Recommendations for a quick pregnancy. We are planning the birth date of the child. How to determine ovulation yourself

Conceiving on the first try is a success that happens in 1 out of 4-5 couples; others have to repeat attempts. But there are cases when pregnancy cannot be postponed, since the chances of having sex again are minimal. It is important to know how to get pregnant quickly, the first time, when joint child The preservation of the family depends. In these cases, any methods are used - physiological, folk, astrological and magical. Not all are effective, but it is advisable to know firsthand and be able to use them.

Let's consider the physiological prerequisites for conception

The concept of “getting pregnant quickly” is quite relative. Not every couple achieves the desired result in the first six months after the wedding. In young girls, the egg is more viable, but the hormonal background is not always favorable for conception. Women over 30 are often fine with these components. After 40, reproductive functions fade away, men know this, so couples rush to have children while they can. But young women are often interested in what to do to get pregnant the first time.

Each girl or mature lady has her own circumstances:

  • a long break between the first and second marriage in the absence of intimate relationships;
  • minimal repeat chances of having sexual intercourse;
  • couples work separately on shifts or on long business trips in different geographical locations;
  • guest marriage (spouses visit each other while living in different countries or remote regions);
  • difficulties in persuading your lover to marry or at least spending one night with him for the sake of a child from your beloved;
  • successful man can marry only a woman who is able to give him a son, etc.
Each option - serious reason to know how to get pregnant right away. Sometimes couples wish to give birth after a long period of contraception hormonal agents. Women's reproductive system while “resting.” It takes some time for the ovaries to produce full-fledged material again on the prescribed days (ovulation).

Is it possible to get pregnant after the first time and the role of a man in achieving the result?

If the likelihood of getting pregnant the first time is reduced, a married couple can turn to family planning specialists. It is impossible not to take into account that the reality of getting pregnant is only during ovulation and with active sperm.
Advice: It is useful for a man to have his sperm examined if the couple does not become pregnant. It is important to give up bad habits while preparing to eat protein and fortified foods.

If you manage to do this in the first 2-3 months, the result will be achieved, even if there was a minimal chance of getting pregnant after the first time.

Some statistics:

  • a woman’s reproductive cycle is 28-30 days, of which only 2-3 days are allocated for ovulation, after which the egg is destroyed;
  • seminal fluid, caught in the internal female organs, remains viable for 2-5 days;
  • the seed remaining in the vagina dies much faster than the seed that penetrates the fallopian tubes - up to 2-3 hours;
  • for healthy couples, the chances of getting pregnant in 6 months are up to 60-70%, in the first year - up to 30-40%, if it doesn’t work out;
  • get pregnant on the first try (with all favorable factors) – no more than 10-15%.
Calculating the options, it turns out that conception is possible these days - the middle of the cycle from the beginning of menstruation. If sexual intercourse took place before ovulation, surviving sperm may reach their goal. Accordingly, if you fail to get pregnant the first time before the days of ovulation, the chances double the next time you try, but after ovulation the probability is up to 10%. This is possible with delayed (late) ovulation and very active “live animals”.
Attention: Older men retain reproductive abilities, unlike women. But lifestyle, alcohol, smoking and unhealthy diet reduce the quality of sperm and genetic material.

Hypothetically, it can also be assumed that “mistakes” are possible at the cellular level. When a sperm meets an egg, the membrane must be permeable. Perhaps the seed, weakened by the long journey, cannot penetrate. This is why you can’t get pregnant the first time if there are no other reasons.

Some couples turn to artificial insemination laboratories and resort to surrogacy services. You have to borrow donor sperm if the man's seed is not viable, and there is no point in postponing the birth of a child.

For men, this is a difficult step purely psychologically. If there are problems with this, it is better to make such a proposal on behalf of a specialist, and not say it “head-on” to your wife or relatives. Initially, both partners will have to undergo a course of treatment.

Hormonal levels and the likelihood of pregnancy the first time

Oral contraceptives control the ratio female hormones so that there are no natural prerequisites for conception. Upon completion of the appointment birth control pills the likelihood of pregnancy the first time increases, but the body needs a period to recover.

If fulfilling marital duties happens from time to time, then it is better to prepare a “surprise” in advance, canceling all methods of contraception at least a month in advance. This is the period necessary for recovery.

Psychological restructuring about the importance of conception and birth of a baby is also important. The subconscious mind continues to carry out the “command” to cancel fertilization for some time. Sometimes women ask questions on forums like “after my first child I can’t get pregnant, what’s wrong?” Most likely, the body has not yet “tuned” to the birth of a second child.

A woman’s age directly affects her hormonal levels:

  • after cancellation oral contraceptives up to 23 years old reproductive function recovers in 1-2 months;
  • after 30 years, hormonal levels can return to normal within 4-8 months;
  • in women over 35 years of age, conception occurs after 1-2 years;
  • over 40 years of age, hormonal correction is required, which is prescribed by a doctor;
  • in premenopausal age, after long-term contraception, it is almost impossible to restore hormonal levels and ovarian function;
  • At an older age, pregnancy sometimes occurs if a woman was considered infertile and did not use contraception.
Correction of hormonal levels is used for various purposes, but if you did not get pregnant the first time, these points should be discussed with your doctor.

