What are the best vitamins for women in spring? What vitamins are missing in spring and where to get them?

Any vitamins, you need to figure out what functions they generally perform and on. Healthy, elastic skin is largely due to vitamin A. It also affects visual acuity. Huge role in prevention colds, and vitamin C also plays a role in curing them. If you are often sick, you need to eat foods rich in vitamin C. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium, so the strength, as well as the condition of the nails and nails, largely depends on it. Vitamin E boosts the body, helps fight toxins, and also improves function reproductive system. Therefore, if you wish, it is recommended to eat vitamin E with food or in the form of tablets.

B vitamins reduce fatigue, help normalize protein metabolism and strengthen nervous system. These vitamins must be taken when you feel weak or drowsy. Vitamin PP ( a nicotinic acid) helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

What vitamin complexes are best to take in spring?

Most experts recommend taking poly vitamin complexes"Duovit", "Kvadevit", "Multitabs". They contain the vitamins most necessary for the body, with the help of which you will quickly overcome the negative phenomena caused by vitamin deficiency. However, it is recommended to get a doctor's consultation first.

Remember that each person's body is individual.

In addition to vitamins, the listed complexes contain a number of vital essential microelements: zinc, magnesium, iron, iodine, selenium, etc., which are responsible for the functioning of almost all organs.

Vitamins and microelements can be obtained not only through vitamin-mineral complexes, but also by consuming fruits, vegetables, nuts and other healthy foods.

Try to consume vitamins regularly winter time to minimize manifestations. Preparing for future use in the fall, when there is an abundance of vegetables and fruits, will help you. For example, preserve juices from fruits and berries, make jam. Dry slices of apples and pears, rose hips, and then cook and drink compotes from them. Chop fresh herbs and freeze them in plastic bags, then add them little by little to your meals. This way you can at least partially provide yourself with vitamins for the winter. And remember that in winter it is better not to go on diets, because the body should receive as many necessary microelements and vitamins as possible.

Vitamins are unique organic elements, without which the normal existence of the human body is impossible. Daily requirement a person's vitamin intake depends on various factors, such as physical labor, diet, time of year.

The need for vitamins is felt most of all in the spring, when many diseases worsen due to weakened immunity over the winter.

Affects not only the general condition, but also appearance person. The face takes on a grayish tint, and dark spots appear under the eyes. dark circles, the skin peels, hair begins to break and fall out, and pain in the joints is tormented.

What vitamins does the body need in spring?

For normal life vitamins A, C, D, E and group B are needed:

  • A - will help restore skin damaged by winter cold normal condition. A lot of this substance is found in carrots, nettles, beets, pumpkins, corn, apricots and tomatoes;
  • C - protects the body from various infections, will increase immunity. This element is found in cabbage, sorrel, citrus fruits, apples, various berries and rose hips;
  • D - produced under the influence of the sun and helps the absorption of calcium, restores nails, hair and bone tissue. It is present in liver, red fish, dairy products, fish oil and caviar;
  • E - nourishes a weakened body with strength and energy, restores muscular system. Contained in vegetable oil, eggs and plant leaves;
  • Group B - will provide oxygen to the body’s tissues, help cope with fatigue, restore the nervous system and improve protein metabolism in cells. It is present in sufficient quantities in various cereals, yeast, meat, bread, legumes, eggs and fresh vegetables.

With the beginning of spring, you should gradually reduce the amount of animal fats entering your body. But you shouldn’t give up food of animal origin completely. Having excluded meat from the daily menu, you need to consume more dairy products, such as kefir, yogurt and fermented baked milk. It is thanks to these products that you can compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body in the first spring months.

Vegetable oils are also very relevant. It is at the beginning of the spring months that the need increases human body in fat consumption plant origin. In the very first spring salads it is useful to add such an ingredient as olive oil cold pressed. Greens can be watered with lemon juice, which will compensate for the lack of vitamin C and strengthen the immune system.

Vitamins in the spring can be obtained from last year’s berry reserves: black currant, strawberries, cherries, raspberries and apricots. Every day you need to eat a tablespoon of frozen berries, making fruit drinks, mousses, purees, or adding them to porridge and cottage cheese. This will certainly be beneficial and help cope with spring vitamin deficiency.

