How does sage affect breast milk? The use of sage during breastfeeding. The effect of a medicinal plant on lactation and the child. Video: Komarovsky, how to wean a child from breastfeeding

The topic of breastfeeding is very widely and zealously discussed by young mothers on numerous forums and blogs. The fact is that in modern technological times we still try to give the child the maximum useful substances along with breast milk. Everyone knows that breast milk improves immunity, gives the child natural nutrition, which suits him almost always. But no matter how wonderful breastfeeding is, sooner or later it has to end. Often, women first of all think about the child - how the baby will survive this condition, how bad and sad he will be. But the most difficult thing for cessation of lactation is for the woman herself, because the body is not a switch that can be switched in one second. The body must understand that milk is no longer needed, and prolactin levels gradually drop. You can speed up this process by using various means, the safest and most effective of which is sage. Today we’ll talk about the benefits of this plant for the body of a nursing woman, and also consider how to properly prepare and take sage to suppress lactation.

Benefits of sage for the body

Sage is one of the most potent herbal remedies that quickly and effectively suppresses milk production. The principle of action of sage is as follows. While a woman is breastfeeding, her prolactin level is increased, and the level of the female sex hormone estrogen is decreased. So, in order to suppress the production of prolactin and reduce the amount of milk produced, you need to increase the level of estrogen. Sage stimulates the production of estrogen, due to which women get the desired effect - milk becomes much less, it gradually disappears. But you need to know that sage also has other beneficial properties. A decoction of sage is so necessary for a woman’s body, weakened by breastfeeding.

Sage is an anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent and can be used as an antiseptic. The decoction is used for safe treatment colds during pregnancy - gargle with it. Sage is effective for various skin diseases, acne and rashes.

Sage is effective in the fight against diarrhea, it normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and cleanses the intestines.

A decoction of this medicine is very useful for women who cannot get pregnant. The use of phytohormone allows you to normalize the ovulation process, fertilization becomes much more likely. But during pregnancy you should not take sage internally - it can provoke uterine tone.

Sage is essential for a woman’s beauty - it improves the condition of hair, makes it smooth, and gets rid of dandruff. Rinsing hair with sage decoction is very effective against hair loss - this is the most common problem for nursing women. Sage suppresses activity sebaceous glands, disinfects the skin, which helps get rid of excess fat and acne.

Eating sage helps normalize nervous system, improve sleep, calm down. And this is so important for young mothers!

This is far from full list beneficial properties of sage. It can be taken in medicinal or prophylactic doses by adding dry leaves directly to tea. But how to use sage correctly to quickly and painlessly suppress lactation?

How to prepare and take sage

To use sage to suppress lactation, tinctures and decoctions must be sufficiently concentrated.

  1. Infusion. tablespoon medicinal sage pour a glass of boiling water, cover the container tightly with a lid, wrap it up and let it brew. After a couple of hours, strain and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. It is better to drink cold, as warm drinks stimulate milk production. For the same reason, you should not take weak decoctions - a large number of liquid only promotes milk flow.
  2. Decoction. If you want to get a stronger and more concentrated composition, you need to boil the sage in a water bath. Pour three tablespoons of raw material into two glasses of boiling water, place on water bath, and cook over low heat. You cannot cook the decoction over an open fire - sage loses all its beneficial features. After this, you need to cover the container with a lid, let it cool and brew. Drink two tablespoons medicinal composition each hour.
  3. Tea. This method is suitable for you if you need to suppress lactation gradually over a long time. Simply add a small amount of sage to a shared teapot. Combined with a gradual reduction in the number of feedings, milk production will begin to slowly decline. Sage is also good because after consuming it you can still breastfeed - it is absolutely safe for the baby.
  4. Alcohol tincture. In this case, sage tincture is applied externally. But it is better to prepare the tincture in advance or buy it ready-made at the pharmacy. Pour alcohol over fresh sage and let it steep for 2-3 weeks. Lubricate your breasts after weaning. Sage tincture will gently warm the mammary glands and reduce the risk of lumps and other lumps forming in the breasts.
  5. Oil. Valuable sage oil is obtained by distillation. They can be used to lubricate nipples during lactation to protect against cracks.

