Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches): indications and contraindications. The therapeutic effect of leeches on the human body

Treatment with leeches(hirudotherapy, bdellotherapy) is a method of treatment various diseases using medical leech.

In this article I will talk about my experience of treatment with leeches and its results.

In addition to my review (and I treated varicose veins with leeches), I will also talk in general about hirudotherapy: about the indications and contraindications of treatment with leeches, about the peculiarities of placing leeches: how many and in what places they are placed, about the health benefits of leeches, and so on and so forth . However, if any of this is not interesting to you, then you can immediately go to the section of this article that interests you:

Benefits of leeches

ABOUT benefits of leeches a lot has been written. The therapeutic effects of their use begin with the obvious - this is an increase in blood supply to the area of ​​​​the body where the leeches were placed, as well as organs located in the area of ​​​​this area or closely related to it blood vessels, and liquidation venous congestion. In addition, when a leech bites, substances that have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect enter the bloodstream. All this leads to improved blood microcirculation, a decrease in swelling or even complete subsidence of edema, a reduction in the likelihood of blood clots, as well as the destruction of existing ones.

What else are leeches useful for? According to Wikipedia, hirudotherapy has more than 30 different effects on the body. healing effects, of which the most important (besides those already mentioned):

  • Reduced blood clotting
  • Improving the supply of tissues and organs with both the blood itself and the oxygen it brings
  • Reduction (normalization) of blood pressure
  • Good drainage effect (outflow of all sorts of nasty things from places of inflammation)
  • General reflex effect
  • Improving neuromuscular impulse transmission
  • Breakdown of fat deposits
  • Improving the permeability of the vascular wall
  • Destroying microorganisms that caused the inflammatory process (that is, it acts as an antibiotic)
  • Stimulation immune system, in general, increasing and strengthening the immune system

Thus, the benefits of leeches are very, very extensive; there are plenty of positive health effects of hirudotherapy treatment. What diseases are treated with leeches?

What do leeches treat? Indications for hirudotherapy

A completely unambiguous answer to the question “ What do leeches treat?" gives V.A. Savinov (a certain famous traditional healer) the title of his book is “ Leech cures everything" However, whether this is true or not, I don’t know. I had the opportunity to leaf through this book several times while I was waiting for my turn at the hirudotherapy clinic. In it, the author cites cases of various diseases and ailments with which people came to him, and successful experience in curing them. I couldn’t find where you can download this book for free, search on the Internet, or buy it somewhere.

Personally, I decided to conduct a course of hirudotherapy with the aim of treatment of varicose veins. I have already heard a lot about the benefits of leeches for varicose veins. Accordingly, leeches also help with all other problems with veins - thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc. However, at the hirudotherapy clinic I went to, people came with different problems. And judging by what I heard, they also had some positive changes. Some, by the way, use leeches for weight loss. But in any case, about specific indications for hirudotherapy, and even more so about whether any specific disease of yours can be treated with leeches or not - it is better to find out about this in your hirudotherapy clinic, from a hirudotherapy doctor, and not from someone on the Internet.

Contraindications to hirudotherapy

The very first contraindication to treatment with leeches- this, of course, is an allergy to their secretion, that is, the saliva they secrete, or to something specific in its composition. How it manifests itself allergy to leeches, I don’t know (thank God I didn’t encounter this). If you're interested, Google it.

Of course you can't go through hirudotherapy course, if you have a blood clotting disorder, especially if you suffer from hemophilia, since leech saliva works in such a way that it prevents blood from clotting, and bleeding (with normal clotting) can continue for up to a day. And with blood clotting disorders, who knows how it could all end. Other contraindications to hirudotherapy:

  • Oncological diseases
  • Severe anemia
  • Persistent hypotension (severely low blood pressure)
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis
  • Menstruation, PMS, pregnancy

Maybe some of the above contraindications are not strict, and it all depends on individual case. There may also be restrictions on treatment with leeches for diabetes, some other body conditions or diseases. But again, it’s best to learn all this from an experienced specialist.

Age, of course, also plays a role, and leeches are administered to older people with great care.

Is it possible to get infected from leeches?

Where are leeches placed? Places and points of placement of leeches

Leech placement points vary depending on the type of disease or characteristics of concerns with which a person comes to a hirudotherapist. But there are still basic places and points where leeches are placed, regardless of the type of disease - so to speak, for “warming up” and general preparation of the body. In the clinic where I took a course of leeches, the sequence was as follows:

  • First session: leeches on the liver— they placed 3 pieces right along it.
  • Second session: leeches on the stomach- 2 in the lower abdomen: one on the left, the other on the right, and 2 at the top of the abdomen: also one on the left, the other on the right, and 1 leech at the top of the abdomen in the middle.
  • Third session: leeches on the tailbone(sacrum) - 3 pieces, and 2 leeches on the back(namely on the kidneys- one for each).
  • From the fourth procedure until the end of the course, leeches are placed specifically on those places and points that are associated with the existing disease.