You can compensate for the lack of minerals and trace elements by eating apples, oranges, grapefruits and bananas. All these fruits are now widely available, so purchasing them will not cause any difficulty. But the first tomatoes and cucumbers will not bring any benefit, since there are practically no vitamins in them, only pesticides, which can be gotten rid of by soaking them in water for an hour. cold water.

The real highlight is considered to be the first greens, with which you can get vitamins in the spring. large quantities. The first shoots of nettle and dandelion leaves are unique products that contain not only vitamins and microelements, but also chlorophyll, which has a powerful rejuvenating and antioxidant effect. It is necessary to collect dandelions and nettles as far as possible from industrial areas and roads. You can add greens to salads, along with green onions, garlic and wild garlic.

You can get it not only by eating healthy products nutrition, but also taking vitamin complexes and biologically active additives to food.

Spring! Everything around comes to life, nature wakes up. But there is also a negative side: a person is again faced with exacerbations of his chronic diseases, which have already caused him a lot of suffering and discomfort. Against this background, spring is no longer happy, life becomes gray and gloomy. But there is a way out. This is taking vitamins!

Vitamins B spring period are those invisible defenders that help the body cope with chronic pathologies and prevent the occurrence of a number of diseases. What vitamins are best to take in the spring and how can women deal with vitamin deficiency in the spring?

It is by spring that there is a significant deficiency of these substances, especially some of them. This becomes the reason sharp decline strength and vitality (spring vitamin deficiency). But if a person knows how to replenish vitamins in the spring, then he will undoubtedly be able to rejoice in its arrival without worrying about his health. Vitamins have already done it for you! But which complexes are better in spring? How to navigate correctly a huge number proposed drugs. Let's find out...

Manifestations of spring vitamin deficiency

How to recognize spring vitamin deficiency? Not everyone knows what signs and symptoms are characteristic of this condition, so even when they appear, they do not take proper measures. And everything is quite simple: symptoms appear, spring vitamin deficiency appears - you need to take vitamins. And it’s even better not to wait for them to appear, but to immediately take vitamins for prevention and fight for improvement. general condition. The preventive approach turns out to be the most effective and significantly strengthens the body.

Spring vitamin deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Significant loss of strength
  • Loss of interest in surroundings
  • Frequent mood changes
  • Depressive mood
  • Decreased appetite or, conversely, an unreasonable increase in appetite
  • Increased sleepiness in daytime and insomnia at night
  • Frequent colds
  • Persistent runny nose, etc.

But if a person starts taking vitamin supplements regularly, then all these unpleasant symptoms pass quickly enough. The person regains vigor, the desire to achieve new heights, he sets new goals for himself, and does not suffer from colds and other diseases. The best remedy The fight against vitamin deficiency in the spring is prevention.

When taking vitamins in the spring, you must follow certain recommendations:

  • Limit the intake of animal fats, but do not give them up completely. To do this, it is recommended to regularly consume lactic acid products.
  • Eating salads that are dressed vegetable oil(sunflower or olive). Such nutrition is not only a source of vitamins for women in the spring, but also a way to compensate for the deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • The latter help prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • It is thanks to this effect that polyunsaturated fatty acid now called vitamin F.
  • Vitamins for women can also be obtained from the fruits of last year. Leaders in content ascorbic acid, which is necessary female body To prolong youth, there are frozen black and red currants, cherries, and raspberries. When frozen, these fruits and berries retain not only ascorbic acid, but also many other useful substances.
  • A person can get the missing microelements from bananas, grapefruits, oranges and apples. They contain a lot of magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium, which are involved in many physiological processes.
  • Eating fresh greens that are grown in open ground– can be an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical vitamin complexes. In addition, it allows you to normalize work gastrointestinal tract(stimulates its peristalsis). But to achieve such results, a person must eat about 500 grams of fresh greens per day, which are grown without chemicals.

Vitamins and microelements

What microelements are needed in spring? This question interests everyone who wants to look young and healthy. What complexes are needed in spring? For oral administration, the complexes are available in the form of tablets and capsules. So that a person does not forget to take them, the best option will be if they have a long period of action and require a single dose of the drug. It is usually convenient to take vitamins in the spring in the morning after breakfast.

Most often, the body lacks the following minerals and trace elements in the spring:

  • Ascorbic acid
  • Thiamina
  • Riboflavin
  • Pyridoxine
  • Tocopherol
  • Cyanocobalamin
  • Retinol
  • Routine
  • Cholecalciferol
  • Nicotinic acid.

