When to collect young pine cones. Pine cones are needed for health: beneficial properties and contraindications, medicines from nature itself

The properties of pine cones have been known to people since ancient times - these “gifts of nature” are used in medicine to make healing decoctions, infusions and jams. The list of diseases that can be cured by the substances contained in pine cones is quite long. But, before starting the treatment process, it is necessary to take into account the existing contraindications.

What are the benefits of pine cones?

Pine cones contain a rich list of useful components - they contain phytoncides, essential oils, vitamins, carotene and tannin. Travelers and sailors of past centuries used these parts of the tree to improve immunity and protect against scurvy. Scientists have noticed that preparations made from young coniferous fruits are very effective in combating consequences of a stroke, slowing down the destruction of brain cells.

"These days, pine cones in folk medicine used to relieve lung conditions and respiratory tract for colds, bronchitis and tuberculosis. Water, alcohol and honey infusions are good for relieving joint pain, preventing heart attack, coronary and other heart diseases, or restoring organ function during rehabilitation. Healing liquids can serve as antitumor agents; they increase immunity and hemoglobin levels. "

Rules for collecting pine cones

To natural medicines brought maximum benefit, their main element must be of very high quality. There are a number of rules indicating when to collect pine cones, how to check their “maturity” and suitability.

Fruit harvesting time lasts from May to June, depending on climate zone. Healers say that better days The harvest falls on the holiday of Ivan Kupala (from June 21 to 25) - it is then that the benefits of pine cones reach their peak.

The pine tree itself from which the harvest is carried out must be healthy and strong.

You cannot take cones from trees growing near industrial facilities, highways and highways, or in busy urban areas. Resinous, sticky surface will collect contaminants from the surrounding area.

What medicines can be prepared from pine cones?

Green coniferous fruits are used to make water or alcoholic tinctures. The production time for potions varies for different options preparations. An infusion of pine cones in alcohol or high-quality vodka is ready for use 16-20 days after the start of the process. If medications containing alcohol are contraindicated for a person, a water version of the medicine is brewed, which can be taken almost immediately after preparation.

Worthy of special attention pine cone jam, the recipe for which is quite simple: fresh cones cut into pieces are laid out in layers in a glass container, generously sprinkled with sugar and exposed to the sun. As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, the delicacy is ready.

Contraindications to the use of tinctures and jam from pine cones

Preparations made from pine fruits are so potent that they must be used carefully, starting with very small portions. And people included in certain at-risk groups, it is better to completely refrain from using pine tinctures and jam.

Pine cones Contraindicated for people with kidney disease, acute hepatitis or prone to allergies.

Pregnant women, as well as people “aged” - over 60 years old - should not get carried away with this delicious product.

Pine medicine should be given to children with extreme caution. To prevent treatment with pine cones from causing an allergic reaction, a preliminary test should be carried out.

Taking too much of the buds can cause stomach pain and headaches. The maximum daily dose for adults is 2-3 tablespoons, for children – 2 teaspoons.

Pine is an evergreen coniferous tree native to the Northern Hemisphere. In total, about 120 species of this plant are known. In Russia you can often find Scots pine.

Since ancient times, people have used pine cones for healing various ailments and diseases. The peoples of Siberia were especially active in using these gifts of nature. Why are pine cones so useful?

Medicinal cones

The most common ailment from which pine cones can save is stroke. For a long time it ranked second among the most common causes of death in our country. Also, tincture of pine cones is used for the prevention and treatment of bronchitis, scurvy, tuberculosis and joint diseases. Truly a magical remedy!

Various ointments, balms, tinctures, solutions and honey were prepared from these cones.

Americans also became interested in the unique effect of pine cones. They conducted a number of studies that confirmed their healing effects on the human body. Moreover, for their convenient use, they took care of producing the medicine in the form of tablets.

But cones are used not only for treatment. You can cook something tasty and no less from them. healthy jam! Which, by the way, can also help in getting rid of some unhealthy conditions.

Useful material

What exactly makes pine cones so beneficial and miraculous? What are their benefits?

  1. Phytoncides. Or essential oils. Perhaps this is the main magical component. It's biological active substances, which can completely prevent or reduce the growth of bacteria and fungi. And also improve immune condition body.
  2. Tannins. This medicinal substance, which helps in the fight against stroke. Tannin has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Vitamins C, B, K and R. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, strengthens the immune system, the walls of blood vessels, and has a healing effect on the central nervous system. The group of B vitamins has 12 types, and each of them has great benefits for the body. Benefits for the nervous system, tissue regeneration, protein synthesis, etc. Vitamin Participates in synthesis bone tissue, helps with bleeding, because promotes blood clotting. Vitamin P, or rutin, strengthens the walls of capillaries, normalizes heart rate when it increases, and reduces tissue swelling. And these are not all the benefits of vitamins contained in pine cones!

What and how to collect

You need to know that young cones are used to prepare tinctures, decoctions, and jams. The pine bears fruit in the second year. Under the influence of winds, the cones dry and open. But we need still unopened, green cones. They should be soft. You can easily pierce them with a sharp object or even your fingernail. They should be small in size, usually about 4 centimeters. Of course, it is better to collect pine cones away from the roadway or roads.

Cone collection time middle lane falls at the end of June, and at southern regions earlier - late May - early June.

