I want to write the feeling but I can’t. Painful urination: possible diseases, methods of treatment and prevention

For healthy person The normal frequency of urination is one to eight times a day. If you feel the need to do this more often, or wake up in the middle of the night to relieve yourself, you need to think about problems with urination.

An exception can be made for elderly people. For them this is considered the norm.

This article describes the causes of frequent urination, as well as the treatment and prevention of various diseases associated with it.

If you constantly want to write, the reasons for this feeling are quite extensive. Often these sensations indicate the onset of a disease. Moreover, such symptoms can appear in men and women. They can suffer from the same or completely different diseases.

Get rid of it unpleasant condition Can. To do this, you need to determine the reasons for its occurrence. Only a doctor can do this. He will schedule special research, which allow you to choose the right treatment. You can, of course, try to treat yourself, but you don’t know what this will lead to.

Let's list the main reasons why you constantly want to write:

  • taking diuretics;
  • eating foods that contain substances that promote urination. Such products include some fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • infection of the urinary organs;
  • development of diabetes mellitus;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • , which is associated with defeat nervous system;
  • inflammation prostate gland(occurs only in men);
  • inflammation of the reproductive organs in women;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms in the bladder can act as irritants to its walls;
  • urolithiasis disease. also act irritatingly on its walls;
  • hyperactive syndrome Bladder(often abbreviated).

All inflammatory diseases are caused by opportunistic microflora of the reproductive system or pathogenic microorganisms. Under the influence of certain factors, their number increases, which causes health problems.

Smoking and others bad habits– common causes of bladder inflammation

Factors leading to development inflammatory process, are:

  • bad habits;
  • hypothermia;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic diseases.

In men

The phenomenon that a man constantly wants to write is quite common.

The feeling that you constantly want to write may arise for the following reasons:

  • the presence of infections (you want to pee often, even after the bladder has completely emptied);
  • diabetes;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Only a qualified specialist can diagnose such diseases. Since the symptoms of all diseases are similar, it is necessary to undergo a complete medical examinations to determine the exact cause. It is necessary to take blood and urine tests.

As men age, they visit the toilet more often for minor needs. They have night urges. Male body in old age he begins to work differently. It processes fluid in its sleep. However, if a man wants to pee more than twice during the night, he should think about it and pay close attention to this problem.

Among women

Women are just as susceptible to urinary problems as men. If there is a feeling that you constantly want to pee, in women without pain or with it, the cause is often all kinds of infectious diseases of the reproductive system.

In urology, there are a number of reasons why women constantly want to write:

  • bladder prolapse;
  • reactive arthritis;
  • presence or ;
  • neoplasms in the urinary tract or bladder.
You should immediately consult a doctor if problems with frequent visits to the toilet worsen during menstruation.

During pregnancy

The female body has several features that are directly related to the possibility of having children.

During pregnancy, changes occur that affect everything. internal organs, including the urinary system.

If you constantly want to pee during pregnancy, this is considered normal condition pregnant woman.

Although if they are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, this may indicate some violations. After childbirth, all processes return to normal and urination is restored.

Symptoms to watch out for

Only a doctor can make a specific diagnosis. Before this he will conduct diagnostic measures. In addition to the constant desire to pee, there are also certain associated symptoms, which can serve as a warning about problems with internal organs.

If you constantly feel like you want to write, you should definitely be wary in the following cases:

  • present;
  • the presence of false urges;
  • itching in the genital area;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • increased body temperature;
  • presence of blood and

Pain in the lower abdomen

The appearance of urine can also tell a lot. If blood is present, consult a doctor immediately. This symptom indicates serious problems.


What to do if you constantly want to write? High-quality treatment is provided only by professionals. Both private and public medical institutions there are such specialists - .

They diagnose the disease, prescribe effective treatment, will carry out the complex rehabilitation activities. Without preliminary diagnosis, it is impossible to select effective treatment or prescribe medications.

