Healing suppositories for hemorrhoids. Suppositories for hemorrhoids: methods of treating the disease, features of the use of suppositories

Every hemorrhoid treatment regimen includes rectal suppositories.

Acting locally, they help in a short period relieve pain and itching.

Some rectal suppositories are used to stop bleeding that may accompany hemorrhoids.

The choice of rectal suppositories depends on the type of hemorrhoids, its degree and the presence of complications.

Ideally, the selection of drugs should be carried out by a specialist.

Each medical product has contraindications, and if self-medicated can cause unpleasant side effects.


We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of which suppositories for external and internal hemorrhoids are the most popular and are characterized by fast action.

ReliefUsed for all types of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
You can use no more than 4 pcs per day. There are contraindications.
420 – 560 rub.
ProctosanSuppositories for the treatment of external hemorrhoids in women and men. Helps with anal fissures and bleeding. It has regenerating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.410-500 rub.
AnestezolThe drug is aimed at reducing pain during exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect.
90-120 rub.
They have a pronounced analgesic effect and help improve vascular tone. Can be used when severe forms hemorrhoids.
400-510 rub.
NatalsidGood suppositories for external hemorrhoids. Help relieve pain, eliminate swelling, and have regenerating properties.420-590 rub.
BetiolEffective candles for external hemorrhoids based on belladonna and ichthyol extract. They have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.74-120 rub.
HemorolThey relieve pain and swelling and have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Can be used for bleeding.490-710 rub.
Sea buckthorn candlesPopular natural suppositories for the treatment of external hemorrhoids of 1-2 degrees. They have a minimum of contraindications.90-120 rub.
AnuzolUsed for all types of hemorrhoids, anal fissures and external nodes.80-150 rub.
ProctosedylThey have a pronounced analgesic effect, relieve swelling and promote tissue restoration.400-510 rub.

Photos of rectal preparations from the list of the table:


Which suppositories are better for external hemorrhoids in a particular case, only a specialist can say.

There is a huge selection of drugs that can not only reduce pain, but also restore the elasticity of blood vessels.

Each of them has contraindications, even if the composition is completely natural.

Most of medical supplies contraindicated for use during pregnancy, lactation and age up to 12 years.

An exception may be 100% natural candles, but they can also cause a serious allergic reaction in case of individual intolerance.

Possible side effects include:

  • Itching and burning in anal area.
  • Increased pain.
  • Bleeding.
  • General weakness.
  • Skin allergic reactions.
  • Dryness and flaking.
  • Violation of blood composition.

Instructions for use

So that the candles have the maximum effect beneficial effect, they must be used after defecation.

A good result can be obtained if Before insertion, cleanse the intestines with an enema..

But in this case, it is worth knowing that such procedures cannot be performed frequently, as this can disrupt the intestinal microflora.

A prerequisite is compliance with hygiene rules during treatment. This may eliminate the risk of secondary infection.

Mode of application:

  1. It is best to administer rectal suppositories while lying on your side. Bottom leg should be in a straight position, and the top one should be bent towards the stomach.
  2. With your buttocks relaxed, carefully insert the suppository. They should not fall into the rectum - this will reduce its effect to a minimum. Hold it with a napkin in the anal area until completely dissolved.
  3. It is best to do the procedure at night. If the product must be used several times a day, do not get out of bed for 30 minutes after administration.
  4. If pain occurs during insertion, it can be lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream.

Hemorrhoidal suppositories are the most popular among other means of treating this disease, although there are quite a lot of them in the pharmacy chain: these are creams and gel forms, tablets and capsules. The variety of medications available for the treatment of hemorrhoids is impressive - after all, the disease is common, and therefore there are many means for treating it. However, today we will focus on the most popular and effective dosage form– these are rectal suppositories (Suppositoria rectalia).

Which suppositories to prescribe is decided, of course, by a specialist, based on examination and necessary tests. You should not choose and buy candles at the pharmacy on your own, even if the commercial guarantees a 100% cure for the disease: at the most positive reviews it just may not suit you. Medicines are selected individually, taking into account the condition and age of the patient, the neglect and stage of the process, the sensitivity of the body to the drugs of this pharmacological group and many other parameters. After all, hemorrhoids have four degrees of development, and sometimes the use is supposedly very effective means may not bring any results. Consulting a doctor will help you choose the right drug. And we will only give you the necessary information on this topic.

How to administer suppositories for hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoidal suppositories are used as prescribed by a proctologist 1 to 4 times a day. Before use, hygiene procedures should be carried out in the perineal area; The rectal suppository must be removed from the package and used immediately, since the product has a natural oil base and, with the slightest delay, can simply melt in your hands.

The insertion of suppositories is carried out with clean hands (medical gloves can be used) deep into the rectum, with the rounded end facing forward. After the procedure, you should wash your hands with soap. It is recommended to lie quietly for half an hour after the administration of suppositoria rectalia. Unpleasant sensations symptoms that arise during the procedure should completely subside within a few minutes.

After administration of the drug in the rectum, the suppository melts and the drug is absorbed into the blood. The active ingredients included in the suppository envelop the affected walls of blood vessels and surrounding tissues and soften unpleasant symptoms diseases.

Suppositories for internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are a stage of the disease in which there is an enlargement and protrusion of the internal veins of the anus. If treatment is undertaken immediately after the onset of symptoms, the effect can be achieved without the use of surgery.

Among the popular suppositories that are used to treat internal hemorrhoids are the following:

  • Proctosedyl - contain cinchocaine and hydrocortisone, have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect;
  • Procto-glivenol is a venotonic agent with an anesthetic effect, helps to visually reduce venous nodes, tighten cracks, and relieve pain;
  • Posterisan is a tonic drug that activates the restoration of affected tissues;
  • Relief – anti-inflammatory, decongestant effect, reduces symptoms of pain and itching;
  • Adrenaline suppositoria rectalia – reduces bleeding, pain; contraindicated for hypertension;
  • Natalsid is a natural rectal remedy that can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Suppositories for external hemorrhoids

With external hemorrhoids, enlarged veins protrude outward: they become visible. Rectal suppositories can also be used for this course of the disease.

  • Gepatrombin G is a universal suppository for all forms of hemorrhoids. Acts as a preventative against bleeding, accelerates recovery and increases tissue tone;
  • Relief – also used for all types of hemorrhoids, stops bleeding, heals anal fissures;
  • Anestezol is an analgesic rectal drug. Requires caution when using: causes an increase blood pressure;
  • Doloproct – relieves symptoms of pain, burning, swelling;
  • Procto-glivenol - reduces the permeability of the capillary wall, has a local analgesic effect;
  • Phytor suppositoria rectalia – eliminates constipation, pain and bleeding of hemorrhoidal veins;
  • Aurobin – eliminates the negative symptoms of the disease, heals wounds, relieves inflammation;
  • Witch hazel - strengthens vascular walls.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids after childbirth

Rectal medications after childbirth, as well as suppositories for hemorrhoids during lactation - actual question for many women who are concerned about rectal vein disease. Hemorrhoids can also form as a result of difficult labor. Long-term labor activity can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids in a woman in labor. Many women experience hemorrhoids even before childbirth, and during childbirth the course of the disease worsens.

