Elderberry berries - medicinal properties and contraindications. The use of juice and syrup from berries in folk medicine. Tumor processes in the intestines and stomach

A tree, usually a shrub, whose height is 2-10 m - elderberry, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which became known back in the days ancient Rus'. In the present, her special qualities are undeservedly forgotten by most people. The healing properties of this plant are recognized even by specialists of classical medicine and are worthy of the attention of everyone who strives to maintain their health using natural means.

Black elderberry description photo

There are about 40 varieties of this plant, the most common is black elderberry (sambucus nigra l). It belongs to the honeysuckle species.

Most often, sambucus is found as a shrub with a dense, wide crown. The branches have a complex color: first green, then brownish-gray with the inclusion of yellowish lenticels. The leaves are on short petioles, the base is broadly wedge-shaped, the oval shape is slightly elongated, long-pointed, of a rich green hue.

Fragrant flowers form umbrella-shaped inflorescences, creamy yellow or yellowish in color, and often have a pleasant aroma. The fruits are berry-shaped drupes, purple, almost black, with an average of 2-3 seeds. They are oval in shape, up to 6 mm long. Sambucus will bloom in May, early June, fruiting by the end of August.

The height of the plant depends on the region of growth. In the central chernozem and southern regions, the tree reaches 8-10 m. In the northern areas, it is less common; shrubs predominate, the height of which ranges from 2 to 6 m.

Important! Red elderberry is POISONOUS! It has a similar description, but when ripe, the berries turn red. They are very dangerous to health!

Chemical composition of the plant

Sambucus has an interesting chemical composition. Percentage useful substances may fluctuate, which is predetermined by the place of growth. Composition of colors:

  • sambunigrin lucoside;
  • routine;
  • essential oil (up to 0.32%);
  • choline;
  • acids: chlorogenic, caffeic, valeric, 1-malic, acetic;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • ethyl-, isobutyl-, isoamylamines.

Leaf composition:

  • sambunigrin (0.11%);
  • essential oil;
  • aldehydes;
  • vitamin C: up to 280 mg (only in fresh leaves);
  • carotene.

Attention! When dried, provitamin A1 is additionally formed.

Bark composition:

  • essential oil;
  • choline;
  • phytosterol;
  • betulin;
  • pectin, triterpene, tannin compounds

Fruit composition:

  • ascorbic acid (up to 49 mg);
  • carotene;
  • anthocyanin substances;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • sambucicyanin;
  • tannins;
  • acids: amino and carboxylic.

The seeds are a source of fatty oil.

Important! Black elderberry is moderately toxic. Its berries must be heat treated before use.

Nutritional value and calorie content of berries

Elderberry fruits are almost 80% water, having a very useful composition plus, the energy value of which is -73 kcal. Composition: proteins – 0.66 g, fats – 0.5 g, carbohydrates – 11.4 g, alimentary fiber— 7 g, ash-0.64 g, water-79.8 g, saturated fatty acids-0.023 g, vitamins, minerals.

Vitamins and minerals

Name Quantity % of days. Norms Name Quantity % of days. norms

  • PP (NE) (PP) 0.5 mg 4 Selenium (Se) 0.6 μg 1
  • C (C) 36 mg 35-40 Copper (Cu) 61 mg 6
  • B9 (B9) 6 mcg 2 Zinc (Zn) 0.11 mg 1
  • B6 (B6) 0.23 mg 12 Iron (Fe) 1.6 mg 9
  • B5 (B5) 0.14 mg 3 Phosphorus (P) 9 mg 5
  • B2 (B2) 0.06 mg 3 Potassium (K) 280 mg 11
  • B1 (B1) 0.07 mg 5 Sodium (Na) 6 mg 0
  • A (RE) (A (RE)) 30 mcg 3 Magnesium (Mg) 5 mg 1
  • Calcium (Ca) 38 mg 4

Useful and healing properties

This plant has many different properties that have been noticed for quite some time. These qualities quickly found their application in all areas of life. For example:

  1. Juice is a natural dye. It was used to dye fabrics. For example, to obtain black color, it was mixed with green vitriol. Currently, they are used to color various drinks.
  2. To keep the apple harvest fragrant for a long time, they are laid, wrapped in sambucus leaves.
  3. Fresh leaves, rich in vitamin C, are a healthy component of salads.
  4. Anti-inflammatory properties are in great demand among cosmetologists. Flowers are most often used, but leaves with berries also have regular uses.
  5. The high content of useful substances of the bush provides wide range medicinal properties. Among which:
    sedative, tonic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic, laxative.

For your information! Sambucus berries are the most valuable component of the plant!

Application in official and folk medicine

Medical specialists recognize the therapeutic qualities of Sambucus nigra. Classical medicine practices the use of only inflorescences. Doctors recommend their infusions for acute respiratory infections, influenza virus, as a diaphoretic, tonic. Not so often, but it is used during treatment of: pharyngitis, bronchitis, kidney diseases, Bladder, neuralgia.

Folk recipes provide significantly more options for use. In addition to berries and flowers, the following are used for medicinal purposes: roots, bark, young branches, leaves. They are used to make decoctions, lotions, various infusions and teas. The list of diseases for the treatment of which it is recommended to use such drugs is huge. Here are some options when different parts of the plant are used according to folk recipes.

