My 4 month old baby has ear pain. Ear pain in a child. How to help your baby? With the approval of a pediatrician or pediatric ENT doctor, it is allowed to use

Children's colds and acute respiratory viral infections are accompanied by inflammation, covering different departments heads. Most common cause that the child has ear pain are infections of the oropharynx, upper respiratory tract. It is necessary to relieve symptoms at the very beginning with the help of an anti-inflammatory agent and a compress.

The Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear and nasopharynx, is shorter in young children and located at a smaller angle. In addition, babies do not know how to sneeze and blow their nose correctly. Therefore, the infection more easily passes from the nasopharynx to the middle ear. Ear pain occurs - otalgia - a typical sign of an inflammatory process.

If a usually calm baby behaves differently or is capricious, then parents should check the baby’s ears. The reason for the change in behavior may be associated with the onset of the inflammatory process. How can you tell if your child has ear pain? It is necessary to pay attention to the complex of symptoms.

Signs of otitis - inflammation of the ear:

  1. sharp or aching pain;
  2. discharge from the ear;
  3. poor appetite;
  4. dizziness;
  5. sleep disorders;

If your baby has severe ear pain and a high temperature, you should call your pediatrician at home.

Otitis externa is manifested by swelling and redness of the skin of the auricle and ear canal, and the formation of boils. These signs are easy to notice and can be used to determine the cause of the pain. The formation of pus behind the eardrum in the middle ear cavity is accompanied by an increase in pressure. Therefore, the child’s ear hurts more when the head is in a horizontal position, blood flow and swelling increase. The baby wakes up crying and reaches his hand to his head. After the pus leaves the ear canal discomfort are on the decline.

Causes of ear pain in a child (except otitis media):

  • diseases of teeth located close to the ear canal;
  • irritation from chlorinated water after swimming;
  • complications of ARVI, tonsillitis or sinusitis;
  • foreign object in the ear canal;
  • gap eardrum.

Inflammation occurs upon contact foreign body into the external auditory canal. Then the child’s ear hurts more when moving his head, chewing, or talking. If a foreign object is visible, parents can try to remove it themselves. It is better to use tweezers with rounded “legs”.

Home treatments and remedies

Before using any pharmaceutical drug or a folk remedy for ear pain, you should consult a pediatrician or pediatric otolaryngologist. It is important not to harm the child’s health through improper actions.

Solution boric acid in ethanol is used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Place 1 drop of boric alcohol into the ear opening twice a day. It is recommended to first heat the bottle with the solution in your hand. Small gauze flagella are moistened with boric alcohol and inserted into the ear canal overnight. This remedy is not used to treat children under one year of age.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory solutions can be instilled into the ears only if there is no perforation of the eardrum.

Traditional treatment for ear pain in children:

  1. Fill a cloth bag with dried chamomile flowers and lightly heat in the oven. Apply to the affected ear as a dry compress.
  2. Brew 2 tbsp. l. chamomile 1 liter of boiling water. After 10–15 minutes of infusion, the child is asked to carefully inhale the healing fumes for 5–10 minutes.
  3. Drink as tea, gargle for pain in the ears due to a cold, ARVI, sore throat, infusion prepared from 1 tbsp. l. flowers and a cup of boiling water.
  4. Apply cold to the area above the eye for 5–10 minutes to relieve inflammation and pain in children over 5 years of age.

If a child has an earache and the baby is already 2 years old, then camphor oil can be used for treatment. Directions for use: insert a cotton swab soaked in oil into the ear canal. Do not use the product if a child is allergic to camphor, or if the skin of the ear canal or eardrum is damaged.

How to make a compress with camphor oil for a sore ear:

  • the oil is heated in a water bath to body temperature;
  • soak a bandage or cotton cloth with oil;
  • placed around the ear without covering the ear opening;
  • cover the top with wax paper and cotton wool;
  • The compress is fixed with a bandage.

Unfortunately, not all mothers and fathers know what to do if a child has an earache and a sharp rise in temperature. The task of parents is to provide first aid to the baby correctly and in a timely manner. If a child has ear pain due to a cold or ARVI, then the nasal cavity should be cleared of mucus.

Rinse the child’s nose with saline solution or Miramistin liquid from the pharmacy. Older children can use Aqualor, equipped with a special spray nozzle. It is more convenient for the baby to rinse his nose with an aspirator or a disposable syringe without a needle. Nazivin is instilled into the nose, helping with a runny nose and reducing swelling of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube.

First aid for ear pain and fever

In a situation where a child complains of ear pain and fever, they give antipyretics with paracetamol, ibuprofen: Panadol, Nurofen. These drugs, in addition to their anti-inflammatory effect, have an analgesic effect. Available in the form of syrup, suspension, soluble tablets and rectal suppositories.

If the ear hurts and the baby’s temperature rises, then it is preferable to introduce baby rectal suppositories with ibuprofen or paracetamol. A child who is 2–4 years old is given syrup or suspension. Children over 3–5 years of age can take the tablets.

