Mom after childbirth. Personal experience. In a new quality. First day after birth

I can’t even believe that childbirth is already behind me. And they already separated the placenta, stitched it up, and even allowed me to bring my legs together. And they don't hurt anymore. And what will happen next?What happens to a woman and what does a newborn actually look like? It’s especially interesting what will happen on the very first day of your new life.

Immediately after birth

The first two hours after birth are dangerous due to the occurrence of complications, especially bleeding. In addition, a hematoma may appear on the perineum if some rupture was not noticed or was not completely repaired (fortunately, this does not happen often). And the woman cannot get up yet, because her body is still too weak. Therefore, during these two hours, the postpartum woman is in the maternity ward, since there, if complications arise, it is easier to call someone for help, since all the medical personnel are nearby. During these 2 hours, the woman lies on the couch and rests. At this time, the baby lies swaddled on the changing table in the birth room where he was born, and most often sleeps. And only after two hours, if everything is fine, you and the baby will go to the postpartum ward together.

After giving birth, women feel differently. Some say that they suddenly felt very good (this is explained by the release of endorphins - pleasure hormones) into the blood, others are completely exhausted. Some people want to call everyone, everyone, and talk to the medical staff, while others only think about getting everyone to leave as quickly as possible. In any case, after a heavy load, you need to take a nap while you have the opportunity. It would also be a good idea for you to eat something, because you haven't eaten for many hours and you need to recuperate. You will most likely skip dinner in the maternity hospital, because most births occur in the evening or at night. Take care of yourself in advance. Take something with you to the hospital to snack on after giving birth.

When you are transferred to the ward, try to start getting up as early as possible, first with the help of the midwife, and then on your own. This helps improve blood circulation, normalize the functioning of the urinary system and intestines, and accelerate healing processes. In addition, very soon the baby will require attention.

Let's get acquainted, baby!

When you have finally recovered from the stress you have suffered, you want to get to know your little miracle, which now lies nearby, as closely as possible. You start to look at him. And who does he look like? Is everything okay? Some women begin to worry when they notice a tumor on their head. However, in most cases this is not a cause for concern. It will go away on its own within 1-2 days.

To be honest, immediately after birth, the baby may seem “scary” to even the most loving mother: a small, wrinkled creature with a large head, closed eyes, thin arms and legs. All this was due to the fact that he had to squeeze through a fairly narrow space and experience quite a lot of stress. But in a few days he will fully recover and become even more beautiful than the children in diaper advertisements.

The baby holds his arms and legs close to himself. This is due to physiological hypertonicity of the muscles, and it is not worth fixing the legs in an unnatural position (straightening them). Swaddling in the “log” style is no longer in fashion. In the first day, you can swaddle the baby’s arms quite tightly, because when the baby waves them in front of his eyes, he gets scared, because he doesn’t understand what it is dangling in front of him. In addition, while the baby was in the uterus, his mobility was limited, he got used to it, and felt more protected when swaddled. At home, you can gradually switch to vests and rompers.

The question often arises about how warmly a baby should be swaddled, whether a blanket is needed or whether there are enough diapers. To check if the baby is not freezing, you need to feel the nose and hands (they should be warm). The baby should be “dressed” warmer than the mother, because his thermoregulation is still imperfect and he is very sensitive to temperature environment. But you don’t need to wrap your baby up so that he sweats.

From the very first day, the baby needs your care. It's not just about feeding him. You also need to change his clothes at least once every three hours, wash him several times a day so that he is clean, and calm him down after examinations by the medical staff. These troubles will be enough for the whole day.

In the first day, the baby can sleep almost all the time, waking up only to eat, if nothing bothers him. But it happens that the baby is restless, falls asleep only for a short time, and cries a lot. You need to tell the doctor about this so that he can assess the baby’s condition and check if he has any pain. If the doctor says that everything is fine, it means the baby has simply not fully adapted to the new environment. You need to be patient, maybe the next day he will become calmer.

Don't be afraid to do something wrong! No one can take care of your child better than you. He needs your warmth, which he is used to while in his tummy. You may take it slow at first and don't swaddle as carefully as a nurse, but you'll definitely learn!

Isn't it time for us to refresh ourselves?

One of the most important things for a baby is proper feeding!

Breastfeeding immediately after birth is very good for both of you. Moreover, it is necessary that it is not formal, for recording in the medical history, but so that the baby sucks and eats. This first portion is a gift for the baby and plays a big role in the formation of lactation and in establishing emotional contact.

Colostrum is released on the first day. It is a thick yellowish liquid. Although it is not much, it is enough for the baby for the first time. The calorie content of colostrum is 150 kcal/100 ml (milk has only 70 kcal/100 ml), it is rich in immunoglobulins, enzymes, and vitamins. You need to feed your baby on demand. On the first day, the baby can eat from 2 to 20 times. Feeding is usually frequent, but if this is not the case, there is no need to specifically wake up your baby to feed him. Again, there is no need to panic and demand additional feeding if the baby requires the breast almost all the time and does not let go of it for several hours. Gradually he will adjust his diet. Milk usually arrives on the third day, after which the baby asks to eat less often and fills up much faster.

The nipples, especially in first-time mothers, rub and hurt; it hurts most at the moment of application, but after a few seconds the pain subsides. Gradually the nipples harden and the pain disappears. Bepanten cream helps a lot. Its great advantage is that it does not need to be washed off before feeding.

How should mom eat?

If during pregnancy a woman could eat almost whatever she wanted, now the situation has changed, because not everything that the mother likes is good for the baby. Therefore, there are some dietary restrictions.

Foods that should not be consumed can be divided into three groups:

1. Allergens. The most common causes of allergies are citrus fruits, chocolate and alcohol. It is also worth limiting cow's milk, eggs, and sweet juices.

2. Products that increase gas formation, which can cause the baby to have a tummy ache. These are cabbage, black bread and legumes.