Ways to increase your chances if you don't get pregnant the first time

  1. Folk remedies. Rarely used in countries with developed and advanced medicine, their effectiveness has been proven by statistics of “unexplained” or “pseudo-scientific” methods of treating infertility. Among many peoples, the most popular was the use of herbs, fruits and roots. Sections of the Bible mention that infertile women The Mediterranean people tried to buy mandrake roots at any price. Their use before performing marital duty led to conception. In our latitudes, other plants are used to stimulate ovulation and normalize hormonal levels. This is wintergreen, sage, hog queen and Rhodiola, tinctures of which are taken in a course according to the scheme.
  2. Before sexual intercourse " knowledgeable people“It is recommended to improve the environment in the vagina with a soda solution. This reduces the “acidification” of the bacterial environment and shifts the balance in alkaline side. There are no statistics on the effectiveness of soda douching for conception, but it helps get rid of fungal diseases and viruses that indirectly prevent this. Sometimes this advice is given to the question “what should I do to get pregnant the first time?”
  3. The lunar calendar is the oldest way to calculate the days of ovulation. But the connection to the lunar phases makes sense when the first day of menstruation (where the name comes from) coincides with the new moon. This was probably the case during ancient civilizations; then the relationship between man and nature was disrupted. But when calculating the days of conception according to lunar calendar remains the middle between the first days bloody discharge- previous and subsequent.
  4. The influence of planets is also used for successful conception. Adherents of some cults do not recommend entering into marital relations during the day and on the nights of Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. In the Islamic tradition, Friday night is considered blessed, regardless of ovulation. Astrologers consider the most “fertile” signs to be Libra, Leo, Virgo, Cancer, Gemini and Taurus. And the influence of the Sun, Mars and Saturn are considered unfavorable for fertilization.
  5. Physiological features Some peoples led to the extinction of entire civilizations, while others reached billions in number. It is not known for sure whether they know how to stimulate the birth rate, but each people had their own methods of abortion. In some places fruit and cereal crops, from which the birth rate increases. It has been observed that one can become pregnant after the first time during the legume harvest, after eating bamboo and fern shoots. Today it is impossible to say for sure what these varieties were; there are poisonous seeds, cereals and legumes.
  6. Delaying the moment for conception may be associated with female or male pathologies. For example, there is obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions, bending of the uterus, chronic inflammatory and tumor processes. In men - low sperm motility or internal environment female body disastrous for them. Position during intercourse also matters. Some women were advised to roll over onto their stomachs after ejaculation; others were able to get pregnant only on their backs, while raising their hips high (the “birch tree” position). A banal change of positions during sex, as well as not rushing to wash yourself after intercourse, is how to get pregnant for sure.
It’s also worth getting thoroughly examined if you didn’t get pregnant the first time. There are specialists who deal with this issue closely, they have everything calculated possible options. Don't shy away from uncomfortable questions and offers to undergo ovulation testing. The psychological attitude is important, not just physiology.

Only those who become pregnant by accident do not think about the likelihood of getting pregnant the first time. All couples planning a child, at the very first, starting stage, ask themselves the question of how to increase the likelihood of conception, because even a healthy man and woman may not conceive a baby.

It is impossible to calculate the probability of conception with mathematical accuracy, just as, alas, it is impossible to fully understand all the factors that influence this sacrament. But all those planning need to start by understanding the rules that, to one degree or another, increase the chances of getting pregnant in as soon as possible, and sometimes even the first time. We will talk about them in this article.

Rule No. 1 – “Choose favorable days”

The desire to have a child alone is not enough to conceive one. You need to clearly understand during which periods of the female menstrual cycle conception is most likely. A man is fertile by default all the time, and a woman’s fertility is directly dependent on her own cycle.

Immediately after menstruation and during menstruation it is almost impossible to get pregnant, and immediately before it is also impossible. Only the middle of the menstrual cycle, when a woman ovulates, is ideal for conception.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

A woman can calculate the approximate day of her ovulation using a special calculator or independently, armed with a calendar and with a simple pencil. If a woman’s cycle lasts 28 days on average (from the beginning of one period to the beginning of another), ovulation occurs on the 14th day. The starting point is the first day of menstruation. If the duration of the cycle is 30 days, then you should wait for the “important day” on the 15th day.

Difficulties may arise in women with irregular menstrual cycles. In this case, they should make two calculations - determine the middle of their shortest cycle and the same day of their longest cycle. The result will be a range of 13-16 days or 14-18 days; it is on these days that you should expect ovulation.

Ovulation is the process of the release of a mature egg from a ruptured follicle. From this moment, fertilization is possible within 1-1.5 days. If the sperm does not penetrate the egg within the allotted period of time, the egg dies and you will have to wait next ovulation to try to conceive again.

Male reproductive cells are more tenacious: sperm can retain its morphological and other properties for 3-5 days.

Sperm may well “wait” for the release of the egg from the follicle, already being in fallopian tube. That is why the optimal days for having sex for quick conception begin three days before expected ovulation and continue for 1-2 days after this date.

A calendar of days favorable for conceiving a baby can be drawn up in advance in order to better plan the rest of the preparation, including the active phase. If a woman does this using an online calculator, she will not only be able to calculate better days month, but also print out the calendar so that you always have it at hand, without trying to reproduce the dates of days suitable for fertilization in your mind over and over again.

You need to learn to listen to your feelings. On the eve of ovulation, libido changes: sexual appetite increases, discharge becomes more viscous and abundant, reminiscent in structure of raw egg white, your breasts may become more sensitive. On the day of ovulation, many women notice short-term, rather noticeable pain in the side on the right or left. This is how the follicle ruptures and the egg is released.