Berries. Their applications are extremely diverse.

  • freshly squeezed juice, useful in treatment varicose veins veins, and constipation;
  • a decoction of the fruit is effective against hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, at diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders;
  • Kernel oil is a good antipyretic, in addition, effective medicine against rheumatism.
  • berry infusion improves metabolism, promotes better bile secretion and increased diuresis.
  • wine extract, for external use for oncological diseases
  • boiled or jam, used additionally for stomach cancer.

For your information! Elderberry fruits can be used equally effectively both fresh and dried! The berries do not lose their healing properties.

Flowers: used as anti-inflammatory decoctions or internal use is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • flu;
  • colds;
  • cough;
  • bladder inflammation; etc.

External use at:

  • acne;
  • furunculosis;
  • arthritis or arthrosis (lotions);
  • sore throat; pharyngitis or laryngitis (gargling)

Leaves have good hemostatic and analgesic properties, the effect is most pronounced in young leaves. A decoction of milk is used to treat hemorrhoids, as well as skin injuries, for example: burns, diaper rash.

Bark and young twigs . They are recommended to be taken when you have the following diseases:

  • disorders of the urinary system or intestines;
  • atherosclerosis
  • skin diseases.

To prepare decoctions, the dried bark and twigs are finely crushed.

Healing folk recipes

Traditional recipes are rarely recognized by traditional medicine specialists as safe, much less effective. But they turn out to be effective, that’s a fact. The foundation for most recipes is centuries-old observations, knowledge, wisdom, and many people. Although folk recipes have already proven their effectiveness, before starting to use them you should consult a specialist so as not to cause unnecessary damage to your health.

Important! Elderberry is a strong immune stimulant. As a result, it neutralizes the properties of some drugs aimed at treating autoimmune diseases. In addition, it blocks the effect of corticosteroids.

Cancer drugs

Of course, we hope to cure cancer by taking one course medicinal plant, it is forbidden. Preparations based on elderberry are very useful, they help the body maintain strength and directly fight the disease. But only complex use makes it possible to recover. The healing properties of sambucus are very pronounced in the treatment of cancer diseases such as:

  • stomach cancer;
  • prostate cancer;
  • adenoma.

Recipe for medicinal syrup for cancer

  1. Sambucus fruits are laid out in a 1.5 cm layer on the bottom of a glass dish.
  2. A layer of sugar is poured in so that it hides the berries. Next, the laying out process is repeated until the top of the container. The last layer should be a layer of sugar.
  3. Cover with gauze and leave for a month.
  4. After 4 weeks, strain the syrup and subsequently store in the refrigerator.

Application: Take 1 tablespoon of syrup after meals. It is advisable to drink a glass 10 minutes before eating clean water. The course of admission is 1.5 months, the break between courses should be 1 month.

Recipe for pureed elderberry

Syrup, jam, sambucus jam is an excellent prevention of oncology.

Elderberry for diabetes

Elderberry - well regulates the body's production of insulin and glucose. Therefore, it is recommended for the prevention or treatment of diabetes. When diagnosing diabetes or its complications, it is recommended to take a decoction of the roots. Baths made from any available sambucus raw material are also desirable. They have a general, very positive effect.

Important! If you have diabetes, you should not take Sambucus and drugs that lower blood sugar levels at the same time, as combined use can cause hypoglycemia!

Infusions and decoctions for joint pain

Wonderful prophylactic agents for joint diseases - decoctions or infusions of inflorescences. If the disease has overtaken you, you should use one of the following recipes:

Medicinal infusion for gout.

Pour 4 - 5 tbsp. l. flowers 1 liter hot water, leave for 4 hours. Then the resulting solution must be filtered. You should take 0.5 cups 2 times a day before meals. It is advisable that the infusion be warm. This medicine can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. The same recipe is suitable for relieving symptoms of rheumatism.

Arthritis treatment

To the elderberry raw material you need to add nettle, as well as parsley root, all in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. Brew spoons of the resulting mixture in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 15 - 20 minutes. You need to drink 400 ml of infusion per day in equal parts. Compresses made according to the proportion of 50% elderberry - 50% chamomile help relieve joint pain and are applied for approximately 1.5-2 hours.

Benefits for women's health

For women, elderberry raw materials are a real find. This plant will help restore and preserve women Health. An infusion of inflorescences, used for douching, is an excellent remedy for many gynecological diseases. Puree of fresh sambucus fruits will help get rid of acne. A decoction of flowers removes well dark spots if you regularly wipe your face with it.

For your information! 100 ml of black elderberry inflorescence decoction contains daily norm vitamin C! Since this is a natural and not a synthesized vitamin, there cannot be an overdose of it, the excess will simply be eliminated from the body!

How to collect and store medicinal raw materials

Almost all parts of elderberry can be used medicinally. In order for the raw materials to be of high quality and not lose their healing properties, it is important to collect them on time and dry them properly.

Baskets of inflorescences , should be collected when they fully bloom, but before they fall off. To dry flowers, you need to cover them from sunlight, the temperature is preferably about 30 C. After drying, rub through a sieve.

Fruit, their collection for harvesting begins after full ripening - in September. The berries are air-dried and then dried following temperature regime: 60-65 C.

Roots, this part of the plant is harvested at the end of autumn. Dry thoroughly, then grind to powder.

