Important points about how condylomas are transmitted. How not to get infected? How are condylomas transmitted?

Condyloma is a type of papilloma that affects the genitals and is accompanied by similar consequences and symptomatic features.

Condyloma is a clear manifestation of HPV and involves the appearance of papillary formations on the skin and mucous membranes. Neglected phenomena that have reached the final stages of formation often turn into ulcers. They cannot be started, because such phenomena can become oncological, despite their initially benign nature. Let's look at what condylomas are, key reasons their occurrence in representatives of both sexes.

What are the causative factors that cause formations?

Condylomas are common sexually transmitted diseases. They appear due to the activation of the corresponding virus of the same name, the strains of which negatively affect the body.

Over 100 strains are known.

Some of them lead to the emergence of these very formations. HPV is transmitted through sexual contact, but there are several other ways of transmission. These causes are theoretically possible, but the underlying factors are deeper and affect more serious skin areas.

In the body of men and women, condyloma manifests itself due to weakened immunity, but sometimes determining the source of the disease can be problematic, because this is due to the duration incubation period, amounting to several years. TO common reasons The appearance of condylomas can be attributed to several factors.

  • Maintaining an active sexual life, accompanied by frequent and erratic changes of sexual partners.
  • Lack of vitamins, decreased immune system function, constant stress.
  • Early sexual activity and intercourse with people sick with the virus and other infections.
  • Not normal enough and high-quality microflora in the genital area.
  • Constantly living and staying in depression and stressful situations.
  • Availability chronic diseases at the stage of exacerbation and ongoing oncological processes.

Depending on gender, specific reasons occurrences may vary. Such formations usually appear in the genital area and mucous membranes. People who are stressed and psychologically weak are most susceptible to the occurrence of these formations.

Methods of transmission of formations between people

Let's look at how these tumors are transmitted from one person to another; there are several basic ways of transmitting the human papillomavirus:

  • sexual contact;
  • oral and anal method;
  • birth process (vertical path - from mother to child);
  • household option (use of other people’s hygiene products, neglect of hygiene rules and regulations).

Due to the lack of a specific opportunity to overcome this virus, doctors set the ultimate goal not to eliminate the source of inflammation, but to eliminate the symptoms. Is it possible to become infected with condylomas at home? It’s definitely possible, especially if a person has a weak immune system and is susceptible to stress and depression.

Education in women: causes

HPV occurs inside the body of about 30% of the fair sex, without causing discomfort or manifesting itself in symptoms. The virus exists quietly in the layers of the skin and mucous membranes and does not pose a danger.

But at the moment when the contraction occurs immune defense, it is activated and leads to the appearance of clinical signs.

Most often, the main causative factor of infection is sexual contact. The partner can act as an ordinary carrier and not suffer from the disease. Women have several causes of the disease:

  • skin injuries - occurrence small wounds, scratches, cuts, abrasions;
  • neglect general rules personal hygiene and non-compliance with standards;
  • excessive emotional stress and frequent stress;
  • non-compliance with the principles of proper nutrition, strict diets;
  • Not sufficient quantity vitamin and nutrients in food;
  • the presence of children under one year of age, resulting in lack of sleep and fatigue;
  • pregnancy and other conditions that cause hormonal imbalance;
  • uncontrolled and excessive use of antibiotics.

The incubation period until condylomas may appear from the time of HPV infection can be several months. There is a possibility that this formation will increase to several mm, and such growth can be accomplished in a few hours.

Most often, female representatives develop several dozen growths at once, localized in the area of ​​the vagina, labia, perineum, urination, cervix, and anus.

Education in men: main reasons

Considering the question of what causes condylomas in males, we can note several causal factors. These growths are traditionally localized in warm, moist bodily areas - on the penis and scrotum, frenulum, and anus. Condyloma in men is a pathology that is viral in nature.

