Causes of sweating in the evening. Severe night sweats in men and women

Many people experience discomfort from sweating at night while sleeping, or hyperhidrosis. It is widely believed that the issue is resolved by replacing the blanket or opening the window.

However, sweating is most often not a separate disease, but a symptom, and real reason could be much more serious.

External causes of sweating

In most cases, the answer to the question of why a person sweats a lot during sleep lies in improper organization of rest:

  • Beautiful and light synthetic blankets are comfortable only at first glance. Sleeping under them means depriving yourself of the ventilation necessary during sleep: a person’s body temperature gradually rises, which leads to excessive sweating. This thermoregulation curve contradicts the natural one, which changes in waves during sleep. When using blankets and linen made from natural materials, there is no interference with natural thermoregulation. It is worth abandoning synthetics, and in the absence of more serious illnesses sweating will disappear;
  • The same can be said about sleeping clothes. Pajamas or nightgown should be made from natural and light fabrics, which freely absorb moisture, do not accumulate static electricity and do not create overheating of the body during sleep. It is even more beneficial to sleep without clothes, this way the body relaxes as much as possible and does not overheat;
  • The microclimate in the bedroom can also affect the occurrence of sweating. Best Temperature for sleep – 18-24 C. At temperatures above 24°C, heat stroke is likely, one of the manifestations of which is sweating. At temperatures below 18°C, the body's protective functions may weaken and colds may occur, which are accompanied by heavy sweating. In a room with high humidity (more than 50%), the heat exchange function is disrupted, and in hot and dry air, sweating increases and dehydration quickly occurs;
  • It is believed that a little alcohol at night helps you relax and fall asleep faster. But what is not said is that the quality of sleep is getting worse. Phase REM sleep shortens, phase slow sleep becomes less deep. Sweating during sleep increases as alcohol causes the kidneys and sweat glands to work harder. In addition, a person has to get up several times a night to drink water and go to the toilet.
  • Late dinner has a similar effect: a full stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, making it difficult to supply air, A rapid breathing leads to increased body temperature and increased sweating. Foods that cause night sweats include coffee, legumes, chocolate, ginger, pork, margarine, yerba mate, spices, salt, soda and energy drinks.

These causes of night sweats during sleep are easy to eliminate. Change synthetic underwear, blankets and clothes to natural ones, install suitable mode temperature and humidity, do not overeat at night and do not abuse alcohol.

A person sweats heavily during sleep due to illness

  • Quite often, sweating is associated with insomnia. Obsessive thought, or emotions of fear and anxiety, or simply anxiety due to the fact that you cannot fall asleep quickly and be alert enough at work, are a stress factor that prevents a person from relaxing and falling asleep, and anxiety leads to increased blood pressure and body temperature, which causes perspiration;
  • Drop in blood sugar may also result in increased sweating. Sometimes this reaction can be caused by glucose-lowering drugs. This is very dangerous symptom, since hypoglycemia during sleep, when there is no way to control your condition, can lead to death;
  • Taking antidepressants is not at all harmless. Often by-effect their use manifests itself in the form night sweats liveliness. It often accompanies the use of corticosteroids, potent drugs - for example, tamoxifen - and antipyretics: aspirin, paracetamol;
  • Sweating and infectious diseases . In case of fever, malaria, flu, acute respiratory infections, nocturnal hyperhidrosis is a normal reaction of the body. But if night sweats persists for several months, it may be a sign of tuberculosis, malignant tumor or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Often it is this symptom that forces the patient to see a doctor and undergo an examination;
  • Neurological diseases, especially VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), are almost always associated with night sweats. It can be local (only the face, armpits, back or limbs sweat heavily) or generalized, when the whole body is covered in perspiration. Primary VSD occurs in adolescents during puberty, secondary - with neurological problems in adults;
  • Night sweats are associated with obesity. With this disease, hormonal levels are disrupted and the sweat glands work abnormally. And not only them: obese people have diseases of the heart, blood vessels, musculoskeletal system, diabetes, infertility, varicose veins, gout, diaphragmatic hernia, cancer. Increased sweating is only an indicator of body overload;
  • Night sweats are often associated with stomach disease called gastroesophageal reflux, when due to a defect in the stomach valve, contents can be thrown back into the esophagus. In addition to acute painful sensations in the esophagus, this disease manifests itself as night sweats in the face and neck;
  • Idiopathic hyperhidrosis when it is impossible to install physiological reason night sweats;
  • Dysfunction can also cause night sweats thyroid gland(thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism), it is important to distinguish whether there is a pathology of the thyroid gland (primary), pituitary gland (secondary) or hypothalamus (tertiary).