Bark. Its preparation occurs before the start of sap flow. Optimal drying temperature: 65-70C.

Shelf life:

  • dried flowers – 2 years;
  • dried fruits – 6 months;
  • root powder – 5 years;
  • crushed bark – 3 years.

Important! Store dried raw materials in a dry, ventilated room. When damp it loses its medicinal qualities and spoils. Exceeding the storage period is PROHIBITED!

Black elderberry jam

Even a sweet delicacy made from the fruits of this plant is distinguished by its benefits and excellent taste. There are many options for sweet desserts, for example:

  • honey – prepared from flowers;
  • marshmallow - from fruit squeeze;
  • jam - from crushed fresh fruits;
  • syrup - from berries;
  • jelly - from dried berries;
  • jam - made from ripe berries, the most common option.

There are several ways to prepare the brew: without water, with water, with the addition of lemon juice, thick stew, etc. All of them are simple, but still, the simplest one is with water.

Jam recipe

  1. Stirring slowly, prepare the syrup according to the calculation: 800 g sugar - 200 ml water.
  2. Place ripe fruits into boiling syrup, being careful not to get burned.
  3. Cook over low heat until fully cooked.

All the delicious jam is ready. You can eat it as soon as it cools down, or you can put it in jars and leave it for the winter. This kind of boiling in winter will support the immune system well, and in case of a cold it will help bring down the temperature.

Harm and contraindications

Elderberry delights with its many beneficial qualities, but still, do not forget that it is classified as conditionally poisonous.

If used carelessly, it can seriously harm your health. For the same reason, it is worth remembering the contraindications for use for:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • persons diagnosed with Corn's disease;
  • suffering from an allergic reaction.

Black elderberry - delicious berry or a unique medicinal product? Elderberry, which has more than 20 species, can confidently be called a universal plant. Lush bushes are often used in ornamental gardening as an element of landscape design.

Tasty and healthy jam is made from sweet and sour fruits, and aromatic wine is made.

Dried inflorescences are an original seasoning, and the wood is used in the manufacture of various souvenirs and in watchmaking. But the black elderberry is considered the most widespread and beloved among the people.

In addition to the listed qualities, wood has another important meaning for humans. Flowers and berries of this species are valuable medicinal raw materials, the effectiveness of which is not only confirmed by centuries-old people's experience, but also recognized by official medicine.

Description, composition and photo

Black elderberry has the appearance of a lush shrub or low tree with branched stems strewn with large elongated leaves. At the end of May, the plant is covered with small white flowers with a creamy tint, emitting an easily recognizable “elderberry” aroma around them.

The fruits appear in early autumn. These are juicy purple-black berries, 5-7 mm in size, with dark red flesh and a fairly neutral taste. Elderberries are harvested when they are fully ripe: flowers in June, fruits in September.

All parts of the plant contain elements and compounds that have a beneficial effect on our well-being:

Chemists discovered in flowers a large number of essential oils, rutin, choline, carotene, tannins, mucus, resins, sanguinarine (natural antibiotic), mineral salts, acids - ascorbic, acetic, valeric, malic.

The berries are rich in vitamin C, amino acids, micro- and macroelements (Ca, K, P, Fe, Cu, Se, Zn), fructose, colored plant glycosides (anthocyanins).

Sacred tree or cursed? There are many legends about elderberry, which has been valued by healers and magicians since time immemorial. The medicinal properties of black elderberry are still used today, but let's talk about everything in order.

Botanists identify 25 varieties of this plant, the most common of which are: black elderberry, red elderberry and herbaceous elderberry. The rest are less known.

Elder black: medicinal properties, description

Among the people, black elderberry has a name: elderberry, elderflower, sambuca, wasteland, squeaker.

External characteristics:
The shrub is on average 3-4 m high (individuals reach 10 m), trunk girth is up to 30 cm, the bark is brownish-ashy. The leaves are 10-30 cm long, bright green above, grayish below. The flowers are small, white-yellow, with a pleasant fragrant aroma. The berries are round, 5-7 mm in diameter, purple-black in color, taste sweet and sour, and are collected in clusters. It begins to bloom at the age of three in May-June, and the fruits appear in August-September.

Those who have decided to prepare medicinal raw materials on their own are wondering where elderberry grows? The shrub is common in temperate and subtropical climate zones. There are no special habitats. It can be found in deciduous forests, cemeteries, along rivers, parks, gardens, and even just in the courtyards of residential buildings.
Healers and pharmacologists value the flowers and berries of black elderberry, which contain many acids (valeric, caffeic, acetic), carotene, tannins, mucus, sugars and elements that are analogues of sex hormones. The bark is a source of essential oils and choline. The leaves are used in medicinal purposes: green ones contain vitamin C, carotene, essential oil and resinous substances, and vitamin A1 is found in dried ones.

The use of tinctures/decoctions of black elderberry flowers and berries is recommended for getting rid of edema, treating pancreatitis, various diseases stomach, improving lactation, as a diuretic and diaphoretic. They also help with colds: they have antipyretic and expectorant properties.

The roots of the plant reduce sugar levels in the body, which is useful for diabetics. They are also brewed for douching at various women's diseases(colpitis, candidiasis).

