My hair gets oily every day. What to do if the hair at the roots becomes oily very quickly. How to get rid of oily hair with medications

Every woman tries to look perfect and puts a lot of effort into this. We take care of our hair to keep it healthy and strong, but often just a day after washing our hair, the strands look dirty and sticky again. The reason lies in the excess production of sebum. Located on the scalp great amount sebaceous glands, they produce a secret that lubricates the hair shaft, protects it from drying out, ultraviolet radiation and other external influences. Normally, hair becomes dirty after 3-4 days, but if there is a lot of sebaceous fat, the curls become greasy within a few hours! This cannot be tolerated under any circumstances.

Very often we ourselves provoke oily hair by frequent washing. The fact is that sebaceous fat protects the scalp from dryness. If we wash our hair every day, the skin produces even more oil to form a protective layer. That is, a vicious circle is formed - we wash our hair more often to get rid of unpleasant oily shine, and each time our hair becomes even more greasy. It is important to understand that you need to get rid of this bad habit. If you have long hair, it is not at all necessary to walk around with loose curls every day. On the day you washed your hair, you can walk around with your hair down. The next day you can style your hair and braid it - this is very fashionable this season. IN as a last resort, you can only wash your bangs or front strands. There is an option to hide stale hair under a headdress. That is, you need to try to increase the interval between washing your hair to 2-3 days, gradually this will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In this article we will try to figure out how to deal with excess oily hair. But first, let’s find out what causes this hair condition.

Why does hair quickly become oily?

Oily hair is characterized not only by sticky curls at the roots. Oily hair is more susceptible to dandruff; with greasy roots, dry ends are observed; in rare cases, dandruff even appears. bad smell. As noted - frequent washing scalp is one of the most common causes of excess oily hair. Let’s try to figure out what else can cause disruption of the sebaceous glands.

  1. Hormones. Often the process of excessive sebaceous fat production is activated during puberty. The changes in the body at this time are colossal - teenagers begin to sweat more actively, excess sweat and sebum lead to the formation of acne, hair becomes greasy and sticky.
  2. Smoking and alcohol. Alcoholic drinks and nicotine, when consumed regularly, affect the condition of blood vessels, they become more fragile, and their conductivity decreases. As a result, scalp cells do not receive enough vitamins and oxygen, which leads to disruption of their functions.
  3. Excess weight and unhealthy diet. As you know, overweight people suffer from more active sweating, which also affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A large number of Fatty, spicy, fried and spicy foods lead to excessive oily hair. The lack of vitamin B in the diet, which regulates normal work sebaceous glands.
  4. Stress. Everyone knows that men's sweat glands work much more intensely. When a woman is nervous and constantly exposed stressful situations, are produced in the body male hormones, which increase the production of sebum.
  5. Alcohol masks. Hair can become greasy if not properly cared for. For example, many people make alcohol masks, which dry out the skin greatly. Of course, your hair will get rid of oiliness for a while, but this will be a very short period. Alcohol dries out the skin sebaceous glands after a while they will begin to produce even more secretion, and the hair will become even more oily. Therefore, aggressive drying masks containing alcohol cannot be used for this type of hair.

Excessive production of sebaceous fat can be a consequence of certain diseases, usually endocrine disorders. Heredity also affects the condition of the hair - if your parents' hair quickly gets dirty and becomes greasy, you will have to take care of your curls more carefully. The cause of excess greasiness can also be a fungal infection - seborrhea is accompanied by itching of the scalp, severe dandruff, and active work of the sebaceous glands. If you want to change the situation and get rid of excessive oily hair, you need to approach the problem comprehensively.

Often we ourselves stimulate the active production of sebaceous fat. If you want your hair to remain crumbly and silky for a long time, you should take proper care of it.

You can't wash your hair hot water, this activates the sebaceous glands. For washing, you should only use lukewarm or cool water (but not cold!). It is advisable not to use tap water - it contains a lot of chlorine. It is better to wash your hair with filtered or boiled water.

After washing their hair, many people use hair balm, but it should be applied exclusively along the length of the hair, do not rub it into the roots and skin, even under such a slight film the sebaceous glands work more actively.

If seborrhea is detected, consult a doctor. He will help you choose antifungal agents, which should be used both internally and externally. They will not only get rid of oily hair, but also dandruff.

During the day, try not to touch your hair with your hands - this will make it dirty and quickly become greasy.

In some cases, metal jewelry, combs, and hairpins, when in contact with the scalp, activate the production of sebaceous fat. Avoid using metal hair accessories.

The secretion of sebaceous fat becomes especially active if you often do tight hairstyles in which the hair experiences excessive tension - ponytail, bun, complex styling with heavy metal jewelry, etc.

Excess fat content can also be caused by the use of thermal devices - hair dryer, straightening iron, curling iron. Try to find more gentle styling methods or set the devices to the optimal temperature so as not to burn the curls and not provoke the active work of the sebaceous glands.

In order not to wash your hair every day and look decent, you can use a special shampoo powder from time to time. It is applied to the hair roots and absorbs excess fat, and then can be easily removed with a comb.

