Vitamin B12: biological significance and rules for use in ampoules and tablets. Instructions: Vitamin B12

Vitamins play a vital role in the life of any living organism. Cyanocobalamin is one of the B vitamins. It is involved in the most complex and important processes of organizing life, helps “create” blood cells, regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism, provides normal functioning nervous system. Vitamin B12 interacts closely with other vitamins and substances; its imbalance can lead to malfunction the most complex system and lead to many diseases.

Properties of the vitamin

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) ensures normal cell division, and they are the smallest building blocks that make up any organism. The main cells that cyanocobalamin “works” to create are blood cells. They carry out transportation nutrients to any other cell, thanks to this, they can develop, feed, grow. The process of replacing “old” cells with new ones occurs constantly in the body. This allows all organs to be cleansed, restored and function normally. There is a disease that occurs when there are few blood cells in the body. That’s what it’s called: “anemia” or “anemia” in scientific terms.

In addition to its “main” job, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is also involved in the division of other cells. It has a significant effect on the function of the nervous system and improves brain function. He takes an active part in the creation - it covers all nerve fibers. The vitamin improves the functioning of the digestive system and intestines; it is involved in creating the membrane lining these organs. Stabilizes gland function internal secretion, participates in exchange processes, creates immune cells, renews skin cells. It synthesizes DNA molecules, deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid, thereby launching a vital process - the nucleus of each cell consists of these acids, and they carry hereditary information. A lack of cyanocobalamin can cause a deficiency of a quasi-vitamin (carnitine). It looks for fat molecules in the blood and sends them to the mitochondria. There, fat is converted into life-giving energy that nourishes our body.

Interaction with other beneficial substances

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) actively interacts both with vitamins of its group and with others. It is necessary for normal B9. Its deficiency can lead to vitamin B1 deficiency. Therefore, when prescribing treatment, several vitamins are often used in combination.

It is important for the production of nucleic acid, folate and pantothenic acid. And they are responsible for the stable functioning of the nervous system, protecting us from stress and depression. B12 helps produce choline and makes iron work, the effects of which are often lacking. Actively interacts with vitamin C, ensuring complete metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) also helps vitamin A to be synthesized in the body and work to restore body tissue. Benefits and beneficial features it has long been studied and proven. He is entrusted with a great responsibility - in his absence, most of the functions of our body will not be carried out normally, and treatment may become useless.

Natural sources

Vitamin B12 is not found in plant foods. It is produced by microorganisms: bacteria, yeast fungi, mold. But in order for the vitamin to be fully absorbed, one more component is needed - “ internal factor Castle." This is a unique protein that is produced in the stomach. Animals produce cobalamin during their life and accumulate it. Therefore, the deficiency can be compensated only by eating animal food. A lot of the vitamin is found in pork, veal and beef liver, yeast, in fermented milk products and in the sea. These are seaweed, shrimp, squid, fish and others. Vitamin B12 is present in soy products that have been fermented, for example, in tofu cheese, but is not found in soy itself, this is worth considering.

Daily dose

A healthy person needs very little vitamin per day - one millionth of a gram; good nutrition any organism receives in abundance. But vegetarians and vegans (according to doctors) often suffer from a lack of it, but due to their beliefs they refuse to eat animal food. They can make up for the deficiency by taking cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) tablets. You should first consult with your doctor regarding dosage.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed in combination with other vitamins and medications. The vitamin helps people suffering from anemia, Addison-Brimer's disease, Down's disease, and iron deficiency. When long-term use medications or when exposed to toxic substances. Used for neuralgia, polyneuritis, liver cirrhosis and liver failure, at chronic hepatitis, radiculitis and eye diseases. It is prescribed to people suffering alcohol addiction, with cerebral palsy, with funicular myelosis and amytrophic sclerosis. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is used for hair, both to improve growth and to combat baldness. It also helps with skin diseases: herpetiformis and atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, photodermatosis. The vitamin is prescribed by gastroenterologists to people who have poor absorption or have cancer. There are often reviews from doctors indicating that such a simple drug as vitamin B12 can have a strong positive effect on the body and can help get rid of even a serious illness.

