Eye drops for children 2 years old. A list of allergy eye drops for children of different ages with instructions. When can you do without drops?

With conjunctivitis, the mucous membrane of the eye and eyelid becomes inflamed. This disease very often affects children: from infants to teenagers. Although it causes a lot of trouble for a sick child, it is completely curable. To treat the eyes, it is necessary to choose the right drops for conjunctivitis for children. The ophthalmologist will advise them after diagnosis. eye disease.

What are the best drops for childhood conjunctivitis? In order to find out, you need to know accurate diagnosis, which can only be given to a child by a doctor. After all, there are several types of conjunctivitis.

Type of conjunctivitis: What can cause it? Characteristic symptoms
Bacterial Pathogenic bacteria that enter the eye mucosa through dirty hands or other objects. If a child often rubs his eyes or touches them with toys, streptococci and staphylococci enter the eye tissue and begin to multiply, causing an inflammatory process. This type of illness can be caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as chlamydia. Children can get them from an infected mother or by everyday means when using infected items. Discharge from the eyes of a grayish or yellowish cloudy liquid with a viscous consistency. Because of it, children's eyelashes stick together, there is a burning sensation and disturbing foreign object.

Usually, with the right medications and hygiene, the disease can be cured in two to three days.

Viral Here inflammation is caused Various types viruses: adenoviruses, enteroviruses, herpes pathogen, others. Viral conjunctivitis often accompanies colds, sharp respiratory infections with sore throat and high temperature, as well as catarrhal rhinitis. All these ailments plague children, especially in winter and spring. This type of disease often affects preschool children, including infants. Usually this inflammation affects one eye. The secreted liquid is pale and transparent. The child feels a burning sensation and itching, and constant tearing. But eyelashes with this type of disease do not stick together. To treat such conjunctivitis, you will need not only drops, but also antiviral medications taken orally.
Allergic This disease occurs due to the response child's body to an allergic irritant: pollen, household chemicals, pet fur. In children, this type of disease is often accompanied by the development allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. The eyelids and mucous membranes swell a little and itch a lot, sometimes they turn slightly red and ache. This conjunctivitis usually affects both organs of vision. Treatment here is carried out through the elimination of the irritant in combination with medical care for a concomitant illness.

IN separate group it is also possible to distinguish the purulent type of this disease due to the characteristics of its manifestation and the need additional treatment. And in newborn babies, the inflammatory process occurs due to blockage of the lacrimal canal.

Good eye drops can be selected based on the causative agent of the disease against which they are directed, as well as the severity of the disease and the age of the child.

How to deal with bacteria and viruses

Eye inflammation in children requires special treatment. Eye drops the most suitable, because they can be instilled even for a child up to one year old. They are prescribed by a doctor depending on the type of conjunctivitis.

What products fight best against pathogenic bacteria?

Here is a list of drops that doctors can prescribe against bacterial conjunctivitis:

  • Albucid. It is prescribed against the disease most often, because the spectrum of action is quite wide: all types of bacteria, chlamydia, accinomycetes. Its price is low, and the product can be used even for children of the first year of life. It is also recommended to drip this drug into the nose. Disadvantages include a possible burning sensation and, occasionally, redness and itching.
  • Fucithalmic. It also helps against various types of bacteria and can be used for children of different ages. The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components, in particular to fusidic acid. If after a week of use the results are not noticeable, this medicine should be replaced with another one.
  • Ciprofloxacin. Has a wide range of effects. It can only be used by children after they reach one year of age.
  • Levomycetin. Also refers to antibiotics for wide use. This product does not sting the eyes, but individual intolerance is possible. Contraindicated for children under two years of age.
  • Phloxal. The main active substance here is ofloxacin, which has extremely strong antibacterial properties. This antibiotic does not cause eye irritation and is suitable for treating children of any age, including infants. The disadvantages of this remedy against conjunctivitis include the rather high cost and the fact that after opening the drug can be stored for only a month and a half.
  • Tobrex. Basics active substance(tobramycin) copes well with a variety of bacteria, including streptococci and staphylococci. Does not provide irritant effect on the eyes. Suitable for children of different ages. Among the disadvantages there is the possibility allergic reaction and enough high price drug.
  • Vitabact. Has a wide range antimicrobial action. It fights not only against bacteria, but also some viruses and most fungi. Treatment is carried out for ten days. The only contraindications are hypersensitivity to the components.