3. Products that worsen the taste of milk. These are onions, garlic, spicy dishes.

You definitely need to eat meat; boiled meat and meat puree are best digested for baby food. You can also eat yogurt without additives, cheese, cottage cheese, green apples, simple cookies (like “Maria”), a little walnuts, porridge. You can eat pasta and boiled potatoes. You should drink a lot so that milk is released better.

Most women think that everything they give in the maternity hospital can be eaten. Unfortunately, it is not. In all departments the menu is the same; they do not prepare special food for nursing mothers. Therefore, you need to be critical of everything that they bring.

The food provided in the maternity hospital is not enough, in addition last appointment food no later than 18:00, but I also want to eat in the evening. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare relatives in advance for the fact that they will have to carry bags so that the nursing mother has complete diet and she recovered faster after childbirth.

This is what's happening to me

You are undoubtedly worried about what you will become after giving birth. Don’t be upset if, looking in the mirror, you don’t seem as beautiful as before pregnancy: a flabby belly, bruises under your eyes, some kind of rash on your face... Everything will return to normal, but this will not happen on the very first day, but gradually!

After childbirth, the uterus is located at the level of the navel. When feeding, it contracts, as irritation of the nipples causes the release of oxytocin, which has a contractile effect. Therefore, breastfeeding, among other things, is prevention postpartum hemorrhage. Can be nagging pain lower abdomen. It is better to sleep and lie on your stomach, this way the uterus contracts faster.

The discharge on the first day is bloody and quite copious (about 300 ml in the first three days). Increased discharge when moving is normal. You will have to walk with a diaper between your legs. This is not very convenient, so stock up on disposable panties and pads in advance. They must be changed at least every 2 hours.

The abdomen is flabby, there may be separation of the rectus muscles abdominals. It comes into tone only after 6 weeks. But you can start wearing a bandage immediately after giving birth. In addition, from the first day you can do breathing exercises: while inhaling, inflate your stomach, while exhaling, deflate it. Repeat 10-20 times, 4-5 times a day.

After childbirth, a woman may also be bothered muscle pain V different parts bodies. Which muscles hurt the most depends on which muscle group you strained the most during childbirth.

The “rash” on the face is pinpoint hemorrhages. They appeared because small capillaries burst due to stress during childbirth. There may also be bleeding in the eyes.

Blood pressure may be low on the first day, so dizziness may occur. To avoid this, you do not need to make sudden movements; you should stand up smoothly and carefully. If you constantly feel severe weakness, tell your doctor about this.

You may feel pain in the perineum, even if there were no tears and no incision was made in the perineum. They appear because the perineum has in any case been subjected to severe stretching, and, consequently, traumatization. If there are stitches in the perineum, you will not be able to sit at least first 2 weeks.

Hemorrhoids sometimes appear during pregnancy and after childbirth and also cause pain. Careful hygiene (showering after each act of urination and defecation) and applying ice to the perineum helps reduce pain.

There may be problems with urination, which is associated with decreased muscle tone Bladder and with swelling of its wall due to the fact that during childbirth it was compressed between the baby’s head and the pelvic bones. Even if you don't feel the urge, you need to empty your bladder at least every three hours. There is usually no stool on the first day.

Things to take to the hospital

Usually, in the maternity hospital, a woman always remembers that she is missing something. Here is a sample list of things to make mom feel comfortable:

For myself:

- Documents (passport, policy and its copy, exchange card)

- Bathrobe, slippers (washable), socks, nightgowns (some maternity hospitals provide them, but they give you your own)

- Absorbent diapers

- Toilet paper

- Toothbrush and pasta

- Shower accessories, towels

- Telephone

- Non-perishable food (cookies, muesli)

- A bottle of still water

- Notepad, pen

- Gaskets

- Disposable panties

- Breast pads

- Nursing bras

- Postpartum bandage

- Boiler or kettle

- Utensils (cup, plate, spoon, fork, knife)

- Nipple cream

For a child:

- Diapers

- Cotton buds(for navel treatment)

- Baby soap (liquid)

- Diaper cream

- Wet wipes

- Socks

- In the cold season, you can take a cap and a flannel vest with you.

You need to pack your bag in advance, about three weeks before the expected date of birth, so that at the moment when you realize that it’s time to go to the maternity hospital, you don’t run around the apartment looking for diapers and slippers.

You are not alone

On the first day, and generally while you are in the maternity hospital, you will be under control medical personnel.

Soon after you are transferred to the postpartum ward, regardless of the time of day, the midwife will come. She will tell you about the daily routine and help you wash. Then the children's nurse will come. She will treat the child (clean the nose, eyes, ears, remove the remaining cheese-like lubricant, disinfect the umbilical wound). She will teach you how to swaddle your baby, explain how to care for him, and show you how to properly apply to the breast.

In the morning you will be woken up at six o'clock to measure your blood pressure and both of your temperatures. These measurements are taken twice a day. Also, twice a day, morning and evening, the pediatric nurse performs toileting for the baby.

A doctor will examine you both. An obstetrician-gynecologist will look at how your uterus contracts, whether colostrum is released, and assess the condition of the sutures and the amount of discharge. The pediatrician will examine the baby and check innate reflexes and will tell you about his condition. Don't hesitate to ask all the questions that interest you. If you forgot to ask something, don’t worry, the doctor on duty will come in the evening.

On the very first day, your child will be vaccinated against hepatitis B with your consent.

If you have stitches, you will need to go for treatment three times a day.

Most maternity hospitals have a lactation specialist who advises new mothers and helps them express milk when necessary. Don't hesitate to contact him!!!

In general, one of the medical staff will always be nearby. They won't leave you alone. They will help, advise, tell. Postpartum wards are most often two- or three-bed. This has its advantages: you still need to go out from time to time, and it is calmer if the child is not left completely alone. Women who gave birth on the same day are placed in the same room, so you will have something to talk about.