Enhance the effect of using Nurofen or Panadol antihistamines. For infants under one year of age, Fenistil or Zyrtec drops are more suitable. A child aged 3 years and older is given liquid Zodak and Erius products. Dosages for children and adults are usually indicated in the instructions for the drug. The ear pain subsides after several days of treatment with an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory drug.

Helping a child with otitis externa

The pinna and ear canal direct sound to the eardrum and middle ear cavity. With external otitis of a limited type, only the pilosebaceous follicle in the area of ​​the ear canal becomes inflamed. With the diffuse nature of the disease, the infection affects the auricle and ear canal. Discomfort and pain are felt more strongly when turning the head, while eating, talking, coughing and sneezing.

Why inflammation of the outer ear develops:

  1. is damaged sebaceous gland or hair follicle in the skin of the ear canal;
  2. eczema or other skin disease spreads to the ear area;
  3. complications arise viral infections, including influenza;
  4. the skin is injured if the earwax is removed incorrectly;
  5. water gets in when a child bathes, swims in a lake or river;
  6. mechanical damage;
  7. reaction to an insect bite;
  8. a foreign body enters;
  9. chemical burn.

The doctor will determine the cause of the pain after examining the child and receiving test results. Parents can ask their pediatrician how to treat inflammatory disease ear.

How to relieve pain from otitis externa in children:

  1. They're burying ear drops Otinum, Otipax or Anauran with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  2. Apply anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial ointments Levomekol, Sofradex, Balsamic Liniment (according to Vishnevsky).
  3. Antimicrobial drops Normax, Otofa, Candibiotic, Polydexa, Sofradex, Tsipromed are instilled into the ear.
  4. They give an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug for oral administration (Naproxen, Nurofen, Acetaminophen).

The child is placed on his side and in this position the medicine is instilled into the ear.

In the purulent form of the disease, the ear hurts greatly. The child cannot chew and swallow and behaves restlessly. It is noticeable that the external auditory canal is red and swollen. The discharge of pus begins, skin rash on the face and neck. Occasionally, inflammation spreads to the tissues of the jaw, half of the face or throughout the body.

What to do if a 3-year-old child’s ears hurt:

  • treat the ear canal with hydrogen peroxide;
  • clean the skin of the auricle from dissolved wax and pus;
  • insert a cotton swab with boric alcohol or sodium sulfacyl into the ear canal;
  • pre-warm the bottle with the solution in your hand (15–20 minutes).

Levomekol ointment for external otitis is placed on a cotton pad in the child’s ear overnight. The procedure is performed daily for 1–1.5 weeks. To help with pain and inflammation, Vishnevsky ointment is used. Liniment is applied daily using a cotton swab and left for 3 hours. However, the child may not like this treatment due to the unpleasant odor of the product.

Ear pain relief and anti-inflammatory drops

Anauran - combination drug, has an antibacterial and analgesic effect. It is used for inflammation of the outer and middle ear in children over 12 months of age.

Otipax - ear drops with phenazone and lidocaine. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect and is used to treat children from birth. Contraindication: perforated eardrum.

Otinum is a means for instillation into the ears. Quickly has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Use no longer than 10 days.

Candibiotic - drops for ear pain and inflammation with the antibacterial substance chloramphenicol and the anesthetic lidocaine. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug is approved for use in children over 6 years of age.

Pain with purulent otitis media

Development ear disease often associated with the spread of infection from the nasopharynx. Inflammation is provoked by a runny nose, adenoids, and sore throat. The child develops sharp pain in the ear, the temperature rises to 37.3°C and higher.

How to treat purulent otitis media:

  1. Eliminate heat and inflammation with ibuprofen syrup or suspension.
  2. A course of cephalosporin antibiotic: Ceftriaxone or Cefuroxime.
  3. Rinsing the nose with saline and instilling Nazivin.
  4. Instillation of Nomax or Tsipromed into the ears.

If a child’s ear hurts for several days and does not go away after treatment at home, then the child should be taken to a pediatrician or ENT doctor. The specialist selects the dosage of medications taking into account the age of the young patient and the cause of the illness. The doctor prescribes antibiotics for the child after determining the cause of the disease. Such drugs do not act on viral and fungal infections, but quickly help with bacterial otitis media.

Complications of ear diseases

Prolonged ear pain can lead to mastoiditis, abscess, meningitis, and hearing loss. Complications develop with inadequate and untimely treatment otitis, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis. With mastoiditis, the mastoid process becomes inflamed temporal bone behind the ear. Pain and swelling appear in the area behind the ear, symptoms of general intoxication are observed, and the temperature rises to 39°C.

If long time a child’s ear hurts, or intense sudden pain occurs - this is always a reason to immediately contact a pediatrician and otolaryngologist. The goal is not to start the inflammatory process, which in children quickly becomes purulent.

An older child may complain of acute or aching pain in the ear area. The baby will “tell” about his suffering by crying inconsolably, twisting his head, grabbing his sore ear with his hands and refusing the breast or his favorite bottle of milk.

Only a qualified specialist can distinguish and identify all types of diseases when ear pain occurs. He will evaluate and take into account associated symptoms and prescribe correct scheme treatment in each individual case.

