Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis. Nutrition for tuberculosis to restore the body

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At the word “tuberculosis, consumption, dryness”, the image of thin young ladies of the past centuries comes to mind. But even in our time, antibiotics, mandatory vaccinations and early diagnosis the ailment has not been overcome.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is incredibly tenacious in acidic environments... Therefore, she is quite comfortable in dairy products. Also, new species have appeared that are not afraid of disinfectants and drugs(multi-resistant).

Little is known about TB prevention now healthy image life, be regularly examined by doctors. It is important to pay attention to what we eat. Milk and dairy products are the basis of nutrition for children, old people and healthy lifestyle lovers. Tasty, healthy and affordable. But, alas, it is not always safe.

The likelihood of contracting tuberculosis is not far-fetched. Almost everyone who has drunk contaminated milk is sick with extrapulmonary forms of the disease. Children are especially at risk. This is why milk is for baby food undergoes such a rigorous inspection in factories. But mothers and grandmothers believe that there is “one powder” in store-bought milk. Therefore, they prefer milk, cottage cheese from grandmothers. Not only is such a product unknown when, under what technology and by whom it was produced, under what conditions it was preserved until the sale, but it is still a mystery: is the cow sick? From whom from such sellers have you seen quality certificates, permits from veterinary services, or at least an animal's passport with health marks and mandatory vaccinations? Rather, they will start to swear about the quality or swear with you, rather than show the documents. So is it worth the risk?

Milk from sick animals is different from milk from healthy cows or goats. It doubles the amount of proteins (albumin and globulin). These substances are responsible for the body's immunity and pass unchanged from milk into the blood. For any ailment, the amount of albumin and globulin increases. But this does not mean that milk becomes healthier or acquires the properties of immunomodulators.

In such raw materials, the fat content decreases and the viscosity increases. It will be difficult for technologists at the plant to make a high-quality product from milk from sick cows: cheese will not work, yoghurt will come out watery, and kefir will be heterogeneous.

Is it possible visually, not for a specialist, to determine milk from a tuberculosis cow? Technologists and cheesemakers only trust laboratory methods, but experienced craftsmen or milkmaids note the wateriness of milk, a greenish or bluish tint, the presence of flakes.

Sick cow's milk: not thrown away

Infectious disease specialists sadly state that 1 in 10 cases of extrapulmonary tuberculosis occurs due to ingestion of contaminated milk or dairy products. Mycobacterium (the causative agent of the disease), having entered the body, does not spare any organ. In addition to traditional lungs, pathology is rapidly developing everywhere, except for nails and hair. For example, with kidney damage, people begin to be treated for pyelonephritis with folk remedies. Time is wasted because of this. Even the reproductive sphere is under attack. In more than 25% of cases of infertility, mycobacterium is present, which feels great on the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

We are accustomed to the fact that tuberculosis is only a threat to the lungs. But the data of ophthalmologists will shock you. More than half of cases of sudden blindness are attributed to defeat eyeball, mucous membrane or optic nerve ailment. Isn't the data a little optimistic? So think about the foods you are consuming. Including about the quality of milk and dairy products.

The cause of the appearance of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in most cases is food. Especially fresh milk from sick cows and goats. Yes, it contains a lot of vitamins and substances that have antibacterial properties. But healing power milk is unable to defeat Koch's wand. And the nutrient medium of fats, proteins and calcium is ideal for the causative agent of the disease.

Tuberculosis bacillus lives in milk for 10 days, getting into yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk - up to 3 weeks. But butter and cheeses broke the record. In such nutrient medium tubercle bacillus remains active and dangerous for 1 year. Therefore, veterinarians and dairy industry technologists are categorical: buy milk and dairy products only from certified sellers (large farms, agricultural holdings and dairies). The hryvnias saved by purchasing “homemade” milk from a grandmother do not cover even a tenth of the cost of anti-tuberculosis therapy. Isn't it a reason to think?

On farms, the livestock of BPH or goats regularly undergo clinical examination against tuberculosis. Milk from sick animals is immediately destroyed. If the cow reacts positively to the pathogen, but does not show symptoms of the disease, then the milk is pasteurized at a temperature of 85° Cat least 30 minutes. Then the raw material is used to feed the young.

