Unpleasant smell from the nose. Why does a foreign smell appear in the nose?

The body tells a person that changes occur to him in different ways - they arise painful sensations, spasms, disorders of various kinds. Another signal that cannot be ignored is a foreign smell in the nose. The causes of this problem must be found out immediately in order to begin a course of treatment.

The symptom in 95% of cases indicates the presence of a disease, so it is very important to undergo diagnostic examination from a specialist. Research will help determine the reasons causing the appearance foreign odors. Therapy started in the early stages will help get rid of the problem in a short time.

Smells in the nose: types and causes

An unpleasant odor occurs in the nose infrequently. According to patient complaints, this phenomenon usually accompanies the underlying disease in the anamnesis. There are many reasons for the occurrence of the symptom, so a comprehensive examination cannot be avoided. At the reception, people complain about a specific unpleasant aroma. Most often it is felt clearly. Such manifestations indicate problems occurring in the nasal cavity. pathological processes or changes.

The manifestation of the symptom became possible due to the anatomical ability possessed by the mucous membrane. She has a large number special education- olfactory receptors, which transmit signals from the affected area directly to the brain as quickly as possible. There they are processed and, depending on the underlying problem, the person experiences one of the following foreign odors in the nose:

sulfur; burning; rot; acetone; gland; ammonia; dust.

The smell of burning in most cases is side effect or the body’s reaction to long-term use medicines. Classes of medications vary, so the symptom occurs in people with different medical conditions.

A putrid aroma manifests itself in the nasal cavity under the influence of the corresponding microflora. It is a symptom of suppuration of the paranasal sinuses, which can lead to sinusitis or sinusitis. The cause of the ammonia odor is a pathology that occurs in the liver or kidneys. In order for the smell to disappear, you will need to undergo therapy that will eliminate the problem in these organs.

A metallic smell can occur in the event of bleeding in the nasal cavity, injuries that cause damage to blood vessels or tissues.

It may also indicate poisoning or side effect some medications. IN nasal cavity particles penetrate from environment When inhaled, the result is an odor of iron.

The sensation of acetone in the nasal cavity occurs due to complications caused by diabetes mellitus. In this case, a complex and long-term therapy. The smell of sulfur occurs when there are disturbances in the liver, allergic reactions of the body, disorders nervous system.

Important: odors in the nose acquire the greatest intensity during a fetid atrophic rhinitis.

Odors arising in the nasal cavity can be felt not only by people who encounter them, but also by those around them.

This is why it is necessary undergo a special examination by a specialist.

All scents cause discomfort to a person, so getting rid of them is a top priority.

Foreign odors that cause obvious discomfort in 99% of cases occur when there is a certain progressive disease in the body - a certain cause that requires immediate elimination.

In 5-6% of cases, the presence of aroma in the nasal cavity becomes idiopathic, that is, permanent, the cause of which could not be determined after examination.

The main diseases that affect the possibility of the appearance of all types of odors are:

ozena or offensive rhinitis; acute form of sinusitis; inflammatory processes in the sinuses; sinusitis; metabolic disorders; problems with the gastrointestinal tract; kidney pathology; liver disorders; allergic reactions flowing in acute form; bacterial form infections; illnesses thyroid gland; diabetes.

A feeling of unpleasant odor in the nose also occurs with parosmia. In this case, disturbances in the function of smell are observed.

No additional stimulation is required to perceive the aroma.

To get rid of this disorder, additional therapy will be required, prescribed by a neurologist.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor can also be caused by the presence of a foreign object/body of any diameter in the nasal cavity. As a result, the accumulation of fluid, under the influence of bacteria in which, a purulent substance is formed. Pathological disorders often conditional hormonal imbalance or the presence of olfactory hallucinations.

Symptoms: what you need to know

Symptoms that actively develop and increase in number in proportion to the time that a person does not eliminate the problem, as a result of the presence of odor in the nasal cavity, need to be known in order to seek help as soon as possible medical assistance. Main manifestations:

severe discomfort in the nose; headache (especially pronounced in the parietal area); difficulty smelling and recognizing other odors; dizziness (including without reason); nausea; vomit; depressed state.

