The liver can be given to a nursing mother in the first month. Liver pate for breastfeeding. Liver stewed with potatoes

It is known that a nursing mother needs to monitor her diet very carefully. You need to eat only foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Some mothers go on a strict diet because they are afraid of harming the baby. This should not be done, since the organisms of the mother and child must receive necessary benefit. Is it possible to eat liver when breastfeeding? This question worries many young mothers very much.

Liver is a healthy and very nutritious by-product. There are few foods that can match the same iron and protein content. The liver has not only nutritional, but also medicinal properties. It was used back in ancient times.

Doctors allow young mothers to introduce this product into their diet when breastfeeding. This can be done from the first week of feeding. But this does not mean at all that you can eat liver without restrictions.

During breastfeeding, mothers should be very careful and not overuse foods.

Important Features

The first time you use liver, you need to be careful and monitor the baby’s reaction. If he does not have an allergic reaction, he can continue to eat a little liver. However, you can eat this product no more than three times per day.

Sometimes a baby may develop individual intolerance. It’s usually easy to notice: after the mother’s first use of the liver, the baby begins to be capricious and make noise. He may experience colic and a stomach ache. In this case, you should stop eating the offal.

What's the best way to use liver?

The liver can be boiled, fried, baked. You can make many delicious dishes from it, but not all of them will have a beneficial effect on the baby’s condition. A nursing mother is allowed to consume the product only in boiled or baked form. Eating fried liver is strictly prohibited.

A boiled or stewed product is not dangerous because it retains all its valuable substances, especially ferritin. It participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and supplies the body with hemoglobin. Therefore, liver is recommended for use in case of anemia.

Important. If the mother has cardiovascular diseases, eating liver can aggravate them. You should treat the product with caution if your blood cholesterol levels are high. Therefore, even in the absence of a bad reaction in the child, it is necessary to control the number of doses and frequency during lactation.


The liver can be beef, pork, as well as chicken and cod. All these types differ in their properties and healing substances. Each of them should be considered in more detail.

  1. Cod product is especially recommended for a young mother to eat while breastfeeding, as it contains a storehouse of vitamins for the newborn. Calcium, vitamin A, zinc and phosphorus are what cod liver is rich in. Consuming this valuable product cod helps to develop intellectual abilities in the baby.

However, you should use cod liver with caution: it is better not to eat it raw, but at least do it with bread.

Women suffering from arterial high blood pressure, its use should be limited.

  1. Beef. Doctors advise eating beef liver: all daily norm amino acids are contained in this by-product. It increases hemoglobin in the blood, saturates the baby’s body with minerals, vitamins and substances.

However, the beef product should be stored properly. The liver, which has been lying around for a long time, gradually loses its benefits. If the liver has been subjected to heat or chemical treatment, it should not be eaten by a nursing mother.

Recipe options

It is not necessary to eat regular liver while breastfeeding. It is better to eat it with other foods, as well as vegetables and cereals. For example, cod is good to eat as a salad. You need to add an egg to it, lemon juice and olives. This healing salad is very valuable and beneficial for the mother.

Beef liver should be boiled and then cut into small pieces. Then you need to grate the carrots and onions, fry them a little and add quail eggs. Then mix all the ingredients and make a salad. It turns out very nutritious and tasty dish.

Pork liver is also suitable for use during breastfeeding, but you need to eat it carefully. It is important to consider the amount of food eaten, since abuse can greatly harm the body.

The period of breastfeeding is the time when a young mother monitors her nutrition most carefully. Is it possible to have liver while breastfeeding? Liver is a very useful meat product in the diet of young mothers who need to regain strength after childbirth or blood loss, but even during breastfeeding it is necessary to treat it with caution. Doctors recommend eating a lot of it for mothers who have gone through C-section or had surgical intervention during natural childbirth.

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    When is it best not to use a product?

    The answer to the question whether a nursing mother can have liver during breastfeeding is not always positive. In some cases, using the product during this period is not only not recommended, but also prohibited.

    Most of the substances that mothers ingest through food enter the infant's digestive system through milk. Because of this, various allergic reactions, stool disorders, poisoning, flatulence and bloating may occur.

