Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev video archive. Alekseev Anatoly Efimovich - reasonable cleansing of the body

Today the Internet is literally full of different names diets and weight loss systems. If we add to them the systems of healthy and rational nutrition, in general, you can get confused. Experienced nutritionists look at all this condescendingly and assure that there is nothing better than the old proven methods. For example, today it is especially popular among those losing weight.

What is Dr. Alekseev known for?

Dr. Alekseev is an honored specialist, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He has been running the “Help Yourself” program for a long time. And over all my many years of experience I have collected great amount reviews and theories. All of them allowed him to develop an optimal diet that allows you to lose weight gently, but at the same time effectively.

Why buckwheat

Buckwheat diet according to Alekseev it is considered the most the best option, because this cereal is a source of huge amounts useful substances. In addition, buckwheat saturates the human body, nourishes it and extinguishes the feeling of hunger.

Buckwheat contains the necessary folic acid, promoting organization normal process hematopoiesis, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation. This cereal also contains B vitamins, iron, and calcium. Due to this, it is buckwheat that contributes to the maximum effective strengthening immunity.

Also, the use of buckwheat helps reduce cholesterol. And all this is an excellent prevention of diseases such as atherosclerosis.

What are the main provisions of the Alekseev diet?

If you look at the rules proposed by the nutritionist, the buckwheat diet of Anatoly Efimovich Alekseev suggests complete failure from various seasonings and spices, as well as salt and sugar. Salt is traditionally considered a rather dangerous component, because... it retains water in the tissues. Because of this, swelling appears and is noted overweight. Sugar is a carbohydrate, which can also cause excessive accumulation of fats and carbohydrates in the body.

Restrictions also apply to meal times. For example, it is forbidden to eat food later than 4 hours before bedtime. This requirement must be strictly observed, because it is part of successful weight loss on this type of diet.

The duration of such a diet is no more than 2 weeks. At the same time, you can lose about 12 kg over the entire period. This measure is individual and depends on how much weight you initially had: the more it is, the more active the weight loss.

There should be no fasting - it only has a negative impact on health. In general, a nutritionist believes that you can fast only with therapeutic purpose, and at the same time following very precisely and strictly the doctor’s instructions

According to Alekseev, you should start your weight loss system by eating buckwheat and only that. Such strict rules must be followed for 3 days, then the diet is slightly varied. But there is a plus - buckwheat can be eaten as much as you like. As soon as you feel hungry, eat porridge. Of course, it must be prepared with ordinary water. And you cannot put any additives in it such as butter, milk, salt, etc.

What nuances should be taken into account

In order for buckwheat to retain its beneficial properties and help a person maintain the body in working condition, it should not be boiled, but steamed. Due to this, vitamins are not destroyed in it. To do this, just rinse the cereal in the evening, put it in a container and pour boiling water over it. It is optimal if it infuses for about 10 hours. Then excess water drain and the porridge is ready to eat.

If you think that eating “naked” buckwheat is terrible, you can diversify it with such products as:

  • - turnip;
  • - radish;
  • - greenery;
  • - sesame.
All these products perfectly complement it and themselves contribute to active weight loss.

Like any diet, buckwheat involves drinking plenty of fluids. The norm, as in other cases, is at least a couple of liters of clean still water. Absolutely any teas are allowed - from black to white. Also a great addition would be herbal infusions. Naturally, they should be unsweetened. Those who generally cannot live without this drink and do not start the morning without a cup of coffee should not immediately give it up abruptly. A nutritionist allows the consumption of such a drink, but only one small cup per day, without adding sugar, milk or cream to it.

Family doctor Alekseev speaks with great respect about the buckwheat diet, which he developed himself. After all, in his opinion, buckwheat not only allows you to cleanse the body of pollutants, but also strengthens it, having a preventive effect on all systems.

What they say about this diet

If you ask doctors their opinion about this weight loss system, you will hear quite a lot of praise. For example, they say that it is effective and does not deprive a person of the means he needs to ensure normal life. At the same time, it shows extremely good results.

Its undoubted advantage, as many note, is the fact that withstanding of this type nutrition does not lead to the development of constipation, as can happen in the case of protein diets. Also replacement different types and the type of buckwheat products do not cause the accumulation of fats or toxins in various body systems.

The TV show “Help Yourself” gathers an audience of millions on TV screens. Its host, Anatoly Alekseev, gives invaluable advice that has already helped and continues to help those who care about their health. For overweight people, Dr. Alekseev developed special diet, which will help you lose weight and improve your exhausted health overweight organism.

Anatoly Alekseev is a television journalist, presenter and director of the “Help Yourself” program, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. The basis of the program is the ideas of Dr. Alekseev that the human body is a system that cannot be disturbed in order to avoid consequences. One failure begins a chain of violations, which ultimately result in acute and chronic diseases, lethargy, lack of energy, susceptibility to stress and depression. The human body itself knows what is useful for it and what is harmful, therefore, long before the exacerbation of the disease, it signals a possible threat. Anatoly Alekseev teaches you to recognize these signals and quickly take action. Based on many years of experience of doctors and traditional healers, the academician created his own program for healing and helping the body, which is based, first of all, on folk remedies treatment.