When pushing during childbirth, a woman tenses, as a result of which intra-abdominal pressure increases and the vessels become overfilled with blood. This contributes to the expansion of weak vessel walls, which manifests itself in the form of nodes and protrusion of veins.

After the birth of the child, the period of breastfeeding begins. At this time, the baby, along with milk, receives all the useful and harmful substances that entered the mother’s body through food or medications she took. This can negatively affect the health and condition of the child.

That is why it is important during these periods of a woman’s life to use only natural preparations, which are based on natural ingredients. You should consult a doctor about the choice and use of rectal suppositories after childbirth and during breastfeeding, who will prescribe a more suitable option.

Hemorrhoid suppositories for men

Hemorrhoids occur quite often in men. It's connected with bad work intestines, consumption alcoholic drinks, lifting and carrying heavy loads, sedentary office work.

For the most part, men go to the doctor only when “it’s really bad,” not realizing that the disease is late stages much more difficult to treat. And advanced disease, moreover, can only be treated surgically.

Effective treatment of male hemorrhoids is possible; it should be determined by the stage of development of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body.

A specialist can prescribe antihemorrhoidal suppositories at his discretion; at the same time, it is recommended to change lifestyle, give up bad habits, monitor diet and avoid long-term sitting position. If such recommendations are not followed, suppositoria rectalia will bring only a temporary effect, since the cause of the pathology will remain.

Among men, the most popular suppositories are Relief, Gepatrombin G, and Proctoglivenol. They reduce pain, relieve swelling and inflammatory reaction, and dilute blood clots.

Hemorrhoid suppositories for children

Hemorrhoids in childhood are not very common. Therefore, there are no special children’s suppositories in medical practice. In the treatment of hemorrhoids in children, regular rectal suppositories for adults are used, dividing them into parts to reduce the dosage of the active substances of the drug.

Antihemorrhoidal suppositories for children's use must be at least safe for the child. The annotation for the use of suppositoria rectalia always indicates whether their use can be used to treat children. Do not use Suppositoria rectalia on your own: the dosage and type of medication for a child can only be prescribed by a specialist - a pediatrician or proctologist.

In childhood, suppositoria rectalia is allowed to be used based on homeopathic remedies that contain natural herbal ingredients. Contraindications to the use of such drugs can only be allergic manifestations and reactions to the components of candles.

Many suppositories have not been tested at all for the possibility of their use in childhood, so the question of their use must be decided by a doctor.

Names of suppositories for hemorrhoids and their brief description

There are quite a few types of rectal antihemorrhoidal suppositories. To understand a little about these drugs, let’s consider the most popular of them.

  • Methyluracil suppositories (posterisan)

Such suppositoria rectalia perfectly heal anal fissures, resolve inflammatory infiltrates, promote the restoration of affected tissue areas, and reduce painful phenomena.

  • Anti-inflammatory suppositories

These are suppositories containing substances that inhibit the growth and development of pathogenic flora. Such substances may be natural antiseptics(propolis preparation, scavlamin), artificial antiseptics (ichthyol, phenol, bismuth preparations), non-steroidal drugs(drugs of indomethacin, voltaren) and steroids (hormones of the adrenal cortex).

  • Pain relieving suppositories

Relieves one of the main symptoms of hemorrhoids – pain in the anal area. Almost all antihemorrhoidal suppositories have this ability.

  • Glycerin suppositories

They soften the skin, accelerate the healing of microcracks, prevent stagnation of feces in the rectum, and facilitate bowel movements.

  • Homeopathic suppositories

Special suppositoria rectalia, consisting exclusively of plant components, in certain doses, possessing all the necessary properties to treat the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Gently restore tissue damage, suitable even for pregnant women and children.

  • Hemostatic suppositories
  • Herbal suppositories

TO herbal candles include homeopathic suppositoria rectalia, preparations with belladonna, sea buckthorn, calendula, and seaweed. These rectal products are made from plants: they have virtually no side effects and contraindications.

  • Novocaine suppositories

They are used for significant pain in the anus, as they contain the local anesthetic novocaine, which effectively and permanently relieves pain.

  • Suppositories with antibiotic

Used in the treatment of hemorrhoids complicated by infection. Such suppositories inhibit pathogenic microflora, facilitating and accelerating the healing process.

  • Sea buckthorn suppositories

A natural drug, used as an analgesic and antipruritic, relieves irritation of the mucous membranes, and ensures tissue regeneration.

  • Suppositories with propolis

Propolis is a natural source of biologically active elements. It has antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal effects, stimulates the immune system, and relieves pain.

  • Ichthyol suppositories

Ichthyol is produced from resinous substances that are formed during the coking of oil shale. Preparations based on ichthyol have a beneficial effect on affected tissues, relieve signs of swelling and inflammation, and have an antiseptic effect.

  • Suppositories with calendula

Refers to homeopathic suppositories. A natural remedy with no contraindications.

  • Potato suppositories

Traditional method of treating the disease. An improvised candle is cut out of raw potatoes and inserted into anus at night for 15-20 days. Potatoes have enveloping properties, reduce signs of irritation of the mucous membranes, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

  • Suppositories with aloe

Aloe is a well-known absorbent and immunostimulating, regenerative folk remedy. It is used in the form of a homemade “candle” from a plant, when part of the leaf is cut off from the thorns and inserted into the anus, like a standard candle. Use at night every other day for a month.

  • Suppositories with menthol

Such suppositories include suppositoria rectalia “Ichthyol”, “Anestezol”. Menthol has a cooling and calming effect, which significantly improves the patient's condition.

  • Indian suppositories

The “Antihemorrhoids” product, produced by the Indian company Elegant India, has proven itself to be very good. It's relative inexpensive drug, effectively relieving all known symptoms of hemorrhoids.

  • Suppositories with chamomile

This is a traditional method of treating hemorrhoids. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter. Pour the infusion into a rubber fingertip or medical glove and place it in freezer. We use the resulting finger-shaped candle at night, inserting it into the anus. The product is used every other day for a month. This is a popular recipe, so you should consult your doctor before using it.

  • Relief

Anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and wound healing drug. Reduces the release of exudate, reduces swelling. They are used for both external and internal hemorrhoids.

  • Natalsid
  • Proctosan

A preparation of bismuth, titanium and lidocaine. It has an analgesic, astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Anuzol

The components of the drug are belladonna extract, bismuth and zinc sulfate. Suppositories have disinfectant, antispasmodic, drying properties, and increase sphincter tone.

  • Posterisan

Stimulates the regeneration of skin and mucous membranes, works as a prophylactic against pathogenic infections.

  • Nizhpharm

Nizhpharm - famous pharmaceutical company, which produces antihemorrhoidal suppositories such as Ichthyol, Anestezol, Analgin, Proctosan, Posterizan, Anuzol, etc.

  • Hepatrombin

They have prednisolone, heparin and polidocanol bases. They prevent thrombus formation, relieve signs of inflammation, promote sclerosis of varicose vessels, causing them to narrow and reduce protrusions.

