What does the psychosomatics of prostatitis actually mean? Psychological causes of prostatitis and psychosomatic treatment according to Louise Hay and Lisa Bourbeau

It's called prostatitis inflammatory process male gland, which mainly manifests itself in middle and older age of the stronger half of society. However, pathology does not bypass young guys either.

Determination of deviations

Psychological abnormalities are directly related to the manifestation of disease symptoms. This occurs due to unstable sexual relations or their promiscuous introduction.

Psychosomatic phenomena are studied by medicine as a psychological factor influencing the manifestation of physical illness. Chronic prostatitis is directly related to sexual dysfunction. Scientists have proven the fact that chronic pathology occurs due to a nervous, psychogenic disorder.

Due to infrequent sexual activity, the disease prostatitis occurs. This pathology leads a man to endure unpleasant symptoms with pain and sexual frustration.

The connection between prostatitis and psychosomatics

Thoughts of a sick person
  • Patients who have an inflamed prostate gland have a psychological disorder. This has been proven by medical studies in which men of different classes (married and unmarried) took part. Representatives of the stronger sex who have regular sexual intercourse very rarely get prostatitis, and those who have rare and irregular sexual contacts often get prostatitis.
  • Psychosomatics of prostatitis can provoke sexual dysfunction. Popular psychologist Louise Hay, having a large readership, has written more than thirty books on psychology. Her work captures the core message of self-help. The main culprits of psychological failure and poor health are destructive emotions and experienced stress.

By using certain tools, any person’s thinking changes and the physiological body is healed from diseases. In the writer’s books you can find a table that shows the most important influences of the psyche to get rid of ailments. The table shows the causes of diseases and methods of getting rid of them.

The prostate is a symbol of the male principle, so that failures do not occur, men must fully own their masculinity, rejoicing in it. Pathological inflammation prostate gland caused by inner fear that weakens masculinity. Fear prevails when a man gives in under the influence of sexual tension and guilt, believing in his old age.

Psychologists advise men to love themselves, trust their bodies, and be convinced of the constant youth of their bodies. Prostatitis and psychosomatics are always groomed nearby.

What experiences cause inflammation of the prostate?

The most common worries and experiences that cause prostatitis:

Anatomy of the genitourinary organs
  • The prostate gland produces a secretion that is part of the seminal fluid. The prostate is involved in the process of reproduction and procreation. When a man worries about the health of future children and grandchildren, the subconscious pushes the brain to work more efficiently, which affects the increase in the size of the prostate.
  • is an alkali composition that protects sperm from the acidic environment in the female genital organs. When the partner’s environment is too acidic, the mind gives an impulse to increase the alkaline juice so that the excessively acidic environment is fully neutralized, and this in turn provokes an increase in the size of the prostate. In other words, the causes of prostatitis may be poor family relationships.
  • Prostate juice contains components that are involved in cleansing the urinary and genital canals. When a man is ashamed of his sexual adventures, his adultery, then the mind pushes the prostate gland towards disease. This cleanses not only the body, but also the conscience.
  • Deep feelings that border on stressful situations. The prostate gland is called the second heart of a man not only externally. When men worry, saying that their heart hurts, this condition develops into an inflammatory process or a more serious illness.

Psychological factors contributing to the disease

Psychosomatic prostatitis is such that it can be provoked by any of the following factors:

Constant worries
  • a constant feeling of anxiety at the genetic level (over-concern) about the state of one’s health - this phenomenon is possible due to unsuccessful sexual intercourse;
  • doubts about correctly selected therapeutic therapy, fear of failures in healing - a disease on early stage responds very well to treatment, but patients often dramatize the situation, not letting go of bad thoughts that the pathology can degenerate into a terrible disease for which there is no cure;
  • fear of loss of potency – when a man has an incident in bed with his partner associated with overwork, side effect from the use of medications, most men believe that this is due to an existing terrible disease;
  • worries about the consequences.

When a man seeks timely psychological support, such problems can be avoided; if these factors are not given attention, the problems may worsen.

If a patient turns to a specialist for medical help without psychological support, he may be dominated by thoughts about the futility of medical therapy. Men begin to beat themselves up about the fact that treatment may be useless, which can lead to family breakdown or separation from the woman they love. The patient loses his appetite and becomes depressed. Such thoughts lead to an outbreak of the inflammatory process, which is caused by the man’s attitude.

Psychology says: find a woman, perhaps this is the reason

The future behavior pattern of men directly depends on its formation in childhood. Teachers, mothers, grandmothers, and educators take part in this. These individuals show by their example the idea of ​​women and how to behave with them.

Diseases of the urinary and reproductive system, inflammation of the prostate, as well as other pathological processes, are associated with problems in relationships with the female sex.

Therapeutic therapy of psychosomatic prostatitis

Psychosomatic inflammation of the prostate gland should be treated, starting with the elimination of all provoking factors. To do this, you should contact an experienced specialist who will find the right approach in any specific case, recommending effective therapy.

The following treatment regimen is mainly used:

Doctor's recommendations
  1. The doctor talks with the patient. During the conversation, the doctor improves the psychosomatic state, there should be no negative information in the conversation, the man is calmed down, removing disturbing thoughts - this way they get rid of unpleasant symptoms that can arise from nervousness.
  2. After the conversation, the specialist recommends the use of certain medications that are aimed at stability of the mental state, which helps to lift the man out of depression.
  3. Such psychological manipulations have a good effect on the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic treatments. This could be massaging the prostate gland, baths with mineral water, acupuncture, mud treatment.

If the therapy is incorrectly selected, without a positive result, symptoms of a psychoneurological nature may appear. The important point is their timely elimination, identifying the causes of their occurrence with the correct reaction.

The sooner the cause is eliminated, the greater the patient’s chances of recovery, without the development of gross psychosomatic disorders, as amended in therapeutic therapy.


Male diseases:

Male diseases are the result of a man’s wrong attitude towards himself and towards a woman. In other words, a man who denies his masculinity or doubts himself gets diseases of the genital organs. If a man experiences negative emotions towards the opposite sex (resentment, anger, claims, etc.), then diseases of the genital area are inevitable.
And one more thing: the condition of a man’s genital organs reflects the quantity and quality of his sexual energy.