Patients who were prescribed the drug during treatment noted an improvement in their well-being and left general fatigue, my mood improved, recovery happened faster and easier. People with anemia experienced significant relief - stomach function improved, unpleasant burning sensation on the tongue, pain in the legs decreased, and they experienced less difficulty walking. In the practice of doctors, there have been cases where, with the help of vitamin B12, it was possible to restore reproductive function in male patients.

How to use the drug

If you have been prescribed cyanocobalamin (vitamin 12), the instructions for use will tell you how to use it correctly. Remember that before taking any dosage forms You should consult your doctor, otherwise self-medication may lead to unpleasant consequences.

The daily dosage is individual for each patient. For example, with anemia, it can be in the range of 100-200 mcg, and the vitamin should be taken once every two days. For liver diseases, 100 mcg is prescribed, and for nervous system disorders, the dose can increase to 500. Cyanocobalamin is prescribed for injection or in tablet form.


The drug is freely available. Traditionally it was produced in injection ampoules, but in Lately It can also be purchased in tablet form. It can be included in a multivitamin complex, and it will be enough, but it can also be in high concentration; such tablets are used in the treatment of diseases or to enrich vegetarian nutrition. Depending on who produces and in which vitamin complex cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is present, the price may vary significantly. The cost of injection ampoules from our manufacturers is within 15 rubles for 10 ampoules (0.2 ml each). The price of the tablets varies significantly - from 100 to 1500 rubles, but they can be enough if taken continuously for a month.

For hair growth

Trichologists recommend using cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) for hair. This decision is very justified, the vitamin starts the regeneration process and is actively involved in nutrition. If your hair has become dull, brittle, has begun to fall out, and your scalp is not in the best condition. in better shape, it is quite possible that your hair does not have enough vitamins. Using conditioners and masks is a good solution, but it should be noted that if your hair does not receive enough nutrition, then this is a sign that your body is “starving” and is forced to save on hair nutrition. It will be much better to start taking a complex of vitamins orally and diversify your diet. Treat your body with understanding, appreciate it, help it and always be healthy!

Pharmacologically vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) is water-soluble vitamin. At the same time, there is high activity against biochemical and physiological processes. Necessary in the body for many processes: the synthesis of red blood cells, participates in the transfer of hydrogen, the formation of many substances (choline, methionine, nucleic acids, creatine). It has a direct beneficial effect on nervous tissue, as well as the liver. Activates the blood coagulation system; in extremely high doses it can increase the activity of prothrombin and thromboplastin.

Pharmacokinetically absorbed into the blood after intramuscular injection, and is also quickly and fully absorbed orally after ingestion from the gastrointestinal tract. Metabolism begins in the tissues, turns into a coenzyme form, which is the active form - adenosylcobalamin. It is excreted both through the liver with bile and with urine.


IN neurological practice There are many indications for the use of vitamin B 12. Among them, the following conditions should be highlighted:

  • Radiculopathies
  • Down's disease
  • Injury peripheral nerves and plexuses
  • Funicular myelosis

Also used for anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency, in dermatological practice for dermatoses, dermatitis, psoriasis, alopecia, radiation sickness, as well as for other conditions. Can be used to improve the condition and appearance of hair.


There are a number of conditions in which taking vitamin B12 is contraindicated:

  • Thromboembolic conditions
  • Erythrocytosis
  • Allergic reactions and sensitivity to vitamin B12

Mode of application

Vitamin B 12 injections are used subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously, and can also be used intralumbarally.

The dosages used vary greatly depending on the conditions, the therapeutic corridor (dose range used) is wide:

  • Funicular myelosis. 500 mcg 7 days in a row, then once a week for a long time. When remission is achieved, a dose of 100-200 mcg is used 2 times a month.
  • Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. At pain syndromes 200-500 mcg (up to 1000). For injuries, 200-400 mcg every other day for 40-45 days.
  • Polyneuropathy - 100 mcg daily for 1 month.
  • Radiation sickness - 60 mcg daily for 1 month.
  • In case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, to set up Katlen blockades, funicular myelosis, 200-250 mcg can be injected into the spinal canal.

