What does bone marrow degeneration mean? Fatty bone marrow degeneration: what it is and why it occurs. Didn't find a solution to the problem? Ask your question now

Many people whose age has exceeded 30 years are often diagnosed with musculoskeletal disorders. And the most common among them are degenerative changes in the spine, which pose a great danger to health, since because of them a person can lose his ability to work or become disabled.

  • What is spinal dystrophy?
  • Reasons for development
  • Generative changes in the spine: types
  • Cervical problems
  • Pathological condition thoracic
  • Lumbar and sacral region
  • Diagnostics
    • Diagnostic methods
  • Treatment
    • Physiotherapy
  • Prevention
  • Conclusion

What is spinal dystrophy?

Pain syndrome is a familiar condition for many of us, especially if it occurs in the back area. But often this symptom is not given due importance, since it is believed that the cause of pain lies in fatigue, salt deposits and other various reasons. However, in reality pain symptoms arise due to deterioration of the properties and characteristics of the vertebrae.

Degenerative-dystrophic changes should be understood as irreversible metabolic abnormalities of vertebral bone tissue, as well as deterioration of their elasticity and premature aging. Sometimes, when degeneration in the cervical spine develops quite actively, along with pain, a person may experience serious violations at work internal organs.

As a result of the appearance of pathological changes, various parts of the spinal column suffer: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. According to doctors, every person who wants to move upright must come to terms with this. But if you correctly distribute the load, as well as constantly perform physical exercises, then the spine will be able to serve a person much longer.

Reasons for development

According to experts, this condition is caused by one and only reason. We are talking about improper distribution of the load, and this happens due to the features professional activity or usual way of life. In a situation where the back muscles begin to weaken, main reason This should be looked for in low mobility during the day and lack of physical activity.

Inflammatory processes developing in ligaments of nerve endings and muscles can provoke degenerative changes in the cervical spine. A viral bacterial pathology can lead to the same results. In addition to inflammation, this condition can be caused by intervertebral hernia or scoliosis.

Most often degenerative dystrophic changes arise due to the influence of the following factors:

  • Aging of the body;
  • Violation of blood vessels;
  • Changes in hormonal levels;
  • All types of damage, including bruises and injuries;
  • Low physical activity;
  • Hereditary predisposition.

Generative changes in the spine: types

Changes occurring in the spine can lead to various diseases, and most often this results in the occurrence of osteochondrosis. This disease refers to a degenerative process that leads to a decrease in the height of the intervertebral disc.

If therapeutic measures are not taken in a timely manner regarding degenerative changes in the cervical spine, then another spinal disease may subsequently arise - spondyloarthrosis. This disease is distinguished by the fact that it spreads to all components of the spinal column, including ligaments, cartilage and surfaces of the vertebrae. An inevitable consequence of the development of such a pathology cervical region is the gradual death of cartilage tissue.

An additional symptom of this condition is inflammation, the appearance of which is facilitated by the entry of cartilage fragments into synovial fluid. This disease is mainly diagnosed in older people, but similar symptoms can be detected in young people.

Disorders that occur in the cervical spine may have different shape manifestations - intervertebral hernia, slipping of the vertebrae, narrowing of the canal.

Cervical problems

The cervical spine refers to areas human body which are constantly exposed to excessive loads. The development of its dystrophy is facilitated by the very structure of the vertebrae, as well as the high concentration of arteries and nerve plexuses. Usually, a minor disturbance is enough to cause compression of the spinal cord and vertebral artery, and this is dangerous for the development of cerebral ischemia.

Some of the patients may have this pathological condition, but not realize it due to the absence of characteristic symptoms for a long time. But at a certain point they begin to feel changes in the cervical spine, as indicated by:

  • The appearance of pain that radiates to the upper back.
  • Feeling of discomfort.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Muscle tension.

As a result of excessive load on the vertebral segments in the cervical region, a blockage of metabolic processes occurs, and this is fraught with more serious consequences, which can sometimes lead to the development of intervertebral hernia and protrusion.

The most difficult thing to treat is degenerative changes in the cervical spine, which manifest themselves in the form of a hernia. In the absence of therapeutic measures for a long time, the resulting formation begins to put pressure on the nerve roots and spinal cord.

Pathological condition of the thoracic region

The vertebrae of the thoracic region have a limited radius of movement, so they undergo dystrophy in very rare cases. Most patients are diagnosed with osteochondrosis. The course of the disease is largely influenced by the location of the nerve roots; as a result, the symptoms of this disease may be mild or completely absent.

In most cases, degenerative changes in this department occur due to curvature of the spine, as well as injury. In many patients, a hereditary pathology due to malnutrition of cartilage tissue and a decrease in blood flow was noted as the cause.

The process of inflammation of cartilage tissue is inevitably accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • aching pain that worsens while walking;
  • impaired sensitivity in the form of symptoms - numbness and tingling;
  • problems in the functioning of internal organs.

Lumbar and sacral region

If we look at the statistics, then mostly patients are diagnosed with degenerative changes that affect the lumbosacral spine. It should be remembered that it is the lower back that is exposed maximum load, and therefore this causes early aging of the bone and cartilage tissue of the vertebrae, as well as a slowdown in metabolic processes. Low physical activity increases the risk of developing this disease.

There are many cases where degenerative changes in the lumbosacral region were found in people aged 20-25 years. As a result of excessive wear, the fibrous ring began to develop inflammatory process, which led to irritation of the nerve roots. A characteristic symptom indicating a pathological condition is pain, often radiating to the gluteal muscle and causing a tense state.

The pain may be constant or intermittent. Most often it is found in the lower back. This symptom may also be accompanied by numbness in the toes; if left untreated for a long time, problems arise in the functioning of the internal organs located in the pelvis. Similar signs can be observed with the development of an intervertebral hernia.