Testicles, penis and prostate gland

They symbolize masculine principles and masculinity.
Disease of these organs reflects accumulated grievances and anger, claims and dissatisfaction with sexual partner, and literally “hits” the genitals. Therefore, peace and harmony in the relationship between husband and wife, between a man and a woman, is the key to the health of both.
A man was treated by me for chronic prostatitis. Several years ago he fell ill with gonorrhea, then trichomoniasis. The reason for his “adventures” is his relationship with his wife and with women in general. It all started with a desire to take revenge on my wife for cheating. And this desire of his turned against himself.
As a rule, prostatitis is difficult to treat with modern medications. Doctors explain this by the peculiarity of the structure of this organ and by the fact that the infection penetrates into leukocytes and becomes inaccessible to medications. And as soon as you get too cold or drink alcohol, an aggravation occurs. But I explain it differently. Simply, with the help of antibiotics, the infection is suppressed and driven deeper into the body, but the true, metaphysical causes of the disease are not eliminated. And so the infection “dormants” in the body and waits in the wings to remind itself. And when a man begins to think or act negatively, relying on old patterns of behavior, the infection “wakes up” and makes itself known. A atmospheric phenomena and alcohol play the role of a trigger.
In this case, it is very important to eliminate the very causes of the disease - to change your worldview. Without this, cure is impossible, no matter how strong antibiotics you use.
Older men with prostate adenoma often turn to me for help. The disease begins when the tumor, growing, compresses the urethra and problems with urination appear: leakage of urine in a thin stream, frequent urination at night, pain in the perineum, pain when urinating, etc. Official medicine only offers surgery. I have seen in practice that the use of homeopathic medicines and changing the subconscious pattern of behavior lead to excellent results.
Here is one such example. I see an elderly man with prostate adenoma. The first symptoms of the disease appeared about seven years ago. And a week ago he stopped urinating. The tumor became so large that it completely blocked the urethra. By ambulance he was taken to the hospital and the first stage of the operation was already performed - from Bladder through the front abdominal wall They brought a tube out, and attached a bottle to the tube into which the urine would flow. The second stage of the operation is very difficult. And the man is nearly seventy years old.
At the hospital, he found out about me and came to the appointment with his daughter. For an hour we worked with him, finding out the causes of the disease. Having my daughter there helped a lot.
What led to his illness was accumulated grievances against his deceased wife and women in general. He created such situations in family life, in which he constantly received blows to his male pride. I cooked for him homeopathic medicines, gave homework by recapitulating your life and changing your attitude towards many events of the past.
Two weeks later he came to me happy. Urine started flowing naturally. A week later the tube was removed from him. And after two months, urine began to flow freely.
I rejoiced with him. Moments like this, when you see the results of your work, are especially pleasant. However, I was surprised by the speed of the cure. After all, the disease lasted seven years, and the cure occurred in less than three months. I told the man about this.
- Usually, treatment of adenoma is a very long process. And your first results appeared so quickly.
- You know, doctor, when I left you, I already felt much better. I began to pray every day and thank God for this, no, for that illness. And I did everything as you said. The first week I prayed literally several hours a day.
And when the urine started flowing, I realized that I was doing everything right. Then I began to work on myself even more. I decided there was no need to stop.
- As Jesus Christ said: “Whatever you do not ask in prayer with faith, you will receive.”
- Yes, doctor, and I think that my faith in myself, in you and in the cure and your sweet grains did their job.
P.S. A few years later I gave a lecture in a cinema. After the lecture, a woman approached me.
- Doctor, do you remember me? - she asked.
“Of course I remember,” I recognized her immediately, “you were with me five years ago with your father.” How is he doing?
- I specifically approached you to buy your book and express my gratitude to you. The father is alive and feeling well. Every time he remembers you with gratitude.
If you are worried about your masculinity, you will get problems with your genitals. Internal fears weaken masculinity. It is impossible not only to deny your masculinity and strength, but it is dangerous to even simply doubt yourself, the correctness of your decisions.
One of my patients, a very young guy, had events in his life that caused him to begin to doubt himself very much. As a result of these negative experiences, he developed hydrocele.
Sexual tension and feelings of sexual guilt can also be causes of illness, as they require punishment.
The man cheated on his wife several times and each time he “received” more and more diseases of the genital organs for this.
As men age, the problems get worse. This happens because men begin to give up. Belief in aging does its “dark” work.