The above leech placement scheme was used in the hirudotherapy clinic where I was treated. I don’t know how widespread and universal this scheme is. But the hirudotherapist who carried out the treatment clearly had considerable experience, and she is also a member of the association of hirudotherapists, so it seemed to me that she knew her stuff.

Of course, leeches are used not only in medicinal purposes, but also in cosmetics. So, some people put leeches on their face to rejuvenate it. I read that this actually has a rejuvenating effect, but some people have scars from leech bites that never go away completely. In this case, smaller leeches are used for the face than for other parts of the body, so that the wounds are smaller.

They also put leeches behind the ears- this is done both for cosmetology purposes and to improve blood supply to the brain, eliminate blood stagnation in the head - for the same purpose they usually put leeches on the neck in the area of ​​the spine.

How many leeches to place per session

At the first hirudotherapy procedure, it is necessary to determine how a person tolerates leech bites (some are allergic to leech secretions), so they usually start with not large quantity- in my case, for the first time it was 3 pieces, and they delivered them to me to the liver. From the second session until the end of the course they put on 5 items.

How many leeches can you place in principle? I read that leeches are applied in larger quantities than 5 - perhaps it depends on the disease, on the specific case, and perhaps on the views of the doctor himself performing the procedure.

What is the duration of sessions and hirudotherapy treatment in general?

As for the duration of the course, my doctor recommended 10-12 procedures, maximum 15 , and after that take a break (if treatment is still necessary) for two months. The indicated number of procedures is universal and does not depend on the type of disease. I finally passed 11 hirudotherapy sessions.

Each hirudotherapy session lasted 30-50 minutes, and other patients had the same session duration. The leeches were continued to be kept on the body until they clearly got drunk, which is why they became fat. Some fell off on their own during the procedure, having sucked in plenty of blood.

Treatment with leeches at home

It’s up to you, of course, and in order to save money, and also if you have the opportunity to buy leeches, you can carry out treatment with leeches at home. But still, I would not recommend doing this.

Of course, if you've passed hirudotherapy training courses If you have really learned this craft well, then you can put leeches on yourself, although there will be difficulties with placing them on your back. But if you just read a lot about hirudotherapy, even if you found correct schemes with points for placing leeches, we studied the whole process from start to finish - still, it seems to me that it’s better not to do this. But, as you know...

Bleeding and blood after leeches

Bleeding after leeches it happened different intensity. And this depended not only on the area where the leeches were placed, but also on specific places, that is, the leeches could be quite close to each other, but the bleeding from the wounds was of varying intensity. The largest blood losses I experienced were when applying leeches. on the sacrum(coccyx) and some areas calf muscle (this was already when I was directly dealing with varicose veins).

Bleeding, especially profuse bleeding, is, of course, an unpleasant moment in hirudotherapy and its slight disadvantage, especially in situations where the blood goes beyond the dressing. During the course of leeches, my clothes, bedding, and even the chair at my desk, which once leaked from my tailbone, were stained with blood more than once. :)

Blood after leeches should be bright red, if there is no stagnation, and at the same time liquid. If the blood is thick and dark, it means there is blood stagnation, and it is very good that you took up leeches in the first place, since it is thanks to them that the stagnation will be eliminated. It happens that the stagnation is very strong and the blood comes out not just thick, but like a dense jelly-like mass. This happened to me too, but fortunately, not in such volumes as it happens and as I have seen a couple of times in others. But, procedure after procedure, the blood normalizes and takes on a healthy bright red appearance, congestion is eliminated, the blood flows thin, and everyone is happy. :)

By the way, I read that leeches actually suck not blood, but lymph, into which blood enters from the capillaries.

How to care for wounds after a hirudotherapy session

In general, there are different opinions on the Internet on this matter. Many people write that they need to smear the wounds with something, but I didn’t treat them with anything at all.

In the clinic where I was treated, the system was as follows: they put leeches, removed them, applied a cotton pad to each bite, then a feminine pad on top, and covered everything with a sticky bandage. In the evening it was only necessary to bandage it, again without any treatment. The next morning, shower, and then, if the bleeding still continues, apply a new dressing. All. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide or something else is only optional, apparently. I assumed that leech saliva itself has an antiseptic effect, so I didn’t apply anything.

