Skin cancer: stages, symptoms and treatment. Basalioma of the skin (squamous cell carcinoma)

This disease has many names - this is basalioma, basal cell epithelioma, ulcusrodens or epitheliomabasocellulare. It refers to diseases that are common among sick people. Basically, in our country in the special literature, the term "basiloma" is more common. Since the tumor on the skin has a clear destabilizing growth, it regularly recurs. But metastasis does not occur with this cancer.

What causes skin basalioma?

Many experts believe that the reasons lie in individual development organism. In this case, it begins to emerge in pluripotent epithelial cells. And they continue their advance in any direction. When generating cancer cells an important role is played by the factor of genetics, as well as various kinds of disorders in the immune system.

Strong radiation or contact with harmful chemicals that can cause malignant neoplasms affect the development of the tumor.

Basalioma can also form on the skin, which does not have any changes. And the skin, which has different skin diseases(posriasis, senile keratosis, tuberculous lupus, radiodermatitis and many others) will be a good platform for the development of cancer.

In the basal cell epithelioma, all processes are very slow, so they do not turn into a flat cell carcinoma complicated by metastases. Often, the disease begins to emerge in top layer skin, in the hair follicles, since their cells are similar to the basal epidermis.

Doctors interpret this disease as specific tumor formation with local destructive growth. And not as malignant or benign tumor... There are times when the patient was exposed, for example, strong impact harmful rays of the x-ray machine. Then the basalioma is able to develop into basal cell carcinoma.

Regarding histogenesis, when the development of tissues of a living organism is performed, researchers still cannot say anything.

Some people think that squamous cell carcinoma begins its inception in the primary skin rudiment. Some believe that the formation will occur from all parts of the epithelium of the skin structure. Even from the embryonic rudiment and malformations.

Disease risk factors

If a person often comes into contact with arsenic, gets burns, is irradiated with X-rays and ultraviolet light, then the risk of developing basal cell carcinoma is very high. This type of cancer is common in people with types 1 and 2. skin as well as in albinos. And all of them for a long time experienced the effect radiation exposure... Even if childhood a person was often exposed to insolation, then a tumor may appear after tens of years.

The onset and development of the disease

The outer layer of the skin in patients is slightly reduced in size, sometimes pronounced. Basophilic cells begin to grow, the tumor becomes a single layer. Anaplasia is almost invisible, ontogeny is slightly pronounced. Metastases in squamous cell carcinoma are absent, because the cells of the neoplasms, getting into the blood ducts, cannot multiply. Since they do not have the growth factors that the tumor stroma should produce.


Signs of cutaneous basalioma

Basal cell epithelioma of the skin is a single formation. The shape is similar to a half of a ball, the appearance is more rounded. The neoplasm may protrude slightly above the skin. The color is more pink or grayish-red, having a shade of mother-of-pearl. In some cases, basiloma is indistinguishable from regular skin at all.

To the touch, the tumor is smooth, in its middle there is a small depression, which is covered with a thin, slightly loose crust of the sacrum. If you remove it, then you will find a little erosion under it. At the edges of the neoplasm, there is a thickening in the form of a ridge, which consists of small whitish nodules. They look like pearls, by which the basilioma is determined. A person can have such a tumor for many years, only getting a little larger.

Such neoplasms on the patient's body can be in large numbers. Back in 1979, scientists K.V. Daniel-Beck and A.A. Kolobyakov found out that the primary multiple species can be found in 10% of patients. When there are dozens or more tumor foci. And this is then revealed in the Gorlin-Goltz non-basocellular syndrome.

All signs of such skin cancer, even Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, make it possible to divide it into the following forms:

  • nodular ulcerative (ulcusrodens);
  • superficial;
  • scleroderma-like (morphea type);
  • pigmented;
  • fibroepithelial.

If a sick person has a large number of foci, the forms can be of several types.

Basalioma types

The superficial type manifests itself by the appearance on the skin pink spots slightly flaky. Over time, the stain becomes more distinct, acquiring an oval or round shape. Along its edges, you can see small, slightly shiny nodules. They then merge into a tight, roller-like ring. In the middle of the spot there is a depression, which becomes dark, almost brown... It can be single or multiple. And also on the entire surface of the outbreak, a rash of dense, small particles. Almost always, the nature of the rash is multiple, and the basilioma proceeds constantly. Its growth is very slow. Clinical signs very similar to Bowen's disease.