There is also a list of popular drugs for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis.

The following eye drops are suitable for this disease:

  • Interferon. This product not only copes well with viruses, but also improves the protective properties of the eyes. It is usually offered in pharmaceutical retail outlets in powder form. Its cost is low. To obtain drops, the powder must be diluted with water. You can store the prepared product for no longer than two days in the refrigerator. The disadvantages include next property drug: with prolonged use it stops giving positive result.
  • Oftalmoferon. This remedy helps with such conjunctivitis, while relieving allergic reactions and strengthening the immune system. Fights well external symptoms– itching, swelling, redness. This is important, because with conjunctivitis, the baby constantly tries to scratch his eyes, which causes the risk of additional infection. You can take the drug until complete recovery without reducing the effect. There are no side effects. The only negative is that after opening the package the shelf life of the drug is only 30 days.
  • Florenal. High therapeutic effect allows you to quickly cure viral conjunctivitis. For children, take a 0.1 percent solution. The only side effect is a slight burning sensation after instillation.
  • Tebrofen. Used to combat the herpes virus in children. It is very effective, but may cause a burning sensation.
  • Oftan I'm coming. Helps with superficial viral keratitis and conjunctivitis caused by the herpes virus. The product is extremely effective, but has contraindications. Thus, its components can cause an allergic reaction, as well as itching and burning in the organs of vision. Children under two years old should not use such drops.
  • Aktipol. Also very good for healing conjunctivitis. It has antiviral, immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects. Occasional use of the product can cause a local allergic reaction and hyperemia.

  • Dexamethasone. The drug has a rapid effect on inflamed areas and serious antiviral properties. With the help of these drops, inflammation can be relieved in a matter of hours. But it is not recommended to use Dexamethasone for longer than 14 days.

Floxal has a wide range of effects and can help not only with bacterial, but also with viral conjunctivitis. Tobrex also helps with both types of disease.

What will help with allergic disease

Treatment for allergic conjunctivitis passes through the elimination of the allergen, which is successfully dealt with by antihistamines in the form eye drops.

The most popular of them:

A drug Advantages Flaws
Allergodil The medicine has an inhibitory effect on mast cell degranulation, which inhibits the release of active allergens. All this gives a quick therapeutic effect. Children under four years of age are not allowed to take this drug.
Cortisone Hormonal remedy, simultaneously has both anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties. Allows you to get rid of the disease quickly and effectively. It can only be used after detailed consultation with a highly qualified doctor, because the product has many side effects.
Cromohexal, Alomide Such drugs are prescribed for chronic allergic conjunctivitis. They stabilize mast cells and give a lasting effect without discomfort. Under four years of age.
Allergodil, Spersaller Treatment with these drops is to reduce the reaction to the pathogen, which gives an almost instant effect. You can also drip if the child is four years old.
Opatanol Allergy medication used for long-term treatment without any unpleasant consequences. Can only be used after three years.
Levocabastine Quickly and effectively relieves all signs of the disease. These drops are not exactly for children, they are more suitable for teenagers who are twelve years old.
Lecrolin Fights against acute and chronic form conjunctivitis, including the seasonal type of the disease. Due to their mild action, they can be recommended even for babies in their first year of life. There may be a burning sensation in the eyes.

This disease, like any other, is much easier to prevent. After all, it’s difficult to explain to a child why such a thing is needed. unpleasant procedure, like instilling droplets.

TO preventive measures can be attributed:

  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules;
  • regular cleaning of the children's room with cleaning of all toys;
  • use of air purifiers and humidifiers;
  • proper diet with an abundance of vitamins that serve as immunostimulants;
  • prevention of colds and other ailments of a viral and bacterial nature.

But if the baby is sick, the treatment of conjunctivitis in the child cannot be prescribed independently by the parents.

Only an experienced doctor will prescribe the necessary eye drops, which will quickly relieve any type of ailment and help preserve vision.

Conjunctivitis is an unpleasant thing for a person of any age. Discharge, burning and other troubles cause a lot of trouble. However, ironically, children are more susceptible to this disease than adults.

