Psychology of the terminally ill. Incurable human diseases: list, symptoms Reaction of terminally ill patients

The world population in the 21st century has exceeded 7.5 billion people. This is largely due to rising birth rates in developing countries. But in addition to natural growth, there is also a constant population decline on Earth. One of the factors that regularly reduces the number of people living on Earth is disease.

Only 9 diseases kills almost every year 40 million people.

1. Cardiovascular diseases

According to estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008, cardiovascular diseases died about 17,3 million people. This 30% from total number dead in the world. Of these 17.3 million deaths, 7,3 million die from coronary disease hearts and 6,2 million - to death from. At the same time, more 80% deaths occur in middle-income countries.

Cardiovascular diseases are diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including:
coronary heart disease
Congenital heart defect
cerebrovascular disease
peripheral artery disease
deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
rheumatic carditis

You can prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases by quitting tobacco use, switching to a healthy diet and increasing physical activity.

2. Oncology

Due to oncology in 2008 (according to WHO) died 7,6 million people. This 13% from all the dead in the world. Most often, cancers such as liver, stomach, mammary glands and colon lead to death. Near 70% deaths from cancer occur in low- and middle-income countries.

- These are malignant tumors and formations that can affect any part of the body. The main cause of death in cancer is metastases - abnormal cells that grow beyond their boundaries and can penetrate and spread to nearby organs and parts of the body.

Obesity and high body mass index, lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, lack of physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption are the main risk factors for cancer.

3. Diabetes

Currently more than 347 millions of people have been diagnosed. In 2004, according to WHO, people died from high blood sugar 3,4 million people in the world. At the same time, about 80% deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that develops when the pancreas does not produce the required amount of insulin, or when the body itself is unable to process the produced insulin. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar.
Diabetes can be prevented by healthy eating and regular physical exercise, quitting smoking and fighting excess weight.

4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

More 64 million people worldwide suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in 2004. In 2005, according to WHO, more than 3 million people died from ACPD. At the same time, more 90% cases occur in low- and middle-income countries.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a lung disease that interferes with the movement of air from the lungs. The disease is incurable, you can only slow down its progression.

The main reason why ACPD develops is smoking.

5. Diarrhea

According to WHO, it is one of the main causes of child mortality. More 1,5 million children around the world die every year from diarrhea. As a rule, these are children under 2 years of age. Diarrhea is loose or unformed stool more than 3 times a day and is a symptom intestinal infection. In this case, the child dies from dehydration. The infection is transmitted through contaminated drinking water and food, or from an infected person if hygiene rules are not followed.

6. Tuberculosis

According to WHO data, in 2011, people became infected 8,7 million people. Died from illness 1,4 million people. In more than 95% deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries.

Tuberculosis is infection, caused by the microbacterium tuberculosis (Koch's bacillus) and transmitted by airborne droplets. The main source of infection is sputum.

Near 30% The world's population is infected with tuberculosis bacteria, but does not get sick.

Risk factors for contracting tuberculosis are HIV, weakened immunity, diabetes, poor nutrition, and smoking.

7. Hepatitis B and C

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease that affects the liver. Leads to the development of chronic liver disease, increases the risk of cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. The most severe hepatitis virus.

According to WHO, more than 2 billion people around the world are infected with hepatitis. More than one person dies each year from hepatitis B 600 thousand man in the world.

Hepatitis C is one of the most common viruses that infects the liver. Near 3-4 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus every year. More 350 thousand a person dies from hepatitis C.

Hepatitis is transmitted through blood and sexual contact.

8. HIV infection

According to WHO, over the past 30 years, more than 25 million person or more 830 thousand person per year.
In 2011 there were more than 34 million infected people. HIV is incurable, but antiretroviral therapy can significantly alleviate the course of the disease.

Human immunodeficiency virus is a disease that primarily affects immune system, causing the person to become vulnerable to various infections And certain species cancer. The last stage of HIV is AIDS.
HIV is transmitted through blood, breast milk, during sexual intercourse.

9. Malaria

According to the World Health Organization, people were infected with malaria in 2010 216 million Human. For 655 thousand the disease ended in death.

The maximum mortality rate is observed in Africa, where 1 child dies every minute from malaria.

More 80% deaths account for 14 African countries, 80% people with malaria live in 17 countries around the world.


If you protect yourself from the diseases listed above, you have a real chance of living a long life.

If there are no objections from you, the positive difference between the amount sufficient to help under this announcement and the total amount of donations received will be used to help other people in need in the same category of requests.