From the author. In my practice, I often use a dose of 500 mcg for 10 days in a row. For severe pain, you can use a dose of 1000 mcg for 10-15 days in a row. Also, note, 1 ml of solution contains 200 or 500 mcg of vitamin B12, see the dose on the package (0.2 mg per 1 ml = 200 mcg per 1 ml, 0.5 mg = 500 mcg per 1 ml).

Side effects

Side effects are rare. More often these are allergic reactions. Rarely observed states of excitement and anxiety, pain in the heart, palpitations.


No reliable cases of true overdose have been described. Long-term course intake of vitamin B 12 in high doses can lead to erythrocythemia and thrombosis (theoretically).

special instructions

There are a number of guidelines that you should read before using vitamin B 12.

  • Reception with hormonal contraceptives may reduce vitamin levels in the blood.
  • Vitamin B 12 may increase allergic reactions to vitamin B1.
  • Parenteral use of chloramphenicol preparations leads to a decrease in effectiveness in anemia.
  • Vitamin B 12 is incompatible with ascorbic acid, vitamin B1 (in bromide salt), riboflavin in one solution.

Use with caution in high doses for angina. It is necessary to control blood clotting and avoid increasing it.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light, at room temperature. Some complex preparations require storage in the refrigerator.

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There are no analogues of vitamin B 12, because it is an active substance in itself. However, there are many various drugs, representing monovitamin B12 or being complex drugs(including Kombilipen, etc.).


Prices vary greatly depending on the manufacturer, the pharmacy markup, and also on whether a single drug or a complex drug is used. Average prices for the drug vary from 25 to 300 rubles per package of 10 ampoules of 1 ml.

Much has already been said about the benefits of B vitamins. Its representatives are of paramount importance. For example, for a woman to have a dazzling appearance, you need to regularly replenish your body with them. They are available and can be purchased at any pharmacy. Vitamins are packaged in ampoules and can be either water or oil based.

The role of vitamin B12 in the body

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) was discovered in 1948. Selected him from raw liver. For a long time Scientists could not understand why patients who took raw liver in small quantities managed to overcome pernicious anemia.

Since then, vitamin B12 and its effect on the body have been studied quite well; all that remains is to understand that this is an expensive gift from nature that should be used wisely. Vitamin B12 helps avoid the effects of stress; it, with the help of vitamins B5, B9 and C, helps block stress hormones and helps restore nerve cells and participates in the construction of new ones, that is, it is an active participant in the processes of biosynthesis of amino acids and the synthesis of DNA and RNA. The substance improves the process of blood clotting and reduces the amount of cholesterol in it.

Vitamin B12 can be obtained from food or supplemented with tablets and injections. Cyanocobalamin is found in animal products, which is why vegetarians tend to suffer from a lack of it in the body. It is not synthesized in plants.

Uses of Vitamin B12

It is much more convenient to use vitamin B12 in ampoules. It is a slightly pink liquid. Neuralgia may be an indication for cyanocobalamin injections trigeminal nerve, hepatitis, neurodermatitis, anemia, Down syndrome, as well as migraine, diabetic neuritis, radiation sickness, multiple sclerosis, children's cerebral paralysis. This vitamin affects reproductive function - both female and male. Has a beneficial effect on the human immune system. If the body of HIV-infected people does not have enough vitamin B12, the disease progresses much faster.

B12 injections should not be prescribed in the presence of erythrocytosis, hypersensitivity to the drug, caution must also be exercised in case of malignant and benign tumors and angina.

How to give vitamin B12 injections correctly

As mentioned above, vitamin B 12 belongs to the group of vitamins. It is widely used traditional medicine, as one of the components used for treatment various diseases or for their prevention. Therefore, if cyanocobalamin is prescribed by a doctor, then this is not subject to discussion, but if someone independently decided to inject vitamin B12 in ampoules, the instructions for use in this case are subject to detailed study.

