Causes, symptoms and treatment of asthenic neurosis. Symptoms and treatment of neurasthenia - asthenic neurosis Prognosis for neurasthenia

– one of the most common diseases of the nervous system. Every day, the human psyche encounters millions of irritants; almost the entire adult population of the country suffers from overwork, physical inactivity, chronic lack of sleep or constant stress - the main causes of exhaustion of the nervous system and the development of neurasthenia.

Only a few people think about the need for treatment and prevention nervous diseases, preferring to work hard or simply not paying attention to their condition. But timely treatment neurasthenia not only helps to avoid the development of complications, but also increases a person’s performance, improves his well-being and mood. The main thing is to be able to accurately diagnose this disease and know how to treat asthenic neurosis.

Neurasthenia or is one of the forms of neurosis that occurs when the nervous system is depleted. This condition can be caused by prolonged physical and mental stress, irregular working hours, bad conditions labor, frequent stress, unhealthy diet and so on.

Typically, neurosis develops when a person is exposed to several factors simultaneously, for example, in people who work a lot but do not follow a daily routine, suffer from physical inactivity and are forced to deal with difficult psychological situations every day.

When neurasthenia occurs functional disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, weakness appears, increased sensitivity to all types of irritants, a sharp deterioration in mood, as well as headache, abdominal pain, joint pain, sleep and appetite disorders.

There are 3 forms of neurasthenia:

  • hypersthenic – stage 1 of the disease, it is characterized by increased mood lability, irritability, aggressiveness and decreased performance;
  • irritable weakness - occurs when the nervous system is exhausted, the patient is still irritated by any sounds, noises from surrounding people, but there is no longer any strength left for aggression, and weakness, headaches, tearfulness and decreased mood increase;
  • hyposthenic – the patient at this stage can be called a “typical neurasthenic”, this constant weakness, lethargy, apathy, lack of interest in anything, constant pain V different parts body and other symptoms of somatic ill health.

All types of neurasthenia are characterized by pressing and squeezing headaches that occur in the evening; a person feels as if he is wearing something on his head - a symptom of a “neurasthenic helmet”, increased sweating, lability of blood pressure and general deterioration.

Often, with neurasthenia, patients begin to visit doctors of various specialties, trying to find the cause of deterioration in well-being, but all studies conducted indicate complete physical health or minor deviations from the norm, which cannot in any way be the cause of such disorders.


What to do when diagnosed with neurasthenia? Treatment of asthenic syndrome must be carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of a specialist, only qualified doctor will be able to accurately assess the severity of existing nervous disorders, the possibility of developing complications and prescribe appropriate treatment. Indeed, with neurosis of varying degrees of severity, treatment at home, psychotherapy is sufficient, or medication and inpatient treatment are necessary.

Correcting the condition at home

Possible in mild forms of neurosis, if disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system are caused by wrong mode work and rest or excessive physical and neuropsychic stress. The main goal of treatment is to restore and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system and human health in general.

Treatment at home includes changes in lifestyle, work and rest, nutrition, and the use of drugs that improve general state health. This treatment forms the basis of therapy for all types of neurosis and depression.

Drug treatment

Sometimes with neurasthenia you cannot do without taking medications. This may be caused by excessive exhaustion of the nervous system, which is no longer able to recover on its own, and associated symptoms - increased anxiety, irritability, sleep and appetite disturbances.

To treat neurasthenia use:


The most important method of treatment and prevention of any nervous diseases.

With neuroses, it is very important to understand what wrong actions and thoughts caused this condition. A variety of techniques can be used for this:

Other treatments

In addition to the above, standard methods treatment, for neuroses it is recommended to use additional ones. This can be music therapy, phototherapy, art therapy, sand therapy, yoga, meditation, aromatherapy, color therapy and any other method that allows you to relax and get rid of nervous tension.

