super premium class;
  • holistic class.
Economy class is the cheapest, most advertised and most popular. There is probably no person who has not heard of him.

Here is a list of products in this class:

  • Pankit;
  • Darling;
  • Felix;
  • Allcats;
  • Vaska;
  • Friskies;
  • Sheba and others.
These are low quality foods, although advertising convinces us that they are balanced and consist exclusively of meat, vitamins and minerals. However, instead of meat, bone meal, feathers, horns, hooves, etc. are used here.
In addition, the percentage of meat is reduced in favor of grains, which should be present in small quantities in the cat’s menu.

Important! The danger of such feeds lies in the content of chemical dyes and preservatives that can cause various diseases in animals.

At their core, these foods can be equated to hot dogs, pizza and other fast food: the stomach is full, but there is no benefit to the body.

Some people might argue: it can't be that if things were that bad, my cat wouldn't eat these foods so happily. The answer to this objection is simple - cat flavor enhancers are added to such products.

Compared to the previous one, the premium class of feed contains a larger percentage of meat, but not enough, and by-products are also present. There are more useful substances, less preservatives and dyes.

Here is a list of premium cat foods:

  • Nutro Choice;
  • Regal;
  • Pro Pak (PRO PAC);
  • Karma Organic;
  • Guabi;
  • Happy Cat;
  • Matisse;
  • Flatazor;
  • Advance;
  • Natural Choice;
  • Brit;
  • Iams;
  • Belcando;
  • Doctor Alders;
  • (Hills) and (Royal Canin) made in Russia.
If the financial side of your pet's nutrition does not concern you, buy super-premium products.
These are food balanced in content, containing meat, essential vitamins and minerals, a small amount of cereals, vegetables, fruits.

It’s not scary to feed a cat with such a product, but unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.

This product can only be purchased in veterinary pharmacies or hospitals. Below is a rating of super-premium cat foods.

Important! Most likely, your cat will refuse to eat this food at first, especially if she previously ate cheap food - this is due to the lack of flavor enhancers in the composition.

Holistic class food contains high quality meat without dyes and other harmful substances, a small amount of grains and best vegetables or do not contain them at all.

People can eat products from this class of goods without fear, since animals for slaughter (calves, lambs, chickens, turkeys, rabbits) are kept in environmentally friendly conditions, and vegetables and grains grow in specially designated areas and are watered only with clean water without nitrates.
There are no preservatives or other chemicals here.

The composition of the feed is clearly described - the specific type of meat, grains and vegetables is indicated. They are often produced separately for each cat breed or taking into account behavioral characteristics.

Buying holistic food is not so easy. Due to their high cost, they are almost not in demand, so the number of stores selling them is very limited.

Buyers often order it online and wait a long time for delivery.

The complete absence of flavorings in products contributes to poor appetite cats at first.

Important! Such feeds are digestible by almost 90%, therefore daily requirement they are much lower than ordinary ones.

List of holistic products:

  • NOW and GO Natural Holistic;
  • Chicken Soup;
  • ANF ​​holistic;
  • Innova;
  • Golden Eagle (N&D) and others.

How to make a choice

If you want to choose the best food for your cat, but don’t know which one is the healthiest for her, ask the opinion of veterinarians.

Criterias of choice best product the following:

  1. The inscription on the packaging is AAFCO (stands for American Association for Food Quality Control).
  2. Indication of a specific type of meat containing more than 25%.
  3. Additionally, the composition contains liver or fish.
  4. Availability of vitamins E, C.
  5. A small amount of food consumed per day.
  6. Absence of bone meal and by-products.
  7. Contains no products of animal origin.
  8. No preservatives propyl gallate, ethoxyquin, BHT, VNA.
  9. Cereals and vegetables make up less than 30%.
  10. The composition contains protein, fats, taurine and, preferably, lactobacilli.
  11. No sugar.
  12. The cat doesn't have unpleasant odor from the mouth and from the toilet, the coat is shiny, good playfulness.

Did you know? Young kittens love milk, but in older cats it can cause vomiting or diarrhea due to lactose intolerance.

Rating of the best


Orijen product has been on the market for over 20 years and has never been filled with corn, bone meal or by-products. It is not available in canned form and is sold only in specialized stores.

Innova Evo

Highly nutritious, hypoallergenic Innova Evo products are manufactured by Natura Pet Products in the USA. They contain only selected meat, probiotics, and no chemical additives.

It is very expensive and is sold mainly by ordering online.


The company from Germany "Aras" has been on the market for more than 27 years and produces dry and wet food. The meat content is at least half of the product, and in some types - up to 98%. The composition does not contain lactose and gluten, as well as chemical dyes and preservatives.

Farms supplying products for the company's feed production have received the appropriate certificate.


Canidae (formerly Felidae) is a US-based company that manufactures products that primarily contain meat, but also essential amino acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, vegetables, herbs, fruits.

Low allergenicity is due to the absence of chemicals, gluten and corn flour. The product is expensive and not easy to find on sale.