Inflammatory processes in mandatory require the use of antibiotics, which are prescribed by a doctor. After taking them, medications are prescribed that normalize the microflora in the body.

Doctors may also prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce body temperature, have an analgesic effect and eliminate inflammation. WITH painful sensations Antispasmodics (Papaverine or) will help cope.

Painkiller tablets Papaverine

At urolithiasis applies . It is carried out using surgical intervention, ultrasound or medications.

When benign neoplasms used in the bladder conservative treatment(taking medications), but this method is ineffective and leads to relapses. Only patients who have contraindications to surgery are treated this way.

The surgical method has shown the best results in the treatment of tumors.

Sometimes not only the tumor, but also part of the organ is removed.

If the tumor is malignant, then an additional course of radiation and chemotherapy is prescribed. This will help prevent relapses and the occurrence of metastases.

At self-determination The reasons for the occurrence of frequent urges need to be analyzed, what intake medicines was produced in Lately. You need to look at the instructions for use to see if they have a diuretic effect.

It is worth paying attention to foods in your diet that may also have a diuretic effect. After such an analysis, excluding the above factors, you need to pay attention to whether the urges are real or false.


As preventive measures aimed at preventing diseases of the genitourinary system, you must adhere to the following recommendations and rules:

  • drink more clean water;
  • exclude harmful foods from the diet;
  • toilet the genitals every day;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits;
  • refuse to visit suspicious bathhouses, swimming pools and other similar establishments;
  • carry out periodically comprehensive examination body.

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Causes frequent urination among women:

It is important to remember that you can get rid of frequent urination only after eliminating the causes of the disease. As a result self-treatment folk remedies or inadequate therapy in case of inflammatory diseases Urinary incontinence or persistent muscular hypotonicity of the bladder may develop.

If you need to take a urine test, have a fear of urinating in public, or simply have trouble emptying your bladder, you may need to force yourself to pee. If you are afraid of urinating in public, certain foods that stimulate urination may help. psychological help. However, under certain circumstances that involve bladder pain, you may need professional medical help.


Stimulation of urination

    Lean forward. Sit down and lean forward to apply pressure to abdominal muscles(similar to what happens during defecation). Tight muscles will, in turn, put pressure on the bladder.

    Press on bottom part belly. Leaning forward, place your hands on your lower abdomen and apply gentle pressure. Do not press directly on the bladder, so as not to provoke the flow of urine back to the kidneys.

    Tap your stomach with your fingers at the level of the bladder. Quickly tap your belly below your navel with your fingers. Tap slightly faster than once per second for 30 seconds. If necessary, look for the most sensitive point and continue patting until urination begins.

    Stimulate the thighs or genital area. Stroking inside hips or twitching pubic hair may stimulate the nerves that control the bladder.

    Get rid of constipation. If you are constipated, this can put pressure on your bladder and urethra, preventing you from urinating. Add fiber-containing foods to your diet and exercise more physical exercise, and if the problem persists, consult a doctor.

    • Try not to resist the urge to defecate, as this can make constipation worse.

Overcoming the Fear of Urinating in Public

  1. Practice progressive muscle relaxation. Many people have problems urinating in in public places. If you also have a fear of urinating in public, relaxation will help you calm down and pee in a public restroom.

    Find a way to distract yourself from anxious thoughts. As with the relaxation method, try to occupy your mind with something else without thinking about urination - this will make the process much easier. When planning to use a public restroom, take your mind off of it.

    Hold your breath. At the same time, the concentration in your blood will increase carbon dioxide which will help reduce overall stress.

    See a psychotherapist. If having to use a public restroom often causes you anxiety and inconvenience at work and other places, you may want to seek the services of a therapist.

Health care

    Make an appointment with your doctor. If you begin to experience noticeable problems with urination, you should visit your doctor to find out if the problems are caused by a medical condition.

