Dizziness symptoms treatment. Dizziness – why does it occur and what to do? Cardiovascular pathologies and metabolic disorders

Dizziness in women occurs when various reasons, but the main ones are deviations in the transmission of impulses to the brain. The vestibular apparatus, located in the inner ear, controls balance and sends signals to certain nerve cells.

Many people experience slight dizziness during a period of sudden rise from a chair, during a rapid change of position, lying on their back, during rapid turns from side to side. This state can last less than a minute. Most often, women do not attach importance to this, but in vain, because this is the first call that it’s time to go to the doctor.

The tactile, vestibular, and visual system. When they stop feeding information correctly to the brain, dizziness occurs.

Such symptoms indicate disturbances in the following systems:

  1. Liquorodynamics.
  2. Medulla oblongata.
  3. Vascular system of the neck and head.
  4. Analyzers.
  5. Cerebellum.

Violations in the functionality of the vestibular apparatus are called vertigo, which is characterized by:

  1. Gag reflexes.
  2. Failures in coordination of movements.
  3. Cold sweat.

With vertigo, women feel internal rotation and inversion of the visual image.


Frequent dizziness in a woman can warn of serious illnesses and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. It seems that objects and objects around are tilting, swaying, and rotating.
  2. An illusion of movement appears.
  3. Increased sweating.
  4. Noise in ears.
  5. Auditory hallucinations.
  6. Nausea.
  7. Vomit.
  8. Pre-fainting state.
  9. Great weakness throughout the whole body.
  10. Tachycardia.
  11. Pallor.
  12. Sudden increase or decrease blood pressure.

Girls experience vertigo during puberty, the causes of dizziness in this case are hormonal.

In children under 12 years of age, pathology may indicate poisoning, overwork, heavy loads, hearing problems and much more.

You should urgently consult a specialist if you experience dizziness:

  1. Goes away together with headache.
  2. Combined with weakness in the muscles of the limbs.
  3. Lasts more than 45 minutes.
  4. Observed in diabetics or hypertensive patients.
  5. Accompanied by prolonged bouts of vomiting.

Most of all symptoms of dizziness indicate that pathogenic processes are occurring in the body.

Nature of the pathology

When a woman experiences dizziness during normal pressure, a specialist needs to determine why this is happening. He should consider the attacks:


Dizziness may occur in the following cases:

Also, the cause of weakness and dizziness can be chronic fatigue, nervous overexertion (stress), lack of sleep, large physical exercise, lack of oxygen. All these signs are typical for women of childbearing age up to 45 years.

Causes of dizziness in women over 40–50 years old

Experts note the following causes of dizziness: in women after 50 years:

  1. Household stress.
  2. Insomnia.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle.
  4. Poor nutrition, fasting, strict diets.
  5. High or low blood pressure.

Pathology in women over 40 is most often a signal of the following diseases:

  1. Meniere's disease.
  2. Labyrinthitis.
  3. Anemia.
  4. Chronic hypotension.
  5. Vestibular neuronitis.
  6. Cardiac ischemia.
  7. Inflammation of the inner ear.

The main reason why women may feel dizzy is menopause. This is not a disease, the body is simply rebuilding to a different life cycle, which is inevitable. This process begins after 45 years and lasts up to 55 years, or even more. Due to this, during this period, in addition to hot flashes, women experience frequent weakness and dizziness.

Some older people may periodically suffer from vertigo due to severe stress and emotional upheaval, which is typical over the age of 65.


To find out why women feel dizzy and to remove this unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to diagnose and identify main reason, of which there can be many. You can contact the following specialists with your problem:

Modern medicine offers row diagnostic procedures in order to accurately identify the causes of frequent dizziness:

In parallel, the specialist should pay attention to the following factors:

  • how often do you feel dizzy?
  • period;
  • when it appears;
  • symptoms;
  • how long has the pathology been observed;
  • the relationship between the patient’s movements or his body position;
  • what medications the patient is taking;
  • how to independently treat dizziness;
  • color of the skin;
  • gait;
  • the patient's mental state;
  • tremor.

What kind of diagnostics to carry out is decided by the doctor individually with each patient.


Treatment for severe dizziness is prescribed according to the identified cause only by a competent doctor. All therapy methods are aimed at improving the patient’s quality of life and preventing relapses. Applicable:

  • conservative;
  • non-traditional;
  • surgical methods.

Treatment of dizziness is carried out conservatively using a number of medicines. The following drugs are recommended:

And also to remove the causes of dizziness and nausea, the following methods are used:

  1. Epley maneuver.
  2. Semont maneuver.
  3. Lempert method.

All these methods involve manipulating head movements and helping to remove lung symptoms dizziness.

Surgical intervention is prescribed when conservative therapy is ineffective and comes in several types:

  1. Dissection of the vestibular nerve. This helps stop the flow of information about balance. There is a danger of losing hearing, and therefore the doctor must be highly qualified and experienced.
  2. Classic labyrinthectomy. Radical method treatment is used only in special cases.
  3. Chemical labyrinthectomy is carried out by introducing special drugs that reduce defects in impulse transmission.
  4. Laser destruction.
  5. Removal of tumors.
  6. Help from an ophthalmologist.
  7. Application of a vestibular implant.