Visits are usually not allowed (unless you are in the service ward). You can wave to your relatives from the window. And so communication mainly takes place over the phone. If you are not superstitious, you can take a photo of the baby and send the photo to dad. Although, to be honest, you won’t be able to chat much on the first day.

Deja Vu

It’s a little easier for multiparous women, because they already know a lot. But nevertheless, if questions arise, do not hesitate to ask them. Repeated births may differ from the first, as well as the postpartum period. For example, multiparous women have more pronounced cramping pain in the lower abdomen during feeding, as the uterus contracts more intensely. The amount of milk may also vary.

You should also not expect that the second baby will be exactly the same as the first, he has his own character, and he can behave completely differently.

If you gave birth several years ago, recommendations for caring for the child may have changed, for example, they began to swaddle differently, use new hygiene products and medications.

Therefore, even if you have become a mother for the second or third time, be sure to seek help from the medical staff, ask all the questions that interest you, because this is why you and your baby are in the maternity hospital.

Everything will be fine!

The first day after childbirth is quite difficult and eventful. It’s almost impossible to even sleep, because as soon as the baby falls asleep, you have to go to have the stitches treated, or the doctor comes, or someone calls you, or the neighbor’s child is crying. Some women even feel that they cannot cope with such a load. But the first day will end, smoothly flowing into the second, then the third, and then they will be discharged...

And you and your baby will have a lot more ahead interesting days! Your whole life!

Even before the baby is born expectant mother must prepare for the fact that immediately after giving birth her life will change dramatically. There will be a lot more worries and troubles associated with caring for a newborn. But besides this, it will take time to restore your health.

It is no secret that the first days after childbirth a woman is accompanied by a deterioration in her emotional, psychological state. In case of difficult childbirth, complications, the postpartum period may be accompanied by deep depression. Therefore, by the time of birth you need to prepare carefully and responsibly, so to speak, to be fully armed.

Physical condition of the mother

Regardless of whether a woman gave birth on her own or by caesarean section, recovery period goes about the same way. What happens after childbirth, which sensations are normal, and which require the help of a specialist? Be prepared for the following:

  1. Lochia is bloody uterine discharge. The first few days they are abundant and bright red. Starting from 4 days after birth, the lochia turn pale, and after 10 days they become white or yellowish color. The discharge stops after 5–6 weeks.
  2. Abdominal cramps. They arise due to uterine contractions, when the uterus gradually acquires its original size. Goes away within 1–2 weeks
  3. Weakness and fatigue. Needless to say, childbirth is a huge stress. It takes time to restore energy.
  4. Pain in the perineum. They are especially strong on the first day after childbirth, intensifying with tension and walking. Lasts about a week.
  5. Difficulty going to the toilet. They can be observed on the first or second day after birth. If the problem does not go away on the third day, you should consult a doctor, as there is a high risk of infectious inflammation.
  6. Muscle pain. It is a consequence of strong attempts.
  7. Sweating. Associated with a violation hormonal levels, lasts 2–3 days.

Breasts after childbirth should be given Special attention to protect yourself from mastitis. With cracks, abscesses and bleeding, it becomes impossible to feed the baby.

Mental and emotional state

A lot of new responsibilities and responsibility for a newborn affect the usual routine of life, change the way of thinking, and the nature of the actions of the new mother. The first days after childbirth, hormonal levels change dramatically. The synthesis of oxytocin and prolactin increases. They are necessary for milk production and uterine repair. All this can unsettle any woman. Be prepared for:

  • Sudden mood swings - from feelings of euphoria to depression and even despair.
  • Self-doubt.
  • Irritation caused by one's own weakness.
  • Complete lack of interest in my husband.

In addition, consequences such as postpartum depression and increased tearfulness are possible.

Postpartum depression

Most women feel a sharp decline in mood 2–3 days after childbirth. This condition is called postpartum depression. Dejection and melancholy continue differently for everyone - from several hours to several days.

During this time, the support of family and friends is important for a woman. Experts connect postpartum depression with fatigue, fears of not succeeding as a mother, lack of sleep, problems with lactation. Hormonal imbalance plays an important role.

Increased tearfulness

Many women cry a lot after giving birth. Again, this is not due to the best physical fitness women, fear of the new role of mother, hormonal fluctuations.

The best solution to the problem is to consult with a knowledgeable person. This could be a midwife or women you know who already have children. They will give useful advice, will share their personal experiences.

The awareness that this is a turning point and inevitably transitory will help you get rid of tearfulness and depression. After some time, it will disappear without a trace, and all you can do is enjoy motherhood.

Possible complications

The first two hours after birth may develop bleeding. Also, a hematoma may appear on the perineum if some rupture is not completely repaired. Therefore, during this period, the woman in labor is not recommended to get up; she is in the maternity ward. This will allow you to notice complications in time and take action. necessary measures to eliminate them. Only two hours later the woman in labor and her newborn are transferred to the ward.

Postpartum recovery lasts about 6 weeks. At this time, a woman should be very careful about her health. What complications can develop in the first days after childbirth?


Retention of lochia in the uterine cavity. The first few days the discharge is quite heavy - up to 300 ml. If their volume decreases sharply or stops altogether, you should immediately inform your doctor. The following symptoms give reason to suspect a lochiometer:

  • Pain in the frontal lobe of the head.
  • Feverish condition.
  • Unpleasant, Strong smell discharge.

The complication develops due to blockage of the cervical canal by a blood clot or residue amniotic sac, insufficient contractility of the uterus.

Attention: if you notice that your discharge has stopped, and then suddenly began profuse bleeding, the reason may be a piece of the placenta remaining inside. This should be reported to your doctor immediately. Treatment involves curettage of the uterus.

Feverish state

IN postpartum period A woman’s body temperature often rises. This phenomenon can be caused by a completely harmless reason - dehydration.

