Why does the stomach hurt after childbirth, what to do if there is a discrepancy in the muscles and pulls in the lower abdomen. Is it dangerous when the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth? 5 days after giving birth lower abdomen hurts

Sometimes after childbirth you may experience pain similar to menstruation. This can be due to endometritis, peritonitis, intestinal diseases, or vertebral displacement. The doctor examines you in a chair and does an ultrasound.

Why after childbirth can your stomach hurt like during menstruation?

During the postpartum period, the mother's body recovers from stress associated with pregnancy and childbirth. These processes are especially intense in the first four to seven days from the birth of the child. If after a month after birth, pathology must be excluded. In this case, you need to consult a gynecologist.

The entire maternity process consists of three periods:

  • smoothing and opening of the cervix;
  • birth of a child;
  • birth of a child's place.

During pregnancy, the reproductive organ increases in accordance with the growth of the fetus, the muscles stretch. During childbirth, they contract rhythmically, expelling the fetus and then the placenta from the uterine cavity.

Physiological reasons

After childbirth, the uterus reverses its development - it becomes smaller in size, the muscles contract, and their volume decreases several times. The most active muscle contraction occurs in the first hours and days. This process is accompanied by the presence of pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth of a pulling nature, but this should soon pass.

The process of reverse development occurs under the influence of the hormone oxytocin. It affects the muscles of the uterus, Bladder, walls of the abdomen and pelvis, promoting their contraction. Under its influence, it begins to produce breast milk. The release of oxytocin increases when the baby is latched to the breast. The nipple and the area around it are abundantly dotted with receptors, upon irritation of which they produce a large number of oxytocin, the muscles of the uterus contract more strongly under its action.

At the birth of a child with the help caesarean section recovery is more difficult and takes longer. The reason for this is the presence of a wound on the wall of the abdomen and uterus.

Pathological causes

Most often, a month after childbirth, the reproductive organ is restored, painful sensations disappear. This process is delayed when complications arise:

  • the presence of pieces of the baby's place in the uterus;
  • inflammation of its mucous membrane;
  • inflammatory process of the appendages;
  • transition of inflammation into abdominal cavity;
  • vertebral displacement;
  • divergence of the bones of the pubic symphysis;
  • intestinal pathology;
  • bladder dysfunction.

A number of reasons why the stomach hurts after childbirth go away on their own in month period and do not cause significant harm to a woman’s health. However, the occurrence of inflammatory complications can be dangerous to the health of the mother.


Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth in all women. At first, pulling appears, unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen. Each time during breastfeeding, they intensify and may become cramping, but tolerable. At first they are more pronounced, later the above symptoms will go away on their own as the discharge disappears. If complications occur, the pain does not go away until 4 months.

Symptoms of endometritis and inflammation of the appendages

Blood is excellent nutrient medium for the growth of pathogenic microbes. If pieces of the placenta remain in the uterus, the uterus cannot fully contract; bacteria rise from the vagina into its cavity through the open pharynx. During a caesarean section, infection can enter through the surgical wound.

Symptoms of inflammatory complications:

If the child was born through surgery:

  • the seam and the skin around it turn red;
  • become hot;
  • mucus and pus begin to come out of it.

If a mother continues to breastfeed her baby, he becomes restless, constantly cries and kicks his legs. The baby's stool may become liquid with an unpleasant odor, and regurgitation or vomiting may occur.

Symptoms of mastitis

If the infection gets into mammary glands nursing mother, she may experience abdominal pain from below and the nature of the discharge may change. This often happens in a situation where 2 months have not passed since birth.

The patient will experience pain and discharge of pus from the chest, It's a dull pain lower abdomen, temperature rises.

Symptoms of peritonitis

The transition of the inflammatory process to the abdominal cavity can occur from a focus of inflammation in the uterus or its appendages with late treatment. medical care. In this case, the patient’s condition worsens:

  • the whole stomach hurts;
  • intensifies when touched;
  • becomes unbearable the moment the hand is removed from the stomach;
  • body temperature jumps to the highest possible numbers;
  • pressure decreases;
  • pulse quickens.

If two months have passed since the birth of the child, there is no longer any discharge; when such a complication develops, it appears again and becomes greenish with an unpleasant odor.

Symptoms of vertebral displacement

If the pain does not subside after 4 months after the baby is born, you need to think about vertebral displacement. It is typical for him:

  • the pain is acute;
  • localized in the lumbar area;
  • intensifies when turning to the sides, bending, trying to lift the child;
  • “jamming” may occur.

When “jammed,” a woman cannot straighten up after an unsuccessful bend or turn. IN severe cases substance gets pinched spinal cord. Then the woman will be bothered by numbness in one or both legs.

This complication will not go away on its own. The patient should consult a neurologist.

