Is low-fat cottage cheese healthy or not? Which cottage cheese is better? Advice from a nutritionist. Useful properties of cottage cheese

Fermented milk products are highly valued by nutritionists and are sources of calcium for the human body. However, many people have doubts about the benefits of such a product as skim cheese, and sometimes avoid it.

Let's find out the composition of this product and what benefits or harm it can bring.

Which cottage cheese is healthier: low-fat or full-fat?

Utility various types cottage cheese depends, first of all, on the purpose of their use. Overweight women and hypertensive patients with high cholesterol It is better to eat low-fat cottage cheese than full-fat or classic cottage cheese.

It contains slightly more protein and has very little cholesterol. The low-fat version has almost two times fewer calories than the fatty version, and a third less than the classic version.

You should know that along with fats and cholesterol, the content of fat-soluble vitamins A and D sharply decreases and polyunsaturated fatty acids and.

The quantitative composition of other vitamins and minerals does not change significantly. All types of natural cottage cheese are sources of B vitamins (most of all vitamin B12), biotin and, as well as elements such as molybdenum and selenium.

Did you know? Low-fat cottage cheese contains up to 1.8% fat. Low fat sour milk product includes 2–3.8% fat, and the classic version is usually of medium fat content - from 3.8 to 4%. Fat cottage cheese already contains 12–23% animal fats.

If this dairy product is taken as a source of calcium, then the optimal ratio of this element and fats for its absorption is in the classic 9% product.

Calorie content and composition of low-fat cottage cheese

Cottage cheese with a fat content of 0.6% contains 110 kcal per 100 g. Despite the very low fat content, it is not a low-calorie product, which does not detract from its nutritional value.
People who count calories should still pay attention to this dairy product as a source of many vitamins and minerals. It contains 20 amino acids, 12 of which are essential.

100 g contains: 71.7 g water, 22 g protein, 3.3 g carbohydrates and 0.6 g fat.

Low-fat cottage cheese contains the following vitamins:

  • PP - 4 mg;
  • - 0.5 mg;
  • - 0.4 mg;
  • - 0.25 mg;
  • - 0.21 mg;
  • - 0.19 mg;
  • - 0.1 mg;
  • - 0.04 mg;
  • - 0.04 mg;
  • - 0.01 mg;
  • - 7.6 mcg;
  • - 1.32 mcg;
  • - 0.02 mcg.

  • - 220 mg;
  • phosphorus - 189 mg;
  • calcium - 120 mg;
  • - 117 mg;
  • - 115 mg;
  • - 44 mg;
  • - 24 mg;
  • - 0.364 mg;
  • iron - 0.3 mg;
  • copper - 0.06 mg;
  • - 0.032 mg;
  • - 0.03 mg;
  • - 9 mcg;
  • manganese - 8 mcg;
  • - 7.7 mcg;
  • - 2 mcg;
  • - 2 mcg.

As we can see, skim milk product contains calcium, but it is unlikely that an adult will get his daily requirement from a standard pack weighing 200 g - such an amount of product will contain only a quarter of the necessary mineral, so cottage cheese should not be the only source this element. But such a pack will contain approximately daily dose selenium and vitamin B12, almost half the norm of phosphorus and cobalt.

Benefits and harms

When cottage cheese is included in the menu, people who care about their health are interested in how healthy its low-fat version is and whether it is harmful.

Important! When purchasing, you should pay attention to its consistency. A grainy, hard product with grains most likely contains calcium chloride or milk powder. High-quality cottage cheese will have a delicate consistency. A product using vegetable fats, various stabilizers, preservatives and flavoring additives is no longer real cottage cheese and is called a curd product.

Of course, for health it is better to eat natural cottage cheese made traditional way, products with food additives are unlikely to be so useful. In addition, you need to monitor the expiration date of the manufactured product.

Expired fermented milk products can cause poisoning, since their environment can nourish not only beneficial bacteria, but also pathogenic microbes, such as staphylococci and E. coli. This is why such products are recommended to be used within 36 hours.

Why is it useful?

Let's look at how this product is useful:

  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • is a source of selenium (54.5% of the daily value in 100 g);
  • recommended for diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • good for bones, as it contains phosphorus and calcium, it prevents osteochondrosis and osteoporosis;
  • due to its ability to improve intestinal microflora, it is recommended for diseases gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis, gallbladder diseases);
  • contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes;
  • helps reduce weight as it contains easily digestible protein;
  • it is recommended for cardiovascular diseases, as well as for problems with blood pressure, since this product contains virtually no cholesterol;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • helps strengthen teeth, nails, hair, bones.
So the answer to the question of whether low-fat cottage cheese is beneficial is positive. It is useful in the nutrition of older people, bodybuilders and athletes, as it contains many essential microelements and easily digestible protein.

Moreover, few products of animal origin can boast of such low level cholesterol. The low glycemic index makes it very valuable in the diet of patients with diabetes.
This one is valuable nutritious product will also be appropriate in the menu for pregnant women, as it contains a lot useful substances For correct formation and fetal development.

Did you know? Low-fat cottage cheese can be prepared at home from milk purchased at the market. It is boiled, and when it cools, it is soured with a crust of black bread. In order to degrease the finished yogurt, the top fatty layer is removed. Next, the product is prepared using conventional home cooking technologies.

Why is it harmful?

It should be borne in mind that whether such cottage cheese will be useful or not depends on the person’s health status.

Unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications for its use:

  • individual intolerance to lactose, casein or protein;
  • if you have kidney disease, it is advisable to avoid this food or limit consumption;
  • urolithiasis or cholelithiasis.

Is it possible

People who want to lose excess weight will be interested to know the rules for taking this dairy product, and whether it is possible to eat it at night.