The first time after giving birth, women are so immersed in chores that they completely forget about maintaining a drinking regime. But during lactation, the need for fluid increases. Treatment in this case is very simple - drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day. This will not only help reduce the temperature, but will provide the necessary amount of milk.

Other causes of a febrile state are not so harmless and require medical intervention. First of all, these are inflammatory processes in the body: urinary tract, renal pelvis (pyelonephritis), lungs, uterus (endometritis), as well as lactostasis, mastitis, lochiometra.

Intestinal atony

Caused by a sudden shrinkage of the uterus after childbirth. An important role is played by physical inactivity, dehydration, sufficient quantity food on the first day after birth.

If normalization of drinking and eating regimen, increase physical activity do not solve the problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Setting up breastfeeding

Many people are interested in what to do first after childbirth? The main task of a woman is to establish breastfeeding. Here are some recommendations that will help improve the process and provide your baby with adequate nutrition:

  1. Express milk only as needed. For example, if you need to leave the child for a while, or if there is stagnation of milk (lactostasis), which the little baby cannot yet dissolve.
  2. Learn to put your baby to your breast. If he grasps the nipple incorrectly, this can lead to starvation for him, and for a woman – stagnation of milk and cracks.
  3. Alternate between breasts when feeding. If there is a sufficient amount of milk, it is optimal to give one breast at one feeding, and the other at the next feeding.

It is important for a woman to learn how to care for her breasts and pay attention to choosing the right underwear. The bra should not be too tight, but it must provide good support for the breasts. A properly selected bra will help mommy maintain the shape of her breasts after breastfeeding ends.

Proper nutrition

After the birth of a child, a woman should not pounce on tasty, nourishing home-cooked food. Firstly, the stomach is not yet ready for such a load, which can lead to bowel problems. Secondly, the newborn is completely dependent on quantity and quality breast milk. And poor nutrition can lead to a whole range of health problems, among which the most common are:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Diathesis.
  • Intestinal colic.

For a young mother, spicy, smoked, salty, and fatty foods are prohibited during the feeding period. But these rules will be useful for a woman if she wants to provide her baby with adequate nutrition:

  1. Rule #1. Vitamins and minerals. These are necessarily fresh fruits and vegetables, porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal). But it is better to avoid potential allergens (citrus fruits, strawberries). New foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, carefully monitoring the baby’s reaction to them. It is not recommended to eat legumes and fresh cabbage - they can cause bloating in the baby.
  2. Rule #2. Increase in calories. Many mothers immediately after giving birth strive to lose weight and go on strict diets. But at this time you need to think not about yourself, but about the child. For this purpose, the daily calorie intake is increased by 500 compared to the previous diet. This will ensure good lactation and at the same time it will not negatively affect the figure.
  3. Rule #3. Sufficient amount of calcium. This important element was intensively consumed during pregnancy and continues to be excreted from the mother’s body along with milk. Therefore, the diet should be enriched with calcium. Products containing it should be consumed 5 times a day: hard cheese, milk, yogurt, etc.
  4. Rule #4. Limiting protein foods. You can consume no more than 300–400 g per day. It can be eggs, boiled chicken, river or sea ​​fish, rabbit, turkey. But mushrooms should be completely abandoned during lactation.
  5. Rule #5. Compliance with drinking regime. In addition to the liquid contained in foods, you should drink at least 8 glasses a day of juice, broth, milk, and plain water. If a woman is worried increased sweating, you need to drink even more fluids, but no more than 12 glasses a day. Excessive drinking will put a strain on the kidneys and cause edema. You should not abuse strong tea and coffee - no more than 1 cup per day.

The postpartum diet should include raisins, dried fruits, bran bread and foods with high content vitamin B. It is important for healthy intellectual development newborn

Newborn care

Another important question, which interests women immediately after childbirth - how to care for the baby. After all, from the moment of birth he needs care, and it does not only consist of breastfeeding.

The first day the newborn sleeps a lot, waking up only when hungry. If your child is restless and screams all the time, you should consult a doctor. The baby may have some pain, or he is simply not yet accustomed to life outside the mother's womb. What else does a young mother need to know?

  1. Feeding. Experts advise not to feed your baby by the hour, as was previously the case, but to put him to the breast on demand. This will allow you to quickly establish lactation, provide a sufficient amount of milk, and serve as an excellent prevention of stagnation. Be prepared for the fact that the baby will spend a lot of time at your breast at first. Be patient, put everything aside and try to establish feeding.
  2. Bathing. Another procedure that awaits young parents after discharge from the hospital. You need to bathe your baby every day, and up to 6 months it is better to do this in a special bath. The optimal water temperature for swimming is 37 degrees, air temperature is 20–22.
  3. Fresh air. The newborn needs him, he is the key good health And normal development little man. By the way, it is not necessary to take your baby outside for the first time after returning home. It is quite enough to constantly ventilate the room. After each diaper change, leave your baby naked for a while. After all, his skin also breathes.
  4. Purity. Keep the baby clean, as well as everything in his immediate environment: toys, dishes, bedding, clothes. In the first months of life, children are very susceptible to the effects of many pathogenic bacteria. Daily wet cleaning of the room is a concern for the baby’s health. No less important is the hygiene of the mother, who is in constant contact with the child.
  5. Cloth. At first, the baby is often kept in diapers, and this is not without logic. A newborn cannot yet control his body, so he can easily injure himself. You should not swaddle your baby tightly. During those periods when he is awake, you can dress him in vests and rompers. A cap is necessary in cool weather, as well as after swimming.

Undoubtedly, the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital will be a serious test for a young mother. But do not forget that this is also the happiest time when you meet a new family member, and he meets you.

The arrival of a baby completely changes the life of a family. Expectant mothers worry about how the birth will go, but they should also think about what will happen after the baby is born - how you will care for the child when there are no doctors and nurses nearby. It is important to understand what your life will be like in the first days after the baby is born.