Symptoms of intestinal pathology

As the fetus grows, the uterus pushes the intestines upward. He is in a compressed position throughout the pregnancy. After childbirth, women often experience constipation. On average, up to 4-6 months are needed to normalize intestinal function.

In this case, the patient bloats it. The stomach may hurt when you want to go to the toilet, the pain may go away after a bowel movement.


When 2 or 3 months have passed after childbirth and the pain persists, the doctor conducts a series of studies:

  • examination on a chair;
  • examination of vaginal contents;
  • examination of discharge from the suture on the abdomen;
  • X-ray of the spine and pelvic bones;
  • urine and blood analysis.

Such studies help detect pieces of the placenta in the uterus. At the same time, the reproductive organ remains large in size, its wall will be loose. Found in secretions pathogenic microbes. A blood test shows inflammatory changes.

An X-ray of the spine and pelvic bones will detect displacement of the vertebrae or divergence of bones in the symphysis area.


The treatment program depends on the cause of the pain. In case of inflammation, antibiotics are prescribed, solutions are dripped into a vein to reduce the manifestations of intoxication, and drugs are administered to contract the muscles of the uterus.

For intestinal diseases, a diet that includes fermented milk products and natural yoghurts is recommended. Vegetables and fruits are allowed depending on the child’s age and reaction to their consumption. If peritonitis occurs, surgery is performed. The patient also receives antibiotics.

In the first time after childbirth, at the first urge to go to the toilet, a woman should recover. Each restraint leads to the development of constipation.

Do not use synthetic pads or tampons. They must be made of natural fabric. Such pads need to be changed as they become saturated with secretions, but at least every two hours. You need to wash yourself using special means. At first, at least 4 times a day.

You need to put your baby to the breast at his request. The remaining milk needs to be expressed. The chest should be kept warm at all times.

If, a month after giving birth, the lower abdomen hurts, the patient should consult a gynecologist.

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Quite often, women experience pain in the back and abdomen after childbirth. They can be barely perceptible and appear only as a result of physical activity, and cause quite strong discomfort, which complicates life and joyful communication with the baby. In any case, with such complaints, consultation with a specialist is necessary, because there are many causes and sources of these pains.


You can find out the cause of pain in a woman who has recently given birth to a child yourself by analyzing the process labor activity, but it is better to undergo examination by an appropriate specialist. The most common and common causes of such pain are influenced by a variety of factors.

Stretching of bone tissue

During pregnancy, due to the gradual growth of fetal muscles, bone tissue and the uterus are stretched. Moving apart occurs internal organs and tension in the ligaments that hold them in place. Due to the fact that most ligaments are attached to the vertebrae, women in the postpartum period feel pain after childbirth in the spine caused by these processes.

During the period of bearing a baby, the abdominal muscles are stretched quite strongly, and this leads to shortening of the lower back muscles. And after childbirth they are tense for a short time. That is why, when bending or squatting, due to even greater tension, many new mothers feel pain in the lower back.

Postpartum back pain can also cause excess weight, recruited during pregnancy.

Internal organs in the wrong position

Sometimes during pregnancy, internal organs take on an incorrect position, for example, the kidneys may unfold or sink lower. Naturally, they need time after childbirth to recover, that is, to accept their previous location. The process of their active displacement after childbirth explains pain in the lower back of an aching nature, which can radiate to the perineum or leg. Why does pain get worse after childbirth? Let's talk about a few less common reasons.


There is a certain degree of probability that after childbirth, a woman’s intervertebral hernia could worsen.

Before birth, the tailbone is pushed back, the pubic bones and hips are moved apart so that the baby is not injured while passing through the birth canal. And during the recovery period, which can last differently for everyone, the woman’s back hurts.

Also, do not forget that it is not always possible to avoid birth injuries (for example, displacement of joints), which can result in back pain.

Other back problems

During pregnancy, a change in posture is inevitable, the recovery of which will take about 1-2 months. And this process can also be accompanied by pain after childbirth.

The spinal-sacral region of a young mother after the birth of a child experiences considerable stress during feeding, carrying a newborn in her arms, bathing, changing clothes and other difficult tasks. physical work, which can aggravate the situation with painful sensations in the back.

Often, young mothers who have recently given birth to a baby have problems with the stomach or lungs (inflammation, colds, bronchitis), which can also cause pain in the shoulder blades.

Why the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, we will consider below.

So if a woman experiences pain after childbirth, then under no circumstances should she tolerate it. It is necessary to immediately find out the nature of their origin and begin treatment.

What to do if your back hurts after childbirth?

A week after the woman gives birth, it is necessary to visit antenatal clinic. If after childbirth she experiences severe back pain, she should definitely inform a specialist about this, who, depending on the origin and nature of the pain, will prescribe appropriate treatment. In addition, it should reduce the load on the discomforting back, limit physical exercise and housework.