“You can’t be cured, go home,” parents of terminally ill children often hear. Employees of the Children's Mobile Palliative Service help in caring for the child

When a child is diagnosed with a terminal illness, all hell breaks loose in the family. In regular clinics, few pediatricians know about the rare disease. With severe symptoms, often with pain and periodic stopping of breathing, the child remains within four walls with helpless parents who do not know how to care for him.

We would like to tell you a little about one of these families. Misha Kazarinov is 1 year old. The family contacted the Service for several months
ago, the parents were at a loss and did not know what to do next. The baby was born very premature, he has many serious diagnoses, he - palliative child. At one year old, the boy cannot sit or hold his head up and swallows very poorly. Misha was born in full
prosperous family, the parents have an older child. Mom and Misha were discharged home, but no one explained what to do next. Employees of the Children's Palliative Service are now teaching parents the basic rules of caring for Misha, helping with specialized nutrition; the baby has recently begun to gain a little weight. Misha recently underwent surgery and was placed on a gastrostomy tube. Now there will be no feeding
a painful process neither for Misha nor for the parents.

In 2011, a Children's Mobile Palliative Service was organized at the Martha and Mary Convent, one of the projects of the Orthodox Help Service Mercy. Here they do everything for the family of sick children so that life not only continues, but also is happy. Train proper care, help with the purchase of necessary medications, expensive drugs, and rehabilitation products. Exercise therapy specialists, specialized doctors, nurses and social workers come to your home.

Currently, the Children's Mobile Palliative Service has 90 clients. All of them are seriously ill children. Diagnoses for children are different: genetic and rare diseases, consequences of severe accidents and injuries. There are many children with completely intact intelligence, there are babies who walk or ride in a stroller in regular school. There are children on ventilators who understand everything, but cannot speak; they express their emotions with their eyes. There are children in full vegetative state after severe injuries, past diseases.

The service's nurses visit families with seriously ill children every day. In a day nurse makes 2-3 trips. The nurses monitor the child’s condition, transmit data about changes to the doctors, also help in caring for the child, teach the mother how to care for the gastrostomy tube, how to properly feed the child through a tube and
much more, they also bring diapers, diapers, special therapeutic nutrition. A nurse is a person who is most often in the family; she can quickly respond to changes in the condition of the child or parents, offer the services of a psychologist, talk with a priest, call the right specialist on house.

The children's mobile palliative service exists on donations from caring people. A nurse earns 34,483 rubles per month. Including mandatory taxes and fees - 44,897 rubles per month. We need to collect 269,382 rubles to help seriously ill children
within 2 months. We really hope, friends, for your help and support!

“Once in the Matrosskaya Tishina hospital we spoke with a man who had, relatively speaking, two or three months left to live. He wanted to die at home, but his sentence was being appealed, he told Vadim Gorshenin, Chairman of the Public Monitoring Commission (POC) of the city of Moscow. “If the sentence had been recognized as legal, he would have been released. And if he was still under investigation, he would also be released.”

“There are two government regulations on the release of seriously ill citizens,” he explained. – One resolution is dedicated to those against whom an investigation is underway, the second - to those whose sentence has already entered into legal force. But in the pre-trial detention center there is enough a large number of people who are “between” these two documents. If there was only one resolution that would talk about all the people who are in the penitentiary system, probably such problems would not exist.”

One signature for everyone

How do events develop if a person gets sick in prison? First you need to write an application. The institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) have special books for recording requests for medical assistance, compiled in a form approved by the Ministry of Justice. However, it is quite difficult to verify whether the patient was really helped.

“There were cases when we checked these books, and under all the appeals there was the same signature,” says Vadim Gorshenin. – There is a column where prisoners must sign for what they received medical care. But instead of the prisoners, the doctor signed these books.”

If a tooth hurts, they will simply pull it out

“The most complaints are about dentistry,” says Igor Romanov, Secretary of the PSC of the Pskov region. – We have five colonies in the region. For example, in Kryuki (correctional colony No. 2) six months ago they submitted an application to St. Petersburg for material for fillings, and are still waiting. Therefore, the doctor either simply examines the teeth or pulls them out. There is no other treatment.

There are also not enough tools. It used to happen that there was only one set for the entire penal colony.

The prisoners were admitted one by one, and the doctor did not have time to disinfect the instruments. Many refused to have their teeth treated after others. Nowadays dentists still have two sets.”