The pigmented type of basalioma resembles, but only the density is stronger. The affected areas are blue-violet or dark brown. For an accurate diagnosis, dermatoscopic examinations of the spots are carried out.

The tumor type begins with the appearance of a small nodule. Then it gets bigger and bigger. Its diameter becomes about three centimeters. It looks like a round speck of stagnant pink paint. On the smooth surface of the tumor, dilated small vessels are clearly visible, some are covered with a grayish bloom. The central part of the affected area may have a hard crust. The growth does not protrude above the skin, and it does not have legs. There are two forms of this type: with small and large nodules. It depends on the size of the lesion.

The ulcerative type appears as a variation of the primary variant. And also as a result of the manifestation of superficial or neoplastic basilioma. A typical symptom of this form of the disease is a funnel-shaped manifestation. It looks massive, its fabric is as if glued to the lower layers, their borders do not appear clearly. The size of the clusters is much larger than the ulcer. V this option a tendency to strong manifestations is noticeable, due to which the lower part of the tissue begins to collapse. There are cases when the ulcerative form is complicated by growths in the form.

The scleroderma-like or cicatricial-atrophic type has a small, well-defined focus of infection, compacted at the base, but not protruding above the skin. The color shade is closer to yellowish-whitish. Atrophied transformations or dyschromia occur in the middle of the spot. Sometimes erosive foci of various sizes appear. They have a crust that is very easy to remove. This positive point when conducting cytological studies.

Pincus fibroepithelial tumor is a type of squamous cell carcinoma, but it is fairly easy. Outwardly, it looks like a nodule or plaque that matches the color of the human skin. The consistency of such a spot is dense and elastic, no erosion is observed on it.

Basalioma skin therapy

Basal cell epithelioma is treated conservatively. Doctors surgically remove lesions along the border of healthy skin. Cryodestruction is also practiced. Such treatment is used if after surgical intervention may be cosmetic defect... You can smear the spots with prospidine and colchamin ointments.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer. Each year, approximately one case is recorded for every 4,000 people. About half of people over 65 have had skin cancer at least once in their lives. Skin cancer is more common in southern areas, especially in people with fair skin. People with dark skin get sick with it several times less often. The highest incidence rates are observed in South Africa and Australia. In these countries high level ultraviolet radiation, and is home to a large number of people with fair skin. Over the past decades, there has been an increase in the growth rate of skin cancer.

Skin cancers are classified into three types: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. The most common types are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Melanoma is much less common, but it is the most dangerous, as it gives metastases throughout the body.

Basal cell skin cancer

Factors contributing to the development of basal cell carcinoma?

Basal skin cancer is the most common, accounting for approximately 90% of all skin cancers. This type of cancer almost never metastases. The main factors that contribute to the development of basal cancer are sun, age and fair skin. Older people with fair skin are most likely to suffer from basal skin cancer. About 80% of all basal cancer cases occur in the face. The face is most exposed to the sun, hence the relationship. At the same time, in 20% of cases, the disease occurs in places that are hardly amenable to the influence of the sun, namely on the legs, buttocks, back and chest.

Recent studies show that occasional sun exposure during vacations and summer vacations contributes to the occurrence of basal cancer, in contrast to squamous cell carcinoma.

What does basal cell skin cancer look like?

On the early stages basal skin cancer looks like a small, domed tumor that is often covered with small blood vessels... The tumors are usually transparent and shiny, which is why they are sometimes called "pearly". However, some basal tumors contain a pigment called melanin, which makes them dark, so they do not shine.

Basal cell skin cancer develops slowly. Sometimes it takes several months or even years before a tumor is noticed. Though given type Skin cancer rarely metastases and can damage the eye, ear, or nose if it develops near them.

How is basal cell carcinoma diagnosed?

If basal cancer is suspected, all or part of the tumor is usually cut off and sent for a biopsy. Typically, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin

What is squamous cell carcinoma?