Avoid shampoos that contain silicone, sulfates, parabens and other synthetic ingredients. Give preference to shampoos that are designed specifically for your hair type; they should also indicate that the products are suitable for daily use. Among effective means against oily hair, you can highlight products from the brands Yves Rocher and L’Etoile. All products for this type of hair restore the natural balance of the scalp, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieve itching, flaking and dandruff.

Every day you need to massage your scalp with your fingertips - this will help increase blood circulation in the tissues and saturate them with oxygen. It is very effective to exfoliate the scalp - the scrub removes dead scales from the epidermis, this allows the skin to breathe.

Nutrition in the fight against oily hair

Hair and skin react very sensitively to the state of our intestines. Everything we eat affects our appearance. To cope with excessive oily hair, you need to avoid fatty, smoked, salty, pickled, hot and spicy foods. Try to eat healthy - cereals, meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Give preference healthy ways cooking - stewing, baking, steaming. It is very important to eat more foods that contain vitamin B - buckwheat, nuts, red meat and fish, garlic, kiwi. Avoid coffee and alcohol - these drinks wash out vitamin B. Drink sufficient quantity water - moisture will protect your curls from dryness. Try to eat healthy and balanced - you can improve not only the condition of your hair, but also lose a couple of extra pounds.

Homemade masks are very effective in combating increased sebum production. Use only the most effective and proven recipes.

  1. Herbal rinses. Herbs do an excellent job with the active production of sebum, relieve inflammation and soothe the scalp, and relieve itching. Get into the habit of preparing a decoction before each wash. You can use one plant or several types of herbs for this. Chamomile relieves irritation and soothes, sage eliminates oiliness, mint and eucalyptus give curls freshness and fluffiness, nettle perfectly suppresses the appearance of dandruff. A decoction of oak bark will help get rid of excess sebum - it contains a lot of tannins. You just need to rinse your hair with the prepared broth after washing, do not rinse, but blot the broth with a towel.
  2. Cosmetic oil. Those with oily hair avoid cosmetic oils, believing that it will make the hair even more greasy and greasy. But that's not true. Some oils are perfectly absorbed, do not leave a greasy residue, and nourish the skin so that it does not need additional lubrication, that is, it does not secrete its own oil. These oils include coconut oil - this is an ideal product for oily hair, it does not leave a greasy film, and if washed properly, the strands do not stick together, and the curls remain clean and crumbly. In addition to coconut, you can also use lemon oil, tea tree oil, jojoba, lavender and rosemary.
  3. Kefir, lemon, protein and oatmeal. This is a powerful mask for oily hair, which will give real results after the first use - your hair will stay clean and fresh longer. Lemon gently dries the scalp, oatmeal absorbs excess sebum, egg white and fermented milk product normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Mix one protein with two tablespoons of kefir, a tablespoon of lemon juice and oatmeal to form a thick, creamy mixture. Apply the mixture to your scalp like paint, wrap in film and leave for a couple of hours.
  4. Coffee and cognac. Mix strong coffee and high-quality cognac in equal proportions, rinse your hair with this mixture so that the roots are thoroughly soaked. Leave the mask on for a couple of hours, then wash it off with shampoo and warm water.
  5. Cosmetic clay. This is an excellent ingredient for oily hair. Clay perfectly cleanses hair and restores water balance hair shaft, eliminates hair greasiness and relieves scalp irritation. Available in blue, red, white and green clay– each of the compositions is very useful and differs only in the number and variety of minerals. The clay is diluted with milk or water, applied to the hair, and leave the mask on for at least an hour or until completely dry.
  6. Scrub from sea ​​salt, honey and aloe. Scrub is effective remedy To massage the scalp, particles of coarse sea salt literally cleanse the surface of the skin from flaking and dandruff flakes. Honey is necessary in the mask for deep nutrition of the epidermis. Aloe disinfects the cleansed skin surface, prevents dandruff and suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands. Honey must first be heated in a water bath, mixed in equal proportions with aloe juice, and add a little coarse sea salt. You should use the scrub immediately, before the salt dissolves. After an intense scalp massage, keep the mask on your hair for about an hour, then rinse it off with warm water.
  7. Fruit rubs. Fruit juices have a pronounced drying effect. Fruits that contain a lot of acids are especially effective - citrus fruits, apples, pineapple, strawberries. The juice of the selected fruit or berry should be rubbed into the scalp with a small sponge or cotton pad. After an orange, for example, you don’t have to rinse your hair - it won’t stick together, but on the contrary, it will acquire a pleasant citrus aroma.

Homemade masks do not give immediate results. Of course, small improvements can be noticeable after the first use, but you can completely get rid of oily hair only after course treatment for 2-3 months. During this period, you need to make various masks 3 times a week, alternating them with each other, constantly rinsing your hair after washing your hair with herbal decoctions.

If all these measures do not help you get rid of excess fat on your own, then you should contact a trichologist, perhaps he will prescribe drug therapy or cosmetic procedures. These may include mesotherapy, ozone therapy, laser treatment or liquid nitrogen. Hair can and should be treated, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly!