Night sweats in women

In addition to the cases described above, nocturnal hyperhidrosis in women can be hormonal in nature and have close connection With menstrual cycle and reproductive organs.

  • Oscillations hormonal levels in women before menstruation introduce an imbalance in the body's thermoregulation. Body temperature rises, along with this sweating appears, mainly at night. Such hyperhidrosis is temporary, and it requires treatment only in cases where the patient has disorders of the nervous or endocrine system;
  • Sweating during pregnancy especially pronounced in the first trimester, when the endocrine system builds a general circulatory system mother and child, and closer to childbirth. Physical stress on the expectant mother’s body leads to increased hyperhidrosis at night. Many women complain of night sweats during lactation, but most forget about this symptom soon after giving birth;
  • During menopause a woman especially suffers from night sweats (“hot flashes”), associated with the fading of estrogen production in her body and mood swings. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the situation can be successfully corrected with medications.

Night sweats in children

  • Night sweats in children may be caused by improper temperature conditions. In the nursery at night the air temperature should be no more than 20°C, and there is no need to wrap the little one up excessively;
  • Synthetic clothing or baby's underwear. This is absolutely unacceptable; synthetics should be replaced with natural materials so that the baby’s thermoregulation system is formed correctly;
  • A virus or a cold, but they are usually difficult to miss. In this case, hyperhidrosis at night in a child is a symptom of the disease, and the main treatment is aimed at eliminating the infection;
  • There are also cases of hereditary hyperhidrosis, which can manifest itself in children from the very first days of life;
  • One of the most unpleasant causes of night sweats in children is rickets. If, in addition to hyperhidrosis, the slightest signs of deformation of the baby’s skull, ribs, or limbs are visible, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to solve the problem of night sweats

The first step is to contact a therapist and report your condition. You may need to have your blood and urine tested to rule out the most severe cases, as well as visit other specialists: dermatologist, gastroenterologist, phthisiatrician, andrologist or gynecologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist, oncologist, somnologist and psychotherapist, undergo an ultrasound.

But whatever the diagnosis and doctor’s prescriptions, general recommendations universal for everyone: healthy nerves, proper nutrition, limiting bad habits and negative emotions, moderate physical exercise, instead of watching TV before bed - a walk in the fresh air, instead of tea and especially coffee - herbal infusion, the use of relaxation techniques, natural materials in the bedroom, ventilation and wet cleaning.

Increased sweating at night may be a consequence of the use of certain medications and stimulants.

Night sweats - causes

Occasional night sweats are a common symptom that does not always indicate the onset of illness.

May occur:

When sleeping in a hot room (for example, during the summer heat),
as a result of overheating,
as an effect of unnecessary emotions (for example, in people having vivid, exciting dreams or as a result of a busy day),
after consuming alcohol, drugs and other psychotropic substances.

Increased sweating at night occurs more often in obese people. Physiological night sweats are also common in pregnant women and in the postpartum period.

Excessive sweating at night is very common symptom with infection, especially bacterial, accompanied by high fever. These can be simple infections, such as a cold, but can be the result of serious infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, AIDS, Lyme disease.

Excessive sweating at night is a result of high body temperature. An increase in fever is often accompanied by chills and a feeling of cold. In general, fever reaches its highest levels in the evening and at night, hence the symptoms that accompany its increase (including sweating and chills).

Night sweats are a sign of menopause

Excessive sweating (especially in the evening and at night) and hot flashes (combined with facial flushing) can be symptoms of menopause. These symptoms are often unpleasant for a woman - they create a feeling of discomfort and are often accompanied by weakness. In this case, hormonal replacement therapy- application natural preparations containing phytoestrogens and isoflavones.

Increased sweating at night - hormonal causes

Hyperthyroidism is characterized by acceleration of cardiac activity (rapid heartbeat) and the number of breaths, acceleration of metabolism, loss of body weight, despite increased appetite, as well as increased sweating, especially at night, and reduced tolerance to high temperatures.

In optimal temperature conditions, patients with hyperthyroidism complain of a feeling of heat and often sweat. If you notice these symptoms, you should consult a doctor and undergo diagnostic studies(the main study is the study of the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone and the total concentration of thyroid hormones).

