What to do if you have severe nervous exhaustion. How to treat nervous exhaustion

Long-term depression, characterized by loss of interest in life, is a depletion of the nervous system, the symptoms and treatment of which are well known. It appears in children and young people with an immature nervous system and can be a symptom of severe mental illness. Nervous exhaustion may occur as a result of severe long-term stress or too much intellectual stress.

When the nervous system is depleted, specific symptoms appear. A person's cognitive abilities are greatly reduced, and memory suffers. His physical state is at a low level, and this affects the quality of life. A person cannot experience any emotions, he has no strength and no desire to work.

This condition requires calm, systematic treatment under the guidance of a psychotherapist, who will help the body recover and resist stress in later life.

Causes of the disease and its symptoms

Nervous exhaustion syndrome most often develops in large cities, when a person is forced into a rhythm of life that his nervous system cannot cope with.

The human body has a reserve nutrients, hormones, immune factors, microelements, used when a super-strong irritant appears, which can be:

  • lack of sleep;
  • strong mental stress;
  • injury;
  • operation;
  • constant expression of strong emotions.

Organism healthy person can adapt to the situation and overcome stress. Adaptation may not occur. Also, super-strong stimuli may appear one after another, and the load will be too heavy for a person. In this case, the body completely uses up its emergency reserve, and it will have nothing to respond to stimuli with. Then signs of nervous system exhaustion appear.

A common cause of nervous exhaustion is an unhealthy lifestyle: the presence bad habits, lack of physical activity and physical inactivity.

People whose lives are associated with constant stress suffer from nervous exhaustion:

  1. Managers working in large enterprises.
  2. Workers located at piecework payment labor.
  3. People working on a rotational basis.
  4. Representatives of emergency services whose work is full of surprises.
  5. Mothers with small children are forced to work and take care of the child.
  6. People who pay off loans for large amounts.

All these people have a feeling of increased anxiety, in which they constantly expect danger to appear. At this time, pathological changes occur in their body.

  1. During periods of exhaustion, the nervous system constantly sends signals aimed at stimulating the glands internal secretion, hearts and blood vessels so that they are ready to physically respond to danger.
  2. At this time, control over processes that are not involved in defensive reactions decreases. This affects the digestive system and the functioning of the gonads.
  3. There is disorganization of work endocrine glands, which is forced to produce a large number of adrenaline, reducing the production of other hormones. Suffering from stress thyroid, and the development of sexual disorders, diabetes and ovarian dysfunction begins.
  4. Constant changes in the rhythms of the heart muscle due to the influence of stress hormones on them lead to the development of arrhythmia and impaired blood pressure.
  5. The immune system weakens, and against this background, opportunistic microflora begins to develop on mucous tissues. The herpes virus is activated, dysbacteriosis develops, followed by candidiasis. Often, against the background of nervous exhaustion, pain in the muscles, joints and spine appears.
  6. Disruption digestive tract leads to irritable bowel syndrome. Peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum often develops against a background of constant stress.

Symptoms of nervous exhaustion of the body

Any mental pathologies accompanied by mental and somatic symptoms. So, to mental symptoms The following violations may include:

  1. The appearance of rapid irritation, which manifests itself after a short wait.
  2. Outbursts of anger that people do not normally express.
  3. Decreased self-esteem.
  4. Increased tearfulness.
  5. The appearance of a persistent feeling of fatigue that does not go away after a night's rest.
  6. The presence of a constant desire to go to sleep.
  7. Availability of sustainable anxious thoughts and lack of reaction to funny situations and pleasant sensations.

Somatic symptoms of the disease often include asthenic phenomena and pain unknown etiology, the cause of which is not determined during the examination.

Main symptoms:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • increased sensitivity to household irritants when caused severe irritation sharp sounds, light, smell;
  • constant headache accompanied by pain in the neck, back, limbs, muscles;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • feeling of discomfort in the abdomen;
  • exacerbation various diseases associated with damage to the mucous membranes internal organs and systems.

How is the treatment carried out?

