Thick venous blood causes. What to do if the blood is thick: causes and treatment in men. What does increased blood density lead to?

"Thick blood" - a common definition of a complex of symptoms arising as a result of one of 3 mechanisms of pathogenesis: an increase in the content of erythrocytes (above 5.1 * 10^12 / l in women and 5.6 * 10^12 / l in men) and hematocrit (44% and 49%, respectively); excessive amount of hemoglobin (more than 145 g/l in women and 165 g/l in men); excess of permissible viscosity values ​​(viscometry results above 4.9 in women and 5.4 in men). In the pathogenesis of the condition There are 3 aspects: increased cytosis, dyslipid and disproteinemia, dehydration.

Etiology of thick blood

Thick blood can be the result of an acutely developed condition or a consequence of chronic diseases, may be due to congenital and acquired pathologies or a peculiarity of the woman’s physiological state.

It also occurs due to the combined action of several factors and as one of the links in pathogenesis when any of the reasons influence the body:

Clinical manifestations

“Blood thickening” is a secondary manifestation of the underlying disease, the symptoms of which prevail over the symptoms of impaired blood homeostasis.

Clinical signs:

  • deterioration of microcirculation of the limbs and skin leads to hypo- and paresthesia (tingling, goosebumps, numbness), a drop in skin temperature;
  • decreased microcirculation in brain tissue leads to the syndrome chronic fatigue; depressive conditions;
  • a compensatory increase in pressure in the arterioles of the head is manifested by headache;
  • dry lips and mucous membranes, decreased intraocular pressure and a small amount of urine indicate dehydration of the body;
  • An increase in viscosity causes overload of the heart muscle.

With a decrease in microcirculation, overload leads to angina pectoris, heart failure, arterial hypertension and heart rhythm disturbances. Decreased venous outflow into lower limbs causes a subjective feeling of heaviness and objective expansion and bulging of the saphenous veins.

Often, only the test results reveal thick blood. Symptoms in women of the fertile period are supplemented by nighttime nosebleeds before menstruation, some forms of infertility and spontaneous abortions during pregnancy. early stages pregnancy.

Treatment of "blood thickening"

Treatment of pathology in non-pregnant women begins with finding the cause of “blood thickening” and eliminating it. As a preventative measure, women who have entered menopause are recommended to take low-dose aspirin daily in the absence of contraindications.

Self-medication is unacceptable! Take any medications after consulting a doctor.

In patients with chronic reasons"blood thickening" is corrected metabolic disorders. At acute illness, accompanied by the appearance of “thick blood,” most often it is enough to cope with the main pathogenetic mechanism.

Treatment of "blood thickening" is symptomatic. When hypercoagulation is detected based on the examination results, drugs with antiplatelet (Aspirin, Curantil and others) and anticoagulant (Heparin, Fraxiparin, Phenilin and others) activity are used. These drugs are prescribed to prevent thrombosis.

If hypocoagulation and a tendency to bleeding are detected in patients, prophylaxis is carried out hemorrhagic syndrome. For this purpose, transfusions of platelet components and donor plasma are used, plasmapheresis and hemosorption are performed. An equally important aspect is the correction of drinking regime and nutrition. Patients are advised to exclude:

  • White bread;
  • sugar, carbonated drinks;
  • fatty, spicy and salty foods;
  • canned foods.

In the absence of contraindications, it is necessary to expand the drinking regime: at least 2 liters clean water per day.

The diet should include:

  • sprouted wheat, artichokes;
  • ginger, cinnamon or celery;
  • lemon and cranberry;
  • seafood;
  • linseed oil;
  • nuts - 30 g/day or sunflower seeds;
  • cocoa or dark chocolate.

Fatigue, dizziness, headaches, irritability, memory loss, and vision are just a few signs of thick blood. Viscous blood - serious signal body about a health problem.

Blood can be called the “river of life” in our body; very important processes depend on it.

