Liquid discharge before menstruation, temperature. What can be the discharge before menstruation?

Leucorrhoea is a secretory discharge in women. Their appearance is due to the characteristics physiological processes V reproductive system. They play an important role in the functioning of the genital organs and protecting them from infection. If a woman notices that on the eve of her next menstruation the discharge has changed (it has become more abundant, acquired a tint and other unusual signs), then she wonders whether everything is in order with her health and whether this can be understood by the appearance of the white discharge that appeared before her period. It is important to know exactly when to go to the doctor, and when not to worry.


What are normal leucorrhoea?

The main component of the discharge is mucus, which is produced by glands located in the cervix. This viscous liquid is necessary to moisturize the vagina and protect its surface from damage during sexual intercourse. In addition, a plug is formed from mucus at the entrance to the cervical canal. It is a barrier that prevents infection from entering the uterine cavity.

The mucus plug has another important role: with its help, the body regulates the process of sperm penetration into the uterus. Before ovulation, the mucus thins, which creates conditions for fertilization of the egg. And after 4-5 days it becomes denser.

The process of mucus production and changes in its character during the cycle is regulated by the ratio of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Normal discharge before menstruation (2-3 days before it starts) has the following symptoms:

  1. Color – white (cloudy due to the admixture of dying particles of the uterine mucosa). The discharge may have a creamy or yellowish tint. This is not a deviation and depends on the characteristics of the organism. Yellowish or even brownish spotting on the eve of menstruation is considered normal if an intrauterine device is used for contraception.
  2. The smell is very weak, sourish or completely absent.
  3. The consistency is thick mucous. The discharge is not too abundant, but not scanty either. If they are very weak, then the cause may be an infectious disease. Vaginal dryness also occurs as a result of using soap as a means of intimate hygiene, frequent douching.
  4. There should be no leucorrhoea immediately after menstruation.
  5. The discharge does not cause discomfort or malaise.

Video: Vaginal discharge on the eve of menstruation

Can there be no white discharge on the eve of menstruation?

This is also possible. There may be no leucorrhoea before menstruation due to the deterioration of the secretory glands in the cervix during premenopause, when the production of female sex hormones gradually decreases.

Factors that provoke the absence of leucorrhoea are the use of contraceptives or medicinal hormonal drugs With increased content estrogens. Uncontrolled consumption of plant herbs can also contribute to such deviation from the norm. medicines containing phytoestrogens.

Warning: 12-14 days before menstruation, mucus is normally abundant and watery. If at this time it has a dense consistency, this is a pathology indicating hormonal disorders. Under these conditions, conception cannot occur.

White discharge before menstruation differs individually for each woman. It depends on the congenital features physiology, age, hormonal levels in the body for this moment, availability stressful situations, lifestyle.

Character of leucorrhoea in teenage girls

Leucorrhoea appears in girls approximately 1.5 years before the onset of the first menstruation. Subsequently, until the hormonal background stabilizes and the cycle is established, the nature of the discharge may change. During this period, both liquid and viscous leucorrhoea are considered normal. Their volume, shade and consistency are determined by the genetic characteristics of the girl’s development and puberty.

A sign by which you can guess that your first period is about to begin is an increase in the intensity of the discharge compared to what it was before. Since menstruation occurs irregularly at first, special attention must be paid to the nature of discharge before menstruation, since pathologies are possible at any age.

Leucorrhoea with delayed menstruation

A delay, first of all, may be a sign of pregnancy. If before the expected menstruation the leucorrhoea becomes more abundant and thick, this indicates a hormonal shift occurring in connection with pregnancy. Due to an increase in progesterone levels, the activity of the glands that produce mucus increases. This protects the uterine cavity and the embryo from infection. The process of cell renewal of the vaginal mucosa also accelerates, due to which the density of the released transparent whitish mucus increases.

Another reason for the delay could be hormonal disbalance in the body, caused severe stress or vitamin deficiency. Diets excluding the consumption of fats and many necessary for the body substances also lead to delays in menstruation. At the same time, the woman continues to produce profuse leucorrhoea instead.

Video: Signs of pathological discharge before menstruation

Signs and causes of pathological leucorrhoea

Pathological discharge on the eve of menstruation differs from normal not only in volume and consistency, but also in the presence strong smell, the appearance of various shades, the presence of lumps or clots. arise painful sensations.

Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs

Vaginitis– inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, accompanied by swelling, itching and burning in this area, as well as pain in the sacrum. Abundant liquid leucorrhoea has a yellow color. The leukocyte count is increased. Such discharge may appear approximately 1 week before your period.

Cervicitis. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the cervix. White discharge before menstruation becomes very abundant and thin. Pus may form in them, and bad smell.

Endometritis– inflammatory process in the uterine cavity. Cloudy discharge has an unpleasant odor. A woman experiences symptoms such as pain when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen, and fever. Inflammation can spread to the tubes and ovaries. The chronic process leads to the appearance of leucorrhoea on the eve of menstruation with a greenish color and a heavy odor.

Diseases associated with disturbances of the vaginal microflora

Bacterial vaginosis. A characteristic feature Leucorrhoea in this disease has a strong fishy odor and a yellowish tint. On the eve of menstruation they become even more intense. Woman feels constant burning and itching in the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse. The disease occurs due to a disturbance in the composition of the microflora in the area of ​​the external genitalia.

Urogenital candidiasis. The disease appears due to the penetration of the Candida fungus into the genitals, destroying the mucous membranes. Inflammatory processes occur in the vagina and urinary organs. The symptoms of this disease are very characteristic. The discharge is copious, especially on the eve of menstruation. They look like a white cheesy mass. They smell like sour milk, as lactic acid is formed during the life of the fungus. Woman is worried severe itching and irritation in the vagina. Uncontrolled treatment with antibiotics contributes to the proliferation of the fungus. They are able to kill beneficial lactobacilli, which create destructive conditions for pathogens.

Erosion of mucous membranes, neoplasms in the uterus

Cervical erosion. Damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix and the glands located in it leads to the fact that the leucorrhoea that intensifies before menstruation becomes colorless and contains clots of mucus. The wounds that form on the surface of the cervix bleed, so the menstruation appears brownish. Delays in menstruation often occur.

Endometriosis. There is an abnormal growth of the uterine mucosa. The structure of the endometrium is disrupted and damaged blood vessels. Leucorrhoea containing bloody impurities may be a sign of this disease. Also characteristic is the appearance nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Polyps in the uterine cavity. They are growths on its mucous surface. Before menstruation, the endometrium loosens and swells. Damage to the polyps occurs, and torsion of the legs is possible. This causes the leucorrhoea to become bloody. The appearance of polyps is not always possible to notice, since, in addition to discharge pathological nature, there may be no other manifestations of the disease.

Malignant tumors of the uterus. They often develop secretly, and only by the presence of foul-smelling leucorrhoea before the onset of menstruation can one suspect their formation. The discharge takes on different shades and contains blood particles.

Warning: Gynecologists and oncologists always warn: if a woman notices the appearance of watery pink or brownish leucorrhoea with a foul odor, which intensifies a few days before her period, then there is a high probability that there is a tumor of the uterus. The sooner the examination is completed, the greater the chance that the disease will be managed.

Venereal diseases

Infections are transmitted sexually. Accordingly, such diseases (trichomoniasis, chlamydia and others) may appear in women who sex life. At the first sign of such diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment simultaneously with your sexual partner. Leucorrhoea is usually cloudy, foamy, with gray, yellow or green tint. They have a bad smell. They intensify before menstruation, but do not stop completely after them.

Endocrine disorders

The nature of discharge before menstruation changes in the presence of diseases of the thyroid, pancreas and other organs endocrine system. So, in women, patients diabetes mellitus, leucorrhoea is thicker and more profuse than normal. The reason is not only a hormonal shift due to inadequate functioning of the pancreas, but also a violation of the acidity of the vaginal environment, weakening protection against bacteria. For diseases thyroid gland, ovarian dysfunction, leucorrhoea before menstruation is usually abundant and colorless.

Careful observation of the nature of premenstrual discharge, timely consultation with a doctor in case of deviations from the norm are measures to prevent the occurrence of serious problems with women's reproductive health.

Most women, shortly before menstrual flow, notice the appearance of symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, tenderness of the mammary glands and their engorgement, sudden change mood, etc. This is the norm. However, not everyone knows what discharge should be like before menstruation, and whether it is even normal before menstruation. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

What kind of discharge should normally be observed before menstruation?

Due to the fact that throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle her hormonal levels change, vaginal discharge changes in consistency, color and volume.

So, immediately before menstruation, due to the fact that in the girl’s body there is an increase in the concentration of the hormone and at the same time it is synthesized in smaller quantities, vaginal discharge becomes a little unusual.