All these symptoms are treated by specialists who carry out complex treatment. Initially, the feeling of increased anxiety is relieved and healthy sleep is restored.

Treatment of nervous exhaustion takes place in a complex. It includes:

  • drug therapy;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • phytotherapy;
  • physical exercise;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • correction of behavioral skills.

Before prescribing treatment, an examination is carried out to determine the reasons that led to the depletion of the nervous system. After this, a comprehensive treatment is prescribed, which includes special medications and sessions with a psychologist.

Nervous exhaustion can cause exacerbation chronic diseases that the patient already has. With proper treatment aimed at eliminating nervous exhaustion, they go away on their own.

Prescribed medications may include:

  • vasodilators;
  • drugs that restore brain cells;
  • antidepressants.

How to treat patients suffering from exhaustion of the nervous system, what drugs to choose for this, must be decided by the attending physician. He makes an appointment, determines the dosage and duration of administration. Treatment is stopped gradually as you feel better.

You can independently normalize sleep using relaxation, meditation, physical activity, and herbal medicine. A properly selected diet promotes recovery. Fractional meals rich in vitamins group B, promotes the accumulation of necessary nutrients, with the help of which the state of the nervous system is normalized.

Prevention of the disease consists of healthy way life, in which active physical activity alternates with good rest. Withdrawal stressful situations Relaxation skills, passion for some kind of sport and water procedures contribute.

The body must come out of prolonged stress, which has led to exhaustion of the nervous system. Otherwise, a person will develop diseases that lead to premature death.

Nervous exhaustion is a psycho-emotional state that occurs in a person after suffering mental stress, stress and excessive mental activity. Our body is a well-functioning system in which everything is interconnected, and therefore overload of one of the systems (intellectual or emotional) immediately affects general health person, causing symptoms of nervous exhaustion.


The main reason for this condition is overwork of the body. Moreover, we are talking about physical, mental, emotional or mental fatigue. If the body constantly works under increased stress load, failures occur. The same can be said about the body’s functioning at the peak of emotional stress.

Mental activity, for example, concentrated study, can also cause exhaustion of the nervous system - which is why schoolchildren and higher education students often face this problem. educational institutions. Nervous exhaustion also develops when a person does not alternate different types stress, for example, physical and mental, focusing on one area of ​​activity.

In a word, all excessive emotions are unfavorable for our nervous system, and if they are prolonged, they can cause nervous exhaustion.


With nervous exhaustion, people complain of the most various symptoms, assuming that you have completely various diseases. In particular, many experience surges in blood pressure, headaches and pain in the heart area. In this case, people think that they have a heart pathology and turn to a cardiologist, whereas only a neurologist can help them.

Other signs of nervous exhaustion include:

  • insomnia;
  • nightmares;
  • sexual dysfunction in men (or impaired libido in women);
  • feeling of numbness and coldness in the extremities.

Against the background of exhaustion of the nervous system, nausea and vomiting, as well as other dyspeptic disorders, can occur, which also makes a person falsely suspect that he has gastrointestinal diseases.

There are other symptoms of such pathology as nervous exhaustion. For example, people experience impaired coordination, disturbances in attention, orientation in space, speech impairment, and memory deterioration. Sometimes the symptoms of the disorder are so severe that a person needs hospitalization, but most often treatment is provided on an outpatient basis.

Also present in a syndrome such as nervous exhaustion. These are signs such as an increase and decrease in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate, as well as a drop in temperature (up to 35 degrees and slightly lower).

The most characteristic symptoms for this disorder are associated with a disturbance in the emotional sphere. Patients are usually depressed or apathetic, but they may experience unreasonable outbursts of anger and irritability caused by absolutely insignificant things, words or actions.

People with a disorder called nervous exhaustion constantly feel tired, weak, and have trouble sleeping. They often seek salvation from their feelings in alcohol, which further aggravates the situation, leading to the development of severe problems and the emergence of alcohol addiction.