Jam recipe

Pine cones are used for treatment not only serious illnesses such as stroke and tuberculosis. If you have a cold or an acute respiratory infection, then pine cone jam will help you a lot. This jam has a delicate taste and aroma of resin.

In fact, there is more than one recipe for this drug. Let's take the most common one. You'll have to be patient, because... This jam is not prepared as quickly as usual from berries and fruits.

Pine is a well-known and beloved evergreen coniferous tree in our country. Many people know about the life-giving, healing properties of the air of a pine forest, saturated with phytoncides. These substances inhibit growth and have a detrimental effect on the development of bacteria. Even just a walk in such a forest is extremely useful.

From time immemorial, this majestic, amazingly beautiful tree has given people health and relieved ailments. Medicinal properties It has needles, buds, young shoots, resin, as well as young green cones. Not everyone knows how tasty and very healthy jam they make. True, for it to be beneficial, you need to know when to collect the cones and be able to cook them correctly.

What are the health benefits of pine cone jam, its harms and benefits, what are its contraindications? Today we will talk about this with you, and also consider recipes for preparing this medicinal delicacy:

Why is pine cone jam valued? Benefit

A properly prepared sweet treat has a truly magical effect on the body. Pine jam contains a large amount of vitamin C, which the body lacks in winter time. The jam is wonderful antiviral agent. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for colds and flu.

It is very useful to add to moderately hot tea for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Especially with a dry cough. For medicinal purposes, parents give it to their sick children, who really like such a tasty, sweet medicine. In addition to the expectorant effect, the product has immunomodulatory properties and has a diaphoretic effect.

It should be noted that young pine cones are a very strong antioxidant. Drugs, medicinal products based on them, they protect the human body at the cellular level from the negative, destructive effects of free radicals, and have a pronounced antitumor effect.

You just need to collect them in the spring, when they are still very young and contain a maximum of useful substances. Depending on the region of our country, the collection period usually begins in April-May. But it could start in June. Small, green, still soft cones, up to 4 cm long, are suitable for jam. They can be easily pierced and cut with a knife. Other, harder ones are not suitable.

When collecting, be sure to pay attention to their appearance. They must be clean, with smooth sides, without damage, without plaque. The tree from which you collect them must also be healthy.


Rinse 1 kg of collected buds thoroughly under running water. After this, place in a colander and let the water drain. Now cut each into quarters, place in an enamel basin or wide pan, where you will cook. Now prepare the syrup: add 1.5 kg of sugar to 2 glasses of drinking water. You need to simmer over low heat until the sugar dissolves and the syrup becomes clear and thick.

Pour the prepared syrup over the prepared pine cones. Cover with a towel and leave for 4 hours. When the time is up, place the pan over medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently, but do not boil! Remove from heat and leave for another 2 hours. Let it cool well. And boil again, cool again. Do the same for the third time.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low. But now cook, stirring, for about an hour. The finished jam will have a beautiful amber color, and the cones in it will become very soft.

Another recipe:

Pine cone jam can be prepared in another way: Wash them thoroughly and drain the water. Place in a wide saucepan, cover with soft, filtered water. It needs to cover the cones by 2 cm. Now put the pan on the stove and boil. Add sugar. Proportion: 1 kg per 1 liter of water. Reduce heat, continue cooking, stirring constantly, removing foam. This recipe requires a long cooking time - about 2 hours. Place the finished jam into jars.

Who is at risk from pine cone jam? Contraindications

Of course, the resulting sweet product is extremely beneficial for health. However, people with kidney diseases should treat it with great caution. There are also contraindications for consuming jam for acute hepatitis.

Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and people over 60 years of age should not indulge in this delicacy.

As we have already said, children really like this sweet medicine. However, in some cases it can cause an allergic reaction, especially in children under 7 years of age. Therefore, before giving your child jam to eat, give just a little bit at first.

If no negative manifestations are observed during the day, gradually increase the dosage to 2 tsp. per day. There is no need to give more to children.

You need to know that any medicinal products prepared on the basis of pine can cause headaches and stomach pains. Pine jam is no exception. Therefore, even adults should not abuse it. 2-3 tbsp is enough. l. per day with hot tea. Be healthy!

How to infuse pine cones with vodka. Contraindications and indications for use of tincture

Modern medicine offers cures for almost all diseases. However, everything more people They strive to use not pills and potions made in laboratories, but alternative traditional medicine. As you know, there is nothing more effective than what is created by nature itself. It’s not for nothing that animals instinctively help themselves from diseases by eating certain products of plant origin.

Thus, American scientists noticed one feature. In winter, many animals dig pine cones out of the snow and eat them. The logical conclusion from this observation led to the composition of such plant products being carefully studied.

The results were not long in coming. It turned out that pine cones accumulate a large amount of phytoncides during the summer and part of the winter, essential oils, bioflavonoids, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antiviral substances. They also contain a small proportion of resin acids, ascorbic acid, tannins and anthocyanins. This makes the cones very attractive for human use in the fight against various ailments.

Not only ripe, but also green fruits are used in folk medicine. The best option for using them are products for the production of which you need to pour vodka over pine cones.

Areas of use

There are many diseases that can be treated with pine cones infused with vodka. Their use is based on the ability of the beneficial substances included in their composition to dissolve in alcohol and acquire even better functional properties already in the form of a tincture.