So as not to worry once again, mom needs to know what to expect. These truths will help you not to panic and “survive” in the first week after childbirth.


  • Not all births are the same.
  • Often after childbirth, women experience bleeding, which begins with heavy discharge and subsides after a week.
  • Both those mothers who gave birth with a cesarean section, and those who preferred, are susceptible to pain, swelling, and exhaustion.
  • The section takes longer. may hurt, so mom will have to move less.
  • Do not lift heavy objects, avoid putting pressure on your stomach, and lie down more. These tips are more suitable for moms with a cesarean, but they will help others too.
  • You may have cramps. They appear due to the fact that after childbirth the uterus gradually returns to its prenatal size. This process is called involution and can last up to six weeks.
  • Cramping will be most intense in the first one to two days after birth.
  • Don't be alarmed if you feel pain while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding causes the production of hormones that stimulate uterine contractions and speed up this process.
  • Postpartum pain does not require medical intervention. Painkillers or massage will be enough for you. But if you feel pain for more than a week, see your doctor.
  • Be prepared for the fact that you will still look “pregnant” for some time. This will take time - at least several months.


  • Even if you feel exhausted, it is important to immediately establish a connection with your child.
  • Many doctors immediately after birth place the newborn on the mother’s chest so that she can see the baby and begin to establish contact.
  • Start breastfeeding your baby as soon as possible. While you are in the maternity hospital, gain experience in this matter. If something doesn’t work out for you or you can ask the nurses for help,
  • If you choose, you will notice that in the first week of life the baby spends most of the time in your arms. Newborns tend to eat slowly and sometimes nap between meals.
  • Even if you decide to switch immediately, it is important to maintain close contact with your baby. When your baby feeds from a bottle, hold him in your arms to make him feel safe.
  • Skin contact is very important. Place your baby on your chest and let him listen to your heartbeat. This will establish even better contact with the baby. Particularly close contact with the mother is recommended for premature babies or children with low birth weight.


  • Be prepared for your prenatal routine to change dramatically. In the first week after your baby is born, your life will consist of night feedings, random sleep and permanent shift diapers
  • Newborns sleep most of the time, but they can be awake at any time of the day - and even at night. True, some parents manage to do this.
  • A breastfed baby wants to eat every 1.5-2 hours. And the crumbs on artificial feeding- every 3-4 hours.
  • The most difficult thing in the first days of a baby’s life is to understand his signals. Is he crying because he wants to eat or sleep? What to do when your baby needs to burp? Try to understand these issues.
  • Don't try to create the "right" one and feed it. What mothers and grandmothers advise may not be suitable for your child at all. And trying to force someone to “behave” “as they should” will only lead to stress. Breastfed babies are best fed on demand.
  • Learn to anticipate your baby's needs and you'll quickly be able to establish a routine that works for you and your baby.


  • Give yourself time to . Rest more and communicate with your baby. Focus on this, and not on the pile of laundry and lunches and dinners. Delegate household chores to someone in the family.
  • Learn to accept help from others. When friends and family offer help, accept it. But at the same time, don’t be shy about telling people that you want to be without unnecessary eyes and ears and will let them know when you are ready to receive guests again. It is important for young parents to be alone with their baby, without grandparents. This will give you the opportunity to get used to the fact that you are now a family and learn to take care of each other.

All this raises many questions regarding health, lifestyle, emotions, relationships that a young mother will have to solve for the first time.

In the maternity ward

Childbirth ends after the third stage of labor, that is, after the birth of the placenta. Following this, the uterus immediately decreases significantly in size, becomes spherical, its cavity is filled with blood clots; The bottom of the uterus at this moment is approximately halfway between the womb and the navel. Periodic cramping contractions of the muscles of the uterus persist for some time, mainly in the fundus. Immediately after birth, the doctor examines birth canal, if necessary, applies stitches to tears.

During the first two hours after natural birth a woman must be V maternity ward under the supervision of medical personnel. This period is called early postpartum and requires special attention to the patient, since it is during these two hours that there is a high probability various complications(for example bleeding, increased blood pressure or body temperature, etc.). You are not allowed to get up. Immediately after childbirth, to improve contraction of the uterus, a heating pad with ice is placed on the mother's lower abdomen. All women feel differently after giving birth. Some experience excitement, euphoria associated with the release of joy hormones - endorphins, a desire to call all loved ones, communicate, while others, on the contrary, feel fatigue, drowsiness, which is associated with great physical and psycho-emotional stress during childbirth.

Immediately, still in the delivery room, the newborn is usually put to the breast for the first time.
During the early postpartum period, the doctor and midwife periodically assess the patient’s condition, measure arterial pressure and pulse, ask about general health, the presence of complaints, check the nature and amount of discharge from the genital tract, and also massage the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall.

2 hours after birth, the doctor checks the condition of the postpartum woman again, assesses the degree of uterine contraction and the amount of discharge from the genital tract, and, if the woman’s condition is satisfactory, the patient is taken on a gurney to the postpartum department.

Postpartum department

Recovery after childbirth. IN postpartum department It is recommended to lie on your stomach for 1-2 hours. This technique improves the contraction of the uterus and promotes the release of blood clots from it. After this, you are usually allowed to get up. Active mode (i.e. getting up early, moving around the ward, doing things independently) hygiene procedures, and when staying together with the baby - and caring for him) also contributes to more intense contractions of the uterus, improved blood circulation in the legs, normalization of the intestines and bladder, and general recovery postpartum women. You need to get out of bed smoothly, carefully, without sudden movements. If a stitch is placed on the perineum, then you cannot sit down; you need to carefully roll onto one hip and get up from this position. It is also recommended to sleep on your stomach.