Squamous cell carcinoma is cancer that develops in cells. squamous epithelium... The epithelium is thin, flat cells that look like fish scales under a microscope. Squamous cells are found in tissues that form the surface of the skin, hollow organs, the surface of the respiratory and digestive tract... Squamous cell carcinoma can occur in any of these locations.

Squamous cell carcinoma is about 4 times less common than basal cell carcinoma of the skin. Men are more susceptible to it than women. People with fair skin get this cancer especially often.

The earliest stage of squamous cell carcinoma is called actinic or solar keratosis. Keratoses are red, rough bumps. Keratoses are usually painful. Approximately 10-20% of keratoses degenerate into full-fledged squamous cell carcinoma. The rebirth process takes about 10 years, in rare cases it is faster.

Factors contributing to the development of squamous cell carcinoma?

The main factor in the development of squamous cell carcinoma is the sun. This type of cancer develops slowly and tanning in your 20s may become apparent as you get older. In addition to the sun, the causes of squamous cell carcinoma can be: arsenic, X-rays, heat damage to the skin. Sometimes squamous cell carcinoma occurs in scar tissue. Weak the immune system, infections and drugs also contribute to its development.

Can squamous cell carcinoma metastasize?

Unlike basal cancer, squamous cell carcinoma can metastasize or spread to other parts of the body. Squamous cell carcinoma that has developed as a result of sunburn is less likely to metastasize than cancer that has developed in scars and scars. Squamous cell carcinoma on the lower lip is especially prone to metastases.

How is squamous cell carcinoma diagnosed?

A biopsy is taken to confirm the diagnosis if cancer is suspected. The biopsy is done under local anesthesia. The removed skin is then examined under a microscope.

How is basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer treated?

The same methods are used to treat basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. The main goal of treatment is to completely remove cancerous tumor and leaving as few scars as possible. In each case, the size of the cancer, the age of the person, general condition and medical history.

Below are the main treatments for skin cancer.

Curettage with cauterization.Dermatologists use this method quite often. The essence of the method consists in scraping out the contents of the tumor and treating the wound with an electric current. Electricity it is used to stop bleeding and destroy the remaining cancer cells. The skin heals without suturing. This method is most suitable for small-sized tumors located on the trunk and limbs.

Surgical excision. The tumor is excised and sutured.

Radiation therapy. Doctors often use the method radiation therapy skin cancer, to remove tumors that do not respond to treatment surgical methods... Radiation therapy is also used to obtain a good cosmetic effect, but this requires a large number of sessions from 25 to 30.

Cryosurgery.The essence of the method is to freeze cancer cells. As a rule, liquid nitrogen is used as a freeze.

Mohs surgery.This method It has best readings curability - about 98%. The essence of the method consists in removing the tumor in layers and examining them under a microscope during the operation. The method allows you to save most healthy tissues and is preferred for tumors located on the scalp, ears and nose.

Using anti-cancer creams. The creams are applied several times a week for several weeks. The advantages of the method are that it avoids surgery, gives a good cosmetic effect and can be used at home. Disadvantages include low cure rates and discomfort at the site of application.


What is melanoma?

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. Melanoma most rare cancer skin, it accounts for only 4% of all skin cancers, but this 4% accounts for 80% of all skin cancer deaths. Melanoma develops in skin cells called melanocytes (pigment cells). Melacinites produce melanin, which gives the skin its natural color. Large cluster pigment cells forms moles. Moles, almost all people have. On average, a person has 10 to 40 moles. People with dark skin tend to have darker moles. Moles may be from birth or may appear later. In older people, moles tend to disappear.

Melanoma occurs when pigment cells become cancerous. Most pigment cells are found in the skin (cutaneous melanoma), but they can also be found in the eyes (ocular melanoma). In rare cases, melanoma can occur in meninges, v gastric tract or lymph nodes.

The risk of developing melanoma increases with age. In men, melanoma most often develops on the trunk, head, or neck. On women’s legs. People with dark skin rarely have melanoma; as a rule, it develops under the nails, on the palms of the hands and soles.

When melanoma spreads, it affects nearby lymph nodes. If cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes, it means that the cancer has most likely spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver, lungs, and brain.