Cancer and excessive sweating at night

The most serious disease that can be manifested by excessive sweating at night is cancer. Night sweats appear, most often in the course of leukemia and lymphoma, especially if the patient additionally complains of weakness, fatigue, fever, and at the same time there is an increased tendency to infections, fainting and bleeding. Additional symptoms, are pale skin, enlarged lymph nodes.

Excessive sweating in patients with cancer is a symptom caused by the formation of a tumor. It may also be the result of infections, which often occur during the course of leukemia or lymphoma, as well as a consequence of drug withdrawal (for example, opioid analgesics).

Other causes of night sweats

Excessive sweating at night may indicate hypoglycemia ( low sugar in the blood) - the sudden appearance of night sweats, combined with pallor and a feeling of anxiety, may indicate a decrease in the level of glucose concentration in the blood. In patients with diabetes mellitus, eating food after taking insulin can lead to this situation. If the symptoms listed above appear, it is necessary to diagnose the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Increased sweating at night after taking medications is a rare occurrence. Night sweats are most often caused by drugs from the glucocorticoid group, but can also occur with the use of antidepressants, salicylans or analgesics. Often also appears as a symptom of withdrawal from the above drugs.

Night sweats in a child - what are the causes?

Excessive sweating in children may indicate rickets, especially if it appears on the head and neck. The cause may be an imbalance of calcium-phosphate dehydrogenase, which leads to changes in the bone-framework system. If parents constantly observe bedwetting and sweating in their child, they should consult a doctor.

In addition, the child cries at night due to fever, especially high fever. Sweating can be so severe that the baby has to be picked up. This is not always a bad sign. Many parents deliberately use diaphoretic drugs to lower their child's temperature. A child's sweaty skin and wet forehead may be a symptom of overheating. If the baby is stressed, he also sweats intensely at night, and these symptoms are intensified, for example, by nightmares.

How to deal with night sweat?

If night sweats are not accompanied by any other alarming symptoms(eg, weight loss, weakness, fainting), the first step should be to ensure optimal conditions in the bedroom and hygiene. The room temperature should be about 18°C, the air should be humidified, and pajamas, bed linen and mattress should be made of natural materials. It is also advisable to use antiperspirants and other products that inhibit sweat secretion.

It is worth trying herbal preparations that reduce sweating. Extract from sage leaves affects the reduction of sweating. You can also use topical gels and ointments to reduce night sweats.

If night sweats do not go away despite applying the above rules and/or are accompanied by other symptoms, you need to visit a doctor and get diagnosed with the diseases and conditions listed above. Rapid diagnosis is especially important in the case of cancer - the earlier they are detected, the greater the chance of successful treatment.

Increased sweating is quite often the first signal that the body is beginning to major changes, and often not in better side. Many dangerous diseases begin with night sweats. In this article you will find out what happens to the body when you sweat a lot in your sleep, and why a person’s sweating increases. After all, as you know, nothing happens for nothing. Let's understand the causes of sweating.

Perhaps the most common reason that a person sweats at night while sleeping is a cold and other viral and infectious diseases. Any infection comes out with sweat, as people say, so there is nothing supernatural about the fact that you sweat during sleep when you have a cold or flu. This is the body's natural reaction to an internal threat. However, there are also a number of more dangerous diseases, which also cause sweating.

  • Abscesses – bacterial disease, manifests itself in the appearance purulent inflammation on the body.
  • Infection dangerous viruses. Such as, for example, HIV.
  • Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bone marrow caused by infections.
  • Endocarditis is an inflammation of one part of the heart caused by symptoms of another disease or bacteria.
  • Tuberculosis.

Important! If you feel general malaise and at the same time you are sweating a lot, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Household reasons

In addition to purely medical reasons, there are also a number of ordinary, everyday reasons that play an important role in a person’s sweating at night.

  • The room is too poorly ventilated and the room is too stuffy. Banal lack fresh air and oxygen can also cause heavy sweating due to stuffiness. Therefore, before going to bed, the room should be well ventilated. In summer it is generally recommended to sleep with open windows. If there is electronic devices, like computers, TVs and other things, then the window should be opened for an hour or two.
  • A warm blanket. In winter, we all take warm, woolen blankets out of our closets to keep warm and not freeze. However, if in warmer times they cause you to sweat profusely, then you should change the blanket to a lighter and cooler one. If the problem persists, continue searching.
  • Cloth. Massive and warm pajamas for winter are also unlikely to be practical in summer, so you may also sweat due to the abundance of clothing on your body. The best option Cotton pajamas will suit any weather, and if you are cold, you can buy cotton pajamas with long pants.
  • Nutrition. Heavy sweating at night can also be a consequence of improper and unhealthy diet. Pay attention to your diet and exclude hot spices, carrots, chocolate of any kind, coffee, garlic and soda.

