How to get rid of inflammation with spells. Strong conspiracies for toothache: how they work and what is important to know about them

The most effective remedy for gum inflammation is a correctly prescribed and timely treatment. It will take a lot of time, patience and the use of effective remedies to completely cure your gums.

To find a truly effective treatment, you need to contact medical care. Self-medication does not completely cure the disease, but only aggravates the symptoms. And earlier gum inflammation turns into a chronic disease that appears at the slightest irritant.

An effective remedy for treating gums must be natural and non-addictive, side effects or allergic reactions.

How to relieve gum inflammation?

If you have inflamed gums, then you are probably interested in the question of how to relieve gum inflammation. Will help you get rid of inflammation quickly antiseptic drugs. So, you can effectively relieve inflammation with the help of chlorhexidine. It is necessary to prepare a solution for rinsing using this drug. This will not only relieve inflammation, but also remove painful sensations and will be an excellent prevention of periodontal disease.

Helps to cope with gum inflammation very well dental gels, which contain anti-inflammatory components. Special attention it is necessary to turn to drugs that, as active substance non-hormonal components are used. Such as salicylate or lidocaine, they reduce swelling and provide an analgesic effect. It is important to choose gels, not ointments. Since the gel penetrates the gums much faster through the mucous membrane. Toothpastes that contain fluoride will also relieve inflammation. But don’t forget about going to the dentist, who will professionally remove tartar and cure caries, which can also cause gum inflammation.

How to treat gum inflammation?

Huge selection medicines will allow you to choose an effective remedy for the treatment of gum inflammation. Please note that some remedies only get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but do not treat the inflammation itself. Let's look at how to treat gum inflammation. The most popular drugs for inflammation are maraslavin and periodonticide. Both drugs are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of gum inflammation.

Maraslavin is a solution that needs to be used to rinse your mouth. This will not only relieve inflammation, but also have a preventive effect. Another effective and accessible remedy, which is chosen when searching for drugs to treat inflammation, is polyminerol. This drug, like the one described above, is a rinse solution. But in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, polymenerol increases the ability of tissues to regenerate. The product is used to treat gingivitis, acute inflammation, periodontitis and as a preventative against inflammation of the gums and teeth.

How to rinse gums when they are inflamed?

For rinsing the mouth when inflammatory processes on the gums, anti-inflammatory antiseptic drugs are prescribed, which have a bright pronounced action. For rinsing, drugs such as miramistin and chlorhexidine are used. Miramistin is an effective remedy for the treatment of viral and inflammatory diseases. It allows you to get rid of herpes stomatitis and has an antimicrobial effect.

To cure gum inflammation at home, infusions are often used. medicinal herbs or hydrogen peroxide. Please note that gums can only be treated with hydrogen peroxide after consulting a dentist. It is the dentist who must give permission to rinse in case of inflammation. Also used for rinsing during inflammation. alcohol tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs. An infusion for rinsing can be made from chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, oak bark and other herbs that have an antiseptic effect.

Please note that using anti-inflammatory rinses does not cure the disease, but only relieves the symptoms. Therefore, even with rinsing drug treatment can't be avoided.

Ointment for gum inflammation

Ointment for gum inflammation is another effective remedy that allows you to remove the symptoms of the disease, pain and discomfort in a short period of time. Ointment for gum inflammation allows you to:

  • Effectively and in a short period of time numb the gums.
  • Reduce or completely eliminate bleeding.
  • Relieve itching and redness.

Anti-inflammatory ointment acts on the gums locally and effectively eliminates pain. Solcoseryl ointment is most often used, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect and heals wounds and cracks, preventing the development and progression of the inflammatory process.

Sometimes I use ointments to treat gums local impact. Such drugs do not provide side effects on the body and do not cause side effects or allergic reactions. In addition, such ointments act only on the affected area and effectively relieve pain.

Gel for gum inflammation

The most effective and widely used remedy for periodontitis, gingivitis and acute inflammation is a gel for gum inflammation. The gel is easily applied to the affected gums and has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. But the main advantage of the gel is that its effect lasts for a long period of time. The gel forms a film on the inflamed gum, which enhances healing effect drug.