The term neurosis hides a whole group of diseases caused by a disorder of the nervous system. One of these disorders is asthenic neurosis, or neurasthenia. This psychoneurological disease is considered the result of prolonged exposure to stress factors or general overstrain of the body.

Classification of neurasthenia

There are two types of classification for this mental disorder. In the first, the basis of division is etiology pathological condition, and the second takes into account characteristic clinical symptoms.

Types of neurasthenia due to its occurrence:

  1. Reactive neurasthenia occurs after a person finds himself in a situation of a psychotraumatic nature. Predisposing factors in in this case there may be problems with sleep, fatigue or somatic illnesses.
  2. Exhaustion neurasthenia appears as a result of excessive intellectual stress.

Types of neurasthenia according to clinical manifestations:

  1. Hypersthenic neurasthenia is characterized by an increased level of irritability, emotional instability, a tendency to react inadequately to external stimuli.
  2. The hyposthenic type of neurosis manifests itself constant lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness. In this case, short-term rest does not bring relief or reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Important! In some cases, the hypersthenic type of neurosis can turn into hyposthenic and vice versa.

The pathogenesis of this disease is based on a disorder of the higher nervous activity of the human brain with overstrain of the system conditioned inhibition, which is responsible for the normal reaction to external irritating factors.

Clinical symptoms and signs

This type of neurosis is characterized by the following manifestations, which can be both psychological and general somatic in nature:

  • increased level of irritability;
  • fainting;
  • pathological fluctuations in the body's hormonal levels (impotence in men, menstrual irregularities in women);
  • rapid fatigue, with long-term illness – drowsiness and indifference to the outside world (asthenic syndrome);
  • malfunctions digestive tract(loss of appetite, pain in the stomach, intestines, constipation, diarrhea);
  • development of edema leading to weight gain;
  • weight loss, up to severe exhaustion body;
  • neuralgia and headaches;
  • frequent urination;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • worsening of hearing, negative reaction to loud sounds.

Important! Most often, neurasthenia occurs in stages. First, a state of excitement occurs, then weakness, which has a very negative effect on the sick person. And in the end, the resources of the nervous system are depleted, and a stage of inhibition occurs.

Asthenic neurosis in children

According to statistics, boys are more susceptible to neurasthenia than girls. Also at risk are children of primary school age who may suffer from this disease due to problems with adaptation at school.

In addition, predisposing factors to the development of neurasthenia in childhood can be:

  • immaturity of the central nervous system;
  • maternal imbalance during pregnancy;
  • chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Manifestations of neurasthenia in children are mental or physical fatigue. It is expressed by excessive excitement, depressed mood and tearfulness. Children experience sleep disturbances and decreased attention. Somatic signs include abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea.

Important! The symptoms of neurasthenia in childhood are very easy to confuse with other diseases. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the condition of their children. This illness does not mean that the child has a mental illness and needs specialized help. An ordinary pediatrician can alleviate the condition.

Treatment of asthenic neurosis

Therapy for neurasthenia is based on correcting the causes that led to the occurrence this state. Reducing the level of mental and physical stress will significantly speed up the healing process. In order for brain activity to recover, it is necessary to follow a daily routine, eat a balanced diet and exercise a large number of time for fresh air. Taking warm baths before bed has a good effect.

Drug therapy includes medications, which have a calming and nootropic effect. These include:

  • Piracetam;
  • Biotropil;
  • Pramistar;
  • Noofen;
  • Phenibut.

An additional method of treatment is psychotherapy, which should be carried out by a competent specialist. At the same time, you can restore the body with the help of acupuncture and sanatorium-resort treatment. A light, relaxing massage and listening to quiet music can also help with recovery.


There are a number of measures that can prevent the development of neurasthenia:

  • compliance correct mode day;
  • sufficient sleep duration;
  • balanced diet;
  • adequate level of intellectual and physical activity;
  • regular rest;
  • a change of scenery;
  • sports, active lifestyle;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • reception of complex vitamin preparations, especially those containing B vitamins.