Eukanuba is available for animals of different ages and with various diseases in dry or canned form. This balanced and easily digestible food does not contain harmful substances.

Did you know? The cat door was invented by the famous scientist Isaac Newton.


So that cats get sufficient quantity carbohydrates, a special variety of potatoes is included in the composition. Meat and fish are not used for production after freezing.

The following products are produced under the Acana brand:

  • Wild Prairie Cat & Kitten "Acana Regionals" - COBB chicken, turkey, snapper, apples, pumpkin, spinach, pear, cranberry, blueberry;
  • Acana Pacifica Cat - flounder, hake, herring, seaweed, cranberry, medicinal herbs;
  • Acana Grasslands Cat - lamb, duck, wild bass, chicken eggs, prebiotics.
Champion Petfoods, the company that produces the line, also produces Orijen.

Almo nature

The Almo Nature company from Genoa has been on the market for 15 years and produces the following products:

  • Rouge Label - hypoallergenic;
  • Tradition - canned;
  • Orange Label - for castrated cats;
  • Azul Label - unfortunately, includes offal and flour;
  • Green Label is a specially prepared wet food.


Pronature food is produced in Canada and is considered one of the best because it includes high-quality meat and vegetable ingredients and is suitable for sick animals. However, some types contain tomato, cellulose and high level ash content


Bozita is a Swedish product in the form of dry and wet food. The production of goods takes place under state quality control. Cats eat it with pleasure. However, not all owners like the fact that it contains pork and corn flour.


Josera consists of products that are certified as suitable for human consumption. Harmful substances and there are no useful additives. Available in sections age categories. However, this product is expensive and not easy to find.

Did you know? In terms of the number of domestic cats, Australia is in first place, where only 10% of the population does not have them, but in Gabon and Peru, domestic cats are very rare.

If you choose dry food for your pet, follow a few feeding recommendations:

  1. Change the water in the bowl daily.
  2. Feed the animal 2 times a day.
  3. Store the product in a closed container.
  4. Do not combine with feeding natural products, this may lead to an imbalance of microelements.
  5. Buy products with small pieces.
  6. An ash residue of 6 percent or more can lead to kidney or bladder stones.
  7. Buy a product that is appropriate for the animal's age.
  8. Cats are guided by their own taste - one may love veal food, while another, refusing to eat it, loves liver food.
  9. Stick to one brand when choosing a product, as different manufacturers produce different composition feed, and the animal may not easily tolerate changes.
  10. Pay attention to the absence of constipation.

Cats are domestic animals and are highly dependent on their owners for food. Of course, not everyone can afford to buy expensive food for them, but it is not recommended to buy cheap ones.

If you do not want or cannot buy an expensive product, it is better to transfer the animal to natural products, then you can avoid many health problems for your purr.


For adults or? When choosing food, you should focus on the age of the cat. After all, in at different ages pets have different vitamin needs, minerals and even calories. Manufacturers indicate on the label the age of the animal for which the product is intended. This can be food for adults or elderly (animals over 7-8 years old).

Dry or wet? When choosing dry or wet food, remember that you cannot combine them in the diet of one cat. Everything else is a matter of your and your cat’s preferences and budget, since dry food, whatever one may say, is cheaper than wet food.

What's on the label? And, of course, before purchasing food you should definitely read the label. What should be indicated on it? First of all, meat and its type (for example, chicken). And it is meat, not “meat and offal”. By-products are a useful thing, but who knows what the manufacturer had in mind? What if it’s not the liver, heart and the like, but the tails, hooves and horns of a large cattle?Next – vegetables and grains. Their optimal content in the feed should be 25-50%. Any food must certainly contain vitamins and minerals, which is also indicated on the label. The list of chemicals includes flavoring additives, dyes, antioxidants, and preservatives. In high-end food there are practically no flavoring additives or dyes, or their percentage is very small. Therefore, expensive food has a reddish natural color and not an excessive aroma of granules, while economical food consists of granules of all colors of the rainbow and even through a sealed plastic bag. It is worth knowing that some antioxidants (E321, E320 and others) can cause cats diseases such as cancer, allergic reactions, organ dysfunction, liver damage. In addition, food often contains ballast substances (a cheap, absolutely unnecessary component that serves solely to fill the volume), natural preservatives, as well as sugar and caramel that are absolutely unnecessary for the animal.

Helpful advice

Of course, only a cat can be the best meowing food expert. When choosing food, focus on your pet’s appetite and condition. Indicators such as the optimal and constant weight of the animal, its excellent physical state, shiny coat, not excessive (no more than a quarter of the weight of the food eaten) stool, indicate that the food is suitable for the cat.

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If you decide to feed your cat dry food, you should choose it very responsibly. After all, health and health will depend on the composition and balance of all its components. good mood your pet

Why do you need dry food?

Do you think that only inveterate fiends and lazy people can feed a cat strange crackers? This is not true at all. The fact is that high-quality dry food is completely balanced in its composition and contains all the nutrients, vitamins and microelements your cat needs. You can, of course, feed your pet fresh tenderloin or fresh milk, but provide a variety and good nutrition thus most owners are unable to. Food solves this problem quickly and without effort on your part.