The action of this infusion is as follows:

  • restoration of brain cells and nervous system functions after a stroke;
  • treatment and prevention of pulmonary diseases;
  • elimination of cardiovascular system disorders;
  • oral cavity treatment;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism and muscle spasms;
  • treatment of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diaphoretic;
  • treatment of anemia;
  • gout

In addition to a wide range therapeutic effect, like any medicine, pine cones in vodka also have disadvantages. Contraindications to their use are based on the individual characteristics of each organism and boil down to the following points:

  1. Intolerance or inability to drink alcohol.
  2. Age limits: up to 7 and after 60 years.
  3. Kidney and liver diseases (if dosage is violated).
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Lactation period.

Let us consider in more detail the spectrum of action and the main ailments for which green and mature pine cones are used in vodka, and contraindications to their use.

Green cones: human use

Young, immature pine cones have a beautiful green color and look very dense and strong.

In addition, tannins can stimulate the restoration of cellular structures, which is used as the basis for therapy after a stroke. Vitamins and essential oils of green cones help strengthen immune system, increasing vitality and providing a surge of strength.

It is recommended to collect them in June-August. It is at this time that they contain a lot nutrients for the ripening of the internal seed. Maximum benefit It is possible to extract from them using an infusion such as green pine cones in vodka.

For what diseases is an alcoholic infusion of green cones used?

An infusion of pine cones with vodka (green) is used to treat liver and kidney diseases. Also, long-term use in small doses helps to get rid of fatigue, chronic drowsiness, headaches and bad mood.

Green pine cones infused with vodka are very good for atherosclerosis, for cleansing blood vessels.

Solution recipe

To prepare a healing infusion we will need:

  • enamel pan;
  • collection of green cones;
  • moderately warm room;
  • vodka.

Fill the prepared dishes one third with washed warm water and green cones cut into pieces. Then pour in vodka so that the ingredients are immersed in the liquid. Cover with a lid and place in a room with a temperature of at least 20 0C. Let it sit for about 40 days, and readiness is determined by color. The color should turn dark brown.

This is the first recipe to use green pine cones. Vodka tincture allows all the beneficial components to go into solution and become more digestible.

Another recipe you will need:

  • cup;
  • green cones;
  • vodka;
  • the lid is tight for the glass;
  • warm place;
  • fine sieve.

Pour crushed cones into a glass and fill it to the brim with vodka (equal parts of cones and vodka). Close tightly and put in a warm place to infuse. Leave for 10 days. Then filter the tincture through a sieve and take the resulting solution 20 drops before meals. It is advisable to breed with warm water.

Green pine cones with vodka: contraindications

The main contraindications for using an alcoholic infusion of green cones are the same as for preparations made from ripe pine cones in vodka. This is pregnancy and lactation, elderly age, intolerance to components ( atopic dermatitis, allergies), kidney or liver failure.

The only thing that can be particularly highlighted here is the violation of the dosage of taking the tincture. This is absolutely impossible to do. The consequences may be severe violations stomach function, wall damage digestive tract. Possible even poisoning. Malaise, feeling of nausea, dizziness. Since the tincture is alcoholic, using it in large doses and often for a long time can provoke the formation of alcohol dependence.

Mature pine cones: characteristics of components and application

Mature pine cones are very easy to distinguish from young ones by their appearance. They are brown, loose, almost completely open. In many you can observe ripe seeds.

In addition to those components already listed for young fruits, mature pine cones also contain increased amount tannins. It is this feature that determines the direction of their use in alternative medicine.

The main thing is, of course, the treatment of stroke and post-stroke conditions. Therapy with this infusion promotes the renewal of brain cells, their rapid regeneration and normal functioning. An infusion of pine cones with vodka ensures the restoration of cellular structures of the higher nervous system, and also blocks the enzyme that causes their death during a stroke.

While young cones can be used for a very wide range of diseases, the use of mature ones today is limited specifically to the treatment of stroke conditions. Thanks to American scientists who proved that pine cones (vodka tincture) are a way to get back on your feet after a serious illness.

Let's consider how best to collect material, prepare it, and what recipe to use to make a healing infusion.

Collection of mature buds

It is best to collect such cones from December to March. During the summer and autumn period, they manage to accumulate a lot of useful components. Like canned food, which consists of extremely useful and biologically significant substances for the body.

Phytoncides and tannins, bioflavonoids and anthocyanins, essential oils and tannins, resins and carotene, vitamins C and A, antioxidants - all this is stored in mature pine cones, securely covered with snow. That is why animals in zoos and nurseries love to chew them.

Special processing of the collected material involves cleaning it from foreign components and dust. To do this, you just need to rinse the cone crop with warm water. Subsequent drying will complete the stage pre-treatment, and the product will be completely ready for infusion.

Recipe: pine cones with vodka (ripe)

To prepare the infusion you will need:

  • a small container with a tight-fitting lid;
  • vodka or alcohol (70%);
  • 5-6 mature buds, washed and prepared;
  • cool place for infusion.

We take the cones, chop them and place them in a bowl. Pour in 200-250 ml of vodka or alcohol, cover with a lid and put in a cool place to infuse. After half a month the medicine is ready. Take a teaspoon after meals once a day. The course of treatment is from 3 months or longer. At correct intake it is practically unlimited.