In especially advanced cases, pre-depressive states, general weakness and lethargy, apathy, and indifference to what is happening are observed. Sometimes characteristic purulent crusts can form in the nose, which also negatively affect a person upon visual contact.

Basic solutions to the problem

Treatment is necessary when such symptoms appear. You cannot start the process, as well as self-medicate - this can cause deterioration general condition. The medical impact on the problem should be etiological in nature - aimed at eliminating the underlying cause, and not just the symptom itself. That is why there are several types of treatment, which are selected by a specialist based on the results of research:

Conservative impact– fight against the infection existing in the body that has caused the formation of odor. The process also removes purulent or mucous crusts. It includes taking medications and sanitizing (rinsing) the nasal cavity. As a result bad smell disappears in the nose when inhaling or exhaling. Use of medications– use of antibacterial medicines in combination with other drugs (oils, drops, sprays). Treatment with herbal remedies– solutions and infusions based on chamomile or calendula, as well as aloe. They are most often used for washing and relieving inflammation.

Sometimes, in advanced or chronic cases, a person can only be helped through surgery. The technique is used in case of blockage of the nasal passage with a mucous or purulent plug, as well as a foreign body. After this exposure, it is recommended to include conservative, medicinal types treatment, as well as use herbal medicines for subsequent prevention.


The problem of unpleasant odor is very common. Experts have developed many systems for influencing lesions, so questions such as the smell of dust in the nose and what it is will no longer be scary for a person. As well as the sensation of other unpleasant side odors.

Timely seeking help, well-designed therapy and implementation of all recommendations are the key Get well soon. To consolidate what has been achieved positive result you can use traditional methods treatment, but only after obtaining permission to use similar drugs from your attending physician.

An unpleasant smell from the nose brings a lot of inconvenience not only to the person who is faced with such a problem, but also to those around him. Its appearance indicates the presence of a disease in the body, so such manifestations cannot be ignored. Fetidity occurs when the immune system ceases to fight the effects of numerous microorganisms, which immediately begin to multiply rapidly. As a result, the mucous membrane and bone tissue become inflamed, pus appears in the nose, which is the cause of the terrible smell.

Sometimes there is a disorder of smell, a heavy aroma is felt only by himself. Odor from the nose may appear after the formation of dry crusts in the nasal passages, as well as during infectious diseases of a bacterial nature.

Doctors identify several types unpleasant symptom. The patient can smell:

  • pus – is felt constantly, usually occurs during infections;
  • burning – felt periodically;
  • rot - depends on various factors, therefore it is stable or episodic in nature.

The foul aroma is not, in some cases it disappears periodically and appears at a certain time of the day.

Important! To clarify the cause of the disease and the prescription, consult an ENT doctor.

Causes of the disease

Doctors identify the main causes of unpleasant odor from the nose:

  • nasopharyngeal diseases;
  • diseases in which the smell of rotten meat from the nose is the main sign of recognition of the disease;
  • foreign body in the nasal passage - often found in children;
  • diseases of organs and systems - possible with diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, renal failure;
  • spicy and chronic rhinitis, during inflammation, pus collects in the nasal and maxillary sinuses, so there is an unpleasant odor from;
  • allergy;
  • Bacterial infections are the most common culprit behind the smell of pus in the nose.

With diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the patient may experience a disorder of smell - parosmia. The disease is characterized by the fact that the patient feels a heavy aroma of rot and acetone. Symptoms of parosmia appear with sinusitis, influenza, traumatic brain injury, mental disorders. The main causes of nasal odor and lesions olfactory functions caused by infectious diseases of the nasal sinuses during winter. Illness in initial stages captures the mucous membrane, later bone and cartilage tissue. Unfortunately, the exact causes of bad nose and the occurrence of this disease have not yet been identified. However, doctors name the factors that lead to ozen:

  1. Underdevelopment of subordinate clauses and frontal sinuses nose
  2. Excessively wide nasal passages.
  3. Heredity - atrophic rhinitis in one of the parents can cause the development of the disease.
  4. Degeneration of the nasal mucosa.
There are other reasons for the smell of acetone in the nose:
  • strong physical activity, especially with poor nutrition. In this case, the release of ammonia occurs due to the breakdown of fatty deposits;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions, including poor conditions, non-compliance with sanitary rules.

