How to prepare a hypertonic solution of table salt. How to prepare hypertonic salt solution at home. Hypertonic salt solution: how to prepare and what medicinal properties it has

The use of hypertonic solution in medical purposes- it is cheap, accessible and very effective method treatment of many diseases. In front of everyone positive qualities has a minimum number of contraindications and side effects. It is used both in medical institutions and at home. Everyone has the opportunity to prepare this solution. The main effect of salt is to reduce and sometimes completely eliminate the inflammatory process.

Operating principle of hypertonic solution

A hypertonic solution is an aqueous solution of sodium chloride (NaCl), a common table salt. IN in good condition In humans, the salt content in the liquid medium of the body is 0.9%. Any solution whose solute content exceeds this physiological norm, is considered hypertensive.

The application is based on the physical law of osmotic pressure. According to this law, liquids with higher solute concentrations have higher osmotic pressure. Since the pressure of different contacting media tends to balance, ions move from one medium to another. In the body, the regulation of the osmotic pressure of the physiological media of the body occurs due to sodium chloride ions. Liquid moves from environments with lower osmotic pressure to areas with higher pressure. Thus, a hypertonic solution is able to draw off excess fluid in the tissues. In case of blood loss and large loss of fluid in the body, it helps to increase the volume of circulating blood due to the transition of interstitial fluid into the general bloodstream. The principle of action of a hypertonic solution is based on this.

Medicinal properties

IN in case of emergency when providing emergency care and conducting resuscitation measures hypertonic solution is used:

  • as a means of dehydration for cerebral edema and reduction of intracranial pressure;
  • to temporarily increase blood volume and increase cardiac output;
  • to increase pressure in the kidneys and increase diuresis.

The drug is administered intravenously, no more than 200 ml - 7.5% (at the rate of 2 ml/kg). It cannot be used subcutaneously, as tissue necrosis may develop.

The antimicrobial effect of hypertonic solution should also be noted. In a salt solution with increased concentration Many types of bacteria and fungi die. Hypertonic 10% saline solution of sodium chloride is used in surgery when treating purulent wounds for disinfection and reduction of swelling of the wound surface. Due to its ease of use and effectiveness, you can use a hypertonic solution for treatment at home. How medical drug it is used in various concentrations: from 1% to 10%. When using a concentration of more than 10%, complications may arise due to disruption of the integrity of the capillaries.

Percent Disease Mode of application Action
1% Diseases of the upper respiratory tract(bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia)InhalationHelps thin and clear mucus from the upper respiratory tract
2% Runny nose, sore throatWashingAntimicrobial, decongestant, promotes improved discharge of mucus and pus
5 - 1 0% Injuries (bruises, hematomas, sprains), myositis.

Arthritis (including rheumatoid).

Purulent wounds (surgical, boils, panaritium, etc.).



Salt dressings, lotions (it is better to make 4-5 layers of gauze). Apply for 10-12 hours, after moistening with hot saline solution, preferably at night. The course is at least 10 days. Compresses with a hypertonic solution are contraindicated.

For headaches, apply to the forehead and back of the neck.

By reducing swelling, tissue compression is reduced, pain goes away, and signs of inflammation are reduced.
5% Constipation, need for emergency bowel movementEnema (used in a volume of 250 ml, at a temperature of 37-40 degrees Celsius)Increased peristalsis and the release of fluid from adjacent tissues into the intestines contribute to the softening and removal of feces

The use of a hypertonic solution greater than 10% is contraindicated!

Saline solution can also be used to prevent acute respiratory diseases, viral infections transmitted by airborne droplets. To do this, during the season of increased incidence, it is necessary to rinse the nose with a two percent hypertonic solution daily, morning and evening. During such active rinsing of the nose and nasopharynx, pathogenic bacteria and viruses are removed, and mucus and dust particles accumulated during the day are cleansed. Thanks to daily treatment, immunity increases. Children should be taught this simple procedure.

At home, you can use sea salt instead of regular salt. Today it is as accessible as the cookbook, but contains many more useful substances, helping to strengthen the body. Microelements included in the composition sea ​​salt, promote metabolism in cells, conduction of nerve impulses, and improvement of hormonal levels.

Hello, dear readers! One day, while walking around the Internet, I came across a very interesting article about a hypertonic solution of table salt. I can’t name the author of the article, but he writes that in 2002, a recipe for treatment with a hypertonic solution of table salt was sent to the Healthy Lifestyle newspaper. The story says that during World War II, surgeon I.I. Shcheglov successfully treated purulent wounds of wounded soldiers with this method of treatment.