If none of these reasons suits you, then most likely it is the internal state of the body.

Neurological causes

  • Autonomic dysreflexia– unusual disorder nervous system resulting from damage spinal cord. There is a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses, which results in most symptoms, including sweating.
  • Stroke. During a hemorrhage in the brain, body temperature is greatly disturbed, which is why sweating begins.
  • Post-traumatic syringomyelia is a disease of the nervous system similar in nature to dysreflexia, which creates cavities in the structure of the spinal cord, but is often accompanied by a decrease in sweating, but in some cases the opposite reaction occurs.
  • Autonomic neuropathy– impaired functioning of the nervous system in people with diabetes. Symptoms include increased sweating as some nerve fibers are damaged.

Causes of sweating in women

Men and women are different from each other not only externally, but also internally. Therefore, each sex has its own, individual reasons and reactions to various external stimuli.

One and common women's diseases is hyperthyroidism. It manifests itself in a disease of the thyroid gland, where the synthesis of two hormones occurs - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. In addition to the fact that a woman’s neck, chest, back, legs and arms sweat during sleep, this syndrome also causes trembling in the hands, weight loss, rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, which causes the chest to constantly rise. Sometimes your head may hurt.

In order to accurately diagnose this disease, you need to take hormone tests. According to statistics, this syndrome is more common in women than men, but there are cases when the stronger sex also suffers from this disease.

During menopause, as well as during menopause, hot flashes often occur, which mainly cause sweating during this period. It should also be noted that hot flashes can appear even several years before the onset of menopause itself. By the way, during menopause, women often suffer from insomnia. We wrote about this.

Causes of sweating in men

A decrease in testosterone in the body in men is called andropause. This process usually occurs around age sixty. In addition to age, it is believed that the course and occurrence of this process can be greatly influenced by stress, difficult living conditions and many diseases. But, one way or another, the symptoms of andropause along with high blood pressure, muscle weakness and disturbances in sexual and urinary functions are also increased sweating.

However, this cannot be taken lightly. Sweating in men can be a consequence of other serious illnesses.

Other medical causes of sweating

In addition to the reasons described above, there are also quite a large number of diseases for which sweating may be a symptom.

When an adult sleeps poorly and sweats at night, this may also mean the development of oncological diseases. In this case, sweat pours from the patient ( cold sweat), while it is observed elevated temperature body, fever, rapid weight loss occurs. If you have these symptoms, do not under any circumstances delay your visit to the oncologist.

But don't be scared. Just get checked. You can't leave everything to chance. Need to deal with symptoms heavy sweating without immediately overthinking yourself, as women often do. Men react less severely, but do not put off visiting the clinic.

Low blood sugar levels, called hypoglycemia, also makes a person sweat. Those at risk for this disease are those who suffer from diabetes and take pills to lower blood sugar. And also those who eat little or eat junk food.

Sweating itself also has a scientific name, namely idiopathic hyperhidrosis. The causes of this disease are still unknown to scientists, but a person with this disease sweats not only when he sleeps, but throughout the day.

Causes of night sweats in men, women and children. Folk and medicinal methods treatment of increased sweating at night.

Causes of night sweats

This phenomenon often becomes the reason for a visit to a therapist. Before going to the doctor, analyze the conditions in which you sleep. Perhaps the cause of sweating is heat in the room.

External causes of night sweats

Of course, night sweats in women and men can be caused by hormonal imbalances. But there are common reasons, causing hyperhidrosis.

Let's look at why people suffer from increased sweating at night:

  1. Warm blanket and bed linen. When choosing such products for sleeping, give preference to natural fabrics and fillers. Artificial fillers, such as padding polyester, silicone or holofiber, do not allow air to pass through. The skin under such blankets “suffocates.” Replace a thick bedspread with a thin one and change the synthetic sheets to natural ones.
  2. Nightwear. Many girls want to look attractive while sleeping, so they buy silk, chiffon and satin negligees and pajamas. These are artificial fabrics in which the skin sweats a lot. Leave these clothes for sexual games. For sleep, choose cotton suits, nightgowns and pajamas.
  3. Bedroom temperature. The recommended temperature for sleep is +16-20°C. With more high values a person will not be able to rest properly due to dry air and sweating. Ventilate the room before going to bed. Do not leave the air conditioner on at night. It can cause a cold.
  4. . Do not eat spicy or salty foods before going to bed. Such food improves blood circulation, so the body will try to lower body temperature through sweating. Alcohol also causes night sweats. Try not to use strong alcoholic drinks before bedtime.