Lasts recovery period from one to four weeks, depending on the severity of the condition.

Asthenic neurosis can significantly worsen a person’s quality of life. This is why it is important to start treatment of this disease when the first signs appear. Therapy should be comprehensive and correspond to the severity of clinical manifestations.

Asthenic neurosis, or neurasthenia, is a psychological disease that occurs as a result of prolonged physical or emotional stress. Most often, the nervous system is depleted in people from 20 to 45 years old, during the period of active life. Work 24 hours a day, lack of rest, conflicts at work or in personal life, constant stressful situations invariably lead to the appearance of neurasthenia. The main point in the treatment of neurosis is to eliminate the main cause of the disease.

Treatment of neurasthenia

When treating any psychological disease, and asthenic syndrome in particular, it is necessary to use A complex approach. This method of therapy includes eliminating the main cause of neurosis, normalizing the daily routine, using medications and psychological techniques.

First of all, you need to change your daily routine

For clarity, you can write down all the important events point by point and pay great attention to rest. Treatment of asthenic neurosis involves clear regulation of the time of going to bed and the time of waking up. It is recommended to take walks in the park before going to bed, thus saturating the body with oxygen.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the diet; it is better to replace flour and fatty foods with vegetables and fruits. You can’t overeat at night, yogurt or light vegetable salad will come in handy. A change of scenery would be a good idea; if your planned vacation is still far away, take an exciting walk on the weekend.

New impressions at the beginning working week will allow you to perform your immediate duties with great pleasure. In cases where your main place of work involves a busy schedule, especially with night shifts and nervous stress, you will have to think about changing your workplace.

Use of medications

  • To improve anabolic processes, doctors recommend taking calcium glycerophosphate and iron.
  • Also assigned on an individual basis medicines, containing caffeine and bromine.
  • Asthenic neurotic disorder involves taking tranquilizers, the dosage regimen and dosage of which are prescribed only by the attending physician.
  • For hyposthenic neurosis, medazepam, trioxazine, strong coffee or tea are taken.
  • Thioridazine in small volumes has an antidepressant effect, and with increasing dosage it has a calming effect.
  • Sleeping pills are not prescribed for this form of manifestation of the disease.
  • For the hypersthenic variety of neurasthenia, it is recommended to take oxazepam and elenium.

Regardless of the form of the disease, treatment of neurasthenia is also carried out using physiotherapy: aromatherapy, soothing massage, reflexology will allow tense muscles to relax and calm down. Electrophoresis with calcium and bromine ions is also widely used.

It is good to use in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system. autogenic training, swimming in the pool. Facilities traditional medicine allow the use of medicinal herbs to normalize sleep and strengthen the nervous system. Valerian, motherwort, and hawthorn tincture have long been used by people to calm and treat insomnia.

Contact a specialist

If you can handle it on your own difficult situation If it doesn’t work out, it’s time to seek help from a doctor. A psychiatrist or neurologist can identify the symptoms of asthenic neurosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. In psychology, there are various methods for treating neurasthenia in women and men: individual and group classes psychotherapy, psychoanalysis. The doctor decides which method is best for the patient after individual communication with the patient.

The main goal of treating mental disorders is to reassess the situation that caused asthenic neurosis. An experienced psychologist will help you figure out what is important and what is secondary in the patient’s life, what is worth spending your energy on, and what can be skipped.

Revaluation life values will allow you to look at the current situation from a different angle and change your attitude towards it. It often happens that a person sets difficult goals for himself, and then blames himself for not achieving them.