Later, the senior operating nurse, who worked with surgeon Shcheglov, tried treatment methods with hypertonic solution in the treatment of teeth, headaches, mastopathy, cancerous tumors and other pathologies.

I remembered that when I started working in the hospital, our doctors in the 70-80s, when carrying out dressings, quite often prescribed dressings of purulent wounds with a hypertonic solution. It turned out that such treatment methods were undeservedly forgotten and the pharmaceutical business was to blame for this.

A hypertonic solution is an active sorbent, i.e. it draws liquid from nearby tissues (cells of the body), carrying along with it various pathogenic microbes along with the liquid, without damaging either red blood cells, leukocytes, or living cells of the tissues themselves.

Many people probably remember the law on osmotic pressure from their physics course. According to this law, the concentration of a solution equalizes the concentration of a nearby solution if another solution has a lower concentration. And this fact plays a huge role in the life of plant and animal organisms.

But today we will focus on the action of this law and apply it to treatment, which is widely used both in traditional medicine, and in treatment with traditional methods. This method is very effective and at the same time very cheap. About beneficial features we have already discussed salt in this article. If you are new to my blog, you will find out everything.

Effect of hypertonic solution

Human blood plasma in its salt concentration is equal to an isotonic solution, that is, a 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Isotonic solution is also called saline solution. Many of us are familiar with this name. It is saline solution that is called the solvent of many dosage forms. The name “saline solution” is conditional, since its composition does not contain many useful substances, in particular potassium salts, which are so necessary for normal physiological functioning of a person.

Hypertonic solution, which is used in medical practice and in folk medicine, this is nothing more than a solution of sodium chloride in water, only more concentrated. There is no specific and precise definition of the concentration of a hypertonic solution, for various applications the salt concentration ranges from 1 to 20%, and the mechanism of action is the same for all. Depending on the place of application and method of administration of the hypertonic solution, the salt concentration varies.

  • For external use (baths, rubdowns, lotions), use a 1-2% solution
  • For gastric lavage in case of poisoning with silver nitrate, which at the same time turns into insoluble and non-toxic silver chloride. - 2-5% solution
  • In the form of an enema - 5% solution
  • For intravenous administration for pulmonary, gastric, intestinal bleeding-10% solution.

We will not touch on the use of hypertonic solution for intravenous administration, this is work medical workers. In addition, it should be noted that solutions for intravenous administration are administered only sterile and for this purpose only a ready-made sterile solution is used, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

But for external use, we can prepare the solution ourselves.

Preparation of hypertonic solution

You can prepare a solution for home use yourself and use it for lotions and saline dressings. It should immediately be noted that You cannot make compresses with hypertonic solutions!

Preparing the solution is quite simple. This requires salt and water. To prepare the solution, you need to take 90 grams of table salt per 1 liter of water (3 tablespoons of salt without top)

You need to know some nuances when preparing the solution:

  1. It is best to take boiled water, rain water and from melted snow.
  2. For home use solutions are used in a concentration of no more than 10%, otherwise the capillaries at the site where the compress is applied may burst.
  3. A solution prepared at home is not subject to long-term storage and must be used immediately, so it must be prepared in small quantities.
  4. When preparing the solution, it must be heated to a boil so that the salt crystals are completely dissolved in water (when the salt dissolves, the solution is disinfected), let it settle for a little and pour into a clean container. After cooling to room temperature the solution can be used.

Hypertonic solution - traditional methods of use

I have not used such treatment methods, so I will tell you about folk methods treatment with hypertonic sodium chloride solution taken during the study of this issue.

Using saline dressings

When using a bandage, it is necessary to take breathable fabric, it is in such fabric that adsorption occurs. If it is gauze, then it must be folded in 8 layers, and if it is simple cotton fabric, then 4 layers are enough. The fabric should be soft and pre-washed.

Before applying the bandage, you must wash your body with soap. There should not even be traces of ointments or other medications on the skin where the bandage is supposed to be applied. After the procedure, you need to wipe the area where the bandage is applied with a warm, damp towel.

If you are going to make a saline dressing, then before use, the cloth is moistened with a hot saline solution, wrung out and applied to problem area. If fixation of the bandage is necessary, it is secured with an adhesive plaster or bandage. I repeat: you cannot cover the top of the bandage with film; air must pass through the bandage. The duration of the procedure is 10-12 hours.

The therapeutic effect of using a bandage occurs gradually, only on days 7-10 or even later, so bandages must be applied daily. Action saline dressing locally, that is, with direct contact of the bandage with the problem area.