To influence degenerative-dystrophic changes using treatment methods available to medicine lumbar region impossible. Everything you can achieve with therapeutic activities- relieve pain, remove inflammation and avoid worsening the condition.


When faced with the first symptoms of a spinal column disorder, the patient’s first action should be to seek help from a neurologist. After the examination and history collection, the patient will be sent for additional examination.

Diagnostic methods

The best results, allowing the most accurate determination of any disorder in the functioning of the cervical spine, are provided by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Among modern methods For medical examination, CT and MRI have proven themselves well. With their help, it is possible to identify irreversible changes in the spine at the initial stage of their occurrence. The X-ray method is becoming less popular due to the fact that it can only be used to diagnose the disease at the last stage.


Unfortunately, modern medicine does not have methods that would allow her to effectively combat disorders in the cervical spine. Therefore, the patient can only count on the fact that the treatment program proposed by the doctor will help slow down the development of the pathology and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The treatment prescribed by a specialist is based on the use of analgesic drugs prescribed to relieve pain and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes topical medications are prescribed - and mainly gels and ointments.

Good results in slowing down degenerative-dystrophic processes can be achieved with the help of chondroprotectors. When used correctly, you can strengthen the damaged vertebra and cartilage tissue. To relieve muscle tension, it is recommended to take drugs from the group of muscle relaxants. In addition to the above drugs, it is also useful to take B vitamins. They are prescribed in the form of injections, and after the exacerbation is eliminated, they are taken in the form of tablets.


Enhance healing effect This can be done with the help of physical therapy, which can quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms. But you need to take into account that a rehabilitation specialist should draw up an exercise program on an individual basis, taking into account the location of pain. You should not forget about nutrition: the diet should also be formulated in a special way, including products containing gelatin.

Consider last resort- surgery is possible only with acute form diseases. In addition to the fact that this approach to solving the problem seriously injures the body, rehabilitation after surgery takes a lot of time and often leads to complications.


In order to prevent relapse of the disease, it is necessary to regularly carry out measures to form and strengthen the muscle corset. This can mainly be achieved through exercise. Special attention weight needs to be given - overweight create unnecessary stress on the spine, so they must be dealt with regularly.


While studying a certain type activities, many of us pay little attention to the spine. Although if a person performs work that is accompanied by a high load on this part of the body, then he may soon have problems. The spine is designed for a certain load limit, exceeding which can lead to degenerative changes.

Even if you often take a rest, it still won’t save you and won’t help you avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of diseases that can lead to pain or other unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, it is so important to correctly determine the load and not go beyond it. But if a person realizes it too late, and he has already begun to experience periodic pain in the lumbar region, then he needs to see a specialist as soon as possible to begin treatment. When detected at an early stage, the disease usually responds well to treatment.

The main thing is to make a correct diagnosis and follow the doctor’s recommendations exactly. Those same patients who, despite frequent pain, do not take any measures to eliminate them, can bring themselves to such a state that they will have to agree to an extreme solution to their problem - surgery. And this is fraught with various complications: in addition to the fact that you will have to undergo a long period of rehabilitation, the consequences of surgical treatment of dystrophic changes in the spine can seriously affect the quality of life.

Why do my neck muscles hurt?

Pain in the neck muscles, or, scientifically, cervicalgia, is a very common condition that is experienced by every fourth inhabitant of our planet. The reasons that can cause such a symptom are different, but most often the culprit is the spine. Some system and infectious diseases, tumors can also contribute to pain and discomfort in the collar area.


There are two main types of cervicalgia – vertebrogenic and non-vertebrogenic. When the neck muscles hurt due to pathologies of the spinal column (hernia, arthritis, spondylosis, etc.) - this is the first, vertebrogenic type.

Nonvertebrogenic cervicalgia occurs for the following reasons:

  • myositis;
  • sprained neck muscles and ligaments;
  • neuralgia;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • meningitis;
  • subarachnoid hemorrhage;
  • thrombosis;
  • epidural or retropharyngeal abscess.

Neck pain with vertebrogenic cervicalgia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the nature of the pain syndrome can be pulsating, shooting or aching. Occurs on one or both sides, can radiate to the back of the head (cervicocranialgia) or upper limbs (cervicobrachialgia);
  • limited mobility and crackling when turning the head;
  • impaired sensitivity in the neck and arms - numbness and a sensation of pins and needles on the skin, as well as weakness of the upper limbs;
  • tension and soreness of the muscles of the cervical area (for example, with muscular-tonic syndrome);
  • when the vertebral artery is compressed, dizziness and nausea, visual and hearing disturbances may occur.


So why do neck muscles hurt and how to recognize the cause? Cervicalgia can be caused by diseases of soft tissues, muscles, ligaments, as well as neurological and joint pathologies. The most common causes of muscle pain are injuries and degenerative changes. bone structure. It should be noted that the neck can become sore after hitting your head on a hard object or due to an unfortunate fall.

With osteochondrosis, irritation occurs of the nerve endings passing from the spinal cord between the vertebrae. Peripheral nervous system responsible for thermoregulation and motor function, coordination of movements and muscle tone. Therefore, even the slightest compression of nerve fibers by intervertebral discs or bone growths inherent in osteochondrosis leads to pain.

At the initial stage of disease development, deformation begins intervertebral discs. Then part of the disc bulges, osteophytes appear, and surrounding blood vessels and the nerves are compressed. This is what causes muscle pain.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Prolonged mechanical impact on the receptors provokes an increase in nerve impulses from the affected vertebra to the spinal cord. This causes certain changes in muscles and tissues, which partially lose their functions. Healthy muscles begin to execute double work, and an incorrect motor stereotype is formed.

Weakened muscles fix the vertebra, preventing it from deforming further, but at the same time preventing it from assuming a physiological position. This stage is decisive, since in the absence of treatment, a degenerative process and muscle atrophy begin, and osteochondrosis occurs.