Video: an easy way to refresh oily hair

If the very next day after washing your hair, your hair becomes greasy, shiny and sticky, then you have oily hair. It happens that hair becomes greasy just a few hours after it is washed. Dust, dirt and other particles stick to such hair very easily, and often greasy dandruff appears. All this makes the hair unattractive and unruly, the styling immediately falls under the weight of greasy icicles, and you just can’t achieve at least normal looking heads.

Why does hair get oily?

In general, sebum production is completely normal. physiological process. Another thing is how active this production is. Oily hair at the roots not only looks unsightly, but can also cause hair loss. This is because sebum clogs the pores of the scalp, preventing skin cells from breathing. As a result, microcirculation becomes difficult and nutrition deteriorates. hair follicles. As a result, they weaken, hair becomes thinner and falls out.

Interesting fact: The maximum lifespan of a hair is only 5 years. Therefore, losing up to 100 hairs per day is not considered critical.

Strictly speaking, “oily hair” is a misnomer. Only the scalp can be oily, and the roots become dirty from it. There can be many reasons for active sebum production. Let's name the most common ones:

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Poor nutrition
  • Not proper care for hair

The solution to this problem depends on the degree of its severity. If your hair becomes untidy already in the middle of the day, you cannot do without consulting a specialist.

Wash your hair correctly

The most important thing in caring for oily hair is to learn how to wash your hair correctly. There is a common belief that the more often you wash your hair, the faster it gets used to it and begins to get oily, so oily hair should not be washed often. But it is not so. Trichologists convince: oily hair (just like any other) needs to be washed as it gets dirty. However, you should adhere to some rules:

  • Water for oily hair should certainly be warm, perhaps even slightly cool. Hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands, and with oily hair this is already a problem.
  • Good effect will come from rinsing your hair with cold water - it narrows the pores and prevents the release of oil.
  • If you use shampoo labeled “for the whole family” or “for all hair types,” or even don’t think at all about what you wash your hair with, this needs to be corrected. There should be shampoo for oily hair on your shelf.
  • If you try to fix your oily hair problem by washing it frequently, you're actually making the problem worse. The fact is that the skin simply needs sebum in a reasonable amount. It nourishes and protects, forming a thin film. If you wash it off with constant washing, then this will be a sign for the glands to work more actively. Try washing your hair a little less often. Yes, at first it will be very inconvenient and unsightly, but after a couple of weeks you will see that you can wash your hair less often.
  • If your hair gets oily very quickly, you can try not applying shampoo to the roots of your hair until your hair starts to get oily at least a little less often. But you should never rub shampoo into your scalp.
Cosmetics for oily hair

First of all, this is shampoo. The shampoo must certainly be special - for oily hair, especially if the hair has already stuck together into oily strands. It contains special substances that reduce sebum production. We recommend using:

Shampoo for oily hair Mon Platin Professional Classic- shampoo for oily scalp and hair, stabilizing acidity alkaline balance. Helps cleanse the scalp and hair of excess oily secretions. Contains very mild skin cleansing ingredients that do not cause dry hair. After using shampoo, hair takes on a healthy appearance; shampoo eliminates the feeling of oiliness and makes hair soft; contains filters that protect against harmful influences environment and the sun. It is used quite often depending on the degree of oiliness of the hair.

Balancing shampoo for oily hair with black caviar extract Mon Platin Professional. Oily hair and oily skin– this is a consequence of the unbalanced function of the sebaceous glands. The shampoo effectively removes excess oil from the hair and scalp. Enriched with black caviar extract and antioxidants (pomegranate and tea tree extracts) to help maintain shine and color tone. The pH level corresponds to the natural acidity of the scalp, which ensures a balance of metabolic processes in the scalp, giving hair softness and a feeling of freshness - within 48 hours after use.

But if you wash your hair every day, then it is better to use a mild shampoo for daily use - it does not harm the hair and scalp. Ideal for this case: Unique salt-free hair shampoo Mon Platin Professional. Designed for hair that has undergone chemical treatment (straightening, keratin treatment, coloring, bleaching, etc.)
Compound: made from silk proteins and enriched black caviar, also plant antioxidant extracts of pomegranate and green tea, helping to preserve hair texture and also protect against weather conditions that have a negative effect on hair.
Action: protects hair, does not contain salts and does not counteract chemical procedures, normalizes PH, gives hair shine, elasticity, softness and vitality. Recommendations for use: apply a small amount of shampoo to damp hair, spread with massaging movements over the entire surface of the head and wash with it. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.

You can’t change shampoos often: today for oily hair, and tomorrow for normal hair. This is unnecessary stress for your hair. To be more confident in the effectiveness of the products, it is better to buy them in professional stores. But in any case, you need to choose exactly the one that suits you. Using samples is a good idea.

Well suited for oily hair are shampoos with extracts of nettle, horsetail, coltsfoot, calamus, sage, seaweed, with proteins, vitamins, zinc. Regarding styling products - all kinds of mousses, gels, sprays, foams and other things - it is better to refuse them. All these products contribute to rapid hair contamination.