What Causes Melanoma?

No one knows the exact causes of melanoma. Only on rare occasions can doctors explain why one person has melanoma and another does not. However, studies have shown that certain circumstances increase the risk of getting melanoma.

Factors that increase the risk of melanoma.

Ultraviolet radiation. Experts believe that ultraviolet light is the main cause of melanoma. The more time you spend in the sun, the higher your risk of sun exposure.

Dysplastic nevi.These are age spots that rise above the skin and do not have sharp boundaries. Nevi are much more likely to cause melanoma than common moles... People who have a large number of them are especially at risk.

A large number of moles. People who have a large number of moles on their bodies (more than 50) are much more likely to suffer from melanoma than people who do not have them.

White skin and freckles. Melanoma is much more common in people with white skin and freckles. Such people usually have blonde hair and Blue eyes... Their skin is more susceptible to damage from sunlight.

Have a history of skin cancer. People who have had any type of skin cancer (basal cell, squamous, melanoma) in the past are more likely to suffer from melanoma.

Heredity. Melanoma is hereditary disease... People who have two or more relatives who have had melanoma are at risk. Approximately 10% of all melanoma cases are hereditary

Weak immune system.People who have had organ transplants, underwent chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or those with HIV are at high risk of developing melanoma.

Sunburns in the past. Strong sunburn, even those obtained 20-30 years ago, are one of the causes of melanoma.

What are the symptoms of melanoma?

The first sign of melanoma is a change in the size, color, and shape of moles. Most melanomas have black or black-blue areas. Sometimes melanoma manifests itself as a new mole. Itching and bleeding in the area of ​​melanoma is also her hallmark... Melanomas usually do not cause pain.

How is melanoma diagnosed?

If there is a suspicion that the spot on the skin is melanoma, a biopsy is done. A biopsy is the only method used to confirm the diagnosis of melanoma. During the biopsy, all suspicious places are removed if possible, but if the stain is large, then only a tissue sample is taken. The biopsy is done under local anesthesia.

What are the stages of melanoma?

After confirmation of melanoma, the stage of the disease is determined first. The stage of the disease will depend on the methods of treatment and the prognosis of the disease. To determine the stage are assigned additional research such as x-rays, blood tests, tomography of the liver and brain. Sometimes lymph nodes located near the melanoma are taken for analysis. This operation is part of the treatment, as removing the lymph nodes helps fight the disease.

Melanoma stages.

Stage 0. Cancer cells were found only in the upper layers of the skin and did not penetrate into the deep layers.

Stage 1. The first stage is set in one of the following cases.

  1. The size of the tumor is no more than 1 mm and has manifestations. The lymph nodes are not affected.
  2. The size of the tumor is from 1 to 2 mm, but there are no symptoms. The lymph nodes are not affected.

Stage 2. The second stage is set in one of the following cases.

  1. The size of the tumor is from 1 to 2 mm, there are manifestations. Nearby lymph nodes are affected.
  2. The size of the tumor is more than 2 mm. Expressions may be absent. Nearby lymph nodes are affected.

Stage 3. Cancer cells have spread to nearby tissues.

Stage 4. Cancer cells have spread to other organs or distant areas of the skin.

How is melanoma treated?

For the treatment of melanoma, they are prescribed surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunity-enhancing drugs. In practice, these methods are often combined.

Surgery. This method is the most common for melanoma. During the operation, the tumor itself and some healthy tissue around it are removed.

During the operation, it is sometimes necessary to remove large areas of the skin. In these cases, for more fast healing skin taken from other parts of the patient's body is placed on the site of the operation.

Nearby lymph nodes are usually removed as the cancer spreads through lymphatic system... Detection of cancer cells in the lymph nodes is alarming sign... This signals the possible presence of metastases in other organs.

Surgery is usually ineffective if cancer cells have spread to other organs. In these cases, chemotherapy or radiation therapy is usually prescribed.

Chemotherapy.Chemotherapy is usually given in cycles. The duration of treatment depends on the type of drug. Chemotherapy is usually given in outpatient departments, but it can also be done at home.