If you concentrate on your feelings in the middle of your cycle for several months, you can learn to almost accurately determine the most favorable period for conception.

Many people use the method of measuring basal temperature. Every morning, before getting out of bed, women measure the temperature in the rectum and make a chart. During the period of ovulation, the temperature drops sharply, and then, if conception is successful, it rises rapidly. This method is good, but only in combination with compliance with the other rules for successful conception.

If there is no time to draw basal temperature charts, and there are no special sensations, and the cycle is irregular, a woman can use pharmacy express tests for ovulation, and also visit an ultrasound room to ultrasound scanning track the maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg. Ultrasound today is the most accurate way to determine days favorable for conception.

Rule #2 – “Have Sex Right”

Too frequent sexual intercourse during the month of active planning does not increase the likelihood of quickly conceiving a child, as some people think, but only reduces it. With frequent contact, a man’s sperm becomes more “liquid”, that is, the concentration of germ cells in the seminal fluid decreases, the amount of ejaculate itself decreases, and this directly affects the likelihood of getting pregnant.

The best composition of seminal fluid will be if a man has intimate contact with his partner no more than once every 2-3 days. Moreover, after menstruation, it is better to refrain from contact for 4-5 days, and then by the time before ovulation, the sperm will be the most concentrated and of the highest quality. A couple of days after expected ovulation, sexual intercourse should be performed every other day.

It is absolutely obvious to everyone that sexual intercourse, the purpose of which is to conceive a child, must be unprotected. This means that contraception should not be used - condoms, vaginal suppositories or tablets. The act should not be interrupted or incomplete.

It is also not recommended to use intimate gels and lubricants. Such means, although they facilitate the act, add pleasant sensations to partners, have a detrimental effect on the state of the microflora female vagina, at the level of its acidity. Lubricants also negatively affect sperm motility. Douching before sexual intercourse is not necessary for the same reason.

Women often wonder if position plays a role during ejaculation. For healthy woman, without anatomical features, the position in which sexual intercourse will be performed does not matter.

But women with a slightly backward curved uterus may have problems with the unimpeded and rapid penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. They are recommended to use the knee-elbow position, in which the man completes sexual intercourse from behind. This position ensures deeper penetration - the path that sperm have to travel is significantly shortened, which increases the likelihood of conceiving a baby the first time.

The “cowgirl” position is not very suitable for conception, because most of The sperm that has entered the vagina flows out. The classic “missionary” position is considered quite favorable for conception. Spouses usually have their own favorite poses and their combination in their arsenal. Don't give them too much of great importance. The main thing is to ensure deeper penetration of seminal fluid at the moment of ejaculation.

After sexual intercourse, a woman is recommended to stand in the “birch tree” position for about 20 minutes, when the woman’s legs are higher than her head. You can lie down after intercourse for half an hour, simply throwing your legs on the wall or headboard. Don't immediately get up and run to the shower. If the goal is conception, you need to give sperm time and create all the conditions for their easier movement through the genital tract, uterine cavity and fallopian tube to the egg waiting for them.

You should not treat sexual intercourse as a mechanical process of conceiving a child. Try not to think about conception or calculate the likelihood of getting pregnant. According to long-term observations of reproductive specialists, couples who have sex with pleasure and love get pregnant more quickly.

A woman’s orgasm increases the likelihood of a quick conception, and love, trust and a feeling of gratitude to her partner for the pleasure she provides create an optimal psychological background for the accomplishment of the great sacrament.

Rule No. 3 – “Objectively assess the health of your partners”

Problems with reproductive abilities can occur in both women and men. That is why doctors recommend starting planning for a child with a visit to the medical office. Sometimes a healthy man and woman for a long time cannot conceive a baby despite all their efforts. We can talk about the possibility of conceiving the first time only if both partners are completely healthy and everything is in order with their reproductive health.

There is only one way to verify this - by visiting a doctor. A woman is recommended to consult a gynecologist, and a man - a urologist. If any deviations are identified, it is better to postpone planning until full recovery so as not to worry in vain.

In the planning process, the most painful thing is the psychological perception of failure. If you did everything right, but the long-awaited pregnancy did not occur again, understanding the fiasco is difficult not only for women, but also for men. In order not to waste your nerves, it is better to start planning for your son or daughter, firmly confident that everything is in order with your health.

It is also important to evaluate your well-being on days favorable for conception. If a woman is ovulating as planned, and her husband has a viral infection and rises heat, conception may not take place, even if sexual intercourse is successful.

Spermatozoa are very sensitive to many factors. Illness, fatigue, stress in a man, any ailment can significantly reduce his ability to fertilize.

Rule No. 4 – “Prepare to conceive in advance”

The chances of getting pregnant the first time will be higher if partners begin preparing for the fateful cycle in advance. About three months in advance, a man should start taking vitamins. There are special vitamin complexes enriched with folic acid, zinc and selenium. These substances are very important for the composition of sperm.

Spermatogenesis (the process of production and maturation of sperm) lasts about 3 months. This is exactly how long it takes for the sperm composition to be “renewed”. It will be good if during these three months a man not only takes vitamins designed for the stronger sex, but also dietary supplements to improve sperm quality.

For three months before the expected conception, a man should refrain from working with painting materials, paints and varnishes, acids, and salts. heavy metals, radioactive materials and substances.