An unpleasant odor usually occurs at the age of 7-8 years, more often in girls. There is constant nasal congestion and purulent discharge. Children complain about headache, fatigue, decreased tone, drowsiness. The symptoms are similar to, so parents begin to intensively treat it, which leads to complications of the disease.

Important! When the stage is advanced, it spreads to the larynx.

IN adolescence purulent discharge is usually absent, but dry formations appear in the form of crusts, which cover the mucous membrane and cause an odor from the child’s nose. The causes of pus in the nasopharynx are caused by various factors, so you should definitely visit a doctor to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

During the examination, the patient is prescribed:

  • CT scan of the nasal cavities;
  • endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx;
  • bacterial culture from the nasal mucosa

Treatment methods: drug therapy and more

After the examination, the patient is recommended conservative or surgery unpleasant smell in the nose.

Conservative therapy is aimed at fighting infection and eliminating dry crusts.

Drug treatment includes:

  • rinsing the nasal passages with hydrogen peroxide solutions and physical agents;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • laying turundles with a proteolytic effect;
  • prescription of streptomycin, xanthinol nicotinate;
  • physiotherapy: electrophoresis, diathermy (heating the nasal mucosa with electric current).

If the causes of unpleasant odor in the nose lie in systemic diseases, first of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.


At neglected form In most cases, the disease cannot be managed without surgical intervention. Surgery is also necessary in cases where the unpleasant symptom is caused by a displacement of the nasal septum.

Traditional treatment

Alternative medicine offers its own methods of treating foul odor from the nose. It should be remembered that folk remedies are only an addition to the main method of therapy.

  1. Herbal mixture of wormwood, sage and mint. Steam 5 tbsp in 1 liter of boiling water. l. crushed herbs, infuse in a thermal container for about two hours. The finished mixture is taken 200 ml 3 times a day.
  2. Bulb onions. Grind a medium-sized head on a fine grater, add ¼ tbsp to the mixture. boiled water and ½ des. l. honey Leave the mixture to infuse for 30 minutes, filter. Instill the resulting liquid into the nasal passages: 2-3 drops 5-6 rubles/day.
  3. Rinse the nose with an extract of aloe with water, a solution with sea salt.

If you experience an unpleasant odor from your nose, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of the symptom. Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences.

The symptom - bad breath and nasal passages - indicates various ailments that develop in a person not only in respiratory tract, but also other organic systems.

How to get rid of a stench that bothers you and causes trouble for others?

Why does there be an unpleasant smell in the nose?

The nose has cavities - nasal passages, covered with mucous membrane. The flora of the mucous membrane consists of bacteria various types– beneficial, opportunistic and pathogenic. As soon as the natural balance of microflora is disturbed, the number beneficial bacteria decreases, and pathogenic flora begins to actively multiply, most of which – putrefactive bacteria. In the nasal passages they are provided with ideal conditions - warm and humid.

The patient very quickly begins to notice a putrid aroma - the receptors responsible for the sense of smell are located in the nose - but is often unable to understand why this happens. After all, not only diseases of the upper respiratory system may cause unpleasant odor from the nose. Sometimes other organs have to be treated.

Possible causes of stench may be the following:

  1. Ozena, or atrophic rhinitis. The exact reason why the functions of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages are first disrupted, and then the glands responsible for protective functions nose, not established. These include congenital anatomical pathologies - underdevelopment of the frontal sinuses or widening of the wings of the nose; diseases that caused a sharp decline immunity; hormonal and endocrine disorders; infectious diseases– for example, syphilis; haphazard use vasoconstrictor drops... First appears incessant transparent discharge from the nose, possibly with an unpleasant odor, then they thicken, purulent crusts form, the vessels in the nose become fragile, the mucous membrane gradually atrophies and then necrosis. If you don't apply for it in time medical care, bone and cartilage tissues begin to break down.
  2. When a bacterial infection develops in the body, an unpleasant odor may appear in the nose when inhaling or exhaling - on a short time. The source of the smell should be sought in the nasopharynx area.
  3. If you make a sudden movement - bend or turn - the stench overwhelms you for a few seconds. Most likely, the source of the “aroma” is hidden in the stomach and rises when the posture changes. But maybe that’s how it makes itself known chronic sinusitis, in which there is a small amount of pus in the maxillary sinuses, which does not manifest itself in a calm state.
  4. Often, with a runny nose, an unpleasant odor occurs in the nose - the nasal mucosa swells, the discharge thickens, and becomes purulent. Is not the only symptoms condition - usually the patient experiences general weakness, malaise, and fever at this time. Syndrome purulent discharge indicates the onset of sinusitis, so it’s time to stop self-medicating at this stage and consult a doctor - it will only get worse.
  5. With parosmia, a disease characterized by a violation of the sense of smell, which develops due to problems - anatomical and physiological - of the upper respiratory tract, only the patient himself feels an unpleasant odor. He voices to the doctor complaints about the appearance of strong chemical aromas - often acetone, and it can be quite difficult to explain to the patient that it is not the organs of the nasopharynx that need to be treated, but parts of the nervous system.

Dry mucous membranes, bad breath and nasal passages are symptoms of many diseases localized in the nasopharynx: syphilis, diphtheria, pharyngitis, tracheitis. Without eliminating the underlying problem, it is impossible to get rid of the smell.

They cause some diseases and conditions in which a person has to be. Poor ecology, household disorder - a damp or damp room, dust and chemicals dispersed in the air in the workshop - all this has a destructive effect on the upper respiratory tract.

The nasal mucosa is unable to constantly withstand constant destructive influences and begins to collapse. Tissue changes cause changes in flora, putrefactive bacteria are activated.

It is not always possible to find out exactly why the stench occurs, but in any case you need to try to get rid of it, otherwise others will avoid contact.

Treatment of stench

As you can already understand, in many situations it is impossible to get rid of an unpleasant odor without eliminating the underlying problem. But even if the reasons for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms are unknown, doctors advise starting treatment with rinsing the nose.

If you eliminate in time the discharge that appears during a runny nose caused by various types of pathogenic microorganisms, then the unpleasant stench from the nose will not emanate.

Washing during ozena is first carried out in outpatient setting. The mucous membrane loses its ability to cleanse itself, so it needs help.

The cavity is washed regularly disinfectant solutions, sodium chloride 9%. Before washing, the nasal passages are tamponed with gauze swabs soaked in a solution with proteolytic enzymes. Remove purulent crusts from the holes, first softening them, apply ointments with silver nitrate or oil solutions– “Lugol”, sea buckthorn oil and others.

In some cases, the doctor considers it advisable to include physical procedures in the treatment of the disease - ultraviolet irradiation and electrophoresis with nicotinic acid or potassium iodide solution. Treatment methods with antibiotics are being considered, if there is no fear of permanently suppressing one’s own immune system.

It is impossible to get rid of a bacterial infection that develops in the upper respiratory tract or nasopharynx without the use of antibiotics.

If you limit the treatment of sinusitis or tonsillitis to rinsing and folk remedies, then the infection lurks, and putrid smell will remain. Well antibacterial drugs You need to drink it completely, and not quit the pills when the characteristic symptoms disappear.

Very often the condition returns to normal, but the stench remains if purulent plug“hid” somewhere among the folds of the tonsils.

Even a single blowing of the nose, which leaves pieces of thick mucus on a handkerchief or napkin, should help to cure the residual effects of sinusitis. As long as there is pus, it is impossible to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

First action for illnesses digestive system, in which the reverse reflux of food occurs, called reflux - special diet. If belching appears from time to time, indicating congestion in the stomach, due to which, with sudden movements, a rotten smell appears in the upper respiratory tract, you should also normalize your diet. Increase in quantity dietary fiber, found in large quantities in cereal dishes, accelerates metabolic processes and movement of food through the intestines. Rolled oats porridge is especially effective.