How to protect yourself and your cow from tuberculosis? For this:

· Employees of a farm, milk collection point or dairy plant annually do fluorography and undergo a prophylactic examination for tuberculosis;

· People with an active form of the disease are suspended from work;

· For fattening, it is better not to use food waste from tuberculosis dispensaries or sanatoriums without special processing (pasteurization);

Buy milk and dairy products only from certified sellers and specialized stores, supermarkets;

· Refuse to purchase milk or dairy products from hands, no matter how the sellers lure and set a low price.

Tuberculosis - infection predominantly chronic course. V childhood with primary infection, the infection spreads through the lymphatic tract, mainly The lymph nodes... This form of tuberculosis often goes unnoticed. Adults suffer more often from pulmonary tuberculosis, this is the most common form of the disease. The tuberculous process can affect various organs - the larynx, intestines, kidneys, osteoarticular system, skin and other organs - this is organ tuberculosis, which is less common.

Tuberculosis causes not only local changes in organs, but also general phenomena characteristic of an infectious disease. Tubercle bacilli, entering the body, ultimately cause tissue destruction. Tuberculous toxins and tissue breakdown products lead to intoxication of the body. Intoxication negatively affects the functions of organs and body systems and causes serious violations metabolism. The degree of intoxication depends on the severity of the tuberculous process.

With intoxication, the function of the digestive glands is inhibited, the secretion of digestive juices decreases, and appetite decreases. Under the influence of intoxication and oxygen deficiency, they decrease oxidative processes in the tissues. Protein metabolism is disrupted - the breakdown of proteins increases and the recovery of tissue proteins decreases, in severe patients, the content of proteins in the blood decreases. Profound changes arise in fat metabolism: exhaustion sets in, fatty infiltration of the liver develops, products of incomplete combustion of fats - acetone - accumulate in the blood. Carbohydrate metabolism is reduced, little glycogen is deposited in the liver and muscles. Violated mineral metabolism, the body loses calcium, phosphorus and sodium chloride. The consumption of vitamins A, groups B and C increases, the reserves of vitamins in the body are depleted.

With the improvement of the condition of patients with tuberculosis under the influence of treatment, the phenomena of intoxication decrease, metabolic processes are gradually normalized, and the functions of organs are restored.

For a long time, nutrition of tuberculosis patients has been the most important therapeutic factor. In the past, the principle of excess nutrition with a lot of fat prevailed for a long time.

Over the past decades, the concept of the role of nutrition in the treatment of tuberculosis patients has changed significantly.

The objectives of diet therapy are as follows:

  1. help increase the body's resistance
  2. provide the body with the substances necessary for tissue repair and scarring of tissue defect caused by tubercle bacilli
  3. promote the normalization of metabolic processes
  4. restore vitamin and mineral balance in the body

Proteins are essential part of diets:

  1. they are necessary for the restoration of tissue proteins and scarring of the lesion
  2. they contribute to the development of anti-tuberculosis immunity
  3. with complete protein products, B vitamins and lipotropic factors are introduced

It is believed that with the enhanced breakdown of proteins, their introduction in sufficient quantities enhances the utilization of protein substances. Therefore, tuberculosis patients require an increased amount of proteins (up to 120-140 g). Only seriously ill patients with high temperature and severe intoxication, proteins are limited to 80 g, but they are given mainly in the form of complete ones (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products). Milk proteins are the best for assimilation. Even in the last century, doctors treated severe tuberculosis patients with baked milk and oats.

Per recent times it was found that an excessive amount of fat in the diet has a negative effect on tuberculosis patients:

  1. weight gain occurs due to the deposition of fat in adipose tissue
  2. increased fatty infiltration of the liver
  3. appetite decreases and the patient does not eat healthy protein foods
  4. digestive disorders occur

The average amount of fat in the diet should not exceed 100-120 g, and in more severe patients 80-100 g.Fat patients with tuberculosis should be given fats mainly in the form of easily digestible and rich in vitamin A butter, as well as dairy products (sour cream, cream, milk ), which, in addition, contain a lipotropic factor - lecithin. The daily diet includes vegetable oil v in kind as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which normalize metabolism in the body.