All these methods are perfect for any mother, because this is not only an effective and safe, but also a budget-friendly method to stop breastfeeding.

How else to suppress lactation

In the process of completing breastfeeding, you need to use only the safest and most proven methods that will not harm the health of mother and child.

  1. Gradual weaning. In order for milk to leave gradually, you need to also slowly and steadily reduce the number of feedings, introduce more complementary foods, distract and calm the baby in other ways. First you need to give up daytime feedings, then leave only morning feedings. This way, lactation will end painlessly. Abrupt, one-day weaning of a child is a risk of lactostasis, lumps in the breast, and congestion in the milk ducts. Abrupt weaning is only possible if medical indications when the mother is forced to be treated with potent drugs, when the mother finds out about a new pregnancy, etc.
  2. Drag. The method that helped women of past generations get rid of milk rushes is considered quite dubious today. Yes, pulling the breasts tightly will slightly reduce the flow of milk, since the ducts themselves are very compressed. But deterioration of blood circulation in the mammary glands can lead to mastitis, stagnation, purulent inflammation etc. Today's lactation consultants say that wearing a tight, supportive bra is usually sufficient.
  3. Limiting food and drink. In fact, nature has arranged everything in such a way that restrictions on food and drink do not in any way affect the amount of milk a mother has. The woman will lose weight and lose her health, but there will be enough milk to feed the baby. Only severe exhaustion will lead to a decrease in lactation. Therefore, there is no point in restricting yourself in nutrition - it is impossible to suppress the production of breast milk in this way.
  4. Medications. They are taken only during abrupt weaning, when there is simply no time for a gradual reduction in feedings. These are potent hormonal agents, which very quickly suppress lactation. Remember that after the first (and sometimes the only) tablet you cannot feed the child; the milk becomes unsuitable for consumption. Among the popular and in demand are Dostinex, Parlodel, Bromocriptine, etc. Many women worry whether taking it will affect similar drugs for the subsequent opportunity to breastfeed future children. These medications are quite safe, at birth next baby the ability to breastfeed is maintained.
  5. Camphor. This remedy will not help you suppress milk production, but it will perfectly protect against the formation of seals and lumps. Camphor oil you need to lubricate the skin of the mammary glands, wrap yourself in a cloth (not too tightly) or wear a good supportive bra. Repeat the procedure in the morning and evening.
  6. Herbs. In addition to sage, you can medicinal herbs, which also perfectly suppress lactation. Among them are mint, jasmine, white cinquefoil, lingonberry leaves.

If in the process of suppressing lactation you develop lumps, your breasts swell to the point of distension, you need to gradually express milk from the breast, but not completely, but until a state of relief. If you express less and less every day, the milk will gradually disappear. If you feel that a lump has formed in your breast, direct a strong stream of hot shower onto it, and then try to strain the lump through the milk ducts; you cannot leave it in this state. If you cannot do this yourself, be sure to contact the clinic at your place of residence, or better yet, any maternity hospital. Experienced nurses will massage your breasts, strain out stagnant milk (which usually has already curdled) and significantly alleviate your condition. That is why it is better to wean the child gradually so that lumps do not form in the breast.

During the period of completion of breastfeeding, do not forget about the condition of the child. Some mothers send their babies to this difficult time grandmothers, fathers or other relatives. Remember that this is a lot of stress for a child - he is already deprived of his beloved boob, which not only gives him nutrition, but is also a way of protection and calm. If the mother is not around, this is double stress for the baby. The child needs to be distracted more, given enough liquid, offered cookies and fruits, hugged more often and given maximum tactile contact so that the baby feels that his mother still loves him. At the same time, you need to wear sweaters with a high collar so that the baby does not remember about breastfeeding. Children under one year of age can be offered a pacifier to facilitate the weaning process. If the child is over one and a half years old, you can come to an agreement with him, explain that “his boob is sick,” cover the nipple with a bandage, etc.

Ending breastfeeding is a very important decision that only the mother should make. It is necessary to feed a child until six months of age if the mother has milk. Up to a year - preferably. After a year - only if it brings pleasure to the mother and child. Only the mother has the right to decide when to end this important period in life. And then sage will certainly come to your aid as a symbol natural strength and female support.