Cervical myositis is an acute inflammatory process in the muscles of the cervicobrachial region, accompanied by pain and swelling. The following factors contribute to the development of myositis:

The combination of several factors increases the risk of disease. For example, if a person has just had a sore throat, and then gets hypothermic or injures his neck. For schoolchildren and students cervical myositis often occurs against the background of intense sports training during the exam period, when the nervous system is especially vulnerable.

Acute myositis is characterized by rapid development and severe symptoms– the neck hurts constantly, and the pain can radiate to neighboring areas – the head, face, ears, back. Often the pain syndrome appears on the side, only on one side. Sometimes the anterior muscles of the chest are affected.

Treatment of myositis is complex, depending on the origin of the disease, it is prescribed medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. Massage plays an important role in the treatment of myositis. Using special techniques, you can relieve inflammation and eliminate congestion in the muscles, and reduce pain.


Spondyloarthrosis affects small joints cervical spine and is very rarely an independent disease. Much more often, spondyloarthrosis develops against the background of osteochondrosis or spondylosis of the spine.

The main symptom of cervical spondyloarthrosis is discomfort and pain, which has aching character. During movements, especially sudden ones, the pain intensifies. After a long stay in one position or a night's sleep, stiffness is observed, which goes away after a few minutes. A characteristic feature pathology at an early stage is a clear localization of pain in the upper back and near the neck.

If spondyloarthrosis is not treated, the symptoms become quite severe. As the disease goes through 4 stages of development, the pain only intensifies and begins to radiate to other parts of the body - unpleasant sensations arise on the sides of the back from above, headaches and dizziness appear, and neuritis and hyporeflexia often develop.

The greatest therapeutic effect can only be achieved with early stages when there is no ankylosis in the joints yet. Surgery is performed in rare cases, for example, when nerves are compressed by osteophytes. If excessive bone growths are observed in combination with degenerative lesions of the intervertebral disc and spinal canal stenosis, decompressive surgery is performed.

A low-invasive intervention using drugs or low-frequency current, the so-called joint denervation, is carried out when muscle spasm is severe.


Spondyloarthritis, or ankylosing spondylitis, is a chronic inflammatory disease spine, affecting joints and ligaments. Degenerative changes over time lead to the occurrence of ankylosis - complete immobility of individual parts of the body due to the mutual fusion of the vertebral bones. Subsequently, the spine becomes rigid, representing a single welded conglomerate.

The spinal column bends in the thoracic and lumbar regions as if a person is bowing. The “supplicant pose” characteristic of ankylosing spondylitis is formed, and articular changes become irreversible.

Spondyloarthritis is characterized by fairly slow progression, so it goes undetected for a long time. Pathology develops from bottom to top, and the cervical region is the last to be affected. However, sometimes the opposite happens, and the destructive process begins with upper sections backs. This indicates an unfavorable course, and the prognosis is in this case doubtful.

Spinal tuberculosis

Spinal tuberculosis is a form of bone tuberculosis and can affect any segment of the spinal column. Symptoms may not appear immediately, but only after several months or even years from the moment of infection. The cervical region is less susceptible to this pathology, and occurs in less than 5% of cases of the total incidence. The remaining 95% occurs in the lumbar and thoracic regions.

Symptoms of tuberculosis of the cervical spine are as follows:

  • severe neck pain;
  • swelling that gradually increases in size;
  • abscess formation;
  • cough;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • a sore throat.

The pain syndrome bothers the patient so much that any movement of the head causes incredible suffering. The person supports his head in front to hold his head; he tries to avoid turning and bending. Absolutely all neck muscles hurt - splenius, sternocleidomastoid, sternocleidomastoid, as well as the middle and deep muscle layers.

Treatment of tuberculosis is carried out in a specialized institution - an anti-tuberculosis dispensary. The main method is chemotherapy, which helps to avoid death and prevent severe complications and gross deformations.

Surgical intervention is indicated only if paraplegia – paralysis of the limbs – persists.

Spinal tumors

Neoplasms can appear at any age and develop from connective tissues. A bone tumor is very rare; much more often, metastases from another organ are found in the spine - the breast, stomach and lungs.

Symptoms increase as the tumor grows or metastases spread: patients complain of pain in the neck and head, stiffness of movement, sweating, and fatigue. Subsequently, weakness in the upper limbs and dizziness appear due to compression of nerve endings and blood vessels.

Neck pain during high physical activity

Intense sports training, heavy lifting, static overexertion and constant trauma due to similar neck movements often lead to myalgia of the trapezius muscle. In most cases, pain syndrome occurs in athletes after training, but the cause can also be vertebral pathologies - protrusions and herniated intervertebral discs, back contusion or facet syndrome (spondyloarthrosis of a single joint).

The trapezius is a fairly large muscle that occupies almost a third of the back. Its proper operation provides support for the head, so in case of injuries and sprains, severe discomfort is felt. The usual movements of the head, neck and shoulders are no longer so free and easy.

Injury to the trapezius muscle is also reflected in the upper limbs - they become weak, as if they are deprived of support. And since the trapezoid is responsible, among other things, for the lateral bends of the neck, it becomes difficult to turn the head.

Damaged muscles hurt and pull, there is a feeling of pressure on the shoulders, and the base of the skull and head may hurt.

What to do in this case, how to achieve lasting results and prevent relapses? Treatment muscle pain involves the use of manual techniques and drug therapy. After a massage, which is carried out in combination with diaphragmatic breathing, the pain subsides. To correct vascular disorders, herbal plants are prescribed nootropic drugs Muscle relaxants help eliminate spasms and relax smooth muscles.

Many doctors associate pain in the muscles of the cervical-shoulder girdle with high emotional stress; hyper-responsible people and perfectionists are most often susceptible to problems with the cervical spine. They subconsciously take on an overwhelming burden of worries and problems, and as a result suffer from various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

To reduce the risk of neck muscle pain, you need to follow preventive measures- do not overcool, sleep on the right pillow, do periodic warm-ups during sedentary work, and for workers engaged in heavy physical labor - take breaks to rest at least once every half hour. Be healthy!

