Ivan tea beneficial properties. What is Ivan-tea

Feijoa is native to South America- Brazil (where it was first discovered), Uruguay. And its spread throughout the world began only in the twentieth century. Attempts to study the properties of Akka Sellov were made back in the USSR. However, due to the specific growing conditions, neither the plant itself nor its fruits have become widespread in these latitudes. Therefore, the contraindications of feijoa, along with its beneficial properties, have so far been derived only theoretically, based on what medicine already knows about its composition.

What's in the fruit, peel and leaves?

The feijoa fruit has a hard, sour-bitter rind containing very sweet, jelly-like pulp with seeds. From point of view biological classification, it’s not even a fruit, but a berry, that’s why it’s so juicy. In the homeland of feijoa, it is not customary to eat its peel - only the contents, with an ordinary spoon. To some, the taste of feijoa resembles strawberries, to others - kiwi and pineapple. Since feijoa never became widespread in national cuisine, when choosing its berries you need to remember the following.

  • Peel. The feijoa should be green (the whole range of shades - from the color of young grass to olive), elastic and shiny, without spots. But there should be a soft “filling” inside.
  • Consistency. Hard pulp is a sign that the berry is still green.
  • White pulp. This is a 100% sign that it is an unripe fruit (at most 2/3 ripe). Such in modern world happens often - due to the peculiarities of modern logistics and sales tactics. Because of them, we almost always eat fruits, especially exotic ones, semi-green or ripened in storage.
  • Translucent pulp. This is exactly what a ripe feijoa should look like.
  • Brownish pulp. The appearance of a strong yellow or brown tint in the feijoa pulp indicates that it is already overripe and ready to ferment.

In any case, feijoa berries are a tasty, but also truly sweet dessert, dangerous for those suffering from diabetes, since the glucose content in them is very high - comparable to mango fruits. Feijoa berries grown on the sea coast are saturated with iodine, although their “land” “relatives” may contain three times less than their “seaside” ones.

So, from a medical point of view, this tall shrub (or low-growing tree - whichever is more convenient) is most valuable for its ability to accumulate iodine from the soil and help against its deficiency. At the same time, the benefits of feijoa in preventing diseases of the thyroid gland (thyroid gland) directly depend on the place of its growth, which must be checked with the seller each time when purchasing berries. Otherwise, the chemical composition of feijoa is similar to most berries - in particular, due to the following they contain:

  • food acids- folic (vitamin B9), ascorbic (vitamin C), nicotinic (vitamin B3), apple, lemon;
  • vitamins - four more representatives of group B (B1, B2, B5 and B6), contained in the pulp itself, as well as vitamins E, A and some others in the leaves and peel;
  • macro- and microelements- iodine, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc. Feijoa berries also contain copper, manganese, phosphorus and iron, which makes them a good (because easily digestible) alternative to the now fashionable multivitamin complexes from the pharmacy;
  • vegetable fats- in the form of essential oils, giving feijoa pulp a strawberry-pineapple aroma.

The peel of Akka Feijoa berries also contains anthocyanins - natural coloring compounds. They give the parts of the plant they contain shades of color ranging from scarlet to purple. Anthocyanins are powerful natural antioxidants and are used in this capacity by scientific medicine and cosmetology. There are a lot of them in the leaves of the plant. By the way, its leaves, along with the peel, are also rich in tannins, giving them a bitter taste. tart taste and serving as natural antibiotics since they are moderately poisonous.

Useful properties and contraindications of feijoa

Availability in various parts Feijoa contains these components that determine its ability to alleviate the course of diseases.

  • Reduce temperature. And fight other signs of a cold, since the organic acids in the berries have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. This also applies to vitamin C.
  • Relieve joint pain. Since their antiseptic effect affects not only sore throat, but also on the course of osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis (with the exception of gout).
  • Sanitize digestive tract . For dysbacteriosis, indigestion unknown etiology, low acidity stomach, since all the same acids and tannins disinfect the cavity digestive organs when digesting feijoa pulp.
  • Improve digestion. Due to the stimulating effect of tannins and anthocyanins on the intestines and liver along with the gall bladder.
  • Reduce arterial pressure . Because all food acids have mild anticoagulant properties. Plus, their presence in the blood helps reduce the intensity of inflammation in different areas vascular network(with atherosclerosis they are always available) and slightly expand the lumen of the vessel.

In addition, the fruits can:

  • replace seafood- if the purchased feijoa berries grew no further than 20 km from the sea coast, you can hope that their kilogram contains almost the entire daily dose iodine;
  • replace multivitamins- or rather, preparations of minerals and trace elements, since the number of vitamins directly in feijoa berries is far from complete;
  • prevent anemia- due to the presence of iron in a relatively well-absorbed form (unlike apples).

What ailments does it help with?

The medicinal properties of feijoa are relevant for kidney diseases, excluding those caused by oxalate or urate stones/sand in them. Both types of stones are formed due to metabolic disorders in the body of oxalic (oxalates) or uric (urates - a sign of gout) acids. In such cases, the metabolism of other acids also suffers, although not as much. This means that taking foods rich in any substances from this series is fraught with worsening kidney problems instead of solving them.

Feijoa is one of the few fruits allowed for consumption during pancreatitis (not during an exacerbation), because the B vitamins it contains can improve the condition and behavior of the pancreas.

Judging by reviews, the use of feijoa leaves for coughs is as effective as the use of berries. Feijoa leaves and peel are rich in tannins and antioxidants. But the experience of using them in folk medicine not too large, and the reason for this is not only the relatively low prevalence of feijoa in our climate zone.

On the other hand, many other plants, including those from our latitudes, have similar properties. Moreover, their action is better studied and much more clearly expressed. Let's say that the same anthocyanins are most abundant not in the peel of feijoa, but in black currants, black grapes, red peppers, blueberries, mulberries, and tomatoes. It is also not its leaves that are especially rich in tannins, but oak bark- where their name came from. Therefore, most often, not preparations from the leaves are used as their saturated extract, but feijoa essential oil - a concentrate of tannins, antioxidants and minerals, which is good for acne and other minor skin problems.

There is an indication for the use of feijoa as a dietary supplement during pregnancy, since feijoa is rich in iodine (the mother’s thyroid hormones regulate the rate of fetal growth), and iron, without which hematopoiesis is impossible, and calcium, potassium, magnesium, which are responsible for the development of the heart. - vascular system baby.

