Watery eyes and a runny nose in a kitten - Healthy breathing. We treat lacrimation in a kitten

Many cat lovers often have to deal with the problem of watery eyes in small kittens and adult cats. Some owners believe that this is a peculiar feature of the breed or a weak immune system.

Tearing of the eyes is a natural phenomenon, if it manifests itself in a pet after sleep, when foreign bodies or sharply directed light sources enter.

But sometimes the eyes may begin to water for other reasons, which the owner does not always pay attention to in time. A timely response can reduce the risk of complications from the disease, and the kitten will return good health. Let's look at the reasons why a kitten has watery eyes.

insufficient care

Some kittens in the very early age eyes water constantly. This is normal, as kittens do not know how to take care of themselves properly if they are separated from their mother early. In this situation, special drops based on natural plants should be purchased at the pharmacy for animals. If the tearfulness has not stopped, then you need to see a veterinarian, as it could be caused by a weak immune system.


Sometimes cats suffer from allergies, a symptom of which may be watery eyes. The cause of allergies is the same as in humans - flowers, pollen, wool or dust. The doctor will help determine the cause of the allergy, he will also prescribe the necessary antiallergic agent. Sometimes an allergy can be caused by a drug taken once - a flea remedy or deworming pills. Be sure to memorize the names of the drugs so as not to cause unwanted reactions in the cat again.

Mechanical eye injury

If your cat has injured its eye with a branch, or as a result of a fight with another animal, backfire have a place to be. In this case, you need to see a doctor. If this is not possible, then open eye it is required to independently wash it with a cat with saline and treat it with 1% tetracycline ointment.

If you notice that the size of the eye after damage has increased in size or swelling, your main task is to prevent the cornea from drying out by dropping purified warm water on it every 5 minutes.

In the case when the pet's eye is closed, in no case try to open it by force.

Infectious diseases

Sometimes tearing can be a consequence of an infection developing in an animal. For small kittens with weak immunity, any infection can be very dangerous. The most common infection in cats is conjunctivitis, the main difference between which is redness of the eyes, swelling, protruding blood vessels. The disease itself does not pose a big threat, but if it is started, the infection can spread to other organs. For treatment, special drops or ointments are prescribed.

Drops “Diamond Eyes”

Breed features

For some cats, tearfulness is salient feature breeds. Cats with a depressed muzzle, such as Persians and Exotics, due to the deformation of the nasolacrimal canal due to the flattening of the nose, have increased tearing of the eyes. Similar symptoms are often found in cats of the breed Rex, Sphynx, Briton.


To eliminate increased tearfulness, prophylaxis should be carried out using both decoctions of plants and lotions specially designed for this purpose. To do this, you will need a prepared solution, cotton pads and gauze. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before the operation.

Put the cat on your knees, moisten the disk with a solution and for a couple of minutes constantly moisten the eyelids and the area around the eyes, while removing the soaked crusts.

For conjunctivitis, it is best to flush the eyes weak solution furacilin, 2% boric acid, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate or a decoction of chamomile. Treatment should always be discussed with a specialist, because there are enough reasons for tearing and they all require a special approach.

When a pet appears in the house, the newly-made owner has many questions regarding his health. Many cats face the problem of watery eyes, especially in young age. In certain cases, this is considered the norm, and sometimes signals problems in the body.

Often this problem is combined with other alarming symptoms. The animal may have snot, sneezing, coughing and other ailments. To determine the cause of problems and understand whether treatment is necessary in this case, it is necessary to note all changes in the behavior of the animal and consult with a specialist.

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    Cat eye cleansing tips

    If a kitten has watery eyes, it is necessary to establish the cause of the ailment, but initially clean the organs of vision. Performing this procedure at home is quite simple. The first time it is better to act with an assistant who will hold the animal firmly. It is better to wrap the cat in a towel or blanket, so it is easier to immobilize it and not get injured.