A man should not frequently visit the bathhouse and sauna, or turn on electric seat heating in his car, since the temperature effect on the testicles has a detrimental effect on the composition of sperm. You should also avoid wearing tight underwear and tight pants.

A woman on the eve of conception should start taking folic acid. It, of course, does not increase the likelihood of getting pregnant, but this substance accumulates in the body. If conception takes place, folic acid will tenfold reduce the likelihood of congenital deformities and malformations of the baby.

Additionally, you can take multivitamins, the composition of which was created specifically for expectant mothers and those planning to conceive.

From use alcoholic drinks Both spouses should abstain at least three months before conception. The process of conception itself while intoxicated does not have much effect on a woman’s egg, but alcohol has a detrimental effect on the composition of a man’s sperm. Therefore, after a couple of glasses of wine, the likelihood of getting pregnant is lower than without them.

The ban on alcohol in this situation has the nature of prohibition. No matter how men try to justify “just one!” A glass of beer after a working day is definitely not good for reproductive health.

It can be more difficult for a woman who smokes to get pregnant than for a non-smoking member of the fair sex. For a man who is seriously thinking about conceiving healthy child and become a dad, you should also reduce the amount of nicotine you consume, and it is better to completely give up this bad habit at least for the period of planning to conceive a baby. Preparing for conception also includes avoiding drugs or psychotropic medications.

If one of the spouses took antibiotics, hormones with medicinal purposes, after finishing treatment you need to wait at least 1-2 months and only then start planning. Any addiction to medications, be it antipyretics or headache pills, is not the best companion for couples planning a baby. By the month in which conception is planned, it is better to refuse any medicines except for vitamins.

Correcting the family's nutrition will also help prepare for conception. The diet of spouses who dream of becoming the mother and father of a healthy child must include meat and fish, eggs, dairy products, a large number of fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits.

It is more difficult for vegetarians to get pregnant precisely because of the lack of animal protein in the body, especially in men. A woman should give up coffee and strong tea a month before conception, this will increase the chances of conceiving quickly. A man should not eat fast food “masterpieces” - a large number of preservatives in them cause morphological deformities of sperm, which reduces fertility and increases the likelihood of conceiving a child with chromosomal abnormalities.

Rule No. 5 – “Get your thoughts in order”

Very often, women who try with all their spiritual strength to get pregnant encounter the opposite result. After many attempts without success, they stop “obsessing”, despair and unexpectedly become pregnant. History knows many situations when a desperate couple resigns itself to infertility and takes orphanage adoptive baby, and after some time becomes pregnant with her own. In such cases, people say that the couple was “rewarded by God.”

From the point of view of psychosomatic processes, the following happens: while a woman persistently plans and experiences unsuccessful attempts, she is in constant state stress. All her thoughts are only about whether she conceived this month or not.

They cannot be distracted by anything else, they painfully experience the onset of their next period, and on the last day of their period they are already planning new cycle. The stress hormones that such women produce interfere with the normal production of female sex hormones, in particular, they reduce the concentration of progesterone.

It is progesterone that is necessary for normal conception and implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. When a woman calms down, stops planning and just lives and enjoys herself, progesterone production returns to normal and pregnancy occurs.

That is why before planning it is important to understand the main thing - stress interferes with pregnancy. Set priorities for yourself, find a place in your life interesting work, educational and pleasant communication with friends, do not forget about hobbies, make sure that you simply have no time to sit and worry about the fact that conception may not have taken place. Only a calm and measured attitude to planning can guarantee a quick pregnancy.

Don't forget that the feeling of love for your partner comes to the fore. When it is present, pregnancy occurs much faster than for couples who chose financial well-being, social security, fear of loneliness or other reasons that have little to do with true love.

What can prevent you from conceiving quickly?

Even if a couple does everything right, no one guarantees a quick conception. A lot of factors can interfere with fertilization. Thus, it may be puzzling that sexual intercourse performed on the day of ovulation does not lead to conception. This is possible if the sperm was unable to reach the egg, or if there was no egg at all.

Such cycles devoid of ovulation occur from time to time in every woman, even if she is completely healthy. If a woman has problems with her gynecological history, there is ovarian dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, then the likelihood anovulatory cycle rises. Sometimes, despite all the calculations, ovulation occurs later than expected. Late ovulation is typical for approximately 5-7% of women at least a couple of times a year, and therefore doctors recommend continuing sexual intercourse even after the day of expected ovulation, once every 2-3 days.

Excess weight of a woman is one of the most common reasons for lack of pregnancy. The more extra pounds, the more difficult it can be to conceive a baby. Hormonal background with obesity, even mild obesity, undergoes great changes.

If a woman decides to become a mother, sometimes it is enough for her to lose only 5% of her body weight for the attempt to be successful.

It is much more difficult for women with underweight. Too much skinny girls You should definitely consult a doctor and gain the missing kilograms in order to have a chance of conceiving. The process of gaining kilograms with pathological thinness takes a lot of time, and it is almost always accompanied by the need for hormonal correction.

Sometimes the inability to conceive a child is due to genetic incompatibility of partners. This doesn’t happen too often, but this reason cannot be ignored. If a man and woman are completely healthy, and they do not become pregnant for a year, it is worth contacting a geneticist, who will prescribe everything necessary tests to establish partner compatibility. If their genomes are very similar, then conception is impossible.

Often conception occurs, but the woman does not even know about it, because on time or with slight delay In a few days she gets her next period. We are talking about the so-called biochemical pregnancy. Fertilization occurs with it, but the fertilized egg fails to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity.