Video: sage to stop lactation

Breastfeeding helps you grow strong and healthy baby. However, feeding continues only until a certain time, when the baby must switch to regular food. Doctors advise giving up breastfeeding carefully, while carefully preparing for the process.

There is no consensus on when to wean a baby. Some doctors advise giving breast milk until lactation ends. Others recommend switching completely to regular food at the age of one year.

  • Drink less fluid;
  • Gradually reduce the duration of feeding;
  • Do not express milk by hand;
  • Get busy active look sports, since a large amount of sweat reduces the volume of milk produced during breastfeeding;
  • Drink sage while breastfeeding.

If the mother decides to stop breastfeeding, and lactation is still ongoing, then she will have to use special remedy. Sage during lactation is considered the most effective and safe drug since ancient times.

Benefits of Sage

Sage – natural remedy With high content phytohormones. This composition has healing effect on the woman's body. Taking sage during lactation is prohibited, as the herbs inhibit milk production.

However, if you want to finish breastfeeding or reduce your milk supply, then sage leaves are ideal for this. This is a proven remedy that women use during breastfeeding to reduce or completely disappear milk.

Pharmaceutical sage contains about 3% essential oils, which are characterized by bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, herbs have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • has a rejuvenating effect;
  • facilitates physical and psychological condition for illnesses;
  • treats bronchitis and sore throat;
  • relieves skin inflammation and gum inflammation;
  • treats kidney disease and skin diseases;
  • improves memory and brain function;
  • keeps your mind clear.

Sage should not be consumed during pregnancy or during acute chronic diseases!

Please note that after childbirth the body has undergone great hormonal changes. Therefore, medications and herbs, even previously familiar ones, can cause allergies. Be careful if you start using sage when stopping lactation.

The action of sage is to produce phytoestrogen, an analogue of human estrogen. With the help of this element, oil or tincture will stop lactation and strengthen the female body.

Methods of administration

1. Decoction

Taken in the form of tea. Regular drinking of which helps to stop the formation of milk within two to three days.
Pour two tablespoons of dried herbs into 1.5 tbsp. boiling water Wrap the broth in a towel and let it brew for an hour.

2. Tea bags

When stopping lactation, sage can also be taken in tea bags. Such bags are sold in pharmacies. This method will help if you don’t have time for compresses and decoctions. True, you will have to wait longer for the effect. It will take 1-1.5 weeks to stop milk production.

Pour one glass of boiling water over the bag and brew for 3-5 minutes. The medicine is ready for use. During lactation, drink this sage during the day, and brew a new portion the next day.

3. Tincture

The pharmacy also sells ready-made tincture. Drink sage to stop lactation 6 times a day, and the amount of milk will decrease significantly. And after two or three days it will completely disappear. When using, dilute 50-60 drops of tincture in water.

4. Oil and compresses

IN short time stops milk production during breastfeeding. Allows you to avoid compaction of the mammary glands and prevents inflammation. Drink the oil four times a day, 4-5 drops. The result will come in two to three days.

The oil is also used externally. Two or three drops of the drug are mixed with 25 g vegetable oil. Gauze is soaked in the solution and applied to the chest. Keep the compress for 1-1.5 hours a day.

Doctors advise using sage in the form of oil to stop lactation. Because drinking plenty of fluids, on the contrary, stimulates lactation. The oil is more effective and more beneficial for women's health.

Regardless of the type of intake you choose, be sure to consult your doctor before you start taking sage while breastfeeding!

Reference! Salvia officinalis has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hemostatic properties, and has a general healing effect on the body.

Sage is used only in complex treatment and applies in the following cases:

Use to stop lactation

It has been scientifically proven that sage contains a large amount of estrogen. This substance has a significant effect on a woman’s body and suppresses the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the production of breast milk.

When using infusions and decoctions of the plant, the concentration of female hormones in the blood decreases, as a result of which the decrease in lactation occurs gradually, without causing discomfort or stress to the mother. It is thanks to this that sage has found wide use among women who are completing the period of breastfeeding.

Attention! When milk production decreases in a woman’s body, another hormonal change occurs, which can cause emotional stress. sage helps not only to gently suppress lactation, but also to calm the nervous system.

