Causes and treatment of pain in the bladder in women. Bladder pain in men: main symptoms and treatment

To understand why it hurts, you must first identify the causes of such pain. How correctly the reasons are determined pain symptoms, often depends on the purpose adequate treatment and speed of recovery.

What is taken into account when making a correct diagnosis?

If you experience pain in the bladder, it is important to find out some points:

  • the nature of their occurrence;
  • intensity;
  • when and why they appeared;
  • what diseases or operations were previously suffered;
  • where they are given or distributed;
  • what they are accompanied by;
  • what other symptoms accompany them;
  • where they are localized.

From the place and time of occurrence of pain symptoms in urinary organ Correct diagnosis of the problem also depends. For example:

  • constant pain characterizes chronic illness genitourinary system;
  • their strengthening in the urethra during bowel movements may indicate the presence of stones;
  • pain after urination or at the very end indicates inflammation in the urethra.

Symptoms of the disease in women

In women, pain in the bladder is usually due to the structure of their body. The urinary ducts are positioned in such a way that different kinds infections can linger there quite easily.

Important. Pregnant women are often susceptible to similar diseases due to changes in their body and weakening of its protective functions.

The causes of pain in women can be:

  • inflammation of the bladder itself;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • kidney diseases.

If pain symptoms in women often occur when moving, this may indicate the presence of stones inside the bladder that are moving around in it.

Important. When women complain of pain when urinating, the urologist first sends them for a consultation with a gynecologist, since the cause is painful symptoms There may be diseases of the genital organs that need to be correctly diagnosed in order to prescribe the necessary urgent treatment.

Symptoms of the disease in men

Bladder pain in men for the most part are determined as a consequence of disruption of the entire genitourinary system. If the kidneys contain stones or an inflammatory process occurs, they may be accompanied by chills, fever and increased temperature.

It is also necessary to perform an examination for the presence of stones. In their absence, the fundamental factor in the resulting pain is urinary retention, which means it is necessary to identify the reasons that caused such a delay.

Most often it hurts bladder in a man with prostate adenoma. It happens that representatives of the stronger sex do not notice the manifestations of this disease, since it is often asymptomatic. The disease can begin to bother you if there are problems with the blood circulation or vascular system, or with stress. The pain may begin in the groin, testicles, or simply in the lower abdomen, accompanied by painful urination. For any ailments of this kind, it is necessary to urgently make a diagnosis in order to choose the right treatment method.

Men and even children may have discomfort in the head of the penis, which signals a bladder problem. Required thorough examination, prescribing appropriate treatment. Otherwise, it may even occur that the urethra is blocked by stones or a tumor, causing very severe unbearable pain.

Factors causing pain

The main causes of bladder disease in men and women are generally considered to be:

  • inflammation of the walls of the organ (acute or cystitis);
  • inflammation of the urinary tract (urethritis);
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus, appendages or development, characterized by pain in the bladder in women;
  • failure of blood circulation of a hormonal or menopausal nature in the walls of the urinary organ;
  • the occurrence of tumors, polyps on the surface of the bladder wall;
  • traumatic disorders in the urethral region;
  • urolithiasis, which is accompanied by;
  • at benign hyperplasia prostate;
  • the presence of stones in the urinary organ.


The method gives good results differential diagnosis, based on a comparison of the symptoms manifested in the patient with the established rules of medicine, which characterize the frequency of occurrence of the corresponding pathologies in people of different ages, gender, namely:

  • inflammation of the bladder walls is more common in girls and young women;
  • diseases of the urethra are typical of young men (urethritis, prostatitis);
  • adenomas, which cause discomfort in the urinary organ, characteristic of men elderly;
  • Tumors of the urinary organ are somewhat more common in men than in women, regardless of gender, in people over 40 years of age.