Internal causes of increased sweating at night

Let's list internal factors, provoking hyperhidrosis:
  • Tuberculosis. When visiting a doctor, the first test you will have to undergo is an x-ray. Tuberculosis often causes night sweats.
  • Tumors. Malignant neoplasms send false signals to the thermoregulation center of the cell. This can cause you to produce a lot of sweat.
  • Infectious diseases. Many infectious diseases occur with fever. It is possible that hyperhidrosis is associated with an increase in temperature as a result of the body's fight against infection. Before going to bed during illness, measure your body temperature and, if necessary, take antipyretic medications.
  • Hormonal disorders. Hyperhidrosis is often caused by diabetes or hypothyroidism. These are diseases associated with disorders of the pancreas and thyroid gland. This leads to a lack or deficiency of hormones, which provokes severe night sweats.
  • Heart pathologies and respiratory system . Doctors have long noticed that hypertensive patients and patients with heart disease sweat more than healthy people.
  • . Problems psychological nature often provoke a surge of adrenaline. If you have not forgotten about problems at work in the evening or are nervous, then at night you will wake up from a damp blanket. Adrenaline causes sweating.

Causes of excessive sweating at night in women

In women, night sweats are often caused by hormonal problems, because throughout life the ratio of specific hormones changes. But if you are not pregnant and there are no reasons for hormonal imbalance, sweating may be caused by external factors.

Peculiarities female body, causing hyperhidrosis:

  1. Pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, a restructuring of the endocrine system occurs. At this time, your hands and feet sweat a lot. Other areas suffer from dryness and the skin may be slightly flaky. In the second trimester, blood flow increases by 30-40%. This is the result of night sweats. Now my whole body is sweating. In the last trimester of pregnancy, a woman's weight increases significantly. It is difficult for her to walk, and fluid may stagnate in the body, causing swelling. All this causes sweating.
  2. Menopause. During menopause, women experience hot flashes. The body is trying to warm itself due to hormonal imbalance. As a result, the blood vessels dilate even in the heat. This is followed by a reverse process, during which the vessels narrow. Hyperhidrosis during menopause is a common problem that causes psychological discomfort.
  3. PMS. Before menstruation, women's blood levels of progestins sharply decrease. It is this hormone that causes sweating. If there is an imbalance of hormones, night sweats may cause sudden changes in mood, pain in the abdomen and chest. If you feel very unwell, you should consult a doctor. If, apart from sweating and stretching in the lower abdomen, you do not feel anything before your period, there is no need to go to the doctor.

Causes of night sweats in men

In men, hyperhidrosis is also caused by external factors: high temperature in the room, a warm blanket and drinking alcohol. Night sweats may be a result of diabetes mellitus and other ailments internal organs. But, like women, the stronger half of humanity can suffer from hyperhidrosis as a result of hormonal reasons.

Peculiarities male body that cause night sweats:

  • Andropause. This is a decrease in the production of sex hormones by the testicles. In general, this is something similar to menopause in women. During this period, libido decreases and there may be headache. Usually occurs in men after 45 years of age.
  • Psychological problems associated with the midlife crisis. At the age of 45, a man notices gray hair on his temples and excess “fat” on his stomach. He understands that he no longer looks as attractive as before, so he strives to prove to himself that someone needs him. Usually men at this age have mistresses or have sex with a glass. Constant fears and emotional worries provoke nocturnal hyperhidrosis.

Causes of night sweats in children

Thermoregulation in children becomes like that of adults only at 5-6 years of age. More often excessive sweating observed in babies up to one year old. This is due to the structural features of the sweat glands.