    The liver is allowed only if the child absorbs vitamin D normally and there is no excess of it. The substances contained in the product contribute to the accumulation of vitamin D. Its excess can adversely affect the functioning of the digestive, circulatory and urinary systems.

    In most cases, child health problems during breastfeeding are associated with the characteristics of the mother’s digestive system. If she lacks any elements, there is a deficiency or, conversely, an excess of bile, dysbacteriosis - this leads to disruption of the digestion process in the mother and similarly in the child.

    A nursing mother can receive liver only if there are no diseases of the digestive system. Under no circumstances should you eat a very fatty product, especially if a woman has high cholesterol in the body or the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

    The product is contraindicated for both mother and child if one of them has increased level sugar in the body.

    Is it possible to eat liver, what are the features of its use? It can only be consumed fresh. If it sits in the refrigerator for several days, it is better to throw it away. You need to buy from trusted sellers or directly from the farm. The liver is capable of accumulating toxins due to improper feeding or certain diseases during the life of the animal.

    Beef liver

    Beef is one of the most healthy products for feeding a young mother. It can be used already on the first day after birth in the absence of any contraindications.

    Beef liver contains great amount useful substances, but at the same time it contains much less fat than meat. It also contains a lot useful microelements and even vitamins, but its main advantage is a large amount of iron. During childbirth, a woman loses a huge amount of blood, her body begins to rebuild. During this period, there is a decrease in hemoglobin, which is characterized by weakness, weight loss, constant fatigue. Beef liver contains iron, which is easily absorbed and allows the body to quickly recover.

    Beef liver will be very useful for those women whose vision decreases after childbirth. Using it at least 5 times a month allows you to restore normal vision with minor impairments.

    However, this product also has several disadvantages. It has less fat than even a lean cut of meat, but the amount of cholesterol in it is simply enormous. Therefore, it is better not to use it for women with atherosclerosis and varicose veins veins Beef liver is quite hard and tough, just like meat. It cannot be cooked at very high temperatures.

    The best way to prepare this dish for young mothers is stewing in sour cream or milk, as well as liver pate without adding preservatives and large quantity seasoning

    Pork liver

    Pork liver cannot be called as healthy as beef liver, but it is also allowed in food for guards.

    Pork itself is quite fatty; it is prohibited under certain conditions, especially in the first months of a baby’s life. Pork liver can be used as a dietary product if fatty inclusions and films are removed from it. It contains a huge amount of iron and microelements, which must be present in the diet of a young mother, especially when nervous disorders and the emergence of the so-called postpartum depression. In every sense of the word, pork liver is excellent sedative. This happens thanks to methionine, a substance that helps improve the functioning of the nervous system.

    Pork liver is very useful for women who take a long time to recover after childbirth, have low hemoglobin levels and problems with the cardiovascular system.

    At the same time, the product contains a large amount of cholesterol. It will not be very useful for people who are trying to lose weight and have problems with overweight. Young mothers need to be very careful when preparing it. If incorrect heat treatment it becomes tasteless and very bitter. This happens because liver cells begin to release toxins. They are not only not useful, but also very dangerous for the health of mother and child.

    Pork liver should not be cooked until it is completely fried; it is most beneficial when it is half-cooked. It is allowed to use it for making pancakes, cutlets, as a filler for pies and vegetable and meat pates. When breastfeeding, it is forbidden to eat it fried.

    Cod liver

    Fish liver is very beneficial for human health and must certainly be present in the diet; it is essential in the nutrition of a woman and her baby. This is due to the fact that fish oil is considered the most beneficial food product. It also has a large amount of omega fatty acids, which must be present in the diet of a growing person. It is on these substances that his immunity to some extent depends.

    But a nursing mother needs to know that cod liver may not always be beneficial during breastfeeding. This is also due to the large number fish oil. It should be used only if a child is suspected of developing rickets. In another case, an excess of fish oil leads to disruption of the kidneys and nervous system.

    The product contains large amounts of iron and copper. The first element protects mother and child from possible development anemia, and the second is necessary in the body for the prevention inflammatory diseases. Cod liver has virtually no cholesterol.

    To ensure that the product only brings benefits and does not affect the stomach with a large amount of fat, it must be consumed in combination with bread or vegetables.