Scratch as little as possible

During combing, the scalp is massaged, including the sebaceous glands, and this stimulates their work and increases the production of secretion. Therefore, it is advisable not to comb oily hair at all. But since this is unlikely for women, try to comb them as little as possible. Choose combs with large, wide teeth.

Perfect hairstyle

Those with oily hair know how difficult it is to achieve a human-like look on your head. Oily shine is especially noticeable on long hair. Styling long hair is much more troublesome, and such hair doesn’t look very good, to put it mildly. Therefore, the best solution for oily hair would be short haircut- long, oily locks are very difficult to care for. Besides short hair They dry quickly, and this will allow you not to use a hair dryer, which is only a plus for any hair. You can get a perm. The procedure itself will slightly “dry out” the fatty glands. And the curls will add volume to the hairstyle, and will also rise a little from the base of the head and will absorb less fat. Hair dye can dry out your scalp. You don't have to change the color of your hair - you can choose a dye to match. But first, consult with a specialist - hair coloring may not be a suitable solution for everyone. And you should not choose shades in the blond range - they are not suitable for oily hair, it is better to do highlights.

Adjust your diet

Because everything external manifestations always have a connection with internal organs and processes, pay attention to your nutrition. Oily hair does not like fatty, sweet, smoked, coffee, alcohol, canned food, pickles, spices and seasonings - try to exclude or at least limit their consumption. But oatmeal and lactic acid products, on the contrary, will be useful. Eat more fruits and vegetables (especially beets and cabbage). Food should be freshly prepared, rich in proteins and minerals. Nutrition must certainly be balanced, since one of the reasons for increased greasiness in hair is precisely a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. Take care of sufficient intake of iron, sulfur, vitamins A, B1, B2 and C - they contribute to the beauty and health of hair.

Don't be idle! The main thing is not to start the problem. Many people think that they are doomed with oily hair, and that no matter what you do, there is nothing you can do to help. But that's not true. You can help if you follow all the recommendations described. Constantly clogged sebaceous glands and a dirty head are an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. And this could lead to much more serious consequences, up to baldness. So don't be lazy, take care of your hair correctly, and it will thank you for being healthier and beautiful view. And if you can’t cope on your own, then seek advice from a specialist - a trichologist. And your hair will shine with a different - healthy shine!

Hello readers. Today I want to talk about hair. Beautiful, luxurious hair is the decoration and pride of every woman. I really love long hair, but love alone is not enough, hair needs care. Behind Last year I've changed a lot in my hair care. All articles about masks, oils and hair care can be read on the blog. In winter, when I wear a hat, my hair quickly gets dirty. Since the hair is long, the hair at the roots becomes oily, and the ends of the hair become dry. Which exit? Washing your hair too often is also not recommended, because the sebaceous glands begin to restore the fat layer more intensively, that is, they work with redoubled force. It is considered normal to wash your hair 1-3 times a week depending on your hair type. But if in the evening, after washing in the morning, your hair looks “dirty”, then you need to look for the reason for the increased oiliness of your hair.

This problem may occur in summer or winter time. Why do you encounter this situation in winter, when you wear a hat? Because long wearing headdress provokes copious discharge fat, since the headdress prevents the scalp from “breathing”.

If the oiliness of your hair only increases, then this is a reason to go to the doctor, these are “signals” about a disruption in the functioning of the body. The doctor will help identify the causes of excessive oily hair and select the correct treatment.

Why does hair get dirty quickly? Causes.

In caring for hair that gets dirty quickly, the main thing is proper nutrition and proper hair care. And also, properly selected shampoo and masks several times a week. Rinsing hair with a decoction of herbs or water acidified with lemon. But first, let's look at why hair can quickly become oily.

  • If we consider the structure of the hair, then the hair itself cannot become oily. Sebum is secreted by the sebaceous glands, which are located in the scalp. This is all you need to prevent your scalp from drying out. In some people, the sebaceous glands are more active than in others.
  • One of the reasons for oily hair is poor nutrition. Excessive consumption of coffee, fatty, sweet, fatty meat dishes can lead to excessive oily hair. You don’t have to give up these foods, you can just eliminate them from your diet for a while. Pay attention to vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish.
  • The use of antibiotics and certain medications negatively affects the condition of the hair. Hormonal drugs have a huge impact on the body.
  • The reasons also include stressful situations.
  • Frequent washing leads to the fact that the hair quickly begins to get dirty. Pay attention to the shampoo you use to wash your hair. I use shampoo to wash my hair without SLS, I rinse with shampoo with SLS oil masks. After washing your hair with shampoo, you can use hair conditioner. Do not apply the balm to the roots, only to the length.
  • After washing your hair, you need to rinse your hair with cool water. But, I would like to note the fact that if your hair is too oily, do not use hair conditioner; it is better to rinse your hair with water acidified with lemon or apple cider vinegar. How to use apple cider vinegar for hair and how to rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar can be found in the article ““.
  • It is possible that hair becomes oilier due to frequent combing and using a straightener to straighten hair. Frequent use of a hair dryer, as hot air negatively affects the sebaceous glands.
  • Washing your hair with too hot water also has a negative effect on your hair. You need to wash your hair with water close to body temperature. After washing your hair, it is better to rinse your hair with cool water.