Let us separately note the healing properties of black elderberries:

they treat hepatitis, stomach ulcers, relieve rheumatic pain, strengthen eye vessels, prevent blurred vision and the appearance of cataracts;
black elderberry juice is used as disinfectant;
The syrup relieves cough, restores the liver, increases hemoglobin levels, strengthens the immune system, and tones the body.

Alternation strengthens the immune system well useful herbs: don’t forget about it, add it to your diet.

Black elderberry: recipes for tinctures and syrups

Universal infusion

20 g of dried elderberry flowers are poured into ¼ liter of water and boiled for 15 minutes. Then leave for half an hour or longer, filter, squeeze out the sediment, add boiled water to the original amount.


For burns or ulcers, make a compress and apply it to the affected areas.
For gout and rheumatism, drink 1/3 glass three times a day before meals in a warm state.
To cure a cough, drink the infusion instead of tea.
For sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis or toothache, gargle/gargle.
For kidney problems and bladder drink like tea.

Infusion of leaves

8 whole elderberry leaves and 20 g of chopped sage are poured with boiling water (1 glass), left for an hour, and 10 g of honey are added.

Application: for hemorrhoids, drink half a glass a day for a month.

Infusion of flowers (for pain relief for radiculitis)

30 g of flowers are thrown into a half-liter thermos, filled with boiling water to the top, left for an hour, filtered.


during an exacerbation, drink half a glass 3-5 times a day before meals for 12 days.


Black elderberry, despite its many medicinal properties, is toxic. Experimenting with it is prohibited for pregnant and nursing mothers, people suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases, and children. Eating berries can cause diarrhea, vomiting and even severe poisoning.

Black elderberry syrup

This miracle remedy is popularly used to strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with vitamins, and treat sore throats. Black elderberry syrup is used for mastopathy, constipation, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, to cleanse and rejuvenate the body.

Do you know about it? Healers use it for bronchitis, colds, lack of appetite, stomach problems, cystitis, and dry skin. Angelica is a real panacea for many diseases.

Recipe 1

Pour 1 kg of berries into ½ liter of water.
Boil for 20 minutes.
Squeeze and add 1 kg of sugar to the juice.
Bring to a boil again, pour into a glass container.

Should be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed bottle.

Recipe 2

Cover the berries with sugar, shake so that it is evenly distributed between the fruits and covers them. Close the jar and keep in the refrigerator for 3 weeks (until the juice forms).

This recipe is more popular, and the syrup is healthier, since the berries lose their beneficial features.


If just for prevention, then it is enough to drink ½ teaspoon of syrup after meals three times a day. Take it for a month, take a two-week break, then you can start again.

For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to drink 2/3 cup of purified water before meals, and then half a spoon of syrup. The duration of the course is similar to use in for preventive purposes.

Contraindications: prohibited for children under three years of age, pregnant women and diabetics.

Elderberry fruit extract sells for $35 per 0.5 liter. And there are buyers who use the miracle potion to treat cancer and boost immunity, instead of a laxative. But why pay a considerable amount if you can do everything yourself.


Place layers of berries in a glass jar, sprinkling them with sugar (about 1 cm). Leave for at least 15 days. The extracted juice is poured into a dark glass bottle and stored in the refrigerator.


Before meals, drink a glass of water, after - 20 grams of extract, three times a day.

Ornamental types of black elderberry

The most common option is laciniata. She is noticeably smaller than her healer sister - reaching no more than 3 meters in height. It blooms in June-July for about a month, the flowers have a pleasant aroma, yellow-white. The fruits are round, black.

Less popular varieties are: Aureomarginata, Purpurea, Madonna, Pulverulenta, Guincho Purple, Gerda and Black Beauty. Although recently they have been noticed and used in projects by landscape designers.

By the way, even the ancient Greeks and Romans believed in magical properties plants, calling it sacred. It was believed that elderberry protected the house from unclean spirits. In the Middle Ages it was discovered that it could be used as a dye for clothes and hair. The Slavs had a belief that wastebush branches should not be taken into the house or burned, and the Germans treated witches with them.

Red elderberry: application features

Among the people, red elderberry also has another name: buchkan, pishchalnik, shank.

Height is from 1.5 to 5 m, the bark is brown-gray, the length of the leaves is up to 10 cm, they have a specific bad smell. The flowers are small, white-yellow or with a light green tint, and also have a nasty smell. The fruits are small, red, ripen in mid-to-late summer, but last until frost. Ripe berries are non-poisonous, but they are still not eaten.

Red elderberry is used exclusively by healers, traditional medicine its properties are not recognized. Used for colds, coughs, as an antibacterial and antiseptic, for headaches, sore throat, and rashes. The bark and leaves are used as an emetic and laxative.

Diaphoretic infusion


1 tbsp. Throw ripened elderberries into ¼ cup of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter.


20 g three times a day.

Infusion for bronchitis


1 tbsp. l. Add ground elderberry bark to 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter.


0.5 cup three times a day.

Note for beginning herbalists

For medicinal purposes, elderberry flowers and fruits are often used. Bark, branches and roots are less in demand. Flowers are collected according to special rules, since the petals quickly deteriorate, change color and do not like moisture. They need to be picked in dry weather and placed in a basket so that they do not wrinkle. If you use a “duty” plastic bag when collecting, the flowers will smell unpleasant, turn brown, and lose their beneficial properties. The picked inflorescences are laid out on cloth or hung over newspapers in the shade, in a well-ventilated place. Additional terms(desirable, but not required): artificial lighting, temperature up to 45°. Dried flowers deteriorate, so they can be stored for no more than two to three years in a dark, dry place in a closed container. At the same time, it is important to periodically inspect their condition and remove damaged ones.