Such dressings can be used if you have:

  • purulent non-healing wounds, osteomyelitis
  • hematomas, internal and external bruises
  • myositis of the cervical muscles
  • inflammatory processes V knee joints, osteochondrosis, rheumatism
  • post-injection abscesses and boils
  • chronic appendicitis
  • mastopathy mammary gland and other tumors
  • prostate adenoma
  • for headaches and toothaches, for flu (on the forehead and back of the head, at night)
  • during attacks of cholecystitis.

Using saline solutions when rinsing

A 2% hypertonic solution of table salt can be used as a rinse for tonsillitis and sore throats.

To prepare a 2% solution, you need to take 2 g of table salt and up to 100 ml of water. Preparation of the solution is the same as described above. Please note that you need to gargle with a warm solution.

For rhinitis, you can rinse your nasal passages with the same solution, as well as rinse your sinuses. To do this, you need to pour a small amount of solution into your palm, and then draw the solution into yourself through your nose. The solution can pour back through the nose or through the mouth, which is completely harmless. Repeat this several times. You can rinse your nose with saline solution using a teapot or a teapot special for this purpose. Learn more about how to properly rinse your nose and gargle.

The use of saline solutions when performing enemas

Enemas are recommended if it is necessary to empty the intestines after surgery or childbirth, frequent delays stool and massive swelling of various origins. Such an enema produces a good laxative effect and bowel movement occurs without sudden peristalsis.

To prepare the solution, you need to take a 5% solution. To do this, just take 1 tablespoon of salt and dissolve it in 0.5 liters of water. All other actions are carried out using an Esmarch mug or a simple rubber bulb.

Contraindications to the use of hypertonic solution

With this big list ways to use saline solution you need to know that similar treatment cannot be carried out if there are:

  • cerebral vascular sclerosis
  • apply bandages for pulmonary hemorrhage
  • take hot baths for people with a weakened heart

Dear readers, today you learned what a hypertonic solution is and how it can be used. I hope this is simple folk remedy at correct use will help you cope with some of your health problems.

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Can ordinary table salt act as a medicine? It turns out yes. Even during the Great Patriotic War were open amazing properties saline solution, which is called hypertonic. It was first used in medical practice by surgeon I.I. Shcheglov and his assistant A.D. Gorbachev.

Thanks to this method The number of gangrenes was sharply reduced and many people retained their limbs. After the end of hostilities, A.D. personally Gorbachev continued the work of her partner and discovered new diseases that can be treated with a hypertonic saline solution.

It turned out that it has a pulling ability, which manifests itself in the form quick cleansing wounds from purulent or inflammatory contents. The action is possible under the condition of free penetration of air. In this way, even the deepest areas of the skin or various organs.

Properties of hypertonic salt solution. The effect of a hypertonic saline solution begins immediately after it is applied to the problem area. The product destroys microorganisms first in the surface layers, and then draws out the infection from the most distant ones. Not only bacteria, but even pathogens of viral and fungal infections are completely eliminated. With subsequent treatment, the internal fluids of the body are renewed and the active process of intoxication and the development of damage is stopped.

Treatment with hypertonic solution

Not only microbial lesions are successfully treated with this method. Salt can draw out inflammatory processes even from a closed wound. There are many examples of cures for chronic appendicitis, various diseases joint tissues, abscesses internal organs, burn injuries. Salt is widely used for rinsing the nasopharynx and moisturizing the mucous membranes. It's hard to believe, but there are examples of weakening depressive state, rheumatic complications and oncological diseases. Even cosmetologists use salt in their work.

A.D. Gorbacheva proposed completely new areas of application of this unique substance. She actively used it in the treatment of adenomas of various organs and anemia.

People in everyday life often use the solution for swelling of the joints, headaches chronic pain, rhinitis, pain in the feet. Salt perfectly relieves swelling caused by hematomas and accompanying them painful sensations, helps with bronchitis, gynecological problems, osteochondrosis, sore throat. The solution is applied to the skin on top of the affected part of the body.

Surprising but true: organ diseases respiratory system amenable to such therapy within 1 day. And applying the product around the head relieves painful manifestations even faster. The popularity of this method is not surprising. Even the absence side symptoms once again proves the highest efficiency and absolute safety.

How to prepare a hypertonic solution at home

The basic rule is the selection of water for the solution. You cannot use water from a spring, sea, or tap for this purpose. Liquid with high content iodine salts. They immediately neutralize sodium chloride. Preference should be given to either distilled pharmaceutical water, or, if it is unavailable, snow or rain water.