Also, be sure to wash the combs you use to comb your hair. Take a complex of vitamins containing vitamins B, C, E, iron, sulfur and other microelements.

You should wash your hair only with warm water, but not hot, as hot water increases oil production by activating the sebaceous glands. After washing, rinse your hair with cool water.

Hair quickly becomes oily. What to do? Masks. Care.

It is better to choose a transparent shampoo for washing your hair, without dyes, and of course, for oily hair. Choose shampoos based on natural herbal extracts. For example, with sage, Chinese lemongrass, calendula, nettle. Apply shampoo to your hair, and then you need to thoroughly foam a portion of the shampoo, it is advisable to leave it on your hair for 5 minutes, then rinse with water, the procedure can be repeated.

Instead of hair conditioner, you can use water with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. You can add a tablespoon per liter of water apple cider vinegar, or juice of one lemon. For oily hair, you can rinse your hair with mint infusion. For a liter of boiling water you need 2 tablespoons of mint, leave, strain and rinse your hair.

If your hair is long, you may encounter another problem. If your hair is oily at the roots and dry at the ends, then you can use a mask for oily hair at the roots and a mask of oils for dry ends. On the ends of my hair I use wheat germ oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, peach oil. I apply the oil in its pure form; if desired, I can add a few drops of lavender essential oil.

Salt peeling for hair. If your hair is oily, you can use salt peeling for your hair. Do peeling better times per week, approximately 3-5 procedures, and then a break. I take three tablespoons of fine sea salt mixed with two tablespoons of hair balm, add a few drops of essential oil, I use lavender oil. Apply the mixture to damp hair, lightly massaging the scalp, leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. More details on how to do salt peeling for hair can be found in the article ““.

Essential oils for oily hair. If your hair gets dirty quickly, pay attention to essential oils. For oily hair, lavender, lemon, tea tree, lemon balm, mint, grapefruit, bergamot. These essential oils can be added to hair masks.

Mustard hair mask. A mustard mask is perfect for oily hair. It is enough to do this mask once a week. This mask also helps strengthen your hair. For the mask, you need to dilute 2 tablespoons of dry mustard with hot water to a paste-like state, add 2-3 tablespoons of oil (peach, almond or any other), add chicken yolk to the mixture. Apply the mask to the hair roots and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water to prevent the yolk from curdling on your hair, and then wash your hair with shampoo.

Kefir mask for oily hair. If your hair is oily, you can dissolve a spoonful of blue clay in 200 grams of kefir and rub it into the hair roots and leave for half an hour. It is better to use kefir with a minimum percentage of fat content. Wash off the mask with shampoo. This mask will remove excess oil and give your hair a healthy shine. Hair after the mask becomes more elastic.

Decoctions or infusions of herbs. After washing your hair with shampoo, you can rinse your hair with herbal infusion. The following herbs are suitable for oily hair: nettle, mint, lemon balm, linden, chamomile, plantain, sage, coltsfoot, calamus, yarrow. For a liter of boiling water you need 2 tbsp. spoons of grass. Pour boiling water over the grass, cover, and leave to infuse. Strain the infusion and rinse your hair with cool infusion after washing.

Mask with yolk and lemon. Mix the yolk with 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice and apply to the hair roots for half an hour. Wash off the mask with cool water and then wash your hair with shampoo. But, such a mask should not be used for wounds or microcracks on the scalp, since it is undesirable for lemon juice to get into the wound.

Oily hair gives any, even the most fashionable hairstyle, a sloppy look. To look attractive, those with hair prone to getting dirty quickly have to wash their hair every day. But this doesn’t save the situation much, since hair washed in the morning becomes greasy by the evening. Therefore, the most pressing question is what to do if your hair quickly becomes oily.

Daily washing complicates life, since it is not always possible to take water procedures when going on a trip or business trip. And most trichologists agree that you shouldn’t wash your hair every day, because this is an additional incentive for increased work of the sebaceous glands and increased oiliness of the hair. How to break out of this vicious circle? Are there simple ways that allow you to reduce sebum secretion and eliminate the main cause of poor hair condition? In this article we will tell you why hair becomes oily very quickly and how to get rid of this problem.

Experts identify several main reasons affecting the condition of hair:

  1. Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. The main reason for excessive oily hair is the increased secretion of sebaceous glands located in the scalp. In other words, too much sebum is produced. During normal functioning of the glands, it performs protective function, protects the skin and hair roots from drying out, bacterial flora, dirt particles and excess ultraviolet rays. But if the function of the glands is impaired, excess sebum becomes the main cause of untidy appearance and increased greasiness of hair.
  2. Hormonal imbalances. The increase in sebum production increases with sudden hormonal changes, for example, during puberty, menopause, pregnancy. In addition, the reason for the violation normal functioning glands can become endocrine diseases, accompanied by an imbalance of certain hormones. To diagnose disorders in this case, you need to consult an endocrinologist. After conducting an examination and identifying the cause of the hormonal imbalance, the doctor will be able to select medications that can regulate hormone levels and eliminate the increased production of sebaceous secretions.
  3. Unbalanced diet. Regular use Spicy, fatty, fried foods have an extremely negative effect on the condition of the hair. Poor nutrition, with a predominance of “fast” carbohydrates, which are found in sweets, flour and confectionery, promotes increased sebum production. Lack of fresh vegetables and fruits, fermented milk drinks in the diet, vegetable oils, leads to vitamin deficiency. A lack of vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances negatively affects the condition of the scalp.
  4. Bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol are a direct path to disrupting the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands in the scalp.
  5. Improper hair care. It is very important to correctly determine your hair type (dry, oily, combination) in order to choose the appropriate care. If cosmetic products do not match the type of skin and hair, they will not only not help cope with oiliness, but on the contrary, they can greatly worsen the condition of the hair.
  6. . Increased oiliness in hair is especially acute during the cold season when wearing a hat (especially made of synthetic materials) or being outside without a hat. An additional influence can be exerted by a hair dryer or curling iron, which, by drying out the ends, can activate the sebaceous glands and cause increased oiliness of the hair at the roots.
  7. Chronic diseases. Hair is a kind of indicator of health and if problems arise with it, then the body is not in order. Most often, the condition of the hair changes for the worse due to diseases of the digestive and nervous system, therefore, only eliminating the underlying disease will help improve the condition of your hair.
  8. Specific diseases of the scalp. These include fungal diseases, in particular seborrheic dermatitis, which is accompanied by increased secretion of sebum, the appearance of itching, and hair loss. When similar symptoms You must consult a trichologist to prescribe treatment.
  9. Genetic factor. The quality, type and structure of hair are characteristics that are inherited from parents, so the problem of excessive oily hair can be passed on from parents to children.
  10. Stress, psycho-emotional tension, depression. Such conditions undoubtedly affect the condition of the hair, which is why it is so important to be able to cope with various negative factors.

There are many reasons why the condition of your hair leaves much to be desired. It is important for any woman to know that only the health of the whole body as a whole can guarantee healthy hair. To understand the reason, you should consult a specialist, undergo an appropriate examination and then follow the doctor’s recommendations.

To maintain healthy hair, it is important to follow a few basic rules:

  • It is recommended to increase the intake of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A and vitamin E, which have a direct effect on the synthesis of collagen fibers, strengthening the hair structure and improving its condition. Useful material and microelements can be obtained from ready-made multivitamin complexes, or more often consume fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Do not use very hot water, as this is stressful for the skin, causes dryness, and as a result, increases the production of sebum. Use warm water to wash your hair, preferably boiled water, and not from the tap. Washing your hair too often can make the situation worse, so try to wash your hair once every three days.
  • Choose carefully detergent according to your problem and use shampoo designed specifically for oily hair.
  • Hair balms should not be applied to the skin or rubbed into the roots, as the balm activates metabolic processes, enhances tissue trophism, and when applied to the scalp will promote increased sebum secretion.
  • After washing, it is recommended to dry your hair naturally and comb it with a wide-toothed wooden comb. After each procedure, it is necessary to wash the comb with soap to remove dirt and pathogenic microorganisms from it.

If you cannot cope with increased oiliness in your hair on your own, consult a trichologist. An experienced specialist will be able to determine the main causes of excessive sebum production and prescribe necessary treatment, as well as correctly adjust your hair care and recommend cosmetics that are suitable specifically for your hair. In this case, the question of why hair quickly becomes oily will become solvable and the problem can be forgotten for a long time.

The doctor will correct internal problems in the body that trigger increased sebum production. If the root of the problem is hormonal imbalances, you will be referred for a consultation with an endocrinologist who will select the necessary treatment regimen.

Additionally, the doctor will prescribe vitamins A and E, minerals and help adjust your diet. As mentioned above, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, less sweets, fatty and fried foods, as well as smoked meats and spices. Refusal bad habits, drinking sweet carbonated drinks and strong coffee will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the sebaceous glands and will help reduce oily hair.

Used for hair care medicated shampoos, which contain zinc compounds and salicylic acid, which have an antiseptic and drying effect. Good results are obtained by using Sulsena paste, which reduces the production of sebum and improves hair condition.

ethnoscience offers many options for combating excessive production of sebaceous secretions. Let's look at the simplest and most effective of them.

  1. The most famous remedy that our people used is tar soap, which is based on natural Birch tar. This substance is a strong antiseptic; it dries, heals the skin and has a calming effect. If you don’t want your hair to smell like tar, then after washing your hair with this product, you can rinse your hair again with conditioner or shampoo.
  2. Ground black pepper (1 tsp) is mixed with the same volume and allowed to brew for 24 hours. The resulting mixture is applied to the scalp for 15-20 minutes under a film and a towel. Then washed off warm water and shampoo. Pepper renders local irritant effect, provides oxygen flow and nutrients to the hair roots, accelerates blood circulation in the scalp and thus normalizes the functions of the glands. Recipes based on hot pepper, mustard, garlic and other skin irritating ingredients can only be used if there is no damage to the scalp and you do not suffer from hypersensitivity reactions to these ingredients.