First of all, you need to know that cyanocobalamin can be used intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly. And the instructions also detail that it cannot be used together with drugs that increase blood clotting; you also cannot mix vitamins B1, B6 and B12 in one syringe; in addition, if the patient has an allergic reaction to vitamin B1, then B12 can significantly strengthen. You cannot combine cyanocobolamin with riboflavin and ascorbic acid, but colchicine, antiepileptic drugs and salicylates can reduce the degree of its absorption by the body. And there are many nuances that only a doctor can know, so only he can fully answer the question of how to inject vitamin B12.

Use of vitamin for various diseases

Vitamin B12 in ampoules, the price of which is quite reasonable - from 17 to 25 rubles, depending on the manufacturer, has a significant effect in treatment various diseases. As practice shows, many people inject cyanocobalamin when the following signs of deficiency of this vitamin appear:

Headache and dizziness;

Fatigue and weakness;

Irritability, neuritis and nervousness;

The appearance of ulcers on the tongue and in the mouth;

Paleness of the skin;


Decreased appetite, back pain and sleep disturbances.

This drug is prescribed by doctors for certain diseases and for their prevention. For what diseases is B12 prescribed, how to inject it correctly?

The course of prophylaxis can range from 7 to 15 days, with injections from 200 mcg to 500 mcg per day.

Diseases associated with the central and peripheral nervous system:

The first 3 days, 200 mcg daily;

The next 4 days, 300 mcg daily.

If no complications arise within seven days, the course of treatment ends. If complications occur, the dose is increased:

5 days daily 400 mcg;

The next 3 days, 500 mcg daily.

Another quite serious disease that occurs due to a lack of B12 in the body is anemia. Characteristic This ailment develops almost asymptomatically and slowly, but, as a rule, affects the nervous system. During treatment, cyanocobalamin is prescribed along with other drugs in a dose of 200 to 300 mcg; if complications arise, it is increased to 500 mcg and administered 1 or 2 times a day. If the patient's condition worsens, the dose can reach up to 1000 mcg. After 10 days it can be reduced, but another 3 months daily norm will be 300 mcg of vitamin. And after the end of treatment, one injection is given every two weeks for six months.

Vitamin B12 overdose

Before injecting vitamin B12 in ampoules, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with the consequences in case of an overdose: if the body is hypersensitive to this substance, then a large dose can cause an allergic reaction, which will manifest itself in the form of urticaria (rash on the body and mucous membranes), as well as pain in the heart area, tachycardia, increased nervousness.

It should be remembered that an excess of cyanocobalamin is very difficult to remove from the body.

Vitamin B12 in hair care

Cyanocobalamin is an excellent assistant in hair care. At home, the vitamin can be added to shampoo, thereby making it fortified. It is also added to hair masks. For example, an excellent mask against hair loss is to mix one teaspoon of honey and lemon juice and add one ampoule of vitamin B6 and B12 to the mixture. Apply the mixture to clean hair, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse. Repeat the procedure five times a week.

But, as you know, external application is always inferior in results to internal application. What to do if vitamin B12 cannot be used in the form of injections due to the individual characteristics of the body, but at the same time you want to have beautiful hair? In such cases, it is best to add to your diet sufficient quantity include foods containing cyanocobalamin.

What foods contain vitamin B12

The most vitamin B12 is found in beef or veal liver, but it is in large quantities also contain chicken and pork liver. It is also found in marine products such as crabs and oysters, fish, egg yolks, meat, hard cheese, dairy and fermented milk products.

Nowadays, fortified mixtures are offered in large quantities, for example, cereals, muesli in the form of breakfast cereals. In fact, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find the specified amount of vitamins there, because long-term storage helps to reduce it, and the preservatives contained in such products are harmful.

There is another caveat: vitamin B 12 is heat stable, which means it is not destroyed by cooking. But at the same time, direct sunlight has a detrimental effect on it.

Vitamin B12 is a combination of two vitamers found in foods of animal origin. It has a positive effect on hematopoietic function, stimulates the formation of high-quality red blood cells and prevents the development of anemia. Participates in cell renewal, the formation of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers and the prevention of fatty degeneration of the liver, heart and kidneys.

Other names: Cyanocobalamin, Hydroxocobalamin, Cobamamide.