The concentration is prepared at about 10%, but not higher, otherwise capillary disorders and pain in the wound will appear. To do this, 2 teaspoons should be dissolved in 200 ml of prepared water and stirred. For children, the proportions are different - 2 teaspoons per 250 ml.

How to make saline dressings

The fabric for the future dressing should be of a loose texture and always soft. If it is a waffle, linen or cotton towel, then it is folded into 4 layers, and ordinary gauze - into 10 layers. Before application skin cleaned with soap and water and dried thoroughly. The bandage is moistened in the saline solution so that it is well saturated with it, but at the same time retains the liquid on itself. The temperature of the solution is taken to be about 40 degrees or slightly higher.

No fastening elements are needed, especially those that do not allow air to pass through. The plaster can only secure the edges, and not the entire surface of the fabric. The bandage is fixed only with a bandage and left for at least 15 hours. Reducing time is pointless, since the action will be insufficient. The fixation on the stomach is quite tight. This is done to prevent slipping at night. The use of such a dressing is prohibited due to acute bleeding.

You should not expect instant relief from the disease in one day. The hypertonic solution acts very quickly, but it should be used for at least 3 weeks. If we are talking about an uncomplicated process, then sometimes application for 7 days is sufficient. This could be, for example, subcutaneous inflammation of the nail - panaritium. A bandage with a salt solution will stop the process of suppuration.

Salt is one of the most mysterious crystals on our planet. It is not for nothing that it has always been highly valued and widely used in magical rituals. Today it is cheap, but has not yet revealed all its secrets. Scientists say that in the future, salt crystals will be the main carriers of information.

Water is no less a strange substance. Can be found in all states of aggregation, and the solid fraction is lighter than the liquid. Their combination greatly enhances the properties of both elements.

Many of our readers actively use a well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva, to treat PRESSURE SUPERS and hypertension. We recommend that you check it out.

No wonder the composition sea ​​water The concentration of sodium chloride exactly corresponds to that of human blood plasma.

From time immemorial, a solution of salt in water has been used for practical medicine. Predominantly hypertensive, that is, more than 0.9%. This number indicates the isotonic concentration, similar to that in the blood. Salty water has the ability to kill microbes in the wound, promoting its healing.

This quality is in demand when canning anything, both industrially and at home.

The ability of a hypertonic solution to create osmotic pressure is used to draw all sorts of harmful substances from nearby tissues in a diseased body.

This effect is also used in industry for cleaning and disinfection purposes.

Cool salt solutions are useful both for their use on the surface of human skin and inside the body.

  1. Lotions in places where the integrity of the skin is damaged.
  2. In areas of the body under which inflammatory processes develop.
  3. Mouth rinses.
  4. Therapeutic enemas and douching.
  5. Intravenous administration.

The latter method requires the use of solutions prepared in industrial conditions of pharmaceutical enterprises. Parenteral infusions of hypertonic saline fluid are performed in cases emergency assistance in case of large blood loss or to stop urine production.

In the first situation, salt draws fluid from surrounding tissues into the bloodstream, maintaining a sufficient volume of blood in the vessels for life.

In the second case, it inhibits the body’s loss of necessary moisture by disrupting the system of enraged urination by diseased kidneys.

I recently read an article that talks about “Normalife” for treating hypertension and cleaning blood vessels. With the help of this syrup, you can FOREVER cure hypertension, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, neuroses and many other diseases of the heart and blood vessels at home.

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a bag. I noticed changes within a week: my blood pressure returned to normal, the constant headaches and dizziness subsided, and after 2 weeks they disappeared completely, my vision and coordination improved. Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

For other activities, you can prepare a solution of the required concentration literally in the kitchen of your own apartment. To do this you will need salt, a tablespoon, a clean container and purified warm boiled water. Basic math skills will also come in handy.

The resulting composition to combat suppurative processes in superficial wounds or inflammation of the joints, cotton cloth is moistened. It should have 8 layers.

It is then pressed out and applied to the affected area. Under no circumstances should you use polyethylene or other material that can impede air flow. The lotion is simply bandaged or secured with an adhesive plaster at the site of application.

For such purposes, a salt solution with a concentration of 10% is prepared. This is the maximum allowable dilution. Stronger formulations will cause harm by drying out and destroying the underlying healthy tissue.

The defect or inflammation will only increase. This solution can be used to cleanse the liver. The lotions alternate with warming the organ with a heating pad. Salt helps the poisons to escape into the lumen of the excretory ducts, and heat expands their lumen.