  • Advance

Belong to the Relief series, produced on the basis of cocoa butter. They have a pronounced immunomodulatory, hemostatic effect, contain vitamins and anti-inflammatory substances.

  • Anestezol
  • Proctonis

Natural suppositories contain extracts of yarrow, coriander, licorice, and hay. Act as an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and laxative.

  • Suppositories with adrenaline

They have an analgesic and hemostatic effect. Not prescribed to hypertensive patients and people prone to high blood pressure.

  • Proctosedyl

Reduces the fragility of blood vessels, analgesizes, relieves inflammation and itching, and prevents blood clotting.

  • Belladonna suppositories

Belladonna (belladonna) extract helps with anal fissures, relieves pain and relieves burning sensation.

  • Ultraproct
  • Suppositories with papaverine

Papaverine is a well-known antispasmodic. Relieves spasms of blood vessels and smooth muscles, produces an analgesic effect, and helps accelerate blood flow due to the expansion of the vascular lumen.

  • Diclofenac

Relieve swelling and pain, relax smooth muscles, eliminate inflammation. For hemorrhoids, they are rarely used, as they can provoke a burning sensation in the anus, as well as the development of rectal bleeding.

  • Syntomycin suppositories

This is chloramphenicol antibacterial drug, used mainly in gynecology. However, the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of the drug allows it to be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

  • Suppositories with indomethacin

Indomethacin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used for arthritis, neuralgia, and prostatitis. Hemorrhoids are a contraindication for the use of the drug due to its aggressive effect on the irritated mucosa.

  • Suppositories with lidocaine

These suppositories include Procto-Glivenol; they have good therapeutic activity and relieve pain quickly and for a long time.

  • Ketonal

Ketonal has a good analgesic effect thanks to the substance ketoprofen. For hemorrhoids, it is used mainly after operations on the rectum as an analgesic.

  • Betiol

Suppositories made from belladonna and ichthyol extract are used for protrusion and inflammation of the veins and painful anal fissures.

  • Viferon

Viferon is an antiviral agent, and its use for hemorrhoids is somewhat inappropriate. However, its anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties allow the drug to be used for healing wounds and fissures of the anus.

  • Kyzyl May
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Witch hazel

Extract from the witch hazel plant, a homeopathic remedy on a natural basis. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps to subside the symptoms of the disease.

  • Buscopan

Buscopan is used for spastic pain in the digestive system as a smooth muscle relaxant. internal organs. The use of the drug for hemorrhoids has not been studied.

  • Voltaren

Anti-inflammatory suppositories, which, however, are not recommended for use for inflammation of the rectum and anal fissures. Such suppositories can aggravate irritation of the mucous membranes.

  • Bezornil

Bezornil consists of many useful substances that have an astringent, restorative, analgesic, and hemostatic effect.

  • Salofalk

Mesalazine (salofalk) has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, so it can be used to treat the inflammatory process in hemorrhoids, as well as quick removal symptoms.

Among the huge variety of drugs, choosing one is quite difficult. So remember that best candles for hemorrhoids - these are the suppositories that are right for you. Any topical drugs are selected individually, and it is not a fact that the drug that helped your brother, neighbor or friend will help you. Reviews of suppositoria rectalia for hemorrhoids may be different, since everyone’s body is different, and the stages and course of the disease have their own individual characteristics. Consult your doctor, experiment, and you will find “your” drug that will help you get rid of the disease.

Candles for hemorrhoids for the face

Antihemorrhoidal suppositories for the face – sounds strange, doesn’t it? However, many experimental women actively use suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids as facial cosmetics.

Relief medical suppositories with shark oil are especially popular among the fair sex. According to users, the substances included in this drug prevent the appearance of wrinkles and also smooth out existing ones. This drug is able to restore fading tissue and perfectly relieves swelling on the face.

How do women use anti-hemorrhoidal suppositories as a facial skin care product? Very simple: suppositoria rectalia is softened using a water bath or microwave oven until creamy consistency, after which it is applied to the skin near the eyes, or to other problem areas of the face.

The manufacturer of the suppositories, Health Life, does not indicate in the instructions any other use for suppositories other than rectal administration. Therefore, it’s up to you to decide whether to use this popular method.

The symptoms that occur with hemorrhoids not only cause varying degrees of discomfort, but also indicate negative changes in the walls of the rectum that arise as a result varicose veins local veins. Therapy for the disease can be conservative (local antihemorrhoidal and symptomatic drugs: ointments, budget suppositories for hemorrhoids; systemic drugs) and operative, surgical.

If you contact a specialist in a timely manner and begin a course of treatment for hemorrhoids, the disease can be completely cured conservatively. An important aspect of therapy is the correct choice of drugs: ointments, creams, suppositories, used for various forms and stages of the disease.

Forms and stages of hemorrhoids

The classification of the disease is based on the characteristics of the clinical picture in the dynamics and nature of the localization of manifestations. The following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • acute hemorrhoids, most often appearing against the background of a chronic course of the disease. The clinical picture with the presence of the main symptoms (pain and/or burning sensation in the anus, bloody inclusions in the stool) occurs in a short time and is accompanied by the formation of venous blood clots with the further development of inflammatory processes;
  • The chronic form of the disease is the most common variant of the development of hemorrhoids. With chronic hemorrhoids, symptoms gradually progress, starting with a feeling of discomfort in the anal area, most often during defecation. With absence timely treatment other signs of impaired blood supply and the development of local inflammation are added;
  • internal localization of hemorrhoids in the lumen of the rectum indicates the internal form of hemorrhoids. At the onset of the disease, there may be discomfort, a feeling of foreign body. As the node grows, the narrowing of the intestinal lumen provokes increasing pain, difficulty moving feces during defecation, and bleeding of the node;
  • in their external form, hemorrhoids are located around the anus and are easily visualized upon examination. For external hemorrhoids, the characteristic primary symptom is a sensation of itching and burning in the anus. Bleeding most often indicates the addition of a complication of the disease - the occurrence of anal fissures.

Depending on the size and presence of strangulation of hemorrhoids, 4 stages of the disease are distinguished:

  • the first, initial stage is characterized by smoothed symptoms that occur during or after the process of defecation. The patient may experience itching, burning, discomfort, and minor pain in the rectum and/or anus. Most often, at this stage, patients do not turn to specialists, but resort to self-medication or do not pay attention to the presence of problems;
  • the second stage is characterized by periodic loss of nodes. It is possible to independently return them to their place or reduce them. Pain increases, especially during defecation; depending on the location, blood may appear in the stool;
  • the third stage is accompanied by prolapse of nodes not only during bowel movements, but also during physical exertion, accompanied by muscle tension pelvic floor(lifting, pushing heavy objects, etc.). General symptoms persists and increases, pain increases, bleeding of nodes, possible formation of blood clots in veins affected by varicose veins, inflammatory process in the nodes;
  • at the fourth stage, the reduction of nodes is ineffective, internal hemorrhoids accompanied by prolonged or constant bleeding, provoking the development of anemia. In the external form, necrosis of the node tissue most often develops due to prolonged strangulation. The pain is constant and severe.

