Dermatological diseases in children. Fungal skin diseases in children. Allergic skin diseases in children. Toxicoderma

Skin is the largest organ human body. Another feature of the skin is that diseases can not only be independent pathologies, but also a consequence of problems with other organs. In addition, they can be triggered by a variety of external stimuli.

A distinctive feature in children is also the fact that they do not proceed in the same way as in adults. For the most part, this is due to the immune system, which in children, especially the youngest ones, is not fully developed.

Types of skin diseases in children

Dermatitis is a skin lesion that is inflammatory in nature. There are several forms:

Atopic dermatitis

Atopy is a genetic predisposition to produce too much immunoglobulin E when exposed to certain environmental allergens. The term “atopy” itself is of Greek origin and means foreign.

External manifestations of this feature of the body are a variety of allergic reactions. The word “allergy” itself is often used in diagnosing diseases that are provoked by the mediator immunoglobulin E, however, in some people suffering from allergic reactions, the level of this protein is normal.

Atopic dermatitis can be called one of the most common diseases of the epidermis in children. In the vast majority of cases, it occurs in the first six months of life and often occurs periodically in adulthood.

Most of the cases are infants under one year of age who have relatives suffering from similar problems. Atopic dermatitis is often accompanied by certain diseases, both allergic and related to the respiratory system.

Atopic dermatitis includes three variants of the course of dermatitis:

  1. Infant, which occurs in children under two years of age. The infant form is characterized by localization of rashes on the face and bends of the limbs. Sometimes, but much less frequently, the disease affects the skin of the torso. The rash is characterized by dry skin and the appearance of crusts. Infantile atopic dermatitis also differs in that periods of its exacerbation may coincide with the time of teething.
  2. Children's, common among children between two and thirteen years of age. The childhood form is characterized by the appearance of rashes mainly on the flexor surface of the limbs. Manifestations of the disease in this case are skin thickening, swelling, erosion, plaques, scratching and crusts.
  3. Adult, which affects adolescents over thirteen years of age and adults.

As the name implies, it occurs due to direct contact with an allergen.

There are two varieties of this disease:

  1. Acute form, when the disease makes itself felt immediately after contact with the allergen, all manifestations are also easily eliminated after determining the root cause and starting treatment measures.
  2. Chronic form, when the disease manifests itself fully upon repeated contact with what causes the allergy. Exacerbations in this case are quite difficult, and treatment takes a lot of time.

Diaper dermatitis

It often affects the child’s torso and represents an inflammatory reaction to chemical, mechanical and microbial factors.

The cause of this disease may be the following factors:

  • violation of personal hygiene rules, as a result of which the child’s skin was in contact with urine and feces for too long;
  • skin infection by fungi;
  • increased temperature and humidity;
  • poor child nutrition.

The disease is expressed in the appearance of foci of inflammation, namely redness of the skin and increased sensitivity. To eliminate symptoms, it is necessary to determine the root cause of the disease and eliminate it.


This skin dermatitis, having an allergic nature. This disease differs from others in the appearance of pink blisters. This manifestation quickly spreads over the skin and is accompanied by itching. The blisters are somewhat reminiscent of nettle burns, which gives the rash its name.

The appearance of this in children may be associated with the development of the endocrine and immune systems; the list of reasons may also include:

  • bacterial infections;
  • taking certain medications;
  • air and contact allergens;
  • viruses.

Prickly heat

This is a red rash that can sometimes be accompanied by whitish blisters. A similar rash can appear on a variety of parts of the body, however, it most often occurs on the bends of the limbs, as well as in other places where there are many sweat glands.

It does not pose a particular threat, however, the itching that accompanies it can cause anxiety for the child and, if the blisters are scratched, infection in the wounds.

Miliaria can occur on the skin of children in the following cases:

  • when wearing clothes that are too tight or too small;
  • when wearing clothes made of synthetic materials;
  • when using diapers;
  • using hygiene products of inadequate quality.

Pimples and boils

Acne is an inflammation that develops due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Pimples can appear anywhere on the body. Boils are in most cases larger than pimples and painful. Inside such a formation there is pus, which is most often localized in the center of the boil. When pressure is applied to such inflammations, a light yellow substance is released. Here you can read more about purulent formations and see.

Common pimples and boils are the result of a microbial infection entering the deep layers of the skin. Despite the fact that acne most often occurs in teenagers, it can appear on the skin at any age, even at a very early age. In addition, it is worth considering that such manifestations may indicate serious illnesses, for example, about diabetes or talk about the depressed state of the immune system.

Chicken pox

Chickenpox is an infectious disease viral nature. The root cause is a virus herpes simplex, which affects the mucous membranes and epidermal cells. Externally, the disease manifests itself in the form of a rash, especially severe cases accompanied by fever. This virus is transmitted by airborne droplets.

It is believed that the sooner a person gets chickenpox, the easier it will pass. Infants under six months of age rarely suffer from this disease, since mothers pass on their immunity.

Children under five years of age are most susceptible to chickenpox, however, the disease is relatively mild in them. Children who have reached the age of ten, and even adults, are less likely to get chickenpox, only if the immune system deteriorates, however, their course is the most severe.


Skin formations such as warts quite often appear in children when they have already begun to walk. This phenomenon is associated not only with infection with the human papillomavirus, but also with a decrease in immunity. Also, the appearance of warts can be caused by damage to the skin and poor hygiene. The method of removing warts depends on their location and number.


Dermatomycosis includes a large number of varieties, since there are quite a few types of microscopic fungi that are the causative agents of this disease. However, it most often appears in the form of spots that are brighter pink than the rest of the skin. The spots may peel and affect the hairline.