If we talk about what should be normal discharge before menstruation, then at this time vaginal leucorrhoea acquires a more creamy consistency. In this case, their color becomes white or slightly cloudy, and sometimes they have a yellowish tint. All of the above is the norm and should not arouse suspicion among girls.

Fine vaginal discharge immediately before menstruation they should not have any odor, and their appearance should in no case be accompanied by itching or burning. It is also worth noting that the volume of leucorrhoea increases these days, and most women note the so-called moisture of the labia.

In some cases, shortly before the appearance of menstrual flow, women notice spotting. Their volume is so small that people this phenomenon received the name "daub". They are usually observed 1-2 days before menstruation and are the norm.

It is worth noting that women who take various types of oral contraceptives for a long time, for the most part, do not notice changes in the nature of vaginal secretions, which is not a sign of a gynecological disorder.

Separately, it is necessary to say what kind of discharge is observed before the first menstruation.

So, about 3-4 months before the first menstruation, vaginal leucorrhoea appears. They are not abundant, and their consistency can be either liquid or viscous. Their main difference from the discharge that appears during infections genitourinary system, – white or transparent color, no unpleasant odor.

What kind of discharge is observed before menstruation during pregnancy?

In such cases, even before the woman knows about the delay, she may experience white vaginal discharge. They are quite thick, but not voluminous. Sometimes in the first days of pregnancy, pregnant women note the presence bloody discharge from the vagina. Their appearance, as a rule, is the result of an increase in the tone of the uterine myometrium. When the volume of bleeding increases by early stages, when in 1 hour sanitary napkin soaked through with blood, you must immediately consult a doctor, because Perhaps this is a spontaneous miscarriage.

Thus, every girl should have an idea of ​​what color and consistency the discharge should be before menstruation. This will allow her to respond to the current situation in a timely manner and, if necessary, consult a doctor for advice. Indeed, in most situations, a change in the nature of leucorrhoea before menstruation is only a symptom of a gynecological disorder, which, in turn, requires the appointment of correct, qualified treatment.

Discharge from the genitals for several days before menstruation is common. For this reason, many girls are very worried, because they do not understand what is normal and what is pathology.

You should know that one of the most common signs of inflammation in the genitals is yellow and green discharge. This is especially true when they have bad smell cause burning or sharp pain when urinating. You can find out information about whether a woman has inflammatory processes in her body through examinations and smears.

The menstrual cycle is an important component in a girl's life. All phases of the cycle play a special role in this matter. Sometimes a woman may notice various stains on her underwear or protective equipment, which may indicate gynecological pathologies. To confirm or refute this information, it is important to contact your personal gynecologist.

Transparent discharge before menstruation appears in girls during the period of ovulation. This condition considered the norm.

You can verify this after taking a smear. The resulting inflammation may be indicated by noticeable pathogens and an increase in the number of white blood cells. Without conducting an examination and taking smears, it is simply impossible to examine the female body.

Before menstruation, every girl feels discomfort. The most frequent symptoms speakers:

  • slight enlargement of the mammary glands and;
  • need for sweets.

A change in discharge before menstruation is considered a common phenomenon that occurs in all girls in at different ages. What exactly is a pathology and a norm can only be determined by a doctor based on a survey of the patient, examination and diagnosis.

Any discharge from the genitals in women is called leucorrhoea. Every day female cycle they can vary in color. All this happens due to hormones. During the release of the egg, the discharge is similar to egg white, and before menstruation they change their color and appearance.

Many people are interested in what discharge should be before menstruation, and what its concentration is normal. You should know that before the onset of menstruation, the mammary glands may become enlarged, abdominal pain and mood changes may occur. Throughout the entire menstrual cycle, girls can experience hormonal changes. Watery spots on underwear before menstruation are considered normal, so ladies should not worry too much about this. They can also change composition and color due to hormones.

Discharge before menstruation

Girls are interested in what kind of discharge before menstruation is considered normal? However, to do this, you need to know that mucous discharge from the vagina can be variable. But they are present throughout the entire cycle due to hormones. During ovulation, they look like egg whites. And before menstruation they get a special consistency.

You can often notice yellow discharge before menstruation, which can be dangerous. Because of hormonal imbalances they change frequently. Some ladies notice that at the end of menstruation they become thick.

Normally, they are odorless and have no additional symptoms. Before menstruation, their number increases, so the girl may notice constant moisture in the genitals.

When should you worry?