Shared stay. If the maternity hospital practices cohabitation, the baby can be brought into the ward immediately after the nursery nurse will complete all documents. Naturally, this is done only if the condition of the mother and baby is satisfactory. In some maternity hospitals, babies are first placed in the children's department and brought into the mother's room a few hours later or only the next day, giving the woman time to recover after childbirth.

If the child was transferred to the mother's ward, the children's sister comes to see them several times during the first day. She tells how to properly care for a baby, breastfeeding, and swaddling. In addition to the nurse, a neonatologist comes - this is a doctor who monitors newborns. He looks at how the child feels, checks his reflexes, temperature, skin condition and umbilical wound, talks about the baby’s health condition, asks about the mother’s consent to vaccinations, answers questions regarding child care. With the consent of the mother, the baby is vaccinated against hepatitis B on the first day. At first, the newborn baby can sleep almost all the time, waking up only to eat. If the baby is restless, constantly cries, and only falls asleep for a few minutes, you need to tell the doctor about this so that he can assess the child’s condition and check if anything hurts.

Hygiene after childbirth. In the first hours after transfer to the ward, you can take a shower. If a woman feels very weak, it is better if a nurse is nearby at this time. The genitals should be washed carefully with water without using soap. During the first 24 hours, it is advisable to wash yourself after each trip to the toilet. Abundant bloody issues from the vagina after childbirth are good nutrient medium for pathogenic bacteria, this can be dangerous in the postpartum period, especially if there are sutures in the perineum.

You need to wash from front to back so as not to spread infection from the anal area to the vagina. Don't be afraid to wash the seam area. If a woman in labor has stitches placed on her perineum, the midwife will treat them several times during the day with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or a 1% solution of brilliant green (brilliant green).

As already mentioned, the discharge in the first day is very abundant, it may contain clots, so you need to be careful about the hygiene products you use. There are currently special postpartum pads and mesh disposable panties. The pads are distinguished by the fact that they are larger than usual in size and have good absorbency, do not have a rubber layer, therefore, do not interfere with air exchange, and the surface layers are soft, which is important if there are seams on the crotch. In some maternity hospitals, the use of pads is not allowed; patients are given diapers, since they are easier for the doctor to determine the amount of discharge. In any case, it is necessary to change the diaper or pad every time after visiting the toilet and washing.

During the first 24 hours, urination may be frequent, so the body gets rid of excess fluid. The main thing is not to restrain the urge, since a full bladder disrupts the processes of uterine contraction. Even if there is no urge, you need to empty your bladder at least every three hours.

On the first day there may be increased sweating, this is also associated with the removal of fluid from the body and changes in the hormonal levels of the postpartum woman.

Mom's nutrition. The diet of the postpartum mother should be changed immediately, since not everything that the mother likes is good for the baby. There are some dietary restrictions. First, all allergens must be excluded, most often honey, chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, brightly colored berries (strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries), and tropical fruits. Secondly, products that increase gas formation are excluded, since their consumption can cause gas formation and abdominal pain in the baby. These are cabbage, legumes, black bread, grapes. You should also not drink strong tea and coffee, as they can have a stimulating effect on the child. Naturally, you should not drink alcohol.

Usually stool occurs within 2-3 days. If there are stitches on the perineum, it is very important to prevent constipation. To do this, the diet must contain dairy products, boiled beets, prunes, dried apricots, dried fruit compote, fresh vegetables and fruits, wholemeal bread are excluded.

Menu after childbirth

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on water, yogurt 2.5?% fat without additives, dried fruit compote.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese with dried apricots and prunes.
  • Lunch: boiled beet salad with vegetable oil, vegetable soup, mashed potatoes, boiled meat, dried fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack: dry cookies, kefir.
  • Dinner: low fat beef stew, buckwheat, weak tea.
  • Late dinner: baked apple, Herb tea


It is very good if the newborn is applied to the breast immediately. The first drops of colostrum contain what the baby needs nutrients, vitamins, antibodies. In addition, early latching has a beneficial effect on establishing emotional contact between mother and baby and on the further development of lactation. On the first day, a small amount of colostrum is released. It is a thick yellowish liquid with high calorie content and rich in protective antibodies, proteins, vitamins. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately start putting the baby to the breast and do it on demand. There is no need to wash the mammary glands with soap before each feeding, as this dries out the skin and can lead to cracks. It is very important that during feeding both mother and baby are in comfortable positions. If a woman can sit, then it is more convenient to feed the baby while sitting or lying on her side. It is important from the very first day to ensure that the newborn grasps the breast correctly when feeding. The baby should grasp the nipple and areola, or most of it if the areola is large. In this case, the mouth should be wide open, and underlip completely inverted.

Complications after childbirth

During the first 24 hours, an obstetrician-gynecologist enters the postpartum woman’s room several times, monitoring her condition. At night, there is always a doctor on duty in the department who conducts rounds, and if problems arise, you need to contact him.

Pain in the lower abdomen. On the first day, a woman in labor may experience nagging or cramping pain in the lower abdomen. They are associated with postpartum contractions of the uterus and intensify during breastfeeding. If the pain causes significant anxiety, it is better to consult a doctor, he will prescribe an antispasmodic.

Pain in the perineum. In the perineal area, a woman may also be bothered by discomfort, pain, and numbness, even if there were no tears or incisions. This is due to the fact that the perineal tissues were subjected to severe stretching and pressure during childbirth. If there are no ruptures, the pain will go away in a couple of days; if stitches were placed on the perineum, the pain may persist for about a week. Your doctor may suggest an ice pack. It should be applied to the perineum for 10 minutes 3-4 times during the day. Cold relieves tissue swelling and, accordingly, reduces painful sensations. If you have stitches on the perineum, you must remember that you cannot sit for an average of 10 days after giving birth and you need to carefully handle the stitches. To relieve pressure on the stitches, it is recommended to lie down more.