If a woman has firmly decided to stop breastfeeding, then it is worth remembering that using sage will not bring results immediately. The herb is indicated for a gentle end of lactation, since it reduces hormones gradually and not sharply, you should limit yourself in the amount of liquid you drink, since drinking plenty of fluids promotes milk flow.

It must be expressed regularly to avoid congestion and lumps in the breast. Determine exactly the time when the milk will disappear, it is impossible, the suppression of female hormones is influenced by general emotional and physical state moms.

Science knows about 700 species of sage, but only the following types are suitable for use to reduce or stop lactation: nutmeg, medicinal and Spanish.

Sage also helps women who continue breastfeeding but suffer from excess milk production. In this case, the plant is able to reduce its amount, as a result of which congestion, mastitis and other troubles with the mammary glands are prevented.

Contraindications and side effects

Before consuming sage, you need to consult a specialist; you should also consider contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to plant components;
  • allergic diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension.

Sage is a relatively harmless medicinal plant, but side effects are possible.:

  • allergic reactions: rash, itching, irritation, swelling;
  • headaches, tinnitus;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased excitability;
  • stomach ache.

Important! If such adverse events It is better to stop using sage and consult a doctor.

If a mother uses the plant to reduce her milk supply and continues to breastfeed her baby, the side effects may also affect the baby. A woman should monitor his well-being and examine him skin in order to detect possible allergic manifestations in time.

If sage is not suitable for mother, it can be replaced with mint, it has a similar effect, calming the nervous system and gently suppressing lactation.

Effect on lactation and on the baby during breastfeeding

Sage for women – natural remedy highly effective, it directly affects female hormones estrogen and progesterone. By reducing their concentration level in the body, milk production is gradually suppressed. With regular and correctly dosed use of sage infusion, over time, lactation completely stops.

Can I take sage while breastfeeding? Active components sage can pass into breast milk and affect the baby. Excessive use sage during lactation can cause diarrhea, colic, abdominal pain and allergies in the baby, so the mother must monitor the child’s well-being in order to prevent the appearance and development of side effects. In addition, the mother's use of sage can make breast milk tasteless and even slightly bitter.

Attention! If you use sage as a decoction or infusion for gargling and mouthwash, it will not have any effect on breast milk and the baby. This is a completely harmless and effective anti-inflammatory agent for sore throat and symptoms of stomatitis.

  1. Before consuming sage, you should definitely consult a doctor; a specialist will help you choose correct dosage and determine the duration of treatment.
  2. The leaves of the plant contain camphor and thujone, which can have toxic effect, therefore it is prohibited to exceed the dose.

    Sage components tend to accumulate in the body and cause disruption internal organs and irritation of the mucous membranes, so you should not take the product for a long time.

  3. If a drink with sage is bitter or a woman does not like its taste, then you can add sugar or honey.

In what form should I use it?

To abruptly stop breastfeeding, doctors recommend special medications. But to smoothly stop lactation, you can buy sage at the pharmacy in different dosage forms:

  • tea in bags for brewing;
  • dry herbal collection;
  • oil;
  • alcohol tincture.

The method of application and the success of the result depend on the chosen form of the product.


For the decoction you will need:

The prepared decoction can also be used to rinse the throat and mouth for sore throats, colds and dry coughs.

Brewing tea bags

Tea bags are very convenient way reception, but the result will have to wait longer and the effect will be less pronounced than when using decoctions and oils. To prepare tea, you need to pour one bag with a glass of boiling water and after 3-5 minutes you can take it orally. It is recommended to drink 50 ml of the drink 4-5 times a day before meals, and brew a new portion the next day.


In pharmacies you can buy not only dry plant, but also alcohol tincture of sage. This is very effective method to reduce milk supply, but When using the tincture, the child should not be placed on the breast, as it contains alcohol. For cooking medicinal drink It is necessary to dilute 50-60 drops of tincture in a glass of boiled chilled water and take throughout the day.

Oil and compresses

The oil contains maximum concentration beneficial substances of sage. This is the most quick way reduction of lactation, the result can be seen after 3-5 days. To do this, you need to dilute 5 drops of oil in boiled water and take three times a day. Eating sage in this form will help avoid stagnation of milk and prevent inflammation in the breast.

