Thrush tablets for children 10 years old. How to cure thrush: the best medications for thrush in women, men and children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Effective and inexpensive suppositories for thrush, tablets, ointments, creams, sprays, gels: list, tools

Almost every woman knows about thrush; every year the incidence is steadily increasing. But as it turned out, even teenagers can suffer from this fungal infection. Next, let's talk about the features of the prevention of candidiasis and how adolescents are also treated.

Candidiasis is a disease caused by a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. Candida are microorganisms that live on mucous membranes and even human skin. Immunity controls their growth and a small amount of them does not cause any disturbances, but is considered the norm.

The problem appears when, due to certain factors, yeast-like fungi begin to multiply actively, forming whole colonies. As a result, fungi invade the cells of the mucous membrane and poison them. Why is this happening?

Thrush in adolescents: causes and symptoms

It should be noted that candidiasis is not venereal disease, because they can be infected not only through sexual contact. That is why thrush in adolescent girls is not as uncommon as it might seem.

Actually, fungal infection can accompany a person from the first days of his life. If the mother during pregnancy has not completely treated the thrush, then during childbirth the child becomes infected and in the future he may have problems. The infection can "hide", and under certain factors, "show your teeth." What are these reasons?

The following concomitant factors can lead to the appearance of candidiasis:

  • insufficient hygiene skills;
  • allergic reactions;
  • enterobiasis;
  • frequent colds;
  • hormonal changes;
  • household items;
  • trauma;
  • synthetic squeezing linen;
  • uncontrolled reception antibiotics;
  • early sexual activity.

It is important to understand that the leading role in shaping pathological process plays the state of the immune system. Strong immunity is able to overcome and suppress the active reproduction of a fungal infection.

If speak about clinical picture then adolescents may complain of the following symptoms:

  • burning;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • pungent sour smell;
  • pain and cramps when urinating;
  • copious discharge of a cheesy character.

If the guys have thrush, then they will also be tormented. unpleasant symptoms, namely:

  • itchy pain and burning sensation of the glans penis;
  • the appearance of a film-like, light plaque on the head;
  • redness;
  • burning sensation when urinating.

Such complaints cannot be ignored categorically, because this can lead to the development of a chronic process and the appearance serious problems from the side genitourinary system... As a result, neglect of one's health can lead to infertility.

Thrush in children in the groin area: treatment

Of course, thrush does not belong to the category of difficult-to-treat diseases. It can be cured quickly and effectively, but for this it is worth adhering to all the doctor's recommendations, without missing a single point.

With the right treatment, as a rule, they begin to pass after a couple of days, but this does not mean that the treatment can be stopped. For the persistent therapeutic effect the entire course of treatment should be completed, but if it is interrupted, then a relapse is likely to occur.

Treatment of pediatric candidiasis includes several points, namely:

  • local treatment;
  • systemic therapy;
  • correction of natural microflora;
  • immunomodulation.

Thrush in girls from 12 years old: local treatment

The basis local therapy lays down the use of antifungal and antiseptic... Teenage girls are prescribed suppositories based on the following medications:

  • levorin;
  • natamycin.

For achievement maximum effect and strengthening therapeutic action these funds can be used soda solution and chamomile broth... They are used as washings and sitz baths.

Local treatment is important element treatment of candidiasis, because it has no side effects. In addition, such funds act directly on the infectious focus and quickly eliminate the irritating symptoms of the disease.

Local therapy to treat guys

For the treatment of thrush in guys, it is often prescribed, which have a wide range of benefits:

Popular ointments are following means:

  • ... The drug has a pronounced bacteriostatic activity. Tetraborate not only slows down the multiplication of fungal infections, but also prevents the mycelium of the fungus from attaching to the mucous membrane;
  • ... This antibacterial agent is used for both acute and chronic candidiasis. Treatment with nystatin lasts ten days. We have already talked about the treatment in detail.

Treatment of girls with systemic drugs

Antimycotic drugs for oral administration are prescribed with frequent relapses and the presence of several foci of fungal infection. Popular means are:

  • amphogyucamine;
  • nizoral.

The dosage of the drugs is determined by the doctor based on the girl's age and weight indicators. These medicines have their own side effects and can have a toxic effect on the body, which is why they should be taken with extreme caution.

