Plantex for newborns - how to give? A modern solution to the problem or why Plantex tea for newborns is better than ordinary dill water

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In the first months, parents enjoy happiness, because they have a long-awaited child. However, this time can hardly be called serene and calm.

After two weeks of age, most babies develop colic. This is a normal physiological state of the child as his digestive system continues to develop. And although such a process is considered harmless, the child experiences inconvenience, which he informs his parents about by crying.

The causes of colic:

  • overheating of the body,
  • improper attachment to the chest,
  • poorly selected mixture
  • action of medicines.

The baby has excess gas and bloating, which causes continuous crying, irritability and restless behavior. Any mother seeks to facilitate this process using any harmless means. In this case, pediatricians are advised to use Plantex for newborns.

Does a newborn need Plantex?

As mentioned earlier, the newborn's digestive tract continues to develop and improve. If in the first days colostrum is enough for the child, then with the appearance of milk, he undergoes a radical restructuring of the gastrointestinal tract. Diet changes, which can lead to colic, abdominal pain and excess gas.

Many at first try to cope with the problem in different ways: they do light massage, lay the child on his stomach or give a small amount of water. It helps, but not for long. Plantex, containing only natural ingredients, is absolutely safe means for a newborn. He takes off pain in a child and normalizes work digestive tract.

Composition and principle of action

This is a herbal preparation based on natural ingredients. Pediatricians prescribe Plantex to a newborn in case of intestinal colic. It is also recommended to take this drug as a preventive measure.

The composition of the plantex has a natural base - it is lactose, glucose, essential oils and fennel oil. Fennel seeds contain substances that promote the production of gastric juice, strengthening the process of digestion and intestinal motility. The main component of Plantex is fennel extract. It normalizes bowel function and promotes better gas discharge. In addition, the drug increases the child's appetite and has a disinfecting effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Some pediatricians recommend Plantex in cases of constipation in a child.

Pharmacological and pharmacopoeial examinations carried out in relation to Plantex are confirmed by the effectiveness of its application in practice. An instruction that is mandatory comes with the drug, gives an expanded composition, showing that Plantex is really effective for newborns. The list of actions on the child's body includes an improvement in intestinal motility, stimulation of digestion, and increased secretion of gastric juice. Thanks to the active substances of the drug, in a short period of time, food is broken down and absorbed, intestinal motility improves, and gas accumulation does not form. Intestinal cramps become milder and gases pass easily.

How to give Plantex?

The drug is available in the form of granules, packed in a sealed bag. Each sachet contains 5 grams of the drug. This amount is sufficient for several receptions, which is convenient to use. Plantex is used for newborns from two weeks of age in case of colic. The pediatrician may prescribe the drug as prophylactic or as the main medicine for treating spasms in the intestines. In addition, Plantex can be prescribed in case of transfer of a child from one type of feeding to another.

Many parents, especially those with their first child, do not know how to give Plantex to a newborn. The drug is sold in the form of granules, which must be dissolved in boiled warm water before taking. The instructions indicate the ratio of the components: a sachet of plantex is dissolved in 100 ml of water. For convenience, the granules are poured into a bottle, filled with water and the container is shaken until the drug is completely dissolved. If the child refuses to drink water, Plantex can be dissolved in milk or juice (for children over 5 months old).

Before giving the prepared medicinal drink, the baby needs to be fed. However, one bag makes 100 ml of tea, which is quite a lot for a child. When breastfeeding or a mixture, this must be taken into account, otherwise a well-fed baby will refuse to drink the medicine, and colic will continue to torment him. As a rule, plantex is given to the child for a month, after which the baby's condition improves, the digestion process is normalized, appetite increases, bloating and gas formation are extremely rare. If a child has dysbiosis, Plantex will effectively and quickly eliminate the problem.

It is clear how to give Plantex to newborns, it remains only to find out the dosage of one dose. For a child under one year old, the recommended dose is 5-10 grams of Plantex or 1-2 sachets per day. It should be taken in 2-3 doses. If the child is not even a month old, only a freshly prepared drink is used for treatment. Children at any age drink the drink well, since it does not have a pronounced taste.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Any drug has contraindications and Plantex is no exception. Plantex is not prescribed to newborns with impaired absorption of galactose and glucose (these substances are part of the drug). Also, plantex is contraindicated in case of lactose deficiency, galactosemia, and an increased reaction to any component that is part of the drug, established in a child.