    The most commonly used cleaning solutions are:

    • moderately strong tea, it is better to use green, as the black variety causes dryness of the cornea. It should be leafy and brewed no more than 10-12 hours ago;
    • chamomile infusion, 1-2 teaspoons per 200 ml of water are required, it is enough to leave for 10 minutes, after which it is necessary to cool the solution and strain thoroughly;
    • infusion of calendula, hyssop or St. John's wort, infused in the same dosage;
    • solution of furacilin, ready-made or diluted 2 tablets per glass of boiled water until completely dissolved;
    • solution boric acid, you need 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of water, mix thoroughly;
    • saline;
    • clean boiled water;
    • drops and special means, Diamond eyes.

    Rinse eyes with a cotton swab or gauze, ordinary cotton wool is not recommended for use, as the villi can cause irritation. All manipulations are carried out outer eyelid to the inner. First you need to abundantly moisten the eyes of the cat and the area around them, carefully remove all the accumulated dirt and crusts. After that, the swab is changed and again abundantly moistened with a solution. It is important that the swab or gauze is well saturated. This will help reduce discomfort for the cat and avoid injury.

    Movements should be carried out easily, without exerting strong pressure. Can't be touched eyeball and use a dry swab for cleansing. After these manipulations, it is necessary to open the cat's eye, drip the solution inside and bring the eyelids together. This is how everything will be processed. inner surface. After the end of the procedures, it is better to regret the pet or treat it to your favorite food.

    The procedures will only temporarily clear the eyes of the animal. If tearing is caused physiological signs, then it is worthwhile to carry out manipulations daily until the symptoms disappear. If the cat has any other causes of profuse lacrimation, it is necessary to find out and eliminate them. This requires a separate treatment plan depending on the problem. Diagnose and prescribe drugs veterinarian after examination and test results.

    Causes of lacrimation and methods of treatment

    This problem often occurs in cats. various breeds. At a young age, this is sometimes the norm, especially if the kitten was weaned from its mother too early. A small pet still does not know how to carefully care for itself, which leads to increased tearing and accumulation of dirt. In this case, he needs the daily help of the owner.

    Some pedigreed cats suffer from tear duct narrowing, which is considered normal before the age of 2 years. Lachrymation disappears after the kitten's skull is finally formed. Most often, the problem occurs in a British or Persian pet, in a Scottish fold cat. It is very important to follow general condition animal and his eyes, regularly processing them. If a British or an animal of a different breed develops other symptoms, it is necessary to contact a specialist immediately. Scot and other cats having high risk development of deviations are subjected to surgical intervention if the problem has not been resolved before the age of 2 years of the animal.

    Normally, a kitten's eyes should look wet, and discharge from them occurs after sleep. The rest of the time there should be no lacrimation. Appearance copious discharge from the eye they signal a problem that the animal cannot cope with on its own.

    Allergic reaction

    Cats often suffer from allergies, which causes severe tearing. There are other symptoms, the animal suffers from discharge from the nose, sneezing, less often from coughing. The causative agent of the problem is pollen, chemicals, aerosols, medications and much more. A veterinarian will definitely be able to establish, and he will help you choose an antihistamine.

    Treatment in this case includes caring for the pet's eyes, the use of drugs and the maximum protection of the animal from the causative agent of the disease. Suprastin is often recommended for cats for allergies, the dosage is a quarter of a tablet, used 1 time per day. Tavegil, Claritin, Pipolzin, Dimedrol are also used. All drugs are used only after appointment by a specialist and individual dosage calculation.

    Pollution and mechanical damage to the eye area

    Cats often have this problem, specks, dust and other foreign particles get into the eyes. A pet can damage the eye with grass, a branch, during a fight or a game. All this is accompanied by severe lacrimation, sometimes the discharge takes on a brown color, which indicates an infection. It is best to contact a specialist, but it is not always possible to do this in the near future. You can provide first aid to an animal at home by following some rules.