Over the years, dizziness may appear more and more often without a reason, and treatment folk remedies may be the safest and easiest way to relieve the signs of persistent vertigo.

There are a number of recipes whose effectiveness has been proven over the centuries. Experts recommend using traditional medicine, but only in combination with drug treatment, if it was assigned.

Advantages of traditional methods: minimal number of side effects, no time limits, affordable cost, ease of use.

Facilities traditional medicine can be a good help to conservative treatment.

Dizziness prevention and safety

If you experience signs of persistent dizziness, you should take the following precautions: do not drive, avoid hazardous areas, and do not stay alone for a long time. If an attack begins, it is best to sit down and tilt your head so that it is between your knees.

You can also take the following preventive actions:

By following all the rules, you can avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon as dizziness.

As a result of a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus or exposure to temporary unfavorable factors, a person may develop frequent or even constant dizziness - an uncontrollable sensation of movement of objects around him. Dizziness can be short-term or permanent (pathological). In the first case, the occurrence of attacks is provoked by natural factors that are not dangerous to human health; in the second, vertigo is a symptom of diseases and pathological disorders requiring medical intervention.

Causes of constant dizziness

There are many causes of dizziness, however, in most cases, unpleasant sensations arise due to a short-term or permanent decrease in blood supply to brain structures and vertebrogenic disorders of the central nervous system. The most dangerous are incessant, constant dizziness caused by the following pathological conditions:

  • vertebrobasilar insufficiency, which occurs when cervical osteochondrosis;
  • brain and character tumors;
  • strokes;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • encephalitis;
  • main arteries of the brain;
  • injuries to the structures of the brain and bones of the skull;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • And chronic form hypotension;
  • anemia;
  • protracted forms of neuroses and panic attacks.

Natural causes of dizziness are:

  • overheating in the sun;
  • nervous shock or emotional stress;
  • motion sickness due to long trips in vehicles or rides on attractions;
  • pregnancy;
  • sudden change of state (bending, turning the head, physical activity);
  • side effect from taking medications.

If dizziness becomes permanent and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, then self-medication should be avoided and examined by a doctor.

Associated symptoms

In most cases, constant dizziness is complemented by other symptoms, by which one can judge the nature of its origin.

Headache, attacks of nausea and vomiting are the most common associated symptoms dizziness, which occurs in most diseases of the brain and central nervous system, viral infections, poisoning.

Dizziness combined with partial or complete paralysis of the limbs, impairment or absence of speech, hearing and perception is a sign of stroke and cerebral hemorrhage.

Dizziness, aggravated general weakness, pallor, profuse cold sweat, decreased mental and physical activity, is a sign of anemia and arterial hypotension.

Treatment methods

If constant dizziness occurs in combination with other pathological signs, contacting a doctor is an urgent measure. To find out the exact cause of the unpleasant sensations, the therapist conducts a visual examination, listens to complaints, and refers to one of the specialized specialists - an ENT specialist, a neurologist, an otoneurologist, a hematologist, a vertebrologist or a neurovascular surgeon.

To get rid of dizziness attacks long time or forever, you need to eliminate the root cause of their appearance. In other cases, with the help of medications, folk remedies and preventive measures, the condition can only be temporarily alleviated.

The choice of medication to relieve dizziness directly depends on the cause of vertigo.

  • Cavinton, Betaserc are effective drugs that, due to their positive effect on the vestibular apparatus, relieve dizziness and stimulate mental activity. The effectiveness of the drugs is achieved after a month of taking them.
  • Tanakan, Cynarizin - improves metabolic processes, blood circulation and its flow to the main brain structures, thereby helping to reduce dizziness.
  • Relanium, Promethazine, Mexolin - drugs are effective in the treatment of dizziness caused by chronic fatigue, severe forms of neuroses and mental disorders.
  • Dramamine is a medication that helps relieve dizziness during kinetosis (motion sickness).

It is necessary to approach the treatment of dizziness with folk remedies with caution, coordinating with your doctor the use of medicinal decoctions and tinctures. Effective herbs To alleviate the condition of psycho-emotional stress, lemon balm, hawthorn, oregano, valerian and ginger root are used. Also calming effect has tea with honey, lemon, chamomile and plantain.

Normally, a person’s sense of balance is provided by the vestibular apparatus, located in the inner ear cavity temporal bone and shaped like a labyrinth. The functions of this paired organ are reduced to processing information about the position of the body in this moment time and its position relative to surrounding objects. Information from the labyrinth receptors instantly enters the brain and cerebellum, which send electrical signals to the muscles that support the body in one position or another and give the body the required position.

Disorders of the blood supply to the brain and inner ear, inflammatory diseases ENT organs, injuries and other processes can cause changes in the interconnected functioning of the organ of vision, vestibular apparatus, brain and skeletal muscles. This can lead to loss of balance and comfortable movement in space due to dizziness (vertigo).

According to statistics, only 30% of patients consult a doctor because of dizziness, half of them suffer from frequent and prolonged attacks of imbalance.

What reasons can cause dizziness?

Vertigo can be caused by both fairly harmless reasons and serious diseases that require consultation with a doctor.