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    Spinal surgeries: types and costs, which Moscow clinics perform them, reviews

    In recent years, pathologies of the spinal column have been observed in people of different ages and genders. This is due to a decrease in physical activity, environmental conditions, poor nutrition and the presence of underlying diseases. It is not always possible to solve the problem conservative method, sometimes it is spinal surgery that restores mobility to a person, relieves pain, and returns him to an active lifestyle.

    Previously, such intervention threatened the development of complications after spinal surgery, including disability. But every year science moves forward and the use of new technologies makes it possible to safely solve the problem.

    IN Lately minimally invasive surgical methods are practiced, which minimizes the risk of complications and disability after spinal surgery.

    Main types of spine surgeries

    There are main types of surgical intervention:

    • discectomy;
    • laminectomy;
    • arthrodesis;
    • vertebroplasty;
    • implantation.

    Previously, operations were performed through open access to the affected area. But thanks to new technologies in recent years, when performing surgical operations less traumatic methods are used and operations are performed through a minimal incision. This contributes to a speedy recovery of the patient and makes the process easier. postoperative period, since the tissues surrounding the damaged area are subject to minimal trauma.

    Endoscopic spinal surgery

    Spinal surgeries are performed to treat pathologies of the spinal column and spinal cord. Endoscopic method compares favorably with the usual open surgery because it is minimally invasive. The advantages of this method are:

    • minimal wound surface;
    • short rehabilitation period;
    • short hospitalization (3-4 days);
    • minimal pain relief and, as a consequence, low risk of complications after anesthesia;
    • low likelihood of complications after surgery.

    The operation is performed using an endoscope. The patient is given three punctures in the area of ​​the damaged vertebra, through which an endoscope and surgical instruments are inserted. The operation is carried out under the control of the image on the screen. This contributes to high precision of execution, only damaged segments are removed, and healthy tissue is minimally affected. This type of operation is used to remove intervertebral hernias, protrusions, structural changes in cartilage.

    Transplantation and prosthetics of intervertebral discs

    If the patient has damage to a large area of ​​the spine, then the vertebrae are replaced with a prosthesis. This technique is an alternative to spinal fusion, in which damaged vertebrae were connected using a metal plate or bracket. This impaired the mobility of the spine and limited the patient’s movements. Replacing a damaged disc with an implant makes it possible to maintain functional mobility of the spinal column. It is planned in the near future to replace the synthetic disc with a bioprosthesis grown from the patient’s cartilage cells in the laboratory.

    Laser surgery

    This type of surgical intervention is considered to be less traumatic. The operation is performed by inserting a needle into the body of the damaged disc. A beam is fed through it laser radiation. The laser evaporates part of the liquid contents, while the disc retracts and stops bulging and irritating the nerve endings. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, and control over the execution of the manipulation is carried out by displaying the image on the screen. This makes it possible to carry out the procedure with high accuracy without affecting healthy tissue.


    Spinal surgery is resorted to as a last resort, when there is no benefit from conservative therapy is not observed, the patient’s condition does not improve or, on the contrary, he feels worse. The reason for the operation is:

    The operation is carried out only after complex diagnostics, full examination patient with mandatory CT or MRI. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor decides on the choice of surgical intervention method.


    Spinal surgeries are not performed in conditions where the threat from surgery is higher than the positive outcome. There are cases when the surgical method is the only way to restore mobility to the patient, to protect him from paralysis and complete immobility. In this case, patients independently decide whether to take risks or not. Absolute contraindications to surgical intervention were:

    • oncology;
    • narrowing of the spinal canal;
    • period after stroke;
    • severe heart failure;
    • encephalopathy;
    • nervous disorders (severe);
    • allergies to anesthetic drugs;
    • infectious process in the spine.

    Spinal surgeries are not performed for other serious conditions that threaten the patient’s life.

    Indications and types of operations depending on the part of the spine

    If indicated, operations are performed in different parts of the spine.

    Cervical spine surgery

    Indications for surgical intervention are:

    They perform operations to replace destroyed discs with implants, remove discs and connect cervical vertebrae between themselves using steel brackets.

    Similar indications are the reason for surgical manipulation in the thoracic region. In addition, surgery is performed on the spine when scoliosis has a 40% curvature. It is performed when there is a 3-4 degree displacement, when such a curvature of the back brings pain to a person when changing posture. Surgery is also performed in case of severe compression of the nerve ending by a prolapsed disc, as well as if, due to significant deformation of the spinal column, respiratory and cardiac function is impaired.

    The operation is quite complicated, since the spine is straightened, and slight displacement of the vertebrae leads to nerve compression and disability. First, the vertebrae are aligned straight, and then they are fixed with pins. At a young age, when the spine is still growing, movable structures are used. At a more mature age, immobile ones are used metal systems. After the operation, the patient’s innervation and blood circulation in the internal organs are temporarily disrupted, which causes discomfort. This condition is treated with medication and goes away after a course of therapy.

    Surgery on the lumbar spine

    The main reason why surgical treatment is performed for pathologies in the lumbar region is the presence of pain that is not relieved by medications and other methods of conservative therapy. Compression of nerve endings due to displacement of the lumbar vertebrae leads to disruption of the functioning of internal organs and reduces innervation lower limbs. This leads to pain, impaired leg mobility, paresis or even paralysis.

    Displacement of the lumbar vertebrae causes compression of the nerves, and surgery to correct this is called microdiscectomy. Its essence lies in truncation of part of the vertebra, which leads to compression of the nerve ending. Immediately after surgery, the patient feels a decrease in leg pain. Full recovery motor function lower extremities occurs over 3-4 weeks.