Negative effect, contraindications

When used correctly, without violating dosage and without abuse of components, as well as when proper preparation infusion, in which the base is mature pine cones in vodka; no contraindications to its use have been identified.

If any of the points are violated, the consequences may be gastrointestinal diseases of varying complexity, poisoning, and alcohol addiction.

Pine cone jam - benefits and harms

You won’t see any kind of jam on supermarket shelves now! It feels like it is brewed from everything, just as Ostap Bender suggested making moonshine from anything. However, many have already prepared and appreciated the excellent taste qualities jam from watermelon rinds, zucchini and pumpkin or green tomatoes.

Northern exotic

But pine cone jam is still exotic for many. And you can probably buy it not in a supermarket, but in departments where traditional medicines are sold. So is pine cone jam useful, what kind of troubles can it protect you from, and whether it has contraindications, we’ll now figure it out.

Like any biologically active product, pine cone jam has both benefits and harms. You must take this delicacy with caution, and in no case treat it as an ordinary dessert.

As for pine cone jam, its benefits are undeniable and have already been largely studied by representatives of both folk and traditional medicine.

Healing properties of pine

Pine has been healing people for a long time. Its needles, resin, and cones have been used in folk medicine for centuries. Everyone knows the effect of coniferous forest air on the human body: it is antibacterial, cleanses the respiratory tract. Traditionally, sanatoriums for people suffering from cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases are often located in pine forests. Even if the air in such a place is healing, it is clear that pine cone jam will have even more pronounced beneficial properties.

First of all, they relate to the effect on the respiratory system of the body. In folk medicine, for centuries, sweet medicine has been used to treat bronchitis, colds accompanied by a dry cough, and a cough that does not go away for a long time. In this capacity, pine cone jam is very effective and can be used by people of any age, although in different dosages.

This delicacy has a pronounced antimicrobial and antiviral effect. It makes sense to eat a spoonful of yummy food during the flu period, as well as when the body is weakened by a previous illness. It can not only boost immunity, but also help fight various diseases.

Pine cone jam helps with stomach diseases and is a choleretic and diuretic. In this capacity, it is also often used in folk medicine and can be used by everyone, just do not abuse it.

What else is useful for pine cone jam?

Pine cones are a strong antioxidant. They remove free radicals from the body and cleanse it at the cellular level. The effect of pine as an antioxidant has been known for a long time and is used in many preparations, both folk and official medicine. It is also worth mentioning the general tonic effect of jam on the body, which is why it is recommended to use it after a protracted illness to quickly tone the body.


However, jam also has a number of contraindications. It should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under three years of age. Naturally, persons suffering diabetes mellitus and allergic reactions, you should not eat this jam. It can cause quite strong intolerance, so even a person who has never had an allergy should first try only half a spoonful of jam, and if everything is fine, start eating the treat as usual. Those who have kidney or liver problems should eat jam with caution.


Even completely healthy people should not exceed the dosage of this jam. Adults can eat 3 tablespoons of yummy per day, teenagers - 2, and children from 3 to 9 years old - only one spoon. It is better to eat it with hot tea, then the medicinal effect of the jam will increase.

Pine cone jam recipe


Quote from TATYSIY Read in full In your quotation book or community!

Pine cones, pine needles - food and drinks are very healthy

Pine is one of the most common trees in our country. But pine is good not only for this.
Firstly, coniferous air is very useful for everyone without
exceptions, especially for those with respiratory problems.
Secondly, resin (resin), pine needles and buds are widely used in
medicine, and pine cones, which are also a pantry, are very
many useful substances, are used not only in medicine, but also - along with
with pine needles - in the production of perfume oils.

Pine “products” contain various benefits:
buds - essential oil, tannins, resin and bitter substance
panipicrin; resin - essential oil and resin acids, needles - essential
oil, resin, ascorbic acid, tannins and carotene.

Pine buds are harvested in February-March, before their intensive growth begins. A
now is the time to prepare cones and needles, which should be collected in
young pine plantings, if possible, away from roads and
Even people can distinguish pine from other conifers
child: pine is an evergreen tree and has long, soft needles. A
We will tell you how to eat everything that pine “produces.” TO
for example, you can make tasty and healthy jam from young cones, and
prepare a vitamin decoction or healing infusion from pine needles.

Decoction of pine buds
Infusions and decoctions of pine buds are used as a disinfectant, expectorant,
blood purifier and diuretic; for chronic inflammation
lungs, rheumatism, dropsy.
To prepare a decoction of pine buds:
10 g of kidneys pour into 1 glass hot water, withstand
in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes and filter.
Take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day after meals.

Cone jam
It is used for bronchitis, asthma, sore throat and other diseases of the respiratory tract and throat.
Excellent prophylactic to cleanse the respiratory tract and
strengthening gums. Especially recommended when the body is exhausted,
chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract and
with low hemoglobin.
Before cooking young pine
the cones are sorted out, debris and needles are removed, washed in clean water, poured into
enamel pan and fill with cold water to cover
bumps 1-1.5 cm.
Then the cones are boiled, adding granulated sugar (1
kg per liter of infusion). Boil like regular jam, at least one and a half
hours, removing the resulting foam. The finished jam is poured into hot
banks. It should have a beautiful reddish hue, and the smell of pine needles
will give it a spicy delicate aroma.