Infection can occur through anal, oral or vaginal intercourse. Once it enters the body of a healthy person, the virus may not progress for a long time. Such complications are possible for one reason – decreased immunity. This is due to several factors:

  • constant stress and depression, mental disorders;
  • severe overheating or hypothermia, working in poor conditions;
  • poor lifestyle, including smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • non-compliance with the principles of proper nutrition, deficiency of vitamins;
  • insufficiently mobile and active lifestyle.

When a man's immunity is weakened, the emerging growths can manifest themselves and multiply. After all, the body is open to anyone infectious process. In men, such formations on the genitals can be pointed or flat.

The second group is less common and poses the greatest danger. The formations in men are usually flesh-colored and resemble in shape cauliflower, in places of localization there is serious discomfort, pain, burning. If the form of the disease is advanced, there are signs of general intoxication of the body, expressed in chills, weakness, headache, and increased body temperature.

Types of formations

Usually two types of growths appear - genital warts and flat phenomena:

  • genital warts look like papillae or skin outgrowths of gray or pinkish color, they are equipped with a thin stalk and can reach a length of several centimeters, at first single forms of the phenomenon are formed, and then, as they grow, they can merge and form into extensive skin lesions similar to cauliflower or cockscomb;
  • flat condylomas occur less frequently, the disease is transmitted in a similar way, it is similar to a garden bed and is more difficult to diagnose through the use of special research methods and instruments, usually they tend to be localized in the cervix, are not visible to the naked eye, can be neglected and develop into a complicated form.

Both flat and genital warts require timely treatment, but first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause and determine the exact type of growth on the skin or mucous membrane. Properly carried out diagnostics will ensure the possibility of carrying out an effective therapeutic complex for any type and at any stage of the disease.

Danger of sexually transmitted formations

When this disease is transmitted, the person who contracts it may face numerous risks:

  • complication symptomatic picture and the occurrence of pain;
  • noticeable redness and unpleasant burning sensation in the area where female or male condylomas are located;
  • development of a tumor into a malignant nature, which complicates healing process diseases;
  • the manifestation of unpleasant pain during intimacy and during life activities.

If condylomas appear, as well as their signs, you need to consult a specialist.

Preventive actions

In order not to get sick and get rid of the need for suffering and torment, it is important to follow preventive rules.

  • Creating a diet healthy eating and taking vitamin supplements.
  • Elimination of stressful and depressive states, meditation and yoga.
  • Adoption moderate loads physical nature, playing sports.
  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules, use of condoms.
  • Performance general events to strengthen immune function.

A competent approach to performing these actions will avoid complications.

(genital warts) - a type of viral warts, which are soft papillary formations on a stalk, prone to fusion. Merging, they form colonies, outwardly resembling the appearance of cauliflower. Most often occur in the anogenital area. They cause discomfort in the genital area, psychological discomfort, and sexual problems. Traumatization of condylomas leads to their infection and is accompanied by discharge with unpleasant smell, itching and pain. They can recur and become malignant. The virus is transmitted sexually. Treatment consists of removing condylomas (laser, liquid nitrogen, radioknife, ordinary scalpel) against the background of systemic antiviral therapy.

General information

Human papillomavirus– a filtering virus that causes the appearance of small, often multiple, tumor-like formations on the human skin and mucous membranes benign in nature. Manifests as viral warts or genital warts. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is characterized by a chronic relapsing course, widespread distribution, and high susceptibility. Human papillomavirus infections of the genital tract constitute a risk group for the occurrence of malignant neoplasms of the genital organs and the development of bleeding.

Genital warts, often called genital warts, are neoplasms of the skin and genital mucosa caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). This is one of the most common manifestations of human papillomavirus infection, characterized by a long-term, chronic, relapsing course. Typically, condylomas are flesh-colored papillae with a lobular structure and a stalk, but they can also grow to massive formations, the appearance of which resembles cauliflower.