  3. A starch mask with the addition of honey and lemon has a pronounced drying effect. The starch is poured with hot water or a decoction of oak bark, stirred and infused for several hours. After cooling, add 1 tsp to the mass. honey and citric acid. The composition is thoroughly mixed. Apply to the roots of the hair for 30 minutes under a film and an insulating cap.
  4. A wonderful remedy for this problem are essential oils, which contain a whole complex of flavonoids, fatty acids and microelements. Citrus and pine oils have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, soothing effects, restore normal functioning sebaceous glands, eliminate oily shine. Lavender and peppermint oils also stimulate hair growth and enhance hair nutrition from the roots.
  5. Clay masks can be used not only for the face, but also for hair. Clay has a drying effect and absorbs excess oil, so it is recommended to make this mask 20 minutes before washing your hair. All kinds of clays are used for hair, but especially expressed result can be achieved using white, blue and green clay.
  6. The most popular means is rubbing into the roots of burdock or castor oil. You should not think that their use will increase the greasiness of the hair; on the contrary, natural oils regulate the functioning of the glands and stabilize the production of sebaceous secretions.

  7. Decoctions are very effective medicinal herbs(sage, oak bark, chamomile), which is used to rinse hair after washing. These plants have pronounced antiseptic, drying and astringent properties and help reduce excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  8. Instead of kefir, you can use others as a mask dairy products that do not contain sugar (sour cream, natural yogurt, yogurt). It is permissible to use fresh cottage cheese as a compress. To do this, mix it with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, apply it to the roots of damp hair and cover with a film and then a towel.
  9. Very effective mask for hair that quickly becomes oily. Kefir, as a separate product or mixed with egg white, is applied to the roots. Then the hair is covered with plastic wrap and wrapped in a towel to retain heat inside. Milk product nourishes the roots and improves the hair structure, and egg white has a drying effect and reduces sebum production.
  10. If the roots hair quickly becomes greasy, you can do processing medicinal juice aloe, which exhibits pronounced antiseptic and astringent properties. Aloe leaves are kneaded in a mortar, the resulting mass is squeezed through cheesecloth, and the juice is rubbed into the scalp 15 minutes before washing your hair.

  11. Beat the egg yolk thoroughly and add 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. The resulting mixture is placed in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. Then apply to the roots of the hair, actively rubbing into the scalp, and leave for 30 minutes, and then rinse with running warm water. This recipe is not recommended for use when the scalp is irritated, otherwise a strong burning sensation and discomfort may occur. In this case, the composition must be washed off immediately.
  12. Mustard powder is diluted in warm water and leave overnight, according to the instructions for its dilution. You can also use ready-made mustard. 1 tsp mustard is combined with 2 large spoons of water, you should get a homogeneous, thick mass. Instead of water, you can use a decoction of sage, chamomile, or oak bark. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair roots for 20 minutes. If there is strong burning sensation, then you must immediately wash off the composition.
  13. Bee propolis is heated in a water bath until it turns into a liquid state, then a piece is added butter and melt it together with propolis. This mixture is cooled at room temperature. Do not use the refrigerator, as the mixture will thicken again in the cold. Apply to the scalp for 30 minutes, covering with film and a towel, and then rinse with shampoo.

  14. Crush the red currant berries until smooth. Mix with 2 tbsp. l. liquid linden honey. Add 1 tsp to the resulting mixture. freshly squeezed lemon juice. If the mixture turns out to be too thick, it can be diluted with a small amount of water or herbal decoctions (for greater effect). The resulting mixture cannot be heated, so only liquid at room temperature should be used for dilution. Apply to the scalp for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm running water.
  15. Strain the decoction of nettle leaves through cheesecloth and cool at room temperature or in the refrigerator. For 200 ml of decoction you need to add 1 small spoon of cinnamon (and skin regeneration), one large spoon of liquid honey (provides hair nutrition), one raw yolk. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and refrigerate for 2 hours. Rub the cooled medicine into the hair roots and leave for 30 minutes under a film and a towel, keeping warm.
  16. For the next remedy, you need to prepare a potato decoction (it is better to peel it first). Cool the resulting liquid, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice (per one glass of broth), 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon. Rinse your hair with the resulting mixture before shampooing, or make baths, immersing your hair in the broth for 20-30 minutes and rubbing it into the roots.

Homemade recipes with regular use give very good results. Traditional medicine is rich in ways to treat oily scalp and can offer a whole arsenal of universal remedies aimed at improving hair health. It is important to choose the most suitable option from the variety of offers and use it to eliminate excess oily hair.

We have considered very serious problem, from which women suffer not only in Russia, but throughout the world. And this problem is oily hair. Constant washing, using inappropriate shampoos, and scalp massage not only does not help, but, on the contrary, worsens the condition of the hair, increasing the production of sebum.

There is an opinion that dry hair can be washed once every 7-10 days, and oily hair - once every 5-7 days. Today, this information has lost its relevance. Modern shampoos do not change the acid-base balance of the scalp, do not dry the skin, but, on the contrary, carefully take care of its condition, restore the hair structure and the surface layer of the skin.