Many of us pay attention to bad breath. However, for some reason, only a few notice an unpleasant odor from the nose. Maybe the whole point is that such a phenomenon does not occur very often. But smell from the nose indicates the presence of certain health problems.

Most often, smell from the nose appears when a person suffers from a runny nose. An unpleasant odor can be the result of infectious and purulent diseases. In children, this odor may occur due to the presence of a foreign object in the nasal cavity. Therefore, if you notice your baby has an unpleasant smell from the nose or if he complains of a poor sense of smell, then you should immediately show him to the doctor.

What could the nose smell like?

Unpleasant odor can vary. It all depends on the reason for its appearance. In addition, it is worth considering the fact that the smell can be inconsistent and episodic in nature, for example, it can occur only in the morning or several times a day. In any case, you need to consult a doctor to determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment. Timely treatment will save you from a lot of trouble.

Doctors identify several types of unpleasant odor that can appear from the nose:

  • burning smell - occurs sporadically;
  • putrid odor - can be permanent or episodic;
  • the smell of pus - can be permanent and, as a rule, appears with infectious diseases of the nasopharynx.

Causes of unpleasant odor from the nose

There are several causes of unpleasant odor from the nose:

  • Ozena - fetid runny nose. This disease occurs very rarely and the causes of its occurrence are still not fully understood. However, many experts believe that it can be inherited. With this disease, the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed and bone. As a result, small dry crusts form in the nose, from which an unpleasant odor emanates.
  • Bacterial infections- one of the most common reasons occurrence of an unpleasant odor. Sometimes our body reacts very violently to various infections and allergic irritants. The result is an unpleasant odor. But, as a rule, the smell appears periodically.
  • Acute rhinitis - infection, in which the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed. At acute rhinitis Pus may be released from the nasal cavity, which causes an unpleasant odor. After proper treatment all symptoms of the disease disappear, and the smell never bothers the person again.
  • . With this disease, the paranasal sinuses become inflamed. Sinusitis is accompanied by headaches, purulent runny nose and feeling unwell. An unpleasant odor appears sporadically, but it is very noticeable and therefore causes a lot of inconvenience. Sinusitis - serious illness which requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, it can lead to more serious illnesses.
  • Parosmia is a disorder of the sense of smell. With this disease, a person may have a poor sense of other odors, as well as a good smell of rot, which in fact is not there. Parosmia occurs as a result of other diseases. In some cases, this phenomenon is associated with disruption of brain activity and requires immediate diagnosis.
  • Foreign body in the nose. As a rule, this happens in young children. They very often put various objects into their nose, and very rarely tell their parents about it. As a result foreign body leads to inflammation of the nasal mucosa and painful sensations. The first sign is the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Therefore, the baby must be shown to a doctor.

Do not try to self-medicate under any circumstances. This can lead to negative consequences.

Factors that provoke the appearance of unpleasant odor from the nose

An unpleasant odor from the nose may also appear due to the influence of certain factors:

  • nasal disease or recent surgery;
  • poor, unhealthy diet and weakened immunity;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • the presence of a constant allergen.


This disease has already been mentioned above. However, it is worth talking about it in more detail. Ozena is atrophic rhinitis or fetid runny nose. This disease may affect the nasal mucosa, nasal turbinates, and may also be dystrophic changes in bones and cartilage. Some doctors believe that the disease is infectious in nature. However, to date the following causes of the disease have been identified:

  • heredity - if one of the parents had atrophic rhinitis, then the child may also develop this disease if preventive measures are not followed;
  • purulent runny nose - can occur if a person eats poorly and does not get everything essential vitamins(A, D, K, B);
  • Poor living conditions can provoke the appearance of a purulent runny nose.

Symptoms of nasal disease

Ozena usually appears at the age of seven or eight years, most often in girls. The child constantly has a stuffy nose, a foul odor and purulent discharge. In addition, the child may complain of fatigue and severe headaches. Many parents attribute these symptoms to a common runny nose and begin to treat it. This leads to the disease moving to another stage.