Moreover, you should not smear anything on the wounds after leeches while the blood is flowing. That is, you need to let the blood flow until it stops on its own.

I also had reaction to leeches as skin redness in the area of ​​the bites. And all this was sometimes accompanied by quite severe itching. If you have one too itching after leeches, scratch more carefully - do not touch the wounds themselves, so as not to pick them off. You can probably smear the irritated areas with something so that the itching is felt less and the redness of the skin goes away faster, but I didn’t smear anything, I endured it.

Leech bites usually itch on the second or third day after the procedure, then the itching and redness disappear.

Condition after a hirudotherapy session

What can I say about my condition after a hirudotherapy session? Immediately on the day of the procedure, weakness and apathy most often set in. I wanted nothing more than to lie there and be dumb. :) In such cases, the hirudotherapist recommended restoring the supply of iron, which decreased in the body with blood loss, and in general, this is what caused the bad condition to happen. I myself began to be drawn to carrots and dried apricots- they are full of iron. The doctor herself recommended taking the drug “Fenuls” - in fact, it is iron. And in general, on the day of the leech procedure, it is recommended to reduce activity, move less and rest more.

But the next day, and sometimes for another one or two, a completely opposite state arose - lightness in the body and in the head, clarity of thoughts, good mood. After the first procedures this was felt most vividly, then it was not so vivid (maybe because it became habitual).

Leech marks (wounds, scars)

Wounds after leeches- this, of course, is a minus of hirudotherapy, and even more so the scars that may subsequently remain. The doctor told me that after a leech bite and complete healing of the wound, a small whitish, barely noticeable dot remains - actually, a scar. But some people have no traces of leeches at all.

Since I completed the course of hirudotherapy not so long ago - a couple of months ago, some of my wounds are still red - those on my legs. Those in the liver and abdomen area have already completely healed, and I can state that they are not noticeable at all, even if you look closely - in general, I simply could not detect the bite sites. However, I came across information that someone had scars after leeches, and apparently quite noticeable ones. Well, or someone is simply too suspicious. :)

Treatment of varicose veins with leeches. Review

In general, fortunately, these horrors passed me by. There were no allergies, no negative reactions to leech bites, and the treatment went smoothly. What about the results?

Treatment with leeches of mine varicose veins veins ended in two ways. More precisely, I don’t even understand myself whether everything has only gotten better, or in some ways a little worse. In general, those dilated veins that were visible disappeared (by the way, they put leeches in the area of ​​​​the calf muscle). In addition to dilated veins, I also had long-standing swelling in this leg that caused right leg in the lower part of the calf and up to the shin it was slightly thicker than the left leg. So, this swelling has completely gone down. But some time after it went away (after finishing the course of leeches), a couple of veins appeared in the place where it was. At the same time, I cannot say that these veins are painfully dilated - they are kind of just veins. It seems to me that the point here is that the blood flow improved after the leeches, so blood began to flow through these veins more actively, and they increased accordingly. But this, of course, is just my speculation. It’s hard to say how it really is.

But in the lower part of the calf muscle a tangle of dilated veins became noticeable. But again, I don’t understand whether it appeared as a result of the course of hirudotherapy, or whether it was there, but simply became more noticeable after the swelling went down. By the way, this is the place where I had the most leeches. In general, I am at a loss about this.

I will add that during the course of hirudotherapy, the existing swelling after leeches increased for a couple of days, but some time after the end of the course it went away completely.

What I can say with absolute certainty is that the sensations in my legs have become better. I haven't really complained about anything before discomfort in the legs, for which, by the way, thanks to the period of raw food diet and the work on Turbo-Suslik (), but after treating the legs with leeches, they became noticeably lighter or something.

In general, I will not definitely recommend treating varicose veins with leeches. It's still an individual matter. If you're interested, try it, of course. Leeches for varicose veins can really help a little. But they are unlikely to be able to completely cure varicose veins. That is, in any case, the effect of hirudotherapy in terms of treating varicose veins is temporary, it simply allows you to reduce symptoms for some time. So then, in some way you will have to relieve the symptoms of varicose veins again - with leeches or something else. Varicose veins can be cured, I think, only an integrated approach to health - so serious that the body is literally transformed. But you can still try leeches - maybe not specifically in relation to the treatment of varicose veins, but at least in general for improves blood flow and blood purification.