    Surgery for spinal fracture

    This surgical intervention is performed to eliminate a defect in the spinal column that appears as a result of injury, vertebral instability, and to prevent severe curvature in the future. Indications for surgery are:

    If, after a fracture in the spine, cracks in the vertebral body or its fracture are diagnosed, then surgery is the only way to preserve the anatomical shape of the vertebra and reduce the rehabilitation period.

    Preparing the patient for spine surgery

    Any operation requires careful preparation. Surgical treatment of the spine falls into the category of complex manipulations that must be performed by an experienced neurosurgeon. If the operation is performed urgently (accidents, injuries with spinal cord damage), then there is no time to properly prepare the patient, since delay threatens the patient with paralysis. When performing a planned surgical intervention, the patient undergoes appropriate preparation:

    • laboratory blood test;
    • MRI of the spine;
    • treat inflammatory or infectious diseases (if any);
    • consultation with an anesthesiologist.

    The doctor finds out whether the patient has taken drugs that affect blood clotting (medicines NSAID groups, anticoagulants). The doctor also asks about the presence chronic pathologies, allergic reactions to drugs, since this information is very important during surgery and in further period rehabilitation. Before the procedure, the patient is prohibited from eating anything the night before. If implants are used during the operation, the patient will be given an antibiotic.

    Procedure process

    The technique of performing operations in the cervical and lumbar spine is described above. When the spinal column is fractured, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are performed. In the first case, bone cement is injected into the damaged vertebra through a needle, which hardens within 15 minutes. Thus, further destruction of the spinal segment is prevented.

    Kyphoplasty is performed by inserting a deflated balloon into the affected vertebra, which is inflated in the vertebral cavity and provides it with physiological height. Fixation is carried out using bone cement. This type of operation compares favorably with vertebroplasty, since it is possible not only to create the desired height of the vertebra, to correct curvature in a certain area of ​​the spine, but also to align it along its entire length.

    Rehabilitation period

    This period is for:

    • reducing pain after surgery;
    • restoration of motor function;
    • prevention of complications;
    • speeding up the recovery period.

    The doctor advises the patient exactly how to behave. These recommendations are purely individual and depend on the severity and type of surgery and the patient’s condition. Rehabilitation methods include:

    • physiotherapy;
    • exercises in the gym;
    • massage;
    • occupational therapy (a method of adaptation after surgery to the outside world);
    • psychotherapy sessions.

    A physical therapy complex is developed by a physical therapy doctor and must be performed daily. The exercises are done smoothly, effortlessly. If there is an increase in pain, then reduce physical activity. The doctor also recommends that the patient undergo sanatorium treatment.


    Modern methods of spinal surgery minimize the risk of complications. However, it exists and manifests itself in the form of damage:

    In addition, an infectious agent may enter the spinal cord, thrombosis, as well as non-fusion of the connected segments of the spine.

    Prices and clinics

    When choosing a clinic where you plan to undergo spinal surgery, you should give preference to well-known outpatient clinics with a consistently positive reputation. Such clinics have a high level of service, qualified specialists work, and use the latest equipment. Spinal surgeries of varying complexity in Moscow are performed in:

    • SM clinic;
    • open clinic;
    • family clinic;
    • CELT;
    • European MC.

    According to patient reviews, these clinics are rated “excellent” and “good.” The cost of spinal surgery depends on the nature of the damage and the complexity of the manipulation. How much does spine surgery cost in Moscow clinics is indicated in the price list. Each patient, having familiarized himself with the price list, can choose a clinic that is suitable for the price.

    Treatment quota

    In this case, this means performing spinal surgery at the expense of the state. This opportunity has limited quantity sick. To find out whether the patient has such a right, he needs to contact the quota center for information about the number of places and the package necessary documents. There he can sign up for the queue. If a patient needs an urgent operation, he performs it as planned, and then collects documents to return the money spent, which he submits to the health department.

    Treatment of the spine without surgery

    If there are no absolute indications for surgery, then conservative treatment is performed. It is aimed at relieving pain, inflammation, and restoring mobility. In this case, the doctor prescribes medications that can relieve pain and restore damaged cartilage tissue.

    Bone marrow normally consists of myeloid tissue. It fills the bone cavity. It is a hematopoietic organ that produces red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. It takes an active part in the formation of immunity. Under the influence of various unfavorable factors, myeloid tissue can be replaced by fat. In this case, doctors talk about fatty degeneration bone marrow. Why are such changes dangerous? And how to treat such a pathology? We will consider these questions in the article.

    Why is it dangerous?

    Most often, patients experience fatty degeneration of the bone marrow of the vertebrae. Dystrophic changes in this organ negatively affect the process of blood formation and the condition of the musculoskeletal system. In humans, the number of red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets decreases. This may lead to the following consequences:

    1. A decrease in the number of red blood cells causes anemia.
    2. Impaired formation of leukocytes. This leads to deterioration of immunity. The patient's resistance to infections decreases.
    3. Due to a low platelet count, a person's blood clotting is impaired.

    This leads to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to organs and can cause disruption of their function. In advanced cases, pathological changes occur in the vessels due to weakened blood flow.

    Subsequently, dystrophic changes spread to the ligaments of the spinal column. This can lead to narrowing and compression of the spinal cord.


    The most common cause of myeloid tissue dystrophy is age-related changes in the body. Areas of fatty degeneration of the bone marrow are observed in many patients over 65 years of age. At this age, degenerative processes quickly develop in the body.

    In older patients, approximately half of the myeloid tissue is replaced by fat. This counts natural process and is not a pathology.

    If foci of fatty degeneration in the bone marrow are noted at a young age, then most often this is associated with disease or intoxication. The following causes of pathological changes can be identified:

    • oncological diseases;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • chronic infections;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • (decreased secretion of pituitary hormones);
    • intoxication with benzene and arsenic;
    • long-term use medications: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihypertensive drugs, hypnotics of the barbiturate group, cytostatics, antibiotics and sulfonamides.