    Chicken liver

    Chicken liver is primarily beneficial for the woman herself. After her regular use There is an improvement in well-being, skin and hair condition, and vision improves. Chicken product contains a lot of protein. Thanks to him, the baby grows strong and healthy. Chicken liver is beneficial for children due to its large amount of amino acids. They improve the child's growth, strengthen his bones and increase the amount of muscle mass.

    1. 1. Liver baked in milk. This dish can be eaten 1 week after birth. It is very tender and tasty. To prepare it, you can use veal, beef or pork liver. The latter must be soaked in milk for several hours. You will need about 0.5 kg of liver, milk and a little salt. The liver is cleaned of the fatty layer and film, cut into portions. Milk is mixed with salt until completely dissolved. If the baby is over 6 months old and has no digestive problems, you can add a little seasoning. Pieces of liver must be placed in milk for 30 minutes. Then each piece is wrapped in foil. The dish is baked in a preheated oven for 8 minutes. Then turn off the oven and sprinkle the hot pieces with a small amount of milk.
    2. 2. Chicken liver in sour cream. This is an inexpensive and tasty dish. It is very nutritious, although it does not have many calories, perfect for those mothers who dream of losing weight after childbirth without interrupting breastfeeding. 1 kg required chicken liver, packaging of low-percentage sour cream, salt. If your health allows, you can additionally use onions, carrots, and some seasonings. Chicken liver must be cleared of films and cut into small pieces. The sour cream filling is prepared separately. It consists of low-percentage sour cream (if the sour cream is fatty, it can be diluted with water). Salt and seasonings are added to the sour cream, everything is thoroughly mixed. First you need to fry the onions and carrots in a frying pan. Then liver is added to them. After the liver is fried, everything is poured with sour cream and simmered for 10 minutes. If a woman does not want to eat fried foods, she can first boil the liver. In this case, there is no need to fry it further. The boiled liver must be placed in a dish with a deep bottom, pour sour cream and salt over it and place in a hot oven for a few minutes.
    3. 3. Liver with rice. This dish is perfect for feeding even small children from 1 year old. For cooking you will need any liver, rice, milk, boiled vegetables. The liver can first be boiled, fried or stewed in sour cream according to the recipe given above. If a beef or pork product is used, it must be cut in advance and soaked in milk to remove bitterness. Boil separately rice porrige. For women in the early stages of feeding, it is better to use crumbly porridge with water. After cooking, liver and boiled vegetables are added to the porridge.
    4. 4. Salad with cod liver. This delicious dish can be put on the table if a mother who is breastfeeding comes to visit. To prepare the salad you will need 1 jar of cod liver, 1 boiled egg, salt, boiled herbs chicken breast. All ingredients are cut into small pieces and mixed with herbs. Additionally, everything is sprinkled with olive oil and seasoned with salt.

    Bon appetit moms and good health kids!

Liver - pork and beef, turkey and chicken, goose, duck and rabbit, as well as cod and pollock liver - is classified as offal. In terms of the amount of protein, it is not inferior to meat, moreover, it is easily digested and is recognized as a dietary product. Contains iron proteins - substances involved in the processes of oxygen metabolism and hematopoiesis. The liver has a unique taste and is considered a delicacy. But is it possible to use it during lactation and how to properly prepare dishes from it?

Liver in the diet of a nursing mother: benefit or harm

The liver in vertebrates belongs to the glands of mixed secretion and is located in abdominal cavity under the diaphragm. It performs a number of important physiological functions, one of which is the neutralization and removal from the body of foreign structures - allergens, excess drugs and vitamins, final and intermediate products of metabolism, toxins and poisons. All these substances are neutralized in the liver by splitting and adding other elements to obtain harmless, easily excreted compounds. In addition, the liver is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, hemoglobin secretion, and the production of digestive enzymes.

That is why the relationship between culinary specialists and liver has always been very controversial. Either it was considered one of the most wasteful offal, or it was elevated to the rank of delicacy. Modern nutritionists are confident that when moderate consumption liver is very useful for the body.