Even babies who are under one year old get conjunctivitis. The good news is that it is not too difficult to overcome the disease. In the case of a child, the main task of parents is to choose the right eye drops for newborns.

Nature of the disease

Conjunctivitis can be not only viral or bacterial in nature, but also a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

To choose the right drug, you need to determine what exactly causes conjunctivitis. Therefore, at the first symptoms, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.

The doctor will prescribe adequate treatment. Until this time, you can help the child yourself by determining the nature of the illness based on a number of signs - and choosing a medicine.

Important! There are a lot of drops for newborns, but some of them are dangerous to the child’s health.

In particular, Levomycetin, these eye drops should absolutely not be used by children under three years of age: they can provoke serious problems with kidneys. Other medications, such as Tobrex eye drops, are completely safe and very effective.

Allergic conjunctivitis

This type of conjunctivitis is very rare in newborns. Much more often children over three to four years of age are attacked. But if a newborn baby is still found to have allergic form conjunctivitis, it should be treated in the same way as any other allergy: protect the child from exposure to the allergen and start taking antihistamines. In this case, you should not use eye drops for newborns for conjunctivitis.

Bacterial form of conjunctivitis

This type of disease is the most common. And it’s very easy to catch it: just rub your eyes with dirty hands. Put it in the eyes of a newborn pathogenic bacteria maybe he himself and his parents.

A child is a tireless explorer, exploring a new and wonderful world every minute. When your miracle begins to touch and taste everything, it is simply impossible to constantly keep your hands perfectly clean. Unfortunately, in the process of learning, a child collects a lot of bacteria on his hands and can easily bring them into his eyes.

To prevent illness, your child’s hands should not only be washed very often, but also dried with a clean towel. It is unacceptable to use a common towel or wipe with the same cloth after washing and rinsing. The last action greatly helps microbes from the excretory organs to “scatter” throughout the child’s body.

Symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis:

  1. The child’s eyes hurt (he constantly rubs them, expressing dissatisfaction);
  2. Yellow crusts form on the eyelids;
  3. The eyes begin to discharge pus (a viscous yellow-gray substance, most often noticeable after waking up) or increase watery eyes;
  4. The child’s eyelids stick together due to discharge (also most often after sleep).

Newborns “do not know how” to cry tears, so you should be wary if you notice any discharge from the baby’s eyes.

Medicines for bacterial conjunctivitis

  • Futsitalmic drops are an antibiotic local action. Viscous substance white due to its structure, it lasts a long time on eyes affected by conjunctivitis, which makes the drops very effective. Place the drug one drop at a time in each eye of the child twice a day for a week. If after time the conjunctivitis does not recede, you need to change the medicine;

Attention! After opening the bottle, the drops are not suitable for use. longer than a month.

Average cost – 350 rubles.

  • Sodium sulfacyl, or Albucid drops, is sulfacetamide diluted with water. The drug fights germs remarkably well, but may leave a burning sensation in the eyes after instillation. For the treatment of small patients, only a 20% solution can be used, so do not forget to check the dosage at the pharmacy;

An open bottle of medicine can be stored for no longer than a month. Albucid eye drops for newborns are instilled into the conjunctival sac, 1-2 drops 4 to 6 times a day.

Average price – 55 rubles.

  • "Vitabact" eye drops for newborns is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial medicine. The child needs to instill Vitabact drops 2 to 6 times a day. The course of treatment usually lasts ten days, but can be continued;

Price – about 250 rubles.

  • Erythromycin ointment is very cheap, but effective remedy from inflammation of the eyes. It is applied to the lower eyelid three times a day. The question of how long to treat depends on the form of the disease and the severity of the course. On average, the course does not exceed two weeks. Cost – about 27 rubles. Before use, consultation with a doctor is required!
  • Tobrex ointment and drops - effective antimicrobial drug, which can also be used for the youngest children. Tobrex eye drops for newborns should be dripped under the lower eyelid five times a day after four hours. The ointment is also applied under the child’s lower eyelid before bedtime.

Viral conjunctivitis

Usually this trouble manifests itself against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection or the flu (see the Healthy Child course to raise your baby healthy>>>). Its manifestations differ from the bacterial form in the absence of pus discharge from the eyes. It’s just that a sick child’s eyes begin to water and itch a lot. This type of conjunctivitis begins in one eye and quickly spreads to the other.