Features of treatment

Despite the fact that nervous exhaustion is not an obvious pathology, it should not be underestimated, since this condition significantly deteriorates a person’s quality of life. Without treatment, such a disorder can harm not only the person himself, but also his loved ones - in a state of nervous exhaustion, people often commit actions, the consequences of which are disastrous.

Treatment of nervous exhaustion of the body is carried out using specially selected medications– antidepressants, vitamins, vasodilators (to improve brain function). It should be remembered that treatment for nervous exhaustion can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist. In no case should you self-medicate, since all of the above-mentioned drugs have side effects and their unreasonable use can be hazardous to health.

An important place in the treatment of body exhaustion is occupied by the preparation correct mode day. The schedule should be designed in such a way that during the day a person has time for walks, non-exhausting physical activity, rest and work. Normalization of nutrition is also important - a diet compiled in accordance with the rules healthy eating, will improve your well-being.

It is very important to normalize sleep, and it is best if you can do without taking appropriate medicines. Therefore, walks on fresh air in the evening, meditation to help you relax, warm baths before bed - in a word, everything that can help you relax and fall into a deep, healing sleep.

Nervous exhaustion is very common in modern world, especially if we take into account the Western part of world society. The fact is that success, well-being and happiness are associated with big profits, and this in turn leads to constant workloads, irregular schedules, and mental fatigue. Children also face heavy workloads at school, and teenagers at university. As a result, if a person is unable to cope with the resulting stress and does not have the skills to resist it, nervous exhaustion occurs.

It all starts with the fact that a person cannot cope with the rhythm of life, gradually accumulates fatigue, endured stress and finds himself in a lethargic state. As a result, it develops chronic fatigue, neurasthenia, nervous fatigue, asthenic neurosis. All these symptoms relate to the diagnosis of nervous exhaustion. This disease also manifests itself after a long stay in a state of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia).

However, there are other reasons that develop exhaustion of the nervous system, which we will discuss below. As for the “common roots” that contribute to the emergence of this diagnosis, this is a high mental, psychological and physiological load that a person cannot cope with. Moreover, over time it becomes more difficult to get rid of tension and simply relax. There is no doubt that NI (nervous exhaustion) is a serious illness that can lead to deep depression and prevents a person from living fully. Nervous exhaustion occurs in men and women (often during pregnancy).

Causes of nervous exhaustion

  • Frequent stress. Human nature is designed in such a way that after suffering stress, it is necessary to relax in order to restore strength. Imagine you are running a long distance. Sooner or later your physical strength will simply end and if you don’t stop yourself, your body will collapse from exhaustion due to excess stress. The same thing happens in emotional sphere. Frequent stress, not interspersed with psychological relief, leads to nervous exhaustion and, as a consequence, depression if this condition is not stopped.
  • Monotonous work. It's no secret that boring work, for example, as an operator, accountant, proofreader and other workers, does not bring much joy. Of course, there are exceptions, because for some this is a whole calling. The point is that when a person for a long time engages in work that does not bring him satisfaction, and also risks receiving NI. It has been noticed that the happiest and most prosperous people do only what they love. Even businessmen and small entrepreneurs, experiencing heavy loads, but who are passionate about their profession, do not end up in the category of patients, as they receive great emotional satisfaction. In this regard, if you observe NI in yourself, we advise you to pay attention to your activities. Perhaps this is where the problem lies.
  • Irregular working hours. The body gets used to a certain schedule and, if it is constantly violated, it will not be able to obtain the proper level of relaxation.
  • Chronic lack of sleep.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Constant life irritants (quarrels, arguments, curses, etc.).
  • Somatic diseases.
  • Injuries.
  • Infections.