It is believed that the ancient Romans had prototypes of cottage cheese. Today cottage cheese is present in many national cuisines of the world. In some countries it is considered one of the varieties of cheese, and in others it is considered a separate product. It is actively used in therapeutic nutrition and in all kinds of diets. But how do you know what the benefits and harms of cottage cheese are? However, first things first.

Composition and calorie content

In many ways chemical composition depends on the fat content of the product, as well as its calorie content. Calorie numbers are approximately as follows:

  1. Fat contains 226 kcal per 100g.
  2. In bold – 156.
  3. Low-fat – 86 kcal.
  4. Low-fat cottage cheese contains 70 kcal.

It is worth noting that cottage cheese with 19% fat per 100g is considered fat, semi-fat - 1-18%, low-fat - maximum 3%. Carbohydrates here are represented by lactose, proteins contain from 14 to 18 g. Vitamin composition cottage cheese is also rich. Yes, here we have:

  • retinol;
  • beta-carotene;
  • riboflavin;
  • thiamine;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • tocopherol (exclusively in fatty cottage cheese);
  • ascorbine;
  • cyanocobalamin (where fat content is high);
  • folic acid (absent in low-fat cottage cheese).

The mineral composition of the dairy product is also luxurious. Yes, here we have:

  • iron;
  • calcium (cottage cheese is one of the record holders for its content);
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus in large quantities;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc (only in fatty cottage cheese);
  • potassium;
  • fluorine (only in fatty forms);
  • copper (only in fatty cottage cheese).

Useful properties of cottage cheese

One of the main advantages of cottage cheese is that it is digested easily and quickly, because this product lacks both cellular and tissue structure, which distinguishes it from animal proteins. Not only are there a lot of proteins, but they are also well balanced due to their denaturation. In addition, casein itself is easier to digest than animal proteins. When eating cottage cheese, much less is released gastric juice, enzymes and hydrochloric acid than when consuming other fermented milk products.

There is also a lot of methionine, that is, an essential amino acid that has a lipotropic effect. Methionine not only lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol, but also prevents the development of fatty liver. This problem can occur, for example, when taking certain medications and when the body is exposed to strong toxins. When taking anabolic steroids to treat certain ailments, you must eat this dairy product.

Another value of it lies in the abundance of calcium, which, like proteins, is easily absorbed by the body. And it's not just bones, hair, nails and teeth. This fermented milk product is a medicine for the treatment of rickets and ailments of the musculoskeletal system; after fractures, in addition, it restores cartilage tissue. It also has a positive effect on nerve tissue.

This product is simply necessary for diseases of the heart, blood vessels, blood and hematopoiesis. Cottage cheese must be included in diets for the treatment of liver diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and tuberculosis.

As a dietary product, it is also used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. These include ordinary gastritis, ulcers, intestinal ailments, pancreatitis, and all diseases of the gallbladder or liver. In addition, the product also helps remove excess urine from the body, so it is recommended not only for hypertension, but also for diabetes and kidney diseases, as well as for all kinds of edema.

But traditional medicine has come up with a way to use it externally. So, for bronchitis and pneumonia, it is recommended to make a honey-curd compress at night. He is laid on his back and secured with paper and warm cloth.

Harm of cottage cheese

An ideal product for a diet can in some cases cause harm. For example, it is definitely not suitable for people who are lactose intolerant. It is not recommended to abuse this product if you have kidney problems: there are too many proteins that load this paired organ.

Fatty types of cottage cheese are not recommended for those who suffer from atherosclerosis. Well, of course, it is forbidden to eat spoiled cottage cheese that has expired: store-bought cottage cheese does not exceed 5 days, home-made cottage cheese does not exceed a day and a half. Delay can cause intestinal infections.

Types of cottage cheese

Varieties of cottage cheese differ not only in fat content, but also in other criteria. So, according to the method of preparation, cottage cheese can be divided into two types:

  1. Acid-rennet, in the production of which pepsin (rennet enzymes can be used) and lactic acid bacteria, or more precisely, their starter cultures, are used.
  2. Acid. Here, only starter cultures are used for protein coagulation. It is usually made from skim milk.

Low-fat cottage cheese: benefits and harms

Low-fat cottage cheese is no less healthy than any other. There is phosphorus, and calcium, and proteins. But there are also some subtleties.

It cannot actively harm your health, but a reduced percentage of fat makes it less possible to fully absorb that same calcium and proteins. Thus, calcium is poorly absorbed without fat-soluble vitamins, which are almost absent in this product. And finally, there is not much cephalin and lecithin, which are involved in many processes in the body, for example, in the transmission of nerve impulses.

In addition, the taste of such cottage cheese is not very expressive. It's not terrible, but manufacturers improve it with the help of nutritional supplements. Not all of them are useful.

Albumin curd: benefits and harms

This is a secondary raw material for cheese making; it is prepared from cheese whey and enriched with protein albumin. There are no fats, only 2 g of carbohydrates, but a dozen and a half types of microelements and macroelements. The product is easily digestible and has a positive effect on metabolism and immunity. Helps eliminate cholesterol and maintain water-salt metabolism, ideal for overweight people.

It can be harmful if it is expired, or for people with kidney problems: in this case, its amount is reduced to 400 g per day.

Grain cottage cheese: benefits and harms

Its benefits and harms are identical to any other type of cottage cheese, but it deteriorates more slowly than regular cottage cheese and is larger in volume. However, you should not joke with the shelf life of the product.