If you compare all such patterns with the complaints of patients when interviewing them, based on how the bladder hurts, it is quite possible to understand the causes of the disease and prescribe the right treatment:

  • The nature of the pain of cystitis or both sexes manifests itself in the same way (severe pain, continuous urge to urinate), but in men these pains can even be felt in the head of the penis. Such symptoms are usually associated with hypothermia and after warm sitz baths the pain decreases.
  • The occurrence of severe pain in the lower back, radiating down the abdomen and with frequent urination, indicates the movement of kidney stones, and therefore the development urolithiasis. These pains may occur periodically, especially while driving on uneven roads or while walking quickly.

  • If a man's bladder hurts, it is often associated with prostate adenoma or prostatitis, and the pain can be mild, aching, and felt in the lower abdomen, in the perineal area. As a rule, pain in the bladder area in men is monotonous and constant, forcing them to wake up frequently at night to urinate, which, although painless, is quite painful.
  • Periodic, nagging pain, often localized in one place, indicate the presence of tumor lesions (for example, adenocarcinoma), especially if there is blood in the urine.
  • Sometimes intense characteristic pain in the lower abdomen is associated with the presence of closed abdominal injuries (if the bladder was full, it may be), fractures pelvic bones(dangerous). In such situations, the patient is unable to urinate, and there may be blood coming from the urethra.

If a woman’s bladder hurts, the reasons are often related to such things as:

  • hormonal diseases;
  • blood flow disturbances during menopause;
  • spinal lesions;
  • various gynecological diseases.

In such cases, it is usually not the urinary organ that needs to be treated, but rather the disease itself that caused them.


In order to treat the bladder in men and women whose ailment is associated with pain, it is advisable to understand its importance and functionality. This internal organ considered one of the most important urinary system human body. The urinary organ is a container where fluid accumulates for subsequent excretion. It is located in the pelvic area in the lower abdomen and has three layers of membrane:

  • internal (mucous);
  • muscular (medium);
  • serous membrane.

On one side, the bladder is connected by two channels (left and right) through which urine continuously accumulates from the renal pelvis.

Regulation of the urinary process occurs in the brain, which receives a signal about the excited, stretching walls of a full bladder, by nerve impulses spinal cord sends a signal to empty it through muscle contraction walls that direct fluid into the urinary canals.

To get rid of pain symptoms in the urinary organ, you must first treat the disease that caused them. For example, if cystitis is detected after diagnosis, then:

  • appoint special diet in combination with a strict drinking regime;
  • apply antibacterial agents to combat pathogenic microbes;
  • antispasmodics are prescribed to eliminate bladder spasms;
  • if necessary, antibiotics are prescribed.

If other diseases (stones, adenoma, bladder) are detected, their treatment is also prescribed using local therapy. The following doctors usually treat diseases associated with inflammation and pain:

  • urologist;
  • oncologist;
  • gynecologist.

The doctor interviews the patient, records all his complaints, gives directions for tests,, if necessary, refers for diagnostics, and prescribes the necessary treatment.

Sometimes you need to know what to do if you experience severe pain. In such cases, to weaken them, you need to drink 2 glasses of plain water. This will well reduce the acidity of urine and, accordingly, reduce pain. It is very good to drink 1 glass of water every 20 minutes. If the pain does not go away, you need to take a pain reliever. Can I have some more:

  • take a warm (but not hot) bath;
  • steam your feet;
  • put a heating pad between your legs.

In any case, you need to see a doctor and completely recover from the disease, otherwise it may become chronic, which will be more difficult and longer to cure.

Symptoms of the disease are sometimes invisible, and even pain may not always appear. But it is important to listen to yourself, at the slightest ailment, unpleasant sensations associated with bladder, be sure to be examined in order to start treatment on time.

Pain in the bladder area is common in both women and men. This symptom can be eliminated with medication, through surgical intervention, as well as through physiotherapy.

Pain in the bladder area is common in both women and men. True, according to statistics, bladder problems are more common in women. It has to do with physiology female body. Sometimes pain occurs due to an inflammatory process directly in the bladder; in some cases, spasms signal disorders of other urinary organs excretory system.