Factors that can cause dizziness:

  1. Long rotation on a carousel or on a swing - often found in children due to abrupt interruption impulses from the inner ear to the brain. A child who runs in circles for a long time may also become dizzy. Associated with the functional immaturity of the vestibular apparatus in children before the onset of adolescence;
  2. Kinetosis– motion sickness in a car, train, or when traveling on water transport. Occurs more often in children under 13–14 years of age, among adults – in 7–10%;
  3. Decreased blood flow to the brain due to low blood pressure with severe stress, emotional and mental stress, during the period of hormonal changes in adolescence, in persons with;
  4. A sudden surge of adrenaline into the blood when pain reaction, strong fear, quarrel, strongest positive emotions can cause dizziness;
  5. Physical fatigue constant lack of sleep, malnutrition (exhausting diets, starvation, vegetarianism);
  6. Pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimester. Moderate short-term dizziness during pregnancy is absolutely normal, since changes in the level of certain hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman lead to insignificant. On later The blood supply to the enlarged uterus and the growing fetus is greater than to the upper part of the body, so less blood flows through the vessels of the brain. In addition, the uterus compresses large vessels in the abdominal cavity - the inferior vena cava, the aorta;
  7. Sudden change in head position or the whole body, for example, when you feel dizzy when getting up from a sitting position - it occurs, that is, a temporary decrease due to blood flow to the muscles lower limbs under the influence of gravity;
  8. Being on top may cause an attack of dizziness due to the inability to focus on near and distant objects;
  9. Side effects or overdose of certain medications– diphenhydramine, tavegil, amikacin, gentamicin, painkillers, cardiac drugs, tranquilizers, antidepressants, etc. Almost any drug has dizziness in its list of side effects;
  10. Smoking causes, including the blood vessels of the brain, and the use of alcohol and drugs has a direct effect on the areas of the brain responsible for coordination and a sense of balance.

Diseases accompanied by dizziness

Depending on whether a pathological process has occurred in the inner ear or not, systemic (true, vestibular) and non-systemic (non-vestibular) vertigo are distinguished.

Systemic vertigo is characterized by a clear sensation of objects rotating around the body or the body itself rotating in space and occurs when the vestibular apparatus or nerve nuclei of the brain responsible for coordination and balance are damaged. Occurs in 25% of all cases of symptoms described by the patient as a state of dizziness. In the rest there are signs of non-systemic dizziness.

Systemic vertigo typical for diseases such as:

Unsystematic dizziness characterized various symptoms, described by the patient as a feeling of lightheadedness, nausea, unsteady gait, a faint state with spots flashing before the eyes and can occur with the following diseases:

  1. Neurological diseases– , (), infectious (meningoencephalitis), tumor processes of the brain, ;
  2. Psychogenic diseases- neurosis associated with constant stress, depression, anxiety disorder personalities;
  3. Diseases of the middle and inner ear– otitis, barotrauma (can occur in divers, divers during a sharp dive to great depths), acoustic neuroma;
  4. Diseases of the visual apparatusdiabetic retinopathy(retinal pathology), cataract, glaucoma;
  5. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the associated disruption of blood flow through the vessels of the neck and head, for example in the case of cervical or the consequences of spinal trauma in the cervical region, suffer carotid arteries, bringing blood and oxygen to the cranial cavity;
  6. – acute (stroke) and chronic ();
  7. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels– , aorta and carotid arteries, and;
  8. Early and late consequences traumatic brain injury;
  9. Pathological conditions that occur during pregnancy and not only - decrease, deficiency or absence of vitamins in the body.

If you have excluded all factors that provoke dizziness, and unpleasant symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor to be examined for a disease that could cause this condition.

Video: doctor about systemic and non-systemic dizziness

In what diseases can dizziness be combined with other symptoms?

Dizziness and hearing impairment most often occur in diseases of the inner ear or damage to areas of the brain in the vestibular nuclei or cerebellum. In addition to sensations of rotation of the body in space or surrounding objects around the patient, there may also be pain in the ear on the affected side, leakage of fluid or pus from ear canal, tinnitus, distorted perception of sound by the ear on the affected side. Sometimes dizziness and hearing loss can occur during treatment with ototoxic antibiotics - amikacin, gentamicin, streptomycin, etc.

Dizziness and nausea They almost always meet together, and at such moments the patient is also bothered by a general feeling of weakness, fatigue, lightheadedness; he has a “lump” in his throat, sweating, and a feeling of lack of air. Such attacks are typical for any condition or disease that causes dizziness. Often the patient complains of feeling nauseous, dizzy when standing up or when lying down, in a state of hangover.

Dizziness and vomiting. If severe dizziness, and even more so true, is combined with severe nausea, repeated vomiting, headache in the back of the head or in the temporal region, you should immediately measure your blood pressure and consult a doctor. Such conditions can occur when hypertensive crisis or sharp decline pressure. Persistent daily vomiting, especially in the morning on an empty stomach, together with frequent dizziness, may indicate a tumor process in the brain. With a tumor, one should think about the malignancy of the process if the patient notes frequent dizziness, prolonged and rapidly progressing attacks of true vertigo.

Dizziness with osteochondrosis may occur not only in older people, but also in individuals young. Last fact due to the fact that young people, students, office workers most working day spend at the computer, practically in one position, and this cannot but affect the functions of the cervical vertebrae. Pathological processes they lead to muscle spasm and to, which impairs blood supply to the brain.

dizziness modern man(especially in young people) often occurs under the influence of problems with the spine

In older people, the carotid arteries are often affected and cannot provide adequate blood flow to the head. Dizziness with osteochondrosis occurs more often in the morning, when standing up suddenly, turning the head or changing the body in bed. It can be combined with headaches, sleep disorders, attention problems, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, and frequent mood swings. These are symptoms of poor blood flow in the brain.