Frozen cottage cheese: benefits and harms

When frozen, this product does not lose its beneficial and harmful properties, but it must be frozen and thawed correctly:

  1. The “correct” freezing temperature is 18 degrees below zero.
  2. You need to freeze in small portions; you cannot use plastic bags.
  3. Can be stored for up to two months.
  4. It is better to defrost in the refrigerator - this will take about half a day, but this way you will not lose the beneficial properties of the product.
  5. After defrosting, lightly squeeze the product.
  6. It is better not to freeze cheese masses and sweet curds.

Goat cottage cheese: benefits and harms

This product is distinguished by a large amount of vitamins B 2 and B12, rich in magnesium and copper. In terms of the amount of protein, it is close to meat, but has less calories. The product is required for use by patients with osteoporosis.

It can become harmful only if consumed in excess: there are a lot of saturated fatty acids, and they lead to a set excess weight. Abuse of the product can also lead to increased cholesterol levels.

Homemade cottage cheese: benefits and harms

If you made cottage cheese with your own hands, then you are confident in the quality of the products from which it was prepared. And this is a big plus. Homemade cottage cheese is no less healthy than store-bought options.

But it can be harmful if the expiration date has long expired. It can be stored for only 36 hours. Spoiled cottage cheese can cause vomiting and nausea.

Cottage cheese from powdered milk: benefits and harms

Powdered milk, and therefore cottage cheese made from it, retains all its beneficial properties. The only peculiarity is that the product reduces fat content.

Harm is only possible if low-quality powdered milk or its dubious substitutes were used during preparation.

Combination with other products

Cottage cheese goes well with both sweet and cinnamon. But we will talk about the most famous combinations.

With honey. Cottage cheese is good because it gives the body an unlimited amount of vitamins, microelements and macroelements and helps the immune system function.

Harm is only possible if the honey is of poor quality, you are allergic to it, or you overuse honey: this is also excess sugar in the blood.

With sour cream. Together they will not only provide even the most growing organism with calcium, but are generally capable of much. Sour cream is very rich in useful elements, including biotin, beta-carotene, phospholipids, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium. This dish is simply necessary for young children whose musculoskeletal system and teeth are developing.

Since sour cream is rich in fat, it is better to limit it to people who are prone to obesity and suffering from vascular diseases.

Cottage cheese with flaxseed oil. These are products made for each other. Linseed oil– a luxurious source of linoleic, linolenic and oleic acids. Proteins allow them to be better absorbed. And the acids themselves help the rapid absorption of all the beneficial substances from the cottage cheese. This mixture will help you lose weight and normalize the functioning of the female genitourinary system.

Harm is possible if you have chronic pancreatitis or cholecystitis. The mixture is not recommended for “female” cancer diseases. Well, the oil must be fresh.

Cottage cheese with sugar or jam. Here we are talking about improving the taste of cottage cheese. And if the jam is fruit, which means some vitamins, then sugar will only add calories and cause weight gain. But you can replace them with dried fruits or marmalade.

For the male body

Cottage cheese, especially albumin - The best way increase muscle mass without dangerous chemicals. Therefore, athletes need to pay close attention to it.

Benefits and harms for a woman’s body

Cottage cheese is not only a source of beauty. It will help fight bone thinning during menopause, establish menstrual cycle, but also to overcome frigidity. It is a must for expectant mothers, but also for nursing mothers.

Cottage cheese for children

Often this is the very first complementary food. And the most necessary one. For children whose skeleton and molars are just forming, this product is simply necessary. Schoolchildren need it to maintain brain function and intellectual development.

Cottage cheese can be harmful to children only if they are intolerant, if it is a low-quality product (remember that it is easier for a child to get poisoned) and if they have kidney problems.

For older people

With age, when calcium deficiency becomes more and more noticeable (and this means constant fractures and injuries), you need to include this product in your menu. And even if they never loved him.

It is important to remember that in adulthood, metabolism slows down. In order not to burden the body, it is better for older people to eat low-fat types of cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese for weight loss

Cottage cheese - important component many protein (and not only) diets. It fills you up perfectly and prevents you from eating too much. But you should not abuse it - an excess of protein leads to serious violations metabolism and liver diseases.


Cottage cheese is a product that can easily be called a superfood. There is a sea of ​​minerals and vitamins, as well as protein, which is easily digestible. But all this applies only to high-quality cottage cheese. In addition, you should not abuse it. And finally, you should not choose the most fat-free types: this way you will deprive yourself of many vitamins.

Cottage cheese is a unique product in its composition. Its beneficial properties include providing preventive and healing measures in relation to the human body. You can either purchase it in a store or make it yourself. The benefits of cottage cheese are quite great, and the taste is simply amazing.


Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product that is obtained after separating whey and milk. It has a granular structure and pleasant taste. But besides this, it also has beneficial properties for the human body. That is why it is recommended for use by both adults and children.

Beneficial features cottage cheese lies in its unique composition. Thanks to the components, it is quickly absorbed by the body.

He contains a large number of protein, which helps to establish and normalize work digestive system person.

Beneficial properties are also manifested in the ability to strengthen skeletal system. This is due to the high calcium content, which strengthens not only bones, but also has a beneficial effect on general state hair, nails and teeth.

The calorie content of cottage cheese is low, so many nutritionists recommend including it in the diet during diets and fasting days. You cannot get better from it if you consume it in small quantities. But in these cases you need to pay attention to the fat content of the cottage cheese. It is divided into such subgroups as:

  • · Fat.
  • · Classic.
  • · Low-fat.
  • · Low fat.

The highest percentage of fat is 23, and the lowest is 1. The beneficial properties do not change regardless of the fat content; this only affects the calorie content of the product. The higher the percentage, the higher it will be.