Reasons for appearance

Inflamed kidneys can cause pain. In addition, discomfort in this area may indicate problems with the woman’s reproductive organs, as well as the fact that the urethra is inflamed. In pregnant women, pain in the bladder area indicates an infection resulting from a weakened immune system. Tumors and cancerous formations can also be signaled by painful sensations in the bladder.

Urolithiasis disease

Sand in the kidneys and ureter can cause inflammation. It hurts at the same time. Sometimes spasms appear in the back area. With kidney stones, a person cannot sleep peacefully, since colic intensifies at night. The pain is predominantly aching character. During illness, a woman may feel sharp pain when urinating.


Infection of the lining of the bladder common reason pain in this area. The very first sign of this disease is not even pain, but frequent urination. In this case, the urethra remains healthy, but the bladder itself is inflamed. The pain spreads to the lower abdomen, sometimes radiating to the back.


Sometimes pathogenic bacteria penetrate the urethra, causing an inflammatory process in this area. Urethritis also causes pain in the lower abdomen and back, depending on the location of the infection that caused the duct to become inflamed. As a result, problems arise when visiting the toilet. The outflow of urine is difficult, severe pain occurs. Unpleasant sensations have a sharp or pungent character.

Inflammatory diseases of the appendages

Inflammatory phenomena in the appendages can also provoke. These diseases are most often caused by harmful microorganisms. In some cases, inflammation occurs due to a fungal infection. Another common cause of inflammation of the appendages is hypothermia. The pain is aching and radiates to the bladder.

Tumors in the reproductive organs

Myomas, fibroids and other tumors of the reproductive organs can cause pain in the lower abdomen in women. Most common symptom, preceding painful sensations - disruption of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, pain appears on late stage when the tumor has reached large sizes. Cancer can be caused by certain types of human papillomavirus.

Intestinal problems

Accumulation of gases or inflammatory processes in the intestines are often the causes of discomfort in the lower abdomen. In pregnant women, gas accumulation is a common cause of abdominal pain. Intestinal diseases such as ulcerative enterocolitis can also manifest as spasms in the bladder area. However, the pain is mainly localized in the area digestive tract. The unpleasant sensations are aching in nature. Many patients who have severe inflammation, constipation is possible.

Treatment options

To eliminate such problems, they most often use:

  • drug treatment;
  • surgical methods;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

basis drug treatment many inflammatory diseases infectious origin are antibiotics. Doctors also recommend drugs that restore immune system. For each disease, a specific course is selected and a special drug is prescribed. For cystitis the basis drug therapy are:

  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Nitrofurantoin.

Ciprofloxacin has been used to treat bladder infections for many years. You should not take these tablets on an empty stomach. Ciprofloxacin is also prescribed if the urethra is inflamed. However, pregnant, lactating women and children should not use this drug. The drug completely relieves inflammation and relieves pain in the lower abdomen.

Monural is no less effective, but has virtually no contraindications. Monural can be taken by children, the elderly, during pregnancy and lactation. It acts more gently, eliminates inflammation and relieves the urethra and bladder walls from pain.

Nitrofurantoin is prescribed for women with kidney problems. It is also recommended during pregnancy because it does not pose any danger to the developing fetus. Nitrofurantoin eliminates inflammation in the bladder and relieves pain. In addition, this remedy heals the urethra and bladder lining from infection.

Surgical treatment is relevant when dangerous tumors in the reproductive organs, intestines, kidneys or the bladder itself. Increasingly, methods based on laser microscopy, as well as cryodestruction, are used for such operations. In both the first and second cases, the tumor is removed painlessly and with virtually no blood loss.

Laser tumor removal is safe and effective. After such an operation, the patient does not need long rehabilitation and returns to work within 3-5 days. Cryodestruction is used in the treatment of tumors in the uterus, ovaries and other reproductive organs. During the intervention, the formation is frozen under the influence of low temperatures and is painlessly removed.

The most effective physiotherapy procedures that help restore the body after inflammatory diseases are mud therapy, acupuncture and heat therapy. The power of healing mud helps strengthen the immune system and protect the body from various infections. Mud therapy relieves stress, which causes weakened immunity and the occurrence of cancer.