Dr. Alekseev calls diets a temporary measure that is aimed at helping the body regain its health. A body burdened with excess weight is unhealthy, so it should be treated with diet. Alekseev strictly rejects fasting. In his opinion, you can eat absolutely any food, the main thing is to do it wisely. The diets developed by the academician are rather recommendations for a diet and loose adjustments to the diet.

Here are some of the rules that Alekseev recommends following for any diet:

  1. Don't discount the benefits of raw vegetables. When processed, fresh vegetables lose most of their beneficial properties, so eat them raw as often as possible. A variety of unprocessed vegetables in your menu is the secret of youth, beauty, strength and slimness.
  2. Include whole grains in your diet, rich in vitamins A, E, D and the entire group of B vitamins. In combination with flour and fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk), the mixture of grains turns into a special mass that will fill the body with energy and strength. Without energy, not a single task in your life will really succeed, including successful dieting.
  3. Anatoly Alekseev advises drinking at least 2.5 liters of liquid per day. By following this rule, you will ensure constant cleansing of your body and slow down the aging of body cells. This should be ordinary purified water. After all, nature has not yet come up with more healthy product for the human body, which is two-thirds liquid. Alekseev recommends melt water. Simply freeze drinking water, then defrost and drink.

The benefits of buckwheat diet according to Anatoly Alekseev

The benefits of the diet are determined by the benefits of buckwheat - the main product of Alekseev’s weight loss system.

  1. Buckwheat is rich in B vitamins and vitamin P. It contains minerals and trace elements such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, and copper.
  2. Of all cereals, buckwheat is the leader in protein content, which allows it to act as a meat substitute. But it contains less carbohydrates than other cereals. A large amount of fiber will ensure the proper functioning of the digestive system.
  3. Buckwheat helps the body cleanse itself of waste and toxins and has a positive effect on metabolic processes.
  4. IN childhood due to the content of vitamins and microelements, buckwheat is indicated for proper mental and physical development. For the elderly, this cereal is a prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  5. Buckwheat has no contraindications, which makes it a real “queen of cereals”, bringing only benefits to the human body.

How to lose weight? Buckwheat diet by Anatoly Alekseev

The duration of the diet is 2 weeks. If you are severely overweight, you can lose up to 12 kg during this period. The diet menu includes 2 main products - buckwheat and kefir with 1% fat content. You can add other foods that you learn about from the diet rules.

Rules of the buckwheat diet by Anatoly Efimovich Alekseev:

  1. The following are completely excluded from the diet: salt, seasonings, sugar, sauces. Buckwheat It is prepared only with water.
  2. To prevent the cereal from losing most of its beneficial properties, do not cook it, but pour boiling water over it overnight at a ratio of 1:2. If there is water left in the pan in the morning, it should be drained.
  3. You can eat buckwheat as much as you want. For the first 3 days of the diet, your menu will consist exclusively of buckwheat porridge. On the 4th day you can add kefir and vegetables.
  4. Drink 1% fat kefir separately from buckwheat or combine it with porridge. Daily norm- 1 liter of drink. If you have an acute feeling of hunger, you are allowed to drink a glass of kefir before bed.
  5. Eat fresh, unprocessed vegetables. Combine them with porridge or eat them separately. Alekseev especially recommends turnips, radishes, parsley and sesame for the diet.
  6. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. This can be clean drinking water, still mineral water or any kind of tea without sugar.

Buckwheat diet according to Alekseev - warnings

If from the moment you start the diet you feel weak, changes in digestion, then stop the diet.

D The diet is temporary and should only be followed if you are sick. So says Anatoly Efimovich Alekseev, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, author and host of the TV show “Help Yourself”

Dr. Alekseev is not a supporter of fasting and is convinced that you can eat anything. Especially, in his opinion, useful raw vegetables. IN Lately we began to abandon them, and this is a big mistake. After all, beets, carrots, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, that is, plant foods, contain micro- and macroelements necessary for self-regulation of the human body. Their deficiency leads to various diseases, and therefore to problematic intestines. To prevent this from happening, Alekseev suggests that we start the day with the so-called “wet salad” of raw, unpeeled vegetables.

We all know about the benefits of vegetables since childhood. They contain fiber, which cleanses the body of toxins. And those vegetables that are part of Alekseev’s “wet salad” are doubly useful. Beetroot regulates intestinal function, cleanses the blood, prevents the development cancer cells, besides, it is a good detoxifier. Celery root is a storehouse of micro- and macroelements; it removes salt from the body and has bactericidal properties. Parsley strengthens joints. Jerusalem artichoke is good for endocrine system and pancreas, it must be used for pancreatitis and diabetes. White cabbage increases the level of acidity; its juice has long been used as a medicine for gastrointestinal diseases. To be healthy, the doctor believes, it is enough to eat one or two tablespoons of “wet salad” in the morning.

