Why hair falls with breastfeeding. Fall out hair with breastfeeding, what to do and how to strengthen them

Pregnancy, childbirth and subsequent lactation - not only the most important period In the life of any woman, but also a serious test for its body. It is not surprising that with such a load, a new-minted mother often feels various ailments and notes that breastfeeding is reflected in its appearance. One of the most frequent complaints of nursing women - hair loss when breastfeeding. We find out why the hair falls with breastfeeding, what to do and how to help in such a situation.

Because of what the hair falls out when lactation

When the nursing mother falls out the hair, it is most often due to natural causes that do not constitute any danger to her health. To understand why this process arises, you need to mentally return a little back and remember the pregnancy period.

The fact is that during the nipping of the child in the body of the future mother, great changes are beginning to occur that relate to all systems. They affect hormonal background.

During pregnancy, estrogen levels increase - hormones that affect the condition of the skin and hair. No wonder they say that pregnant women are "flourishing": many of them are cleaned, and dense curls appear on the head.

The "life" of hairs takes place in the 3 stages. In the first, they grow intensively, in the second this process is slowed down, and in the 3 stages of hair, die. Favoring hairs frees the place to grow new. Under the action of estrogen the second stage of work hair follicles Significantly extends - up to the moment of birth, and sometimes more. During this period, the hair does not fall out, and therefore the hairstyle really becomes thick. But after the birth of the child, the level of pregnancy hormones drops, and the hair onions begin to work in the same mode, which means all those hairs that did not fall out during the baby tooling, begin to be intensively removed during breastfeeding, and it can continue long enough - for several months, because of what a young mommy seems to be that it will soon "stay without hair."

In fact, in most cases, the loss is terminated independently, if it is due to natural changes in the body of the mother during pregnancy and under GW. It is just necessary to understand that old hairs falls much faster than new ones grow, and therefore some time of the hair can really be not so thick as before.

Other causes of hair loss during lactation

Natural hair loss expects all nursing moms, as if carefully they care for their curls. Someone will pass quickly and almost imperceptibly and will not give reasons for anxiety. But if a nursing woman has a lot of hair falls out, this may indicate that other factors have joined the process due to nature that significantly worsen the condition of hair bulbs.

Do not pay attention to this. It is impossible: Often, this situation becomes a signal that the nursing mother began serious problems Health, and she should figure out what cause is such a strong hair loss during breastfeeding.

Sources of the problem may be as follows:

As you can see, it may be caused not only by natural causes. Sometimes too strong depletion The hair cover requires the help of a specialist, so if the woman notices that it has too intense hair intensively with breastfeeding, she should consult a doctor to eliminate the presence of pathologies.

What to do to stop hair loss?

Despite the fact that the hairs fall under the action of hormones, and it is almost impossible to avoid it, it is necessary to take this process carefully and in the period of breastfeeding special attention Scalp and the condition of the hairproof.

The first thing that the young mother should understand is its body is exhausted by pregnancy, childbirth and lactation process and needs recovery and support.

This means that even with a catastrophic shortage of time you need to highlight the gap for a full nutrition and healthy strong sleep. A nursing woman should eat 5-6 times a day and include in its diet a variety of and healthy food rich in useful substances, be sure to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and fish dishes, milk and products made on its basis. The entire breastfeeding period is recommended to take vitamins for nursing mothers, which contain an increased dose of microelements (for example, the Mamino's alphabet, the mother, Elevit and others). Such a number of vital important substances It will be enough that the mother and child's body does not experience the vitamin deficit.

You often rest at the same time with the baby, especially at the first time after childbirth. Move all your homework, no matter how important they seem to you, ask for help loved ones and often remember that full Son. - This is the key to your health.