In case of melanomas on the arms and legs, chemotherapy drugs are injected directly near the melanoma and drag the limb for a while. This method will allow more of the drug to enter the melanoma.

Boosting immunity (Immunotherapy).Immunotherapy involves the use of substances called cytokines. The body produces them in small doses, but modern methods allow the cytokine to be obtained in large quantities and administered to the patient. Immunotherapy is most commonly used to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Radiation therapy.Treatment takes place in a hospital. The course of treatment lasts several weeks, 5 sessions per week. Radiation therapy can help reduce the size of the tumor and relieve pain symptoms.

How can skin cancer be avoided?

The most important thing in preventing skin cancer is limiting sun exposure and avoiding tanning salons, especially for people with fair skin. If sun exposure is unavoidable, sunscreen and wide-brimmed hats should be used. In addition, you should constantly examine your body for the appearance of any formations, especially those who have had this disease in the past.

Executive Director
Non-profit partnership "Equal Right to Life"
YES. Borisov

Oncology: the problem has a solution

Modern Russian statistics are frightening: every year in the country oncology is found in more than 500 thousand people... Of these, about 300 thousand die. Every third of those who were diagnosed with the disease for the first time today will die within 12 months. This is largely due to the lack of information: people do not know anything about where, how and why they need to and they can be examined in order to detect the disease at an early stage, and even after hearing their diagnosis, many patients cannot receive the treatment they need in full. volume.

There are problems in medical institutions... Alas, modern technology for the treatment of cancer today is not available in all cities. The staff is poorly trained: surgeons, chemotherapists and radiologists need to acquire up-to-date qualifications.

The non-profit partnership Equal Right to Life is trying to solve these problems. Since 2006, we have been trying to implement as efficiently as possible main goal of our program: to ensure the equality of the rights of Russian patients and Russian oncologists to information about modern achievements in world oncology.

During the implementation of the program, educational events are held for oncologists. Internships for specialists are conducted on the basis of leading medical centers country. There is also a program for the implementation of offsite certification cycles and master classes with the involvement of leading specialists of our country.

Along with this, the material and technical base of regional oncological medical institutions is being modernized: modern equipment is purchased, and repair work is carried out at the expense of extra-budgetary funds on a gratuitous basis.

Oncology responds well to early treatment. So that everyone can consult with an experienced specialist and find out information about modern methods fight against oncological diseases (is oncology transmitted, what are its symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment), in 2006 a special hot line“Equal Right to Life”.

The number of thematic events for the country's residents is growing every year, because cancer is a problem that everyone should know about.

Skin cancer is commonly referred to as the following types malignant skin tumors:

basal cell carcinoma (basal cell carcinoma that develops from the basal cells of the cutaneous epithelium)
squamous cell carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma)

Melanoma is often excluded from the list of diseases associated with skin cancer.


Depending on its shape, skin cancer can appear as a superficial erosion, plaque, or nodule. It is often asymptomatic, but ulceration, bleeding, and pain are possible.



Almost everyone can develop skin cancer. But the following groups of people are most susceptible to this disease:

With fair skin, in which a smaller amount of melanin is genetically programmed in the structure of the skin;
Old age;
Genetically predisposed to the development of tumors;

With a disease that is included in the list precancerous conditions:
Bowen's disease;
Erythroplasia of Keira;
Pigmented xeroderma;
Senile keratoma;
Cutaneous horn;
Melanoma pigmented nevi;
Other chronic inflammatory diseases skin;
Exposed to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation;

In addition, the reasons for the development of skin cancer may be the following:

Effects on the skin of some chemical substances having a dangerous carcinogenic effect. These substances include tar, which make up tobacco products, lubricants, arsenic and its compounds;

Improper, malnutrition, a large amount of harmful substances used in varying degrees possessing carcinogenic properties. These can be foods containing nitrates, nitrites, as well as smoked, canned, pickled and high-fat foods;

Exposure to the skin of radioactive radiation;

Exposure to the skin of thermal radiation and thermal factors;

Mechanical damage (trauma, cut) of a mole;

Traumatic injury to scar tissue on the skin;

As a complication after suffering radiation dermatitis;

The occurrence of cancer at the site of the burn.