You can wash your hair with these products every day without causing any damage to the functions of the sebaceous glands. The main thing is to choose the right shampoo, corresponding to the hair type, which a trichologist can help with. At the same time, special medicated shampoos should not be used more than 2 times a week and can only be used while undergoing a course of therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Do not forget about maintaining health and monitoring the condition of the body. Treat promptly chronic diseases, avoid stress, hypothermia, colds, stick to proper nutrition– this will help maintain hair good condition. If the body is healthy, then the hair will look amazing.

Often women make a lot of efforts to maintain the beauty of their curls, but at the same time they are still perplexed why their hair quickly becomes greasy on the second day after washing. The reason may lie in different phenomena. And to eliminate the problem, you will have to completely reconsider your lifestyle and principles of caring for your hair.

What quickly oily hair looks like

In order not to confuse the banal contamination of curls due to sports or physical labor, it is important to know that really oily hair looks like this:

  • About 10-12 hours after washing, or even earlier, the hair roots become shiny from excess sebum.
  • The styling loses volume.
  • The fat gradually spreads over the entire length of the hair and with each passing hour the curls look less and less tidy.
  • The hair smells unpleasant (the specific smell of a dirty head).
  • Dandruff may appear.

All this happens because the sebaceous glands of the head are overactive. Normally, the skin secretion should slightly moisturize the hair and protect it from negative impact various factors. In excess, sebum gives curls an unsightly, greasy appearance.

And here active work sebaceous glands already has its reasons.

Causes of oily hair (active glands)

A cosmetic problem often occurs for the following reasons:

  • Poor nutrition. An abundance of too spicy, fatty, fried, smoked foods in the diet. Such dishes nourish the body bad cholesterol. Fiery spices drive blood faster. This is what causes the active work of the glands.

  • Playing sports (or heavy physical labor). Everything is clear here without details. During physical activity Not only the body sweats, but also the scalp. Sweat has a negative impact on appearance curls. They get fat and lose their attractiveness.
  • Improper hair care. You may be using too hot water to wash your hair or drying your hair under hot air. Such temperature “shocks” activate the sebaceous glands. In addition, under improper care implies the use of inappropriate cosmetics for washing and styling. This makes your hair quickly become oily and smell like grease.

  • Hormonal disorders in the body. They are especially common in women over 50 years of age or in very young girls during puberty.
  • Diseases of internal organs. More often, if the condition of the hair causes concern, the gastrointestinal tract is to blame. We need to check their work.
  • Stress and depression. The hormone cortisol, which is produced in this case, is not in the best possible way affects the functioning of the whole organism.

Important: sometimes oily hair is a genetic predisposition. But stillfightwith the problem you need.

How to fix the situation

To make your hair look well-groomed and not cause problems excessive activity sebaceous glands, you will have to slightly change your lifestyle and the principles of caring for your curls. It is recommended to do the following:

  • Gradually increase the intervals between washing your hair. Even if we are talking about watches. Thanks to this technique, you will gradually switch from the “every day” mode of washing your hair to the “every three days” mode. And the hair will get used to taking care of itself with the help of moderate amount sebum.

  • When washing, use only warm water, and sometimes even cool water in the summer. Remember too high temperatures hair gets oily. Namely, they activate the production of sebum.
  • Use shampoo twice during washing. The first foaming allows you to remove excess fat and dirt from your curls. This time you probably notice that the shampoo does not foam well enough. The second time the product gives a thicker foam. This means that you have washed away a thick, oily film from your hair.

  • For the washing procedure, it is advisable to use distilled water. If this cannot be achieved, then add a little soda, vinegar or lemon juice to it. Acidic water additionally washes away excess cosmetics from the hair and residual fat. This wash allows you to add shine to your hair.
  • Be sure to thoroughly rinse any remaining shampoo and hair conditioner from your curls. By the way, if your hair becomes very oily at the roots, apply the balm not to the scalp, but only to the second half of the hair length.

  • To rinse washed curls, you can use fresh decoctions of tansy, chamomile, and nettle. In addition to the fact that they remove excess oil from the hair, such products also have a caring effect. They add shine to the hair and make it stronger.
  • Try to listen to your hair naturally without using a hair dryer. If this cannot be avoided, then keep the temperature of the hairdryer to a minimum and warm. But don't use hot air.
  • Avoid metal and plastic brushes and combs. It is better to switch to a wooden comb.

  • Avoid styling products for a while. Give your hair and scalp a rest and live a natural life.
  • Touch your hair less during the day. Carry out the styling done in the morning until the evening. Do not comb your curls or twist them. Excessive hair movements stimulate the sebaceous glands.
  • Review your diet. Eliminate fatty, fried, smoked, spicy foods and spices. You also need to discard the marinade.

Express remedy

Dry shampoo will help quickly solve the problem of oily hair. It gives some delay for 3-5 hours before the next shampooing. You can buy ready-made compositions in the store or make your own. Homemade dry shampoo is mixed from finely ground oatmeal and baking soda. The proportion of components is 5:1. That is, five servings of flour, one serving of soda. This dry shampoo is especially suitable for blondes.