As a result, the contents enter the intestinal space and are expelled out. This technique can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

In the mouth, the mucous membrane is quite resistant to chemical influences, but requires careful handling. Therefore, the concentration of the solution should be lower than on the skin. 2% or slightly more salt content is sufficient. Rinsing for sore throat, stomatitis, and tonsillitis helps a lot.

Rinsing the nasal passages with a similar solution relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, warms it up, increasing blood circulation.

Promotes the outflow of mucus and pus from the sinuses during sinusitis. Patency is restored airways. Sometimes an antibiotic powder is added to the composition for greater effect.

During constipation, dry feces cannot leave the intestines that are not sufficiently hydrated. In this case, an enema with a hypertonic solution is given.

It simultaneously destroys fecal conglomerates and attracts fluid into the intestinal lumen. Irritant effect salt stimulates peristalsis. The intestines empty.

For clyster, the required solution concentration is 5%. The same amount of sodium chloride will be required in the composition for douching for inflammation of the vagina and treatment of the perineum during cystitis.

To prevent the infection from spreading to adjacent organ. The two physiological orifices are too close.

It is very simple to prepare the solution. To do this, you need to stock up on salt, a tablespoon from of stainless steel and a glass vessel. The use of items made from chemically resistant materials is necessary, since NaCl is an aggressive substance and can destroy the structure of the vessel, the molecules of which enter the solution.

A level tablespoon holds 30 grams of salt. Therefore, to obtain a 10% solution you will need 3 spoons and a small pinch per 1 liter of clean water.

The remaining concentrations can be obtained from this amount by dilutions. Some simple mathematical calculations will help you do this. For example, a 5% composition can be obtained from a 10% composition by diluting it clean water the same volume.

To make small amounts of salt water, for example, to rinse the nasal passages, you can use your sense of taste. Add salt little by little to a glass of water and taste the resulting solution on your tongue. It should be oversalted, but not cause a burning sensation and nausea.

If you use a ready-made pharmaceutical isotonic 0.9% solution, then to get 10% you need to add exactly three tablespoons of salt to it. After all, 1% is already contained in it initially. You can use distilled water as a liquid base.

It is better to warm it up a little before mixing. Heat will act as a catalyst for the process. Then sodium chloride will disperse faster and disintegrate into small particles. If the saturated liquid is intended to be used internally, it must be boiled to be safe.

Cool under a tight lid. IN modern medicine actions saline solution replace antibiotics, to which microbes quickly become accustomed.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs along the way they destroy activity and integrity gastrointestinal tract. All of these and other medications can cause allergic reactions.

Absolutely all drugs have contraindications and undesirable side effects, which will require the prescription of other drugs to eliminate the disorders caused by them. And so on vicious circle a sick person will walk from the next pill to the next injection.

Salt doesn't have these negative qualities. All that is required is a competent approach to choosing the correct concentration in the solution and observing the time and frequency of exposure. Of course, this is not a panacea.

But it is in vain to forget such a valuable assistant in preserving and restoring your health. As a seasoning in immoderate quantities, salt - White death. But as a deliverer from misfortunes - a healer.

Have you ever encountered high blood pressure!? Judging by the fact that you are now reading this article, then you know firsthand what it is:

  • Dizziness and headache often occur.
  • rapid heartbeat appears.
  • there is nothing to say about shortness of breath after the slightest physical exertion...
  • and you have been taking a bunch of medications for a long time, going on a diet and watching your weight...

Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? How much time have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the SITUATION WILL GET WORSE. And this could lead to more severe consequences such as heart attack and stroke.

A hypertonic solution is a liquid with a sodium chloride concentration of more than 0.9%. A hypertonic environment causes water to leave cells (including red blood cells), causing them to shrink. In addition to hypertonic, there are isotonic and hypotonic solutions. Are isotonic aqueous solutions, isotonic to blood plasma, the osmotic pressure of a hypotonic solution is lower than that of blood plasma.

The prepared pharmaceutical solution contains sodium chloride and distilled water. Sodium chloride is known in everyday life as table salt and is its main component.

This product can be purchased at a pharmacy chain or prepared independently, but this does not mean that the drug is absolutely safe. To avoid the development of adverse effects, you should consult your doctor before using the solution.

Saline solution is one of the products that, according to doctors, have a minimum number of contraindications. For local application solution (microenemas, rinsing, washing, dressing), a contraindication may be individual intolerance to the drug, which is also a contraindication for its intravenous administration.