When it thickens, capillary blood flow slows down, as a result, stagnation occurs, oxygen starvation in tissues, all systems and organs suffer, the heart and brain have to work in emergency mode. There is a high risk of blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks.

Increased blood density is called syndrome increased viscosity, also hyperviscose syndrome.

In the article:

1. About the functions performed by blood.
2. Hyperviscosity syndrome.
3. Blood viscosity is normal.
4. Why does the blood become thick?
5. Signs of thick blood.
6. Reasons for increased blood density. Risk factors.

Brief functions of blood:

  • Transport is the most important, this is gas exchange, transfer of nutrients, heat, hormones, etc.
  • Ensuring immune responses and homeostasis (stable internal balance).
  • Regulation of the intake of salts (electrolytes) and water into the body,
  • Creation of protective barriers against foreign bacteria and viruses, and one’s own defective cells.

All these important tasks are accomplished thanks to a complex composition:

  • liquid extracellular part - plasma,
  • suspended formed elements (cell mass) - erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes;
  • enzymes, hormones, ions, and other substances.

The thickness of the blood is determined by the balance of plasma and cell mass; there should be more liquid part so that blood can flow freely into the smallest vessels and capillaries.

Hyperviscosity syndrome

Hyperviscose syndrome refers to a number of changes in the rheological (fluid) properties of blood:

  • increase in the density of blood in general and plasma,
  • increase in hematocrit (hematocrit number).

Hematocrit shows what proportion of the total blood volume is occupied by formed elements. If the balance shifts toward cellular mass, the blood thickens.

The hematocrit balance in normal blood conditions is 4:6, where 4 is the formed portion and 6 is plasma.

Men have a higher hematocrit than women due to the presence of androgens ( male hormones), which thicken the blood.

  • High hemoglobin, and specifically the level of heme (iron-containing part) and globin (protein).
  • Reduced elasticity and ability of red blood cells to deform.

Thanks to the ability to deform, acquire various shapes, red blood cells penetrate micro vessels, delivering oxygen to tissues.

  • Increased synthesis of fibrinogen.

Fibrinogen is a special protein responsible for blood clotting. Its increased content in the blood leads to the clumping of red blood cells, the formation of blood clots (thrombi), and the development of thrombosis.

  • Aggregation (increased gluing) of red blood cells.

Red blood cells carry a negative charge and repel each other. When the balance of acids and alkalis is shifted to the side acidic environment(blood acidification), red blood cells lose their original polarity, and, instead of repelling, they attract and stick to each other.

Cellular clusters are formed, similar to coin columns or tiles, of 25-50 red blood cells.

  • Increased production of paraproteins.

In pathological conditions, plasma cells intensively produce paraproteins - special proteins that report a malfunction in the body to all organs so that they adjust to the required regime.

Blood viscosity is normal

Blood density healthy people- 1.050 -1.064 g/ml. This value determined by the volume of cell mass, lipids, proteins in the blood.

Blood viscosity is measured by a viscometer, which compares the speed of blood movement in relation to distilled water at the same temperature and volume.

The norm is that blood flows 4-5 times slower than water.

Density female blood lower than men's. Democritus is normal in women - 37-47%, in men 40 - 54%. This difference is due to different hormonal system and physiology.

Why does the blood become thick?

Blood viscosity is caused by many reasons. The most common:

Enzyme deficiency(enzymopathy, sometimes congenital) - a pathology in which food enzymes are absent or insufficiently active, food is not completely broken down, the blood is contaminated with under-oxidized decay products, becomes acidified, red blood cells stick together, cells and tissues starve without oxygen.

Low quality water: chlorinated, destructured, carbonated, contaminated.

due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, selenium, lecithin, zinc, calcium, magnesium, etc.) that supply the enzymes and hormones she needs.

This leads to a change in chemistry. plasma composition, increasing its viscosity. Increased load the liver suffers when consuming canned, smoked, meat, salty, and sweet foods. Living in areas with unfavorable ecology and working in hazardous industries also harm the liver.