Observe simple hair care measures:

  1. Use quality shampoos and air conditioners for washing heads. 1-2 times a week you can make strengthening masks using cosmetic products.
  2. Try to avoid using metal oscillations: they injure hair. It is better to give preference to wooden and plastic massage broth. These types of calcination are treated with hairs more carefully and help to strengthen blood circulation in skin Pokrov Heads, thereby improving new hair growth.
  3. At least for a while, give up any thermal and aggressive chemical impact On the hair and the scalp. It is not worth using fluffs, hair dryers, iron, to make a chemical twist and staining in the period of breastfeeding.

Avoid hair loss caused by hormone reasonsIt is impossible, but a young mother can try to speed up the process of renewing the hairproof. To do this, it is recommended to use various means that will feed the scalp, improve the operation of hair follicles and stimulate the growth of new curls.

Folk remedies against drop -ling hair

In addition to shopping masks and serums from hair loss, nursing woman can use natural and safe folk remedies:

  1. Egg mask with bow and castor oil. The juice is squeezed out of the crumpled bulb, add to it. castor Oil and 1 egg yolk. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp and leave for 40 minutes, after which they wash off using shampoo. Instead of castor oil, it is allowed to use a ray.
  2. Honey balsam. Washing your head, add 2 tbsp into the water (1 l). l. Money and mix well. The composition rub in the roots of the hair several times a week.
  3. Rinsing with a mother-and-stepmother. To prepare a rinse remedy for hair loss, take 5 tbsp. l. Dry chopped grass and fill their 1 liters of boiling water, after leaving broke up for 1 hour. You can use the finished liquid as a rinser after washing the head or rub 2-3 times a week in the roots.
  4. Rinse from the leaf leaves. 20 g of dry leaves of the plant poured 200 ml of boiling water and insist on a water bath for 15-20 minutes. The resulting decoction is added to the water for rinsing and used after each head washing.
  5. Mask from yogurt and egg yolk. It will take natural yogurt without additives and the usual eggFrom which you need to highlight yolks. By connecting the yoghurt and yolk, apply a mixture on the skin of the head and leave for 30 minutes, then wash as usual.
  6. Mustard mask. For cooking, you need to dissolve an arbitrary amount mustard powder in warm waterSo that Cashier is. The composition is rubbed in the roots of the hair and leave for 20 minutes, then wash the head shampoo. Be careful: Do not use this mask if there are damage on the skin.
  7. Mask from sea salt. Couple sea salt With water and apply on wet hair. From above put the film and wrap the towel. After 15 minutes, wash your head warm water.

These are simple and safe recipes, which can use each nursing mom, they will help strengthen the skin of the head and speed up the growth of new hair. Do not forget that the most important rule Use of such funds - regularity. Constant thorough hair care, supported by the right nutrition and careful attitude to his health, will help short time Return the former beauty of the hair and felt irresistible again.

Woman always wants to stay beautiful and well-groomed. This natural need helps her be confident. Sophie Lauren once said: "The hairstyle affects how the day is, and in the end, life." Hair for a woman is something more than just hair. Beautiful hairstyle - attracts the attention of the interlocutor, fascinates, stunning, intriguing. Therefore, hair loss for many fair sex representatives is an analogue of personal natural disaster. And hair loss after delivery - the phenomenon is absolutely not deserved. After all, the baby requires attention not only to the day, but also at night. And often for proper care for himself, it is simply not the left and young mother is looking for an answer to the questions: "Why do hair fall out?" And "How to cope with this problem?"

Many doctors dermatologists and trichologists do not bind strong loss Hair after childbirth with breastfeeding period. Of course Feeding breast milk It requires a certain nutritional correction from a nursing mother, as a woman should fill in a nutrient deficit in the body in a timely manner. Accordingly, the lack of some elements may worsen appearance Locks, make them subtle, brittle, slow down. But hair loss is also observed in mothers practicing a purely artificial type of feeding newborn.