    Fatty degeneration bone marrow can be asymptomatic for a long time. In the early stages, there is a decrease in immunity and susceptibility to infections. Prolonged bleeding even from small wounds is often observed. Patients complain of increased fatigue and weakness.

    Patients do not always associate these manifestations with pathology. However, such symptoms indicate a violation of the formation of blood cells in the bone marrow. Often they are detected only at the stage of complications.

    If fatty changes in the bone marrow are associated with osteochondrosis, then patients complain of discomfort and back pain, muscle stiffness in the morning, and asthenia.


    In advanced cases, fatty bone marrow degeneration can lead to the following complications:

    1. Hypoplastic and aplastic anemia. This condition is accompanied by a sharp inhibition of blood cell formation. The blood test shows a significant decrease in red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets. The patient has frequent bleeding and manifestations of anemia (weakness, dizziness, fatigue). Without treatment, this pathology can be fatal.
    2. Osteoporosis. Due to fatty deposits in the bone marrow, collagen production and calcium absorption are impaired. This leads to increased bone fragility. Patients experience pain in the spine, scoliosis, and stoop.
    3. Spinal canal stenosis. With fatty degeneration, degeneration of ligaments and cartilage develops. As a result, the spinal canal narrows and compresses the spinal cord. This threatens paresis and paralysis.


    The main method for diagnosing this pathology is MRI of the spine. The image shows bone marrow with signs of fatty degeneration. In addition, they prescribe clinical trial blood. A decrease in the number of red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells may indicate fatty degeneration of the hematopoietic organ.

    Conservative treatment

    If fatty degeneration of the bone marrow develops in old age, then this pathology cannot be completely cured. Such changes are irreversible. You can only stop the progression of dystrophy.

    If pathological changes are caused by intoxication, infections, tumors and endocrine diseases, then it is necessary to treat the underlying disease.

    As we have already mentioned, most often foci of fatty degeneration form in the vertebral bodies. Such pathological changes are accompanied by pain and discomfort in the back. In this case, treatment should be aimed at relieving pain and improving the condition of cartilage and ligaments. The following groups of drugs are prescribed:

    1. Nonsteroidal drugs anti-inflammatory action: Diclofenac, Ibuprofen. They help eliminate discomfort in the back.
    2. Blockades with Novocaine. This treatment method is used for severe pain.
    3. Muscle relaxants: "Sirdalud", "Mydocalm". The drugs help relieve muscle spasms.
    4. Chondroprotectors: "Chondrolon", "Hondrex", "Teraflex". These medications help restore damaged cartilage.
    5. Calcium preparations. Prescribed to patients with severe osteoporosis.
    6. Medicines that stimulate the process of hematopoiesis: “Maltofer”, “Sorbifer Durules”, “Folacin”, “Ferretab comp”. They are prescribed for signs of anemia.

    The doctor selects an individual diet for the patient. It is recommended to consume foods rich in gelatin, iron and vitamin B12.

    After pain relief, therapeutic exercises are prescribed. Treatment is complemented by physiotherapy: massage, electrophoresis, acupuncture, magnetotherapy.

    Surgical methods

    Surgical treatment is used quite rarely. The operation is indicated only for spinal canal stenosis. In this case, the surgeon trims those areas of the spinal discs that compress the nerves.

    However, most often fatty degeneration is subject to conservative therapy. Restoring normal bone marrow tissue is only possible with initial stages illness in young patients. In old age, timely treatment can stop the spread of pathology.

    Spinal dystrophy implies pathological changes consisting of... At the initial stage of the disease, it persists natural state intervertebral discs.

    The main symptom of the disease is pain. Pain can occur both during inflammatory processes of the vertebrae and during abnormal changes in the case of degenerative-dystrophic conditions.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The presence of painful manifestations in different parts of the spinal column represents pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system and can lead to disability.

    For example, fatty degeneration of the bone marrow of the spine is formed when the normal consistency of the tissue is gradually replaced by a fatty layer.

    Degenerative-dystrophic conditions are an irreversible process of metabolic disorders in bone tissue. Thus, it becomes clear that pain in the back muscles, which is often attributed to fatigue or salt deposits, must be sought in the deterioration of the performance of the vertebrae themselves.

    Common causes of the disease include:

    • incorrect distribution of the load on the spine;
    • natural aging;
    • changes in hormonal levels;
    • injuries and bruises;
    • passive lifestyle;
    • genetic factors.

    Types of abnormal changes

    Deviations in work can be experienced by different areas of the back muscles; this can be either dystrophy of the thoracic spine or lumbosacral spine. The cervical spine also experiences no less stress.

    There may be no pain for a long time, but gradually the patient begins to feel discomfort caused by pain, weakness and muscle strain.

    With a sedentary lifestyle, there is often a suspicion of dystrophy of the lumbar spine, but in most cases this problem is provoked.

    The main component of hematopoiesis is bone marrow, which is located directly in the bones. At pathological changes the body may also experience degeneration of the bone marrow of the spine, for example, in diseases such as osteochondrosis, cartilaginous nodes.

    In case of inflammatory processes or improper metabolism, it is possible to replace healthy bone tissue with a layer of fat. Then they talk about fatty degeneration of the vertebral bodies of the bone marrow. This can significantly worsen the composition of the blood.

    Treatment methods

    Absolute cure of changes occurring in skeletal system, impossible. Modern medical techniques suggest only a temporary suspension of the development of pathology and the elimination of painful sensations in the patient.

    Therapeutic treatment consists of taking those included in the group of analgesics, or using local drugs – .

    For elimination pain also influence. Doctors advise eating foods rich in B vitamins.

    Each case is individual, so in no case should you self-medicate by purchasing medications from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription! All medications are prescribed only by a physician after diagnosis.

    In some cases, surgical intervention is used. Thus, with fatty degeneration of the bone marrow of the spine, a severe inflammatory process can begin during movement, which often leads to urgent surgical care, after which the patient will have to undergo a long course of rehabilitation.

