Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with acupuncture. Physiotherapy and acupuncture in the treatment of rheumatism Treatment and prevention of traumatic arthritis

One of the alternative eastern methods is acupuncture for arthritis to relieve negative symptoms and eliminating the cause of the pathology. Before appointment medical procedure It is necessary to consult with your doctor to exclude contraindications. The session should only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Eastern acupuncture technique for arthritis

At pathological diseases the movement of vital force Qi is disrupted. To restore circulation, it is necessary to stimulate biologically active points (BAP) of the body, which act as projections of internal organ systems.

The treatment technique is based on the introduction of special needles into the BAP to normalize the general condition of the body and treat pathologies. Nerve endings are localized at acupuncture points, and therefore the correct effect can have the following effects for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

  • pain relief;
  • weakening of the inflammatory process;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • acceleration of blood flow;
  • normalization of metabolic processes.

Types of reflexology

There are the following methods of needle insertion:

Auricular reflexology involves placing needles on points auricle.
  • Classic reflexology. Normally sized needles are inserted into biologically active points.
  • Surface therapy. The needles have blunt tips that are applied to the affected areas.
  • Microtherapy. Needles are used small size, by type of buttons. Long-term wearing is indicated.
  • Auricular reflexology. The impact is on acupuncture points on the ear.

Indications for acupuncture

Must be applied eastern method for the following disorders of the musculoskeletal system:

  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • gout;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • mechanical damage;
  • deformities of the vertebrae and joints.

Benefits of acupuncture for treating arthritis

This therapy is an alternative drug method.

Patients who have undergone treatment course reflexology, note the following benefits of treatment:

  • low risk of side effects;
  • no need to make an effort;
  • duration of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • a complete replacement for medications.

How is reflexology performed?

When treating arthritis, acupuncture is carried out according to the following scheme for 4-5 weeks:

  1. Analysis general condition sick. Imbalance of energy and damage to energy channels are revealed.
  2. Determination of optimal biologically active areas associated with foci of the inflammatory process.
  3. Inserting needles into acupuncture areas to achieve two opposite reactions: stimulation or inhibition of certain processes.

Activation of the body

In one session it is advisable to stimulate no more than 10 active points.

The optimal number of points that are stimulated at one time is 5-10. Short, rapid, high-intensity movements are indicated when inserting needles. Duration of exposure from 30 seconds. up to 2 min. Penetration depth is from 3 to 5 cm. Permissible rotational movements of the needle tip. This procedure is the most painful. Strong painful sensations in the area of ​​penetration indicate the correct execution of the technique.

At low pain threshold patient, the intensity of administration and duration of the procedure should increase gradually.

Inhibition of pathological processes

To achieve an analgesic and relaxing effect, another technique is indicated. The needles are inserted using rotational movements. The optimal quantity is 2-3 pcs. Penetration depth - 1.5-8 cm. Exposure time - 30-40 minutes. For children and elderly people, the duration of the session is reduced to 5 minutes. The intensity of the procedure is increased gradually, based on the individual response of the patient.

Acupuncture points

The most effective stimulation with needles is the following areas presented in the table:

Between index finger and thumbArthritis of the upper extremities
Thumb tuberclePain in hands
3 cm below the elbowInflammation of the hand and elbow
Below the previous pointShoulder pain
Between shoulder and armpitDamage upper section spine
Between the neck and the base of the shoulderNeck pain and spasm
Upper neck, side of the spinal columnReduced functionality of the upper region
At waist levelLumbar hernia
4 fingers down and to the side of the kneecapKnee pain

Arthritis is a collective term for joint diseases. The most common forms are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis (osteoarthrosis, arthrosis). Other types: infectious arthritis, chemically induced arthritis, temporomandibular joint syndrome, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.

Chopped dried rhizomes with Chinese angelica (angelica) root. It is used, among other things, for arthritis in herbal formulas of Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses an individualized approach to treat them, based on each patient's unique combination of symptoms and signs.