When it can do harm

At the same time, food acids, like mild antibiotics and antiseptics, whose ability to reduce and even eliminate inflammation in many body tissues has been scientifically proven, create both the main benefit and harm of feijoa. The problem is that they all provoke acute immune reactions - hence the prevalence of allergies to fruits and berries rich in them, including citrus fruits, strawberries, and currants. Main side effect Eating feijoa is also an allergy. In any case, when it comes to its berries, saturated with organic acids. In addition to allergies, other conditions are contraindications to the use of feijoa.

  • Diabetes . Due to the excess glucose content in them, albeit along with fructose.
  • Excess weight . Due to the high calorie content of feijoa berries. Eating fruit instead of chocolate bars, of course, has a beneficial effect on any figure, but only under the condition of other serious restrictions on carbohydrates. But losing weight simply by introducing feijoa into the diet is impossible.
  • Complications of atherosclerosis. Beginning with hypertensive crises, and further, to ischemia, heart attack and stroke. Eating feijoa berries normalizes blood pressure due to natural antiseptics, antioxidants and some microelements (magnesium, potassium). But all of them can have a pronounced therapeutic effect only up to a certain point - while the heart and blood vessels are relatively healthy and there are only minor age-related deteriorations in their functioning. And then by treating them with feijoa at home, you can only waste precious time, risking not just your health, but your life.
  • Hyperacid gastritis. Especially if high acidity of gastric juice is combined with an ulcer. Feijoa is a sweet and sour fruit. So adding a fair portion of acids from it to the one that is already contained in the stomach in excess will only lead to increased aching pain from below under the ribs (in the lower parts of the esophagus burned with acid), heartburn, deepening erosions, if any.
  • Gout and oxalaturia. The second disease is intolerance to oxalic acid.

Methods of storage, preparation and consumption

On the question of how to use feijoa in therapeutic purposes, we can say that the easiest way is to eat its pulp fresh, with honey, adding a teaspoon of natural flower or buckwheat honey to the pulp of two fruits.

Feijoa has a short shelf life - only about a week on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. But as for how to prepare feijoa for the winter, then, firstly, this is not always necessary, since the first batches of its berries arrive on the counter in November-December. Secondly, the abundance food acids(strong natural preservatives) allows you to simply mix its pulp with sugar in equal proportions, place it in sterile jars and close with plastic lids. That is, in exactly the same way as black currants are closed.

Making jam from feijoa is more difficult: here you need to know how to mix sugar syrup, because if you make a mistake, the jam will become compote (there is too much liquid in the pulp of ripe feijoa). In addition, this recipe is less preferable, since heat treatment will destroy the lion's share of acids and other vitamins in its composition. You can also freeze feijoa, but you will have to sacrifice the wateriest part of the pulp.

There is even a liqueur based on peeled and diced feijoa berries, infused with 40% alcohol or cognac. Moreover, many believe in its medicinal properties, although in reality alcohol destroys the base therapeutic effect feijoa - food acids in its composition. In other words, only some mineral compounds remain in such a liqueur, and it treats colds only to the extent that the heating of all body tissues caused by alcohol can help.

Even brewing tea from feijoa leaves for the purpose of treating something seems like a more reasonable solution, although they contain almost no food acids. In general, connoisseurs of the product often brew its peel, but the addition of dried feijoa leaves makes the drink more aromatic and stronger, since they smell more like myrtle than strawberries.

tea drink

You will need:

  • a teaspoon of dry feijoa leaves;
  • a teaspoon of dried feijoa berry peel;
  • natural honey;
  • a glass of boiling water.


  1. Grind the leaves and skins, place them in a brewing cup and stir.
  2. Pour boiling water over the raw material, stir again and cover with a lid.
  3. Leave for fifteen minutes, then add honey to taste and stir until completely dissolved.

If you take a tablespoon of both ingredients for the same volume of water and brew them in a thermos, leaving for half an hour, you will get good remedy from jades of various etiologies, except for nephrolithiasis (kidney stones and sand). This tea should be drunk twice a day, morning and evening, after meals, for two weeks. Then you can take a week break and repeat the course.

Paste for thyroiditis

You will need:

  • two to four feijoa berries with skin;
  • a tablespoon of sugar/honey;
  • meat grinder, blender or food processor.


  1. Wash the feijoa berries, cut off the stems from the ends and pass through a meat grinder (or grind in a blender).
  2. Add sugar or honey, beat thoroughly until completely dissolved.

You need to use the product according to the scheme: week on week off, for a month, a tablespoon, before meals, three times a day. It’s not worth preparing this pasta too much in advance, since it will last even in the refrigerator for no more than a week.


You will need:

  • half a liter of vodka, moonshine or cognac 40%;
  • three ripe or overripe feijoa berries;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 100 ml filtered water;
  • glass container with a volume of at least a liter with a tight lid.


  1. Wash the feijoa berries and cut off the skin. Cut the pulp into large cubes.
  2. Dissolve sugar in water, place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Reduce the flame to low and simmer for five minutes, skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon.
  3. Place the chopped berries in a clean bowl, carefully pour in a solution of sugar in water so that the glass does not break.
  4. After the mixture has cooled, add moonshine/vodka/cognac, shake the entire contents and close the lid.
  5. Infuse the drink for two weeks in a warm and dark place, removing and stirring it once a day.
  6. After the infusion period has expired, remove the plant components and filter the remainder through gauze folded in three several times until completely transparent.

The medicinal properties of feijoa in the resulting liqueur will be greatly reduced compared to the fresh “original”. In addition, it has a weak bouquet, but overall it is not bad - especially as a homemade alcoholic drink. It can be sweetened or “fortified” with alcohol of the same quality, adding the components necessary for the ideal taste after the base has been infused. The liqueur should be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for no more than a year.

We can find a large number of exotic fruits in stores and markets.

Among them there are specimens that require special attention.

These include, undoubtedly, feijoa. What is feijoa, where does it come from, what does it look like?

What kind of fruit?

Feijoa is a shrub or low fruit. The fruit's homeland is South America, where it was discovered by Europeans during a scientific expedition at the end of the 19th century. Soon feijoa appeared in France. Then this tropical plant began to be bred on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, as well as in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

Did you know? Feijoa is named after the Portuguese Joao da Silva Feijo, who first described this tropical plant and its edible fruits.

The feijoa fruit is a greenish, sometimes blushing, oval-shaped berry, comparable in size to a chicken egg. Under the dense peel there is translucent pulp with several. The peel is quite dense and tastes tart, and the flesh is juicy and tastes like a mixture of kiwi, . All fruits, without exception, are considered edible.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Since feijoa has a pleasant taste, you may lose control over the amount of fruit you eat. Therefore, for people who are watching their figure, information about the nutritional value and calorie content of this product is very important.