Treatment for back pain

  • If back pain is caused by bone separation, then a simple massage may not only be useless, but in some cases even harmful. In this situation, qualified manual therapy is necessary.
  • If the new mother does not have serious damage and injuries, she is prescribed physical therapy.
  • For those women who experience pain in the lower back or any other part of the back after childbirth, a light exercise therapy course developed by a specialist will help.

Often, along with the back, the stomach hurts after childbirth. This is even more unpleasant.

Home therapy methods

  • If a woman who has recently given birth experiences sharp and prolonged back pain, then only a doctor can prescribe physical activity for her. In general, it is better to avoid them for six months, since the muscles are very vulnerable during this period, and if they are also injured, then problems with the spine and back can remain for life.
  • Only with the permission of a doctor can you do gymnastics to restore muscles after childbirth, gradually increasing the load.
  • If a mother has a very sore back after childbirth, then caring for the baby should not bring excessive stress. All necessary items and things should be located so that you do not need to bend down too much. It is necessary to entrust relatives to carry heavy loads and even the child. If this is not possible, then the young mother should definitely use a sling.
  • Also, if your spine or lower back hurts after childbirth, you should avoid bending over. They can be replaced with slow simple squats, during which you need to keep your back straight so that the load is transferred to your legs.

If a woman, after identifying the causes of lower back pain and prescribing treatment, is careful with physical activity, then eventually the painful sensations will go away. This will take time: from one week to six months. But there are other pains after childbirth. The lower abdomen often feels tight. What could this mean?

Abdominal pain

Now let’s look at the pain that appeared in the abdomen after childbirth, which is so frightening for young mothers. If these sensations are quite tolerable and short-lived, then they are considered normal. Just imagine what a colossal load the body, its muscles and internal organs were subjected to. But if they cause quite severe discomfort to a woman and do not go away for a long time, then you cannot put up with it. First you need to understand the causes of these unpleasant pains in the abdominal area.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth

The appearance of pain in a woman who has recently given birth can be caused by: physiological reasons, and pathological. The most common ones are those listed below.

One of the main reasons for nagging or cramping pain in the lower abdomen in a woman who has recently given birth may be the active production of the hormone oxytocin. It is he who provokes muscle contraction. The uterus is in good shape during this period, because the organ strives to return to its former size and shape.

During the period of breastfeeding, the young mother's nipples become irritated, which provokes increased production of oxytocin, due to which uterine contractions increase, and this causes a rather unpleasant feeling in the lower abdomen.


If a month has passed since the birth, and the pain in the abdominal area does not stop, then this can have serious consequences for the life and health of the young mother. One of the causes of these pains is the remains of the placenta in the uterus. If it is not completely removed after childbirth, then particles adhering to the wall of the uterus provokes purulent inflammation. What else causes pain after childbirth? Stitches after a caesarean section, for example, may itch and even burn.

The next reason causing pain in the abdomen, there may well be an inflammatory process developing on the inner mucous membrane of the uterus (endometritis). Most often it is diagnosed in women who have given birth to a child without in a natural way, and with the help surgical intervention. During the operation, microbes could easily enter the uterus, causing further development infections. This disease may be accompanied by bloody discharge, fever and pain in the lower abdomen. IN in this case serious treatment is required.

Another cause of pain in the abdominal area in a woman who has recently given birth to a baby is salpingoophoritis. Inflammation of the appendages is a very common disease. It is accompanied by abdominal pain that does not go away over time.

Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum that causes unbearable abdominal pain and is accompanied by fever. If present, immediate treatment will be required.

Vertebral displacement

During physical activities or when walking for a long time it affects the spine huge pressure, in connection with this, the consequences of postpartum trauma - displacement of the vertebrae - may appear. In this case painful sensations in the area of ​​the lower abdomen and lower back may bother you even six months after the birth of the child.

Sometimes the cause of pain in the lower abdomen can be impaired work gastrointestinal tract, What for the most part happens due to a deficiency of fiber and dairy products in a woman’s diet.

If during the first 3-4 days after birth, unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by a burning sensation, then this is due to the process of emptying the bladder, which over time will not cause discomfort.

This is why women experience severe pain in the abdominal area after childbirth, just like during menstruation. If they are short-lived, then there is no need to panic or worry, but if they continue for more than a week since the woman gave birth, then you should definitely consult a specialist and possibly undergo a course of treatment.

Treatment of abdominal pain after childbirth

Depending on the specifics of the malfunctions in the woman’s body that occurred after childbirth, the doctor will prescribe treatment if pain in the lower abdomen is not considered normal.

If postpartum pain in the lower abdomen is caused by the placenta remaining in the uterus, then this problem is solved through surgery. After surgery, antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

If the cause of pain in the abdominal area is developing endometritis, then you will need complex treatment. It includes antibacterial, detoxification, infusion, desensitizing, sedative and restorative therapy, as well as good nutrition.