Today, pharmacies offer many options for gels for gum inflammation. They all have the same effect - they relieve inflammation. But gels differ in their cost, effectiveness and duration of anti-inflammatory effect. The most popular gels for gum inflammation are Solcoseryl, Asepta, Dental, Parodium, Metrogyl Denta and others.

Gel Dental helps relieve inflammation on the mucous membrane and removes painful sensations. This gel is made from corn oil, which forms a protective film on the gum affected by inflammation. The gel increases regeneration and healing and is recommended for use even by patients with dentures, crowns, and implants.

Antibiotics for gum disease

Very often, patients who suffer from gum disease are interested in which antibiotics are the most effective for gum inflammation and whether they can be taken at all. In case of advanced inflammatory processes, taking antibiotics is necessary, since without this it is simply impossible to recover. Advanced inflammation of the gums contributes to intoxication of the entire body, and antibiotics can cope not only with diseased gums, but also help restore the body.

If you take antibiotics penicillin series, then they stop and take control of the inflammatory process. But it is contraindicated to start taking antibiotics on your own, since most of them have side effects. Therefore, incorrect prescription can cause serious and even irreversible complications.

Antibiotics for gum inflammation come in five types: capsules, tablets, rinses, ointments and gels. What antibiotic should be taken for this or that form of gum inflammation can only be decided by a dentist, after a full examination oral cavity. Thus, antibiotic tablets are prescribed to patients with periodontitis and neglected forms inflammation of the gums. Rinse solutions should be used after brushing your teeth, as they help reduce pathogenic bacteria.

If the antibiotic for gum inflammation is chosen incorrectly, it can cause allergic reactions, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, stomach upset, elevated temperature and so on. Do not self-medicate, as instead of the expected effect you may get a terrifying result.

Toothpaste for gum inflammation

Toothpaste for gum inflammation is prophylactic, which helps prevent disease or is used as an auxiliary treatment complex. Let's look at the most effective toothpastes that help effectively fight gum inflammation and bleeding.

  • Lacalut Aktiv – toothpaste for gum disease from Germany. The peculiarity of this paste is that its base is a silicon abrasive combined with aluminum lactate. This allows you to effectively remove plaque and bacteria in the oral cavity. And also, reduce gum bleeding, looseness and flaking.
  • Parodontax – toothpaste based on peppermint, myrtle, sage, sodium bicarbonate, chamomile and ratania. Paradontax is used to treat and prevent bleeding and inflammation of the gums.
  • Blend-a-med is one of the most popular toothpastes that effectively eliminate inflammatory processes and slow down the formation of tartar and pathogenic bacteria on tooth enamel.
  • PresiDENT - fights not only inflammation and bleeding gums, but also promotes rapid regeneration of damaged gums and healing.
  • "Forest Balm" is a herbal toothpaste containing extracts of nettle, yarrow, St. John's wort, chamomile and celandine. Thanks to its natural composition, the paste eliminates inflammation and accelerates healing.

Baking soda for gum disease

Despite the abundance of medicinal and prophylactic drugs that effectively combat inflammation and bleeding of the gums, the use of soda in the treatment of gum inflammation is still practiced. Baking soda- This excellent remedy, which does a good job of caring for the oral cavity, whitens teeth, and ensures that tartar does not form on the tooth enamel.

Baking soda is used in folk medicine for gum inflammation. Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate treats oral diseases such as:

  • Periodontal disease - must be done soda solution and rinse your mouth with it. This will help relieve inflammation and restore soft cloth, which is most damaged due to the attack of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Gingivitis - soda will cope with both acute inflammation gums, and with disease on early stages. By the way, baking soda can be used effectively as a prophylactic.
  • Cysts on teeth - baking soda will not cure the disease, but it will help relieve painful symptoms. Due to rinsing, the pain and inflammation on the gums will subside a little, and the main treatment complex can be used.

Please note that rinsing is much more effective at combating inflammation than soda pastes. Since the pasta is due high concentration baking soda can injure the gums, but the solution will promote quick and painless healing.

Chlorhexidine for gum disease

Chlorhexidine is prescribed by a dentist for gum inflammation. Chlorhexidine is good drug, which has antiseptic properties, perfectly cleanses and disinfects the mucous membrane and skin without causing irritation.

The drug helps prevent the formation of plaque on the teeth, which can cause inflammation of the gums. That is why, this drug used for the prevention of gum inflammation and oral hygiene, when regular reading is impossible due to severely inflamed gums. Chlorhexidine is a concentrated solution that must be diluted warm water before use.