The liver is a hematopoietic organ; large organs pass through it. blood vessels

Women during breastfeeding can and should eat liver, but it should be included in the menu no more than 1-2 times a week, and the serving size should not exceed 100-150 g. Compliance with these standards will reduce the risk of any adverse reactions in the baby to a minimum . At the same time, you will saturate your body with vitamins and minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, protein and very important substances for hematopoiesis and lactation - iron proteins (ferritin, hemoglobin).

Ferritin is a protein complex, iron protein, which acts as an intracellular storage for iron in biological useful form and is the main indicator of the reserves of this microelement in the body. Iron catalyzes oxygen metabolism processes in cells and tissues. With ferritin deficiency, iron deficiency occurs and iron deficiency anemia develops.

Hemoglobin is also an iron-containing protein that transports carbon dioxide to the lungs and oxygen to the tissues. It is present in erythrocytes (red blood cells). It is thanks to it that oxygen (oxygen in the composition of compounds) penetrates into the bloodstream and is then transported with the blood to every organ, to every cell.

Entering the lungs with blood, hemoglobin forms a compound with oxygen - oxygenoglobin. It is this compound that transports oxygen to the tissues, where as a result oxidative reactions it is released. These reactions take place in the presence of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

The liver contains both iron and vitamin C. Its use helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and enrich cells with oxygen - an element without which metabolism is disrupted.

Chicken liver is a very affordable product

The hemoglobin norm for a nursing woman is 119–139 g/l. After childbirth, this figure may be lower due to significant blood loss. Doctors in the postpartum period recommend including beef and liver in the diet to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood. It is these products that most effectively replenish iron reserves in the body.

Different types of liver differ in chemical composition and nutritional value. You've probably noticed that in a store or market, beef and chicken livers are sold much more expensive than, say, pork or turkey livers. This is because they contain the largest amount of nutrients. Rabbit liver is close in composition to turkey liver, but it is considered a rare product, and therefore its price is slightly higher.

This is beef liver, choose the freshest, without dark spots on a surface

It is better for a nursing mother to give preference to beef (veal) or chicken liver; you can try introducing it into the diet from the second week postpartum period(in the absence of contraindications and with the permission of the attending physician). But this does not mean that you cannot eat other types of liver. Of course, you can, but they will only be of less benefit. But as for cod liver (pollock), despite all its usefulness, when breastfeeding it is recommended to start trying it only 3 months after birth.

The fact is that this product is usually sold in the form of canned food prepared with the addition of oil. A fatty food in the maternal menu can negatively affect the digestion of the newborn - cause increased gas formation, stool disorders, because the baby has a gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract) is in the development stage for some time after birth.

Foie gras is the liver of specially fattened geese or ducks. It is considered a delicious and very expensive dish. It is distinguished by its high fat content, special taste and delicate consistency. Not recommended for nursing mothers due to high content in the composition of fats.

Table: chemical composition and energy value of different types of liver

Chemical composition (content of biologically active substances per 100 g of product) Liver
Chicken Turkey/rabbit Beef Pork Cod/pollock (canned)
Calorie content (kcal)137,6 276/166 127 109 613/474
Proteins (g)20,4 19,5/19 17,9 18,8 4,2/6
Fat (g)5,9 22/10 3,7 3,8 65,7/50
Carbohydrates (g)0,73 19/19,5 5,3 4.7 g1,2
Vitamin A, RE (mg)12 0,01 8,4 3,45 4,4
Retinol (mg)12 0,01 8,2 3,45 4,4
Vitamin B1, thiamine (mg)0,5 0,05 0,3 0,3 0,05
Vitamin B2, riboflavin (mg)2,1 0,2 2,2 2,18 0,41
Vitamin B4, choline (mg)194,4 139 635 5,17
Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid(mg) 0,6 6,8 5,8
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine (mg)0,9 0,3 0,7 0,52 0,23
Vitamin B9, folate (mg)0,24 0,01 0,24 0,23 0,11
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid(mg)25 24 33 21 3,4
Vitamin RR, NE (mg)13,4 7 13 17,2 2,7
Potassium, K (mg)289 210 277 271 110
Calcium, Ca (mg)15 12 9 9 35
Magnesium, Mg (mg)24 19 18 21 50
Sodium, Na (mg)90 100 104 81 720
Sulfur, S (mg)204 248 239 187 42
Phosphorus, Ph (mg)268 200 314 347 230
Iron, Fe (mg)17,5 4 6,9 20,2 18