Symptoms of nervous exhaustion

  • Hot temper, aggressiveness, emotional instability, increased irritability. Interestingly, in some cases the opposite effect is observed when the person looks very cheerful. However, this is rather a defensive reaction and a reluctance to accept reality as such. In this situation, you need to look at the problem very carefully and help the patient, since he is not aware of his mistakes and problems. And the process of immediate awareness inevitably leads to apathy and depression. This is why the help of a specialist is important.
  • Impatience, excessive vanity.
  • Loss of sense of humor.
  • With nervous exhaustion, intolerance increases large cluster people and an inappropriate attitude towards them arises.
  • Feeling constant lack of sleep. Even after 8–10 hours of sleep, you feel tired. In other words, the body cannot relax at night and restore its strength.
  • The emergence of phobias and increased anxiety.
  • Signs of nervous exhaustion can also include frequent headaches.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Tinnitus.
  • Difficulty concentrating on anything.
  • Loss of appetite and weight.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Insomnia and nightmares. A large stream of thoughts prevents you from mentally relaxing and falling asleep; you get the feeling that your head has been working all night, but your body has not rested.
  • Impaired speech, coordination, increased level forgetfulness.
  • Gradual loss of self-confidence and the emergence of low self-esteem.
  • Sexual dysfunction, decreased attraction to the opposite sex.
  • Feeling of weakness, loss of vitality.
  • Discomfort in the stomach and intestines.
  • Pain in the back, arms and legs.
  • Decreased immunity, which can ultimately lead to new diseases.
  • Apathy and unwillingness to work.
  • Nervous exhaustion contributes to indigestion.

3 stages of nervous exhaustion disease

The first stage of the disease occurs in a hypersthenic form. The main factors characterizing this illness are high irritability at the world. A person, as a rule, is in increased emotional arousal and reacts sharply to extraneous noises and sounds, since they are perceived much more acutely than in a normal state. Very often, ordinary conversations with family and friends end in quarrels, swearing and shouting, as the patient quickly loses his balanced state, lashing out at others over trifles.

Exhaustion of the nervous system of the hypersthenic form, symptoms and treatment of the disease are also identified and prescribed by the doctor. The patient, as a rule, feels a decrease in performance, but this is not due to physical problems, but to psycho-emotional abnormalities.

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The attention of such a person is constantly scattered over trifles, it is difficult to concentrate on one task, and the implementation regular work drags on for a long time. Available interrupted sleep, insomnia. Every morning you have to get ready to live another day of your life. If the doctor notices this form of nervous exhaustion, as a rule, he recommends rest and sedatives light action. It is very important to put yourself in order so as not to aggravate the situation and not get new consequences.

Nervous exhaustion and symptoms of the second stage - irritable weakness. Neurasthenia of this form is expressed by severe fatigue. The breaks from work become much longer, and rest does not bring any satisfaction.

Mild irritability gives way to frequent grievances, complaints, and the person cries for any reason. A feeling of own powerlessness appears, which only aggravates the situation. If you suspect that your nervous system is exhausted, you should urgently consult a doctor, otherwise the disease can progress to depression, severe neurosis and worsen chronic ailments.

If during the first stage it is still possible to cure simple methods, then if you have irritable weakness, you should contact the appropriate doctor.

The third stage of the disease is the hyposthenic form. The person experiences physical exhaustion, mental weakness, passivity and persistent lethargy. The patient is depressed and constantly complains about his illness. Self-pity appears, psychogenic pain in the joints and abdomen is observed.

Be careful, since the diagnosis of “nervous exhaustion” can only be made by a doctor after a consultation. Otherwise, there is a risk of making a mistake and fighting a false disease.

As a result, it is worth noting that modern look life has a very negative impact on human health. The constant bustle, the race for money and other benefits, leads to the fact that a person forgets about the most important thing - physical and psycho-emotional health. To return to normal condition, you will need to show effort, patience and a harmonious attitude.

Nervous exhaustion (" nervous weakness", chronic fatigue, asthenic neurosis) is the most common form of neurosis in the modern world. This condition It is very difficult to detect by the person himself and to diagnose by doctors, because its symptoms are varied. Nervous exhaustion, symptoms, treatment, causes will be discussed in this article.

What are the reasons?

Usually, main reason Experts call this condition overwork. When a person accumulates less energy What it spends, the body begins to deplete. This also applies to the nervous system. The human brain gets tired from bad habits, insufficient sleep, too much physical or mental stress, stress, and worries. If you constantly live at this pace and do not take breaks, then you risk encountering a problem such as nervous exhaustion. We will look at the symptoms below, but remember that you should not seek treatment from a therapist who will treat the consequences (chronic ailments, decreased immunity). In this case, go to a psychotherapist who will eliminate the original cause.