    How to prevent disease

    The main preventive methods of maintaining a patient in normal condition with lumbosacral dystrophy are reducing excess weight and moderate but regular exercise stress. To do this you need to eat right and exercise.

    Excellent help and... For cervical dystrophy, they are used to fix the cervical vertebrae, which relax the muscles and reduce the load on them.

    For spinal dystrophy, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

    • perform daily;
    • always maintain an even posture;
    • get comfortable bedding;
    • To avoid unexpected stress on the spine when waking up in the morning, get up slowly, preferably on both legs at once.

    These simple behavioral techniques will help significantly relieve pain and prolong the normal functioning of the spine.

    Denial of responsibility

    The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a replacement for medical consultation see a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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    Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the modern methods research, thanks to which it is possible to check internal tissues for the presence of various pathologies or diseases. This method makes it possible to obtain tomographic recorded images, which help to carry out high-quality diagnostics of the object. Such examination is carried out on the basis of emitted electromagnetic waves, which are displayed by tissues. Thanks to this type examinations have become quite common, they are increasingly being prescribed in order to prevent serious disorders or the development of pathologies.

    MRI – new method diagnostics, which allows you to check internal organs and tissues and identify various pathologies

    In this article you will learn:

    When is a bone marrow MRI performed?

    An MRI of the organ is performed if there are suspicions of the diseases indicated in the table.

    Disease or pathologySymptoms
    Swelling around the vertebraesevere pain in the spine
    numbness of the lower or upper extremities
    impairment of the work and functionality of the arms, legs, trunk or lower back, which is associated with damage to the vertebral regions
    disruption of the pelvic organs, as well as defecation of the body: there is retention of urinary fluid and feces
    Along with edema, vascular spasms are present
    there is swelling of the tissues that are located around the organ
    tissue connections harden at the site of inflammation
    Bedsores form on swollen tissues after lying down
    Leukemialymph nodes enlarge
    weakness, fatigue
    blurred vision
    muscle and joint pain
    bleeding from the nose, gums
    increased liver size,
    Congenital disorders of the hematopoietic systeminsufficient production of blood components:
    ● red blood cells – causes anemia;
    ● platelets – as a result, poor blood clotting;
    ● leukocytes – susceptibility to various diseases caused by infections
    Osteochondrosispain in the neck and shoulders
    feeling of weakness in muscle tissue
    numbness of the upper limbs
    movement disorders
    decreased visual acuity

    MRI is also prescribed for various injuries different departments spine.

    In addition, MRI allows you to detect in the early stages or prevent the occurrence of various disorders associated with the hematopoietic organ, showing its slightest changes.

    Fatty degeneration

    Fatty degeneration is a process that occurs along with age-related changes. With it, the tissues that are responsible for the formation of blood are replaced by fatty tissue compounds. Other causes of this pathology may be tumor diseases, as well as the presence of infections. The course of such replacement may be accompanied by complications. Fatty bone marrow degeneration is detected on MRI by the presence of fat cells in the organ.

    Organ reconversion

    Bone marrow reconversion on MRI shows damage to the hematopoietic organ. The study shows pathologies of adipose tissue, which is replaced by cells responsible for the formation of blood. The cause of this disorder is chronic anemia.

    MRI allows diagnosis of bone marrow reconversion

    How to prepare the patient

    Preparing the patient for this procedure is to ensure that he adheres to the following aspects:

    1. Electrical devices and other equipment cannot be kept in the office where the research will be carried out, as they may fail.
    2. Before the procedure itself, it is necessary to remove or remove metal objects from the body.
    3. The clothing in which the patient must undergo the examination must be without metal accessories.

    It is forbidden to take electrical appliances and equipment with you into the MRI room.

    In addition, two days before such an examination it is necessary to adhere to a small diet that will help cleanse the intestines. To do this, it is recommended not to consume or abstain from foods that cause increased gas formation:

    • bakery;
    • flour products;
    • sweets;
    • cabbage;
    • legume products;
    • gas drinks;
    • alcohol.

    In addition, a patient with bone marrow edema should be reassured by MRI that the procedure is painless and noninvasive. Before the study, the doctor may recommend taking certain medications, which is taken into account individually for each patient.

    Two days before the diagnosis, you need to exclude flour and baked goods from the menu.

    How to perform the procedure

    The order of the procedure is to perform the following steps:

    1. The patient wears clothing specially designed for the procedure.
    2. Performs all preparatory measures, removing metal objects.
    3. Then he needs to lie down on a special couch. They are fixed with special belts to ensure complete immobility of the body.
    4. The couch moves into the tomograph, which has the shape of a cylinder.
    5. During the procedure, when the patient is inside the tomograph, it produces various noises. Using electromagnetic radiation, it records changes in the body.

    If a person has an acute fear of closed spaces, the doctor may give sedative medicine so that the patient does not experience anxiety.

    Such a study can last 40–90 minutes.

    Is contrast used in MRI?

    Whether to use contrast during MRI is decided by the doctor who conducts the diagnosis. It is possible that this substance may need to be introduced into the body. It is used to make images of soft tissues clearer. It highlights and visualizes the tissue structures of the patient's body.

    Exist different kinds contrast agents, which are used in MRI. But the most commonly used is the one that is administered intravenously. It is based on iron oxide, which makes the circulatory system clearer in photographs.

    The contrast leaves the body naturally within 24 hours.

    What changes are visible on MRI?

    Bone marrow MRI shows:

    • form of tissue swelling;
    • ratio of bone joints in the vertebrae;
    • the ratio of fat accumulation, as well as bone connective tissue;
    • an increase in the amount of water, which causes inflammation;
    • presence of infections;
    • properties of soft tissue compounds;
    • exact location of inflammation.