The balance of blood composition is disturbed: There is more cell mass than plasma.

Dehydration: at insufficient water consumption; strong physical activity(blood thickens when sweating); poor digestibility of water; taking diuretics, drinks, herbs; diarrhea, vomiting.

Hyperfunction of the spleen, its excessive blood-destructive activity.

Doctors are concerned that the tendency for blood to thicken is observed not only in older people (this natural process), but also among young people.

By the way, 100 years ago the blood of the younger generation was more liquid. This fact can be explained by dirty ecology and a huge amount chemistry in food.

Heavy, thick blood has difficulty fulfilling its main transport role. The vital functions of the entire organism are disrupted.

Signs of thick blood

If you are not aware that your blood is thickening and circulating slowly, you should be alert to the following signs:


aching headache, dizziness with short loss of coordination, nausea, muscle weakness and general fainting.

Sensitivity disorder in the arms and legs:

numbness, tingling, burning, crawling

Dry skin.
Blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes.
Increased sensitivity to cold.
Drowsiness, sleep disorder.
Fast fatiguability.
Tingling in the heart area, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat.
Protruding veins, heaviness and pain in the legs.
Always cold feet.
Increased blood pressure due to general weakness.
Depressive state, anxiety.
Decreased hearing and vision.
Tearfulness, burning in the eyes.
Noise in ears.
High hemoglobin.
Frequent yawning is a sign of a lack of oxygen to the brain.
Sometimes constipation, bloating, gas formation.
Slow bleeding from cuts and wounds.
Repeated miscarriages.
The presence of one or more chronic diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome, candidiasis.

Causes of increased blood viscosity. Risk factors

Excessive blood thickening and restricted blood flow can result from many causes. They are divided into genetic and acquired.

Genetic or hereditary causes are less common.

You are more likely to have a genetic cause of excessive blood clotting if you have:

  • Family members who have had blood clots.
  • Personal history of recurrent blood clots before the age of 40 years.
  • A personal history of unexplained miscarriages.

Acquired reasons thick blood lie in the presence of other diseases or pathological conditions:

Aging. With age, the blood thickens, hyperviscosity makes the vessels too rigid, less elastic and, often, calcified.

Smoking increases the risk of unwanted blood clots. Smokers have thicker blood than normal.

Alcohol abuse. Alcoholic drinks, being diuretics, bind and remove water from the body, thereby thickening the blood. The amount of water lost is four times the amount of alcohol consumed.

Overweight and Obesity - serious factors risk of blood clotting.

Pregnancy. Women are more likely to develop blood clots when they are pregnant due to an increase in platelet counts and clotting factors. The uterus compresses the veins, slowing blood flow, which can lead to blood clots.

Men over 45 years old have increased platelet synthesis.

Usage birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.

Long lasting bed rest because of surgical intervention, hospitalization or illness.

Absence physical activity , especially among the population in big cities, long periods of sitting motionless in a car, airplane, or workplace.

Dehydration. A condition in which your body does not receive sufficient quantity water. This condition forces blood vessels constrict and the blood thickens, there is a risk of blood clots.

Heavy metals .

For example, older silver dental implants may contain mercury. heavy metal which causes blood to thicken. Mercury can also be found in high levels in marine predatory fish.

Lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3.

Environmental toxins.



Senile dementia, impotence, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke - far from full list diseases associated with impaired blood circulation. People are overcome various diseases, but the cause of death is very often one - viscous thrombosed blood.

Good blood quality is the main condition for health and active longevity. It is vital to exclude factors that cause blood thickening. Be sure to pay attention to your well-being.

Fatigue, absent-mindedness, drowsiness, memory loss, heaviness in the legs - possible signs thick blood.

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Blood is the river of life in our body. The processes in the human body depend on it and of cardio-vascular system generally. Viscous blood, the causes of which are very different, indicates a violation of its composition. The transport function of blood in such conditions becomes difficult. This negatively affects many processes in our body. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the quality of your blood, undergo periodic tests, and know that all indicators are normal.