Nervous exhaustion: symptoms

This condition, as we have already said, is very difficult to diagnose, since it is hidden under a huge amount symptoms. Let's look at the most obvious and common signs.

A terrible symptom is depression

There are many symptoms that experts call “masking symptoms.” These include ringing in the ears, vomiting, dry mouth, abdominal pain, movement disorders. However, nervous exhaustion also has a very formidable “hidden” symptom - depression. Why is he formidable? Because there are several types of depression, and only a specialist can identify the one that can be treated. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Depression with “strange” pain

Nervous exhaustion in this case is manifested by “incomprehensible” pains and sensations throughout the body. They can concentrate in the area of ​​the heart (then we are dealing with a cardialgic variant), in the head area (cephalgic depression), in the joints (arthralgic). If there is no specific localization, and sensations “wander” everywhere, then a panalgic variant occurs.

Depression with signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia

In this case, significant regular fluctuations in pulse and blood pressure will be observed. There may be malfunctions in normal operation internal organs. A little elevated temperature bodies, gases, sweating also indicate this type of depression.

Drug-addicted look

Against a background of depressed mood and nervous exhaustion, a person often begins to take drugs or abuse alcohol. It seems to him that in this way he will get rid of everyone discomfort, will lift your spirits, but this does not happen, and the situation only gets worse.

Behavioral changes and insomnia

These are two more types of depression. The first is more characteristic of adolescents, when discipline is considered by them to be a violation of freedom, an invasion of personal life. Laziness noticeably replaces overly active behavior. Insomnia (insomnia) was discussed above. The person cannot sleep normally and feels constant drowsiness during the day.

Problems in treatment

Nervous exhaustion, the treatment of which must be tailored to all causes and symptoms, is a common ailment that, unfortunately, is neglected by many. In many cases, attempts are made to treat neurosis itself and the accompanying disorders. different drugs, including antidepressants. However, it must be borne in mind that many drugs or have a mass side effects and contraindications, or simply will not have the desired effect. Because of this, specialists are forced to use several means at once in order for at least some help, which, naturally, is fraught with consequences. The fact is that such an approach (especially in old age) can lead to even bigger problems. What to do? Of course, if you are dealing with an advanced case, then there is simply no other choice, every minute is decisive. But if everything is just beginning, then we advise you to try the following recommendations.

Nervous exhaustion: how to recover

  1. First of all, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause that caused this condition. As a rule, this turns out to be a psychological trauma that arose in childhood. Either the child was raised harshly, or he often observed conflicts in the family, or too many demands were placed on him. There are a lot of situations. An intrapersonal conflict arises, provoking such neuroses in the future. This conflict is located in the subconscious, so a person is unable to change anything on his own. It is necessary to contact a psychotherapist who will help you deal with deep-seated experiences and eliminate the cause of neurosis.
  2. You cannot do without the correct alternation of work and rest. According to statistics, a considerable part of cases occur due to the fact that a person is trying to cope with a large amount of work or tasks in record time. Don’t forget to take breaks during activities, rest actively, and move more.
  3. Normal good sleep- the path to healing. Try to get up at the same time every day, do not read, watch TV, or work on a laptop in bed. Lie down only when you are very tired, do not try to fall asleep “forcibly”, the body itself will tell you when to take a horizontal position. A few hours before bedtime, do not drink alcohol, caffeine, or eat.
  4. Physical activity in the form hiking or swimming will help improve the condition.
  5. Relaxation. This includes meditation, listening to light compositions, yoga, and baths.

In this article we looked at what nervous exhaustion is. You now know the symptoms and treatment. Do not delay returning to normal and full life, take care of yourself!

Nervous exhaustion is one of the most common disorders of our time. Psychologists say the reason for this is the frantic pace of life, the need to achieve success, nervous state, which becomes a familiar atmosphere. Symptoms appear as fatigue, lack of feeling of rest and irritability. Treatment can sometimes be medicinal in nature. However, initially you can recover using folk methods.