An important aspect is that it is easier to add certain medicinal components or substances to dry food. This is especially true when choosing therapeutic nutrition or choosing a diet for your pet. In addition, feeding your animal dry food is actually more convenient: it lasts longer and does not spoil in a bowl.

Composition of dry cat food

All of the above is relevant for quality food. Unfortunately, not all animal food manufacturers make food that is truly healthy and balanced. To understand how high-quality the food is in front of you, carefully study its label. A good food will definitely contain the following ingredients: meat (meat, not processed animal products), grains and vegetables (no more than 50%), vitamins and minerals (the list should be long). Also pay attention to the fact that the preservatives and antioxidants in the food are natural (for example, vitamins E and C, as well as herbal extracts and oils).

Harmful and unwanted food components

But what should not be in cat food are artificial colors and preservatives. Some manufacturers add sugar to feed to improve palatability and texture. This supplement is not at all beneficial for animals. Sugar causes tooth decay and is also harmful to your cat's digestive system.

You should also be wary if you notice animal components of dubious origin in the food. For example, ground beef skin or turkey meal. Even if the packaging says “offal”, know that this is nothing more than trimmings and waste from meat processing industries. There are often cases when unscrupulous producers make food literally from horns, hooves and feathers. Avoid foods that contain cellulose or nut shells - these ingredients create a feeling of fullness without providing nutrients.

The key to health and cheerfulness - proper nutrition. Of course, you can cook for your pet yourself, but it is unlikely that such food will contain the required amount of vitamins. Improper nutrition of a cat affects the condition of its skin, fur and can lead to some diseases.

Instead of regular homemade food, your cat should be given high-quality food. Just before purchasing such food, you need to carefully study its composition, otherwise the food may be harmful to the cat.

What should be in cat food?

It must contain meat. Since cats are predators, this product is indispensable for them. But you need to take into account that the information on the composition of the feed should not contain the words “meat and offal”. This phrase refers to the contents of waste from cattle carcasses.

The food must contain vitamins and minerals. For normal condition The animal's body needs vitamins A, D, C, E, K, as well as group B and taurine. The following minerals are also important for cats: magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron. The packaging should contain a complete list of them.

It is necessary that the feed contains the liver, heart, lungs of chicken or cattle. If the feed includes such products, they should be clearly identified and not simply listed under the general word “offal”.

Food must be selected taking into account the age of the animal and its breed. Kitten food contains an increased percentage of vitamins and minerals, as the growing body needs it. U Persian cats The structure of the skull is different from other breeds; special food is produced for them with an easy-to-eat kibble shape.

When purchasing food, it is not recommended to mix several types, especially if the food is from different manufacturers. This may lead to allergic reaction body. The food may contain a small percentage of vegetables and grains (up to 50%, but not more).

Ingredients that should not be in food.

Corn or soy protein (it is used by manufacturers as a meat substitute). Dyes and flavoring additives. Avoid foods with bright colors, as they only indicate dangerous additives. And here Brown color characteristic of natural feed.

Fillers. If they are included in the food, then your pet will not be able to get enough of it for a long time, which can lead to rapid eating and subsequently vomiting.

Chemical components. Corn meal, which is not digested in the stomach of animals. Fish and fish meal. Such components are treated with a dangerous preservative.

Sucrose. Great content carbohydrates in the feed will cause the animal loose stool, and over time can lead to diabetes.

Video on the topic

Neutered cats require special care and special nutrition. This is the only way to preserve both the health and figure of your pet after surgery. What are the characteristics of good food for neutered cats?


Immediately after the operation, switch the cat to a lightweight food designed specifically for castrated or overweight animals. Strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations for feed dosage. It is better to feed the animal several times a day in small portions. This is necessary to prevent the cat from typing excess weight. Three to four months after the operation, your pet’s appetite will normalize, and he will be able to determine how much food he needs.

Choose specialized food for neutered cats marked Light if your cat behaves sedentary lifestyle life or has always been inclined to be overweight. Such products contain less fat and carbohydrates, which helps animals not gain weight.

Carefully study the composition of the food you purchase. It is better to give preference to foods with less carbohydrates and more proteins. Pay attention to the protein content, its share should be at least 30%, and ideally at least 50%.

Consider the content of magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Their share should not exceed 6-7%. Despite the fact that these substances are necessary for the animal’s body, their excess can lead to the formation of struvite stones.

Keep track of how much your pet drinks. Neutered cats need drinking plenty of fluids. If the animal does not consume enough water, switch it to wet food.

Avoid cheap food. Cheap food, in addition to harmful chemical additives, contains a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins of plant origin, which is extremely harmful for neutered cats.

Don’t be afraid to buy food that is not specialized, but is recommended for neutered cats. Some manufacturers offer universal products that are not contraindicated for castrated animals. When purchasing, be sure to read the information on the packaging.