Factors that cause hyperhidrosis in children at night:

  1. Vitamin D deficiency. This condition can be considered pre-rachitis. You don’t necessarily have to notice your child’s crooked legs, a dent in chest. These are obvious manifestations of rickets. On initial stage The child sweats at night, and the sweat smells very unpleasant.
  2. Premature baby. Usually in babies born ahead of schedule, increased sweating at night is observed during feeding. The baby has difficulty sucking milk from the breast. He puts in a lot of effort.
  3. Hyperactivity. Excessive activity during the day is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. Because of this, the centers of the cells give incorrect signals about the lack of heat.
  4. Teething. During this period they decrease protective functions body. The gums swell, and a temperature may appear, which provokes nocturnal hyperhidrosis.
  5. Vegetovascular dystonia. In children, this disease is different from the disease found in adults. During adolescence, there is an imbalance in the functioning of organs autonomic system. After puberty, signs of illness and night sweats disappear.
  6. Cold. Even before a runny nose and cough appear, the child may sweat for 2-3 days. This is the first “bell” for a mother that her baby is sick. It is worth taking all measures to stop the disease.

Features of the treatment of nocturnal hyperhidrosis

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that led to excessive sweating. Accordingly, you need to be examined by an oncologist, neurologist and endocrinologist.

If experts do not identify any health problems, then we can talk about primary hyperhidrosis. This is an independent disease that is dealt with by eliminating the symptoms. If sweating is observed in a specific part of the body, then these areas are treated.

For children under 1 year of age it is recommended to winter time give vitamin D to prevent rickets. It is sticky and foul-smelling sweat in children that is a sign of this serious illness. IN daytime Walk more with your baby. He should move actively, this helps remove fluid from the body through the skin during the day. At night the baby will sweat less.

Children under 6 years of age with excessive sweating do not need drug treatment. Until the age of six, the glands that produce sweat are just forming. But if your child is obese and sweating because of it, take him to a nutritionist. Perhaps proper nutrition and exercise will not only eliminate sweating, but will also help normalize weight.

The most common methods of treating hyperhidrosis in adults:

  • Botox. Oddly enough, these injections are successfully used to treat sweating of the palms, feet and armpits. During the procedure, botulinum toxin is injected directly into problem areas. This substance helps reduce the secretion of sweat glands. The effect lasts 6-10 months. Remember, Botox is a toxic substance.
  • Laser. During the manipulation, the skin is anesthetized and an optical fiber is introduced. Next use laser ray, which damages the membranes of sweat cells. Some cells die. After the procedure, sweating will not bother you for 1-2 years.

Traditional ways to combat nighttime hyperhidrosis

Traditional medicine offers many options for solving the problem of night sweats. There are remedies that are taken orally and locally.

Decoctions for oral administration against excessive sweating

Generalized sweating is characterized by increased sweat production throughout the body. To get rid of it, it is recommended to regularly take special decoctions.

Recipes for decoctions for generalized sweating for oral administration:

  1. Nettle and sage. You need to prepare a decoction. To do this, pour 20 g of a mixture of sage and nettle leaves into 500 ml of boiling water and leave to warm up on the stove for 10 minutes. Let cool and strain. Take 120 ml 3-4 times a day.
  2. Tincture of motherwort and valerian. This sedatives, helping to remove stress and thereby reduce the production of adrenaline. You need to drink a tincture purchased at a pharmacy. It is enough to take 25 drops of each tincture 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  3. St. John's wort decoction. You need to pour 30 g of St. John's wort herb into an enamel pan and add 1000 ml of water. Place the saucepan on the fire and boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and strain the contents through cheesecloth. Take 100 ml every 2-3 hours. You can sweeten the medicine with natural honey.
  4. Cucumber tincture. Take a large ground cucumber and remove the skin from it. Grate the vegetable and pour 100 ml medical alcohol. Refrigerate for 12 days. Take 15 ml of tincture in the morning after breakfast. The course of treatment is 20 days.

Compresses and lotions for nighttime hyperhidrosis

Most often, there are cases when a specific part of the body sweats. If this is the case, then you can use a paste, compress or lotions.