Candidiasis in guys: systemic drugs

As a treatment for adolescent boys, drugs are used that contain the following medicinal substances:

  • natamycin.

Popular capsules and tablets that contain these substances are such medicines, namely:

  • oronazole;
  • irunin;
  • nizoral.

Correction of immunity

So, the state of immunity is directly related to the healing process. If measures are taken to strengthen the body's defenses, then the healing process will take place much faster.

Immunocorrective therapy is carried out for a whole month and includes:

  • preparations based on Eleutherococcus and Rhodiola rosea;
  • based on solcoseryl and vitamin A.

Correction of the microbial flora of adolescents

As a treatment for thrush in adults, probiotic drugs are often prescribed, but if we talk about adolescents, then such drugs are rarely prescribed, since they can cause an imbalance in the natural microflora.

Most often, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • acelact;
  • lactobacterin;
  • bificol.

In addition to all that has been said, during the treatment of candidiasis in adolescents, it is important to observe correct mode nutrition, avoid stress and stress, as well as divert full time for rest and sleep.

Nutrition as a cure

With candidiasis, it is extremely important to exclude from your diet foods that contain simple carbohydrates, These include:

  • fruit juices;
  • flour sweets;
  • sugar;
  • alcohol.

Foods that can be consumed include:

  • lean meats such as chicken and turkey;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • mushrooms, nuts and legumes;
  • eggs in small quantities;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • olive oil.

It is better to steam or stew vegetables. But one should not forget about the measure that it is important to eat eggs and meat in reasonable quantities. Beverages such as coffee and tea should be limited, or better off, because they interfere with the action of antifungal drugs.

To speed up the healing process, it is also worth increasing the consumption of fermented milk, but lactose-free products that contain lactobacilli. It can be: fermented baked milk, kefir, low-fat yogurt.

How is thrush diagnosed in children?

In order for a specialist to be able to deliver accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out a whole complex, which includes the following:

  • external examination of the external genital organs;
  • laboratory research;
  • ultrasound diagnostics.

If the doctor, during a visual examination, revealed signs characteristic of candidiasis, then he may prescribe an additional study to establish and confirm the diagnosis:

  • blood test for PCR;
  • immunological analysis;
  • microscopic examination of a gynecological smear;
  • bacteriological seeding of a gynecological smear.

Such additional diagnostics will allow you to see the presence of colonies of fungal infection and determine their subspecies. If we talk about ultrasound diagnostics, then it even helps to say exactly about the degree of prevalence of the pathological process and possible complications.

Prevention is the best treatment

As you know, any disease is much easier to prevent than to cure it later. In order to reduce the risk of thrush, follow these simple guidelines:

  • compliance;
  • taking medications, in particular antibacterial agents, strictly according to the doctor's prescription;
  • balanced and fortified food;
  • wearing natural underwear;
  • avoid early sexual intercourse;
  • use of special hygiene products for the intimate area.

So, candidiasis can appear at any age, and teenage years is no exception. At the very first symptoms, consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. Early diagnosis and timely competent treatment Is the guarantee of your health!

The human body is inhabited by numerous bacteria and microorganisms, which are components of the microflora. Including we are talking about Candida fungi, which normally do not pose a danger and threat to health. But there are a number of unfavorable factors under the influence of which fungi begin to multiply en masse, irritate the mucous membranes, provoking the development different diseases... Even the smallest children, in whom candidiasis is most often observed in the oral cavity, can be targeted by thrush. It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, who will be able to choose the right remedies for thrush in children in the mouth.

In order to be able to protect your child from a fungal infection with candidiasis, it is important to know the causes of infection, as well as possible consequences untimely treatment.

For reference! Pick up effective medicine from thrush in children in the mouth can only be a qualified specialist who also calculates the required dosage and treatment regimen. Self-medication usually leads to aggravation of the situation and complications.

Causes of candidiasis in children:

  • the appearance of thrush in the oral cavity is usually observed in infants who have weak the immune system unable to resist infections;
  • most often the process of infection occurs in infants during generic activity, regardless of the method of childbirth;
  • another way of infection is through household items, be it a bottle, toys, unwashed hands, hygiene products;
  • if we are talking about older children, the cause of thrush in the mouth is the intake of antibiotics, as well as hormonal preparations or due to a decline in immunity.