This fermented milk product was even recognized official medicine. She confirmed that thanks to its composition, it can significantly strengthen the immune system and give excellent health. It has a positive effect on the liver and intestines. Perfectly helps to cope with diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Helps with heart disease and provides positive influence on the vessels.

Cottage cheese is recommended for people suffering from lung diseases. Regular consumption helps normalize hemoglobin levels in the blood. This is especially useful during the period of bearing a child. Pregnant women should eat at least 100 grams. product per day. Its nutritional value will help not only satisfy hunger, but also compensate for the deficiency of calcium and iron in the body of a pregnant woman. For the unborn baby, cottage cheese does not pose any danger; it helps strengthen its skeleton and form nervous system. But this is only relevant in cases where the woman herself has no contraindications to use for health reasons.

Cottage cheese helps improve memory. It has a great effect on brain performance and promotes concentration.

Cottage cheese is also irreplaceable for nursing mothers. It increases lactation, resulting in more milk. If a nursing woman consumes cottage cheese, she may not worry about the health of the child. It does not cause diathesis or allergies.

People with poor eyesight cottage cheese is simply necessary. It boosts it thanks to the vitamin A contained in this product. The beneficial properties of cottage cheese are also manifested in its ability to “adapt” to the body of any age. It will help older people to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and will help the growing body in its faster development.


Despite all the beneficial properties, cottage cheese can also cause harm to the body. This can happen when a person does not take into account all the contraindications to its use.

Cottage cheese has the ability to increase cholesterol. The higher the fat content of a product, the greater the likelihood of this occurring. side effect, which can even lead to the development of atherosclerosis in humans. Elevated cholesterol levels are also dangerous for overweight people. It promotes the formation of plaques, thereby slowing down the body's basic processes. Therefore, if the cottage cheese is fatty, it is not recommended to consume more than 100 grams. in a day.

Excessive amounts of protein contained in cottage cheese can negatively affect kidney function. Due to the fact that cottage cheese is a fermented milk product, it becomes a “favorite” place for the development and habitat of various coli, which can lead to food poisoning or serious illnesses intestines. Therefore, the product consumed must be fresh.

The shelf life of cottage cheese should not exceed 2 days. This applies to both home and industrial products.

Calorie content

Cottage cheese varies in structure, method of preparation and fat content. The main indicators of the product depend on these factors. The calorie content of cottage cheese depends on the percentage of its fat content. The fattest product is considered to be 23%. But it can rarely be found on store shelves. Often, such cottage cheese is prepared and consumed at home, without being sold due to its short shelf life. The most consumed varieties are cottage cheese 18%, 9% and 1%. It is their calorie content that is presented in the table below.

Their caloric content varies, but in order to understand how many calories certain measures contain, it is worth looking at the table below. For example, take cottage cheese with a medium fat content of 9%

The beneficial properties of the product are in no way reflected in its fat content. But the higher the calorie content of cottage cheese, the more harm it can cause to health if consumed in excessive quantities. Therefore, you should not exceed the limit of 100 grams. daily consumption.


Cottage cheese benefits the body only when consumed correctly. But there are also contraindications for health reasons when it is not recommended in order to avoid complications.


  1. Atherosclerosis.
  2. Increased level of cholesterol in human blood.
  3. Obesity.
  4. Diseases associated with calcium metabolism in the body.

The most an important condition is that the product must be fresh and daily norm should not exceed 100 g. consumption. Taking these nuances into account, the body will receive only useful substances from consuming cottage cheese.


IN folk medicine Since ancient times, cottage cheese has proven itself as a healing product. It is used to treat anemia and osteoporosis. With its help, it is possible to normalize metabolism and improve overall health. Regular consumption of cottage cheese also helps lower blood pressure.

Cottage cheese is great for burns. He's filming painful sensations and inflammation. They can also relieve pain from bruises and various blows. Cottage cheese in combination with honey can reduce swelling and abscesses on the human skin.

In the cosmetology industry, cottage cheese has no equal. It is used to make face masks that help preserve youth and smooth out wrinkles. It perfectly moisturizes the skin. A curd mask will also help overcome freckles. It will significantly reduce the appearance of pigmentation and brighten the skin.


It is very important to distinguish between cottage cheese and curd product. These two concepts are similar to each other, but the second has more chemical additives, due to the use of which its shelf life increases. Cottage cheese is stored for no more than 2-3 days at home, and the cottage cheese product is stored for 10-15 days.

Most often, cottage cheese is stored in the refrigerator. It is better to opt for metal or enamel dishes. Do not store in plastic bags or plastic. The temperature in the refrigerator should not be higher than 8 degrees. It can also be stored in a cool place, the air humidity should not exceed 15 degrees Celsius. In such conditions, the cottage cheese retains its freshness for 2-3 days.

But you can significantly extend the shelf life of cottage cheese by placing it in freezer. In such conditions it can be stored for up to two months. The temperature should not be below 35 degrees.

To increase shelf life, it is better to purchase cottage cheese in vacuum packaging.

The nutritional value

Despite the fact that the calorie content of cottage cheese is relatively low, its nutritional value can perfectly saturate the body with all the necessary substances.

Table: The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

The main part of the vitamin in cottage cheese comes from B vitamins.

Table: B vitamins

It also contains vitamins of other groups:


Amount (mg.)

It is rich in microelements and minerals such as:

  • · Cobalt.
  • · Iron.
  • · Zinc.
  • · Calcium.
  • · Potassium.
  • · Phosphorus.
  • · Chlorine
  • · Selenium.
  • · Molybdenum.
  • · Manganese.
  • · Sulfur.

Cottage cheese is one of the most ancient products. It has earned the title of national product because of its origins. The value of cottage cheese lies in its ability to saturate the body with essential nutrients. It is often used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Nutritional value, vitamins and low calorie content make this product irreplaceable.