Since plantex has vegetable base, the child may experience an allergic reaction in the form of itching and skin rash... In addition, it is important to respect the dosage and not abuse the drug as a prophylactic agent. It is enough to use the drink twice a week to prevent colic formation.

Mom should take into account that the body of each child is individual and can react differently to the medicine.

Useful video about colic in a child

Surely for all mothers who gave birth to their long-awaited babies, it's no secret that 70% of newborns suffer from colic. In the first weeks of their life, this is completely normal, there is no need to be afraid of this, because for the baby this is a natural physiological state, because his digestive system is just getting used to life outside the bosom of his mother. You can even say that this process is harmless to the baby, but, unfortunately, it gives the baby a lot of unpleasant moments. Colic can be aggravated by overheating, with improper breast attachment, or it can be caused by some drugs, milk formulas.

Bloating is not a pleasant experience, and therefore increased gas production in a baby can cause uninterrupted crying. Here you can understand parents who cannot simply observe calmly how the child is suffering. Therefore, they are looking for different ways, that would at least slightly alleviate the condition of the baby. Today, there are many children's drugs that help get rid of colic in the tummy. One of them is Plantex, which has proven itself well. Let's consider its application.

The need to use Plantex in newborns

When the baby is in the womb, he has his own separate food, and now, after the long-awaited months, when your baby was born, and you tenderly apply it to your breast for the first time, at this moment a change in the structure of his digestive tract begins. Every day the baby needs more and more food, at first he will have enough colostrum, but gradually his diet will change. If the mother's milk is not enough for him, then this can also lead to increased gassing, abdominal pain and colic. Sometimes the baby has an allergic reaction to breast milk substitutes. It can also cause him to be irritable and uncomfortable. All the functions that must be performed by the gastrointestinal tract are not yet perfect in the baby, the microflora of his intestines has not yet formed, the process of food digestion and absorption has not been adjusted. Therefore, at first, he may have increased fermentation and gas formation, which cause colic in the intestines. In other words, his intestines are not yet quite ready for the stress that came upon him immediately after birth. Intestinal colic can bother most babies up to 4 months of age, starting at 2 weeks of age.

In order to help the baby get rid of unpleasant sensations, and recommend to start taking Plantex tea for newborns. As the manufacturer assures, this miracle contains only natural ingredients, such as fennel fruits, live essential oil, and lactose. How does it work? After taking the drug, milk is digested faster and more efficiently, and gas does not form in the intestines.

How does Plantex affect the body of newborns

To save babies from painful colic, pediatricians usually prescribe phytopreparations that have an antispasmodic and carminative effect. Plantex is just a modern medicine made only from natural ingredients. Its task is to heal intestinal colic in a child, but it can also be used for prophylaxis to prevent the formation of gas in the baby. To understand if it fits this remedy your baby, be sure to study its composition.

As we have already mentioned, the given pharmaceutical agent contains fennel fruit oil, essential oils, and lactose. Moreover, fennel extract is the main component of the drug, and it is known that its seeds, in combination with essential oils, contribute to good digestion, due to which the secretion of gastric juice increases, intestinal motility increases, and as a result, the painful sensations of the baby decrease and gases escape better. But the advantages of Plantex also include such a quality as improving the child's appetite, it has a disinfecting effect, and by stimulating the digestive tract, it eliminates the very cause of colic. Pediatricians also prescribe a drug for constipation in newborns.

This medicinal product has shown its effectiveness in practice, it has passed pharmacological and pharmacopoeial expertise. In the instructions for its use, everything is perfectly and clearly described, after reading it, it will be clear to mom that the agent has a stimulating effect on digestion, improves peristalsis in the intestines, and increases the production of juice in the stomach. Thanks to this action, a rapid breakdown and absorption of food occurs, and the active components of the agent prevent the accumulation of gases in the intestines, helping their painless discharge, and soften intestinal spasms. The drug contains lactose. Finally, consider how to properly give the drug to a newborn.

Instructions for using Plantex for newborns

The drug is on pharmaceutical market presented in granules, packed in hermetic sachets of 5 grams. One packet is designed for several doses. The remedy is used from 2 weeks of age for a child in order to help him cope with painful colic. Even if your child does not yet have such manifestations, the pediatrician may prescribe a drug for a prophylactic purpose in order to exclude the appearance of spasms in the intestines in the future. If the child is transferred from one feeding option to another, then in this case, the drug is also prescribed.