    1. 1. If the cat's eye is tightly closed, you cannot open it yourself for treatment, as this can cause even more harm. Processing is performed very carefully and only in the area around the organ of vision.
    2. 2. With normal lacrimation, you need to examine the cat's eye for a foreign body. It can be removed with abundant rinsing, using a pipette or a syringe without a needle, it must be kept at a safe distance from the eyeball (at least 1-1.5 cm). After cleansing, use tetracycline ointment 1% before visiting the veterinarian. The ointment should be carefully placed under upper eyelid pet, from blinking it will be evenly distributed.
    3. 3. It is not always possible to notice the wound on your own, therefore, in the absence external signs damage, you just need to treat the eye with a solution. If there are no other alarming symptoms, but lacrimation continues, tetracycline ointment 1% is used.
    4. 4. After injury, swelling or enlargement of the eye often occurs, the animal fails to completely close the eyelids, which leads to dryness of the cornea. In this case, you need to regularly drip clean boiled water, the temperature should not exceed 36.6 degrees. Sometimes treatment is required almost every 5-7 minutes, you need to contact the clinic immediately.
    5. 5. If the color of the discharge changes to dark, you need to clean the cat's eyes and consult a specialist. This is due not only to damage, but also to many other diseases that require complex treatment.

    Proper hygiene of the pet's eyes can avoid many problems. Inflammation often occurs due to the ingress or accumulation of dirt. Timely cleansing of the organs of vision in an animal can relieve complications and long-term treatment.

    Infectious and other diseases

    Serious illnesses often have many manifestations: in addition to discharge from the eyes, the cat often runs from the nose, he sneezes. The pet may refuse to eat, becomes lethargic and inactive. Only a specialist can help the animal, who will identify the exact cause and prescribe a treatment plan. Tearing in a kitten occurs as a result of:

    Most often, cats are exposed to conjunctivitis, the disease develops gradually, but with complications it affects other organs, except for the visual. Treatment begins with washing the eyes with a cleansing solution and contacting a specialist. The doctor will prescribe the most effective drug, you can rid the animal of the disease at home. Antibiotic preparations are prescribed:

    • sofradex;
    • tevomycetin;
    • tetracycline.

    For additional therapy, drops containing silver are used, such as Cliny cleansing eye lotion. The therapy should cover both eyes, even if one of them is healthy. Self-medication with such a diagnosis can aggravate the condition of the animal. The disease has different pathogens, depending on which drugs are selected.

    • Prazitel;
    • Drontal;
    • Celandine;
    • Pratel;
    • Dirofen;
    • Caniquantel.

    The specialist may prescribe other drugs. When getting rid of the main cause of lacrimation and other ailments, the symptoms themselves disappear. During the treatment period, the pet's eyes require careful attention, regular washing and disinfection.

    Epiphora disease and other causes of profuse lacrimation

    Pet malaise occurs due to problems at work gastrointestinal tract. The reason may be the animal's food, the accumulation of wool in the stomach and other abnormalities. It is possible to establish the exact cause only after the examination. Most often, it is recommended to change the feed to a better one and probiotics:

    • Enterol;
    • Acipol;
    • Pancreatin;
    • Linex.

    bright light from fluorescent lamps causes heavy discharge from the eyes, especially in kittens. The problem is solved by changing the lighting. This is the most harmless cause of the disease in a pet.

    Epiphora's disease is characterized by severe lacrimation, the volume of secretions significantly exceeds the norm, traces remain even on the buccal region of the animal's muzzle. It occurs due to disturbances in the work of the lacrimal system (narrowing of the canals, tear plugs, etc.) and anatomical features animal or developmental pathologies (absence of lacrimal openings, etc.). The cause may be infections, mechanical stress, chemical burns, glaucoma, irritation, inflammation and even wrong growth eyelashes. The disease is characterized by:

    • wet hair in the area around the eyes;
    • accumulations of secretions Brown color in the corners of the eyes;
    • itching, the kitten combs its muzzle;
    • traces of tears that have a brown or red tint.