Acupuncture excellent remedy which helps relieve pain. There are certain points on every person’s body that, when stimulated, can eliminate pain. Stimulation of points on a woman’s body causes the production of certain hormones that stop spasms. Special needles are applied to such points and after the procedure the stomach practically does not hurt.

Heat therapy and heating are used in the treatment of many diseases. Very often they are prescribed for inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs of women. Similar procedures are also used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system.

Any of the above conditions can cause pain. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause. The most important thing is not to self-medicate, but to seek treatment in a timely manner. medical care.

The bladder is the main organ of the body's excretory system. Its purpose is to accumulate urine for its subsequent removal. Quite often, pain occurs in it, indicating the presence of some pathological process. Typically, pain in the bladder in men is accompanied by diseases such as urolithiasis, cystitis, tumors, prostatitis and injuries.

Is not the only symptom such ailments. Pain syndrome can be combined with other disorders. To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor evaluates their location, intensity, and time of occurrence. Let's try to find out why and how the bladder hurts in men. The symptoms and treatment of this condition are described in the article.

Etiology of bladder pain

Men often experience painful sensations in the lower abdomen and disruption of the urethra. This indicates the presence various diseases, which only diagnostics can help identify. Be sure to take into account the intensity of the pain, the cause of its occurrence, localization, where it goes and what it is accompanied by. In addition, the patient’s previous operations and illnesses are taken into account.

Pain in the bladder area in men is conventionally divided into 2 groups: those associated with urination and those not associated with this process. The first group is headed by cystitis, which is considered the most common cause of pain. This also includes urolithiasis.

The second group is represented by pain that is directly related to a tumor, adenoma, or bladder injury. In addition, painful sensations occur with urethritis, pathology of the intestines and pubic symphysis. At the same time, they radiate to the location of the bladder.

Causes of pain

If pain occurs in the bladder in men, the reasons for this may be different. For chronic course The disease is characterized by aching attacks, which may indicate serious damage to the genitourinary system. In this case, pain can occur both at rest and during urination. If there is also inflammation, the pain syndrome intensifies at the end of the act of excreting urine.

The most common causes of bladder pain in men are the following pathological conditions:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys, ureter, prostate gland;
  • decreased immunity due to fatigue, stress, infectious diseases;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • bruises, injuries, bladder ruptures;
  • rectal diseases;
  • hypothermia.


Bladder pain in men is a symptom of the following diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • tumors;
  • leukoplakia;
  • atony;
  • exstrophy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • ulcer;
  • hernia.

Let's look at the most common diseases that provoke pain in this organ: diagnostic measures and methods of treatment.

Pain due to urolithiasis

Bladder pain occurs due to various reasons, and the most common is urolithiasis. The formation of stones occurs as a result of the deposition of salts in large quantities and urinary retention. Bladder with obstruction urinary tract unable to evacuate normally, which causes urine to accumulate and, after a while, stones to form.

There are such concretions different shapes, size and consistency (soft and hard). Strong pain in the bladder area in men occurs if they begin to injure the mucous membrane of the organ. The pain syndrome in this disease differs in that at rest it is practically not felt, and its intensification occurs during active movement and during urination. The pain may radiate to the perineum or scrotum.

Diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis

To establish the exact cause of bladder pain in men, the doctor collects all the necessary information about his patient and conducts an examination of the patient. The man’s complaints are also important. In order to confirm the diagnosis of urolithiasis, carry out instrumental studies and take necessary tests. Most informative general analysis urine, which helps to identify how high the salt content is. In addition, ultrasound, cystoscopy, and, if necessary, MRI and CT are performed.

If a man’s bladder hurts with such an illness, then it helps to get rid of it radical treatment which involves removing stones. The main methods of therapy are cystolithotripsy (stone crushing) and cystolithotomy (stone cutting). Additionally, the patient is prescribed a diet, which depends on the type of stones. To prevent the recurrence of stones, you need to drink a lot. If the doctor recommends radical treatment, then apply medicines, dissolving stones.