Condylomas are most often located on the genital organs (in women - on the labia, vagina, cervix; in men - on the head of the penis, foreskin), also in the anus and perineum, less often in the mouth.

Genital warts belong to the group of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), so their diagnosis and treatment is mainly dealt with by venereology. However, women, as a rule, come with this problem to a consultation with a gynecologist and are treated by him. Men turn to a urologist. And with condylomas anal area most often encountered by a proctologist.

The main spread of HPV infection usually occurs through vaginal, oral, or anal sexual intercourse with an infected partner. Genital warts usually appear in areas exposed to trauma during sexual intercourse. HPV can be transmitted during sexual intercourse with scales peeling off with condylomas, and in women it can also enter the vagina and cervix from the external genitalia when using hygienic tampons during menstruation.

Intrauterine transmission of the virus from an infected mother to the fetus, and infection of the child during childbirth in the presence of active HPV or condylomas on the genital mucosa of a pregnant woman is also possible.

Risk factors for infection with genital warts

The human papillomavirus is widespread and highly contagious. More than half of people leading sex life, infected with one or more strains of HPV. In organism human HPV changes the nature of tissue growth, which leads to diseases of the skin and mucous membranes (genital warts, warts, papillomas, dysplasia and cervical carcinoma). There are more than 100 strains of HPV, with different strains causing various diseases, including precancerous ones. HPV strains (6 and 11) primarily affect the urogenital tract and cause the development of genital anogenital condylomas.

The emergence of human papillomavirus infection and its further development caused by a weakened human immune system. This infection is characterized by an asymptomatic course; in many infected people it does not manifest itself in any way. Most people who are carriers of the corresponding strains of HPV do not develop genital warts. Factors that increase the risk of contracting genital warts include:

  • previous STDs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, herpes, candidiasis, etc.);
  • free sexual behavior (with frequent changes of sexual partners, through a partner who has previously had sexual contact with an HPV carrier);
  • internal factors of the body (reduced immunity, lack of vitamins, exposure to stress);
  • pregnancy;

Pathways for the development of HPV infection (genital warts)

The development of HPV infection is determined by the state of the body’s immune reactions, depending on this, the most possible options development of human papillomavirus infection (including condylomas) are:

  • self-healing, regression of condylomas (in particular, those that appeared during pregnancy);
  • absence of any dynamics over a long period of time;
  • gradual or fast growth condylomas (increase in size, number);
  • malignant degeneration of condylomas.

According to the risk of developing an oncological process, several groups of HPV strains are distinguished:

Moderate- and high-risk HPV strains (mainly 16, 18, 31, 33, and 35) cause cervical dysplasia and increase the risk of cervical cancer, but do not cause genital warts. Low-risk HPV strains (primarily 6 and 11) provoke the appearance of genital warts, but do not cause cervical dysplasia. Women infected with high-risk HPV should undergo regular examination (oncocytology) for timely detection of cervical dysplasia.

With a complicated variant of the development of anogenital condylomas, they may become injured and infected, and bleeding may occur. In addition, condylomas of the genital area prevent normal sex life And normal birth, cause a feeling of psychological discomfort due to the presence of a cosmetic defect.

Pathogenesis and manifestations of genital warts

Human papillomavirus infection is transmitted from person to person, and it is possible to become infected with several types of papillomavirus at the same time. HPV lives in the cells of the skin and mucous membranes. Long time Human papillomavirus infection can occur covertly (latently). A sufficient amount of virus must accumulate in the cells to cause clinical symptoms papillomavirus infection. The reproduction of HPV and its amount in the body depend on the level of immune defense. Under the influence various factors, reducing local and general immunity, the virus is activated, reproduces and develops skin manifestations.

Once in the body, HPV infects epithelial cells (especially the transition zone of the multilayer squamous epithelium to cylindrical). In an infected cell, the virus can be in two forms: episomal (outside the cellular chromosomes - benign form) and introsomal - integrated (as part of the cellular genome - malignant form).