Liver contains very little fat (except in canned foods). It is rich in vitamins A, group B, PP. As well as minerals - calcium and magnesium, sodium and potassium, iron and phosphorus. It contains a lot of protein, fatty acids and amino acids. Liver dishes are healthy and tasty, they are prepared quickly, perfectly satisfy hunger, and are easily digested (much easier than meat) - that is why this dietary, low-calorie product is recommended for nursing mothers.

Video: Turkey liver is a dietary product (Elena Malysheva)

Beneficial features

The liver helps a woman’s body recover after childbirth, saturates it biologically active substances, improves the quality of the mother’s blood. And from the components of maternal blood it is produced breast milk. With a sufficient content of vitamins, minerals and other components in the blood, milk also contains all the necessary benefits for active growth and proper development baby.

The benefits of liver for nursing mothers are determined by its chemical composition:

  1. Proteins fats carbohydrates. Due to the high protein content and low level fats and carbohydrates, liver is considered a low-calorie, dietary, easily digestible, but nutritious and valuable product.
  2. Vitamin A, retinol. Improves condition skin, maintains healthy teeth and hair, is responsible for visual acuity.
  3. B vitamins. Thiamine, riboflavin, choline, pyridoxine, pantothenic and folic acid. Participate in metabolism, help fight inflammatory processes, strengthen nervous system, contribute to the growth and development of the child. Choline, which is found in abundance in the liver, activates brain activity and improves memory.
  4. Vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system, participates in redox reactions.
  5. Sodium. Supports water-salt balance in organism.
  6. Calcium. Participates in the formation bone tissue, promotes proper growth and development of the skeleton, is responsible for dental health, improves the condition of hair, nails, and muscle tissue.
  7. Iron. Initiates the synthesis of hemoglobin, ensures oxygen exchange, triggers reactions with B vitamins, and prevents the development of anemia.
  8. Amino acids. Proteins are formed from them. They are present in the synthesis of enzymes, cell construction, and antibody production. Improve brain activity, strengthen the nervous system, slow down aging.

Chicken liver will help get rid of anemia and normalize work thyroid gland. Eating beef liver will serve as a good preventive measure for the development of diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. Pork - lean, good for making pates. Cod liver is a source of fatty acids.

Many mothers are afraid that consuming liver may change the taste of their breast milk and become bitter. It is a myth. Directly, what you eat cannot affect the taste of milk or its composition, since mother's milk is produced from blood components.

Video: beef and chicken liver - which is healthier (Elena Malysheva)

Contraindications and precautions

First of all, you should know that liver deteriorates very quickly. Choose only the freshest. No veins, stains, hymens. Buy it only from trusted sellers. Liver (like meat) from sick animals and animals raised in unfavorable conditions is not suitable for consumption during lactation.

Although liver is considered a hypoallergenic product, nursing mothers need to eat it limited quantities. Immature digestive system A newborn baby does not yet produce enough enzymes to break down all the elements that pass from the mother’s blood into breast milk. Why are there digestive disorders in infants before three months happen very often. If the baby was born premature, enzymatic deficiency is a very common occurrence, so you need to follow the doctor's recommendations and strictly monitor your diet.

Always add only one new product to your menu. Then you will know exactly what the baby reacted to. Take a break between each new one and the previous one. Minimum - two days.

To minimize the risk of bloating in your baby, intestinal colic or manifestations of a rash on the skin, introduce liver into your diet gradually. Start with 5 g. After a day, if you do not detect any negative reactions in the baby, you can eat a portion twice as large - and so on until the recommended 100–150 g are reached.

Liver dishes are contraindicated:

  • in case of individual intolerance - most often this warning applies to the liver of fish - cod, pollock;
  • women with increased content cholesterol in the blood and with hyperthyroidism ( increased function thyroid gland);
  • at urolithiasis and gout (the ban applies to pork liver, which contains purine compounds that can cause exacerbation of these diseases).