First signs

The first signs of skin cancer are changes that occur on the surface of the skin. A build-up may form that does not heal for a long time. Often, the tumor does not cause painful sensations.



Basal carcinoma is cancer of the basal cells in the lower part of the epidermis. It is a very common cancer and accounts for over 75% of all skin cancers. Most basal cells grow very slowly and almost never spread to other parts of the body. The main signs of skin cancer are small, red, shiny spots or nodules that sometimes bleed. In many cases, in the early stages basal cell carcinoma the top layer of the skin can remain intact for many months. Ultimately, ulcers appear that do not heal. If basal cell carcinoma is detected at an early stage, then there is a chance to completely cure it. However, some basal cell carcinoma cells are aggressive, and if left unchecked, they can spread to the deeper layers of the skin and sometimes reach the bones, making treatment difficult.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is cancer of the cells of keratinocytes, which are found in the upper layer of the skin (epidermis). One in five types of skin cancer (20%) are of this type. Squamous cell carcinoma usually develops slowly and can only spread to other parts of the body if left untreated for a very long time. Sometimes, cancer cells can behave more aggressively and spread throughout the body at a relatively early stage. Most people are completely cured with relatively gentle treatments.

Malignant melanoma develops from basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. The first signs of skin cancer, namely melanoma: a change in any existing mole or freckle, or appearance new birthmark or freckles. The risk of developing melanoma increases with age. Melanomas develop from specialized skin cells called melanocytes, which produce melanin, a pigment that causes the skin to darken when exposed to the sun. They are found in the epidermis - part of the outer layer of the skin. Melanomas occur when melanocytes divide uncontrollably and form a mass of cancer cells. This is due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Most melanomas can be cured if detected early. Therefore, it is very important to see a doctor if any change in a mole or freckle is noticed. If left untreated, melanoma can spread to deeper layers of the skin and travel through the body through the lymphatic system and blood.



Currently, skin tumors are classified by histological affiliation and depending on the stage of the tumor process (TNM classification). The following histological types are referred to as malignant tumors of the skin: squamous cell tumors, basal cell tumors, tumors of the appendages of the skin, and other tumors (see Paget's disease).

TNM classification is used for skin cancers excluding vulva, penis, eyelid, and skin melanoma. Where T reflects the size of the primary tumor, N - the presence of metastatic lesions of regional lymph nodes, M - the presence of distant metastases.

Stage I includes skin tumors up to 2 cm in greatest dimension.

Stage II - tumors larger than 2 cm, but not growing deeper tissues (muscles, bones).

Stage III includes tumors invading deep-lying tissues or tumors of any size in the presence of lesions of regional lymph nodes.

Stage IV includes skin tumors with established distant metastases.



Patients with suspected skin cancer should be consulted by a dermato-oncologist. The doctor examines the formation and other areas of the skin, palpation of regional lymph nodes, dermatoscopy. Determination of the depth of tumor growth and the extent of the process can be done using ultrasound. For pigmented lesions, siascopy is additionally indicated.

Only cytological and histological examination can finally confirm or deny the diagnosis of skin cancer. Cytological examination produced by microscopy of specially stained smears-prints made from the surface of cancerous ulcers or erosions. Histological diagnosis of skin cancer is carried out on material obtained after removal of the neoplasm or by skin biopsy. If the integrity of the skin over the tumor node is not compromised, then the biopsy material is taken puncture method... Biopsy is performed according to indications lymph node... Histology reveals the presence of atypical cells, establishes their origin (flat, basal, melanocytes, glandular) and the degree of differentiation.

When diagnosing skin cancer, in some cases, its secondary nature should be excluded, that is, the presence of a primary tumor internal organs... This is especially true for skin adenocarcinomas. For this purpose, ultrasound of organs is performed abdominal cavity, X-ray of the lungs, CT of the kidneys, contrast urography, scintigraphy of the skeleton, MRI and CT of the brain, etc. The same examinations are necessary in the diagnosis of distant metastases or cases of deep penetration of skin cancer.



For treatment, the following methods are used:

laser coagulation.