Sexual pressure, fear, tension, feelings of sexual desire lead to a weakening of potency or even its complete extinction.
Here is a man sitting at my reception and embarrassedly says:
- Doctor, you know, everything works out great with my wife. But recently I met a woman. She invited me to her home. Well, we sat, drank a little, and when it came to bed, my penis didn’t want to get up. No matter what I do, nothing works. Of course, I cited fatigue so as not to embarrass myself. Then he went to one grandmother. She said I was “done.” And that, most likely, my wife bewitched me.
“The wife has nothing to do with it,” I said. - Tell me, did you have a feeling of guilt when you went to this woman?
“Of course, some more,” he answered. “Not only did I feel guilty, but I was also afraid that my wife might find out about it.” After all, this woman lives in the next entrance.
- It’s your guilt and fear that led to the fact that the member did not want to get up. He disobeyed you by saving you in this way. He turned out to be much smarter than you.
“So what happens,” the man’s eyes lit up, “if I can get rid of the feelings of guilt and fear, then everything will work out with this woman?”
- Are you planning to get a divorce? - I asked him.
- No, what are you talking about? I have a wonderful family. Two children. I have always had a wonderful relationship with my wife. Just in Lately We often quarrel with her. So I wanted, as they say, to “break away” on the side.
- But your subconscious, causing impotence, cared about preserving the family and wanted you to change your relationship with your wife. After all, you yourself said that everything works out great with your wife. Maybe, before running to another woman, reassuring her and striving to get from her what you haven’t been able to get from your wife lately, it’s better to understand yourself and your relationship with your wife. Maybe it’s better to listen to your member, or rather, to yourself and make the right choice? There is no need to overstep yourself. Otherwise there will be no trouble later. I cannot forbid or advise you anything. I have no right. Now you know the reasons and the choice is yours.
“I think you’re right,” the man agrees. - First you need to understand yourself.
Anger towards a sexual partner, as well as long-standing anger, hatred and resentment towards women greatly weaken potency.
A 56-year-old man came to my appointment and began to speak, hesitatingly:
- Doctor, I have such a problem.
- What's the problem? - I ask him.
“I haven’t been able to get along with women lately.”
- That does not work? - I ask. - You have a weak erection, or rapid ejaculation, or something different?
- That's what you called first - a weak erection. You see, a year ago I divorced my wife.
And so I met one woman. She treats me so well, she is kind, attentive, affectionate. But as soon as it comes to bed, nothing happens. She, of course, reassures me that, they say, she already feels good with me, but I feel inferior. I went to a sex therapist. He stimulated me with some device there, but nothing helped. I tell him that it’s not my penis that needs to be treated, I feel that the reason is somewhere in my head or soul. And he laughs and says that everything will pass. Then I started taking Yohimbe - these are pills. So after them I stopped moving altogether.
- So you feel that the cause of sexual weakness is somewhere inside you, in your soul? - I ask him.
- Well, in the soul or in the head, I don’t know. But somewhere inside, that's for sure.
- Then let's turn inside ourselves and find out the reasons. You are ready?
- Yes, of course, doctor. After all, I only want good things for myself.
After that, we established contact with the subconscious and found out the reasons. Ten years ago he married a second time to a woman with a child. From his first marriage he already had an adult son. There was no special love and warmth with this woman. He was wealthy, and, rather, as he said, she married him for convenience. Then he began to build a new big house. A year ago, he finished building a house and transferred it to his wife. After that, she kicked him out of this house and filed for divorce. So, the reason for sexual weakness is his negative attitude to this situation and to my ex-wife.
“In those days I literally went crazy with anger and resentment,” he admitted to me. “I even wanted to burn down this house and her along with the house.” Then I cursed not only this woman, but all women in the world.
- Do you still have negative thoughts about your ex-wife?
- I hate her.
- And with such an attitude towards women in your soul, you want to have a penis?
- But this woman I met is completely different. And she has a house, and she doesn’t need anything from me.
- Yes, but in your soul you have accumulated resentment, anger, hatred and even a curse. And this applies not only to your ex-wife, but to all women in your world.
- So what should I do? - the man asks me.
- First of all, forgive!
- It will be hard, but I will try.
- Just try?
- No, I'll do it.
- You must forgive your ex-wife, ask for forgiveness from God, the Universe for those aggressive thoughts, the curse that you sent to her. After this, you will thank her, bless her and wish her well. And the faster you do this, the faster everything will work for you.
A week later he came to me and reported that his condition had improved by eighty percent.
- I did everything as you told me.
- Continue to free yourself from negative thoughts and accumulate love in your soul. Remember all the situations in life when you experienced the slightest negative emotions towards women, and recapitulate these events with new feelings. Then it will be one hundred percent.
Fear of women and a deep subconscious fear of the mother can be the causes of impotence in young men.
One guy was having trouble communicating sexually with girls. Strong embarrassment and even fear of the female sex prevented this. When communicating with the subconscious mind, it turned out that the mother in their family always occupied a dominant position. She was very strict and always suppressed her father.
I helped the young man free himself from subconscious fears. He also performed special training to gain masculinity. After some time, he called me and informed me that he would not come to the next session.
- Doctor, a week ago I met a girl. Everything worked out great with her.
Doubts about yourself as a man, doubts about the correctness of your actions weaken potency.
There is a man sitting at my reception. Two months ago he developed sexual weakness. We made contact with the subconscious and found out that sexual weakness appeared after he lost his job.
- How is the loss of a job related to the loss of sexual power? - I asked him.
“I understand what’s going on,” the man exclaimed. - I have always believed, and still believe, that a man should provide for his family. And when I couldn’t find a job for a long time, I began to scold myself and reproach myself: “Like, what kind of man am I if I can’t support my family?” And against this background, my penis stopped standing.
- What are you going to do now? - I asked him. - Will you still reproach yourself?
- No. I used to love self-criticism.
Now I realized that there is no need to scold myself. You just need to find a job. And now for some reason I am confident that I will find a job in the near future.
A month later he came to me again without an appointment.
- Would you like to make an appointment for a follow-up appointment? - I asked him.
- No, doctor. I wanted to let you know that I'm fine. And my wife asked me to convey special gratitude to you and this present. - With these words, the man put the package on the table. “Oh, by the way,” he added, “I found a job a week after the session.” Good job, I like.
Social beliefs and beliefs about aging may also be a cause of decreased sexual function. Personally, I am deeply convinced that the cause of problems with potency is not age, but the belief in the decline of functions. There is absolutely no connection between age and sexual potency unless you link the two together yourself. I knew one grandfather who, at eighty years old, married a sixty-year-old woman. So this woman ran away from him two weeks later. When friends of the pensioner asked what the reason was, she replied: “I almost fucked him to death, you damned one.” But my grandfather was not particularly strong. So, he sat peacefully all day long on a bench near his house and cracked seeds.

Fast ejaculation

Often, a simple lack of knowledge regarding sex, as well as doubts, fears and self-doubt can be the reasons for rapid ejaculation. This usually happens to young men who are just starting their sexual life.
A 26-year-old young man came to see me.
“You know,” he began, embarrassed, “a few months ago I met a girl.” I looked after her all this time. I really like her, and I'm even thinking about proposing to her. But here's what bothers me. A week ago, she and I had sexual intimacy, and I came very quickly. We tried again a few days ago, but I came quickly again. And now I’m afraid that this might become a bad habit.
- Did you not have sexual intercourse before meeting this girl? - I asked him.
- No. Somehow I couldn’t meet the girl I loved, and I was very shy.
- What literature have you read regarding sex?
“Practically none,” he answered.
I immediately realized that this young man’s problems were simply due to a lack of relevant knowledge and experience.
“Tell me,” I asked him, “are you in adolescence did you masturbate?
“Just a few times,” he replied. - I heard from someone that it is harmful and can have a detrimental effect on sexual abilities and the psyche.
- All this is nonsense. Only those who know nothing about it say this. From today you will begin to engage in masturbation.
The guy looks at me in surprise.
“And not just practice,” I continued, “but very carefully and conscientiously, paying attention to every sensation in the penis, testicles, and throughout the body.” You will learn to feel, to feel yourself. You will learn to start and stop whenever you feel aroused. This way you will learn to control yourself. During the first week, I prohibit you from having sexual contact with your fiancée. You can meet, communicate, kiss, but nothing more. And here is the relevant literature for you.
I gave him the books and told him to come back in two weeks.
He arrived on time.
“Doctor, everything is fine with me,” he said joyfully. - A month later we decided to sign.
Character traits such as hot temper and incontinence can be the reasons for rapid ejaculation. And also the desire to do everything quickly, without putting it off for later. The desire to have time to do more in life, to have time to live.
A middle-aged man came to see me from another city. For several years now he had suffered from rapid ejaculation, but he did not seek help - he was embarrassed. Having established contact with his subconscious mind, we found out that rapid ejaculation is a reflection of such character traits as incontinence and hot temper.
- Yes, doctor, this is most likely true. Even in meetings, I always come up with my comments. I can't resist. And then I suffer from it. I also eat very quickly. I try to swallow food without chewing. I'm also in a hurry when smoking.
He and I created new ways of behaving, and I gave him “homework.”
- Now, if you want to be cured and control your ejaculation, you will do the following. When you eat, chew your food slowly.
Let the food bolus in your mouth become homogeneous and completely moistened with saliva. Only then swallow.
Calculate how many chewing movements you need to make with your jaw to completely grind the food. Please note that rough foods require more chewing movements than soft foods. Do this with every serving of food. Do you smoke a lot? - I ask him.
“Half a pack a day, sometimes less,” the patient answers.
- When you smoke, first take the match out of the box. Place her on one knee. Then take out the cigarette and place it on your other knee. After that, close the box and hide the pack of cigarettes. Then light a cigarette and smoke it very slowly. Count those: how many puffs you need to take to smoke an entire cigarette. Then start experimenting. Take one or two puffs and throw away the cigarette. And finish the other cigarette slowly. Some smoke quickly. At the same time, monitor your feelings.
After a while, you will feel that you have control and you can cum whenever you consciously want to.