Please note that large agricultural companies often raise chickens with modified genes and inject them with antibiotics and steroids to make excess profits. Therefore, buy chicken liver from trusted sellers who sell products from small farms, be sure to check for a quality certificate.

It is important! Systematic consumption of liver in large quantities can lead to allergies, hypervitaminosis and poisoning.

Video: cod liver - calorie content, benefits and harm (Elena Malysheva)

Recipes for cooking liver during lactation

Eat liver boiled, stewed, baked in the oven, liver pate. It is better to avoid fried foods during breastfeeding. When frying, harmful compounds are formed, and the fat content of fried foods is much higher.

To ensure that the liver after cooking is tasty, aromatic, soft and not bitter:

  • buy it only of the highest quality, always fresh;
  • First, rinse the whole pieces well;
  • then pat thoroughly with a paper towel to remove excess moisture and remaining blood;
  • Before cooking, keep the liver in the refrigerator for 30–40 minutes;
  • free from the hymen, cut out the bile ducts from pieces;
  • soak in milk with the addition of 1 tsp. sugar from 40 minutes to 2 hours (low-fat kefir or yogurt is also suitable for soaking);
  • lightly beat the liver with a hammer (chopper);
  • depending on the size of the pieces, cook it from 5–7 to 10–15 minutes - if the liver is kept on the fire longer, it becomes tough;
  • to get rid of bitterness and specific smell, add a couple of lemon slices to the liver during cooking;
  • if you should put sour cream in a dish, it should be room temperature, otherwise the sour cream may curdle.

Here are recipes for several simple dietary dishes. Their main advantages are excellent taste, healthfulness and speed of preparation.

Vitamin salad with carrots and liver

The salad has a spicy taste - sweetish, with a slight bitterness inherent in the liver. It has a high content of retinol and beta-carotene. Very nutritious and beautiful.

The salad has a spicy, sweetish taste with a hint of bitterness, and its preparation does not take much time.


  • beef liver - soaked in milk, boiled, cut into thin strips - 250–300 g;
  • carrots - boiled, peeled, grated on a coarse grater - 2–3 pcs. (200–300 g);
  • onion (red, sweet) - peeled, washed, cut into half rings - 2–3 pcs. (200–300 g);
  • lettuce leaves - washed, cut into large strips - 1–2 rosettes (100–200 g);
  • basil - leaves, washed, chopped - 2 sprigs;
  • olive oil - 1–2 tbsp. l. (17–34 ml);
  • kitchen salt - to taste.


  1. Place the liver, carrots, onions, and lettuce in a wide bowl and mix everything well.
  2. Add salt, basil, olive oil and stir the salad again.
  3. Place it in a salad bowl.

The salad can be decorated with lettuce and basil leaves, carrot roses, and fresh herbs.

Liver cutlets

Steamed liver cutlets are juicy and tender, no worse than fried ones. And the taste of such cutlets can be diversified if you serve them with arugula and bell pepper.

You can also serve these cutlets with any seasonal vegetable salad


  • chicken liver - soaked in milk - 300 g;
  • carrots - washed, peeled - 100 g;
  • onions - peeled, washed - 1 pc. (medium onion, 80–100 g);
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour or semolina - as needed;
  • bell pepper - washed, seeded, cut into slices - 1 pc. (medium, 100–150 g);
  • arugula - leaves, washed - 100 g.


  1. Grind the liver using a meat grinder along with onions and carrots.
  2. Add egg, salt and pepper to the resulting mass.
  3. Mix everything well.
  4. If the minced meat turns out watery, add a little flour or semolina to it (let the semolina swell a little).
  5. Form small cutlets and place them in a steamer.
  6. Steam for 20–30 minutes.

Place the finished liver cutlets on a dish, place a leaf of arugula and a slice of bell pepper on each one.

Nursing mothers can only eat homemade liver pate. Store-bought pates contain chemical additives that are harmful to health and can cause allergies and digestive disorders in infants.

Liver pate can be prepared from any type of liver with the addition of vegetables and herbs


  • water - purified, boiling water - 1 l;
  • chicken liver - soaked in milk - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - washed, peeled, cut into rings - 1 pc. (medium, 75–100 g);
  • onions - peeled, cut into quarters - 2 pcs. (medium, 160–200 g);
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • butter - 50 g.