Cottage cheese: the benefits and harms of this product are still controversial among many people. But one thing remains the same. By consuming cottage cheese, vitamins enter the body, having a positive effect on it.

Low-fat cottage cheese - benefits and harms

A lot has been written about the benefits of cottage cheese. And there is probably no such person who would not taste this product. Both adults and children consume it, enriching their body with vitamins and essential microelements.

Today on the market you can find a huge selection of cottage cheese, it differs only in the percentage of fat content (0%, 3%, 9%, 15% and 18%) and the manufacturer, the composition, as a rule, differs little: protein, B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D and PP, calcium, iron and magnesium. What to choose is up to you to decide.

Low-fat cottage cheese has become a favorite product of all those losing weight and athletes; it contains a lot of protein, which promotes the formation and restoration of muscle tissue. Nutritionists and doctors disagree on whether low-fat cottage cheese is healthy. So let's figure it out.

The benefits of low-fat cottage cheese

First of all, cottage cheese is a source of calcium, which is so necessary for strengthening bones and blood clotting. In addition, protein is a building material for our body, and phosphorus is responsible for the health of teeth, nails and hair.

Harm of low-fat cottage cheese

Despite a lot of positive properties, everything “has its own fly in the ointment.” Low-fat cottage cheese does not cause significant harm, but some beneficial properties in it are significantly reduced.

To absorb calcium, we need fats, and since cottage cheese is low-fat, the digestibility of the product is reduced. Due to defatting, very little phospholipids, lecithin and cephalin remain in the cottage cheese - these are components of milk fat that take part in the transmission of nerve impulses. Cottage cheese without fat is much poorer in vitamin content than its fatty counterpart, so it is better to opt for low-fat cottage cheese in order to maintain its beneficial properties and not harm your figure.

Cottage cheese - beneficial and harmful properties of fermented milk product

Cottage cheese - benefits and harm - this is a topic that we will now try to talk about. Cottage cheese is the most valuable and delicious fermented milk product, its benefits have been proven for a long time. It takes its rightful place among the many products that are necessary to maintain normal condition human body.

It is made from natural milk using ripening, separating the curds from the whey. For this process, lactic acid bacteria are used. At the same time, all useful and important substances for the body remain in the cottage cheese. The product is a white or yellowish mass with a pleasant odor. It tastes soft and delicate. There is no exact information about when it appeared, but it has been proven that it was used many centuries ago.

Cottage cheese classification

Today our industry represents big variety of this product. There is a qualification that is based on the percentage of fat, so there are several types of fat.

  • Fatty.
  • Classical.
  • Bold.
  • Low-fat.
  • Low fat.

Fat cottage cheese is quite high in calories, while low-fat cottage cheese contains about 90 kcal. Low-fat and grain-based are very good for helping you lose weight. In addition, this dairy product can be acidic or acidic-rennet, depending on the starter used. Also today, cottage cheese is made from different types milk. Therefore, a product is prepared from natural milk, normalized, reconstituted and recombined.

Also Special attention I would like to pay attention to homemade cottage cheese, its benefits are much greater than its harm. It can be either fatty or low-fat, and you can also make it grainy. This product is made at home by heating fresh yogurt in a water bath. When the clot separates, the whey is decanted, and the resulting mass is placed under a press for several hours. Of course, you need to prepare it with cleanliness and accuracy.

Composition of cottage cheese

  • Carbohydrates.
  • Squirrels.
  • Fats.
  • Vitamins A, B, E, etc.
  • Calcium and phosphorus.
  • Amino acids

Use in cooking

The benefits of cottage cheese make it a fairly popular food product. You can prepare many dishes from it, such as dumplings, cheesecakes, cheesecakes, cottage cheese, etc. The industry also produces various delicious desserts based on cottage cheese, with the addition of fruits, which are loved by both adults and children.

Cottage cheese is one of the most popular products not only in the fitness industry, but also among ordinary people. It fits perfectly different products(fruits, vegetables, etc.) and is convenient to use as a snack. In addition, cottage cheese and its beneficial properties have been known to us since childhood!

But in Lately“Dirty” rumors began to circulate around cottage cheese: supposedly some cottage cheese producers are “freeloaders” in production and sell us almost nothing but starch, which has practically no benefit!

How can we figure out that we are going, real, useful product or a fake? Bone Wide will help you with this!

is a fermented milk product traditional for Eastern and Northern Europe, obtained by fermenting milk and then removing the whey. The sour milk, which has released whey (kefir), is heated and it curdles, forming hard lumps - this is cottage cheese!

It is officially customary to classify cottage cheese produced in the traditional way according to its fat content: fat (18%), semi-fat (9%) and low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 3%). Soft dietary cottage cheese is also classified as semi-fat.

Benefits of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is especially rich methionine- an essential amino acid that has a lipotropic effect. It reduces cholesterol levels in the body and, most importantly, prevents fatty liver.

In addition to essential amino acids (proteins), cottage cheese is rich in vitamins (especially A, E, P, B2, B6 and B12), folic acid, salts of calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc, fluorine and phosphorus. It is thanks to these compounds that cottage cheese is so well absorbed. Pregnant women and nursing mothers will not find best source calcium and other microelements than cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is necessary for growth and restoration of all tissues body, especially bone tissue. It is useful for the functioning of the nervous system, cardiac activity and blood formation.

Cottage cheese is included in diets for the treatment of liver diseases, atherosclerosis and hypertension.
It is also widely used for medicinal purposes for patients with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis, chronic diseases gallbladder, pancreatitis, intestinal ailments. It is included in almost any diet.