Depending on the form and stage, specialists prescribe various drugs and procedures for hemorrhoids. In the external form, medications in the form of ointments and creams are more often recommended as local drugs, and cheap suppositories for hemorrhoids in the internal form, mainly in the initial stages. Recognized as the most effective complex treatment, consisting of medications of general and systemic action, dietary nutrition, a set of exercises. At the fourth, most severe stage of the disease, minimally invasive or surgical methods of therapy are recommended.

Effective suppositories for hemorrhoids: general classification

Depending on the stage and predominant symptoms, drugs with the appropriate effect are prescribed. In the clinical picture of the disease, several factors in the direction of therapy are distinguished:

  • stimulation of blood supply to the cavernous veins of the rectum;
  • reduction of thrombosis;
  • decrease pain syndrome;
  • reduction of bleeding;
  • increased tone of the venous walls;
  • reducing the severity of local inflammation;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • stimulation and facilitation of the process of defecation (an additional effect that reduces tension on the hemorrhoids);
  • restoration of local microflora.

Rectal suppositories (suppositories inserted into the rectum) are used with varying degrees of effectiveness for all forms of hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids also require rectal therapy - suppositories can improve local blood supply, reduce the symptoms of blood stagnation, and spasms of muscle tissue. When introduced into the rectum, suppositories dissolve under the influence of body temperature, penetrate the intestinal mucosa and are absorbed into the local circulatory system, providing a therapeutic effect.

Suppositories vary in composition (active ingredient or combination thereof, concomitant drugs and components), severity and duration therapeutic effect, may be based on medications, herbal extracts, homeopathic formulas, and multicomponent variations of medications. The composition of some antihemorrhoidal medicinal suppositories allows them to be used for other diseases, for example, prostatitis.

Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids: contraindications

When choosing a drug, the specialist takes into account the form and stage of the disease, medical history and main manifestations of symptoms, as well as the physiological conditions and individual characteristics of the patient, among which are:

  • the presence of acute and/or chronic diseases (depending on the active substance, contraindications may be hypertension, tuberculosis tissue damage, fungal, viral, bacterial infection skin in the anal area, diabetes, closed-angle glaucoma, tachyarrhythmia, syphilis, prostate adenoma, decreased blood clotting, paraproctitis, prostatitis, etc.);
  • individual sensitivity threshold and possible allergic reactions to suppository components;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Therapy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy and lactation in women is limited, including depending on the trimester of the gestational period. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is possible to use the following hemorrhoidal suppositories: suppositories with sea buckthorn, glycerin, calendula, ichthyol, Viburkol, Natalsid, homeopathic suppositories for hemorrhoids.
From the beginning of the second trimester, it is possible to use suppositories Aurobin, Relief Ultra, Procto-Glivenol, Gepatrombin G. Independent choice of suppositories and ointments during pregnancy is highly not recommended, the active ingredients can have a negative effect on the mother and child and affect the process of gestation.

Very good suppositories for hemorrhoids: classification and rating

In terms of composition, suppositories for hemorrhoids can be monocomponent, containing one active substance with one therapeutic factor (regenerative, hemostatic, analgesic, etc.) and complex, combining several targeted effects (anti-inflammatory and hemostatic, promoting tissue restoration and analgesic, etc. .). Pharmaceuticals and extracts can be combined medicinal plants, extracts from animal tissues, waste products (wax, propolis).
Depending on the form and stage of the disease, the clinical picture, and the characteristics of the patient’s body, the proctologist prescribes the most suitable drug. In most cases, the best therapeutic effect is provided by drugs with a complex composition in combination with a gentle diet, drinking regimen, hygiene procedures, an active lifestyle, and some physical restrictions.

Rectal suppositories Gepatrombin G

An analogue in the form of an ointment is Hepatrombin B. a drug of combined action: contains the hormonal drug prednisolone (antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, decongestant effect), anticoagulant heparin (reduced thrombosis, increased blood coagulation time, tissue regeneration), lauromacrogol (sclerosation blood vessels, local anesthesia).
One of the most popular, inexpensive (average price 180 rubles/pack) and effective topical preparations for internal and external forms of hemorrhoids. Reduces pain, improves blood supply, and reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process.
The list of contraindications includes the presence of tuberculosis, syphilis, increased likelihood internal bleeding as a symptom of existing diseases, skin infections of the anal area of various etiologies, 1st trimester of gestation. Used as prescribed by a doctor.

Hepazolon suppositories

Suppositories with a combination of heparin, prednisolone and lidocaine provide a local anesthetic effect, a venotonic effect, improvement of local blood supply, anti-inflammatory care and promote the resorption of blood clots in hemorrhoids.
Contraindications for use correspond to the list for Gepatrombin G. A course of therapy requires 1-2 packages No. 10 (the average duration of therapy is 7 days, once a day, the course can be extended to 14 days).
For external hemorrhoids, it is possible to incompletely introduce the suppository and hold it in place until dissolved for 2-3 minutes. using a gauze pad, which ensures uniform distribution of the drug onto the damaged surface.

Suppositories Nigepan

Common and inexpensive candles with heparin. It contains sodium heparin and the anesthetic benzocaine, active ingredients with analgesic and antithrombotic effects. Unlike the listed suppositories with heparin and anesthetic, this combination does not have a hormonal component, which narrows the list of contraindications to individual hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of Nigepan.
The course of therapy is 10-14 days, the frequency of administration is 2 times a day.

Proctosedyl rectal capsules

Proctosedyl suppositories (rectal capsules) are used for hemorrhoids with severe signs of bacterial inflammation. The combination drug contains the glucocorticosteroid hydrocortisone, a broad-spectrum antibiotic (framecitin sulfate), the venotonic esculoside, the antiseptic butamben and the anesthetic benzocaine.
The complex effect is provided by a combination of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, regenerating and analgesic effects. Indications for use are the internal form of hemorrhoids, including acute stage, inflammatory processes, fissures in the anorectal area.
Proctosedyl is prescribed for a course of no more than 7 days. The medication contains an antibiotic, as a result of which the course of therapy cannot be interrupted or prolonged independently.
Contraindications for use: pregnancy, lactation, age under 14 years, individual sensitivity to components.


The combination drug contains the components tribenoside and lidocaine, which achieves anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, and venotonic effects.
Use in a course of 1 suppository per day (preferably before bedtime), in case of exacerbation - 2 times a day.
The list of contraindications includes the 1st trimester of pregnancy (hereinafter referred to as indicated), symptoms liver failure, liver dysfunction.

Relief line of rectal suppositories

Despite the similar name, the drugs Relief, Relief Ultra and Relief Advance have significant differences in composition and various indications for use.
The line of drugs is united by a component of animal origin – fish oil (shark liver oil). In addition to this component, which has regenerating properties, Relief suppositories contain phenylephrine hydrochloride as an active ingredient, Advance contains the anesthetic benzocaine as the second component, and Ultra contains the corticosteroid hydrocortisone and zinc sulfate.