Weakness and dizziness with normal blood pressure may indicate chronic fatigue, psychogenic diseases, Meniere's disease. Also, these symptoms occur when the level of glucose in the blood decreases in people with anemia, fasting, or a deficiency of vitamins in food. During pregnancy, this condition is often observed in an absolutely healthy woman.

Dizziness and neurological symptoms. Loss of sensation in the limbs, facial asymmetry, inability to maintain a sitting or standing position, speech impairment combined with severe dizziness and or even loss of consciousness may indicate an impending or already developing acute stroke.

Dizziness and impaired coordination of movements found in cerebellar tumors. In addition to the fact that the patient feels dizzy, there is unsteady gait, tilting to the side when moving or sitting, unnatural head position, headache occipital localization, movement eyeballs to the side (nystagmus), visual and speech disturbances.

Dizziness and occur during overwork, prolonged work at the computer or watching TV, and constant emotional stress, especially combined with a feeling of anxiety. Often severe headache in one half of the head and face with severe dizziness are observed with migraine. In addition to pain and dizziness, the patient is worried about photophobia, lacrimation, increased headache from sharp sounds, unpleasant odors, violation visual perception objects (changes in their shape or color), impaired sensitivity of the skin of the fingers and toes, tingling or burning sensations in them.

Which doctor should I contact if I have dizziness?

If you suspect a disease that can cause dizziness, you should consult a therapist, ENT doctor, neurologist, you may need to consult a cardiologist, vertebrologist (a doctor who treats the spine).

The doctor, in addition to examination, hearing testing (audiometry), assessment of coordination and neurological status, prescribes the necessary examination methods, such as:

  • Complete blood test to determine
  • Level research,
  • , if there is a suspicion of cardiac vascular pathology,
  • if you suspect epilepsy,
  • Echoencephalography for suspected traumatic brain injury,
  • , brain in case of suspected acute stroke, tumor process, multiple sclerosis,
  • X-ray, CT or MRI cervical spine spine.

If all possible reasons true dizziness are excluded, it is quite possible that the patient has a benign positional vertigo. To diagnose this disease, a Dix-Hallpike test is performed - the patient sits on the couch, turns his head to the left or right, then the doctor, holding the patient’s head with both hands, sharply places him on the couch on his back so that his head hangs from the couch. The occurrence of nystagmus (rapid movements of the eyeballs) or the occurrence of true dizziness indicates positive result samples.

It should be remembered that self-diagnosis in cases of prolonged, frequent dizziness, especially true dizziness, is unacceptable. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, since in the case of a serious cause of this condition, establish a diagnosis and begin correct treatment it is important as early as possible.

How to get rid of dizziness?

Treatment for dizziness begins with avoiding the factors that cause it and treating the underlying disease that caused it.

For elimination causal factors follows:

Lifestyle correction required:

  • Quitting smoking and alcohol,
  • Proper nutrition with sufficient quantity vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, proteins in food,
  • Maintaining a meal schedule
  • Compliance with a rational work and rest regime, with sufficient sleep at night (at least 8 hours).

You can stop an attack of dizziness using simple techniques:

  • You need to take a sitting or lying position, in extreme cases, lean against the wall, look without looking away at any object, without closing your eyes, breathe deeply and calmly,
  • Open the window for fresh air,
  • Massage biologically active points that improve blood circulation in the associated areas and are located near the inner edges of the eyebrows, near the wings of the nose, and on the earlobes. To do this, apply pressure with your finger in the indicated places in a circular motion for 5–6 minutes.

TO therapeutic measures in the presence of causative disease relate:

  1. Drug treatment of circulatory disorders, injuries, anemia, diabetes, eye and ear diseases,
  2. Prescription of antimigraine drugs (amigrenin, amigril),
  3. Prescription of drugs that improve blood supply to the brain (cinnarizine, Cavinton), nootropic drugs (nootropil, piracetam),
  4. Massage courses, physical therapy for diseases of the spine,
  5. Surgical treatment of a brain tumor,
  6. Prescription of psychotropic drugs for neuroses, depression, etc.

To relieve symptoms of constant dizziness, the doctor prescribes the following medications:

  1. Agonists histamine receptors– betahistine and its analogues – betaserc, tagista, vestibo, betaver, etc.;
  2. Antiemetic drugs – metoclopramide, cerucal;
  3. Antispasmodics – scopolamine, etc.

It is important to remember that tablets for dizziness can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor, since each drug has clear indications and contraindications.

Are there possible consequences of dizziness?

Dizziness in itself is not a life-threatening condition, however, it can pose a danger to the patient when, for example, he becomes dizzy at high altitude, on an escalator, on a steep staircase, next to the side of a sea vessel, etc. The danger in such situations is that a person who is dizzy can lose their balance and fall, causing serious injury to themselves.

If the patient has adapted to the fact that he is often and severely dizzy and does not consult a doctor, this is fraught with the fact that in the presence of any causative disease it progresses, and the patient does not receive proper treatment, which can lead to complications, lack of effect from late treatment, etc.