Infusion of pine cones
Used for good joint mobility.
In early June, pick cones, cut them into 4 parts and fill
them 3-liter bottle to half. Add 400 g sugar, pour
cold boiled water and cover tightly with a lid. Periodically
shake the bottle. Instruct until the sugar dissolves and stops
ferment the mixture. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.
Vitamin drinks made from pine needles
Used for atherosclerosis, to cleanse blood vessels, for kidney diseases
Rinse 30 g of fresh pine needles in cold boiled water, pour
a glass of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes in an enamel bowl,
closing it with a lid. After the decoction has cooled, filter it and add
improve the taste with sugar or honey and drink it a day.
50 g of young annual pine tops (they contain less bitter resinous substances)
grind in a porcelain or wooden mortar, pour a glass of boiling water and
leave for 2 hours in a dark place. You can add a little to the infusion
apple cider vinegar and sugar to taste. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth and immediately
It’s best to drink it, as it loses vitamins during storage.

Infusion of cones and pine needles
Fresh pine needles and cones are placed in a glass, filled with vodka or
diluted with alcohol to the brim (the ratio of cones and vodka is 50/50).
The infusion is kept for 10 days in a warm place, tightly closed.
Then filter and use 10-20 drops with warm water 3 times a day.
day before meals.

Pine "honey"
It is used as a general strengthening and vitaminizing agent. Protects against colds and
viral diseases in autumn-spring period, and also effectively
promotes recovery if the disease is already “in full swing.”
Young pine cones are collected during the summer solstice - from June 21 to June 24.
The cones are placed in a transparent container, sprinkled tightly with sugar.
sand (about 1 kg per 3-liter jar). Cover the neck of the container
gauze and place in direct sunlight (for example, on a windowsill) until
day of the autumnal equinox from September 21 to 24 (corresponding to that
June date on which they were going). If on the surface of the cones,
located above the layer of liquid, mold appears, then these cones must be
discard and sprinkle those that peek above the surface with a layer
granulated sugar.
The resulting honey elixir is poured into a bottle,
close with a stopper and store in a cool, dark place. Term
The shelf life of such honey is 1 year. For preventive purposes, take 1
Art. spoon in the morning for 20 minutes. before the first meal and in the evening before bed. Honey is possible
add to tea.
Pine honey has excellent taste and smell, children usually like it.


It's no secret that she appeared long before the professional one. People have been deliberately searching for centuries healing properties plants. Unique organic medicines were found through the method of attempts and defeats. Oddly enough, in the era of nanotechnology these are not forgotten. They are passed down from generation to generation and are still used today. One of folk remedies Pine cones remain from various ailments. And in this article we will talk about their benefits.

Chemical composition

The pine cone is a modified form that develops at the ends of the branches of a known tree. This is a derivative of the most common in the world. With its rich chemical composition, it is not inferior to any medicine. Firstly, as a part, the fruit has a resinous content. It has a wonderful pleasant smell and rare valuable substances - terpenes. Secondly, this modified shoot is the source of almost all groups: A, B1, C, E, H, U.

Did you know? Little known and quite rare vitamin Scientists have dubbed group H a “microvitamin.” The fact is that the body needs incredibly little of it, but it is still necessary for the normal functioning of the liver, immune system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, beauty of the skin, hair, teeth and nails.

And lastly, the buds contain calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, borneol, lipids, oleic acid, and essential oils. Thanks to these incredibly useful elements, pine cones have earned wide use in folk medicine.

Collection secrets and when to collect

The quality of the fruit is directly affected by the time and method of its collection. The main ingredient of medicines are green shoots. It is believed that they contain more of the above beneficial substances. That is why you need to go to an “old” pine forest in May (in warm climates) or in July-August (in and other cold areas). Our ancestors believed that the shoots would have unique healing or even magical properties, if you collect them on the night of Ivan Kupala.

Important! Pine trees have the ability to “absorb” many toxic substances, so for safe collection shoots, try to choose clean areas that are far from the highway or other air pollutantsfactors.

Many people who have already encountered this process warn that there is still no clear period when it is necessary to collect pine cones. The “ripeness” of a given product is influenced by many factors (humidity, age of the tree, forest density). In order not to miss the ripening of cones, experienced foresters advise monitoring their growth. After all, very small red shoots extremely quickly turn into the necessary green ingredients for folk recipes. But there is an opinion that red pine cones are a wonderful remedy for treating and cleaning blood vessels, so if you have such problems, then you can collect some unripe shoots.

Ideal buds for medicine should be soft, not flaccid, and, as already noted, pleasantly uniform greenish color. In no case can the buds have any visible damage by insects, rotten or other marks indicating spoilage and their inappropriate quality. They will be easy to cut with a knife, but will not crumble. Size does not play a big role; shoots can be from one to four centimeters in length. There is still debate about whether to rinse the buds with water before using them or not. On the one hand, it is believed that consuming an unwashed product is dangerous and wrong.