The second option is rejection of the implanted fertilized egg within a few days after implantation. The real reasons This phenomenon is not fully known to science. Most often, according to doctors, the embryo that has gross chromosomal abnormalities that are incompatible with further growth and development does not take root. Also, the reason may lie in the insufficient amount of progesterone produced in the woman’s body, in autoimmune processes when the woman’s immunity rejects the embryo.

A woman can guess about a biochemical pregnancy by a delay of several days, by the heterogeneous consistency of menstrual blood with clots, as well as by a weakly positive reaction to a pregnancy test.

Some, especially those who want to become expectant mothers as soon as possible, begin to do them almost a couple of days after ovulation in the hope of seeing at least the “ghosts” of the second stripe. Usually, by the end of the first lunar month (by the first day of the delay), a weak second line may appear, but menstruation will still begin, darkening all the joy.

Is it possible to “order” the gender of a child?

All planning women have heard that the gender of the child can be “programmed.” So, popular rumor recommends having sexual intercourse before ovulation if you want a girl to be born. If you need an heir, then conception should be postponed until the day of ovulation on the first day after it. This opinion is wrong and here's why:

  • The sex of the child is determined by the sperm. If a sperm with the XX set fertilizes the egg, a daughter is born; if the sperm with the XY set succeeds first, we should expect the birth of a boy.
  • It is believed that XY are faster sperm, and XX are more tenacious. This is why it is advised to “stock up” on XX sex cells in advance if you want a daughter. In fact, the life expectancy of sperm with different sex chromosomes is exactly the same, as is the ability to move, speed and other parameters.
  • The probability of conceiving the first time for a woman aged 20-23 years is approaching 11%, and for a 30-year-old woman it is already reduced to 7%; for a woman over 36 years old, the chances of becoming pregnant the first time if all the above recommendations are followed is only 4% . However, there is no need to despair. According to statistics, 60% of couples of reproductive age become pregnant within the first six months from the start of planning. Every third couple becomes pregnant within 12 menstrual cycles, that is, within a year.

    An important event for the family should be approached philosophically, but be sure to prepare for it. Couples who go to conception with a conscious mutual desire to raise a child, from experience, have a greater chance of becoming successful parents who will be able not only to conceive and give birth, but also to raise and raise a worthy person.

    In a quarter of cases, when an egg meets a sperm, fertilization does not occur for reasons that are beyond the competence of medicine. They are inexplicable. Women whose age has “stepped over” 35 years have a 20% increase in the likelihood of conceiving not one, but two or three babies at once.

    Best time

  • Vitamins

Conception can be affected by positions, sperm quality and other factors. Important psychological condition women. How to get pregnant the first time, traditional methods, real ways make it possible to calculate the period of conception. At the same time, you can plan the gender of the child in advance.

How to get pregnant the first time, poses, photos, description

How to get pregnant the first time, poses, photos are in the article, they are selected so that sperm does not immediately flow out of the vagina. Closer contact increases the chances of conception. When choosing a pose, you need to take into account the characteristics of the body. During sex, partners should not feel discomfort. There are three optimal positions when sperm penetrates deep into the vagina:

How to get pregnant the first time, folk methods, real methods and recommendations for poses. “Missionary” is not suitable for women with a curved uterus. The Doggy Style pose is considered universal, as it is ideal for everyone, regardless of body structure. When the uterus is bent, the “Boat to Spoon” is best suited, or you can choose other positions where the woman’s hips should be raised.

How to get pregnant the first time after menstruation, conceiving twins

How to get pregnant the first time after menstruation? At the end of the menstrual cycle, attempts to conceive will be useless. The process of release of an egg from the follicle is indicated by ovulation, 12-16 days after menstruation (this depends on its duration).

The best time to try to conceive is in the middle of the ovulation period. You can determine the approaching release of the egg by the secretions. Before this, the mucus becomes viscous and transparent. The egg is ready for fertilization only 24-36 hours after its appearance. Sperm activity affects the sex of the unborn baby.

Conceiving twins

To conceive twins, there must be two eggs in the fallopian tube at once, or the already fertilized one must split into halves. This pregnancy is planned in the spring. Before conception you need to take a course hormonal drugs, get better a little. After finishing taking oral contraceptives, they immediately have sex. This method is used in IVF. The method stimulates the maturation of several eggs at once (from 5 to 8).

How to get pregnant the first time after your period with a boy, recommendations

How to get pregnant the first time after your period with a boy? Must be observed simple diet– include cottage cheese and more protein foods in your diet. The level of acid in cervical mucus is greatly influenced by diet. Male chromosomes prefer an alkaline environment. Protein food will contribute to this and increase the chances of conceiving a boy.

The missionary position is best suited for this. After sexual intercourse you need to lie down, you can’t get up right away. To conceive a boy, sperm must reach the egg as quickly as possible. When there are more chances:

  • sex occurs 4-5 days before ovulation;
  • immediately after the egg emerges from the follicle;
  • the release of sperm should occur as deep as possible.

During the period of ovulation, an alkaline environment forms in the vagina. It is necessary for the survival of male chromosomes. Such sperm are very mobile, but they live very short and are quickly destroyed. To increase your chances, you need to purchase an ovulation test. You can use it to navigate when the jump occurs. This moment will be the most favorable.

