Whether a person does not sleep for a day. What happens if you don't sleep for a whole week

Every second person in society was probably in a situation where he needed to stay awake for several days. Most often this happens during the student period before exams, studying at school, but work with night shifts is no exception. Therefore, the topic of what are the ways to stay awake for two days is very relevant. This is due to the fact that a person's pace of life presupposes feeling vigorous and with minimal damage to health, i.e. at least get enough sleep.

How long should sleep last

Observational data and research on sleep indicate that the daily regimen should be based on the rule of three eights. This means that a person needs to allocate 8 hours for work, sleep and rest. And in this situation, everything is not so simple, because each person's individuality and the time for recuperation will be different for each organism. For some, 5 hours of sleep is enough to get enough sleep and be normal, and for others, ten.

To determine the number of hours for sleep, it is recommended to listen to the signals of the body, however, it is recommended to pay attention to the following factors:

  • gender;
  • the state of the body;
  • age;
  • physical and mental stress.

Sleep duration versus age, gender and activity

According to observations, a person sleeps less and less time over the years, but newborn babies sleep for 20 hours. For older children, 10-12 hours are enough for sleep, for teenagers 8-10 hours, and for adults 7-8.

Sleep duration in in this case also depends on the physical and mental stress. This indicator also depends on the state of health, because the disease depletes the body and therefore uses its energy reserve for protection. This means that he will need more time to recuperate.

It has been proven that the physiological sleep needs of a woman and male body differ. Women are emotional creatures, as a result, they spend more energy and take more time to recuperate.

Maximum sleep deprivation without fatal outcome

A lot of research has been done, not only by scientists, but also by interested people. The officially recognized wakefulness period is 19 days.

An American schoolboy conducted an experiment in which he was awake for 11 days. Vietnamese - Tai Ngoc after illness and high temperature did not sleep for 38 years. And Nguyen Van Kha has been awake for 27 years. It began with the fact that falling asleep, closed his eyes and felt an extremely intense itching on eyeballs... He connected it with fire, the image of which at that time he clearly saw. This became the reason that he has no craving for sleep.

Englishman Eustace Burnett refused good rest 56 years ago. According to a resident of Great Britain, the desire to relax has simply disappeared, and since then she has been solving puzzles and crosswords at night.

Yakov Tsiperovich does not sleep at all, while the body remains young, i.e. aging processes are absent both externally and internally. It is noteworthy that this began to happen after clinical death... Fedr Nesterchuk from Ukraine has not slept for about 20 years, preference to read literary works.

Summing up, it should be noted that the topic of how long a person can live without sleep cannot be unambiguously revealed. This indicator is individual for people and depends on age, gender, health status.

The consequences of being awake for two days

It is by no means recommended not to sleep for several days, because it is harmful and negatively affects human health and general well-being... However, there are situations when you have to stay awake for two days in a row. What happens to the body, and what the consequences can be, and we will figure it out. The following consequences are possible if you do not sleep for 2 days, such as:

  • depressed state;
  • feeling tired;
  • organ dysfunction digestive system, this symptom will be manifested by stool disorders in the form of constipation and diarrhea;
  • unrestrained appetite, with preference given to salty and spicy dishes;
  • weakening of the immune defense, which leads to disease;
  • suppression of the speed of actions and reactions;
  • violation of visual perception;
  • inability to concentrate on one thing;
  • simplification of the language;
  • the appearance of pain in the head area;
  • sharp drops in blood pressure;
  • pain in muscle fibers and joints;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased level of irritability.

If you do not sleep for two days in the body, the level of hormones rises, the action of which is aimed at combating stress. How more people does not sleep, the stronger is the desire to sleep. However, the longer the waking period, the more difficult it is to get out of this state.

Emergencies lead to the fact that the body turns on the reserve buttons, so the person becomes active. But not every person, even if he needs it, can stay awake for two days. With what can be done to overcome sleep, we will now figure it out.

Measures to combat sleepiness

There are many recommendations, adhering to which you can overcome sleep. If you need to stay awake for more than 30 hours, it is best to get enough sleep the night before. But even this will not replace a sleepless night, so we bring to your attention the ways with which you can stay awake even for two days:

This will help you to cheer up, even if you have not slept for two days.

Drink as much liquid as possible, but the amount of coffee you drink should not exceed two cups per night.