The berries are cut in bunches only after they are completely ripe. Green fruits are poisonous. The bunches are dried in a ventilated place or under artificial heat at 60-65°. Then they are separated from the stalks and ground. You can store it for six months under the same conditions as the flowers.

The leaves are harvested in the spring, and the roots - at the end of autumn; after drying, they must be ground. Store no longer than 5 years.

Good day, friends! Autumn is approaching, and with it the school year and new worries. Time passes quickly and the cold rainy season is just around the corner, but I want to stay healthy as long as possible, forget about colds, weak immunity and trips to the doctor. There is an exit! I remembered and decided to seek help from amazing plant elderberry, the berries of which are being harvested right now. Today we’ll talk about it, and at the same time find out what the fruits of black elderberry are, the medicinal properties of which are truly unique? How to cook various healing agents and where can I buy it ready-made?

Even in ancient times, this plant was considered magical because of its amazing healing qualities. Then gradually the popularity of the shrub decreased and only now everything more people began to turn to natural natural sources. Why don’t we remember the benefits of this wonderful plant?

Black elderberry is one of the most common 13 species of this Adoxaceae family. It grows in many countries with warm climates, including northern Africa, Micronesia, Turkey, almost all of Europe, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine and southern European Russia.

It is a bush or tree with spreading branches, grayish bark with a fine structure, and fairly large leaves about 30 cm long. The height ranges from 3 meters to 10. Elderberry usually grows as undergrowth near roads, in villages and small towns, in vegetable gardens and vacant lots. It can quickly go wild, and then the berries become very small. The tree bears fruit for about 60 years.

At the end of May or beginning of June, this plant enters the flowering phase. Delicate whitish-yellow clusters emit an indescribable aroma. At the end of summer, black berries appear - drupes with a diameter of 2 - 4 mm, which hang in clusters from heavy branches. Then you can collect the fruits for drying and processing.

Although many gardeners value elderberry only as an ornamental plant, it contains a lot of useful elements that cure a lot of ailments.

Useful qualities of elderberry

All components of this plant have a rather complex structure. Let us list the main elements: tannins, carotene, mineral salts, essential oils, resins, ascorbic, malic, acetic, caffeic acid, organic compounds, glucose, fructose and many other components that allow this plant to be used for completely different ailments and even for cosmetic purposes.

Previously, the fruit was added to vinegar and wine, giving it a nutmeg flavor. It was even used as a dye for fabrics. They were also used to store apples, wrapping the fruits in leaves, and as a remedy for bedbugs. Syrups, jams, jelly are prepared from elderberries, and added to pies and drinks. But instead of sugar in all cases they use. This also applies medicinal prescriptions. Of course, you cannot eat berries raw, although they, unlike leaves and bark, do not have poisons in their structure.

Pharmacy preparations based on elderberry

As is known, official medicine not a fan of using folk remedies for diseases, especially serious and chronic ones. However, black elderberry has been accepted by pharmacology for a long time. In pharmacies you can purchase drugs that contain extracts of this plant.

  • Personally, I always have it at home elderberry syrup And probiotics in case of a cold.
  • There are simply dried flowers in packages of 1.5, 49 and 50 g.
  • Elderberry syrup, restoring after taking medications, with low hemoglobin, general weakness, disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic and hematopoietic systems, pneumonia, to improve vision. It is recommended to take a course of 12 weeks at least 3 times a year.
  • Miracle elderberry syrup from the Vivasan company, created on the basis of fruits and flowers. Useful for many ailments, more details are indicated in the instructions, as well as dosage and contraindications. Sold in 500 ml containers.

Folk remedies - wide choice

You can harvest berries and fruits yourself. The flowers are collected and laid out on fabric in the shade in dry and sunny weather. Then it should be transferred to dry room. When dry, sift through a large sieve and discard the stalks. You can also dry it in an electric dryer. It is advisable to place dried flowers in paper packaging.

The berries are picked fresh, washed only with the stalks, to avoid loss of juice, and juice is made using a juicer. It is very useful and it is advisable to use it immediately. A small amount can be stored in the refrigerator. Add honey to the juice and drink individually from 20 ml. up to 200 ml. before eating.

The fruits are dried in clusters at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees.

Recipe for elderberry jam with apples

  • 1 kilogram of elderberries without branches
  • 500 gr. apples
  • 2 lemons
  • 200 gr. honey
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 2 tablespoons pectin
  • Vanilla to taste

Rub the berries through a sieve, after boiling for 15 - 20 minutes. Add boiled and blended lemons to them. Grate the apples and combine with the mixture of berries and lemons. We put cinnamon and vanilla there.

Pour a small amount of water, add honey and pectin, cook until completely dissolved. Combine with other ingredients and continue cooking for another 10 - 15 minutes.

Place the jam into prepared sterilized jars. Seal and hide in a warm place until it cools down.