In some situations, discharge is considered a sign of serious gynecological problems. If your girlfriend discovers them, you need to see a doctor.

TO pathological discharge The following types can be considered:

  • Purulent spotting discharge– first sign venereal diseases. They have a bad smell and are liquid in themselves. When examined by a gynecologist, you may notice inflammation of the vagina and erosion of the cervix. The girl may experience severe itching, chronic fatigue, pain and bad dream. Cystitis is also often associated with these symptoms.
  • Small discharge before menstruation a week may appear due to hormonal imbalance. This constantly leads to menstrual irregularities, which subsequently leads to infertility. This discharge is normal only when a girl takes hormonal medications.
  • Green discharge appear in women due to serious sexually transmitted diseases, inflammation of the ovaries and uterus.
  • Scarlet transparent discharge with blood appear during erosion. They occur even after sexual contact. If they are not treated in time, serious inflammatory diseases can occur.
  • Curd thicka clear sign. They have sour smell and burning of the genitals. With this disease, white cheesy plaques always form on the genitals.
  • Red discharge with odor can be considered both the norm and talk about pathology in female body. Often such problems are experienced by women who have established intrauterine device. If there are a lot of them, then this is a sign of hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids and ovarian dysfunction. Sometimes this is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

Do I need treatment?

You shouldn’t diagnose yourself, because the right decision is to contact a gynecologist. It should be urgent if a woman has:

  • abdominal pain;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • discomfort and irritation;
  • elevated body temperature.

If such symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor who may prescribe the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Vaginal smear examination.
  2. Blood analysis.
  3. Examination of the cervix.
  4. The doctor conducts a survey about hereditary diseases that were transferred and asks questions related to sexual life.

Based on all of the above tests, it will be clear whether the symptoms that appear are considered pathological or normal. If a pathology is detected, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for the patients, after which they will have to strictly adhere to it so as not to have even greater health problems.

In the video about possible discharge before critical days

Healthy human mucous membranes are never completely dry. Normally, a natural moisturizing lubricant is always present on their surface. This prevents discomfort of the nose, eyes, ear canals, rectum, vagina and provides cleansing in the event of an infectious attack.

Vaginal hydration is regulated not only by the need to lubricate surfaces, but also by the period of the menstrual cycle - before the onset of menstruation, natural vaginal discharge becomes more abundant.

The influence of physiology on the amount of vaginal secretion

Discharge before menstruation reflects the processes occurring at this time in the woman’s genital area. Two weeks before menstruation, the uterus begins to prepare to receive the fertilized egg: the endometrial layer thickens and swells. Therefore, more mucus is produced, lining the inside of the reproductive organ. At the same time in cervical canal(in the lumen of the cervix) a plug is formed that protects the uterine cavity from infection from the outside. This way the body creates conditions for trouble-free implantation and development of a fertilized egg.

Shortly before menstruation, the level of progesterone in the blood decreases, which means that ovulation was unsuccessful - conception did not take place. The organs that prepared to receive the egg return to their original state. First, mucus comes out, instead of which a new portion of secretions is produced - to ensure fast healing tissue after endometrial shedding, and then menstruation begins.

These phenomena lead to the fact that a woman notices increased humidity in the area of ​​the external genitalia and notes the need for pads even before the onset of menstruation.

What discharge before menstruation is considered normal?

There should not be a sharp change in the nature of the secretion before menstruation. White discharge before menstruation is typical, sometimes completely transparent. Along with the increase in quantity, a certain thickening of the consistency occurs - the so-called thread phase: if you connect and then slightly separate your fingers lubricated with the secretion, a connection will stretch between them. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, this phenomenon is impossible.

Important! You should pay attention not so much to the amount of discharge, but to the composition: the appearance of characteristics unusual earlier at this time of the cycle should alert you.

In some cases, normal will be:

  • mucous fluid streaked with blood - the upper layers of the endometrium may come out before the rest;
  • yellowish discharge - if this phenomenon is not accompanied by an unusual condition and is generally typical, then there is nothing to worry about;
  • brown discharge before menstruation most often indicate a gradual onset of menstruation;
  • spotting a week before menstruation, which passes very quickly, can accompany implantation of the fertilized egg in the thickness of the endometrium - this means that pregnancy has occurred.