This is explained by the fact that, otherwise the effect will be the opposite, it will act as a tranquilizer. The feeling of vigor after coffee will be present for only twenty minutes, so if necessary, if you need to stay awake at night, it is better to use the methods listed above and in no case get carried away with caffeine.


Do not experiment with the body without urgent need... After all, such a lack of sleep can leave a negative mark on a person's memory. In addition, the body is rapidly aging, the heart muscle is overstrained and worn out.

Violations are also observed in the nervous system, which becomes the reason that a person in the future will suffer from insomnia, or rather the inability to fall asleep. The body's resistance decreases, because a lack of sleep leads to a decrease in the number of T-lymphocytes, which are entrusted with the function of preventing viruses and bacteria from entering the body.

Observations indicate that people who are awake become irritable and freak out for no reason. Summing up, I would like to focus on the fact that in no case should you deplete the body with a lack of sleep for several days. Take pity on your body, think about health, because this is the most valuable thing we have.

Most students and schoolchildren teach their lessons at night. Therefore, they are often tormented by insomnia. This means that the question of what will happen if you do not sleep for 2 days is quite relevant. Certainly, serious problems health will not be here. But overuse chronic sleep deprivation not worth it. Otherwise, you can get both psychological and physical difficulties. After all, a person needs to sleep every day.

Can you stay awake for 2 days?

I guess, yes. The fact is that the human body has some reserves. And constant sleep is required for the normal functioning of the body.

At extreme situations(for example, preparing for an important exam) a person may not sleep for up to 4 days. True, you will not be able to stay awake any longer. Your brain will simply shut down and you will faint.

It is important to note that it is difficult to stay awake for 2 days. The body gives tough signals at night that make us doze off. Therefore, even with a strong desire, not everyone succeeds in doing this trick.

What happens if you don't sleep for 2 days?

The consequences that will happen to you include:

  • Extreme tiredness;
  • Strong desire to sleep;
  • Irritability;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Muscle and joint pain;
  • Headache, noise in the head;
  • Low (or high) blood pressure.

In some cases, if you do not sleep for 2 days, there will be hyperactivity. The body will rebuild itself to an extreme mode of work, and you will receive a large dose of energy. But then, a colossal recession awaits you.

What happens if you don't sleep for 2 days all the time?

Some people (students, security guards, employees of night cafes) do not sleep for 2 days periodically. This is extremely unhealthy. After all, constant lack of sleep causes:

  1. Psychical deviations;
  2. Problems with heart;
  3. Dullness of vision;
  4. Neurological disorders;
  5. Obesity or vice versa anorexia and so on.

During such tests, the human body suffers a serious failure. Metabolism deteriorates, which can cause many consequences, up to diabetes mellitus.

The neurons of the brain are also affected. As a result, you can get neurological diseases, for example, sciatica, tremors (shaking limbs), seizures, etc. Therefore, do not abuse the lack of sleep.

Can I get enough sleep for the future?

Some people think they can get some good sleep afterwards. But this is not the case. Sleep is analogous to food. It is impossible to get enough sleep for the future.

And if you slept for a whole day, this does not mean that you can then stay awake for two days and feel good.

In addition, it is difficult to perceive information and do work at night. Your body will pull you into the "world of Morpheus". Try to do everything important during the day so that you can sleep at night.

It is important to add that constant lack of sleep can provoke insomnia. You will sleep during the day and it will be difficult to close your eyes at night. Many people who work night shifts suffer from this problem.

And yet, do not overcome drowsiness with the help of pills and alcohol. Otherwise, you will harm your health even more. Outside interference in the work of the brain is unacceptable.

Surely everyone had such times when they had to stay awake for a day, or even two days on end. Partial blackouts headache, fatigue, drowsiness and loss of appetite - all this becomes the reason for this severe sleep deprivation... But after the first good sleep the person feels much better, and unpleasant consequences long wakefulness go away by themselves.

What will happen if you do not sleep for 7 whole days in a row, and what harm to health can be caused by such a long wakefulness. Scientists have tested the tests for the possibilities, if you do not sleep a wink throughout the week.

The first day without sleep

From the moment of awakening in the morning, and until late at night, a person will not feel any changes in his body that could provoke him sudden loss appetite or mood, as well as an unreasonable deterioration in well-being. However, at nightfall, this picture will change somewhat.

Important! With prolonged wakefulness, over the prescribed 16 hours of knocking, a person experiences a failure of the cicadic cycles, which are responsible for the correct functioning biological clock... However, this disorder is not considered hazardous to health, and it can be eliminated with the help of adequate sleep.