Recipes for treating local sweating:

  1. Lotions from oak bark . You can use it to prepare a lotion or ointment. To prepare the decoction, pour 40 g of oak bark into 1000 ml cold water and put on fire. Cook for 10-15 minutes. During this time, half of the liquid should boil away. Cool the broth and moisten the cloth with it. Apply to sweaty areas for 20 minutes. Please note that if the fabric dries out, wet it again with the solution.
  2. Oak bark ointment. To prepare the ointment, pour 30 g of dry bark into a saucepan and add 120 g of natural honey. And cook for 2-3 minutes. Cool the product and place the jar in the refrigerator. After showering before going to bed, apply the ointment for 10 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  3. Glycerin solution. If you suffer from sweaty hands and feet, prepare a rubbing solution. Mix 5 g in a bowl lemon juice and 30 g of glycerin. Add 15 g of alcohol to the fat mixture. Pour the mixture into a bottle and shake. Wipe your hands and feet with this liquid as often as possible.
  4. Formidone solution. Is used for emergency treatment sweating Buy a solution of formidone at the pharmacy and lubricate your feet and palms every 2 hours. After 24-36 hours, sweating will disappear. But the remedy gives a short-term effect. The problem will return in a day.
  5. Apple vinegar. This natural remedy for the treatment of sweating hands and feet. To prepare the solution, pour 100 g of vinegar and 2000 ml into a bowl warm water. Immerse the parts of your body that sweat at night in the liquid and hold for 15 minutes. Repeat daily for two weeks.
How to treat night sweats - watch the video:

For generalized sweating, do not rush to use traditional methods. Contact your doctor and find out the real reason hyperhidrosis. Perhaps excessive sweating is due to a serious illness.

Sweating is the removal of fluid and waste products dissolved in it from the body by the exocrine glands. The process is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, so a person cannot consciously control sweating. Let's take a closer look at what hyperhidrosis is, when you can cope with the syndrome on your own, and in what cases a mandatory visit to the doctor is required.

Thanks to this function, the body maintains a certain body temperature, removes metabolic products, forms a specific individual odor, and creates a barrier to infectious agents. There are two types of glands - apocrine and eccrine. The latter are located throughout the body, producing sweat of low concentration, practically odorless. Apocrine - grouped in the skin of the eyelids and outer ear canals, in the armpits, groin areas, areola mammary glands, perineum, genitals. Their secretion is thicker and saturated with pheromones.

Excessive sweating at night causes weight discomfort and may be the “first sign” of the disease. Hyperhidrosis can seriously poison life, especially for the fair sex.

Signs of nocturnal hyperhidrosis in women

A woman at any age can face this problem. A damp bed and spoiled sleep are not all the troubles that night sweats in women are fraught with. During sleep, the intensity of the sweat glands decreases.

It is important to know! If a lady suddenly begins to sweat excessively in her sleep, this leads to frequent awakenings, fatigue, psychological discomfort, disruption of general well-being. Irritant effect sweat contributes to changes in skin acidity, which provokes the development of dermatological diseases.

Doctors classify hyperhidrosis as follows:

  • local and widespread;
  • physiological and pathological;
  • occurring at certain times of the year and permanent;
  • primary idiopathic and symptom of another disease.

Increased sweat production is diagnosed by the amount of fluid secreted on the surface of the body for five minutes. If adult woman sweat volume exceeds 100 ml, this is regarded as a violation. The degree and localization of sweating depends on factors environment, the type of glands involved in the process, neurohumoral changes in the body.

The main factors in the development of sweating

The process of sweating is inextricably linked with heat transfer, but the regulatory center reacts not only to changes in body temperature, but also to endocrine, emotional stimuli, and muscle activity. That is why, at the moment of excitement, fear, intense physical labor, sweat production increases.

Highlight following reasons, causing profuse sweating:

Primary hyperhidrosis occurs with childhood, due to genetic predisposition. Secondary – occurs due to pathological changes.

Typically female reasons

The causes of night sweats in women are determined by hormonal changes in connection with pregnancy, lactation, menopause, ovarian diseases, stage monthly cycle. Expectant mothers, especially in the first trimester, often complain to obstetricians that they sweat a lot at night. This is due to the restructuring of work endocrine glands, phenomenon drug treatment does not require, after childbirth it disappears on its own.

Menopause causes a decrease in estrogen production. Profuse night sweats during menopause are regarded as the equivalent of hot flashes. The condition requires the advice of an experienced doctor. With the onset of postmenopause, heavy sweating gradually ceases to be a concern.

In some women, the intensity of the apocrine glands increases during and several days before the onset of menstruation. A woman may sweat heavily both during the day and at night. If hygiene procedures is not enough, it makes sense to contact a specialist.


The situation is more serious when the cause of hyperhidrosis is illness. Before dealing with excess sweat on your own, it is important to exclude endocrine, infectious, malignant, neurological pathologies, and metabolic disorders.