Therefore, when a gorgeous thick braid of women becomes all thinner with every day in the midst of baldness - anxiety does not leave the young mother. At this stage it is very important to figure out possible reasons unpleasant symptoms. Hair loss after childbirth is quite frequent. And this process is connected not so much with breastfeeding and disadvantage of hair care, as with defined hormonal changes In the body of a woman born or the presence of certain diseases.

For human hair, there is a continuous changeability. The period of pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in the number of estrogen hormone in the body of a woman. These substances slow down the process of intensive growth of hair (angenesis) and aging (catagenesis). Therefore, the next step of falling (telogenesis) does not occur for a long time and future mom A certain time can enjoy luxurious hair. 2-3 weeks after the delivery of approximately 30% of the hair are in the teleogenesis phase - aging. At about this period, the hair is beginning to fall out most intensively. The resulting hairs will change the new one, the birth of which has already begun in the same hair onion.

The physiological norm of hair loss is considered 50-80 units daily. Hair loss after childbirth may increase to 300 units. Sometimes moms characterize this period in the following phrases: "The hair climb" or "start to pour." Especially this process is noticeable at the owners of long curls. It is worth noting that the above hormonal restructuring, which caused postpartum hair loss, do not require special interference or treatment. Approximately the sixth month after childbirth, hair growth resumes and continues with the same swiftness as before pregnancy.

However, a nursing mother must comply with certain vigilance, especially if the intensive postpartum hair loss lasts more than two months. The causes of an unpleasant phenomenon can also be some other factors such as:

  • Lack in the body of some substances and caused by this deficit of the disease. Hair loss after childbirth is often caused by the cause of a lack of iron in the body of a young mother. During pregnancy, the woman is more susceptible to this problem. Iron deficiency or anemia can also share during lactation if a woman complies with a specific diet or is a commitment of a vegetarian power type. Quite often, hair loss during lactation is associated with a lack of vitamin D.
  • Diseases of thyroid and glands, diabetes and other diseases associated with metabolic processes. Since the metabolic processes in the body are governed by hormones, the violation of their flow can affect the change in the duration of the cycles of the hair life. Accordingly, these violations can cause hair loss after childbirth, as well as during breastfeeding.
  • Reception of some drugs, including antibiotics, anabolics, anticoagulants, or the use of anesthesia during the delivery. The postpartum loss of hair is also often associated with the use of anesthesia in childbirth. At the same time, there is sometimes a decrease in pressure in the patient and, accordingly, insufficient blood circulation of the scalp and insufficient flow of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicle. This can cause the hair begins to fall out enough intensively.
  • Stresses, frequent excitements, fatigue and sleep shortages. Hair loss in breastfeeding can be a consequence nervous exhaustion or irregular or defective sleep and rest. Various stressful states can cause a spasm of the muscles of the scalp. At the same time, the condition of the vessels of the hair follicle is clamped, the influx of the blood is saturated nutrient substances and oxygen to the hair bulb, decreases. Therefore, hair loss when feeding a child is often associated with fatigue or long nerve voltage.
  • Absence need care Behind hair and scalp.

If the hair has a lot in women in breastfeeding and this problem does not pass six months after childbirth, you need to contact medical specialists. The doctor will help to identify the causes of hair loss and will prescribe treatment taking into account the specifics of the patient's breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that many aspects of hair loss therapy may include medication and physiothera treatment.

Principles of recovery and rules for hair care during lactation.

If a nursing mother has enough intensive and long and long falling out for half a year after delivery, then she needs to stick to a certain action algorithm:

  • A visit to the gynecologist, an endocrinologist, a trichologist dermatologist to establish the cause and treatment of symptoms of diseases associated with hair loss during breastfeeding. As a rule, the doctor appoints required analyzes on hormones, ultrasound. It is important to understand that masks or therapeutic agents for hair are ineffective or inactive in the presence of certain violations in the work of the body or with a deficiency of certain substances. Therefore, the establishment of the cause and treatment of hair loss is better to start from visiting specialists.
  • Normalize food. Most often the answer to the question "Why do hair fall in breastfeeding?" lies in special dietwhich adheres to a nursing mother. It is no secret that the first months of lactation, a woman is recommended to abandon many useful, but potentially dangerous for the baby, allergenic products. These include chicken meat, eggs, fish, bright vegetables and fruits, nuts, and with allergies on the protein of cow's milk and from dairy products that are so necessary for the health of the woman and for the beauty of her hair. This also applies to products causing intestinal colic. Cabbage, milk, beer yeast, contributing to reinforced gas formation, contain vitamin B6, which is so necessary for the prevention of diseases of the scalp.
  • By appointment of a doctor to start receiving vitamin preparationswhich are not contraindicated with GW. Hair Vitamins, as a rule, contain all the necessary elements: calcium, copper, iron, zinc, selenium, retinol, tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin, foliic acid and others listed give hair strength, elasticity. Nicotinic acid is also very important to maintain full-fledged blood circulation in the region of the hair follicle, and appropriate and for the complete enrichment of it with oxygen and necessary substances.
  • Normalize sleep mode, try to keep inner calm, not nervous on trifles. Sometimes it is important to make a young mother to pay time to the simple things to her who bring pleasure, help relax and distract from domestic worries. Perfectly, if a young mother has the opportunity to visit the sauna, a bath or pool, massage treatments, yoga classes, shaping. More time should be paid to walking in the fresh air.
  • By appointment of a doctor to visit the massage sessions of the scalp and the cervical zone Or undergo a course of physiotherapy (electronotimulation, bioresonance therapy of laser calculation, etc.). The procedures described help to improve blood circulation in the field of hair follicles, enrich their hair with nutrients, improve height with carbon dioxide and exchange products. These medical events Effect will also improve the effect of using masks and various meansBy promoting their stronger penetration. To treat hair loss when feeding with breasts, it is possible only after consulting a doctor.
  • Provide the necessary protection and care of hair, following the following recommendations:
    • Give preference to cosmetic and medical agents from high quality hair loss and safe during lactation;
    • Abandon the hairpins and the calculation of the traumatic surface of the hair. Give preference to wood products, plastics;
    • Provide protection from ultraviolet, cold, moisture, fog choosing a suitable headdress and protective cosmetics from the effects of the sun and moisture;
    • Abandon the procedures of damaging hair structure (chemical curling, staining, lightening, hot drying, straightening, etc.);
    • Use substances of which are directed to irritation of the nerve endings of the scalp, and, accordingly, on the increase in blood circulation. ( essential oils, Pasta Sulsen et al.);
    • Do not apply air conditioners on hair roots;
    • Use therapeutic masks 2-3 times a week;

Review of cosmetic masks against hair loss for nursing mothers

Therapeutic masks are popular due to their effectiveness and accessibility. Therefore, when a nursing mother falls out after childbirth, the hair falls out: remedies and a little time - what is needed to prepare an efficient and nutrient.

Here are some options for effective masks and simple ways Treating damaged hair:

  • Masks made of red pepper to stimulate blood circulation. To prepare this means, it is necessary to mix 1 tablespoon of red ground pepper with 4 tablespoons of warm liquid honey. Apply such a mixture on the roots of the hair, pre-groaping the tips with a small amount of oil. Hold a mask no more than 30 minutes. Wash off warm water with the addition of shampoo. Repeat such a procedure 1-2 times a week and after the tenth times they take a break. It is worth noting that this mask is contraindicated with dry hair, with damage to the scalp, diseases of the vessels. Red pepper can cause allergies, so before using it, they check the effect on the skin with a simple test, applying it to the skin area behind the ear or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow bend.
  • Mask made of mustard powder. Make such a simple and effective You can mix 2 tablespoons of mustard powder with 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons of cosmetic oil. Dilving the resulting mixture hot water It is applied to the hair and distributed over the entire length, put on a plastic bag or a cosmetic hat, insulate a towel. Withstand 50 minutes wash off warm water with shampoo. After ten procedures, a break is needed.
  • Cinnamon mask with honey. Mix a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of olive oil, add a spoon of cinnamon and mix. Give the mixture to strengthen about 20 minutes. Apply on clean wet hair along the entire length for 30-40 minutes. Wash off. Honey as well as cinnamon can cause allergies.