    Treatment this disease begins after the cause of its occurrence is established. This can only be done by a veterinarian. In some cases, it is not possible to correct the situation at all, especially if the disease appears due to a serious pathology.

    Prevention of lacrimation and hygiene of the kitten's eyes

    Many pet health problems can be prevented by following simple rules for care and maintenance. The eyes of a cat can signal many ailments, therefore they require care and attention from the owner of the pet.

    It is very important to monitor the cleanliness of the kitten's organs of vision and regularly wash them with special solutions. You can make them yourself at home or buy ready-made ones at a pharmacy or pet store. In case of inflammation or other alarming symptoms, you need to show the animal to a specialist. Treatment of the disease at an early stage of development is much easier, and properly selected drugs can reduce its duration.

    The animal must be protected from bright lighting, household chemicals and various aerosols. It is necessary to perform cleaning and other manipulations with such substances in the absence of a cat, isolating it in another room. Even the use of toilet water causes irritation or an allergic reaction, especially if the pet is very small. Attentive attitude and care of the owner will allow the cat to avoid many health problems.

The problem when a kitten has watery eyes is faced by many cat lovers. After all, it is very easy to distinguish a healthy kitten from a sick one, the eyes always give them out, in principle, as in humans.

But the owner of his beloved fluffy can, of course, only put forward an assumption about what is still the main cause of such tearfulness.
Sometimes veterinarians are asked such questions that relate to the appearance of additional tears in a pet. One of these questions, for example, involves finding out whether it is true that tears indicate a decrease in immunity, or is it just a feature of our thoroughbred pet. Such a question has a logical answer, and the owner of his pet should know that the cat's eyes should always be clean, without excessive special secretions, which cannot be confused with real features. purebred cats. If, after sleeping, discharge has accumulated in the corners, and there are very few of them, then this is quite normal and is not considered a health problem.

But also, it must be remembered that very often, already from birth, the eyes of kittens are rather teary, they seem to be “in a wet place”, and this is often not liked by the kittens themselves, and they try to rub them with their paws.

This is also quite acceptable, since they are so small that they cannot yet properly take care of themselves, especially their eyes.
Why then do older kittens have watery eyes?!

The answer is simple, tearing is completely caused by a rather weak immune system.

Indeed, even at this age, often, kittens are not vaccinated, and can be susceptible to viruses and infections, therefore, the owner requires special attention, care and care for the eyes of his kitten. That is, hygiene should always come first in order to avoid undesirable consequences.
And yet, if there is profuse lacrimation, then this can no longer be avoided. In any case, there is no need to panic, and cut off the phone of the nearest veterinarian too, try to pull yourself together and try to clarify everything in order.

First you need to examine the eyes and all the discharge from the eyes of the kitten. If they are transparent and only brownish in the corners, then this means that dirt could get in, and you just need to take care of your eyes daily.
Eye hygiene must be observed day after day, without missing a single day, and no circumstances should interfere with this. Before going to the veterinarian, if there is a reason for this, you need to wash your eyes with special drops. The main thing is that the pet does not resist, and is accustomed to such daily inspections, and then this whole process will be completely uncomplicated for you.
And yet, quite often, the prerequisites for the appearance of additional tearing may be not only the ingress of dirt, or a foreign body into the cat's eye. Common reasons are also:
1. Infections are a very dangerous but common cause.

Most viral infections originate from conjunctivitis.

There are those that can be contagious even for humans, such as chlamydia, herpes, or mycoplasmosis. Unfortunately, they are difficult to recognize, especially appearance Therefore, for the accuracy of the diagnosis, you need to contact the veterinarians, and then they diagnose the presence of a particular infection by taking a wash from the conjunctiva of the kitten's eye itself.

We wash the eyes of a kitten

Here it is very important to start the treatment process, at the slightest suspicion, because the diagnosis will also take some time. The main thing is to choose the right treatment regimen, and conduct constant monitoring to see if certain drugs help to kill viruses and bacteria. At the same time, it must be remembered that the doctor monitors your pet and calculates the necessary specific this kitten time for treatment and medication. After all, very often there are cases when they do not complete the cure, and then the disease becomes so aggravated that complications arise, and the drugs, in turn, are prescribed much stronger and harder for the cat's body. Infections are not easily defeated, only good specialists and correct complex treatment give positive results.