How to treat viral conjunctivitis?

  1. Ophthalmoferon drops simultaneously fight the virus and stimulate the mechanisms immune system. By activating local “services” of the immune system, the drops increase the speed recovery processes corneal tissue. The dosage of the medicine depends on how severe the child's symptoms are. The drug should be instilled 2 to 8 times a day, 1 to 2 drops. The average duration of treatment is five days. In pharmacies, drops can be found for about 300 rubles;
  2. Kali "Actipol" is antiviral drug, which increases the production of interferon in the body. It effectively relieves eye swelling and heals the cornea. The drops should be used 3 to 8 times a day, 2 drops in each eye of the child. It is very important to complete a course lasting 10 days, even if the symptoms of the disease disappear earlier. Costs on average 150 rubles;
  3. Zovirax ointment is applied five times a day every 4 hours. A strip of the drug approximately 10 mm long should be placed under the child’s lower eyelid. Treatment normally continues until healing and for another three days after it. The cost in pharmacies is about 300 rubles.

When conjunctivitis affects only one eye, you still need to instill drops or apply ointment in both. Why? Into a diseased eye - for cure, into a healthy eye - for prevention. Because a child can at any time transfer conjunctivitis from the affected eye to the one that is more fortunate.

In addition, when putting drops into your eyes, try not to touch the cornea with the pipette. Microbes can settle on the bottle and cause re-infection the next time the drop is used. If the tip of the pipette does touch the eye, it must be treated with a disinfectant.

Instead of an epilogue, I would like to say once again: dear mothers, conjunctivitis is a common infection, which is relatively easy to overcome in a child. And most children calmly tolerate the instillation process - and this is a very big plus. The main thing is to notice in time alarming symptoms and start immediately competent treatment, after reading articles and reviews about eye drops for newborns.

Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye occurs due to various pathogenic factors: microorganisms, mechanical particles, colds. Properly selected anti-inflammatory drops will help relieve various manifestations illness, as well as accelerate tissue regeneration.

Types of drops

As a remedy for inflammatory processes, specialists prescribe drops with steroidal, non-steroidal and combined components.

Types of eye drops:

Also, an acute inflammatory process can occur against the background of an allergic reaction. When histamine is released, changes occur in the mucous membrane. These reduce it protective function, making it much easier to become a victim of infection or bacterial irritant.

For treatment allergic inflammation Specialized drops are used in the mucous membrane to block the release of histamine. Most of them are characterized by a high speed of action and duration of effect.

Antibiotic drops for inflammatory processes

Depending on the cause of the irritation, ophthalmologists may prescribe steroid eye drops for eye inflammation. They contain at least one active component characterized by a high spectrum of action.

Name Composition and application
Albucid This is a solution of sodium sulfacyl. Used to treat bacterial conjunctivitis, eyelid diseases and some types of fungal diseases. Due to its aggressive action, it is recommended to drip Levomycetin along with this antibiotic - it will speed up the recovery processes.
Vitabact The composition includes piloskidine, which blocks the proliferation of various pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes. Used to treat conjunctivitis, trachoma, keratitis. Not recommended for use in children under 8 years of age.
L-Optic Active component The drug is levofloxacin hemihydrate. It is an antimicrobial substance with extremely wide range actions. In ophthalmology it is used to treat bacterial inflammation, blepharitis, and dry eyes. Prescribed for pregnant women and children over 1 year of age.
Tsiprolet Contains ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. It is prescribed for the treatment of various bacterial diseases eyes (including ulcers), acute inflammatory processes, as well as to accelerate tissue restoration. Contraindicated for use in pregnant women.
Uniflox The drops contain ofloxacin, making the drug a new generation antibiotic. Prescribed for the treatment of keratitis, ulcers, and inflammation caused by other pathogenic organisms sensitive to the main component.
Tobrex Urgent drops to relieve inflammation. Almost instantly eliminates redness and itching, thanks to tobramycin in the composition they accelerate the restoration of the mucous membrane. Approved for use by children over 3 years old.
Chloramphenicol This is an analogue of Levomycitin. Inexpensive drops that quickly combat redness of the mucous membrane, swelling and bacterial exposure. Helps moisturize the cornea.