100 g of product contains 1.24 g of protein, 0.78 g of fat, 10.63 g of carbohydrates and 49 kcal (205 kJ). You also need to know that per 100 g of fruit there are 86 g of water and 0.74 g of ash. It should be borne in mind that these are average indicators. Depending on the place of growth and variety, these numbers may vary.

Chemical composition

The feijoa fruit is a real storehouse of nutrients. It contains a record number of them - 93.

The most significant:

  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins - B1, B2, niacin, B5, B6, folic acid;
  • microelements - iodine, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, etc.;
  • kakhetin, leukoanthocin - biologically active substances;
  • Apple acid;
  • essential oils;
  • sucrose;
  • cellulose.

Did you know? The amount of iodine in 100 g of feijoa berries can be up to 35 mg. Only seafood has such indicators.

What's the benefit?

There is no doubt that the large amount of vitamins, minerals and other substances that are present in the fruits will bring us great benefits. Let's consider how feijoa is useful for the human body.

Primarily due to the record iodine content, this fruit is capable of a short time saturate us with this necessary element. After all, a lack of iodine leads to deterioration of memory and attention; a person will be lethargic, as if lacking energy.

Important! Since fruits are saturated with iodine due to its content in the sea air, the maximum benefit comes from fruits grown in close proximity to the sea.

Also contains a large amount of vitamin C, biologically active compounds and essential oils makes this exotic fruit a powerful antioxidant and preventative against colds and ARVI.
In addition, sucrose and fiber, which are present in this berry, saturate the stomach well. Therefore, it is considered a dietary product.

Feijoa uses

In order for our amazing fruit to bring maximum benefits, you need to know where and how it is used. And the scope of application of the fruit is quite wide and varied.


Feijoa is the exotic fruit that doctors recommend in complex therapy for a number of diseases, because they know well why it is useful.

In its raw form, the fruit is used to treat and prevent the following diseases:

  • diseases of the thyroid gland (with a lack of iodine in the body);
  • gastritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • high cholesterol levels;
  • high blood pressure.

In the form of jam, the fruit is used with warm tea for colds and flu, as an immune booster.

In dermatology, essential oils contained in the fruit are used. They are an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, effective against fungus and wide range microbes


Such useful product cosmetologists couldn’t help but appreciate it. They include it in face masks. Such masks rejuvenate, nourish, relieve various inflammations, are especially good in the cold season.

Feijoa fruits can be successfully used in home cosmetology, as there are many of them healing properties will bring you benefit and pleasure, not harm.
Here are some mask recipes.

  • For dry, normal skin: mix a third of a glass of fruit pulp, a little cottage cheese, an egg yolk and a spoon into a homogeneous mass. olive oil. Apply to prepared skin of the face and neck, wait 20 minutes, rinse. You can repeat this mask up to three times a week.
  • For oily skin: take half a glass of fruit pulp, a spoonful camphor alcohol And lemon juice, mix well. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse. The effect of the application will be visible when using a similar mixture twice a week.
If you don’t have time to prepare a mask, you can simply wipe the pulp on your face and neck, as well as your chest and arms.


A fruit with such a pleasant taste and incomparable aroma was appreciated by culinary specialists. Feijoa can be eaten raw, or can be used in preparing various dishes.
Chopped fresh feijoa fruit will be good in fruit salads. As an addition, it can be served with fish and even meat. You can make jam from raw fruit.

To do this, add 700 g of granulated sugar per kilogram of whole berries twisted in a meat grinder and mix well. Place the fruit mixture in small jars and place in the refrigerator.

Important! If the jam is made from raw fruits without heat treatment, then all the beneficial substances, and therefore the properties, will be retained.

Culinary enthusiasts successfully use this exotic fruit in the preparation of compotes, jams, and desserts. Also recommended for use as a filling for baked goods.

Harm and contraindications

Like any food product, feijoa has beneficial features and contraindications.
This fruit should not be consumed by people who have health problems associated with increased content iodine in the body. Such diseases include hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease, and the thyroid gland is under attack.

Due to its high sugar content, the fruit is contraindicated for overweight people. If a person has diabetes, then its use is most likely prohibited, although this depends on the degree of the disease and requires consultation with a specialist.

There may also be a banal intolerance to this product. And if its use causes discomfort in the stomach, intestines or allergic reaction, then you will have to give up this sweet miracle.
Children and nursing mothers should eat feijoa with caution.

How to choose, eat, store

In order for a food product to bring maximum benefit to the body, you must first choose it correctly. And feijoa is no exception here. The recommendations are as follows.

First, inspect the fruit externally. The peel should be dense, without dark spots and wrinkles. It is better to choose larger specimens, they are more ripe. You can ask to cut one fruit in half lengthwise.

The pulp should be translucent. If it is brown, then the fruit is overripe; if it is white and opaque, then it is not ripe. In such cases, there is no need to buy it; it is not suitable for use.
Ripe feijoa fruit exudes a delicate aroma. You can taste fruits ripened on a tree only by the sea, but for transportation the fruits are removed unripe, so there may be no aroma.

A heat-loving fruit called feijoa, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which people have not yet fully studied, has the taste and aroma of strawberries and pineapple. For this unsurpassed taste, the berry is simply adored by those who like to eat something unusual. However, not everyone knows how useful feijoa is and who should not buy it, as well as how the fruit affects male body, for women and is it useful for children?

Feijoa - beneficial properties and contraindications

It’s interesting that people call feijoa both a fruit and even a vegetable. On our shelves, as a rule, the buyer sees feijoa berries that were sent unripe. The reason for this is the poor transportability of the ripe fruit. However, experts say that even when ripening on the road or in a store, the fruit retains its benefits.

The berry is eaten raw, juice is prepared from it, compote and other aromatic drinks are brewed. The berries are suitable for filling pies, making preserves and marmalade, and are also used for making salads and snacks.

Feijoa has excellent taste and this already has benefits. Tasty and aromatic food lifts a person’s mood and makes him happy - even if only for a few minutes. But feijoa is famous not only for its taste and unusual aroma.

This “strange” berry contains a number of vitamins, without which a person cannot exist normally.

Composition and nutritional value

Vitamins: B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), B5 ( pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), C ( ascorbic acid), PP.

Macro- and microelements: iodine, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, phosphorus, zinc.