Nervous exhaustion should be understood as a “state of fatigue” in which a person loses interest in life, physical strength, good mood and a positive outlook on the world. How deeper man exhausted, the less he wants to do anything, desire, please someone and live in principle.

This condition is dangerous because many readers of the site psychological assistance site live in a nervous environment. The first signs of nervous exhaustion should be noticed in order to restore your psycho-emotional balance in time.

What is nervous exhaustion?

Nervous exhaustion is special condition a person in which he feels a loss of strength, mood disorder, lack of desires and aspirations, impaired memory and thinking, as well as irritability, loss of joy, etc. This condition develops as a result of prolonged emotional or intellectual work, which is accompanied by stress. An example of a situation that can lead a person to nervous exhaustion is separation from a beloved partner, when the individual suffers due to separation and does not let go of the situation.

Nervous exhaustion can also develop in conditions labor activity when a person performs monotonous, uninteresting work, and he has limited quantity time to complete it.

Nervous exhaustion significantly affects an individual’s performance. He loses his taste for life, is unable to perform quality work, and his intellectual activity decreases.

Nervous exhaustion means:

  1. Chronic fatigue.
  2. Asthenic
  3. Nervous fatigue.

The International Classification of Diseases identifies two main types of diseases that are considered significant:

  • Exhaustion as a result of excessive exertion.
  • Exhaustion as a result of prolonged stay in unfavorable conditions.

Nervous exhaustion does not develop immediately. The gradual development and appearance of symptoms suggests that it is possible not only to recognize the disease, but also to stop its further development in time. After all, the sooner treatment begins, the better and faster the recovery will come.

Causes of nervous exhaustion

Nervous exhaustion does not convey the whole meaning of what is happening to a person. With this disorder, absolutely all the resources and “reserves” of the body are depleted. So, a person spends all his energy, strength, hormones, vitamins, immunity and other resources that the body can accumulate just in case. The reasons for such exhaustion of the body at all levels are prolonged exposure to stress.

Even a single stress strong character is not capable of exhausting a person so much that he wants to fall and not move. Only with prolonged exposure to irritating factors that cause stress in a person is it possible to become exhausted. The most important conditions for nervous exhaustion are:

  1. Duration of stress, which should be long-term.
  2. Nervous tension inside a person who cannot calm down, relax and rest.
  3. Some traumatization at the psycho-emotional level.

In what situations does a person become exhausted? This could be a job where a person spends most of its time. It can be love relationship, in which a person does not experience love, respect and joy. This may be a tragic situation that a person constantly remembers and experiences bitterly.

A person must spend more energy than he “accumulates”. Here, fatigue is ignored - the first and most important symptom of the development of nervous exhaustion. If a person continues to work, does not give himself rest, does not recharge himself with energy, then he begins to aggravate the situation. In the future, a person can only reach a depressive state in a clinical form.

Concomitant factors that contribute to the development of nervous exhaustion are:

  • Stress over little things.
  • Bad habits.
  • Excited state.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Experiences.
  • Lack of rest and sleep.

How does nervous exhaustion develop? Let's look at the stages:

  1. When a person experiences, his central nervous system sends enhanced impulses to the endocrine, cardiac and immune systems, which are a priority. Because of this, they work harder, while other organs begin to suffer from a lack of the necessary impulses for them.
  2. Work is disrupted endocrine organs which, under stress, constantly produce excess amounts of hormones.
  3. The functioning of the cardiac system is disrupted due to increased functioning, which affects blood pressure and heart rate.
  4. When work is disrupted immune system, since it also functions on the edge, then a person becomes susceptible to various infectious and inflammatory diseases. Please note that usually a person gets sick when he has suffered severe stress.
  5. The gastrointestinal tract also begins to malfunction in the form of flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, peptic ulcers and even stomach pain.