Release form

1. An injection solution and lyophilized powder are produced in ampoules under the following names:
a. Cobamamide lyophilisate (cobamamide).
b. Cyanocobalamin bufus solution (cyanocobalamin).
c. Oxycobalamin solution (hydroxocobalamin).
d. Cyanocobalamin-Vial solution (cyanocobalamin).
e. Cyanocobalamin solution and lyophilisate (cyanocobalamin).
2. There are two types in tablet form:
a. Cobamamide.
b. Cyanocobalamin.
3. Rectal suppositories are produced:
a. Cycomin.

They are also widespread vitamin complexes, which contain Vitamin B12.

Storage conditions and shelf life depend on the form of release.

Indications: The drug is used for the following hematopoietic disorders: malignant anemia, pernicious anemia, megaloblastic, iron deficiency, posthemorrhagic, aplastic, ancerotic anemia, as well as anemic conditions during pregnancy, poisoning and after surgery. For the treatment of painful conditions of the nervous system: neuritis, amyotrophic sclerosis, Down's disease, radiculitis, cerebral palsy, funicular myelosis, neuralgia and trauma. For pathologies of the mucous membranes, liver and skin. Used to reduce negative impact radiation therapy and for the treatment of radiation sickness.

Directions for use and doses

Vitamin B12 is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously, taken orally or rectally. The dosage depends on the diagnosis and is determined by a specialist.

Overdose: Excess Vitamin B12 is excreted from the body and therefore does not cause consequences.

Contraindications: Tendency to thrombosis, erythrocytosis, increased hemoglobin blood, acute thromboembolism, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, high erythrocythemia, individual intolerance.

Use during pregnancy and lactation: Can be used to treat anemia, but only under the supervision of a specialist.

Instructions for children: For dystrophy, Down's disease and cerebral palsy, the dosage is up to 30 mcg every other day.

Side effects: Allergic reactions, nervous excitability, nausea, tachycardia, dizziness.

Analogues: Beniform, Bifacton, Geparmon, Dotsiton, Cobion, Rubavit, Tsibion.

Special instructions: Available without a prescription.

Price: You can buy Vitamin B12 in a pharmacy from 26 rubles per pack.

Manufacturer: Tallinn Pharmaceutical Plant, General Pharma Inc.


What functions does vitamin B12 perform in the body? For what diseases is it prescribed and in what preparations can it be found.

The name B12 hides a group of substances, including methylcobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, cyanocobalamin and others. It is based on a complex chemical structure in the shape of a corrin ring. Of the components listed above in human body Only one element is most in demand - cyanocobalamin.

In terms of structure, it has the following characteristics:

  • Appearance: Dark red powder.
  • No smell.
  • Solubility in water.
  • Resistant to sunlight and high temperatures.

The most popular form is vitamin B12 tablets.

General Features

The substance was first discovered in 1928 by the famous chemist Edwin Cohn, and six years later two doctors (George Maycott and William Parry Murphy) isolated medicinal properties cyanocobalamin, for which they received Nobel Prize. After another 14 years, vitamin B12 was isolated in its pure form. Subsequently, scientists continued to study the characteristics and effects of cyanocobalamin.

Today the following functions have been proven vitamin B12:

  • Participation in the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells.
  • Ensuring normal brain activity(memory improvement, protection from stress). B12 is also often prescribed for the prevention of depression, dementia and sclerosis.
  • Improvement reproductive function. Cyanocobalamin plays a key role in male body- its action is aimed at the growth of germ cells in the seed. With daily consumption of the substance, the number of active sperm increases.
  • Participation in the synthesis of leukocytes that eliminate foreign bodies. It has been proven that B12 strengthens the immune system and protects against development viral diseases. Against the background of cyanocobalamin deficiency, HIV infection develops twice as quickly.
  • Rising arterial pressure, which is important for hypotensive patients.
  • Support respiratory system. When there is a deficiency of oxygen in the blood, B12 pushes cells to consume chalcogen. It is thanks to cyanocobalamin that a person survives longer without air.
  • Accelerating the process of protein breakdown. It has been proven that anabolic processes in cells human body pass only with the participation of cyanocobalamin. That is why these vitamins are recommended for athletes during the period of gaining muscle mass.
  • Removal of homocysteine ​​from the body, the presence of which increases the risk of developing heart disease (myocardial infarction).
  • Bringing blood cholesterol levels to normal.
  • Optimization of the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acids that form cell nuclei.
  • Participation in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For this reason, vitamin B12 preparations are prescribed to normalize metabolic processes.
  • The formation of a special sheath on the fibers of the central nervous system, which subsequently turns into succinic acid. In case of cyanocobalamin deficiency, there is a lack of myelin (the sheath is formed from it), which impairs the transmission of impulses from muscle cells to the brain. As a result, numbness of the arms or legs (“goosebumps”) occurs.
  • Ensuring the occurrence of metabolic processes involving carotenes and the subsequent conversion of the latter into vitamin A.