The information below is intended solely for your information and use in consultation with your doctor, who will make final recommendations about the advisability of treatment.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most looking sick inflammatory joint diseases. Its pathogenesis is a multistep process between a dysregulated neuro-immune system, abnormal neuro-endocrine-immune and individual genetic background, which may predispose some individuals to excessive cytokine responses. As a multifactorial complex chronic inflammatory disease with heterogeneous clinical manifestations RA is characterized by functional disability and pain. Often found side effects treatment.

Osteoarthritis (OA), synonyms - arthrosis, arthrosis deformans, osteoarthritis, occurs from physical trauma, mechanical stress and metabolic disorders. These causes gradually damage the cartilage, which is softened by the ends of the bones rubbing against each other. As a result, the bones in these areas begin to come into direct contact, causing pain and further destruction.
Thus, with OA, joint destruction occurs not due to inflammatory, but due to degenerative processes in the cartilage. Inflammation occurs later and may not be constant. Until the recent past, it was generally accepted that hyaline cartilage is not capable of restoring the intercellular matrix and OA was considered an inevitable consequence of cartilage aging.

In Western medicine, the main drugs against arthritis are anti-inflammatory drugs - non-steroidal (NSAIDs) and steroid-based drugs. Long-term use may cause side effects such as stomach irritation, gastritis and ulcers.
In China the basis medical care To combat diseases of the joints and the entire musculoskeletal system, there are other methods that have stood the test of time. European medicine methods are also widely used there.

Treatment of arthritis in TCM

According to TCM theory, arthritis occurs when the flow of qi and blood energy is blocked and prevented from flowing through the body's energy pathways. Then such external pathogenic factors as “wind”, “cold”, “moisture” and, sometimes, “heat” penetrate through the body’s defenses into the muscles, tendons and joints and cause stiffness and pain. At the same time, they do not have a diagnostic difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Instead, a diagnostic distinction is made based on the predominance of symptoms from external pathogenic factors. Despite different classifications in Europe and China, both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are treated quite successfully using TCM methods.
Those modern medical scientists who study TCM methods from the perspective evidence-based medicine, seek to correlate Chinese diagnoses with Western ones. Chinese doctors often do the same thing when they study the medical histories of patients with diagnoses according to the classification of European medicine.

Here is a classification based on the principle of what external influence causes arthritis according to the TCM theory and how they manifest themselves:
1) Feng-Bi (Feng-Bi) from “wind”. Joint pain moves from top to bottom and from right to left.
2) Shi-Bi (Shi-Bi) from “moisture”. The pain is invariably located in one place, there is a feeling of heaviness in the limbs, which swell and go numb.
3) Han-Bi (Han-Bi) from “cold”. Severe pain throughout the body or in one place. When exposed to cold, the pain intensifies; when exposed to heat, it decreases.
4) Re-Bi (Re-Bi) from “heat”. The skin is hot and red. Increased sensitivity to pressure in affected areas.

The closest TCM term to rheumatoid arthritis is feng-shi, which literally means “wind-wet” disease. Factors of wind and moisture can be combined with factors of cold or heat.

When a certain type is diagnosed, TCM doctors use the following treatments: acupuncture, massotherapy, acupressure, herbal remedies and qigong exercises. The importance of diet for any disease should not be underestimated. An old Chinese proverb says that a wise doctor begins to cure illness with good food. This is especially true for arthritis.


Acupuncture (acupuncture) temporarily relieves pain and can increase the circulation of chi energy around the joint to help improve joint health.
Needles are inserted at key points along the meridians to move blood and qi. The course takes several weeks to produce lasting relief. Many patients say they feel better even after the first procedure.

Modern research provide a scientific explanation of the mechanisms of treatment through acupuncture. It stimulates the production of endorphins (natural pain-relieving hormones in the brain), as well as the anti-inflammatory hormone adrenalocorticotropin. Either way, acupuncture needles stimulate the body to produce hormones that reduce pain and inflammation.