Sometimes it is possible to understand that something wrong is happening in the body only when the state of health has deteriorated significantly and sharply. Unfortunately, sometimes an increase in blood density does not make itself felt until it becomes very bad, and in rare cases, too late. In order not to miss precious time, it is very important to take a blood test on time.

Increased blood density can also be shown general analysis blood. Any doctor will be able to suspect something is wrong and send you for additional examination, which can subsequently prevent a whole bunch of unwanted diseases.

Blood tests for thick blood.

To determine the degree of blood thickness, your doctor may prescribe additional tests that will help determine the degree of blood viscosity:

If you have been prescribed these tests, do not delay going to the laboratory!

Why does a person have thick blood, reasons.

The causes of high blood viscosity can be both chronic and acute pathological processes. They become the actual cause of a violation of blood viscosity and an increase in the limits of its normal parameters.

The reasons may be:

  • Food intoxication of the body;
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • Erythremia (polycythemia);
  • Hypoxia;
  • Leukemia (some of its forms);
  • Waldenström's macroglobulinemia;
  • decreased adrenal gland function;
  • Myeloma;
  • Diabetes;
  • Amyloidosis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Thrombophilia;
  • Thermal burns;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Hepatitis.

Among the reasons may also be hereditary and genetic. You are at risk if: you have a family history of blood clots, you have had unexplained miscarriages, or you have a history of repeated blood clots.

What are the symptoms of thick blood in a person’s body?

There is no such disease in medicine as thick blood, so it would not be correct to describe the symptoms of such a disease. There are still signs and symptoms of hypercoagulation, but they can also arise through other problems in the body.

The list goes on and on, However, you must also remember that hypercoagulation sometimes shows no signs at all, and the patient learns about his problem only after a blood test.

Why is thick blood dangerous in humans?

A person’s blood thickens with age, so older people are at risk. However Lately This process has become very young and young people are also facing problems with blood viscosity. Excessive blood viscosity can lead to serious consequences and even death.

The most dangerous consequence increasing blood density - blood clot formation. Active formation of blood clots occurs through the influence of a blood clotting protein (fibrin). The blood becomes thick and less fluid.

Hypoxia. With high blood density, tissues and organs do not receive such necessary nutrients. Thick and slow blood, fragile blood vessels, and the formation of blood clots lead to dangerous problems with the blood supply to the entire body.

Heart problems. These problems arise first when blood density increases. A person suffers from heart failure, angina pectoris, and strokes and heart attacks may develop. This is due to the fact that the heart expends enormous effort to pump thick blood. It is believed that cholesterol is less dangerous for the body than sticky blood.

Ischemic stroke. This is a dangerous consequence when blood enters the vessels of the brain.

High pressure(hypertension).

VSD syndrome.

Thromboembolism. Pieces of broken blood clots get into a person's blood vessels, which can lead to blood clots entering the brain vessels. Unfortunately, the consequences of embolism can lead not only to functional disorder, but also to death.

What to do if a person has thick blood?

As soon as a person hears that he has viscous blood, the question immediately follows: “What should I do?!” Doctors give a clear answer to this: “Liquefy.” In medicine, there is no such thing as blood thinning, and a decrease in viscosity often has a bad effect on clotting. The patient must understand that blood thinning is nothing more than normalizing its viscosity. That is, you must bring your blood to its normal physiological state so that coagulation is not affected. First of all, you need to consult a doctor, who will give you specific recommendations.

How to thin a person's thick blood?

To bring blood into normal condition, you need to reconsider your diet. It must be balanced. You are also required to adhere to a drinking regime that is optimal for your weight (30 ml of water per kilogram of your weight).

In addition to a balanced diet, your doctor may prescribe medical supplies. In each specific case, the doctor gets acquainted with the medical history and only then prescribes medications.

Follow your doctor's orders strictly! Don't self-medicate! Do not prescribe medications to yourself! This can only lead to worsening health problems!