I’ll close the topic of hirudotherapy for varicose veins with a couple of rules that you need to follow if you put leeches on feet(taken from a conversation with a hirudotherapist with whom I took a course):

  1. Do not place leeches directly on the veins and it’s better not closer than 1 cm to them. If you place a leech on a vein, the vein may rupture, which may even require stitching.
  2. You can't put leeches on your feet to the shin area and on everything that is below it (that is, on the foot too). Very often, it is in the area of ​​the lower leg that varicose veins appear, primarily under it with inside legs. But no, you can’t put leeches there! I don't remember the explanation for this. But at a minimum, this should not be done due to the abundance and frequency of veins in this area.
  3. It's better not to put leeches directly for swelling— it is optimal to place it above it along the blood flow.

I hope my review of the treatment of varicose veins with leeches was useful to you. However, whatever you take from it, consider this point: I have already suffered vein removal surgery on both legs, I also underwent procedures several times microsclerotherapy(removal of veins using injections), and I managed to become disillusioned with all this, since manifestations of varicose veins arose for me again and again. Hirudotherapy for me was just another way to try to improve the condition of my legs. However, I am not saying that vein removal methods are ineffective or evil - for some they may be the most effective. So just study the topic, think, decide and choose. But still, before resorting to conservative methods treatment of varicose veins, it is better, of course, to try something less harsh. It's in my queue turpentine baths according to Zalmanov- Let's see what effect they will have. :)

Treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches. Review

In general, this was not planned by me. I went to the leech specialist specifically for the purpose of treating varicose veins. However, if the result of hirudotherapy in relation to the veins of the legs is still not very clear to me in some ways, then in terms of treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches everything is clear - positive effect it is obvious, or more precisely, excuse me, butthole. :)

Leeches for hemorrhoids traditionally placed on 2 areas:

  1. On the coccyx (sacrum).
  2. Directly around the anus.

Since I did not have a goal to treat hemorrhoids (I am in the initial, not particularly bothersome stage), I did not resort to the second option. They put leeches on my tailbone twice. So, if before the course of hirudotherapy I sometimes had unpleasant sensations in the bottom after defecation (about once every couple of weeks), then after the course I completely forgot about them. Therefore, to alleviate hemorrhoids, if you have them, I can recommend hirudotherapy.

Summary of leech treatment

You can try. If you want. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to try. :) I can't really say anything else. But this is what concerns treatment of varicose veins. I just don’t know about the success of treating some other diseases with hirudotherapy - maybe for some diseases it really is a panacea or, according to at least, a very effective remedy. Then, of course, go ahead, treat yourself with leeches! Well, or again, if you try remedy after remedy to treat some of your illnesses, go for it too. Maybe it will help.

I probably won’t be treated with leeches anymore, at least in in kind. Perhaps I will take some kind of leech-based remedy, nothing more. Well, in any case, these are my intentions now.

Therapeutic effect leeches are difficult to overestimate: hirudotherapy has been practiced for centuries and invariably has the most positive effect on the human body. Moreover, this effect is complex, that is, by bloodletting you can treat not only any specific disease, but also generally stimulate the human immune system, thereby solving many problems.

What is the medical effect after a leech bite?

It has a reflex effect on the body - both local and general. It is advisable to consider this influence from the point of view of the teachings of I. P. Pavlov, I. M. Sechenov, as well as the theory of the dominant of A. A. Ukhtomsky. The action of this mechanism begins at the moment of a leech bite. Due to irritating effect biologically active substances that are introduced into the body with leech saliva, impulses are transmitted to certain segments spinal cord, the functions of the autonomic and central nervous system. When leeches influence the human body, forces begin to mobilize to combat the supposed threat. When treated with leeches, the phagocytic activity of neutrophils increases 2-3 times, i.e. their ability to absorb microbes. The same processes occur in the body of the leech itself.

Secret salivary glands leeches leads to a decrease in blood pressure to normal value. This effect after a leech bite lasts up to 5-6 days, and it can also be achieved with intravenous administration and with oral administration of the drug. Interestingly, if the initial blood pressure was normal, then the secretion of leeches does not have a hypotensive effect.

The effect of leeches on the body is explained by the fact that the secretion of their salivary glands has cholesterol esterase and lipase activity. In the course of numerous observations it was established: long-term intravenous administration saliva of leeches to animals suffering from atherosclerosis led to a significant decrease in lipid swellings in the abdominal and thoracic aorta- in other words, signs of atherosclerosis are reduced. The lipase activity of leeches is important when using drugs externally to correct the figure and get rid of cellulite.