During latent infection, HPV exists in episomal form, without leading to pathological changes in cells and without causing clinical manifestations.

Having multiplied in large numbers, HPV changes the growth and development of epithelial cells. They begin to divide rapidly and uncontrollably, the area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane grows and genital warts form. There may be several of them, and sometimes several dozen. Anogenital condylomas often occur simultaneously, less often over several days.

In men, genital warts are most often found on the glans penis (coronal sulcus) and foreskin (frenulum and inner leaf), less often on the body of the penis, scrotum, near the anus and urethral opening. The appearance of condylomas in the urethra causes discomfort, difficulty urinating, splashing stream of urine.

In women, condylomas most often appear in the area of ​​the labia minora (frenulum, clitoris), less often in the vagina, on the labia majora, on the cervix, in the anus, perineum and urethral opening. Genital condylomas of the vagina and cervix can only be detected during a gynecological examination.

It is extremely rare that genital warts develop in oral cavity. With constant mechanical damage, condylomas can increase to 3-5 cm in diameter.

In addition to anogenital, there are other types of genital warts:

  1. Papular warts are dark red in color, have a dome-shaped shape and a smooth surface, and are located on completely keratinized epithelium.
  2. Keratotic warts - look like cauliflower, usually located on the shaft of the penis, scrotum, and labia.
  3. Giant condyloma - develops during pregnancy, in patients with reduced immunity.
  4. Endourethral condylomas are localized in the urethra and are found mainly in men.
  5. Cervical condylomas:
  • exophytic (external) condylomas - practically no different from anogenital condylomas
  • endophytic (internal) flat condylomas - located in the thickness of the tissues of the vagina and cervix epithelium, they cannot be detected during a routine examination. Detected during colposcopy, often combined with dysplasia and sometimes with preinvasive carcinoma of the cervix, they pose a risk of malignancy
  • epidermodysplasia verruciformis - multiple polymorphic flat papules of pinkish-red color with a warty surface.

Diagnosis of HPV infection (genital warts)

Diagnosis of human papillomavirus infection includes:

  • clinical examination

In the presence of typical forms of genital warts, the definition HPV strain not necessary. In men, genital warts are often confused with a papular necklace of the penis (a normal variant). In women, micropapillomatosis of the labia (a normal variant) is sometimes mistaken for genital warts. If you suspect genital warts, it is necessary to exclude other diseases (molluscum contagiosum, condylomas lata with syphilis).

  • conducting extended colposcopy, urethroscopy (if endourethral condylomas are suspected);
  • cytological examination smear from cervical canal on atypical cells to exclude cervical dysplasia;
  • histological examination;
  • PCR – diagnostics (determination and typing of HPV);
  • immunological study (presence of antibodies to HPV in the blood).

Those infected with genital warts must be examined for syphilis, HIV and other STIs.

Treatment methods for genital warts

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely get rid of HPV by any of the modern methods treatment, just as it is impossible to guarantee the absence of recurrence of condylomas. Self-propagation of condylomas and the appearance of new lesions in other areas of the skin or mucous membrane cannot be ruled out.

HPV does not produce lasting immunity; you can become infected with condylomas and get sick again if your sexual partner has not been treated or the rules of safe sex are not followed.

The main method of treatment remains removal of condylomas various methods, each of which has its own indications, limitations, and contraindications. Treatment of condylomas is carried out under local anesthesia and is practically painless.

When performing laser coagulation (neodymium or carbon dioxide laser), the condyloma tissue evaporates, forming a dry crust in its place - a scab. Radio wave method or a radio knife quickly and almost painlessly removes condylomas. Cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen) “freezes” condyloma, but this method is not recommended for use in nulliparous women. Electrocoagulation is based on the impact on condylomas using an electrode (electronic knife) passing a high-frequency current.