Nutrition for thick blood in humans.

As mentioned above, with hypercoagulability, patients need a healthy and balanced diet. This does not oblige you to give up your usual foods and goodies, but anyone who is faced with this unpleasant situation should reconsider their menu. Water is also the main factor in human nutrition. You need to drink as much liquid as possible. Even any diet says that you need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. I would also like to note that soups, teas and other liquid dishes do not replace water.

Diet for thick blood in humans.

If increased blood viscosity is not caused by serious diseases, it will be enough for a person to monitor his diet without the medications offered by the pharmaceutical industry. However, medications may also be prescribed in each specific case.

It is also worth giving up smoking and alcohol.

Your diet should first of all be balanced so that your body receives the right dose carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as all useful macro- and microelements.

For some, the word diet sounds like a death sentence, but you don’t have to starve yourself, you just have to focus on the following foods:

  • garlic;
  • onion;
  • celery;
  • artichokes;
  • tomatoes;
  • beet;
  • peeled cucumbers;
  • cinnamon;
  • ginger;
  • figs;
  • cashew nuts;
  • seeds;
  • almond;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • cocoa;
  • grape;
  • berries (currants, strawberries, cherries and others);
  • citrus;
  • peaches;
  • apples;
  • seaweed and lean sea fish;
  • lean meat (rabbit, turkey, skinless chicken);
  • flaxseed and olive oil;
  • vinegar.

As you can see, from the list presented you can create a wide variety of menus and you don’t have to indulge yourself in food.

Folk methods and recipes for thinning thick blood.

In the fight for your health, all means are good. Therefore, we should not forget about folk methods treatment of high blood viscosity.

Before use folk recipes consult your doctor.

Ginko biloba tincture. This tincture is used in treatment of VSD, and also prevents the formation of blood clots. Take 50 grams of Ginkgo biloba leaves, pour 1 liter of vodka over them and leave for 2 weeks. You need to take the tincture in courses (drink for a month, 2 weeks off) a teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

Sweet clover grass. Popular remedy with hypercoagulation. A tablespoon of herb is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, then left for 2 hours (preferably in a thermos), filtered and drunk 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is one month.

Chestnut peel tincture. Take 50 grams of chestnut peel, pour half a liter of vodka over it and leave for 2 weeks. Then the tincture must be strained and drunk 30 drops 2 times a day with water. The tincture is taken for 3 weeks.

White willow bark decoction. Take 1 spoon of bark per glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes, then filter, dilute with boiled water to the initial volume and take 2 tbsp. before meals for 10 days.

Tincture on porcini mushroom caps. Place 200 grams of porcini mushroom caps in a liter jar, after chopping them, fill the jar to the top with vodka. Leave for 10 days and then strain. Take the tincture half an hour before meals, 1 tsp.

A tincture of other herbal decoctions, such as meadowsweet, hawthorn fruit, lemon balm, nettle, valerian roots and others, is also widely used.

Remember that in this matter it is important not only to thin the blood, but also not to overdo it, since this is just as dangerous to health as thick blood! Be healthy!

Thick, viscous blood is a major problem for human health. Often high level thick blood causes heart attacks, poor kidney function, blood clots on the walls of blood vessels and in the heart, and poor health.

From normal operation Blood directly affects almost all active processes that occur in the human body. Deviation from the norm provokes its thickening and liquefaction. In both the first and second cases, this leads to undesirable results.

The reason for high blood viscosity is a significant level of stress on the vessels, which “deposit” blood clots on their walls. You should constantly monitor your health, so if you notice the first symptoms of deterioration in your health, you must find out the cause. In this article we will tell you in detail about the causes of blood thickening, as well as what to do to avoid it and what foods to include in your diet.

Causes of blood thickening

The most common reasons are:

  1. Dietary disorder.
  2. The formation of malignant cholesterol, which damages the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Consumption of foods with a high starch content, as well as a significant amount fatty foods.
  4. Impaired liver function leading to changes in plasma and resulting in blood viscosity.