Candles with sea buckthorn oil

One of the popular options for rectal suppositories that have no contraindications 9except for individual sensitivity). Sea buckthorn oil in the suppositories has a regenerative effect and helps in healing cracks.
These candles are most often used in complex therapy.

Suppositories Olestezin with sea buckthorn oil

A combination drug that combines sea buckthorn oil, the anesthetic benzocaine and sulphaethidol. Used in proctology as an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent with complex action.

Suppositories with belladonna extract

Belladonna leaf extract is an antispasmodic with a wide range of contraindications. It is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids mainly for muscle spasms, pinched hemorrhoids caused by the course of the disease or the addition of tension in the pelvic floor muscles.
Suppositories are available in both single-component and complex versions.


Betiol rectal suppositories contain the plant component of belladonna extract and ichthyol for anti-inflammatory therapy.
During the course of treatment, care must be taken when driving cars, rolling stock, working with machinery or chemicals that require high concentration attention and quick response.


One of the cheapest drugs for rectal administration used for hemorrhoids. Combines belladonna extract, zinc sulfate, thibromphenolate and bismuth oxide.
Possesses complex action: provides analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, drying effect.
It has wide range contraindications and side effects. Use as prescribed by a doctor, on average 1-2 times a day. The maximum allowable amount is 7 suppositories per day.

Ultraproct candles

A combined drug with a combination of hormonal anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects (fluocortolone) and an anesthetic effect (cinchocaine). It is preferable for use in cases of severe itching and swelling, but has contraindications.

Criteria for choosing drugs and rules of use

The main criteria for choosing rectal suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids are the clinical picture of the disease and the main symptoms. Complex therapy involves the use of rectal forms of drugs for local effect and oral administration of tablet forms for systemic therapy. For oral administration, venotonics, thrombus-absorbing medications, and general restoratives are most often prescribed. medicines, in the presence of dysfunctions gastrointestinal tract that complicate the process of defecation - medications that improve the processing and digestion of food, softening stool. How to properly use rectal suppositories and ointments. Depending on the course of therapy medications local action is prescribed in a frequency of application 1-2 times a day. For a single dose optimal time for use - in the evening before bed.

Before administering rectal forms of medication, it is necessary to perform hygienic washing of the anal area. If necessary, before use, clean the lower intestines (microenemas, suppositories with glycerin, etc.) for better absorption and a more comfortable wait for the drug to be absorbed.
Suppositories, rectal capsules and ointments are administered while lying on your side (mainly on the left), knees bent. Since even small hemorrhoids are potentially prone to the development of inflammatory processes when traumatized or the introduction of additional pathogenic microflora, before administering the drug it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly and administer suppositories with caution, avoiding injury to the mucous membrane by the edges of the nail plates. The most convenient option is to use disposable rubber fingertips.

Since most rectal suppositories and capsules begin to melt at temperatures above 25°C, the package should be opened after taking the appropriate horizontal position. The introduction is carried out to a minimum depth. If necessary or external hemorrhoids, suppositories are administered partially, holding them from being completely pushed out with a gauze napkin.

After administration, it is necessary to wait until the suppository is completely absorbed and the substances are absorbed, suppressing the possible urge to defecate: the presence of additional internal pressure after administration of the drug provokes muscle contractions and can lead to involuntary expulsion of suppositories.

The time period that must be spent in a horizontal position for the best therapeutic effect is about 30 minutes. If it is impossible to maintain a lying position during this time, a vertical position with squeezed gluteal muscles is possible to hold the drug for 15-20 minutes.

After resorption of suppositories, capsules, or use of ointments rectally, there may be a slight release of additional substances from the anus - paraffin, cocoa butter. These are binding components that provide the form to the drugs. WITH hygienic purpose It is recommended to use absorbent pads, gauze wipes, without immediately washing the surface.

Course of the disease and main symptomsChoice of therapy
Uncomplicated hemorrhoids in the initial stagesTreatment with thrombus-absorbing drugs that improve blood circulation and tonify the cavernous veins. Most suitable group for this symptomatology there are ointments and suppositories with the active ingredient heparin (Nigepan, Gepatrombin G)
Severe pain syndrome in the clinical pictureThe use of medications with an anesthetic component: ointments, suppositories containing anesthetics (lidocaine, benzocaine, anesthesin, etc.)
Bleeding hemorrhoidsVasoconstrictor, decongestant, hemostatic, venotonic and regenerating drugs therapeutic action containing active ingredients such as tribenozide, adrenaline, phenylephrine hydrochloride
Inflammatory processOintments and suppositories with a broad-spectrum antibiotic (according to indications during the process bacterial etiology), suppositories with antiseptic ichthyol, levomekol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components
Severe discomfort (itching, burning)Rectal suppositories and ointments with glucocorticosteroids (Hepatrombin, Proctosedyl, Aurobin, etc.)

Today, hemorrhoids can be treated various drugs, however most effective way local therapy are rectal suppositories. They are easy to use, have a local effect, and therefore do not pose a threat to the body. Suppositories have a natural composition, do not cause allergic reactions, quickly relieve symptoms and bring relief to the patient. Let's consider the features of treating hemorrhoids with suppositories, their types and the top most popular drugs.

Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids features and benefits

The drug is injected into the rectum, which quickly relieves the painful symptoms of the disease. The suppositories quickly dissolve and are absorbed into the mucous membrane, penetrate into neighboring blood vessels, due to which there is immediate local action.

Use this method Therapy is recommended in the initial stages of development of the disease, when hemorrhoidal bodies are small in size. Suppositories vary in composition and quantity of active ingredients used. Therefore, the specific type of treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with suppositories is a common type of therapy and there are a number of reasons for this:

  • instant action - candles quickly melt and have an analgesic and healing effect. They act directly on the hemorrhoid; there is no need to wait for them to dissolve and be absorbed into the blood;
  • free sale and wide range - any pharmacy offers a large list of drugs that are available without a prescription;
  • convenient use – simple instructions allow you to provide treatment at home;
  • safety - all patients can use suppositories, including children and pregnant women.

Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids - types

Drugs are primarily divided according to their tactical purpose:

  1. painkillers - the main active ingredient is lidocaine. These drugs are prescribed in complex therapy during the exacerbation phase of the disease;
  2. hemostatic - prescribed for anal fissures, in case of bleeding;
  3. anti-inflammatory – drugs containing hydrocortisone;
  4. anticoagulants - medications prevent blood stagnation and inhibit the development of formed blood clots;
  5. combined - aimed at eliminating several symptoms at once, contain a large number of active substances;
  6. venotonic – drugs based on horse chestnut, which increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

Preparations can be divided depending on the composition and presence of active ingredients: suppositories for hemorrhoids with propolis, belladonna, belladonna, sea buckthorn oil, etc. Depending on who will use the medicine, suppositories are also divided into suppositories for pregnant women, children and drugs for general use.