Problems urinating. In the first hours and even days, the postpartum woman may have urination problems. This is due to a decrease in the tone of the bladder muscles and swelling of its wall due to compression by the baby’s head during childbirth. Urinary disorders are often of two types. In some cases, the postpartum woman feels the urge, but cannot empty her bladder on her own; in others, she does not even feel the urge to urinate. If you are unable to urinate on your own within the first 6 hours after birth, you should consult a doctor about this problem. In this case, the midwife will insert a urinary catheter.

If there is pain and tingling in the area of ​​the stitches when urinating, it is recommended to water the perineum with warm water. Urine has an irritating effect on the wound surface, so when urinating in the area of ​​the sutures, a burning sensation and discomfort occur. By washing away the urine with water, a woman can relieve these symptoms.

Cracked nipples. Sometimes there are problems with the nipples. In the first day they may chafe and hurt. IN severe cases cracks appear on them. For nipples you can use ointments BEPANTEN, TRAUMEL S, and feed through silicone pads. If there is a breastfeeding specialist in the maternity hospital, it is better to seek his help in order to learn how to properly apply the baby to the breast.

Rash on face. After childbirth, a woman may notice the appearance of a pinpoint red rash on her face or hemorrhage in the sclera of the eyes. These are capillaries that burst during childbirth during pushing. Usually none discomfort they do not cause harm and go away on their own within 10–14 days.

Hemorrhoids. Quite pronounced anxiety can be caused by hemorrhoids, which sometimes appear during childbirth. A rising cool shower and applying cold to the perineal area helps to reduce pain. In case of severe concern, you should also consult a doctor, he will prescribe anti-hemorrhoids rectal suppositories with analgesic components.

Discharge from the genital tract. It is imperative to contact the attending or duty obstetrician-gynecologist if a woman notes too much copious discharge from the genital tract (normally, on the first day, the pad is completely filled within about 1-2 hours), as well as in the event of large quantity clots, increased body temperature or sharp pain in a stomach.

After caesarean section

After a cesarean section A woman's first day is different. Immediately after the operation, the patient is transferred to the ward intensive care for more careful monitoring of her condition. On the lower abdomen in the same way as for women who have given birth naturally, an ice pack must be placed for two hours to improve uterine contraction. On the first day, the postpartum woman must be given painkillers and antibiotics. If necessary (this is determined by the amount of blood loss during surgery and general condition women) produce intravenous administration saline solutions To restore blood volume, in some cases blood components are transfused.

Get up after operation allowed after 6-8 hours, while at first you can only sit a little and then stand near the bed, and after 10-12 hours you are usually allowed to walk. While walking, it is recommended to wear a special postoperative bandage to reduce pain and improve uterine contraction.

On the first day after operation You are allowed to drink only still water; you can add lemon juice to it, since acidified water quenches thirst better; eating is not allowed, as a full intestine prevents normal healing postoperative suture In addition, during the first 24 hours, to prevent the sutures from coming apart, it is necessary to avoid bowel movements. Transfer to the postpartum department is possible 12-24 hours after surgery. At this time the child is usually in children's department. After the mother is transferred to the ward, it is possible to stay with the baby and breastfeed. However, in the first days, the postpartum mother usually needs help caring for the newborn.

The first days after the baby is born are considered the most difficult. During the week, the mother and child are under the supervision of medical staff. During this period, the baby adapts to new living conditions. A woman needs to know what to do after childbirth to help restore the body and learn to take care of the baby.

Ending natural process falls on the birth of the placenta. The uterus decreases in size, the bottom is located between the navel and the womb. An examination immediately after birth will reveal the need for sutures for tears. The mother should be under the supervision of an obstetrician for the first two hours. The midwife treats the woman with antiseptics immediately after childbirth. The woman is given the opportunity to rest, as her blood pressure rises and her heart rate increases. At that time high risk development of complications, therefore prevent bleeding and infectious diseases.

What happens in the maternity hospital immediately after childbirth:

  1. put a heating pad with ice;
  2. measure pulse and blood pressure;
  3. check the nature and amount of discharge;
  4. massage the uterus.

Why are antibiotics given after childbirth? Prescribed after a caesarean section, when inflammatory processes: endometritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis. Necessary for those at risk of developing mastitis. Medicines help with complications during the birth process: bleeding, infection.
While staying in the ward for two hours, you cannot get up.

A woman in labor gets a massage abdominal cavity immediately after childbirth to help the uterus recover faster. The woman sits on the couch, the baby, wrapped in a diaper, on the table or next to the mother. If the health status is assessed positively, the postpartum mother and newborn are transferred to the ward.

Immediately after birth, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast. After 10 minutes, a sucking reflex occurs.

The child's nasal passages are washed to make breathing easier. The umbilical cord is cut off and a brace is put on. The eyes are treated with an antiseptic to prevent infection by bacteria, the skin is treated with a cotton swab moistened Vaseline oil. Blood, vernix, meconium and mucus are removed from the head using warm water. Dry with a sterile diaper. Blood group and Rh factor are determined. The nurse checks bracelets with text, cry activity, breathing, weight, body temperature.

The neonatologist pays attention to skin color, mucous membranes, motor activity, muscle tone. Evaluates functionality respiratory system, digestive, cardiovascular. If a central nervous system disease is suspected, an ultrasound scan of the brain is performed. The changing table keeps the baby warm, which makes it easier to adapt to the new environment.

In the postpartum ward

In the department, the midwife on duty measures pulse, blood pressure, and determines the condition skin, mucous membranes. When examined once a day, the height of the uterine fundus, pain, and the nature of the discharge are noted. Then they are placed in the ward. They lie on their stomach for an hour to internal organ was shrinking. Looking in the mirror is not fun.

During pushing, blood vessels in the eyes rupture, causing them to turn red. Get rid of the problem with a cold compress several times a day. Within a week, the hemorrhages will disappear from the face.