    If necessary, surgery may be recommended. If you are unable to empty your bladder, you may need immediate medical attention. Go to an emergency room medical care in the event that you are experiencing following symptoms:

    Try medication. For the treatment of disorders urinary system many are used various drugs. Ask your doctor to recommend medications that are appropriate for your case.

  1. Let your doctor determine the source of your problems. If you constantly have difficulty urinating, this is usually the result of a medical condition. Your doctor will do a test, including a urine test, to make sure your urinary tract is functioning normally and that there is no infection.

    • In men, the problem is often associated with an enlarged prostate gland, which leads to frequent and painful urination. Medical checkup will allow you to detect this. Risk factors include age: the older you are, the more likely you are to have problems going to the toilet.
    • If you have had infections urinary tract, this can also cause difficulty urinating. Perhaps, after an infectious disease, a narrowing occurred urethra or fistulas have formed.
    • Limited mobility is another risk factor.
    • Neurological diseases also lead to urinary retention and urinary problems. These include problems with the central nervous system or spine, stroke, and cognitive impairment.
    • In addition, problems with urination may be the result of diabetes, apnea, depression or constipation.
  • If you frequently have difficulty urinating, it may be worth keeping a journal to help track the problem. Every day, record how often you go to the bathroom and how much urine you produce. Also pay attention to how many times a day you pee, if at all.


  • If you are unable to write at all (this is called urinary retention), you should seek emergency medical attention. Emergency medical personnel will insert a catheter to clear the fluid in your bladder, after which you will need to undergo tests to determine the cause of the problem and determine the necessary course of treatment.

Acute urinary retention is a pathology in which a person cannot urinate, although there is urine in the bladder. It is often full and distended with urine. This situation arises suddenly. This condition is also called ischuria. Sometimes confused with anuria. But anuria is a pathology in which a person cannot pee due to the fact that urine is simply not excreted by the kidneys and there is no urine in the bladder.


A person cannot urinate, but the urge is present. Due to this, the bladder becomes overfilled and overstretched and sharp pains V suprapubic region, which radiate to the perineum and rectum. Sometimes the pain can become spastic. At general examination The abdomen is determined by a visible protrusion in the lower abdomen in the suprapubic region. On palpation of the abdomen, a dense, enlarged bladder is determined; discomfort when you feel it.

Sometimes urine may be released, but only a little at a time, a few drops at a time. This does not make the person's condition easier. This condition called paradoxical ischuria.


  1. Mechanical – conditions in which there is a disruption in the flow of urine from the urinary tract. For example, prostate adenoma, trauma, stricture, urethral stone, neoplasm of the urethra and rectum.
  2. Causes associated with diseases of the nervous system - demyelinating diseases, neoplasms of the brain and spinal cord.
  3. Causes associated with reflex disorder - that is, in postoperative period, after psycho-emotional stress, with alcohol intoxication, in bedridden patients.

Most common cause reflex ischuria is alcohol intoxication. In this case, swelling of the prostate occurs, which clogs the prostatic part of the urethra.

  1. Impaired urine output due to chronic ischuria. Chronic urinary retention - a person can urinate on his own, but after urination, some amount of urine remains in the urinary tract. This is checked by catheterization after urination. Prostate adenoma often causes this situation.
  2. Causes associated with overdose of certain medications, such as sleeping pills, narcotic analgesics.

Of all the causes, acute urinary retention in men is most often caused by a disease such as adenoma.

Acute urinary retention in women is most often associated with a tumor of the uterus, or trauma to the urethra or kidney stones.

The child may also have problems with urine output. In a child, this pathology occurs after a long period of patience and the inability to go to the toilet on time. After this, reflex ischuria occurs. Also, in a child, urinary disorders may occur due to abnormalities of the urethra. The symptoms of this pathology in children appear the same as in adults.

In pregnant women, urinary disorders also occur. The symptoms are the same as in adults and children. The reason is psycho-emotional stress after childbirth.