The treatment procedure using chlorhexidine is simple. The drug must be diluted in warm boiled water and rinsed the affected gums with it. The procedure must be carried out up to three times a day. But overuse of the drug is contraindicated, as this can cause a number of complications. Among adverse reactions most often observed: changes in taste sensations, tingling and burning in the mouth, slight staining of teeth Brown color. But this is a temporary phenomenon that should pass in a couple of days.

Traditional treatment for gum inflammation

Traditional treatment for gum inflammation is treatment using medicinal herbs and decoctions, as well as treatment with spells. The most common way traditional treatment- This is a rinse with a decoction of medicinal herbs. The following herbs and plants are used for decoction: Birch buds, horseradish, chamomile, sorrel, calendula, thyme, oak bark, St. John's wort and so on.

To prepare a decoction for folk treatment of gum inflammation, the herb must be dry. Take a glass of boiling water and pour one tablespoon of herb into it. Let the broth brew and rinse your mouth. Some medicinal decoctions involve preparing an infusion in a water bath.

Treatment folk ways does not have to be a decoction for rinsing; rubbing also helps with inflammation medicines in the gums. So, for rubbing they use such herbs and plants as: Birch tar, finely grated beets, Kalanchoe and aloe juice, lingonberry juice compress.

Herbs for gum inflammation

Herbs for gum inflammation should be in every home, since in addition to herbs they have excellent antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can have an effect on the entire body. Thanks to this, the microbes are destroyed, which means that the affected area begins to recover, that is, the healing process is underway. Let's look at which herbs are most often used for gum inflammation and how to prepare medicine from them.

  • Celandine - pour the crushed herb with water and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. After that, put the decoction on water bath for 30 minutes. After this, the broth must be cooled and kept in a cool, dark place. It is recommended to rinse no more than three times a day. This will relieve inflammation and over time the disease will recede completely.
  • Chamomile is an excellent antiseptic that fights not only sore gums, but also any other inflammation. To prepare decoction, take two tablespoons of chamomile and pour boiling water over them, let it brew, strain and start rinsing. Please note that if you are making a concentrated solution, swallowing it is contraindicated.

Sage for gum inflammation

As a rule, sage is used for colds to gargle, as well as for sore throats. But sometimes sage is used for gum inflammation to relieve bleeding. In order for sage to have a medicinal effect, it is necessary to prepare a decoction.

To prepare the decoction, you need to take a tablespoon of sage and pour it with water, about 500 grams. The solution should be kept in a steam bath for an hour, and then left for another hour. After the solution has infused and cooled, it must be filtered. When rinsing, the broth should not be kept in the mouth for a long time. But after such rinsing, gum inflammation will quickly go away.

Oak bark for gum inflammation

Oak bark is used as a tincture, powder and rinse for gum inflammation. Let's look at a few recipes antiseptic to relieve gum inflammation based on oak bark.

  • Take a couple of teaspoons of oak bark and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 7 hours, then strain and you can take it. Recommended dose of oak bark for gum inflammation this recipe– half a glass three times a day.
  • Make a concentrated solution on oak bark. Use it as a lotion on sore gums. You can rinse your gums with the same solution, but not more than three times a day, as an allergic reaction may occur.

Propolis for gum inflammation

Propolis is an excellent remedy not only for treatment colds, but also with inflammation of the gums. You can prepare tinctures from propolis that will effectively relieve inflammation and promote restoration process and healing of damaged gums.

  • Take a tablespoon of propolis extract and dissolve it in two tablespoons of any vegetable oil. The resulting mixture should be lubricated on the gums affected by inflammation. Propolis works effectively for gum inflammation, especially if the inflammation is caused by viral diseases body, for example, sore throat.
  • To prepare another propolis remedy for gum inflammation, you will need St. John's wort. Take 1 teaspoon of crushed propolis, fill it with 100 ml of alcohol or vodka, add half a teaspoon of St. John's wort, mix well, pour into a glass bottle or jar and let it brew for 4 weeks. From the resulting extract you can prepare a rinse solution. To do this, 30 drops of tincture in half a glass of water is enough. You need to rinse five times a day.