For the destruction and removal of condylomas, chemical substances are also used locally - cytotoxic drugs - podophyllinotoxin, podophyllin, imiquimod, feresol, fluorouracil.

The risk of relapse of human papillomavirus infection is high (30%) with any treatment method, since the virus persists in other cells of the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, the complex of treatment of anogenital warts includes anti-relapse (antiviral) therapy for HPV. Drugs that enhance immunity are used (meglumine acridone acetate, licopid, panavir, immunomax). A domestic one has been developed antiviral drug based on alloferon (injections) for the treatment of herpes and human papillomavirus infection.

It is necessary to carry out virological monitoring of the cure of condylomas. For women with genital warts, annual histological examination is recommended.

Prevention of HPV infection (genital warts)

Measures to prevent human papillomavirus infection (genital warts, in particular) include:

  • use of barrier contraception (condoms);
  • elimination of factors that cause a decrease in immunity (vitaminosis, hypothermia, smoking and alcohol abuse, stress and overwork).
  • vaccination against cervical cancer. Vaccination is carried out for girls from 11-12 years old, three times.

Warts or condylomas are benign growths that appear in any part of the body. Since the disease is not uncommon, it is necessary to know how condylomas are transmitted and the mechanism of development of the pathological process. Condylomas are caused by human papillomavirus, which can be transmitted in various ways. Pathology appears when weakened immune system in a few weeks, months or even years.

It is important to know the specifics of transmission of condylomas so as not to jeopardize personal health and the health of loved ones.

Causes of the pathological process

Condylomas in women are diagnosed much more often than in men. Externally, the formation is a pointed or flat wart that forms on any part of the body or inside the genitals. When a lot of condylomas are observed, they look similar to cauliflower. Pathological growths provoke discomfort, pain, itching, burning and are cosmetic defect. Greatest danger represent condylomas, which have a high level of oncogenicity.

In men, growths are often diagnosed in the penis or anus.

The cause of condylomas lies in the human papillomavirus. Doctors have identified at least 80 strains of viruses. Usually, most of is safe for human health, but about a third of strains pose a threat to the patient’s life. Such viruses are oncogenic and condylomas often degenerate into cancer formation.

Condylomas grow due to HPV entering the human body.

Condylomas are transmitted sexually or through household contact. The disease predominantly affects girls and boys under the age of 25 who are promiscuous and practice frequent changes of sexual partners. This is due to the fact that during this period young people are at the peak of sexual activity and forget to protect themselves during sex, which is why the virus enters the body in the main way - sexually.

Development mechanism

When the papillomavirus was transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person, then the latter pathological process may not occur immediately. To activate the virus, it is necessary that the immune system is weak and does not protect the human body from pathogenic microorganisms. On average, the incubation period lasts 7-8 months. In people with strong immunity Condylomas may appear after a few years; in other cases, warts appear within a month. Papillomavirus develops as follows:

  1. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate healthy cells epithelial tissue or mucous membrane. The penetration of the virus is facilitated by existing microtraumas that are associated with mechanical damage, bacterial infection or inflammation.
  2. With a weakened immune system, the DNA of normal cells is replaced by a viral one, thus the disease begins to progress.
  3. When there are many viral cells, condyloma appears on the skin or mucous membrane. If multiple condylomas appear, they form into one large formation.

Condylomas grow in intimate area human, provoking changes at the gene level in healthy cells.

When the surface layer of the epithelium is sent for cytological examination, it is discovered that cells infected with the virus have smaller parameters and have a rim around cell nucleus light shade. If the nature of the disease is benign, then there are no such viral cells a large number of.

Routes of infection

A person can only get a viral infection from another person who has papillomavirus in their body. Sometimes it happens that an infected patient has no signs of condyloma, but he is a carrier of the virus. A healthy person can be infected primarily through sexual contact. This route of infection is the most common. In this case, the following persons are at risk:

  • men who practice homosexual acts;
  • young people who began to be sexually active early;
  • those who frequently change sexual partners;
  • people who had sex (even once) with a partner who had or has herpes, trichomoniasis, chlamydia or other diseases.