Application nuances

Most often, suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids are used for the internal form of the disease. The instructions for use are extremely simple, but some features should be taken into account:

  • rectal medications must be administered only after bowel movements, otherwise the effectiveness of treatment is sharply reduced. After visiting the sanitary room, carry out hygiene procedures and use a candle;
  • it is necessary to administer the drug to a shallow depth, otherwise the suppository may fall into the rectum, and the local healing effect will not be achieved;
  • if you use the medicine once a day, you need to put the candles on at night;
  • If you use the product twice a day, place the candle first in the morning without getting out of bed. Then it is recommended to remain in a horizontal position for another half hour. The second procedure should be performed before bedtime;
  • It is recommended to store the product in a cool place, otherwise the suppositories may begin to melt. This will complicate the process of using them and reduce the effectiveness of treatment;
  • For correct administration suppositories, take a “lying on your side” position, remove the drug from the package and insert it into the anus without delay. Lie on your stomach, fix your position for 20 minutes.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids - are there any contraindications?

The drugs are among the safest, as they have a local effect without posing a threat to the entire body. However, despite this, the doctor must choose a specific type. Since contraindications still exist:

  • lactation period and pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to the active components that are included in the composition.

We select medications for different forms of the disease

Hemorrhoids are specific disease, which is divided into three forms: internal, external and combined. Depending on this, one or another type of therapy will be prescribed. Effective suppositories for internal hemorrhoids:

  1. Hepatrombin – popular remedy, which quickly relieves symptoms, has a combined effect;
  2. Proctosedyl – qualitatively eliminates inflammatory processes, prevents and inhibits the development of blood clots;
  3. Fast – reduces size inflamed nodes, promotes their elimination, increases the level of immunity and resistance to harmful bacteria;
  4. suppositories with propolis are among the most effective drugs, promotes fast healing wounds on the intestinal mucosa;
  5. suppositories with sea buckthorn - relieves inflammatory processes and painful sensations. The most gentle type of therapy, it can be used even by children and expectant mothers.

Suppositories for treatment external shape ailments are used less often. Medicines should not only eliminate symptoms, but also fight bleeding. Therefore, their choice should be more careful and scrupulous. The most popular drugs from this group are Hepatrombin, Ibuprofen, Movalis, Ultra, Indomethacin. These drugs are also available in the form of gels and gels and tablets.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids - list of medications for the combined form of the disease:

  • suppositories with adrenaline - prescribed for heavy bleeding and severe inflammatory processes;
  • candles with sea buckthorn - quickly tightened open wounds, have a beneficial effect on the irritated intestinal mucosa;
  • suppositories with calendula - increase the elasticity of blood vessels, improve blood flow;
  • suppositories with ichthyol - prescribed for quick fix the disease in the early stages of its manifestation, the symptoms quickly stop;
  • Relief group - efficiently and quickly removes pain and burning sensations in the anal area. Helps effectively combat a number of basic symptoms.

The combined form is extremely dangerous, since in this case it is difficult to stop the bleeding or get rid of it completely. In this case, suppositories for hemorrhoids are the best type of therapy. They act in a gentle manner, without creating additional stress on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The period of use is strictly determined by a specialist. After achieving the main goal (stopping bleeding), the course of treatment is stopped and other drugs are prescribed.

Features of treatment for pregnant women and children

Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women are prescribed by a specialist who will determine the most best option therapy, safe for the body and the fetus. If after giving birth a woman does not breastfeed her baby, then she can fight the symptoms of hemorrhoids with any type of suppository. The safest and most frequently prescribed medications during pregnancy include the following: Ultraproct, Relief, Proctosedyl, Aurobin, Gepatrombin G, Relief Advance, Glivenol.

Therapy for children should be prescribed by a pediatrician, who will determine the best option that is not toxic to the child. To treat children, gentle medications are most often used: suppositories with calendula and sea buckthorn, Proctosedyl (from 7 years), homeopathic medicines, glycerin suppositories, Relief (from 12 years old).

  1. Anuzol - used at all stages of the development of the disease, effectively heals wounds and cracks, relieves itching, inflammation and spasms. Effectively fights hemorrhoids, relapses are practically excluded;
  2. belladonna candles are a high-quality pain reliever that is suitable for everyone. Promotes relaxation of intestinal muscles, promotes easy bowel movements, contraindications of the drug are minimized;
  3. Relief – the main component is shark liver. The medicine stops bleeding, heals wounds, eliminates inflammatory processes;
  4. Methyluracil – intended for local use, has a qualitative effect on the source of the problem. Quickly stops bleeding, relieves the patient from pain;
  5. Natalsid - has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and is distinguished by restorative properties. The main component is seaweed extract;
  6. suppositories with heparin are among the most affordable and effective treatments. They qualitatively stop the process of thrombus formation, stop further development illness;
  7. Proctosan - the product contains big number medicinal components, due to which the suppositories have a wide spectrum of action. They can be used for various forms of hemorrhoids.

There are many methods used to treat hemorrhoids, but the most popular among proctologists and their patients are suppositories, which allow them to eliminate them as quickly as possible. unpleasant symptoms and discomfort. They are characterized by convenience and ease of use, have a gentle, gentle effect, do not harm the digestive system, allow you to get quick and effective results, do not have side effects, do not provoke allergies, and have almost no contraindications. In addition, their cost is affordable for everyone.

There is a wide range of rectal suppositories on the market. Which one should you give preference to?

Classification of suppositories

Candles differ in ingredients, effects and duration of use. They may include one component or several. Some of them contain hormones, while others contain only herbal ingredients.

Depending on the characteristics of the effect, suppositories are divided into several groups:

  • painkillers, or anesthetics (Anestezol, Relief Advance, Proctoglivenol, Proctosedyl M, Nigepan, Olestesin, suppositories with belladonna) - contain anesthetics, prescribed for exacerbation of the disease, reduce swelling, irritation, burning, itching, eliminate spasms and foreign body sensation;
  • antiseptic (ichthyol suppositories) – contain substances that have a detrimental effect on bacteria;
  • anti-inflammatory (Nigepan, Ultraproct, Prostopin, Proctosan, Posterisan) - contains hormones or other ingredients that relieve inflammation, relieve itching, have a bactericidal and restorative effect;
  • hemostatic, or hemostatic (Relief, Anuzol, Natalsid, Proctoglivenol) - contain hemostatic agents that have the ability to constrict blood vessels and stop bleeding;
  • venotonic (Witch hazel, Proctoglivenol, Aescusan) – contain phlebotonics or venoprotectors that activate blood movement, tone blood vessels, increase their elasticity and improve trophism;
  • anticoagulants (Gepatrombin G, Hepazolon) - anticoagulants (usually heparin) are added to the composition, which thin the blood and reduce its coagulability, preventing the formation of blood clots, and reduce nodes;
  • astringents (Anestezol, Anuzol, Proctosan) – contain ingredients that dry tissues, remove decay products, eliminate itching and burning;
  • emollients (glycerin) – contain glycerin, soften stool, prevent constipation;
  • homeopathic (Immuntil, Fitomax, Witch Hazel, phytoraceae, with sea buckthorn, with calendula) - made using a special technology from herbal ingredients, they have a mild, but at the same time strong effect, are most effective at the onset of the disease and as a preventive agent, completely harmless;
  • combined (Ultraproct, Anuzol, Aurobin) - characterized by a complex effect, relieve several symptoms.