90% of human blood is water. Drinking chlorinated, dirty, highly carbonated water forces the body to waste a large number of energy and strength to cleanse it. Of course, with an increased pace of work, the body experiences a lack of enzymes that affect the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. This causes insufficiently oxidized products to enter the blood. Such products cause disruption of biochemical processes in the blood, due to which red blood cells “stick together” and, as a result, an insufficient amount of oxygen is formed in the blood. In short, the tissues and cells of the body experience oxygen starvation.

Blood thickening has a number of causes:

  1. Obesity.
  2. Excessive and constant consumption of sugar, as well as other foods that contain large amounts of light carbohydrates and sugar.
  3. Improper functioning of the spleen.
  4. Low water consumption during high physical activity.
  5. Permanent residence in environmentally polluted regions.
  6. Living in a region with a hot climate.
  7. Insufficient salt consumption or refusal of it.
  8. Long-term exposure.
  9. Violation alkaline balance body.
  10. Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, primarily zinc, vitamin C, and selenium.
  11. Poor absorption of consumed water.
  12. Frequent consumption of meat, canned, smoked, salted foods.

Signs of blood thickening

The first sign of increased blood density is high fatigue. Even after have a nice rest and a healthy, full sleep, a person can still feel as tired as if he had been working tirelessly all day. In addition, the main causes of blood diseases include deterioration or loss of memory, high drowsiness, and sudden and persistent headaches.

Also, in addition to the above symptoms, you need to pay attention to worsening mood. If a person has a depressed mood, chronic fatigue, unreasonable outbursts of aggression, depression, he should immediately consult a specialist, undergo an examination, donate blood for a bioimpedance test.

What could this lead to?

With increased blood density, a change in its current in the capillary bed occurs. Because of this, the blood is poorly saturated with oxygen, poorly excreted or not excreted carbon dioxide. This causes changes in skin color, frequent dizziness, dysfunction of many organs. With increased blood density in the vessels, the risk of acute strokes and heart attacks increases significantly.

On initial stage the formation of blood clots in the vessels located in the deep veins, swelling of the arms (legs) appears, and precisely to the location of the blood clot. The temperature in this area is high.

At the onset of the disease, muscles may become very sore and swelling may occur, which occurs after prolonged exposure to an upright position.

Acute pain in the liver area, and in certain cases, vomiting of blood may occur when different areas vein blood clots.

At severe pathology thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels is the most severe. IN in this case the disease develops very quickly with virtually complete absence symptoms.

What foods help thin the blood?

Before naming products that thin the blood, you should learn about the products that you should avoid eating if you are prone to blood thinning. this disease, or better yet, exclude them from your diet altogether. They contain vitamin K.

Blood thickening is caused by consumption of: white sugar, sugar-containing, protein-rich and fatty foods, bananas, canned vegetables, carbonated water, smoked foods, sweet drinks, freshly baked white bread, potatoes. You should also not eat herbs such as nettle, St. John's wort, yarrow, basil. Even freshly prepared borscht will be harmful to people suffering from this disease.

Proper nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and maintaining a drinking regime will help avoid blood thickening. You should drink at least one and a half to two liters of purified, still water per day. In addition to water, you should also drink vegetable and fruit juices, herbal teas, green tea. Also, according to doctors, adding coral calcium to drinking water helps thin the blood.

Freshly squeezed red grape juice is a great blood thinner. To thin the blood, you should include yogurt, kefir, chicken and quail eggs, sea ​​fish, which is the main source of protein. Twice a week you should eat white chicken meat (without fat and skin), as well as dietary turkey meat.