I am sure that each of us receives certain signs or intuitive clues from the subconscious mind in life. But do we always listen to them?

Many doctors are confident that nerves, emotions, and emotional mood can cause a disease called prostatitis. In addition to the pathology itself, the patient begins to experience pain, as well as sexual disorders. Psychosomatics can treat prostatitis, but initially it is necessary to establish a connection between them, and then move on to treatment methods.

Those who have been and are studying the connection between prostatitis and psychosomatics note that inflammation of the prostate gland occurs precisely in people with psychological disorders. If we analyze statistical data, we can determine that the pathology often appears in men who are deprived of an active sex life or who have contacts with women, but occur extremely rarely.

During the diagnosis of patients, as well as further treatment Doctors always find out about sex life. If we analyze the psychosomatics of prostatitis, it is necessary to highlight that the pathology appears as a result of erectile failures.

For treatment, people can use not only the services of a urologist, but also a psychologist and psychiatrist. In some cases, it is psychologists who can have a positive effect in treatment.

American writer Louise Hay is one of the first to join the self-help movement. She herself wrote and published about 30 books on psychology, and the main goal is to convey to people that emotions, thoughts, and sensations can be destructive. In addition, this is what causes psychological problems, as well as diseases of human organs and systems.

Each type of experience or fear causes disturbances in a specific organ

She is confident that using certain techniques, each patient can change their train of thought, resulting in a cure for diseases, including prostatitis.

The psychosomatic teachings of Louise Hay made it possible to compile a small list of possible causes of diseases that arise as a result of psychological attitudes. Such a table allows you to determine not only the cause of the pathology, but also gives certain recommendations on methods of treatment and relief from ailments.

In her books, the writer compares the prostate to a symbol of the male principle, and for her work to be flawless, every man will need to accept masculinity and be happy with it. Prostate pathologies are often provoked by fears of what is inside, due to this, masculinity is weakened.

A similar phenomenon occurs when a person gives up and may be in sexual tension, feels guilty, and also believes in his old age and the aging of the body. The writer recommends simply loving and approving yourself, and also believing in your own strength.

Among the most common experiences that can provoke prostatitis are:

  1. The prostate is a gland that produces juice, which in turn is found in sperm. It is the gland that is closely related to reproduction and conception, so when you worry about the health of children, a signal goes to the mind and at the subconscious level the prostate works more efficiently. As a result, the prostate begins to increase in size.
  2. The secretions of the prostate gland have an alkaline composition, which can preserve sperm in female body and her acidic environment. If a woman is very “sour”, then at a subconscious level there is a signal that it is necessary to increase the amount of alkali and secretions. This will get rid of high acid. This phenomenon also leads to prostate growth. In simple terms, the cause of the disease appears due to an unfavorable situation in the family.
  3. Prostate juice contains elements that can cleanse genitourinary tract. If a man is ashamed, for example, of infidelity or frequent affairs in the past, then the body pushes the prostate into illness. This results in cleansing of both the body and conscience.
  4. Strong emotional experiences that give way to stressful situations can cause various ailments and diseases. This often causes heart problems, after which complications arise that provoke prostatitis and other diseases.

As you can see, psychosomatics and prostatitis are interconnected, therefore treatment methods must be appropriate.

Louise Hay suggests starting by working on your own thinking

Psychological reasons provoking prostatitis

Prostate problems begin to arise after 40 years of age, when men become impotent and helpless. At this time, a loss of control over certain things that previously could have been under the control of men begins. For some people, the loss of erection becomes a real trauma. As a result, the condition is significantly exaggerated, and a lot of attention is paid to the loss of erection, which provokes the development of the disease and problems in the future.

The psychosomatics of prostatitis in men is such that the reasons can be completely different, including:

  1. Congenital anxiety or excessive concern for one's health. A similar condition appears after the first failures in sexual life.
  2. Fear of low effectiveness of treatment or certain doubts about the treatment method. Prostatitis can be treated, especially if this is done from the onset of the disease. As a rule, patients with such a diagnosis are very worried and cannot get thoughts of prostatitis out of their heads, as a result of which the condition only worsens.
  3. The experience that potency is gone forever. Despite a one-time failure in bed, which appears with severe fatigue or during use medications. Some men may consider this state as a symptom of prostatitis or other diseases.
  4. Fear of consequences.

If during the development of prostatitis there is no doctor who can help, then psychological problems will cause complications, due to which it appears chronic prostatitis prostate gland.

If you contact doctors in a timely manner for assistance and use drug therapy, without the support of a psychologist, it is possible to recover, but there is a risk that the patient may think that treatment is useless. Patients begin to convince themselves that the treatment is not bearing fruit. As a result, appetite disappears and depression may occur. It is this kind of thinking that makes the situation worse.

Psychologists say that the problem must be found in women. We are talking about those who raised a man in childhood. This is due to the fact that it is in childhood that a man’s behavior is formed, and a woman, by her behavior, shows how to behave with her.

Similar to other pathologies genitourinary system, prostatitis indicates problems in the relationship between a man and a woman. If the behavior is unworthy, a man humiliates and behaves badly with the weaker sex, then various diseases of the genital organs and tract may appear.

The phrase “Look for a woman” is also true for searching for the causes of prostatitis

Psychological therapy

To treat psychosomatic prostatitis, it is necessary to eliminate the described problems, and this can only be done by a specialist who is able to find an approach to the patient in a certain situation, as well as prescribe the necessary treatment. As a rule, doctors use several methods for treatment:

  1. The main point is to talk with the patient, which will bring the psychosomatic state back to normal. During the conversation, the patient must get rid of negative thoughts or be distracted from those that provoke the symptoms of prostatitis.
  2. If such communication is not enough, then doctors are additionally used medications that can treat prostatitis. In addition, they apply medicines to normalize the psychological state. This is what allows patients to get out of depressive state by taking medications.
  3. Treatment may require the use of physical therapy, which will have a positive effect on treatment. Various techniques are used for this: massage, baths, acupuncture. Such methods will allow you to relax and calm down.

If the treatment is chosen incorrectly, after some time there is no effect, then neuropsychiatric symptoms may appear. The doctor needs to promptly identify this condition and the causes of its occurrence, and also treat them correctly.