Acupuncture is also used on an ongoing basis to prevent reappearance arthritis. But this process can be so long that it is emotionally draining for the patient. In addition, with its help it is unlikely to restore cartilage that wears out during degenerative processes. Therefore, treatment is continued in other ways.


Massage therapy is often used to relieve common symptoms many types of arthritis: reducing pain, increasing mobility, easing anxiety, improving range of motion in joints and promoting better health good sleep. People with arthritis who experience chronic symptoms, may consider using massage therapy regularly, even using self-massage daily.

Properly performed therapeutic massage (precisely therapeutic) improves the circulation of qi in the joint area and improves blood circulation in them. This helps to reduce joint stiffness to some extent and restore cartilage. Massage therapists do not do this through direct massage inflamed joint, and the muscles surrounding the joint.
Massage can also prevent muscle spasms in other parts of the body. Osteoarthritis is usually one-sided, which can lead to muscle strain in other areas as they try to compensate for the weakened joint.

The main difference between the effects of massage and needles is that in the second case the effect can reach the center of the joint (this does not mean that the needles are inserted to such a great depth).
During massage, the amount of pressure from the palms and fingers is important to stimulate the receptors, the nerves under the skin that communicate with the brain. At the same time, the brain produces serotonin and dopamine, the body's natural painkillers.

There is also acupressure(acupressure). On the one hand, it can be called a type of acupuncture, on the other, a type of massage. Here, pressure with the help of the practitioner's fingers is applied to the same points along the meridians or on the body cavity. Acupressure also improves qi circulation. As a rule, the impact from it penetrates much deeper into the joint than with other types of massage.
Anyone can learn acupressure to treat arthritis after a short period of study and acquisition of some knowledge. practical experience. While, for example, learning acupuncture requires years of study.


Herbal medicine (herbal medicine) is used in conjunction with massage and acupuncture, especially when arthritis is caused by injury. In this case apply external influence. That is, the herbs are made into a paste or powder, mixed with a liquid such as alcohol, and then applied to the joint. Herbal treatments are used to relieve pain, improve qi circulation and aid in the healing of injuries, as well as speed up the process of regrowth.

Also, herbal preparations are taken orally. Modern animal studies show that some traditional chinese herbs demonstrate significant analgesic activity by acting on nociceptive neurons and pain pathways to relieve pain and calm the nervous system.

For oral administration, complex herbal formulas (recipes) are made from several natural medicinal components. Compiling these formulas can only be done qualified doctors TCM, self-medication with these ingredients may cause poor health. After all, it is important to know which parts of a particular plant should be taken, what proportions of ingredients should be observed, and taken into account possible allergies patient to some ingredient, etc.
Below, only for general idea, two examples of popular formulas are given.

Formula Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan, used for pain in the joints, especially the knee. It was compiled in the 7th century BC. Contains herbs that relieve pain, as well as herbs that nourish and strengthen joints. It includes the root of some species of angelica (Radix Angelicae), the bark of the eucommiae Ulmoidis, the hoofed grass (Asarum), the root of the strawflower, synonym - achyranthes (Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae) and other ingredients.
However, this formula contains coffin (Asarum), which contains toxic aristolochic acid. Regular use this acid leads to nephropathy - a disorder normal operation kidney It also has side effects: increased blood pressure, dizziness and drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. Aristolochic acid can also provoke cancer. The Chinese name for cleftfoot is xi xin.

Si Miao Fang Formula, abbreviated as SMF. It consists of four ingredients: velvet bark (Phellodendri Chines Cortex), rhizome of Atractylodis rhizoma, seed (Coicis Semen) and root of strawflower, synonym - Achyranthis bidentatae Radix. Used in China since the Qing Dynasty (16th century AD) for its function of purifying "heat" and drying out "dampness". Currently, SMF is commonly used clinically in the treatment of arthralgia, gouty arthritis And rheumatoid arthritis.
results laboratory research in rats showed that SMF can clearly slow down the degradation of cartilage matrix, as indicated by an increase in proteoglycan and collagen content.