2. Allergy - also not very rare disease, both among small kittens and among large cats. In this case, allocate enough different types allergies, for example to food or certain food components, or external irritants: dust, household chemicals and even the well-known poplar fluff, from which the pet owner himself may suffer.
As for long-haired cats, even their own fur can be an irritant for them, which so easily gets into their eyes. But, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to independently identify the cause of the allergy, because veterinarians very often in such cases tend to conduct additional tests. After they are carried out, it is important to immediately eliminate everything that causes allergies and begin treatment with hormonal drugs prescribed by a veterinarian.

3. Mechanical damage - this category includes damage after fighting with their peers to kittens, a burn from cooking oil, and even any grains of sand can easily damage the eye and cause such tearing. Having discovered all this, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, only he will be able to determine the severity of the damage. It happens that after an untimely rendered medical care, the kitten loses sight.

4. Influence of fluorescent lamps - scientists were able to establish that in rooms where there is bright lighting with lamps, kittens often have watery eyes. The same can be said about adult cats, and they suffer from this type of lighting.

5. Problems with the intestines - this includes absolutely all the problems that can occur in the intestines of a cat, for example, worms, malnutrition, wool in the intestines. The veterinarian identifies the cause, and talks about a further method to eliminate it.

Veterinary - The first signs of eye disease in dogs and cats

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There are many reasons why a kitten has watery eyes, this is an indicator of any health problems. A particularly alarming factor can be abundant unhealthy discharge (for example, purulent), after which crusts form.

The kitten has watery eyes - reasons

The eyes of an absolutely healthy animal (with the exception of some breeds) do not have excessive tearfulness and discharge. There are several reasons why a kitten has watery eyes, the most common veterinarians call the following:

  1. Dirt in the eyes. To get rid of this reason, you should daily practice eye hygiene, washing them and applying special drops.
  2. The presence of an infection. To establish the correct diagnosis, you need to consult a specialist, a laboratory study of flushing from the conjunctiva will reveal the nature of the disease and determine the treatment regimen.
  3. Allergic disease. It is impossible to independently determine an allergy, and even more so to trace what serves as an irritant, it is necessary to conduct a series of tests.
  4. Mechanical damage. The reason is very serious, untimely help from a veterinarian can lead to blindness of the animal.
  5. Possible bowel disease. These can be worms, improperly selected nutrition, wool that has fallen and accumulated in the intestines.
  6. Bright light of fluorescent lamps. Kittens often do not tolerate this type of lighting.

Why does a kitten have watery eyes and how a specialist can treat it with the help of laboratory research. Depending on the causes of tearfulness, either antibiotics or anti-allergic drugs are prescribed, or perhaps just washings and instillations are applied. If after the course of admission medications there is no improvement, then surgical intervention is inevitable.

Why does a kitten sneeze and watery eyes?

A cold can lead to sneezing and increased tearing in a kitten, but this is also a manifestation of such diseases: herpesvirus, or itself dangerous infection– . The cause of these phenomena can be allergies, and dental problems, and a tumor or foreign object in the nose. If a kitten sneezes and watery eyes, then how to treat depends on the causes that caused the pathology.

If this is caused by a cold, he has a runny nose, you can drip baby drops into his nose. With more serious problems it can be injections with hydrocartisone solutions. Sofradex drops, kanamycin, levomycetin, well-proven drugs. In this situation, there is no need to take risks, a timely appeal to a specialist will save the pet from further problems, and in some cases from blindness and even death.

The kitten's eyes fester and watery

Small discharge from the eye of a kitten can not be given much importance, this is a normal physiological phenomenon that occurs in pets under one year old in 60% of cases. But if u little kitten watery eyes appeared purulent discharge, then this is a sign of a serious illness, for example,. If the discharge has turned brown or green color, they are thick, the kitten's eyelids stick together, this is the first sign of infection.