Positive effects of vitamin B12, functions and unique properties substances made him one of popular means in matters of health promotion.

Cyanocobalamin provides normal work internal organs, is involved in many functions, and its deficiency leads to a number of unpleasant consequences:

  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • atrophic gastritis;
  • sclerosis;
  • development of anemia;
  • depression and other problems.

Indications for use

Vitamin B12 in tablets or capsules prescribed for treatment a number of diseases:

  • myelosis;
  • bone injuries;
  • polyneuritis;
  • diabetic neuropathy;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuralgic diseases;
  • anmyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • causalgia and others.

Daily dosage

When determining daily norm vitamin B12, pay attention to the following factors:

  • rhythm of life;
  • health status;
  • age.

How much vitamin B12 should you take? The daily rate is as follows:

  • For children from birth to six months - 0.5 mcg.
  • Between the ages of seven and twelve months - 0.5-0.9 mcg.
  • In the period from one to three years - 0.9-1.2 mcg.
  • Children from four to eight years old - 1.2-1.8 mcg.
  • Teenagers from nine to thirteen years old - 1.8-2.4 mcg.
  • Adults - 2.4-2.6 mcg.
  • Pregnancy and lactation - 2.6-2.8 mcg.

Requirement for cyanocobalamin increases in the following cases:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases - gastric resection, diffuse gastritis.
  • Excessive addiction to alcohol.
  • Regular intake of antacid medications.
  • Surgical intervention.
  • Smoking. It has been proven that cigarette smoke entering the mouth and lungs destroys B12.
  • Passion for yeast bread. Studies have shown that after temperature treatment, fungi dangerous to the body do not die, which leads to disruption of the microflora of the stomach.
  • Intake of food preservatives.
  • Stressful conditions. When a person experiences emotional shock, adrenaline is produced, the excessive supply of which has a negative action on B12.
  • Increased consumption of radishes, onions and garlic and other products that destroy intestinal microflora. As a result, the absorption process of the vitamin slows down, and this leads to a lack of vital compounds in the body.
  • Lack of sunlight.

In the cases discussed above, it is recommended to increase the intake of vitamin B12 (norm per day). by 15-25 percent.

B12 sources

Cyanocobalamin is a substance that is synthesized by animals and plants. Despite the fact that B12 must enter the human body through food, a small amount useful substance is also produced in the large intestine. But the problem is that the substance not digestible due to the inability to absorb the vitamin into the body's bloodstream.

Most B12 is found in the following foods:

  • Heart, kidneys and liver of cattle.

A small amount of B12 contains:

  • Vegetables - green onions, spinach, cabbage, garlic, radishes.
  • Fruits - peaches, plums, apricots.

Unlike other representatives of group B, cyanocobalamin is retained in large volumes even during cooking. So, with 45-minute frying, only 25% useful substance. Despite the resistance to elevated temperatures, such an action should still be kept to a minimum. So, when boiling milk for 20-25 minutes all useful elements are destroyed.

Preparations with vitamin B12

Thanks to wide range actions, participation in biosynthesis and metabolic processes, ability to eliminate functional disorders and diseases, cyanocobalamin is often used in medicine.