Pain with cystitis

A man's bladder hurts as a result of its inflammation. This disease (cystitis) is typical for women and is due to the structural features of their body. In men, this disease develops due to obstruction and stagnation of urine. Cystitis occurs with tumors, urolithiasis, infections caused by viruses, chlamydia, and various bacteria. Specific inflammation can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea. Much less often, cystitis develops when affected by the tuberculosis bacillus.

The pain caused by this disease appears in the lower abdomen, groin, lower back or perineum. Leukocytes and pus appear in the urine. Cystitis often takes on a chronic form with slightly severe symptoms. Complications of the disease include inflammation of the surrounding tissue, sclerosis of organ cells, and pyelonephritis.

Diagnosis and treatment of cystitis

to install accurate diagnosis, carry out urine culture, which allows you to isolate the pathogen culture. This confirms the infectious nature of the inflammation. In addition, a general urine and blood test is taken. A very effective diagnostic method is uroflowmetry. Also performed on the kidneys and prostate.

Cystitis is treated with antibiotics, herbal medicine is indicated. To relieve pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics are prescribed. In rare cases, the organ is washed with antiseptic agents.

Pain due to inflammation of the prostate

A disease such as prostatitis also contributes to the development of pain in the bladder in men. Pain syndrome usually accompanies acute course an illness that develops due to any infection. Pathology often occurs when various microorganisms are present in the prostate, for example coli, Enterobacter, Klebsiella and others.

Pain with prostatitis is localized in the lower back, lower abdomen, perineum, anus and scrotum. Associated symptoms are pain or burning in the urethra, weakness, myalgia, headache.

Diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis

The chronic course of prostatitis can contribute to the development after some time of diseases such as cystitis, sepsis, and pyelonephritis. Diagnosis begins with an external examination of the patient, collection of anamnesis, after which instrumental and laboratory research. A sample is taken from the patient for further culture, and urine culture is also carried out. Using palpation, the doctor examines. In addition, the patient undergoes an ultrasound of the prostate, MRI or CT, and he must donate blood and urine for a general analysis.

Treating bladder pain involves eliminating the underlying cause of the disease. It includes taking antibiotics (tetracyclines, macrolides, fluoroquinolones), compliance bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids. Pain is relieved with painkillers. IN severe cases Provide hydration and prescribe diuretics.

Tumors and injuries

With bladder tumors, the pain is periodic and aching. It is most often localized in a specific area and can appear and disappear. Blood appears in the urine, which causes its color to change and it becomes dirty. The tumor is treated in two ways: conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment consists of radiation therapy and reception medicines, but most often doctors resort to surgical intervention. After surgery, chemotherapy and immunotherapy are prescribed.

Bladder injuries are quite rare. At closed injury stomach appears sharp pain, which may indicate a bubble rupture. When the pelvic bones are fractured, the urethra is usually torn. If the damage to the organ is minor, then prescribe conservative treatment- taking antibiotics, hemostatic, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, a tube is placed in the bladder for several days to drain urine. At serious damage surgical intervention is performed.


Thus, we found out why the bladder hurts in men. Pain syndrome is usually a symptom, under which various quite serious pathologies requiring immediate treatment. It happens that pain in the bladder area may indicate damage to another organ. In this case it is necessary accurate diagnosis, which is extremely important for further treatment.

Diseases that cause bladder pain may have various etiologies.

The most common causes of this symptom are:

  • acute and chronic cystitis;
  • stones in the bladder cavity;
  • benign and malignant formations organ;
  • traumatic injuries (penetrating wounds, bruises, etc.).

If you experience pain, be sure to seek medical help.

Other causes of lower abdominal pain are:

  • in women – diseases of the internal genital organs (salpingo-oophoritis, endometritis, endocervicitis, ovarian apoplexy, tubal pregnancy, etc.);
  • in men - diseases prostate gland(prostatitis, prostate adenoma);
  • diseases of the rectum (proctitis, paraproctitis, tumors of the sigmoid and rectum);
  • pyelonephritis;
  • appendicitis.