The body's biological clock is tuned in such a way as to activate our nervous system and some areas of the brain that are responsible for metabolism during sleep. These processes, in turn, allow you to gain energy during eight hours of sleep. In the absence of Morpheus, the brain continues to function as usual, without interruption for rest. As a result, this becomes the reason for the appearance of fatigue and irritability in the morning.

Second day without rest

After the first sleepless day fatigue will increase markedly, and memory lapses will become more frequent and prolonged. A person will have difficulty formulating long coherent sentences, and concentrating his thoughts. He will also show the first visual signs of prolonged wakefulness, such as:

  • Impaired coordination of movement. So, when walking, a person staggers a little, and a short-term tremor periodically seizes his hands.
  • Decreased concentration of vision. The person will often squint their eyes, which will be a noticeable sign from the outside.
  • Disjointed speech. For example, during a conversation, an unsleeping person long time the interlocutor, swallows the end of the words, and his tongue is periodically braided.

All of the above are due to exhaustion. nervous system, which is already considered hazardous to health. If you do not sleep for a week due to circumstances, then the current level of danger will increase significantly, and its consequences can be irreversible and lead to death.

Third day without sleep break

In addition to a serious depletion of the nervous system and the brain, on the third day of wakefulness, a person will also experience a malfunction in the digestive tract, expressed in an increase in appetite. Such a phenomenon is considered protective, and its activation occurs exclusively in critical situations.

Increased appetite does not apply to all foods, but only to fatty and salty foods. Since only they contain a substance that promotes the production of insomnia hormones. At the same time, on the third day of wakefulness, it will be difficult for a person to fall asleep, even despite such a long absence of rest.

Fourth day - a critical moment

By the fourth day without sleep, the first hallucinations, both visual and auditory, begin to appear. These phenomena are associated with a significant slowdown in the work of some parts of his brain. The sleepless person will think that he sees himself from the side, as if from a third person. But at the same time, his ability to control his movements will not disappear anywhere.

Thus, if you do not look closely at such an individual, it is even more difficult to understand that the fourth day has passed without sleep. Such a condition can only be recognized by relatives, colleagues and those with whom the person has been communicating for a long time.

Fifth day

The fifth day of insomnia will be very similar to the fourth day, with the difference that the existing abnormalities in the work of the brain and nervous system will noticeably increase. Hallucinations will become more prolonged (up to 10 minutes), and their occurrence will be very frequent. In this case, it will seem to a person that the day lasts infinity.

Important! During this period, the body temperature may rise, or, conversely, decrease. This phenomenon is considered quite normal in the absence of sleep for a long time, since it will indicate the inclusion protective functions organism.

It is hard to imagine what will happen to the body if you do not sleep for 7 days. Indeed, already on the fifth day of activity, a person will not be able to think logically, and the simplest arithmetic problems will seem simply overwhelming for him. At the same time, the visual manifestations of his insomnia will also increase: incoherent speech, impaired coordination of movements, tremors, etc.

Sixth day - apogee

On the sixth day of wakefulness, the person will be incredibly different from himself, in the usual state. The behavior will change dramatically:

  • irritability will increase;
  • involuntary movements of the limbs will appear;
  • speech will become almost illegible;
  • auditory mirages will be added to the existing hallucinations.

The tremors of the extremities will seriously worsen, and visually will resemble Alzheimer's disease. In this case, the person's appetite will completely disappear, since his digestive tract will suffer serious disruptions and disturbances (upset stomach, occasional nausea, etc.).

Seventh day - high danger to life

If a person has not slept for seven days, then by the end of the sleepless week, the first signs of schizophrenia will appear. The person will often panic for no reason, as it will seem that dangers are lurking everywhere. At the same time, it will be difficult for an unsleeping person to understand where he is and what he is doing here. It is likely that after a week of wakefulness, the person will begin to communicate with inanimate objects, perceiving as full-fledged interlocutors.

Delusional thoughts will make the person do strange things, including suicide. Therefore, such a person needs additional control. Well, if you continue not to sleep in the same spirit, then in a few days it is quite possible and die, from severe exhaustion organism.

Summing up, we can conclude that not sleeping for 7 days is very harmful to health, and, moreover, such a long wakefulness will be absolutely meaningless. Indeed, in the time saved, you will not be able to function normally or rest, due to malfunctions in the body.