Before taking the drug, you need to prepare it for ingestion, and for this, according to the instructions, one sachet of the medication must be dissolved in 100 milliliters of warm boiled water. Pour the granules into a bottle or mug, then shake well until they are completely dissolved. The drug is also allowed to be added a little to milk or juice.

How much to give a newborn Plantex? For children under one year old, pediatricians prescribe 5-10 grams, that is, 1-2 sachets, two to three times a day. Crumbs up to one month are allowed to give only freshly made tea. The drug has practically no taste, therefore it is well tolerated by babies and relieves them of colic.

Existing contraindications for taking Plantex in newborns

Any medicine has contraindications, and Plantex is no exception. It is not recommended to take it in case of impaired absorption of glucose and galactose, in cases of lactase deficiency or hypersensitivity to the component, galactosemia. You also need to be careful when giving the drug in combination with other drugs, since its interaction with such drugs is currently unknown.

Author of the publication: Victoria Teterina

Plantex is a drug that, in most cases, pediatricians recommend giving children the first months of life for effective solution Problems . This ailment occurs in almost all babies and is caused by an adaptation process: the child's stomach and intestines get used to new food and adapt to new nutritional conditions. This problem is aggravated by non-compliance with the nursing mother's diet, improper selection, drugs... Colic is a painful condition for a child, so parents should be able to help him in case of an attack.

Benefits of the drug

Plantex is a complex of natural ingredients. It contains lactose and essential oils. Due to the absence of potentially dangerous ingredients, the drug can be offered to infants. It is in the form of granulated tea, so it is best suited for infants. The finished drink tastes quite sweet and pleasant, so children usually drink it well.

Fennel is prized for its ability to improve digestion. It stimulates the production of gastric juice well, food is digested faster and better. Also, the seeds of this plant contribute to the painless removal of gas in newborns. Special dill water is prepared from fennel seeds, which is recommended to be given to a child with colic.

Plantex is more convenient for use, since for making tea it is enough to pour the granules with water at room temperature and stir the composition well. Colic attacks usually occur unexpectedly and cause the infant severe pain, therefore, it is important to relieve the spasm in the intestines as soon as possible and Plantex copes well with this.

The drug has proven itself well enough as effective remedy at . It is recommended to give it to babies as a competent preventive solution for dysbiosis. For colic, it can also be used for preventive purposes... The product has a disinfecting effect, therefore it can be used as part of medical complex in case of poisoning mild severity.

Despite the fact that the described drug is called tea, it does not contain caffeine, which negatively affects nervous system newborn. The drug is safe for premature babies, can be used fully as an effective treatment different forms dysbiosis caused by systemic intake of antibiotics or other potent drugs.

How to give to a baby?

Plantex can be given to infants from the second week of life. The contents of one sachet must be proportionally distributed for intake throughout the day (the granules are diluted with water and offered to the baby with a spoon or bottle). It is recommended to prepare each portion of the drink just before taking it. By three months, the dose of the drug can be increased to two sachets. Children under one year old can be given 3 sachets of Plantex per day.

The standard course of treatment with Plantex is 1 calendar month. After this period has expired, it is necessary to consult with a competent specialist regarding the effectiveness of the remedy in a particular case and agree on a further treatment regimen with the doctor. Usually the effect is clearly visible after 7 days.

Granules must not be diluted in milk. For these purposes, exclusively purified water at room temperature is used (not other teas, juices, compotes, herbal or vegetable decoctions). If the baby is on breastfeeding and does not perceive the bottle, it is better to drink it from a spoon. Drinking cups or regular small cups are suitable for babies after 6 months.

Application features

Children who have been diagnosed with poor absorption of lactose, have individual intolerance to the components of the composition or lactose deficiency should be especially careful to take Plantex.

It is important to take into account the fact that the granules are diluted in a large number water (1 bag per 100 ml). For a child infancy this is a fairly large volume that must be dosed out throughout the day.

A large dose of the drink can provoke the baby's refusal from milk or formula, therefore pediatricians recommend giving the drug half an hour before feeding (if feeding is practiced "by the hour"). If, after feeding, the baby does not fall asleep, then you can give Plantex after it (preferably).