Composition and calorie content

is an excellent dairy product with a large amount of calcium salts. It contains 14 to 18% well-balanced protein.

Calorie content: 155.3 kcal

Squirrels: 16.7 g - of which 70% is casein, the remaining 30% is fast protein; fats (depending on the fat content of the product): 0.5 - 15 g, carbohydrates: 2.0 g

Vitamin composition of cottage cheese:

Vitamin A: 0.08 mg
Vitamin B1: 0.04 mg
Vitamin B2: 0.3 mg
Vitamin C: 0.5 mg
Vitamin PP: 0.4 mg
Iron: 0.4 mg
Potassium: 112.0 mg
Calcium: 164.0 mg
Magnesium: 23.0 mg
Sodium: 41.0 mg
Phosphorus: 220.0 mg

IMPORTANT: The fewer ingredients in the composition, the better. The ideal option would be the following composition: “natural cow’s milk, leaven.” But this option is rare and most often in stores there will be something like this on the packaging: “cow’s milk, calcium chloride, enzymatic preparation, sourdough, etc. and so on. The more “additives”, the poorer the quality of the cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese “Vkusnoteevo” 9%
Cottage cheese "Prostokvashino" 5.0%

Pay attention not only to the composition, but also to the manufacturing standards! GOST is better than TU. The fact is that if the cottage cheese is made according to GOST, then it meets the necessary state standards for its production. And if the criteria were Specifications(TU), then, alas, there can be no confidence in the quality of the conditions of its production. The manufacturer will not spend more money than is profitable for him.


Cottage cheese has neither tissue nor cellular structure. This distinguishes it favorably from sources of animal protein such as fish, meat and poultry, so that, unlike these products, cottage cheese is easily digestible and almost completely digested. Cottage cheese protein is “complete” and contains all the essential amino acids. The degree of digestibility of cottage cheese protein by the human body is slightly higher than that of meat protein. Remember that cottage cheese takes quite a long time to digest ( 1.5-3 hours).

However, an adult may experience some discomfort from consuming dairy and fermented milk products. The fact is that in the process of growing up human body is deprived of those necessary enzymes that effectively break down milk protein in childhood, in particular, the enzyme that breaks down the enzyme ceases to be produced.
So, if you feel a heaviness in your stomach after a glass of milk or a portion of cottage cheese, then it is better to give up these products or combine their consumption with foods rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits).

Although most often there are no problems with any fermented milk products, because the milk sugar in them has already been broken down by the fermented milk flora of the product itself. In addition, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc. are richer in B vitamins than milk itself. The proteins of fermented milk products are absorbed better and faster than milk. Let’s say, if milk is absorbed by 32% an hour after consumption, then cottage cheese - 91%.

You can read more about the problems associated with eating cottage cheese in the article: “ “

How to store?

Cottage cheese is a perishable product. Natural lives for 3 days. THE EXPIRATION LIFE OF STORE COOK COOK SHOULD BE UP TO 7 DAYS! Since technologies are acceptable under which he can live up to this date. If the period is indicated for more than 7 days, then there are at least preservatives inside, this needs to be understood (although in general, in our opinion, this is more than obvious).

It is best to store cottage cheese in an enamel or glass container with a lid, slightly kneading. Homemade cottage cheese can be cut in the freezer for more than a month, however taste qualities he loses a little. You cannot store cottage cheese in plastic bags!

How to check the naturalness?

For the presence of starch.
Everything is very simple! When mixing starch and iodine, as a result chemical reaction, starch becomes blue, but if iodine remains in its usual light yellow color, it means that the product does not contain starch. We need to drop a little iodine into the cottage cheese and the truth will be revealed to us!

For the presence of vegetable fats.
You can also check the product for the presence of vegetable fats using warm water. To do this you will need a glass with warm water add 1 tsp. fresh cottage cheese, gently stir it and leave for a couple of minutes.
If during this time a yellowish film appears on the surface of the water, and the cottage cheese settles to the bottom, do not doubt that it contains fats.

Now you can check for yourself what kind of cottage cheese you eat! But don’t worry too much and rush headlong through shops and markets in search of truly natural cottage cheese. After all, starch is just a carbohydrate, and vegetable fats our body needs them and these two supplements definitely won’t poison you! Their presence in cottage cheese indicates deception of consumers (i.e. us) and this is really bad, but not fatal. Don’t turn into a food Nazi and don’t strive for total purity of your diet - alas, this is simply impossible in modern world! Save your nerves.

Should you eat low fat?

Fermented milk product, the fat content of which ranges from a fraction of a percent (0.1%) to two (1.8%), is considered to be free of fat. Achieve complete absence There is almost no fat in cottage cheese, so the “zero” percent on the package is nothing more than an advertising gimmick.

The advertisement claims that the calorie content of this product is quite low: from 90 to 115 kcal per 100 grams of product. Compare with its semi-fat (9% - 159 kcal/100 g) and fat (19% - 232 kcal/100 g) variety. Not such a huge difference.

The ideal fat content for cottage cheese is considered to be from 5 to 9%, and not 0%, since calcium, which is found in low-fat products, is less absorbed by the body. For absorption of this element, as is known, at least a minimal presence of fat is required. In addition, low-fat cottage cheese contains practically no useful substances and vitamins, so it is better to eat a small portion of medium-fat cottage cheese than to turn your diet into eating low-fat products, which are practically useless.

For animal products, the following observation is often relevant: the fattier it is, the tastier it is. But degreasing the product is not so easy, so sugar is often added to it! Hence the difference in calorie content: its high levels may indicate that the cottage cheese is sweetened.