These medications can be prescribed exclusively by an ophthalmologist who conducted the examination and tests.

Antiviral drops

If no pathogenic bacterial effect is noticed during eye irritation, then antiviral drops are prescribed for redness and inflammation.

Name Composition and scope
Acular LS Ketorolacatromethamine has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The active component quickly reduces temperature, eliminates swelling and redness. Strictly prohibited for use in pregnant women.
Diklo F They are Diclofenac. Characterized by an analgesic effect. Used to eliminate inflammation resulting from damage to the mucous membrane or cornea mechanically. Safe for use by children, with virtually no side effects.
Nevanak The best post-operative drops. In ophthalmology they are used to eliminate swelling and pain after surgical intervention or removal of the irritant by invasive means. Help relieve fatigue, normalize lacrimation, and accelerate regenerative processes.
Oftan Dexamethasone A representative of combined drops with a wide area of ​​action. Active substances is dexamethasone. It is characterized by a strong anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. Has a high speed of action. Relieves redness, swelling, eliminates itching.

Anti-allergy drops

An allergic reaction causes itching in the eyes, swelling, and uncontrollable lacrimation. To get rid of these and many other symptoms, doctors recommend using specialized drops against inflammation and allergies.

Name Composition and description
Opatanol Very good drops. Consist of olopatadine solution. This substance is considered one of the most powerful antihistamine compounds. The product is characterized by high efficiency and long-lasting effect. Suitable for long term use. Allowed for children over 3 years old.
Allergodil Contains azelastine. It is considered a drug with “urgent” action. Instantly relieves swelling, hyperthermia of the eyelids, eliminates itching and the feeling of “dry” eyes. Can be used long time, but only under the supervision of a specialist.
Ketotifen Consists of clenbuterol hypochloride. This compound strengthens the mucous membrane, normalizes the viscosity of tears, and promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. At the same time, it blocks mast cells and eliminates visible signs allergic reaction.
Vizin alert A unique composition that allows you to simultaneously get rid of inflammation, redness and restore normal lacrimation. It is an improved prototype of the drops of the same name. Not allowed for use during pregnancy, when wearing lenses, or for children under 12.

Universal drops

Naturally, diseases are not always the cause of redness and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye. When working at a computer for a long time, the body can react to a light stimulus in the same way as to a mechanical one.

To prevent dry eye syndrome, eliminate pain, fatigue and redness, it is recommended to use special drops for inflammation of the eyelids and eyes. This list includes:

Name Composition and action
Visine Constricts blood vessels, thereby significantly reducing the redness of the protein. It has a local anti-wrinkle effect, but is not recommended for long-term use.
Okumetil Refers to combined anti-inflammatory drugs. Has anti-allergenic and vasoconstrictive effects. At the same time, it helps reduce swelling and get rid of eye fatigue. The active ingredient is zinc sulfate.
Polinadim This remedy is the most effective combination of diphenhydramine and naphthyzine. This tandem has both a cooling and calming effect. Thanks to this, immediately after use, blinking becomes easier, fatigue disappears, and the mucous membranes are moisturized.
Alomid The main component is lodoxamide. The drug is able to block the release of histamine, urgently relieve inflammation and redness. It is also prescribed to restore damaged tissues and moisturize the eyelid.

Before using any drops, it is important to read the instructions for use. Otherwise, side effects or worsening of existing conditions may occur.

How to use drops

Brief instructions for using eye drops:

  1. You need to wash your hands thoroughly and wipe your eyes with Chlorhexidine solution. This will remove pathogenic microorganisms and cleans the outer surface of the eye;
  2. Gently pulling lower eyelid, you need to drop the number of drops indicated in the instructions into the eye sac;
  3. Excess product must be removed using a sterile cotton swab.

For some time after instillation there may be discomfort: Blurred vision, watery eyes, or mild burning sensation. If these symptoms do not go away within 10 - 15 minutes, then the remedy is not suitable for you and it is recommended to choose another drug.

Eye drops for children are not so universal that they can help against any type of eye disease. Each drug consists of a specific list of those that are prescribed to eliminate one (or several of the same type) ailment.