Qigong and diet

TCM has in its arsenal special exercises Qigong with gentle and stretching movements that increase mobility and eliminate pain. Some patients also engage in exercises that can increase the flow of chi energy.
Estimates of the effectiveness of this method vary. Some Chinese doctors say broken bones can be completely mended and degraded joints can be restored to their original healthy state.

Patients with arthritis should follow a diet.
Eliminate or reduce fried meat, fish, poultry and frozen dinners, sugar, soda, and sweets. Keep in mind that dairy products contribute to joint pain. Corn, sunflower, soybean, safflower and vegetable oils with omega-6 acid cause inflammation.
Eat more vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, tofu and nut butters to reduce arthritis pain. Also, in flax seeds, walnuts And oily fish contains omega-3 acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Acupuncture or acupuncture for arthritis stimulates energy flow into the damaged areas and helps speed healing. The method is only applicable in specialized centers after doctor's approval. Acupuncture is effective in combination with other techniques. Acupuncture effects has a number of advantages, is not addictive and does not require an increase in the dose of medication, and in general has a positive effect on the entire body. There are contraindications for the procedure that should be taken into account before it is performed.

When is it prescribed?

Indications for acupuncture:

  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • prostate;
  • pain syndrome;
  • the presence of inflammation of the joints;
  • swelling;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • injuries;
  • spastic colitis;
  • obesity;
  • radiculitis;
  • chondrosis;
  • to improve immunity;
  • relieving muscle spasms.

The procedure activates all the body's defenses.

Acupuncture can affect any disease. Arthritis treatment - difficult process, as a result of which it is not always possible to overcome the disease. Knowing the technique and correct points for acupuncture, you can stimulate the body's internal reserves to fight arthritis. This is an alternative therapy technique, the results of which official medicine casts doubts.

Pros and cons of acupuncture for treating arthritis

Acupuncture for rheumatoid arthritis:

  • reduces pain;
  • reduces swelling and inflammation;
  • accelerates the process of treating arthritis;
  • does not cause dependence on medications;
  • can be combined with other methods of therapy;
  • relaxes the body and relieves spasms;
  • accelerates blood circulation and metabolism;
  • helps in weight loss;
  • calms the nervous system.

Acupuncture alone will not cure arthritis. The technique must be combined with taking medications.

Failure to follow the acupuncture technique can cause irreparable harm to human health.

The disadvantages of acupuncture include the fact that the technique does not have scientific explanation and is based on energy flows person. If acupuncture is performed incorrectly, it can make the patient disabled. In addition, find good specialist difficult. Instruments for the procedure must be sterile. Acupuncture has a number of contraindications, so it is not applicable in all cases of arthritis treatment.


Acupuncture is completely harmless and safe procedure in the treatment of arthritis. According to the rules, it is carried out with disposable needles, which are printed in front of the client. The specialist must also ensure that the salon is clean and hands are sterile. In many cases, a client insurance agreement is concluded before the procedure. After the procedure, the patient experiences relief, improvement, and the risk of side effects is minimized.

Acupuncture points

A person has 361 points and 12-14 pairs of energy channels (meridians). Their stimulation opens the channel and directs internal forces body to combat the problem. All of them are located close to the nerve endings, so after the procedure you may feel the effect of swelling of the body, which will soon disappear. During the procedure, endorphins are released, which block pain. Each acupuncture session is different from the previous one: one time is carried out with different combination points, in another - the method of inserting the needle changes, the number of needles used may differ.

It is generally accepted that rheumatoid arthritis is autoimmune disease, most often women are predisposed to it. The disease is aimed at damaging the joint tissue and, as a result, its destruction. The second reason for the occurrence, or rather, exacerbation, is fungal or viral infections, reception of strong hormonal drugs or stress.