Low-fat cottage cheese also contains too little beneficial phospholipids lecithin and cephalin - components of milk fat that have nutritional value, are part of the structure of cell membranes and their microreceptors, and are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. In order not to experience a shortage of such substances, dairy products - full-fat cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, cream - are very necessary.

Conclusion: nothing will happen to you and your weight loss if you eat cottage cheese with 5% fat content. Find low-fat natural cottage cheese Almost impossible, so don’t deprive yourself of vitamins, calcium and wonderful taste and choke on dry, low-fat curd mass - 5 g. they won’t make a difference to your fat and won’t ruin your fat burning process, as some individuals fear.

It is better not to buy various ready-made sweet curd masses. Not only are they quite high in calories and fat, but they also contain only sugar and substitutes. It’s better to buy natural cottage cheese, fresh seasonal fruits or dried fruits and make delicious and healthy curd mass for your child yourself 😉

“Here I am...”

Due to its high protein content, this product is the main component of the diet of athletes, people watching their figure, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children.

But before increasing its daily consumption, you should first study all the basic qualities. What properties does low-fat cottage cheese have, health benefits and harms, are in today’s article.

The popularity of low-fat foods has increased significantly with increasing public interest in a healthy lifestyle and awareness of the harm that comes from excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats.

The benefits and harms of low-fat cottage cheese

Low-fat cottage cheese has gained popularity in the wake of a total craze in a healthy way life and a massive refusal to consume carbohydrates and “bad” fats. As a result, fermented milk cheese was invented reduced level fat content, which is lower in calories compared to its fatty counterpart, but retains its protein value. Since there is a belief that cleansing makes a product less healthy, you should know all its advantages and disadvantages.

How is cottage cheese defatted?

The process of making a low-fat fermented milk product is no different from creating a regular one. The difference is that skim milk is used as the starting material.

The creation technology involves several stages:

  • clarification, pasteurization and cooling of milk to the required consistency;
  • adding a special starter (or rennet, which is used as an alternative method);
  • milk fermentation process;
  • cutting the formed clot;
  • cooling the resulting mass.

This method is traditional, but to speed up the process of whey separation they resort to additional heating of the milk mass. This technology is also available at home. To do this, pre-prepared milk is left in a saucepan in a warm place for several hours (overnight is possible), until it sours. Then the semi-finished product is heated and the resulting whey is separated.

Composition and nutritional value

In terms of the number of micro- and macro-elements and protein indicators, low-fat cottage cheese does not differ from regular cottage cheese. So, per 100 g there is at least 16 g of protein, fat, respectively, 0.1% (if it is low-fat, the figure can be 1.8%). It is impossible to achieve a fat content of 0%, so if this figure is indicated on the packaging, the data is distorted.

What is included in the chemical composition of a protein product:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • cobalt;
  • molybdenum;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • vitamins: A, B, C, PP.

Caloric content indicators may differ slightly: some manufacturers claim an indicator of 90 kcal per 100 g, which can vary up to 115 kcal.

Beneficial properties of low-fat cottage cheese

Despite criticism of low-fat milk, the benefits it brings to the body are no different from fatty products. It is valuable due to its high protein content - the main building material for tissues and muscles.

Second essential element contains calcium. The component strengthens and ensures the healthy functioning of bones, teeth, hair nails, and the high phosphorus content normalizes the condition of the nervous system. Calcium is especially necessary for children during the period of active growth, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.

The presence and ratio of micro- and macroelements in the composition contributes to a colossal useful action on the human body, which affects:

  • Improving metabolic processes, helping to lose excess weight and improve well-being;
  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Recovery acid-base balance in organism;
  • Increasing hemoglobin levels, which prevents the development of anemia, including in pregnant women. The process of hematopoiesis improves;
  • Improving brain function, improving the quality of memory, concentration and attention. At regular use in food, the state of the central nervous system is normalized;
  • Strengthening the condition of the heart and blood vessels, especially in old age;
  • Kidney health;
  • Improved vision;

  • Normalization of skin and hair condition: cottage cheese lovers can be proud of healthy and smooth skin, elastic and shiny hair even at an advanced age.

Useful property for children early age, the development of rickets will be prevented due to the saturation of bone tissue with calcium and its strengthening. The same action allows you to maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system in old age.

Nursing mothers should include low-fat soft cottage cheese in their daily diet, it helps to enhance lactation and saturates breast milk with substances valuable for the baby.

The benefits of low-fat cottage cheese for weight loss

The main factors that make the product useful for weight loss are the low calorie content of low-fat cottage cheese and low carbohydrate content, improvement of metabolism and general metabolic processes in the body.

Considering its benefits, experts are developing special cottage cheese diets, where the fermented milk product becomes the main component. On average, the optimal daily dose should not exceed 200 g per day. Due to the fact that mono-diets are based on increasing the daily norm to 300 g per day, possible negative consequences should be taken into account.

Since a fermented milk product with reduced fat content is not as tasty, compared to full-fat cottage cheese, the amount of food eaten will be significantly less. This factor is also important in dieting.

Harm and contraindications

The main contraindication to consuming a low-fat product is the same as for classic fatty cottage cheese - lactose intolerance or allergic reactions. Otherwise, as a rule, there is no pronounced harm from a low-fat analogue. If you have an individual intolerance to milk or a calcium metabolism disorder, you will also have to give it up.

Contraindications include the presence of urolithiasis or cholelithiasis. Those at risk should be vigilant.

Regarding the connection between the percentage of fat content and the risk of allergies, experts made the following conclusions: since allergic reaction occurs due to the action of a certain component included in the composition (usually protein), fat content does not affect this process. Consequently, allergy sufferers will equally perceive high-fat, medium-fat and completely low-fat cottage cheese.