If pain in the abdominal area radiates to the spine and does not go away even after 3-4 months, then you should consult a specialist. He will check to see if the vertebrae have shifted during childbirth. In this case, once the diagnosis is confirmed, manual therapy is prescribed.

If peritonitis is diagnosed, immediate surgical intervention will be required.

If problems with the functioning of the digestive tract are identified, then, as a rule, doctors prescribe a special diet.

So, having learned the reasons that caused such unpleasant pain in a woman who recently gave birth to a child, the specialist can select the appropriate treatment.

The birth of a child is always a joy in a new family. And, undoubtedly, as nature decreed, the most important role at first for a new person is played by his mother. For her, in turn, this event is also one of the greatest in life and, of course, brings great happiness and pleasure. But all this also has back side- A woman’s health experiences enormous stress both during pregnancy and after childbirth. Sometimes they appear very serious consequences, but in this article we will talk about a fairly common postpartum phenomenon - pain in the lower abdomen, and we will try to assess their significance, methods of prevention and treatment.

Why does the lower abdomen and lower back hurt after cesarean section and childbirth?

If after childbirth a woman experiences pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, there are no fundamental differences in the reasons for their occurrence, depending on how the delivery took place - by caesarean section or naturally. In addition to the usual aching or nagging pain in the lower abdomen, symptoms such as cramping pain, “lumbago” - especially in the lumbar area, and the release of gases (swelling) occur. Usually, the most intense manifestations are observed in the first weeks after the birth of the baby, then - individually, for some, everything ends quickly and happily, and for some new mothers, similar phenomena have been haunting them for quite a long time.

Almost four months have passed since giving birth, and my lower back still hurts. To this was added pain in the lower abdomen, maybe a month ago. I saw a doctor 1.5 months ago, everything was fine. What could it be? I probably need to go to the doctor again. Has anyone had this? During childbirth, I had an epidural.


4 months have passed since giving birth, for 2 weeks I have been feeling pain in the lower abdomen, cramping pain, terrible gases, I can’t eat normally, I’m breastfeeding and I’m afraid to take anything.

Masha Banisova


When I gave birth, my back and lower back hurt a lot (for about a month). My back pain went away, but about three weeks ago I started to feel pain in my lower abdomen. And after giving birth, there was discomfort when having sex. My lower abdomen started to hurt, so I went to the gynecologist. He looked at me, took a smear, everything was ok. And then he asks if my lower back hurts? I say it hurts. The result is that the lower abdomen hurts because of the lower back, the nerve endings that run along the wall of the uterus hurt, and the lower abdomen hurts because of this, and the lower back hurts because the child put pressure on the pelvis or had a cold.



Reasons for appearance similar pains can be divided into physiological and pathological. The first category includes factors associated with the general stresses a woman endures during pregnancy and after childbirth on the body and health in general - these are:

  • tension in the area hip joint and lower back, created when carrying a child for 9 months;
  • breastfeeding - is accompanied by the active production of the hormone oxytocin, which has an effect on uterine contractions, resulting in discomfort lower abdomen;
  • bladder fullness;
  • during a caesarean section, pain in the suture area can provoke or increase discomfort.

  • the development of endometritis (inflammation of the internal mucous membrane of the uterus) is one of the most common postpartum diseases; in addition to pain in the lower abdomen, it is accompanied by an increase in temperature and the appearance of purulent discharge;
  • remnants of the placenta on the walls of the uterus can provoke the formation of blood clots and inflammation, which also causes pain in the lower abdomen;
  • osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia;
  • inflammation of the appendages.

We determine a possible disease by the type of pain

The pain experienced by women after childbirth can be divided into several types, taking into account certain provoking factors and diseases:

  1. Drawing and aching pain in the lower abdomen is characteristic of contractions of the uterus due to the release of oxytocin, similar to menstrual pain.
  2. Periodic pain during feeding is also provoked by the production of oxytocin; such pain, as a rule, subsides within a month, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, when the uterine cavity is restored.
  3. Cutting pain - any sudden sensations should be cause for concern, however, it is worth remembering the consequences of surgery (caesarean section), which is always accompanied similar discomfort in the seam area, which subsides within 5–7 days.
  4. Cramping pain is similar to pain during feeding due to contraction of the uterus.

Naturally, in order to determine the cause of pain, a woman needs not only to listen to the nature and intensity of pain, but also to take into account other parameters of her health: body temperature, presence of discharge, condition skin And so on.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Considering the stress suffered during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as postpartum, any new mother should be attentive to her health, but the main criterion and key to success in recovery is peace of mind. Don't panic, the main thing is to listen to your body.

All of the above types of discomfort are absolutely normal (if they are moderate) in the first month after the birth of the child. If a woman continues to experience severe, unremitting pain in the lower abdomen or lower back after a month has passed since the baby was born, it is necessary to seek medical help from a specialist.