Knowing the most important prerequisites for candidiasis of children in the mouth, you can find ways to prevent and prevent it. If you independently select medicines for thrush in children without consulting a doctor, in this case, the ailment can go into chronic form... Then the baby will suffer not only from fungi, but also from allergic reactions, inflammatory processes against the background of this.

Insufficiently healed thrush in children, the medicine for which was not chosen by the doctor, usually develops into a systematic disease that further affects others internal organs... Neglected cases can provoke blood poisoning. If we are talking about premature babies who have an even more weakened immune system, complications from candidiasis can be even more serious, up to and including death.

Do you often run to the toilet?

Every woman sooner or later faces cystitis. Cramps during urination, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, frequent visits to the toilet ... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. Attention! The main mistake of the sick is the uncontrolled intake of antibiotics that kill all microorganisms, including those that are needed for normal life... 88% of antibiotics have only a temporary effect and seriously disrupt the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. Perhaps it is more correct to eliminate not the effect, but the cause? The only one natural preparation that really cures cystitis - Ceston. This remedy not sold in pharmacies. For a share, Ceston costs only 147 rubles. If interested, read all the information about the medicine yourself. Here's a link to the official website.

Symptom picture

When it comes to young children, only timely detection of the disease and a visit to the doctor can help to correct the situation. Negligence in the child's condition can lead to development chronic diseases and others severe consequences, including from oral candidiasis. To identify it, you need to know characteristic symptoms ailment, namely:

  • white bloom with a curdled consistency;
  • under the plaque, the mucous membrane has a red, inflamed appearance;
  • baby anxiety;
  • refusal of food.

Approximately every fifth child under one year old has thrush periodically in the oral cavity, and the development of the disease at an older age is not excluded. Parents of children should know what oral candidiasis looks like and what treatment should be carried out in order to prevent the progression of the disease.

Treatment principles

How to treat thrush in a child's mouth must be decided immediately after the appearance of its first signs. Untimely or incorrectly selected treatment becomes the main reason for the transition of pathology into a chronic form, in which development is possible serious complications... If candidiasis in a child's mouth is detected on the very early stage appearance, then for its elimination it will be enough to process oral cavity disinfectants and antifungal agents. But parents must understand that the problem can return if the influence of all factors provoking the growth of fungi is not eliminated.

This requires:

  • improve hygienic care for the child and the devices used for feeding;
  • a nursing woman to reconsider her diet and wash her breasts before feeding;
  • find out if the relatives living in the same apartment have an exacerbation of thrush.

You also need to pay attention to work. digestive system child. Very often oral candidiasis is combined with intestinal dysbiosis. To get rid of concomitant pathologies, it will be necessary to take a course of taking medications with probiotics, for infant they are prescribed by a doctor.

In cases where thrush is detected already in the second or third stages of development, external treatment does not always fully help normalize the microflora. The pediatrician prescribes systemic antifungal agents that the parents should give to the child according to a certain scheme.

Rules for the treatment of thrush in children

Treatment of thrush, first of all, should be safe for newborns and children in the first months of life. This requires:

When prescribing special antifungal agents, the course of therapy must be carried out to the end. Disappearing white bloom does not indicate that the disease has been completely eradicated.

Antimycotic drugs often cause side effects, so they are resorted to in extreme cases.

When a temperature appears against the background of thrush, it is necessary for the child to be examined by a doctor. Thrush may be accompanied by viral infection, in this case, antifungal therapy is combined with the intake of antiviral, antipyretic and other drugs.

Folk remedies

Fighting thrush folk remedies most effective at an early stage of the onset of pathology. Use:

Also has antifungal properties oak bark, St. John's wort, eucalyptus leaves. It must be borne in mind that all the means used in the fight against thrush must be applied for at least two more days after the disappearance of the curdled plaque.

The lack of effect in the treatment of candidiasis with folk remedies is an indication for the use of antifungal agents.

It is not forbidden to combine folk remedies with the use of pharmacy medicines. It is imperative to pay attention to the diet, children over one year old should receive less sugary food and more lactic acid products. Plant fruits have a positive effect on the body - use fresh berries, fruits and vegetables enhances the defenses.