Symptoms of asthenic neurosis

The symptoms and signs of neurasthenia are varied. The appearance of the following symptoms cannot be ignored:

  • Headache. Very often people do not pay due attention to it. Taking a pill at the end of the working day will allow you to temporarily get rid of this unpleasant feeling. Some people experience a feeling of constriction, as if a narrow hat was put on their head or an iron hoop was compressing the circumference of the head. There are frequent cases of dizziness, and there is no sensation of objects rotating.
  • Rapid heartbeat or tingling in the heart area. Even during a calm conversation, the patient may become suddenly agitated, blush, or, on the contrary, turn pale.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Dyspeptic phenomena. In children and adults it is observed poor appetite, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, heartburn.
  • Frequent urge to urinate is observed only in moments of strong excitement and stops with the onset of peace of mind.
  • Decreased sexual desire for a partner.
  • Insomnia. The main symptom of neurasthenia is sleep disturbance. Difficulty falling asleep and restless, fragmentary sleep do not allow the patient to feel rested and full of energy. As a result, absent-mindedness, memory problems, and instability of attention appear.
  • Decreased performance. Due to changes in the patient's behavior, productivity begins to decline.
  • Increased irritability. Sharp sounds can unbalance a person suffering from neurasthenia. A slamming door or loud laughter can cause a whole lot of negative emotions. In children this is observed when visiting public places– circus, cinema, concert halls.

The presence of the listed symptoms does not indicate a diagnosis of asthenic neurosis; perhaps it is ordinary fatigue and chronic lack of sleep. In any case, you should consult a specialist about this.

Establishing diagnosis

The diagnosis of neurasthenia in children and adults is made by a neurologist after initial examination, studying the patient’s complaints and based on studying the general history of the sick patient. During diagnosis, tumors and inflammatory processes, taking place in the brain, intoxication, chronic infectious diseases. To do this, the patient undergoes a magnetic resonance imaging scan. Also important indicator rheoencephalography is used to establish the nature of cerebral circulation.

Disease prevention

In psychology, asthenic neurosis has the most favorable prognosis among other mental illnesses. A timely diagnosis provides great chances full recovery. In advanced cases, neurasthenia becomes chronic diseases central nervous system, difficult to treat.

To prevent the occurrence of neurosis, you need to maintain a balanced work and rest schedule, avoid constant emotional overload, physical exhaustion. You need to learn how to use relaxation techniques to relieve stress and physical fatigue. The causes of neurasthenia also lie in the desire to do everything in time, and the resulting disappointment, if this was not done, can cause breakdown. Good method Getting rid of asthenic neurosis is a change of environment, a trip on vacation.

It is especially worth noting the emergence of neurosis in children. Heavy school load, additional classes and sections, computer games can provoke the appearance of neurasthenia in a child. In this case, the role of parents in treatment plays a particularly important role. If the situation gets out of control and you can no longer cope with it on your own, it’s time to contact a child psychologist. An experienced specialist will tell you how to treat neurasthenia in children; sometimes it is enough to reduce the load and spend more free time in the fresh air.

Life in a metropolis proceeds at a frantic pace, which leaves its mark on the life of every person. Constant stress at work, standing in traffic jams for many hours, lack of sleep, setting difficult tasks can lead to neurasthenia. This psychological illness Mostly middle-aged people are affected, and there is no division by gender. On initial stage Usually it is enough to spend more time relaxing, communicating with friends, and traveling.

A change of environment will help get rid of neurosis. However, with prolonged mental disorder It is better to seek help from a specialist. An experienced psychiatrist or neurologist will prescribe courses of restorative therapy, relaxing massage, physiotherapy, and, if necessary, medications. Moderate exercise, walks in the fresh air, good sleep- these are the main components healthy image life.