1. Relief

The Relief brand unites a wide group of drugs (it includes suppositories and ointments) that relieve discomfort in the anal area, and also eliminate the causes of the disease.

The active ingredients of the suppositories are phenylephrine, shark liver oil ( rich in vitamins and minerals) and cocoa butter. They have softening, drying, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasoconstrictor, hemostatic, antimicrobial, anti-allergenic, regenerating and anesthetic properties.

Relief suppositories have a complex effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system:

  • improve cellular immunity;
  • relieve pain and itching (they disappear after 10 minutes);
  • relieve swelling and inflammation;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • restore balance between blood flow to the nodes and outflow;
  • destroy pathogenic bacteria;
  • reduce external and internal nodes;
  • soften tissues and saturate them with nutrients;
  • give strength to the walls of blood vessels;
  • stop bleeding and prevent its occurrence in the future;
  • dry and heal wounds, erosions and cracks;
  • stimulate intestinal peristalsis;
  • soften stool;
  • facilitate bowel movements.

Relief suppositories treat all types of hemorrhoids, including at all stages. They have almost no contraindications and provide the desired result regardless of the cause of the pathology. They are prescribed not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes. With the help of Relief, you can quickly and painlessly “forget” about the disease.

There are several varieties of Relief suppositories. They differ in their constituent components and properties. Most often, Relief Fast, Ultra and Advance candles are available for sale.

Relief Fast suppositories provide excellent relief from such unwanted “companions” of hemorrhoids as burning and itching. They can be used for a long time.

Relief Advance additionally contains benzocaine, an anesthetic that suppresses sensitivity. nerve structures. Therefore, they are able to relieve even very severe pain. They are usually prescribed for exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids, after diagnostic procedures and proctological operations.

Relief Ultra, in addition to shark liver oil, contains hydrocortisone and zinc sulfate. They are recommended for severe inflammation of the nodes, accompanied by an increase in temperature and fever. But they cannot be used for long courses. If symptoms weaken, you should switch to Relief Fast.

Thanks to alkoxy glycerol (one of the components of shark liver), Relief suppositories help strengthen the immune system. Therefore, they will be of particular benefit to weakened people: those who have been ill for a long time, those who have undergone surgical treatment, as well as pregnant and lactating women. Thanks to Relief suppositories, pregnant women are able to postpone surgical treatment of complicated hemorrhoids until the postpartum period.

When treating children and pregnant women, as well as people suffering from other serious illnesses, it is better to give preference to Relief Fast suppositories.

Although the main purpose of suppositories is to combat hemorrhoids, they also treat other pathologies (proctitis, constipation, problems with defecation, anal erosion, eczema), and eliminate pain in the anal canal that occurs after injury and surgery.

2. Anestezol

The active ingredients of this multi-component product are bismuth, menthol, zinc oxide and benzocaine. These substances have an astringent, cooling, protective, anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and anesthetic effect, stop bleeding, dry and disinfect, and reduce sensitivity nerve cells, relieve discomfort, reduce knots, activate regeneration processes, eliminate sphincter spasms, and facilitate bowel movements. They form a protective film on the mucosa, which prevents further tissue damage and infection.

Anestezol suppositories eliminate even severe pain accompanying advanced disease and spasticity. They treat all types of hemorrhoids, including those with complications, unspecified and thrombosed, as well as rectal fistulas. Anestezol gives a quick (acts in 10 minutes) but short-lived results. Therefore, suppositories should be combined with other medications.

Pregnant women are prescribed Anestezol only in extreme cases.

3. Anuzol

Active ingredients: zinc oxide, belladonna extract (another name for the plant is belladonna), xeroform. Thanks to optimally selected proportions, these ingredients enhance each other's effects.

Relieves spasms, relieves inflammation, pain and itching, stops bleeding, reduces lumps, destroys pathogenic bacteria, gently envelop the intestinal mucosa and protect it from damage. In addition, suppositories tone the sphincter and reduce the tone of the digestive tract. Thanks to Anuzol, it is possible to quickly relieve pain and alleviate the patient’s condition for a long time during an exacerbation of the disease.

4. Aurobin

Thanks to lidocaine, triclosan and prednisolone, suppositories reduce capillary permeability, relieve inflammation and swelling, relieve pain and itching, neutralize pathogenic microflora, prevent the penetration of secondary infections, and heal cracks. Hypoallergenic.

The only drawback is that suppositories can cause unwanted effects in some people. Therefore, it is recommended to use them under the supervision of a doctor.

5. Betiol

Active substances - ichthyol and belladonna extract, thanks to which the suppositories dry tissues and heal cracks, eliminate irritation and itching, and slow down inflammatory mechanisms and eliminate sphincter spasms.

Betiol suppositories are contraindicated for people with glaucoma and men with prostate pathologies.

6. Viburkol

They are characterized by a natural composition: they contain solid fat, calcium carbonate, plantain, lumbago and nightshade extracts. Although nightshade and lumbago belong to poisonous plants, but extracts from them are completely safe even for babies and pregnant women, since they are added in a minimal dosage.

Suppositories strengthen local immunity, relieve pain, relieve inflammation, swelling, cramps and spasms, return to normal the functioning of all organs whose activity was disrupted during illness, and have a sedative effect.

Viburkol also treats gynecological pathologies.

7. Witch hazel

The candles contain oils from witch hazel, a plant that has medicinal properties. Thanks to essential oils, candles strengthen and tone the blood vessels of the gastrointestinal tract.

8. Hemorrhoids

These suppositories stand out among their analogues due to their unique composition: they contain extracts of seven medicinal plants, glycerin and benzocaine.

The suppositories have bactericidal, angioprotective, venotonic, anesthetic and sedative effects.

Thanks to the multicomponent composition of the Hemorol suppository:

  • relieve pain and burning;
  • eliminate foci of inflammation and swelling;
  • stop bleeding;
  • relieve spasms;
  • soften stool and facilitate its elimination;
  • treat wounds and erosions;
  • prevent the development of complications after diagnostic proctological manipulations.

Suitable for combating all types of hemorrhoids at all stages. Suitable for monotherapy.

It is necessary to discard the drug in case of individual intolerance to the ingredients, oncology, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

9. Gepatrombin G

They contain allantoin and heparin (an enzyme that is produced by the salivary glands of leeches and does not allow blood to clot), thanks to which suppositories reduce nodes and ensure their resorption, relieve pain and itching, eliminate inflammatory foci and swelling, relieve discomfort, stop bleeding, and accelerate regenerative processes in damaged tissues, which promotes the fastest healing of cracks.

Gepatrombin G will have an effective effect in chronic form a disease characterized by periodic exacerbation, with acute thrombosis nodes, before surgical treatment (relieves exacerbation) and after it.

10. Ginkor Procto

The active substance is Ginko Biloba extract. Suppositories are characterized by venoprotective properties. They tone blood vessels and make them elastic, activate blood circulation, and reduce inflammation.