Before choosing a suitable solution, it is important not only to consult a doctor, but also to find out for yourself the characteristics, methods of use and other parameters about the pharmacy product. Drops are mainly prescribed for children by doctors. Therefore, the dosage, methods of application and features of eye drops for a child, storage rules - all this is explained by the doctor.

Eye drops for children - TOP 5 drugs

Among large quantities there are drugs on the shelves of pharmacies different variants solution preparations. It is difficult to single out some drops for children and put them in first place because you first need to understand what exactly they will be used for. Therefore, we present the most popular options, which are dispensed in pharmacies strictly according to prescription.

1 place. Atropine ophthalmic solution

Description Characteristics
Pharmacological group Alkaloid of plant origin.

Pupil dilator.

Release form - colorless solution (1%) in a bottle.
Compound - an alkaloid of the nightshade family.
Minor Components - water for injection;

Hydrochloric acid;

Atropite sulfate.

Volume, ml 5
What is it shown for? - risks of blood clots;

Arterial spasms in the retina;

To relax muscles;

Injuries to the organs of vision;

Inflammatory eye diseases, when complete rest is necessary.

When is it contraindicated? - synechia of the iris;


Children under 7 years old.

Side effects - decreased sensitivity of the dermis;

Dry mouth;

Redness of the whites and eyelids;

Urinary problems;


Anxiety, restlessness;

Headache, dizziness;


Instructions for use Necessarily under the supervision of a doctor - relaxes the eye muscles, which can lead to paralysis of the organ!
Shelf life 3 years
price, rub.

(average for Russia)

Manufacturer Russia, Moscow Endocrine Plant, LLC Pilot Plant GNTsLS, etc.
2nd place. Tobrex eye drops for children

Description Characteristics
Group in pharmaceuticals Antibiotic (group of aminoglycosides).
Product form - low-density polyethylene bottle with a dropper for the solution.
Components - tobramycin (3 mg/1 ml).
Minor substances - boric acid;

Sodium sulfate;

Sodium hydroxide, etc.

Volume, weight (ml) 5
Indications - blepharitis;

Conjunctivitis (bacterial nature);

Barley inflammation;




Approved for use from birth.

Contraindications Individual sensitivity to the substance in the composition.
Side effects After overdose - violations:

Hearing function;


Renal system.

Instructions 1-2 drops 5 rubles/day.

General course – 7 days.

Shelf life 3 years

(average for Russia), rub.

Manufacturer Belgium, Alkon-Cuvrior N.V. S.A.”
3rd place. Eye drops for children Levomycetin (wide choice of release forms)

Description Characteristics
Place in pharmacology Antibacterial.



Production form - solution;

Ointment (1%, 5%);



Alcohol tincture (0.5, 1, 3, 5%).

Composition of active substances - chloramphenicol (0.25%).
Add-on components - purified water;

Boric acid.

Weight, volume, mg, ml. - solution;

Ointment (1%, 5%);

Tablets – 250-500;

Capsules – 250-500;

Alcohol tincture.

When to use


- conjunctivitis;






When not to use


- for skin diseases of a fungal, infectious nature;

Reduced hematopoiesis;

Individual hypersensitivity to the components in the composition.

Children up to 4 months old.



Nursing mothers;

Patients after chemotherapy or radiation;

Patients with liver failure.

Side effects of the child - diarrhea;


Nausea or vomiting;


Exceeding the dose leads to a decrease in protein production in the body.

Instructions on how to drip correctly 1-2 drops 5 rubles/day.

Do not use for longer than 2 weeks.

Children under 4 months of age strictly according to medical prescription and supervision.

Expiration dates, how to store 2 years.

After opening, do not use after 30 days.


(average Russian market), rub.

Production Russia, JSC "LECCO"
4th place. Albucid children's eye drops

Description Characteristics
Pharmacological type of medicine Antibacterial.
Therapeutic effect Prevents germs and bacteria from multiplying in the mucous membrane.
In what form is it produced? - solution (20-30%) in a plastic bottle with a dispenser.
Main cast - sodium sulfacyl (sulfanilamide).
Supporting cast - water;

Sodium thiosulfate;

Hydrochloric acid.

Volume, weight (ml) 5 or 10
In what cases is it indicated? - blenorrhea;


Purulent corneal ulcer;





Escherichia coli;

Runny nose.

Approved for use from birth.