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Diagnosis of acute urinary retention

The doctor begins diagnostic measures by interviewing the patient, who complains of the inability to have a bowel movement, pain in the suprapubic region, which radiates to the perineum and rectum. Next, you need to find out whether the person previously had such symptoms and what caused them, what therapeutic measures were carried out to relieve the condition. You also need to determine whether the person has diseases that could provoke urinary disorders (prostate diseases in men, diseases of the uterus in women, diseases of the kidneys, ureters, urethra). Or there were some other reasons with which the patient associates ischuria (taking alcohol, medications, psycho-emotional stress).

Then the doctor begins to conduct an examination - upon palpation, a dense, enlarged bladder is determined. If this is not the case, most likely it is not ischuria, but anuria.

Laboratory diagnostics: — general analysis blood: characterized by leukocytosis, accelerated ESR.

  • : signs of inflammation - leukocyturia, erythrocyturia.
  • biochemical blood test: increased levels of creatinine, urea.
  • determination of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) for men: an increase in its level indicates a disease of the prostate gland - either prostate adenoma or prostatitis.
  • Ultrasound examination of the urinary system: displays the size and condition of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder.
  • Ultrasound examination of the prostate for men: displays the structure and size of the prostate gland.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs for women: to obtain information about the size and condition of the uterus.

Treatment of acute urinary retention

Once the doctor has determined that the patient’s symptoms indicate a urinary disorder, it is necessary to begin therapeutic measures. Since ishuria is acute condition and can cause ruptures of the bladder and urinary tract, treatment must be started immediately. There are several ways to make the symptoms of ischuria disappear:

  • Inserting a catheter into the bladder. There are two types of catheters: rubber and iron. Iron catheters should be installed exclusively by urologists, but disposable rubber catheters can be installed by any doctor or nurse. The main thing is that all the rules for inserting a catheter into the bladder are followed. Since it is possible to make a hole and a false passage in the urinary tract. BPH requires more careful and careful insertion of the catheter into the bladder, as it narrows the lumen of the prostatic part of the urinary tract and prevents the passage of the catheter. A child's catheter should be smaller than an adult's. After inserting a catheter into the bladder, antibacterial drugs are prescribed to prevent possible complications– urinary tract infections. Complications such as injuries to the urinary tract mucosa are also possible. Rubber catheters are either disposable or long-lasting. That is, some catheters can be installed for several days, and sometimes even a week.
  • The second method is capillary puncture. It is performed when it is impossible to insert a catheter. This technique involves a puncture of the bladder above the pubic-pubic joint. This technique has more dangerous complications than catheterization. For example, urine leakage into the abdominal cavity and the development of infection in abdominal cavity, and then the development of sepsis. After this manipulation, an appointment is necessary antibacterial drugs wide range actions.
  • The third method is epicystostomy. This technique is based on draining the bladder and installing rubber drains for urine outflow.
  • In case of reflex urinary disorders (after operations, childbirth), you can try to stimulate urination with noise open water, or by lowering the external genitalia into warm water to relieve spasm of the smooth muscle cells of the urethra. You can also enter antispasmodics intramuscularly (for example, prozerin, no-shpa) to relax the smooth muscle cells of the urethra. If these measures do not help, it is necessary to insert a catheter into the bladder.
  • Also, some studies recommend the use of drugs from the alpha-adrenergic receptor group when placing a catheter in the urethra. These drugs improve the flow of urine.

Thus, acute urinary retention is threatening condition for human life. If this happens, you must immediately contact a specialist doctor to eliminate this situation, and then determine the reasons that caused ischuria.

To do this you need to pass some lab tests, go through what is recommended by your doctor instrumental examinations. If the disturbance in urine output was a reflex, it is necessary to subsequently prevent the occurrence of the situations that caused it. And if this arose as a result of some diseases and pathologies, you need to treat them, it may be necessary surgical treatment. But you should not neglect this, so as not to cause the subsequent development of chronic ischuria. These conditions significantly worsen general state person and the quality of his life. In children, you also need to be careful about urinary disorders, since this may be a symptom of abnormal development of the genitourinary tract. These pathologies need to be diagnosed in time for timely intervention and elimination of defects, which in turn will lead to normal functioning the whole body.