The nutritional value(100 grams of product):

  • proteins - 1 g
  • fats - 0.8 g
  • carbohydrates - 10 g
  • calorie content - 49 kcal

The berry contains a lot of fiber and pectin, as well as useful antioxidants such as cahetin and leucoanthocyanin.

What are the benefits of feijoa for the body?

The beneficial properties of feijoa make this plant a good preventive and therapeutic agent for various diseases. The only pity is that the life of the berry is short-lived - its season on the shelves of our supermarkets lasts from October to December.

  • The main thing that makes this green berry interesting is the huge amount of iodine in 100 grams. contains from 8 to 35 mg of iodine depending on the place where it grows. In terms of its content, it is considered a record holder - it has surpassed all existing fruits and berries. Even sea mollusks can envy the amount of iodine in its composition. One or two berries eaten per day can satisfy daily norm iodine in the human body. Considering that the problem of the thyroid gland is acute throughout the world, feijoa is simply a savior for those suffering from diseases of the endocrine system.
  • In addition, the fruits of this plant are recommended to be included in the diet of those who are susceptible to colds or flu, due to the high content of vitamin C. If you suddenly get sick, the essential oils contained in the berry help a quick recovery.
  • Vitamins and minerals make it useful for vitamin deficiency, which makes a person weak, and it is also recommended for weakened immunity;
  • It is recommended to include berries in the diet of people suffering from anemia due to such an important trace element as iron, which is part of its composition.
  • Kakhetin and leucoanthocyanin, contained in the skin of the berry, are recognized by doctors as substances that fight the formation of cancer cells;
  • This unsightly green fruit lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, which is important for people with cardiovascular diseases. The antioxidants included in the composition protect the heart and blood vessels from overload. These substances are also important for the prevention of hypertension and atherosclerosis; the berry is useful for bad memory and absent-mindedness.
  • The fruits help with depression, nervous and mental overload, therefore they are recommended for people engaged in intellectual work and for students during exams.
  • It is also useful for the kidneys, helping to cope with inflammatory processes.
  • The fruits contain a certain amount of fruit acids, which is useful for gastritis;
  • The fruits are interesting because they will help with any digestive problems. The pulp of the berry contains a lot of pectin, which acts as a laxative, and its peel contains tannins that treat diarrhea.
  • But there is debate about whether feijoa can be eaten if you have diabetes and there is no consensus on this matter. It is clear that feijoa is not recommended for patients with type 3 diabetes. In other cases, it is better to resolve this issue with your doctor.

Beneficial properties for men

Feijoa fruits are not only prophylactic from prostatitis, but also therapeutic. Statistics say that most men, reaching middle age, know about this insidious disease. And not every man, feeling the symptoms of prostatitis, rushes to the doctor. Doctors note that men, in daily diet in which feijoa is present, they do not complain of prostatitis.

Feijoa will also help with hormonal imbalances. Therefore, for certain sexual problems, this exotic fruit is also indispensable, both for men and women.

Benefits for women

Much has already been said about the fact that women often experience hormonal imbalances. It can be extremely difficult to adjust female hormones in the right way - expensive pills, injections, and drops are prescribed for this. Feijoa also comes to the rescue here, helping to normalize hormonal background female body.

Women also use this product for cosmetic purposes, because it can slow down cell aging and rejuvenate the skin.

Do you need berries during pregnancy?

The fruit is also interesting for pregnant women, as it contains elements necessary for this period of a woman’s life - iron, folic acid, vitamin PP and, of course, iodine.

  • During pregnancy occurs natural loss iron and therefore it is important to replenish it.
  • Folic acid is very important for the growth and proper development of the fetus, it affects the development of the brain, nervous system future child.
  • Lack of vitamin PP can cause pigmentation in a pregnant woman skin, hair loss, affects mental condition, digestive upset may occur.
  • And finally, iodine, this element is especially important in the 12th week of pregnancy, when the baby’s thyroid gland develops. Iodine is found in fruits in an easily digestible form, which facilitates its delivery to the fetus.

But an excess of this element is also not needed, so it would be a good idea to consult a doctor who monitors the pregnancy.

Feijoa for weight loss

An exotic plant will also help you keep your figure slim and at the same time enjoy delicious food. If you replace sweets and cakes with this fruit, it will be tasty, healthy and your figure will not suffer. After all, feijoa, which tastes sweet, has a low calorie content.

An important property of this berry for weight loss is that it cleanses the intestines well, as it contains a lot of fiber and pectin. Feijoa will cleanse the body of waste and toxins, free the intestines from feces, which is important for weight loss. Diets with feijoa are based on the fact that pectin, like a whisk, cleanses the intestines, breaking down food proteins.

At the same time, any dietary dish to which feijoa is added will give a person losing weight everything they need for a full-fledged existence. This mysterious green berry not only nourishes the human body, but also supports it good mood, good spirits and beauty.

Pectin also helps reduce appetite, which is also important for weight loss.

Salad for losing weight:

chop 5 feijoas, 1 apple, 1 avocado, 1 orange and 1 small beet. Mix all this, season with low-fat yogurt and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Is it possible to give feijoa to children?

It is better not to give feijoa to children under one year of age, since the baby’s stomach enzymes are not ready to digest this product.

After the child turns one year old, feijoa can become a salvation for mothers whose children suffer from constipation or diarrhea.

Feijoa is also good for children for the following reasons:

  • increases hemoglobin, and in childhood anemia is a real problem;
  • inhalation of crushed peels with the addition of soda over steam will serve as the prevention and treatment of the common cold and acute respiratory infections;
  • fights depression and calms nerves, so it is recommended to give it a couple of times a week to noisy and nervous children.
  • Feijoa should also be given to children because it contains a lot of iodine - even more than seafood. But children eat sweet delicacies with greater pleasure than seaweed, for example. This is important because iodine is responsible for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • this amazing fruit “spurs up” a child’s growth, so it is advisable to include it in the diet of children who are lagging behind the norm in growth.
  • the berry helps get rid of frequent bleeding from the nose, due to the ability to increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

When a child turns one year old, he can receive his first portion of feijoa. This should be crushed puree made from the pulp of the berry in the amount of one teaspoon, no more. You should immediately exercise caution and monitor the reaction child's body for this product. Although the berry is considered hypoallergenic, some children, and even adults, have an individual intolerance to this fruit. Moreover, allergies may not appear immediately, but after a day.

The amount of feijoa berries recommended by nutritionists for children from one to three years old is 1 piece per day. This is explained by the fact that an excess of iodine will not bring benefits, but even vice versa. But for adults to receive maximum benefit It is recommended to eat 4 feijoas per day.