Video: dizziness in the program “Doctor I..”

Vertigo, better known as dizziness, is a common symptom that every person has encountered at least once in their life. It can signal problems in the body, ranging from lack of sleep or hunger to a malignant brain tumor. What to do if you feel dizzy? Medication methods treatment and important rules that will help get rid of vertigo.

Everyone has experienced dizziness.

Why do you feel dizzy?

- one of the signs of illness, in modern medicine there are about 80 pathological conditions that make you feel dizzy.

Common causes of vertigo include:

  1. Fatigue, lack of sleep, improper daily routine.
  2. Stress, anxiety, emotional shock.
  3. Skull injuries, bleeding of various origins.
  4. Diseases that cause dizziness.

Possible diseases

Dizziness may signal illness different systems body: brain, spinal column, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, as well as for psychosomatic disorders.

Vestibular nerve damage Various pathologies of the nerve that sends signals from the balance organ lead to the occurrence of vertigo. The cause may be neuronitis, trauma, or tumor of the nerve.
Inner ear diseases The vestibular apparatus is located in the inner ear, so its pathologies can cause dizziness. The cause may be injuries and blood flow disorders, labyrinthitis or Meniere's disease.
Cranial injuries Skull injuries cause swelling of the brain and small hemorrhages into it, which causes unpleasant symptoms. With cranial injuries, you feel dizzy and have a headache, feel nauseous, and constantly want to sleep.
Migraine A migraine is a severe, one-sided headache that causes dizziness and nausea. Dizziness may worsen when moving your eyes sideways, down and up. Most often the disease occurs in women.
Epilepsy Vertigo in epilepsy occurs as a harbinger seizure, along with headaches and irritability. With temporal lobe epilepsy, there are no seizures, and dizziness is the main manifestation of the disease.
GM tumors Benign and malignant tumors GM are accompanied by vertigo. Because of foreign body headache and dizziness, nausea and photophobia occur, coordination and motor skills are impaired. Vertigo occurs suddenly and sharply, and can appear during sleep.
GM infections Encephalitis, meningitis and meningoencephalitis are accompanied by general cerebral symptoms: sound and photophobia, nausea, vomiting, headaches and vertigo, which does not go away over time. Breast infections are more common in middle-aged men and children under 5 years of age.
VSD Short-term dizziness with VSD occurs due to impaired blood flow and manifests itself during sudden movements: when turning the head, when standing up or other change of position. Typically, this syndrome can be found in a child or teenager; it goes away with age.
Cervical osteochondrosis With cervical osteochondrosis, it is compressed vertebral artery, which impairs blood supply to the brain and causes unpleasant symptoms. Dizziness with this disease can occur when lying down, when walking and when turning.
Blood pressure problems Dizziness with normal blood pressure occurs rarely: this symptom most often occurs with hypertension and hypotension. Sharp jumps BP causes brain hypoxia, causing dizziness - usually in the morning and evening.
Anemia If you feel dizzy and weak, the cause may be anemia. Lack of hemoglobin leads to a lack of oxygen in the brain, which causes dizziness.
Diabetes Dizziness in diabetes is a symptom of hypoglycemia: a lack of glucose that can occur with an overdose of insulin or due to fasting.
Intestinal infections During intestinal infections, the human body loses a lot of fluid, which causes a drop in blood pressure. Dizziness occurs as a result of hypotension.
Bleeding of various origins With severe blood loss, when the amount of blood in the body becomes significantly less, organs and tissues do not have enough oxygen. May occur after surgery and blood transfusion, as well as due to other internal and external bleeding.

Other factors

Your head may feel dizzy not only because of illness. There are other external and internal causes of this symptom, most of which are lifestyle related.

Vertigo can occur:

  1. Due to lack of sleep. Lack of sleep leads to severe nervous exhaustion, which is accompanied by an abundance of side effects. Dizziness is one of them.
  2. Because of hunger. Diets or irregular eating patterns provoke a lack of glucose in the body, which can result in nausea and dizziness.
  3. During pregnancy. Dizziness when changing body position or bending over occurs due to improper distribution of oxygen during this period. Also, the reason may be a lack of glucose, iron or osteochondrosis.
  4. For stress and anxiety. Strong experiences provoke the production of adrenaline, which disrupts cerebral blood flow. As a result, your head begins to feel dizzy, your heart rate and breathing increase.
  5. When working at a computer. Constant pressure the eye causes, and the uncomfortable posture and increased tone shoulder and spinal muscles worsen cerebral circulation. As a result, they appear and float in the eyes.
  6. When taking medications. Some sleeping pills, tranquilizers, sedatives And oral contraceptives may cause mild dizziness as a side effect.
  7. During physical activity. When you strain multiple muscle groups or lift heavy weights, there is a lack of oxygen in the brain. The symptom occurs in untrained people and disappears after getting used to the load.
  8. When motion sickness occurs. Traveling by sea or land may cause dizziness and nausea due to increased load on the vestibular apparatus. For the same reason, you may feel dizzy on carousels.
  9. When there is a temperature difference. If you have been in the cold for a long time and then enter a very warm room, your head may feel dizzy. This is caused by a sharp dilation of blood vessels due to temperature changes. The same thing happens when you go out into the cold from the heat.
  10. In older people. After 50 years they begin age-related changes vestibular apparatus and cardiovascular system, which can lead to loss of coordination, dizziness and deterioration of motor skills.