The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe an examination, based on the results of which the causes of the pain will be determined. As a rule, a woman undergoes an ultrasound of the uterus, donates blood, and takes smears - all this will allow the specialist to get a complete picture of what is happening, the main thing is not to panic ahead of time.

Prevention of various types of abdominal discomfort

To minimize postpartum consequences, any woman can independently or with the assistance of a qualified specialist take preventive measures.

How can you prevent or at least reduce the intensity of abdominal and lower back pain after childbirth?

  • monitor your general health - proper nutrition, maintaining a sleep schedule, walking fresh air, exclusion of any stressful situations;
  • don’t overwork, don’t lift heavy things, take care of yourself, minimize physical activity;
  • wear a postpartum bandage to support your back and lower back;
  • do light massage abdomen to eliminate gases if necessary;
  • drink herbal teas(chamomile, mint, valerian), but do not overdo it, moderation is important in everything.

Remembering my postpartum period, I can say that it is very important to learn to relax the muscles of the lower abdomen during aching and cramping pain. It’s like during childbirth during marriage - the main thing is not to strain. Of course, this is not easy to implement in practice, but it is worth a try, since the effect is very effective.

Every woman who becomes a mother experiences great joy when her baby is born, but the postpartum consequences for her health can be different and not always pleasant. Pain in the abdomen and lower back in this case is a normal and inevitable phenomenon. The key point in this situation, as well as in any other, remains the woman’s careful and calm observation of her body. Try not to worry and wait it out, taking appropriate preventative measures, but don’t miss out alarming symptoms, which may indicate serious illnesses, and seek medical help from specialists in a timely manner.

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy female body adapted to changing conditions. The uterus enlarged as the fetus grew, the location of the internal organs changed, and the blood vessels and nerve plexuses were compressed.

Childbirth is a sudden loss of 4-5 kg, and sometimes much more weight, as well as a decrease in abdominal volume. The organs must return to their original state, so it can be accepted as normal that the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth. In most cases, this is an indicator of the physiological course postpartum period.

When is this considered normal?

Throughout pregnancy, the main hormone of the female body was. It reduced the tone of the uterus until the moment of birth and suppressed the secretion of prolactin. But by the day of delivery, its concentration decreased, but active production of oxytocin and prolactin began. Oxytocin controls the contractility of the smooth muscles of the uterus, but it is also necessary in the postpartum period, as well as throughout lactation.

Contractions of the uterine muscles are necessary during childbirth not only to open the cervix and expel the fetus. After separation of the placenta, the uterine walls are a continuous wound surface with bleeding vessels. For hemostasis, activation of the coagulation system alone is not enough. A spasm of blood vessels and a decrease in their lumen should occur. Oxytocin ensures further contraction of the uterus after the birth of the child, allowing bleeding to stop.

The size of the uterus decreases very quickly in the postpartum period. The doctor evaluates them daily during a walk around the height of the day. The following are considered normal rates of reduction:

  • immediately after birth - 4 cm above the navel (or 20 weeks of pregnancy);
  • the end of the first day - at the level of the navel;
  • on the second day - one finger width below the navel;
  • on the 3rd day – 2 fingers below the navel;
  • 4 days – in the middle of the distance between the pubic symphysis and the navel;
  • on the 6th day – up to 9 cm above the pubis;
  • on the 10th day – protrudes slightly above the womb;
  • by 6-8 weeks corresponds to the state before pregnancy.

They are very painful, but postpartum contractions cannot be called pleasant. Most often they are associated with breastfeeding.

Two hormones are involved in the mechanism of milk formation and secretion. Prolactin ensures milk synthesis in the alveoli. Its elimination is regulated by oxytocin. When a baby is put to the breast, nipple irritation occurs, which stimulates the release of oxytocin by the pituitary gland. The hormone affects not only the myocytes of the mammary gland, its stimulating effect also extends to the myometrium. In the first few days, with each breastfeeding, a woman experiences cramping pain that resembles that during childbirth.

How long does your stomach hurt after childbirth?

This physiological process, it depends on the individual characteristics and speed of uterine contraction. In most cases, after 2 months the discomfort stops.

Also, do not forget about those who gave birth via cesarean section. In this case, physiological pain in the lower abdomen will be a natural reaction to a violation of the integrity of the anterior abdominal wall. The pain is post-operative. But it doesn't last long. In a hospital setting, narcotic analgesics are used to relieve pain, because they have a more pronounced analgesic effect. After about two days, you can switch to pain relief with an analgin solution, which in small doses will be safe for the child.

Signs of a pathological process

If after childbirth the stomach hurts for a natural reason, this condition is not characterized by additional symptoms. In the presence of a pathological process, pain can have a different character and be accompanied by changes in the general condition.