    MRI results can reveal the presence of infections in bone marrow tissue

    Thanks to this research method, it is possible to assess the condition of the spine itself, hematopoietic tissues, the size of the existing damage, as well as other pathologies. All these indicators help to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment or methods of disease prevention.

    What could be the causes of cerebral edema?

    The causes of bone marrow edema are the following:

    • ligament-related injuries;
    • spine fracture;
    • torn tendons;
    • inflammation of the osteofibrous canal;
    • connective tissue damage.

    With cancer, swelling occurs in the bone marrow

    Edema may be present in the presence of the following diseases:

    • cancerous formations;
    • bone softening;
    • osteoarthritis;
    • reducing the rate of bleeding in blood vessels;
    • aseptic necrosis.

    Sometimes several diseases can contribute to the accumulation of fluid in tissues, which, as they progress, give a negative clinical picture.

    What consequences can there be after an MRI?

    Possible consequences of MRI for the body may include the following pathologies:

    • neurogenic systemic nephrosis;
    • skin thickening;
    • violation of flexible movements of the arms and legs.

    Often Negative consequences after such a procedure, they arise when contraindications are ignored. For example, if some metal objects are not removed, damage may occur on the patient's body during the procedure. The presence of metal implants must be reported to the doctor in advance.

    The video details bone marrow MRI:

    When the procedure is contraindicated

    There are 2 types of contraindications:

    • absolute;
    • relative.

    In the presence of absolute contraindications the procedure is unacceptable. But if there are relative contraindications, it is possible under certain conditions.

    Absolute contraindications:

    • presence of a heart rate stimulator;
    • implants in the middle ear of the electronic type;
    • the presence of metal implants.

    MRI is not usually performed in the first trimester of pregnancy

    Relative contraindications:

    • overexcited state of the patient;
    • the presence of various prostheses in the patient’s body, including valves, teeth, etc.
    • panic fear of enclosed spaces;
    • first 3 months of pregnancy;
    • tattoos made with dyes that contain metals.

    Contraindications for this procedure must be discussed with your doctor.

    Bone marrow is a collection of stem cells. These cells, transforming, become leukocytes - protecting the body from infections, platelets - ensuring blood clotting, and red blood cells - providing the body with oxygen. All three types of blood cells make up the bone marrow, which controls life processes living organism. In particular, it plays a critical role in both the formation and maintenance of the immune system.

    Due to some reasons, internal or external, the process of hematopoiesis and healthy bone marrow functions may be disrupted. In particular, due to degenerative, dystrophic processes, its natural healthy tissue is gradually, little by little, replaced by connective or adipose tissue. Moreover, it is the latter, fat replacement that occurs most often. Fatty degeneration of the bone marrow occurs - a change, replacement of healthy tissue, deterioration of its condition, caused by a large amount of fat in its cells.

    Why is fatty degeneration dangerous?

    Degenerative changes occurring in the bone marrow negatively affect the process of hematopoiesis, worsen the composition of the blood, negatively affect the blood circulation process, and affect the health of blood vessels. When the functions of this organ are impaired, the number of leukocytes, platelets, and red blood cells decreases.

    All these negative changes affect a person’s overall health. The nutrition of organs and tissues is disrupted, the composition of the blood changes, and it moves worse through the vessels. The functions of the entire body are disrupted, and its resistance to various diseases is reduced.

    Violation of the composition and functions of the bone marrow leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the internal organs. This also leads to the inability to stop bleeding in case of injury.

    Bone marrow degeneration - causes

    Over time, the body ages. Sooner or later, degenerative processes begin to occur in it. They also occur in the bone marrow.

    If this is associated with aging, the processes begin in due time, they are considered natural physiological processes. The older a person gets, the faster they happen. For example, by the age of 65-70, half of all bone marrow is replaced by adipose tissue. The older a person gets, the faster the replacement process occurs.

    Scientists consider myeloid cells to be the “culprits” of the replacement process. They are found in the bone marrow and give rise to all blood cells except lymphocytes. From them muscles and liver are formed. Experts suspect that they are the first to be replaced by fat cells, due to their low “specialization.”

    If we are talking about pathological degeneration of tissue, independent of aging, then the causes may be serious metabolic disorders, cancer (metastasis), chronic infectious diseases. Pathological degeneration can occur at any age.

    Some can cause (accelerate) the replacement process medicines. These include: cytostatic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( acetylsalicylic acid, analgin), sleeping pills(barbiturates).

    Some drugs for hypertension (captopril), anti-tuberculosis drugs. Certain antibiotics (chloramphenicol), as well as certain antiarrhythmic drugs, can accelerate degeneration.

    Diseases caused by fatty degeneration

    Fatty bone marrow degeneration often causes some serious illnesses. In particular, as a result of fat replacement, Simmonds-Schien syndrome develops, hypoplastic as well as aplastic anemia occurs. Osteoporosis often develops.

    Let's look at them briefly:

    Simmonds-Sheehan syndrome(hypothalamic-pituitary cachexia). Most often, young women aged 30-40 years suffer from the disease. Pathology begins in the adenohypophysis and hypothalamus. Then there are disturbances in the secretion of hormones, in particular growth hormone. This causes degenerative-dystrophic as well as atrophic pathological processes in the body.

    Hypoplastic, aplastic anemia. They arise due to inhibition of hematopoiesis. It, in turn, begins as a result of the replacement of myeloid tissue with adipose tissue. The reasons for this replacement are most often cited as exposure to toxins, an infectious or viral disease.

    Osteoporosis. Excessive fat cells greatly complicate the body's production of collagen and interfere with the absorption of calcium. Fatty degeneration weakens, thins bone tissue, makes it fragile.

    Treatment of fatty bone marrow degeneration - in brief

    Treatment of the disease caused by fatty degeneration of the bone marrow is carried out after necessary examination, establishing an accurate diagnosis. If the disease threatens the patient's life, medical indications, a bone marrow transplant is possible. The decision to carry out this or that treatment is made by the attending physician.