Rotokan for gum inflammation

Rotokan for gum inflammation is antibacterial drug, the basis of which is plant raw materials. Also, the composition of the rotokan includes healing herbs, such as chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, calendula. Extracts of these plants effectively relieve inflammation from the gum mucosa. Rotocan is prescribed to patients with gum inflammation, stomatitis, gingivitis or periodontal disease. Also, rotokan is used by those who have just undergone tartar removal procedures.

Rotokan works effectively for any disease respiratory system, as well as for diseases that cause low acidity. Since the drug is an excellent antiseptic, it copes well with cuts, wounds and burns. Therefore, when using Rotocan to treat gum disease, it is very important to complete the full course of treatment. Because rotokan can cure gum inflammation at any stage. The drug can also be used for preventive purposes.

Rotokan is prohibited for pregnant women, nursing mothers and adolescents, so it is prescribed only for adult patients with gum disease.

Chlorophyllipt for gum inflammation

Chlorophyllipt has been used for gum inflammation for a very long time. The product copes well with long-healing wounds and ulcers. The drug treats gum inflammation, periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, boils and much more. The drug can be used both for internal use, and as compresses or a base for rinsing.

Chlorophyllipt is used in the form of oil for gum inflammation. It is oil that is lubricated sore gums. Please note that before using the drug it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. This is necessary to ensure that the drug will not cause allergic reactions. Take a couple of drops of chlorophyllipt, dilute it with water and rinse your mouth; if no side effects such as vomiting, nausea, dizziness, burning and tingling occur within 6 hours, then the drug can be safely used. The course of treatment with chlorophyllipt should not exceed 14 days, as the drug is addictive.

Conspiracy for gum inflammation

A conspiracy against gum inflammation is one of the treatment methods traditional medicine. Conspiracies for inflammation of the gums must be read over water on new moon. To do this, take a glass of water and read the spell so that your breath practically touches the surface of the water. After reading the plot, you need to drink some of the water and pour some into the street. Traditional medicine claims that within a week there will be relief and inflammation will subside. In addition to spells, it is recommended to drink decoctions of young nettle, as they perfectly relieve inflammation and have a preventive effect.

Plot for gum inflammation:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I’m walking backwards, not through the forest, not through the garden, not along the street, not along the alleys, not through deserted back streets. I’m walking, the young month is catching up with me, I, the servant of God (name), is torturing me:

Do your teeth hurt?
They don't hurt!
Do your teeth grieve?
Don't mourn!
God knows my words
The angel repeats my words.
My gums do not swell, they do not bleed,
They heal from my conspiracy.
God knows my words
The angel repeats my words.
Like no one from heaven
The young month is not enough,
So forever and ever
The disease will not stick to my teeth.
Venerable Antipius, dental healer, strengthen my words, bless my work. Key, lock, tongue.

As a rule, the above-described treatment for gum inflammation does not cause allergic reactions and allows you to get rid of early symptoms inflammation even before going to the doctor.

There are many recipes, collected from
different places(the country is big).
*When choosing funds from
plants, focus on those
that are available in your region.
* The effect of any "method"
weakens with long-term use -
preferably periodically
change the "treatment".
Confidence and health (Admin)


The spell is pronounced addressing the month (moon):

Young man, Young man, where have you been?
- Adam's!
- Did Adam have people?
- Were!
- What are they eating?
- Stone!
- Do their teeth hurt?
- They don't hurt!
- Let God’s servant (name) not get sick.

Healing is carried out by two people in the form of a dialogue, but it can also be done by one person, talking to himself.


A moon in the sky, a bear in the forest, a fish in the sea. Just as they don’t fit together, don’t sit at the same table, don’t drink from the same glass of wine, don’t eat from the same bowl of food, so (name) doesn’t have toothache.

- “Lord, help me the born, baptized servant of God (slave name) to rip out his teeth. A month in the sky, a Turk in the field, a bear in the forest. If three brothers gather and drink and walk together, then the born baptized servant of God (name) will have teeth to be sick. The young month asked the old one, “Did the dead man’s teeth hurt?” “The dead man’s teeth did not hurt or pinched, but God’s servant (name)’s teeth became numb.

- “Father, young month, your golden horns! Like your golden horns, so that the servant of God (name) will not have toothache forever. Amen.”