Therefore, in the selected vitamin complex, all these substances must be present in the daily requirement. It is also necessary to pay attention to their quantity. In order to effectively combat vitamin deficiency and eliminate its unpleasant symptoms, the complex must cover the daily requirement for vitamins.

In ampoules

Usually injection forms required to achieve results in as soon as possible. The course of treatment with injectable drugs is usually 10-14 days. Next you need to go to oral administration vitamins The question immediately arises, what vitamins should I take next in order to achieve the best results? Ideally, it should be exactly the same drug - with the same name. For example, a complex of B vitamins for injections is called Milgamma. It is also available in the form of capsules called Milgamma, which are completely identical in composition to the injectable drug. They quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of vitamin deficiency and help fight it by saturating the body with useful substances.

With minerals

The best vitamin complexes for women and men are considered to be those that are enriched with all the microelements (minerals) necessary for the body. When choosing a drug in the spring, be sure to study its composition, which should contain all important minerals(taking into account the daily needs of a person). In the spring season, the body most needs microelements such as:

  • Calcium (strengthens bones and teeth)
  • Iron (participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin - chemical compound which carries oxygen in the body)
  • Iodine (participates in the synthesis of hormones thyroid gland, which control almost all processes in the body)
  • Magnesium (determines stress resistance of the nervous system and its protection from negative factors external environment)
  • Zinc (responsible for the condition of hair, nails, immunity and reproductive system).

Group B

Another important aspect is to choose a vitamin complex taking into account the specific preferences of the patient. Which complex to choose in order to improve the condition of hair, nails and skin? Vitamins of group B will cope with these tasks perfectly. They activate tissue renewal and promote their restoration when damaged. They can be taken locally (in the form of ointments, creams and masks), as well as systemically (tablets and capsules). To achieve a visible effect, the duration of use should not be less than one month.


To reduce the severity of premenstrual syndrome, women should take complexes with an increased content of magnesium, which normalizes the activity of the nervous system and protects it from negative environmental factors.

These complexes are also enriched with tocopherol. Without this substance, normal synthesis of sex hormones in the female body is impossible. This is also the answer to the question, what vitamins should women take to normalize menstrual cycle if menstruation is irregular or heavy and prolonged.

To get sick less, you can take a regular multivitamin complex in combination with natural immunostimulants, for example, BronchoMunal, Immunal. Immunostimulating agents help activate the formation of interferon, activate protective immune cells, which are the first to encounter pathogenic microorganisms, as well as phagocyte cells, which contribute to the destruction of “digestion” of harmful microorganisms.

The absorption of vitamins does not depend on the time of year. It is influenced to a greater extent by the amount of reserves of one or another important substance available in the body. The greater the deficiency, the more must be supplied through food or capsules.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of drugs depending on the age, wishes and financial capabilities of the patient.

Known vitamin complexes:

  • Doppelhertz Active
  • Alphabet
  • Complivit
  • Vita Yodurol
  • Multi Tabs and others.

But which brand to choose, which drugs are best to drink in the spring, everyone decides for themselves. Modern medicine does not give clear recommendations regarding the need to take vitamin complexes in the spring. Such drugs are not vital, so no one can force the patient to take them regularly and for prevention. A person's health is his responsibility.

It is useful for every person to know which vitamins are beneficial to take in the spring. This will prevent the adverse effects of hypovitaminosis, which can lead to exacerbation chronic diseases And sharp deterioration health this difficult period of the year.

Winter is over and the human body needs vitamins more than ever, the days are shorter in winter, sunny days very little, there are few products in stores that contain “live” vitamins, food in winter is less varied than in summer, the body wears out, immunity decreases and colds become constant companions of life. The body needs support, especially women, what vitamins should be taken in the spring, so that everything essential vitamins were you present?

Women and seasonal spring vitamin deficiency

Vitamin deficiency occurs when the body experiences a lack of vitamins for a long time. Hypovitaminosis is an extreme degree of vitamin deficiency.

Women react to vitamin deficiency much more acutely than men, because menstruation, which occurs every month, is a loss of blood that must be replenished. It is for this reason that women more often suffer from anemia, a lack of iron in the blood. Women need to take vitamin and mineral complexes in the spring.

In fact, a person needs few vitamins per day, but their constant lack of them in food leads to disastrous consequences. The woman looks bad, is constantly tired, her hair falls out, her skin becomes too dry. Such manifestations of vitamin deficiency are unlikely to please a woman.