Successful treatment of rheumatoid arthritis - watch the video with the patient's review.

Complexity of this disease the fact that it arises suddenly. The main symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are:

  • pain syndrome, in particular in the morning (usually a person feels stiffness in the joints, which lasts from 30 to 60 minutes;
  • swelling of the joints and tissues around it, sometimes redness;
  • general malaise;
  • loss of appetite;
  • slight weight loss;
  • muscle pain.

Arthritis mainly affects the joints of the arms (elbows and shoulders) and feet.

Doctors recommend treating this disease comprehensively. Namely: anti-inflammatory substances, injections and massage. However, there is no guarantee that the reception various medications will give you the right one therapeutic effect. Usually after long-term use drugs, the body gets used to them and the effect of such treatment is practically not noticeable.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Today, acupuncture is very popular in the treatment of such diseases. Many patients have already appreciated positive effect from such treatment. Acupuncture addresses the root cause of the disease - immune system. After completing the course, restoration processes are launched in the body.

You can undergo acupuncture treatment at the Doctor AS clinic. Medical Center equipped with equipment from world famous manufacturers. Professional doctors will prescribe the correct treatment, taking into account all the patient’s needs, and medical staff will give you the warmest welcome.

Chinese medicine has been developing for a very long time. The technique of the East allows you to fight a wide variety of pathologies. Acupuncture for arthritis involves the insertion of needles that are very thin and do not have sharp ends, stimulating certain points. It is at this moment that it is released Vital energy, which gives the body an impetus to fight illnesses.

Traditional acupuncturists who use acupuncture treatments believe that during sessions, energy is able to flow unimpeded along pathways called meridians. These pathways run throughout the body. During activation of the body, pain decreases and gradual restoration of health occurs.

What happens during an acupuncture session?

Arthritis affects one fifth of the world's population. A large number of people have diagnoses such as:

rheumatoid arthritis;
gout and others.

In a regular hospital, such diseases are difficult to treat, especially arthritis - its treatment is considered expensive and difficult. But the patient's condition can be slightly improved by using a natural way to alleviate symptoms through acupuncture.

When a session occurs, the acupuncturist is involved in inserting needles for a specific time. The needles are inserted into necessary points, experts know about them. After this, the needles are exposed electric shock or high temperature. A bunch of scientific research showed that acupuncture for arthritis can stimulate the secretion of natural painkillers like morphine. They are produced by the body - these are endorphins. This method of treatment is useful for patients who do not tolerate the side effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Causes of arthritis

Acupuncture has long been proven to be safer and more effective than methods used in natural therapy. Arthritis, the treatment of which is quite complex, is often referred to as chronic disease, it is during the fight against such pathology that regular treatment with the help of Eastern knowledge will help. Since this method is easy to control pain and dilate vascular tissue.

Arthritis is considered as Bi-syndrome. This diagnosis may occur when exposed to external negative factors such as: dampness, frost, wind, heat.

Acupuncture treatment for osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis. It is caused by degradation cartilage tissue in the joints. This occurs when cartilage tissue deforms under load, or it comes with age. In this case it appears constant pain in affected areas.

Acupuncture for arthritis and its basis

The basis of acupuncture is two reasons, which are considered opposite. They call different reactions the body to the corresponding irritation - this is excitation or inhibition.

Inhibition is a reaction that is caused by the method of stimulation. Experts use acupuncture treatment for a long time. The intensity is increased gradually. Patients feel heaviness, numbness and the passage of electricity. This method works well when hypersensitivity body.

The second option also effectively helps cure arthritis (treatment is used for any age restrictions). The sensations when inserting needles are minimal, unlike the first option. The needle is inserted with a rotational motion. For adults, the inserted needle is left in place for about twelve minutes. For children – within five minutes.

Along with acupuncture, appropriate medicines prepared by Chinese medicine specialists. Taken together, this gives an undeniable result.