- “I will become God’s servant (name), blessed, I will go out, crossing myself, from the hut doors, from the yard gates. I will go out into the wide street, look and look at the young and bright month. In that young month there are two brothers - Kavel and Abel. Like Their teeth don’t hurt and don’t pinch, so I, the servant of God (name), wouldn’t hurt or pinch.”

- “I, God’s servant (name), will stand, blessing myself, and will go, crossing myself, out of the hut through the doors, out of the yard through the gates, into the open field, under the eastern side, to blue sea. And there is a white oak tomb in an open field, under the eastern side, and there is a dead man in the tomb of God in June. And just like that June dead man’s teeth don’t hurt, the meat doesn’t swell, the worm doesn’t sharpen his teeth, so if my servant of God (name) had teeth that didn’t hurt, the meat didn’t swell, and the worm didn’t sharpen his teeth. Century by century, from now to century. Be my words complete, non-negotiable and negotiable! Which word the teacher did not finish teaching or the student himself forgot, do not leave that word, put Amen in the same place. Amen!

- “Zarya-lightning, red maiden, half-night, in the field there is a hare, in the sea there is a stone, at the bottom there is a limar. Cover you, lightning, my teeth are mournful with their veil from the damned limar, behind your cover my teeth will survive. Enemy limar, get away from me, and if you gnaw my poor teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of the underworld. My word is strong!


5.1. - HERBALISTS SUGGEST: brew 1 tbsp. spoon of sage herb in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes. Filter and add the mixture to a full glass. Rinse your mouth with a warm decoction, trying to keep the decoction on the aching tooth longer. The cooled broth is spat out and the warm one is taken. Do this every 5 - 7 minutes. The pain subsides.

5.2. - Plant cat paw dried, chopped finely like tobacco and given to the sick to smoke. The pain subsides completely.

5.3. - In case of tooth disease, take a sip of hot tincture on the sore spot. Preparation: dilute 15 g of mirza in 60 g of wine alcohol, add 15 g of spoon, 15 g of chopped raspberry leaves, 15 g of salep (orchis) leaves, 15 g of chopped mint leaves and 30 g of good wine vinegar. Everything is sealed in a glass bottle and left for 3 days. Then the tincture is filtered.

5.4 - For dental gumboils and for tumors and abscesses of the gums, pour about a half-centimeter layer of liquid linden honey onto the bottom of a small saucepan. They take a very old and very rusty nail. Having heated it red hot, put it in honey. A thick thick layer forms around the nail. black matter like tar. This black substance should be lubricated on the gums, mainly at night, before going to bed. The gum abscess usually breaks out soon, the swelling quickly subsides, and the patient’s health improves. Rust in in this case plays a very important role. When heating a nail, do not blow on or touch it to prevent rust.

5.5. - Place a plantain root in the ear, on the side where the tooth hurts. Hold it until the pain subsides. Usually half an hour.

5.6. - Take a slice of unsalted lard(if the lard is salty, then clean off the salt) and place it between the gum and cheek. Keep the slice for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the pain subsides.

5.7. - Take equal amounts of salt, chopped garlic and onion and mix. Place the paste on the sore tooth, and put a cotton swab on top, squeeze and hold for 10-15 minutes. The pain goes away.

5.8. - Place a pea of ​​propole on the tooth, with cotton wool on top. Keep for 15-20 minutes. The pain goes away.

5.9. - Make a round cut 3-5 cm thick from an aspen or poplar tree with a diameter of 10-15 cm. Then this die is applied to the cheek in the place where the tooth hurts for 1-2 minutes. If the pain does not go away, then repeat after 5-7 minutes. And so on up to 3 times.

5.10 - If a tooth hurts on the left, then on the right thumb Place a cut onion (lobe) of garlic or garlic pulp in a cloth near the nail and wrap it tightly. If the tooth hurts on the right, then apply a bandage to left hand. The pain subsides.


5.11 - If you have a toothache, you should rinse your mouth with “irradiated water.” The water is “irradiated” in a trace. Image: place a glass jar of water (preferably spring water) in front of you, point your fingers at it, feel the energy flowing from them. Hold your hands like this for 5-10 minutes. Then lightly shake it off, take a short break, and charge again, up to three times. In this case, it is necessary to configure the charging accordingly. There should be no extraneous thoughts. You can imagine sunlight, beautiful music. It is best to charge water in the early morning, standing facing east. Drink water in small sips with short pauses between them.