What are the most common causes of difficulty urinating in men? Most often, urinary dysfunction occurs when the genitourinary system is damaged: kidneys, bladder, urethra. Accurate diagnosis The doctor can diagnose it based on the patient’s symptoms and examination results.

Diseases that lead to difficulty urinating

Usually a man who feels the urge to urinate goes to the toilet and gets rid of the liquid in a few seconds. A normal stream is tight, hitting the surface of the toilet elastically, with a clearly pronounced sound. The pressure is maintained until the very end of the act of urination.

It is natural to have some hesitation before urinating in the morning, when a man experiences an involuntary erection. Also, sometimes there is a short gap when it is necessary to strain the peritoneum in order to urinate if a man goes to the toilet immediately after intercourse. The waiting time is no more than a couple of seconds.

How can you determine that a person has difficulty urinating?

  • Urine is released in drops rather than in a stream.
  • The stream is sluggish, may be tight at the beginning and weaken towards the end of urination, or be constantly weak during urination.
  • Urine output takes a longer period of time instead of 1-2 minutes.
  • The stream is interrupted and urination must be resumed constantly.
  • The jet bifurcates, the liquid sprays heavily or is directed not directly, but to the side.

If, in order to pee, a man regularly has to strain very hard, straining his peritoneum, this also indicates difficulty urinating.

Stones that provoke the development of inflammatory processes that disrupt the functioning of genitourinary organs and making it difficult to urinate, can form in the kidneys, bladder and even the prostate gland (secondary stones). They are formed from salts uric acid, can be small pebbles with a diameter of up to several millimeters or sand with a grain of sand less than 1 mm in diameter. Heavy urination in men is one of the symptoms of urolithiasis.

Possible reasons for the development of pathology:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Lack of fluid intake.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Drinking liquids with large amounts of mineral salts.
  • Anatomical features of a person.

The main symptom of the disease is a feeling of pain, cutting, burning when urinating. Slight displacement of stones can cause blockage of the urethra and acute delay urine. If a man feels his bladder is full, but cannot urinate without straining, he should immediately consult a doctor.


Most often, urethritis (inflammation of the urinary tube) occurs with frequent urination. But, despite frequent visits to the toilet, the man is unable to completely empty his bladder. Moreover, the process of urination becomes extremely painful, you have to constantly strain abdominal wall to maintain the force of the jet. Due to inflammation, the urethra narrows and fluid may be difficult to excrete.

Experts distinguish several types of urethritis:

  • Bacterial.
  • Viral.
  • Gonorrheal.
  • Trichomonas.
  • Candida.

Difficulty urinating may develop after improper treatment acute urethritis, mechanical irritation of the urinary opening, violation of the hygienic regime.


Any type of prostatitis (bacterial, chronic, acute) causes urination problems. Frequent urge to urinate may result in nothing. Urine flows out of the urethra almost drop by drop, even if you manage to pee normally, the feeling of fullness of the bladder remains and the desire to go to the toilet “in a small way” persists.

Acute prostatitis causes a man the maximum amount of discomfort. Symptoms of the disease:

  • Increase in body temperature to 40 degrees.
  • There is pain in the groin and perineum.
  • It hurts not only to write, painful sensations causes an act of defecation.
  • The prostate swells so much that the man cannot urinate at all. Tension of the peritoneum leads to the fact that a person simply feels severe pain above the pubis.

Acute urinary retention, which develops with swelling of the prostate, can lead to painful shock, bladder rupture. Therefore, at the first sign of a disturbance in the outflow of urine, you should seek medical help.

Diseases affecting the genital organs

There are difficulties with urination in men who have suffered from inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Urinary retention is possible with:

  • Orchitis - inflammation of the testicles.
  • Balanitis - inflammation foreskin, head of the penis.
  • Epididymitis - inflammation of the appendages.