During the first day, discharge from the genital tract should become brown, mucous, and less and less reminiscent of blood. But sometimes the bleeding does not decrease, but suddenly increases. At the same time, nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen. Additional signs are the following:

  • temperature increase;
  • signs of intoxication;
  • purulent discharge from the genital tract;
  • signs of uterine subinvolution;
  • tachycardia.

These symptoms are characteristic of postpartum endometritis. The condition most often develops after a cesarean section, but can also occur as a result natural birth. Endometritis is an infectious postpartum complication and requires immediate medical attention.

The cause is a violation of contractility, which is associated with retention of parts of the placenta or fetal membranes. While they are in the uterus, it is not able to contract normally, which means the pathological process will progress.

Endometritis threatens to turn into parametritis - inflammation of the periuterine tissue, pelvioperitonitis - damage to the pelvic part of the peritoneum, peritonitis - an infectious-inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity. In this case, abdominal pain will only increase.


In some cases, determine why the lower abdomen continues to hurt even after long term after childbirth, only a radiologist together with a traumatologist can. The cause is often symphysitis - separation of the bones of the pubic symphysis.

The prerequisites for the appearance of this pathology are associated with physiological reasons. The same progesterone is to blame, as well as the hormone relaxin secreted by the placenta. It leads to softening and divergence of the symphysis pubis. This is necessary so that the birth canal can adapt as much as possible to the parameters of the fetus.

Normally, the distance between the two bones of this joint does not exceed 1 cm. The symphysis pubis is a semi-movable joint. This means that a minimum amount of displacement of its surfaces relative to each other is allowed. During the birth of a child, the joint may diverge by an additional 5-6 mm. But sometimes pathological processes come into play, then the displacement reaches a critical value and leads to pain localized in the lower abdomen.

Degrees of discrepancy:

  • 1st degree – discrepancy 5-9 mm;
  • 2nd degree – 10-20 mm;
  • Grade 3 – more than 20 mm.

Postpartum pain caused by symphysitis most often appears 2-3 days after birth. A woman lying in bed cannot lift her legs up; walking causes pain. Accurate diagnosis can be diagnosed only after X-ray diagnostics.


Postpartum abdominal pain may be associated with more trivial reason. The intestines do not always return to normal quickly after pregnancy and childbirth. normal condition. Sometimes it takes a while to get it going. But all this time the feces will accumulate and expand sigmoid colon and rectal ampulla. This is accompanied by a nagging, aching, bursting pain in the abdomen, which manifests itself approximately a week after delivery. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, constipation will become extreme.

For some women after childbirth, going to the toilet is associated with a certain fear of damaging the existing stitches on the perineum or hemorrhoids. At the same time, stagnant processes in the intestines are aggravated: liquid from the stool is gradually absorbed back into the intestines, it becomes dry and can lead to greater damage to the lower part of the intestines.

The presence of bowel movements is harmful not only digestive tract. This causes displacement or compression of the uterus, and can lead to subinvolution.

Placental polyp

Retention of parts of the placenta in the uterine cavity will most likely lead to bleeding in the early postpartum period. But sometimes small parts, microscopic chorionic villi allow the uterus to fully contract, and signs of pathology appear after a long time.

The clinical picture appears after 4-5 weeks. Pain in the lower abdomen is not characteristic feature pathologies, bleeding comes first, the consequence of which is a decrease in hemoglobin, weakness, dizziness, tachycardia. Uterine pain after childbirth they appear after infection and the development of endometritis. Further clinical picture will develop according to classic scheme inflammation of the uterus.


During pregnancy, a woman's posture changes. This is due to weight gain and its redistribution to the abdominal area. If the pregnant woman did not use a special support bandage, then pain syndrome will be pronounced.

After delivery, not everything immediately falls into place. Sometimes during pregnancy, compression of the nerve plexuses occurs, and after childbirth this can manifest itself as signs of osteochondrosis or neuritis. Pain in the lower abdomen will be combined with irradiation into the abdominal cavity.

When to see a doctor

The duration of the period of pain depends on individual characteristics and the speed of uterine involution. In most cases, during the first two weeks, the physiological discomfort associated with feeding the baby gradually decreases. The pain no longer appears at every feeding; its intensity decreases. When the uterus contracts completely, this symptom will disappear.

But there are signs that indicate a possible pathological process. If they appear, do not delay your visit to the doctor:

  • temperature may be low at first and then rise to 39°C;
  • violation general well-being– weakness that does not go away after rest;
  • nagging pain lower abdomen, which is constantly present;
  • chills as a symptom of fever;
  • headache;
  • bloody issues from the genital tract (they can intensify, change in character from mucous to more liquid, reminiscent scarlet blood);
  • cramping pain, reminiscent of spasms, after which blood clots are released;
  • absence of stool for more than two days;
  • inability to lift your heels off the bed when lying down;
  • change in gait to a waddling, “duck” gait;
  • sudden onset of bleeding over a long period after discharge from the hospital.