If you have hypertension, it must be proven

All chronic diseases worsen in prison. “When a person ends up in prison, it’s a lot of stress. A person cannot withstand all this - interrogations, investigation, trial. His life completely changes when he gets there, and this is a traumatic situation that has a bad effect on his health,” notes the senior priest of the Temple of the Intercession Holy Mother of God Archpriest in Butyrka prison Konstantin Kobelev.

However, it is sometimes impossible to continue previously prescribed treatment. “A person with third-degree hypertension and a whole bunch of other diseases. Before being placed in a pre-trial detention center, he was treated in private clinics, where he was diagnosed. But the data from his medical record is not included in common system electronic circulation medical card in Moscow.

In order to confirm his illness through public clinics, he needs to go full examination. They do such things in pre-trial detention centers, but it will take a long time and huge costs.

And the person needs treatment,” Vadim Gorshenin told a case from his practice.

“We have been raising the question for six months now that the medical unit of the Moscow Federal Penitentiary Service should be included in electronic system medical records,” he continued. Now the doctors of the medical unit cannot obtain this information, even if the patient was treated in state clinics and hospitals. An extract from the medical history is not given to anyone except the patient himself, who is in prison and cannot come for it.

“They are helping my son, but they cannot cure him”

Not all diseases can be treated in a pre-trial detention center or colony. For example, in June 2017 in Moscow in Botkin hospital, ex-chairman of the board of the Moscow Lights bank. He had von Willebrand-Diana disease, a blood clotting disorder that requires continuous injections of plasma. He was never given a blood transfusion in the pre-trial detention center.

“There are no specialist doctors in the isolation wards, and even those doctors who exist are not competent enough, their treatment does not produce results if serious health problems arise. And they still don’t have the ability to carry out diagnostics; they don’t have the equipment. They are helping my son... but they cannot cure him, which the doctors themselves do not deny,” writes in the comments on Facebook Olga Ai.

“Doctors do not go to colonies,” she noted in an interview with Kira Ipatova, psychologist of the Regional Charitable public organization“Names+” and member of the Public Monitoring Committee at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. – Apparently, there are no attractive conditions there. In the women's colony, for example, there are more than 890 girls, and only a half-time gynecologist.

In another colony, everything seems to be there - and dental office, and a psychiatrist, and a narcologist, and an infectious disease specialist - but there is no therapist. From time to time they are called from other colonies.

Let's say a doctor came today, and whoever was able to, got to him. And those who didn’t have time are waiting for the next visit of the doctor.

Of course, the mobile therapist will write everything out necessary recipes and referrals, but this is not the same as regularly managing “your” patients. He just gets acquainted with the documentation in five minutes.”

However, Kira Ipatova noted, over the twenty years of work of the RBPO “Imena +”, the conditions of detention of prisoners have improved significantly, and preventive actions became better and more regular.

A day after the operation - back to prison

In Moscow, according to Vadim Gorshenin, those arrested primarily complain about the lack of specialized specialists: urologists, mammologists, phlebologists. “Yesterday I was contacted by a prisoner who has been waiting for ophthalmologist care since March 12. I ask the head of the institution why help was not provided, and he answers: in the order of priority,” says the chairman of the Moscow Public Monitoring Committee.

“The staff of the Federal Penitentiary Service is not large enough to transport prisoners en masse to medical examinations, he explains. “A convoy is needed to accompany such patients. If a person is in the hospital for a day or more, four guards are there with him. This means that they are removed from the floors where they are usually on duty, delaying the provision of assistance to other prisoners.”

The lack of escorts is one of the reasons why patients do not stay in the clinic after operations.

“When performing the most complex operations, hospitals try to get rid of their patients as quickly as possible,” writes Vadim Gorshenin on Facebook. “And almost the next day, in a paddy wagon, the man, all sewn and altered, is taken to “Matrosskaya Tishina.” And then they send you back to the colony as quickly as possible. Elementary bed rest in such cases is not observed.”

According to him, women also spend no more than a day in the hospital after giving birth.

The lack of beds in hospitals is another reason for the hasty discharge of patients arriving from colonies and pre-trial detention centers.

One MRI machine for all colonies in the region

“In the regional hospital. F.P.Gaaz Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region up to 350 people can be treated simultaneously. But for 16 correctional institutions (colony and pre-trial detention centers) in the region, this is not enough, says Kira Ipatova. – A queue is created of people who need to undergo surgery, undergo examination or medical examination to obtain disability, get prescribed antiretroviral therapy.

Many of them are in in serious condition, have several chronic diseases, advanced hepatitis, tuberculosis, mental and behavioral disorders due to drugs. Still dating severe forms HIV-AIDS, due to the lack of adherence to treatment in these patients.”