Health Recipes

It would be surprising if such a healthy berry as feijoa was not used to maintain health. A common dish made from this berry is jam. In the cold season, it will fill our body with useful substances that are so lacking during the winter - spring period. Healthy recipes are relevant at any time of the year, so take note.

  • If there is a problem with the thyroid gland due to a lack of iodine, take 1 tbsp half an hour before meals. spoon of feijoa puree.
  • If you are depressed or constantly exposed to stress, eat 4 to 6 berries every day. They invigorate and keep you in order nerve cells and even lift your spirits.
  • For hepatitis, take tea from feijoa leaves and flowers. You need to drink it twice a day. The tea is made like this:

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of a mixture of flowers and leaves (1:1) into a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes, then strain and drink.

  • It is useful to drink freshly squeezed feijoa juice diluted with water once a day at any time to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Proportion: 3 tbsp. spoons of water per 1 tbsp. spoon of juice.
  • For therapeutic and preventive purposes against atherosclerosis, eat feijoa jam with oranges.
  • Raw feijoa jam 1 tbsp. a spoon twice a day helps with hypertension.

Feijoa in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of the berry are also applicable in home cosmetology; women actively use it for rejuvenation and beauty.

Rejuvenating mask:

you will need 2 tbsp. l. feijoa pulp puree, add 1 tsp. honey and olive oil, mix and apply to face.

After 15 minutes, rinse with water, first warm, then cold. You can make this mask no more than 2 times a week.

Anti-wrinkle mask:

beat the egg and mix with the feijoa pulp puree. For dry skin, add a couple more drops of vegetable oil.

After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with water. You need to finish the procedure with a moisturizer.

Universal mask:

mix the following ingredients - the yolk of one egg, a teaspoon of feijoa pulp puree, 2 tsp. cottage cheese, 1 tsp. any vegetable oil.

Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with water, first warm, then cool. By doing this mask 2-3 times a week, you will soon notice how small wrinkles disappear without a trace, and the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

Use in cooking

If you are thinking about how to prepare something that will surprise your guests, prepare this salad.

Salad with feijoa and beets

To prepare a salad with feijoa and beets you will need:

Preparation: bake beets, peel and cut into strips. Also cut the feijoa and onion into small pieces, chop the nuts. Pour the prepared products into one bowl, sprinkle with vinegar, season with oil, and mix.

The berry season is short, so you can prolong the pleasure by preparing it for the winter.

Feijoa grated with sugar

Due to the fact that this recipe uses raw berries that have not been subjected to heat treatment, this jam retains maximum beneficial properties.

For 1 kg of feijoa you need 1 kg of sugar. Place the berries, washed and freed from dry inflorescences, into a blender and grind to obtain a homogeneous puree. Then mix this puree with sugar and stir until the sugar dissolves. Place in sterile jars, cover with lids and place in a cool place.

Feijoa jam

If you don't know how to make feijoa jam, use this simple recipe.

Cut 1 kg of berries into slices, add 1 kg of sugar to them and add 100 grams of water. Cook for 5-7 minutes, skimming off the foam and stirring.

Then the jam is put into dry sterile jars and rolled up. This delicacy can be stored for several years without losing its taste. taste qualities. You can add lemon slices or its zest, as well as an orange, to this jam.

Tea made from feijoa leaves and peels

Feijoa leaves are difficult to get, but if the opportunity arises, be sure to dry them and drink healing tea in winter.

If you don’t like eating berries with a rind, then its beneficial properties can be used for cooking healthy drink. They say that tea made from dried peels is aromatic and tasty.


No matter how useful a product is, there are contraindications to it, and feijoa is no exception.

  • Iodine - this element makes feijoa very healthy berry, but can also cause harm to the body. This applies to people who have a disease such as hyperthyroidism. They need to be extremely careful with this berry, since an overdose can lead to an exacerbation of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Before including it in your diet, consult your doctor.
  • The consumption of the fruits of this plant is contraindicated for people who have hypersensitivity to iodine or individual intolerance to this product.
  • The fruits are also contraindicated for people who are allergic to vitamin C, since this berry contains a lot of it.
  • The berry in combination with unleavened milk can cause an upset stomach, but at the same time it is excellent friends with fermented milk products and cottage cheese.

In any case, when starting to get acquainted with an exotic berry, you should be careful, because the human body can react differently to each new product. And if you decide to use feijoa for treatment, then if available chronic diseases Get advice from your doctor.

To summarize, I would like to say that with impressive beneficial properties and minimal contraindications, this berry is simply necessary for everyone who cares about beauty and health. Well, even more so for those who love tasty and aromatic things. And remember that feijoa lovers are always fresh, cheerful, and full of vitality. If you haven’t tried this exotic yet, I wish you a pleasant and useful acquaintance.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Just thirty years ago, tropical fruits were considered a scarce commodity. The current variety in markets and supermarkets will please even the most demanding consumer. To get the most benefit from these products, you need to know how to choose them and know the specific properties of each fruit. In this article we will look at the tropical feijoa fruit - its nutritional value, cosmetic and dietary properties, as well as cooking recipes.

Product Description

In fact, the feijoa fruit is a berry the size of a chicken egg, having an elongated oval shape, and can be up to five centimeters in diameter. Its skin is slightly bumpy, bright green, the flesh is milky white, becoming transparent as it ripens. Inside are small edible black seeds. The taste of this amazing berry it resembles both pineapple and strawberry, and it smells like ripe strawberries.

Important! After grinding, feijoa begins to oxidize, losing its beneficial properties. To prevent this from happening, eat the berries immediately after cutting or pureeing, and store them only in their whole form. High-temperature processing also destroys some of the vitamins, so add this berry only at the very end of preparing compote or jelly.

Nutritional value of feijoa

This is a low-calorie product that contains only 47 kilocalories for every 100 grams of weight, which is due to the large amount of carbohydrates (11 grams). It contains only 0.5 grams of fat, and 1.5 g of protein. Every 100 g includes 86 g of water, the rest of the weight is the dry residue.

Feijoa contains many organic acids, especially malic and folic acid. This berry contains amino acids necessary for the healthy functioning of the nervous system. It contains essential oils, tannins and tannins that stimulate the intestines.

The mineral composition of this berry is rich. Most of all, it contains potassium and iron, which are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels - as much as 155 and 120 mg, respectively. The next largest quantities are copper, calcium and phosphorus - there are 55, 17 and 20 mg of them in the fruit, respectively. Feijoa contains a lot of iodine. Sodium and magnesium are present in small quantities. Most of the beneficial properties of this fruit are due to its high content of vitamin C - 20.5 mg per 100 g. It also contains vitamins B, PP and a small amount of vitamin E.