With a placental polyp, bleeding is usually intense and begins a month or two after the birth of the child. At the same time, it can be differentiated from menstruation: during menstruation, the nature of bleeding changes daily, it becomes less intense. In the case of a placental polyp, the discharge is scarlet and only intensifies.

You can contact a gynecologist for any changes that a woman considers different from physiological.

Ways to improve the condition

If there is a pain syndrome reminiscent of abdominal pain, as during menstruation, it is necessary to establish the cause of this condition. Obligatory steps are an examination by a doctor. It allows you to assess the size of the uterus, how well they correspond to the term, consistency, mobility of the organ, and the prevalence of pain.

An ultrasound is also required. With its help, you can notice the enlarged uterine cavity, the presence of clots, and remnants of the placenta. If the cause is a placental polyp, it will be noticeable extensive education. An inflammatory infiltrate around the uterus speaks in favor of the development of an inflammatory process.

Additional diagnostics depends on the information obtained in the first two stages. Laparotomy and x-ray diagnostics may be required.

It is possible to improve a woman’s condition and reduce pain depending on the causes of pain.

Use in the postpartum period medications should be used with caution, most of them pass into breast milk. Those minimum concentrations for a small fetal weight may be sufficient to cause adverse reactions.

Pain associated with natural process uterine involutions are not relieved with antispasmodics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Labor-like contractions are a natural process and only appear when the baby is breastfeeding. They are short-term and do not interfere with general well-being. When they appear, you need to do a few calm breathing movements. Gradually these symptoms will disappear on their own.

Subinvolution of the uterus, which has not yet led to the appearance of endometritis, is treated by removing the remnants of the fetal place from uterine cavity. Further tactics are to prescribe reducing agents and antibiotics to prevent infection.

If pain is associated with inflammation, it is necessary to assess the severity and prescribe appropriate treatment. For endometritis, antibiotic therapy is carried out, which prevents infectious process spread further, and detoxify with intravenous administration infusion solutions.

After cupping acute inflammation, for prevention adhesive process which leads to the appearance, it is necessary to prescribe physiotherapy:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • diadynamic currents;
  • medicinal electrophoresis.

Constipation after childbirth must be treated with diet and laxatives. We recommend products that act gently in the intestinal lumen. Sometimes a spoon is enough to start the intestines castor oil. Lactulose, sweet to taste and without, is also used. unpleasant odor. It is safe for newborns.

A diet for constipation includes foods that are rich in fiber and have a laxative effect. You need to eat several dried apricots or prunes a day, a boiled beet salad or beetroot soup. But you shouldn’t overdo it, abuse of a laxative diet will lead to a pronounced acceleration of peristalsis and spastic pain in a stomach.

It takes a long time to treat the discrepancy of the symphysis pubis; bed rest. If possible, the woman is not in a traditional bed, but in a special hammock that helps bring the pelvic bones together. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for pain relief.

To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to wear a bandage; a cane is used to evenly distribute body weight. Physiotherapy procedures are very helpful in restoring blood circulation and fusion of the symphysis.

Many believe that during the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body is renewed and rejuvenated. But this opinion is more likely to be a misconception. During pregnancy, the female body experiences enormous stress; it adapts to the needs of the child, sometimes to the detriment of the mother. After giving birth, she needs a period of recovery, which is not always painless. But it is necessary to distinguish physiologically acceptable pain from signs of pathology in order to consult a doctor in time and prevent the development of complications.

Abdominal pain is the companion of every woman who has given birth. Processes in the body associated with pregnancy and childbirth lead to discomfort and pain, especially in the first hours and days after the birth of the child. But unpleasant sensations can be both a manifestation of the norm and a developing pathology. How to understand the causes of abdominal pain after childbirth? How to distinguish physiological pain from pathological? What to do if your stomach hurts for a long period after childbirth? These issues are covered in the article.

Each woman goes through the postpartum recovery period individually. But the painful sensations varying degrees every mother in labor experiences. Gynecologists say that moderate discomfort within a month after childbirth is a manifestation of the norm. During pregnancy and at the birth of a child, the mother’s organs underwent great changes and stress, which did not pass without a trace and ended with the birth of a child. The muscles and bones of a pregnant woman are gradually restored. This takes 1-1.5 months. If after this period the pain continues to appear and cause discomfort, you need to find out the cause.

The main reason for the discomfort of a woman who has given birth is physiological. When a child passes through the body, tissue stretching naturally occurs, microcracks, tears or episiotomy appear. During a caesarean section, the suture hurts a lot. If the sensations are tolerable, without an increase in temperature, this is normal for the body recovery stage. If symptoms appear that are not normal, what is happening indicates an infection or other pathological processes in the body of the postpartum woman. It is necessary to distinguish natural physiological pain in the abdomen from pathological ones that are not the norm.