The only acceptable period of long wakefulness is two days. Since during this period, no danger to the body will arise. But it is also not recommended to abuse prolonged insomnia, in order to avoid serious health problems in old age.

Everyone, probably, at least once in his life, but one night did not sleep. Whether it was connected with night parties smoothly turning into the next day or with preparation for the session, or it was a work necessity - usually, if possible, a person, if he has not slept all day, tries to catch up on the next night. But there are times when it is not possible to sleep for 2 days in a row or even 3 days. Emergencies at work, time trouble during sessions and you have to stay awake for 2-3 days. What happens if you don't sleep for a long time?

Sleep is the rest of the body, it is responsible for processing and storing information, restores immunity. In the past, sleep deprivation was used as a torture to elicit secrets. However, recently, experts presented a report to the US Senate that such testimony cannot be trusted, since in the absence of sleep, people have hallucinations and they sign false confessions.

If you do not sleep for 1 day, nothing bad will happen. A single violation of the daily regimen will not lead to any serious consequences unless you decide to spend the next day driving. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. For example, if a person is used to such a work schedule, when after night shift if he still has to work during the day, he will just sleep this watch the next night.

During the next day after a sleepless night, the person will feel drowsiness, which can be a little relieved with a cup of coffee, weakness, a slight deterioration in concentration and memory. Some people feel a little chill. A person may unexpectedly fall asleep in public transport sitting in line to see a doctor, for example. The next night, you may have difficulty falling asleep, this is due to an excess of dopamine in the blood, but sleep will be sound.

One thing is certain if you're asking a question like: what if you stay awake the night before the exam? There is only one answer - nothing good. A sleepless night does not in any way contribute to the readiness of the brain for stress. Thinking process on the contrary, it will become slower, intellectual abilities will decrease. Absent-mindedness and inattention are companions of a sleepy state. Of course, the person will look worse - the skin will gray, bags under the eyes, some puffiness of the cheeks will appear.

Experts note that it is enough to skip only the first 24 hours of sleep and disturbances begin. brain activity... German researchers noted the emergence symptoms of mild schizophrenia: distorted sense of time, sensitivity to light, wrong color perception, incoherent speech. The emotional background begins to change; how longer person does not sleep - the more exaggerated emotions become, laughter is replaced by causeless sobs.

If you do not sleep for 2 days in a row

Of course, situations may arise when you have to stay awake for 2 days in a row. This is already a more serious condition for the body, which can affect work. internal organs and it will manifest itself not just by drowsiness, but also by a malfunction of, for example, the gastrointestinal tract. From heartburn to diarrhea, the range of feelings experienced can be very diverse. At the same time, a person's appetite will increase (an obvious advantage will be given to salty and fatty foods) and the body, in response to stress, will start the function of producing hormones responsible for insomnia. Oddly enough, during this period, it will not be easy for a person to fall asleep, even with a strong desire.
After 2 sleepless nights in the body, glucose metabolism is disrupted, the functioning of the immune system deteriorates. The person becomes more open to the effects of viruses.

After two sleepless nights, the strongest person will become:

  • absent-minded;
  • inattentive;
  • his concentration of attention will deteriorate;
  • intellectual abilities will decrease;
  • speech will become more primitive;
  • coordination of movements will deteriorate.

If you do not sleep for 3 days

What will happen if you do not sleep all nights for 3 days in a row? The basic sensations will be the same as after a sleepless two days. Coordination of movements will be impaired, speech will worsen, nervous tic. This condition is characterized by loss of appetite and mild nausea. The experimenter will have to constantly wrap himself up - he will have chills, his hands will get cold. A state can be observed when the gaze is focused on a specific point and it becomes difficult to look away.

It must be said that in conditions of prolonged impossibility of sleep, a person begins to experience states of failure - when he turns off for a while and then comes to his senses again. This is not a superficial dream, the person's control parts of the brain are simply turned off. For example, he may not notice how he missed 3-5 stations in the metro, or when walking down the street, he may not remember how he passed the section of the path. Or suddenly completely forget about the purpose of the trip.

If you don't sleep for 4 days

What will remain of the human brain if you do not sleep for 4 days is not clear. After all, if you do not sleep for a day, the ability to process information is already reduced by a third, two days of wakefulness will take 60% of a person's mental abilities. After 4 days of not sleeping on mental capacity a person, even if he has 7 spans in his forehead, does not have to count, consciousness begins to get confused, severe irritability appears. Plus, trembling of the limbs appears, a feeling of cottoniness in the body and greatly deteriorates appearance... The person becomes like an old man.