Academician Alekseev divides all vegetables into three groups. The first one is basic. These are beets, Jerusalem artichokes, carrots and White cabbage. For the salad you should take them one piece at a time, for example 50 g.

The second group of vegetables necessarily includes potatoes and black radish. In addition to the “mandatory” ingredients, you can add others to the salad: celery root, zucchini, squash, Bell pepper- in a word, all the vegetables that are at hand. Vegetables from the second group are taken in half, that is, 25 g. And finally, horseradish. It cleanses the body of carcinogens. Fresh root horseradish should be taken in proportion - 1/5 part, which is 10 g. If possible, put burdock root in the salad. It perfectly tones the body without interfering with regulation blood pressure. All these vegetables must be thoroughly washed, but under no circumstances peeled, grated or minced. The result will be a very juicy (that’s why the salad is called “wet”) mass, with a sharp taste. Since there will be quite a lot of salad, divide it into pieces and freeze. IN freezer it will keep for up to five days. Before eating, the salad should be defrosted, finely chopped greens, onions and garlic into it, seasoned vegetable oil or even sour cream (but not mayonnaise), add spices and salt to taste. By the way, Anatoly Efimovich says that you can only eat rock salt, gray.

So, in the morning, eat one or two tablespoons of “wet salad” on an empty stomach (you are unlikely to be able to handle more - it has a very sharp, specific taste). Then wait two hours and feel free to eat your usual food. The salad should under no circumstances be mixed with anything, otherwise it will not have the desired effect.

What beneficial properties has "wet salad"? It contains micro- and macroelements, necessary for the body, and it tones the intestines, forcing them to work. "Wet salad" - best help with dysbacteriosis and overweight.

Academician Alekseev also advises us to introduce “kvasha” into our diet - fermented fermented milk product, which contains cereals. To prepare it, you will need four whole grains - wheat, rye, oats and barley (mixtures of four grains are suitable), a tablespoon each of buckwheat and millet flour. Whole grains contain vitamins A, E, D and the entire group of vitamins B. Buckwheat and millet flour replenish the deficiency of iron and potassium in the body. You will also need regular kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk. So, take 2/3 cup of a mixture of cereals, add a tablespoon of each type of flour, pour kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk until liquid consistency and leave overnight (8-10 hours) at room temperature. In the morning you will receive a mass reminiscent of tender cottage cheese. For taste, you can add honey, freshly squeezed pineapple or apricot juice.

Kvasha gives you strength and energy, so if you eat it for breakfast, you won’t feel hungry for almost the whole day. Anatoly Efimovich recommends that representatives of the fair sex use kvass not only to cleanse the body, but also as cosmetic product. It will make nourishing mask and a scrub for face and body. “Wet salad” and sauerkraut should be eaten more often, says Academician Alekseev. You can eat them every day or 2-3 times a week. If the intestines are disrupted, sauerkraut is eaten every day for three and a half months. The combination of “wet salad” and sauerkraut helps create natural microflora in the body. These two dishes are indispensable for salt deposits, dysbacteriosis and the appearance of fat deposits.

To slow down the aging process of the body, Academician Alekseev advises drinking at least two and a half liters of purified drinking water in a day. It is better to use “melt” water for these purposes. Pour the water from the filter into a flat bowl and place it in the freezer. When the water turns to ice, remove the cloudy white part and defrost the ice at room temperature.