Overfeeding with carbohydrates also causes obesity, therefore, in the diet of tuberculosis patients moderate the amount of carbohydrates should not be higher than 500-550 g. More severe patients should reduce the consumption of carbohydrates to 300-350 g. allergic reactions... But more sharp limitation carbohydrates in tuberculosis are not shown, since protein is disturbed (the breakdown of proteins is enhanced) and fat metabolism (the content of acetone in the blood increases). Some carbohydrates are given in the form of vegetables, fruits and berries, which are sources of mineral elements (potassium, phosphorus, iron) and vitamins (C, P, folic acid), and also have an alkalizing effect.

Mineral salts are an important part of the diet of a tuberculosis patient. In pulmonary tuberculosis with tissue decay, high temperature, the body loses calcium, phosphorus and sodium chloride.

Calcium plays an important role in the body of a tuberculosis patient - it seals the wall of blood vessels, which is important in inflammatory processes, and participates in blood clotting. Calcium is necessary for the calcification of tuberculous foci. For better assimilation calcium and phosphorus need vitamin D. The main source of calcium is dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, cheese; other foods contain extremely small amounts of calcium. Vitamin D is rich in dairy products, egg yolks, fish fat, a fish.

At frequent vomiting and diarrhea, as well as after large blood loss, patients are injected with food with a slightly increased amount of table salt (up to 15-20 g). In other cases, there are often indications for limiting table salt: with exudative pleurisy, peritonitis, meningitis, skin tuberculosis and kidney damage.

Tuberculosis is accompanied by increased consumption of vitamins and depletion of their reserves in the body; hypovitaminosis phenomena develop.

The diet of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis should contain an increased amount of vitamin A (3-4 mg), which is administered in the form of milk fat ( butter, sour cream), egg yolks and fish oil (cod liver, oily herring), as well as with herbal products containing provitamin A - carotene (carrots, apricots, tomatoes, herbs). Vitamin A is necessary for the restoration of the epithelium of the mucous membranes, with lesions of the larynx, intestines and skin.

The increased need for B vitamins is not fully satisfied by food, some are added in the form vitamin preparations... Only the addition of brewer's or baker's yeast to food can compensate to some extent for the lack of B vitamins.

Vitamin C has a great influence on the course of the tuberculous process:

  1. it increases anti-tuberculosis immunity
  2. improves oxidative processes in the body
  3. reduces the phenomena of intoxication
  4. in combination with vitamin P, it reduces increased capillary permeability, which is important for hemoptysis and bleeding, as well as for inflammatory processes in tissues. When appointing ascorbic acid in the amount of 200-300 mg per day, an adult patient improves

Given that the body of a patient with tuberculosis is constantly deficient in vitamin C, the diet should contain enough vegetables, berries and fruits, some of them raw. In addition, rosehip infusion and ascorbic acid are systematically added. Severe tuberculosis patients should be given rosehip infusion, blackcurrant juice and other juices fresh berries and fruits.

When carrying out diet therapy for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, the stage of the disease and the prescribed regime (bed, sanatorium, with walks), as well as the presence of damage to other organs, are taken into account.

The dietary regimen prescribed for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with chronic course who are on a sanatorium regime (walks on fresh air), in the absence of dyspeptic symptoms, it contains, depending on age and fatness, 3000-4000 kcal / day. This diet contains an average of 100-140 g of protein, 100-120 g of fat, 500-550 g of carbohydrates, about 200 mg of ascorbic acid (to saturation). The calcium content in the products is 2-3 g, table salt 8 g.

This dietary regimen is known as Diet 11.

Another dietary regimen is used in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis during an exacerbation at a high temperature and severe intoxication. The diet consists of 80-100 g of proteins, 80-100 g of fat, 300-350 g of carbohydrates, which is 2500-3000 kcal. The content of vitamin C is 250-300 mg, vitamin B1 3-5 mg. The amount of calcium and sodium chloride is the same as in the first diet regimen.

The dietary regimen prescribed to patients with pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by exudative pleurisy, peritonitis, pericarditis, polyarthritis, in composition and calorie content, is the same as the previous one. But in food, you should increase the calcium content (up to 5 g) and sharply limit sodium chloride (up to 2 g). Food is prepared without salt, salt-free bread is prescribed.

In the presence of damage to other organs (larynx, intestines, kidneys), appropriate diets are prescribed, but enriched with proteins, mineral salts and vitamins.