On the other hand, many housewives insist that when washed, almost half of the beneficial properties of fruits can disappear. Here the decision is yours. For use in medicinal purposes It is necessary to collect cones early in the morning. It is believed that it is at this time that the process of sap flow begins, which fills them with healing properties. It's no secret that a young cone that dries out will acquire a rich dark color. It is recommended to store it in a fabric bag, cardboard box or paper bag, away from moisture and direct sunlight. Shelf life is one and a half years.

Benefits for the body

The incredibly rich chemical composition pine shoots, which served them great benefit for the body, subject, of course, to reasonable use. Cones can lead to the following processes:

  1. Improving blood circulation by strengthening blood vessels.
  2. Significant increase in immunity.
  3. Prevention of stroke, heart attack.
  4. Active skin regeneration.
  5. Enrichment of the entire body with minerals, which promotes rapid bone healing.
  6. Pain relief for ulcers, gastritis, ailments of the genitourinary system.
  7. Normalization of blood pressure.
  8. Resumption of blood after internal bleeding.
  9. Calming and tonic effect (depending on the recipe of the product that includes the shoots).
  10. Positive changes in the functioning of the visual organs.
  11. Accelerates metabolism (very important for people who are trying to lose weight).
  12. Improved hair growth.
  13. Optimization water-salt balance the entire human body.

Use in traditional medicine

Scientists could not afford to ignore wide range beneficial effects of pine cones. Numerous studies have led to the creation of many drugs (from ointments to syrups) based on this ingredient. In most cases, pine shoots in traditional medicine are used as remedies for the following diseases:

  • ARVI, flu, colds;
  • pneumonia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • cough;
  • polyarthritis;
  • heart failure.

In addition, pine is famous for its phytoncidal properties and, therefore, can suppress growth and development pathogenic bacteria. A decoction of cones can be used for inhalation and administration medicinal baths, take orally.

Did you know? At the end of the 20th century, science proved (experimentally) that the tannins inherent in the pine cone, in combination with its vitamin components, have the ability to stop the death of brain cells, which often accompanies the post-stroke state. Thus, taking this drug, patients get a chance to live exactly the same as before the disease, because thought processes remain normal.

Recipes in folk medicine

People are always inventive, so there are plenty of options and recipes for medicines made from pine shoots. The most current ones have the following instructions:

  1. Medicinal properties of pine cones infusion with vodka well known. It is commonly used for stomach diseases. To prepare a healing liquid, you need to finely chop the green shoots, and then pour clean vodka (without any impurities) into them in a glass container in a ratio of 1:10. The older generation performed this procedure using moonshine, which was considered an ideal combination with pine cones. Nowadays, of course, you can use industrially produced alcohol. The mixture is infused for one to two weeks in a cool, dark place. Take the drug two to three times a day, one tablespoon before meals. This proportion is designed for a person weighing over 70 kg, but if you weigh less, then the dose should be reduced to one teaspoon.
  2. - a less popular mixture than with vodka, but incredibly healthy. She will help you cope with severe cough, sore throat and pain in the lungs. It will take a whole month to prepare the tincture, but it’s worth it. The recipe is this: a one-liter jar needs to be filled with small green cones, covered with sugar (about five tablespoons), closed tightly with a lid and left for two days, then filled with Cahors, shaken and hidden in a dark, cool place. We use the elixir twice a day, one tablespoon after meals.
  3. made from pine cones- not just a medicine, but also a magic one delicious treat, which is sure to please everyone. There are thousands of recipes for unusual jam, as they are used to treat colds, sore throat, flu, ARVI, bronchitis, and are also used for prevention. To make jam, you need to collect one kilogram of the main ingredient. The cones are washed, placed in a pan and poured cold clean water. Add one kilogram of sugar to the container and place it on low heat. Cook for 1.5-2 hours, constantly stirring and removing white foam. The jam should be thick. After cooking, it can be consumed immediately or rolled into sterilized jars, like any other jam. You can eat exotic jam with tea or another drink, but it is advisable to do this in small portions.
  4. Healing decoction of pine cones can be a worthy replacement pharmaceutical preparations for cleansing the skin and general rejuvenation of the whole body. According to legend, this is the secret remedy of oriental beauties. It's very easy to prepare. You need to fill the cones with water in a ratio of 1:3, boil for 3-5 minutes, there is no need to cook longer in order to preserve the vitamins as much as possible. You can drink the decoction warm, like tea, but no more than three glasses a day. And by the way, this product tastes like fragrant herbal tea.
  5. There are also pine cone recipes from such a serious illness as a stroke. You can make a mixture with 70% alcohol. To do this, cut 5 fruits in half and pour a glass of alcohol and leave in a dark place for two weeks. Shake well before use. For prevention, take 1 teaspoon in the morning after meals and every other day, and for treatment - three times a day after meals.
  6. Medicinal tincture of pine cones with the addition of no less healing

Pine cones are familiar and unremarkable, at first glance, shoots of an evergreen tree. But they can give a person healing and create a comfortable environment in the home. Or they can bring trouble to those who carelessly decide to take advantage of the powerful natural power of ordinary pine cones.

Pine cones - beneficial properties: general information

Pine cones contain mainly the following active substances:

Pine essential oil;

Astringent anti-inflammatory substances;

Pinicrin with a characteristic bitter taste;

Mineral salts;

Anti-inflammatory vitamin C.

A whole range of medicinal preparations are prepared from pine cones, among which the most common are young cones dried using a special technology. These bumps are in the descriptions traditional healers and classical clinical practice called pine buds.