For prophylactic purposes, the dose of the drug is usually halved. To find out how much a medicine can be offered to a baby as a prophylaxis for colic, constipation and dysbiosis, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Allergy to the drug

Allergy may occur on Plantex. Most often, it is provoked by the essential oils that make up the tea granules. If, after drinking the drink, the child's skin becomes covered with a rash, becomes dry, the drug should be stopped immediately.

Allergies can occur in the case of an unreasonable increase daily dose drug: give the baby as much Plantex as allowed by the pediatrician. If the recommended dose does not bring relief to the baby, increasing it will not solve the problem. Plantex does not apply to drugs that begin to act immediately: it must be drunk in a course.

Breastfeeding mothers can also drink Plantex, so that with breast milk the medicine entered the child's body. This tea helps to increase milk production, so it can be used for initial stage the formation of lactation. If the practice of taking the drug by the mother is applied, the dose for the baby should be reduced.

Allergy to this granulated tea is rare and it is rather an exception to the rule. The drug does not accumulate in the body, so if an allergy has occurred, it will quickly disappear after you stop taking the drug. If, after two weeks of treatment, the child's condition has not improved, the doctor will most likely replace Plantex with another remedy.

Plantex is a drug often recommended by pediatricians for the timely prevention or treatment of colic in babies.

This problem occurs in most babies, as soon after birth there is a "switch-on" digestive system and its adaptation to the child's diet.

The active ingredients of the drug stimulate the production of digestive enzymes in the stomach and small intestine and increase intestinal peristalsis (undulating movements of the walls, which are aimed at pushing the contents of the intestine into its lower sections). Due to this, the spasm of the hollow structures of the digestive tract decreases (the tone of smooth muscles decreases) and the severity of the process of gas formation in the intestine decreases.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Phytopreparation that stimulates digestion and reduces flatulence in the intestines.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Plantex cost in pharmacies? average price is at the level of 380 rubles.

Release form and composition

Plantex for newborns is produced in the form of granules, from which parents can easily prepare a solution (tea). Each sachet contains 1 dose of the substance (5 grams), so you can always prepare a fresh drink for your child as needed.

The drug contains plant components as the main active ingredients, their content in 1 sachet (5 grams) of granules is:

Also, the composition of the granules includes auxiliary components, which include anhydrous dextrose, acacia gum, lactose. Plantex granules are in disposable sachets in the amount of 5 g. A cardboard box contains 10 sachets with granules and an annotation to the preparation.

Such dosage form has both advantages and disadvantages. If the baby drinks well from the bottle, then it will not be difficult for him to take the required amount of tea. Parents of those babies who do not recognize bottles and nipples will have difficulty in getting their child to drink the right amount of this liquid.

Pharmacological effect

Plantex for newborns is a herbal tea made from natural ingredients - fennel seeds, essential oils and lactose. The composition does not contain substances potentially dangerous for babies, therefore, use can be started already in the first month of life.

A preparation is produced in the form of tea in granules, for the preparation of which you just need to pour the granules with water at room temperature and stir well. This allows you to quickly deal with unexpected spasms that cause pain to the child. In a ready-to-drink form, it is a sweet drink with a pleasant taste for children, so there should not be any special problems with the child's refusal from the drug.

The main active ingredient in tea is fennel, which is known for its ability to positively influence the digestive system. It stimulates a more active production of gastric juice, thanks to which food is digested faster and better, and the seeds help to remove gases formed during digestion more easily and painlessly.

Indications for use

What does it help from? Plantex is used as a preventive and remedy in children from 2 weeks of age and older:

  1. For elimination spastic pain in the intestines with mild digestive disorders.
  2. When switching from breastfeeding to other types of food.


The use of Plantex is contraindicated for:

  1. Lactase deficiency;
  2. Hypersensitivity to drug components (active and auxiliary);
  3. Syndrome of impaired glucose / galactose absorption;
  4. Galactosemia.

Childhood use

It is used in children from 2 weeks of age and older. For infants, use only a freshly prepared solution.

Pregnancy and lactation

Application during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is not recommended (due to the lack of clinical data).

Dosage and method of administration

The instructions for use indicate that the ready-made solution is taken orally after a meal or in between meals.