During hirudotherapy sessions it turns out complex action leeches on the entire human body as a whole. When a leech bites into the skin, bloodletting occurs, which in itself is a powerful stimulus for the immune system. Thanks to the work of the immune system, fresh blood flows to all organs, the body is renewed, and blood pressure drops (this can be explained by minor blood loss). Hirudin, which the leech injects into the blood when biting, stimulates blood circulation and prevents blood clotting. However, the saliva of leeches contains many other biologically active substances.

Beautiful healing effect against leeches includes reflex, mechanical and biological factors. What it is?

Everyone has at least heard of reflexology, acupuncture, acupuncture and other healing practices. So, it turns out that the leech is a wonderful natural reflexologist and bites the skin exclusively biologically. active points. These points are used, in particular, in acupuncture and are associated with all our organs and systems. To stimulate a particular organ, the reflexologist acts on certain points, and thereby the healing processes are launched. Leeches act on the same principle, independently choosing the most suitable point for a bite.

Mechanism of action of a leech bite

The mechanism of action of leeches is as follows. After a bite, under the influence of hirudin and destabilase contained in the leech’s saliva, lymph continues to ooze for some time, sometimes during the day. Thanks to this, the lymph nodes are irritated, the production of lymphocytes - the body's natural protective cells - is stimulated - and all this leads to an increase in both local and general immunity.

According to specialist research, the effect of treatment with leeches can often be more effective than injection medicinal product, because the leech acts primarily on the diseased organ, and when injected medicinal substances distributed evenly throughout the body. Leech saliva has a complex effect on the source of human disease.

What effect does leeches have the most beneficial effect on the body? The main effects of hirudotherapy include the following:

  • antithrombotic - individual links of the blood coagulation mechanism are blocked, due to which blood clots do not form;
  • thrombolytic - formed blood clots gradually dissolve;
  • hypotensive - both high and low blood pressure are normalized (the mechanism of action of biologically active substances has not yet been fully studied);
  • reparative - vascular patency is restored;
  • antiatherogenic - blood cholesterol levels decrease;
  • antihypoxic - prevention of destructive processes under the influence of lack of oxygen;
  • immunostimulating - protective functions are activated;
  • analgesic - Not only local anesthesia(at the site of placement), but also a decrease in pain throughout the body;
  • reflex - leeches are placed on biologically active points, due to which the effect of their influence can be compared with the effect of acupuncture;
  • mechanical - leeches “suck” the blood, thereby unloading the blood flow;
  • lipolytic - it has been scientifically proven that the saliva of leeches contains elements responsible for the breakdown of fats and promoting weight loss.

Of course, leeches cannot help everyone, but healing effect Hirudotherapy was experienced by many, one might even say the absolute majority of those who resorted to treatment with leeches. Why? In fact, the medical effect of leeches is due to a number of factors:

  • when a leech bites, microcirculation is activated;
  • congestion is reduced;
  • the speed of local blood and lymph flow increases;
  • the bite is accompanied by analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects;
  • the bactericidal properties of blood increase;
  • metabolic processes in tissues and organs are activated;
  • the number of leukocytes and their phagocytic activity increase.

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One of the healers Ancient Greece One who quite actively and successfully used leeches was Nikander from Colophon. He took on, as it seemed then, the most hopeless and incurable diseases, although these were predominantly diseases associated with hypertension. But, nevertheless, they also treated osteochondrosis by placing it on the tailbone (this was done in Greece), and in France, with the help of hirudotherapy they fought against fainting, as well as fever.

In Russia, hirudotherapy became known only in the 17th century, when Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered the breeding of these worms in order to treat courtiers and so that young ladies had a healthy complexion and a good mood. There are references to the fact that ladies themselves planted leeches behind their ears, supposedly this gave not only a ruddy complexion, but also a shine to their eyes. In general for women's health healers have always singled out the leech, assigning it a special role.

Currently, hirudotherapy is also used in medicine, especially folk medicine. But, like any treatment, hirudotherapy requires an individual approach, as it has both positive and negative sides. Let's consider these points.

Biological characteristics

Class annelids, of which there are approximately 400 species, but only 3 types are used in treatment: oriental, pharmaceutical and medicinal leeches (lat. Hirudo medicinalis). The color is varied, from black or light gray to a greenish tint. In most cases, the coloring is uniform, but there are various variations with different and bizarre patterns. The body can reach 12 cm in length.

It is not possible to fully indicate the entire list of existing diseases that can be treated with leeches, since it is very, very impressive. As already mentioned above, leech saliva contains valuable substances, of which there are not dozens, but hundreds, for example, substances that normalize blood circulation. Also filming pain syndrome, swelling, there are substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect. This is only a small fraction of what can be said about the benefits of hirudotherapy.