Treatment of skin cancer is most often achieved with radiation therapy: close-focus X-ray therapy, in more common forms, combined with external gamma therapy. Other variants of combined irradiation are also used - close-focus X-ray therapy followed by the introduction of radio-bearing needles.

As a result of irradiation, carried out on average for 3-4 weeks, the cancerous tissue dies, and after the disappearance of the radiation reaction, scarring occurs on the skin. TO surgical treatment resorted to either in cases of very widespread lesions, or in such forms of cancer, which turn out to be low sensitivity to radiation therapy. Then, after a course of preoperative irradiation, a wide excision of the tumor is undertaken, retreating far beyond its limits along the periphery and into the depths. The resulting large wound defects formed as a result of such operations are closed by skin grafting. It is also possible to use tumor cryodestruction.

Special preparation of the patient for these operations is not required, it is only important that no traces of the radiation reaction remain on the surrounding skin. Usually it is lubricated with indifferent oils (peach or sea buckthorn). It is advisable not to apply bandages for better aeration of the skin. In case of large ulcers, the dressings are formed with a cotton-gauze roller ("donut") so as not to injure the tumor tissue.

Chemotherapy for skin cancer is rarely used, although there are some observations successful treatment early forms of ointments with cytostatic drugs.

In very common, inoperable forms, external irradiation is performed for palliative purposes, sometimes combining it with intra-arterial chemotherapy.

The course of skin cancer is relatively favorable, although in advanced stages it is not always possible to radically cure the patient. Sometimes you have to resort to very extended, mutilating operations in the form wide excision facial tissues with resection of the underlying bones or amputation for skin cancer of the extremities. Like everyone else malignant tumors, skin cancer is prone to relapse, especially after improper irradiation or insufficiently wide excision.

Treatment of cancer from the appendages of the skin is only surgical, other methods are ineffective.



According to the stage of the disease, there are several standard treatments for skin cancer.

The principle of treatment for all types of skin cancer is the same and includes the following methods:

laser coagulation.

The choice of treatment method depends on the histological structure of the tumor, the stage of the disease, clinical form and tumor localization.


Squamous cell skin cancer can occur against the background of actinic keratosis, post-burn scar tissue, in places of permanent mechanical damage, chronic inflammatory dermatosis such as hypertrophic lichen planus, tuberculous lupus, X-ray dermatitis, pigmented xeroderma, etc. the frequency of metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma arising on scars is more than 30%, and in the foci of late X-ray dermatitis - about 20%.


Basal cell

Signs of basal cell skin cancer

Localization is characteristic on the eyelids, more often on the lower

Starts out as a slight overgrowth

Classically looks like a nodule that does not differ in color from the surrounding healthy skin, with a depression in the center

The edges of the tumor may look like mother-of-pearl

Does not bother at all, but can cause eversion or volvulus of the eyelid at a far advanced stage

If the tumor is not treated, it gradually grows into the underlying tissue. Fortunately, basal cell skin cancer is one of those rare species malignant neoplasms that do not metastasize to other organs.

The tumor can be removed either surgically or by radiation. As with all types of cancer, timely detection of the disease and initiation of treatment are important.


People with increased risk the development of basal cell skin cancer, especially those with white skin and blonde hair, it is recommended to avoid exposure to the open sun for a long time. Use Sunglasses to protect the delicate skin of the eyelids from ultraviolet light. Protective headgear, awnings, etc. are also important when spending time outdoors.




To examine patients with suspected basal cancer, the following tests are carried out:

examination and palpation of the area of ​​the neoplasm - allows the specialist to suspect basal cancer based on the clinical picture;

biopsy - aim this study is the collection of material for histological examination. In the case of an incisional biopsy, the procedure is performed using a thin needle that is loaded into the tumor tissue and captures part of it. When performing an excisional biopsy, a piece of the neoplasm is removed with a scalpel. All manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia and do not bring pain to the patient;

histological examination - carried out in a laboratory, where material obtained during a biopsy is studied under a microscope. At the same time, in samples of tumor tissue, characteristic a certain kind cancer changes.

After basal cancer is detected, a treatment program is drawn up that takes into account all the features of a specific clinical case... At early detection tumor and taking appropriate measures, a favorable prognosis awaits most patients with such a diagnosis.