Infection can occur most in various ways, from contact with the ground to contact with animals or an infected person. Treatment will also be different and determined by the type of disease, the location of the spots and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.


A disease such as childhood psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious disease that affects the skin of children under ten years of age.

Sometimes the first signs of psoriasis can be found in infants in the first months of life. It is characterized by the appearance of inflammatory foci, the surface of which is covered with formations called papules, white.

Only a doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment. He can also diagnose correctly, since the manifestations of the disease may be similar to other dermatitis. It is worth noting that psoriasis is a chronic disease, so it cannot be cured forever.


Keloid is a fibrous growth that occurs at the site of damage to the skin. Most often this postoperative scars or scars that appear after a burn has healed. Sometimes keloid formation occurs as a result of healing of a closed injury. The reasons for the formation of keloid scars are still unknown.

Most experts believe that this is an individual reaction of tissues to damage, as well as to the presence foreign body. Such a formation is distinguished by the fact that it is dense and non-extensible, and also does not grow with the growth of surrounding tissues.

This is especially dangerous in childhood, because the may cause tissue deformation. Especially with extensive damage to the skin. You can eliminate a keloid with the most different ways. In the simplest cases, you can get by with special ointments. In the most severe cases, surgery is necessary.

Seborrheic dermatitis

The appearance of seborrheic dermatitis in children is accompanied by mild inflammatory reaction epidermis, which arises as a result of internal and external influences on children's body. in young children is accompanied by the formation of gneiss in the head area, which is yellow scaly crusts.

This is what scares adults, however, there is no need to be afraid. Half of babies experience similar seborrhea; sometimes yellowish crusts can be found not only on the scalp, but also on the surface of the neck, face and even chest.

In this case, seborrheic dermatitis is not accompanied by pain or any other negative manifestations. The treatment prescribed by a specialist in the vast majority of cases is not long-lasting.

Dermatitis is a rash in the form of blisters, peeling, discomfort, itching, burning, etc. The reasons may be different, depending on which there are several types of dermatitis, for example, infectious, allergic, atopic, food, etc.

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Treatment of skin diseases in children

A general method for eliminating skin diseases in children has not been invented, since there are a very large number of varieties of these diseases. Treatment rules are determined by the severity of the disease, age group child, as well as the individual characteristics of his body.

Drug treatment may involve taking medications general action. In some cases, doctors are limited to prescribing only external use. Sometimes, you don't need any specific therapy, just a general strengthening of the immune system is enough, which will suppress the root cause.

Prevention of skin diseases in children

  1. Proper, completely balanced nutrition in accordance with the age-related needs of the body, which involves limiting, or even completely eliminating, foods containing allergens.
  2. Compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene, as well as maintaining cleanliness in residential areas.
  3. Elimination of occurrence stressful situations in the child's daily life.
  4. Wearing clothes only made from natural materials that ensure optimal air circulation.
  5. Timely treatment of skin damage such as scratches, inflammation and abrasions.


In general, it is unlikely that you will be able to protect your child from skin diseases, if only because they are natural for the process of developing immunity. Parents can only prevent some of them and minimize the consequences of diseases. This requires prevention and timely treatment.

Skin diseases found everywhere in children. Children's skin undergoes organic and functional development from birth to puberty. Like an adult, a child’s skin consists of epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The stratum corneum of the epidermis is very thin, consisting of 2-3 rows. Between the epidermis and the dermis there is a loose and underdeveloped membrane; for this reason, in case of skin diseases, the epidermis is separated in layers.

Children's skin has a dense network of wide capillaries, due to which it is colored pink or bright pink. The sebaceous glands in children are well developed, but the sweat glands are poorly developed. Subcutaneous fatty tissue depending on age, contains different amounts of solid fatty acid, and to a lesser extent – ​​liquid oleic acid. Protective function The skin in children is weakened due to an insufficient stratum corneum, its thinness and abundant blood circulation. Because of these features, children's skin is easily vulnerable and prone to various inflammations. Skin pathologies are divided into 2 groups: infectious skin diseases and non-infectious ones. Infectious skin lesions include measles, rubella, scarlet fever, herpes, and erythema infectiosum.

Measles is a viral pathology, it is characterized by high body temperature, catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat, nose, eyes, and a spotted skin rash. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets when coughing or sneezing. The duration of the incubation period is 7-14 days. A sick child becomes contagious during the incubation period, and up to 4 days skin rash. The disease begins with a high temperature, the child becomes weaker and stops eating. Next, the appearance of a dry cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis is observed. After 2 days, you can see white in the mouth of a sick child. small rash. Then bright spots appear on the skin, first on the forehead, then the rash spreads down the entire body.

The small pink rash grows in size, merges with each other, acquiring irregular shapes. At the moment of the greatest rash, body temperature can rise to 40 ºС. On average, the rash lasts 7 days. Diagnosing measles is easy clinical picture. Pediatric skin diseases require compliance bed rest. The child needs to drink a lot and take medications to relieve fever. Medicines that relieve sore throat and expectorants are also prescribed. medicines, vitamins. IN for preventive purposes To avoid measles infection, the first vaccination is carried out at the age of 1 year, and the second at 6 years.


Pediatric rubella

Rubella is an infectious skin disease, the causative agent of which is a highly resistant virus that can survive in an unfavorable environment. Without prior vaccination, a child’s body is not able to develop a specific means of protection against the rubella virus. Have a disease airborne infection, rubella spreads very quickly, especially in enclosed spaces and in children's institutions. The disease initially has symptoms of a cold and acute respiratory infections. The child is capricious, becomes lethargic, feels weak and drowsy. After some time, the inguinal, axillary and submandibular lymph nodes enlarge.