How to help a loved one

Since psychosomatics plays a big role in the treatment of prostatitis, it is important for relatives to support their loved one. After all, the patient himself is pushing and pushing himself, and if his relatives also blame him, then quarrels will begin to appear, even to the point of divorce.

It is forbidden to aggravate the man’s condition and not to point out the problem. To provide assistance, it is best for relatives to remain calm and believe that everything will return to normal. It is important to constantly support the patient and help fight the disease, and to say that everything is getting better. The whole family will need patience, and difficult problems must be resolved in a peaceful environment, without shouting or quarreling.

An erection may disappear suddenly, but if proper assistance is provided, it will appear suddenly. The best medicine is a positive atmosphere in the family, and not focusing on the problem.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology, together with the Ministry of Health, is conducting the “Russia without prostatitis". Within which the drug is available at a discounted price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!

Psychosomatics of prostatitis is a science that studies the psychological causes of of this disease. This direction in science involves not only standard treatment of the patient, but also psychological treatment.

Psychology explains many phenomena and processes that occur in humans. According to the theory of psychologists, even such a disease as prostatitis has your psychological reason. A man by nature must always remain strong and courageous; this is instilled in boys from childhood. However, the little boy’s mother instills in him not only courage, but also the fear of losing him.

The fear of disgrace, of being “not on a horse” haunts a person all his life. Age exacerbates these fears; the man realizes that old age is gradually coming, which means that his strength will become less and less every year.

Fear of losing male strength, this is probably the most important fear in the life of any representative of the stronger sex.

What experiences can lead to prostatitis?

There are several unproven psychological theories about the occurrence of prostatitis. It is worth considering the most interesting of them.

According to the first theory, prostate enlargement may be due to life events of a man. The prostate is associated with the reproductive function of a man. If a man experiences a strong shock associated with the threat of procreation, his brain gives the body a command to increase its reproductive capabilities in order to be able to continue the race. However, in this case, the brain does a “disservice” to the male body.

An enlarged prostate leads to the opposite result - problems with the genitourinary system (after all, other organs remain of normal size, and a large prostate prevents them from performing their functions).

An example of such a psychological shock would be death only son V at a young age. The man subconsciously understands that without a son the family line will end. After some time, he discovers that he has prostatitis.

The second psychosomatic theory is based on the fact that the secretion secreted by the prostate has an alkaline environment. If a woman is too “sour” (harmful, dissatisfied and always a nagging lover of scandals), the man’s brain tries to protect itself by enlarging the prostate.

An enlarged prostate produces more alkaline secretions and thereby “extinguishes” the wife’s sour character. This theory connects family problems with the occurrence of this disease in a man. In this case, family psychotherapy is indicated.

The secretion of the prostate is responsible for disinfection of the genitourinary tract. Psychologists have linked the fact of prostate enlargement with a man’s lack of confidence in purity and honesty. family relations. If a representative of the stronger half of humanity suspects his wife of cheating, his brain solves this problem in its own way - it enlarges the organ that secretes a disinfectant.

The following theory links prostatitis with severe stress and the emotional experiences of a man. It’s not for nothing that the prostate is called the second heart. When there is anxiety and excitement in the heart, the prostate can also suffer.

The cause of anxiety may be the loss of a loved one, the departure of a wife, problems at work or in the family. It is important to avoid stress, because this can lead not only to prostate problems, but also to cancer.

Believe it or not?

Psychosomatics is a relatively new science, most Psychologists cannot explain diseases. Some of the theories and explanations put forward seem absolutely absurd.

It is impossible to prove the influence of a man’s psychological state on the development of prostatitis 100%. Believe it or not, everyone decides for themselves. However, it is important to remember that it is impossible to cure prostatitis simply by “agreeing with your own brain.”

This technique should be auxiliary and used only in conjunction with a professional medical treatment. We can say that this therapy does not cure in itself, but it does drug treatment a little more efficient.
A psychologist instills in the patient faith in his own strength and healing, helps to solve problems and set himself in a positive mood. The positive and motivation you receive helps you not to give up and continue treatment.

How does a psychologist treat prostatitis?

It won't hurt to see a psychotherapist if you have prostatitis. However, there is one important condition here - if a man considers all these treatment methods to be nonsense and nonsense, it is better not to try to convince him. Psychology involves working on yourself with faith in the result. Psychotherapy is unlikely to help skeptics.

There are several methods of psychotherapy:

  1. Positive psychotherapy. A psychotherapist teaches a person to find the positives in his illness, to perceive it as a life lesson, as an opportunity to understand himself, learn something new, find reserves for overcoming the illness and become stronger and more confident from this. A man is taught to calmly accept what happened, not to worry and not to be in constant stress. This is a good method for supporting and giving strength to fight the disease.
  2. Suggestive psychotherapy– this is hypnosis, suggestion or auto-training. With this technique, the man is told that he is completely healthy, active and strong. This method is suitable for initial stage diseases or for those men who are afraid of prostatitis, but do not yet have this disease. If a man has been suffering from this disease for a long time, convincing him that he is completely healthy will be very difficult and even dangerous.
  3. Gestalt therapy– helps remove psychological blockages and incorrect attitudes. At the same time, motivation to engage in treatment increases and the body’s self-regulation processes are optimized. “Every year I get older and lose my virility, regardless of treatment” is a wrong attitude. “Everything is in my hands, my body can cope with any disease” is the correct attitude. A psychotherapist will help consolidate in the patient’s brain correct settings, which will give faith in healing and give strength.
  4. Family psychotherapy– will help make relationships in the patient’s family more harmonious. In a happy family there are fewer scandals, stress, reasons for worry and worry. In such an environment, the healing process will proceed much faster.

These are the main and most significant methods of psychosomatic treatment. The psychotherapist will choose the most effective way to speed up prostate treatment. The main thing is to choose the right specialist.

There is usually a connection between the appearance of symptoms of the disease and psychological disorders caused by the lack of a stable sex life.

Psychosomatics - a branch alternative medicine and psychology, which studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and development of physical diseases. Translated from ancient Greek language psycho – soul, soma – body.

There is a direct connection between chronic prostatitis and the presence of sexual disorders. According to most scientists and doctors, chronic prostatitis develops under the influence of nervous and psychogenic disorders.

Some experts believe that it is infrequent sex life may cause prostatitis. In addition to the fact that with this disease a man experiences severe pain, so sexual disorders of various kinds are also added.

Are prostatitis and psychosomatics related?

When studying this relationship, scientists note that psychological abnormalities are found in individuals with signs of inflammation of the prostate gland.

If you examine the statistics, you will find that prostatitis is more often suffered by men who are not sexually active or who rarely have sexual intercourse. When making a diagnosis and subsequent therapy, this fact must be taken into account.

Considering the psychosomatics of prostatitis, it is worth noting that erectile dysfunction can become the impetus for the development of the disease.