Remedy for puffiness

Take 25 gr. bark, pour 0.5 l. boiling water Leave in a thermos for 9 - 10 hours. Take a small cup 5-6 times a day. Can be used for swelling, intoxication and colds.

Tincture for compresses

Pour 1 kilogram of berries with five liters of water and cook for 15-20 minutes. When it cools down, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Such a compress should be applied for a short time so that there is no allergic reaction. You can wash wounds and joints.

Fresh berry extract

This recipe is the most popular because fresh fruits retain all their healing qualities.

IN three liter jar Lay out layers of berries and honey. Each layer of berries should be about 1 cm thick. Close the jar and leave for 2 weeks to a month. Then the liquid is drained and stored in a cold place.

The medicine is taken as an anti-cancer medicine. Drink 200 grams before meals. water, and after eating, take a tablespoon of medicinal extract.


Due to toxic substances there are some restrictions:

  1. women carrying a child and breastfeeding;
  2. elderly people and children under 12 years of age;
  3. in case of individual intolerance to the product;
  4. at serious illnesses internal organs.

Dear readers, if you have anything to add to my list of recipes, write in the comments. I will be very glad to answer all your questions.

I would like to believe, friends, that now you have learned a lot about the wonderful properties of elderberry and will use its fruits for your health. Subscribe to updates and share useful information. See you!

Black elderberry is one of the most famous representatives of the Honeysuckle family. It attracts people's attention with its decorative and useful qualities. Famous ancient healers Hippocrates, Theophas, and Dioscorides wrote about its therapeutic potential in their works. Black elderberry berries have medicinal properties, which have long been studied, and are used in folk medicine for the preparation of various herbal remedies.

Elderberry botanical description

Black elderberry is grown as an ornamental plant in front gardens and gardens. It grows wild near housing, in wastelands, in deciduous forests, ravines, and floodplains.

The plant is a shrub that, under favorable conditions, reaches 5 m in height. The shoots are covered with grayish-brown bark. The leaves have an elongated oval plate shape with jagged edges. Small flowers of pale shades (white, cream, greenish) are collected in an umbrella. During the ripening period, drupes are formed in their place, the image of which is shown in the photo. They have juicy pulp with seeds hidden inside.

The fruits taste sour. They are not eaten raw due to the presence of a small amount of hydrocyanic acid in the seeds. Vegetative green parts and flowers have a characteristic odor.

Interesting! People have given the shrub many names - basic, sambuca, treeless.

Chemical composition of elderberries

Sambuca fruits are a real warehouse of valuable chemical components. They contain:

  • glucose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • fructose;
  • carotene;
  • free acids.

Mineral elements include iron, calcium, copper, zinc, and potassium. Drupes are rich in coloring substances, so they are used as a natural dye. The red pigment sambucin, when decomposed, releases glucose, rhamnose and cyanidin.

Important! The fruits are low in calories (73 kcal). Products made from them are suitable as a dietary supplement for diets.

Medicinal properties of berries and use in folk medicine

The medicinal properties of elderberries are described in ancient medical books and collections of recipes. People believed that they had not only healing, but also mystical effects on humans. Regular use of herbal remedies based on sambuca fruits cleanses and improves the aura. A more obvious positive effect is the use of the fruit part of the plant for treatment and prevention:

  • hepatitis A;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • neuralgia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • malaria.

In an 18th-century medical book, it is strongly recommended to have jam from sambuca drupes at home and use it instead of medicine in case of colds, exacerbations of chronic kidney and bladder diseases. During World War I, soldiers were given elderberry wine to reduce the damaging effect of chemical poisons on the lungs. In medical practice condensed was used berry juice for relief of trigeminal nerve pain.

Interesting! Bulgarian healers have long included ripe elderberry drupes in their composition. complex means recommended for oncological diseases (skin cancer, stomach cancer, rectal cancer).

The juicy sweet and sour pulp produces not only tasty, but also healthy jelly, juices, jams, preserves, and preserves. They are used as a delicacy, as well as to treat vitamin deficiency, increase immunity, and stimulate appetite. Due to the ability of elderberry berries to raise vitality, the plant was nicknamed the “tree of longevity.” Biologically active components contained in drupes inhibit the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms.

Syrups and juices are useful for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, chronic constipation. Their use increases the hemoglobin content in the blood, counteracts the accumulation of pleural fluid during respiratory diseases.

Elderberry juice acts as sedative medicine. It is mixed with honey. Drink, gradually increasing the daily portion from 20–30 ml to 1 glass. Homeopaths recommend the drink as a natural analgesic for headaches. People suffering from insomnia take it as a remedy to ensure healthy, sound sleep.

Complex flower-berry decoction has an effect on internal secretion, helps women cope with unpleasant symptoms menopause. Preschoolers and younger children school age The decoction is given in small doses to prevent respiratory viral infections. In gynecology, a decoction of drupes is used for douching. In addition, elderberry decoction has long been known as an excellent anthelmintic. For this purpose, drink it warm 20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, 50 ml.

Kvass made from drupes and lemon is pleasantly refreshing in the heat. Has a mild diuretic effect. Berry infusion is famous for its choleretic properties, which are caused by the action of phenolcarboxylic acid.