Did you know? This plant was first discovered in the 19th century in Brazil by the Portuguese botanist Juan Feijo, after whom it was named. Then the size of these berries did not exceed three to four centimeters, andtheirthe pulp contained large pebbles, like the pulp of wild pears. Through the efforts of European breeders, it was possible to develop species with sweet and sour pulp without solid inclusions.

What is the benefit

Firstly, the high iodine content should be noted. There is no less iodine in this berry than in cod liver, seaweed and cranberries. Regular consumption of this product eliminates the risk of iodine deficiency, solves problems with the thyroid gland: the nodes that appear on it disappear and stop inflammatory processes, the gland decreases in size.

Secondly, a large amount of vitamin C strengthens the immune system. During outbreaks infectious diseases the risk of infection is reduced. The immunomodulatory properties of this berry are useful for those recovering from surgery or a long-term illness. Ascorbic acid also stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system: vascular tone increases and the heart muscle strengthens. This property of feijoa is important for those people who have suffered a stroke, heart attack or suffer from chronic diseases.

The positive effect on digestion is manifested in a slight laxative effect: constipation disappears, the intestines are cleansed of toxins.

Antioxidants, which are contained in large quantities in feijoa, stop the aging of body cells. They bind free radicals and remove them without harm to tissues. The functioning of the reproductive system is restored, which is useful for both women and men, and shallow wrinkles are smoothed out. Feijoa does not cause allergies, while having an antihistamine effect.

Important! Feijoa - no allergenic product, but it should be introduced into the diet of young children gradually and only from the age of one. If you give a raw berry small child, his intestines will not be able to digest it, and serious distress will occur.

Features of application

The benefits of this fruit are obvious, but many expectant mothers and women who are breastfeeding are interested in how feijoa can affect their babies.

During pregnancy

This berry contains many substances necessary for the normal development of the fetus. It is especially useful in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the baby’s neural tube and thyroid gland are formed, which, thanks to a constant supply of iodine, will provide the baby with strong innate immunity.
Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, will protect the baby from developmental defects. The abundance of vitamins and minerals will supply the pregnant woman’s body with everything that the fetus takes from it. The cardiovascular system will be strengthened, which is important when the load on it increases.

As for contraindications, if this product is unusual for a pregnant woman, you should not abuse it. You need to start with a few berries, increasing the portion if the reaction turns out to be normal.

When breastfeeding

Despite the fact that this fruit is not allergenic for an adult, a nursing mother should introduce it into the diet gradually, keeping an eye on the child’s reaction. The high content of pectin will ensure normal intestinal motility of a nursing woman. This property is especially important in the first month after childbirth, when bowel movements may be difficult due to microtraumas and hemorrhoids.

Did you know? To continental Europefeijoafirst hit in 1890. In France this is a plantcreated a real sensation and from there quickly spread to the east of the continent, successfully taking root on the Crimean Peninsula and the Caucasus. The first cuttings came to America only ten years later, in the 1900s, and at first they grew only in warm California.

A large amount of vitamin C will strengthen the immunity of mother and baby and stop inflammatory processes, if any. These berries fall from the bush and are collected unripe, and ripen during transportation, so there is no need to worry about the presence of nitrates in them, which accelerate ripening. Iodine, another useful element for the baby, is contained in them in an easily digestible form; moreover, it enters mother's milk as a metabolic product, so it will only bring benefits to the baby.

Possible harm and contraindications

You should not eat this berry if you have an individual intolerance - there are cross-allergies to it. A large amount of iodine makes feijoa a forbidden fruit for hyperthyroidism, because excess iodine is just as harmful as its lack. There are a lot of sugars in this product, so people suffering from diabetes can consume it in limited quantities.

Pectins, which cleanse the intestines, cannot be combined with drinking milk, causing serious disorders, so feijoa and milk must be consumed separately. Also, upset and even food poisoning can be caused by eating hard, unripe fruits. Infants under one year old do not have the enzymes necessary to digest this tropical fruit, so it is not recommended to give it raw.

Product selection rules

The main rule is that the berry must be large, no smaller than medium. chicken egg, and whole. Through the damaged peel they get into the pulp. pathogenic bacteria and make the fruit unfit for food. The peel of high-quality feijoa is dark green and slightly lumpy. There should be no black or gray spots, cracks, signs of rot or mold on it. The berry can be soft or hard. After purchase, hard berries will have to be set aside for several days to ripen. Soft ones should be consumed on the same day so that they do not spoil, since they cannot be stored for a long time even in the refrigerator.

How to eat feijoa correctly

Most often, this berry is consumed raw. You can peel it, cut it into slices and eat it, or you can cut it in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. The skin of this fruit is also edible, but contains a lot of tannins, so it has an astringent taste; it can be chewed for intestinal disorders.

Feijoa has a pleasant taste in compotes, jellies, and preserves. It is ground with sugar and stored frozen for the winter. After quick heat treatment, the berry does not lose its properties. Prolonged boiling destroys vitamin C, so feijoa should be added to drinks and dishes at the very end of cooking.

Did you know? The international botanical classification recognized this plant only in 1941. At first, feijoas could not be classified into any order, until they noticed the similarity of its flowers with the Myrtaceae of the genus Akka. Feijoa was classified as a separate species, represented by a single type of shrub.

Dietary properties

Despite the high sugar content, this berry is low in calories, so it can be used in dietary nutrition: it will prevent the body from becoming exhausted and will support weak immunity. Weight loss will occur due to the normalization of metabolism. If you eat one feijoa before each meal, the food will be digested faster, and the feeling of fullness will come before you have time to overeat.

This is a healthy product for an evening snack. For those who do not take iodine-containing medications, you can safely eat up to 250 grams of this berry per day.

Use of cosmetic properties

This fruit works best on mature skin with the first signs of aging: it tightens the skin, increases its elasticity and reduces minor imperfections such as rashes and fine lines. Tannins and tannins tighten pores and relieve redness, and also strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which is especially useful for women who have spider veins, or rosacea.

In cosmetology, both the juice of this fruit and its pulp are used. Decoctions of the skin of this berry are added to tonics and cleansing milk to reduce oily shine. Masks made from pulp moisturize dry and normal skin.

Important! Excessive consumption of feijoa can lead to hyperthyroidism- excessive activity thyroid gland and its increase in size. Use moderation even with this healthy product.