  • Newborns and children under 1 year old: 1-2 sachets;
  • Children from 1 to 4 years old: 2-3 sachets.

The daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses.

For children and newborns, Plantex is poured into a bottle or cup. Pour the granules into 100 ml of boiled warm water and stir thoroughly to dissolve all the granules.

Side effects

The use of the drug Plantex can cause side effects as allergic reactions.


There are no data on overdose.

special instructions

When preparing the solution, no sweeteners should be added.

For infants, use only freshly prepared solution.

Drug interactions

There are no data on the undesirable interaction of Plantex with other drugs.


We have selected some reviews from parents who used Plantex for newborns:

  1. Yana. Still, I am of the opinion that a child's body is individual. For example, “Plantex” helped us a lot, however, at first. Since any drugs can be addictive, after about three weeks my daughter did not care what with “Plantex”, what without, sleepless nights continued. We also tried Bebinos, but it stopped working even sooner. In my opinion, the only way is alternation. I perfectly understand that a child and experiments are generally incompatible concepts, but still what can I do. Regarding the taste, my opinion is that the taste of fennel is better than some chemicals and alcohol.
  2. Natalia . The drug is certainly not bad, only in my case the child developed a rash after application. I think most likely this is due to individual intolerance. So I tried another drug, glycelax. The composition is good, they act smoothly and at the same time there are no allergic reactions. the child got better, and after a few days we completely solved the problems of constipation.
  3. Julia . We returned home from the hospital, sat with relatives, after which my husband went to take them home, and then my first nightmare began. The child woke up and began to scream incessantly, nothing helped, neither tit, nor nipple, nor motion sickness. And since my milk came on the same day in the morning, I assumed it was colic, I heard that in these cases dill water was used, and as soon as my husband came home, I sent him to the pharmacy for her, and he brought Plantex ”(The time was late and the state pharmacies were closed). The drug, of course, helped, but still not for that kind of money! This is the same dill water, only in a different form! Conclusion: people, do not overpay!

Most young parents speak positively about Plantex. A pronounced, quick effect ensured the popularity of the drug based on natural ingredients.

Parents and pediatricians note: tea for bloating, does not cause painful colic side effects, does an excellent job with the task. Another plus is the absence unpleasant taste and odor: babies willingly drink the drug. The downside is the presence of lactose: many newborns suffer from intolerance to this component.


There are two main groups of drugs to fight diseases and problems gastrointestinal tract in babies. The first are drugs using simethicone, a substance that helps fight flatulence.

These are drugs such as:

  • Simethicone;
  • Sub Simplex;
  • Espumisan;

The second group - products based on natural ingredients. These include:

  • Dill water;
  • Babykalm;
  • Bebinos;
  • Plantex Sandoz.

Before using analogs, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The shelf life of Plantex, provided it is stored in a dry place at temperatures up to 25 ° C, is 2 years.

Colic in newborns gives parents a lot of headaches. Previously, the choice of means to combat them, as a rule, was limited to dill water, which had to be prepared independently, spending precious minutes that could be spent with the baby. Today there is a modern herbal preparation Plantex for colic, containing ready-made extract of pharmacy dill (fennel), which is highly valued by modern mothers for its naturalness and speed of preparation.

Plantex composition and release form a

Plantex is a medicine for children in the form of granules for making tea. Produced in sachets of 5 grams, packaged in cardboard boxes of 10 and 30 pcs. in each. This drug produced by a company of the SANDOZ group (Slovenia). The drug is dispensed without a prescription. The granules are usable for two years if the packaging is kept intact.

  • dry aqueous extract of the fruits of pharmaceutical dill (fennel);
  • fennel essential oil (anethole not less than 500 mcg, fenchon not less than 200 mcg);
  • glucose (dextrose);
  • lactose;
  • acacia gum.

The first two components are basic active ingredients, all the rest are auxiliary. Compared with homemade, Plantex has more active ingredients... In addition to the water extract of the fruit of fennel, which forms the basis dill water, it contains fennel essential oil. Of course, small amounts of essential oil are also present in homemade dill water, but in small amounts, since it is practically insoluble in water.

Important! The anti-colic effect of Plantex is higher than that of dill water, since it contains not only the water extract of fennel, but also its essential oil.