Neurasthenia in literal translation of this term (neuri, neuro - related to nerves, to the nervous system + Greek astenia - weakness, impotence) means increased excitability and weakness, impotence, rapid exhaustion of the nervous system, caused by exposure to psychotrauma. It is the most common form of neurosis in adults. Regarding neurasthenia in childhood, the opinions of psychiatrists are contradictory, and while some, especially foreign authors, in the recent past did not recognize the importance of the independent existence of neurasthenia in children, others diagnosed it in a very broad way. Even today, in the popular scientific literature on neuroses it is indicated that neurasthenia in modern conditions is the most common mental illness (D. D. Anikeeva, 1997). Further, the author writes, referring to adults: “Varying degrees of severity of neurasthenic disorders are observed in almost every person whose work is associated with high mental stress.” The author concerns only neurasthenic disorders, and not neurasthenia as a disease. Perhaps it would be more correct to talk about asthenic disorders, which have multiple causes and can occur in almost all people. In general, D. D. Anikeeva’s book “Bad Character or Neurosis” (1997) is written in an interesting and fascinating way; it concerns not only neuroses, but also a number of mental illnesses.

Causes and clinical features This neurosis in childhood has been studied in detail by V.V. Kovalev and his colleagues. It was found that the cause of neurasthenia is mainly long-term or constant conflicts in the family, the wrong (very tough and demanding) type of child upbringing, as well as somatic weakness due to acute and chronic diseases internal organs, foci of infection, consequences of previously suffered organic diseases of the nervous system.

The dominant factor is psychological trauma, and other causes are mainly additional or provoking in nature. As the famous Soviet child psychiatrist G. E. Sukhareva has repeatedly pointed out, neurasthenia in children occurs extremely rarely in the absence of somatic weakness

The development of neurasthenia is facilitated by the mental and physical overload of children in schools with different “deviations” or simultaneous attendance of several schools. However, it should be taken into account that physical overexertion(children attending various clubs and early introduction to sports) usually does not cause neurosis. They can only appear increased weakness, lethargy, fatigue, which quickly goes away after rest. Also, increased mental stress during learning usually does not cause neurosis. Both of these factors contribute to the onset of neurasthenia with an accompanying psychotraumatic effect, for example, the presentation of demands on children that exceed their capabilities. To avoid punishment and moralizing, the child tries to follow the strict instructions of his parents, but does not achieve the desired result. And this is already psychological trauma.

Such states, observed in children with high self-esteem and high aspirations that are in conflict with reality, are defined by V.I. Garbuzov (1977) as a mental conflict “I want, but I can’t,” which is unacceptable for the individual. It can be presented more softly: “I want, but I don’t dare,” “I want, but I don’t have the right,” “I want, but I’m sick, and therefore I have to refuse.... although, if I were healthy, then...” . If you think about the indicated formulation of intrapersonal conflict, then it is nothing more than Freud’s psychoanalysis (in this case, psychoanalysis as a method of cognition), only expressed (taking into account the time) in a slightly different interpretation. Further, V.I. Garbuzov writes the following: “The conflict persists at the level of deep, unconscious experiences. On the one hand, the patient has high true self-esteem, which does not allow him to give up high aspirations, on the other hand, he experiences a feeling of inferiority and has low self-esteem “ today" The patient realizes the unattainability of the desired goals and at the same time believes that they are achievable for him. He refuses to achieve them - and is not able to refuse, for they are the basis for the direction of his leading needs. He has claims against himself, feeling inferiority and deep dissatisfaction with himself, and on this path he is faced with the need to preserve his self-esteem; has claims to reality, but they are either unfair, which the patient is aware of, or he is powerless to change anything.”

One may get the impression that this is a flight into illness, characteristic of hysterical neurosis. There is a different mechanism for resolving the conflict. The individual did everything possible to achieve what he wanted. Asthenic syndrome, according to V.I. Garbuzov, necessary condition“refusal” and at the same time a reason for its acceptance.

From the perspective of the teachings of I. P. Pavlov, neurosis should be considered as a violation of the normal relationship between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex big brain. Initially, weakness of internal inhibition occurs, then weakness of the excitation process is added to this, and finally, phenomena of transcendental inhibition are added to the weakness of both processes. Today it is only common words without specific data on the localization and biochemical essence of these disorders, however, such an interpretation allows a clear picture of the dynamics of the disease.