How to get pregnant the first time and give birth to a girl? You need to eat more vegetables and fruits. This will increase the acidity of the vagina, which is necessary for the survival of female chromosomes. The sperm must move slowly towards the egg. To achieve this, penetration of the penis should not be superficial.

During a female orgasm (or if it occurs at the same time), the lady begins to secrete a special enzyme that increases the life of sperm. At this moment they quickly move towards the egg. When trying to conceive a girl, it is better for a woman to avoid orgasm.

Ovulation should be monitored over 3 periods. This way you can determine the day when the follicle ruptures. 3-5 days before this you need to have sex. It is better to do this five days before the cycle, and then repeat after 24 hours. Three days before ovulation and the day after it, sex is excluded. Female chromosomes are slow, but very tenacious. Their life cycle– up to five days.

How to get pregnant, folk methods, recipes

How to get pregnant, folk methods offer many recipes. You don’t have to buy vitamins in pharmacies; you can use self-prepared decoctions and infusions.

Sage The plant contains a phytohormone similar to that of women. Regular use Sage infusion helps almost all sperm reach the egg. A tablespoon of crushed plant is poured into 200 ml hot water. The product is infused for an hour. You need to drink it twice a day, except during menstruation.
Hog queen with ortilia Take 2 tbsp. l. dried leaves of the hogweed uterus and ortilia lopsided. The mixture is poured into a liter warm water, then bring to a boil. The product is infused for an hour. The infusion should be drunk 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. l. Duration of treatment is 1-4 months. Then there is a break.
Red brush root The plant is not recommended to be used together with medications and phytohormones. Grind the fresh or dry root of the red brush and add 500 ml of warm water. The liquid is heated in a water bath for half an hour, then infused for another 60 minutes in a dark place. Strain and drink three times a day before meals for 2 months.
Plantain A decoction from the plant should be consumed by a man. Plantain increases sperm motility. A tablespoon of plant seeds is poured into a liter of warm water and boiled in a water bath for 40 minutes. Then the container is covered with a lid, wrapped in a terry towel and left for an hour. You need to drink the decoction 1 tsp. in the mornings and evenings, 10 minutes before meals.

For those who want to quickly get pregnant, vitamin E is necessary. It helps fix the fertilized egg in the uterus and is sold in pharmacies in its pure form. You need to drink 2 capsules a day. To compensate for vitamin E deficiency, the diet should include bananas, oranges, cottage cheese products, carrots and pumpkin.

Immediately after intercourse, a woman needs to raise her legs and place her heels against the wall. They lie motionless in this position for half an hour. This will allow sperm to reach the egg faster. Accept water procedures not immediately recommended. This can be done at least an hour after intercourse. The soap solution slows down the movement of sperm, and prolonged contact kills them.

How to get pregnant the first time, traditional methods, real methods, additional recommendations:

  • refusal of contraceptives;
  • taking folic acid;
  • maintaining normal weight;
  • inclusion in the diet sufficient quantity vitamins;
  • reducing coffee consumption to 1 cup per day;
  • exclusion of GMO foods from the diet;
  • temporary restrictions on bathing procedures and saunas for men.

If there are diseases, they must be treated before conception. It is important to avoid stress and minimize interaction with cats. They are carriers of toxoplasmosis.

How to get pregnant the first time, folk methods, real methods depend on many factors - choice of position, nutrition, emotional condition women and performance general recommendations. In this case, you can decide in advance about the sex of the child or “order” twins for yourself. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

Many couples believe that in order to conceive, it is enough to stop using contraception. However, in reality, this is not always the case. After all, a woman’s nature is designed in such a way that conception is possible only on certain days. And for a long-awaited pregnancy to occur, certain factors must be present.

What can affect this process and how to get pregnant the first time?

Pregnancy statistics

On average, a woman's menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. However, it turns out that only 4 of them are fertile, that is, those in which pregnancy can occur.

Male sperm is able to remain in the uterine cavity and maintain its viability for 2-5 days. If we consider the standard situation, then fertilization of the egg is possible within several days. Therefore, the chance of getting pregnant the first time for a woman with an average cycle length is only 11%.

At the same time, it would not be amiss to note that the meeting of a sperm with a mature egg does not always end in the woman’s pregnancy. Therefore, the probability of conception the first time is reduced to 6%.

Know! Doctors are confident that if healthy partners have regular sex life (the frequency of contacts is 2-3 times a week), then within 6 months, the probability of pregnancy is 60%.

In addition, the relationship between the ability to conceive a baby and a woman’s age should be taken into account. This is due to the fact that with age, the number of anovular cycles, when conception is impossible, increases in every woman. Therefore, they are less likely to get pregnant the first time.

When is conception possible?

What do you need to know to get pregnant right away, the first time?

  • The onset of pregnancy is associated with the fertilization of an egg by a sperm;
  • Perhaps this is only during the period of ovulation, when the egg leaves the ovary and enters the uterine cavity;
  • Women's sex cell can remain viable for only 24 (rarely 48) hours. Therefore, if you are planning a pregnancy, it is important for you to learn how to correctly determine the day of ovulation.

Typically, a woman may notice on this day a slight pulling sensation from the lower abdomen and a change in consistency vaginal discharge. At the same time, they become denser and more stretchy. As a rule, this happens on the 14-15th day of the cycle.

But there are situations when this can happen at another time (most often on days 13-17). It should also be taken into account that a sperm that has entered the uterine cavity can remain there and wait for the egg for 3-4 days.