In what cases is it contraindicated? It is not allowed to be used in conjunction with medications that contain silver ions.
By-effect - itching;

Burning sensation;


Redness of the dermis around the eyes;

Rashes on the body.

Instructions for use 2-3 drops 6 rubles/day.
Storage period 2 years.

After opening the bottle – 1 month.

price, rub.

(on average, Russia)

From 70 to 100.
Manufacturing company Russia, PFC "Obnovlenie".
5th place. Ophthalmic baby solution Phloxal

Description Characteristics
Place in pharmacology Bactericidal.


Therapeutic effect It comes quickly - within 10-15 minutes.

Lasts for 4-6 hours.

Factory release form - solution in a plastic bottle with a dropper.
Active substances in the composition - ofloxacin (0.3%).
Additional binders - sodium hydroxide and chloride;

Benzalkonium chloride;

Hydrochloric acid;

Pure water (for injection).

Volume, ml 5
Indications - viral;

Bacterial conjunctivitis;

Chlamydial lesions;


Corneal ulcer;



Possible for newborns.

Contraindications - CNS;


Sprains, ruptures, and other tendon injuries;

Intolerance to fluoroquinolones.

Side effect - tearfulness;


Dryness (“sand”);


Overflow of conjunctival vessels with blood.

Instructions 2 drops each 2 rubles/day

An acceptable increase in the frequency of instillation is up to 5 times a day.

How long to store After opening the bottle, it cannot be stored for more than 6 weeks.
Cost, rub.

(approximately for the Russian market)

Country of origin, brand Germany, Chemical-Pharmaceutical Enterprise GmbH, Dr. Gerhard Mann.

Types of pediatric eye medications

Good to know

Eye drops for children are in all cases prescribed by a pediatric ophthalmologist.

It is important to know the groups into which particular drugs are classified, what they are, and what their features are. One thing to note important feature– antiseptics and antibacterial types of drugs are considered almost the same thing. Functional similarities are also observed in other variants, which have similar tasks. For example, drops against infectious conjunctivitis and antiseptic solutions can be alternated and used simultaneously.

Table. Types of drops for treating vision organs in children



Description Drop names

for children

Disease, features Name


Therapists They treat a specific eye disease in children. For example:

Myopia (nearsightedness);


Ptosis (problems with the upper eyelid);

Nystagmus (fast moving eyeballs);

Myopia “Taufon”, “Irifrin” (from 12 years old), “Ujala” (from 6 years old), “Visioned” (from 3 years old), “Okovit” (from 12 years old).
Glaucoma “Makulin”, “Arutimol”, “Visomitin”, “Ganfort”, “Dorzopt”, “Ocumed”.
Ptosis “Clear gaze” (treated surgically).
Nystagmus Vasodilators - “Trental”, “Cavinton”, “Angiotrophin”.
Strabismus Moisturizing - "Visomitin" and others like it.

(against allergies)

Eyes can become very watery and red from inflammation and allergies in children. Antihistamines block histamine cells to stop the reaction. Allergies after 4 years "Azelastine", "Allergodil".
Allergies after 6 years "Lakrisifi"
Antibacterial Treatment of eye diseases of viral, bacterial and infectious nature is provided.

Here, either sulfonamides or antibiotics would be appropriate for severe progression.

From 1 year
Any age “Fucitalmic”, “Floxal”, “Tobrex”, Vitabact.
After 2 years "Ciprofloxacin"
Antiviral Capable of eliminating most varieties of viral microorganisms that negatively affect the organs of vision.

Newborns are shown drops made on the basis of the substance - “”.

It can strengthen the child’s immunity by producing antibodies.

From birth "Interferon", "Ophthalmoferon"
After 12 months of age "Florenal", "Aktipol".
After 2 years "Tebrofen", "Oftan Idu", "Dexamethasone".
Antiseptic The disinfecting effect of these types of drops applies to any type of eye disease. From birth “Ophthalmoferon”, “Tsiprolet”, “Vitabakt”.


Used in any case where the eyes become inflamed. And they can become inflamed various reasons, including:

From bacteria;

For allergic reactions;

During viral activity;

For infectious and microbial infections.

Most of the above drops also have an anti-inflammatory effect. But in case of severe damage, antibiotics may be prescribed - Sintomycin eye instillation solution.