Kumis, as a medicinal and nutritious drink, has long been used in the treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Kumis is obtained from mare's milk by fermentation. One liter of kumis contains: proteins 22 g, fats 17 g, milk sugar 32 g, vitamin C 200-300 mg, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, lactic acid, carbon dioxide and up to 30 g of alcohol. Average daily dose kumis 1-1.5 liters, and for seriously ill patients 0.5 liters. Under the influence of koumiss, appetite increases and the absorption of food proteins and fats improves. Treatment with kumis increases the tone of the body.

Kumis therapy is contraindicated:

  1. patients with increased excitability nervous system and liver diseases due to the presence of alcohol in kumis
  2. at gastrointestinal diseases
  3. with obesity, as it increases the calorie content of food
  4. at cardiovascular diseases and kidney disease

Treatment with grapes is also prescribed for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. One kilogram of grapes contains on average 180 g of glucose, thus, the patient receives additional food in an easily digestible form. Initially, the patient is allowed to eat no more than 0.5 kg, and then up to 1.5-2 kg of grapes per day.

Treatment with grapes for gastrointestinal diseases is contraindicated, diabetes mellitus and obesity.

Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacillus (also known as Koch's bacillus), an aggressive and resistant microbe. For this disease the formation of foci of specific inflammation in the affected tissues is characteristic, as well as a pronounced general reaction organism. Koch's wand is able to survive for a long time in the soil, on the surface of contaminated objects, dried phlegm and is resistant to many disinfectants.

The main mode of transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis is aerogenic, i.e. the bacterium enters the body with the inhaled air. In addition to the aerogenic method of infection, infection is also possible with the help of food products or by contact with objects contaminated with Koch's bacillus. Under certain conditions, human disease can be caused by microbacteria found in the body of cattle.


Quite often, pulmonary tuberculosis occurs without visible symptoms and can be detected by chance, for example, during fluorography. Some of the first symptoms of the disease are: weakness, weight loss, poor sleep, increased sweating, decreased appetite, dizziness, increased body temperature (about 37 degrees), an increase in lymph node groups. If at this stage of the disease you do not apply for medical help, then over time, the above symptoms will be added: cough with sputum, shortness of breath, pain in chest, the release of blood when coughing. The last two symptoms are a sign of a complex form of the disease and require immediate treatment.

Useful foods for pulmonary tuberculosis

Features of nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis

Proper nutrition for this disease can not only normalize the patient's weight, but also significantly reduce intoxication of the body as well as increase disease resistance. Based on this, we can conclude that proper nutrition is an important elements in anti-tuberculosis treatment.

First of all, the patient's diet should contain an increased amount of calories, but you should not overfeed the patient. Only when the patient is exhausted should a diet with an increased (by 20-25% of the daily value) calorie content be prescribed. In other cases, you should give preference to a balanced diet, rich in vitamins A, B, and C. Long-term, high-calorie diet can lead to obesity.

Healthy foods

  • Products with high content squirrel... In the patient's body, proteins break down faster than in healthy person, therefore it is necessary to include in the diet increased content squirrel. These are: dairy products, eggs, fish, poultry, veal.
  • Fatty foods... The fat content in the patient's diet should be slightly more than the norm, but do not forget that excess fat in the diet can lead to indigestion and liver disease. A sufficient amount of fat is found in olive oil, fish oil, butter. It is not recommended to eat pork, beef and lamb fat.
  • Foods rich in carbohydrates... Carbohydrates are found in cereals, various flour products, sugar. It is recommended to include in the diet buckwheat, rice, semolina, wheat bread, honey, jam.
  • Vegetables, fruits, berries... During illness, the patient's body needs vitamin C in large quantities. Vitamin C is found in lemons, kiwi, oranges, and strawberries. They are rich in vitamin C from vegetables: cabbage, onions, bell pepper etc. Vegetables can be eaten both fresh and in the form of stews, mashed potatoes, soups, etc. Vegetables do not have any contraindications.

Approximate diet for the day:

  • Breakfast: Fried fish with mashed potatoes, various vegetables, butter (about 20 grams), tea.
  • Dinner: borscht with sour cream, baked meat with peas or porridge, vegetables, juice from vegetables or fruits.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with sour cream, fruit puree or jam, butter (about 20 grams), coffee with milk or tea.
  • Before bedtime: a glass of kefir.