“Of course, in critical cases, a person must be hospitalized immediately. But, for example, there is only one MRI machine for all colonies and pre-trial detention centers in the region,” noted Kira Ipatova.

A seriously ill patient in handcuffs is a reality

In special blocks of city hospitals intended for prisoners, there are even fewer places. And a visit to a “civilian” clinic under escort does not always lead to high-quality examination and treatment.

“When this is done free of charge, a person is brought in, but the doctor doesn’t even look at him, writes that his condition is satisfactory, and sends him away,” says Olga Ai.

In addition, as the incident with Alexei Malobrodsky showed, the convoy can “safeguard” and handcuff a seriously ill prisoner to the bed.

“This is not the first time I have heard of a prisoner being handcuffed to a bed in a hospital.

We had unverified rumors that convicted women gave birth in handcuffs.

I honestly refused to believe it. But the case with Malobrodsky showed that this is reality,” Mikhail Fedotov.

“The sentence is tantamount to the death penalty”

For a person imprisoned in a pre-trial detention center, the solution could be to change the preventive measure for health reasons, that is, house arrest. But the courts do not agree to this, citing certificates received from medical units.

“The medical unit writes in all certificates that the patient is under dispensary observation and the condition is satisfactory. The medical unit does not write that there are no specialist doctors, that they cannot take them to the hospital due to a lack of convoys, that they cannot treat them because they need a specialized hospital and other doctors,” writes Olga Ai.

As a result, “people are driven to a serious, incurable condition.”

“If a person was sentenced to a short term, but he has serious disease, he may die, the sentence is tantamount death penalty“, she thinks.

Delay in examination is especially dangerous when it comes to cancer. From the onset of a prisoner’s first complaints to the diagnosis being made, such a length of time may pass that it will no longer be possible to help him.

“There is no equipment, we need to take the prisoner either to regional hospital, or to the oncology center, and these are additional costs for support,” noted Igor Romanov.

“If cancer was in the kidney, and it was removed, then there is no cancer”

If a convicted person is diagnosed with cancer last stage, he may qualify for release. However, Ekaterina Nusalova, who was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer with metastases in other organs, was denied this right by the Smolninsky Court of St. Petersburg in March 2016. The court justified its refusal by the fact that it can, but is not obliged to apply Article 81 of the Criminal Code on the release of seriously ill prisoners.

While in the hospital. Haaza, the woman received only pain relief, since licenses for treatment oncological diseases the clinic didn't have one.

After an appeal and a lawyer’s appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, Ekaterina Nusalova was released, but “civilian” doctors with necessary license, they couldn’t do anything anymore. Soon she died.

A separate issue is the supply of medicines to sick prisoners. “It happens that a person with a diagnosis ends up in a pre-trial detention center, but the drug is not purchased there, because no one expected that it would be needed. By the time the medicine arrives, the person may already be convicted and sent to a colony,” says Igor Romanov.

For example, patients with diabetes have to wait weeks for insulin.

“Applications from the Pskov region are sent to St. Petersburg, but there they are considered for too long and are satisfied on a residual basis. That is, insulin is needed today, but it will be sent, say, in a month,” explains the expert.

The PSC of the Republic of Mordovia assesses the situation with medicines differently. "In my personal opinion, drug provision in the FSIN institutions is better than in most civilian hospitals,” said a member of the commission, a doctor, in an interview with Vadim Samylin. – We recently visited LIU-21 in Barashevo, looked into all the holes, inspected the warehouses, and studied the documentation. Everything is conducted many times more disciplined than in civilian life. There is an excellent laboratory there, and I don’t understand why they can’t build the same ones outside the LIU. Those who think medical correctional institutions are poorly staffed and equipped should just go to a regular hospital.”

“For three weeks he sat without colostomy bags”

Disabled people behind bars are provided with technical means rehabilitation prescribed by IPRA. “We accompanied 74 disabled people, and not one of them was denied TSR. But sometimes a person has to wait,” says Kira Ipatova.

She told about this case: “A cancer patient, he had an operation on the intestines, in connection with this, his intestines were removed and he needed colostomy bags. He petitioned to be released, but the court refused. Colostomy bags are a very expensive luxury. He was allocated a certain number of them, he used them, perhaps too quickly.

For three weeks he sat without colostomy bags. Our public organization helped him for a while.”