To get rid of the disease, eating foods such as:

  1. Pomegranate.
  2. Figs
  3. Flaxseed and olive oil are excellent blood thinners.
  4. Berries, primarily fresh cherries, sweet cherries and red currants.
  5. Almond, walnuts. To achieve results, you need to consume at least 30 pieces every day.
  6. Lemons and oranges.
  7. Mulberry.
  8. Buryak.
  9. Sprouted wheat seeds rich in vitamin E. You should eat up to two tablespoons of seeds daily. Also, crushed seeds can be added to warm food.
  10. Ginger root.
  11. Onion and garlic. You should eat no more than half an onion and one clove of garlic per day.
  12. A small amount of cocoa.
  13. Sunflower seeds.
  14. Fresh grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
  15. bell pepper red (one piece per day).
  16. Tomato juice and tomatoes are very good for thinning the blood.

Proper consumption of the products listed above will enrich the body with useful substances. Fruits and vegetables with dents or other damage should not be eaten.

Thick blood is not an independent disease, but a symptom that occurs when various violations in organism. If you don't start timely treatment, then destructive and sometimes irreversible processes will begin to occur in many organs and systems.

Blood thickens when there is a malfunction in the body

Blood viscosity is normal

Thick blood (hyperviscosity syndrome) occurs when hematocrit values ​​increase and the relationship between the levels of enzymes and plasma is disrupted.

Blood viscosity is measured with a viscometer - the device compares the speed of movement of blood and distilled water. Ideally, blood should move 4–5 times slower than water; the normal plasma viscosity is 1.4–2.2 units. The relative viscosity of whole blood in men is 4.3–5.7 units, in women – 3.9–4.9. Blood density – 1.050–1.064 g/ml.

First Clinical signs diseases begin to appear if indicators exceed 4 units.

In newborns, the level of hemoglobin and leukocytes is higher than in adults, so the viscosity is 10–11; by the end of the first month of life, the child’s levels drop to 6, then gradually decrease.

Excess cholesterol thickens the blood

What diseases cause blood viscosity to increase?

But thick blood is always a sign of poor nutrition or lifestyle, often pathological condition develops against the background serious illnesses. The main reason - vascular diseases, varicose veins, chronic heart failure.

Hepatitis C causes blood to thicken

Diuretics, glucocorticoids, oral contraceptives, and drugs for the treatment of impotence contribute to an increase in viscosity. The blood becomes thicker with the unwise use of folk remedies based on nettle, motherwort, St. John's wort, and yarrow.

Symptoms of blood thickening

Hyperviscosity syndrome has a vague clinical picture, it can only be reliably identified through analysis. But there are some symptoms that may indicate the presence of pathology.

Main features:

  • frequent attacks of headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • blurred vision, tearfulness, memory problems;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, weakness, drowsiness, general malaise;
  • crawling sensation, numbness, tingling of the arms and legs, limbs are almost always cold;
  • the skin becomes transparent and dry;
  • strong feeling of thirst;
  • depressive states.
If the blood becomes sticky and viscous, the person is worried high blood pressure, shortness of breath, frequent nosebleeds, nodes begin to bulge on the veins.

Vision may deteriorate due to blood thickening

Which doctor should I contact?

If signs of increased plasma viscosity appear, it is necessary, after examination and primary diagnosis the doctor can give a referral to,.

How to determine blood thickness?

To find out the viscosity level, you need to go through thorough examination, since an increase in indicators occurs in various diseases.

What tests need to be taken:

  • clinical blood test - hyperviscosity syndrome develops when high hemoglobin and ESR, increased red blood cells, decreased platelets;
  • analysis to determine hematocrit level;
  • determination of blood clotting;
  • coagulogram - the method helps to determine the state of hemostasis;
  • calculation of thromboplastin time indicators.

To determine the viscosity level you need to take a blood test

Based on results only laboratory research the doctor can diagnose hyperviscosity syndrome, and further diagnostics will be aimed at identifying the cause. The person will need to have an ECG, ultrasound, MRI and CT scan, endoscopy, biochemistry, and a test for tumor markers.

What to do if your blood is thick

When diagnosing hyperviscosity syndrome, it is necessary to start drug treatment, stick to special diet, alternative medicine can be taken as supportive and auxiliary therapy.