A person’s urination process may slow down, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and the frequency of visiting the toilet increases at night.

Trauma to the genital organs, surgery on the penis or bladder can lead to a narrowing of the lumen of the urethra. After any intervention, adhesions and scars remain in the tissues. It is also possible to develop an inflammatory process, which provokes a violation of the outflow of urine. The following manipulations lead to difficulty in releasing fluid:

  • Inaccurate masturbation with excessive exposure of the head, tension of the frenulum.
  • Sexual intercourse associated with injury to the penis.
  • Lifting weights.
  • Doing heavy physical work.
  • Constant suppression of ejaculation at its peak, leading to the fact that sperm is “driven” into the testes.

Sluggish urination in men can be a sign of the development of cancer in the urethra, bladder, and kidneys.

Sexually transmitted infections

Syphilis, candidiasis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis lead to inflammation of the urethra. In this case, not only does it become difficult to pass urine, but other symptoms also appear: rash, whitish discharge, purulent odor from the urethra.

Damage to nerve centers in the brain, impaired circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in spinal column can also cause difficulty urinating. Malfunction of the urinary system is caused by:

  • Injuries to the head, neck, back.
  • Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Hydrocephalus.

It has been noted that even children have difficulties with urination due to neuroses, depressive states, disturbances of psychological balance.

Sometimes psychological reasons prevent a man from peeing calmly. For example, he considers this process too intimate and cannot urinate in public toilet or in the presence of strangers. Some men experience very high degree complex, when they cannot squeeze out even a drop if they know that there is a woman in the corridor, behind the toilet door.

How is pathology diagnosed?

Do you have difficulty urinating? Do you want to find out the cause of the pathology and eliminate it? When unpleasant symptoms you should contact a urologist or sexologist. After examining the patient and listening to complaints, the doctor will suggest an in-depth examination:

  • Ultrasound of the prostate, kidneys, bladder.
  • Examination of the prostate gland through the anus.
  • Computed tomography of the genital organs, soft tissues of the pelvis.
  • X-ray of the kidneys, genitourinary system.
  • Urofluometry to determine the rate of fluid secretion from the urethra.
  • Cytoscopy of biomaterial from the urethra.
  • For inflammatory and infectious diseases– bacterial culture of the urethral mucosa to determine the pathogen.

If there is a suspicion that growth is interfering with urination cancerous tumor, you may need to undergo a biopsy - tissue collection for examination. This procedure helps determine whether there is genitourinary system cancer cells how quickly they divide, whether there are metastases to other organs and tissues.


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Features of treatment

Treatment for a man with difficulty urinating is prescribed by a doctor, based on examination data, the general condition of the patient, and the characteristics of his chronic diseases.

For urethritis, patients are prescribed lavage of the urethra with Potassium permanganate, Miramistin solution, and Protorgol. Antibacterial drugs must be prescribed to eliminate the inflammatory process. The choice of tablets is made after identifying the pathogen and clarifying its sensitivity to certain drugs.

Spicy or chronic prostatitis also treatable with antibiotics. Appointment may be required antiseptic drugs, for pain relief - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

When a man has trouble writing, you can add traditional therapy methods of traditional medicine.

  • To relieve muscle spasms, you can drink tea from the fruits of the tea rose (hibiscus) throughout the day. These fruits speed up urine processing and help remove excess salts from the kidneys.
  • A decoction of juniper berries helps normalize the urination process.
  • An infusion of nettle leaves, flowers and fruits is taken as a general tonic. You can drink it every day for more than a month instead of tea.

Please note that urination problems often occur in people who prefer sedentary lifestyle life Stagnation in the pelvic organs and obesity lead to poor circulation and deterioration of metabolism. This, in turn, provokes the development of inflammatory diseases. Don’t “hatch” illnesses, play sports and don’t forget about healthy way life.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever suffered from problems due to PROSTATITIS? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • Increased irritability
  • Erection problems
  • Impaired urination

Can problems be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish a link with a comment from the Chief Urologist of the country, in which he recommends paying attention to one very effective remedy from PROSTATITIS.