Standard options

These examples are distressing immediately after birth and take a week or two to subside unpleasant symptoms. The body is recovering.

But when the lower abdomen is tight, the discomfort intensifies or does not go away after 2 weeks and a month - this is considered a manifestation of ailments and requires contacting a gynecologist to find out the reasons.

Options for the development of pathology

  1. Inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity. Sometimes the placenta has to be separated manually. The baby's place is not born on its own, this causes the risk that part remains in the uterus and is quite capable of causing inflammation.
  2. Inflammation and suppuration of the sutures. If the sutures in the birth canal have not healed or an infection has occurred during insufficient hygiene or physical exertion, suppuration develops. This becomes the reason severe pain and requires immediate treatment, removal of old sutures and application of others.
  3. Inflammation of the appendages. Inflammation of the ovaries, one or both, may occur. Typically occurs after a caesarean section.
  4. Endometritis. After childbirth inner surface the uterus is a continuous wound. If an infection occurs at this moment, a serious disease develops - endometritis. With this disease, the body temperature rises, the stomach hurts as during menstruation, and suppuration develops in the uterine cavity.
  5. Divergence pelvic bones during childbirth. After childbirth, the situation disappears on its own within a week. If this does not happen, the pain intensifies and you need to contact a specialist.
  6. Peritonitis. Serious illness, which can occur after a cesarean section and rupture of sutures on the uterus. The sutures may become inflamed, and the process of suppuration moves into the abdominal cavity.
  7. Diseases of the digestive system. The intestines can be compressed as the baby passes through the birth canal. In addition, lack of sleep, change in diet when breastfeeding can cause constipation, gas formation, fermentation. Pain in the intestines radiates to the lower abdomen and is perceived as gynecological.


Typically, pain associated with natural childbirth and normal course postpartum period, disappear within a month. During the month after birth, physiological sensations are of moderate sensitivity and do not cause severe discomfort, gradually appear less until they disappear completely. The postpartum mother's body temperature does not increase. The woman feels normal, does not feel weakness or loss of strength, and lives a full life.

If the pain syndrome is severe, associated with increased temperature, weakness, fever, you must immediately seek help from a gynecologist to determine the causes and timely treatment.

Treatment for inflammatory processes

At inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity or appendages, several complex measures are required.

  • Antibacterial;
  • Infusion;
  • Detoxification;
  • Sedative;
  • Desensitizing.

Self-medication is contraindicated. Taking medications to contract the uterus is mandatory.

  1. For residual effects in the uterine cavity. If there are remains of pieces of the placenta or umbilical cord, manual curettage is performed. After the procedure, antibiotics are required. The duration of the course is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.
  2. When the vertebrae are displaced. A set of manual therapy procedures is required.
  3. With peritonitis. Surgery. It is not advisable to delay your visit to the doctor. This is an extremely serious case, complications with a fatal outcome are possible.
  4. For gastrointestinal diseases. A diet is prescribed. Diet variety with vegetables, fermented milk products. Consultation with a gastroenterologist.

At pathological manifestations pain, consultation with a specialist is required. Subsequent treatment procedures are prescribed by a gynecologist in accordance with the recommendations. This will allow you to recover faster and stop the leakage. pathological processes in the body, eliminate pain and return to normal life. To avoid complications, it is recommended to take preventive measures.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, in order to speed up recovery and prevent the development of severe pain, it is necessary to adhere to recommendations and preventive measures.

Preventive measures against abdominal pain

  1. Hygiene. After childbirth, especially if there are tissue tears and stitches, it is recommended to wash after each visit to the toilet. In some cases, treatment with antiseptic solutions is necessary.
  2. If there are many seams, it is necessary to treat them with brilliant green or miramistin, chlorhexidine.
  3. Recommended special exercises For speedy recovery muscles and joints.
  4. Refusal of physical activity. In the first period after childbirth, it is not recommended to lift weights, perform heavy physical labor or strength exercises with weight lifting.
  5. Refusal of intimacy until full recovery birth canal, external and internal genital organs. The duration depends on the severity of the damage, the mother’s well-being and the speed of the recovery period.
  6. Timely examination by a gynecologist. It is recommended to go to the antenatal clinic one month after giving birth for an examination by a gynecologist in order to avoid the development of pathological processes and diseases.

After the birth of a child, unpleasant sensations are inevitable. They are associated with the fact of the birth of the child, the state of the woman’s health, and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Abdominal pain can occur both after natural delivery and after cesarean section. It is important to distinguish physiological sensations, which do not pose a danger to the health and life of a woman, from pathological ones. Their character can change, it is important to monitor this and tell the doctor if there are unusual manifestations. If the pain does not go away for a month, even if it seems normal and physiological, you should seek advice from a specialist to exclude the development of complications.