List of some diseases accompanied by hyperhidrosis:

Excess sweating associated with the disease may have associated symptoms:

  • hyperthermia;
  • a sharp decrease or increase in body weight;
  • palpitations;
  • tremor;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • dizziness;
  • cough;
  • dyspeptic symptoms;

Advice! If at least one of the above phenomena is present, you should not try to get rid of excess sweating during sleep on your own. Timely contact with a specialist will help diagnose pathological process at an early stage, start quickly adequate therapy, to keep healthy.

Taking medications

Side effects of antidepressants, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive drugs can cause heavy sweating in women at night. If you have a headache, arthrosis, or increased body temperature, it is important to remember that a painkiller tablet will not only relieve general state, but will also have a strong stimulating effect on the sweat glands. Also, do not overuse medications to improve mood or reduce hypertension without preliminary consultation doctor

Food and excessive sweating

Excessive filling of the stomach with food causes an increase in internal temperature body, to which thermoregulation centers respond. The process of cooling the body is ensured by the inclusion of sweat glands. This is why overeating itself can cause excessive sweating.

Too hot food and high-calorie dishes can poison the night, turning it into a struggle with wet sheets. To prevent excessive sweating, it makes sense to avoid drinking alcohol, strong tea, coffee, fast foods, seasonings, and spices.

Other possible explanations

It is important to take a close look at your surroundings, because the causes of heavy sweating in women at night sometimes turn out to be trivial and easily remediable.

Hyperactivity of the sweat glands during sleep is triggered if:

  • the room is too hot;
  • bedding and clothing made of synthetic fabrics;
  • the person smokes or abuses alcoholic beverages.

The psycho-emotional state also matters. A scary dream can make you wake up in a cold sweat.

Help with hyperhidrosis in women

Secondary hyperhidrosis requires treatment of the underlying disease. Experts consider increased sweating in various nosologies as protective compensatory mechanism. Therefore, before deciding on an expensive operation, you must undergo full examination. Doctors in a self-respecting clinic will definitely refer the patient for additional diagnostic procedures to exclude pathology.

Medical trip

Correction of hyperhidrosis in women and men is carried out conservatively and with the help of surgical intervention. It is important to remember that treatment must be comprehensive and supervised by an experienced specialist.

Therapeutic methods:

  • hypnosis;
  • taking medications;
  • use of antiperspirants;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

Psychotherapy is aimed at eliminating fears and emotional stress. Sedatives are prescribed medications, as well as substances that reduce the excitability of the autonomic nervous system. The principle of action of antiperspirants is the narrowing and blockage of the ducts of the sweat glands. Physiotherapeutic methods include electrosleep, hydrotherapy, electrophoresis, and laser exposure. Botulinum therapy - injection of Botox - has proven itself well.

Surgical techniques:

  • closed curettage of the axillary region;
  • local liposuction;
  • excision of skin in the hyperhidrosis area.

The operations are low-traumatic, but have their own contraindications and complications. Thus, excision of skin in armpit can cause restriction of movement, therefore it is more often performed in elderly patients.

Radical surgical surgery for hyperhidrosis includes sympathectomy. The essence of the method is clamping or destruction of the sympathetic nerve trunk.

Attention! The operation gives positive effect, but resort to it in extreme cases due to the danger of complications - bleeding, compensatory hyperhidrosis in the area of ​​the face, neck, décolleté after eating spicy and hot dishes, ptosis, constriction of the pupil.

Home measures

The fight against nocturnal hyperhidrosis can be continued at home. Experts advise taking a bath (pine, with sea ​​salt), wipe the areas of accumulation of apocrine glands with a decoction of oak or willow bark, drink a weak herbal soothing tea.

Prevention of heavy sweating at night in women

Creating a comfortable environment in the bedroom will significantly reduce sweating. It is important to take care of normal air temperature, a comfortable shirt, and bed linen made from natural fabrics. It makes sense to refuse a large dinner immediately before bedtime, to exclude spicy, fried, smoked foods, and alcohol from the diet.

You should not use antiperspirants at night; a cool shower will be much more effective. It is necessary to try to minimize the effects of stress and overexertion. Self-training and reading positive literature will help with this. Experts advise avoiding evening viewing of thrillers and stories containing scenes of violence.


Excessive sweating in night hour- a problem that is possible and necessary to combat. The main thing is to promptly identify the cause and eliminate it correctly. You cannot isolate yourself and treat hyperhidrosis on your own. The local doctor will help with diagnosis and treatment, and, if necessary, refer for additional examinations and procedures.