Pathological discharge

Attention should be drawn to any marks on the pads that are atypical for this period of the cycle, as well as deterioration in the general condition:

  • brown discharge instead of menstruation indicates a decrease in the level of female genital organs, possible tumor diseases in the pelvic organs;
  • purulent greenish or brownish fluid accompanied by foul odor and pain in the lower abdomen, most often serve as a symptom of diseases transmitted through intimate intimacy (gonorrhea);
  • copious foamy discharge with itching in the vulva and vagina indicate inflammation characteristic of trichomoniasis (STD);
  • a thick, stretchy, cloudy secretion is an indicator of inflammation in the cervix and possible damage to the endometrium;
  • bleeding from painful sensations may signal polyps in the uterus or cervical canal;
  • curdled discharge without thickening demonstrates a fungal infection - thrush.

Important! Many diseases transmitted through sexual contact are hidden. But discharge a week before menstruation indicates an exacerbation. If you do not consult a doctor at this time, after menstruation the condition may improve again, and the disease will proceed hidden.

If such signs appear, it is necessary to urgently visit a gynecologist - it is before menstruation that latent diseases are revealed, and therapy is most effective.

Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the mucous secretion secreted from the vagina periodically changes its consistency and color. Using these indicators, you can easily determine the development of pathological processes in the body at initial stages, When general symptoms still missing. Particular attention should be paid to discharge that occurs a few days before menstruation, since it is during this period that, under hormonal levels, many diseases worsen or infections actively develop. Now you will find out which discharge is normal and which signals that it is time to go to the doctor.

What is the norm?

Before talking about whether there is discharge before menstruation and what kind, it is necessary to first talk about what kind of discharge each person should have in principle. healthy woman. To do this, it is necessary to say a few words about the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

The ovaries are responsible for the onset of menstruation, producing a hormone such as estrogen, under the influence of which the uterine epithelium thickens and “pushes out” the egg if it is not fertilized within a few days after release from the follicle.

The uterus has a cervix, which in its own way appearance resembles the neck of a plastic bottle. People simply call it the cervix. Its internal and external surfaces are covered with mucous membranes and glands, which perform very important function– produce mucus, which has antibacterial, aseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Simply put, it protects the uterine cavity from the penetration of infections into it and helps eliminate inflammatory processes, in case they arise.

The mucus itself is transparent, it has no aroma and does not cause irritant reactions when it comes into contact with the skin of the genitals. It is secreted in small quantities, but under the influence of hormonal levels it can be produced abundantly and change its character (becomes thinner, thicker, acquires a whitish tint, etc.).

And since before the onset of menstruation there is a change in the production of hormones, the occurrence of copious mucous discharge is the norm. But! If any additional symptoms in the form of a specific aroma, irritation and hyperemia of the labia, this already indicates the presence of diseases, most often infectious. Therefore, their presence cannot be ignored under any circumstances. Appearance similar symptoms and discharge require immediate medical attention.

Physiology or pathology?

Throughout the entire menstrual cycle in women of reproductive age, either clear discharge or so-called leucorrhoea comes out of the vagina. The appearance of the latter is also considered normal, and their occurrence is caused by an increase in the amount of protein in the mucus produced by the cervix. This happens for a reason hormonal imbalance, which occurs upon the onset of ovulation (during this period progesterone is actively produced) and 3–4 days before menstruation, which is caused by an increase in estrogen levels. Therefore, if a woman observes in herself copious discharge a week before her period, she shouldn’t worry. If they do not have a specific odor and do not cause irritation, then this is completely natural.

But it should be noted that if a woman 3-4 days before her period notices dense white discharge, which also does not smell of anything and does not cause discomfort in the perineum, then this may still be a sign of pregnancy. True, in this case there are other symptoms in the form of swelling of the mammary glands, sore nipples and morning sickness. To make sure whether pregnancy has occurred or not, you need to take a blood test to determine the level of hCG. It makes no sense to do a test during this period, since before the delay occurs it may give false results.

In the event that the discharge begins to acquire a sour odor, it causes strong burning sensation in the perineum and swelling of the labia minora, then this already indicates a disease such as candidiasis or, as it is popularly called, thrush. IN in this case You should definitely visit a doctor, as this disease is classified as infectious and can spread to others. internal organs, provoking the development of pathological processes in them. If the discharge is observed for three to four days and the woman immediately begins a course of treatment, then candidiasis can easily be prevented from turning into chronic form and the occurrence of complications against it.

Speaking about which discharge before menstruation is still normal, it should be noted that this also includes the presence of discharge Brown on the eve of menstruation. Their occurrence is caused by the removal of a dead egg from the uterus, which can take from 2 to 3 hours to a day. Then, in the absence of pathologies, menstruation begins.