To prepare the herbal medicine, dry drupes are steamed hot water in a ratio of 1:10. The broth is infused for 45 minutes. Then it is filtered. Drink 20 minutes before meals in 100 ml portions. Regular use of the drug has a beneficial effect on the circulation of bile in the body and also improves the functioning of digestive tract and acts as a laxative.

Traditional healers note the benefits for digestion from taking small portions of elderberry jam: production increases gastric juice, acidity decreases. Therefore, the sweet product is added to the diet of people suffering from enterocolitis or gastritis.

The fruits are boiled for 30 minutes in sweet syrup prepared at a ratio of 1 to 1. A little citric acid is added to the finished product. Eat 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach daily.

Important! It is noticed that when regular use a small amount of ripe fruits, the blood vessels are cleaned, their walls become strong and elastic.

Homeopathic doctors advise people living in places with unfavorable environmental conditions to use basil drupes. Because with their help the body is freed from radionuclides and heavy metal salts.

Treatment of joint diseases

When salts are deposited, a bath is prepared using dried parts of sambuca. The dry mixture is brewed with 1 glass of hot water. Infuse for half an hour. The finished infusion is added to the bath (water +37+38C). To enhance the effect, homeopaths advise, immediately after water procedures drink sambuca tea. This comprehensive treatment activates the body inside and out. Has a positive effect on arthritis and radiculitis.

Decoction for compresses

  • 1 tbsp. lie berries;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 0.5 tsp soda.

Pour water over the fruits. Cook the broth for 15–20 minutes over low heat. Add soda to the prepared infusion. Soak gauze in the warm broth and apply as compresses to sore spots. Keep for 10–15 minutes.

Berry syrup for osteochondrosis

  • 1 kg of ripe berries;
  • 1 kg sugar.

Fresh drupes are covered with sugar in equal proportions. The mixture is kept for 24 hours in a cool place. The syrup is filtered and poured into an opaque glass container. Stored in the refrigerator. Dosage - 1 dessert spoon before each meal for 1.5–2 months.

Medicinal properties of elderberries for cancer treatment

Scientists have not yet conducted studies regarding the benefits of sambuca for cancer. However homeopathic remedies with the participation of elder drupes and their derivatives are actively recommended by traditional healers for cancer patients.

Important! It is believed that substances in the fruit stimulate the growth of healthy cells and their mitosis. Maximum benefit will bring herbal remedies from black elderberry to early stages manifestations of cancer pathologies.

Women who are predisposed to skin cancer or breast tumors are advised to eat small portions of elderberry jam as a preventive measure. A wine-based extract of drupes has healing properties in the treatment of skin cancer. Sambuca jam complements medications prescribed to patients diagnosed with stomach cancer.

Grated elderberry for stomach cancer

  • 1 glass of fruits;
  • 3 cups sugar.

Grind the drupes with sugar. Store the berry mass in a cool place.

Elderberry for respiratory diseases and ARVI

Elderberry jam is a sweet medicine. It has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties and effectively thins mucus. Helps well with laryngitis, bronchitis, sore throat. Berry decoction also helps well.

Important! To preserve the healing properties of the berries, you do not need to cook them for more than 10 minutes.

To improve taste qualities add citrus zest, cinnamon, fruit. You can prepare a drink not only from dried, but also from frozen fruits.

Another option for a healing drink is elderberry wine. In addition to prevention colds, it helps treat anemia and diabetes. Homeopaths prescribe it to patients with melanoma.

The process of its preparation consists of several stages:

  1. Preparatory. Bunches of sambuca are harvested. Carefully sort through, removing damaged and green drupes.
  2. Preparing juice. Carefully squeeze the juice out of the drupes by hand through cheesecloth. Gauze is necessary to prevent the entry of grains containing toxins. The juice is mixed with honey (1:5). Honey should completely dissolve in the liquid. The mixture is placed in a closed glass container. A rubber or plastic tube comes out through the hole in the lid. Its end is lowered into a vessel with water. In this way, the gases formed as a result of fermentation escape. At the same time, a tightly closed lid does not allow oxygen to enter.
  3. Fermentation. It takes place in a dark, warm room. If the ambient temperature is cool, the fermentation process will slow down.
  4. Making wine. When fermentation is over, the wine is in a state of semi-preparedness. It needs to be poured into an opaque container and placed in a cool place (cellar, refrigerator) for a period of 3 months.

Berry tea

  • 10 grams of dry basic berries;
  • 10 grams of rose hips;
  • 20 g strawberry leaves;
  • 20 g black currant leaves;
  • honey or sugar.

The collection is brewed with boiling water and allowed to brew for 5–10 minutes. Add sugar or honey to taste.

Cough syrup

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 kg sugar.

The mixture is brought to a boil over low heat. Cook for 20 minutes. Then the juice is squeezed out and mixed with sugar. Bring to a boil again. The sugar should completely dissolve. To prevent burning, the syrup is constantly stirred. The finished liquid is bottled. Store in a cool place.

High temperature extract

In a glass container, lay out the berry-sugar mixture in layers (1 cm each layer). The vessel is hermetically sealed. Infuse for 1 month in a cool, dark place. Then mix well.

Infusion in a thermos

  • 1 teaspoon of dried berries;
  • 2 glasses of water.

The fruits are brewed in a thermos with boiling water. Close with a lid. Infuse for 10–12 hours. Use as tea.

Tincture for bronchial asthma

  • 100 gr. dried berries;
  • 200 ml vodka.