Hello, "Granny"! Thank you for the award, and to the readers for their participation. I waited a long time for letters from people with advice, as the disease progressed and I was in a panic. A spot the size of a two-kopeck coin has formed next to the dropsy, with an abscess at the top, constant pain. I thought it would hurt, but it didn’t work out that way: there was a lump, swelling, my leg became like a block, swollen and turned blue right down to the knee. I applied various herbs, but nothing helped. Switched to urine, laundry soap, Rye bread with salt, solid oil, but there was no relief. I tried the Vietnamese star and there was hope for improvement. But it turned out that it only helped for two days, and then the same thing. I was desperate. What to do, will you really have to “jump” on one leg? And then the eye “caught” on the rose. Without realizing it, I walked up and started tearing the petals. Then I made a compress. In the morning the ichor began to appear. The petals helped, but again only for two days, and I’m looking again... I remembered the onion: I cut it, fried it in a dry frying pan and applied it to my leg, four fistulas opened and a slow recovery finally began. But the joy was short-lived, because... the same thing happened on my hand. In just a couple of hours, my hand turned into a donut. But I already had experience. I steamed my hand in celandine - it went away, but the next day a stain appeared on my finger. What kind of misfortune? She quickly boiled water, threw in some salt and immediately dipped her finger into the boiling water. The “coin” left a trace, like millet. But I had no confidence that a fire wouldn’t appear somewhere again and I wouldn’t get help in time. And the letters, it turns out, arrived, only the husband threw them away. And only by chance, having come home from work before him, I received letters of recommendations. Thanks to everyone who wrote! So many kind, sensible letters. But I still hesitated and waited for something. And she waited. Lyubov Ivanovna Lenivenko wrote to me and invited me to the “Help Yourself” group. I met with her, and she told me that she had been sick for 7 years and used everything existing methods, lost 20 kg, but no results. And then by chance she came across the family doctor, the program was on cable television. This is Anatoly Efimovich Alekseev - Academician of the European Academy natural sciences, member of the academic council, Knight of the Order Big stars with a crown. Lyubov Ivanovna seized on his method, and the results are amazing! Having been a bedridden patient for 2.5 years, after 2 months she gave up crutches, and after another 2 months said goodbye to the cane. This fragile, courageous woman, a former teacher ballroom dancing, not only cured herself, but also created a group (for free) to treat patients with the most various diseases: hypertensive patients, diabetics, joint patients, cancer patients, skin patients, etc., you can’t list them all. In addition to these activities, Lyubov Ivanovna is interested in wood crafts and macrame. And what amazing cards he makes! Any designer would be jealous. She records Anatoly Efimovich’s classes on cassettes and brings them to our group. If anyone has questions, they are asked them live. Of course, there are problems, since they don’t always turn on the program at 10.40; sometimes they broadcast it at 2.40. So Lyubov Ivanovna has to watch all night long, just to bring to us the living word of Alekseev from Moscow. What is the program? The first condition is good job Gastrointestinal tract. The second condition is the timely removal of waste, toxins, and waste products in general from the body. The third condition is a normally functioning energetic and rhythmic vascular system, venous and arterial. The fourth condition is the purity of body fluids, purity of lymph, blood, intercellular fluids. After all human body- not just a set of organs and systems, but a single holistic system in which everything is interconnected: body, thoughts, soul, and way of life. If one thing hurts, this is an indicator of the ill health of the whole organism as a whole, an indicator of isolation from nature and its laws. Therefore, we must create conditions under which the body itself realizes its own capabilities to restore health. He himself will stop the development of the disease by launching the natural reactive-restorative mechanisms inherent in him by nature. And it will not only stop the development of the disease, but also restore health. What needs to be done to reverse the disease? Where to begin? From the water! From drinking pure structured water. This can be melt water infused with silicon or ordinary water, passed through a water purifying filter based on a track membrane. Drink it not boiled, not heated, at room temperature, 3-5 sips at intervals of 1-2 minutes every 20-30 minutes, 2-2.5 liters per day. With this method of drinking, water very quickly passes into the intestines and disperses throughout the body, creating a “dropper” effect. Intestinal cleansing is enhanced, acid-base balance is restored in departments gastrointestinal tract, blood viscosity decreases, blood flow and blood supply improves and deslagation of the body begins, liver cells begin to work, the pancreas and endocrine system glands are cleansed, internal edema goes away, stones in organs begin to fall apart. It is necessary to change the nature of nutrition, i.e. reduce food consumption, giving up meat, milk, margarines, sour cream, canned foods, spicy, fried, fatty foods; introduce into the diet any fermented milk products, but not “bio”, lightly salted fish, fatty sea fish, as well as caviar of any fish, soft varieties of cheese, one egg per week, boiled in a bag. Vegetable soups made from legumes, when the soup is not digested, but is brought to a boil, boiled for 1-2 minutes, then wrapped and infused. Vegetable stew, baked, bread made only from wholemeal flour (rye). Any grain porridge, especially whole grain. They are simple to prepare, but their nutritional value cannot be overestimated. Natural, whole grain flakes are the base for sauerkraut. Kvasha - fermented cereals - is very simple to prepare. For 0.5 liters of kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt, add 4 tbsp. with a heap of cereal mixture. Stir well. Leave on the table, covered with a towel, for 6-8 hours. Add 1 tbsp here. dill, parsley, garlic clove or 1 tsp. honey Due to organic acids, squash stimulates the secretion of food juices, normalizes acidity in the large intestine, helps get rid of dysbiosis, improves absorption processes, improves metabolic processes, helping to preserve the liver, and heals the musculoskeletal system. Wet salads are finely pureed raw vegetables, a storehouse of enzymes, organic acids, vitamins and, most importantly, they contain the entire spectrum of micro- and macroelements, without which life cannot be healthy body. This salad is important because it carries a huge number of living plant fibers, and this the best sorbent, a purifier, a cleaner invented by life itself. It binds and removes from the body only what interferes with living and being healthy. Wet salad promotes the formation feces, tones the intestines, prevents constipation. This is a physiological brush that cleanses the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Better nutrition for the body and specifically for the endocrine system is difficult to find. The next step to recovery is a course of warm ascending water-salt baths. They are carried out easily, without injuring the body, without causing any stressful situations, but help relieve accumulated post-stress tensions and release the autonomic and central nervous systems. A little more than half of the water at a temperature of 37° is poured into the bath and sea salt is dissolved (the package is divided into 4 baths) without any additives or ordinary stone salt (500 g with the addition of 3-5 drops of iodine). Lie down in the bath and start adding to it hot water, but not sharply, so that the water temperature slowly rises to 39°. After 15-20 minutes, get out of the bath, pat yourself dry with a towel, wrap yourself in a sheet and go to bed. These are not hot baths, but it must be remembered that the appearance of perspiration on the forehead is a signal of the effectiveness of the procedure. During the bath, body temperature rises, all processes associated with general metabolism are activated. Not only does the body cleanse, but, due to the well-known properties of the skin as an organ, it additionally saturates the body with healing substances, micro- and macroelements. These baths feed the body through the skin. By supporting the immunological base of health, it allows the body to only allow those minerals it needs. Water-salt baths are carried out two days later on the third in the amount of 8-10 procedures. Between baths it is advisable to cold and hot shower, beginning with cold water and ending the procedure with the same. Cold shower - 1 minute, hot shower - 1.5-2 minutes, total time procedures - 8-10 minutes. This is how the body begins to strengthen itself, train, repair its security system, while simultaneously recycling and destroying what prevents it from living. During water-salt baths, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the liver and pancreas. Before the procedure, you need to drink a glass of tea from the herb Solyanka Kholmovoy with the addition of stevia herb. This program also includes emergency cleansing of the body using magnesium salt - magnesium sulfate. This procedure, as it were, combines all the cleansing moments, perfectly cleanses the blood, carries away accumulated waste, toxins, and protein breakdown products with water into the tract cavity and out. This program is designed for 3.5 months. I started it on June 30, 2004, and finished it on October 17 of the same year. But it started on the waxing moon, but it should have been on the waning one. I knew about this, but forgot... At first there was no filter, so I drank water from the tap. When I bought it, I didn’t always manage to drink it structured water, since its effect lasts 3 hours, and then the properties are lost. I also couldn’t drink 2-2.5 liters a day, because... I drink very little liquid. But still, my stool returned to normal, my sleep improved, my gums stopped bleeding, the pain went away on its own, I didn’t even notice how lightness and fatigue appeared, and this at the age of 60! I became a different person. Thank you, “Grandmother”, thank you to Anatoly Efimovich for his program, thank you to Lyubov Ivanovna for getting healthier and making people healthier. Soon I will repeat the program, eliminating all the mistakes that were there, but the first pancake is always lumpy.