5.12 - Gather your thumb, index and middle fingers into a pinch and press firmly on your temples until you feel pain. The duration of pressure is 40-50 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

5.13 - Gather the fingers of one hand together and apply the pads to the place where you feel pain. Keep it this way until the pain subsides.

5.14 - Press on carotid artery thumb hands under lower jaw on the side of the diseased tooth. Hold until the pain subsides.

5.15 -Use your hand to draw the letter “o” around the sore spot. On mandibular joint the hand is applied.

5.16 - Press for a long time ring finger right hand through the cheek onto the gum with a sore tooth. The pain goes away.

5.17 - Press biologically for 4 minutes active point located in the corner of the nail plate on the outside index finger the hand on which side the tooth hurts.

5.18 - Squats help with toothache.

5.19 - If your gums are bleeding, it is useful to rinse your mouth with a lukewarm decoction of oak bark and linden color. Mix 2 parts oak bark and 1 part linden blossom. Brew a teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, strain and cool.

5.20 - Oak bark helps with gum disease. Cook for a while, let sit and rinse your mouth.

5.21 - Pour a tablespoon of crushed St. John's wort into half a liter of vodka and leave for a week. Store in a tightly sealed bottle. 40 drops of tincture in half a glass of water - good remedy for rinsing the mouth when there is a bad odor.

5.22 - For phlegmon, wounds and ulcers that do not heal for a long time, it is recommended to take lotions from a decoction of eucalyptus leaves. Pour 30 g of crushed dry leaves into a glass of boiling water and boil with constant stirring for 30 minutes. Cool and strain.

Each person’s body is individual, so everyone has their own recipes and methods for relieving pain. Try these recipes and choose your own. We hope that your teeth will be healthy, especially if you follow the rules of hygiene and undergo regular dental examinations.

5.23 - To strengthen the gums, stop toothache, and stop tooth decay, use a tincture of 2 ounces of bakuat tree shavings and 2 pounds of pure alcohol. Leave for 15 days and then strain.

5.24 - To treat scurvy, use a decoction of 300 grams of aspen buds or bark. Boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Keep the pan open. After removing it from the heat, let the steam evaporate and cool the broth. Drink this decoction like tea, sweetening it with honey, from 1 to 3 cups a day, until all signs of scurvy disappear completely.

5.25 - Scurvy is also treated with tincture. Place 300 grams of aspen buds in a bottle and fill with vodka almost to the stopper. In a few days the tincture will be ready. Use 20 to 40 drops warm several times a day.

5.26 - Raw vegetable juices, mainly carrot juice with a small addition of parsley, spinach, beets, cucumbers and celery, destroy scurvy in record time.

5.27 - Tea made from pine needles helps a lot against scurvy.

5.28 - Blueberries have long been valued as an antiscorbutic remedy.

5.29 - Onions, garlic and citrus fruits, consumed in significant quantities, are an excellent remedy for the treatment of scurvy.

5.30 - Warm calamus infusion is used to rinse the mouth for inflammation of the oral mucosa and gums. Pour a teaspoon of chopped rhizome into 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain.

5.31 - Thick-leaved bergenia is used as follows: pour 2 tablespoons of crushed rhizomes with a glass of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes in a water bath, strain while hot, cool and use as a mouth rinse for inflammation of the mucous membrane and gums.

5.32 - Pour a teaspoon of crushed elecampane root with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat, leave for 4 hours, use for rinsing.

5.33 - Infuse 15 g of dry oregano herb in 200 ml of hot water. Apply as warm rinses.

5.34 - Tincture of the herb oregano in vodka is used as an anesthetic. The tincture is injected into the tooth cavity on a swab.

5.35 - A measure to prevent toothache is to always keep your feet dry and warm.

5.36 - Use fresh chamomile infusion to rinse the mouth.

5.37 - For stomatitis, rinse the mouth with a decoction of a love spell. Pour 30 g of raw materials into 360 g of boiling water. Boil until the initial volume of water is reduced by half. It is advisable to rinse your mouth every 2 hours.

5.39 - For stomatitis, rinse your mouth with a hot infusion of 2 tablespoons of dry crushed aerial parts of yarrow per glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain, rinse your mouth.

5.40 - For gingivitis, use a decoction of burdock roots to rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day.