The leading cause of neurasthenia is asthenic syndrome. It can manifest itself as signs of hypersthenic, hyposthenic, psychoasthenic and asthenodepressive disorders.

Hypersthenic syndrome is characterized by increased irritability, incontinence, excessive excitability, anxiety, fear, and hysterical reactions.

Hyposthenic syndrome - general lethargy, weakness, increased fatigue and exhaustion of mental processes, decreased performance at school and ability to work.

Psychoasthenic syndrome is characterized by timidity, indecisiveness, and increased sensitivity to any external influences.

Asthenodepressive syndrome - lethargy, rapid exhaustion, mental retardation and physical activity. Consequently, with neurasthenia, not only emotional and behavioral disorders are observed in the form of irritable weakness and mental fatigue, but also various depressive disorders, manifested by a decrease in mood. However, depression does not reach a pronounced degree, although the difference between asthenic neurosis and depressive neurosis often presents great difficulties.

Clinical manifestations of neurasthenia, like other neuroses, also include changes in internal organs and systems with autonomic innervation (so-called autonomic disorders, or manifestations of vegetative dystonia). They may touch various violations on the part of the skin, changes in color, vascular pattern, sweating - very dry or, conversely, moist skin, severe itching is possible, up to urticaria or neurodermatitis), activity of internal organs, sleep disturbances and headaches are very typical.

On the part of the internal organs, pain in the heart area is especially characteristic, usually occurring in school-age children. Children characterize these disorders as tingling, numbness, discomfort, heartbeat. In this case, there may be constant pain in the heart or pain that occurs with excitement, which, unlike pain in adults, is usually not accompanied by a feeling of fear of death or anticipation of heart attacks. There are often complaints of disorders gastrointestinal tract: nausea, sometimes with vomiting (especially with excitement), loss of appetite, selective attitude towards food, aching pain in the abdominal area, constipation or causeless diarrhea, which is especially evident after regular conflict situations at school and at home.

Characteristic sign autonomic disorders- headaches, which, according to B. D. Karvasarsky (1969) and V. I. Garbuzoea (1977), often serve as the leading clinical manifestation of neurasthenia. They can be caused by neurovascular (vegetative) and neuromuscular local disorders. Both types of headaches are caused by psychogenic disorders and are the individual’s reaction to pain syndrome. Neurovascular headaches occur soon after onset neurotic disorders, they are almost permanent and are associated with traumatic effects. According to subjective sensations, such a headache is pulsating in nature (“pounding in the head”) and can be accompanied by dizziness, and is localized mainly in the temporal region. Headaches of a neuromuscular nature are manifested by a feeling of external pressure, tightening, squeezing. In some cases, there is a feeling as if a tight hat or helmet is being placed on the head, which is where the term “neurotic helmet” comes from. In such cases, palpation (feeling) of the muscles of the head, especially in the temporal regions, can be painful, and when tingling in this area there is an increased reaction to painful stimuli.

Headaches in most cases appear early school age, gradually increasing in frequency and severity towards adolescence. They intensify with mental activity (preparing for classes at school), harsh lighting, which is accompanied by pain in the eyes, exposure to extraneous stimuli (radio, TV, noise on the street, loud conversations, etc.).

In many cases, sleep is disrupted. These may include difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep with frequent awakenings, startling during sleep, and frequent changes in body position. The child seems to be tossing about in bed; first his leg, then his arm or torso are shaking. He can lie across the bed, throw off a pillow or blanket, turn over to the other side - where his legs were, his head will be there, and sometimes even falls out of the bed. It should be noted that such sleep patterns are often found in highly excitable children who do not suffer from neuroses. Therefore, it hardly makes sense in each specific case to modify sleep, to make it more restful with the help of various medications. The main criterion should be the effectiveness of sleep, which can be judged by the child’s condition in the morning. If he wakes up at the same time and quickly becomes alert and active, then sleep with some motor restlessness should be considered normal or physiological. In cases where a child wakes up lethargic and not rested, and this condition lasts for about an hour or more, we can conclude that sleep did not provide sufficient rest. This is observed in patients with neuroses and neurasthenia and requires a certain correction of sleep, preferably not with medications, but with routine measures (excluding irritating moments on the eve of sleep, especially watching TV, a short walk on the street, a warm bath without any fillers or with additives - pine, valerian and etc.).