Lately they've been dating different techniques cleansing the body. Each person, before choosing the optimal course of action for himself, must ensure good health and learn the basic principles of removing waste and toxins.

Being one of the most popular these days.

Every person must remember: the body is a self-regulating system, therefore it is possible to detect the threat of disease development and take protective measures.

Regular intake of vitamins, micro-, macroelements with nutrition allows you to launch metabolic processes for self-healing. Special cells are responsible for the sustainable functionality of cells, organs and systems.

Water is the basis of life

What is required to maintain the ideal state of the body

  1. Gastrointestinal the path should work correctly and fully.
  2. Toxins and waste must be removed from the body in a timely manner.
  3. Mandatory correct functioning vascular system person. Microvessels and capillaries play a particularly important role. If the vascular and capillary systems are in good condition, the organs and brain will receive optimal volume nutrients and oxygen. The blood must be fluid, free from waste and toxic substances.
  4. IN mandatory It is necessary to keep not only the blood clean, but also the lymph, intercellular fluids.

Note: in most cases, diseases develop under the influence of an imbalance in the nutritional and excretory systems. All liquids serve to cleanse toxins and waste.

Taking into account the basic rules of cleansing the body and the characteristics of life, it is possible to choose the most suitable scheme for improving health.

How to cleanse

If you follow the method Alekseev Anatoly Efimovich, cleansing the body will only be successful if you carefully review your intake clean water, which is natural or infused with silicon, zeolites, shungite (up to 2 hours). Anatoly Efimovich prepares water using a purification filter created using a track membrane.

At the same time, it is necessary not only to properly purify the water, but also to know the consumption standards. If you want to find out the exact norm for yourself, it is recommended to use a special scheme.

  1. Weight 10 – 20 kilograms – 0.5 liters per day.
  2. 20 – 30 kilograms – 1 – 1.5 liters.
  3. 30 – 40 kilograms – 1.5 – 2 liters.
  4. 40 -60 kilograms – 2 – 2.5 liters.
  5. From 60 kilograms – 2.5 – 3 liters.

It should be understood that the optimal volume increases for active people, drivers and during the hot season.