Scarlet fever infection

Scarlet fever is an acute infectious pathology, provoked by group A streptococci. The disease is characterized by intoxication, fever, inflammation of the tonsils, and pinpoint skin rash on the body. Children become infected through airborne droplets; in some cases, household infection through toys and common objects is possible. The incubation period lasts 1-10 days. Scarlet fever begins rapidly, body temperature jumps to 40 ºС, and symptoms of sore throat appear. On the second day of the disease, the neck and upper body become covered with a profuse, pinpoint rash. Small red spots merge and spread throughout the skin. Elbows and armpits are subject to more intense rash. The color of the tongue becomes crimson, the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle remains pale.

The skin rash lasts 2-4 days, then begins to disappear. From about the 6th day of illness, the skin at the site of the rash begins to peel off. Scarlet fever is diagnosed by a pediatrician characteristic symptoms. The disease may lead to early complication in the form of otitis media, sinusitis. A later complication can bring an immune complication, rheumatism or glomerulonephritis. Complications arise due to illiterate treatment of the disease. Uncomplicated cases of scarlet fever can be treated at home. Treatment requires bed rest. Antibiotics, macrolides, and cephalosporins are prescribed. The throat is gargled with antiseptic solutions.

Herpes virus

Herpes is a general term for viral pathologies caused by various herpes viruses. Children are most often affected by primary herpes, characterized by the appearance on the lips. Primary infection with the varicella herpes virus causes the child to develop chickenpox. Secondary infection with the virus manifests itself in the form of herpes zoster. Infantile roseola is caused by herpes type 6 and is characterized by pink maculopapular rashes. The child's temperature rises, which subsides on days 3-5 of the disease, and the skin becomes covered with a pink rash. If you press on the rash, it turns pale, this is hallmark baby roseola. Herpes is accompanied by fever, muscle pain, and general fatigue.

As a rule, subsequent rash and wound formation are observed. Children, unable to withstand the itching, scratch and tear off the resulting crusts, which prolongs the healing process. The goal of treating herpes in children is to suppress the activity of the virus and reduce the symptoms of the disease. Antiviral drugs, ointments and tablets are prescribed to relieve itching and painful sensations. Also shown drinking plenty of fluids and antipyretic medicine. It will be necessary to strengthen the child’s immunity with immunostimulants and vitamins.

Erythema infectiosum

Erythema infectiosum is a viral infectious pathology caused by the human papillomavirus. The disease combines several types:

  1. Rosenberg's erythema - develops in schoolchildren and adolescents, accompanied by intoxication, headache, macular or maculopapular rash. Skin irritation affects the flexor surfaces of the limbs and the surface of the buttocks.
  2. Erythema Chamera - provoked by parvovirus, the rash spreads throughout the body, the outline resembles a butterfly pattern
  3. Erythema multiforme is caused by an infectious viral organism. The disease is accompanied by chills, headache, weakness, and blistering formations with transparent contents.
  4. The migratory form of the disease is transmitted through tick bites. A ring-shaped inflammation forms at the bite sites.
  5. Sudden erythema - accompanied by small, pale pink spots merging with each other.

Non-infectious skin pathologies

Skin diseases in children of non-infectious nature:

Children's skin diseases must be treated according to medical recommendations after an accurate diagnosis has been made. To avoid complications, parents should seek medical help at the first symptoms.

Children's skin diseases are much more common than adults. After all, children's skin is more delicate, receptive and sensitive to mechanical and chemical irritants, infections, as well as internal changes. The appearance of a rash, redness or blisters on a child’s skin may indicate poor nutrition, poor care, infection, or serious genetic pathologies. Therefore, it is up to the doctor to determine skin diseases in children, who will prescribe appropriate treatment and be able to calm the worried mother.

Pediatric atopic dermatitis

It's chronic inflammatory disease caused by genetic characteristics. Therefore, the risk of developing this disease is higher in children whose close relatives suffer from atopy.

Factors that increase atopic dermatitis:

  • increased sensitivity skin To external factors;
  • malfunctions nervous system;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • smoking tobacco in the presence of a child;
  • high content of dyes and flavor enhancers in the child’s food;
  • use unsuitable for child care cosmetics;
  • bad ecology.

This dermatitis most often affects children under 12 years of age; at older ages, the disease appears extremely rarely. With atopy, children's skin becomes very dry, begins to peel and become covered with spots. Most often, the rash is localized on the neck, elbows, face, and knees. The disease has a wave-like course, periods of exacerbation are replaced by long remissions.

Diaper dermatitis

An inflammatory and irritable process on a child’s skin that occurs when there is insufficient air circulation and moisture accumulation. Symptoms: rash, blisters, redness and inflammation of the skin, in advanced cases: cracks and wounds, suppuration. In mild form, this is one of the most common childhood illnesses, which can be treated by adjusting the child care program. Dermatitis complicated by an infectious disease requires the use of ointments and antibiotics.

Most often, the disease occurs due to prolonged exposure to tight diapers or diapers. A humid environment without air flow stimulates the proliferation of pathogenic organisms that cause skin infections. Typically, diaper dermatitis is observed on the buttocks, lower abdomen, and crotch of the child - places that the diaper covers.

Factors that increase diaper dermatitis:

  • prolonged wearing of clothes and diapers that impede skin breathing;
  • prolonged skin contact with urine and feces;
  • Rarely bathing a child.

It has been established that diaper dermatitis often occurs with a complication – a fungal infection that affects the skin.