“Hepatitis C progresses faster than HIV”

According to Kira Ipatova, treatment for prisoners with HIV is quite well established. “In the FSIN system, there are about five antiretroviral therapy regimens. But, as a rule, due to import substitution, these are domestically produced drugs, and our clients are accustomed to variety,” she says. – They may refuse the medicines that are offered to them, saying: you want to destroy me. Although here in St. Petersburg new scheme special treatment is being developed for prisoners medical commission. It meets every Wednesday, so patients don’t have to wait long.”

There is also such a problem as HIV dissidence. “Recently a young man came up to us; his hand was very inflamed. It turned out that he had HIV infection, but he refused therapy. Every day they give him an antibiotic injection, but it doesn’t work, because the main cause of the disease is that the immune system can’t handle it,” said Kira Ipatova.

Unlike patients with HIV, patients with hepatitis C do not receive the necessary medical care.

“Many convicts have hepatitis C; it progresses faster than HIV infection and leads to liver cirrhosis and early mortality. But the FSIN system is not yet able to organize his diagnosis and treatment, because it is expensive, and he is not yet treated free of charge,” noted Kira Ipatova.

Panic in a confined space

“People who are in cells and suddenly fall ill are afraid. Imagine, in a confined space they don’t know what’s happening to them,” says Vadim Gorshenin.

In Moscow pre-trial detention center No. 6, he said, prisoners panicked when a measles outbreak began there in the first half of May.

This is an institution where mainly women are kept. Some of them are with young children. In fact, the first person to get sick was the child of one of the arrested people, who had previously been in a children’s hospital.

A quarantine was declared in 16 multi-occupancy cells, each of which usually houses about 40 prisoners. For epidemiological reasons, ventilation was turned off in these cells, and the heat was very difficult to bear.

According to the Public Monitoring Committee, approximately 50 people became infected with measles. The management of the detention center was not to blame for the outbreak of the disease, but they should have better explained to the prisoners and their relatives what was happening, says Vadim Gorshenin.

Probably, any illness, if it is impossible to get help, can cause panic - according to at least, from the sick person himself.

The Public Monitoring Commission (POC) is a regional public body that monitors the observance of human rights in places of forced detention.

When people think about the most deadly diseases in the world, their mind probably turns to the quick-acting, incurables that grab the media headlines from time to time. But in reality, many of these types of diseases are not included in the top 10. An estimated 56.4 million people died worldwide in 2015, and 68 percent of these were caused by diseases that progressed slowly.

There are certain fatal diseases, which to this day, despite advances in technology and medicine, still cannot be cured and have no chance of survival.

To the extent possible, treatment of the most deadly diseases is only to treat the patient's symptoms in order to reduce suffering. Many of these diseases are part of national and international disease lists because they are highly contagious. Below we describe 25 of them:

Below is a list of the top 10 deadly diseases that cause the most deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The world's deadliest disease is coronary artery. Also called coronary artery disease, CAD occurs when the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart become narrowed. May lead to chest pain, heart failure and arrhythmia.

Although coronary heart disease remains the leading cause of death, mortality has decreased in many European countries and in the United States. This may be due to improved health education, access to healthcare, and forms of prevention. However, in many developing countries, mortality rates from CHD are rising. Included in this increase are life expectancy, socioeconomic changes, and lifestyle risk factors. It is included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention of coronary heart disease

Risk factors for CAD include:

  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol
  • smoking
  • family history of ischemic heart disease
  • diabetes
  • overweight

Talk to your doctor if you have one or more of these risk factors.

You can prevent CAD with medications and maintain good health hearts. Some steps you can take to reduce your risk:

A stroke occurs when an artery in your brain becomes blocked or leaks. This causes the oxygen-deprived cells to begin dying within minutes. During the stroke, you feel suddenly numb and confused, or have difficulty walking or seeing. If left untreated, a stroke can cause long-term disability.

In fact, stroke is one of the deadliest diseases. People who receive treatment within 3 hours of a stroke are less likely to have disability. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 93 percent of people knew that sudden numbness on one side was a symptom of a stroke. But only 38% knew all the symptoms that would prompt them to look for emergency assistance. It is included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention of stroke

Risk factors for stroke include:

  • high blood pressure
  • family history of stroke
  • especially in combination with oral contraceptives
  • being a woman

Some risk factors for stroke can be reduced with preventive care, medications, and lifestyle changes. In general, good health habits can reduce your risk.

Stroke prevention options may include controlling high blood pressure blood pressure with medication or surgery. You must also support healthy image life, in addition to regular exercise and a healthy, low-sodium diet. Avoid smoking and drinking only when in moderation, as these actions increase the risk of stroke.