It is advisable to drink water in small sips. In this case, the prevention of edema and the successful passage of water through the intestines is guaranteed. If you have heart or kidney problems, it is best to temporarily avoid salt, which can retain fluid in the body.

Water deficiency in the body

Following the above scheme, All metabolic processes in the body begin to restructure, the performance of the gastrointestinal tract improves, the acid-base balance is normalized.

For success, it is recommended to first cleanse the intestines, get rid of putrefactive microflora. To do this, it is recommended to use magnesium salt - magnesium sulfate using a special technique. Alekseev Anatoly Efimovich suggests cleansing the body, based on a step-by-step, integrated approach, as a result of which the achieved results are preserved for a long time.

It is important from time to time to undergo a procedure for cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins.

On the first day you need to drink a glass of clean water and skip breakfast. Dissolve twenty grams of magnesium salts in water. In the morning, drink the solution, then drink a glass of unsalted water every 15 minutes for an hour. The body then tries to get rid of salt, and at the same time the blood is cleansed of toxins and other toxic products. The exit becomes the intestines.

After three hours the procedure must be repeated, and eating is prohibited, and an exception is made only for diabetics who can eat a slice of bread. Please note that magnesium sulfate leads to a decrease in blood pressure, therefore hypotensive patients should drink 30-40 drops with water 30 minutes before the procedure Chinese lemongrass, golden root or eleutherococcus.

Two hours after the second procedure you need to take “ Polifit-M" It is recommended to take a teaspoon of Polyfit-M and a tablespoon of water.

After two hours, you can eat kvass or drink juice. According to the method of Anatoly Efimovich Alekseev, the body is cleansed using drinks prepared on the basis of adjusted proportions.

  1. Juice of one lemon, grapefruit, orange.
  2. Plum and apple juice (75 grams each), cherry juice - 50 grams.
  3. 50 grams of beet and carrot juice, 100 grams of clean, but not boiled water.

Lemon juice

30 minutes before bedtime you are allowed to eat kvass again.

In addition, you must prepare two liters of a drink made from water and citrus fruit juice. Remember that the mixture must be prepared regularly for seven days. The drink includes four hundred grams of orange and grapefruit juice, two hundred grams lemon juice, liter of clean water. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, use 400 grams of apple and plum juice, 200 grams of cherry juice.

On the second and third days, you need to slowly drink the prepared fruit mixture. In the morning and evening, drink a teaspoon of Polyfit-M.

On days 4–7, cleanse using sorbents once a day before bed. However, you should take one and a half doses of the daily dose. Drink sorbents generously to ensure there are no problems with stool. If stool retention occurs, microenemas are recommended.

Alekseev Anatoly Efimovich invented cleansing the body, which involves not only going through the above-described scheme, but also proper nutrition.

How to eat

Alekseev is confident that healthy people need fresh vegetables that contain useful components for self-regulation of the body. Otherwise, the person suffers from various diseases and intestinal disorders.

In the morning, it is advisable to eat a salad that includes vegetables rich in microelements and contributes to effective cleansing from slags. So what products are recommended?

  1. Beet, known as an intestinal stimulant, a source of blood purification.
  2. Parsley which allows you to strengthen your joints.
  3. Celery. The advantage is its bactericidal properties and the ability to get rid of salts in the body.
  4. Jerusalem artichoke recommended for strengthening the endocrine system.
  5. White cabbage stimulates the digestion of food and improves health in housing and communal diseases.

It is enough to eat only two spoons of salad before breakfast. For maximum results, you need to use additional vegetables to create a complete salad.

Note: white cabbage, beets, carrots and Jerusalem artichoke are basic vegetables, so they should be included in equal proportions (for example, 50 grams). The second group is represented by black radish and potatoes, which must be included in a volume of 25 grams. To cleanse the body of carcinogens, you need to add 10 grams of lettuce to the salad.

Vegetables need to be washed, but they should not be peeled. You can grate the vegetables or process them in a meat grinder.

For taste, you can add herbs, onions, garlic, vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream.

In each case, breakfast plays the most important role for a person, because it is he who starts metabolic processes and guarantees the preservation good condition health.