In addition to its positive anti-colic effect, fennel essential oil has a pleasant smell and, together with acacia gum, is part of the fragrance. Acacia gum (gum arabic) is natural substance- a biopolymer, consisting of residues of protein and polysaccharide nature. V Food Industry used as an emulsifier and stabilizer. Without this component, it is impossible to achieve a uniform distribution of fennel essential oil in water with the creation of a stable system (emulsion).

Plantex contains lactose, which is one of the essential components of the infant's diet, as it is part of breast milk. Together with glucose, easily assimilated by the child's body, it provides a pleasant, sweet taste to the finished drink.


The main purpose of Plantex is the correction of disorders in the infant's digestive system. The drug has a number of effects:

  • stimulates intestinal motility;
  • promotes the secretion of gastric juice necessary for the digestion of food;
  • reduces the level of gas formation and promotes their passage (removes colic);
  • has an antispasmodic effect (eliminates pain caused by muscle spasm) with minor digestive disorders and transfer to other types of nutrition.

Plantex can be given not only with therapeutic purpose but also preventive.

How to give Plantex to newborns

  1. Plantex should be diluted at the rate: one sachet (5 grams) per 100 ml of warm boiled water. There is no need to add sugar, since sugars have already been added to Plantex - lactose and glucose, due to which the finished tea has a sweetish taste.
  2. It is optimal if the volume of the finished solution is such that the child can drink it at a time, therefore, for newborns, the contents of the sachet are divided into several parts. For example, you can split the bag into three parts and dissolve each part in about 33 ml of water (3 teaspoons + 1 tablespoon).
  3. Reception of Plantex is carried out after meals or in between meals.
  4. A child who is breastfed is recommended to drink with a spoon or syringe. The artificial man is given Plantex from a bottle. For older children, the granules are dissolved in a drinking cup.
  5. If necessary, the product can be added to milk or formula that the child receives.
  6. The diluted liquid is stored at room temperature no longer than 12 hours.

Dosage of Plantex depending on the age of the child

In the recommended doses, Plantex can be used for one month, after which it is necessary to re-evaluate the condition of the baby and the need for further administration of the drug. With increased flatulence, the appearance of diarrhea, the drug is canceled.

Despite the fact that the instructions do not indicate information about possible overdose the drug, it is best not to increase it. If the child is very anxious, you can give Espumisan or another simethicone-based remedy.

Can Plantex have side effects

In addition to fennel, Plantex contains lactose and glucose. Therefore, it cannot be used in a number of cases:

  • if the child's age is less than 2 weeks;
  • there is an individual intolerance to the components;
  • syndrome of malabsorption of galactose, glucose;
  • galactosemia.

Most often, Plantex is well tolerated by patients, however, in some cases, mothers note the baby. When the first signs of allergy to the drug appear, you should immediately stop using Plantex and consult a doctor. The doctor will select a different treatment for the child.

Plantex's analogs

Speaking about the analogues of Plantex, it should be understood that this is a phytopreparation, which is based on the extract and essential oil of fennel. Therefore, all other herbal remedies and teas containing fennel in their composition will have a similar effect. Examples include:

  • the fruits of dry pharmaceutical dill (fennel);
  • tea "Babushkino Lukoshko";
  • tea "Hipp".

Plantex has a number of advantages over the above-mentioned analogs:

  1. The quality control of the drug is not inferior to the control in the production of pharmaceuticals.
  2. The effect of Plantex has been proven clinically.
  3. Concentration nutrients remains constant throughout storage.
  4. The dosage of the drug ensures its microbiological purity.

Thus, if there are no contraindications for use, it is still better to choose Plantex, and not its analogues.

Can a nursing mother use Plantex

Sometimes mothers believe that Plantex can be passed on to the baby along with breast milk. To do this, they use the drug themselves, after which they start feeding the baby. This belief is wrong. Breast milk does not accumulate active substances, and the "processed products" of the drug. In addition, the concentration of the drug is much reduced. In this regard, doctors do not recommend using Plantex for a nursing mother in order to transfer the drug to a child during breastfeeding.

Does Plantex help with constipation

Reception of Plantex prevents the development of colic in a child, successfully fights them, however, the instructions for the drug do not say anything about using it for constipation. Given the ability of the drug to stimulate intestinal motility, it can be assumed that it can help with certain forms of constipation, but it is still better to use agents specially designed for this, for example.

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