If you do not sleep for 5 days

If you do not sleep for 5 days, hallucinations and paranoia will come to visit. Possibly a start panic attacks- the most nonsense can serve as a reason. During panic attacks, cold sweat, sweating becomes more frequent, increases heartbeat. After 5 days without sleep, the work of important parts of the brain slows down, and neural activity weakens.

Serious violations will occur in the parietal zone, which is responsible for mathematical abilities and logic, so a person can hardly add even 2 plus 2. In this situation, it is not at all surprising that if you stay awake for so long, there will be problems with speech. Disturbances in the temporal lobe will provoke its incoherence, and hallucinations will begin to occur after the failure of the functions of the prefrontal cortex. These can be visual, dream-like, or auditory hallucinations.

If you do not sleep for 6-7 days

Few people are capable of such an extreme experiment with their body. So, let's see what happens if you don't sleep for 7 days. The person will become very strange and give the impression of a drug addict. It will be impossible to communicate with him. Some people who decided on this experiment developed Alzheimer's syndrome syndromes, severe hallucinations, and paranoid manifestations. The record holder for insomnia, a student from America, Randy Gardner, had a strong tremor of the limbs and he could not even perform the simplest addition of numbers: he simply forgot the task.

After 5 days without sleep, the body will experience the strongest stress of all systems., brain neurons become inactive, the heart muscle wears out, which manifests itself painful sensations, the immunity, due to the passivity of T-lymphocytes, ceases to resist viruses, the liver also begins to experience enormous stress.

Oddly enough, after such a long state of not sleeping, all symptoms will disappear literally after the first 8 hours of sleep. That is, a person can sleep for 24 hours after being awake for a long time, but even if he is awakened after 8 hours, the body will almost completely restore its functions. This is, of course, in the event that the experiments with sleep are one-time. If you constantly force your body, not allowing it to rest for two or three days, then it will end with a whole bunch of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, and hormonal systems, The gastrointestinal tract and, of course, the psychiatric plan.

List of used literature:

  • G.V. Kovrov (ed.) Quick Start Guide on clinical somnology M: "MEDpress-inform", 2018
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Wayne and Ya. I. Levina M .: "Medforum", 2016.
  • A.M. Petrov, A.R. Giniatullin Sleep neurobiology: modern look (tutorial) Kazan, GKMU, 2012.

Sleep is the most important physiological need human body... Lack of sleep or not getting enough sleep affects health in the same way as a serious illness. But in life, few people managed to avoid the situation when they had to stay awake for more than 18 hours, and for some, the period of insomnia may, for some reason, last longer. If you do not sleep for 3 days, then changes begin in the body.

What is sleep and why is it needed

To understand what it means for the body not to sleep for 3 days in a row, let us briefly consider why a person needs sleep, and what it should be like.

During sleep, all processes in the body slow down: we breathe less often, the heart rate slows down, and muscle tone decreases. During sleep, the brain also changes its work: it switches to the night mode, and sends commands to all organs and systems of the body for restructuring at night. At the cellular level, regeneration occurs during sleep. The psycho-emotional sphere also rests: it is not for nothing that it is said that anxiety and anxiety go away with sleep.

In order for the body to really rest and sleep to be physiological, it is necessary that the quality of this rest meets certain criteria:

  • sufficient duration;
  • comfortable bed;
  • comfortable environment.

The physiological sleep rate depends on age and individual characteristics, but for normal body functioning, you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

High-quality sleep involves a horizontal position of the body to relieve stress on the spine and relax the skeletal muscles. The bed should not be too soft or too hard. The comfort of the environment is determined by:

  • air humidity;
  • temperature;
  • ventilation of the room;
  • lack of external stimuli (light, noise, odors).

Absence of one or more conditions normal sleep can cause insomnia.

Insomnia reasons

Insomnia can be triggered by:

  • negative emotions accumulated during the day;
  • depressive state;
  • fear;
  • psychological stress;
  • overexcitation;
  • information overload;
  • external stimuli;
  • physiological problems ( strong pain etc.)

In some situations, a person needs to stay awake for a long time, but it is a mistake to believe that if you do not sleep for 3 days, you can do three times more work. During insomnia, a person's performance drops significantly, and their health worsens, and this process is increasing as the duration of the absence of sleep for two or more days in a row.