Alekseev Anatoly Efimovich offers cleansing of the body using a unique method, which is recommended for every person trying to be active and healthy.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!
Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (12/16/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (12/16/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (09.12.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (09.12.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (02.12.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (12/02/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (11.25.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (11/25/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (11/18/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (11/18/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (11/11/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (11/11/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (04.11.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (04.11.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (10/28/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (28.10.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (21.10.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (21.10.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (10/14/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (10/14/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (10/07/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (10/07/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (09.23.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (09.23.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (September 16, 2017, Part 1). Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (September 16, 2017, Part 1). Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (09.09.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (09.09.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (02. 09.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (02.09.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alexeev answers the questions of viewers (July 22, 2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alexeev answers the questions of viewers (July 22, 2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (07/15/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (07/15/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (07/08/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (07/08/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alexeev answers the questions of viewers (06/24/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alexeev answers the questions of viewers (06/24/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (06/17/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (06/17/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (10.06.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (10.06.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (06/03/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (06/03/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alexeev answers the questions of viewers (05.27.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alexeev answers the questions of viewers (05.27.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (05.20.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (05/20/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (05/13/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (05/13/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (06/05/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (06/05/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (04/29/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (04/29/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (04/22/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (04/22/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (15. 04.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (04/15/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (04/08/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (04/08/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (04/01/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (04/01/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (March 25, 2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (March 25, 2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (March 18, 2017, Part 1). Health Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (March 18, 2017, Part 2). Health Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (March 11, 2017, Part 1). Health Anatoly Alekseev answers the questions of viewers (March 11, 2017, Part 2). Health Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (04/03/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (04/03/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness Program “Help yourself” (25.2.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness Program “Help yourself” (25.2.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (18.2.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (18.2.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (04/02/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (04/02/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (28.1.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (28.1.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (21.1.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (21.1.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness Program “Help yourself” (14.1.2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness Program “Help yourself” (14.1.2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness Program “Help yourself” (01/07/2017, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness Program “Help yourself” (01/07/2017, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (December 31, 2016, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Wellness program “Help yourself” (31. 12.2016, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (12.24.2016, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (12.24.2016, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (12/17/2016, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (12/17/2016, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers viewers questions (12/10/2016, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers viewers questions (12/10/2016, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers viewers questions (12.3.2016, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers viewers questions (12.3.2016, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (11.26.2016, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (11.26.2016, Part 2). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (11.19.2016, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (11.19.2016, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (12/11/2016, Part 1). Health. Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev answers questions viewers (12/11/2016, Part 2). Health. Family doctor

Wellness program Video

Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and EAEN - Alekseev Anatoly Efimovich - author and host of the TV program Help Yourself. Today, there are no analogues of the Help Yourself program on television.

Alekseev’s health program “The Path to Yourself” was created based on the results many years of experience, which was created along the way in alliance with the most interesting healers, medical professionals and those who used the proposed techniques and methods for their recovery.

You yourself know what came of it... this is the million-strong audience of television viewers of the “Help Yourself” program.

The well-known old truth says: “The disease will be defeated if the patient and the doctor unite. There is no separate disease of the heart, joints, lungs or liver... There is a sick body. And human ignorance is to blame for this disease.”

Even the most talented doctor cannot restore a person’s lost health if that person does not help the doctor in any way. If the person himself does not understand that the doctor only helps the person regain his health. It doesn’t heal, it helps... And nothing else!

The “Path to Yourself” program is a whole harmonious system, a program for physiological cleansing of the body, rehabilitation and restoration of health.

Recording of the live broadcast from 05/28/2016

Anatoly Alekseev answers questions from viewers (11/19/2016, Part 1). Health. Family doctor

Family doctor Alekseev A.E. has developed a special program to help improve the health of the body and significantly improve the quality of life. His technique has helped many people improve their health and prevent relapses of the disease.

Reasons for creating the method

Family doctor Anatoly Efimovich Alekseev – member Russian Academy natural sciences, author and host of the popular television program “Help Yourself.” In addition, he is the creator unique way healing of the body, presented in the form of a special program.

Alekseev suffered a serious kidney disease and required surgery. This forced him to look for unconventional ways to solve the problem. He took a course with Dr. Hasan Mukhamedovich Aliyev, who became famous thanks to the methodology he developed for controlled self-regulation. After this, there was no need for kidney surgery.

Finding the right solution

After feeling better, family doctor Alekseev began to look for ways, methods, techniques that could help improve his health. As the main idea, he accepted I. P. Pavlov’s statement that the body is a self-regulating system, and the fact that the work of any mechanism is based on the interconnection of all processes occurring in it. This allowed him to come to the conclusion that eliminating a symptom and treating one specific body- incorrect. The main goal should be to restore the proper functioning of the entire body.

As a result of his research, Alekseev developed special program who can help to an ordinary person to improve his health in his usual conditions. It can be used by almost all people, including those who have had serious illnesses(stroke, heart attack, oncology followed by a course of chemotherapy). The program is aimed at preventing the creation of conditions conducive to the resumption of pathological process. It also helps to avoid recurrence of previous diseases.

Alekseev developed his methodology over 15 years, analyzed, selected the most suitable areas, and paid attention to the advantages and disadvantages of each. The work of immunologist B.B. Pershin made a particular impression on his developments. He managed to achieve the improvement of 4,000 workers of the Oskol plant with the help of only 3 components: active zinc, eleutherococcus and a vitamin complex, with mandatory adherence to the drinking regime. As a result, a special program was developed.

Basics of the Alekseev program

Its main principle is the launch of the body’s self-regulation mechanisms, which is possible after passing through the following stages:

When conducting this course, special attention should be paid to periods of exacerbation that every person must go through.