Symptoms and signs of nervous exhaustion

At first, a person does not notice that nervous exhaustion is developing. Usually the first sign is daily fatigue. Moreover, by the evening it becomes obvious, and in the morning a person no longer has the strength and desire to do something that takes away his energy.

If the problem is not solved, then the main signs of nervous exhaustion develop:

  • Persistent feeling of fatigue.
  • Inability to fall asleep in the evening, even if the person has been drowsy all day.
  • Pessimism.
  • Bad mood.
  • Unreasonable anxiety.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Unstable blood pressure.
  • Feeling your own heartbeat.
  • Unreasonable increase in body temperature.
  • Emergence inflammatory processes out of season.
  • Excessive sensitivity to external stimuli.
  • Pain in the arms, legs and back that a person cannot explain.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

People around you can also recognize nervous exhaustion by the following symptoms:

  1. Hypersensitivity to various external stimuli.
  2. Impatience, inability to wait.
  3. Headaches, weakness and fatigue with minor exertion.
  4. Irritability both towards loved ones and towards oneself.
  5. Changes in character, decreased self-esteem, development of self-doubt.
  6. Decreased alertness and memory.
  7. Absent-mindedness.
  8. Restless sleep, when a person sleeps poorly and wakes up from nightmares.
  9. Decreased libido.
  10. A change in appetite either upward or downward, which entails a change in body weight.
  11. Trying to do several things at once, but being unable to complete them.
  12. Bad mood of a stable plan.

Nervous exhaustion does not occur suddenly. It develops gradually and goes through certain stages:

  • The stage of hyperesthesia, when a person becomes fussy and irritable. A person understands what is happening to him, but is not able to influence the process, and often provokes conflicts with others. Performance decreases, headaches occur, lethargy and weakness occur.
  • The stage of weakness and irritability, when a person becomes pessimistic, quick-tempered, and quickly outgoing. The person becomes anxious. Pains begin to disturb not only in the head and body, but also in the heart, problems with the gastrointestinal tract arise, shortness of breath, dizziness and allergic reactions develop.
  • The stage of hyposthesia, when a person falls into depressive state, loses taste for life, apathetic.

A person cannot collect his thoughts; they become “foggy.” At the same time, thoughts are negative.

Treatment of nervous exhaustion

To cure nervous exhaustion, you should consult a psychotherapist, not doctors. Of course, treatment must be comprehensive, which includes eliminating physical signs. However, in the absence of treatment psychological reason, which led to exhaustion, no other treatment will give positive results.

It is necessary to eliminate the causes of nervous exhaustion. Often a person just needs to change jobs, give himself a little rest, get some sleep, rest, gather his strength, and change the environment. If the reason lies in the person's inability to cope with nervous tension, then it is recommended to work out your own settings and change them to more favorable ones.

Additional tips to combat nervous exhaustion include:

  1. Rest as much as possible until you feel fully restored.
  2. An hour before bedtime, you should not consume coffee, alcohol, nicotine or other toxic substances.
  3. It's better not to solve problems before going to bed.
  4. You need to make your diet more balanced and healthy, eliminate snacking and eating junk food.
  5. It is advisable to do physical exercise, if only they bring pleasure.
  6. Learn to relax different ways, which do not harm the body.

As for medications, they should be taken only on the recommendation of doctors. You should not prescribe medications yourself.

Bottom line

Nervous exhaustion is not common in the modern world, since a person still begins to understand at earlier stages that he is tired and it’s time to rest. However, the problem of nervous exhaustion continues to remain relevant, since the lifestyle of many individuals contributes to its occurrence.

If you have already brought yourself to nervous exhaustion once, then you need to think about it. The situation may repeat itself because the root cause lies in your head - you do not spare yourself. Are you ready to sacrifice your health and mental state for the sake of certain benefits or goals. Is this the right approach? You should think about this. After all, you most likely did not achieve your goals and benefits, because fatigue (nervous exhaustion) prevented you. This means that you will again try to achieve what you want and, most likely, in the same ways that you used before.

If you cannot give up goals and benefits, then consider the question of what other ways you can achieve them without again driving yourself to nervous exhaustion.