Urticaria in children

A childhood skin disease that causes severe itching, rashes, and blistering of the skin. Gradually, single blisters merge into one large lesion. The child may also experience fever and intestinal upset.

Factors that increase urticaria:

  • contact, food or other allergies;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • unsuitable temperature conditions;
  • insect bites.

Localization of the disease: lips, skin folds, eyelids, cheeks. Visually, the skin lesion resembles a nettle burn.

Prickly heat

Dermatitis caused by increased sweating. There are three types of diseases, depending on the origin and symptoms.

Crystalline prickly heat manifests itself as white blisters up to 2 mm, and the rash can merge into one lesion. The blisters are easily damaged, causing peeling. Localization: face, torso, neck. It is more common in infants under two months of age.

For your information. With prickly heat, a nodular rash is formed with hyperemia along the periphery. The rash does not merge, is accompanied by itching, and severe pain appears when pressed.

Miliaria profunda is characterized by the appearance of blisters that are pale pink or beige in color. The disease affects the face, neck, and limbs. The tendency to develop heat rash continues into adulthood. Miliaria is dangerous because the child’s risk of contracting infections increases.

Causes of prickly heat:

  • active blood supply and, as a consequence, hyperthermia;
  • insufficient care for the child, too warm clothes;
  • thin and sensitive skin;
  • poor development of sweat ducts;
  • oversaturation of the skin with water.

Important! The skin rash that appears should not be smeared with creams and baby lotions. It is necessary to consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. The use of cosmetics can aggravate skin lesions.

Acne in children

A disease of newborns that causes white rashes on the cheeks and chin. It may appear in the first six months of a child’s life. Occurs due to hormonal changes in the body and high level estrogen, as well as blockage of the sebaceous ducts.

Acne that appears in childhood does not require drug treatment. White or slightly yellowish papules disappear within two weeks, leaving no marks or scars. However, acne in children increases the risk of contracting skin infections and therefore requires monitoring. The presence of infection is indicated by redness and swelling of the skin around the acne.


A skin disease caused by a skin infection - staphylococci. The presence of a skin disease in children indicates serious health problems and requires consultation with a doctor and subsequent treatment.

The reasons why a skin infection occurs can be external or internal. External factors: wearing tight clothing, violating hygiene rules. Internal problems are more difficult to eliminate, as they may be acquired or congenital immunodeficiency, the presence of diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Development of a boil: formation of a painful infiltrate with unclear boundaries, the appearance of edema and increasing pain, opening. When ripened, the stem and contents emerge from the boil. After which the ulcer on the body heals, leaving a scar.

Important! Purulent discharge must be immediately removed and the area of ​​skin around the boil must be disinfected. An ulcer can become a breeding ground for other infections, and the pus can infect healthy areas of the skin and cause a carbuncle. This is an inflammation of several united boils.


A skin disease caused by a bacterial infection. When the disease occurs, flat, flaccid blisters with clear liquid. The skin on the buttocks, under the nose, scratches or other skin damage suffers. The child must be shown to a doctor who, after examination and diagnosis, will prescribe an ointment or antibiotic for oral administration. The child's nails should be cut short so that they cannot damage the blisters and spread skin infections to healthy areas of the skin.

Measles rubella

This childhood disease provokes the measles rubella virus, which incubation period is up to three weeks. In childhood illness, there is a slight increase in temperature, chills, and pink spots on the face, torso, limbs. Usually the spots disappear within three days. When the disease occurs, the glands behind the ears and on the neck may swell. Symptoms are sometimes similar to other diseases, including influenza, accompanied by prickly heat.

Important! Put accurate diagnosis and treatment can be prescribed only after a blood test. A child with rubella should be isolated from contact with pregnant women, since the virus is dangerous for the development of the fetus.


Viral infectious disease, which most often affects children under two years of age. A seemingly healthy child suddenly develops a high fever that subsides on the third day. After this, a pink rash appears on the body, which goes away within a day. If you have rubella, your child should be given plenty of fluids and the temperature should be lowered.


A skin disease of viral origin, accompanied by high fever and cough. With measles, the eyes become bloodshot and sensitive to light. A red rash appears all over the body on the fourth day, and white spots are observed on the inside of the cheeks. Distribution of the rash: down from the face to the extremities.

Start infectious period occurs 3-5 days before the appearance of rashes and continues until the spots disappear. Gradually the wax acquires light brown pigmentation and begins to peel off. This disease affects children who are not vaccinated against measles. The disease can be fatal.

Skin diseases in children require prevention:

  • performing hygiene procedures;
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases;
  • daily air baths;
  • use of clothing made from natural fabrics;
  • maintaining a healthy temperature;
  • frequent and thorough cleaning of premises;
  • compliance with complementary feeding rules;
  • child provision sufficient quantity liquids.

Blisters on a child’s skin should not be punctured or lubricated with alcohol lotions and skin creams. Only a doctor should diagnose childhood diseases and prescribe treatments.

Skin diseases of various etiologies are more common in children than in adults due to the immaturity of the immune system. The cause of many skin diseases is allergic reaction, in other cases – fungi, bacteria and viruses. Also, skin problems may indicate pathologies internal organs. It is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin adequate treatment. Photos and descriptions of symptoms in the article will help determine the type of dermatitis, but only a doctor can make an accurate conclusion.

– a chronic inflammatory process of the skin, provoked by a genetic predisposition. It often affects infants under 1 year of age (rarely under 12 years of age), whose families have already encountered similar problems.

Symptoms atopic dermatitis:

  • dryness, peeling and hyperemia of the skin;
  • rash spots on the face, neck, bends of the limbs;
  • periodic exacerbation and remission of symptoms.