The oil is also used externally as a compress.. This method will eliminate the lumps that have appeared in the chest and relieve the feeling of heaviness and fullness. Pure sage oil (can be mixed with regular vegetable oil) is applied to a soft cotton cloth or cotton wool and applied to the affected area for 1.5-2 hours, while the areolas and nipples should not be touched.

Has proven itself to be effective in relieving inflammation next recipe: 2-3 drops of sage, geranium, mint and cypress oils are mixed with 25 g. vegetable oil. The resulting composition is soaked into gauze or fabric and kept as a compress on the inflamed area for 2-3 hours.

Important! When treating inflammation and lumps with a compress, a woman needs to see a doctor. The seal may be dangerous pathology which requires surgery.

Preparing the infusion

To prepare the infusion, you will need a tablespoon of dry herbal mixture.

  1. It needs to be boiled for 10 minutes in 200 ml of water. It is advisable to use enamel cookware; aluminum is not suitable for this purpose.
  2. After this, you need to infuse the product for 50-60 minutes, wrapping the dishes in a towel.
  3. Before use, strain the infusion through cheesecloth or a fine strainer and take 2-3 sips 3-4 times a day.

The course of taking the infusion is 12 days, but it is better to agree on the duration with your doctor.


Healing types of sage have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, due to which the female body quickly recovers and heals. At the end of breastfeeding, this an indispensable tool for a gentle and smooth suppression of milk production. It should be remembered that, despite its benefits for the mother, sage can negatively affect the child.

It would seem that every mother wants one thing - for her baby to be breastfed for as long as possible, many even resort to various methods and methods that increase lactation. But there is another category of mothers who various reasons they want to stop lactation, despite all the laws of nature. Some of them do not even suspect that sage for stopping lactation is a very effective remedy.

The reasons for stopping breastfeeding can be very different - health contraindications, new pregnancy, urgent return to work and a host of other equally important circumstances.

Does sage reduce prolactin?

Sage by appearancecommon grass with soft purple flowers, which grows in fields, meadows and forests. It is available to everyone: for those who want to independently prepare a collection based on it, as well as for those who have decided to use the services of a pharmacy. The power of the plant is that it is able to reduce the level of prolactin in the female body no worse than any other medication.

you accepted correct solution- use sage as a remedy to reduce lactation. The method has been tested by more than one generation, this natural preparation, and therefore safe for health. But the level of its safety requires special care in its use.

The female body contains sufficient quantity estrogen. This is a particularly important and, perhaps, the main hormone that is responsible for the female “essence”. It is produced by the ovaries. Estrogen is responsible for the proper functioning of all female organs: starting with the mammary glands and ending with the uterus. And sage is a natural analogue of the hormone called phytoestrogen. This is a miracle plant, which, in addition to point effects and functions, has global restorative effect for the entire female body as a whole.

Which sage is suitable for stopping lactation?

Sage is a medicinal plant, but only some of its varieties have healing properties:

  1. medicinal sage (it can be purchased at any pharmacy chain);
  2. clary sage;
  3. Spanish sage.

The second and third options are available as an herbal preparation.

Strengths of Miracle Herb

Nature gave man a “powerful” healing herbal remedy. This is sage.

The herb has many beneficial properties female body properties.

  • Relieves pain during menstruation and PMS.
  • Completely normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system in women during menopause.
  • Applicable as effective drug for the treatment of infertility.

There is a legend according to which every woman in Ancient Rus' were given to chew the leaves of the plant. As they say, for fertility. This is probably why each family used to have 5-10 children. And to reduce lactation, women were offered to drink decoctions and consume herbal oil with food.

In addition, the plant has a beneficial effect on all organs. human body. This herb has a lot of possibilities, its use is accompanied by the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic;
  • disinfectant;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • astringent.

When using sage infusion in preventive measures the performance of the digestive system is regulated. The functionality of the sweat and mammary glands also decreases.

Ways to use sage

To stop lactation, a nursing woman can choose one of the methods convenient for her, each of which is no worse than the other.

  1. Use a decoction or tincture from the plant.
  2. Use an oil solution.
  3. Apply sage compresses to your chest.

Sage can be used in several ways to stop lactation.