Most probable cause ear pain in children, especially younger age up to 5 years - bacterial otitis media or acute inflammation of the tissues of the middle ear (auditory tube, tympanic cavity, mastoid process). This is a pathology that develops when the ear is damaged by pathogenic microorganisms - pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci. Without treatment, the process in children under 3 years of age quickly spreads to the other, healthy ear. Ear pain causes discomfort and a lot of other reasons.

Other types of otitis are also diagnosed:

  1. Otitis externa (inflammation of the auricle, external auditory canal, eardrum). In this case, inflammation can occur in the form of the formation of a painful boil or purulent diffuse (spread) inflammation of a chronic nature.
  2. Internal (severe inflammatory process inner ear- labyrinthitis) is much less common.

But ear pain of varying degrees of intensity occurs not only due to otitis media.

There are pathological conditions in which the ear hurts without fever:

  • ear damage, eardrum injury, insect bite;
  • formation of cerumen plug (accompanied by ear congestion and hearing impairment);
  • penetration of a foreign object into the ear canal;
  • water ingress;
  • increased blood or intracranial pressure;
  • manifestation allergic reaction(usually on both sides);
  • tumors.

Ear pain can be completely different.

Other causes of pain inside and outside the ear include pathologies such as:

  • otomycosis - fungal infection(accompanied by itching);
  • mastoiditis - a complicated condition after otitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane
  • mastoid process of the temporal bone;
  • anthritis is a severe acute inflammation of the mastoid process of the ear (antrum) in infants (usually weakened or premature) and surrounding tissues.

In addition, it should be understood that pain in the ear:

  • may appear as an “echo” when there is irradiation (return) of pain in the teeth, in the throat (with sore throat, pharyngitis), with mumps (mumps);
  • is one of the signs of disease neighboring organs in the nasopharynx (sinusitis, sinusitis), eyes, neck, brain.

How to relieve pain - first aid

How to eliminate the pain tormenting a child, but not cause harm, that is, not provoke a deterioration in the baby’s condition?
Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Basic rules:

  1. Introduce to baby vasoconstrictor drops in the nose. They will quickly relieve swelling of the mucous membrane not only of the nose, but also of the auditory tube, reducing pressure from the inside on the middle ear and membrane, improving ventilation and outflow of inflammatory secretions from the middle ear cavity
  2. Place pain-relieving drops into your ear according to the instructions. The most effective medications in pediatrics are Otipax and Otirelax, which, in addition to the anti-inflammatory component, also include the pain reliever Lidocaine. In case of acute pain, the child is allowed to give the drops local anesthetic Lidocaine in the form of a spray or in an injection solution from an ampoule. You can either drop 2 - 3 drops of solution (2%) from the ampoule (warm), or make a cotton tourniquet, soak it in a lidocaine solution or spray it with a spray (10%), squeeze out excess liquid and place it in the ear canal. It is allowed to use a solution of Novocaine 0.5 - 2%. Otitis drops need to be warmed to body temperature by simply holding the pipette in a glass with hot water or holding it in your palm. Important! Use boric alcohol It is not allowed for instillation into the ears of children under 12 years of age due to its toxicity. When treating adolescents, a gauze swab soaked in an alcohol solution and carefully wrung out is placed in the ear.
  3. To quickly relieve pain, give your baby a remedy that combines an antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect (in an age-appropriate dose), even if he does not have a fever. Syrups, suspensions, tablets are chosen taking into account the age of the child: Analgin (the highest analgesic effect), Paracetamol (Panadol), Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Mig-200). For infants and young children, you can use suppositories (Panadol, Cefekon, Efferalgan). Adolescents over 12 years of age relieve pain using Saridon, Nimegesic, Nise, Nimulid, Nimesil. Very strong analgesic drug Ketoprofen for acute pain in a single dose is approved for adolescents from the age of 15 years. Important! Aspirin under 12 years of age is prohibited due to the danger severe complication– Reye's syndrome with cerebral edema and liver damage.
  4. At the initial manifestations of the disease (at early stage catarrhal otitis), when there is no temperature and discharge from the ear, gentle heating has a good effect. Use dry heat(a ball of cotton wool, a warmed scarf, applied to the ear), the use of a “blue lamp”. Such procedures activate blood flow, resolve inflammation, and relieve pain.
  5. Application alcohol compress, like dry heat, has a beneficial effect on the child’s condition with otitis media.

A hole for the ear is made in gauze folded in several layers. Gauze is soaked in vodka or 2% diluted with water. camphor alcohol, they are placed not on the ear itself, but around it. Cover the top with polyethylene and a layer of cotton wool and secure with a scarf.


  • You cannot keep the compress for more than 3 hours (especially leave it overnight) so as not to cause a skin burn;
  • to prevent burns, the skin around the ear and the auricle itself are lubricated with a fatty (non-moisturizing) baby cream;
  • a compress (as well as any heating) is prohibited at fever and pus discharge from the ear. Excess heat can provoke the rapid spread of inflammation to internal structures with serious consequences for the child.

If you have ear pain, you should contact your pediatrician.