According to V.V. Kovalev (1979), diagnosis of asthenic neurosis is possible only in children of middle school age and adolescents, when the disease manifests itself in an extensive form. At earlier (preschool and primary school) ages, only rudimentary and atypical asthenic reactions are observed. According to other authors (V.I. Garbuzov, 1977), more is possible early diagnosis, but not earlier than 4-7 years, i.e. from the moment when true self-esteem and other basic personality characteristics have already been formed to a certain extent. The author provides data that in some of the patients he observed, neurasthenia arose from 1.5-3 months of age, when the individual is able to experience deprivation when separated from the mother and when biological needs are not satisfied, and then the needs for communication, movement, development psychophysical functions, etc. V.I. Garbuzov defines the experience of psychotrauma during this period as “I want, but I don’t get it.” In his opinion, neurasthenia is the first neurosis on the path to personality formation, and a neurasthenic reaction may be the initial manifestation of other neuroses, in particular obsessive states and hysteria.

There is an opinion that the detection of neurasthenia is also possible in young children (i.e., up to 3 years), when it manifests itself with peculiar emotional, behavioral and autonomic disorders.

We will not give a critical assessment of the above points of view, because they are based on specific personal material. And the point is not when a specific form of neurosis can be diagnosed. The main thing is to identify deviations in early mental development child, which may initially be designated as neurotic reactions, and correct these disorders.

There are two types of dynamics (emergence and development) of neurasthenia (N. A. Lobikova, 1973). The first type is characterized by a slow onset with the development of neurotic reactions in the form of polymorphic asthenic disorders (preneurotic state). In the future to asthenic symptoms episodes of hypochondriacal and depressive symptoms, autonomic disorders, and possibly neurotic personality development.

With the second type of dynamics, still in preschool age Monotonous disorders from the group of systemic neuroses (tics, bedwetting, inorganic encopresis, etc.) may occur, to which the phenomena of asthenia are added. This type of dynamics of neurasthenia is more favorable, with a slow decrease in severity and disappearance of asthenoneurotic disorders.

Neurasthenia, or asthenic neurosis is a psychogenic disease of a neurotic level, the causes of which are prolonged exposure to psychotraumatic factors (negative environment at home or at work, unreasonable and constant anxiety, emotional overstrain), overfatigue (prolonged mental or physical overstrain). IN clinical picture neurosis comes to the fore asthenic syndrome characterized by increased fatigue and hypersensitivity to external irritating factors (light, sound, changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature, etc.), low mood, increased tearfulness and moodiness, loss of ability for prolonged intellectual and physical activity, loss of concentration and memory, and a feeling of powerlessness. After the course treatment of asthenic neurosis in most cases, neurasthenia goes away.

Symptoms of asthenic neurosis

First appeared symptoms of asthenic neurosis appear increased fatigue, combined with irritability, a constant desire for mental or physical activity, which occurs even in conditions favorable for rest (“fatigue, not seeking rest”). Over time, the reaction of irritability gives way to rapid exhaustion, fatigue, and extreme weakness.