Characteristics of the symptom

Pain in the bladder with cystitis is aching, dull. At acute inflammation Cramping, twitching pain may occur.

By the way your bladder hurts (symptoms, associated pain, is also important to consider), a diagnosis of the disease can be assumed.

Pain may be accompanied by changes in urine. It may be mixed with pus and blood. Sometimes the urine becomes cloudy, or, conversely, discolored.

Differential diagnosis of diseases of the pelvic organs

With cystitis and pyelonephritis, urination becomes frequent and painful, and when emptying the bladder, a burning sensation and stinging sensation occurs.

Another bladder disease is cystalgia. Unlike cystitis, with this disease there is no pus in the urine, and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder is absent or only slightly expressed. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to use.

With appendicitis, the pain is localized mainly in the right iliac region, and may be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, tension in the anterior abdominal wall, increasing temperature.

At ectopic pregnancy In addition to sharp pain in the lower abdomen, symptoms of blood loss occur:

  • pale skin,
  • dizziness,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • tachycardia, etc.

If the bladder hurts in women, it is necessary to find out if there are delays in menstruation or other signs of tubal pregnancy or discharge from the genital tract. An ectopic pregnancy can lead to significant blood loss and even death.

Important: Most diseases that cause this symptom, require urgent, sometimes surgical treatment, and delay can lead to serious complications.

Another cause of pain may be that formed in it or moved from the renal pelvis. In this case, the pain occurs periodically and can be quite acute. Pain usually occurs after physical activity, horse riding or cycling.

Why does bladder pain occur during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the most common cause of pain in the lower abdomen is cystitis. At the same time, urination becomes painful and frequent, brownish clots appear in the urine, which are desquamated multilayered squamous epithelium. Sometimes there is pus in the urine.

Another cause of pain in pregnant women is the onset of labor. If the pregnancy is short, the pain may indicate that a miscarriage has begun. It is important to take into account the discharge: with an ectopic pregnancy, it is brownish and scanty. When a miscarriage begins, it is bloody.

Pain in the bladder during pregnancy does not always mean the onset of some disease

Changes always occur in the body of a pregnant woman. genitourinary system. Most often they consist of increased urination, but sometimes an enlarged uterus leads to stagnation of urine in the bladder. In this case, you just need to go to the toilet more often and not tolerate the urge, as an ascending infection may develop.

Gestational pyelonephritis is not uncommon during pregnancy, the cause of which is physiological disturbances of urination. During stagnation, bacteria have time to penetrate upstream urinary tract and cause cystitis and kidney inflammation.

Important: if during pregnancy you experience pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by discharge from the genital tract or an increase in body temperature, immediately call an ambulance.


To identify the etiology of pain in the lower abdomen, it is important to use ultrasound examination. In this case, it is possible to determine appendicitis, adnexitis and others inflammatory diseases pelvic organs. If symptoms of blood loss come to the fore (with an interrupted tubal pregnancy, ovarian apoplexy), perform vaginal examination and digital examination of the rectum. In this case, you can make a puncture posterior arch vagina and evaluate the fluid obtained by aspiration.

If the puncture is purulent in nature, then we can assume perforated appendicitis with the onset of purulent pleurisy. If the aspiration fluid is blood, then it is necessary to exclude hemorrhage from the ovary (apoplexy) and rupture fallopian tube(with tubal pregnancy). If the effusion is serous fluid, then possible reason The symptom may be pelvioperitonitis (especially in women), which often has a tuberculous etiology.

In men, in the absence of other symptoms of bladder disease, an ultrasound scan of the prostate gland is performed. Often with prostatitis, pain is associated with stagnation of urine, against which the bladder can become infected, and subsequently the upper parts of the urinary system.

If there is significant or long-term pain in the bladder or lower abdomen, but conventional methods examinations do not reveal the cause, laparoscopy is performed.