Vitamins can be classified: macro- and microelements, water-soluble and fat-soluble.

Water-soluble vitamins

These vitamins easily dissolve in water and are quickly eliminated from the body. Water-soluble vitamins: vitamin C, vitamin PP, B vitamins and some others. Now we will talk about vital vitamins.

  • B1 - is responsible for the normal functioning of metabolism. Vitamin deficiency entails fatigue, malfunction of the nervous system, loss of appetite, skin loses its healthy appearance. In order to replenish vitamin losses. It is necessary to eat: oatmeal, black bread, liver, egg yolks.
  • B2 - is responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, as well as for the condition of the mucous membranes. Contained in fish products, animal liver, buckwheat, milk.
  • B6 - responsible for the nervous system and skin condition. Deficiency leads to the appearance of dermatitis.
  • Vitamin C is the most famous vitamin, responsible for the absorption of iron, and is involved in the functioning of almost all body systems. Contained in many products, for example, lemons, currants, kiwi, sweet peppers, rose hips. You need to know that there is almost no it in “not the first freshness” fruits.

Fat-soluble vitamins

This class includes vitamins A, D, E and F. For normal functioning The female body needs normal levels of vitamins A, D, E in the blood. Vitamins that are classified as fat-soluble vitamins tend to accumulate in the body, so you should make sure that an overdose does not occur.

  • Vitamin A is a growth vitamin; if there is not enough of this vitamin in the body, then immunity decreases, the condition of the skin suffers greatly and vision is impaired. The vitamin is found, for example, in butter, eggs, milk, fish, in products orange color: pumpkin, carrots, apricots.
  • Vitamin D is a unique vitamin; it is called “sunshine” because the synthesis of this vitamin occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This vitamin is important for older women, it is responsible for the condition of bones, and it is responsible for the absorption of calcium by the body.
  • Vitamin E is a beauty vitamin, responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system, affects the smoothness and condition of the skin, and is responsible for hair health. In the spring it must be taken additionally.


Don't forget about minerals, which are also very necessary for the body. The first place is occupied by magnesium, calcium and iron.

Lack of iron, as already mentioned, leads to anemia; calcium is necessary for good condition bones and teeth, magnesium affects mood stability, this is especially important before the onset of menstruation.

The “Golden Rule” of Nutrition in Spring

Is it possible to do without vitamin tablets in spring? Certainly, natural vitamins are better absorbed, but sometimes their quantity in food is insufficient. In order to get all the necessary vitamins from food, you need to think through your diet very carefully.

To ensure that vitamins are well absorbed, avoid alcohol, coffee, etc. of course, smoking. Take walks more often fresh air and, nevertheless, in the spring it is better to use vitamin-mineral complexes.

Spring vitamin deficiency is a problem for many people. This is due to poor nutrition and loss of vitamins in fruits and vegetables sold in supermarkets. What to do in this case and how to improve the condition can be found in this article.

How to deal with spring vitamin deficiency?

With the first rays of the sun in spring, nature awakens and processes in the human body become more active. Therefore, the need for vital important components. This is especially true for vitamins. In the spring, there is a severe shortage of them, which leads to frequent colds and the fact that all chronic illnesses make themselves felt. To avoid this, to help yourself “get out” of a sluggish, painful state, you should turn Special attention for food and complex vitamin preparations.

From the right choice A lot depends on the drug. Each composition has its own characteristics and a set of specific vitamins and minerals. In order to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible, you should know which complexes are best to buy.

The main symptoms of vitamin deficiency and its consequences

Spring vitamin deficiency is a condition caused by insufficient intake into the human body. important substances from the main source - food. The daily requirement for vitamins is calculated in milligrams. It would seem that this is so little. But the lack of one, or even more so of several, substances leads to significant disruptions in the body and provokes dangerous diseases.

Vitamins slow down or speed up processes, depending on their nature. They act as a kind of regulators in systems. If the conversion and absorption of proteins, lipids or carbohydrates occurs too slowly or too quickly, the body will not be able to function properly.

Symptoms of a lack of vitamins in the body:

  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • mood swings, irritability, depression;
  • peeling of the skin, dryness, rashes;
  • problems with hair, hair loss, fragility;
  • nails grow slowly, break, peel;
  • tendency to colds, low resistance to disease;
  • lack of sleep, sleep disturbances;
  • poor appetite, craving for any food product;
  • weakness, dizziness.