Pharmacy preparations for external use

It is sometimes quite difficult for children to cure thrush without the use of special medications. With light and medium the severity of candidiasis, medications intended for external application to the affected mucous membranes are used, these are:

When using pharmacy antifungal agents, all contraindications to their use must be taken into account.

General treatment for thrush

Systemic antifungal agents from thrush in the mouth one month old baby and kids early age assigned only when severe course infections. The dosage of such drugs and the total duration of their administration should be selected by a specialist. If the rules for taking antimycotic drugs are not followed, the likelihood of severe adverse reactions increases.

In most cases, children are prescribed drugs such as:

The popular drug Fluconazole is prescribed if the child is already 4 years old. It is advisable to give the diluted medicine from a spoon, so part of the antifungal agent will immediately fall on the mucous membranes.

When using systemic antimycotics, one should not forget about external treatment, the child also needs to treat the oral cavity with pharmacy or folk remedies.

Antimicrobial medicines are used alone or in combination with a number of other medicines.

These can be probiotics, immunomodulatory drugs, vitamins. Treat the infection until it recovers. normal ratio opportunistic organisms, which is determined by analyzes.

External pain relievers

Thrush leads to the fact that pain prevents the child from eating well. While the disease passes, you can use drugs that will anesthetize the mucous membrane and, accordingly, their use will have a positive effect on the baby's appetite. These drugs include:

Medicines should not be used without specific indications. With the timely detection of thrush, it is possible to cope with it in a few days and with simple, non-toxic external agents.


Fungal lesions of the oral cavity pass faster if certain dietary rules are followed.

The diet must be followed by nursing mothers and those children who already for the most part eat from an adult table.

The diet must be adhered to for the entire period of treatment. In the future, the child should receive as many vitamins as possible with food, this will increase the work of his immune system.

Caring for a child with thrush

A sick baby needs complementary care. You definitely need:

A baby with the development of thrush refuses to eat to a greater extent due to painful sensations when sucking. So that the child does not stay hungry, you can give him a little artificial mixture from a syringe or from a spoon. Expressed milk is also given.

Possible complications

The defeat of most of the oral cavity in children, candidiasis causes pain, but the disease with mild and moderate manifestations does not lead to complications. With a severe form of thrush, there is a likelihood of the transfer of a fungal infection to the internal organs, which significantly increases the risk of an unfavorable outcome.

To prevent this from happening, you should immediately consult a doctor if your baby has:

  • fever;
  • difficulty swallowing and breathing.
  • there are signs of dehydration;
  • high temperature is recorded.

Until a doctor is examined, you should continue to treat thrush with the selected means. From the temperature, you need to give an antipyretic agent suitable for age. The child needs to drink as much as possible, this can avoid dehydration of the body.


Candidiasis - fungal infection, which occurs in both children and adults, has different localization and clinical forms... In addition to establishing the correct diagnosis and determining the concentration of fungi, the doctor must select the appropriate medicine for the treatment of thrush, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen, the patient's age and the existing form of the disease.

If a woman registers chronic or, then the course of treatment is carried out as follows: one tablet is taken once a month for a duration of 4 to 12 months.

Fluconazole is contraindicated if the patient has an intolerance to imidazole drugs, lactase deficiency, heart rate, severe liver or kidney pathology. It is also not recommended to take the remedy for lactating and pregnant women.

Vaginal suppositories Clotrimazole

An alternative choice in the treatment of urogenital thrush will be the drug Clotrimazole in intravaginal suppositories. Has a similar mechanism of action with Fluconazole, providing excellent fungistatic and fungicidal effects.

Vaginal tablets are required to be administered 1 piece at night for six days or 2 pieces for three days. As a rule, such courses are sufficient to eliminate the pathogen and eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

How to medicate candidiasis in men?

The medicine for the treatment of thrush in men is selected taking into account the form of urogenital candidiasis and the degree of its severity. At easy course balanoposthitis can be dispensed with by prescribing local antimycotic drugs in the form of a cream or ointment.

Complicated forms of thrush (candidal urethritis or, spread to the skin of the scrotum and groin area) require the inclusion of systemic antifungal drugs in the treatment plan.