Folk remedies for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

Useful products beekeeping, in case of pulmonary tuberculosis disease, is not only honey, but also propolis, bee bread, drone milk, honeycomb, bee pollen, tincture wax moth... Beekeeping products are strong immunostimulants that increase the body's defenses.

  • Wax moth larva extract... It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Propolis which is a natural antibiotic. It should be consumed in two ways: as alcohol tincture or stick a small pinch to the gum for three days. The tincture (20-40 drops) is added to milk or water and taken three or four times a day, one and a half hours before meals. Propolis prevents inflammation and removes toxins from the body.
  • Perga


Tuberculosis is a predominantly chronic infection in which the lungs are most commonly affected. Less common is tuberculosis of the larynx, intestines, kidneys, bones and joints, skin. With tuberculosis, changes in the affected organs are possible, intoxication of the body, metabolism is disturbed, work various bodies and systems, in particular the digestive system.

The dietary regimen is, taking into account the nature and degree of organ damage, the general condition of the body, complications from other organs. The calorie content of the diet depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease, body weight and concomitant diseases. With exacerbation of tuberculosis and bed rest 2500-2600 kcal per day is enough. With half-bed mode - 2700 kcal; with attenuation of exacerbation - 3000–3400 kcal. With chronic pulmonary tuberculosis, especially in humans young age, high-calorie food is recommended - 3600 kcal. Eating more calories is not healthy. A quick and large increase in body weight may not improve, but worsen the patient's condition.


The main tasks health food with pulmonary tuberculosis are:

1. Providing the body with adequate nutrition in conditions of protein breakdown, deterioration of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, increased consumption of vitamins and minerals.

2. Increasing the body's resistance to infection and intoxication.

3. Contributing to the normalization of metabolism.

4. Promotion of the restoration of tissues affected by tuberculosis infection.

To accomplish these tasks, it is necessary to introduce an increased amount of protein with food (at least 120–140 g), the consumption of which is increased in patients with tuberculosis. Highly digestible are recommended protein foods(milk, fish, eggs, meat). The amount of fat is recommended within physiological norm(100-120 g). Fats should be given easily digestible, rich in vitamin A (butter, cream, sour cream), about a third - in the form of vegetable fat.

The amount of carbohydrates is within the physiological norm (450-500 g). In cases where tuberculosis has a violation carbohydrate metabolism, allergization of the body (allergic diathesis, bronchial asthma, chronic eczema), overweight, patients need to limit the intake of carbohydrates to 300-400 g, mainly due to easily digestible (sugar, honey, jam, syrup, etc.).

With an exacerbation of the tuberculous process, an increased release of mineral salts (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium chloride) can be observed, therefore, foods rich in them (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, figs, dried apricots, raisins, meat and fish products, nuts, etc.) etc.).

With exudative pleurisy, transudate, tuberculous meningitis, with an increase in secretions in the bronchi, kidney damage, leading to edema, a hyponatrium diet is prescribed, that is, food is prepared without the addition of table salt. This diet promotes increased urine output, resorption of fluid accumulated in the cavities, and the abatement of the inflammatory process. The liquid is injected in the amount of 900-1000 ml. With a large loss of blood, repeated vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweat, the amount of table salt is increased to 20 g.

In patients with tuberculosis, a deficiency of vitamins develops (especially ascorbic acid, vitamins A and group B). The consumption of a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid increases the bactericidal properties of blood serum, increases the formation of antibodies, and reduces intoxication. The need for vitamin C is especially high in patients with fibrous-cavernous process, at high temperatures and tissue decay. Of the products in this case, a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits is recommended, and it is also necessary to periodically take up to 300 mg of ascorbic acid per day.

Patients with tuberculosis of the lungs, larynx, intestines and skin also need increased number vitamin A - about 5 mg. To satisfy the need for vitamin A, dairy products, fish oil, egg yolk are recommended, as well as products containing carotene - carrots, tomatoes, apricots, red peppers, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to providing patients with B vitamins. They have direct relation to protein metabolism, the need for which in this group of patients is increased. The diet should include foods rich in B vitamins - fresh vegetables, meat, bran dishes, brewer's or baker's yeast.