The child should definitely be shown to the pediatrician if:

  • ear pain increases or does not decrease, persisting for 24 to 48 hours;
  • pain is accompanied by fever;
  • redness and swelling occurs in the ear area;
  • any kind of discharge from the ear is observed (mucus, yellowish, watery, bloody discharge);
  • swell submandibular lymph nodes, a sore throat appears.

Ear hurts inside and outside

Severe ear pain can be compared to toothache.

The inside of the ear often hurts due to pathologies such as:

  • labyrinthitis, otitis media, including complicated purulent conditions, such as epitympanitis (pain usually intensifies with pressure on the tragus);
  • accumulation of wax inside the ear;
  • dental caries or pulpitis (usually in the upper jaw);
  • presence of water in the depths of the ear canal;
  • mastoiditis (throbbing pain, swelling behind the ear, leakage of discharge from the ear canal, fever);
  • rupture of the eardrum (sharp, sudden pain);
  • meningitis (accompanied by severe headache, vomiting, fever).

Pain outside the ear can be caused by:

  • diffuse external otitis (becomes stronger when pressing on the tragus);
  • an abscess in the tissues of the auricle or ear canal (usually acute pain occurs upon contact with the ear or touching the area of ​​suppuration);
  • entry of a foreign body;
  • inflammation of the bone of the temporomandibular joint (swelling near the ear and cheek-zygomatic area, pain when chewing and talking);
  • perichondritis - inflammation of the perichondrium of the auricle;
  • skin damage, eczema;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve.

What to do and how to treat ear pain in a child

Effective folk remedies

Homemade recipes based on traditional medicine When a child has ear pain, sensible parents used only after determining accurate diagnosis at the otolaryngologist. Like medicinal drops, many substances are unacceptable for use in cases of perforation of the eardrum, fungal or viral otitis media, and more severe ear pathologies.
Use after an accurate diagnosis from a doctor.

We must not forget about the acute allergic reaction that often occurs in young children to plant and animal substances - up to swelling of the larynx and anaphylaxis, which threaten the child’s very life.

Thermal effect at elevated temperature and suppuration in the ear can also cause serious harm to the child.

With the approval of a pediatrician or pediatric ENT doctor, it is allowed to use:

  • heated salt in a linen bag, sand to warm the ear;
  • camphor oil (from 2 years), as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula, aloe juice, which also remarkably relieve pain and inflammation.

Children over 5 years old medicinal substances can be instilled into the ear (no more than 3 drops), warming the solution to body temperature.

The optimal method for treating children early age- use a cotton swab or gauze swab soaked in camphor oil, aloe, calendula solution (also heated in a water bath), which is injected into the ear for 2 - 3 hours.

The urgent advice of all pediatricians is not to experiment with folk recipes if your child has ear pain: you may miss time for successful treatment medications and allow catarrhal inflammation to turn into a purulent process.

Drops for otitis media

Eliminating ear pain in a child is directly related to the treatment of the disease diagnosed by the doctor. Parents must remember that the strong medicinal solutions with an antibiotic or glucocorticosteroid is prescribed only for serious processes accompanied by acute inflammation.
You should read the instructions.

Therapy for children involves the use of ear drops:

  • at catarrhal otitis- products with non-hormonal anti-inflammatory substances and anesthetic - Otipax, Otinum (only with the permission of the pediatrician), Otirelax;
  • with a deep inflammatory process caused by bacterial infection, use drops with antibiotics, hormonal substances that quickly stop inflammation: Tsipromed (from 1 year), Candibiotic (from 6 years), Fugentin (from 3 years), Polydexa (from 2.5 years); Garazon (from 8 years);
  • at purulent otitis use Anauran (from 12 months), which is prescribed for infants under one year of age when emergency under the supervision of an otolaryngologist; Otofa (rifamycin group antibiotic). Both drugs are approved for use in cases of perforation of the eardrum.

Infants under one year of age are prohibited from using almost all ear drops, except for pain-relieving medicinal solutions. More often, babies with otitis media under 12 months of age are treated in a hospital in order to promptly notice negative changes in the baby’s condition and prevent complications.
The baby's ears should be given special attention.

If ear pain is caused by cerumen, the doctor, after making sure that the child does not have otitis, may prescribe special drop solutions that dissolve ear samples. They loosen the sulfur clot, which is easily removed. Basic children's drops: Cerumen (from 2.5 years), Otipax, Aqua Maris Oto (from 4 years).

What not to do if your child has ear pain

Before examining a child by a pediatrician or otolaryngologist, it is prohibited:

  • use ear sticks and try to clear the ear canal of secretions (use only flagella twisted from gauze or cotton wool);
  • instill medicinal solutions into the ear if mucus, pus, blood is released from it, the child complains of tinnitus, hearing impairment - these symptoms may indicate perforation (rupture) of the eardrum;
  • drip oil, alcohol, drops that are not approved for use in pediatrics into the ear of a small patient;
  • use antibiotic drops until an accurate diagnosis is made, since the child may have otitis media of fungal origin and antibacterial drops will lead to a deterioration of the condition;
  • rinse the ear with a syringe or children's enema;
  • warm the ear in any way at temperature and discharge from the ear canal;
  • Warm up your ears with a hairdryer: possible injury to the eardrum.