The role of water in the system

Family doctor Alekseev considers the first step towards recovery to be drinking a certain amount of water to restore balance in the body. Within a couple of weeks, changes will be noticeable: the condition of the skin will change for the better, the functioning of the intestines and lungs will improve, and it is even possible to lose weight, since toxins and salts are removed from the body. The blood also thins out and becomes more fluid, which improves blood supply to all organs.

Water must be of a certain quality. Any liquid will not work. It is unacceptable to take distilled, boiled and bottled water. The most best water– thawed or passed through a purification filter operating on the principle of a cell membrane. If it is not possible to obtain one, it is permissible to use ordinary tap water, which must first be allowed to settle from chloride compounds. After this, it should be heated to a temperature just above 40 degrees Celsius, but not brought to a boil.

Drinking regime

The amount of water you drink per day depends on your body weight. For an adult, the usual amount is 2–2.5 liters.

If a person previously consumed little liquid, he should not drink such a large amount of water from the first day. You need to start gradually, preferably with 2-3 glasses a day. It is recommended to drink in small sips throughout the day. You can add an additional glass every day, gradually bringing it to the required norm:

  • with a body weight of 10–20 kg – 0.5 liters;
  • 20–30 kg – 1–1.5 l;
  • 30–40 kg – 1.5–2 l;
  • 40–60 kg – 2–2.5 l;
  • over 60 – 2.5–3 l.

Fasting on squash according to family doctor Alekseev

Kvasha is a mixture of flakes of four different cereals, doused with kefir, with the addition of fresh herbs and honey. This product has invaluable benefits because it contains a complex of valuable elements and vitamins.

Kvasha is almost completely absorbed by the body, stimulates the secretion of food juices, regulates acidity, eliminates dysbacteriosis and helps restore the gastrointestinal mucosa.

To prepare kvasha you need to take 2-3 tbsp. spoons of various cereals, the cooking time of which should be more than 3 minutes. You can add a teaspoon of ground buckwheat and millet, the same amount of honey, finely chopped parsley and dill. Pour all this with kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk, stir thoroughly. Prepare sauerkraut better evening, leaving overnight at room temperature and covering with a clean napkin. In the morning it will be ready to eat.

Principles of healthy eating

One of the main organs human body Family doctor Anatoly Alekseev counts the intestines. The functioning of the body as a whole depends on it. If it does not work well enough, the digestion process does not occur correctly. As a result, the absorption of useful substances and necessary biological compounds is disrupted: enzymes, proteins, carbohydrates, all kinds of acids, alkalis, etc. In this case, changes begin in the body and hence symptoms arise that seem to have nothing to do with the gastrointestinal tract. From insufficient supply of useful substances they begin dystrophic changes, which even influence bone structure. That is why Alekseev recommends, first of all, establishing proper nutrition.

The basis of a healthy diet, according to the academician, should be vegetables, and it is better not to peel them, but simply rinse them well. This is due to the fact that the peel contains many useful substances. Often their quantity is much higher than in the root vegetable itself. Cooking vegetables should also be gentle. It is recommended to grate them or pass them through a meat grinder.

The best basis for your daily diet

According to family doctor Alekseev, the following vegetables are the most useful:

  1. Beet. It perfectly stimulates the intestines and is a source of blood purification.
  2. White cabbage. Has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improving its condition during various diseases, stimulates the process of food digestion.
  3. Jerusalem artichoke. Positively affects the endocrine system.
  4. Parsley. Helps strengthen joints.
  5. Celery. It has strong bactericidal properties and helps remove salts from the body.

It is enough to prepare a salad from these ingredients and eat it for breakfast, seasoned with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream. This will ensure the launch of metabolic processes, and in the future guarantees the preservation of health.

Family doctor Alekseev about the buckwheat diet

For quick and safe weight loss, the academician recommends using buckwheat. It contains a large amount of useful substances, saturates well and helps to improve the health of the body. Also, as a result of the fact that this diet cleanses the body of toxins and waste, digestion improves, as well as the condition of hair, skin and nails.

The buckwheat diet from Anatoly Efimovich Alekseev must be followed for two weeks, during which you can lose up to 12 extra kg. The basic rules for this type of weight loss are as follows:

  • buckwheat porridge must be boiled in water and consumed without adding salt, sugar, or spices;
  • During the day you can eat as much as you like, but 4 hours before bedtime, do not eat anything, you are only allowed to drink a glass of kefir;
  • You must consume at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • in addition to buckwheat, you are allowed to drink up to 1 liter of low-fat kefir;
  • by the end of the first week, you can additionally introduce apples, vegetables, dried fruits and honey into the diet in reasonable quantities.

There are many rave reviews about family doctor Anatoly Alekseev. Health is a priceless gift that must be preserved. The academician’s method has helped many people return to a full life.