Some of the most common thrush medications prescribed for men include:

  • Nystatin.
  • Miconazole.
  • Triderm.


The medicine Nystatin tablets is used one piece three times a day. The therapeutic course is 2 weeks. This drug disrupts the synthesis of important structural components membrane of the fungus, which leads to its destruction.

Miconazole ointment

With pronounced fungal infections, the use of Miconazole antimycotic ointment is justified. It is applied to the affected areas together with the capture of healthy areas around twice a day with gentle rubbing movements.

The genitals must first be thoroughly washed. The course of treatment varies from 3 to 6 weeks, depending on the severity and extent of the disease.

Ointment Triderm

Combined Triderm ointment, which contains antifungal, antibacterial and hormonal agent, is applied to sore skin twice a day. It is advisable to perform this procedure in the morning and before bedtime. The duration of therapy is on average 10 days.

The best medicines for babies for thrush

For fast and effective disposal from raids and it is important to choose the right and suitable medicines from thrush in infants in the mouth.

It can be:

  • Nystatin.
  • Miramistin solution.
  • Sodium bicarbonate solution.
  • Metrogyl.

Nystatin B childhood it is applied as follows: ¼ part of the tablet is ground into powder and dissolved in a glass of clean warm water... The gauze soaked in the resulting solution is wound on a finger and the child's oral cavity is wiped, thereby clearing it of fungal deposits. This procedure can be performed 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days.

0.01% miramistin solution can be purchased at almost any pharmacy and, most importantly, it is approved for use in infants. The technique of the procedure is similar to the previous one: with gauze and solution, the oral cavity is cleaned from plaque three times a day. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days.

In the same way, you can use a solution of soda or metrogil, the first of which is prepared by dissolving a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm pure water... Metrogyl's solution is purchased at pharmacies in the form of vials for intravenous infusion. At home, it is diluted with water one to one and the mucous membranes of the oropharynx are treated for a week.

At severe course disease, a medicine approved for children is used to treat thrush in the mouth - Fluconazole. It can be taken orally or given intravenously. The standard dose is 6 mg per kilogram of body weight once a day.

Thus, it can be concluded that any antifungal drug for the treatment of thrush in adults is selected taking into account the localization of the process, the degree of its severity and the laboratory-determined sensitivity of the seeded fungi. For children, the spectrum of antifungal drugs is somewhat narrow in mind. possible development severe adverse reactions.

The use of only an ointment or cream in the treatment of an ailment is prescribed in the case of:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • small age;
  • the onset of candidiasis;
  • at various diseases liver.

It is possible to use vaginal cream for thrush and ointment in these cases because of their low toxicity in comparison with tablets.

The advantage of ointments over other forms of drugs:

  • fast effect (at correct selection medication);
  • minor contraindications and side effects;
  • versatility (the ointment can be used by male and female sex);
  • the possibility of use in infants;
  • low cost;
  • ease of use.


Selection of ointment for thrush

In nature, there are many fungi that negatively affect female body and causing thrush… The attending physician selects medicines depending on the location of the infection, the type of fungus and the time of illness. For the treatment of thrush, ointment is prescribed in case of the onset of the disease, with the duration of symptoms of more than 4-6 days, preference is given to creams.

On this moment there is a huge selection of creams and ointments for fungi that cause thrush, consider the most effective and common of them:

Antifungal medicine having wide range application. Candida ointment and cream for thrush is easily applied to the infected part of the mucous membrane, very quickly relieves itching, burning and swelling. Candyosis cream and ointment have a low price, while treatment with them practically reduces the risk of formation to zero side effects on the internal organs.

The disadvantage of using candida for thrush in women is the difficulty in treating deeply located affected areas (if necessary, use tampons previously soaked in cream). Candid b ointment is one-component, which reduces the likelihood of damage to all types of yeast-like fungi in one application. It is used in the treatment of newborns and male thrush.

Ointment, which occupies the top position among the remedies for the fight against candidiasis. It belongs to the group of antifungal drugs with a wide range of applications. When applied in small doses, it will block the growth and spread of the fungus through the tissues of the vagina, with an increase in the dose, the infection will die completely. The ointment perfectly goes deep into the mucous membrane, which makes it excellent tool against thrush. Clotrimazole ointment is applied to the surfaces infected with the fungus twice a day. Longest time treatment for 28 days. After applying the product, it is advisable to take a horizontal position for the time of absorption of the drug (14-20 minutes). Apply with others antifungal drugs not desirable. When interacting with antibiotics, it reduces their effect.