If vitamin deficiency is not treated in time, then all these symptoms will only intensify, and more serious disruptions will begin in the body.

First, in the absence of the correct doses of vitamins, the immune system collapses. If there is no protective barrier, then diseases will begin to fall one after another. An elementary cold will become prolonged and can lead to complications in the form of pneumonia or bronchitis. Without proper treatment, vitamin deficiency causes pathologies of the cardiovascular system and malfunctions of the nervous structures. Also, due to a lack of vitamins, bones suffer, they become brittle, muscle mass the breathing mechanism also undergoes changes.

Vitamins and minerals a person needs in the spring

The list of nutrients that play an important role in the functioning of the human body is quite impressive.

For normal life, the following vitamins are needed:

  • A – ensures visual acuity, controls skin condition;
  • C – guarantees high immunity and resistance to colds and other diseases;
  • D – responsible for strength bone tissue, healthy looking nails and hair;
  • E – detoxifies the body, fights free radicals;
  • B vitamins – regulates the metabolic processes of various substances, heart function, and ensures the nervous system’s resistance to stress.

It is equally important, in addition to vitamins, to provide the body with sufficient quantities of minerals, such as calcium and potassium, iron, as well as phosphorus and zinc. Without them, the synthesis of enzymes and hormones in the body and the formation of new cells are impossible.

The need for these substances is not the same for everyone. Depending on gender, age, general condition of the body and the presence of certain diseases, the required amount for a particular person is formed.

For an adult man, vitamins B2, B6 and B12 are more important, because they give strength, vigor, and strengthen muscles. For women, those substances that provide an attractive appearance are important. Ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamin E, B will ensure healthy hair, skin and nails. Elderly people have an increased need for antioxidants. Therefore, vitamins A, C, E and D are especially important for them. Babies who are actively growing require B vitamins, ascorbic acid, and carotene.

Healthy sources of vitamins and minerals in food

The main supplier of minerals and vitamins is food. It is natural and therefore the most useful source. It can be consumed without special restrictions, without fear of an overdose of beneficial substances.

Food of animal origin

It is important to include animal products in your diet, because they contain many beneficial nutrients - minerals and vitamins, not to mention amino acids. Meat products are an excellent source of B vitamins; the body will get sufficient quantity vitamin D. A person can also replenish their reserves of these substances by regular use eggs and liver.

In addition to the above components, meat contains many different micro- and macroelements. The leading positions in phosphorus concentration belong to fish and seafood. They are also rich in fluorine, zinc, selenium, chromium and copper.

To ensure that the body is saturated with vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to eat dairy products and eggs daily, and meat and fish dishes include in the diet three times a week, no less.

Plant sources of vitamins and minerals:

  1. Cereals, as well as bread, will bring B vitamins, provide chromium, phosphorus compounds, copper, and manganese.
  2. Greens are rich in ascorbic and folic acid, and contain a lot of vitamin K.
  3. Fruits and vegetables supply carotene and ascorbic acid, minerals - potassium and calcium and many others useful substances, without which it will be difficult to survive the winter and not get sick.
  4. Nuts are rich in fats, with the help of which vitamins and minerals are better absorbed.

All types of nuts, as well as fruits and vegetables in the spring should be consumed every day in increased dosage. They are perfect as a nutritious and healthy snack.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for women in spring

Diverse and full menu It requires a lot of effort and time, because you have to prepare different dishes and combine many ingredients in them, constantly buy vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately, not all products are of high quality, so they do not contain many vitamins and minerals. Doctors strongly advise after winter and early spring to take a course of multivitamins for 2 to 6 weeks. There are many types of them in pharmacies, each of which is aimed at its own consumer, taking into account gender and age.