5.41 - To facilitate teething, the baby’s gums are rubbed from time to time with the best pure honey.

5.42 - For inflammatory processes of the gums, a decoction of veronica is used for rinsing.

5.43 - For scurvy, use a radish mixture: hollow out the middle of the radish and fill the void with honey. After standing for a day, the mixture is ready for use.

5.44 - Lingonberry berries and leaves are used as an anti-scurvy agent. Pour 1 teaspoon of leaves and berries with 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2-4 times a day before meals.

5.45 - White cabbage juice is effective for diseases of teeth and gums. In the morning and evening before going to bed, moisten gauze or cotton wool with cabbage juice and wipe your teeth and gums, rinse your mouth. This treatment is carried out for a month. If no effect is observed, treatment should be stopped and this procedure repeat with pine needles.

5.46 - If you have bad smell in your mouth, gargle with peppermint.

5.47 - For gum inflammation, prepare an oat decoction: cook the oat grains over low heat for 10 minutes, then leave for 30 - 40 minutes, strain through three-layer gauze, add hawthorn, rose hip, and buckwheat pollen.

Every inhabitant of this planet has experienced dental pain at least once in their life. Tolerate these discomfort maybe not everyone. Pain is especially difficult to bear children's body. Naturally, pain occurs for a reason; you should immediately contact a dentist. However, sometimes it happens that it is not possible to see a doctor. In these cases, various magical rituals and conspiracies. A spell for toothache is a remedy proven over centuries and generations to get rid of pain syndrome. The disease itself will not be cured, and you will still have to visit the dentist.

In what cases does a conspiracy work?

A conspiracy against toothache can be read both to relieve pain and to prevent it. No special qualifications are required for the spell; they can be read even by an inexperienced person who has never performed magical actions. The spell ritual for toothache is not tied to a specific phase of the moon, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for use.

In some cases, a conspiracy will need to be done on some subject:

  • water;
  • radish;
  • spruce tree branch;
  • cloves, etc.

In this case, a certain ritual is performed. In any case, the structure of the spell will be the same: introduction, base, ending. The spell for a bad tooth should be read monotonously, without emotion, in some cases it should be read several times (to enhance the effect).

Rituals are more powerful, and the spells used are no different from conspiracies. Therefore, if the required equipment is not nearby, then do not despair, the plot will work, but the effect will be short-lived. Otherwise, this will be enough to get to the doctor.

If the pain is a symptom of a very serious or chronic disease, then the plot for toothache may not help. Also, if the unpleasant sensations are caused by a bad spell cast, then you must first remove it.

Since talking about a toothache usually needs to be done urgently, below is a list of easy-to-remember and most effective spells.

Stepanova's conspiracy for toothache

Stepanova's spells have great power against toothache. Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova is the author of many powerful spells against diseases. When reading the conspiracies of the Siberian healer based on prayers, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • after the words “Amen” one must be baptized;
  • conspiracies cannot be pronounced on Sunday;
  • Also, this should not be done to pregnant women, since the spell may have a bad effect on the child.

According to people's reviews, despite their apparent simplicity, Natalia's spells have greatest power and can help to get rid of painful sensations for a long time. The text must be pronounced monotonously, rhythmically:

Moon in the sky, Sun in the oak tree. Freeze, worm in your tooth. Amen.

When pronouncing a spell, you need to imagine your pain and negative feelings in your thoughts in the form of a worm that you stop. After pain relief, do not delay going to the dentist, because only he can remove the cause of the pain.

How to spell toothache with water

There is a fairly strong conspiracy against toothache using water. The water should be clean, preferably from a well. Before reading, you need to carefully prepare: free your thoughts from current affairs, focus on relieving negative feelings. In the dark, you need to pick up a glass of water and read the following words over it three times:

Sun and moon, fire and water! My pain decrease and go away. Go away forever! Go through the earth and clouds.

After reading, you need to slowly empty the glass in small sips. Soon the painful sensations will go away.

Also, for toothache, they read a spell on holy water for themselves. Since the water itself already carries healing, after reading a prayer over it, it acquires miraculous properties. During daylight hours, they go outside, pour holy water into a glass, and say the following prayer seven times:

Guardian angel, patron saint, bless the water given by God, let it wash away my pain, let it carry it into an open field - a wide expanse. The water will go into the ground and take the pain with it. Amen.