In adolescence, there is no abundant purulent discharge, but the child develops dry nose and crusts, which eventually thicken and cover the entire nasal cavity. The number of such crusts increases and the smell becomes stronger. If timely treatment is not started, a person may soon lose their sense of smell.

A sick person often complains of severe headaches in the frontal and parietal region, which are very difficult to go away even after taking medications. Also appears constant dryness in the throat, breathing is difficult, and the voice becomes hoarse. Such symptoms indicate that in addition to the nasal cavity, the larynx and trachea are affected.

How to treat the disease?

Depending on the form of the disease, doctors may prescribe different types treatment:

  • conservative - aimed at fighting infection and eliminating crusts in the nasal passage;
  • drug treatment includes rinsing the nasal cavity, instilling special drops, and also administering the drug streptomycin or xanthinol nicotinate;
  • general drug treatment includes taking antibiotics;
  • herbal medicine for nasal rinsing;
  • in rare cases it is prescribed surgery to narrow the nasal cavity.

If the unpleasant smell from the nose appears due to other diseases, then first of all doctors treat the underlying disease. Nasal rinses are also prescribed. by various means, which help remove purulent discharge and destroy infection.

For whatever reason, there is a smell from the nose, you need to consult a doctor. Timely treatment will help avoid many undesirable consequences. After all, sometimes the cause of an unpleasant odor is dangerous diseases which may pose a health hazard.

A putrid odor from the nose can be felt by the patient himself and the people around him, especially in advanced cases. The stench from the nasal cavity interferes with normal life and causes increased fatigue, headaches, etc. Therefore this symptom requires immediate diagnosis and clarification of the cause of the smell of pus in the nose, as well as effective therapy.


The smell of pus in the nose occurs as a result of the development of a bacterial infection in the nasopharyngeal mucosa. When the immune system is weakened and cannot resist pathogenic microorganisms, the latter begin to multiply intensively in the nasal cavity, releasing toxins that lead to the development of inflammation and the formation of purulent secretion. It is the presence of pus that causes a putrid odor, intoxication, general weakness, the appearance of dry greenish crusts.

Discharge of pus from the nose and putrid odor - danger signs, indicating the presence of inflammation in the human body.

Also, a purulent odor in the nasopharynx may have a different nature, for example, it may occur if foreign object in one of the nasal passages or chronic infections.

Foreign body

Getting a foreign object into the nose can cause inflammation. Most often, inflammation occurs in children, who can insert small parts of construction toys or small pieces of food into the nasal passage and not tell adults about it. A few days after a foreign body enters the nose, inflammation and the formation of pus begin to develop. In this case, the patient may experience:

  • sneezing;
  • constant congestion of one of the nasal passages;
  • increase in body temperature.

In such situations, it is important to avoid deeper penetration of the foreign object and the development of serious complications.


With sinusitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs paranasal sinuses nose Moreover, it is sinusitis and varieties of this disease(sinusitis, sinusitis) are one of the most common causes of purulent smell from the nose. In this case, the smell of pus can be constant or occasional. Sinusitis is also characterized by symptoms such as:

  • elevated temperature;
  • lack of nasal breathing;
  • Availability large quantity viscous secretion;
  • migraine;
  • general weakness;
  • fast fatiguability.

Foul-smelling pus flows out of the nostrils or flows down the back wall nasopharynx, further irritating the mucous membrane of the throat.

Important! Purulent inflammation does not go away on its own and requires mandatory drug treatment.


Ozena (atrophic rhinitis) is called fetid rhinitis. Main distinctive features of this disease are:

  • the presence of dry crusts on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages;
  • temporary loss of the ability to perceive odors;
  • general weakness; dryness in the nasopharynx.

At the same time, the causes of ozena are not reliably known today; some experts claim that the disease can be transmitted at the genetic level, others say that the cause of atrophic rhinitis may be frequent and prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose. It is known that children in adolescence, and mainly girls, are more susceptible to the disease. First of all, inflammation develops on the mucous membrane, after which it spreads to the nasal bones, and dry crusts form, which become a source of foul odor.