Sitting at a computer for too long can make you feel dizzy.

Most of these factors are easy to change: if you are tired of the computer, you need to work less on it. If dizziness occurs due to diet, consume more carbohydrates; if taking medications with side effects, replace this drug with another.

Which doctor should I contact?

The first thing you should do if you feel dizzy is... He will conduct an inspection and survey, make preliminary analyzes and will determine which specialist to refer you to.

Depending on the accompanying symptoms and test results, you will need:

  • – osteochondrosis, VSD, migraine;
  • – pathologies of the inner ear;
  • – dysbacteriosis, IBS, intestinal infections;
  • – anemia;
  • – stressful conditions of various origins;
  • – hypotension and hypertension, strokes;
  • – diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis;
  • – brain tumors;

You won’t be able to figure out which doctor you need to see on your own. Most diseases that cause vertigo have similar symptoms.


To determine what causes dizziness, the therapist carries out the following diagnostic measures:

  1. Questioning and examining the patient, studying the anamnesis.
  2. Testing: UAC, OAM, BH blood test.
  3. Hardware methods: CT, MRI, EEG, ultrasound, x-ray.

To identify the causes of dizziness, take a blood test

To establish the cause of vertigo, only some of these methods are used: the therapist excludes some diagnoses after questioning and examination. After diagnosis, the patient is referred to a specialist.

What to do for dizziness at home

overcome unpleasant symptoms causing discomfort and pain will help medications or a list of common rules that everyone is advised to follow.

Treatment with drugs

If the cause of dizziness lies in illness, medications can be used to get rid of this symptom.

Group name Effect on dizziness Famous representatives
Specific vertigolytics Relieves dizziness by normalizing blood flow in the inner ear. Used for all types of dizziness. Betagistine
Nootropics Normalize cerebral circulation, affecting vascular system brain. Piracetam, Nootropil, Phenotropil
PSA and calcium antagonists They are used for hypertension, improving blood circulation and preventing vasospasm. Cinnarizine, Reserpine, Felodipine
Herbal sedatives They calm and relax the patient, relieve stress, and reduce the production of adrenaline. Novo-passit, Persen, Gerbion
Anxiolytics Suppresses anxiety, stress and mental disorders, causing dizziness. Diazepam, Seduxen, Afobazol
NSAIDs and analgesics Used to relieve vascular compression resulting from osteochondrosis. Improve blood circulation. Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Analgin
Muscle relaxants They are used for osteochondrosis, reduce muscle tone and return blood circulation to normal. Ridelat, Listenon, Nimbex
Antibiotics Relieves dizziness resulting from bacterial infections. Amoxicillin, Tetracycline, Ampicillin

If you don’t have pills at hand and you are not sure of the diagnosis, you should use less drastic methods to eliminate dizziness.

  1. Lie down on the bed, having previously removed the pillows. When you lie down, blood circulation and oxygen supply normalize faster. If it is not possible to lie down, sit down, lean against a wall or furniture.
  2. Do deep breaths to saturate the blood and brain with oxygen. Breathe slowly and measuredly; if the room is stuffy, ventilate it or go out into the fresh air.
  3. Focus your gaze on something. You should not cover your eyes: when you close your eyes when you feel dizzy, it may worsen.
  4. Drink water, eat candy or something sweet. Dizziness can occur due to dehydration and lack of glucose, these conditions can be quickly corrected.
  5. After the attack passes, drink tea with lemon balm, mint or linden. They help to calm down and relieve tension, which is often the cause of vertigo.

Peppermint tea relieves nervous tension

Possible complications

If dizziness is ignored for a long time, it can worsen the condition and cause serious complications.

These include:

  • hearing loss due to ear diseases;
  • injuries and fractures due to sudden loss of balance;
  • chronic heart failure due to anemia;
  • chronic hypoxia of the brain due to osteochondrosis;
  • acute renal failure due to intestinal infections;
  • stroke due to problems with blood vessels in the brain;
  • life-threatening due to brain hemorrhages, tumors and infections of the brain.

To avoid complications, you should not neglect the symptom of vertigo.

If you ignore frequent dizziness, there is a chance of developing a stroke


You can prevent dizziness by following simple preventive measures:

  1. Eat small meals 5 times a day.
  2. Include fiber and complex carbohydrates in your diet.
  3. Walk in the fresh air for half an hour every day.
  4. Take breaks when working at the computer.
  5. Play sports, do gymnastics.
  6. Take a contrast shower.
  7. Do not start treatment infectious diseases so as not to cause complications and inflammation of the inner ear.

The diet should contain complex carbohydrates

If you are constantly feeling dizzy, you should not ignore it. Dizziness is often a warning sign serious illnesses, and a careless attitude towards this symptom can harm the body.

Dizziness is an internal sensation of a person in which own body and the objects surrounding him begin to move randomly in space.

Inability to stand on your feet, loss of balance, loss of space on a short time- all this accompanies a person when he feels dizzy.

In the majority of cases, attacks of dizziness are not a pathological condition if it occurs rarely and is provoked by obvious external factors.