You can become infected with condylomas at home or through sexual contact.

A less common route of infection is contact-household transmission of the virus. This infection is possible if healthy man uses someone else's towel or underwear that fits tightly to the body. Often the papillomavirus is transmitted when visiting public places such as baths, saunas, swimming pools. This is due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms, although in small quantities, are present in human saliva and urine.

Condylomas are wart-like neoplasms of the skin and mucous membranes, which are a consequence of infection of the body with the human papillomavirus. This is a complex and easily spread infection, the manifestations of which can most often be observed in the genital area.

Classification of condylomas

On this moment, there are several types of condylomas:

  • Microcondylomas- the first stage of development of the human papillomavirus. Neoplasms can appear in the form of small rounded nodules, which often develop into genital warts. This form does not regress;
  • Hyperplastic condylomatosis- the most common, one might say, even the classic manifestation of condylomas. The neoplasms are extensive growths of the epithelium, and each acute tip of the condyloma is equipped with the end of a blood vessel;
  • Papular condylomatosis- a type of neoplasm that is combined with the hyperplastic type of condylomas. Location: perineum;
  • Warty condylomas. Formations that have a whole list of similarities with vulgar warts. Location: inguinal fold and outer part of the labia majora;
  • Condylomas acuminata. Papillary-shaped neoplasms of skin color or gray-pink color on a small stalk, a couple of millimeters in size. Such condylomas are rarely located singly in foci of infection; more often, they are entire groups of neoplasms that multiply very quickly and merge into a single, rather large sizes education. The most common are condylomas of the penis and condylomas of the vagina.

At the moment, medicine knows more than 40 different subtypes of the human papillomavirus, from which genital warts can develop. It is extremely important that strains of this virus can cause the development of penile and cervical cancer.

Genital warts in women

Current infectious disease in women it is a little easier, since neoplasms are most often located inside the vagina - they are not noticeable and practically do not cause discomfort. But this is also the reason that the disease takes a long time to develop and cannot be treated, since its manifestations are invisible. It may take quite a long time before the tumors are detected, and during this time the condylomas will grow, and the fight against them will be more difficult.

It is also possible to have genital warts on the labia or, in general, on the cervix, which is extremely dangerous. Such a tumor can cause other diseases, including cervical cancer. Therefore, it is very important for women not only to take tests and conduct general examinations, but also be sure to monitor the condition of the cervix, periodically visiting a female doctor.

Genital warts in men

Condylomas in men, unfortunately, are not uncommon, but in representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation, the manifestation of this infection is possible much more often.

Localization of such an unpleasant problem causes a lot of inconvenience, since condylomas often appear on the penis, around urethra, V groin area, and can be located in the area anus- anal condylomas. In such areas, neoplasms can be easily injured, which can lead to pain and even greater spread. In addition, condylomas in men are more an aesthetic discomfort than a physiological one, since the infection occurs without any special symptoms, and HPV itself (human papillomavirus - condyloma) is eliminated from the body much faster than in women.

Causes of condylomas

As we have already found out, the main cause of condylomas in humans is the human papillomavirus, or more precisely, certain types of it. HPV is easily transmitted through direct contact with a sick person, and feels and develops normally in the newly infected body.

The human papillomavirus, which causes condylomas, can enter the body different ways, but it does not always manifest itself immediately, because for this it needs certain conditions - weakened immunity, stress, constant overwork, overheating in the sun or hypothermia in damp and frosty weather, poor nutrition.

How are condylomas transmitted?

Most often, condylomas are transmitted sexually, and since the spread of the virus is very fast, at the moment, every second person can be infected with HPV. By at least, this is what international medicine says, whose statistics show that 50% of the population is infected with HPV.