Cones are useful as medicine

With expectorant effect;

A drug with diuretic effects;

Destroys infections;

Used for inhalation;

For medicinal baths;


Pine cones: beneficial properties for various diseases

Young dried pine cones included in official composition breast collection, that is, they are able to fight severe respiratory diseases. Recipes from traditional medicine practitioners attribute pine cones due to their beneficial properties, even the ability to defeat tuberculosis.

The most common method of treatment with pine cones is their use in the form of a decoction. List of diseases treated with decoctions:


Inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, bronchitis;


Skin diseases.

Traditional medicine claims that inhalation of a bath of pine cones can have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and act as a soft sedatives.

Young pine cones are included in vitamin infusions in order to replenish missing beneficial vitamins and prevent colds, since they contain a large amount of vitamin C, which is valuable for its properties. The same infusions are used as preventive and therapeutic agents against scurvy.

A decoction of young cones is prescribed for oral administration for the following diseases:

Inflammation of the respiratory tract;



Kidney disease and urinary tract;

Inflammation of the gallbladder.

In folk medicine, healing decoctions of cones are used as a means to improve the condition of the blood and cleanse it.

Traditional medicine speaks of the usefulness of pine cone jam. It is used for weakening of the body, periodic illnesses respiratory system, to strengthen gums, for the treatment of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This culinary masterpiece is very common among the peoples inhabiting the Caucasus and is traditional folk medicine from many diseases.

An infusion of pine cones is also used to improve motor functions, in particular, treatment of joints. Also in folk medicine, there is a common recipe for treating pulmonary tuberculosis using alcohol tincture. The beneficial properties that pine cones demonstrate can help the human body cope with many diseases with the help of centuries-tested recipes.

Pine cones - beneficial properties: recipes

Recipes for preparing medicines from pine cones are simple and unpretentious, and among them there are both ordinary decoctions and pine cone jam with very useful properties. Here are ten of the most interesting and proven recipes from the records of traditional healers and classical medicine. There is also a cosmetic recipe.

1. Decoction of young cones (buds)

10 grams of kidneys are scalded with 200 grams of boiling water. The mixture is immersed in water bath, which boils for half an hour. After just 10-15 minutes, cool and pass through cheesecloth or a sieve. Take a third of a glass two to three times in one day, after meals.

2. Inhalations from kidney decoction

If inhalation is necessary, first prepare a decoction according to recipe No. 1, and then put it on low heat. The hot inhalation is inhaled through the spout of the kettle. The procedure is carried out no more than five times a day.

3. Bathroom made of pine cones

50 grams of kidneys per bucket of boiled water. This proportion must be observed when filling the bath, which usually holds 150-200 liters.

4. Cone jam

Young pine shoots, that is, cones that have not blossomed or hardened, are sorted from parts of the trunk and pine needles. Then they wash it in clean warm (not hot) water and throw it into a container that should not oxidize, preferably coated with enamel. Pour cool water on top. The layer of water should not exceed a few centimeters, that is, no higher than a finger.

5. Antirheumatic tincture of pine cones

Freshly picked cones are divided into several parts. They are buried in three liter jar. Then they add half a kilogram of sugar. The mass is poured with cooled boiled water and sealed. The mixture is shaken periodically until the sugar is absorbed and the resulting mixture is fermented. Take one tablespoon half an hour before breakfast and dinner.

6. Anti-inflammatory infusion (inflammation Bladder)

One tablespoon of pine buds is poured with 200 grams of boiled hot water. The cones are infused from night to morning and taken three times a day. You can take the tincture after meals, with an interval of 1 - 1.5 hours. The volume of medication taken is a third of a glass.

7. Alcohol anti-tuberculosis tincture

This tincture is collected from cones, which are cut into several parts and placed in a jar. Fill the container with alcohol, which has a strength of at least 40% in a ratio of 1:10. Leave for 2-3 weeks at room temperature and squeeze, straining the mixture. Take the tincture from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon three times a day, after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

8. Decoction of cones in milk.

Pour a teaspoon of young cones with 1 glass of milk and boil the contents for no more than five minutes. Boil over low heat, preferably with a wooden device, stirring. Strain the prepared broth. Take 1-2 tablespoons warmed orally after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

9. Tincture of pine cones without alcohol

Five young cones must be thoroughly washed and divided into parts. The prepared cones are placed in an enamel-coated bowl. The workpiece is filled with water at the rate of 3 glasses of water per serving. Everything is brought to a boil, and then the tincture is boiled over low heat for five minutes. Can be placed in a water bath. After straining, the prepared tincture is poured into a dark glass container. Take no more than 50 grams every morning for preventive purposes and not constantly. When treating diseases - no more than three times a day after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

10. Decoction for strengthening hair against baldness

For hair loss or baldness, boil 500 grams of young buds for half an hour in five liters of water. The broth is infused for 10 minutes and filtered. The resulting preparation is rubbed into the scalp or rinsed after washing.