The kitten has a runny nose, watery eyes

If a one-month-old kitten has watery eyes, a runny nose, carefully observe if he has ulcers in his nose, what kind of stool he has, if his appetite has disappeared. Depending on the symptoms that appear, you can either talk about hypothermia of the baby, or about the appearance viral infection due to weak immunity, or is it a beginning allergy to some kind of irritant. The more detailed you describe the symptoms, the easier it will be for the veterinarian to determine the disease and prescribe the correct treatment regimen.

Kitten has watery eyes after eating

If a kitten has watery eyes during or after eating, plus a runny nose, this is most likely caused by intolerance to a certain product or food and is the first sign of an allergy. In order to avoid problems in the future, you should show the baby to the veterinarian and, through laboratory tests, identify the allergen and change the pet's diet.

Kitten sneezes and watery eyes

If a kitten has watery eyes all the time, he often sneezes, and discharge is observed from the nose, but there is no temperature, his breathing is not difficult, then the cause of this is often a banal allergy. It can be triggered by food, house dust, chemical household sprays or cleaning products, tobacco smoke. By identifying the allergen and eliminating it, you will prevent future tearing and sneezing. Sneezing and tearfulness in the background elevated temperature and shortness of breath are caused by infection in the upper respiratory tract.

The kitten's eyes are brown

If a kitten's cat has watery eyes, thick brown discharge is inflammatory process, and the discharge is purulent. Inflammation can occur due to trauma to the cornea of ​​​​the eye, the ingress of dirt and dust into visual organ, inversion of the eyelids, infections, blepharitis, apiphora. Banal reason brown discharge I can be prepared feed mixed with regular food or feed mix from different manufacturers.

The kitten has watery eyes - what to do?

Most importantly, do not self-medicate, especially if the cause is not clear to you. A caring and attentive owner will definitely notice that the kitten has watery eyes, and he squints them. Without delay, spend clinical researches in the vet clinic. At allergic reaction the doctor will prescribe hormonal preparations, with an infection - a specialist will select a treatment regimen depending on the type of bacterium or virus.

Tearing serves as a protective reaction to various irritants (infection, bacteria, allergens), or mechanical damage(injuries during fights with rivals, hit foreign bodies). At the initial stage of lacrimation, spend additional hygiene procedures, try to wash the baby's eyes with boiled water, tea, drops of Diamond Eyes, furatsilin.

The kitten has watery eyes - treatment

Great products designed for kittens are veterinary drugs: ciprovet, dixamethasone, travmatin. For one week, try using these drugs, but if you find that they do not have the desired effect, ineffective or do not help at all, contact your doctor immediately to know exactly why the kitten has watery eyes.

As you already understood, there are several reasons why a kitten has watery eyes, how and with what to treat, the veterinarian will determine by setting accurate diagnosis. If this ulcerative blepharitis, then after cauterization of individual areas on the eyelids, they are lubricated with an ointment, which includes an antibiotic. The inversion of the eyelids will require surgical intervention, to prevent further suppuration, an antiseptic is used, which is used to treat the eyelids. Conjunctivitis is treated with chloramphenicol drops or kanamycin.

To avoid tearing, carry out preventive, hygienic procedures, wash the kitten's eyes with boiled water or decoctions with St. John's wort, calendula, sage, chamomile. Experts recommend using special daily drops Bars or some others available for this purpose in veterinary pharmacies or pet stores. If you have found the reason why your kitten has watery eyes, try using these remedies yourself.

When a person decides to get a cat or a cat, he must be prepared for some "surprises". These animals, like other representatives of the fauna, can get sick. The health of the pet must be monitored.


Of course, if there are any anxiety symptoms, then you need to exclude serious pathology and hold necessary treatment animal.

Occasionally, cats may experience watery eyes. In this case, it is best to show the pet to the doctor. Perhaps there is nothing to worry about here and this state is natural, especially if it is a Persian cat.