The calorie content of food is 2500–3600 kcal.


1. The diet should be varied, taking into account the development of the tuberculous process and general condition organism.

2. Strict modes and limited meals can only be assigned to short term(with complications and exacerbations of the disease).

3. At all stages of treatment, nutrition should be differentiated.

It is necessary to observe the basic principles of the qualitative and quantitative structure of the diet, depending on the nature and stage of the tuberculous process, the state of the digestive system, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases.

There are several options for nutritional therapy for patients with tuberculosis.


The first food option.

It is prescribed to patients with reduced reactivity of the body, general hypotension, subfebrile temperature, with a sluggish course of the disease.

The chemical composition of this diet: proteins 140 g, fat 100 g, carbohydrates 400 g, limiting easily digestible.

Caloric content 2700-3000 kcal. The content of ascorbic acid is up to 350 mg, vitamin B1 is 5 g.

Cooking is normal.

Second option.

It is prescribed for patients with increased nervous excitability, low body weight, elevated temperature- up to 30 degrees, without signs of increased tissue decay, during the period of attenuation of the process with tuberculosis of the lungs, bones and joints.

The chemical composition of the diet: proteins 110–120 g, fats up to 120 g, carbohydrates 500–550 g. The content of ascorbic acid is up to 300 mg.

Cooking is normal.

Fractional meals - 5 times a day.

Third food option.

This option is prescribed during the period of exacerbation of the process with pronounced tissue decay, significant inflammatory phenomena occurring with high fever and exhaustion. In these cases, increased protein breakdown is usually observed.

The chemical composition of the diet: proteins 120-140 g, fats 100 g, carbohydrates 400-500 g.

Calories 3000–3500 kcal.

It is necessary to introduce an excess amount of ascorbic acid. The rest of the vitamins are recommended within the physiological norm. Calcium up to 2 mg per day. Table salt 8 g. It is advisable to use a large number of various drinks, raw juices, vegetables and fruits, rich in mineral salts and vitamins.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, appetite often decreases, disturbances from the gastrointestinal tract often occur, which must be taken into account when making up the food ration.

Cooking: All food is prepared pureed.

The diet is fractional, every 2-3 hours.


Patients with tuberculosis often have accompanying illnesses from the digestive system. Chronic gastritis and colitis often occurs with anti-tuberculosis drugs. Gastritis usually with low acidity... In this case, a fractional meal is recommended with the obligatory exclusion from the diet of coarse vegetable fiber... Vegetables and fruits are given only in boiled and mashed forms, tough meats are also given in mashed or chopped forms.

If the activity of the liver and biliary system is impaired, products that cause irritation are excluded from the diet. Are prohibited fatty varieties meat and fish, fried dishes, pastry, smoked meats, canned food, marinades, strong tea and coffee.


First option

First breakfast: curd pudding, milk buckwheat porridge, tea.

Second breakfast: calcined cottage cheese, fruit mousse.

Lunch: broth with dumplings, fried steak with vegetables, apple compote without sugar.

Afternoon snack: soft-boiled egg (1 piece), rosehip broth.

Dinner: boiled fish baked with potatoes, carrot puree, tea with lemon without sugar.

Nutrition for tuberculosis is one of the essential elements of the body's recovery and a way to avoid the development of complications. It is recommended to carry out consultations with the presented disease simultaneously with several specialists: a pulmonologist, a nutritionist. This will allow you to achieve 100% control over your health.

Nutrition for tuberculosis associated with the pulmonary system should remain high in calories. However, this does not mean that one should strive for overly active feeding of a person with an illness.

The opinion that it is necessary to over-feed the patient with mild and medium shape pulmonary tuberculosis is a bias. Exclusively in the framework of human exhaustion or during other complicated processes, a diet is required that will exceed daily rate by the number of calories by 20-25%. In other situations, it is enough to give preference good nutrition saturated with various components. The most useful are vitamins C, B and A, mineral complexes.

Overfeeding is unacceptable, because it provokes obesity and aggravation of the digestive tract system, which negatively affects the body's activity.