Every pharmacy will offer you the herb in a dried, crushed state. It can be placed in a solid paper bag or packaged in tea bags. The second method greatly simplifies the use of the medicine. This makes sage much easier to take. Pour a glass of boiling water over one bag of herbs. Divide the resulting volume of liquid into several parts, depending on your own consumption capabilities. You can drink it throughout the day. But know that every day you need to brew a new bag of the plant.

You can easily make your own sage infusion. To do this, follow the step-by-step instructions.

  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Pour boiling water into a glass.
  • Add a spoonful of chopped sage to a glass of liquid.
  • Leave for 60 minutes.
  • Strain.
  • The resulting infusion should be taken a quarter glass orally 4 times a day. It is recommended to drink it 15 minutes before eating the main meal.

Sage decoction is prepared according to the following recipe.

  • Pour a glass of water into an enamel container or thermal glass container (do not use aluminum containers!) and bring the liquid to a boil.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs.
  • Boil the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • The resulting decoction is infused for half an hour.
  • Then filter, removing herbal particles, and drink.

The decoction can be drunk four times a day, one tablespoon.

Oily extract of sage– an effective remedy for stopping lactation, which can be taken both externally and internally.

The oil is taken orally once a day in the amount of 5 drops, but only on an empty stomach. You can drop a couple of drops of oil on a piece of refined sugar and put the sugar under your tongue, dissolving it.

The first signs of its action will be noticeable almost immediately. Three days is enough to stop the abundant flow of milk into the mammary glands. Remember, the course of oil consumption for each mother is calculated individually.

If you want to use the oil externally, you need to take gauze or a bandage, soak it in an oily liquid, apply the resulting compress to your chest and hold it for about an hour.

The oil prevents the appearance of various types of seals in the mammary gland, and also limits the development inflammatory processes due to disruption of natural feeding. Sage oil is very effective in use; it “slows down” the lactation process in the shortest possible time.


By consuming a decoction or infusion, you continue to fill the body with fluid, which stimulates the lactation process, and oil is better than other methods at suppressing the process of breastfeeding without filling the body with fluid.

Note to mom

If you need to stop lactation as soon as possible, choose sage oil for this. If you are not limited in time, you can prepare bagged sage tea or infusion for yourself.

Limitations and precautions

Sage is a medicinal plant, which means that, in addition to its healing properties, it also has a number of restrictions and contraindications.

  • Prohibited to accept herbal infusion, oil or decoction, if a woman has problems with her kidneys, such as an inflammatory process.
  • It is unacceptable to take the medicine if a woman has an individual intolerance. Having decided to stop lactation, observe how your body reacts to a new medicinal product. If a negative reaction is evident, consuming oil, decoction or infusion of sage is strictly prohibited.
  • It is strictly forbidden to consume sage if you have epilepsy.

Any, even herbal, medicine, if used for a long time, can have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, remember that uncontrolled use of an infusion or decoction of herbs can become an activator of irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dear mothers, remember that breastfeeding for a baby is the key to his health, proper development and growth. But if the decision to stop lactation is made, use a less gentle medicine - sage.

Is sage used to stop lactation? How effective is it? Is it possible to use it to reduce milk production while continuing breastfeeding and stop lactation completely? How to use it correctly, in the form of infusions and oils.

One of the means traditional medicine, used to suppress lactation, is sage. This plant is not found in the wild in Russia. Grows in warm countries Far East and cannot stand our cold winters. Cultivated in an artificial environment in Crimea and Krasnodar region. IN medical purposes used in dentistry, treatment of diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

Properties of the herbaceous plant

Salvia officinalis is used in medicine. Its leaves and shoots are cut, dried and used in the form of infusions. Medicinal properties determined by the content of a whole range of plant compounds in them. Among them, flavonoids are active antioxidants that prevent negative action free radicals, tannins and resins, alkaloids.

Between October and November, sage leaves are rich in essential oils. They are used to treat skin surface diseases. The product has a pronounced antiseptic effect and helps in the fight against diseases:

  • oral cavity - stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • upper respiratory tract- sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

Infusions and oil of Shalea officinalis are used only in complex therapy. Despite the expressed antiseptic properties plants for treatment bacterial diseases it does not provide the same pronounced effect like pharmaceutical antimicrobials. Sage is not used during lactation, as it has a hypolactation effect.