How to determine ovulation

To understand how to get pregnant quickly the first time, it is important to learn to determine the very day on which this can happen. You can determine the moment when you ovulate using different methods and you can do this at home yourself.

Basal temperature measurement

To understand when you ovulate, gynecologists recommend building a graph.

  1. To do this, you should measure daily, over a long period of time. basal temperature;
  2. This should be done in the morning, without getting out of bed;
  3. To do this, a mercury thermometer is inserted into the rectum 4-5 cm.
  • At the beginning of the menstrual cycle (approximately until its middle), basal temperature indicators are approximately 36.6-36.9 degrees;
  • On the day before the egg leaves the ovary, it decreases slightly;
  • And at the moment of exit, it sharply increases to 37.3-37.8 degrees. All data must be entered into a table, on the basis of which a schedule can be built every month.

Thus, you will quickly understand which day is favorable.

Using special tests

If for some reason you cannot measure your basal temperature every morning and build a chart, special tests have been created for you that can be bought at the pharmacy. This method is considered the simplest, but you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to carry out the test for more than one day.

What tests can be used:

  1. Test device (MaybeMOM, Eva-test). This is a kind of mini-microscope with an electronic calendar and a memory function. To determine ovulation, you will need a drop of your saliva or urine. The device can be used repeatedly;
  2. Test strips. These are small paper strips that are soaked in a special solution. To carry out the test, it is enough to dip one strip into the urine and evaluate the result after a while;

When ovulation occurs, you will be able to see 2 stripes on the test. However, many complain about the inaccuracy of this method. The correctness of the result is influenced, first of all, by the accuracy of the actions.

  1. Tablet tests. This method considered much more reliable than the previous one. Usually the test looks like a plastic case with a window in which you can see the result. How to use it? It is enough to place it under a stream of urine and after 5-10 seconds you will be able to see the result on the display;
  2. Jet tests. This method of determining ovulation, according to reviews, is the most reliable.

The effect of oral contraceptives

You may be one of those women whom doctors recommend taking oral contraceptives ( hormonal pills), to supposedly increase the likelihood of conception.

But not a single doctor talks about how negatively and horribly such pills affect a woman’s health.

Hormonal imbalances, hot flashes, fainting, difficulties with pregnancy - all this is the result of hormonal contraception.

Intimate moments

Of course, the ability to determine the moment of ovulation is important. However, even this cannot 100% guarantee pregnancy immediately. The question of why it didn’t work out should be approached from different angles.

The reasons may vary.

And the simplest thing is some kind of physiological problem.

Incorrect posture, too frequent sexual intercourse - all this can be changed beautifully through knowledge.

The position of intercourse is also important. After all, many do not even think about the fact that the deeper the sperm penetrates and the longer it lingers in the vagina, the higher the chance of a favorable outcome the first time.

There are also psychological reasons. If you are already obsessed with pregnancy and buy pregnancy tests every day, this is a reason to think about it.

Pregnancy will never occur in a tense body. You should be relaxed, in love and passionate about your man.

I wish you a healthy baby!

How to conceive a child the first time? All couples who want to have a baby quickly try to answer this question. Is it even possible to cope with such a task? And what are the chances of success? Below we will look at the most useful tips and tricks for planning pregnancy. This is the only way to conceive in the shortest possible time.

Rapid conception - reality or fairy tale?

How to quickly conceive a child the first time? To answer this question, you will have to study the procedure for fertilizing an egg as a whole. But first, let’s find out whether there is a chance of quickly planning a baby.

Yes, there is such a possibility. Often women say that they got pregnant the first time, even without preliminary preparation. And this really happens. It all depends on the fertility of the individual woman, as well as external factors.

If you try, every girl can increase the likelihood of successful conception from the first attempts to the maximum. But there are still no 100% ways. Only tips that contribute to the rapid fertilization of the egg.

About fertilization

How to conceive a child the first time? The point is that real life Such situations do not occur very often. In any case, with conscious planning for the baby.

To quickly conceive a child, you need to know how egg fertilization occurs. The female cell matures in the follicles, then it comes out and moves towards the uterus. At this moment, the fastest sperm fertilize the egg, after which the latter attaches to the wall of the uterus. That's all.

What happens if conception fails? The egg dies, and the woman begins to critical days. This is the period of maturation of a new egg.

The journey of a female cell through the body is about 24-48 hours. Therefore, very little time is allocated for planning the baby. At other times, fertilization cannot occur.

When to plan

How to conceive a child the first time so that everything works out? To do this you will have to follow a lot of different tips. But they cannot be considered a panacea. After all, then the problem of infertility would be solved very quickly.

It is important to choose a day to plan your baby. It will depend on the body of a particular woman. We are talking about ovulation. It is during this period that the egg is ready for fertilization.

If you have sex during ovulation, then the chances of successful conception rise to the maximum. To determine “day X,” you can use special test strips, measure your basal temperature (it rises during ovulation), and also visit an ultrasound room.

How to determine ovulation yourself

Is it possible to conceive a child the first time? Yes, but doing this is extremely problematic.

Many people are interested in how to independently determine ovulation. It's not that difficult to do. The thing is that “day X” falls in the middle of the monthly cycle. If a girl has regular periods, there should be no problems with ovulation.

Average monthly cycle is 28 days. In this case, ovulation will occur on the 14-15th day from the beginning of the first menstrual bleeding in the period.

If a woman has irregular periods, it is better to determine ovulation with the help of doctors and test strips.