  1. Place liver and vegetables in a saucepan.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Place on the fire and after boiling, simmer for 20–25 minutes.
  4. Pour the broth into a separate bowl.
  5. Cool everything down.
  6. Then chop the vegetables and liver in a convenient way- using a blender, meat grinder.
  7. Add oil, salt and pepper to the resulting mass and beat it well.
  8. Bring the pate to the desired consistency with the broth in which the liver and vegetables were stewed - the mass should be plastic.
  9. Place the finished pate on cling film and form a roll.
  10. Place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Serve the liver pate cut into thin slices and sprinkled with chopped green onions. Or spread it on sandwiches.

Dietary liver Stroganoff style

Liver prepared according to this recipe can be served as a side dish for pasta, porridge, and potatoes.

Stroganoff-style liver - tasty and healthy dietary dish for nursing mothers


  • beef liver (you can use pork) - cut into strips, soaked in milk - 600 g;
  • water - purified, boiling water - 1 tbsp. (250 ml);
  • sour cream 10% (you can use low-fat yogurt) - 250–300 g;
  • onion - peeled, washed, diced - 1 pc. (medium, 80–100 g);
  • carrots - washed, peeled, grated on a coarse grater - 1 pc. (medium, 75–100 g);
  • salt, ground black pepper, chopped herbs - to taste.


  1. In a non-stick frying pan, fry the onion - without oil - until translucent but not golden.
  2. Add the liver, cut into strips, fry on all sides.
  3. Pour the liver with onions hot water and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Add yogurt and grated carrots there, add salt and pepper, and stir well.
  5. Simmer over low heat, covered, for 20–25 minutes.

Serve Stroganoff-style liver as a side dish, sprinkled with chopped herbs on top. It is often eaten with legumes (beans, beans, lentils). When breastfeeding, legumes can cause flatulence, and therefore it is better for nursing mothers not to consume them.

Liver goes well with vegetables, rice, baked potatoes, green peas. It is added to salads and baked in pots. They make pate out of it. Serve hot or cold.

During lactation, a nursing mother should under no circumstances give up consuming liver. If you have no contraindications and your doctor allows it, eat it for your health 1-2 times a week, 100-150 g each. Chicken and beef liver are considered the richest in composition. Turkey, rabbit and pork can also be included in the diet during breastfeeding. But cod and pollock liver in the form of canned food contains too much fat, so it can be recommended for nursing mothers only 3 months after birth, or even later - you need to be guided by the baby’s reactions.

You won’t envy a nursing mother, especially in the first month after giving birth. Caring for the baby dictates strict adherence to the canons proper nutrition. However, some women are overly cautious, not allowing themselves to eat even what is not only possible, but also necessary to eat. For example, the liver.

Of course, a new product, even one as harmless as, say, oat cookies, should be introduced into the diet in small portions.

Cod liver: diet for a nursing mother

In ancient times, the Scandinavians revered this product for its healing effect on vision. It was then believed that consuming it raw would allow one to gain the superpower of night vision. In a sense, they were right. Retinol or easily digestible vitamin A contained in fish improves the properties of the retina. The liver of cod, halibut, salmon and sea bass is especially rich in retinol.

In addition to the mentioned vitamin A, also called growth vitamin, cod liver contains:
  • C, B, D, PP, B,
  • omega-3 fatty acids,
  • zinc, iron, magnesium, fluorine, phosphorus, etc.

Nutrition for a nursing mother/Liver cutlets in the oven

Dr. Elena Berezovskaya - Can pregnant women eat liver?

Issue 2. MOTHER'S NUTRITION while breastfeeding - general principles. Breast-feeding

Menu and recipes for nursing mothers

Diet for breastfeeding Komarovsky

Cleansing while breastfeeding. Benefit or harm?!


The main listed substances and many other substances found in the former Soviet-era delicacy (now you can buy it almost everywhere) are very useful for the proper development of the baby. These valuable components are involved in building bone cells, improving blood composition and heart function, and even affect brain activity.

It is believed that if you eat cod liver once a week, you will increase your chances of raising a child prodigy.