In addition to genetics, the development of atopic dermatitis is influenced by:

  • skin sensitive to external factors;
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • infectious diseases of the skin;
  • child's exposure to tobacco smoke;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • eating food with harmful additives (flavor enhancers, dyes, etc.);
  • improper care of children's skin.

Atopy (from Greek “foreign”) is a feature of the immune system that produces excess immunoglobulin E upon contact with allergens. The presence of atopic dermatitis in an infant indicates his tendency to allergies.

– inflammation of the skin due to prolonged contact with wet diapers. Most parents are faced with such a problem, which can be easily eliminated by frequent bathing, airing the skin, changing diapers and special creams.

Symptoms of diaper dermatitis:

  • red, inflamed skin of the perineum and buttocks;
  • rash, peeling and blisters;
  • in severe cases, cracks, wounds and purulent inflammations.

The main cause of skin irritation is prolonged exposure to the baby's urine and feces. Increased humidity and temperature inside the diaper (diaper) gives impetus to the development of fungal infections. It is Candida fungi that in most cases cause this childhood illness.

Without changes in the care of the baby, secondary infection may occur, which can be treated with special ointments and even antibiotics.

– dermatitis due to increased sweating, often occurring in children in hot weather.

There are three types of prickly heat:

  • Miliaria crystalline is a disease of newborns in which pearlescent blisters no larger than 2 mm are noticeable on the skin. Localization: neck, face and upper torso. Sometimes the rash merges into solid islands that peel off.
  • Miliaria rubra is a rash in the form of white blisters with reddening of the surrounding skin. The blisters do not merge, cause itching and discomfort when touched. Localization: in the folds of the sweat glands. It goes away in a couple of weeks.
  • Miliaria profunda is a pinkish or beige rash. Localization: neck, face, torso, arms and legs. It goes by very quickly.

The causes of prickly heat are increased blood circulation and overheating, when the sweat glands cannot cope and become clogged with epidermal cells. Miliaria is a frequent companion of children during fever.

Frequent prickly heat is a “bell” to check for rickets.

Provoking factors:

  • synthetic and excessively warm clothing;
  • wearing diapers in summer;
  • hot and humid environments;
  • lack of timely hygiene and air baths;
  • fatty baby creams and lotions that do not allow the skin to breathe.

- This is a type of skin disease of an allergic nature. Occurs in response to direct contact with an allergen. The name is not accidental - the manifestations of dermatitis are very reminiscent of a nettle burn.


  • pink blisters with clear boundaries appear on the skin;
  • the rash is itchy and itchy;
  • blisters may coalesce into large lesions;
  • localization: face, neck, arms, wrists, legs, back, buttocks, body folds;
  • sometimes accompanied by fever and even digestive tract disorders.

This type of skin disease is characterized by transience - the rash appears suddenly and can disappear in a few hours or days.

Causes of urticaria:

  • hypersensitive skin;
  • consumption of potential allergens (chocolate, citruses, honey, strawberries, etc.);
  • contact with allergens in the air (pollen, dust, animal fur);
  • taking medications, especially antibiotics;
  • insect bites;
  • infectious diseases (viral, bacterial);
  • influence of UV rays.

Infant acne (acne) occurs in children in the first 6 months of life due to hormonal changes and blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. In this case, the cheeks and chin are covered with light blisters with slight redness.

Childhood acne goes away on its own without treatment. The main thing is to properly care for inflamed skin, otherwise there is a risk of secondary infection.

– isolated skin inflammations containing light yellow pus, caused by staphylococci. If they are detected, you must show the child to the doctor to avoid complications.

Symptoms and stages of a boil:

  • the appearance of a hard, painful lump with pus and redness around it;
  • opening and exit of the rod with pus;
  • healing of the wound.

In children, against the background of furunculosis, nearby lymph nodes may become inflamed.

Causes of boils:

  • internal: weak immunity or immunodeficiency, pathologies of the endocrine and nervous system, etc.;
  • external: skin friction in tight clothing, rare bathing, mechanical damage to the skin, etc.

– this is the connection of several boils together, which is much more dangerous. Treatment of such skin diseases in children should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor in order to avoid serious complications.


  • the formation of a large abscess;
  • temperature increase;
  • pale skin and weakness;
  • lymphadenitis.

chronic illness skin of non-infectious etiology, which can appear already in the first months of life. Skin cells divide too quickly, producing characteristic plaques with peeling.

In 15% of cases of childhood skin diseases, psoriasis is diagnosed.


  • the appearance of itchy, slightly raised areas of peeling;
  • sometimes there is hyperemia;
  • the skin at the site of the lesion may become wet and form ulcers.

Treatment of psoriasis is specific and complex, so constant medical supervision is required.

Often, yellow scaly crusts form on a child’s head, which should not be alarmed. Children's disease is not dangerous and with adequate treatment it goes away quickly. Sometimes crusts are found on the face, neck and chest.

or chicken pox– an infectious skin disease caused by the Varicella-zoster virus. Usually children older than six months get sick, since maternal immunity is active before that. It is believed that what younger child, the easier he tolerates chickenpox.


  • the appearance of bubbles with clear liquid throughout the body;
  • itching and desire to scratch;
  • elevated body temperature.

In the future, a child who has had chickenpox is faced with another unpleasant skin disease - herpes zoster.

is a group of infectious skin diseases in children of a viral and fungal nature. Ringworm is extremely contagious and requires quarantine measures.