Radiation therapy is used to detect basal cancer in the early stages of development. In this case, the area of ​​the tumor is irradiated with short-focus X-rays. So it is possible to slow down the growth rate of the neoplasm and achieve its regression. During treatment, the patient receives a radiation dose of approximately 50-75 Gray.

Surgical treatment - consists in excision of the neoplasm. Operative tactics become the leading one in the presence of small basalomas, after removal of which an extensive tissue defect will not form. The procedure is carried out under local or general anesthesia and consists in excision of the pathological formation. In doing so, it is important to achieve clean edges of the wound, which will be free of atypical cells... For this, together with the neoplasm, a certain volume of healthy tissue is excised. In addition, during the surgical intervention it is possible to perform histological, cytological, microscopic examination the edges of the wound.

Chemotherapy - consists in the appointment of a local or systemic treatment cytostatics. In the first case, anticancer drugs are administered intravenously or orally, in the second, they are applied to the surface of the neoplasm. Long-term use of low doses of cytostatics allows regression of some types of basal cell tumors.

Cryodestruction - based on the possibility of destroying a neoplasm using liquid nitrogen treatment. This drug causes a local decrease in the temperature of the tumor tissue to low digits, due to which the intracellular fluid freezes and the death of atypical cells develops.

Laser therapy - consists in the use of a directed beam laser beams... Within a few seconds of this effect, water evaporates from the tumor tissues and its destruction is observed.


The cytograms of basaliomas are characterized by small hyperchromic cells with mild signs of atypicality, which are located in the form of dense tissue scraps, complexes, strands or individual groups(dense cementation of cells). The background of the preparations can be represented by an interstitial substance, structureless masses of cell decay, as well as keratinizing scales and horny masses.

There are three types of microscopic pictures.

The most common type of cytogram is characterized by small hyperchromic cells located in the form of dense tissue scraps. Due to the dense arrangement of cells, it is not always possible to determine their shape. At the edge of such clusters, cells turn out to be polygonal, sometimes with short branches or "disheveled". The nuclei occupy almost the entire cell, are located centrally in it, polymorphic, with irregular contours, hyperchromic and diffusely stained, the nucleoli do not differ. The chromatin of the nuclei is coarsely lumpy. The cell cytoplasm is scanty and inhomogeneous, intensely basophilic stained.

In addition to small hyperchromic cells, there may be lighter, medium-sized cells. They are round or polygonal in shape with centrally located nuclei, resembling squamous cell carcinoma cells.

In tissue scraps between cells, there may be dense oxyphilic strands and accumulations of interstitial matter. Sometimes the cells are, as it were, walled up in such vast accumulations of interstitial substance.

In the second type of cytograms, the vast majority of cells are medium and small in size, rounded, with light cytoplasm and rounded centrally or eccentrically located nuclei. The chromatin of the nuclei is clear, granular or heavy. It evenly fills the nucleus and is intensely colored; enlarged nucleoli are visible in individual nuclei. Binuclear cells with bean-shaped nuclei are common. The cells are scattered, in groups and complexes among the abundant fine-grained or homogeneous oxyphilic substance and are, as it were, walled up in it.

In addition to light cells, the preparations contain small hyperchromic polygonal elements of the tumor with sharply hyperchromic, small tuberous nuclei and an abundant homogeneous, well-defined cytoplasm. The background of the drug is an oxyphilic interstitial substance and histiocytes.

The third type of cytograms is characterized by a relatively large number of pigment-containing cells (nevus-like variant of basalioma). Pigment-containing cells are oval, elongated, polygonal and, less often, process-shaped, filled with slate-gray and gray granules of melanin. These cells are scattered or found in the form of strands and clusters. Their nuclei are round and oval, with a compacted contour, small-lumpy, with small nucleoli. Similar cells are found, but in a small number, and in other variants of basalioma cytograms.

The predominance of pigment-containing cells in the preparation makes it necessary to carry out differential diagnosis between basal cell carcinoma and pigmented nevus. Install frequently accurate diagnosis it is not possible, and in the conclusion it is necessary to point out only that with such a cytogram, both pigmentary basalioma and pigmentary nevus can occur.

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