Chicken liver for nursing mothers: is it possible or not?

No experienced breastfeeding specialist would prohibit the use of this product in a standard situation. After all, it does not cause allergies, which means it is acceptable from the first days. Chicken liver protein contains iron proteins that affect the formation of hemoglobin and other important elements blood.

The product is often prescribed for anemia along with medicines. Among the beneficial substances are:

  • vitamins A, D, E, K,
  • potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc,
  • only 2-4% fat.

Because of great content water, this by-product quickly expires. Please note: if upon purchase there is no gloss or smoothness of the surface, or the dish is very bitter after cooking, then it is better to throw everything away and not take risks.

Can a nursing woman eat beef liver?

In one day, a breastfeeding mother spends biological process approximately 800 kilocalories. Of course, energy costs must be replenished. And although liver is a low-calorie product, its composition is rich in useful substances:

  • vitamins K, PP, A, C, B, D, E,
  • copper, zinc, chromium, iron.

Doctors have always recommended beef liver to weakened people who want to improve their performance. The heme iron contained in it is absorbed better than that found in plants. The presence of heparin and chromium helps the work of cardio-vascular system, as it prevents thrombosis.

Moderation in consumption of the product must be observed due to the cholesterol content in it, which is 4 times more than in beef meat.

To neutralize cholesterol, it is better for pregnant and lactating women to consume beef liver with vegetables and cereals, or stewed or boiled. Pork liver and cod liver are eaten sparingly due to their high fat content.

Liver is an integral and recommended food product for a breastfeeding woman; it is included in the list of products that can be eaten almost from the first days of a baby’s life (subject to the recommendations for its introduction into the diet, the mother’s absence of allergies and compliance with quantitative restrictions).

The liver should be introduced into the diet, adhering to certain rules and advice - this way the likelihood of unwanted reactions in the baby is reduced:

  • in the first days after birth, you can introduce chicken and veal liver into the menu, after a month - all other animals (for example, rabbit or pork);
  • It is recommended to give preference to boiled, stewed or steamed liver, especially in the first three months after childbirth;
  • It is recommended to carry out the first tasting before lunch, not on an empty stomach, but you can eat 1-2 small pieces. After which it is necessary to follow all recommendations for monitoring the child’s reaction to a new product - do not eat new foods for 2 days and monitor changes in the functioning of the intestines and skin;
  • gradually increasing the single portion to 150g, and the weekly portion to 400g. finished product.

It should be remembered that the work of the liver is aimed at cleansing the body; we can say that it is a natural filter that retains (and subsequently removes) all toxic, infectious and harmful substances to the body. That is why you need to be extremely careful when choosing this product, because if the animal was on chemicals. feeding - there is a high probability of consuming these substances in the diet. Therefore, it is recommended not to buy it at the market or supermarkets, but to pay attention to sellers who sell household goods.

Healthy and maximum healthy liver must not have the following characteristics:

  1. light or yellowish tint. It should have a dark brown color, possibly with a burgundy tint;
  2. the dull, viscous and sticky liver most likely belonged to a sick animal;
  3. should not appear when cut or punctured dark blood– this is a sign of old age of the product (the blood should be bright scarlet);
  4. the smell of ammonia is also a sign of old age. Fresh product has a pleasant sweetish smell;
  5. greenish spots or inclusions - such a liver will taste bitter after cooking, because such spots indicate damage to the gallbladder during evisceration.


For a breastfeeding woman, a simple but very tasty liver salad is allowed for consumption:


  • chicken liver – 500g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • unsweetened homemade yogurt or sour cream – 200ml;
  • spices - salt and pepper.


  1. chop the boiled liver into strips;
  2. pickle the onion in large half rings (which you don’t have to eat, it will add flavor to the salad);
  3. if sour cream is used as a dressing, lightly salt and pepper it, beat until thickened with a mixer with straight whisks;
  4. Combine all salad ingredients and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

The general conclusions are as follows:

Liver can be introduced into the diet during breastfeeding already in the first week after the baby is born. Allergic reactions There are no indications for this product in most cases except for individual intolerance. Negative reactions to the liver occur in approximately 2% of infants.