Processes in the body with prolonged insomnia

If a person is forced not to sleep for three days or more, changes in the physiological and mental state... Violated normal work of all organs, since they are not allowed to rest and recover.

The first and foremost consequence of prolonged sleep deprivation is a sharp decline work capacity. The sensation grows physical fatigue, a person is not able to do even that physical work which he usually does without difficulty.

Mental abilities decrease: a person cannot solve elementary arithmetic problems, has difficulty remembering dates, surnames, etc. It is difficult for him to concentrate on anything. When typing, a lot of mistakes and typos are made.

Three days without sleep cause speech impairment: already on the second day a person begins to speak more slowly, and after 48 hours of insomnia he begins to "talk", loses the logical thread of the conversation, with difficulty looking for the right words.

Memory blackouts can relate to both old events and those that happened an hour ago. Sharp behavioral changes occur: a person becomes irritable, unreasonable tears and even tantrums are possible.

The appearance changes, the person seems to be older than his age. Rubbing his eyes causes him to have red, puffy eyelids with bruises or bags under his eyes. Skin covering and the mucous membranes turn pale, the nails may become cyanotic.

Along with physical weakness, coordination of movements is impaired, tremors (tremors) of the arms and legs appear, convulsive twitching of the limbs and facial muscles (nervous tic) is possible. If you do not sleep for 3 days, visual acuity decreases, the visual picture "floats", becomes indistinct. Possible "flies" before the eyes. Hands and feet begin to grow numb, the skin becomes very cold to the touch, and profuse sweat may appear.

This condition is accompanied by attacks of chills. Decreased or completely absent appetite, the person is sick. If he is not allowed to sleep when these symptoms occur, sharp deterioration states: visual and auditory hallucinations, after which the person falls into a coma and may die.

The consequences of prolonged sleep deprivation

Such a physiological load cannot pass without leaving a trace for the body. Do not assume that enough sleep will be enough - and everything is in order. To get back on track normal functioning, you will need not only a long sleep: to relieve the stress received by the body during insomnia, a rehabilitation period is needed.

If you do not sleep for three days, the body's immune defenses are weakened, since T-lymphocytes, which are responsible for the antiviral and antibacterial barrier, are produced during sleep. Therefore, it is highly likely that after three sleepless days a person may develop an infectious disease.

With forced insomnia, people try to cheer themselves up with the help of various drinks (tea, coffee, energy), which in a large number dramatically worsen the work of cardio-vascular system... Even after a person gets enough sleep, he will experience headaches due to spasms of the cerebral vessels, arrhythmia and tachycardia. Potential malfunctions gastrointestinal tract(constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, flatulence).

Recovery of the body after three days without sleep

In order to get out of a severe physiological "spin", sometimes it may be necessary drug therapy: the doctor may prescribe sedatives, vitamin complexes, heart remedies.

Changing the biochemistry of the human body will require restorative measures. Eases a person's condition after insomnia plentiful drink... A diet with high content protein, food should be digestible. It will be difficult for the body after suffering stress to digest heavy fatty foods, therefore, the table should correspond to the diet that is prescribed to patients after surgical operations and transferred serious diseases... These are light first courses, lean meats, eggs, dairy products... Food needs to be boiled (meat and fish can be steamed), simmer with a little oil.

Physical activity should be increased gradually.

If a person is busy with work that requires concentration, coordination of movements, attentiveness, it is necessary to start professional activity no earlier than a week after the shock that occurred.

Only for such a period can we talk about full recovery the functionality of the body and overcoming negative consequences prolonged insomnia.

Techniques if you need to stay awake for 3 days

When a situation arises in life that requires prolonged wakefulness, you can alleviate your condition if you follow simple rules.

  1. The day before, you need to rest well and sleep longer than usual.
  2. Replace heavy meals with lighter ones, be sure to stock up on fresh fruit.
  3. Once an hour, do a short, simple exercise: move, jump, squat. Bending to the side and in front of you will provide blood flow to the brain and relieve tension from the spine.
  4. Eat small meals, preferably after 3-4 hours. It is better to drink still water and juices, tea and coffee, drink no more than 400 ml per day, in small cups.
  5. Do not turn off the lights at night, but make sure that the light is not too bright and does not fall directly into your eyes.
  6. You need constant communication with others, you can turn on cheerful music.

Excluded for this period professional activity and any activity requiring concentration, visual acuity and concentration (driver, dispatcher, etc.).

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