Complexes for girls in spring:

  1. Duovit. The composition of the drug is combined with vitamins and minerals in such a way that all systems and organs function properly when taken. Fast pace of life and constant stress have a significant impact on women's health. And if you add diet to this, then the female body cannot do without a vitamin complex. Duovit will provide a surge of strength, vigor, and good mood.
  2. Perfect. The vitamin complex of this drug will help get rid of flaking skin, excessive dryness, and take care of the health of nails and hair. He also fights premature aging and manifestations of vitamin deficiency.
  3. Complivit. A special variety for the fair half of all ages, also suitable for expectant mothers. The beneficial substances of the drug regulate the composition of the blood and the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamins take care of the beauty of curls and skin, giving lightness, strength, and vigor.
  4. Elevit. Special development for pregnant women with increased dosage important vitaminfolic acid. It is impossible without vitamin B9 proper development fetus
  5. Revit and Undevit. Inexpensive and at the same time effective drugs. Revit can be used by both adults and children. Undevit is an option for adults only. It is suitable for older people. Both drugs have proven their effectiveness over the years.
  6. AlfaVit Cosmetics. The composition of this drug is aimed at restoring skin, nails, hair. There is a variety specifically for men, the composition of which regulates potency and also enhances physical strength, endurance.
  7. Vitrum. It is recommended for adults, especially with spring vitamin deficiency. Excellent protection against viral infections, strengthens the body's defenses. There are varieties for women of different ages: Vitrum Beauty for girls, and for those over 50 – Vitrum Centuri. Find similar drug can be found at any pharmacy.

Also, to improve your condition, you can use vitamins not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of ampoules. You should inject such drugs only after consulting a doctor, following all the rules and recommendations.

What vitamins are best for men to take in spring?

Alphabet. A special male version of this complex is designed to get rid of vitamin deficiency, as well as for general support of the body. This drug is good remedy to obtain energy. It comes in capsule form. They must be consumed at certain hours. Alphabet for Men provides a sufficient dose of various vitamins, including carotene. The capsules also contain lutein, arginine and mineral components.

Aevit. These vitamins include the two most powerful antioxidants - vitamin A and tocopherol. They will help with lethargy, general weakness, decreased immunity. Aevit is also an excellent helper for vitamin deficiency and after various infectious diseases and colds. The drug is prescribed to patients during postoperative rehabilitation.

Duovit Energy. This remedy not only replenishes the lack of vitamins in the body, but also increases performance, mental activity. If you take the capsules regularly, this will be an excellent prevention of vitamin deficiency and prevent constant fatigue.

The vitamin complex is suitable for those who experience depressive states, does not eat regularly or is engaged in physically demanding work.

Vitamin complexes for children in spring

Almost all parents observe symptoms of vitamin deficiency in their children in the spring. At this time, vegetables and fruits sold in stores have already partially lost their nutritional properties, you shouldn’t rely on their help. It’s easy to choose a multivitamin at the pharmacy. children's complex. Preparations that are developed for the smallest children differ in the set of vitamins.

It is better to give children under five years of age the following multivitamin complexes:

  • Multi-tabs Baby;
  • Kinder Biovital gel;
  • Alvitil;
  • Pikovit;
  • Centrum for children.

For a child over 5 years old, it is preferable to take Oligovit, children's Alfivit, Centrum, Vitrum, as well as Multi-tabs classic. According to the results of tests conducted by one of research institutes USA, they were recognized as the most optimal.

We should not forget about children over 12 years of age. They are also at risk. In the spring, schoolchildren's attention decreases significantly, children find it difficult to concentrate, and their academic performance drops. To eliminate vitamin deficiency and activate brain activity, vitamin preparations such as Vita Mishki and Multi-tabs B-complex have been specially created.

Features of taking multivitamin preparations

Pharmacy vitamin complexes must be taken according to the rules, otherwise there will be little benefit from them.

Here are a few features to consider:

  1. If you drink more than 3 cups of strong coffee per day or take medications containing caffeine, they will destroy vitamin B.
  2. Smoking due to its nicotine content neutralizes beneficial features vitamins A, E, ascorbic acid.
  3. Alcoholic drinks block the effect of vitamins B and A.
  4. Acetylsalicylic acid, although a good helper in the fight against fever, reduces the amount of ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins A and B.
  5. Because of the reception sleeping pills the body does not absorb B12, D, A, E.
  6. Antibiotics are enemies of beneficial substances of group B; if you use them, then after the course of treatment you should drink multivitamin capsules.
  7. It is not recommended to simultaneously take vitamin K, which can thicken the blood, and anticoagulants that thin it.
  8. Excess vitamin A can cause miscarriage.

Reception vitamin preparations as an addition to the diet in the spring, it will prevent the appearance of signs of vitamin deficiency, and if it occurs, it will quickly eliminate all unpleasant symptoms. You should not self-medicate; it is better to consult a therapist before using them.