But not only sexual intercourse with an infected person can cause infection, but also ordinary household contact.

Symptoms of condylomas

The condyloma virus, or rather they themselves and their direct manifestation on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, can be delayed, so it is not so easy to notice condyloma immediately. First of all, the symptoms of condylomas are a visual effect, that is, growths that you can notice. Very often they don’t bother you, and you simply don’t pay attention to them, but you just need to comb them, touch them, rip them off, and suddenly burning, itching and bleeding begin, which can be considered full-fledged manifestations of condylomas.

Condylomas in children appear in the same way as condylomas in men and condylomas in women, but the child himself will never pay attention to the neoplasms and will not be able to classify them as a dangerous manifestation of HPV. Therefore, the only way to notice condyloma in a child is to be more attentive to him.

Treatment of condyloma

Treatment of condylomas with folk remedies

Many people self-identify diseases and try to treat them folk remedies. We have no right to prohibit them from doing anything. But We do not recommend engaging in such self-medication, since this is not cauterization of a scratch, but, after all, treatment of an infectious disease. But not everyone listens to the advice of specialists and insists that it is possible to treat condylomas at home.

Next, a few recipes traditional healers, which tell you how to get rid of condylomas. Of course, you can try them, but we recommend that you initially consult a doctor for advice, especially if this should be done if condylomas are found in a child.

So, what does traditional medicine advise us:

People know many ways to remove condylomas - these are infusions, special decoctions, and remedies from medicinal plants, and cauterization of condylomas with concentrates, but all of them remain just speculation and statements, as they say, until you try it on yourself. Be very careful with self-treatment, since often its incorrect use only aggravates the problem.

Treatment of condylomas with medications

  • Interferon. Can be used topically or systemically, by puncturing condyloma or by intramuscular injection. But remember that this drug has some side effects- general malaise, headache, elevated temperature and so on;
  • Imiquimod. A product that allows you to remove small genital warts. To do this, the cream in the form of which imiquimod is used is applied to the affected area, strictly according to the instructions and as prescribed by the doctor. The duration of treatment for condylomas is no more than 16 weeks;
  • Podophyllotoxin. A special extract from medicinal plants, which is recommended for the treatment and removal of condylomas. Podophyllotoxin causes necrosis of neoplasms and quick release from the problem, but you can use it strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Be careful, the drug has some side effects, which are not particularly pleasant.

Removal of condylomas

When all means have been tried and their effect leaves much to be desired, a person looks for new ways to get rid of such tumors. And they exist:

  • Cryodestruction of condylomas. This method involves burning off condylomas with liquid nitrogen, that is, at a low temperature. The method is well tolerated by any person, does not require pain relief, does not leave scars, and therefore is considered very popular;
  • Electrocoagulation- removal of condylomas high temperature, or rather, high-frequency current. Method requires local anesthesia, may leave unpleasant scars upon completion of the procedure;
  • Laser removal of warts. Laser therapy known enough time to be trusted, and that is why today there is an incredible amount positive feedback, which state that laser removal of genital warts is possible. It happens quite quickly, but requires pain relief. It is also quite possible for scars to form after removal of condylomas.

Question answer

We always try to cover the topic in as much detail as possible, but people always have additional questions, which we will answer right now:

  • How often do condylomas occur on intimate places? Quite often, since this is the main place of their localization;
  • What is flat condyloma? This is a manifestation of the human papillomavirus, which causes neoplasms on the mucous membranes and skin of humans;
  • Are condylomas on the lips possible?? Yes, although this is not their main location;
  • What should you do after removing condylomas? Appointed special means for speedy healing at the site of condyloma removal and to prevent scar formation.