General rules of indications and contraindications

It is imperative to periodically examine the eyes of babies, observe for redness, excessive tearing, suppuration, burst or dilated vessels. Which eye drops are suitable for children under one year of age should always be read in the instructions that come with the drug. In acute forms of the disease, you should not use different drops at the same time; you must first eliminate main reason. In order to use the drops for their intended purpose, they are diagnosed by a competent specialist.

Instructions for use - how to properly apply eye drops to a child

Rules for using drops for children:

  1. Reading the instructions before use is a must!
  2. Carefully open the special neck for instillation.
  3. If there is no device for dispensing drops, a sterile pipette is used.
  4. It should be instilled under the lower eyelid in the corner of the eye.
  5. You should try not to touch the apple with the bottle or your fingers.
  6. After the medicine comes under the eyelid, the child should be told to blink. For babies, you can close and open the eyelid with light movements of your fingers.

Good to know

A single dosage each time usually does not exceed 1-2 drops in each organ of vision. Daily norm frequency – 3-4 times. General course – 1 or 2 weeks. In some instructions, the manufacturer indicates restrictions for use - no more than 10 days, for example.

Is it permissible to give a child prophylaxis with eye drops?

Eye drops for children can be used to prevent and protect a child from a pathogenic environment if there is a suspicion of a risk of infection or bacteria.

Prevention measures:

  1. Hygiene is a must!
  2. Rubbing the eyes with chamomile decoction.
  3. The use of moisturizing non-therapeutic drops in case of dry eye syndrome.
  4. Taking external immunomodulatory drops to protect the child’s body from the viral environment.
  5. Eye exercises are also important when using any drops.
  6. If the instructions describe many side effects, then such drugs are not suitable for prevention.

Preventative moisturizers can be the following means- “Systane”, “”, “Itone” (Ayurveda, homeopathic), “Oftagel”, “Vidisik” or “Lycontin”. For daily gymnastics, just rotate eyeballs in different directions, focusing/defocusing vision, looking at objects located at different distances. Exercises are done 10-15 times. They strengthen muscles and prevent them from atrophying.

Several reviews from users

Review #1

I read reviews about “Levomycetin” on various sites on the Internet and, to be honest, I still didn’t understand why this negative attitude to these drops. My son was treated with eye drops for about a week for conjunctivitis. Personally, we did not notice any exacerbations or side effects - everything went smoothly. We gave ourselves one drop at a time, because it’s a virus. In a word, an excellent drug, we did not have any allergies.

Vitaly, Moscow

Review #2

My daughter (3.4 years old) had an injury - she was playing in the sandbox, and a boy poured some sand into her eyes. They washed it for a long time, but apparently the infection still got there. The eyes began to fester after 2 days. The doctor identified purulent ulcers and prescribed tablets with Albucid drops.

He said to instill not one or two, but 2-3 drops each time, and 6 times a day! After about 3-4 days, my daughter began to wake up and no longer felt pain, and less suppuration began to appear. Then everything went away completely. No side effects were observed, everything was fine.

Sayanova Alina, St. Petersburg

Review #3

My granddaughter brought it to my dacha in the summer. And, wow, a misfortune happened - he got conjunctivitis from somewhere. The boy is almost 5 years old. What can we do, it was a bit far to go to the doctor, so we went to the nearest pharmacy. They said it was the safest and the best option- this is to buy Tobrex, which, they say, all doctors praise it.

I bought it at my own risk and didn’t tell my parents anything. I read the instructions, it doesn’t seem to cause any special side effects. In general, both began to drip. Within half a day I saw healing effect– the granddaughter’s eyes became a little less red. After 5 days, no conjunctivitis at all - everything disappeared as if by hand. Excellent drops. I recommend!

Sergey Petrovich, Minsk

Review No. 4

My son (8 months old) was prescribed Floxal solution against barley. Its cost, really. I was upset, somehow such drops are very expensive. But I think the main thing is that there is an effect. Turns out it's the cure. fast acting! The redness at the site of the stye began to subside within half an hour after instillation.

We all had to dig in for 5 days, but I didn’t start digging in on the 4th day, since everything went away quickly. Very cool droplets and can be used for kids!

Margarita, Ekaterinburg