Currently, there is a lot of talk about the fact that leeches should be placed only on certain areas of the body where active or acupuncture points, influencing which can improve the human condition. But this is more suitable for the acupuncture procedure, since such points are located at a certain depth, but are not accessible to the worm's teeth. Therefore, placement on special, active points of the body is nothing more than a commercial move, or even just a fiction.

Leeches should be placed by a specialist; only an experienced doctor can determine the reflexogenic points on which Hirudo medicinalis can be placed, as well as the number of individuals. After the bites, small wounds remain, from which fluid continues to leak for some time. There is no need to panic about this, it should be so; we have already noted that the animal’s saliva contains hirudin, which prevents blood clotting. After the session, it will be enough to apply sterile napkins to the wound site, which will heal without leaving any marks on the body.

Can it cause harm?

The most important commandment of all doctors is to do no harm! Therefore, before you think about using leeches, you should undergo an examination, because they are recommended to be used with extreme caution. It is not worth reminding that individuals living in reservoirs are not suitable under any circumstances, since they can carry any infection with their blood, which sometimes becomes simply life-threatening for a person. It’s better to buy individuals grown in special laboratories. These leeches can be used to treat atherosclerosis, thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids and related diseases.

Usually, a patient can be given 3-7 leeches in one session; after 40 minutes, after drinking blood, they disappear on their own. Before today there is no data or evidence about the benefits of Hirudo medicinalis in treating the spine, so it is completely pointless to treat intervertebral hernia, arthritis or osteochondrosis.

As noted above, leech saliva contains many active substances; therefore, treatment for pregnant women, the elderly and children should be carried out with extreme caution. Doctors are categorically against the use of hirutherapy at temperatures viral infections and common colds, low blood pressure and blood diseases. Rarely, after a session, an allergy to the substance hirudin occurs. Redness appears on the body, accompanied by itching, rash and burning, sometimes the temperature rises, there are headaches and nausea. If any changes in the skin are noticed, use of Hirudo medicinalis should be stopped and antihistamines taken.

It is undeniable that hirudotherapy has repeatedly proven the effectiveness of its treatment of a fairly large number of diseases. But experts do not advise limiting yourself to just one treatment with leeches; there are a lot of remedies, both in folk and in traditional medicine. Only comprehensive treatment will help achieve positive results and only under the supervision of a doctor, do not forget about it. Good health to everyone!

Treatment with medicinal leeches (hirudotherapy) is an important direction in the treatment of many diseases. unconventional methods. It is based on the ancient method of using the natural qualities of annelids.

What are the benefits of leech treatment for humans?

Pharmaceutical leeches have in their saliva active substances, contributing to an increase in human body protective forces that cleanse the blood and improve blood circulation. This may be due to the unloading of blood vessels, which activates the functioning of internal organs. At the same time, leeches relieve a person of “bad” cholesterol and blood clots.

Experts believe that hirudotherapy can successfully replace many hormonal, antibacterial, and other drugs. Leeches can enhance therapeutic effect, if used for the following diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • endometriosis;
  • breast mastopathy;
  • hypertension;
  • symptoms of thrombophlebitis;
  • stroke;
  • uterine fibroids and infertility;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • osteochondrosis.

Leeches are extremely useful in the treatment of pneumonia, arthritis, and liver diseases. Hirudotherapy is sometimes used in cases eye diseases, to improve sleep and awaken appetite, relieve stress and strengthen vitality, rejuvenate a person.

Leeches for men

Leeches are indicated for men for prevention urological diseases. These include:
  • Prostatitis;
  • Sperm weakness;
  • Urethritis;
  • Decreased libido;
  • BPH.
The complex combination of tonic effect and strengthening of the immune system that leeches provide activates blood flow in the pelvic area. This is exactly what is necessary for urological problems, since blood stagnation is the main cause of pathology.

The general strengthening property of hirudotherapy is due to the fact that leeches are injected into the blood almost 100 biologically useful substances, including hirudin. This element perfectly thins the blood, which promotes better fluid flow, improved sexual function and the vascular system.

Important. Improving blood flow directly affects the activity of the testicles, which are responsible for spermatogenesis and the active production of androgens.

After hirudotherapy, sperm production increases, and significantly improved blood circulation allows androgens to spread throughout the cells, settling inside the tissues and exerting a beneficial biological effect.