If the hair falls into a nursing mother is very intense, then along with medical masks You can use natural rinses from herbs, bread kvass, aloe juice and various cosmetic oils. It is very important that these funds do not cause allergies when contact with the skin.

In custody

Not in vain say that the hair is a kind of indicator female health and self-esteem indicator. In conclusion, I would like to once again emphasize the significance of diagnosis of diseases internal organs and glands during hair loss. Masks and folk remedies can only bring short-term benefits, especially if it comes to not only the fragility and dullness of the hair. What to do if the hair fell out best will prompt a certified trichologist. This specialist will help you choose effective treatmentwhich will not affect lactation, will not change the quality of milk and does not harm the child.

Almost every girl and woman dreams of beautiful, shiny and thick hair. During pregnancy, many future mothers notice that their hair has become much better. But after birth, everything changes. Nursing mom begins to notice that the curls lose their former shine, become brittle and fall out, while remaining whole strands in the bath, on the pillow, on the shoulders - in the most different places. The situation, of course, is terrible, because he is very undermining emotional health Women, quite recently undergone stress during childbirth, and then such an attack. However, you do not need to panic, but simply you should take yourself in your hands and try to figure out, with breastfeeding, what to do to eliminate all provoking this condition Factors and stop an undesirable phenomenon.

The reasons

All factors affecting the fact that the nursing hair falls out is connected directly with the state of the body of a woman who has suffered a big stress and is now trying to recover. The most common reasons are the following:

  • Hormonal changes in the blood.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Nervous exhaustion regular lackingStress.
  • Incompute nutrition.
  • Another reason that hair falls out is - thyroid, its pathology. In this case, treatment should be only under the control of the specialist.

Hormonal changes

Intensive worsening and begins to be observed a month after the appearance of a baby on the light, because it is precisely for a period of time that the hormonal background gradually begins to return to normal. During pregnancy, as it is known, it undergoes significant changes, after which he needs recovery.

All these processes are natural: there is a gradual decrease in hormonal level, estrogen is no longer capable, as before, stimulating hair growth. Therefore, nursing mom during the first months after childbirth begins to lose up to 30% of his hair. But you do not need to panic, because after recovery hormonal background Hair loss will stop.


Another reason that the hair falls out may be directly chest itself. During the lactation period, the mother's vitamins, mineral and others occurs naturally from the body of the mother. useful substances. To all this, you need to add a significant loss of blood during childbirth. All this is the reason for the emergence of anemia and avitaminosis. And the lack of calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, vitamins D, B and C and other substances leads to the fact that the hair falls on strands.

Nervous exhaustion

Already in their own pregnancy and childbirth are great nervous shock For every woman, which very often can not go through and after the birth of Baby. With his appearance on the shoulders, Mom lies many problems with which she is quite difficult to cope. As a result of additional stresses, overwork, lack of sleep and excitement is depleted nervous systemwhich affects the condition of both the whole organism and hair. They begin to weaken and fall out.

The same sad result may be due to the lack of natural women in the diet fresh products, as well as consumption in large quantities of pickled and salty foods.

Drop hair with breastfeeding? What to do? Choose treatment tactics depending on the cause of the problem. First of all, you should try everyone possible methods And the methods to eliminate provoking factors. This will be the answer to many of the question of interest: "If the hair falls out with breastfeeding, what to do?"

Hair loss stops

There are many specially designed techniques that suggest how to cope with this problem even without special appeal to the doctor. However, if treatment implies application medical preparationsthen you should first consult the doctor so that it does not affect the breastfeeding.

If hair falls out with breastfeeding, what to do?