Attention! Only today!

It is considered normal to visit the toilet once every 2-2.5 hours. The frequency of urination depends on several factors: the amount of fluid you drink, physical activity, chronic diseases. Filtration of urine in the body is constant, and as it accumulates in the bladder, as it reaches its walls, spinal cord signals begin to arrive that the bladder is full.

But there are conditions when visiting the toilet becomes very frequent. And they can be divided into two groups:

A feeling of a full bladder, when a small amount of urine is released when trying to empty it;
- frequent urge with a virtually empty bladder.

The vessel is half full

Frequent urination in small portions is more common. This condition is typical for several diseases.

Cystitis is the most common and least dangerous reason, although it causes significant discomfort. When the wall of the bladder becomes inflamed. Due to inflammation, it becomes tense, resulting in a feeling of a full bladder. But every time you go to the toilet, very little urine is released.

Diabetes is serious endocrine disease. At diabetes mellitus patient a lot and . Due to entry into the body large quantity Liquid urine is filtered very quickly, and the urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent. But in this case, every visit to the restroom becomes...

Chronic renal failure - dangerous chronic illness, which can lead to very serious consequences, if you run it. With chronic renal failure, a lot of urine is produced, but it is, so to speak, unconcentrated. That is, in such urine the specific gravity is sharply reduced and the concentration of salts is reduced.

In addition to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, problems with bladder may cause malfunctioning ovaries.

Whatever the reason, you should not try to treat yourself. Be sure to go for a consultation with a urologist - he will select the correct treatment for you or prescribe a consultation with another specialist.


  • False urges for urination
  • Feeling of a full bladder: a process in the body Copied from the site: http://www.astromeridian.ru/medicina/
  • Female urology in questions and answers
  • I constantly want to go to the toilet: why?

The human body consists of two-thirds water, and the amount of it in the cells and intercellular space for normal life must remain at a certain level. If some kind of failure occurs, receptors located in the cerebral cortex signal the need for urgent fluid replenishment. In this case, the person begins to suffer from thirst.

Thirst on a hot summer day when it happens increased sweating, or as a result of strenuous physical work - a common and completely normal occurrence. Cells are losing water at an accelerated rate, and your desire to replenish its supply is defense mechanism, which saves the body from dehydration.

Signs of an imbalance in water balance may include dry mouth, pointed facial features, sunken eyes and loose, grayish skin. Solving this problem is quite simple - drink more fluid. Be sure to replenish water balance The body needs , Thirst is often caused by salty and spicy foods, as well as caffeine. If the kidneys are functioning normally, the condition resolves quickly as overly salty or spicy foods are digested.

Some medical supplies can also affect the receptors of the cerebral cortex, kidneys or heart, “responsible” for alerting about water balance. Diuretics, antibiotics, lithium and, for example, such a well-known drug for reducing blood pressure, How . If the patient drinks a lot, he again develops symptoms, which means that taking this medicine loses all meaning. In this case, cardiologists prescribe other drugs.

Unfortunately, others thirst-inducing, are not so harmless. If you don't overexert yourself or overheat, drink sufficient quantity water and still experience constant desire drink, pay attention to your blood sugar levels. This may be a sign of diabetes. For someone suffering from this disease and taking insulin or other sugar-lowering drugs, increased thirst may indicate an exacerbation of the disease. In this case, obviously, you will have to lower your glucose levels.

Excessive thirst may be a manifestation renal failure. Sick kidneys cannot retain water normally, urine output decreases, swelling appears, but the person still wants to drink.

Other manifestations of diseases through thirst also require medical intervention. Desire drinking appears in people with excess or deficiency of hormones, with head injuries or neurosurgical operations, with impaired water metabolism (diabetes), liver diseases and bleeding. Therefore, if you experience thirst for a long time and cannot explain its reasons, try not to put off visiting the doctors.

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