Pour vodka over dry drupes. Let it brew in a dark place for 3 days. Ready tincture strain and pour into a bottle. Drink, diluting with water (50 drops per 2 tablespoons, before meals 3 times a day.)


  • 1 kg of fruits;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Ripe drupes are crushed and boiled to the desired consistency, with water and sugar.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Herbal medicines, rich in vitamin C, have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. They become more elastic and dense. In addition, they normalize blood pressure, so you can drink them for both hypertension and hypotension.

Tincture to strengthen blood vessels and relieve blood pressure

  • 1 tbsp. fruit beds;
  • 1 tbsp. beds of dried geranium leaves and flowers;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Pour hot water over the dry mixture. Leave for 30–40 minutes. Take 0.5 cups before meals 3-4 times a day.

Black elderberry berries for mastopathy

Important! Elderberry has no therapeutic effect on mastopathy scientific evidence. However, many people practice using it in the form of a tincture and subsequently report positive results.

Alcohol tincture

  • 1 glass of juice;
  • 1 glass of alcohol.

Squeeze out fresh juice and mix in equal proportions with alcohol. The course of taking the tincture is designed for 2.5 months. On the 1st day, drink one drop three times a day. Then daily dose increase by 1 drop. Maximum 40 drops per dose per day. After this, the dose is also gradually reduced.

Treatment of diabetes

The substances contained in the fruits help regulate insulin and glucose levels in the human body. Products made from sambuca drupes are useful not only for diabetes, but also for its complications (neuropathy, nephritis, furunculosis). Freshly squeezed elderberry juice is of particular value. It is mixed with honey (1 tablespoon per glass) and drunk 3 times a day. The juice can also be preserved without adding sugar. In the future, use it as needed.

Canned elderberry juice for diabetics

  • 4 tbsp. spoons of juice;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vodka.

Grind the ripe drupes with a blender or meat grinder. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass. Mix with vodka and bottle. Store sealed in the refrigerator. Before use, dilute the mixture with water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day.

Longevity Drink

  • 1 tbsp. bed of berries;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • 2 tbsp. lie honey.

Pour hot water over the fruits. Brew for 5 minutes over low heat. The decoction is infused for 10–12 hours. Honey is added to the finished drink and mixed thoroughly. Store in a closed container in a cool place. Take 0.5 cups on an empty stomach.

Important! Sambuca cannot be combined with pharmaceuticals, lowering blood sugar. There is a high risk of hypoglycemia.

Recipes for facial skin care

Sambuca fruits help get rid of acne. To do this, the drupes are kneaded. The juice is squeezed out, and the remaining peel is applied in the form of a mask to the face. The beneficial components contained in the fruits penetrate the skin and stabilize the activity sebaceous glands. Fruit rubs also have a whitening property. They are used to combat skin pigmentation and freckles.

Contraindications and precautions

It should be remembered that the fruits of the basil plant have a technical purpose, since they are slightly toxic. Before taking herbal remedies containing elderberry, you should consult your doctor. In some cases, medications can cause negative effects. If the required dosage is exceeded, the person begins to feel nausea, dizziness, and headache.

Shortness of breath and diarrhea may also occur. If symptoms of poisoning appear, the victim must undergo gastric lavage and take adsorbent drugs. In critical situations, call " Ambulance» or consult a doctor.

Important! Sambuca drupes are suitable for consumption only in processed form, after drying or heat treatment. They cannot be eaten fresh!

Elderberry and its components are strictly contraindicated for women expecting a child; nursing mothers; children early age; patients diagnosed diabetes insipidus, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease. Unauthorized reception medicines homeopathy may harm their health.

Where can I buy, price

Interest in the fruits of the basic plant from consumers is growing every year. As new healing properties are discovered, berries are becoming increasingly popular. Despite the wide distribution of the plant in nature, harvesters do not have time to fully satisfy existing needs. Most often, fresh fruits go on sale. The berries are harvested mainly in the south of Russia and Ukraine. Ready-made herbal remedies based on sambuca drupes are not yet sufficient. Depending on the region and the availability of plant materials, prices can vary significantly.

Important! Caution should be exercised when purchasing dried berries and their products. Purchase medicines or raw materials from trusted, well-established suppliers. Elderberry drupe products from unknown manufacturers may be hazardous to health.

It is most convenient to use the services of online stores or online pharmacies. In this case, the buyer has a guarantee of receiving a quality product. For elderberry fruits, this is especially important.

  1. Online suppliers offer basic fruits in various forms.
  2. Dry berries in cardboard packaging from 70 to 150 rubles. for 50 grams.
  3. Jam in a glass jar 180–300 rub.
  4. Confiture - berry jelly 300–350 rub. for 225 ml.

Foreign manufacturers make products that best meet the needs of consumers. Extract black elderberry Designed not only for adults, but also for children from 2 years old. It is used for daily prevention and for intensive care. Price: $17 per 230 ml bottle.

Syrup for support immune system costs around 600 rubles. for 120 ml. Antiviral effervescent tablets - 470 rub. per package (15 pcs.). Organic lozenges with zinc, used for colds and flu - 200–250 rubles. for 1 package (24 pcs.)

Chewable tablets based on elderberry extract cost $11.50. They are taken to strengthen the immune system.