Not only a urologist, but also a psychotherapist can help in treating inflammation of the prostate gland. Perhaps the second one is even better. Therefore, the disease must be viewed from different angles.

Louise Hay is an American writer, one of the founders of the self-help movement, who has written more than 30 books of popular psychology. The main ideas of her works explain that destructive emotions, unexperienced bad feelings, are the main culprit of psychological problems and bodily diseases. She is convinced that using specific tools, any person is able to change their thinking and cure their body of ailments.

Louise Hay has compiled a table that explains the most probable causes of a particular disease at a psychological level.

This table reveals not only the cause of the disease, but also gives advice on what needs to be done to get rid of the disease.

So she calls the prostate a symbol of the male principle and for it to function without interruption, a man must fully accept his masculinity and rejoice in it. And prostate diseases are usually caused by internal fears that weaken masculinity.

This happens when a man begins to give up, experiences sexual tension and guilt, and begins to believe in his aging.

In this situation, Louise Hay advises a man to sincerely love and approve of himself, believe in his own strengths and convince himself of the indestructible eternal youth of his spirit.

The most common experiences causing diseases prostate:

  1. The prostate is a gland that secretes juice that is present in sperm. The gland is directly related to the function of reproduction and procreation. For example, if a man has concerns about the health of his children or grandchildren, his mind on a subconscious level will push this organ to work more efficiently, as a result it will increase in size.
  2. The secretion of the prostate gland has an alkaline composition in order to protect sperm in the acidic environment of the female genital organs. If the sexual partner is too “sour” both physically and psychologically. Then the subconscious gives a command to increase the alkaline secretion in order to neutralize excessive acid, which leads to an increase in the size of the prostate. Simply put, the cause of prostatitis can be poor family relationships.
  3. Prostate juice contains substances aimed at cleansing the genitourinary tract. In the case when a man becomes ashamed of his sexual adventures, for example, adultery on his part, the subconscious pushes the prostate to illness, solving the issue of “cleansing” not only the body, but also the conscience.
  4. Deep feelings bordering on stress. The prostate gland is called the second heart of a man not only because of their external similarity. When a person is worried, they say that his “heart hurts,” this condition can develop into prostatitis or something more serious.

Psychological reasons that can cause disease

Problems with the prostate appear at an advanced age, when a period of impotence and helplessness approaches. A man begins to lose control over things that were previously in his power. Some individuals perceive the first manifestations of erectile dysfunction as a tragedy. As a result, the picture is exaggerated, too much attention is paid to this problem, and the man begins to expect the next failure.

The psychosomatics of prostatitis is such that its development can be given impetus by any of the following factors:

  • Congenital anxiety, hyper-concern about one’s health. This condition can begin as a result of failure in bed.
  • Fear of failure to recover or doubts about the correctness of treatment. Prostatitis is treatable, especially if detected on early stages, but those who are sick tend to dramatize the situation and cannot get rid of obsessive thoughts that the disease will develop into something very dangerous for which there is no cure.
  • Anxiety about loss of potency. Despite the fact that the fiasco that the man suffered in bed was caused by extreme fatigue or a side effect from taking some kind of medication, many representatives of the stronger sex consider this to be the result of a terrible disease.
  • Fear of consequences.

Thus, if there is no specialist nearby who can help in solving such psychological problem, the situation may get worse.

When a patient turns to a doctor for drug treatment, without having psychological support, then at any stage of treatment he may begin to be haunted by thoughts about the futility of therapy.

The man begins to screw himself up that he will no longer be able to recover, which means that the family will break up or the woman he loves will leave, and so on. The person loses his appetite and becomes depressed. Thoughts of such a negative nature cause illness.

Psychologists say: look for a woman, there may be a reason.

Mother, grandmothers, educators, teachers - relationships with them in childhood form a man’s future model of behavior. They are the ones who demonstrate by their example what a woman is and how she should be treated.

Like any other disease of the genitourinary system, inflammation of the prostate gland indicates the presence of problems in relationships with the opposite sex.

If a man behaves unworthily with women, allows himself to humiliate and insult them, then he almost certainly has problems with his genitals.

How to treat?

Psychosomatic prostatitis, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the above problems. Only an experienced doctor can find the right approach in each specific situation and prescribe treatment that will be effective.

In most cases, the following treatment methods are used:

  1. The doctor needs to talk with the patient, the purpose of the conversation will be to normalize and improve the patient’s psychosomatic state. The conversation should get rid of negativity, distract it from anxious thoughts, which provoke the appearance of symptoms of the disease.
  2. If such conversations are not enough to eliminate the problem, then the specialist will add to the list of medications aimed at fighting prostatitis also drugs whose action will be aimed at stabilizing the psychological state of a man, thereby helping him get out of depression with the help of medications.
  3. In such a situation, physiotherapeutic procedures can have a beneficial effect on the course of treatment. For example, massage, acupuncture, mineral baths, mud therapy. Such procedures promote relaxation and tranquility.

If the therapy is not chosen correctly and does not give positive results, then symptoms of psychoneurological abnormalities appear. It is very important to identify them in a timely manner, find out the reason for their appearance and respond to them correctly.

The sooner we find out the cause of the appearance of deviations, the greater the chances of curing the patient without allowing severe disturbances in the psycho-emotional state to develop, by making adjustments to the treatment.


If a person exhibits any of the psychosomatic abnormalities listed above, then preventive measures must be applied to him in order to avoid the disease in the future.

In a situation where nothing foreshadows the development of the disease, and a man is tormented by obsessive ideas about the unfavorable development of events as a result of a one-time failure in bed, he must be convinced that a single case of sexual impotence is not a pathology and does not mean anything.

How to help to a loved one in this condition

Psychosomatics plays an important role in the treatment of prostatitis. You should not turn away from a patient in such a psychological state. In addition to the fact that the person himself aggravates the situation, various kinds of quarrels may arise in the family, threatening divorce.

In no case should you aggravate the situation and, especially, point out to the patient his problems as a shortcoming.

The most correct thing to do is to behave calmly, with confidence in the best outcome of the situation. It is necessary to support your husband and help him cope with his problem, telling him that everything will get better soon. All family members need to be patient and resolve any controversial situations in peaceful way.

Erection problems can also suddenly go away just as they appeared. The best psychological medicine in this matter will be friendly relationships in the family and not focusing on a one-time case of sexual impotence.

Regular sex life prevents the development of prostatitis on psychological grounds.


When we are diagnosed, we direct all our efforts to finding and visiting doctors, buying medications, completely forgetting that there are not only physical causes of health problems, but also psychological ones. The latter are always primary. And even prostatitis has its own psychosomatics. To understand it, you need to look at the disease from different angles.