What do doctors do after childbirth:

  • measure temperature twice a day;
  • arterial pressure;
  • give an assessment external condition covers;
  • determine the shape of the nipples;
  • presence of cracks on the chest;
  • examine the genitals and perineum for swelling and hyperemia.

Some women note an emotional uplift, others, on the contrary, feel tired. You need to take a nap, then eat a little to regain your strength. You can get up in two hours. You should not lie down for a long time, it is recommended to walk to improve blood circulation, normalize the functioning of the urinary system and intestines, and speed up healing.

A woman often faces the following questions:

  • difficulty urinating;
  • spastic phenomena;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • problems with stool.

After childbirth, the bladder is emptied so that the uterus contracts normally and the body recovers. There should be no burning or discomfort. Pain in the perineum occurs when muscles are injured and stretched. It goes away in 3–4 days. If problems with bowel movements do not disappear after two days, proper nutrition will help to regulate bowel movements.

It will be useful for the baby if you maintain the temperature in the room at 20–22 degrees all days in the maternity hospital after birth. When the baby is premature, it will be comfortable at 24 degrees. Thermoregulation is imperfect; air baths are abandoned or carried out for several minutes.

What to do in the maternity hospital after childbirth:

  1. to wash;
  2. treat skin and nails;
  3. keep an eye on the umbilical wound.

Bath the baby after bowel movements and bladder movements to avoid irritation. Use warm water and baby soap. Wipe the folds with a soft towel or napkin. To treat the eyes, moisten a cotton pad with boiled water and move from the outer to the inner corner. The area around the nail should be treated with iodine to protect the baby from inflammation on the fingers and hangnails. During the week they take care of umbilical cord remnant, since infection penetrates through it. The sections are wiped with alcohol, and the skin around them is treated with potassium permanganate.

If the baby has warm limbs, it is enough to use a diaper. At night, the baby is covered with a blanket. There is no need to wrap the body so that the baby does not sweat. Most time he will sleep. Often newborns are frightened by their movements with their arms, so for the first month they are swaddled while sleeping.


The newborn is placed on his mother's stomach immediately after birth. This is necessary for the rapid delivery of the placenta and uterine contractions. Over the course of 2–3 days, colostrum is released, which contains vitamins, minerals and antibodies. His baby has enough. Breast-feeding trains the delicate skin of the nipples. In the first days, cracks may appear.

What to do with your breasts immediately after childbirth:

  1. attach the baby every 10 minutes;
  2. wash warm water;
  3. feed on demand;
  4. Do massage;
  5. lubricate nipples with cream.

Before feeding, the baby is placed on a diaper and taken into a comfortable position. After a caesarean section, lie on your side. A pillow is placed under the arm to calmly mark the baby. The baby should grasp the nipple and areola. Correct grip - mouth wide open, tongue at the bottom of the mouth.

On the third or fourth day, the breasts swell and milk appears. The nipples become sensitive and painful. The feeding schedule should be regular to prevent milk stagnation. A lot of it is produced, so the baby will not be able to drink it all. Expressing by hand or using a breast pump will help. You need to relax 10 minutes before breastfeeding to increase your milk supply.

A remedy for reducing colic in a baby and increasing lactation is cumin or fennel. They are brewed in a thermos, diluted with milk, sugar is added, infused and drunk throughout the day.


You need to know the rules of hygiene and monitor your well-being and health immediately after childbirth. Wash yourself in the morning and evening, when visiting the toilet. Hands are washed thoroughly with soap. The optimal water temperature is 30 degrees. The jet is directed from the pubis to anus to prevent the risk of transferring bacteria from the anus to the vagina.

At caesarean section Postpartum procedures in the maternity hospital include suture care. The scarring process takes about a week. At this time, you can shower without using a washcloth. This affects the formation of microcracks through which pathogenic microorganisms. Exclude high temperature water, which leads to increased lochia, affects the condition of the seams.

Personal hygiene involves the use of hypoallergenic products: gels and foams. The composition must contain safe components, plant extracts, substances that do not disturb the balance of acidity, not causing allergies. For drying, use an individual cotton towel, disposable soft napkins and special postpartum types. Avoid friction by making dabbing movements.

Hygiene of the mammary glands includes washing 3-4 times a day with warm water without fragrances. Foreign odors cause anxiety in the child during feeding. After a shower, the breasts are wiped with an individual towel and lubricated with cream or ointment for cracks. When milk leaks, use special breast pads. They will protect the nipples from chafing and cracking.

Nutrition immediately after birth

The first day they pay attention simple dishes, which will saturate the body with vitamins and useful substances. Mom will regain strength to care for the baby with the help of cottage cheese, porridge, and boiled chicken. The right diet will help restore intestinal function and reduce weight. Use products with increased content vitamins This includes buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge, vegetables, fruits.

Tangerines, oranges, strawberries, and legumes are excluded. Nutritious food will occur when eating greens, grains, apples, raisins. Includes bread and bran buns. For digestive system Nuts and dried fruits are beneficial for the baby’s intellectual development.

Throw off overweight You can if you consume a certain number of calories. This will allow you to produce enough milk. Yogurt and homemade cottage cheese will help restore calcium. Be sure to include hard cheese and 150 g of proteins in your dishes. This includes fish, veal, boiled chicken, and turkey.

Meals should be fractional. The compiled menu is to restore strength. The diet includes fermented milk products, baked apples, vegetable soup, yogurt, different kinds porridge Drinking regime is important. Take into account the liquid contained in the dishes. This is milk, juice, broth. Drink at least 8–10 glasses of water per day. Coffee and strong tea are excluded or reduced to 1 cup.

Every mother goes through stages of recovery after the birth of her baby. Discharged from the maternity hospital after 5–7 days. During this time, milk will appear, the woman will learn to swaddle a newborn, change diapers, and feed properly. Her relatives will help her at home, so she can take care of herself and get back into shape.