  • After passing certain analyzes and special thyroid examinations should be taken
  • Take steroids by appointment of a doctor: "Winstrol", "Sustanon", "Testosterone Propionate Testosterone Cipionat", "Pantovigar", "Primobolan Deet", "Melanan-2".
  • Take different cases during the lactation for each individual case. vitamin complexes: "Multi-Tabs Perinal", "Yodomarine", "Vitruum Prenaged Forte", "Potassium Yodid", "Ferretab Comp".
  • You can resort to K. homeopathic remediesthat will quickly help solve this problem.
  • You can contact the beauty salon, where you will be offered several options for termination of hair loss. The most often used cryoissage of the head, effectively stimulating their growth and strengthening.
  • It will help to cope with such a victim and the use of household folk agents. Masks that are cooked from the most ordinary products are perfectly helped ( olive oil, eggs, long husk and honey). Well strengthens hair roots various cosmetic oils, of which compresses are made overnight. Castor, cedar, burdock and almond oil are used. Allows you to speed up the recovery of the rinse of the hair with such herbs as the root of the burdock and Aira, chamomile, nettle, plantain, soul, sage, nasturtium.
  • Treatment of hair loss includes both mandatory care for weakened strands, which is also a preventive measure.

Prevention of this disease

  • First of all, normalize your food. Be sure to include meat, fish, dairy products, fruits (especially apples), vegetables. There are more oils (olive, sunflower, corn, creamy), dried fruits.
  • Do not use metal tight hairpins, rubber bands, hairpins.
  • Stop using the hairdryer and catch.
  • Do not change often shampoos.
  • Use only a soft discourse made of natural materials.
  • Refuse to eat coffee and alcoholic beverages, Do not smoke.
  • Try not to be nervous, to sleep at least 7 hours, as much as possible for walking outdoors.

The rate of felling hair per day

The number of hair on the head is approximately 90-160 thousand pcs. Loss of tens of hair per day is quite natural. Daily loss is a normal phenomenon, if limit is limited in the limit of 50-150 pieces per day.

Knowledge of the causes causing postpartum hair loss allows you to protect yourself from all the factors that provoke this problem.

Why do hair fall out? There are several factors causing abundant hair loss in postpartum period During breastfeeding. There are no guilt of the mother itself - the whole thing in physiological and psychological changes in the body after childbirth.

Causes of lactation after stopping

Abundant hair loss begins 3-4 months after childbirth and usually "climb" hair from 5 to 8 weeks, especially with GW. However, after stopping breastfeeding, the problem again returns, which causes severe panic. The reason is one - long restoration of the hormonal background.

When a woman stops lactation, changes occur in the body - milk generation is no longer required, the hormonal background finally comes back to normal. As a result, abundant loss and increased hair liability.

Care rules - what to do?

There are several simple and simple haired care rules during breastfeeding period.

Safe treatment

Professional means

What if you are breastfeeding, and you have a lot of "climb" hair? In pharmacies and branded salons you can find masks, balms and shampoos medical typewhich are produced by several companies.

  • Revlon - Products of this company allows you to return the power and glitter to return the hair, and also strengthens them, which contributes to the slowdown in the fallout.
  • C: ENO - Stayed hair loss, restore damaged curls.
  • Schwarzkopf. - Used as auxiliary means.

Attention! There is a special efficiency of cosmetic professional funds, which contains vitamin PP (nicotinic acid).

Application of vitamins

During the lactation of vitamins, a woman is necessarySince the body is experiencing their disadvantage due to the limited diet. For reception inside:

  1. Vitruum Prenatal.
  2. Multi-Tab perinal.
  3. Alphabet.
  4. Elevit Pronatol.
  5. Calcium D3.
  6. Jdomarin.

It is worth noting that it is not worth overloading the liver with a large number of tablets, so there must be breaks between the courses several weeks.