This condition can also be provoked by certain diseases of the body, in which case they will appear regularly, which requires a medical examination.

In most cases, the head can become dizzy due to sudden movement, traumatic brain injury, toxic damage to the body, psycho-emotional stress, stuffy rooms, etc.

The classification of dizziness occurs depending on the provoking factors, among which the following stand out:

  • Physiological. This means that dizziness occurs with constant exposure to irritants on the vestibular apparatus. Most a shining example is long trip on a vehicle (sickness), or reaction when riding on attractions;
  • Systemic. This type of disorder occurs due to disturbances in mutual communication with the vestibular apparatus. Systemic vertigo is divided into two more subgroups: central - which progresses after insufficient blood supplies to the brain, and peripheral - which is caused by chronic inflammatory processes, localized in the ears;
  • Non-systemic. This subgroup includes dizziness due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, prolonged depression, or any psycho-emotional stress.

Also, in medicine there is a division of dizziness according to the severity of the damage:

  • Lung. Its most common causes are sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle. Also, common factors mild dizziness occurs during pregnancy in women and during sudden changes in body position (when getting up and when lying down). What is distinctive is that dizziness occurs at normal pressure;
  • Strong. This type of severe incoordination occurs in a variety of traumatic situations or pathological conditions.

Causes of dizziness

The mechanism of origin for dizziness is based on an imbalance of sensory information that enters the brain from the vestibular apparatus, proprioceptive and visual complexes.

The condition is explained by the fact that the perceived information, after passing through the cortical box, produces incorrect feedback with the organs of perception.

This leads to a person feeling as if the ground is floating under his feet, objects in front of his eyes shifting, and spatial coordination in the head is disrupted.

In modern medicine, there are about eighty pathological conditions that can cause dizziness.

Among them are pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, mental disorders, ophthalmological diseases, disorders of hormone production, otolaryngological diseases, as well as from the field of neuralgia.

The most common reasons that can cause dizziness, which are not pathological:

  • Large quantities consumed alcoholic drinks, use of cigarettes, drugs;
  • Damage to the body by toxins due to food poisoning;
  • Use individual species medicines, the side effects of which are dizziness;
  • Sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work. This is explained by the fact that with prolonged exposure to pressure on the spine, blood circulation in the brain is disrupted. The consequence of this is that after you suddenly stand up, your head becomes slightly dizzy;
  • Failure to focus the visual apparatus. If a person looks at one point for a long time, and then suddenly changes this state to dynamic, then there is a feeling of movement of surrounding objects before the eyes;
  • Poor nutrition. Not enough glucose (sugar) in the body can cause frequent dizziness. Should be adhered to proper nutrition, even in a busy schedule;
  • Irritation of the vestibular system during long trips(automotive or marine), as well as motion sickness when using attractions;
  • Long lasting effect on human body extremely low, high temperature indicators;
  • Protective reaction of the body during psycho-emotional stress;
  • Adrenaline rush. The release of this hormone into the blood increases blood pressure, constricting blood vessels, which leads to disruption of the normal blood supply to the brain, which causes dizziness;
  • Puberty. At this stage of development of the body, in adolescents, the blood vessels, like the brain, are in a stage of active growth and development. At this stage possible manifestations dizziness with sudden movements (both with the whole body and only with the head), bending, and also during rotation;
  • Quick change of body position A. If you make sudden movements, with a constant change in their direction in the planes, then the balance organs cannot quickly get used to the position, correctly transmitting nervous stimulation to the brain;
  • Pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body undergoes very large restructuring and changes. hormonal levels, which causes frequent dizziness;
  • Menstruation (menstruation), menopause. During menstruation, or menopause, women sometimes experience dizziness, which can manifest either slightly or quite strongly.

All of the above factors can provoke dizziness, but are not pathological and are permanently eliminated when the root cause is eliminated.

Pathological causes that provoke possible dizziness, such as secondary symptom diseases may occur in a number of specific diseases.

You can suspect them if dizziness appears periodically, or an attack occurs constantly, when performing certain actions. In this case, it is necessary to understand exactly what diseases are causing the problem, which is best entrusted only to highly qualified doctors.

Most common pathological reasons constant dizziness are:

  • Stroke;
  • Diabetes;
  • Blood pressure surges;
  • Inflammatory process of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Mental disorders;
  • HIV;
  • Insufficient blood supply to the brain which occur with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, or atherosclerotic damage to the vessels leading to the brain ;
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • Wide range of traumatic brain injuries;
  • Diseases of viral origin;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Accumulation of calcium salts in the inner ear. In this case, when moving the head, a person feels dizzy and nauseated;
  • Perilymphatic fistula caused by dizziness, a feeling of tinnitus and sudden deafness in one ear. Accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • For brain tumors, putting pressure on surrounding tissues, headaches occur, which are accompanied by increased intracranial pressure, as well as dizziness;
  • For vegetative-vascular and neurocircular dystonias;
  • Meniere's disease– a disease of the inner ear of a non-purulent nature, caused by an increase in the volume of the labyrinthine fluid and an increase in pressure inside the labyrinth, resulting in repeated attacks of progressive deafness;
  • Encephalitis– inflammation of brain tissue caused by bacteria;
  • Agoraphobia– a person is afraid of open space (especially if there are a lot of people there). It can appear even just at the thought of going to such a place.