“Mom, my ear hurts!...” This phrase will alarm every parent. Otitis is the most common and, unfortunately, the most painful childhood disease. A child can suffer from it both before 3 years of age and after 3 years of age. Children are susceptible to otitis media not only in the cold winter months - summer is also a risk period.

You wonder why child has ear pain, is it possible to avoid this health problem?

If a child has an earache without fever, what to do??

Otitis is literally a disaster for the whole family. Small child suffers from pain, cannot sleep, sometimes has difficulty hearing, does not want to eat and has high temperature. Not surprisingly, this will alarm every mother.

What is the nightmare called “otitis media”? Unfortunately, this is a fairly common disease in children of a younger age group (about 3 years old), and often occurs as a complication of a prolonged cold. The infection penetrates through the auditory or Eustachian tube into the middle ear, where it causes inflammation of the mucous membrane. As mucus or pus accumulates, the eardrum expands, and it is this pressure that causes severe pain. This disease does not occur often in adults because auditory tube they are quite developed. A child about 3 years old has a shorter and wider ear, so the infection finds its way into the ear relatively easily, as a result, children can get sick more often.

What to do?

Is it really possible to treat otitis media at home? If it is at the very beginning of development, it is undoubtedly possible to help the child. Mom should consult a doctor for advice. Some people's councils It is not advisable to use, in addition, they can even cause complications! So, what can you do in a quiet home environment?

  1. From traditional medicine, onion compresses and onion drops can contribute to alleviating the symptoms of the disease.
  2. Cold compresses on the ankles can help reduce a high fever.
  3. Cold compresses can also help with ear pain. They counteract swelling of the ear and relieve pain.
  4. When cold doesn't work, try heat. Good effect shows heating the ear with a warm towel for a few minutes.
  5. Natural Treatment also recommends wrapping a clove of garlic in gauze and placing it in your ear. But doctors are unkind to this method. Although it works, if handled carelessly it can cause damage to the ear canal. So using miraculous power garlic, be as careful as possible!
  6. Do not give your child anything sweet; use honey instead of sugar in tea.

In the case of sudden ear pain, for example, during an airplane flight, the most common cause is the closure of the external auditory canal and blockage of the eardrum, which is no longer exposed to pressure from outside air. In this case, little tricks will help:

  • close the child’s nose with two fingers and ask him to try to breathe through his nose against resistance,
  • chewing gum,
  • yawning and drinking liquids in small sips.

The goal is to increase the air pressure that reaches the ear canal through the Eustachian tube, freeing it and the blocked eardrum.

When should you go to the doctor?

Of course, this should be done at the moment when the child develops a fever or pain so severe that he (and you, of course, along with him). Such cases are an undeniable reason to quickly seek the help of a doctor.

First of all, you can contact your local pediatrician, who will refer you to an otolaryngologist for a special examination. In case pain and fever occur at night, go to the nearest hospital/clinic/emergency department where an ENT is available. There, a specialist will examine the ear and suggest treatment. Sometimes it is enough to use special drops and antibiotics appropriate to the baby’s age. In case of severe otitis, unfortunately, it happens necessary procedure paracentesis, i.e. puncture of the affected eardrum. Although this intervention is quite painful, the child immediately feels better. After the pus drains out, the pain stops instantly.

Pharmaceutical treatment

Treatment depends on whether otitis is caused by a bacterial or viral infection, or has another (non-infectious) cause. Only if it is certain or highly probable that main role bacteria are playing, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics - only they can quickly suppress inflammation in the middle ear and prevent the bacteria from spreading further, which can result in meningitis.

If the accumulation of pus threatens to rupture the eardrum, the doctor pierces it himself, in a place without subsequent complications leading to hearing loss.

A hematoma in the middle ear that occurs due to viral infections does not require treatment. antibacterial therapy. However, the doctor may prescribe drops that counteract swelling of the mucous membranes, or medications to drain pus that accumulates in the ear canal.

Paracetamol (for children aged three years or younger - in the form of syrup) can be prescribed against severe flu.

Inflammation of the external auditory canal is treated with medications that prevent inflammation and relieve pain. To speed up treatment, the child should sleep on his side with his head on a hard pillow - this makes it easier for the discharge to leave the ear.

Use nasal drops or sprays as needed. It is necessary that nasal cavity the baby was free. Child about 3 years old the best option are drops or sprays with sea water.

The child should blow his nose more often. If the baby does not succeed, which is quite normal for the age of 3 years or younger, you can use the help of an aspirator, preferably a mechanical one. Suction of the contents of the nasal cavity should not be carried out with great force.

Prevention is not an empty word!

You can try to prevent middle ear inflammation. sometimes it works in miraculous ways!

  • Cigarette smoke harms your child in every way, and his ears in particular. Protect him from being in a smoky room.
  • Even minimal allergies should not be underestimated; consistent treatment must be ensured.
  • If you have a runny nose, use nasal drops and teach your child to blow his nose as soon as possible. By keeping your nose clean, you reduce the possibility of ear infection.
  • Should not be underestimated the right clothes. Remember your mom's instructions about wearing hats in winter - don't let little ears get too cold. Don't go to extremes - excessive overheating won't do any good either.