Basic goals

Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis is the key to a correct cure of the disease. The goals of such anti-tuberculosis nutrition should be considered:

  • providing the body with complete and comprehensive nutrition;
  • achievement of an optimal weight category by a person;
  • increasing the body's resistance to infectious lesions;
  • reduction of concomitant and other processes associated with the likely damage to the body.

For additional saturation of the body, along with nutrition, saturated vitamin complexes are required, which will slow down the development and increase in the number of mycobacteria. It is also important to take into account what products are allowed for consumption with tuberculosis and at what time it is permissible to carry out such a thing.

Allowed Products

The most recommended foods are those that contain a significant ratio of protein to fat. In the body of a person with tuberculosis, proteins begin to break down faster than in a person with normal health. In this regard, an increased ratio of the protein component should be introduced into the diet, which is contained in a significant ratio in dairy products, eggs, fish, poultry and veal.

It is important to control the consumption process and not to use too large portions, because this can affect the formation of an imbalance in the body. Speaking about products that contain fats, it should be noted that they should be slightly higher than the norm in the patient's menu. It should not be forgotten that too high a ratio of fats in the menu can provoke a disorder of the digestive function and pathological processes associated with the liver. This can be disastrous for a healthy person, and even more so for someone who.

A sufficient ratio of fat is concentrated in foods such as olive oil, fish oil and butter (there are also essential vitamins here). Pulmonologists point out that it is undesirable to use such types of fat as pork, beef and lamb.

More about products

Speaking about products, it should be noted those names that are saturated with carbohydrate compounds. Carbohydrates are found in cereals, all kinds of flour-type products and sugar.

It is desirable to introduce into the menu:

  • various cereals - buckwheat, rice and semolina;
  • wheat bread;
  • not very sweet jam (plum, apricot).

Separately, it should be noted such a category of products required for treatment, such as vegetables, fruits and berries. Within the framework of pathological process the patient's body needs vitamin complex C in essential ratios. The presented vitamins are present in exotic fruits: lemons, kiwi, oranges and strawberries.

From the list of vegetables, cabbage, onions and bell peppers are saturated with vitamin C. The latter can be used not only fresh, but also as stews, mashed potatoes, and soups. Their significant advantage in tuberculosis is that they are not associated with any contraindications.

Approximate diet for a day

Nutritionists, together with pulmonologists, determine sample menu, calculated for 24 hours. It includes four meals, which should be at equal time intervals from each other. The optimal breakfast will be baked or boiled fish with mashed potatoes, all kinds of vegetables, as well as butter, in an amount of no more than 20 grams, and tea.

For lunch, it is recommended to cook borsch with sour cream, baked meat (chicken) with green peas or buckwheat porridge, vegetables. Juice based on vegetables or fruits is best for drinks. Speaking of dinner, it should be noted that the right option will turn out to be cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and fruit-based puree or jam. Recommended for use is butter, in the amount indicated above, coffee with cream or tea.

Before going to bed, a diet for tuberculosis involves the use of 200 ml of kefir. In order for the treatment to be complete and vitamins must be absorbed in a way, it should be taken into account preventive measures impact.

Preventive actions

Most essential products beekeeping for a disease associated with pulmonary tuberculosis, should be considered not only honey, but also propolis. This list also includes bee bread, drone milk, comb honey and additional components... The presented items are powerful immunostimulants that increase the protective forces of the body.

Of note are products such as:

  • extract from wax-type moth larvae, which is characterized by an antiseptic effect;
  • propolis, which is a natural antibiotic component and creates obstacles to inflammatory processes, as well as removing toxins from the human body;
  • bee bread - it includes a high amount of potassium, due to which the activity of the heart muscle is optimized and metabolism is stabilized.

Speaking of bee bread, it should be noted that it is taken three times a day, 3 grams each - this will increase the efficiency of the recovery cycle.

For tuberculosis of the pulmonary system, it is recommended to use all kinds of decoctions and tinctures based on herbs. They help to improve and speed up the fight against such phenomena as coughing and hemoptysis. Contraindications for tuberculosis should be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

People with tuberculosis need a special diet. It should be complete and high-calorie, however, in this case, it is important to observe moderation, because oversaturation of the body is no less harmful than exhaustion. To develop an individual menu, it is recommended to contact pulmonologists and nutritionists who will help speed up the body's recovery.

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