Symptoms of dizziness

Each attack in which you feel dizzy is accompanied by individual symptoms, depending on the factor that influenced the dizziness.

In the vast majority of cases, the following symptoms are observed in the presence of dizziness:

All of the above signs can appear either once or be present for several days. In the second situation, prolonged manifestation of symptoms requires the person to go to the hospital.

If the following are detected pathological signs, you need to urgently go to the hospital for a full examination:

  • Constant dizziness(if not resolved within one hour) ;
  • Severe dizziness accompanied by weakness in the arms and legs. In some cases, a person is unable to move or hold objects in his hands;
  • Loss of consciousness, especially if a person receives a traumatic brain injury;
  • Increase in body temperature to forty degrees;
  • State of coma or crisis, which can progress with hypertension or diabetes mellitus;
  • Frequent urge to vomit(more than five times a day).

If one of the above symptoms is detected, you must immediately go to the hospital to find out why they appeared and apply urgent and effective treatment.

First aid for dizziness

Initially, if you suddenly feel dizzy, you need to eliminate panic.

If severe dizziness strikes a person while standing, it is necessary:

  • Sit down and concentrate your gaze on one object and try not to close your eyes;
  • Release your tie, belt, elastic bands and anything that prevents you from breathing freely;
  • Provide fresh air;
  • Place the patient on a sofa or flat surface. Try to raise his head, shoulders and neck;
  • Do not allow the affected person to move his neck or stand up abruptly;
  • Apply a cold towel to your forehead, moistened in advance with a light solution of vinegar, or drink Atropine (up to ten drops of a 0.1 percent solution);
  • If this does not help, then you can take tranquilizers: Seduxen (5 mg), or Andaxin (0.2 mg each).

If a person continues to feel dizzy, and along with this other accompanying symptoms begin to appear, you need to urgently call an ambulance, and before it arrives, provide the patient with all the necessary conditions.

It is important not to let the patient move, as dizziness may overtake him again.

Also, dizziness can overtake the affected person when turning the eyes and moving the head.

Which doctor should I contact?

If a person has severe symptoms, you need to call an ambulance, whose doctors will provide first aid and determine which doctor to refer the victim to in the future.

To diagnose the disease, you may need: a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, an ENT specialist, a cardiologist, and an infectious disease specialist. They conduct an examination for differential diagnosis.

Initially, you need to contact a neurologist or therapist; after examination, they will prescribe necessary examinations other doctors.


To determine what is causing the dizziness, an examination is performed and a referral is issued for further laboratory and instrumental studies, which are based on complaints and accompanying signs found during the initial examination.

TO additional research include:

  • Blood chemistry;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of cerebral vessels;
  • Angiography of the brain and spinal cord;
  • Dopplerography;
  • Duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and cervical spine;
  • Echoencephaloscopy (EchoES);
  • Electroencephalography (EEG);
  • MRI of the brain and spinal cord.

How are dizziness treated?

Treatment of persistent dizziness consists of treating the primary diseases that provoked this condition. The course of therapy is selected individually, depending on the type primary disease, the degree of its development and accompanying symptoms.

In most cases, the following drugs are used:

  • Medicines for nausea and vomiting(Cerucal, Metoclopramide);
  • Antihistamines(Diphenhydramine, Promethazine, Meclozine);
  • Anti-anxiety medications(Seduxen, Andaksin);
  • Tranquilizers that relieve anxiety(Lorazepam, Diazepam).

The choice of medications and the entire course of therapy is carried out by the attending physician, based on the diagnosed disease and other individual indicators.

The effectiveness of traditional methods in the fight against dizziness is high, as with therapy medicines, only if dizziness is not caused by severe pathological conditions of the body.

The most common traditional medicine against dizziness are:

  • Pomegranate, which well increases the levels of hemoglobin protein, which transports oxygen throughout the body. Pomegranate improves blood circulation, removing and stopping dizziness;
  • Beet and carrots (juice), consumed on an empty stomach;
  • Melissa, mint, honey. One tablespoon of mint and lemon balm collection is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and honey is added. Helps effectively relieve dizziness;
  • Sea kale. Is effective prophylactic against dizziness. Saturates the body with microelements and vitamins that normalize the functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Ginger tea.

All traditional medicine helps to relieve only dizziness caused by factors that are not life-threatening.

If your head feels dizzy and hurts every day, there are problems with speech, hearing or vision, or other pathological symptoms, then you need to urgently call a doctor.

Prevention of dizziness

To prevent recurrent attacks of dizziness, you should adhere to the following preventive actions:

  • Eat properly and balanced. Eat more seafood and plant-based ingredients, and table salt consume less;
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages, cigarettes (drugs);
  • Maintain a daily routine with complete rest and sleep;
  • Do not make sudden movements of the head and neck;
  • Lead a more active lifestyle. Set aside at least one hour a day for hiking, it is recommended to play sports;
  • Avoid psycho-emotional stress and constant stress.

Expert forecast

Prognosis for dizziness depends solely on the root cause that causes it. If dizziness is one-time and provoked by external life-threatening human factors (stuffy room, poor diet, etc.), then the prognosis is favorable.

When dizziness develops against the background of serious pathological conditions, prognosis depends on the initial disease and the degree of its development, as well as the effectiveness of the treatment used.