Infections of the lower respiratory tract is an infection in the respiratory tract and lungs. This may be due to:

  • flu
  • pneumonia
  • bronchitis
  • tuberculosis

Viruses usually cause lower respiratory tract infections. They can also be caused by bacteria. Cough is the main symptom of a lower respiratory tract infection. You may also feel shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness. Untreated lower respiratory tract infections can lead to respiratory failure and death. They are included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world. They are one of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for lower respiratory tract infection include:

  • flu
  • poor air quality or frequent exposure to lung irritants
  • smoking
  • weak immune system
  • overcrowded child care facilities that mainly affect infants
  • asthma

One of the best preventive measures One thing you can do to reduce respiratory infections is to get a flu shot every year. People at high risk of pneumonia can also get the vaccine. Wash your hands regularly with soap to avoid bacteria, especially before touching your face and before eating. Staying home and resting until you feel better if you have a respiratory infection will allow the rest to improve healing.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term, progressive lung disease that makes breathing difficult. Chronical bronchitis and emphysema types of COPD. In 2004, approximately 64 million people worldwide were living with COPD.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for COPD include:

There is no COPD treatment, but its progression can be slowed with medication. The best ways to prevent COPD are to quit smoking and avoid second-hand smoke and other lung irritants. If you experience any COPD symptoms, treatment as soon as possible increases your horizons.

Respiratory tract cancers include cancer of the trachea, larynx, bronchi and lungs. The main causes are smoking, secondhand smoke, and environmental toxins. But household pollution such as fuel and mold also contribute. One of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Impact of respiratory tract cancer around the world

A 2015 study reports that respiratory cancer accounts for about 4 million deaths annually. In developing countries, 81 to 100 percent increase in respiratory cancers due to pollution environment and smoking. Many Asian countries, especially India, still use charcoal for cooking. Accounting for solid fuel emissions for 17 percent of deaths from lung cancer in men and 22 percent of women.

Risk factors and prevention

Tracheal, bronchial, and lung cancers can affect anyone, but they are most likely to affect those who have a history of smoking or tobacco use. Other risk factors for such cancers include family history and exposure to environmental factors such as diesel fumes.

In addition to avoiding evaporation, and tobacco products It is not known if there is anything else that can be done to prevent lung cancer. However, early diagnosis can improve his appearance and reduce symptoms of respiratory cancer.

Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases that affect the production of insulin. At diabetes mellitus Type 1, the pancreas cannot produce insulin. The reason is unknown. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or insulin cannot be used effectively. Type 2 diabetes can be caused by a number of factors, including poor diet, physical inactivity and excess weight.

People in low- and middle-income countries are more likely to die from diabetes complications. It is included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for diabetes include:

  • overweight
  • high blood pressure
  • elderly age
  • not regular meals
  • unhealthy diet

If you have diabetes, you can control your symptoms by exercising regularly and maintaining healthy eating. Adding fiber to your diet will help control your blood sugar levels.

When you think of Alzheimer's disease or dementia, you may think of memory loss, but you may not think of the terminal illness. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease that destroys memory and interrupts normal mental functions. These include thinking, reasoning, and typical behavior.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia—60 to 80 percent of dementia cases are, in fact, Alzheimer's disease. The disease begins by causing soft memory problems, making it difficult to remember information. Over time, however, the disease progresses and you may have no memory of large periods of time. A 2014 study found that the number of deaths due to Alzheimer's disease may be higher than reported.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for Alzheimer's disease include:

  • being older than 65
  • family medical history
  • inheritance of disease genes from parents
  • existing mild cognitive impairment
  • Down syndrome
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle
  • women
  • previous head injuries
  • being disconnected from the community or having poor interactions with others for long periods of time

There is currently no way to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Research doesn't understand why some people develop it and others don't. As they work to understand this, they also work to find preventive methods.

One thing that can be helpful in reducing the risk of disease is a heart-healthy diet. A diet high in fruits and vegetables, low in saturated fat from meat and dairy, and high in sources of healthy fats such as nuts, olive oil, and fish meats, may help you reduce your risk of more than just heart disease - they may protect your brain from Alzheimer's disease, too.

Dehydration due to gastrointestinal diseases

Diarrhea is when you have three or more loose stools per day. If diarrhea lasts more than a few days, your body is losing too much water and salt. This causes dehydration, which can lead to death. Diarrhea is usually caused intestinal virus or bacteria transmitted through contaminated water or food. This is especially common in developing countries with poor sanitation conditions.