Doctors' opinion - statistics and causes of prostate diseases

Scientists and doctors bond chronic illness prostate gland with disorders in sexual life, it is believed that its development directly depends on the nervous and psychogenic effects on the patient’s body. The cause of severe pain in prostatitis can be infrequent sexual intercourse. What does it mean? Deviation from the conditionally physiological rhythm, when full sexual intercourse is less than 2 per week.

Research in the field of psychosomatics shows that inflammation of the prostate most often occurs in men who have intimate sex or for a long time do not remember this activity. The result is psychopathological burden, observed in 75% of patients. It occurs even before sexual dysfunction becomes obvious.

What does ineffective treatment lead to?

Psychoneurological symptoms appear. It is important to pay attention to this behavior, react to it in a timely and competent manner, and find out why this is happening. Inaction will provoke the development of gross violations of a person’s psychological state. Timely identification of influencing factors allows you to adjust therapy and successfully treat the patient.

The reasons may be:

  • natural anxiety and excessive concern for one’s well-being;
  • fear of recovery or doubts about the chosen tactics;
  • fear associated with loss of sexual competence;
  • anxiety about future consequences.

The prostate begins to bother a man in adulthood, when a period of impotence and helplessness sets in. What was previously always under control and influenced is no longer controlled. At the first sign of erectile dysfunction, suspicious individuals begin to panic and take it too seriously. The scale of the situation is exaggerated, all attention is paid only to this problem. Anxiety can develop into an expectation of failure.

If the problem is not thoroughly worked through with a specialist, it gets worse. Thoughts of inferiority, hopelessness, and the inability to get rid of the illness appear. When a patient consults a doctor and only drug treatment is prescribed, the patient can at any time make the alarming conclusion that all this is futile and he will never be cured. If there is no support from loved ones, the man will begin to worry about the imminent breakup of the family. Physical manifestations include loss of appetite, increased heart rate, and increased sweating.

What drugs are prescribed during treatment

Psychotropic drugs help stabilize the patient’s condition, but only the attending physician has the right to prescribe drugs. Before visiting the doctor, a life-affirming conversation is required that everything will work out and return to normal.

When the situation does not change, and the problem worsens, the next stage of treatment will be the appointment of adaptogens and biogenic stimulants. The doctor may use impase and phosphodiesterase as medication assistants. In the skillful hands of a specialist, acupuncture will give a noticeable effect.

How can a family help a sick person?

In the treatment of prostatitis, psychosomatics is very important. And this includes the situation in the house and the attitude of loved ones. The main thing is not to turn away from the problem, to pay increased, but careful attention to the man. During this period, he himself is “easy-going” for quarrels.

If you maintain aggression in squabbles, the matter may end in divorce. Calmness also heals and helps you recover. Family members will need patience, the ability to quickly calm down, and resolve emerging contradictions peacefully.

Practical studies have shown that psycho emotional condition can provoke congestion in the prostate. Problems of a sexual nature disappear as quickly as they appeared. The main accelerator of a positive process is not focusing on a one-time event.

Psychologists' opinion - look for the woman or she is also to blame

Lining up interpersonal relationships- one of the goals of our life. Who becomes the first woman in a man's life? Mother. There are also grandmothers, educators, teachers and others. Relationships with them in childhood influence the style of future behavior. And this depends not only on the boy, but also on the representatives of the opposite sex. They are the ones who show by their example who a woman is in a man’s life.

Like any other urological disease, prostatitis signals problems in relationships with women. A man who despises, humiliates, and unworthily expresses himself towards the opposite sex always has problems with the genitals. A specific ailment indicates an area where something needs to be changed.

Psychologists identify 4 types of experiences that lead to disruption normal life prostate gland.

Reproductive dysfunction

The prostate is responsible for producing secretions that make up the bulk of sperm. From the position of psychosomatics, it is a connecting link between the physical body and the energy center responsible for creation. Conception, development and birth of a new life is the highest manifestation this interaction.

When a man observes some event that threatens the continuation of his lineage, the brain mistakenly commands the prostate gland to grow, enlarge, in order to increase productivity. In this way, the body tries to respond to the received signal and “save” the situation, to protect itself from the possible extinction of the species.

In practice, it may look like this: a daughter gave birth to a son with Down syndrome. The grandfather begins to worry on a subconscious level about the inability of his grandson to give birth. Problems will appear very quickly. Prostatitis will soon be diagnosed. But only if the wife and daughter treat this fear indifferently and will not pay due attention to it due to ignorance of the importance of constant confirmation of male strength.

"Sour" woman

The secretion of the prostate gland is alkaline, and the vagina is acidic. The structure of organisms is determined by nature's design: it is easy for alkaline sperm to travel through acidic space.

But a woman can unconsciously change the acidity of her vagina. If she likes to make scandals and nag her husband, her environment becomes overly acidic. Close, long-term communication in such a microclimate gives rise to male body the desire to increase the production of alkaline secretion of the prostate gland. Increasing the area of ​​the prostate helps him overcome high acidity. The result is that regular squabbles and finding out what is right provoke development negative processes in the male body.

Requirement for cleanliness

Prostate secretion also contains substances that disinfect the genitourinary tract. When a man doubts the sincerity of an existing relationship, does not consider it pure (numerous infidelities or promiscuous sex), the prostate can independently decide to “cleanse itself.” She will already get rid of the dirt in a known way– increase in size.

Almost heartfelt negativity

The prostate gland is often called the male heart. The name is no coincidence, because she reacts to all experiences that make the real heart hurt. And often this has to do with family.

If your husband or boyfriend treated your daughter badly, all this may well manifest itself in prostate disease. It all depends on the degree of experience, the reaction of the daughter herself and her mother to what is happening. The active phase of the conflict often becomes the cause of even a tumor.

Psychoanalysis of men suffering from urological problems shows a repetition of the same antecedent factors. Patients are united by fear. The traitor goes “to the left” to escape from his fear. Clumsy in a relationship with a woman, unable to find the right approach, he humiliates and suppresses his other half with words and actions. A lover of sex without obligation gives life and sexual energy to ladies of easy virtue, without receiving anything in return.

The cure recipe is individual, but there are also general tips:

  • perceive your illness without panic;
  • find inner fears and get rid of them;
  • realize the naturalness of the aging process, not be afraid of it, understand that creation is possible without having children;
  • gather all your strength, find time to create something greater, and let the younger generation help with this;
    use your accumulated wisdom to share experience and knowledge with other people;
  • ask your loved ones for help, because many of them do not know that prostate disease is a family problem.

If it is impossible to cope with the problem on your own in your environment, you should turn to specialists. Analyze and change thoughts practical psychologists. It's not scary, you just need to talk, tell, answer questions. No medicinal procedures are performed. Working with the subconscious and consciousness is carried out using only one tool - the word.