Use to stop lactation

Application practice medicinal plant is safe to complete breastfeeding. It allows you to gently reduce milk production without resorting to hormonal drugs. When using sage to stop lactation, the following nuances should be taken into account.

  • The plant contains phytoestrogen. This chemical compound It is close in composition to the human hormone estrogen, but is not a complete substitute for it. Estrogen plays the role of an inhibitor of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates the production of breast milk in a woman’s body. Theoretically, an increase in the amount of estrogen in the body leads to suppression of prolactin activity, which reduces or completely eliminates lactation. In practice, the effect is not so pronounced, since phytoestrogen is a weak analogue of a real hormone and does not have a decisive effect on the condition hormonal levels. This is an advantage for the natural completion of breastfeeding: there is no risk of developing hormonal disorders and development negative consequences after completion of lactation. But you shouldn’t expect instant results from using sage.
  • Sage moderately suppresses lactation. This is action medicine It is in demand in the treatment of hyperlactation - an excess of breast milk. It is possible to use sage to reduce lactation without the need to interrupt breastfeeding. The product does not pass into breast milk and does not have any negative impact per child. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of hypolactation. It is recommended to use it until the volume of milk becomes sufficient for the baby and comfortable for the mother.
  • Sage can be used to stop lactation. It helps reduce the production of new milk, but will only be effective in complex therapy. According to lactation consultant Irina Ryukhova, it is not enough just to drink sage for lactation to disappear. It is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid consumed and avoid warm drinks to eliminate the risk of unpleasant sensations of hot flashes and chest swelling. There is no need to ligate the mammary glands if the completion occurs not in an emergency, but in a “planned” manner, and the production of breast milk is already reduced due to natural reasons. Among them - the age of the baby after one and a half years, complete feeding his “adult food”, maintaining one or two breastfeedings per day.
  • Infusions should be used. They should be taken orally in small quantities. Drink no more than half a liter of sage infusion per day, refusing to consume other liquids.

Sage oil is not effective for stopping lactation. You can lubricate your nipples with it if painful cracks appear on them. The drug has an antibacterial and wound-healing effect.

Tactics for proper termination of breastfeeding

To ensure that the process of completing lactation is painless and without complications, use the following tactics.

  • Release your chest. This can be done during the “last” feeding or by pumping.
  • Brew sage infusion. It is convenient to purchase the product in express bags. Brew two of these bags or a tablespoon of dry sage in a glass of boiling water. Wait until the infusion cools down and drink it throughout the day. You should drink no more than 2 glasses of infusion per day. It will prevent the production of new milk, reduce the likelihood of discomfort from hot flashes, and heaviness in the mammary glands.
  • Pump if necessary. During the lactation period after a year, the breasts may not fill up throughout the day. Hot flashes are likely in the evening, so it is better not to drink liquid before bed. If your breasts become painfully full, pump until you feel light. Do this with your hands or a breast pump. You should not express completely, as this will result in unnecessary breast milk production. In the first two to three days, several pumping sessions may be required, then their frequency will decrease.
  • Do not bandage your chest. When using infusion discomfort engorgement of the mammary glands is mild, so there is no need for rigid fixation. Without resorting to breast tightening, you eliminate the risk of congestion and mastitis.
  • Use cold compresses. They will help relieve discomfort in the chest, eliminate pain and alleviate the condition if the temperature rises. If the temperature persists for more than two days, you should consult a doctor.

Suppression of lactation occurs within seven to fourteen days. The infusion must be taken for seven days. In the future, you should monitor your condition. If your breasts do not fill up, you can refuse sage and pumping.

Contraindications and side effects

According to lactation consultants, sage is safe and sufficient effective means for a gentle end of lactation. Its use is not recommended in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance, allergies;
  • inflammatory kidney diseases;
  • high blood pressure (hypertension).

If there are contraindications, you can replace the sage infusion with mint decoction. She has mild sedative action and moderately suppresses lactation. Mint infusion should be consumed in a volume of no more than half a liter per day, cold.

Use sage while breastfeeding to reduce milk production or end lactation. In combination with other means, it will make the process painless, reduce the risk of developing mastitis, and eliminate the likelihood of hormonal disorders.