Diarrhea is the second deadliest disease in children under 5 years of age. About 760,000 children die from gastrointestinal diseases Every year.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for gastrointestinal diseases include:

  • live in an area with poor sanitation
  • no access to clean water
  • age, children are most likely to experience severe symptoms gastrointestinal diseases
  • malnutrition
  • weakened immune system

According to UNICEF, the most The best way prevention practices good hygiene. Good methods Hand washing can reduce the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases by 40 percent. Improving water purification and quality, as well as early medical intervention may also help prevent gastrointestinal diseases.

Tuberculosis is a lung disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It can be treated, although some strains that are resistant to conventional methods treatment. Tuberculosis is one of the world's leading killers of people with HIV. About 35 percent of HIV deaths are due to tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis cases have decreased by 1.5% annually since 2000. The goal is to end the disease by 2030.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for tuberculosis include:

  • diabetes
  • HIV infection
  • lower body weight
  • closeness with other people with TB
  • regular use of certain medications, such as corticosteroids or drugs that suppress the immune system

The best prevention against tuberculosis is to receive the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine (BCG). This is usually given to children. If you think you have been exposed to TB, you can start taking medicine to reduce your chance of developing the disease.

Cirrhosis is the result of chronic or long-term scarring and damage to the liver. The damage may be the result of kidney disease, or it may be caused by diseases such as hepatitis and chronic alcoholism. Healthy liver filters harmful substances from your blood and sends healthy blood into your body. As substances damage the liver, a scar forms.

As more scar tissue forms, the liver must work harder to function properly. Eventually, the liver may stop working. It is included in the list of the most deadly diseases in the world.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for cirrhosis include:

  • chronic alcohol use
  • accumulation of fat around the liver (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)
  • chronic viral hepatitis

Stay away from behaviors that can cause liver damage to prevent cirrhosis. Long-term drinking and heavy drinking are one of the leading causes of cirrhosis, so avoiding alcohol can help you prevent damage.

Likewise, you can avoid non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by eating healthy diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as sugar and fat. Finally, you can reduce the chance of infection viral hepatitis using protection during sex and avoiding sharing anything that may have blood on it. This includes needles, razors, toothbrushes and more.

Deadly diseases

While fatal diseases increased, their more serious conditions also decreased. Certain factors, such as increasing life expectancy, naturally increase the incidence of diseases such as coronary artery disease, stroke and heart disease. But many of the diseases on this list are preventable and treatable. As medicine continues to advance and prevention education increases, we may see a decrease in mortality from these diseases.

A good approach to reducing the risk of any of these conditions is to adopt a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition And physical exercise. Avoiding smoking and drinking in moderation may also help. For bacterial or viral infections proper washing hands can help prevent or reduce the risk.

What are incurable diseases? Do they exist in the world or is this simply an insufficiently developed level of medicine? These are serious questions.

An incurable disease... These words sound like a sentence. But upon hearing a disappointing diagnosis, parents should not panic. You need to act - competently, in accordance with doctors' prescriptions. What are incurable diseases and is there such a concept in principle, what measures should parents take to avoid them?

According to Russian statistics, there are no incurable diseases. There is an extensive list of diseases childhood, among which (and there are several thousand of them) are those requiring expensive treatment in specialized medical institutions. Separately noted hereditary diseases. However, not a single disease is classified as incurable. Doctors, in turn, are confident that even the most severe diseases can be treated with timely diagnosis and the right approach.

Malignant tumor
There are diseases that are characterized malignant formations, the term “cancer” is popular among people. He has not been considered incurable for a long time. With timely diagnosis and provision of a modern standard treatment protocol, we achieve serious success, reaching the same level as well-known foreign clinics. However, we cannot say that we can cure blood cancer, for example, in 100% of cases. In the case of illness, everything is individual: it is impossible to say in advance how the body will behave, how it will react to the strongest drugs that are used in treatment. The occurrence of pathological situations, which we call complications, also affects the course of the disease. But this does not mean that we need to talk about these diseases as incurable.

There is no scientific or practical evidence that this disease is curable. But with the help modern drugs, methods of maintaining a stable state of the body, we can prolong the child’s life as much as possible. With properly selected therapy, a patient diagnosed with diabetes can lead a normal life: he can get an education, start a family, play sports, work and relax.

Kidney diseases
This is a consequence congenital diseases kidneys or a consequence of infectious inflammatory diseases urinary tract which lead to severe damage to kidney tissue. The kidneys are unable to remove waste accumulated by the body, and the question of organ transplantation arises. In this case, the improvement of kidney function is associated with the hemodialysis procedure. There is also a procedure called peritoneal dialysis. It is also available at home. And the decisive method in cases of acute renal failure becomes organ transplantation.