Chronic prostate diseases are today considered psychosomatic. This has been proven by research and tested in practice. Prostate diseases are included in the “holy seven”. Traditional treatment ineffective due to its inconsistency with psychophysiological pathogenesis.


Psychosomatics of prostatitis

In this article I will describe 4 main types of experiences that can lead to prostate problems (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, prostate cancer).

1) The prostate secretes a secretion that is a component of sperm, therefore some prostate diseases will be associated with the reproductive function of a man.

If a man, especially an older man, observes events that could theoretically lead to a threat to the continuation of his family, his brain “instructs” the prostate to be more efficient (by increasing in size to be more productive) in order to continue the family.

Example. A daughter's family has a child with Down syndrome. Grandfather is very worried about this (unconsciously he worries that his grandson will not have offspring). Soon he is diagnosed with prostate adenoma.

2) Prostate secretion has an alkaline environment. This is necessary so that sperm can pass through the acidic environment of the vagina.

If a woman is excessively “sour” (“nagging”, a lover of scandals), then the man’s body decides to increase the amount of alkaline prostate secretion (again through an increase in the area of ​​the prostate) in order to overcome the high “acidity” of the woman.

Thus, constant scandals and clarification of relationships in the family can lead to prostate problems for the head of the family.

3) The prostate secretion contains substances that are responsible for disinfection and cleansing of the genitourinary tract.

3) If a man feels that his sexual relationships are not honest, pure, correct (many women, constant cheating on his woman), his prostate can begin to solve this issue of “cleansing from dirt” for him.

4) The fourth reason is a very strong negative experience of a man.

The prostate is sometimes called a man's second heart. And this is no coincidence. When, figuratively speaking, “the heart hurts,” and this is associated with some family topic, the prostate may be affected.

Example. A man falls ill with prostate cancer, whose daughter is abandoned by her husband in a very ugly way, leaving for another woman.

If the experiences are minor, then eventually, in the recovery phase of the disease, prostatitis begins. If the intensity of the experience is high, then this can lead to cancer in the active phase of the conflict.

The solution in this case is to change your attitude towards the topic of experiences, after which recovery is possible.


Despite the large number of physical causes of prostate inflammation, there is a proven psychosomatics of prostatitis. Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine (psychosomatic medicine) and psychology that studies psychogenic factors that can provoke the appearance of specific disease on a physical level.

Doctors, keeping statistics in detail and studying the causes of the disease in each specific case, came to the conclusion that in addition to physical causes, prostatitis can also be psychosomatic.

For the disease to develop, a few unpleasant signs are enough, which, due to the man’s panic, develop into a real pathology.

In addition to physical causes, prostatitis can also be psychosomatic

Symptoms of concern

Prostatitis is quite insidious disease in the sense that initially it manifests itself insignificantly, and when the inflammatory process sharply worsens, the symptoms worsen significantly, pain and cramps appear urethra, possible purulent discharge from the urethra or anus during defecation. Of course, with this condition, normal sexual life is impossible, and erectile dysfunction occurs.

The main thing is not to panic and not to try to eliminate the symptoms of poor erection with special drugs, like Viagra or Cialis, because they do not eliminate the root cause of sexual disorders, and the side effects are unpleasant.

Why does psychosomatic prostatitis occur?

Undoubtedly, there is a clear connection between the chronic course of inflammation of the prostate and problems in the sexual sphere of men. Some scientists are even inclined to believe that it is precisely because of stress and frequent nervous tension prostatitis occurs. There is even an opinion that complete absence or a strong lack of sex life can undermine the psyche and, as a result, cause illness.

If you study in detail the statistics of patients with prostate inflammation, you will notice that about 75% of men have either problems of a sexual nature or lack of sexual relations for a long period. There is also one proven observation - in men who are treated more than once and the treatment does not bring good results, their psychological state worsens over time.

In this case, it is important for the attending physician to prescribe a complex additional measures, which will help stabilize and normalize the emotional state of the patient, otherwise if you ignore such changes in the patient’s psyche, then you can then observe deterioration not only psychologically in the man, but also an exacerbation of the disease itself.

Having studied the statistics of patients with prostate inflammation, we noticed that about 75% of men have problems of a sexual nature or lack of sexual relations

Usually bad mental condition occurs for the following reasons in the patient:

  • Strong worries about oneself and fear of never recovering;
  • Experiences in the area of ​​intimate life;
  • Fear of future consequences after the onset of the disease;
  • Experiences associated with the environment that the patient will not be accepted with such a disease.

Psychosomatics of prostatitis: who is most susceptible

As statistics show, people of an anxious and suspicious nature are most susceptible to such violations. For such people, problems with erection can leave a strong imprint on the psyche, leading to depression and pathological condition further. The problem with this type of personality is that even with the most minimal and insignificant deviations, they develop a panic state, they exaggerate their problems and perceive what is happening too critically.

Next, such a person begins to focus all his attention on the genital organ, especially observing the strength of the erection. Such observations can lead to the fact that a man will then develop the so-called “anxious syndrome of anticipation of failure.” If you do not provide the patient with appropriate support from a psychologist, then he will develop a fear that the disease is incurable, that his family and friends will turn away from him, and that all treatment methods that doctors prescribe for him will be unsuccessful. Then the patient begins to experience physical manifestations of stress - the pulse accelerates, appetite disappears, sweating increases, and the course of prostatitis itself actually worsens.

In case of prostatitis, a serious psychosomatic phenomenon should be treated by a specialist

How to treat psychosomatic prostatitis

In case of prostatitis, a serious psychosomatic phenomenon should be treated by a psychiatrist. The specialist must prescribe certain medications in a particular case and conduct regular psychotherapy, make appointments and appointments to study the dynamics of the situation. This patient needs regular psychological support, it would be useful to prescribe for him biogenic stimulants of plant (liquid aloe extract) or animal origin (Actovegin, Solkoskril) and adaptogens (tincture of Schisandra chinensis, rosea radiola, ginseng).

Manual therapy, acupuncture, and relaxing massages will not be superfluous. The patient must change their lifestyle - try to protect themselves from stress as much as possible, try not to think about the worst, receive regular support from loved ones and relatives, and not just from the attending physician. Environment greatly influences the speed of recovery and overcoming psychological barriers.

Conclusion: with prostatitis, it is important to maintain a normal psychological state in the patient, because a poor emotional background significantly worsens the quality of treatment, and also reduces the chance of a speedy recovery. It is important to always monitor the patient’s psychological state from the outside so that you can help him in time.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...


Who said that curing prostatitis is difficult?

Any doctor will offer you a number of methods for treating prostatitis, from trivial and ineffective to radical

  • you can undergo regular therapy with tablets and rectal massage, returning every six months;
  • you can trust folk remedies and believe in miracles;
  • go for surgery and forget about sex life...