In case of complications, contact a specialist immediately!

Complications of otitis media are not very common, but they are possible. Penetration of pus from the tympanic cavity to small cavities in the bone behind the ear leads to the development of mastoiditis. Inflammation can compromise facial nerve, which provides facial mobility. A complication is inflammation of the inner ear, manifested by severe dizziness and vomiting, and in extreme cases, irreversible hearing loss. Therefore, if inflammation persists after three days of taking antibiotics, consult a doctor. Remember: it is better to come to the clinic in vain than to gamble with your child’s health...

The information in the article will help to recognize and quickly treat otitis media in a child.

Otitis is one of the most common ENT diseases in children of early and preschool age. The frequency of middle ear inflammation in these children age categories due to immaturity immune system And anatomical features hearing organs. The disease is acute and causes a lot of trouble for both the child and his parents. The task of mom and dad is to recognize the disease in time and take urgent measures to treat it.

How to determine otitis media in a child? Signs of otitis media in children

Acute otitis media is an inflammatory process in the ear. Most often it is infectious in nature and is caused by bacteria (in most cases these are pneumococci or Haemophilus influenzae).

IMPORTANT: It is with otitis media that 95% of ENT patients under the age of 1 year and 40% of ENT patients under the age of 6 years go to medical institutions

In order to understand the mechanism of inflammation development, you need to have minimal knowledge about the structure of the human hearing organs. His ear consists of three sections (cavities):

  1. Outdoor. This visible part ear: auricle and auditory canal to the eardrum. Inflammation in this section usually occurs due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules or improper hygiene procedures, for example, when a mother cleans her child’s ears too intensively
  2. Average. Its other name is the tympanic cavity, which is located behind the eardrum. Here are miniature sound bones with memorable names: hammer, anvil and stirrup. Inflammation of this particular section is diagnosed especially often in children.
  3. Internal. These are channels located in the thickness of the temporal bone. They are called snail. Directly in this department, the conversion of sound vibrations into nerve impulses occurs. Inflammation of the inner ear rarely occurs on its own. Usually, it passes there from the middle section or organs of the nasopharynx

Depending on where exactly the inflammation is localized, otitis media acute form in children it is external, middle and internal, respectively.

Before we move on to describing the symptoms of acute otitis media, it is necessary to understand why it develops and why it affects young children so often.

  1. The cause of inflammation of the middle ear is often an infection that enters the tympanic cavity from the outside or “migrates” from the organs of the nasopharynx. Otitis media is one of the most common complications of ARVI, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. Mucus containing the infection will travel through the Eustachian tubes into the middle ear
  2. Symptoms of the disease may also occur due to sudden change pressure in the tympanic cavity, which is normally atmospheric. This happens if small children fly on an airplane (altitude changes), dive
  3. The frequency of acute otitis in children is due to age-related feature the structure of the eustachian tubes: in babies they are short and wide, which facilitates the penetration of infection into them
  4. Children's immature immunity is not yet able to prevent the spread of infection localized in the organs of the nasopharynx throughout the body.
    When a baby burps, the remaining milk or formula can end up in the Eustachian tubes, where they begin to rot.
  5. Not all parents know how to properly “blow their nose” with young children and preschoolers. If both nostrils are closed when blowing your nose, mucus from the nose does not come out, but is thrown into the Eustachian tubes

Despite the fact that the symptoms of otitis media are characteristic, mothers and fathers do not always recognize the disease in time. This happens because in almost half of the cases, in the first couple of cases the disease occurs in a latent form. Immediately with the onset of inflammation, or when it already acquires a purulent form, the following signs may appear:

  • earache
  • discharge from the ear is mucous or purulent (greenish, brownish, with a characteristic odor)
  • hearing impairment
  • headache
  • temperature increase
  • general ailments
  • sleep and appetite disorders
  • lethargy
  • irritability

The main symptom of acute otitis media in a child is intense pain in the ear.

An infant and a toddler who cannot yet speak are unable to describe how they feel. You can suspect he has acute otitis media if:

  • the child is naughty for no apparent reason
  • child refuses to eat
  • baby crying in his sleep

IMPORTANT: There is a method by which you can determine the presence of inflammation in the ear cavities of a young child. It is necessary to press on the tragus of the baby's ear. If the baby twitches and screams, instinctively reaching for his ear, it means he has a lumbago. You need to see a doctor urgently

How many days does otitis media last in children?

Given that timely diagnosis acute otitis and its adequate treatment, the illness lasts 7-14 days, another two weeks will be needed for recovery

Video: Child's ear hurts. What to do at home?

First aid for a child with otitis?

Otitis media sometimes goes away on its own, but you shouldn’t rely on it! Firstly, the disease itself is very unpleasant, the child feels pain and discomfort. Secondly, catarrhal otitis media very quickly develops into purulent, and it will be more difficult to treat. Thirdly, complications of acute otitis are terrible, including:

  • mastoiditis (inflammation of the temporal bone)
  • meningeal syndrome (inflammation of the lining of the brain)
  • encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)

Therefore, at the first suspicion of otitis media in a child, you should consult a doctor. It's better to call him at home. But if you have to go to the clinic, the child needs to put dry cotton wool in the sore ear and put on a headdress that covers the ears.