Main negative factor, which is associated with fat loss – insufficient absorption of calcium by the body. The element is better absorbed with the participation of natural fats. Therefore, you should not constantly consume cottage cheese with a fat content of 1%; you should alternate it with the optimal 9%, containing the best balance of calcium and fats.

There is a lack of some valuable nutrients, which it loses during degreasing. Among them are the phospholipids lecithin and cephalin, which the body needs to transmit nerve impulses to the structures of cell membranes and their microreceptors.

For this reason, it is not recommended to completely exclude fatty dairy products from the diet. 1% cottage cheese is depleted and valuable fat-soluble vitamins. But this drawback is not fundamental, since it is not their main source for humans.

A significant disadvantage of a product deprived of its natural fat content is its loss of taste, which leads to a person’s desire to “sweeten” it. This factor has led to the emergence of sweet curd desserts that dominate store shelves.

The healthy fats in them are replaced by harmful and equally high-calorie sugar, which promotes weight gain and causes a number of diseases. Therefore, it is not advisable to consume fermented milk products with sugar. If it seems tasteless, it is better to eat it with a little honey.

How much cottage cheese can you eat?

The effect on the body depends on how correctly the cottage cheese is consumed, on the dosage and quality of the product itself. In the absence of allergies and other pathological abnormalities that prevent the normal digestion of lactose, low-fat cottage cheese is absolutely safe, but provided that it is consumed wisely. Acceptable standards vary depending on a person’s age, body weight and intensity of physical activity.

An addiction to this product is also undesirable in case of gastritis, especially in an advanced stage, high acidity can cause unpleasant symptoms.

For children. It is better not to give raw 0.1 percent cottage cheese to children who have not reached the age of three, replacing it with special cottage cheese for babies, enriched with vitamins and microelements. After the child reaches 3 years of age, low-fat cottage cheese is added to his diet, gradually including it in the diet. At first, 50–70 g per day is enough.

For pregnant. Pregnant women should control the amount of this fermented milk product consumed. On the one hand, it contains a lot of calcium necessary for the harmonious development of the fetus, but on the other hand, an excessive amount of protein can overload the kidneys. Experts believe that the optimal amount for the diet of pregnant women is 150-200 g, approximately once every 3 days.

After the baby is born, if the mother is breastfeeding, there should be about 100 g of low-fat fermented milk product per day. This will be enough to enrich the body with calcium and protein, improve production breast milk and filling with valuable microelements.

For athletes. Cottage cheese is also required for the body of an athlete, especially those involved in strength sports. Being a source of highly digestible protein, it is recommended as a main component of nutrition for bodybuilders.

  • The protein in its composition is responsible for the growth of muscle mass.
  • “Drying” athletes who want to reduce the proportion of fatty tissue in the body can confidently consume fermented milk with 0.1 percent fat content, because the caloric content and carbohydrate content in it are minimal.
  • Norms for strength athletes are determined individually, depending on the level of load and permissible daily caloric intake. To gain weight, eat about 200 g per day, while drying - up to 150 g per day.

Is it possible to eat low-fat cottage cheese at night? , nutritionists do not give a clear answer. On the one hand, this product is dietary and low-calorie, so consuming it before bed will not contribute to fat deposition, and therefore will not harm your figure.

But on the other hand, protein takes quite a long time to digest, so by eating shortly before bedtime, we provide the stomach with work for a long time and do not allow it to rest. Taking into account the peculiarities, nutritionists advise eating a small portion in the evening - no more than 150 g, if such a need arises.

Features and rules for choosing a product

The benefit depends not only on physical characteristics product, but also on freshness and quality of preparation. A fermented milk product can become hazardous to health if there are violations in the preparation or storage technology. There are several rules to follow:

Do not consume a product that has expired; dangerous intestinal infections multiply very quickly in its fermented milk environment;

The composition should not include anything other than skim milk and special sourdough. If it also contains starch, this negatively affects the quality;

A low-fat product can only have White color. Yellow tint, acceptable for a product containing fat, is excluded in this case.

To avoid possible harm For health reasons, which can be caused by eating stale or low-quality cottage cheese, when purchasing you should pay attention to the expiration date, and also give preference to products manufactured in accordance with GOST standards.

People who have sufficient quantity time for their health, they can prepare cottage cheese themselves from skim milk.

Nuances of choice – fatty or low-fat product

The answer to the question: “Which product will be more useful - low-fat or fatty?” - can be answered taking into account the health status of a particular person and the goals that he sets for himself.

If the main desire is to reduce body weight, the 0.1% product is in a more advantageous position, because even with an average fat content of 5 - 9%, the caloric content is significantly higher and its value is at least 145 kcal.

Cholesterol levels. A fatty product contains significantly more cholesterol than a 0.1 percent product. This means that the risk of formation cholesterol plaques and the development of atherosclerosis is significantly lower.

Research by scientists says that a dietary product is richer in protein content; the protein component increases against the background low content fat If at a fat content level of 5 - 9 percent, 100 g contains no more than 21 g of protein, then in the same amount of a low-fat analogue, this figure increases to 22 g.

The low-fat product is not without its drawbacks. In addition to the fact that it is depleted in certain substances and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E), which help support the health and prolongation of youth of all organs and systems, problems may arise with the absorption of calcium.

Avoid shortages healthy fat and useful substances, you can. Just add a small amount of sour cream, which has sufficient fat content, to the low-fat product. So, the calorie content with 15% sour cream will be 130 kcal per 100 g.

Low-fat cottage cheese, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied, will effective product for human health, only taking into account individual characteristics, health status and compliance with the basic rules of use.

I wish you health and longevity, dear readers!

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