The most popular preparations with vitamin B12 include:

  1. Vitamin B12 from Solgar. The drug is designed to preserve cells and accelerate their division, protein production and ensure optimal fat metabolism. One tablet contains 1000 mg active substance. The supplement is prescribed to eliminate weakness, fatigue and depression. In addition, regular use of the drug helps strengthen memory and improve the condition of the body. For better absorption, vitamin B12 tablets are placed under the tongue until completely dissolved. Often this drug is replaced intramuscular injection additives. The recommended dosage is one tablet per day. Taking this drug is especially recommended for people who are on a vegetarian diet. Benefits:
    • presence in the package of 100 tablets;
    • absence of starch and salt;
    • use only natural ingredients;
    • quality control (product made in the USA).

  2. Vitamin B12 from Now Foods- an additive designed to solve the following problems:
    • Maintaining the nervous system.
    • Acceleration of cell division synthesis.
    • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
    • Normalization of methionine metabolism, which improves the process of supplying cells with oxygen.
    • Strengthening bone tissue and acceleration of its formation.
    • Improving the functioning of the central nervous system. Taking this medicine, which contains vitamin B12, reduces the risk nervous disorders and muscle dysfunction.
    • Normalizes growth processes and stimulates protein production in the body.

    The drug from Now Foods is prescribed in the following cases:

    • polyneuritis;
    • radiculitis;
    • migraines and neuralgia;
    • dystrophy;
    • depression;
    • osteoporosis;
    • radiation sickness;
    • skin diseases;
    • anemia;
    • menopause in women;
    • liver diseases.

    Contains one tablet 1000 mg vitamin B12, as well as excipients - fructose, mannitol, cellulose, magnesium stearate, cherry flavor and others.

    Advantages of the drug:

    • affordable price;
    • absence of foreign substances (soy, milk, corn, yeast and others).

    Dosage - one tablet per day. The drug lasts for oral cavity until completely dissolved.

  3. - vitamins B1, B6, B12 in tablets. The drug from a German manufacturer contains:
    • IN 1 - 100 mg;
    • AT 6 - 200 mg;
    • AT 12 - 240 mcg.

    The volume of cyanocobalamin in the composition is 20 percent more than required daily dosage. As a consequence, it is possible to obtain positive effect even with a deficiency of the substance in the body. The tablet also contains a number of additional elements, namely starch, gelatin, talc, cellulose, lactose, gelatin and magnesium stearate. The shell also contains a number of elements: calcium carbonate, silicon dioxide, kaolin and other substances.

    The composition of B12 vitamins in tablets is designed to cover daily requirement the body at its most important elements. After the drug enters the body, the following occurs:

    • Pyridoxine and thiamine are absorbed in the small intestine.
    • B12 is absorbed in the stomach and small intestine.

    Indications for use:

    • neuralgia;
    • neuritis;
    • inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

    In some cases taking the drug is not recommended, namely, with increased sensitivity to the elements of the additive, during lactation and pregnancy.

    An overdose manifests itself with the following symptoms:

    • stomach ache;
    • sweating;
    • rapid heartbeat;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • diarrhea;
    • peeling skin and itching.

    To eliminate the consequences of an overdose, gastric lavage is prescribed, and in case of skin damage, appropriate treatment is prescribed. When undergoing long-term therapy, it is important to monitor the state of the central nervous system.

  4. Neurovitan- a drug that contains the most important vitamins group B, including vitamins B6 and B12 (in tablets). The supplement is made in Italy, which is an additional guarantee of quality. Contains 240 mcg cyanocobalamin, which is enough to cover the daily requirement. As excipients the following are added - talc, povidone, starch, wax and paraffins. Neurovitan is prescribed for the following problems:
    • disruption of the central nervous system;
    • liver diseases;
    • skin diseases;
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
    • neuritis and others.

    The dosage of Neurovitan depends on the type of disease. Vitamins B 6 and B 12 in tablets are prescribed for daily use. A portion - 1-4 tablets per day. Pregnant women are allowed no more than 1 tablet per day.

The benefits of cyanocobalamin are invaluable. It is involved in many vital processes, regulates protein synthesis, is responsible for hematopoiesis, and normalizes metabolism. Now you know why vitamin B12 is useful, what tablets and foods contain it, and what dosage is recommended to take it. All you have to do is follow the recommendations and take care of your health.