Symptoms of lichen depend on the specific type of this disease:

  • caused by microscopic fungi. The skin becomes covered with spots with red edging and peeling. When the scalp is affected, the hairs break off just above the skin level, as if they had been cut;
  • (etiology unclear). Oval pink spots with peeling in the center appear on the skin, resembling a medallion.
  • Shingles is a relapse of the Herpes zoster virus. Along the nerve endings (on the face, upper torso and limbs) a group of bubbles forms. The disease is accompanied by symptoms of ARVI (weakness, fever, etc.).
  • Pityriasis versicolor or pityriasis versicolor is caused by a lipophilic yeast. The skin becomes covered with spots ranging from cream to brown flowers who don't tan.
  • Simple pityriasis alba It is very common and appears as discolored patches on the skin. The etiology is unclear (probably a fungus) and does not require treatment.
  • Lichen planus – rare disease of uncertain nature. Rash with a waxy red sheen.

Causes of deprivation:

  • contact with a sick cat, dog and person;
  • using other people's personal belongings (comb, toys, etc.)
  • skin damage (scratches, wounds);
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • decreased immunity after acute respiratory viral infections;
  • endocrine disorders, etc.

– a viral disease that usually occurs in children under 2 years of age. It begins with fever and a pink rash all over the body, which disappears after a day. Similar in symptoms measles rubella, but the rash fades after 3 days.


has a bacterial nature and manifests itself in the form of flaccid blisters with clear exudate. It is localized in places of mechanical damage to the skin (scratches, abrasions, scratched areas, etc.), often on the buttocks and under the nose. Treatment may include oral antibiotics and special ointments.

Skin diseases in children of different ages occupy one of the leading positions among all childhood pathologies. Diseases are caused by various pathogenic microorganisms, allergens, the problem often arises due to improper care and nervous experiences.

Skin rashes appear due to improper care or allergies

Childhood illnesses with skin rashes

Many childhood diseases are accompanied by different types of rashes - blisters, pimples, acne, multi-colored spots, types of rashes can be seen in the photo. Skin manifestations are inherent in infectious and non-infectious pathologies.

Infectious diseases

Types of viral rashes

Skin rashes- one of the main signs of infectious viral childhood pathologies; for each disease, the nature of the rash, its localization and time of appearance are different, which greatly simplifies the diagnosis. Diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets, nutrition, and contact.

Diseases in which viral exanthems appear:

  1. Measles– causative agent RNA virus. Papular rash, light spots in the bridge of the nose, behind ears become noticeable 3–4 days after infection. Gradually the rash spreads to the face, chest and top part back, skin of arms and legs. Additional symptoms– cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis.
  2. Rubella- causative agent togavirus. A rash in the form of small pale pink spots appears already on the first day of illness, first on the face, then moves to the sides of the torso, buttocks, arms and skin of the legs. Additional symptoms are joint pain, sleep disturbance, weakness, temperature rises to 39.5 degrees or more. The disease is most often diagnosed in children aged 6 months to 2–4 years.
  3. Chicken pox– the causative agent is herpes virus type 3.4, the disease is most often diagnosed in children preschool age, junior schoolchildren. Vesicles cover the face, body, and sometimes mucous membranes, but there are no vesicles on the feet and palms. The first rash appears on the face, scalp, groin and genital area, the child is worried severe itching, in children the temperature rises briefly to 38–38.5 degrees.
  4. Roseola infantile– causative agent of herpes virus type 6.7. The child’s temperature rises sharply, but there are no other manifestations of disease; after 4–5 days the levels also drop sharply, and a rash appears on the body.
  5. Warts, papillomas– small pink neoplasms, Brown, may be flat or raised above the surface of the skin. Infection with papillomavirus occurs through close contact with a sick person, but pathology develops only when cellular immunity decreases.
  6. Herpes simplexviral infection, in which blisters form on the mucous membrane and skin oral cavity, nose, around the lips.
  7. Infectious mononucleosis– the causative agent is Coxsackie enterovirus, Epstein-Barr virus. Generalized infection is accompanied by pain in the liver and spleen, swelling of the tonsils. Rashes in the form of red spots 5–15 mm in size appear on days 5–7 of illness, gradually merge, and are most often localized on the face. A special feature is that with mononucleosis the rash does not itch.
  8. Erythema infectiosum- the causative agent is parvovirus. At the initial stage of development, the disease occurs like a cold; after a few days, numerous red pimples appear on the face and body.
  9. Mollusk– a viral infection, children most often become infected in swimming pools, when using hygiene items from a sick person. Initially, neoplasms appear under the skin; as the disease progresses, they come to the surface in the form of nodules; after opening, a white heterogeneous mass can be seen inside; it contains many viruses.

Almost always infectious rash accompanied by fever, weakness, and often enlarged lymph nodes. The rashes have a strict phasing pattern, gradually covering new areas of the skin.

Bacterial diseases

In children bacterial diseases with skin manifestations most often occur against the background of infection with streptococci, staphylococci; microbes enter the body by airborne droplets, through wounds and scratches on the skin.

Scarlet fever first appears on the face and then moves to other parts of the body

Types of pathologies:

  1. - the causative agent is streptococci from group A. The rash can appear within 24 hours after infection - extensive red roseola with small pink dots inside appear on the cheeks, rough to the touch, they gradually turn pale and turn brown. The rashes from the face spread to the stomach, back, neck, and thighs, but there is no rash in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Additional symptoms are fever, sore throat, diarrhea, the tongue is covered with a white coating, but after a day it turns red, and papillae are clearly visible on the surface.
  2. Erythema migrans– bacterial dermatosis, occurs after a tick bite. After 1–2 days, a round spot appears at the site of the bite, the skin inside turns red, peels, and the inflammation gradually grows. Itching, tingling and irritation occur only if the bite falls on an area with thin, sensitive skin. Without proper treatment, the infection spreads to the central nervous system and meningitis may develop.
  3. Folliculitis, furunculosis, carbunculosis– inflammation of one or more hair follicles, often the pathological process spreads to surrounding tissues. The affected areas are red and hot to the touch, and the disease is often accompanied by fever.
  4. Hidradenitis - ulcers form in the sweat glands, the rash is localized in the armpits, in the groin area, in the folds of the skin, the disease develops only in adolescents.
  5. Streptoderma - on the face and limbs, in the folds of the skin, bubbles with purulent contents appear, which easily burst, blisters and red ulcers form.
  6. – the skin becomes covered with deep ulcers with a diameter of 2–4 cm, the inflamed areas have a soft bottom and are covered with dry crusts.