Acute otitis media in children treatment

Treatment acute inflammation middle ear in children is complex and, if you manage to contact a medical institution on time, conservative. It includes:

  • treatment of the underlying cause, if any
  • antibacterial therapy for 5-7 days
  • symptomatic therapy
  • physiotherapy
  • activities aimed at strengthening the immune system

Usually, kids in early childhood Antibiotics for acute otitis media are prescribed to preschool children in the form of a suspension, and to schoolchildren - already in tablets. This antibacterial drugs penicillin series(Ospamox, Augmentin) and macrolides (Sumamed, Azimed).

Antibiotic Augmentin in suspension

If the temperature rises to 38.5 °C, and it is almost always present in acute otitis media, the child is given antipyretics (Nurofen, Panadol, Paracetamol, Piaron).
If otitis is accompanied by rhinitis, vasoconstrictor drugs are dripped or sprayed into the nose (Pinosol, Nazo-spray Baby, others).
Practiced local treatment ear drops (Otipax, Otinum).

Otipax drops should definitely be in your home medicine cabinet.

Turundas with antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs (hydrogen peroxide, boric alcohol, furatsilin) ​​are also inserted into the child’s ears.
Physiotherapeutic treatment includes dry heating: UFO (ultraviolet irradiation), UHF, laser.
Especially severe cases Acute inflammation of the middle ear requires hospital treatment, including surgery.

How to cure otitis media without antibiotics?

Many parents are afraid to treat their children with antibiotics and believe that pediatricians, when prescribing such drugs, in most cases play it safe. Indeed, there is an opinion that it is not at all necessary to take them for otitis media, but at least until it turned into a purulent form.
But relying on a child’s fragile immunity is reckless. Few children are able to overcome the disease on their own. For the majority, the lack of antibiotic therapy in terms of treatment is fraught with complications and chronic inflammation.

IMPORTANT: It is still necessary to treat childhood otitis media with antibiotics. Modern drugs almost completely safe. The harm from taking them is much less than that which an advanced disease can cause.

Video: Otitis – School of Dr. Komarovsky

Secretory otitis in a child, treatment

Secretory otitis occurs in a child due to blockage of the Eustachian tubes and tympanic cavity with secretions (mucus) that enter them from the nasopharynx.
Treatment of this type of otitis is carried out in parallel with the treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity, throat or larynx, as a result of which hypersecretion of mucus occurs. Prescribed:

  • vasoconstrictor drops
  • nasal rinsing
  • gargling
  • inhalation
  • antihistamines

All this will help relieve inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
In rare cases, secretory otitis media requires surgical intervention in order to remove secretions from the Eustachian tubes and tympanic cavity.

Catarrhal otitis in children, treatment

Otitis in catarrhal form occurs as soon as the disease starts. It is important to do everything so that it does not transform into purulent, and the eardrum does not perforate. That is, it is necessary to prevent pathogenic bacteria from multiplying on the inflamed mucous membrane of the middle ear. For this:

Chronic otitis in children, causes

Chronication of the inflammatory process in the middle ear occurs:

  • in children with reduced immunity
  • diabetics
  • children who often suffer from ARVI
  • children with a deviated nasal septum

Acute otitis media develops into chronic also due to untimely or improper treatment. In this case, the symptoms of the disease subside for a while, and then clearly appear again. There is a hole in the eardrum, which causes the baby's hearing to decrease.
Along with the treatment of middle ear inflammation itself, at the time of exacerbation of the disease, measures are taken to strengthen the child’s immunity.

Weakness of immunity in small child And incorrect treatment acute otitis media are the main causes of chronic inflammation in the middle ear

Prevention of otitis in children

Parents need to know measures to prevent middle ear inflammation in children. These include:

  • Timely and full treatment runny nose
  • Education correct technique“blowing noses” of babies and teaching it to preschoolers and schoolchildren
  • Preventing water from getting into children's ears when swimming in the bathtub and natural bodies of water

  • Preservation ear canals clean
  • Removing wax plugs
  • Careful cleansing of the ears (you can remove wax yourself from the outside, but if it has accumulated inside in large quantities, you need to visit a doctor)

  • Feeding babies in an elevated (semi-upright) position
  • Carrying in a column as a prevention of regurgitation
  • General measures to strengthen the immune system
  • Wearing hats according to the season

Even very attentive and responsible parents do not always manage to avoid otitis in their child. If it does occur, do not panic: if detected in time, the disease can be treated quickly and does not pose a threat to the life and health of the baby. To speed up his recovery, along with traditional treatment can be used traditional methods. But before doing this, you need to consult with the doctor treating the child.

Video: Ear pain in children Folk remedy - Our health

When a child has an earache, all parents should know what to do and how to provide first aid to the child at home. It doesn’t matter how old the child is - 3 years old or 10 years old, ear pain can occur suddenly and without preliminary symptoms. Of course, if the child complains of pain, the best solution would be to as soon as possible seek help from the hospital. But it is not always possible to urgently get to a medical facility.