After reading, rinse your mouth with the charmed water. As soon as the glass becomes empty, the pain syndrome will go away.

Wisdom tooth spell

Very often, pain syndromes occur during the eruption of the last molar, the so-called “wisdom tooth.” In some cases, it comes to fever, inflammation of the gums, and a terrible headache. To relieve pain, you can perform a small ritual. They take hourglass, white sewing thread, church candle. Light a candle in a dark room and place a clock next to it. They take the thread in their hands and say the following words three times quietly and monotonously:

Just as I hold a white thread in my hands, so I grasp the pain of God’s servant (baptismal name). Let her evil spirit brought, will leave me. Amen.

After this, you need to tie it around the candle. The pain will quickly subside. The candle must be taken to the nearest church.

A spell for a bad tooth is a simple remedy, proven over generations, that allows you to quickly get rid of pain at home and prevent the occurrence of gumboil, pus and other complications.

Conspiracy of the Ancient Slavs

The ancient Slavs very often used magic to get rid of diseases, for the health of a child, increase productivity, etc. The most powerful and effective ancient Slavic conspiracies have survived to this day, which contribute to quick deliverance from unpleasant sensations for both adults and children. When using these spells, you must remember: everything is pronounced in a whisper, healthy person. To stop the tooth from aching, take a few pinches of salt, add it to a glass of water, and go outside. Stirring monotonously, say the following:

Voditsa, water, is as clear as a tear. Turn away the disease, heal the tooth of God’s servant (name). As you drain into the depths, the pain will go away.

Toothache is one of the most severe and unpleasant. To reduce it, in the old days, healers and healers made special conspiracies. Some of them have survived to this day.

When talking about dental conspiracies, you can do without a long introduction. It is enough to experience these unpleasant sensations from pain in your teeth or gums at least once, and you can believe in any miraculous powers, especially if you need to wait until the morning or the end of the working day before visiting the dentist.

When resorting to folk remedies, remember that the disease should not be neglected. Don't delay going to the hospital. And conspiracies against toothache will help both you and the doctor in his work, and then the pain will go away, the treatment will end in success and will also not be painful.

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracy for toothache

This conspiracy is well known: it is recommended to be used by the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. It sounds simple enough to remember and pronounce confidently. Do this as clearly as possible, without doubting the power of the words spoken:

Moon in the sky, sun in the oak, freeze, worm in the tooth. Amen.

Of course, the worm here is only a metaphor. This image conveys both illness and pain at the same time. It's like you're putting a block on it. But it is important to understand that despite the pain subsiding, your tooth is not being treated at this time, it simply does not bother you. You should not use the spell instead of painkillers all the time. Take measures to have the diseased tooth examined by a specialist.

Strong dental spell for 40 repetitions

Before this conspiracy, you need to read “Our Father”. We have provided its text separately, and you can always.

After the prayer, read the spell for a bad tooth 40 times in a row:

The moon is in the sky, a worm in the earth, a fish in the water, and when the three come together, only then will my (your name or the name of the patient you are speaking) teeth hurt.

Quick plot against toothache

Tap your cheek with your finger on the side where your painful tooth is located and say:

Strong as a stone, healthy and white, but illness is not my destiny.

After this, try to drink a glass of clean water.

Folk remedies for toothache

If the pain is completely unbearable, spells can be strengthened with other folk remedies. For example, an unexpected remedy works against toothache - massage. Just not a tooth or gum, but a palm. The space between the thumb and index finger during massage reduces pain. Read about other secrets of self-massage and try this technique in action.

The power of nature can also help you. For example, oak is known for its strength and vitality. Rinse your mouth with a decoction of its bark, and the illness will recede.

Finally, the last thing. Sometimes toothache is caused as punishment for words spoken. Remember if you could have accidentally dropped an offensive word to someone, slandered the person, or gotten them into trouble with your words. If so, then perhaps this is why your teeth hurt. In this case, first, mentally and sincerely ask the person for forgiveness. And then say:

What is removed from the tongue is long gone, and you go away, dental disease.

We wish you beautiful smile. Remember that in any situation there will be folk remedies that will help you. Smile more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.07.2016 04:45

Herbal infusions known for being a kind of storehouse of folk knowledge. They affect...