Ecthyma is accompanied by skin ulcers

Newborns are sometimes diagnosed venereal diseases– syphilis, genital herpes, chlamydia, infection occurs in utero or when the child passes through birth canal. Venereal rashes are varied - maculopapular rash, erosions, ulcers, chancre, nodules, they appear on the genitals, in the folds of the skin, on the face, and less often they can be found on the mucous membranes. STDs are often detected in adolescents who begin sexual activity early and have poor understanding of safe sex issues.

Staphylococci affect follicles and glands, streptococcal infections develop on smooth skin, most often around the mouth and nose.

Pediculosis manifests itself as severe itching of the head and spots on the skin

List of common diseases:

  1. – lice infestation. The disease is accompanied by severe itching, red dots appear on the skin, and there are many nits on the hair.
  2. Scabies– infection with scabies mites. Scabies are formed on the skin - small winding lines of pink or gray color; the disease is characterized by severe itching, which intensifies at night.
  3. Demodicosis– infection with demodex mites. The disease manifests itself in the form of rosacea and granulomas; sores on the face are accompanied by severe itching of the eyes and profuse lacrimation.

Fungal pathologies

Mycoses occur with the active growth of pathogenic fungi; they often affect not only the skin, but also the hair and nail plates; rashes usually affect large areas. Causes of diseases - long-term use antibiotics or the use of antiseptics, disruption of the endocrine system, poor environment, vitamin deficiency, frequent stress.

Keratomycosis - pityriasis versicolor, affecting the upper layer of the epidermis

Types of mycoses in children:

  1. – pityriasis versicolor, pityriasis versicolor, trichosporia nodosum. The disease is characterized by the absence of an inflammatory process, minor lesions upper layers epidermis.
  2. Dermatophytosis– trichophytosis, microsporia. Pathological processes penetrate deep into the epidermis, affecting nails and hair.
  3. – occurs when the number of fungi of the genus Candida increases. The pathology affects the skin and mucous membranes, accompanied by the appearance of a cheesy coating with sour smell, numerous small white pimples.
  4. Deep mycoses– chromomycosis, histoplasmosis, blastomycosis. Fungi penetrate deep into the skin, affecting nearby tissues and internal organs.

Candidiasis affects the mucous membranes

A fungal rash looks like spots of different diameters and shapes; they can be pink or yellowish-brown, their surface is flaky and covered with scales.

Fungal diseases are often chronic, with exacerbations occurring due to weakened immunity.

Non-infectious types of rash

Non-infectious rashes occur due to improper care and may indicate disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

With toxic erythema, spots appear on different areas skin caused by environmental changes

Main types of rashes non-infectious origin:

  1. Newborn acne– numerous yellow or white pimples on the forehead, cheeks, and around the nose are present at birth, or appear during the first 6 months of the child’s life. Pathology occurs under the influence of the hormone estrogen, due to active work gonads, specific treatment does not require.
  2. – reaction of a newborn’s skin to a new environment. Groups of spots appear on the chest, buttocks, and in the bends of the limbs different sizes, blisters are yellowish-gray in color, the skin in the area of ​​the rash is dense. In a localized form, the rash disappears within 2–4 days; in a generalized and widespread form, it can persist for up to 20 days, with an increase in temperature, and the baby becomes restless due to severe itching.
  3. Milia - small white nodules localized on the face. The disease develops 7–14 days after the birth of the child due to blockage of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Pilar (follicular) keratosis– a chronic disease, occurs due to disruption of the process of desquamation and keratinization of epithelial cells. Small rough nodules appear in places where hair follicles, most often the disease goes away with the onset of puberty.
  5. Diaper dermatitis– a consequence of improper care of the child’s skin. Redness, blisters, and peeling appear in the groin area, in the folds of the skin, and in places of friction with clothing.
  6. Seborrheic dermatitis – develops in newborns and adolescents when the sebaceous glands malfunction, the problem arises due to overheating, increased sweating, dietary errors, stress. Symptoms – the skin swells, turns red, flakes, is bothered by severe itching and burning, the condition and appearance of the hair worsens, but crusts appear on the scalp yellow color.
  7. Miliaria - skin irritation due to increased sweating, failure to comply with hygiene standards, small bubbles of pink, pearlescent, white, flesh color appear.

Swelling and itchy rashes after insect bites are a type of non-infectious rash.

Allergic skin diseases

Allergic dermatoses are quite often detected in children and develop against the background infectious pathologies, unhealthy diet, allergens may be products, products household chemicals, plant pollen, animal hair, dust, medicines. Allergies are often inherited.