The main points where you need to place leeches on male body - anal area, scrotum, sacrum, and coccyx. In addition to urological problems, leeches help reduce the risk of heart disease in middle-aged men.

The gynecologist advises women to use leeches when acute pathologies are diagnosed:

  • Inflammatory process . Includes diseases in which blood stagnates in the veins passing through the pelvis, and malfunctions are also observed menstrual cycle.
  • Adhesions after abortion on mucous surfaces female organs . Hirudotherapy helps eliminate such adhesions - a few courses are enough medical procedures performed with long time intervals.
  • Painful urination . Similar symptom periodically worries many women because hormonal imbalance or inflammatory process. The first session of leech therapy is prescribed on the eve of the expected start of menstruation, and then carried out daily until the pathology is completely eliminated.
  • Benign neoplasms on the genitals - fluid cysts on the surface of the ovaries . Leeches are used to completely eliminate pathology. After the first session, the tumors disappear, the intensity of their growth decreases significantly, and often stops completely.

Leeches help women overcome menopausal changes more easily. Periodic hirudotherapy sessions help reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes and regulate blood pressure.

For a long time people have noticed the rejuvenating effect that appears after hirudotherapy. Leeches remove blood contaminated with all kinds of toxins. Instead, they inject salivary secretion. It contains substances that improve metabolic processes occurring at the cellular level and general blood circulation. Thanks to this, the body rejuvenates, which is eloquently noticeable on the skin, its structure, and alignment of posture.

Hirudotherapy is now called by many as an alternative to what has become fashionable plastic surgery. After several sessions of treatment with leeches facial skin acquires a velvety feel, becomes smooth and has a healthy color. Leeches are excellent at removing pigmentation from the skin, the presence of keloid scars, and teenage acne, as well as other cosmetic defects.

Rules for using leeches at home

To use leeches yourself, you need to prepare for the procedure. You will need:
  • leeches;
  • small glass;
  • ordinary cosmetic tweezers;
  • a small swab pre-soaked in iodine;
  • a cotton swab the size of your palm;
  • sterile bandage (or a bandage);
  • container for used worms.
First you need to purchase special leeches from the pharmacy. After this, you can carry out the procedure in the following order:
  1. Wash the hands;
  2. Treat the place where the leech is installed with alcohol and rinse it with boiled water, wipe the skin dry;
  3. It is recommended to lubricate the skin with sugar water - then the leech is guaranteed to stick;
  4. Take the worm with tweezers and apply it to the intended location. You should pick up the leech carefully, without causing damage to it;
  5. Cover the top of the leech with a glass, pressing tightly to prevent movement.
Once a small sting is felt, the treatment process begins. The exposure time does not exceed half an hour. During this period, the leech will completely drink blood, which will be noticeable by an increase in its dimensions by 3 times. Usually it will then release on its own and can be placed in a jar, tightly closed. When the leech does not fall off on its own, an iodine swab will help, since the smell of iodine will cause the procedure to stop.

The wound left after a leech bite must be treated - apply a cotton swab, then secure it with a bandage or plaster. Even if the wound bleeds for a day, it’s okay - it’s normal.

After the procedure is completed, the leech should be placed in a jar with a chloramine solution, where it is completely disposed of.

Is it permissible to reuse leeches?

An unshakable medical principle has been adopted - leeches, like syringes, are used once. They must be disposed of immediately after the procedure. This is natural in a clinical setting, since it is necessary to ensure that no contamination is possible.

If a leech is intended only for one person, then there is nothing wrong with reusing it. However, this is quite troublesome, since the leech needs to process the blood so that it becomes hungry again. In practice, this takes several months.

Can leeches cause harm: contraindications

Although the undoubted benefits of leeches have been proven, it must be remembered that there are contraindications to their use. Like any other medical procedure, the use of leeches should be used carefully.

Today, along with the latest drugs and technology modern medicine proven treatment methods do not lose their relevance, known to man for many centuries now. These include leeches. The benefits and harms of such treatment cause a lot of debate. Let's figure out how leeches act on the human body.

Medical leech

There are about 500 varieties of them, found in ponds in wildlife. They cannot be treated. Doctors use special medicinal leeches, the benefits and harms of which are controlled when grown in laboratories. They come in only two types: medicinal and pharmaceutical.

The medicinal leech has a oral cavity with three jaws, each of which has a hundred chitinous teeth. This worm has five pairs of eyes, excellent hearing and sense of smell. Thanks to this, the leech itself finds a place on the human skin with biologically active points.