Also, vitamins are used for applying for hair and scalp. To do this, use them in a liquid form - in capsules. Special efficiency is observed from the use of vitamins RR, C, A, H and Groups in.

They can be applied both in its pure form and in aggregate with shampoo.

Proper nutrition

You need to know that if you are breastfeeding, you need not only to do something for hair outside, but also follow your diet. When lactation, the diet Mom should be correct and rich in vitamins and minerals - they are necessary for the beauty and health of the woman, as well as for the full development of the baby. What should include the diet of proper nutrition?

  • Acid drink, cottage cheese, cheese.
  • Buckwheat, oat, millet and bone porridge.
  • Dill tea and dill in the fresh form.
  • Baked and boiled fish.
  • Broccoli I. cauliflower in stewed.
  • Walnuts.
  • Carrot.

What folk remedies can be used when lactation?

What time can you achieve the result?

Natural hair loss is completely unable to stop, but it is essential to reduce it - quite real. With systematic application medicines, proper nutrition and compliance with the recommendations of hair care, positive dynamics are observed after 3-4 weeks.

Important! Someone has a result can be observed already in 2 weeks, and someone will not have significantly improvements and after 5 weeks. This is due to the individual characteristics of the organism and the speed of recovery of the hormonal background.

Opinion Komarovsky

According to Evgeny Olegovich, the woman is worth come true with the fact that the postpartum loss of hair is a normal phenomenon. IN this case It is necessary to concentrate on the child, the care and care of him, but not to forget about yourself - to rest more, if possible, to sleep more and daily to go outdoors.

Use masks, balms and shampoos, but with caution. They will allow to support hair in normal conditionBut completely solving the problem of their drawing will not be able to, as actually, no other means.

Every woman wants to look attractive and beautiful, and thick and healthy curls are a pledge excellent mood and confidence in our own irresistible. Hair loss and thinning of the chapels gives women a lot of problems and becomes cause for experiences. However, it is worth remembering that this phenomenon is normal and, most importantly, temporary. Therefore, you need to be patient and therapeutic means!

Cheering baby, childbirth, breastfeeding - this joyful period in the life of a woman is sometimes overshadowed by problems with appearance. Most often, mommies complain of hair loss with breastfeeding. The unsightly kind of thinned "chapelurs", of course, upsets a young woman. We decided to find out why the hair falls out which factors increase the risk of problems in which ways can be stopped or avoid an unpleasant phenomenon.

At the same time, young milfs can easily experience reinforced hair loss, which sometimes encourages to get rid of braids and make short haircut

Main Reason - Hormonal Perestroika

The hormonal background of a pregnant woman is substantially adjusted, reacting to the process of forming and developing the fetus occurring in the body. The amount of estrogen hormone is increasing sharply, which affects the growth and force of the hair rod. An increase in estrogen causes a failure in alternating the stages of the development of the hairproof. Each hairs of man passes three states: angenesis, catagenesis and telogenesis. Being in angenesis, they grow rapidly. Turning to catagenesis, slow down their height. Then the telogenesis occurs, in which the dead old hair is no longer growing, but only waiting for when hair Lukovitsa Start new.

During pregnancy, an extension of angenesis occurs. The hair is intensively growing, not aging, do not fall out. It was noted that in the second and third semester, women's hair is increasing in volume, becomes thick and lush. It lasts such a process before delivery. Immediately after delivery, changes in hormonal background are strengthened. The hair jumps the stage of catagerase, quickly aging and die away. Since hair loss is occurred during breastfeeding, moms associate this state with feeding, not knowing that the beginning of an unpleasant process was laid long before delivery and breastfeeding. The fallout begins 1-1.5 after the birth of the child. Goes for a year hair Pokrov Updated, hairstyle comes back.

If mom has long before pregnancy thick hair, I will return to the same type they will be able much later. Quickly falling out during breastfeeding milk, the hair grows slowly. Effective methods There is no fight against such a misfortune - just need to gain patience, and wait until the strands come in order naturally.