Drug treatment for atrophic rhinitis requires the mandatory use of antibacterial drugs and drugs that improve metabolic processes in the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

If a disease has developed with symptoms similar to ozena, then you cannot remove it yourself.

Prolonged rhinitis, sore throat

The smell of rot can also occur at the final stage of rhinitis, when the mucous discharge becomes insignificant and thicker. An unpleasant symptom appears in cases where the disease lasted a long time or ineffective treatment was prescribed. As a treatment, it is important to carry out the procedure of washing the nasal passages with disinfectant solutions in order to remove the remnants of purulent secretion and avoid complications such as the development of sinusitis.

Odor from the nose may also indicate purulent sore throat, especially at the stage of opening and draining ulcers located on the pharyngeal mucosa.

Odor perception disorders

Children often complain of an unpleasant odor from the nose and the taste of pus in the mouth during the development of acute respiratory infections accompanied by an increase in body temperature. In this case, an annoying symptom appears against the background of severe intoxication and hyperthermia, from which brain cells suffer, causing a disruption in the process of smell perception. When all the symptoms of an acute viral infection disappear, the unpleasant smell and taste go away on their own.

Experts also identify another reason for the appearance of an illusory fetid odor, caused by abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system. This disease is called parosmia and manifests itself in the form of disturbances in the perception of smells.


Treatment for a putrid odor in the nose will depend on the cause that caused the unpleasant symptom. To make a correct diagnosis, various tests are most often required. diagnostic procedures. Treatment for unpleasant odor from the nose includes the use of medications. However, for more effective treatment it is advisable to adhere to integrated approach, including the use of traditional medicine recipes.


If a putrid odor occurs from the nose, first of all you need to consult a doctor (generalist, pediatrician, otolaryngologist) who knows what to do in the presence of an unpleasant symptom. To make a correct diagnosis, a specialist must conduct an examination and analyze the medical history. Additional diagnostic procedures may also be required, such as:

  • rhinoscopy;
  • endoscopy of the nasal cavity;
  • X-ray examination of the sinuses;
  • CT scan;
  • bacterial culture of nasal secretions to determine the resistance of the infection to various antibiotics.

After the doctor analyzes the test results, he will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Drug therapy

If the cause of the disease is viral or bacterial infections, then treatment should be based on eliminating the cause of the disease. At viral infections prescribe such antiviral drugs, like Amizon, Groprinosin, Rimantadine. Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics (Azithromycin, Augmentin).

Vasoconstrictor drugs (Nazol, Evkazolin, Vibrocil) are also used to eliminate nasal congestion, swelling, and remove purulent secretions.

Important! When treating a runny nose accompanied by putrid smell from the nose, the nasopharyngeal mucosa must not be allowed to dry out: it is necessary to monitor the humidity in the room (at least 50%), regularly carry out wet cleaning, and irrigate the nasal passages with saline solutions (Nosol, Aquamaris).

If the reason that nasal discharge stinks and has a putrid odor is due to abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system or other neurological disorders, then you should contact a neurologist. A specialist will help determine the cause of the incorrect perception of odors and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Traditional methods of treatment

Supplementation of drug treatment with methods alternative medicine will help significantly speed up the recovery process and reduce the symptoms of the disease. To get rid of pus by inhalation and rinsing the nasal passages, using antibacterial agents of natural origin.

  • Rinsing the nasal cavity saline solution(5 mg table or sea ​​salt per 200 ml of warm drinking water).
  • For washing, decoctions of such medicinal herbs like chamomile, sage, eucalyptus.
  • Steam inhalations over a decoction of bay leaves are effective means for the treatment of sinusitis (fifteen medium leaves per glass hot water). Inhalations should be carried out three times a day for ten minutes each.


It is known that putrid odor from the nose and the presence of purulent discharge are themselves a source of infection that can spread to various organs, and also significantly reduce immunity. Therefore, you should take the appearance of such a symptom seriously. As preventive measures needs to be treated promptly colds and runny nose, do not abuse vasoconstrictor drugs and do not self-medicate. It's important to lead healthy image life, avoid hypothermia, eat a variety of foods, rich in vitamins. Remember that disease is easier to prevent than to treat.