Liver diseases
Liver diseases can also be either congenital or acquired. The liver is an organ especially important for child's body. And if the kidneys are a paired organ, then the liver is one, and no other organ in the body can perform its functions. In Russia, liver transplantation operations are successfully carried out at the Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs named after. Academician V.I. Shumakov. Most often, part of the liver is taken from relatives and transplanted into the child.

Extremely low birth weight in newborns
This serious problem. Now our country has switched to the final registration of children born with extremely low body weight. At 22-23 weeks of pregnancy, children are born weighing 500-550 g. This is very severe cases both for the prevention of complications and for care, special equipment is required, medicines. But doctors manage to save the lives of these children.

The disease is considered incurable. But there are many examples when timely diagnosis and treatment allow the patient’s body to be maintained for a long time. Remember the famous American basketball player Magic Johnson: he lives with this diagnosis, leads a normal life healthy person, sometimes he even picks up a basketball.

The media is actively disseminating data about terrible infections that “attack” modern society(pork and bird flu, For example). However, if one infection “overtakes” some people, this does not mean that it is destructive for everyone. In such cases, everything is individual: it is obvious that there were circumstances that prevented achieving a positive result in the treatment of these patients. You cannot give in to panic and live in fear. Achievements modern medicine allow you to cope with many diseases, the main thing is to diagnose them in time.

Common acquired diseases
You need to start protecting your baby from diseases from the diapers. For example, conditions for the occurrence and development of diseases gastrointestinal tract are created from the first months of a child’s life. And it all starts with a feeding disorder. Statistics say: no more than 30% of children are breastfed. And if you ask nursing mothers, it turns out that they introduced complementary foods, albeit in small quantities, into the child’s diet from a young age. The main reason for future obesity and gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, etc.) is poor nutrition in early childhood.

What to do?
To avoid acquired diseases, it is necessary to carry out prevention.
Moreover, prevention should be understood not only as direct medical measures and taking precautions, but also good education and instilling the right habits (washing hands before eating, for example). Let's look at the main points in more detail.

You can and should harden your child from infancy. Don't bundle up your child. Dress it according to the weather. If you act on the principle “steam doesn’t break your bones,” your baby will catch a cold from any draft, even the most harmless one. There are proven hardening methods that are successfully used in European countries. Our hardening system works in a unique way. We do not accustom the child to the cold. We protect him from the cold. Romper suits, woolen socks, fur coats... If you look at our child in a normal way, harsh winter, then the number of layers of clothing reaches five or six. Look at the children abroad. They are dressed completely differently. The child must be resistant to both cold and heat. He should not experience stress from sudden changes in weather. The main thing is to prepare, not to save.

Preventive vaccinations
The effectiveness of vaccinations proves the need to expand national calendar vaccinations. There is an opinion in our society that mass vaccination is harmful. This is far from true. The whole world has long achieved amazing results in the fight against diseases that can be prevented through vaccinations.
Today in Russia there are good statistics on ten diseases. For example, we eliminated smallpox(the whole world did this thirty years ago). In 2002, we received a certificate of polio eradication from the country. Now only isolated cases of measles are registered in the country, but this is a massive serious disease. We are beginning to cope with hepatitis B - now newborn children are vaccinated. The statistics of mumps diseases are declining, and this disease is very difficult, with many complications in both children and adults. Through vaccination we fight tuberculosis. It should be noted that vaccination does not completely eliminate the risk of the disease, but only its severe cases. The Union of Pediatricians sets the task of expanding the state vaccination calendar.

Education is the foundation
Stress at school does not allow the child to spend a lot of time on physical education. In addition to learning, computers and the Internet also attract the attention of modern children. And the lack of necessary motor activity Not in the best possible way affects physical condition child.
Parents must create conditions under which he could combine schooling, sports, and additional education. The task of parents is to attract the child to activity; so that he doesn't spend his evenings on the computer after a busy day at school. This is important not only for him physical health, but also to preserve emotional stability, the development of his personality.

There is no need to force your child to do exercises. In order for a child to love moving, you need to set a good example for him, and for this you will have to fall in love with sports yourself. Start a tradition of skiing in winter, go to the pool with your whole family on weekends, do gymnastics in the morning (let everyone take turns showing the others the moves), come up with your own sport games- in a word, do physical exercise with pleasure, and your body will thank you in full.