Let's run to the doctor!

Quite often, women complain about the appearance of spotting before menstruation. But as mentioned above, its occurrence a day before menstruation is considered normal. But if spotting is observed for about three to four days, then this can no longer be considered normal. Spotting a week before menstruation may indicate the following pathologies:

  • endometriosis;
  • erosion;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • endometritis.

Important! Some women begin to treat incipient spotting with douching and baths. This is absolutely forbidden to do, especially without knowing the exact cause of their occurrence! Remember, inadequate therapy can cause serious complications!

Spotting often occurs against the background of the development of endometriosis. This disease is considered very common in gynecology and its distinctive feature is that during its development there are severe pain in a stomach. Before the first menstruation they are pronounced, but when the pathological process becomes chronic (this usually happens after 1 - 2 months), pain syndrome decreases. But they appear serious violations V menstrual cycle.

Spotting can occur completely suddenly and never flow into menstrual blood, as is usually the case. In women with endometriosis, menstruation may even be absent for several months, since with this disease significant changes occur in the uterus - its walls thicken, and the internal epithelium begins to grow outside the organ.

According to doctors, this happens due to higher level estrogen in the body. And since approximately 5 days before menstruation its amount increases even more, pathological processes in the uterus they develop much faster, which leads to the appearance of spotting.

With erosive lesions of the cervix, daubing begins in about 2 days. At the same time, it has a dark shade and when it occurs, painful sensations in the abdomen also appear. But it should be noted that some women with this pathology experience smearing even in the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs. Therefore, if you notice in yourself small discharge brown tint 3 days before menstruation and you often notice them on days 12–15 of your cycle, be sure to visit your doctor. Remember this pathology can cause cervical cancer!

Regarding the ovarian cyst. When it forms, daubing may also begin. However, in this case it often has a dense consistency and acquires an unpleasant odor. There are also abdominal pains, but they often appear throughout the entire cycle. The pain becomes especially pronounced when physical activity and during sexual intercourse.

Important! If you experience spotting 4 to 5 days before your period, and the symptoms described above occur, you need to urgently make an appointment with a doctor. Treatment should be carried out in any case, since cysts on the ovaries are different and certain of them tend to become malignant!

The reasons why vaginal smearing may occur 4 days before the expected date of menstruation may also be hidden in the development of endometritis. This disease occurs against the background of inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the uterus. The development of endometritis in women is often caused by hormonal disorders or infectious processes in organism. And in order to determine the causes of its occurrence and carry out adequate therapy, you will need to visit a doctor and take several tests.

Many women wonder whether there can be discharge during pregnancy? As mentioned above, upon the onset of gestation, leucorrhoea comes out of the vagina profusely, but there may also be brown discharge. But in this case, the appearance of spotting before menstruation is a sign of pregnancy, which develops in the fallopian tubes ( ectopic pregnancy). In this case, spotting that begins two to three days before menstruation is accompanied by symptoms such as pain in the left or right side, general malaise and an increase in temperature.

Important! Since an ectopic pregnancy can cause rupture fallopian tube, when the first signs of its development appear, you need to consult a doctor on the same day. The longer you delay visiting a specialist, the higher the risk of complications.

What else do you need to know?

Summing up and talking about what kind of discharge should be, it should be noted that in the absence of pathologies, they are observed in small quantities, do not have any odor and do not cause discomfort.

If the discharge that began before menstruation acquires an unnatural shade, for example, bright yellow or green, you need to urgently go to the doctor. Since the reasons may be hidden in development infectious diseases, for example, gonorrhea or chlamydia. These pathologies are transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse and during their development there is high risk complications arise, because the infection tends to spread throughout the body, affecting organ after organ.

The same applies to those discharges that occur three to four days before menstruation and have a brown or bloody tint. They also indicate the presence of pathologies that need to be urgently treated.

But if at the same time you are receiving oral contraceptives, then there is no need to panic ahead of time. If they started taking them only recently and they are taken every day, as expected, then you should just wait for the body to adapt. As a rule, this takes about 1 month. If, after the next menstruation, spotting appears again, you need to visit a gynecologist and replace the drug.

Remember, any deviations from the norm require special attention. And if you start having discharge before your period that is unusual for your body, you don’t need to count the days until it goes away on its own. This won't happen! If you really have pathologies, then every month their signs will become more and more pronounced, and your general state deteriorate significantly.