In any case, only a doctor will tell you when to treat and how to care. So without the help of a professional, it will not work.

The main reasons for this phenomenon

Such a problem or feature may appear not only in adult but also in a small kitten. If a kitten has tearing, then the point is most likely that the pet is still too small to take care of itself properly. Helping him is simple: you need to wipe his muzzle with a piece of clean material (bandage or soft sponge) a couple of times a day. In some cases, the doctor prescribes special eye drops for the kitten to drip. Also, in addition to poor care, a small animal can have reduced immune defense. In this case, any microorganisms that "settled" in the eye can cause lacrimation.

Such "gentle" breeds as sphinxes and rexes have a peculiarity of the eyes - the inversion of the eyelid. In this case, the hairs damage the cornea, and one eye of the cat waters, and sometimes both. In such a situation, treatment is aimed at preventing concomitant diseases that may arise if you join bacterial infection. But this is a kind of prevention. To get rid of the problem with conventional medicines will not work. Will only help surgical treatment, if the owners, of course, decide on this, and also if there are no prohibitions for medical reasons.

If one eye of a cat is watery, then why else does this happen? clear cause it could be a simple allergy. Perhaps some kind of chemistry got into the eye of the animal: shampoo, detergent, powder, perfume or even food for other animals.

Possible diseases

In addition to lacrimation, other symptoms of some unpleasant disease may appear.

The intensity of lacrimation in cats depends on the underlying disease. If it is serious enough, then the symptoms are pronounced: eczema, dermatitis appear, hair loss and skin changes around the eye sockets are observed. Sometimes the disease affects only one eye. As already mentioned, this is not associated with inflammation, but with a more severe pathology (tumor, glaucoma, etc.).

The discharge can be different: thick, which literally glue the eyes of a cat, or profuse lacrimation with reddening of the mucous membrane and severe itching.

If the disease is not treated and the pet is not helped, the cat's condition will worsen very soon. She will refuse food, will be afraid of light and water, the temperature will rise to a critical level.


If a pet has a current from both eyes, then this is most likely an inflammation that does not require serious treatment. But when a cat has one eye watering, this is a sure reason to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. After the examination, the doctor will decide which studies to prescribe. And only by their results it will be possible to judge what the cat got sick and how to treat it.

It is very important to provide the doctor with all the information about the pet. Does he have vaccinations, what does he eat, are there any allergies or injuries.

How to treat tearing?

The prescription of drugs depends on the causes of the disease.

  1. If the eyes are watery due to allergies, first of all, you need to get rid of the allergen and give the animal maintenance drugs (anti-allergic). In addition, if you remove the irritant, the symptoms will disappear on their own.
  2. Is the cause of the pathology an infection? First, the specialist will determine its nature and only then prescribe treatment. Most often this antiviral drugs or antibacterial agents(antibiotics).
  3. When one eye of a cat waters, first of all, you need to think about the non-infectious nature of this problem. The veterinarian selects drops for each cat individually.
  4. If the pet has an eye injury or a foreign object inside, you can only help in a clinical setting.

Prevention measures

In order to notice the disease in time, to avoid complications and other troubles in pet, you need to keep a close eye on it. Examine the coat, skin and, most importantly, the eyes. They should be the same in shape, not cloudy, without redness and discharge.

If the kitten is small, you can wash his eyes with special drops or plain boiled water, to which Furacilin can be added.

Animals after a year cope with eye hygiene on their own.

A long-haired cat can sometimes trim the hair around the eyes. The same can be done with claws if the animal injures itself with them.

If the eyes are still watery due to insufficient care, then, most likely, conjunctivitis has occurred. Then you can try to use chloramphenicol ointment.


But once again you need to remember that when one eye of a cat waters, this is an occasion to immediately go to veterinary clinic! Special attention to your animal and compliance with all of the above rules will help to avoid problems not only with the eyes, but also enable him to remain healthy and happy.