As for the beauty of hair, decoctions and tinctures from the tart peel treat oily scalp and get rid of various types of dandruff. Feijoa masks strengthen hair follicles and irritate them, stimulating hair growth. Regular use of this berry in mask recipes will strengthen the hair shafts and make your hair thick and healthy. Feijoa also enhances the natural shine of hair due to the polishing effect of small seeds and pulp particles.

How to make delicious and simple feijoa jam

There are two ways to make jam from this berry - raw and cooked. Heat treatment destroys vitamins and other beneficial substances contained in the pulp, therefore best option preparation is raw jam, which is called “Five Minute”.

Required Ingredients

  • Feijoa - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Step-by-step process with photos

Is it possible to freeze feijoa for the winter?

This method of preparation has advantages over preparation in the form of jam. Firstly, the integrity of the berry is not compromised, and secondly, healthy feijoa is not mixed with harmful sugar.

Did you know? During World War II, American hospitals in the southern statesusedfeijoa in the dietary nutrition of soldiers recovering from injuries. Its amazing bactericidal and immunomodulatory properties were known even then.

Fruit preparation

You can freeze this berry whole or as a puree. In any case, sort through the berries to remove spoiled specimens from the mass and wash them in running water and soap. Trim the stalks and receptacles.

Freezing methods

If you want to freeze whole berries, after trimming the stems, place the fruit on clean paper towels to dry. Place dry berries in one layer on a tray and place in the freezer. Turn them over and change places from time to time so that they freeze evenly. Once the berries are firm (usually takes up to 24 hours to freeze), place them in a tray and seal the lid tightly. Store frozen feijoa in freezer no longer than a year.
Freezing pureed berries is suitable for those who have a small freezer. Immediately after cutting the stalks, pass the fruits through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Place the resulting puree into sterilized trays, cover with lids and leave in the freezer. Store berries prepared in this way for no longer than six months at a constant temperature. Thawed puree cannot be re-frozen.

Important! Jam sealed under non-sterile conditions can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than two weeks, as foreign microflora develops in it. If you smell a sour smell coming from the can, it is best not to consume this product.

Feijoa can and even should be consumed by both adults and small children: the berry stimulates the immune system, restores the functioning of the thyroid gland, strengthens cardiovascular system and improves bowel function. The low allergenicity of this product makes it a valuable source of useful minerals and vitamins for pregnant and breastfeeding women. This berry can be prepared for the winter in the form of freezing and delicious jam; it is used in dietary nutrition and cosmetology. Regular consumption of feijoa has a positive effect on a person’s health, mood and general well-being.

My dear readers, today our topic will be a little exotic. First, I just want to ask you: Have you heard of feijoa? Have you tried it? If not, then I strongly advise you to pay attention to it. I just want to humor you a little: if anyone still doesn’t know feijoa, life has passed or is passing by. Today I invite you to a conversation about this berry, we will talk about the beneficial and medicinal properties of feijoa and contraindications.

I first heard about feijoa when my daughter and I were treated in onco-hematology. The diagnosis was very serious. And so often I remember my eldest nurse. She advised us to be sure to buy them during the berry selling season and give them to our children. They inhibit the growth of cancer cells and are good for the blood, strengthening the body. Since then, I began to always buy feijoa during the season. You can buy feijoas in a large supermarket, but I prefer to buy them at the market, where you can find more fresh berries, and there is always more choice.

The smell and taste of feijoa

To me, this berry tastes like a mixture of kiwi, strawberry and pineapple aromas. Believe me, very delicious berry, although it does not seem very attractive, perhaps at first glance. The pulp is very juicy. Feel free to ask the seller to cut the fruit and show the pulp. There are so many subtleties here. If you see white flesh, the fruit is unripe. There is nothing good about him. If the pulp Brown, this means that the fruit is no longer suitable for food. The most mature feijoa fruit has absolutely transparent flesh.

It is best eaten by scraping out the pulp with a spoon. I personally don't like skin. This is not for everyone. You can buy slightly unripe fruits and let them sit at home for just a couple of days.

Feijoa. Compound. Calorie content

The unusual appearance of tropical fruits hides an aromatic, delicate taste and many useful substances. Tropical Pods include:

  • micro and macroelements: iodine, iron, manganese, zinc, silicon, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium and others;
  • vitamins - B3, B5, C, A, B1, B6, PP;
  • acids - folic and malic;
  • amino acids - arginine, asparagine, glutamine, tyrosine, alanine;
  • pectin;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • biologically active substances - tannin, leukoanthocin and kakhetin;
  • enzymes;

The nutritional value of 100 g of feijoa fruit is 1.24 g of protein, 0.78 g of fat, 10.63 g of carbohydrates.

Feijoa calories

Calorie content of 100 g of exotic fruits is 49 kcal per 100 grams of berries.

Feijoa. Photo

This is what this berry looks like:

Feijoa. Useful and medicinal properties. Benefits and harms

The fruits have gained great popularity due to the content of highly concentrated organic compound Yoda. Therefore, feijoa is considered an ideal remedy for the prevention of iodine deficiency. Doctors recommend tropical fruits to patients with thyroid diseases and mental workers. Together with the vitamin complex, iodine improves the functioning of the endocrine system and normalizes metabolism.

The significant content of pectins makes it possible to use feijoa fruits for making marmalade and jelly. Pectin is a soluble fiber that helps reduce appetite and improve digestive processes.

Reduces cholesterol levels.

This berry is very good for the heart.

Natural medicine for all hypertensive patients.

Cleanses the blood, very useful for anemia.

The peel of exotic fruits contains tannins, which impart a tart taste, and the biologically active substances leukoanthocin and kakhetin are considered powerful antioxidants. The peel is almost never used for food; it can easily be separated from the pulp, then dried and added to tea.

Due to its vitamin composition, the fruit has an immunomodulatory effect, so it is recommended to eat feijoa during an exacerbation colds, V postoperative period and after serious illnesses.

Many nutritionists advise including feijoa in your diet if you have unstable work gastrointestinal tract, constipation, various diseases of the intestines, pancreas, liver, stomach.

If you can get feijoa leaves, I advise you to dry them and cook them in winter delicious tea. The leaves contain a lot of essential oils with the aroma of myrtle.