For parenteral administration requires exclusively sterile pharmaceutical drug, for other procedures, for example, for rinsing the nose, you can make the solution yourself at home.

The healing properties of hypertonic saline solution

Hypertonic sodium chloride solution is used in medicine for the treatment of purulent wounds, as an auxiliary osmotic diuretic for cerebral edema, to increase blood pressure during bleeding, in conditions characterized by a deficiency of chlorine and sodium ions, in case of silver nitrate poisoning. The product is used for rinsing the mouth for gum diseases, for compresses for arthritis, for rinsing the nose for respiratory diseases, for lotions for insect bites and lichen, as part of masks for strengthening hair and treating the scalp, in for cosmetic purposes– for face and body exfoliation, as well as for relaxing baths. The solution is used for migraines, bronchial asthma, chronic appendicitis, gynecological diseases, with frostbite of the extremities, purulent wounds and many other pathologies, usually in combination with other means of treatment.

During infectious and inflammatory processes in oral cavity, nasal passages, maxillary sinuses a 1-2% sodium chloride solution is used, which is able to inhibit the growth of microorganisms, reduce pain syndrome and relieve swelling.

A salt solution with a concentration of the main substance of 5-10% is used for purulent wounds, as well as for enemas in case of prolonged absence of bowel movements (especially after surgical interventions on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract), since it has a pronounced antibacterial effect, reduces pain, and also softens stool and stimulates bowel movements.

A saline solution of 10% concentration is usually used for heavy external and internal bleeding, with oliguria and anuria.

This product can be purchased at a pharmacy chain or prepared independently, but this does not mean that the drug is absolutely safe.

In the absence of urine output, sodium chloride solution is used only when strictly indicated. At heavy bleeding currently used rarely (other, more effective drugs are used).

If too much of this solution is injected intramuscularly or into the patient's stomach, the patient may develop thirst, convulsions, confusion, coma, and cerebral hemorrhage. Intramuscular and subcutaneous administration of the solution is unacceptable, as it can lead to tissue necrosis.

How to prepare hypertonic salt solution at home

Depending on the pathology for which the salt solution will be used, as well as on the method of application, different concentrations are required. For parenteral administration (i.e., in the form of injections and intravenous infusions), an exclusively sterile pharmaceutical preparation is required; for other procedures, for example, for rinsing the nose, you can make the solution yourself at home.

For rubbing, instillation, gargling, nasal rinsing, lotions and baths, a 1-2% hypertonic saline solution is usually used. For an enema, a 5% solution is used, for bandages - no more than 8%, for gastric lavage - 2-5%, the concentration of the solution for intravenous administration is selected exclusively by the attending physician.

The recipe is simple - pour the required amount of water into a pan, add salt, bring to a boil and cool. To prepare a sodium chloride solution at home, you should take purified water; the salt concentration in the solution should not exceed 10%. So, for example, when using a solution for gargling, you usually take 4 g of table salt per glass of water.

Intramuscular and subcutaneous administration of the solution is unacceptable, as it can lead to tissue necrosis.

Methods of using hypertonic solution

Saline dressings use breathable fabric to aid the absorption process. Gauze folded in 8 layers, cotton fabric folded in 4 layers can be used. The place where the bandage will be applied should be washed with soap and there should be no residues of any kind on it. medicines. The bandage should not be wrapped with other fabrics and/or materials that would create a warming effect. It is recommended to secure the hypertonic saline dressing with a bandage or adhesive tape. After the procedure, the area where the bandage is applied should be washed or dried. wet towel. It is not recommended to keep this bandage for more than 10 hours.

For rinsing, use a warm sodium chloride solution. Rinse your mouth and throat, and rinse your nose with acute period illness is recommended every 4 hours. Depending on the symptoms, the duration of treatment is 3-5 days.

For insect bites, it is recommended to apply a lotion with sodium chloride solution as soon as possible, within the first hour. To do this, moisten a napkin with a 2% salt solution and apply it to the damaged area for 5-10 minutes. In the event of a wasp or bee sting, before carrying out the procedure, you need to make sure that there is no sting left in the wound.

For gastric lavage in case of silver nitrate poisoning, it is recommended to take 2-5% sodium chloride solution orally or administer it to the patient through a gastric tube if the victim cannot drink on his own (this procedure is performed in medical institution). Typically, no more than 500 ml of salt solution is used.

To prepare a sodium chloride solution at home, you should take purified water; the salt concentration in the solution should not exceed 10%.


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