The principle of treatment with leeches

Despite the fact that leeches are located on human skin, they affect

deep tissues. The hyaluronidase produced by them has the property of increasing the permeability and sensitivity of tissues. By biting through the skin and sucking blood, the worm gives in return, among which hirudin is especially valued. It helps cleanse blood vessels.

No more than 7 leeches are usually used in one hirudotherapy session. Each of them sucks about 15 ml of blood. Use the leech only once. After the procedure, it is destroyed in acid. This eliminates the possibility of infection of the patient.

Wounds left by leeches may bleed within 24 hours after the session. This is considered normal, so there is no need to be alarmed. However, if bleeding does not stop after 24 hours, you should consult a doctor.

Hirudotherapy: benefit or harm

Hirudotherapy - treatment of diseases using medical leeches- quite popular today. Usually, before the session, patients try to find out what the benefits and harms of a leech can be. Reviews of this treatment are often positive.

The effectiveness of hirudotherapy lies in the fact that the beneficial substances secreted by the worm go directly to the site of the disease. They have a resolving effect on scars and stagnant formations in tissues, help reduce benign tumors and nodes. Treatment with leeches will help improve metabolism and rejuvenate the body. The benefits and harms of this technique are usually noticeable after the first session.

The secretion produced by leeches is capable of breaking down fats and removing cholesterol. Thanks to this, hirudotherapy is used for weight loss, getting rid of cellulite and atherosclerosis.

The effectiveness of hirudotherapy

Will leech treatment help me? What benefit (harm) is possible after the session? Many people ask these questions. Hirudotherapy is highly effective due to several types of effects on the human body. Reflex action consists of biting by a worm skin in the right places. This effect is similar to acupuncture.

The mechanical effect is expressed in bloodletting, leading to the release of blood vessels. More oxygen and nutrients enter the blood. Thanks to this, blood pressure normalizes and disappears painful sensations in the area of ​​the outbreak of the disease.

The biological effect is the entry into the blood of leech saliva, which contains many useful substances of natural origin. They have a healing effect and improve the functioning of the body.

When is hirudotherapy prescribed?

Hirudotherapy is usually prescribed to patients with hypertension, angina pectoris, various forms dystonia, trophic ulcers, atherosclerosis, as well as varicose veins. The scope of application of medicinal leeches is quite wide. They are used to treat the following diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus, gout, obesity and other diseases that are associated with improper metabolism.
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, hernias, myositis and arthrosis.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis and furunculosis.
  • Neurological diseases: migraine, radiculitis, epilepsy, neurosis, and sleep disorders.
  • Diseases and glaucoma.
  • Gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.
  • Diseases thyroid gland.
  • Fractures, hematomas and postoperative adhesions.
  • Inflammation of the genital organs, prostatitis, ovarian dysfunction and menstrual irregularities.

This is far from full list ailments that leeches help get rid of. The benefits and harms of such treatment depend on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, which can be determined by qualified doctor. It is he who is able to appoint effective course hirudotherapy.

Treatment of the spine with leeches

When treating diseases of the spine, hirudotherapy is often used. Impact

leeches helps restore normal physiological processes, which flow in the tissues around spinal column. Hirudotherapy is prescribed for spinal hernia as an addition to the main method of treatment. After surgery, leeches help prevent various complications. They speed up the healing of scars and reduce the possibility of a new hernia forming.

Leeches are effective means in the treatment of osteochondrosis. They help improve blood circulation in tissues. Thanks to them, the muscles relax and pain is reduced. The secretion of leeches that enters the bloodstream restores damaged intervertebral discs. After several sessions, the swelling that often accompanies osteochondrosis disappears.


Hirudotherapy has contraindications. Not all patients can be treated with a leech. The benefits and harms of such medical procedures depend on the patient's health status. It is prohibited to use this method people with low blood pressure, poor blood clotting, as well as those who have suffered a stroke. Contraindications are allergic reactions, Availability malignant tumors, pregnancy and lactation.

When taking anticoagulants - drugs that help reduce blood clotting - treatment with leeches is not recommended.

Is treatment with leeches dangerous?

Many patients often ask: is it possible to harm from leeches? Along with

Given the existing contraindications, hirudotherapy in some cases can cause complications in the form of an infection introduced through the wound. However, according to doctors, the likelihood of such consequences of treatment with leeches is very low.

To avoid complications, it is required to observe during and after the session necessary measures precautions. It is best to conduct a session in a specialized clinic, where a qualified doctor will conduct necessary tests and will create an individual course of treatment.

Thus, hirudotherapy can be used both in complex treatment diseases, and as an independent remedy. It relieves many ailments and heals the body.