The prepared infusion and decoction of feijoa fruits, bark and leaves has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. It can be used in the treatment of kidney inflammation, treat wounds, abrasions, cuts, rinse the mouth for periodontal disease,

Thanks to antioxidants, essential oils and other beneficial substances, feijoa actively affects pathogenic microorganisms and has a strong antibacterial and antifungal effect.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the iodine content in fruits depends on the area where feijoa grows. In areas where the soil contains little iodine or under indoor conditions, the fruits are ineffective in preventing iodine deficiency.

Feijoa. Harm. Contraindications

We have learned the beneficial properties of feijoa, but I would like to warn you that you should be careful about your health and take into account all contraindications before eating feijoa.

If you come across unripe feijoas at the market, it is better to let them lie next to bananas for several days. room temperature. This will speed up the ripening of the fetus and relieve you of disorders digestive system, because unripe tropical fruit can cause poisoning.

Feijoa should not be mixed with dairy products or washed down with milk to avoid disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The reason is that the pectins contained in the fruits are not compatible with milk.

You should consult your doctor in advance if diabetes mellitus. Large amounts of sugars can cause significant harm.

High iodine content will have harmful effects in hyperthyroidism. After all, both excess and deficiency of iodine have a detrimental effect on human health.

Nursing and pregnant women can consume feijoa berries in small quantities. Take into account whether doctors have previously prescribed iodine preparations to exclude an overdose of iodine and poor health.

To prevent all consequences, we can once again tell everyone one wise thing: never “lean on” any products. And if you're trying something for the first time, always try a little bit at a time. We are all different. And your reaction to even the simplest, most common and useful for many products can be individual.

The use of feijoa for medicinal purposes

Most healthy recipe, in my opinion, which I prepare myself and highly recommend you use. This recipe, in my opinion, is universal, suitable for both adults and children. I gave it to my daughter, and I always used it myself.

A universal recipe for using feijoa with health benefits

It's very easy to prepare. Wash the fruits and dry them. Cut off the stems of the berries. I never remove the peel. And then use either a meat grinder or a blender. The result is a mass of pleasant emerald color. Add granulated sugar to it. The nurse advised us to keep the proportions 1:1. But I often add less granulated sugar. For 1 kg of berries, 600 grams of granulated sugar. You can add orange, nuts here (it’s especially good to add walnuts). Mix everything thoroughly. Place in a glass jar. Place in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

If you prepare this recipe with an orange, you must peel it and also grind it either in a meat grinder or in a blender.

I will talk in more detail about recipes with feijoa in a separate article. Here I will give only basic and brief recipes on how to use feijoa for health.

For stress, depression eat 5-6 fruits a day. Uplifting, tasty and healthy.

For prevention diseases of the cardiovascular system squeeze 1 tablespoon of juice and mix with ¼ glass of water. Drink once a day, at any time.

For treatment and prevention atherosclerosis make jam from feijoa and oranges.

Very good at problems with blood vessels use my universal recipe. And here's another recipe. Blanch 0.5 kg. feijoa. Do not peel the fruits, then grind them in a blender and add 1 kg. sugar until juice appears. Boil for 5-10 minutes, add juice from one orange and cook until tender. But when cooking jam, many beneficial substances are still destroyed. But it turns out very tasty.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases thyroid gland with iodine deficiency, take 1 tablespoon of feijoa puree half an hour before meals.

At hypertension Grind feijoa fruits in a blender, mix with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and take one tablespoon twice a day.

At hepatitis A(jaundice) drink tea from a mixture of feijoa flowers and leaves (in equal parts). Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink twice a day. Tea made from the leaves also helps with goiter.

A few fruits in your diet will help you in the following cases:

I suggest you look interesting video about the beneficial properties of feijoa. I highly recommend watching the video. The market where these berries are sold is shown, and advice is given on how to choose feijoa and why it is useful.

And if you do buy feijoa at the market, I highly advise you to treat yourself too. Let's prepare something delicious and don't forget about the face and décolleté area.

The use of feijoa in cosmetology

Thanks to his healing composition, the pulp from the feijoa fruit is used for cosmetic purposes. She provides:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • rejuvenating;
  • nutritious;
  • improving blood circulation
  • softening
  • refreshing effect.

Masks based on tropical fruits will help get rid of rosacea, acne, age spots on the face, give elasticity to the skin and improve appearance faces. For the same purposes, you can use a decoction of feijoa leaves.

Feijoa cosmetic mask recipe:

  • yolk from one egg;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese;
  • pulp from half a feijoa fruit.

Grind the feijoa in a blender and mix with other ingredients. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin of the face and neck. Wash your face warm water in 20 minutes. Lubricate your face with moisturizer.

You can also simply use the pulp of the berry for a mask. Also a very good effect. I like it the most. Especially when there is no time to mix something there, there is simply no time, but you want mood and freshness of the face. Just remember to test on your wrist to see if this mask is right for you.

The use of feijoa in cooking

Tropical fruits go well with a variety of foods. You can add buttery and citrus fruits, fresh or boiled beets, carrots, apples. It is better to season with yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

Feijoa with beets. Salad

Boil 400 gr. beets, grate. Wash and cut 200 gr. Feijoa hearths, mix with beets and add crushed walnut kernels. For this amount of food, take about 5-7 walnuts. Add salt to taste and season vegetable oil. You can add feta cheese and sesame seeds.

Salsa with feijoa

Served as a sauce for fish and meat dishes. Mix 3 feijoa fruits, an onion and 1 tablespoon of cane sugar in a blender. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Feijoa jelly (marmalade)

To prepare jelly you need:

  • Grind 1.5 kg in a blender. feijoa;
  • mix with 1 glass of natural apple cider vinegar and 50 gr. pectin for fruits;
  • Boil in a water bath for 5-6 minutes, avoiding boiling;
  • remove from heat and, stirring quickly, add 5 cups of sugar;
  • put it in a water bath again and, stirring constantly, cook until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  • remove the foam with a slotted spoon;
  • pour the prepared hot jelly into small glass jars and close with a lid;
  • cool overnight at room temperature.

Keep refrigerated.

Glaze for feijoa meat or fish

To prepare the glaze you will need:

  • 1 cup feijoa jelly;
  • a quarter glass of cane sugar;
  • 2 tsp chopped garlic;
  • 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 2 tsp ground ginger;
  • chili powder (optional)

Mix all ingredients, generously grease the surface of the fish or meat, and place in the oven.

And for the soul we will listen today GIOVANNI MARRADI - Romantico How beautiful everything is, how romantic. Wonderful music.

This is the information about the beneficial and medicinal properties of feijoa today. I hope you found it useful and interesting.
Feijoa. Useful and medicinal properties. Contraindications.