Remember, treatment of condylomas with folk remedies, medications or even removal of condylomas, this is only a visual effect, so to speak, masking the problem, since full treatment The human papilloma virus, which causes such problematic neoplasms, has not yet been found. Naturally, having removed an unpleasant growth or a whole complex of them from the surface of the skin, you calm down, but HPV continues to live in the body, and its recurrence is quite possible. Only half of the patients, or more precisely, about 60%, will be able to breathe easy, since all their work will actually yield results. The rest, great amount people who have seen condylomas and papillomas on their bodies will still encounter them, and this is a proven fact. Once you provoke the virus to appear on the surface of the skin again, the problems will begin again. To distance yourself as much as possible from repeated experiences of the treatment process and getting rid of tumors, be sure to communicate with qualified doctors and listen to their advice.

Due to the long incubation period of the disease and the possibility asymptomatic carriage infection, the route of transmission cannot always be determined. However, there is only one mechanism of transmission of condylomas - contact.

It includes:

  • Sexual path.
  • Contact and household.

The most common localization of condylomas (or anogenital warts):

  1. On the penis.
  2. Labia minora and labia majora.
  3. Cervical mucosa in women.
  4. Around the urethra.
  5. Anal opening.
  6. On the skin of the perineum.
  7. In the mouth.

Most often, infection occurs through the secretions of the gonads, which contain a large number of viral particles.

Reference! Condylomas are localized at the site through which the infection entered the body.


The type of sexual intercourse does not affect the transmission of infection. Condylomas can be infected by:

  • Vaginal.
  • Anal.
  • Oral sex.

The likelihood of infection is reduced when using condoms, but is not completely eliminated. The condom protects against contact with the penis, but does not prevent contact with condylomas located in the perineum, on the inner thighs and anus.

During sexual intercourse, the papilloma virus penetrates epithelial cells through microtraumas of the mucous membranes and skin in intimate places. After this, the incubation, or latent period of the disease begins, during which replication and accumulation of the virus occurs. Clinical manifestations illness may occur weeks or even years after infection.

Genital warts spread quickly from the site of entry and can affect large areas of the genital area. For example, from one labia to another when they touch, or from the skin of the perineum to the mucous membrane of the genital organs, inner surface hips.

It should be remembered that a carrier of the papilloma virus who does not have genital warts, but in whose body the pathogen lives, can also be a source of infection. Therefore, it is possible that you or your partner may not be able to immediately detect whether you or your partner are contagious.

Contact and household

Condylomas can be contracted not only through sexual intercourse, but also through living in common with an infected person. Infection occurs through direct contact with the secretions of an infected person:

  1. During a kiss or when using shared cutlery with a person who has condylomas in the oral cavity.
  2. When touching a person’s genitals and then applying infected secretions with your hands to wounds in the genital area.

Often, infection with the human papillomavirus is indirect through common hygiene items, belonging to man with condylomas:

  • Towels.
  • Razors.
  • Someone else's underwear.
  • Toilet seats.

Important! A prerequisite for the virus to enter the body is the presence of microtraumas. skin and mucous membranes.

other methods

There is a vertical route of transmission of human papillomavirus infection from mother to child. In this case, infection occurs through the placenta or during the passage of the newborn through the maternal birth canal.

The virus can be transmitted through transfusion of infected blood components.

How can you not get infected?

The virus persists in the external environment in ejaculate or saliva for a relatively long time, but simple disinfection procedures (washing clothes, washing dishes, wet cleaning) effectively neutralize it. You cannot become infected with condylomas in the following ways:

  1. Airborne droplets and airborne dust (when talking with a sick person or while being in the same room with him).
  2. Transmissible (when bitten by blood-sucking insects).
  3. During a handshake.

Question about the possibility of infecting a child through breast milk is controversial. Practicing gynecologists answer that the likelihood of this phenomenon is very low and recommend natural feeding.

The importance of prevention

You can prevent infection with condylomas by observing personal hygiene rules and choosing a partner responsibly. It must be remembered that the disease is most often transmitted sexually, and the use barrier method Contraception plays a key role in preventing infection with genital warts.