How to conceive a child the first time? When planning a child, you will have to pay attention proper nutrition. Oddly enough, it seriously affects fertility. Especially for men.

It is important approximately 2-3 months before the start of planning for the baby to conduct healthy image life and eating right. Avoid fried, salty, spicy and fatty foods. Preference should be given to products enriched with useful substances.

It is better for men to eat walnuts and sour cream. Some advise women to give preference to hogweed, sage, and chamomile. They increase fertility.

Both men and women will have to give up fast food and alcohol. Otherwise, the chances of success will decrease.

Additional vitamins

How to conceive a child the first time? Reviews from women indicate that if you deliberately plan to have a baby, getting pregnant right away is problematic. But it's worth trying to achieve your goal. It is quite feasible.

Some people prefer to increase their fertility with vitamin complexes. In pharmacies you can buy dietary supplements for men and women.

Women most often drink when planning a child:

  • folic acid;
  • vitamins "Pronatal" and "Elevit".

More detailed information It is better to find out from your gynecologist. Only this doctor will help you choose good vitamins, improving fertility.

Bad habits

How to conceive a child the first time? The following advice should be followed in mandatory- This is giving up bad habits.

This may include:

  • drug use;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • smoking.

Bad habits also include e-Sigs and vapes. You will also have to give up some medications. From which ones exactly? This will be communicated to the person by the doctor who treats infertility and helps to quickly conceive a baby.

Activity is everything

How to conceive a child the first time? To do this you will need to follow a lot of rules. But even they do not guarantee success. The main task is to increase a person’s fertility and then predict ovulation.

Active lifestyle and sports (in in moderation) improve health and increase the chances of successful conception. It is advisable not only to play sports, but also to give preference to walks in the fresh air.


Many girls ask doctors how they can get pregnant faster. But no one can give an exact answer to this question.

As an additional help, many suggest douching with a soda solution before sexual intercourse. This will reduce the acidity of the vagina. This means that sperm will be able to reach the egg.

There is no need to douche after intercourse. This, on the contrary, will reduce the likelihood of successful fertilization.

Disease testing

How to quickly conceive a child the first time? Before planning a baby you will have to go through full examination body. This is necessary in order to recover as much as possible by the time of active planning.

Women often have hidden sexual diseases that they may not even be aware of. For example, erosion or thrush. Once sexually transmitted infections and other problems in the genital area are treated, a person can increase their chances of conceiving quickly.

This also applies to men. That is why a couple planning a baby is recommended to go to the doctors together.

Act frequency

Thinking about how to conceive a child the first time, some believe that success depends on the number of sexual acts performed. But this is not entirely true.

Indeed, predicting ovulation is sometimes problematic. And that’s why doctors recommend regularly having unprotected sex.

However, too frequent intercourse reduces sperm quality. This means there must be moderation in everything. For successful conception, it is best to make love every other day, once.

Similar sex life in the first year of planning usually ends in a successful pregnancy. But only on the condition that the sperm were initially sufficiently motile. In order to verify this, you can do a spermogram.

Choosing a pose

How to conceive a child the first time? Different poses are recommended to accomplish the task. There is no one specific position that contributed to successful conception.

In fact, pregnancy can occur in any position of sexual intercourse. But it is better to take into account the laws of gravity and exclude ejaculation in the “woman on top” position.

Some say that it is best to have sex in the missionary position and place a small pillow under the girl’s butt. In addition, positions in which the penis is located deep in the vagina are ideal.


How to conceive a child the first time? To do this, some girls note somewhat non-standard approaches to solving the problem.

The thing is that many people talk about special exercise after sexual intercourse, which should contribute to successful conception. It is enough to make a “birch tree” against the wall, holding the pelvis and without getting out of bed. This position supposedly promotes the rapid movement of sperm towards the egg.

There is some truth in this. But it is not at all necessary to make a “birch tree”. It is needed, rather, for the placebo effect. It is better to just lie down immediately after the end of sexual intercourse.

About washing

We figured out how to conceive a child the first time. The methods presented to your attention really help. But, as has already been said, they cannot be considered exhaustive.

Should you wash yourself after sexual intercourse? Some people don't do this on purpose. Yes, this slightly increases the chances of successful conception, but personal hygiene is compromised.

The best solution is to rest for half an hour after intercourse. Then the woman can calmly wash herself and take a shower.

For the desperate

Today the issue of infertility is extremely acute. And therefore, couples try to approach planning a baby responsibly.

Sometimes several unsuccessful attempts to conceive lead to non-standard solutions. How to quickly conceive a child the first time?

In some cases, women advise each other to take male sperm into a syringe without a needle, make a birch and inject it into themselves. Stand in this position for about 10-15 minutes. Of course, the procedure is carried out during ovulation.

Unfavorable factors

How to conceive a child the first time? Photos of some products that have a beneficial effect on this process are presented to our attention. What negatively affects the planning of a baby?

Here is a list of factors that have a bad effect on human fertility:

Sometimes problems with conception are caused by psychological factor- a woman may not be mentally prepared for a baby or she may very much desire to become a mother. All this causes stress and anxiety. This means it negatively affects fertility.


We found out how to quickly conceive a baby. All the suggested tips will really help you cope with the task.

However, in order to successfully conceive, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. This specialist will help the woman prepare for the birth of the baby, and will also give some tips that, in his opinion, contribute to successful conception.

In some cases, you can get pregnant quickly after stopping long-term use oral contraceptives. This technique is often used to treat infertility in couples.