Providing first aid to a baby

According to statistics, 75% of children under the age of 5 experience attacks of ear pain of various etiologies.

If a child has severe ear pain, first of all you should try to understand what caused such a reaction in the body and examine the ear. Based on the pain provocateur, you can already understand how to help your baby. Call pain syndrome can:

  • infections;
  • water getting into the ear cavity;
  • presence of a foreign object;
  • injury;
  • a large sulfur plug formed;
  • cold.

In some circumstances, you can relieve your child's ear pain on your own.
A common mistake many parents make is using boric alcohol as ear drops. These actions can additionally harm the baby if the ear hurts due to injury to the eardrum.

The first aid that parents can provide for ear pain is a warm compress. Such an anesthetic is allowed only if the child does not have additional symptoms such as temperature or purulent discharge.

The compress can be made from aqueous-alcohol solution, the strength of which should not exceed 20°. The skin around the child's ear should be smeared with cream or Vaseline.

A piece of simple clean cloth or gauze soaked in the solution is applied so that the auricle remains open. Cover the top with compress paper, apply a thick layer of cotton wool and wrap it with a bandage. Instead of cotton wool and a bandage, you can use a warm scarf. The duration of application of the warming compress will be about an hour.

If you don’t have vodka or alcohol on hand, you can warm your ear by simply placing a warm scarf or handkerchief on it.

When the temperature rises with ear pain, you can help the child with boric alcohol. It is impossible to bury them in the ear without a doctor’s prescription, as well as to use any ear drops containing alcohol on your own. You need to moisten a cotton or gauze swab (without heating boric alcohol) and carefully insert it into the ear. You can tie a warm scarf on top. Such actions will help reduce symptoms and alleviate the child’s condition until the visit to the doctor.

Even if the pain has passed and nothing else bothers the child, parents should not ignore the incident and visit the doctor’s office as soon as possible.

What to do when water gets into your ears

Water can get into not only a child’s ear, but also an adult’s during bathing. Its prolonged stay in the ear cavity provokes the development of pain. Liquid can penetrate not only due to swimming in a pond, but also while taking a shower or bath. Therefore, pediatricians recommend after water procedures Gently wipe your ears with a dry towel.

When it was not possible to avoid trouble, pain in a child’s ear caused by water getting into it can be relieved with dry heat. For this, salt heated in a frying pan and sand placed in a heating pad are suitable. warm water, electric heating pad, etc. It is important to monitor the temperature of the compress so as not to further harm the baby.

A cotton swab soaked in alcohol, which is inserted into the ear, will have an analgesic effect. It is important to wring out the tampon well so that excess alcohol does not cause a burn.

Children's hygiene is very important, but too much of it can also cause negative consequences. So, earwax, which accumulates in large quantities in a child’s ear, can provoke attacks of pain. But cleaning your baby’s ears of wax too often (daily) is also undesirable. Sulfur creates an additional barrier and protects the ears from moisture penetration.

How to treat purulent discharge and other symptoms of the disease should be prescribed by a doctor.

Aggravating circumstances

When a child’s ear hurts and purulent discharge is observed, he should not be warmed. The only thing that will be safe to do at home until the moment of treatment medical care, - give the child an anesthetic and antipyretic (if there is a fever). The dosage should be strictly based on the age of the child.

If in addition there is a runny nose, then pain can cause internal pressure in the auditory tube. It can be reduced with the help of vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold.

You should not leave discharged pus in your ears. Parents should carefully remove it from the outer ear cavity with a cotton swab.

Severe throbbing pain indicates that there is accumulation a large number of pus, which cannot come out due to the high density of the eardrum. Treatment in this situation is carried out with the help of a medical puncture of the eardrum followed by the use of medicines. The integrity of the eardrum is restored on its own.

In a situation where a child complains of pain and during a visual examination there is swelling (edema) and blue discoloration of the skin, most likely the root cause is a bruise or an insect bite.
As a rule, parents do not seek help from doctors if their child has been bitten by midges or mosquitoes, but rather try to take steps on their own that will help alleviate the baby’s condition. Before you treat a bite at home yourself, you need to be sure that the insect was non-poisonous and is not allergenic for the child.

Treatment of pathology

Drug treatment for ear pain in children should be carried out only after a medical examination.

In the event that the pain was provoked inflammatory process or the presence of an infection, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Treating otitis media without antibiotics can lead to more serious complications.

In addition to the fact that antibiotics can be injected, the doctor prescribes drugs local action. These ear drops have analgesic, anti-inflammatory or antibacterial effect. If a fungal infection has been diagnosed, the child is prescribed rinsing of the ear canal.

Remove from ears yourself foreign objects is also dangerous, as it can damage the eardrum.

The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor individually for each patient. Possible hospitalization.
Parents should know what to do if their child has ear pain and how to relieve ear pain. These actions will help the child wait for help from a qualified specialist, but no more. It is not safe to try to diagnose and treat ear pain in young children on your own.