11. Ichthyol

The main ingredient of candles is ichthyol, an oil obtained by processing mountain shale. Ichthyol contains sulfur, which has a pronounced effect in the treatment of skin diseases.

They relieve pain, inflammation and spasms, tone blood vessels, soften feces, restore the intestinal mucosa, heal cracks, wounds and abscesses, and destroy pathogenic microflora. They are especially effective at the beginning of the disease, but they allow you to get good results at the third stage.

12. Natalsid

They have a natural composition. Made from substances extracted from seaweed. They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anesthetic, regenerating and hemostatic properties, and contribute to the rapid reduction of nodes. Known as the best remedy for getting rid of cavernous formations.

They are completely harmless and have no restrictions on their use.

13. Nigepan

The active ingredients are benzocaine and heparin. They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial effects, resolve old blood clots and prevent the formation of new ones, ensure healing of the intestinal mucosa, suppress the development of pathogenic microflora, and stabilize blood flow. They provide an effective result for node thrombosis.

14. Olestesin

Characterized by natural composition. They contain sea buckthorn oil, sodium etazol and an anesthetic.

Suppositories have analgesic, wound healing and laxative effects. May cause allergies in some people.

15. Posterizan

A distinctive feature of these suppositories is the content of bacteria inherent in the intestinal microflora. With their help, it is possible to get rid of microbes, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent bleeding, accelerate tissue restoration, and strengthen the immune system. They are also used for prevention.

16. Prostopin

17. Proctosan

Ingredients: lidocaine, bufexamac, bismuth. They disinfect, dry and heal wounds, relieve pain and swelling, relieve inflammation, and stop bleeding.

Proctosan can be used by people of all ages.

18. Proctosedyl

19. Proctoglivenol

Thanks to the presence of lidocaine, they relieve pain and inflammation, tone veins, reduce nodes and heal cracks.

20. Ultraproct

Ingredients: fluocortolone and Castor oil. Eliminate foci of inflammation and swelling, relieve irritation, itching and pain, soften stools, relieve discomfort, and improve the restoration of damaged tissues. They also restore elasticity to blood vessels and have an anticoagulant effect, thereby preventing bleeding.

Ultraproct will come to the rescue with severe pain and acute inflammation accompanying exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids.

With methyluracil

The active ingredient is the antibiotic methyluracil, which is characterized by regenerating, antibacterial and immunostimulating effects.

Increases the body's protective properties, stops bleeding, and ensures tissue restoration. They are recommended for the treatment of hemorrhoids, as well as after surgery, to prevent infection and speed up wound healing.

With belladonna

Belladonna extract and phenol, which are part of the suppositories, relieve acute pain, relieve inflammation, destroy infections, relieve spasms, and have an antiseptic effect. But they can cause side effects. Therefore, suppositories containing belladonna are usually prescribed for an abundance of cracks in the anus. Not recommended for men suffering from prostate pathologies.

With glycerin

Soften the skin and mucous membranes around the anus, activate the intestinal muscles, eliminate constipation, promote the healing of microcracks and small wounds. Harmless.

With papaverine

Suppositories relieve pain and inflammation, destroy pathogenic bacteria, eliminate muscle spasms, tone blood vessels, prevent constipation. Often prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Phytor suppositories

Phytor suppositories:

  • relieve inflammation and pain;
  • return blood circulation to normal;
  • improve metabolism;
  • give elasticity to the walls of blood vessels;
  • relieve constipation;
  • heal anal fissures;
  • destroy infections;
  • neutralize the effects of radiation nuclides on the body;
  • stimulate interferon synthesis;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Suppositories are excellent for hemorrhoids of various origins. They allow you to cope with the disease in 10-20 days.

Phytor suppositories are completely safe. They are suitable for babies and pregnant women, as they are not capable of harming the fetus.

With propolis

Propolis provides the body with useful substances, destroys even the most dangerous microbes, relieves pain, burning and swelling, dries skin, heals wounds.

Suppositories have a mild effect and are recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

With sea buckthorn

Suppositories contain sea buckthorn oil and tannins. They dissolve, forming a protective layer on the mucous membrane. As a result, inflammation is reduced, discomfort is eliminated, microcracks and wounds heal, blood circulation accelerates, and the immune system is strengthened.

With calendula

Calendula extract relieves inflammation, heals wounds, and suppresses the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Suppositories are recommended for children and pregnant women, especially in the presence of wounds and cracks. They will provide effective action at any stage of the disease. They should not be used only if you have an individual intolerance to calendula, which is extremely rare.

During pregnancy

Often during pregnancy, women are diagnosed with hemorrhoids, which is associated with a decrease in physical activity, digestive disorders, pressure from the increasing size of the uterus on nearby organs, which disrupts blood circulation and causes blood stagnation.

The fight against the disease is significantly complicated by the fact that many drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women: they can have an adverse effect on the development of the baby. The best option would be candles that contain natural ingredients: ichthyol, sea buckthorn, glycerin. Most often, doctors recommend Relief and Natalsid.

Pregnant women are contraindicated in suppositories containing belladonna extract, as they can provoke premature birth or spontaneous abortion. But before childbirth, they will relax the uterus and facilitate the process of giving birth to a baby, as well as cleanse the intestines well and prevent unforeseen complications.

During lactation

Breastfeeding women need to select products that are not absorbed into the blood to prevent them from entering the milk. Excellent result allow you to get Relief candles containing shark oil. They constrict blood vessels and anesthetize. You can also use Hepatrombin G. For mild symptoms, suppositories containing propolis and plant extracts will have the desired effect.


Hemorrhoids (especially if there are cracks) are often accompanied by severe pain preventing bowel movements. In such cases, Anestezol suppositories will provide effective assistance. You can also buy Relief or Proctoglivenol. They will not only relieve pain, but also reduce itching and slow down inflammatory processes.


Relief, Natalsid, Prostopin, Proctoglivenol suppositories, as well as suppositories containing ichthyol, betiol, calendula and belladonna extracts, will help stop running inflammatory mechanisms. They also activate metabolism, destroy pathogenic microflora, and accelerate regeneration.


Hemostatic suppositories constrict blood vessels, stop bleeding, relieve inflammation, and heal wounds. They can contain both herbal components (Prostopin) and synthetic ones (Proctoglivenol, Proctosan, Hepatrombin).

Most often, vasoconstrictor suppositories with adrenaline are used. But they are contraindicated for high blood pressure.

How to make the right choice?

The choice of medications is influenced by the symptoms accompanying the disease:

  • for inflammation and severe itching you will need suppositories containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • if cracks are noticeable and an infection is detected, suppositories with a healing effect will come to the rescue.

It is advisable to purchase branded drugs rather than generics: they are more effective.

You should know that there are no perfect candles that suit everyone. What works great for one person may not work for another. Therefore, the attending physician should select suppositories for hemorrhoids, taking into account the symptoms, stage of the disease, individual characteristics of the body, diagnostic results and the presence of contraindications.