Side effects - a change in the color of the skin surface in intimate area, slight tingling, burning and itching in places covered with ointment. The drug is not advisable to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


Effective and popular antibiotic a sufficiently large spectrum of action.
The cream is gently rubbed into the infected areas of the body at least 2 times a day. After application, it is desirable to take a horizontal position for the time of absorption of the drug (14-20 minutes). The minimum treatment time is 8-10 days. Long-term use of pimafucin does not worsen the vaginal mucosa. Treatment with this cream is carried out by two sexual partners at once with thrush of one of them. Pimafucin is non-toxic, non-allergenic, can be prescribed during pregnancy (including late dates and just before childbirth) and used as a remedy for thrush in newborns. The use of this cream can protect the fetus when passing through birth canal from a fungal infection.

Side effects: short-term diarrhea, nausea, slight burning sensation, tingling sensation at the sites of application.

Antifungal agent with fungicidal action.
A component of one applicator is injected far into the vagina. For thrush, the drug is used once and regardless of the time of day. Gynofort is created so that having entered it once, you can safely forget about the symptoms of thrush.

Side effects - short-term burning and itching in the intimate area, anxiety, swelling of the walls of the vagina, a feeling of cramps in the lower abdomen. If vaginal irritation and pain develop during the treatment of thrush, Gynofort should be stopped immediately. The drug is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

This remedy for candidiasis contains oils that destroy latex and rubber, as a result of which, for 72 hours after applying the cream, the use of contraception is prohibited.


Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent with a restorative and immune-improving effect. Thanks to special staff elements of which reinforce each other Levomekol is excellently applicable in the fight against many types of fungi and bacteria. Levomekol cream and ointment amazingly removes the signs of thrush and envelops the mucous membrane protecting it from infectious agents. With a prolonged course of the disease with complications, Levomekol is used in cooperation with other medicines. The time of treatment with Levomekol is strictly individual.

Inorganic antifungal agent with a wide range of applications.
The cream is applied to the areas infected with the fungus skin 1-2 times a day. The time of application depends on the neglect of the disease. On average, the treatment time will be 14-28 days. A side effect is slight itching, burning and irritation. When treating with nizoral for thrush, contact dermatitis sometimes occurs.

This ointment for thrush for women during pregnancy and lactation is allowed to be used only in emergency measures when the benefit to the mother is higher than the risk to the baby. These funds are not used if the patient is intolerant to ketoconazole.

It is used as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Includes salicylic acid... The presence of this acid in the ointment significantly increases the depth of passage of corticosteroids into the skin, and has a cooling and softening effect on the skin.
The drug simultaneously relieves itching and inflammation, soothes allergic irritation.

Akriderm is used 2 times a day, enveloping with a thin layer as much as possible large area(preferably at the same time, early in the morning and late in the evening), provided that there is no doctor's prescription. The dosage varies depending on the severity of the disease. If the affected areas are not significant, Acriderm is applied once a day, in case of serious lesions, more treatments will be required. Average duration treatment for 2-4 weeks.

Akriderm is contraindicated for use in diseases such as smallpox, herpes, rashes from syphilis, cutaneous tuberculosis. The drug is strictly forbidden to apply to children under 2 years of age, women during breastfeeding and pregnancy. Overdose and use of Acriderm long time can lead to Cushing's syndrome.

Each drug has a different active substance and indications or contraindications for its use. Since the ointment for candidiasis eliminates the cause of the disease and soothes the places with inflammation, the symptoms of thrush may disappear, but this does not at all tell us about the possibility of completing the treatment and complete recovery... The course of treatment should be complete and not interrupted by an apparent recovery.

After the end of treatment, it is necessary to restore the vaginal microflora with the help of special suppositories containing necessary for the body lacto and bifidobacteria. Bifidumbacterin are not expensive and very common suppositories that will help you cope with this task. The drug is used for 10 days after the end of the medication for thrush.

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