Pine cones: contraindications

Despite the most beneficial properties of pine cones, they still cannot always be used as medicines or cosmetics. The trouble is that some people are hypersensitive to different drugs, including pine cones. There is also a manifestation allergic reactions. The percentage of such people is small, but still, if you experience itching, redness, or other disorders that immediately disappear after stopping the use of pine cone preparations, then you need to consult a doctor. Hypersensitivity and allergies are a formidable reaction of the body with the help of the immune system and it is better to identify it immediately than to extinguish its consequences later.

Other serious contraindications for getting better health with the help of natural forces pine trees, both classical and folk medicine, do not know. Be healthy!

The use of pine cone tinctures for the treatment of stroke has been used in folk medicine for a long time. The drug has proven itself quite effective means fight the disease. It has almost no contraindications or allergic reactions. In addition, pine cones have a complex effect on the patient’s body, improve the functioning of vital organs and have a positive effect on the restoration of the immune system.

Since ancient times, pine forests have been considered a place for the comprehensive restoration of the respiratory, cardiovascular and food systems. The most valuable part coniferous trees From a medical point of view, pine cones are considered.

They contain the following substances and components:

  • essential oils. They have a bactericidal and stimulating effect. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calm it and minimize the risk of depression. Essential oils are used both as tinctures and for making various ointments or during aromatherapy treatment. Essential oils include limonene, bornyl acetate and pinene;
  • vitamins and minerals. The cones contain a full range of vitamins necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the body. Among them there are those that are rarely found in other plants.

The cones contain a lot of phytoncides and tannins. These substances have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. Helps increase blood oxygen saturation, improve blood circulation and minimize the risk of blood clots.

Thanks to the presence of pycnogenol, preparations from cones are considered powerful antioxidants, cleanse the walls of blood vessels, and relieve them of already formed sclerotic plaques. Latest Scientific research have proven the ability of preparations from cones to accelerate the regeneration of capillaries.

When and how to collect pine cones

When and how to collect pine cones - the main rules

For cooking medicines Immature cones are used until the seeds open and fall out. They should be green in color, soft in consistency, with a sharp, pleasant odor. The specific timing of ripening depends on the climatic zone where the pine grows, but in most cases, harvesting can be done in late summer or early autumn. The length of the cones should be within 4 cm, the diameter should be at least 3 cm. Opened or hard brown fruits are not suitable for preparing preparations.

It is much easier to pick cones from young, short trees, such as can be found in old clearings. It is not recommended to harvest medicines from diseased trees that show significant signs of insect damage. Bacterial diseases trees serve as a basis for refusal to harvest cones. You cannot pick cones from trees growing near roads and highways. Salts heavy metals, present in car exhaust gases, settle on the buds and not only significantly reduce the therapeutic effect, but can also cause complex poisoning.

During collection, you should try not to harm the trees or break thin branches. You should not cut off the entire tree down to the last cone; it is recommended to leave at least 30% of the total number to restore the natural processes of tree growth. It is important to know that infusions and decoctions can only be made from fresh cones; it is not advisable to prepare them for future use - after drying, more than half of all useful substances are lost.

What effect do folk remedies made from pine cones have?

IN traditional therapy For pre-stroke and post-stroke conditions, tinctures are used mainly. Only young, unopened fruits are suitable for cooking; they have the maximum range of useful substances and can have a noticeable positive effect on the course of the disease.

Preparations from pine cones promote active regeneration nerve cells brain. Thereby:

  • is improving clinical picture paralysis and paresis. The patient quickly restores motor movements, and a gradual natural restoration of the conduction of nerve impulses to muscle tissue occurs;
  • speech improves. After a stroke they begin to regenerate damaged cells brain. Those areas that were affected as a result of acute oxygen starvation begin to gradually restore their original physiological abilities;
  • spatial orientation improves significantly, coordination of movements becomes meaningful, the patient develops basic self-care skills;
  • the body's immunity increases, the risk of dangerous diseases is reduced concomitant diseases. This is especially important for patients long time in a stationary lying position;
  • blood vessels are cleansed, blood circulation in the capillaries of the brain is restored;
  • relieves stress and depressive states, mental functioning is normalized.

The complex of such positive effects in combination with traditional methods treatment of the disease accelerates the patient’s recovery process, significantly reduces Negative consequences stroke.

Several effective recipes

Recipe 1

Take five heaping tablespoons of finely ground green pine cones and pour them into 250 ml of rubbing alcohol. Infuse only in a dark, cool place with occasional stirring; infuse for at least two weeks.

The cones should be crushed immediately before preparing the tincture; cooking for future use is not allowed. After steeping, strain the resulting solution through several layers of gauze or a very fine sieve, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and shake well. Seal the container with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

Storage time is not limited, but it is not recommended to prepare too large quantities of the drug. Drink the infusion immediately after meals, one teaspoon at a time; before use, dilute the medicine in a small amount of water. The duration of the course is no more than six months; the drug should be used during stable remission of the disease.

Recipe 2

Grind the young green fruits to a mushy state using any method, pour the prepared preparation into a clean glass jar and pour hot water, but not with boiling water. For a tablespoon of crushed cones you will need 1 liter of water. Wrap the jar in a warm woolen cloth and leave for one hour to infuse. When sediment appears at the bottom, you can filter the preparation, pour it into a clean container, seal it tightly and put it in the refrigerator. The tincture is taken a few sips before meals. To enhance therapeutic effect per liter of the drug you can add a tablespoon of fresh linden honey.

Contraindications and side effects

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