Blood thinners

With high viscosity, treatment is aimed at eliminating the disease that caused the increased density and preventing thrombosis.

How to thin the blood:

  • drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid– Aspirin-cardio, Cardiomagnyl, Cardiopyrin, they eliminate viscosity and have a thrombolytic effect;
  • anticoagulants direct action– Heparin, Curantil;
  • Dihydroquercetin, Capilar - drugs strengthen the walls of blood vessels, accelerate the regeneration process, and prevent the oxidation of fats in cell membranes;
  • drugs to eliminate the manifestations of varicose veins - Lyoton;
  • Heparin tablets – improves the quality of plasma;
  • means to combat excess blood acidity - Alka-Mine.

Additionally, you should take vitamin complexes With high content ascorbic acid, B vitamins.

Capilar - a means to strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Treatment with folk remedies

Some medicinal herbs and plants help make the blood less viscous, but take folk remedies better together with medications.

How to eliminate blood thickening at home:

  1. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 10 g of crushed dry inflorescences horse chestnut, simmer over low heat until boiling, leave in a closed container for 6 hours. Drink the entire portion of the medicine in small sips throughout the day. Duration of therapy is 15–20 days.
  2. Pour 220 ml boiling water 2 tbsp. l. sweet clover herbs, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, cool, strain, take 50 ml of decoction three times a day.
  3. Brew 400 ml boiling water 1 tsp. willow bark, cook the mixture over low heat for 20 minutes, leave in a sealed container for 4–5 hours. Drink 180 ml three times a day.
To maintain optimal plasma density, you need to roll 10–15 ml in your mouth every morning before breakfast. sunflower oil, there is no need to swallow it, the product should be spat out when it turns white.

Nutrition for blood thickening

The diet will help eliminate minor viscosity and prevent the development of pathology.

List of useful products:

  • onions, garlic, tomatoes, beets, zucchini, cucumbers;
  • sprouted grains;
  • oil from flax seeds, sunflower seeds, olive hearths;
  • citrus fruits, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, pomegranate;
  • ginger;
  • raw nuts;
  • lean fish and seafood;
  • chicken and rabbit meat;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • seasonings and spices - turmeric, oregano, thyme.

Dark chocolate is good for blood thickening

Sweets with a high sugar content, baked goods made from white flour, sweet carbonated drinks, canned food, fatty, smoked foods should be excluded from the diet, and salt intake should be reduced. The list of prohibited foods includes buckwheat, dairy products with high fat content, cabbage, lentils, bananas,

People with hyperviscosity syndrome should not take infusions and decoctions of St. John's wort and valerian root.

What are the dangers of blood clotting?

The quality of the blood determines the condition of the whole organism, so hyperviscosity syndrome can cause the development of severe, life-threatening diseases.


  • accumulation of blood clots in small vessels followed by tissue necrosis;
  • blockage of the portal vein, mesenteric vessels;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • peritonitis;
  • dysfunction of the brain;
  • hidden bleeding.

If the blood is very thick, the heart has to make more effort to move it, which leads to rapid aging and wear of the organ.

Due to thick blood, blood clots often form in humans.


To avoid blood thickening, it is necessary to follow a drinking regime - drink 1.5 liters of purified water without gas per day, green tea without sugar, in hot weather, with increased physical activity, the amount of liquid should be increased to 2.5 liters.

How to prevent hyperviscosity syndrome:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • eat healthy and regularly;
  • get enough sleep, avoid stress, physical and mental fatigue;
  • move more;
  • undergo a preventive examination annually.

Walking is good for your health

The state of the blood is greatly influenced by a person’s weight; with obesity, the risk of increasing plasma density increases several times.

Increased blood viscosity is a reason for a serious comprehensive examination of the body; after identifying the causes of the pathology, it is necessary to begin drug treatment, review the diet and daily routine, and increase the amount of fluid consumed.