Atopic dermatitis - allergic pathology

List of dermatoses of allergic origin:

  1. Contact dermatitissevere irritation worries after contact with household chemicals, some plants, or intolerance sunlight, low temperatures. Usually blisters and red spots disappear on their own when exposure to allergens stops.
  2. Diathesis– red, rough spots appear on the cheeks, the disease occurs in infants up to one year old, if the mother consumes prohibited foods; in older children, such rashes indicate food allergies.
  3. – the most common type of allergic childhood pathology, often has a hereditary nature. A polymorphic rash in the form of red spots of irregular shape, pustules, vesicles appears in various areas, but most often on the face, head, in places where joints are bent, and in folds. Symptoms: severe itching, redness of the skin, vascular network, increased dryness of the skin, thickening of all layers of the epidermis, disturbance of the psycho-emotional state.
  4. Toxidermyacute inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes manifests itself under the influence of allergens and is characterized by the appearance of a rash, blisters, and purulent nodules. Irritants can be food, medications, toxic fumes. Additional symptoms are fever, chills, itching, inflamed areas hurt, and sometimes vomiting and nausea are observed.
  5. Hives– occurs after contact with plants, insect bites, consumption of allergenic foods, during treatment with antibiotics, against the background infectious diseases. The blisters are localized in different areas of the skin and mucous membranes, and the child is bothered by severe itching.
  6. Eczema– often a consequence severe stress, the disease is recurrent in nature, exacerbation is noted in winter.

Often a rash appears with ARVI, influenza - this is due to sharp decline immunity, which leads to the appearance allergic rashes. With a cold, urticaria is most often observed - multiple small blisters form on the skin.

Rash as a manifestation of diseases of internal organs

Often, a rash indicates a disruption in the functioning of internal organs; rashes appear if a large number of toxins accumulate in the body, some of them are excreted through the pores. Most often, skin manifestations occur in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, intestines, and hematological pathologies.

Acne on a child's face appears due to problems with the intestines.

Description of rashes in various diseases

Types of diseasesCharacteristics of rashes
Bowel diseasesDermatitis, pimples, acne, peeling - usually the rashes are localized on the face.
Liver diseasesSingle red spots, pustules, small pink rashes all over the body, the skin on the palms becomes marbled. Liver plaques – flat compactions yellowish color, located on the limbs, eyelids, armpits.
Blood diseasesPurpura - numerous small bruises throughout the body. Small nodules on lower limbs and buttocks.
Kidney diseasesIncreased dryness, yellowing of the skin, age spots, itchy rash all over the body.

In diseases of the internal organs, the rash is usually located symmetrically.

Treatment of skin diseases in children

Since childhood skin diseases are caused by exposure to various factors, if a rash appears in a child, visit a dermatologist, he will prescribe tests to identify the causes of the pathology.

To identify pathologies, visit a doctor

To combat dermatosis, drugs are used against the main causative agents of the disease, external agents and tablets are used, the action of which is aimed at eliminating unpleasant manifestations and strengthening the immune system. As additional methods Treatments include physiotherapy - UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, laser therapy.

Therapy is carried out at home, with chronic course For skin diseases, children are given vouchers to specialized sanatoriums.

Acyclovir helps get rid of herpes

How to treat skin diseases

Name of the drugWhich group does it belong to?What is it prescribed for?
Viferon, PanavirAntiviralFor dermatoses of viral origin.
Antiherpes remedyFor infections caused by various types of herpes virus.
Collomak, FeresolCauterizing agentsHelps remove warts.
Lamisil, Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Nizoral shampoo, DermazoleAntifungal drugsFor mycoses, seborrhea.
Tetracycline, ErythromycinAntibioticsFor purulent lesions, secondary infections due to scratching of the rash.
Medifox, Benzyl benzoate, sulfur ointmentAcaricidal drugsFor scabies.
Pediculen Ultra, NyxAnti-pediculosis drugsFor pediculosis.
Trichopolum, MetronidazoleAntiprotozoal agentsWith demodicosis
Zyrtec, CetrinAntihistaminesPrescribed for all types of dermatoses to eliminate itching and swelling.
Prednisolone, Diprospan, Hydrocortisone ointment, LorindenGlucocorticosteroidsEliminate the strong inflammatory processes, unbearable itching at severe forms skin diseases.
Polysorb, activated carbonEnterosorbentsThey remove toxins and allergens from the body and are necessary for all types of skin diseases.
Ibuprofen, paracetamolAntipyreticReduces temperature in infectious diseases.
Immunal, PolyoxidoniumImmunomodulatorsThey strengthen the immune system; medications are necessary for all types of dermatoses.
External emollientsFor severe peeling of the skin.
Miramistin, FukortsinAntisepticsFor lubricating rashes due to dermatoses.
Tenoten, PantogamSedativesFor nervous disorders.

Bepanten is used for dry skin and flaking.

If the rash occurs against the background of diseases of the kidneys, liver, blood, or digestive system, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease.

Prevention of childhood skin diseases

It is almost impossible to completely prevent the appearance of rashes on a child’s skin, but following simple rules will help reduce the risk of developing dermatological problems to a minimum.

How to avoid skin diseases:

  • timely vaccination – vaccinations protect children from many viral diseases;
  • regularly strengthen the immune system - hardening, maintaining a daily routine, proper nutrition, playing sports;
  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the premises;
  • immediately treat all wounds and scratches with antiseptic agents;
  • take vitamin complexes twice a year;
  • do not give your child antibiotics or other potent drugs without a doctor’s prescription;
  • Regularly visit specialized specialists for preventive examinations.

Timely vaccination of a child will protect him from infections and viruses.

Most skin diseases are contagious, sick children should be protected from communication with healthy ones, and they can only attend school and kindergarten if they have a certificate from a dermatologist.

Every child can develop skin rashes; the parents’ task is to contact a dermatologist in time to identify the cause of the disease, accurately follow all the doctor’s recommendations, keep the room clean, and follow hygiene rules.