Hormonal perestroika in a nursing mother is natural physiological processassociated with the enhancement of the fetus and does not require special treatment. Moms should know that the GW does not provoke a loss, it only falls for that period when the process is already running.

Additional negative factors

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If strands climb strongly, perhaps the hormonal perestroika added some more negative factor. To stop a strong loss, appreciate your lifestyle and find out why this situation has developed. The reason can be:

  • incorrect meals, unreasonable diets, in which a small amount of vitamins and trace elements comes into the body;
  • depressive condition after childbirth, frequent stress;
  • regular lack of sleep against the background of chronic fatigue;
  • bad hair care;
  • anesthesia during childbirth and reception of antibiotics;
  • dandruff;
  • weak immunity.

What ways can I solve the problem?

Certiously stop changing the hormonal background is impossible, however, reduce the effects of violations and slow down the intensity of the fallout you can independently. Start with everyday care and observe the basic rules:

  1. Forget for a year about any chemical compositions. Postpone and staining hair. Aggressive chemical compounds Worst the condition of the already weakened and undergoing non-relaxing hair changes for them.
  2. Dangerous for tired strands and thermal impact. Place your hair without using a hair dryer, straightening iron, curling forceps. Use ordinary rubber curlers if you want to give strands a waviness. To wash your head, choose the time when your hair can dry themselves.
  3. Exclude Metal Combs from your toilet. Purchase wooden or plastic. Combing carefully, without push and jerking.
  4. Nutrient masks make from such products like burr oil, eggs, kefir, sour cream, beer yeast. Natural useful, safe - they will support your strands and put them with the necessary trace elements.
  5. In the summer, when the active sun, be sure to wear hats, baseball caps, Panama. Headwear will prevent the destructive effects of ultraviolet.

The use of homemade masks can substantially focus tired and weakened hair roots. Need to choose not aggressive substances for accelerated height, and nutritious, gentle, moisturizing

Medical therapy

If you decide to apply for help professional meansdesigned to care for the problem chapel, come to the choice of drugs seriously. Lots of positive feedback Received organic brands brands "Revalon" and "Senko". Therapeutic action Preparations are based on the content of biotin and silicone in them. The combination of these products is possible with a series of leaving "Schwarzkopf", designed specifically for the care of hairstyle nursing mothers. The healing formula of masks, balms and rinsers contains nicotinic acidwhich effectively restores the structure of the strand, provides them with full nutrition and improves blood supply to the scalp. Useful for any type of hair.

Diet against hair loss

Faced with hair loss during breastfeeding period, think about your diet. Some leaving will not be enough. It is necessary to provide I. normal functioning The body during lactation. Milk generation takes away vitamins, calcium and other useful elements from a woman, causes not only hair loss, but also loosening the teeth, weakens the nails, acts negatively on the joints.

Take care so that in your diet, products rich in various vitamins are present regularly and fully. Sophisticated above the menu is not worth it, prepare your usual dishes from vegetables and cereals. Constantly eat fruit and lean meat.

Refuse sweets that can be born in a figure and cause allergies from a child. If your baby is prone from birth allergic reactions, enter into your diet, receiving special vitamins.

Vitamined funds

Forget about the independent selection of vitamins. Take advantage of experts to find such drugs that are not strong allergens. Barely noticed that the hair begins to uncontrollamatically leave your head, buy "Calcium D3" (we recommend reading :) or "Beauty Elevit". Preparations will support root system And slow down the drawing process.

Comprehensive "Vitrum", which presents a group of vitamins B, magnesium, calcium, vitamins PP, A and E, maintains the effectiveness of influence until the year. Doctors advise choosing funds with one component, believing from them final result positive. If a month passed, and explicit improvements did not come, do not despair. Know what therapeutic process It has already been launched, it goes in parallel with the natural normalization of the hormonal background. Time will pass And your shavenur will again become shining and lush.

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