People suffering asthenic neurosis, lose the ability to concentrate on any one thing, are constantly distracted, lose attention, as a result of which they express dissatisfaction with themselves. They are characterized by increased sensitivity and tearfulness, and again the emergence of anxiety. This condition is often combined with a characteristic headache(shingles – “neurotic helmet” syndrome). There is constant drowsiness or, conversely, sleep disturbances, autonomic disorders (often manifested by tachycardia), increased sweating , suffocation, dysfunction of the digestive, genitourinary and other systems. If autonomic symptoms expressed, the patient experiences increased anxiety about his condition, constantly “listening” to the work of his body. In some cases there is weather dependence, contributing to strengthening symptoms of asthenic neurosis. Similar symptoms can occur with neurological, mental, thyroid diseases and other endocrinological disorders. If such symptoms are detected, an adequate examination should be performed to differential diagnosis neurasthenia from more severe diseases.

Unfortunately, nowadays the way of life, its rhythm and the growth of information flow have changed significantly, and therefore the number of people at risk for psycho-emotional disorders is growing rapidly. In many cases the reason chronic fatigue becomes neurasthenia.

Treatment of asthenic neurosis

Treatment of asthenic neurosis You should start by eliminating any stress, following a daily routine and diet, eliminating a traumatic situation, and carrying out general strengthening and health procedures.

To successfully treat asthenic neurosis, you should use various relaxation techniques -

  • relaxation,
  • meditation,
  • sessions of psycho-emotional relief.

Exercise and exercise are beneficial water treatments, walks in the open air.

To restore the psycho-emotional background, the use of sedatives plant origin based on cyanosis blue, valerian officinalis, motherwort, lemon balm, which have a beneficial effect on the central and autonomic nervous system. The biologically active complex Nervo-Vit based on blue cyanosis, the effect of which exceeds the effect of valerian by 8-10 times, will provide long-lasting sedative effect, and vitamin C, which enhances the effect of herbs and has an antioxidant effect, will slow down oxidative reactions in the body, due to which it neutralizes the effect of free radicals formed as a result of a traumatic situation and attacking the body’s cells, disrupting their membrane membrane, which leads to premature cell death and slower regeneration. In addition, vitamin C helps increase stress resistance body. Biologically active complex Nervo-Vit, manufactured in an easy-to-use tablet form, using cryominding technology at ultra-low temperatures, preventing loss pharmacological properties medicinal herbs lost during the preparation of decoctions, infusions or extracts.

Other drugs that have a sedative and calming effect, containing vitamin C for plant based– Valerian P and Motherwort P, also included in the series “ Secrets of longevity", which received its name thanks to the innovative cryo-grinding technology.

If asthenic neurosis is accompanied depressive disorders, then along with sedative herbs it is recommended to take St. John's wort P, based on St. John's wort, which has a pronounced antidepressant effect.

Complex therapy of asthenic neurosis would not be complete without the use of herbal adaptogens(Leuzea safflower, Eleutherococcus), allowing to restore and improve performance.

Preparations, Eleutherococcus P, biologically active complexes Leveton P (based on Leuzea) and Elton P (based on Eleutherococcus), which include apiproducts - pollen ,allowing you to replenish the body suffering from nervous exhaustion, valuable biologically active substances– amino acids, macro- and microelements, enzymes, vitamins, etc. necessary for the body to restore strength and performance in case of increased mental and physical activity. The biological activity of the leading substances in medicinal herbs and bee products in Leveton P and Elton P is enhanced by the action of vitamin C and vitamin E, which are powerful antioxidants.

To keep the body in good shape, taking vitamin complexes is recommended. based royal jelly (composed of about 120 useful substances, including 22 essential and essential amino acids, 15 groups of various microelements, up to 18% protein) and pollen (bee pollen) (28 types of various microelements, 20 amino acids), which also includes an antioxidant complex presented dihydroquercetin(standard antioxidant), vitamins C and E, the synergistic effect of which provides slowing down oxidative processes and preventing the destructive effects of free radicals in living cells of the body, protecting them from death and premature aging. Apitonus P is a general strengthening vitamin complex that can improve mood, keep the body in good shape, and significantly improve the quality of life.
